TTTE OMAHA' DAILY REE: TUESDAY, MAY 24. 1M.4. 10 SPECIAL NOTICES vlll fee takes aatll 13 aa. for the frlif edition aad aatll a a. m. for Rate, 1 l-e a word tril leeertlon te a word thereafter. Nothlaa; taken for lees than 2ne for the flrat Ineer flea. These adrertlaemeata aaaat be raa eoaaeratlvelr. Adrertlaera, by reejaeatlaa- a nam tered ebeek. eaa have aaawera ad dreaaed to a aambered letter la eare f The Bee. Aaawera ao addreaaed rfll he delivered oa preaeatatloa ol the vheek air. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in all branches. Catalogue free. B 311 CTflNIF WALKS, 6c per foot; cheaper wi vi'w than wood; macadam Drive ways. E. D. Van Court. 1902 W irt. 'Phone Uob,. R 624 in FRONTIER TOWEL. SUPPLY CO. Tel. ID! K-M764 Je CUT RATK TICK ETfl rvhr. T. H. Phllbln, 1606 Farnam and opp. Union elation. Tela. 784 and lbiJ. ew TRY KELLY 8 TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3530 TREES, Omaha Nursery. 18th and Douglas. Tel. 3608. K 44726 M QTnVP?"'l nl repaired. Jackson aiUVCOuro,. y i-tas, 7U N. loth. Tel. L-2331. R-8w MM CM AHA Safe and Iron worka make a spe clalty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and ales. a. Andreeu. Prop., 102 8. 10th St. K 861 M2 Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 8. 14th. T. 965. R 820 f.r r8ILVER, NICKEL, Plating. Om. KJKJ L.U ruling Co., 1608 Harney. Tel. 263a. R827 CITY BA VINOS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 8J1 EAGLE Loan OfOce; reliable, uccommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R-29 UtNTI-MONOPOLT Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1778. R-463 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1196. R-830 LOCKSMITH & ift ' R 831 Plorrri- Carpet Cleaning Worka. N. A. EieCiriC Chrlstenson, 2221 N. 20th. Tel. 1668 R 833 NTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. (21 N. 16. Tel. 177a. R-833 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WH EATON, in the Bee Bldg. R 834 6IGN painting. & H. Cola, 1303 DoutM. ILL KINDS carpenter work; repairing Srjmptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, ith and Lake. R-370 SPECTACLES, $1; examination free; 90 days only. U. 8. Opticians, Su8 N. lth. STOVE storage and - repairing. Hughes Stove Repair Works, 8217 Cumins; Bt. TeL F-2302. R 841 CARPET cleaning. J. Wood, 2016 Clark. Tel. A1847. R M165 8TANDARD Filters. Huber. Tel. 8813. 1301 Farnara. R Ol J22x FURS stored and repaired reduced prices. Q. E. Shukert. 813 S. Isth. R M863 M29 FERF1ELD Piano Co.. Be Bldg.; no In terest; honest values; easy terms. Tel. T01. R-846 H. W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. 33th. Tel. 8747. R-M469 STOVES STORED 120" Douglas. Tel. 860. Omaha St. Rep. Wks. R-M424 DR. 8LABAUGH. Dentist, N. T. Life bldg. R-M894 BICYCLES! BICYCLES! OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th snd Chicago. R-M307 BARGAINS Uncalled for sutis and trousers. 1617 Farnam, upstairs, r. 6. Ask for Forman. R M 384 ARTIFICIAL STONE AND BRICK SIDEWALKS AND CEMENT FLOORS AT COST M'WILLIAMS BROS., m-2 Paxton Blk. 'Phones 3.150 and B3106 R M TO2J : 4 LOST REWARD! A liberal reward Is offered for Information lending to recovery of two palms (valued for ola associations) taken April 2a from T. R. Kimball's porch, corner St. Mary's ave. and 25th st. For return of palms 610 cash will be paid and -no questions nuked. Lost 381 26 LOST, wedding ring between Dellnne hotel snd Boyd's theater; marks "K. R. G. E. M. C 98." Return to Dellone hotel and receive reward. Lost M679 24x LOST, it rayed or stolen, tesm of homes, 1 white horse, weight 1,050; 1 gray mare, weight 1,200. Reward If returned to Hugh Kennedy, 2413 N St., South Omaha. Loet-tf8 24x V ANTED, at cnoe. an A No. 1 solicitor. 402 Brood, tip stairs. Council Bluffs, la. P 682 LOST Flock of ducks; small reward for return to 2213 Farnam. - Lost 686 23 LOST, Saturday or Sunday, ring with three keys on It. one trunk and one door key, also one flat key. Owner will appreciate it very much if finder will return to Bee office. 717 27x LOST, a small gray porketbook. with nickel chain, containing money. Return to 318 8. 26lh St. I,ost M703 24 PRINTING PRINTING 1 LYNGS1AD f Hlght Grade Work. Crounse block, corner of 16th Bt. and Capitol Ave. -Oil HIGH CLABS printing at lowest prices. Tsl?i2X I. A. Medlar Co.. 422 8. 15lh bt. 930 J M. 81 RT LESS, Reliable Printer; estab lished 12 years. 203 8. 18th Bt.. Omaha. 346 MIS Drinrinrr Job printing. Beat work In city, riiming Guaranteed. 1611 Capitol Ave. 435 KRAMER CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT LR9. 110S Farnam. To deliver work when promised Is our hobby. M318 GARDNER PRINTING CO.. removed to rooms 2 and 3, Dally News bldg. 'Phone A-2046. MW7-J0O SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 481 Neb. Bus. 4k Btiorthand Col., Boyd theater. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fsot that you aw Ue ad U The Bee, WANTED MALE HELP TELEGRAPHY successfully tauftht at the Omaha Com mtrrlal College. Students enter any time. Graduate placed In positions. Four stu- dents recently nassed the Government ex amination and obtained positions at W per month, Greet demand for opersiors. Get ready. Send for particulars at once Address, OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas. PHYSICIAN wanted In ndvertlstng doctor's office on snlnrv; must be regisierea in Nebraskn. Address P. O. Box 253. Lin- coin, ?seo. rt .-nT .i WE WANT a bookkeeper and st-nogra pher itimilliir witn (train mijinfi'. - 1 - ... .. .. .1 ,nn for nrilK ilso i-n rz 111,111,. hmj it ri - .. - - gluts, ninnaKfrs. commercial trHveiers, gists, ninnaKfrs. rommr nmi hotel clerks, soda dispensers, office cler . . ... 1 11 ,ita for IlKt . 1. of HrcuuniH nis, .'ii. "i . 1 ,i- . Daf A RnnH As n. 840-841 n! Y. Lite. B 414 mfm learn tarher trade, free railroad fare upon our fnllure to convince you of this being Vhe BEST, largest anu omy re liable, most practical barber college in this section, write ior catalogue iwi Western Barbera' Institute, Omaha. N"D. tJ i WAMTF.n FOR IT. S. ARM Y Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 and 86; cltl7ens of United Slates, of good character and temperate habits, wno can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 18th and Dodge Bts., Omaha, or Lincoln, l(eo. B-M154 LARGE eastern plant manufacturer wants responsible man or nrm to taae ex elusive Omaha and Nebraska agency; manufacturer will do extensive adver tising for agent's benefit. The paint Is a leader wherever Introduced. Address 11 4a, Bee office. B 1 WANTED, first-class barber at onco. F. W. Baade. Schuyler, Neb. B 805 AMERICAN Barber collece. Omaha. Neb. Write for free catalogue; it tells every- tning. B wo -ax A LIVE man of sood address out of em ployment can secure permanent position and good wages, references required: experienced solicitor preferred. Apply at w. A. lilxenbaugh. 6U0 ware bik. B-318 WANTED Wagon teams to haul dirt rrom grades at 38tn and i-oppieton ave. Inquire on work. D. M. Owen Co. B-M374 YOUNG MAN With fair business ability, willing to work to prepare for good Gov't Position. Entrance salary. 8800. Gradual Promotion. Permanent. Box 1. Cedar Rapids, la. b mssh at WANTED Men to learn barber trade: few weeks completes; splendid demand for graduates: can nearly earn expenses be fore finishing. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. B-M484 27x WANTED, experienced stenographer; good opening ror young man to aavance in profitable business. Address M 1, Bee. B M688 25 WANTED By a large corporation, a r.rlght boy 17 or in years old to run na dressngraph and do other office work; must write a good hand; salary to com mence. 125 per month: advancement rapid If ability merits. Address M 5, Bee office, in own hand writing. B 687 28 WANTED Architectural draftsman. Ap ply Fisher & Lawrle, architects, fax ton Slock. B 693 WANTED Grocery salesman for store and to take orders. Address M 2, Bee. B-692 24x WANTED A first-class barber at once. Phone C. W. Shuey, Syracuse, Neb. B M719 2tix WANTED FEMALE HELP. TO A DESERVING young lady or gentle man will give a complete kcnolarshlp in Omaha's leading business and shorthand college, and to oe paid for when course is finished and position secured. Address L 16. Bee. C-4J75 24x LADIES for home work, stamping World's lair souvenirs; gooa pay, clean, pleasant. Call 66 Douglas Bldg., Opp. Hayden's. C M704 M26 80 GIRLS.' Canadian office, lth snd Dodge. U A GIRL for general housework; no wash ing. 686 Park ave. C M381 29X WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing. manicuring or racial massage; 4 weeks completes; $12 to 120 weekly made by graduates; splendid demand. Call for write Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. C M486 27x WANTED Fairly competent girl for gen eral housework, small family, no chil dren; references 'required. 2102 Spencer St. C-M644 23 WANTED, girl; for general housework small family; no washing; good wages. 811 N. 40th St. C-MC66 24x GENERAL housework girl; no washing nor ironing; good wages to good girl. 1U 8. 25th ave. C 694 29x WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG woman, ex-school teacher, wants situation ao clerk In general store, small town; good references. Address L 49, Bee. A M420 25 x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safe cheap. Deright, 1118 Farnam. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman te McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (4 861 FOR SALE, several scholarships in a first- class standard scnool in umana, compris ing complete course in business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q-fc53 FOR SALE, will sell at a discount a schol arship In one of the best Omaha business colleges. Address F 15. Bee. . Q-M901 TELEPHONE poles; long fir timber; cheap chicken fence. 9vl Dougli Douglas, Q-M695 HEAVY Drummond make top buggy cheap. Aiao gooq aiec narrow ac ft value, jonn son & Danforth, S.W. cor. lot It and Jonea. Q M22U Jel4 NEW Stelnway Pianos are sold only by Schmoller A Mueller. 1313 Farnam. Tel 1S2S. HOG. Poultry, Lawn, Farm and Railroad wire eence. wire works, uu a. ltith St. Tel. 1580. Q M3D7 Jy8 ID-HAND safe. Bwartx, Hatter, 114 S. 13th. Q 446 J) 8 BAM'L BURNS closing out refrigerators. W 134 je3 LARGE stock of new and second-hand automobiles. 11. Hi. s rederlckion, Omaha. Neb. y 33a J a: STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CX, Wholesale and Retail. HARNE8S and SADDLES; everything oon- siaereo; cnespesi uu eartn; everytning hand-made; union shop; headquarters for axle aretiHe and whiue. J. Q. BLESSING, 331 N. 26th. 80. Omaha. W Maim 6MOKE Auditorium Brick. 6c cigar. W WO WE RENT Sewing machines, 75o week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines, from 86.00 to 810.U0. Nebraska, Cvcle Co.. 'Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. tit MY diamond ring, cheap; in rawn at Dia mond wan umce, 1401 uouglas: they 11 show you. Q M400 FOR SALE One roller top desk, fitted for typewriter; complete laundry outfit, In cluding stove; one led room set; one gas stove, etc. Call at 3010 Sherman Ave. Q M636 :'4x 1 CLOSING gas fixtures at cost. 8am'l Burns. P Q M823 Jell FOR BALE, rails of all weights; also switches, frogs and rare for sidetracks and tramways, locomotives, steam snov t)s and contractors' tools. Wa make a specialty of ruttlna; rails to any length desired. M. Mltshkun Co. Detroit. Mich. , Q-M8U FOR BALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Paeon. Baum Iron Co., Omaha. U 283 FOR SALE, cheap, a fine Bohmer grand piano, slightly used: easy terms if de Sired, i. C. Acton, Fremont. Neh. 4S-M67T JZ1 The Bee Always Leads in Paid Want Ads The Bcc printed Sunday 650 inches of paid want ads, which was more than 5 columns in the lead of its nearest competitor, BEE WANT ADS BRING BEST RETURNS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, lfllh 4k Chicago. 661 DF.WEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 862 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 4D.L E 864 81.26 PER WEEK, Do ran house, 422 8. 18th. E 65 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. E 666 LARGE, warm room; eteam heat. 1908 Capitol Ave. E M720 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. H: Dodge St. E 857 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam Bta. E 868 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN 1 he Chatham; luxuriously furnished rooms and smoking parlors: appointments first class. 110 S. 13th St., opposite Millard hotel. li 4(8 NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, newly fur nlehed. 613 N. 16th. E M360 Je3 NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern. 2006 Davenport. E 326 a NICE front room, 82 week. 1717 Web ster. E M343 Jel7 THE SH ELTON, 25TH AND DODGE 'Phone F3324. Desirable rooms, single or ensulte. E M403 26x NICELY furnished rooms; reasonable. 1610 Davenport. E M398 29 TWO nice cool rooms; modern; very rea sonable. 1425 N. 17th. E 41 S ELEGANTLY furnished south parlors; also housekeeping rooms, 22)4 Jarnam, top floor. E M3S1 24x NICELY furnished room, convenient snd reasonable. 1622 Howard. E M664 24 X NICELY furnished front room; gentleman preferred. 1819 Jackson. E M065 24 LARGE, cool south room; reasonable. 2019 Bt. Alary s ave. c aiow six TWO nicely furnished front roonns; strictly modern; large porch and lawn; rates rea- i.imuiu. loo. .... At.,.. E M6M 24X NICELY furnished front room. 1506 N. 17th. E MH62 24 ONE large furnished room, light house keeping permitted. 1901 California. E M66S 24 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland notei, ittn cnicago. F 6 THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone 53; nice, light, airy rooms; ensuites ana single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F 369 BOARD and room, 84; meals 15c. 1618 Dodge. JM01 THE ROSE, 2020 Karney; newly furnished rooms, aouti uvnru, nun iwwimwio. F M426 Je6 1816 DODGE, two nicely furnished parlors, aHth hnaril 'Phllll. A 5407. F MSttfX NICELY furnished rooms and board. 2310 Douglas. r -MWi u O. M. B. TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F M3B7 Jel9 FURNISHED rooms and board, $4. '.609 St. Mary s ave. m3d jeju NICELY furnished front room with board; choice location and shade. 216 harnnm. F 447 23x NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board. strictly modern, rates reasonable. ii7 Cass. F-M580 J 21 NICELY.' furnished, large room for two gentlemen; will give Doara ir oes-irea. 904 8. 83d St. F405 23x NICELY furnished south front double room. 1813 Dooge. n; mtsoi Z4X FUTINISHED rooms, board. 'Phone L207G. 7ur B. isth. r Mtmi a PRIVATE family. 609 8. 25th ave. F-688 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CHOICE housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 2201 Douglas. U M441 24 X FOUR rooms, parlor floor, modern. 1509 8. Z8tn. j m n THREE unfurnished rooms for rent. 2115 Capitol ave. a mtok 24x THREE modern housekeeping rooms, $6. 04 8. SBtll U MWI Zt)X SALESMEN WANTED WANTED, salesman or manufacturers' agent; none but those familiar with mill supplies and acquainted with manufac turers In the state of Kansas and Ne braska need apply; state reference. Ad dress Box H3, Station C, Clevelnnd. Ohio. M710 24x WANTED TO RENT WANTED An eight to ten-room house, furnished; west Farnam district pre ferred; period three to six months. Apply Byron Reed Company, 212 So. 14th st. K M8E1 WANTED To rent first-class 8 to 12-room furnished house lor tno summer; west Farnam district preferred. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St., Omaha. K-671 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS HOUSES for sale; 2d-hand harness and ve hicles cneup. ineiciuor s oiauies, oui a. iiio P 903 Family horse, carriage, cheap. Sani'l Burns. r-si jeii 60 BUGGIES, wagons and all kinds of rigs .i.t 1 1 I.-.-,... W.U nr,A I -. a i nun uiiuv. . . . A-.wob, inn .. xjmyvi.- worth. P-91S SELLING out buggies, wt sons, harness, at cost. Anderson-Millard Co., 16it CapltoL JKB44 Jell WAGONS! Delivery wagons!! Don t fall to see them. The largest assortment in the west at wholesale prices. Johnson & Danforth, 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones sta. P M227 Jel4 l NEW runabourt top buggy to trade for driving horse. 811 N. 16th. P 376 HORSES FOR SALE I have two fine driv ing horses to sen. corn imve oeen oriven bv my wife and sister. They are docile and finely bred animals and will be sold cheap for cash. See them at Bennett's bsrn. iitn ana nowara. ask ror 10m Baker, barnmaster. W. R. Bennett. P M65B 24x OENTI JEMAN'S roadster, 6 years old. . pacer, very speedy. 1114 Douglas. Dietrich & Wallace's stables. I' MH99 30 FOR SALE, either separste or together, N. P. Munterferlng's chestnut-sorrel pacer, Dan, buggy and harness. Inquire Betts Bros.' barn. 15th and Capitol ave.. or room 16, Wlthnell block. P M700 VETERINARY DENTI8T J. W. Roquet, 614 8. 14tb. P-M701 J23 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1604, , im DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 832 N. Y. Life. Tel 2tM6. 832 Fayette Cole, osteopath, 608 Paxton block, 933 MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK, Osteopsthlo Phy. slclan; office. Douglas block. Tel. 28:3. -934 Dr. Farwell. specialty nervous diseases. o Paxton. 767 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALIS y-room modern house, with barn, 32,400. See owner and house, 1413 N. 35th St. RE 736 Je8x 81.950 buys 20 acres timber, with small house, west of stores In Florence. F. D. WEAD 1524 Douglas 81. RE Mi38 54 MY ARTISTIC HOME The "Gem of Clifton Hill." a paradise for professional man; price cut to sz.nuo; will rent ror ijo; part down, balance easv, Come, see it at once. 4316 Grant 8t. Rev, R. M. Dillon. RE M637 NEW MODERN HOUSE 2309 CALIFORNIA ST. I4.000.00J I rooms and large hall, best of plumbing and gas fixtures, large bath room, laun dry, fine) yard, artificial stone sidewalks n round house. Immediate possession can oe given. GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam. RE 465 FARMERS BECOMING WEALTHY GROWING AND FEEDING ALFALFA. We have two choice farms In the best al falfa district of the fertile Platte valley. 160 acres of choice alfalfa land In the Platte valley within 6 miles of Iexington, Neb.; land can all be cultivated; 316 per acre ii sum at once. 160 acres well improved alfalfa land In Platte vnlley, 7 miles from Lexington, Neh., 6-room house, barn for 20 horses and jo cows, hog house, chicken house, rave, windmill and tanks. If sold now, 33,600. R. C. PETERS & CO.. , Ground Floor Bee Bldg. RE MAOO 24 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one 31.800 and the other 32,450. 8HIMER & CHA8E. Builders of Modern Houses. RE 734 Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE-S74 ACRES IN BENSON Desirable Tracts for Country Horns. Ten acres with bearing fruit, all nloely seeded to alfalfa. 81.600.00. Five acres, some fruit, three blocks from car, $1,200.00. Two acres on pavement, a fine garden tract. 8550.00. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. RE 43 THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION is open to settlement. Send fifty cents to Rath man & Keller, BonesteeL 8. D., for In- iormation ana large map snowing topog- raphy of country. JilS 716 Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE. 913-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 311 RE M327 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest 8-room modern residences In West Farnam district, 82,200. RE 872 HOMESTEADS. In Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota. Open for settlement about July 1, 1904. Send $1.00 for official map and book of instructions HOW7 TO GET A CLAIM. FRANKLIN PUB. CO.. Omaha. ... RE M833 WE CAN SELL TOUR FARM. WRITE for details of our special nlsui. Fletcher Real Estate Co.. 801 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, immigration agents "Bur lington Route." t RE M73t M26 MUST BE SOLD. Party leaving for California says get me any lair orrer ror my v-room, an moaern house, not far from Mr. Korty's residence). 1-rlce asked, tstto. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE. 812-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 811 KK 415 CHAS-WiMiomcnn fr. t Floor in iiimniuii ww.( u, b. bK. bldg ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAP. 26c. D, W. Forbes, Boneateel, B. D. RE M236 REED HOTEL. We can offer for a short time the Reed Hotel, South Omaha, 65 rooms, well equipped with steam heat, electric Jhzhts, baths, etc.; building alone cost about 315,000. Price $9,000. We are sole agents W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1S20 Farnam street. RE M280 MISSOURI LANDS. W. J. Clemens tt Co.. Clinton, Henry Co. Write us your wants. RE M 361 Jel8x A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation for the nsklng. Write or call for one today. Gas Belt Land Co., 214 irsi is at. cank bldg.. Omaha, Neb. RE-M76? IRRIGATED LANDS on Union Pacific In Nebraska and Wyoming, $16. Uinta Irri- gatlon Co., Omaha, Neb. K M633J21 FOR SALE. Nearly new 6-room. 2-story cottage, Han scom Park district, two mocks rrom east aide car line; Just the place for married couple or small family; porcelain bath, nickel-plated fixtures, Inwn and shade. 1536 S. 27th. 83.000; reasonable terms. Also 7-room cottage Just off Pacific on Slst St.; good repnir, barn, shade and nice lawn; $3,400; after first payment balance can be paid monthly. KENNY REAL ESTATE AND HCV. CO., Room 800, Bee Building. RE M708 36 DO YOUWANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and etock raisers about it. The best way to reach them Is through THE 'TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 60.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The coat of an advertlaement la small 2 cents per word in small type or $2 52 per inch If set In large type. WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 823 N. T. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 3061 N 827 WANT to buy scalper's ticket to Montreal reasonable. Address L 66, Bee office. N 111 34 x WOULD pay good price for AngotU goat. trained to pull a tma.ii -ail. i. nv, on office. N-864 24 x WANTED To buv feather beds. M. An- slyn, 1721 Cuming St. Tel. 2467. N 69. J4x STENOGRAPHERS F. J. 8UTCL1FFE. 1016 N. Y. L. Depoel. tlons, conventions. Tel. 3576. M 3W FACSIMILE letters. Boyles College. N Y. j-ire Bldg When You Write to Advertisers reman-her It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fat that you saw ttie ad In The Be. FOR RENT HOUSES evnci umiiui van ana morace v. 'J. pacs, move end etore H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1 1 A- )A XT 1Q.K n iTllL. lTe. t-. m Tl vi-v -v it, ArUa VIIIV Min as 1 i 1 as. 1 1 1 . 1 CI 1659-803. D 876 PAYNE-BOSTW1CK A CO., choice houses. 601-603 New York Lite Bldg. Phone 1016. D 8,6 HOI KF;in H P" of the city. The IIUUJLJy, F. Davis Co., 60S Bee Bldg. D-8J7 I WE MOVE planes. Maggard Van A Stor age vo. iei. 1436. unlet lilt Webster st- D 878 HOUSES. Insurance. Ring wait. Barker Blk. D-879 HOI IQPQ In " Prts of the city. R. C, I1UUOCO Peters Co.. Bee Building. D 680 I IT your houses for sale or rent wltr, I. N. Hammond, Paxton Block. D 930 NICE .8-room flat, facing Hanscom Park. &. fnone oz. u-mmi No. 1029 So. 20th ave., 11 rooms, oak finish, laundry, best of condition. No. 1031 So. 80th ave, 10 rooms, 3-tub laun- urr, oa k nnisn, all moaern Address W. . Mead. Jr.. York, Neb. D-M657 3715 DEWEY AVE., first floor and bath. $26; desirable couple. D M866 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 210 8. S5th ave., 8 rooms, modern conven iences, newly decorated and painted, nice lawn and shade 340. 2564 Harney St., good 8-room house, lawn; Walking distance $35. 12-room, modern house, barn, large lawn. Shade; close in 850. 1117 8. 32d, 8 rooms, modern $37.60. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D Ml FOR RENT No. 1541 Park ave.; opposite yni m, iiiuunn ui unci. lug, 9 iuuiiib. price $40.00 per month. Inquire at 1115 a. w st. j. m. nicnaran. u zvy FOR RENT Elegant 8-room modern house, 31st and Cass sts., 835, Thomas Brennan, New York Life bldg. D-M367 FOR RENT A suite of 8 nice rooms In the Davldge building. JOHN.W. ROBB1N8, 1802 FARNAM ST. D-5S8 27 2227 Spruce St.. 5 rooms, citv water. 310. 812 Park ave., 7-room cottage, modern 4x- cerurnace, win put in nrst class sDspe, W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam Street. Omaha. D-M457 FOR RENT 1401 Jackson St., 6-room flat, $27. Garvin Bros., 1004 Farnam. D-M456 FOR RENT. Three nice houses In Hanscom Park district. One 8-room all modem, good repnir, south front, on Mason near Slst. $36 and water. One seoond floor 8-room flat, sepnrnte hall entrance, separate rurnace room, elegant building, not having appearance of a dou ble house, facing Dark. 333 and water. One 6-room 3-story cottage, modern, except rurnace, porcelain bath, nickei-piatea fixtures, nice lawn, shade. 1696 S. 27th at.. $26.60. KENNY REAL ESTATE AND INV. CO., Room BOO, Bee Building. M70G as BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE, millinery and dry goods busi ness, well established In Iowa town of 6.000 population; invoice 33,600; good terms. Address Barton & Barton, Red Oak, la, Y M674 24 JEWELRY BTOCK-82,600 Jewelry stock, ana nxtures; gooa oencn xraae; located in large Iowa town; sell for cash only. Ad dress Barton & Barton, Red Oak. la. Y-M675 24 WHEN you went to buy, sell er exchango your property or busfnees quick, see J. H. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2270. Y--M464 "THE HOTEL BARGAIN." One of the best hotels in western Iowa, In a county seat town of 2,800 Inhab itants. The only $2 per day houae In the place; 3-story brick with basement; a lroperty worth $13,000: can be bought for 17,300; $2,200 down and $6,000 time will be given. Address H 44, Omaha Bee. Y-M72S GOOD BUSINESS CHAN CE-r Let us tell you of a profitable Investment of a small mount of money that will yield you good returns. Can be taken care of In addition to your regular work or busi ness. Address The Abamo Co., Omaha, Neb. Y-M369 Ie3 6HOLE8-ARMSTRONG CO.. T28 N. Y. Life. Tel 49. Y 847 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat, Bk. Bldg, can get you in or out of buslnese. Y 848 9Mnk"F PRIDE OF HASTINGS 6e ei OlIlwrxLgar, Cushlng & Gauvreau, Dlstb. Y M319 J3 DRUG STORE for sale, stock or stock and building In the best little town In south east Nebraska; good reasons for selling; cheap rent. Address M 8. Bee office, Omaha. Y M720 27x UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. $600 a month easily made to take up the greatest paying proposition ever known; experience not necessary; something new, legitimate, clean; no gambling, mining, patent, stock or long drawn-out affair; no canvassing; personal interview only granted; don't call unless you have $lu0 10 invest, see J. n. uoionoy, urexel hotel. V-M H 26x FOR SALE Hotel Jamison furniture, and good will. A fine e.penlng for a good hotel man. Write or call upon Donlsthorpe & von jeaii ana ioan Agency, uen va, Nebraska. Y M349 24x FOR SALE, cheap, 15-room. $2 a dav hotel only hotel In town of 1.200: sood business: best of reasons for sailing; for particulars aaaress 11. a. Denies, jorm Mend. Neb Y M242 27 FOR BALE A drug store doing a good. In s god farming section pf southeast Nebraska; must be cash or bankable pa per; do not anawer unless you mean busi ness; this Is a anap for a good man; best reason for selling. Address L, 42, Bee. Y-M369 26 THE BEST paying business In Hastings,, lui nuiuuiii llivnivu. M BOUtn Hastings ave. Y M363 26x FOR SALE Must be sold at once, Bood trst-class blcyale and gun stock at Grand Island, Neb., fnvo ced at $1,660. Write or can on Aaoipn Meld, urand island, Neb Y M439 26x AVILL Invest $6,000 in mercantile or manu facturing business, with services: must be an attractive proposition, with un questionable references: owners only answer. Address L66. Bee Y 84 26x FOR SALE Good grocery and meat busi ness, m good location; owner wants to retire. B. Newman, 2212 Farnam. Y-6S6 2 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; steady employment with assured good In come; agents In the country witn horse and buggy especially destred. Canvassers inske easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Baa .Building. Omaha. J 21$ AGENTS Magical, magnetic palmistry, mysterious palmistry: simple construc tion, marvelous results, millions sold. Outfit and instructions, 10 cents. Ross Mfg. Co., Des Moines, la. J M718 24X CLAIRVOYANTS GTLMER, iwlmUt. 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-S241 " atio 6hT BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th at. -su jejx MRS. CARRIE SMITH, sovereign lady queen ef clairvoyants; everything told; peat, present and future; safafactlon or fee pay. 8o7 M. lite. -M4l8 26s PERSONAL ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING. RUCHING. GRADUATING DRESSES A SPECIALTY. GOLDMAN PLbATING CO. 300 DOUGLAS BLK. TEL. 1938. U M.SW Jem WANTED information of the whereabouts of Annie Shaw, from Gen Am. County Antrim, Ireland; dead or alive Address Joseph Shaw, 1109 Braddock ave.. Brad dock. Pa. U 616 25X DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 1 1615 Farnam. 1083 DETECTIVE Capt. Cormack. 517 Karbsch DlocK. 101. a-oku. ti DRESSMAKING. In families. Miss Sturdy. 2i08 Davenport. V. Mnl MUSICAL Thos. block. J. Kelly. voice, Davldge Li Si Accord eon pleating, cheapest, best, quick est. Mrs. A. (J. Mark, 17th and Douglas LV-4 LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring. 613 Karbach block. U 886 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. "PHONE 8630. Li 344 r- i t -r- -v r- t ta. Tel. 863. UK M Cleaning, Dyeing - - - - - - rts)o. j,tn. U-8S7 Stkmmerlng cured. J. Vaughn, Rcroge bldg. U 668 ELITE Parlors. 615 8. 16th, td floor U-8S8 "V1AVI." way to health, 850 Bee b-illrtlng U-w PIANOLAS for rent; months' rent al lowed on purchase. Bchmollsr A Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1626. U-692 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th st U-683 THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lleben, 1018 Farnam. U-8 DR. C. H. DS LONG, Dentist, 352 Bee. U-467 Ji EXPERT piano moving, lowest prices. Bchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farn. Tel. 1626. BEST photos from $2 to $10 per dozen and a 14x17 or 16x20 photo not crayon Included in each dosen FREE. Frames If desired at very low prices. Stonecypher, photog rapher, 1312 Farnam St. Tel. 3522. U 926 WILL the relations of Harry Carlton Aus tin, who left New York about 13 years ago, please communicate with the under signed. Mrs. H. C. Austin, Central De livery, San Francisco, Cal. U 444 24x BOOK of 700 secrets and known facts In every branch of business, science and art, enabling the possessor to avoid the rocks and shoals of life and secure much wealth; It Is replete with rules and recipes for universal application; literally a store house of knowledge; sent postpaid for only 26c. Mason Sl Co., 302 E. 7th nve , Homestead, Pa. U 315 23x M. A. Thanks for information concerning Mama Klnle; do you know where her niece lives, or where I could get particu lars about Mrs. Klnle's death? L Gl. Bee office. U 308 24x AMERICAN gentleman, well bred, pleas ing personality, amiable disposition, form erly wealthy, would marry cultivated young woman or widow of means; would be devoted husband. L 62, Bee office. U-333 24x LI'CILE A. Sent you letter to the place you mentioned. U 698 23x RAYMOND 8. White; mother very sick. MORRIS. U 801 2Sx YOUNG MAN. 29 years old, of culture .nd good education, wishing to take charge of an old established business: would like to make acquaintance of refined young lady with means, which she is willing to invest; uerman isay preterrea; object matrimony, u 4, Bee omce. u iw zsx HELEN Please write and express yourself more ruuy. u no Z3x LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any Kina can secure a nail in tne Bee t-ua- ing, with rpiendld accommodations; ele- vaior service an night, olectrio light. piano, etc. Apply to rt. J. meters ac io. ground floor. Bee bldg. IJ 841 CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1346 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. U M450 Jets THERE are at least 20 reasons why every man should smoke the Monogram 5c cigar. The first is: It Is equal to any lOo cigar on roe marxet. w. f. moecker cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. u ott M AON PTIP treatment te baths. Mme. mrtjnCllV. Bnilth, 118 N. 15. 3 fir., R. 1 U tf J -IX A WIDOWER (Hebrew) in prime of life, good character and disposition. Is anxious to meet a lady of refinement and loveable disposition witn a view to matrimony; one of means preferred; all communica tions considered; strictly confidential. L 67, Bee office. V 114 24x LYNCH Information wanted of John Lynch and Bessie Lynch, children of Thomas Lynch and Susan, otherwise Ju dith Donohoe: they are heirs to an estate and were living In New York eighteen years ago. Address J. 11. Jiubbeu Ac Co., kui uroaaway, Mew lorn city. U-381 23x BTEINWAY pianos are sold exclusively hy scnmoiier te Mueller, 1313 f arnam Bt. , U-9$ ty . Dye Works Ur. jPrtTI3 V( cleaners and dy vjciinaiiiaHi 1!th 8t- To Dye Works Up-to-date era. Ill Tel. 3627. U-M857 A YOUNG business man, musical, well edu cated, speaking English, French, Uerman, Italian, has his own business, nice home, desires acquaintance or educated, musical loving voung srlrl or ladv of means: one from good family, who also knows some- tning or cooaing ana nuseKeeping ana loves a home; reject, matrimony. L 58, Bee office. u 813 25X JEANNIE I wish you many happy returns oi the oay. Harry. l tii 33x "PAPA ssvs he can't shake 'em off" Hute son's New Patent Rimless Eyeglass: al most Invisible. Huteson Optical Co., 213 u. lbtn st., faxton diock; lactory on tne premises. u 400 FENCING lessons given to ladles or gents at their home. Swedish system. Gives you a superb ngure, nne complexion and great strength. Professor, P. O. box 222, Omshs. U M86 Je7x HANDSOME WIDOW, very wealthy, owns beautiful home and large ineome, wants immediately good, honest husband. Ad dress Mrs. A., St. Nicholas hoteL Chi cago. III. U M711 24x WILL either of the ladles returning from the cemetery Monday afternoon send ad dress to M 7. Pee? U M714 25x WANTED, .woman second oook, 320 per month; dining room girl. $16 per month. Address Commercial hotel, McCook. Neb. C MTU 25 ECZEMA QUICKLY CURED, B. J. BCANNKLU WARE BLOCK. U-M715 J23 EXPERIENCED teacher of music and French desires additional pupils. Address Miss Ferrall, 2111 Douglas st. U-M708 26x MEDICAL LADIES Cblchasters English Pennyroyal Plila are the beat. Safe, reliable. Take ne Other. Send 4o stamps, for particular. "Relief for Ladles," In letter, by return mall. Aak your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. -two At druggists, $1. HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re- tall. Sherman & Mcconneli. umana. 800 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities ur women, irum cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Prlee. lillVs Dodge St., Omaha. 901 PRIVATE hospital during conflnemenl; ttaoies saoptea. jnrs. uBruon, Tel. A-JS18. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good bamsruan Mniiariuin, 726 1st ave.. Council Bluffs. Ia. 6i DR HOSTETTER hss removed to the S. w. corner el to and Leavenworto sts. TeL 778, -603 Jee IF YOU wish to earn money by writing short stories or by acting as news corre spondent, address United Press Syndi cate, 333 Postal bldg., IndlannpoliM, lnl. U-Ol'J 23x MEDICAL PRIVATE home during confinement nent; bab e J floor, s..4 34 Jelb saoptea. Mrs. nr. fling, top Hi h st. Tel. THIS FOR THAT FURNISHED house or flat, family of three adults, until September 1. Address, with full particulars. L o, Bee. K 6.Mx WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. Neb, cycle Co., Uth and Harney. Z-M700 IF YOUR old furniture don't suit, we will exchange new for It. Tel. in. Z M73S M26 8300 AUTOMATIC Reglna music box, fancy esse, to exchange for piano or pianola. Address K 13. Bee. AII1 M $350 FISCHER riANO for $75; will tra.le for 2d-hand furniture. Enterprise Furni ture Co., 102 8. 14th. Tel. 22!. 2-762 10-IN. DISC records token In exchange for new records. Columbia Phonograpn Co. 1C21 Farnam. Z-7.1 WHAT have you to exebarge for a plino? Pcrficld Piano Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 7l. Z-7i UNIQUE Journnl. resr Ideas, sales at.fl exchanges. Sample. 4 cents Mutual Exchange. 1313 Howard. Z 30 Je3 PHOENIX BICYCLE to exchange for some of the money you pay the street car com pany. Louis Kleecher, li&! Capitol avenue. Z M4'9 WEBER piano, slightly used trade for corse ana ouggy Room 7. Bee bid Tel. Z-M229 , 701. HAVE a good music, box to trade for horse ana Harness. Address L IS, Bee nmcc. Z 316 24x T ILL trade Fox Terrier puppy for Irish 6etter. Address L 55, Bee orilce. Z-401 24 X WHAT will you trade for a flrst-clas Radiant Home (large slxei hard coal burner? Been used only a short t'tne. Address L 63, Bee office. Z 400 2."x IF THERE Is nothing In this column von want, put an ad. In and vou will soon get It. Z 153 ' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous suiail bilis that have accumulated uunng me winter it might be an advantage to ou lu eccui-o money irc.n um and pay them, und tnn. pay us in weekly or monthly pagrmeius until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live etock am other chattels uud we make loans to salaried people upuu their own agreement to ru-pay- Our rates are as low as any and n. greut deal lower than some. Our eervUe I quick and without publicity. If jou Imve dealt with us and are pleased, tell others, and if you are displeased, tell us, Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bid. Tel. 2295. (Established ISSi.) M South itHU St A &.. MONEY! MONEY! les.ums in tne cuy S&U Holding a pe. mu llein vusiiiun Mllu a ZBSDOiiaioie mm. ON Pi-AIA NtJ'lE, -No iwj-Uit3iK.-;. and at tne lowest rates on luiig uaie, uay payment plan. V e also loan Ofi FORM H' ORE, Wl'lHUU 1' REMOVAL, I'lunuu, etc., at tne sajue low rates and eaay terms, ll nut convenient for you to call at our oftice. WRITE UU PHONE US AND AGENT will call on you to explain our syotein and arrange oou at your rasiaence. All business cotllaeudal. THkl J. A. HOUON CO., SUITE 314, PAJiTON iJLOCK, TLEPHONL Uu7. .X l.oJ C A 3 II You can rs:abllsh a 'KEDIT with an old "KEL1ABLE firm ana , secure moucy whenever you need 1'. We will advance you enuugh mcney to pay off all your debts, so that ycu will owe It all in one place, where you get courteous treatment. Our easy payment plan ha astonlshel people who had previously bcr ced of other loan companies, on accjuj.t :,t o..r liberal rates. We make loans oft SALAT.IE3, FUrlNI SURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. C. RELIABLE KEDi 1' CO. 807-8 Paxtou Block. X ;iV.S If you are FINANCIALLY EMBARRASSED, come an.i bav; a CONFIDENTIAL talk wl-.i ui. STAR LOAN CO., t4 PAXTON BLK. MONEY LOAN Phoenix Credit Co., 633 Paxum Blk. MONEV TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, L1VIZ STOCK, DIAMONDS, SALARIES. ETC. We chargu nothing fcr making pnfert, Lowest rates and easy le.'ins. ALL BUSINESS IS PRIVA'1'15. Vcl. BZiA OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK, 1404 Farnam St., upstairs. 'Pliuiie .-...IJ, X Mjh MONEY LOANED SALARIED PKOPLiJ and othera with security; easy pajuie;ui, largest business in 49 principal cill-s. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Cumnui. o bldg. X-K1J 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to $5,000 loaned un your ,rooaal note at 8 fttt lhjsi iuaii. ah good loans wanted. Call or write knd set my system. W. L. Lastinnu & Co., iiU8 Furnam, Omaha. X 913 SALARY and collateral loans. Tompleton, 212 Bee Bldg. TeL A !Ui MONEY to loin on furniture, horses, etc., at half usual rates. Dr. Pilblicuow, room J15 at 200 8. JSth St. Tel. B-i'SM. X-914 4 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, norses, cows, etc. v.- ! . rteeu. ji a. 18th. X-915 CHATTEL, salary snd jewelry loans. Foley lxan Co.. ibn fa main st. a aiu MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rates. U'. H. ihouias. f irst 1 uiuk uug. in. mir. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N Y. Lite. w '.Utf 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. W JJJ PRIVATE money. F. V. Wad. 16 Icu;.as ,r WANTED, city loans and warrants. t'lrruim Smith Co.. ZM Fal'llSm St. w. MONEY TO LOAN, Payne Jnvesuoisnt Co. r. ytoj WANTED, real estate loans snd wa rants. K. u. meters at -o., uiua. - I per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam, iV 8-6 MONEY to loan. Kenny Rial Estate nod. Investment co., r. ow to nu, i CITY loans. L. D- lioimes, ivt M. t. i.ire. 1 - -is m-ci PATENTS AND PENSIONS 11. J. t'OWGI LL Pa tenia. No fee unless SUCCSSStUJ. v.. o. auiii, toi, iiv PATENTS gueranteed. Hues A Co., On,Mh 1. l'E.VHlONB-8 F. Moore, 1623 Farnam. -W4 .lelj FLORISTS HESS 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -937 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farniim. Send for price list of cut flower and plum. -877 ALFRED DONAOHUE. JR.. 1U07 Farnam, Tel. 3238 -615 LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY. .tt'y., 437 Paxton. Tel. A-233. 939 JOHN M MACFARLAND, New York I If bldg.. looms 801 snd 318. ToL HJi. Ue8 bloTt jm. T