Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1904, Part 1, Page 5, Image 5

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n Sale
arki hotter aAvs Oisin anv olKer afore Omahm.
3 I J
On Sale
Wt wiU refund Vit monry at fine if yon ear. duplicaU lAss stoat lamaVrs
for lass fAon nearly fwrtcs our prit.
if"" "
..J Ol
Dr. Reed'
dole Shoes
E. -a ' V sw l
Saturday Special
Your Choice of Men's $16.50, $18.
$20 Spriif Suits jj J y J
These are ultra stylish and very
high grade suits from our re
cent purchase of clothing from
ail Eastern firm that made ex
clusively high grade clothing
sizes and styles to suit every
body actually worth ,
up to
Saturday ,
A Big Sale Spring and Summer Uivderwear
Our eastern buyer secured a great stock of men's spring and summer un
derwear, which he bought far below its cost to produce. Saturday we offer
the stock at about one-third its regular value.
75c Underwear- ExVn heavy.
medium ana iK'i
weight balbrljrgan
double seat
drawers at, pair
Pure Irls'i Mesh Underwear Plain balbriggan Tlen's Union Underwear Balbrfggan and mercer-
and mercerised silk 25 value-;- f Q I ised silk, at, OQ J f C( J CA
at. ; . .'. ... .. . U i garment.-.'. ... ..OC'l(a'l,tU,t)U
i . .
City Oouoil Doss Hot Lsok fondly on lire
.. Board's Plan,
N Mmawa "
rrapea tkat Bids for SltM Askw
a tfcat tk BaUiM Ua Ma
B Bald tor CaM ol
s Rerarrlns te the raquaat of the ltr and
Poica board lor the purchaaa of a place
ot property at Twanty-IUui and li SUaals
for flra hall purpoaaa, a mambar of tna
council Bald laat eight: "Thar la not any
particular hurry about this mattar, and as
the mayor and oouncll huva tba laat say
la regard to the expanditure ot tha city's
money. It doaa not look aa if tba property
desired by the board would be bought right
. Continuing. - this councilman aald: "Tha
board comas to us with a request ta spend
13,000 (or a piece ef property. If tba mayor
and council want te make a purchaaa of
anything amounting to over 2Mt bids muit
b advartlaed for. Why not advartlae to
blda for a alt a for a lira hallt Hardly
anyone expects tha eounsU to be ao foollah
as to rush into a oontraot to purchase a
place of ground for flra hall purpoaaa whea
ao money la In eight to build a hall a
half way eyulp It after being constructed."
Another member ot tha oouncll declared
that bs would aevar vote for aa appro
priation to pvrohaee' property for the use
of tha city without first advertlalng for
bids. Otha.- members of the council who
wers asked about tha mattar anawered In
tha same strata, so that there doea not
Mem to be any Immediate poeeibllitr of
the property being purchaaad.
Chairman kfaaaoa of tha Fire and Falteo
board aiaarts that by eeonemy tha board
has saved oaough money ta pay for the
property desired. The boohs la the clerk'a
oflloe ahow that there la now te the credit
of the fire fond fT.US. Out of this must
come May, June and July expenaas. At
tha present rata of expanditure there will
be Just about enough left ta the fire fund
to pay for the lot the board desires to
bay. The council does not propose te let
this fund beoome entirely exhausted, for
emergencies might arise and cause aa
While talking on this mattar Mayor
Xoutaky aald, after looking up the bal
ance In the fire fundi "While tt Is un
doubtedly true that there will be enough
meny left at the and of the fiscal year to
buy thla property, at tha present rats of
expenditure, there la no telling what might
happen. Should there be a big fire and
soma hoaa destroyed there would be no
money to buy new'vhoee, anleaa credit Is
obtained on tha 1804 levy. I do not pro
poe to allow thla. What the fire depart
ment needa yoat now, laatead of a vaoant
lot. Is soma horses and a batter fire alarm
system. Moat ef the horaea In the depart
ment are worn out and I am told that tha
city flra alarm system Is praottoaUy worth
Iras. Whan the levy for tha fire depart
ment was made a year ago the oemmls?
loner premised to make great . Improve
ments, but ajrtde from the rebuilding of
hoaa wagon Ne. t there has bean nothlnar
of eoneequefloo dona
It was eetlmated at the etty hall yaa
terday that even ahould tha 1st be 'par.
ckaMd at least tS.OM would have to be ex
pended to construct a suitable building
Then additional apparatus would be needed
te maintain department Bteduuarwrs. A
Again Brandcis ready
clothing, known the country over for its excellence, we bought all
of Davidson & Finkelbrand's surplus stock. It was a wonderful pur
chase The excellence of the clothing and the bargain price at
.which we offer it makes this a record breaking sale of the year. All wool n:w, up-to-date Spring
and Summer Suits latest and swellest styles all newest and handsomest patterns and mixtures
( This is extra good dothing
( long, fit as well and look as
Unusual Bargains in Children's Clothing
Odd lots of very best vestee and three-piece suits for
boys and children, sizes 3, 4, S and 6 only. These suits for
merly sold up to $5 each; they are some of the prettiestand
most stylish little suits we ever offered, Saturday choice at
Boys $4 Suits $2.50
Boys' newest style serge
blouse suits, Norfolk Sailors,
sailors, double and single
breasted styles a great, bar
gain Special
it Quality Undccwsar English
mixtures, aarnsv v
ribbed; blaolc bV-
chemical engine la one of the 'needs, and
tl,e suggestion was made yesterday that
the Flra and Police board recommend tha
purchase of a chemical engine and light
running team Instead of buying a lot.
which may never be used. For the head
euartara of the firs department on Twenty
fourth street a rental of ta) a month la
paid and tha mayor and oouncll appear to
be sat'afiod with this arrangement for the
time being.
Hla-h Seboel eataara Teatlskt.
' Thla evenlrag at the Flrat Math
edlat BpUoopal church will doss the aohool
term In South Omaha for the year ending
May U. The graduating class voted that
no papers ahould be read by the gradu
ates. Instead there is to be aa addreaa by
W. K. Fowler, state superintendent of
Schools. The program as- outlined la a
selection by an orchestra, fcext there will
be an Invocation by Rev. M. A. Head,
pastor of tha First Methodist Episcopal
ohurch. This Is to be followed by s vocal
solo by Mrs. H. C Richmond. Than somas
the addreaa of Superintendent Fowler. After
another selection from the orchestra the
diplomas will be presented by J. C. Knight,
the vice preatdant of tha Board of Educa
tion. Tha name of those who are to grad
uate tonight follow!
Ruth' E. Andrew, Ferdinand Menefee,
Lilian M. Barrett, Maymo B. Menataser,
Abie S. Cvhn, Eunice Harries Noa,
Charlee H. Colllna, Amanda 3. Olson,
Eleanor H. Dlckmaa. Fern A. Paddock,
Quenle A Durkee, Winifred P. PulUam,
Neville Reglna Enaor, Ines V. Reevea,
Lewla O. Fergueon, M, Catherine) Rewtey,
Mabelle 1. FTanclaoo, Alice Huoeraaertp
Mary K. uranara.
M Ellen Schmidt.
Mabel M. Helny.
William H. Soovlila,'
Grace A. Thlelke.
Ralph K. Towl,
Ralph B. Waldo,
Loula O. WUg.
F. Arthur Jonea,
Wilbur A. Jonea,
Flora Jorgensen,
Ieona F. Learo,
Margaret C. MoNuIty.
Cloelats; Bxerelaea Lut Hlsht,
At Workman temple last night the clos
ing exercises of tba eighth grade pupils ef
tha publlo achool wers held. The audi
torium of the temple was crowded with
friends of the pupils and there was
scarcely room, enough on the platform for
tha 1M members of tha class who received
Following aa orchestra Selection, there
was aa Invocation by Rev. Dr. Wheeler ot
the Preabytarlan church. Miss Catharine
Rowley delivered her favorite selection,
"The La Rue Stakes.' and this wss fol
lowed by a elaas sonar.
Rev. Charles Fordyce, daaa of the Na
braaka Wesleyan university, delivered the
address to tbs class. Tics President J. C
Knlht of the Board of Education pre
sented certificates to those who ere. now
eligible to enter the high school this fall.
Tha auditorium and atsge wers tastily dec
orated with potted plants, eta The class
ef laat night was one of the largest aver
receiving certificates for entry tnte tke
high aohool at ths closing exerctaee.
Coras ttoae Lay! an Thla Afteraosm.
Tha ceremony ot laying- the oorner-stons
at ths new high school bullying. Twenty
third and J streets, as to bs gone through
with this afternoon at I o'clock. The a ton
was laid In cement several days sgo, snd
ths brick facings are alao laid and the
derrick removed, but the Board of Educa
tion will hsvs a ceremony anyway. W. J.
Bryan la to deliver aa addreaa oa The
Value of aa IdeaL Other apeak era are
expected to bo present. An Invitation has
been extended to all sf tha school children
In tha city ts sttead this ceremony.
Ajaatber Feast of Bawejetlas tor Tow
Ths great entbusiaam that welcomes each
recurring Saturday ssle aC ths targeat
eredlt store In ths city artaats tha popu
larity and proves the smaleooy ef these
weekly "at eost" sales. These sales ere
run oa ths plan that one good turn de
serves another. The substantial savings
cash has secured a great bargain the "Ever
not the ordinary kind that sells for
stylish as any fifteen dollar suit
Specials la
Boys Furnishings
Third Floor.
Boy stockings extra heavy rib double
ol and knee regular 7Bo value ' Kfi
1 paira at 26c or pair w
Boya shirt waist blouaea ages 4 AQc
to 12-worth 76o to 1
Boya' ahlrt waists a big lot
worth 60o each at ,
Boya' regular Me quality knee
pan Li etr-palr
Boya tlua denim overaJla
aee Ito U-et, pair s,s,v
Men's American 511 k Underwear
siik unaerwear
Plain and fancy
colors worm up
to so garment
that tha following Items make possible
must strike you moat forcibly. We are de
termined to make you believe that we sell
trustworthy merchandise for as low If not
lower prices than you can aecure at any
store. Tou don't have to pay spot eaah,
we givs you all ths credit and time to pay
you want.
Man's spring- suits, strictly all wool,
worth tUBO and ftt.00, tomorrow (Saturday)
Shirt Sale H. 00 value, tomorrow (Satur
day) ifts.
Hat Sale UM beta, latest sprtns; block.
Shoe Sale I2.M shoes, splendid value,
Saturday tl.3.
B15 N St., South Omaha.
Bids tor Steam Heatlas;.
Seated proposals will bs received by ths
Board of Education for the steam heating
and plumbing ef the new high school up
to t p. m. on Juno . Those who desire to
bid on this work can see ths plans snd
pacification at tha office of ths architect,
John Latenser. In ths Bes building-, Omaha.
AU blda submitted must bs accompanied
by a certified check for per cent of tbs
smount bid. As usual, tha board reserves
ths right to reject any or an bids. No es
timate of ths cost of this work Is fur
nished by the architect.
- Inreltf ef Artfaaaa.
Contractors say that there Is a scarcity
of carpenters, plasterers and brick maaons
In South Omaha at ths preaent time Many
buildings already started ars being beld
back on account ef ths Inability sf ths
Contractor to secure men. A great many
earpentsrs and brick masons and plasterers
went to St. Louis from here and have net
returned. One contractor said last night
that there Is new In sight plenty of work
for good earpentsrs, first class plaaterers
and brick mssons. As ths union soals pre
vails hers It Is thought that when this In
formation goes out there will be no trouble'
In securing help within a short Urns.
Balldiae; HaJL
Ground was broken yesterday for a build
bf for. the local Tel Jed Sokol. This
structure is te be located at Twenty-first
snd U streets and will be, when completed,
100 feet In length by M feet In width. The
hall la to bs ot one story and will cost,
whsn cstnplsted, shout It. 000. Ths Idea of
constructing ths building Is to use If for
ths Bohemian Turners and also for social
gatherings. It will take about ninety days
to complete the building after the founda
tions are laid.
Dtektaaoa Betaraa Heme.
' William Dickinson, a horse sh oar, has re
turned homo after aa absence of five years
In ths Philippine Islands. Whoa there was
a call for men of his trade Dickinson of
fered his services and went to ths Islands
where bs worked at his trade for five
years. Ho says that bs Is glad to get
back among his friends la South Omaha,
and proposes ts remain here. Dickinson
brought a great many oorloa with him
from Manila and Japan, which bs Is ex.
hlUttng to his friends at Hlnchey
Murphy's blacksmith shop on N street,
where be Is now working.
, tmmm Matastttea.
City Treasurer Hews states that oa June
1 there will be due at the state fiscal
aa-ency la New Tsrk City the sum of 16.266.
Most of this amount Is due oa Interest on
outs tan dins bonds. As there Is money la
the bank to moat this obligation, there
will bs no neoeaaity for asking any of tha
banks to make a short time loan, as haa
been ouatotnary In the past at this period
of the fiscal year.
MU City Gael.
Mra. Anthony King of Dunlap, la., I In
ths city. Us guest ef fear daughter. Mra
st $mim suits
a medium price.
It will last
you ever bought
Boys Busier Brown
Suits $4.98
All the latest Juvenile novelties, including the
Russian sailor, two and three-piece outing1
, suits and the
very smart and .
. popular "Buster
Brown" suits,
regular $8.60 and
7.50 values-
Special Saturday
Bargain, at ....
$1.50 Summer
These are outing shirts in
the latest and most favored
spring and summer patterns
all well fitting and regu
lar $1.50 values .
James Hannlgan, Thirty-third and Q
E. O. Mayfleld -Is preparing to remove to
Kansas City.
Rev. Andrew Renwlck and wife have
gone to 8t. Louis for a shorr visit. .
McGUl, the city poundmaater, still keeps
f olng his rounds and collects about a dosen
agless dogs every day.
Vans ant and Nixon of Nhe Police board
were trying a new horse for the police
department yesterday. The animal wus not
purchased as he waa found to be too light.
There Is big demand for painter and
paper hangers. There is more work ot
thla kind going on now than for some years.
The Loyal legion will meet at the Methodist
ohurch at 4 o'olock thla afternoon.
Holds Ms a Rvdely Interrupt Tosag
Man aa Wm,i la Rlvervlew
Bitting on a bench la Rlvervlew park,
with the balmy summer wind blowing
fresh and cool and ths wonderful summer
night enveloping the land and making ths
world seem as If It were created for them
alone, H. Jaeger and Miss Welt, both
rooming 'at the Union hotel, sat, enjoying
to ths fullest extent the glory of It all.
Dreaming, dreaming, they sat, heeding not
ths fleeting hours nor ths approach of two
men, who, skulking In ths shsdows of ths
trees, crept stealthily upon them. Sud
denly waa their dream shattered, suddenly
wers they brought from loveland to a bit
ter, unfeeling earth.
"Hands up!" ths command, stern snd
eold, cams from behind them. With a
shriek of terror, the girl turned to her
lover, looking for protection In thoae
strong arms. Alast It was too lata. The
musxls of a gun, seeming the slxs of
a .yawning pit, waa thrust against his
nose, and ths first command was followed
by another to "Dig an' look sharp."
Ths two ruffians were unmoved by the
anguish of the woman or the bad words
of the man. Laughing brutally they
robbed them, taking 128 from him and 133
from her. Then they went, disappearing
In the shadows of ths trees snd It all
seemed Ilka .a dream not ths former kind
to tha lovers.
A Hart Hover Harts
After Porter's Antlseptlo Healing- OU la ep
plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals st
ths ssms time. For man or beast. Price, tie.
Credit Kea Bead Tonetasr t Prateot
Themselves froaa Bogrna
' Failares. V
The Omaha Credit Men's association held
Its monthly meeting laat night at the Jler
Grand hotel and put ths finishing touches
to ths organisation of tha Omaha Jobbers'
Investigation and Prosecution bureau. This
sohem Is for the purpose of protecting the
credit men from dishonest men who con
veniently fall In bu nines If money Is to
bs mads by so doing.
Tba rules of the bureau wars put before
ths organization and after a lengthy dis
cussion adopted. By these rules sll credit
met who so desire subscribe to the fund
of the association snd agree to pay any as
sessments which may be levied for the
prosecution of s dishonest failure. Ths as
sessment will be according to ths money
subscribed. From ths tone of ths discus
sion It noemed thVt the members thought
that most of tba failures nowadays sre
dishonest onea Ths getting of ths sub
scriptions will start st once and It Is ex
pected that ths organisation will be In
working order by tha next meeting.
Thinking of getting an automobilat If
so4 Ths Bes next Sunday till interest you.
right' ' brand of mens
Shirts at 50c
i: .;. rvfl .f
shapes styles to suit everyone
this is an unusual offer the hats
are regular $2 and $2.50 quality
Special Saturday Bargain...
In honor of the Mlssea Buckingham and
Miss Bennett of Toronto, Canada, Miss
Howland and Miss Fanny Howland gave a
pretty luncheon Wednesday. Covers wers
laid for twelve.
Mrs. Wakeley and Miss Wakeley will givs
a euchre party Saturday afternoon In honor
of Mrs. Ellen Beall of New Tork.
' Mrs. William Sears Poppleton delightfully
entertained the members ot ths Cooking
ciub at . her home yesterday. Miss Burke of
of Chicago being the guest of honor. .
Miss Alice E. Hays entertained the mem
bers of the graduating class of the Sacred
Heart academy Tuesday afternoon. In the
evening she gave a mother goose party to
the school.
A prettily appointed luncheon was given
Thursday by Mrs. G. W. Wattles compli
mentary to Mrs. Logan . of Chicago. The
guests were seated at a round table, which
waa artistically trimmed with white flowers
and yellow-shaded candles. Covers wers
laid for Mmes. Hogan. Cudahy, Colpetzer,
Peck, Balch. E. C. McShane, Hoagland,
Jchn Ay McShane, Baum and Wattles.
Mr. Ed Brown of Qulncy, ill.. Is visiting
his sister, Mrs. J. Benson.
Miss Burke of Chicago Is ths guest of
Mrs. J. A. McShane.
Mrs. Guy Barton and Mrs. W. B. Millard
left In a private oar for Virginia City,
Mont., where they will visit one of Mr.
Barton's mines.
Mr. and Mra Percy Fleishel of Canyon
City, Colo., and Mr. and Mra. Ralph Cran
df 1 of Chapman, Neb., will arrive in a few
days to visit Mr. and Mra C. F. Weller.
Miss Laura Brunner has returned from
Sorlbner, having spent a few days there.
Tbs Friday club met today with Mra.
Van Smith at the residence of bar daugh
ter, Mra. Jay Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Woodbury of
New Tork ars visiting at ths residence of
Judge Wool worth.
Miss Grace Thurston of Waahlngton, D.
C, who has bean the guest ot Miss Hilda
Barrows for ths past week, left this morn
ing for LInooln to visit friends.
Miss Jessie Millard Is entertaining Mrs.
George Chrlstlanoy of Washington.
Mrs. George Mayers is ths guest of her
mother, Mrs. Nash.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Perfect ars In St.
Louis visiting friends snd taking In ths
World's fair.
Miss Blanche McKenna has returned from
Canyon City, Colo.
Mrs. Charles Coutant will soon leave for
St. Louis to visit Mrs. Brlnker.
This week Mrs. John C. Cowln, will leave
for Cleveland to pay her mother a vialt
and will later vlalt her son. Lieutenant
Cowln. at Fort Asalnlbolns.
Lleateaaat O'Flaberty'a Leetare.
The game cock fight which was ona of
the events In the program given for the
benefit of the Old Penile' tyine laat night
in the Flrnt Congregational church waa of
muoh interest to thoae present. Thla state
ment niay ba misleading, for the Final
church la one of the most proper and clr.
cumapect In the city and the congregation
waa of that sort alao. Lieutenant sMward
O's'laherty of the one-tlnie Twenty-aeventh
I'ulted Btatea volunteers waa giving a leo
ture on the "Philippines Up to Late," Il
lustrated by colored atereopticon view and
moving pictures. In Ms conscientious ef
fort to show the Philippines aa they are
he was, of course, obliged to show the na
tional game.
The Old People' home will be benefited
by a fair sum. Those present enjoyed the
lecture of Lieutenant O' Flaherty, who he.
van at San Francisco with the transports
leaving tha rlty and followed the oruiee to
the Orient, giving kinetoscope Pictures of
a rickshaw parade In Kioto, of a market
scene in Canton and of a storm on the
CttUiA ssa. ills other pictures, movg
Mail by T. D. Barrv, Brockton,
men's fine patent ooltskln, box call
for up to five dollars
Go on sale tomorrow
on the second floor
Men's High & Low Cut Tans
All the new toes In both high and low cut shoes. In the new Russian
calf shades. In regular makes and cushion soles, are shown tomorrow; at
$3.00, $3.50 (EL $5.00
Tan Oxfords $1.59, $1.98, $2.50
Three new ehadea of Oxford. In dark tan. RueaU. eaU an4
champagne. In low heel and military heel and Cuban nB
light and medium aolea. go at U-GS. SLM and SSL60.
Black Vici Oxfords $1.59 to $3
Twenty different trine f black kid low sheas Oxfda,
Juliet and Frlnoe Alberta, ra light, snedluia and heavy soiea
all the new toee go at R.6. . . . .
Thlrty-alx different atylea of black kid Oxrda, BtuulisiS
Button Oxlorda and Gibson Tie, go at ILSS and txtft.
Patent Colts kin Oxford $L59-$2.50
Five apeolai lota-all awell new. VJl&3& STnjl
ahlny leathers, patent ooltsktn. go D
and U80.
, 1, 2, 3 and 4 Strap Slippers 98c to $2.50
SO different atylea of ladles' slippers i In all UnAB of haj
atrnDa and toee, plain aia ua
Special Shoe Bargains in Basement
600 pairs men's fine patent calf shoes,
and kangaroo calf shoes, go at..
200 pairs ladies' house slippers at.
800 pairs ladies' street low cut shoes..
Men's $2 Hals al 98c
Swell Soft Hats the latest shades new spring
Men's Latest Style Hats
These are the swell style stiff and soft hats they have all the
quality and appearance of the highest class hats you pay more
for those elsewhere Q O f M 5 fl
Saturday :Lt7tUUaV
and still, showed the life of the Islands,
principally in the metropolis and Its en
virons, and also took In ths firing line
with some real action pictures of the Luxon
francis Story once more
Oft Repeated Report ef His Golaug to
Caleagro Is Again Pat ta
The oft-repeated story that John Francis,
general passenger agent of the B. dc M.,
Is to bo placed In a higher position by the
Burlington is once mors revived; this time
from Chicago. Thla latest version says
Francis will either leave the Burlington
or get a better position with it. Mr. Francis
left for Chicago last night, prior to the
receipt of ths report - Thla story or some
phase of It haa been printed and reprinted
time ajfd time again and as often has It
been dnled by Mr. Francis.
A very prominent official of another road
In Omaha mads tha assertion tha other day
that ho knew positively Mr. Francis was
to go to Chicago for ths Burlington.
Be Casefal ( the Caat.
L. Armstrong and A. Hill, both of South
Omaha, gave the police a hearty laugh
yesterday afternoon. The two. It is said,
entered a pawn ehop on Douglas street,
where Armstrong picked out a coat and
vest and put them on to see how they
would fit. As the proprietor of the store
waa busy with Hill, who waa also trying
on some clothing, Armstrong; made a daah
for the door and went up the street, Lou
Dillon style. The proprietor left Hill and
Gapt. Hccly, Ohio Volunfosrs,
Owes Life to Warner's Safe Cure
"I Was Dying of Kidney and Liver Disease, but Warner's Safe
Cure Made Ha Well In Three Hon tbs."
I had as bad a caae , "';, 3 -V-V s't .; 4 , . ...
of kidney end liver A- JLA;-J,t -.W-V "4
disease as a man 4,..' ' .. C"! . v'- '', -; j'
oould havs and li" fof , it. ( J ' ;TT; ..- "14T1
I was so weak that 'pt:(4.;;?J, i V" "'r- i
up. ".lid Wythln f ' V iVtJ
swam bsfor. my eyai MCtif: : 1$?
Kkvm&.p:.4. . V. toil-
The mt'ldna tha
d o o t o r prescribed
seemed only to poi
son my system and
to make me worse.
My wife begged me
to try Warners Safe
Cure, and to please
her I did ao. To
aay that I owe my
life to It but half
tells tbe story.
My appetite waa
quickly restored, my
body waa nourished i
and new life aeemed S
to flow through my
veins and in three 2
montns J waa a well,
strong, healthy man
once more.
- i ...
If you have cause to even suspect that your kidneys are affected do not delay a
moment, but make a peraonal test at your home. Iet some morning urine stand tt
hours; If a reddish-brown sediment forms, or If putlcU'S float alout In It, or It is
cloudy, your kidneys are seriously arretted and utterly unahle ta do their work, and
if allowed to run on without treatment tho uric arid will dog the blood and poison
the whole body, causing rheumatic palna and sw.-lllngi. Inflammation of tbe bladder
and urinary organs, headache, backache, Indigestion, dynpepHta, constipation, torpid
tlver. nervousunss, all manner of blood and skin eruptions and finally a complete
reakdown with Brlght'a disease or diabetes snd dei:lh Warner's kbifn Cure la wuat
you need. It quickly and permanently our re even the most stubborn cases.
It Is made from purest herha. snd has been prescribed everywhere by doctors snd
used In leading hospitals for over thirty years, aa the one rertaln cure for all dis
eases of kidneys, bladder, liver and blood. Sold at all drug stores or diiact. (0 cents
and tl a bottle.
KEFUSU SUBSTITUTES. They are worthless and very often exceedingly
dangerous. Ask for WARNER'S 5AFE CURE; It will cure you.
"8AFI0" PILLS move tha bowels gently snd aid a speedy cure.
' doctor's advice aud medical booklet free. Warner's bate Curs Co., Roohsstsi '
N. X. . - - - . --. -
Maw.., consisting of swell new style
and viol kid Oxfords, made to retail
bwin mist hi 1
vlcl kid shoes, box cal
...... ..
........ ..... . . ...
. . . M . .
chased Armstrong-, shoutlnc to a pollnsman. '
to stop him. ,
"Ho has got my coat. he said. Shoot )
him, shoot him. Shoot him In the leas. ,
The coat la mine. Don't shoot ths ooax."
The policeman was unable to catch Arm
strong on acoount of laughing, and the
detecuvea were put on tbe ease, the two
being arrested in South Omaha last night.
Illinois Has tajavodl r Cas-a at Psv
tna J amotion. Dies la tasj
Frank MoCann, resldlnn en Monmouth, ''
I1U wss run over by a train at Paclflo
Junotion early yesterday morning and died
from ths Injuries later In tns afternoon at
St. Joseph's hospital where he had been
taken for treatment.
The polios wers notified of ths accident by
ths marshal at Paclflo Junotion. who said
that ths Injured man waa a member of ths
Steam Fitters union. Word was glvsn to
ths local union and Mr. Clifton and Mr.
Nordgreen left for Paclflo Junotion and
brought MoCann to Omaha. '
It Is not known bow ths accident occurred
but It Is presumed that MoCann waa rid- -Ing
on a freight train and fell off. Ths
dead man leaves a wife and seven children,
who, with the exception ef one boy who
lives In Omaha, are at Monmouth, 111. The
son In this olty Is 14 years old and works
In a bowline alley.
Taggert's undertaking firm have charge
of the remains and expect to send them
to the home of the dead man as soon as
bis relatives ars beard from.
I wish every suffer
ing man and woman
could feel what your
medicine can and
will do." (Hon.) T.
O. Neely, Capt Com
pany Ohio Vol
uuieers, Ravinis, 111.
Like a skilled sol
dier, disease attacks
the waakeat spot,
and in ninety-nine
cases out of a hun
dred this Is the kid
neys, or, liver where
practically all the
moat dangerous and
complicated diseases
have their start. When
once the kidney and
llvir become diseased
there can be no
health, for on these
Important organ fall
the complicated work
of keeping the body
free from the poison
ous waste matters
daily thrown off by
ths system.