OMAnA DAILY REE: SATUKDAY. MAY 21. 1004. THE TEU (PL WE CLOSE SATTRDATS AT T. M- "Plain dealing , preAcnts v III fecllnjr '' Po .rou lined handkerchiefs? You always ueed more when warm wvntber ronies. Tliis will be your opportunity to lay in a supply at u prat earing to you. Every handkerchief is pure liuen, some with lace edges, some embroidered edges 'and others embroidered and hemstitched edges. Thepe are our regular stock goods and have sold at 75c, 1," $1.2.") and $1.50 each Haturday morning your choice at 50C EACH. Women's Underwear Women's gauss cotton, lisle or mercerized vests, low neck, sleeveless, lac trimmed or pHln tap tops, 26c each. Women- gaiiM cotton, llnle or mercerltrd vests, low neck sleeveless or low neck Short tlr.cvtn, crochet or plain tops, 60c each. Women's s;aui vests in title, mercerised or silk, a beautiful Une to select from, prices, Ma to 13. CO esch. Women's gauss cotton pants, umbrella knee with lace trimming or tight knee, 28c per pair. Women's pnnts In (muse cotton or 111. umbrella knee, lnce trimmed, mads with French band or tape top, 5oc and 75c per pnlr. 1NVK8T1GATB OUH DltPOHlT ACCOUNT P EF ART U EN T. TeKlI?ilKI,ilLlDEKI y. M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Su mountnlnons res;ton. The flRht besan In tha mumlng and lasted until Z 'V o'clock In the afternoon. Th Japanese were pureen slvely dlMlodtted from four positions, ex tending over fifteen miles. The pursuit of the Japnnene 'was stopped at pHtlanlsy, thirteen mile north of Feng Wang Cheng. uur casualties were six Coswrks wounded, two horses killed and eight horses wounded. There Is no trace of the enemy In the valley of Tsanhokn so far en the rnnd leading to the Tchsngoullne pass, eighteen mllrs north of Feng Wnng Cheng, or the valley of the Al river from 'Bnlmatsa to Han ulan Ban,' on th road to Douan flq Untsa. A squadron of Japanese cavnlry which left Klan Plan Ban on May 17 for Biii mntsa waa repulned hy one of our patrols at Schnogao, twelve miles from Kiai) Dian Snn, The patrol retired without loss. Japa nese Infantry t.ono strong advanced on May 15 toward 8atltaiapuda, which was evac uated on May IS. TO TAKE POHT AftTHtH BY iTOHM Floating; Mines Mike It nansrerans far Japanese tu belay Anion. CHICAGO. May SO. A special to the Dally News from Toklo says that Port Arthur Is to be taken by storm the moment proper preparations huve been completed. Siege guns have yet to be placed In position and the land forces appointed for the assault have to be strengthened. The unexpected loss of two flne vessels has emphasised the Insecurity of sea power and the authorities feel that no chances must be taken that would encourage Russia to send out ths Baltio sea fleet counting on finding a har bor of refuge In Port Arthur. It la realised that the storming of-the fortress will Inevitably coat many lives, but It Is said that the waters where ths Japanese ships are forced to maneuver are becoming so dangerous because of floating mines that herolo measures are imperative. Under thess Circumstances It la thought that life will be economised by storming tha stronghold and eliminating' it and the adjacent waters from the area of actual conflict ." ' ' " TOGO- MAKE. REPORT OP LOSS Two ' Mines Explode) trade Hatsnse Br for that Vessel ginks, i. TOKIO.' May itt-e a. m.-Vlce Admiral Togo's full report Is as follows t It Is resret table to have to report a third misfortune. At o'clock Sunday morning PARENTS SHOULD EXAMINE THESE VALUES. IT'S A. CHANCE TO BUY A FINE SUIT FOR THE BOY AT A SAVING OF $1.80 ON EVERY SUIT. DON'T MISS GETTINQ ONE OF THESE. $6.50 Suit Values at $5.00. j BENSON &TH0RFJE5 Jksirs m m I a? vl OfIAHANEB 1515 Douglas Street. fMIT ntlT TMIS COUPON. ww " ' Omnfiri Boa A Trip to St. Louis ONE VOTE One Vote tor. Address. Toi CUT THIS OUT Dspoeit at Bee Offlos or moll to "Exposition Department," , Omaha Bee, Ontah. Nebraska. Qt94ttttCQO94&9&9C999999Q99099tt999999999Zt 9Wt&tot9&9W96O9990Q999eti9999999999t99999 .j jj? CUT OUT THIS COUPON. I Omaha Dee Exposition Coupon A Trip to St. Louis S PREPAYMENT COUPON lit.. .Vote far. ' ; ' 'jUJrett , Town, Scad Its tt (name). Address. This Ms coupon, when accompanied br a la 0 vulaa for em-h ill paid. IU vole suoatipiiuu eeenot la prptud until eounts lluJt al inso Oflloe ax lo ' Omaha, Nob. Bm, Mar !0, 104. Handkerchief Special. t received wireless message from Rear Admiral lew saying that on that day at I in the morning, while returning from the work of blocking Port Arthur, he encoun tered A dense Tog near the 6han Tung prompntory. Tho Kasuga collided with th port stern of the Yoshlno, which was sunk. Boats from the Kasuga saved ninety of Its crew. The dense fog still continues. This has been a most unfortunate dsy for our navy. While the fleet was watch ing the enemy off Port Arthur, the Tstsuee struck one of the enemy's mines and Its rudder was damaared. It sent a message for a ship to tow It, which was being sent when anot-her message brought the lament able report that the Hatsuse had struck another mine and Immediately began to sink. Thi Hatsusa was then ten Knots off Lino Ta Bhan promontory. No enemy was In sight. It must have been, a mine or a submarine boat. Three hundred of the ofPeer and crew were saved. The Hatsuse sank In thirty minutes. While sinking, sixteen of the enemy's torpedo craft ap peared and were driven off. Our fleet report Is somewhat vague on account of the fact that some of the mes sages were received by wireless telegraphy. Rprond Report of Jnpnnese Reverse. TIEN TSIN. Thursday. May 19 It Is an nounced from authentic Russian sources that the Japanese army from the Yalu today sustained ft severe defeat and was driven back to Feng Wang Cheng. A dispatch from New Chwang received last right contained an announcement similar to the above, which was said to have emanated from a reliable source there. Money for Russian Red Cross. NEW YORK, May . At a dinner given by ths Slavic alliance at Delmonlco's last night $2,600 was subscribed for the Rus sian Red Cross society. Of this amount $3,000 was given by a man who refused to permit his name being mads public. Rasala May Declare) free Ports. BT. PETERSBURG, May 80.-4:08 p. m. Tha report that Russia may shortly pro claim alt the ports of the . Siberian coast, Including Vladivostok, to be free, thus per mitting unrestricted commerce, is confirmed. ; ftolet at Vladivostok. VLADIVOSTOK, -May ta Alt Is Quiet here. Japanese warships appear from time to tlma In Peter ths Great bay, but they do not approach Vladivostok. OUR SUIT SALE CONTINUES SATURDAY Those who failed to ares' ia oa Friday will have lost as arood selections oa Saturday, as we have added ISO salts from oar broken lines. $6.50 Suit Values at $5.00 . IN THE ASSORTMENT ARK ALti STYLES RUBSTAN SI IT3, SAII-OH SUITS, NORFOLK AND KNICKER BOCKER SUITS -JACKET AND PANT SUITS ALL AGES, FROM $ TO 1$ YEARS. THERE IS NOT AN OLD OR SHELF-WORN GAR MENT IN THE LOT-ALL NEW, HIGH CLASS OAK-MKNTS-MADE FROM NEW HOMESPUNS, TWEEDS AND UNFINISHED WORSTED. Exposition Coupon Viva tata. State. cask prepaid subscription to TUB BStt, for each dollar paid, etc. the amount due to dste has beea paid. ' EpoHlua Department," Omaha ilea, MANY OFFICERS WENT DOWN Twe.Oommsxden, Ore Captain ft4 Thir teen Litu'snanU Lost ia Aco dsaU JAPAN ADMITS 10SS Or BUT TWO SHIPS Impossible at Tals Time ta aire "am ber of Mn M, Aside from Those Commissioned, oa Kit her. TOKIO. May ffl.-The loss of life Incurred by the sinking ths cruiser Yoshlno. Included Captain "ayekl. Commander lllrrt waterl, three first lieutenants, five under lieutenants, five midshipmen, paymaster, surgeon, threo engineers' csdets, eight boatswain's mstfa. Of ths crew ths num ber of those lost Is unknown. Those wTii went doTl with the battle ship Hatsuse when It foundered were Com mander Tsksmoto. Viscount Nlre, Com mander Armort, five second lieutenants, firs subenglneers. two surgeons, si mid shipmen, four osdet engineers and ten non commissioned officers. It Is not known yet In this case how many of the men perished. The Hatsuse was surely sunk by coming In contaot with a suhmerged mine and not by the attack of a submarine boat. The report that the battleship Shlklshlma was damaged and the battleship Fuji sunk Is denied here. NEW OfWANO. May M. The report of the Japanese retreat to Feng Wang Cheng ara officially confirmed. RETREAT MAY BE ONLY RUSE (Continued from First Page.) giving orders In accordance with what he learrs. Landing Only a Fetnt. Thus will be explained, for Instance, the sudden reoccupatlon of New Chwang two days after the last Russian troops had left. It appears, to Judge from the dispatches, that the landing made by the Japanese near Nal Ping made Qenoral Kouropatkln fear that a strong division, reported fclHe whsre, would threaten his right between the Llao river and the railway, and that their subsequent retreat toward the south or cast determined him to reoccupy No Chwang as soon as there was no longer a. temporary risk of that place being cut off from Hal Cheng and Llao Lang. "To sum up. we may say that the landing effected In the dliectlon of Kal Ping was hot only a feint intended to deceive the Russians as to the real Intentions of the Japanese general, who appears to stick more and more to the strong natural posi tions around Feng Wang Cheng and ths neighboring mountain range In order to make later on some movement, first to the north and then to the west. In order to threaten Mukden and General Kouropat kln's communications. But the roads ara water soaked, the distance to go is very great, and, as the Japanese army has been up to the present very slow In moving, It will be a good while before this plan can be carried out, unless decisive events occur In tha natural course of thinks south of Llao Tang, as everything seemed at first to Indicate." RUSSIANS FEELIXG MICH BETTER ThlnU A ect dent a to Japanese &nt Thorn on More Eqval Footing. ST. PETERSBURG, May 20, 12:58 p. m. With greater calm than has been felt since ths beginning of ths war Russia today faoes -the situation In the far east. The disasters suffered by the Japanese fleet have sustained the national spirit and the officials carefully point out that ' thsy restore In a measure ths prestige lost by the past untarnished successes of the enemy. Should the persistent reports of ths Japanese army having been driven back to Feng Wang Cheng prove true, then tha authorities and people will feel that Russian progress has been vindicated and that the two belligerents can recommence the war on a far more even footing. Tha first effect of the Russian successes will, It Is believed,' be apparent In the behavior of the Chinese, whose attitude has been decidedly hostile to the Russians, and to bring this change about It Is expected that the Russian agents In China will follow the Japanese plan of fully Informing the Celestials of the losses Inflicted on the enemy. Although In St. Petersburg there la individual enthusiasm over the Japa nese disasters near Port Arthur, there will be no collective demonstration. The whole sale rejoicing will com with the announce ment of an achievement of a mors thrill ing character, which will appeal to the volatile side of the Russian people. Everywhere today one hears praise of the Ruslsan torpedo boats In stealing out In ths darkness, perhaps through a line of small boats of the enemy, to plant mines where the heavier of ths enemy's ships had cruised a few hours before. But, after all, It la pointed out, there remained a big element of chance as to whether ths enemy would return. Ths authorities hod almost com to the conclusion that the catastrophe which they had prepared would not come about because of the clevernens of Vice Adlmal Togo In keeping away from the danger, as If aware of ths Rus sian operations. The tone of the comments of the news papers today Is sober, while at the same time recognising the Importance of the Russian success, and Is well expressed by tha Russ, which says: "Japan's loos Jeopardise Its mastery of the sea. It Is a streak of bad luck, like ours. The forces are now about equal, without the Baltio squadron. It ts not for us to rejoice, but It was not worth whlls to bring the Kasuga from Genoa to sink the Yoshlno." The Bourse Ossette remarks: ' "The pews of the enemy's losses will cheer Russia and miks soma amende for the treacherous Japanese attack at the outbreak of ths war. It ts now the enemy's misfortune to experience the deadly effect of submarine mines which have done us so much dam age. Oreat Is Russia's god. The war has entered on a new phase, hastening the Russian victory." Tha Llstk observes: '"There Is no Inten tion to celebrate the Japanese losses by a tochllght procession. It Is not our cus tom to make a national rejoicing over an enemy's misfortune. Nevertheless It Is Im possible to conceal ths fact that the na tion is greatly Impressed by ths catastrophe to the Japanese fleet, which goes to show once more how accidents may upset ths best laid plans." The Garotte makes the moat caustlo com ment of any of the Russian papers. It says: "It Is Just retribution for the treacherous sttack on Port Arthur without declaring war, and the dastardly onslsught on the Varlag and Korleis. The mines laid by our brave sailors have done their work and all reproach for the Petropav lovsk dlaaater la wiped out." REJOICE OVEH RUSSIA IKCEII Talak Kouropatkln Attacked Oae Army Befera It t oald Join Other. NEW CHWANQ. Thursday. May 19 (Midnight.) The Russians are Jubilant over ths reported victory near Feng Wang Cheng and consider that It being Kniperor Nichols' birthday, the victory Is "good medicine" for the Japanese. The lutest authenilo reports show that there sre two divisions of the Yalu army, Ous la uiovljig vu Hal Cheng and the ether was going towaM Llao Tang. It Is bsllere4 the Russians concentrated their forces and struck tha enemy envta of Llao Tarf, drtr Ing the Japanese back. The reports say that the Japanese loss was heavy. It Is understood that the siege guns re moved from the New Chwang forts and taken to the Hal Cheng forts wars mounted there today. A field battery was also placed In position. The Russians claim that they will plaoe 1,000 men In New chwang In a few days, but this Is believed to be an exaggeration. Ths Japanee-e control ths railroad south Of Wa Fang Tien and ths Russian fdrce be tween there and New Chwang Is small, consisting of a few scouts. Almost all the railroad wires are down, but the military telegrapn .line between New Chwang and Port Arthur Is working and the Japanese are tspplng It. The emperor's birthday was elaborately celebrated here. rtllXGE I TIIR WAR SITTATIO" Japaaeae Disasters Pat Rasstaas oa the AaatresslTe. BT. PETERSBURG. May 20.-6:44 p. m. So changed Is the naval situation at Port Arthur by the Japanese disasters, naval officers . say, that ths officers would not be surprised should Roar Admiral Wltts'eff. as soon as his "lame ducks" are repaired make frequent trips to sea In order to har rasn the enemy's operations along the west ern const of the Llae Tung peninsula. They assert thst the latest advices show the rhannel to Port Arthur Is fres. despite the Japanese assertions to the contrary, and they explain that the sole reason why the Russian ships heretofore have not gone out Is the tremendous superiority of Ad miral Togo's fleet. Second thoughts have caused the ad mlralty ofllcera to discredit the report that the Japanese battleships Shlckshlma and Fuji have also been destroyed. It Is be lleved that the Russian refugees from Dalny, who circulated the recport on ar rival at Che Foo. probably confounded the Shtklahlma and Fuji with the Hatsuse and the Toshlno. But official advices do show that the Kasuga, which rammed the Yo. slilno, was damaged and the opinion pre vails that the ship must be seriously In Jured, compelling Its withdrawal from the fleet for a time. The views prevailing In high official naval circles were set forth In the statement today to the Associated Press: We are not rejoicing at the Japanese dis asters. It Is the fortune of war. We are sorry that the disnsters caused the loss of 700 men. it is not tne sailors mission to destroy life, but only to destroy the enemy's ships. The Japanese loss evens up ths naval forces at Port Arthur, We be lieve our squadron will go out again as soon as the cripples are ready. That may he accomplished In a fortnight. The buttleshlp Cxarevltch Is the only ship which continues to give trouble. It must he our mines laid off the Llao Tlnshln promontory which caused the disaster to I 'amuse. wi ne ract tnst two mines were cet.sary to sink the Hntsuse Is a vindica tion of the battleship. A single mine could i not In itself have done enough harm to I sink such a great ship so quickly. The ! case of the Petropavlovek led to hasty 1 Judgment; agnlnst battleships generally. I Jin t then tho discharge of the mine caused the explosion of Its magaslnes and boilers. JAPANESE FLEETS ARE ACTIVE One Bombards Russians oa Chi Lt Golf and Other Protects Landing. TOKIO, May to. 4 p. m. The report of Rear Admiral Togo, who should not ba confounded with the vice admiral of thnt name, and who commands the Japanese fleet sent to attack Kal Chou, on the west coast of the Llao Tung peninsula, south of New Chwang, says he reached Port Arthur soon after the Japanese battleship Hatsuse was blown up and assisted In saving its crew and driving back the Russian tor pedo boat flotilla, which came out that evening. Rear Admiral Togo entered Chi LI gulf the morning of May 16, reoon noltered the coast near Kal Chou end drove the enemy off a range of hills near Tong Idan. On the 17th, after clearing the bay of seven mines. Admiral Togo entered Kin Chou bay," from which his gunboats bom barded the railroad bridge, a military train and the enemy's buildings, effecting soma damage. Admiral Hosoya, commanding the third squadron, reports that with the third squadron, consisting of the Fuso, HIyen, Tsukushl, Sat Yen and other vessels, he protected the landing of troops at a new unnamed place, probably Taku Shan, yes terday, bombarded the coast and landed a party of blue Jackets, who oocupled a point of land and raised the Japanese flag at 1 o'clock In the morning. The landing of troops Immediately commenced and waa accomplished very quickly. A Russian captured during the recent fighting near Kin Chou, Llao Tung penin sula, reports that the enemy on ths Kin Chou peninsula consists of the majority of the Fourth Infantry division and all of the Seventh Infantry. The prisoner adds that one officer and thirty men are pris oners at Port Arthur. They are survivors of the last blocking operation. TWO STORIES ARE TOLD OF FIGHT Japanese Say Rnsslaas Were Repulsed and Latter Say Jaas Retreated. TOKIO, May Ths following official statement baa Just been Issued hers: A section of infantry of the Llao Tung forces went tu the direction of Shan Cliusan to roconr.olter and met two seodons of Russian Infantry. The Hussions were repulsed in thirty minutes. Our casualties were one officer and four men killed and one officer and elsht men wounded. Ths Russian casualties were one officer ana forty to fifty men killed. The landing of Japmiwse troops at Taku Bhan began yesterday. NEW CHWANQ, Maj), 20. Japanese numbering 20,000 men, came upon 32,000 Rus sians in a strong position on Monday sixty miles west of Feng Wang Cheng. It being unwise to risk a battle, the Japanese re treated In good order and with great rapid ity. An unofficial Russian authority says a pitched battle was not fought, but .rumor says there was considerable loss on both sides during the clashes, with the Cossacks harassing the flanks of the Japanese. This division presumably was executing a recon nolaancs. Ths pursuit was checked when the main body of the Japanese was re joined. This news apparently accounts for ths wlthdrawsl'to an unknown destination of warships and transports from Tower Hill, ten miles north of Kalo Chou, Llao Tung peninsula, and of renewed active defense at New Chwang. Japanese la Good Health. FUSAN. Corea. Way 19 (Delayed In Transmission.) The Japanese troops in ths north are experiencing fine weather and the roads are dry. The health of tbe sol diers Is excellent. Ths occasional engage ments between patrols show that the Japa nese cavalry can cope with the Cossacks on sven terms. Ths Chinese In Corea are busy with ths planting of crops. NERVOUS PROSTRATION? Comes from non nourisblnr. food. Better change to B I Grape NutsS There's reason ' Get the little book. "The Road to Wellville" In eaih package. World's Fair Exhibit, enaoe MS. Agrl- cimurai nullum. Great May Outing imuvAy v at Saturday Offerings in Men's Fixings Men's Inner Garments No matter bow nature has molded your form, we fit it with upder wear. II 7C French llele, moroer if I JQ ized silk, Sea. Island cotton, French balbriggan, etc., In white, ecru and blue colorings. Linen mesh, new eilk, Frenob lisle and French balbrlggart, In blue, pink, white and ecru, stripes and plain colors. Marvelous offerings for Saturday. Btouts, short glceves and regu lar. BRYAN PLEADS FOR SUPPORT Aks 8eoond Ward Democrat! to Tarn Down BeorgauiaarB. PARKER'S PLATFORM NOT DEMOCRATIC Success League's Pamphlet Says Same Thing as Krw Yerk Democrat aaa Neither Heist Anything to Democrats. nmn'i if ruff theater speech was re peated with emphasis and variations more directly attuned to the ear of the laboring man at. Bohemian Turner hall last night. The crowd that assembled contained many women, nearly filled the hall to its capucity and gave Mr. Bryan a repturous welcome. Insufficient seats, had been provided and many had to stand. Noticing thlB. Mr. Bryan asked that the seats be moved ior nvrA nmT to the stage, and the strange spectacle of several hundred persons trans posing themselves in pericci oruer iu than minute was presente. urum was-resented by I. J. Dunn, tho meeting being under ths auspices of the First and Second Ward Loyal Demo cratic league. Mr. Bryan devoted part or nis speecn 10 nrimnrv nriiinpnt. raadlnK the ilst of who tunnort him In ths Second ward and eliminating ths First because there is no contest there againsi mm. before, he attacked the Success Leaguers tnr f.ilino- to state In their pronunclamento what they believe lu and represent. Folate la Platform. tt .! tho nnmnhlet Issued by ths Buo- oess league and called it the platform of the local reorganise. lis said there Is nt sinsie nrlnclDle of democracy enun ciated in the platform, any more than there Is la the New Tors; state piattorra, anu. therefore, nothing to adhere to. In vot ing for the men on the primary tickets of the reorganisers Mr. Bryan aeciereo ini the electors could not possibly know for .ik. ih.v voted, lie pronounced the plea of the leogusra for an unlnstructed Ne braska delegation to be an abandonment to republican doctrine, which, he said, meant tbe selection of men to do the thinking of ths votsrs for tnem. "The men In the Bucceas league dare not their real views to a Nebrasku audience," said- Mr. Bryan. "Ask them privately what they stand ror, ana iney will tell you the New York platform is their platform. The platform adopted In New York Is a- little longer than the platform Of ths Success league, but says just tne earns on public questlons-abso-lutsly nothing. The men who adopted It dare not ask tbe support of ths people. That Is why thsy say nothing In their plat form." Maser sal "Trusts. ' The money question was discussed at lpngth. especially as to the possible ss. tabllahment ot branch banks and ths San ger to tho country Mr. Bryan conceived In It; also the proposition for ths loaning of the treasury surplus to national banks, which was described niersely aa a way to enable national banks to make W,ooo,000 a year on interest and In turn to create a tremendous campaign fund to keep the party In control In power. In discussing trusts Mr. Bryan accused Judge Parker of being secrftly allied with them. Hs said he firmly bellovrd that Cleveland had been elected by means , of money furnished by the trusts, and thst wss ths reason why they were not de stroyed while they were in office. In em CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND Offering of Suits at $W-$12-$t5 One a luxury, but $inca we trvoto ufcere to buy them and how to tell them, a necessity. The Btst Moderate Priced Suits in America it your purpose Is to dross better ond pajr no more, or to dree ss well and pay less, here oro garments which earn your recognition. We maintain Ar Single and Doubte.Breasted Coat anp Pants Suits Faultlessly tailored to IT jl the corn, through tha core and on al A 1 the other side, direct from the , hands of the world's greatest ex rf mnlrftrR. in a vast variety of knotty Done- nal ti rm mar oinn Scotch tweeds and unfinished UA MWillVW'W""'l worsted a, every cheerful color with out transgressing good taste mar velously priced at, AT AND $15 offerings in grand coloring of Scotch tweed-, finest Im ported homespun" nnd beautiful BeFKOs. a revelation to men of (food tnslo in correct apparel, handsome stripe, ovorplalda, checks and mixtures, in ALL to fit men of ALL proportions. Men's Unequalled Spring Suits JJ5-J20 Hesults of a half century of clothes making, by the world's greato.t manufacturer, above and beyond tho custom tailors best anticipation". Matchless colorings, band made in every detail. Newest .weaves of tweeds, chevioU, cassimeres, worsteds, Bannocksburns. homespuns, etc. These suits are full lined With brllllnntlnc, serge or silk, with latest cut vesta and peg-top or conservative trousers. Summer Hatf Hose New Ideas are scarcely hatched be fore you see them here. Klgh novel ties for low shoes 15c, 2 for 25c, 25c, 50c. Colors for the flashy youth or the conservative man everything possible without departure from corruiuHS. phasising the Unportancs of ths question SS related to trusts, me speaaer piu"u out thst three of he supreme court Judges who had dissented in the railway merger case were appointees of Cleveland and that another such appolnter would swing the tribunal the other way. CENTRAL LABOR UNION MEETS Matter of t'nafltltated In tons to Be Clvea Attantloa by the Central Body Local labor unions which are not afflll atsd with the Central Labor union was the subject of discussion at last night's meeting of the Central Ibor union. It seems that there are a good many unions in the city which are apart from the central body and It was decided to request the International Labor union to use its powers In getting them together. A communication was received from the strike committee of local No S7 of Water bury, Conn., saying that the Waterbury Clock company had of late discharged many prominent union men In Its employ without any apparent reason. Ths Drain era' and Laborers' union, No. which was suspended front the Ametioan Federa tion of Labor some months ago, informed the Central Lalor union that a new charter had been applied for and asked that it get the sanction of ths meeting. The matter was leferred to a committee. A J. Glenn and C. F. Bradford were obn&ated as delegates from the Machin ists' union. Harris K Licenses. Up to noon May 20 the following couples hnd betm licensed to Wed: Name and Adress. Age. Harry . Billows, Raymond -'6 Olina T. Randolph, Raymond 2N Fred Thomas, Omaha fl Cora Campbell, Omaha 21 Godfrey Victoria. South Omaha 21 Barbara, Kresl. South Omaha 18 Hurt Kever Harts After Porter's Anttepl!c Healing Oil Is ap plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals st the same Urns. For man or baast. Price, rc. AMIBEMEKTS, IICTt-lUai.'SniSi'gilBiSl'Vi'a'ITt KRUG PARK OMAUA'B rOLITE RESORT. OPENS TOMORROW More beautiful than ever. Noth ing left undone for the comfort ruU pleasure of patrons, MANY ATTRACTIONS. Take the Children. I HUSTERVS BAND'i superb musical orKanl.iation of Omaha's most talented. Second to none the equal of auy. BOYS. unnnmien $10 s)aaee)se)i Matchless Outing Suits Brilliant! ne and serge, i and i lined, hand tailored everywhere, remarkable Slumber Robes Worthy of your Inspection. Will aid your rest. Night Robes 50c, 75c, $1.00 Finest cambric, low neck, with or without collars, plain or trimmed traordlnary values. Men's Pujamus, $1.00 and $1.50. BergSwanson Special Hat Tj ;e Dollars The Jj.Ou sort. Same quality same make same style same hat Different label different price. THREE DOLLARS. A hundred styles to select from. BOYD'S THEATER ATIR3EE TODAY p35.toSI.50 EVERY WOMAN SHOULD SEE THE MOST GORGEOUS PARIS IAN GOWNS EVER MADE. IW LAST TIME JS2 TOiMICHT LAST AND BEST OF THE SEASON. Gentry Bros, FAMOUS SHOW WIM Exhibit Twlcs Dally-Rnln or Bhlpe. Two rrj Days illi Sat. May 11 randest. and best animal tha laraTetat. KTa ww - Clrcui txtant ONE TICKET Children, 25c Adults, 35c ADMITS TO ALL Don't fall to see the all new grand frse street parade at 10 a. m., May 27. KI I T fl T II RATER IV -J VI ISC, 29c. fOc, 7e SUNDAY ONLY JVt A V 22 Matinee and Nlsjht A Mighty Mingling ot the Minstrel Marvtls RICHARDS & PKIfNCil-E'S teXSSSl MINSTRELS i--l Mf KHIAIi FUN MAKER 8-0 en ill ase non riTr vi. omahi, MAY KO, XI. XU. Kit. VINTON STlt EKT I'AKK. QAMtt CAOC1) AT l OCUCJC . I I AMl'IKMBJH, n rn rr n Ml M