12 THE OMAHA DAILY PES; PATTTKDAY. MAY 21, 1904. m BOYS BAT GUT VICTORY Thro Bass Eiti Com Jnt Woea Tttj An Seeded to Score. VISITORS CONNECT WITH IPCARTKY Their lilts, Htwrirr, in' rlter4 Ml (harp Fielding Bi4i O ThcLr Chaacti at Sean" la K bo mark to II arc . The moat In teres tine thlnf about jreeter day's rams wilh tha Sioux City tall-enders wu tha fact that, la accordance with Pa Bourse's edict. It waa ladlea' day and mora than 1,000 of tha fair sex. togged out In all their summer finery, occupied aeats In tha grand tand. listened to tha music and applauded the play era when there waa any excuse, for ao doing. Tha Biou. brav were ao easy for Pa's boys that the game . lacked Interest and want onto the record for Omaha by a acore of to 1 The vls- Itora got a run In the fourth and one In the fifth on base on ball and a alngte off McCarthy in the first instance and a tingle and triple In the other. With Howard aad Miller on base In the first Inning Harry Welch, lambasted one of Kostal'i choicest twisters out Into the gar den presided over bjr Mr. Preston for three base. Then la the sixth the home team g-ot another swatting at and a triree-baae hit by Miller, a sale one by Shlpke coupled with the mutt of Doiaa's fly by Lohr were productive of three more runs. Just to make It good and bard Howard leaned up against another in the eighth for three bases and scored on Welches fly, making a total of . Captain DeUo pulled them down oat of the sky with great precision and every other man on the team except Thomas fielded perfectly. Jackie juggled two easy ones and than had the effrontery . to laugh about It Had not the team as a whole played a splendid fielding as well as batting game the result would have been different, for while McCarthy pitohed a fair quality of ball, the visiting pitcher had him beaten at every turn of the route. At tendance, 1.10. The score: OMAHA. Carter, rf ........... 0 I l c Howard, 2b....... J I 1 0 t 0 MlHor, If ., 4 I 1 1 0 0 Welch, cf....... I l I 2 o 0 PoIah. ss ..... 4 0 0 4 1 0 Thomas, lb.. I 1 0 0 f Shlpke, 3b...,M...,M.,. 0 1 I . 0 C Ootid In., o t 0 0 ( 1 0 McCarthy, p .l 0 0 0 6 0 Totals 80 SIOUX CTTT. 11 AB. ... ... R. IB. P.O. Fremer. Ib. Oil Kelly. ss...... Andrews, 8b... 0 1 1 0 I 2 0 1 0 0 0 11 8 0 0 0 4 Huriburt, rf 1 Mesaerly, lb.. ) Mesaerly, lb.. 1 Lohr, If. 4 Preston, cf...... I Hess, c.......... 4 KoataJ. p...., I Underman 1 Totals M 8 24 13 Lohr out In fifth for attempting to bunt third strike. Batted for Kostal In ninth. mmh ' HMIUM Bioux City 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-2 Earned runs: Omaha, 4; Sioux Clty t Two-base hit: Landermaa. Three-base hite: Howard, Miller. Welch, Hurlburt. First base on balla: Off McCarthy, 4; off Koatal. 1. Sturck out: By McCarthy, 8; by Koatal, t. Loft on bases: Omaha, 1: Sioux City. 0, rouble plays: Oondlng to Shlpke, Dolan to Thomas. First base on errors: Omaha, 2; Sioux City, 1 lime: 1:83, Umpire: Keefe! St. Joseph Bosy la the Eighth. BT. JOSEPH. May -t. Joseph won from Penvt-r this afternoon by a score of t to 4. St Joseph tied the acore In the seventh and hit Vollendorff for two safe onee In the eighth Inning, sooting the win King run. Attendance, 481 Scots; It H XL St Joseph ..... 10 0 00081 -S IS ( ner M M I 1 I Nil I Batteries: Hodson and McConnelL Vol lendorf, Lucia and Hessler. Dea HafiM Tmtomm trtrmt naa. tEd MOINES. Mir 90. Dea Vfnln.a m the first game of the series with Colorado cpringa. oopec s wnaness ana clean hit ting were responsible for the victory. H kopec retired in the sixth, after giving ua men area puses to nrst, ana was suc ceeded by Savage, who fared little better. ifi juoines.... ouvijoiaa a Colo. Springs. 101600000201 Batteries: Dea Mnlnaa TJaflaM mnA tl Clarke; Colorado Gjtriuga, BkMpeo, Savage MU CftWWftill. Slaadlno; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P.C, Colorado Springs, Denver Ht. Joseph Omaha Dea Moines........ 12 S .167 19 8 ,7 12 10 .643 10 18 .4. 10 14 .417 1 . .U ....28 ....21 ....24 ....21 sloux City ttamu todav: Bloux Cltv at Dmaha nr yer at St. Joseph, Colorado Springs at GAMES If THH RATIOKAI. US AG I! B Pfrfaactory Ptoldlagr Helpa Brooklya to Lose a Gasne. ST. LOUIS. May tO.-O'Nelll pitched a uninani game many ana anut out Urookiyn. fteldy pitched a good game for, Brooklyn,' but was badly handicapped by slow field log. Attenaanoe, 2,aV0, Score: H.rf.O.A.g I K.H.O.A.B. Danlsavr, . Bhackkrd, If.. I 1 shannon, rf.. lacklay, lb.. 1 11 isoot, ef 11 ll.umlsj, it... 2 4 o; iohija, CI s 1 1 I Dillon, lb.... 1 VHUrsos, la... 1 1 1 Dabb. St. 114 1 IkleCoraVs, Ik I I israis, as 1 I rarrsll, Ik., rli, lb.., Oradr, a Ofcalll. .Ill .1 . 8 J . 1 IHarsaa, I 1 I UU.d. p., ToUls 4 I ITU l Totals I It 11 I Pt Louis 00000018 4 Brooklyn .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Earned runat fit. Tula fl Tan-haaa hliat Pooba, ONelll, Hwcklay, Bmoot, lirain. Bucrlfice hltsi O'NelU, Grady, btolen baaei IubL. lilt by pitched ball: Uy Reldy, Far- frell. Flrat base on bulla: Off O NallL 8 truck out: by O'Neill, 4: by Reldy, t ft on basea: St. Louis. T; Brooklyn, 8. lime: 1:21. Umplrei Moran. ClaelaaMt Waa Golaa; Sdbbo. .CINCINNATI, May 20. Roth's single In the ninth aloua saved FhllndolpMa from being shut out without a hit Attendance, Ksuu. boo re: CINCINNATI. I W H O A.g Haxilaa I I IS Toi Iteulla, If.... 114 Ulaa CINCINNATI. I PK(tAi)EU"HlA. a.H.o.A.m sf... t -a- in i i i sob. Ik. . . Hal 1.7 , lb.... 1 I It Wow.rt'a, lb Kraour, tt Sf .. 1 I S Hoth. s... as., t 1 i 4 Titus, rf.. torcoraa, Odarall. H 1 0 Dor la, lb. WooSrsa. Ib. I t I I rails, s I o nun, it.., lllilalL as.., aWpar, a I J ToUI....,'.l It IT 11 U..h. a... Ura.k'dga, P- Totals 1 14 It T Cincinnati 4 1 0 8 0 1 1 1 10 Philadelphia 000000 00 0 Two-base hit: Woodruff. Home run: Husglns. Stolen bases: Odwall, Uleaaon, Hall. Double play: Oloaaon to Hall to Doyle. Flrat b'ise on halls: Off Harper, 8; off Lush. 2: off Urackenrldce, L Sacriiloe hltal HuKifln, Odartll, Ixjniiru Struck out: liy Harper. I; by Lush, 1; by llrackun ridge, 1. Uniui 1:4b. Umpire) 2Uramsr. Baas Eaters Are Oatsaatehed. PITTSIiUHU, May 20. lioHton was out. clnaated at ewry point Attendance. 2.UU, Score: 7 rrrriuiKO. , boston, a m o. a I a.H o a e t cL 1 I 1 Oalar. sf I t 4 t Clerks, II 14 1 latmar. lb.... I I I I I 1 Ab laublo. ss. I I I 1 t Coolar, If.... t t I t Ui.u...ir. lb 1 1111 laut, lb.... Ill vvasiiar, as... 1 1 I Bakiius, rf. .. 1 Hrsualold. lb t I II hn.tt., la... 11 yiuipa. s 1 1 I Lravar, s 1 1 rmuuius. a .t haifmw. lb.. t 1 I mm., v w a a a . rf... t 1 t 1 , 1.1 III ..- tit S Maoall. rf . Niadtiaia, Willis, Totals. Totals I II It 11 1 I I 14 at I Pittsburg M 1 I I 1 f 0 1 1 liostun OOllOvOOO-i Two-base hits: Krsnelleld, Ielahsnty. Three-bauie hit: fWagnt-r. Hnrrlft.e hits: Tviiney, Huymer, Wulls. Flrat base on Iwiiai OS leaver. 2; off Willie, I. lilt by i.ilclied ball: Leaver. Wugmr. Siruck out: liy lver, 1; by Wlllla, I. WI1J pitch: Leaver. Time: 1.40. Umpire: O'lAay. . Teaaaa Play to the Maalt. CHIOAUO. May 80. -The locala noaed New Turk out of nral ulnce In an excit ing ulue-laulus) liiilaU. liulto tcaius llaysd to th limit the wnrw of Tinker being es pecially a-ooa. Attonaaram, S.1UU. aoore; CMicaoo. lit YORK. a o a h o. a a. Wlrasr, sf....a tie t BTasnahse. Bf 4 I 4 PaaT. lb 1 t 1 a Dot tls. Ib. ... 1 t f Cbasaa, Ik... t 1 H4KU, ta.. I I I I Kuss. U 111 Manas. K....I 11 Jim rt t II a.Metora'h. at 4 Irni. to. t lit I'lokl, at..., I rr.v.m. .... 14 1 lotibsft, Ik,... til Tinkar, as.... T I IWiiw, a.... t I wt, a,... I Maibiasaa, p4 1 I t. a.... J J el: Is I T n 14 N Touts I t It 14 II Totals..... I Winning run with on out I u Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 88 New York 0080000 0-2 Left on bases: Chicago, C; New Tork. S. Three-bane hit: Mertes. (Stolen oaees Chanre. Even McCdrmirk. Double play Warner to DaM-n. Struck out: By Walmar S- hv Mmhrwaon. 1. Fsaeod ball Warner. First base on balla: Off Welmer, 7; off Mathewson. 4. Time: 1:40. Lmplres Johnstone and Emails. Btaadla of the Teaaaa. Pl.veJ. Won. Lost P. C. Chlro 27 II -J t'inrlr.nuli 29 1 10 .606 New Tork 2 17 8t. Loula 25 11 11 .oM Kronklvn 27 12 la .444 llttsbura 24 11 .4 Boston 2 10 PhlladelDhla 24 t 18 .2UI Qsmea today: Boston at Pittsburg. New Tork at Chlraco. Philadelphia at (Jincin natl, Brooklyn at St. Louis. GAMES U THE AMKHICAS LKAGl'K Bsatoa Haada Expoaltloa Crowd Baaeh of Ctrelea. BOSTON. May 20. Boston bunched seven of their nine hits In ths sixth and the eighth innings today and shut out St Louis i to a l neen ne a tne visitors to tnree scattered nlnx es and Boston s fleldlnx mis plays were not costly. The fielding of Wal lace and Hemnhlll and Padden's base run ning were r nature a. Attendance, I.RXJO. etcore: BOSTON. I rr. tours. K H O A K.H.O.A B Dnaflwrtr, If I I I olnurkstt, If... I rolllns. lb... 1 11 llHeMrtrk, cf.. I lukl. cf I I PTMmSB. rf .. t I 1 Hrmpblll. rf.. 4 I Wsllses. as., t 4 4 O-N.lll, as.... Ill li Jonas. Ik Lsrhance, lb. II rrris, lb... ( I f.rrtlL e 41 Hill, ib., II 111 kit PsdasD. lb.. Kusdsa. a... biases, p I flslTsr, p.... 1 I Total I ItTll 4 Totals. .. ... IH1I Boston ..0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 St Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Stolen bases: Heldrick, Psdden. Hit by pitched ball: By Solver, Lachance. Struck out: uy in neen. i; by Beiver, i ime; 1:27. Umpire: Connolly. There Is Joy la Washlatoa WASHINGTON. May 20. Washington shut out Detroit today, 8 to 0, owing to Pattens fine pitching. Attendance, ?M. Score: . WA8HIM0TOM. I DETROIT. B.H O A I a.H.O.A.B Morsn . SS....1 111 WBsrrstt. el.... I Coushlla, lb.. 1 I I O.M'-intrra, ir.. a llHoblssoa, Ib. 1 jcrtwlord, rf.. t 0 Oramlns'r, Ib 1 4 I B-lbs.h. If... I I 1 t 1 Drill, c. ...... Ill Uarnldr. rf... i "it.' I I McCorm's. 2b I I 1 Csrr. 8uhl, lb til Orth, cf 1 Psoas, p C OO'tssxy, as. wood. a... I 0itoU, .. Frry. p... Kllllsa, p. MulUa ... Totals. I It 11 I 1 Totals.. , I 24 II I Mullln batted for Kllllan. Washington 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Drill. Carr. Stolen bases: Moran. CouKhlla (2). Sacrifice hits: C aldy. Double plays: Mclntyre to Carr, wood to Qremlnxer. Crawford to carr. First base on balla Off Patten, 4; off IP.nv ft k III.. 1 ai..lr Milt TJ ,7 Patten, 8; by Stovall, L Loft on bases: vyasnngxon, e; ietroit, u. vt ua pjtca Ferry. Time, 2:00. Umpire, Sheridan. Story In Twelve laalaga. NEW TOBK. May . New Tork de feated Chicago In a twelve-Inning game to day, I to i. xne winning run was scored by Oanzel's double and lhoney's safe hit Attendance, s,uw. ecore: hEW TORK. I CHICAOO. a.H.O A.E I R.H.O.A KmIst. rf.... 1 4 0 Holmss. If.... I t Pints, cf 1 1 I Jonas, of..... 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 U 1 I 1 I 1 I . , , . Williams, lb. I 1 1 I 1 Dsvla, ss..., Andarsoo, If somas, n.... 1 0 Iwiotaua, lb Cosror, as.. Osnsall, lb. 1 I IT 0 t 0 Isbcll. 2b. .... 1 Ib I... 1 Tbonsy, lb. Tannablll, M cO a Ira. c. I 1 Sulllvsn, WblU, p. Cbrsbro, p.. I Touts. i mil i Totals. . I 111 U I None out whan winning run was made. New Tork . .1 0001000000 1-S Chicago ....0 OVOOQ01100 V J Left on bases: New Tork. 7; Chlcagq, 1 'i wo-oase nits: uansei, wmta itome run: Oansel. Stolen bases: Keeler, Fults, Davis, Isbell. Sacrifice hit: Jenes. Double play; Isbell to Davis to Donahue. First baae on balls: Off Chesbro, 2; off White, 8. Struck out: By Chesbro, l; by White 3. Time: 2:U0. umpires: uwyer ana Jung. Bl Hits Their Losg Salt PHILADELPHIA, May 20-Henley was Ineffective and retired In favor of Bar- thold. who held Cleveland itown to one hit Long hits by both clubs were a fea ture. Attenaanoe, e,Us. score: CLEVELAND. I i'Uii-AXlELPHIA. a.H.ck.A.a K.H.O.A.B. K.H.O.A.B. Bar. of. I I 1 Hartsst, If. . I 1 Lwah, U 1 2 Bradlay, Ik... I 4 I Lsjola, is.... 114 1 nick, rf 1 1 Hickman, Ib. 1 1 I 1 cbwsru, lb, I Basils, a 1 I Moore, p...-. I rickarlnf. at. I I I DstIs. lb.. 1 V U Cross, Ik. t lioOmsn, rf. 0 Murphy, 2b. t Croaa, as.... 1 ruwars. a..., Hanlay, p..., Bartuold. .. Uhrack I Totals.. I in i I .Totals, . I It 11 Batted for Barthold In ninth. Cleveland 0 8 2 0 2 1 0 0 Philadelphia 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Two-base bits: Lush, Shreck. Three-base nit: any. noma runs: mcuman, Davia, Hoffman. Sacrifice hits: Bay, Pickering, Luxh. Left on bases: Cleveland, 6; Phila delphia. . First base on balls: Off Moore, 2; off Burthold, 8. Hit by pitohed ball: Powers. Wild pitch: Moore. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Carpenter and O'Loughlln. Btaadlua of the Teaaaa. Played. Won. Lost P. C. Boat, ton 2 7 .? 16 10. ..600 16 11 .677 13 a .Mi 16 14 .617 11 14 .440 10 17 .20 t 1 .202 New Tork , 25 , 24 24 2 , 24 Philadelphia Cleveland ... Chicago .... St. Loula ... Detroit Washington Games today: St. Loula at Boston, De troit at Washington. Chicago at New York, Cleveland at Philadelphia. v OAMtfil IB AM IG RICA If ABSOCIATIOBJ Kaaaaa City Pitches- BnTeotlvo Wkts Iadlaaapolla laat Roady. KANSAS CITY. May ta Kanxas City batted Newlln hard and he was given poor support, particularly In the third Inning. Durham was effective when, there were men on bases. Attendance, 7U0. Score: aaoiAt CITT. , INDIANAPOLIS. H.o.A.al a.H. oa. a Hill. rf. I 1 I t Hocrlarsr. Ill II M VauBurso. If. 1 Nanoa, cf I Bonnar, lb,. 1 h ran. s 1 I Hrrdoa. lb... t t UiyCnrj. ef. I 1 1 tlaandar, If... 1 t I t Carr, Ib atosis'ary, Ik 1 1 I 1 Barrr, a.... I I t Dicker, lb.. 4 Damoat ss, I tlN.wlls, a.. 1 I 1 Murpnr, lb. Vtntm. as. 1 1 Dsioau, p., Totals 10 14 17 I II Totala I I M I I Kansas City 10828000 10 Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 08 Earned runs: Kansas City. 8: Indian apolis, 2. Two-baHs hits: Murphy, liog- riever, Mccreery (2), Bwander. Tliree-base hit: Montgomery. Bacrlilce bits: Nance, Bonner. Flrat base on balls: Off Durham. 8. Struck out: By Durham, 7; by Nowlln, 4. lilt by pitched ball: Dickey. Passed ball: Ryan. Left on baaea: Kansas City, In; Indlitnanolis. 12. Tims: 1:40. UmDlre: Hoillduy. Bosnefhlnar Dropped at St. Paal. ST. PAUL. Mav 20. fit Paul fell nn Dorner In the second Inning, when an error, a baae on bulls, a double and seven singles netted them ela-ht runs. Attendance. 1 '2ji Soorei BT, TAUU I COLVMBOB. a. II. O A B.I R.H.O.A B. t t 1 t Jeoas, cf. rf . . t'lliismaa, ss. I 1 I 'iWrlslsr. Ib i t 1 U 11 II Jackson, rf... 14 1 rriai, lb. t Whoalar. ir... Ill Klhm, lk 1 riyater, sf.... t O'tlrlaa, lb.. 1 K.iiir. lb..,. I 1 10 Martin, u.... s IrlJ.w.ll, aa. t ft, a dliuoaea, a., .wiaar, p.... t Marlon, Ib. ulllvsa, s. (larks, ... aeaatuaa, p. ,111 III It lit Totala..,. .It M tl M Total 1 4 M 11 I 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 0U St Paul.. Columbus 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6-1 Two-base hlta; Jones Sullivan Jackson. Wrlaley. Kelfi.y. Hacrinc hlta: (llusman (li. O Iirlon. laiuble play: Wrlg. ley to lirldeweU. Stolen bases: Cllngman, ( lyuier, Jncksun, Jones. sUrui-k out: By MKBions, a: oy iKirner, 1. nrst base on balla: Off Beaalona. off Dorner. i. WIIH oh; Seaslo:ial l)rnor Paaaed balli Clark. mi a. 01. fc. iiiii m, jiari. I'asplro Chaagee Beers. MILWAUKEE!. Mar 20. After Mllaauk nan j 01-ao oraten u to 1 in the eighth today, Itmtilie Bauswine called a foul against O'llara. The Toledo playera re inonai rated and the umpire fined Hums M and ordered him off the grounds Whn Durno 1 of used lu leave Umpire iiauswliie gave the game to Milwaukee by a score of s to a Attenaanoe, sbu, ttcorei milwai aaa Toumo. L t1!"'- 1.1411 rtv-kar, SB...1 I 1 I 10 Kara. M.Y'lt IS O-Bnaa. .. 1 etoas. sa.....t T I Clsrta, k.....l I i Haaalloa. lb.. I E i7Ui;--i ! ! 1 BtA. .! Hasablll, af..l I t tjitD0ii. ( B.'o-a. U...I I J ,. b..M. 111 latterr. a.... I T I 9 Brews, a 1 14 1 trtcklao. .1 J J a,H.iaaaa. !... t J J UlTIIU tl Totala .....a Iti II ..T, 00 when game was called. mi wauke 1 2 8 1 0 8 -U loisuo s 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 iwo-base hits: PennelL HemphUl (2), Bateman. Stolen basea: Schaefer, Slat- r, omciinL sanrince nit: riiatiery, vu oaus: utr Strlcklett 1: Off Rel tL "truck out: By Strlrklett. 8; by Relsllng, . Ift on bases: Milwaukee, if; juiruo, a. iime: ia Umpire: Bauswlna Bat at the Right Time. MINNEAPOLIS. May 20.-The Loula TUies won the nrst same of the series to 4. Opportune batting won for the vial. lura. Attenaance, 2,0uu. Score: LOCISVILLE. MINNEArOtia BH.0AEI IJ.O.t.l Karvta, rt.. l 1 1 a t'Pox. rb 1 11 11 tMaloaar. rf...l 111 Hallman, ct...t Hart, U l lit tSuillTsa, ef...t I 111 t'roultar. If.... II lit WasTvr, a. .. 141 III ULallr. lb 1 111 111 tOTt.r. as 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I McNIcbola, lb. Ill It rord. a 1 Arndt, lb. 1 Daater, lb....l Krasbasr. Ik.. I Wfctts. s t umalaa, as....t Lauisboll, a... faoay, Uslie Total lauey. p a I a a fosala ...t sea Total .4 nil Batted for Maloney in ninth. Louisville 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 Minneapolis 1 111000 Two-base hits: Pox. Maloney. Brashear. Arndt, Dexter. Hallman. Base on balle: off Ford. 1: off Bailey, 2. Struck out: By Campbell, 1; by Ford. 1: by Bailey, 8. Sac rifice hlta: Maloney. Oyler. Hallman. Bra- anear. etoien bases: White, Hallman. wiia Ditch: Ford. Double nlava: famnbell to Dexter Arndt, Brashear to Dexter. Left on oases: Minneapolis, l; Aouiavuie, lu. lime; 2:W. umplrei Pears. Btaadlaa; of the Teasns. Played. Won. Lost PC, St Psul .. 2K U 10 ,ei Columbus 33 14 I 10 12 16 14 14 16 .m Milwaukee .. Indianapolis Ioulsvllle ... Minneapolis Toledo 25 16 28 12 29 14 26 11 22 8 22 8 .600 .620 .443 .440 .JK4 Mi Kansas City Oames todav f!nlumhua at Ht PnuL To ledo at Milwaukee. Indlanaoolla at Kan aaa uty, Louisville at Minneapolis. Crelgbroa Versaa Soalh Dakota. The debaters of Crelshton colless having taught those of the University of South Dakota a few things in the line of forensic art, Crelghton's base ball cggreiratlon now proposes to unfold a few eeorets to the athletes from tho same Institution. The game will be played this afternoon on the crelghton diamond. Hoth teams are in good: form and a rattling fine game Is ex pected. Oame called at 2:30. The lineup: Crelarhton. South Dakota Donahue .... pitcher Fuller Crelgbton ... catcher, jonnson Prendergast ...flrat base..., .second base.. ..third base.... ...shortstop.... ..left field ..center field... ...right field..., Sheldon J. Mullen ... Oa.-vey Lannlgan ... Flckey ... McCarter Hupp L.aniphier ... Overhueu Caasldy . Jurgenson w. Mullen .. .. Newcomb Holy Family Wine. Tha Holv Femllv team defeated tha St Johns yesterday afternoon by the score of 10 to a. Tne game was notiy contested, rne features of the game wert the all around Mavlna- of Kelly, third baserrarn for the Holy Famllys and the steady pitching of MCAnarews ana tne case running or - rtea Linehan for the Holy Famny. The bat teries were: Holy Family, McAndrews and Conlon; Bt'Sohns, Caasldy, Oentleman and Keny. The Holy Famllys would Uke to arrange DBAuroay games wun any team in inv uiiy under 14 years 01 age. Aaaress J. iveajy, 60 North Kighteenth street Omaha. Woodbine Defeats High School. wnODBINE. Ia.. Mar 20. f8neclal.s This town made a record In base ball last year, winning seventeen games out of twenty. The team starts the present sea son with three victories, having previously defeated the Omaha Commercials 16 to 8, the Crelghtons 10 to 4 and yesteraay win nlng from the Omaha High school by a acore of 6 to 4. The high school played a splendid game In the field, but were not so strong as their opponents at tho bat score: Woodbine 1 1040000 Omaha 0 10000088 'Varsity Itlne Takes a Brace. tnwi PtTT T a U.w an Miuwl.l gram.) Iowa juggled with the ball a few times during tne nrst Innine ana urinnen picked up three runs that they did not earn. They were not given a show in from thst time forward, however, and timely hitting throughout the rest of ths game gave a total of six scores for Iowa. The score: - RH.liJ. ra City 1 0101018 Ortnneil ......- 00000000-8 2 ArrsiBsre Bortee of Ball Games. T FT-T TUfllTlf Math Uav M !liwuill Arrangements have been made for a series of eight base ball games between the Sterling and Tecumseh teams, four of wmcn win Do pi a yea in eacn town, ine Orst same Is scheduled for Tecumseh next Tuesday. The Crab Orchard and Teoum sen High school girls' basket ball teams will compete for honors In this city Friday evening. 1 Look lac Ont fntr Oanaes, The Swamp Anel Junior Base Ball club baa reorganised lor the season and lets on that It is sbout the best ever In Its class. C. L. Plummer. 1014 Ames avenue. Is tha trouble arranger and would be glad to mane arrangements for sessions any ttun day morning or afternoon with teams whose members are It ysars old or less. Arneo Wins la Tenth. amvo T. vr... an ii.i.i rt.an, t wonaernuiy poor iase running ana m abllltr to hit whan needed made Ames slay ten innings to win from unnneiL Boere: Ames 0 00101100 14 8 Cornell 2 010000 0 00-802 EVENTS ON TUB RUNNING TKAGKI essaaanBBwaaB . later eat Ooateca ta tho Cfcleagro Derby Which Ooenre Today. CHICAOO. Mar 80. Fourteen of the orU InaJ nomlnatlona which numbered elahly. are listed to start In the Chicago Derby, to be run at the opening day of Hawthorne tomorrow. Outalde of the American Derby the Chloago Derby Is the richest race for l- ear-olds In the west and among ths horaaa Lhat will trr conclusions for the ll&.noo purse tomorrow are some or tne pest colts that have Mood the barrier this year. If tha track Is fast and the Indications to night are that It will be, Knglleh Lad will Eo to the post favorite, hie odds tonight elna; 8 to 1. Princess comes next at 6 to 1, wh la Uie other twelve are strung out at from 8 to 1 to 80 to L Of the fourteen horses caraea to start there are but two that ever had their heads In front of English Lad when the wire was reached. These two. Flower King and Prince Silver Wings, flower King Is . the dark borse In the race, as he has never won. Among the other contests ere Mnharib, winner of the Kansas City Derby; proceeds, winner of the Tennessee Derby; Bill Curtis, winner of the Aaoot Derby 1 Rainland, winner of the Cumberland Derby. ind Elwood, winner or tne Kentucky and ha Laitonla Derhlee. If the track Is fast Proceeds will probably be scratched. Ke- ults at worm: First race, six furlongs! Ulen Uallant won. Triumvir second, Bnergotlo third. Tims: 1:164. Second race, four furlongs and a hatfi Michael Byrnes won, Al Casey second. The Trlfter third. Time: 0:65H. Third race, five furlongs: Komnmbo won, Don Domo second. Sad Sam third. Time) 1:00. Fourtn raoe, one mile ana one-sixteentn; Port Royal won. Hussah second, Dan Mo- Kenna tnlra. 'lime; i:4tifc. Fifth race, one mile and a quarter: Ba rilla won. Compass second, Alma Olrl third. Time: 108. Sixth race, seven furlongs: Emperor of India won, Cardinal Wolsey second, H pen ce r Inn third. Timet 1:. NttW YORK. May 20 -Resulta: First raoe, one mile, Ecllpee course: Olrdle won. Lady Mirthful second, Toung Henry third. Time: 1:41V Second race, five furlongs: The Claimant won, Ksrutcheon second, Lltlka third. Timet 0:60. Third race, Gaiety stakes, four half fur longa: Csaraphlne won. Incantation sec otwf Chrysltls third. Tims: 0:62. Fourth rare, seven furlotigal Hnrtenala won, Tim Payna second, South Trimble third Timet 1:28. Fifth rsca, AVIthers mile: Oo Between won, Charles Klwood second. Trepan third. 11ms: 1.4H. Sixth race, handicap, one mils and a six teenth: City bank won. O rax la 1 10 second, Antly Williams third. Time: 1:44. KANSAS CITT, May 20 Results: First race, five furlongs, selling! Rush Reuben won. Queen L second. Handle Cross third. Time: 1:02. Second rare, rive furlongs, selling Stump town won, Bensonhurst second, Loula Btons thlr.l lime: 1:U2 1 Third rave, seven furlongs, purge) CJulx d'Or won; Bradge second, roncasta third. Time: 1JU. Fourth raoe. four fnrlaan and a half. selling: Boloarno won. Platoon second, Uae- rui kaj uura. Time: 06. llfth race, one mile and torse sixteenths. purse: Iras won, Kile soooad, John the Gu-st third. Time: 2:01. Sixth race, seven furlongs, purse: Mohave won, irreeaiaa aeoond. Laay Chatham third. Time: l.AV ST. LOL1B. May -Raaults: First race, Sve furlongs snd a half, sell ing: Onatanta won. Ulrd Pond second, oiasoo uura. nme: l:li. Second race, four furlongs and a half, selling: Joe Kelly won, Willowdcne second, Pbll Kina third. Tim- I'M Third race, seven furlongs, selling: John II won, Sid Silver second. Pour )ul Pas third. Tims: 1.25. Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap: Elas- iiv won. lower second, taura Hunter intra. Time: 1:20. urtn race, five half furlongs, selling: yelasques won. Radium second. Matt Wad- lelfch third. Time: 1:13.. Sixth race, one mile, selling: Sting won. uaxMBnier second. Hnrena third. rime: 1:47 CINCINNATI, May 20-Resulta: First race, alx furlongs: Combes won. Mlxsenmast second, Henry Muhrmann Ultra. Time: 1 :. Second race, four fnrlnnrn and a half: Ths T brail won. Msnfred second. Black Art third. Time: 0:67. Third race, one mile: Sir Gallant won, Fonsoluca second. Para and Aft third. Time: 1:43. Fourth race. slv flirlnnra! Florence Conao won. Idle second, Oudon third, lime: J- Fifth race, five furlongs: Woodclalm won. Green (town second, Daisy Desn third. Time: 1:03. Sixth race, one mile and fifty yards: Gracious won. Kilraorle second. Briers third. Time: 1:44. BL'OCKglinX HIGH BOHOOL. MEET Thro State Reeorda Broken at Iowa City. IOWA CITT. Ia.. Mar fflrjeolal Tele gram.) Three state records were broken in tne most successful state high school meet ever held by the interstate associa tion. Results: One hundred-Tard dnah: Cohn. Orinnell. first; Banton, Waterloo, second; F. Gates, Capitol Park. Dos Moinaa third. Time: 0:10. Half-mile bicycle race: Tavlor. Fast Dea Moines, first; Heldt West Des Moines, sec ond; Andrews, Council Bluffs, third. Time: 1:22. Half-mile dash: M nates Canltnl Park. Des Moines, first: Andrews. East Dos Moines, second: Miller. Storm Lake, third. lime: 2:0o. Four hundred and forty-yard dash: Hub bard, Ida Grove, first; F. Gates, Capitol Park, second; Banton, Waterloo, third. Time: 0:52, Hammer-throw: Jordon. West Dea Moines, first; Paul, Waterloo, second; Faw cett, Ida Grove, third. Distance: 132.2 feet. Two hundred and twenty-yard dash: Cohn, Grinnell, first; Gates, Capitol Park, second; Mcintosh, third. Time: 0:28.2. - - Hlah hurdles: Bhenard. F.ast Des Moines. first; McCord, West Des Moines, rocond; Barr. Wsst Des Moines, third. Time: 0:1H. Two-mile bicycle race: Hull, Cedar Rapids, first; Taylor, East Des Moines, second; Cabbage, Ida Grove, third. Time: 6J0. Low hurdles: Barr, West Des Moines, first; Stores, West Des Moines, second; Brown, Waterloo, third. Time: 0:28. One mile run: Cook. IndeDendence. first: O'Connell, East Des Molne, second; Bias nahan, Ida Grove, third. Time: 4:61. role vault: bhepard, East Des Moines, Prst; Swingle, Oskaloora, second; Harris, West Des Moinea. third. Helsrht: 10 feet 2 Inches. Shot-Dut: Royal. North Des Moines, first: Russell. Oskaloosa. second: Mumhv. Ida Grove, third. Distance: 40 feet 8 Inches. Discus-throw: Chalmers, Capitol Park, Des Moines, first: Russell. Oskaloosa. sec ond; Jordon, West Des. Moines, third. Dis tance, 101 feet Inches. Hlch lumn: Enarittrom. Marlon, first: Snyder, West Des Moines, second; Plck eroll, North Des Moines, third. Height: 6 leei v4 incnes. nroad lump: Enrstrom. Marlon, first: MUspaagh, Davenport, second; Cohn, Grin nell, third. Distance: 20 feet 10 Inches. Ida Grove won the mile relay, which waa given as an txnioiuon. HIGH SCHOOL DAY AT UNIVERSITY York Carrie OS Honors, with Pawnee Second aad Bootrleo Third. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Mav 20. fSrjeclal Telerram.1 This waa high school day at the university, and royally was It observed, there being probably sou students and instructors nere from out in the state. The visitors were met at the stations by university students. headed by the band, and escorted to F. at M. park, where the contests occurred. Dur mg tne morning a mass meeting was neia at the university to encourage the boys for their go with Minnesota tomorrow and at the same time the high school boys were welcomed to Lincoln In an address by Dean Ward of the university. Responses were mane oy Bupenntenaents otener or York. SteDhens of IJncoln. Fuller of Bea trice ana c at. uraceun 01 tne umana iiign school. The towns renresented in the contests were: Pawnee City, Crete, Beatrice, Heb ron and Fair bury. York won the meet by a total score of 25 points, while Pawnee City landed second with 22 and Beatrice tnira wun zi. 1 The Individual winners were: Wlfdman of York, 100-yard dash; Phslps of Hebron, oie vault; nuns of x orat, haJf-mllo run; emborton of Beatrice. 12o-yard hurdle: Mead of York, running high lump: Duvnf of Fulrbury, hammer throw; Salter of Pawnee, auarter-mlle run: Burnham of Pawnee, mile run; Wlldman of York, 120 yard dash: Lawson of Beatrice, 220-yard hurdle; Christiansen of Crete, running broad lump. Beatrice won the relay, with ra w nee secona. BIG ATTENDANCE! OB SHOOTERS Townsead WIbs State CThaunplOBShla la Staooton. COLUMBUS, Neb., May 20. (Special.) The eighteenth annual meeting of the Ne braska State Sportsmen's aasociation closed very successful three-dsy tournament here today. In point of attendance It Is the largest in several years. Eighty-five shooters from all over ths country entered In the 'various events and at one time there were fifteen squads of five each at the trana The special prize of a 8100 American make shotgun, offered by the Peters Cart ridge company or Cincinnati, waa won hv C. H. Dixon of Jessup, Mo. He carried off the honors by breaking ninety-six blue rooks Out of 100. He may select sny make of American gun listed at 8100. There were others pressing hlra hard with ninety-live preasg to ineir creaii. The state chamolonshlD medal was won f Townsend of Omaha. He and Schroeder r this city tied for first honors, each with twenty-five strala-ht In tha shoot-off Townsend broke twenty-four and Bchroeder twenty-two. Crosby of O'Fallon. Til., save an exhibi tion of fancy shooting, but took no part In tne stRte enroling, captain riarcy or Hyannls gave an exhibition of rifle shooU mg. The following; officers of ths association were chosen at a business meetlns last night: G. A. Mann, president; George W. Maxwell, vice president; A. M. Bernhardt secretary. Tbeae new officers all live at Hastings and that city was chosen as tho place to bold the tournament next year. Brookings IOads la Dakota. HURON. 8. D.. May 20. (Special Tele gram.) The Inter-collegiate athletlo meet closed tnis evening. As was expected, Brookings won most of the prises. Several state records were broken and each event was witnessed by an Intensely Interested throng. The base ball game between Brookings and Yankton resulted In favor of Brookings, 7 to 5. The oratorical con test was won by J. W. Crothera of Mitchell, with Mlas Floy Treadway of Huron second. The two-mile raoe was won by Faulk uson of Brooklnga Saeger of the same college won the 60-yard dash In b seconds and I so the 100-yard dash id 10 seconds. The 440-yard run waa won by Devers of Mitchell in oa seconds. Haeger of xirooainge cioaed with the IVaVyard race In 22 seconds. Ooaapaay A Wtas Drill. LINCOLN. May . (Special Telegram. 1 In one of the most Interesting contests ever pulled off by the University cadets this afternoon Company A, E. D. Stanley of Omaha, captain, won tne Omaha cup. Three companies participated and they finished In the order of their names, A. p, 1 11 wis) inuivuiuai wmnia 1;. u, Skeen, Company B, won first; Arthur Scrlhuer, Company C, Omaha, second, and H . D. -Crltus, Company A, third medal he presentations were by Governor Mickey. The Judges of the contest were: Cap- tslna V A rvwtk C W naatla anA TT t WUUardL A large crowd saw the drill. Ftgrht to a Draw, BALTIMORE. Mav . Marvin Hart of Louisville and Gus Ruhltn of Akron, O., fought twelve rounds to a draw tonla-ht before the Eureka Athletic and Social club. Hart forced the fighting throughout Both man were strong at the twin a. Maaroo ComBdeat of Victory. AN FRANCISCO. May 29. Jack Munroe. I the pugiHai, arrived her today and will go Into training at once for his contest with Champion James J. Jefferles, which Is scheduled for June IT. He expressed himself as confident Vt victory, I FUTURE PROSPECTS IMPROVE Prootat Tra Ooidit'ons Sot Up BUadaxd1 Except ia Spoil to PROGRESS IS MADE IN AGRICULTURE Unless Crops Have (etbaek Farmers W1U Have Good Year aad la destrlals Will Fool tho Stlasalaa. NEW YORK, May XX R. O. Dun and company's weoaly reylsw of trade tomor row win say: Reports of Increased trade are received Tor a few favored points, but the nation as a whole has not Improved Its commercial position during the past week. Insofar as current distribution of merchandise or manufacturing aotivltiea are concerned. Prospects for ths future hsva lmnrnv1 somewhat however, on account of the prog reas made In agriculture. Unless ths crops suffer sn unusual setback hereafter It should be a good year for the farmers and aii otner inauatrles will feel the stimulus. Lake trafllc is seriously InterruDted hv the strike, but otherwise the labor situation is not alarming. Leading branches of manu factures ars extremely quiet, the recent alight gain In iron ann ateel havlna dis appeared, and transporting Interests srs not squalling laat year's results, railway earnings thus far available for May show ing a decrease of ( per cent Although quotstlons of Iron and steal products hsvs yielded little, the Industry Is not making satisfactory progress. In a few lines, notably tin plates and tubes, there is no lack of Inquiry, but the prod ucts are by no means tyoical of the situ ation. Railway equipment Is In need of unusual replacement owing to the severe winter, but there Is still much convertlsm and purchases are generally limited to absolute necessities. Independent mills have taken some concessions in prices of plates, ana there Is a weaker tone In the sheet mar ket, while there Is no pressure for struc tural material at et. Hides of late salting continue In. good demand, branded steers and cows allowing the most strength. Larger receipts of foreign kiln-dried have somewhat depressed f trices. Aside from some activity in hem ock sole sold for export to Great Britain, the leather market has ruled quiet Great demand for footwear. New England foot wear producers report additional contracts for heavy fall goods from eastern Jobbers, but factories are only running about half time on supplementary purchases of sum- mer roods liuyers of woolen ana worstea wear nave shown more interest, rainy numerous supplementary orders being placed. runures mis wcck ntimDerea z. in tne United States, agnlnst 191 iast year, end-12 In Canada, compared with 14 a year ago. WEATHER HMOTHERS BUSINESS Retards Spring Dlatrlbatloa find Holds Back Germination. NEW YORK, May 20. Bradst reefs will say tomorrow: Weather conditions are still the anna rent drawback In the trade and crop situation. Temperatures have been too cool to allow of free distribution of spring and summer goods st retail and they likewise retard germination and growth of crops, tliough permitting good progress In needing n var oua sections of the country. In Jobbing Circles the feeling la that tha spring , trade Is past and tone and efforts ere now con centrating on fall business, reports as to wnicn are rainy good, tnougn not equal to a year ago. Some faint evidences of Improvement ere to be noted, particularly In the ahos and leather industry, and in wool at . western grlmary markets, but against this are ro e cited further weakness In Iron, rather mora quietness In lumber and talk of fur ther curtailment In cotton rr.ills production. The industrial situation Is rather quieter, but the most serious strike of the season, that of masters and pilots of lake vessels, continues. This has practically killed transportation on the lakes and the coal, ore, lumber and grain trades exhibit the effect of the almost total stoppage of the activities of over 100,000 men.- Railway earnings show re cessions from last year. At eastern mar kets wholesale trade In dry goods Is of moderate proportions, though symptoms of Improvement are not entirely absent Rather more Is reported doing In hides this week and a fractional advance Is reported. Perhaps the most pronounced weakness shown by any one product Is that noted In Iron. Among the -finished products bar Iron Is lower at the west, although reported held steady at the east Present feeling fer ft A JTr r?-f MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY If TOUM sWr doss wo koep thtrn, vrite "a. viU toll yt who doe. Lewis A. Crossett. Inc HOITTH AIHCT02f, MASS. iiefisis for -cjelj The time to secure ths servlcos of a doctor Is when you realise you have violated nature's law and that your health Is worth aa effort to regain. Pon't wait until you are foroed to pay the penalty. Negleot on your part simply entices complications and per mits ths disease to become more deeply ssated, necessitating a more expansive course of treatment Why Jeopardise your future health and hap plneas by deferring treatment and neg lecting a duty you owe to yourself, and especially to the future genera tions T If you ars ailing coma' to our off! 00 and consult us privately. We have cured quickly, safely and thoroughly Stricture. Varicocele, Emissions, Nery -Sexual Debit I tr. v Impotency, Blood PoIboo (Syphilis), WMt la Urine, Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of men duo to Inheritance, evil habits, self abuse, excesses or fns result of speolflo or private diseases. CONStlHIION IBtE TTJtiASSSSi STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I308 Fa rn am Sf., Bet 1 3th and 14th Sta.. Omaha, IN'eb. la that pier trow prodnrtlon e lerge em tsderlng prsasnt demand and curtailment similar to that made last fall Is not tm prolable. The oti:er metals are sd rsthr weak, copper bMng lower both at home and abroad, and load being duU and heavy at a alia-ht rianlllUL Wheat Including flour, exports for the week ending May 1, aggregate LZS.ibt buah!e, against 7M.73 bushels last week, 8 2)4,172 bushels this week last year .1M.- bushels In 1201 and irTt.OM bushels In 1ML From July 1. Ip. to date they aggre gate 124.8A0.1&4 bushels, sgalnst IS., 134 bushels last season. 224.i.in bushels In l2 and lns.TOO.m bushels In 1M1. Corn exports for the week aggregate 118 137 bushels, against 121.164 bushels Isst week, l.f04.1W bushels a year ago. 80 bushels In IM and 2.20tMS bushels in IfcJl. From July 1, 1, to date they aggregate 4714114 bushele, against O.l2.0n2 last sea son, 24. .15,171 bushels In 102 and 1M.618.4.0 bushels In 19n. , At . Business failures In the t nlted States for the week ending with Msy 1 number 215. against 2m last week. 156 In the like week In lffl, 182 In 1MB, 193 In lul and 17 In 1900. Failures In Csnada for the week were eleven, against thirteen last week and thirty this week a yesr sgo DAY FOR SMASHING OF HECORDB State Normal Wins from Coo by Small Marsrla. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., May 20 (Special Telegram.) The State Normal school won the fifth snnual Iowa Intercollegiate field meet by two points from Cos. Nine rec ords of the association were broken, five by Coe. Results: 100-yard dash: Normal first Coo second and third. Time: 0:10. Pole vault: Cornell first. Normal sec ond. Luther third. Height: 10 feet 7 Inches. . Shot put: Norma! first, Luther second, Penn third. Distance: 26 feet 8 Inchea One ml e relay: Cornell nrst normal second. Coe third. Time: 8:36, 220-yard dasn: Normal nrst t-oe second nd tl Ird. Time: 0:22. Half-mile run: Normal first and second. Penn third. Time: 2.-03. , Broad lumn: Upper Iowa university nrst. Coe second. Normal third. Distance: 20 feet 0 inches. Hammer throw: Coo first ana eeeonn, Luther third. Distance: 110 feet Inches. 120-yard hurdle: coe nrst ana secona. Cornell third. Time: 0:17. High Jump: Normal first, renn socona and third. Height: S feet 7 Inches. 44J-yrd dali: Normal first. Cornell sec ond, Penn third. Time: 0:02. Discus throw: Coe first, Normal second, Penn third. Distance: S7 feet 6 Inches. 22-yard hurdles: Coe first. Normal sec ond snd third. Time: 0:26. One mile run: Coe flrat. Normal second, Penn third. Time: 4:34. Two-mile run: Coe fli-st and second. Nor mal third. Time: 10:16. H4lf-mlle relay: Coe first. Normal sec ond, Cornell third. Timer 1:25. Totals: Normal. 47; Coe, 45; Cornell, 19; Luther, 4; Penn, 8; Upper Iowa university, In the second day of the Intercollegiate tennis tournament singles Monette of the Upper Iowa university defeated Belden of nrinnell. s-2. 7-S. Holbrook of Ames de feated Smullln of Coe. -l. 6-8. Holbrook of Amos defested Monette. 6-4. 6-2. 2-6. 6-8, 6-0. giving Ames the state championship In singles. With tho Bowlere, On the Omaha Bowling association alleys Carter's I-X-L team gave tha world's champions, the Excelsiors, quite a scare, as tney tnougnt iney saw toe nrst otirai. Only for a little hard lurk In the last game they would have won. '1 he same teams will bowl one week from tonight. Score: EXCELSIORS. 1st. 2d. 2d. 222 180 W7 232 154 K6 Total Frltscher . Hodges ... Sprague .. Chandler .. Huntington 230 193 646 2 JO 21S 192 197 632 182 206 228 671 630 674 3055 Totals 1082 1917 CARTER'S I-X-L' 8. 1st. 199 218 2U2 1 203 ' 2d. 186 179 204 162 191 Id. 160 217 201 206 194 Total Clay Marble Brunke Den man 646 t14 vn 663 m Carter Totals .1017 822 878 917 Divide Tenala Honors. LINCOLN, May 2WSp.olaI Telegram.) Honors were even !n the first Cay's play of the tennis-tournament between lNebrasga and - Minnesota. ,-.. Cassldy of Nebraska was defeated by Warner . of -Mlnneeota, by 8-e, f-S, but the letter's team mate, Thompson, lost to ftarlbnar of Nebraska In a closely con, tested match, the boo re standing 7-6, 4-6, ' Nebraska expects to1 win ths 'doubles' to morrow, while tho singles are generally conceded to Warner ox Minnesota. aw pass hundreds of eases which hay been abandoned by other physlolaua and so-called experts; cases which have Veen aggravated and made worss by oaperlaaeatal treatment aaa alek ears soheaaea. We cure theae difficulties after all others have failed, because we know exactly how to go about It and what la required to do the work In eeoh Individual case we undertake, hence we are pot obliged to resort to experiments. Tears of practical experience, thou sands of dollars spent In researches snd an Immense practice have en abled us to evolve a system of treat ment that has revolutionised the medical world In ths treatment and ours of pilllllllllillllllllllllU Exceptionally tho most uniform, eld and mallow whiskey Lb Hunter IBaltimoreRye In quality and flavor It la tha finest and matures! whiskey maoo. M at all Irat-alsaa cafes an T '. Wa. LAJtAHAX a SUM, Saltlaiara. aVa. TTTTTTTTfTTVuTTTTTTTTTTTT SEARLES & SEARLES Omaha. Neb. CURES GUARAKTEED Quicken W for LESS MONEY than Mher SPECIALIST. Cures all special dlseata., of men kidaoy, bladlir v ., vt ad diseases of worn j 1 cared for life soon every ei go avidDtom. aorea oa sody, ii Elood Poison mouth, tongue, throat hair and eyebrowa, (falling t.u disappear complete! forever. Varl-nca VaiRt mpuied. enlarged and fcaol laluDSfl lllQ ty veins cared altboulcut tjig, pain or loss of time.. Never falls. Quickest cure In the world. , Weak, Menrous Men debility, early decline, la ok of vigor and Strength. Treatment by n.ell. 14 ye- re CF 8VO CE3SPVL PRACTICE IN OftiAHA. Cor ner of 1th and Douglas YOU WON'T CARfi f OR OROINACY civtMPAOME Arrrw yoj try v ONE POTTLE OF Watla- SEIIVEO EVERYWHERE "RAILWAY TIME CARD t'VIOBf BTA1MC' lCaTl iiHJO HAftCY. Chicago, nook Islsod A Facile. BAST. lam Arrtva Cbleaso DarllcM tlmltad.......a I'M aa a S:H sal Chioaca aMrllxst Local T:H sax s :M sw Cttkaea Bas-aaa , 11:1a aat tin m !Ke Motoea SAfcpaaa a I M s SU:M IS Calcaaa rsat iiiptsaa t.tt am a 1SJ pa Aeakr atoantala UaVud a T4 a ..a f : Ss L seals, Colorado BiTlaga, Dan- , vsr. fnabla aad st.. a 1 :M ssi ,a l.-Si sax lSiaa. CallfomUa aa4 Of laaesBa - nrar . .-.-a.uiaa us:as aei Caloa fa el Be. Tat OvarlwiS UaUte ...a t.M am a tm Tba fast Mall tl Hia a :M sa Tkt Csllti-rala Bnilsaa :.......a J sax Tb Atluua tPMlt, I'M so TM pMtlssS-Cllcssa tpaelsj...a t;M fax tI M K Ths Al.aollc Basiaas f.W P Tbr CoWrado Iswlal all.Nial Sla Tha Cklesu ra-Ul , a l.s aa Liuoeia, Baatnaa sag vross- kar Cap rasa a a la aix:a m Osiaabas looal b k a Chioaao alt Kortk wscterau Fast GMcsaa .. t 4S ssi a f BX m toaal Ohleasa all :M ata aUU tlillla ll:Hu Loctl Ileus Oltr k Kjllfht SL aaat.. ul:R,a alO tf ri xrliiat bloaaa . .a f aai aii:xa tm tautaa Ckioase a ...... ..a N m :li aaa aat Cbloaso ........ t:MI a ' 1.41 OJ aosI Ckiuasa ............ .a 4 :1a pm fast St. yaul t:li sax t IK ia ft. Faul aUgina. S S:Si sot aat Mall 6 1:M but aeal alaux Otty .. as M a M aai ortolk aaa Sonataa. ... a S O sat M0:M am Isasla sad toes fuia e a a as lv:lt aia aaawoeS, liet atrlaga aa - - Ltaaola tlSia tKlia Caspar sat Wramlns Itiw...! I M m 'a pai Baatlasa aapsnar aaa A'ba.. i s not k is pai j C'aleaajo, UUwaaaeo at t. Isual. Calests Dajllsht 1 4a box aUJS pa Cbicata Fast Kxasasa a r pa t l:U ym Oaarlaaa Ualta4 '. pa a r:M pa Daa Molaaa Kxprasa. 14 aa a :! pa llliaola CeatraX. Ckioase Expraaa alia ,a CaiUlM aiiiaasevwUS SS Bt Paul UalteS a Tsa e ilia MlaaaapolU It Faal ax..b 1:Mu bl0:U pa lilaaonrt Faeaaev it. Laals Bxprsaa aU S ta I N ta t, C 4 II, Louis grass JM pa a f .00 aa Wsrla's Fair Spaatal afJtpa UlMts t bleaae Great Westers, it. Paal as Mlaaaapells LatU it Uia it, Paul aa MlaaaapolU au...a f M aa a I SI pa, Cbtcasa Limits a 4 M pis ait.M aa St. Paal, Mlaa. CkJuasa Bm. I:M pa Ckleaas Kxprasa .... 4X aaa a a. 9 pa VVakask. m. Laaia Caaaea Bair Ux.. I J pas a t.st aa it. IsMtia Local tee. a;aaal.... a i.u aa al.a pa Rt HUIQTOI STATIOX lOTB trSOX Ckleaso, Bawlxsvsrtoa ttuAiaop. axxva . Atva. rkloase iaaaial al .ooaa tlita Calcase VtaUbalad Kxprasa.. ..-s t.M pa at:Maa CuIcbbo Laoal A 1:11 ta U 00 pa Cbleaso Llallad .......... .....a 14S pa a 1:40 pa Vast stall I.al pa Kaaaaa Cltr, St. Jeaeoh a Co. BlSTs. Kaaasa Ottp Da Biprass a 4 14 sa 4 pa c Loels r.t- .at.apa Us) aa Kaaaaa lt Mlckt Bspnaa 14-4 pa a aa Karllsilaa a Jtilaaonrl Hlvor, Wraara, ttaalrlao aai Uaaala.a Itdts hil'M pa Kablaslia Ksavass tl'WlS !Mta IMaaar IJml'a ..a.lOpui l 11 M kMauk Hills Pusot Soaai Ex.t J M pal a 04 pa Coloiads VasUMiU lar a 40 pm LIbooIb Paat Mai. S 1:47 pa all 04 pa Vert Cross aa Plalaaoutk....b 110 pa b:0. aa balla, ua as Pasila uucUou...a 3 a pa a t.4f is ailavua aa pcls Jtmitloa.. I 44 a WEBSTER DEPOT JaVTH s WEBSTER Mlssoort FaolSo. tatra, AniTs. Hab, local, vU Wasplae Watar.S i0 a al; U pa Chleaaje, it. l'aal. Ulna, ok Wauaba. ' , Twla tttr Psasassar S 4 aa aa b I IS pa ileus CUr raaaauaar a I ao pa HIS aaiaaa Lacal I tm b i aa a Dallr. b Dallr exaapt la4,r. Dsllr oMopt Saiardaf. a Dallr axoapt ataiMaj. OCKAN STEABSHIFS. cc:.:?ag;:ie gelirale TRANSATLAHTIOUK Frannti 1.1 aa. Maw Tork to Fana "Is Ira Oalllnga a vary Taaradar 41 1U aaa La Toarslsa Juse I La Bavols Juna La Lorrsloa Juaa La t baiupasot JUD La Oasccsuo uoa 14 La Uurraiua July 1 slaw, Btosara. sisaaila ti-acraw aoa ai. Mam: Bsval uSquV tiual-ttf ciaoipilna. Loaaoiii's vaatlMila Ualaa, tlarraail 4 buuis AsaiaMrrjr B aaoraa, lawi nnua ., . aaaa. Klrsl hat' I Msuk. a A. Auuortur. UU luus St., KocB Isaas ml. SJICMOa LLKB V. a aAIl, ITaUaUHIPt. Saw TOKK. UWDOMUKRRT AMD OLAMOst, KBW TOaK. OISKA1.TAK AMO MAPLM. , I.. mi niiasl ssiaiaa Tss SaWiMt a saaaaason aoralsllr oouolaaraa. sBle aa rouB trip Uabata batwaaa k.alla. lri Aua ail Bfiu, Na Tars aa SisWa. Kasllab. Inab su ail prlaatpal SaBdlsaflaa aa b.nu.1 i.nl nt. .1 .itraut.va ralM. Saa lav f Tosrs. ror ucaau or sa&sii m,s Is aar loral apaat at tko Autu Lias sf to atAMCaaSVii SMCS Voa'l aaoBta. asaasa aas .. -vr::.y wmm I ft A