TTIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 20. 1904. din linn i .lu PIM1 A fit ns a rents lor Dr. Reed' Cushion Sols Shoo Green Trading Stamps All the Time Watch for Lace Curtain Sale. Watch for Lace Curtain Sale. ssr JR5) A fce.'e Clothing rvn rr 9 THIi RKM1BLB ITURG. 10 Li Bargain FridayGreat Special REMNANT SALE IN THE BASEMENT. Fine 4 0-Inch India Linens and Victoria New lot hams In I.awnn. worth 6lc checks nnd In rue corded efTt'tB, worth 2Sc, yd... ?v.rr. 2 nill remnants Dimities worth llftoen rents" t vet yard of Fine Mercerized hlack and 3!c tna 4110 kind at ST. y White Shirt Madras th fifteen or nt kind Bf, per yard Waist 36 Inch Chambray UinEh&rn 3lc flit kind Kt, per y a rd Two Afternoon Specials The following two Items are on sale In the 1 ,OA 1 afternoon only, the aale starting at X,0J U CiUliV Varlous kinds of black India linen and fine black lawns ft 1 that are regularly worthlj ' ,C 26o a yard, in lontf mill U lengths at, yard H On the Main Floor 50c Waistins and This la a big purchase from THOUSANDS OP LENGTHS ON BARGAIN SQUARE ENOUGH FOR WAISTS AND DRESSES. On the Front Bargain Squares $I.OO Dres Goods Extra wide Etamloes, Granites, l'ana m.n. - nuh Ktamlnca. Granites, Blollians, black, white M and all oolors, HfTFC at, yd For now 3Co I 0f summer Wash 2 goods, Mcvnsa llne do Sole, silky mndrns. tub suitings, plain and effoct and neat stripu. 5cj For 8am n dress and 7-8 yard length, a styles and colors. Two Leather Goods Specials Ladles Leather Belts C Wrist Bags-All styles, Q. Friday, at... ....'C bargain square, at In the Silk Department. Fine Apt foulards, taffetas, white wash silks, colored Jap silks, C. oto., regulai- selling price 75o to 81 all go at J Odds and ends of all kinds of silks fancy barred grenadines silks for fanoy work, linings, etc., speoial, at, yard v1j J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE. In Gold 'TU not all In price. Quality Is remembered long; after price la forgot ten. We sell only the reliable kind and we guarantee satisfaction for everything we sell. , , , CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN CHICAGO LIMITED Electric Lighted Throughout NEW Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping whs,viud var ana Free Reclining Chair Car. Sup pererved in Club Car. Break fast a la carte in Dining Car. Leaving Omaha at 4:50 p. m., Council Bluffs at 5:12 p. m., arrive Chicago 8:55 the next morning. ..Tickets at 1512 Faraaa Street, or Uaioa Station. Omaha. Yood Inspector. ki .LR&fl&CClOTTI, D. V.S. Cm VSTBRINABIAK. DOloe and laflrnuurjr, ISts and Maaoa Sta, We underwear for the money that's made. Many new and pretty atylee that have never - leen shown before. flkirt In knee or long Inngthe, Uoe or mbroldery trimmed. '; Knee Skirts, with llouuoe, handsotnvly tucke6W9c up. Lang Bklrts for 68o up to tll-cA , Coraet Covers. In great variety, from 150 up to SS.00. Prawers of all kind. We carry a full line of children's and mlaae" aiualln underwear. ; We would call ipectal attention to our spring line of knit underwear, Including ' lCnelpp a Pure IJatq Meah Vuderwtwr tor U414. The cuJy lUwa tossh uudcrwsar that ta garOt4 sure Uoen, French Qlng Various kinds of Hus fine Infants' Una and cambrics that 85c are worth 12 cents yard, lit 5c I 'r yard One table 36-Inch wide Sateen in high colors Percales In mill lengths a t ier yard 15c 5c One table mill of all kinds Dimities, Per cnle, etc., worth lilc yd., at, yard lengths Lawns, lie 6Jc One table platd and check nain sooks, tha regular lOo kind. In lonir i L C mill lengths, yard Suitings at 121c yd one of the foremost mllla of Philadelphia We scoured at an extraor til nary bargain all the 6)o quality new flannel walstings, nub voiles, mercerized pongees and suiting", tub suitings, etc. in cliHmpagnc, White, plain and fancy effects, per yard ; 124" 75o Dress Goods Etamlnes, Stan i ei i Voiles, Panamas, etc., enough alike for dresses and Bklrts wortk 75o, yd., at 29c drummers. 111. In Basement. cf-4 1 aroods 8n Samples of all oolers and styles. In 3-4 yard lengths. Jewelry THOROUGHLY MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Omaha's Model Brewery The Beer You Like Thoroughly aged and Pasteurised. No beer brewed is better. One trial convinces. Order now. Remember, four-two-naught. That's the telephone number. ' Keep it In mind. Oa Male on Dlnlna; aad Ballet Cars. Fred Krug Brewing Co. OaaaJia's Modal Brewery, telephone 420. OMAHA. ff if ever gets warm we would like to show you a beautiful line PARASOLS Ed. F. Pickering, 105 South ltb St. WHY NOT BUY I'MBHELLAI IN AN t'MBBK VUk. STORE T MRS. J. BENSON Muslin Underwear are showing the hand some t it BargdLin Friday Again Bara-alna that are areneroaely Bood barked by the moat popn lar premlam earalng plan the world haa yet known RRE TRADI. STAMP. If It's worth your while to earn Interest on the money yon aave, lan't It worth innrh more to yon to be able to earn Interest on the money yon apendf That's the logto of Green Trading; Stamp.. How's Your Stamp Book Coming? Bennett's for Bargains Friday at the Big Bargain Section Harney St. Entrance. Black Dress Sateen 600 yards of very fine black dress sateens nice silk finish, lengths of two to twenty yards, worth up to 29c per yard, special, at, per yard Curtain Swiss 600 yards of fine Curtain Swiss In dots, stripes and fancy figures, worth lZo a yard, special for Friday, per yard Japanese 76 pieces very fine Japanese Silkollne, In pretty patterns, for drapes and ourtalns, cheap at 10c a yard, special, at, per yard ' White Muslin and Cambrics 2,000 yards fine white muslin and cambrics, 36 inches wide. , In short lengths, worth up to lOo per yard, Friday, -special m .. m. ...... .. At the White Goods Department 600 yards of fine white mercerised walstings. In a pretty assortment of patterns, regular 29o goods, per yard At the Hosiery Counter, 60 dozen ladles' and children's fast black hosiery, broken sizes, worth up to 20c per pair, Friday, only Children's Muslin Underwear Manufacturer's sample lot of children's muslin drawers, tucked .f J and lace trimmed, sizes are 1 to 14 years, values run as high I jr. InC as 25o per pair. While they last Friday - Remnants All remnants of embroideries, lace, fancy garter elastics, skirt binding, plain and fancy rlggons at one-half marked price. For Saturday Big Stamp Sensation in Our Pillow Dept. Harney Street Aisle Main Floor 200 3-Dound Fine Feather Pillows ticks. Can be used for bed pillows or or hammock pillows. A regular $1.60 for Saturday only, each And $3X0 worth of Oieea Trading Stamps with each Pil low. ' W - To be Continued Friday and Saturday Oar marvelous sale of women's tailor made aits at $27.50, $11.90 5 Q5 With double dreen Trading Stamps will be continued Friday aad Saturday. Big Friday 'Mong the Crockery JARDINIERES We have them, all sizes, prices, colors. Here you will find all the new shnpes and designs. Prices from $5.00 to 25c JARDINIERES AJsD TEDESTALS From 20.00 A Crk down to i 4 e O J SOUVENIR VIEWS OF OMAIIA on Austrian China. Olives, pin trays, mugs, etc., eucli , . 25c HAVILAND & CO. LIMOCES CHINA decorated 100-plece Din ner Sets, pink and gretm decora tions, on cither Rauson or Star hnpes, regular prlct-r g f $40.00, each aOOU DECORATED FORCELAIN TEA CUrS AND SAUCERS All abso lutely firsts, for set of six of each 29c 15 per rent discount on all Dec orated Harlland t Co. China. Green Trading Stamps Every Time Swedish Cutlery We tiandle the world renowned SWEDISH RAZORS, . made In Eak list una, Sweden beat In the world. Prlcea, tl N to $3.eo. Pen Kntree and Scissors of eamo make eciually good. We also rarry a line of CLAVSS SHEARS and otlier cutlery, all of which are guaranteed first-class. Any article that doesn't prove to be good can be returned aud exchanged. P. E. FLODMAN 5c CO.. TELEPHONE 1574, MOST OP THE DOVS AND GIRLS who graduate expect a gift of some kind. Give them something that they can keep all the years In memory of graduation day. Kotldng oooid be mora aoceptable l than an article (ruin uie jewelers' stock. SiMmd ft dw In vur store and look us over. Look for the r mutes ante. S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler. 1916 DoufUa St, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER riae rkotosTaykl. Illwetratloae. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER WU Ivg Sam vie Cong. Matted Pictures Matted Pictures About 200 Matted Pic- lhU a aw- 15c tures to be closed out at each -. And SZOO In Little Green Stickers with each pic ture. Not mora than two pictures will be sold to each customer. Art Dept., Second Floor 14c 7-c 5c saw 5c 15c 10c ......... Silkollne covered with fknc'sCfart porch pillow, 95 c GROCERY Quality is aasured In our Grocery Dept. Reliability, at lowest prices. FRIDAY SPECIALS. $1.00 worth Grees ' Trading Stamps wnn eacn two pou Vrt tounda Oreeon uries. OCn very choice' SOMETHING NEW Hawkeye Evap orated Cream, per can So Potted Ham for lunches, can it flower und Vegetable Seeds, pkg. 21 Preserves, assorted, Jar 60c worth Green Trading Stamps with each' three pound firm Pumpkin .... Japan Rice, very select, per lb To Imported Sardines, can ,...10o Salmon, 1-lb. can loc linking Soda, pkg . 4c COFFEE. Rio Coffee, per lb ...12Ho too Coffee, per lb 1&C Bennett's Breukfaxt, 2-lb. can 4So CHEESE. Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb... 15o Neufchatel CheeBe, earh 4c BL'TTKK. Received from the bt dairies every day. Fresh Country Butter, per lb. 14o Bennett's Capitol Creamery, best on earth 240 CANDY DEPT. Honey Comb, very delicious, pkg.... 6c 15(4- CAPITOL. AVE For Menstrual Suppression PEN-TAN-GOT S . kax; I koiat. S) loll tn Omaha r Sb.raa. 8 ABLI W. a JERREHS, Pres. 209-311 So. IStb Street. No Gentleman Need fall into the error of wearing poorly designed or III -fitting garments at any time. Nlcoll's business has been built up on the plan MX of moderate prices or first-class tailoring and we mean to continue along the same lines. Trousers $5 to $12 Suits $20 to $50 (living our whole atten tion to making to order and offerlngyou the best work manshipbest trimmings and perfect fitting gar ments is our way of winning your permanent trade. We don't know a better wayl A man Inside of one of our $20 er $25 made-to-measure Suits or Over coats gets a heap of style and comfort for his money. If you've bad trouble with your tailor try Nicoll- FRED PAFFENRATH. Manager. diamonds The advances In price of Diamonds are generally supposed to be caused by manipulation of the De Beera syn dicate, who control 03 per. cent of the world's production. Such Is not the case. The true reason Is the scarcity of them. We have a fine line now In all sties and In prioes from $6.00 to $500. Re member we allow you full price paid, less ten per cent, if you wish your money back within a year. Wedding Gifts We have lunt received a magnificent Stock of CUT GLASS. Many new de signs. For weaning girts there is nothing more appropriate nor any thing vou can select that will be more acceptable. OORHAM STERLING SILVER. We show all that's new and many articles not shown by other dealers. Plo&se remember we maKo a spe cialty of wedding gifts. A large line at I6.w. We will be pleased to show you. Brown & Borsheim, JEWELERS, 223 B. 16TH ST. The Only Double-Track Railway to Chicago VERY LOW RATES MINNESOTA DAKOTA MONTANA WASHINGTON OREGON . CANADIAN NORTHWEST Fast Trains, the Finest Scnke pre lilMMtto. .. IpfBollM. CITY OFFICE !40fc4Ml PuvM. Aw t. .MAMA. J aE5& dodge. J Friday is DOMESTIC ROOM- If I" yard-Heavy brown Indlan mm irr-is irrr Head muslin and soft flnlsh- MUNLY 5ntAJ ed. bleached muslin worth lc yard. At C. rA-l?r1 J"11 Vfht f IV yard-3-1nch batistes and J cales 3 Inches wlJo-worth fKl J8t standard calictts-worth Via 15c f Rr yard Standard dross and f PV yard Sheer white lawns. 40 l Jv apron check glnghama, worth Itjt Inches wide very fine, worth 10c. 15c. If r yard Balance of our fine tf IQf ynrd Snow white I'nlon ta- rtl IJt white mercerised walstings " ft ble damajk excellent value, worth 60c. at 30c. At fiQr dosen Merceris e d snow . f yard-Heavy brown Unen M Oyt white napklna-laxge slsa- At 5C toweling-worth loo yard, worth $1.15 a dosen. ' TABLE LJNENS 1H to 3i, yard lengths-AT HALF 1'IUCE. At 7 1 r yard Dotted Pwlsscn, check rl J Jt mulls, mercerised and Leno 63-in. Iure Mohnlr Sicilians, blue, brown and black only, 4Qc worth fc yd., at -rw All Wool Voile, all the new shades and black, worth S9c, CXQc per yd., at Wool Novelty Dress Goods, assorted colors and black, 20c worth 66c, at rw 1CH, extra heavy Cotton Air Tlannel at." -waw 15n Silkollne, 40 Inchea Rlr ' full-sized Bed Spreads, fiOn wide, at. yd OJW a snap at w Stupendous Bargains Friday In This Greatest of Great Silk Sales. Tins IMMENSE STOCK IS FROM THE LIBERTY BILK COM PANT, 478. 478 BROOMfcl ST., NEW YORK. 19-Inch changeable taffetas, Kfi- worth 76c, 860, 80c, on sale OVU 27-Inch plain taffetas, worth 7C $1.00 on sale OC 100 pieces fancy silks f6V shirt waist suits. In boucle, barre, hair- EQ line and many others, at ""v 1,000 yards fine white wash silks for waist or dress, handsome, soft, lus trous silk, yard wide, Tb worth $1.00-t .DC The Consumer's Headquarters for Pure Food Groceries. WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS AB- 4&-lb. sack Fancy Minnesota Flour . The Best Cornmeal, Vlaor. Malta-Vita. High Patent $1.20 Pr lb lftc vim, ugg-o- See. Force or Neutrlta. Der r-kir.. TUc Condensed Mlnoe Meat, per pkg... bo Vl-lb. cans Potted or Deviled Ham. 8V4o 1-lb Jars Pure Fruit Jams, assorted kinds 8V4c Fanoy Glasses Pure Fruit Jelly.... 4o BTomangelon, Jell-O, Fruit Pud dene,, etc., per pkg 7c The bent macaroni, pkg ..8a Large Bottles Worcester Sauce or Chili Sauce 8Ho Lcrge Bottles Fancy Pickles, any kind you want 8o The very best soda, oyster, butter or Milk Crackers So 1-lb. ennh Fancy Alaska Salmon... So The Best Corn Starch, per pkg.... 4o Celluold, Elastic, Eleotiio or I XL Starch, per pkg 7Ho t-!b. cans solid packed tomatoes ..7o HAVDEN BROS. WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO BE ' ELECTED TO TAKE A TRIP 'She St. Louis Exposition AT THE EXPENSE OF THE BEE. A Utile hustling among your Mends will make you a wn- ner. . COUPONS PACE 2. Bargain Day I kt Ar I nl towols worth I l-3c. and stripe nainsooks, sheer stripe lace st'lpes worth 2oC a yard. Al Woil Dreas Goods Remnants. In lrnK'hs from J to 7 yds., 2Sc worth So yd., at -w Wool crepe do chine, assorted colors, worth 36c yd., Friday 15C Lomestlc Philds, extra heavy, red and blacks only, worth - IOC . ioc yd., ut , .- i2Ho extra heavy Shaker 7iC. flannel at - 27-Inch Mack summer silk worth 69c for . 27-Inch black summer silk worth 75c for , SS-lnch black summer silk worth $1.50 for 37-lnch black peau da sole- 39c ..49c .90c 75c. 1.59 1.15 won n ror .. seee 27-lnch black taffetas worth 8bc for 86-lnch black taffetas worth $l.7i for ... 3-1 b. cans Boston Baked Beans.... 7Ho 3-lb. cans Fancy Wax. String or Lima Beans 7o 8-lb. cans Hominy, Squash, Pump kin or Applo Butter 7Hc Oil Sardlnw, per can io DKIE1 FRUIT SPECIALS. Fancy Large Italian Prunes, per pound .. do Fancy Mulr Poaches, per lb THo Choice California Grapes, per lb.. 7So Virginia Blackberries, per lb 7o New York Ring Apples, per lb 7'o English Cleaned Currants, per lb.. 7lic Fancy California Seedless Raisins If-r lb 7Uo STRAWBERRIES. STRAWBERRIKiS. We 4iave Just received another large censignment of Irge, Fanoy, Sweet Strawberries, shipped to us direct from the grower, whioh we will nlace on sale Friday, per 7i quart box , M Watch the pn.pers for the carload of Fancy Pineapples to arrive In a few days. 3 9 TO- "Exposition DepartmcaC Omaha Daily Bee, Omaha. Mm prag Cev aUU scms um. iwiw j