THE OMAHA DAILY BEE! TntRSDAY, MAY 19, 1904. 9 1 I IKAM AMJ .TOILE MAKHtl Wlut Situation Unojoal and Toll of Ceatradlcti'jni. RECEIPTS OMAHA AND ELSEWHERE LIGHT Ontnfcn Comparative!? filch on Mar Options-4.nsk . Rnalneaa Por Tkroagk Light Receipta v n Lah Tleop. OMAHA, May IK. 1804. Tha wheat situation la queer. Tha crowd does not know what to think wilt be tha ending. St. Louie reports car of No. 1 ? nt sold there ihla morning at $l.o. Tha 4.0oo,0tW bushels of tnle wheat wnlch was taken there last fall br speculators baa all been sold. The market is prac tically bare, Ths Minneapolis stocks are reported to have decreased 7110,1100 bushels BO far this week. Chicago on Tuesday aold 140,000 buahela of No. 1 northern to eastern millere at cent over the May In store and 15.000 bushels of No. t red at $l."j. lh seaboard reports 320.OIK) buahela of hard winter chartered for ahipment Id Annual and September via the gulf. Notwith standing the strength of the American market, Liverpool weakened d. Tha tor elan market are Indifferent to Amerlran advances and hava more wheat than there la a demand for. May wheat opened at 95c In Omaha and rem on to on lack or buying Interest. iaier 11 rerurnea to c. Chicago May opened at 86o and reached 96 for high point- Tha local cash market was 6c higher than Tueaday, but little waa sold. The wheat receipts In the southwest and north west axe aald to have Increaaed, but St. Louis today received only 1 cars and Chi cago only 4. Omaha received 6 cara. The Omaha price on May corn was ad vanced from 60c to 51o while, - Chicago opened at 47o and ranged from 47c to ?. The highest point reached by Septem ber torn In the local market waa 42c, while Chicago reached 47e. The range In price of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Tueaday ana today were as follows: Closed Opened. High. Low. Today. Tuea. Wheat- May 95 96 94 July Corn May BO Bl 60 July 45 46 45 Kept. .... Oata May . , .... July 8Pt 954 B SB B 79 B 79 B 51 B BO B 4514a 45 B 42B 43A 42B 42B 8H 38 B 29B 29B A asked. B bid. . " Loral Cash Grata Market. Extreme dullness wss the feature of the local cash grain situation. Wheat, how ever, took a decided. Jump from Tueaday's quotations, going- up 6 points. Very little of It. however, was offered. Receipts continue light and will do so until the end of the month, when they may be some bet ter. The lake tleup continues to deaden tha cash situation In- Chicago, and as Omsha'a shippers aent much of their stuff to that market, tha effect Is felt here. Receipts were 6 cara In and 9 cars out; one week ago, 1 car out; corn, 10 cars In and 2 cara out; one week ago, 42 and cars; oata, S cars In', one week ago, 2 cars. Representative sales of carlota By sample en track. Omaha: Corn No. J, 1 car, 60c; 2 cars, 49c; 1 car, iSc; cracked corn, 1 car, 48c- ' Oats 1 car, no grade, 40e. WHEAT No. 1 hard. Wfdf93c; No. t hard. Wfflc;. No. 4 hard, . 7278o; No. 2 eprlng, w'udoc. no. a spring, tvawc. CORN No. 2, 60g61c; No. 8, 4960c; No.. 4. 48fi49c: no grade, 3946c: No. 2 yellow. 6152c: No. 8 yellow. ttWVfil No. white. SlfflfBc; No. 3 white, 4960c. OATS No. 2, 41s; No. . 40c: No. 4, Sif) Mc; No. 2 white. 42BH3c; No. I white, 419 42c; aUtndard. 41iJ41V4c. Rotes (ram tha Eschanare Oflleea. Omaha grain stocks are: Wheat, 161,883 bushels; corn, 240.358 bushels; oats, 42,381 buahela. Contract corn is. Men-lam A Holmqulst, 144,646, Union elevator, 20,385 bushels; total, 164.930 bushels. Exchange visitors were Bert Scott of Axtell and H. Estrop and O. W. Wygant of Malvern, la. Omaha Inspections of a-raln wera 88 cara Of wheat, 2 cars graded No, 2 hard, 1 car no. a nara winter ana 1 car mo. 3 sprln, lit Ann, IK trw m Ar.A XT T 1LTn 6 cars No. 2 yellow. 8 cars No. 1 vellow n'n 1 car no grade. Of oats, 1 car waa bo grade. CJealas prla, at Other Palata, . Cloning prices of grain today and Tues day at the markets named were as follows: . CHICAGO. loaed Wheat July Today. Tuea. .. 8B 86B .. 8Ua 80 September September Wheat- , .... 48 B ...,47A 47B 47 B KANSAS CITY. July September September Wheat July September September 75B 70A 43 61 BT. LOUIS. 84 84 80B 8v 47 47 46 UINNBAPOLIS. Wheat July September .. 8274 .. 81 93 80 E DULUTH, Wheat- July September NEW YORK. Wheat July September A asked. B bid. 97 81 92B 8iB 91 83 91 83 NEW YORK GEHERAL . MARKET (eaetatloas of tha Day oa Various Commodities. NEW TORK, May 18. FLOUR Re ceipta. 8.898 bbls.; exports, 17 bbla. Market ateady with a fair Inquiry; Minnesota patents, $5.0CHtffl.26; Minnesota bakers, $4.0044.20; winter patents, J6.0n.a5.46; winter ctralghts, $4.80iil'6.u0; winter extras, $3 .364J4.00; winter low grades, $3.15i3.80. Rye flour steady: fair to good, $3.18X4.16; choice to fancy, I4.15&4 60, CORNMKAL Hteady; yellow western, II Mfil.10, city, $l.l(Ktfl.l3; kiln dried, $3.(Ktf .10. RYE Steady; No. I western, 70o spot. BAHLKY Steady; feeding, 49c. c. 1. f, New York; malting. 653i6c, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipta, 3.000 bu.; apot market firm; No. 1 red, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, nominal, f. o. b. a.. oat; No. 1 north ern, Duluth, $1.01 f. o. b. a.. oat. Options opened steady. Th lata market continued Arm and cloaed o higher; May, 8xA 95c, Closed H3o; July, 91 5-lrttfl 11-lbo, closed 91e; September, 83S3c, closed 3c; December closed 85Tc. CORN Receipts, 4.400 bu.! exports, 428 V.I I , nn. Marl, UA JL.I 1 -1. 1 . f .,, -v.. a, iiuuitnai, vie "7t vator and Ho J. o. b. a.. oat; No. 3 yellow, i Joe; No. 1. 67ffl The option market waa mora active; ivray cioned oc; July, MWI a3c, cloaed 63c; September, 62tf62c, cloaed 5iSo. OATS Receipts, 60,000 bu.; exports, 9,840 bu.; spot market firm; mixed oata, S to 32 Ivunda, 46c; natural white, 30 to $3 pounds, FJCBD Firm: spring bran, $21.50; June shipment, middlings, $32.70; June ahipment, city, $24. OOfi 24.60. TAILOW Easy; city, 4c; country, 4 I0. HAY Quiet; ahloplng. tCdXTOc: good to Choice, 95ffl7c. HOPS Steady ; state, common to choice, ItuS crop, 2t)u5c; 1902 crop. tSKjJ'Mr; olda, Ko 14o. Paclflo roaat, 19ut crop, 244j3oc; 1902 crop, &(h 26c; olds. 8140. HIDES Steady: Galveston, 20 to 25 Ihe., 1 8c; California, 111 to 26 pounds. ISo; Texas dry. 14 to 80 pounds, 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid. 23035a RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 1 C5'tc; Japan, nominal. WOOL firm; domestic fleece, 28fS2c. ' PKOVISIONS-Beef, steady; family, $9 50 (110.50; mesa, $8.00n.60; beef hams. $30 imj kl.60; packet, $8.6u9.U: city extra India rneaa. fU.OoajlSOO. Cut meata. Inactive; pick ed belllea. $6.26tT7.00; plrkled ahouldera, 86.60; pickled hama. $9.6V4io.0. Ird Arm; western atsamad. $0 86; May closed at $i.9i. nominal; refined strady; continent. $.t6, lork. dull, family, $13 50; short clear, $11. W Crli60: mesa, $12.75ua3.25. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 14'320c; Stats dairy, common to choice, 13ft lyo. CHEESB Irregular; old, frloc; new, aSoS Firm; western storage aelectlona. Ujw Wo; firsts, i;uic. Philadelphia Prodaao Market. - PHILADELPHIA, May 18. BUTTER Active; extra wealern creamery, 21o; extra nearby prints, 2So. duuv-aiwir, tan u,iiMnu, irvsn nearoy, L7Wi mt mark: freak weaLern. 1 7. r- p.k outhsrn. 16c. ' CHKE3E Dull and easier; New York full ATAMma fthnlna fair. ft n OOd, a. ; Halath Grata Market. DIXTTH. May II WHEAT In store: n 1 aaM. K1m 1 MnrtK.rn bT,.. K1A t northern! lo. To arrive: No"' hard! jfelac.-u. 1 northern, stc; No. nortUarn, . .... 2e. On track: N 1 northern. fttTao4r No. 1 northern, 0,ff8;; May. 83c; July i, ocpremoer, sivc. OATS on track and to arrive, 42c CHICAGO GRAIM ASD PROVISIONS Featarea of the Trading and tleslaa; Prlcea e Board of Trade. , CHICAGO. May lg -The famished ap pearance of elevator bins caused May wheat to make a net advance of lc a bu. w tin the gain waa regarded aa significant, th dealing In May delivery waa small. Jul: cloned about where it did the day before. Corn la up half, oats and provisions show little change. Initial aalea of July were at B.'lic; a shade lower to a shade Miner witn Beptember He lower at 8lHc. A re port, soon denied, that the acrease of sprin wheat was small bv comnarlaon. caused a temporary bulge which carried July to 8&c ana (September to ! 0fil c. 1 ne reruiauon 01 tne report causd tne prices 01 inoa options to vleld to r'-fiSISc. and 81 Wc. Th' ciose showed some of the loea regained and final figure were July at 87 'c, a shade un rirr vfatrria v'a rloae: Heotember. un changed at 810. Clearances of wheat and uour frf eguni id im,., or.ihi 71S for a nenitd of three days a year ago. Primary receipts were 183J bu., compared with 2au.4O0 bu., last year. Mlnneapolla and Duluth reported 78 cars received, which with 4 locslly made 82 cara for the three points agalnat 81 last wee ana i-i a ti Corn waa Indebted for Ita firmness mainly to the strength of wheat. The close was We better for July at 48c, after the market had sold at 4'c at us oesi. oepiemi'r closed So higher at 47Hc, He under the high price of tha day. Local receipta were 39 care. Oats held up largely because other grains did. The close showed July unchanged at 384c after having sold up to w?c. oep l.mlur rloael iuc hlsher Bt 3oSc. Provlalons wera nrm. Final trades In July pork were at 111.3511.37, a shade over yesterday'a close July lard cloaed a shade higher at 8 47fc.&0. July ribs were 2Hc higher at $6 50. ne leading tutures ranged aa followe: Articles ! Open. High. Low. Close. Tea'y. Wheat I I ' I I May 5W SP 954 9 954 a July nt( 88 j87Vif 7'87He bJulv 8V1 Sri' 8fi,4 w4 a Sept. amVs"! 811 1V4! b Sept. Q1 8V 79v4 &0V Corn I May 47 47 4', 4714 4M. Julv 47V4W 48'9481- 47ilS 47H Sept. 47 4(Wbl 46 47 47 41H" 41 1S July s4W4 3S-V 8974 884 t Sept. 3OV0-V 3084! 304 1 I0 Pork I July 11 36 11 40 11 30 U 87 U S7 Sept. 11 62H 11 W 11 62V4 11 67H 11 57 H Lard July 474 8 50 60 6 47H Sept. 6 62W 6 65 62 t 6 62 S 45 6 52 6 45 60 6 47 Sept. 6 60 6 87 6 W 666 6 62 No. 2. a Old. b New. FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $4,703 4. so; straights, 44'W4."; spring pat ents. $4.30&4.60; straights, $3.90$4.10; bakers, I2.RFHft3.30. WHEAT No. 2 spring. :S96c; No. S 863 pec: no. z red. n wsii.t. CORN No; 2, 49Q49c; No. 2 yellow, 62 NC. OATS No. 1 white, 4244c. nvp x- 1 n BARLEY Good feeding, 53)38c; fair to choice malting. 4646c. 8EKD8 No. 1 flax, 99e; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.09; prime timothy, $3; clover con tract grade. 110.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $11.26 ril.30. Lard per 100 lbs., $A.376.40; ahort ribs sides, (loose) $v25a.37; short clear sines, (boxed) $8.Zfia.&0. The following were the receipta and ship ments yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.... 36,200 13,700 Wheat, bu 19.000 ' 62,800 Corn, bu 64.400 208.500 Oats, bu.......' 114.500 190,50 tiye. du , 12.000 Barley, bu 67.900 6,900 On the Produce exchange today the butter market waa firm: oreamery. 13diilc: dairy, 12017c Eggs, steady, at mark, cases included, i&vtBi6c. oneese, easy, 8Q9c. St. T.onla Grain and Provlalons. 8T. LOtTia. Mav 18. WHEAT Firm: No I red, cash, elevator, nominal; track. $1.09: July. 4c: September, 8080c; No. I rard, 96JJH8C. t -OH N steady; no. z cash. 51c; track, oM4(652c: July. 47e; September, 46c. OATS Dull: No. 2 cash. 42c; track, 42 NJc; . July. , 37c;. September, 80c; No. 2 white." 46Wc. ' . . .' - FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents, $4.90 tro.uu; -special nrands, mm nigner; extra tancy ana straignt, H w-"a-i-od, clear, $3.91 4.15. SEEln Timothy. Bteady, $2.40i32.66. -CORNMEAL $3.40. BRAN Firm: sacked, east track. 11.00. HAY-Steady; timothy, $8.0014.60; pfalrle, 61WI. IRON COTTON TIES 83c. ' BAQaiNO-c. , HEMP TWINE 6e. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, $11.37. Lard, steady; prime, $5.97. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.12. Clear ribs, $7.60; short clear, $7.76. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs, 22c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, 8c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1620c; dairy, 1017c. EGOS Lower, 13c, esse count. ReceiDts.Shttiments. Flour, bbls 4,0)0 8.000 Wheat, bu 28.0O0 22,000 Corn, bu 66.000 40,000 OfttS. bu 36,000 49,000 j 1 Kaaaaa City Gratia aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 18. WHEAT May, cash. No. 2 hard, 90c: No. 3, 84(293c. No. 2 red. $1.01; No. 8. 95ciff$1.00. ' CORN May, 60c; July, 44c; September, 62(fiio2c; No. 2 white, 64c; No. $, 63c. OATS No. 2 white. 44c; No. 2 mixed. 43 prairie. $7.76ia8.00. RYE 650." . BUTTER Creamery, 15,17c; dairy. 15a EGOS Lower; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 12c; new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 18c ',.,,. Receipts. Bhlpmenta. u.-t,.. ,i.'. 11.900 14.400 Corn, bu 14.400 12.S00 ota bu 8,000 1.000 Mllwaakee Grata Market. utiT.WATTKRF!. Mar 18. W H E A T Firmer; closed. No. 1 northern, 98c; No. 2 northern, (a(c; 01a juiy, ii'ii"nto asKeo. , uvm tii ... 1 Tm S TTwTTlirt BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 6Sc; sample, 829 80c. CORN-Steady; N. 8. BOQftSe; July, 4T c asKeo. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, - May 18. WHEAT May, 94c; July, 92Va3o: September, 81 8lc; No. 1 hard, 87e: No. 1 northern. vc; io. 2 northern, MWiHtc. FLOUR First patenta, $5.00(96.10: second patents, $4.&o6 00; first clears, $l60d.0; second clears, $2.60. BRAN In bulk. $11.50017.00. Liverpool Grata aaa Provlalons. LIVERPOOL, May 18 WHEAT Spot, eaay; No. 1 California, 6s 10d. Futures, eauy: May, nominal; July, 8s 4d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 4a4d; American mixed, old, 4s 8d. Fu tures, dull; May, nominal; July, 4s 8d. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O., May 18. SEED Clover, cash, $8 .36; October, $6.72. Prime alelke, $U5; August, $6.36. Prime timothy, $1.40; September, $1.46. Peoria Market. v,PEPR,IA- J"-. M,y "--CORN-Hlgher; No. 2, 61c; No. 4, 49c, Metal Market. NEW YORK, May 18. METALS Tin was conaldershly firmer In London, with spot closing 1 2s 6d higher st 126. and futures at an advance of 15s to 125 2a tid. locally tin responded to the foreign gains by an advance to $27 -.(S28.12 for spot. Copper waa also higher In London, gain ing 2s 6d. with spot and futures both clos ing at 87 2s ad. Locally prices show a de clining terdency. Lake fa quoted at $18.12 tjia; electrolytic at $13 0jU$.L!. and caatlng at $12 62trl2 87. Lead waa un changed at New York, closing at $4.6044.66. In London It declined Is Sd to 11 ids Sd. Spelter wss unchanged at 22 2a d In London. Tha local market ruled a little easier, cloalng at $5.15iti6.0. Iron closed at 62s In Glasgow and at 43s d In Middles borough. Locslly pig iron warrants con tinue well with sellers at $9 26. with the general market easier. No. 1 foundry north ern Is quoted at $16.001660; No. 2 foundry northern at $14.6ca'l5.0u; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at $13.50i4O0. ST. LOUIS. May 18.-METALS-Lead, dull, $4 87. Spelter, dull. 84.97, ( and Meiaseea. v. mi, v-iov Ua.. ta airnin v Arm; fair refining. $c: centrifugal, M teat, tc, molasses sugar, $c; refined firm. is a. vv oiU'fjAio, iT ia. nuiMK Strong; open kettle, ZWi -lc; open kettle rentrifusal, 8qSc; centrifugal whltea, iQ 4,c; ytllows. $4c; seconds. 43c. centrifugal, lu-tflao. Syrup, Nomlos luty NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Securities Again Rtlp Into Thai? Ccm maroial Trine. PRICES REDUCE TO STATE OF INERTIA Holders Refrala front gelllna;, Thaa Rellevlag the Market from tha Pressnre of the Last Few Days. NEW YORK, May 18 The stock market fell Into Idleness snd neglect again today. So far aa there was any sentiment pre valllng on the outlook for values, the adherents of one view were counterbal anced by those of the other. The conse quence was a deadlock In which prices were held nearly mollonleas. Holders re frained from selling, thus relieving the market from the presaure to which It has been subjected recently, nut buyers were entirely indisposed to follow prices ud wards. The result was virtual stagnation ionoon sent over nigner prices this morn Ing. the extreme ease of money there causing some strength for securities. The response here was short lived and the re sumption of gold engagements for exports put an end to the advance. The ordering of $2,500,000 In coin at the auhtreaaury for shipment tomorrow snowed that the ex haustion of the supply of gold bars left tne snippers necessities still uncovered and compelled the reaort to coin. There was official expression of the opinion baaed on Informal intimations from intend ing shippers that probably $15,000,000 ad ditional in gold coin will go out. The ag gregate of the outgo on the present move ment, beginning early In April and count ing only actual engagements up to date, haa reached over $f5.0no.000. The aulck subscription for the Burlington bond lesua was favorably regarded, but the break In the new Japanese bonds In the curb to within of the Issue price was an off setting Influence. Attention was attracted bv the export demand for the new crop of wheat as promising to better a condition which is one of the depressing factors In the pres ent situation. A reduction in the price of copper was faintly reflected In the move ment of Amalgamated. Unsuccessful er forts to extend the strike of vesselmen on the lakes made up a depressing factor. rtauroaa earnings reportea were not im portant, but offered no stimulation to value United States Steel preferred ran off to under last night s price on the publication of the uncheerful report on the Iron out look by The Iron Age. The closing tone was steady, and the average of prlcea was very close to that of last night. Bonds were dull snd rather heavy. Total sales par value $4,110,000. United States bonds were unchanaed on call. Following was the ranae of nricea on the oiock exenange; Baies.Hign.ijow. ciose. Atchison 600 g (M 68 200 3 91 92 do pfd B. & O 3.200 78 77 77 " ioo ii6 do nfd Can. Paclflo Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio Chicago & A do pfd Chicago Gt. Western 155 29 87'i 80 H 16V 138 600 15 C. A N. W C. M. & Bt. P do pfd 7,800 100 139 139 175 175 1751, Chicago T. A T do pfd C. C C. & Bt. L,. ... 8 17 68 1$ 61 ioo ioo 100 100 700 68 68 16'4 15 61 61 20 20 Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 30 Del. & Hudson 154 154 164 Del.. 1a & W D. & R. Q 200 268 Kit jyfc, 19 6f4 22 68 1 34 60 78 19 do cfd 3j0 66 Erie 6.000 4,9S 600 200 200 22 68 84 61 78 22 68 84 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do Dfd 78 III. Central 128 K. Iowa Central do Dfd S3 K. C. Southern 800 19 19 do pfd 1,700 86 87 L. A N 700 107 106 106 600 143 142 142 Manhattan L. Met. Securities........ 7a 111 110 110 40 Met. Bt. Ry Minn. & St. L. M., Bt. P. & 8. 8te M. 600 m 2.000 ioo 62 62 81 120 12( 119 90 89 89 15 15 16 do pfd Mo. Pacific M.. K. A T do pfd Nat l R. R. Of M. pfd N. Y. Central Norfolk A W . .. : . .1- 4 .. .. SO 1.200 114 113 114 200 55 65 55 do Dfd .. 85 Ontario A W 200 20 20 io 14.600 113 118 113 Pennsylvania i-., - & Bt. Li.... Reading 04 t JnA Jit Jin ttm 1W 11 ; 1 ,A, do 1st prd do 2d Dfd 69 Rock Island Co 4,200 800 21 65 20 64 do Dfd M 1 44 12 811 45 2iM St. U A B. F. 2d pfd 8t. Louis 8. W do Dfd 100 6,500 800 81 45 20)t 81 46 20 21 37 82 90 15 83 So. Paclflo Bo. Railway do pfd Texas A Pacific 82 100 21 Z" 24 87 8 90 Tol., St. U A W do Did 100 15,400 100 400 900 87 83 90 16 33 Union Pacific do pfd Wabash lf 83 do pfd ; W. A Lake Brie Wis. Central in 38 ' 218 10, 100 2o0 49 16 89 M .85 6T4 do pfd Mex. Central 500 7 T Adams Ex Amer. Ex U. 8. Ex Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper... 6,200 100 100 49 49 16 16 69 69 Amer. Car A F do Dfd Amer. Cotton Oil do Dfd Amer. Ice do Dfd Amer. Linseed Oil... i 7 do Dfd Amer. locomotive.... do Dfd Amer. Smelting A R. do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref.... Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T olo. File A 1 Con. Gas Corn Products do Dfd Distillers' Securities. Gen. Electric nter. Paper do Dfd Inter. Pump do Dfd Nat l Lead No. American Paclflo Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do Dfd Pullman P. Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do Dfd Tenn. Coal A I U. B. Leather do Dfd U. B. Realty do pfd U. B. Rubber do nrd V. 8. Steel do Dfd Westlngh. Electric... Western Union Total sales for the day, 164,000 shares. Boston Stock Quotation BOSTON, May 18 Call lonna. 2ffJ per cent; time loana, s34 per cent. Official closing or stocks ana oonas Alcblaon sdj .. H0! Waatlng. common ..lot)1 Adfantura .. 44 lAllouaa , .. V Amalgamated .. ai Amarlcaa Sins .., ..141 lAtlantla . 144H Blnham . .HOVOal. A Hacla . .llil;4 Caiitannlal .. Tl 1 .. 4 .. 4 .. I .. T .. . .40 .. 1'4 .. 4J .. ta .. 44 .. 7 .. ) .. I .. I .. 4 .. .. 4 .. 1 .. M .. 14 .. SO J -.! .. 0 .. 1 .. us .. 1 .. 6 . 14 do 4a Mi ('antral 4a.. Atehlaon so pia Boatoa A Albany, fioatos A Malna, Boat on Elavated rilchbura pld ... Mai. (antral Iljfippar nanaa H. Y., N. H. A H...1" tlr Waat Para MirquMta 114 Dominion Coal Inlon PaelSe A mar. Arga. Cham. .. i Kr.nklln .. 14 Orancy .. llVIile Rorala ... .. 4WMaaa. Mining . ..ItiSa Mlchicaa .... ..IK Mohawk ..114 Moat. C. A C. .. to Oid Dominion . ,. T4iOareol .. 10 1 Parrot ..114 guinea ..lit IShanaon .. IT 1 Tamarack .. M Trinity .. 4'S tr. t. Mining.. ..lot V. Oil .. ll'tah .. MV Victoria ., ai a'tnona , .. MlaWolTarlas do Dtd Anrr Pnati. Tba., A mar. Ruiar do pld A mar. T. A T Amar. Woolen do pld Dantnlon 1. As., f Alton Klaa. lllu. . aa. glactrle Maiia. Eloctrl do pld Maaa Oaa attad Prult nllod Shoo Mack.. do pfd . g. Staal do ptd Bid. Asked. Hew York. Money Market. KRW TORK. May 18. MONEY On call eaay at 2 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent; offered, at 2 per cent. Time loans. Arm: 60 and M days, t per cent; months, 4 per "pRIMB MERCANTILE PAPER-24U per retit. oar, avc; saeaican aollars, 44a ST BRUNO EXCTfANOE Firm. with actual business In bankers' bills at $1 VMaya t$up for 4tittail end $4.6009 tot M daa1 27a 800 17 17 17 80 .. 48 200 95 94 94 1.700 126 125 L!5 74 9.900 46 45 45 800 ?8 28 2 4,100 209 208 107 300 11 10 11 60 20 200 154 154 154 100 10 10 10 64 .. 37 70 1,200 19 18 18 "2V .85 .24 . 25 200 95 95 95 . - ., 25 ' ., AV 210 500 6 414 28 100 15 15 15 ...... .. .. 77 700 . 83 82 32 100 6 6 6 'siflOO -7 '7 7 6,900 61 59 0 100 li7 15 200 6ti 66 66 6.900 9 R7j 8 27,100 53 . R 531J 900 156 1M lo,-, SOO 87 8ft wis? bills; ported rsles, $4.86714 88; commercial b lis. 4 M-xija BONDS Oovernment, steady; railroad henvv. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. S. rvf. Is, ret do coupon do 8a. r( do eoupoa do a,w 4a, r. do coupon do old 4a, reg . ..V Manhattan e. a 4s. ..104SlMl. Ontral 4a aa lt lac U1 .... Minn. St L 4a.... ....111 M.. K A T. e MH ....llla dn it n iniit, a. r. of M. e. 4a. T4 do eoueon . Atehlaon fan. do adi. 4a.. ....KX4iN. T. c. a. a HS 1"1 N. J C. a. Ka HH-ixa. Pinna 41 104 Atlantic, c. L. 4a Kit B A O. 4a 11 do im Crntral of Ga. do lat tnt 70 do it TJH S. W. t. 4 O. s. U. 4a A par. Ponn con. ... Readme an. 4a.... a MS Chra. Ohio 4Wa....li4 I St. b. A I. M. a (a 114 I 4 70 i Chli-ato A A. C. B dr Q n. 4. C. M. A 8. P. ( r. A N. w. t. 7a C i R I. r. 41 do rol. li . 7H St. U A S r. fg. . m i!t. i,. n. w. la. . . . I W VI Seaboard A. L. 4a. .1? So. Faclflc 4a . ISo Railway 5a lisS . Ta A P. la lis C.r.i". A B. U i 4a..l"l i., at. i, a w. 4S.. 70 Chicago Tf. 4... Con. Tobacco 4a.. C olo. A Po. 4a D. A R. O 4s.... Erta prior lien 4a. j Inlon Paclnc 4a 104 Sa7' do conr. a'. M'tH'. S B, d , me,'abaih li Mia' do dab. B W. A I. K. 4a .. ..irr; .. do gn P W. A r. C. la loa Wis. Central 4i Hocking Val. 4a. . . .17-, Colo. F. A I. e. ta L. A N. nnl. 4a 100' Offered. 70 London Stock Market. LONDON, May lS.-ClosIng: conaoli. money ... do account Anaconda Atehlaon do prd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Paclnc .. Chaa. A Ohio Chlcano Ot. W r., M. A 8. P DaBaera D. A R. O do pfd Erie do Irt pfd do Id pfd Illlnoil Central ... Ixmla. A Naih M., K. A T 0 5-l,N. T. Central... .. POVNorfolk A W... .. .t'4l do nfd .1I7 7 . It : . in . in 70", Ontario A ,. "4 ... SOW .11'4 1. id . IS .14J . lt' ,. 20 . 1 . 14 . i9 . 5 .1321 111', Panntvlranla . Band Mlnaa .. Raadlns do lat pfd.. do 2d pfd. 80. Railway .. do pfd .... Po. Pacific ..... t'nlon I'aclBc , do pfd ..... U 8. steal.... do pfd .... Wabaah do pfd ..... . . 11 . SO' . 4 . 44 . ' . 3 . M . 17 14 Si 1 Spanish 4a SILVER Bar, steady, 26 9-16d per ounce. MONEY lffj 1 per cent. The rate Of lllncount in the ortpn mnrlro for short bills Is, 1'tfl 15-16 per cent; for u.rea nionins Dins, 1 13-imgi per cent. New York Mining; Storks. NEW YORK. May 18 The following are me closing prices on mining stocks: Adama Con SO 30 Little Chief .. ( ..tin ..too .. a .. 13 .. 30 .. 44 .. 11 ..800 Alice Uraaee Brunawtt'k Con .... Comatock Tunnel .. Con. Cal. A Vs.... Ontario Ophlr Phoanli Pot oil Savage , , Hlarra Nevada , Small llonea . Standard IS 7 10 us Horn Bllvar Iron Sliver Lcadvllle Coa ... ..160 Foreign Financial, L.UNDON. May 18.-The condition of money ana discounts increases the dls cussion to a probable reduction of the bank s discount rate tomorrow. Business on ine siock exenange waa dull. Prices gen erally were easier. Americans responded to the improvement In New York and closed quiet. Grand Trunk had a better tone on the traffic. Foreigners generally were dull on raria aavices. Japanese were the fea ture owing to their llrmness. Bar gold, 77s lid: American eagles, 76s tkl. BERLIN, May 18. Discount rates short ana tnree montns Dins, 3 per cent. Busi ness on the bourse today was extremely dull. PARIS. May 18. Prices on the bourne to. aay were neavy and business was dull. Rus sian imperial 4s closed at 88.66. ' Bank t'learlnna. OMAHA. Mar 18. Bank clearlnas for to day were $1,180,556.62. a decrease of 8141.. 461.54 from the corresponding day last year. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Qnotattona -n Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS ReceiDta. liberal: market atenrlv: fresh Ktock, 15c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 9c; roosters, according to size, frSc; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 9c: geese, 6c. BUTTER Packing atock, ilc: choice to fancy dairy, 1415c; separator, 20c. FRESH FISH Trout. 12c; pickerel, 10c; pike, 12c; perch, 7c; bluefish, 12c; whlte lish, 12c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lob ster, green, 26c; lobster', boiled, 30c; bull heads, 11c; catfish. 14f; black bass, 2oc; halibut. 10c: crannies. 12c: roa shad. Rfic- shad roe. 35c; buffalo,, 7c; white bass. He; frog legs, per dox., 36c. tiKAN-fer ton, $18.50. HAY Prices Quoted bV Omaha Whole sale Dealers' associating'!1 Choice No. 1 up- lonil tU OA. X7i..O .OTIth.V ... ...II.. . . .r. . coarse, $6.50; rye straVf.'. $5.00. These prices are for hay Of good color and quality. De- inunu lair -ana receipts t iignt. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice lar $2.254f,2.50; fancy navels, all sixes, $2.75fi3.00; Mediterranean sweets, all sixes, $2.26: Jaf fas, all sizes, $2.50. ' LEMONS California fancv, 800 $3.50; choice, 240 to 270, $3.0033.25. CALIFORNIA FIGS-Per 10-lb. 65c; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, crown, 14c; 7-crown. 15c. to 260, carton, 12c; 6- bunch, BANANAS Per medium laa.t 42.0iXo2.50: Jumbo. 12.76fe2.2R. DATES Persian, per box of 20 Dkxn $2.00: In 60-1 b. boxes. 6c per lb.; orlenta stuffed dates, per box, $2.40. " PINEAPPLES Ih crates of tl t At crate, $3.50. ' r" JTUITS. vAPSSl?rfg0,n anc, Ben Davis, per box. $1.50; New York export Russets and Baldwins, $4.00. STRAWBERRIES Arkanan a n.. ti case, $2.00(62.25. M" CHERRIES-Callfornla, per box, $1.60 VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. 11.10- n.u. . Jr lb.'.12lf 2cT"a" Rd lCtt" "C'i" xmavi ujiAiMs rer bu., $2.152.26. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2 00 CABBAGE California. ner it, ' a: Bouthern, per crate, $2.70. ' t..t.jiumBiiiH fer dox., 66B76C. TOMATOES Florida, ner i.ho.l,.r ..o fancv t') Rft- chnl. t7 or ' BEETS Southern. Der doa.. 7Rc CARROTS Southern, per dox.. 76c. PA RSLEY Per dox., 40c. BEANS Wax. Der bu. box. 13 00- .i. per bu. box, $2.00. Bi-inAcn-fer du., nome grown 60ff60c. ASPARAGl'8 Per dozen bunches, toSbOc. GKEEN PEPPERS-Per -hli. $100. tuu PivANT Per dox., $1.00. SQUASH Florida summer, per dox.. 76c. PEAS-Per bu. box, $2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full nream 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, IBc; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wiscon sin llmberger, 13c. i.-ujkk rer DDI., xb.m; per bbl.. $3.25. MAPLE SLGAR-Ohlo. per iff, 10c. HIDES No. 1 ereen. 6c: No. 1 .run Kc- No. 1 Baited, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal' calf, 12 to 16 Ilia., 6UC; dry salted hides. tvqUo; sheep pelts, 24j27c; horsehldes, $1.60fi2.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb. 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 1 soft shell! per lb., 13c; No. 2 hsrd shell, per lb., ls; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., Sc; Chili walnuta. 12f&13o; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft ahell, per lb., 15c: hard shell, 13c; shell barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.26. Wool Market. BOSTON. May 18.-WOOITerrltorv and pulled wools are quiet. The market for foreign wools is held firm by con ditions abroad. Prices on wools in this mar ket are practically unchanged, aa follows: Idaho, fine, 14ril6c; heavy fine, 1318c; fine medium, 16j:15c; medium, 13 17c; low medium. 1718 Wyoming, fine, H'815o; htavv fine. 132M3c: flns medium. 15tal54c: medium. Utilise; low medium, lKf19c. Utah and Nevada, 14&'15c; heavy tine, 13c; fine medium, 15&lftc.; medium, ikwic; low medium, 19ii30c. Dakota fine, 15(&16c; fine medium, 1oVu16ci medium. 18l9u; low me dium, 19S'40c. Montann, fine, choice, 18 lite; nne average, liUiw; nne medium. choice, lSftlftc; average, HVgVc; staple, lnf w: meaium, cnoice, lfwtac. nr. t-ouis. Msy is wuuic-ntesay ; me dium grades, combing and clothing, 17r; light fine. 1417c: heavy fine, lMtltc: tub washed, 2021c. IXJNDON. May 18 WOOtrThe auction aalea were continued today. The offerings numbered 8.5K7 balea. The demand waa good, especially for greaay half-breda and fine lambs. Cross-breds were In eager re quest and all were sold. Hooureds sold freely to the continent. Following are the aalea In detail: New South Walea, l.ta bales: scoured. 5dtfls d. Queensland, 700 balea; scoured, 10dftls Id. Victoria, 1.800 bales: scoured, is greasy, ftdtf Is 1). South Austrslla, -U) talea, greasy, 5fjl0d. West Australia, 14 bales; greaay. 7Vv Tasmania, 4a imi-b; greasy, (uiff Is 2d. New Zealand. 4.9U0 balea; scoured, d3la 8d; greasy, btblld. Evaporated Anpleo and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. May 18. tt VA POKATKD APPLES Quiet. with demand limited. Common are quoted at 4tt6c, prime at 5'fj6c, choice at 6Vc and, fancy at CALIFORNIA DRIED. FRUITS-Prunea continue quiet and ateady. prices ranging from 8o to 7c, according to grade. Apricots are unchanged, choice bring quoted at lc nui choice at leio and fancy at llfllSi-. Peaches are In fair demand, with choice held at 70"rc,- extr choice at ! d tHUCf tl l00a i OMAHA LIVE STOCI MARKET Ano hr Libatal Eon of CtttU, bmt Prio$ Hld Jnst About 6ttdy. HOG RECEIPTS NEARLY BROKE RECORO Owing; to Blaj Ron Hoc Market Dropped Folly a Dime, knt Skeep aad Lasnks In I.lakt Receipt and Sold Generally Strady. SOUTH OMAHA, May 18, 1904. FecelpfB were: Cattle. Official Monday 2.439 Official 'lueeday 4.4.4 umcial Wednesday 4,0uu Hoga. Sheep. 5,ax 16.02J 2j.ou0 Three daya this week.. 11.914 Same days last week....lo,3H9 Same week before 14.U0 Kama three weeks sgo,.17.79 Same four weeks ago.,.16,o92 Same daya last year 9.2,2 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The followlrur table ahowa tha recelnta of cattle, hogs and sheep at Bouth Omaha for the year to date with comparisons with last year: . 1904. 1903. Ine attl 271,924 $70,039 1.8.SO rtoga QT IMt tKl ?VJ OOW,x Sheep .tU8.10i 494,801 133,301 Average prlcea paid for noga at Bojth Omaha for the last several daya with com parison: t)u- I lil4.190.lst)2. (1901. tl.lJN.18M. Mar I. .. 2... 8... 4... 6.... 6... 7..., 8..., ..., 10.., II. .. 12.. 13... 14.., 15... 16... 17... 18... 41.5o5 8.471 21,131 80 u7 16.M; 3tf.e.t 35.991 il.tfU 20.93i .4 83$OI64t28 61 6 76 7 61 ( 71 6 lo 2 66 2 99 7 01 6 72 I 17 3 65 8 87 6 75 864 4 84 2 68 $9$ 72 T 03 4 2! 8 6i 3 95 669SI7 2 64 292 I3$S69I21 M t 63 7 00 6 64 t 10 2 69 62 7 08 i 66 6 12 2 65 2 81 7 07 61 t li 8 62 3 95 64 I 66 6 16 8 62 8 97 6 46 94) t 16 8 66 '4 19 6 41 7 On 6 S 3 so 4 3a 6 361 7 12 6 71 5 17 4 22 82 7 12 6 66 6 21 8 67 35 7 07j 6 69 1 3 3 63 4 25 7 13 $ 72 6 20 3 60 4 46 27 16 73 6 11 8 t9 4 29 May May May 4 58 a n May May May May May May 4 63, 65 4S 67' 68, 4 t May Mar 4 61i May May May May May May 4 OB 4 66 4 60 62 Indicates Sunday. The official ,.. k-. . stock brought in today by each road waa; Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep.H r a. C.. M. & St. P. Ry.. 20 naoasfl 6 6 56 7 68 iS 69 13 13 2 2 MlBsourl Paclflo Ry... 16 Union Pacific system. 45 C. & N. W. Ry 3 F.. B. A M. V. ft. R 41 C., 8t. P., M. A O. Ry 30 H. A M. Rv 4 C., B. A Q. Ry ( K. C A St. J C, R. I. A P., east.... 4 C, R. I. A P.. west... 2 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Gt. Western. 1 Total receipts 204 285 ' 12 The disposition of tha dav'a recatrtta m.a " loiiuwB, eacn uuyer purcnasing the num ui neau indicated: Buyers. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. 2.044 4.8o3 801 6,t4 801 5,270 4t Omana Packing Co 704 owiii ana conmanv.. Cudahy Packing Co....... 1,097 Armour A Co K46 Omaha P'k g Co., St. J ... Armour, Sioux City 971 Vansant & Co 15 Lobman & Co 94 Hill A Son 7 Huston A Co 6 L. F. Huss.V. 31 Squires A Co Wolf A Murnan 146 Rothschild A Hamilton.. 27 Sol Degan 2 6. A 8. Co 37 U. D. B. Co 79 .'4 Halsted 145 307 Klngan U. Root A Co $ Bulla & Cline 3 Other buyers 182 1,008 Total 4,505 20.168 3.354 CA'fJ.x.E There were a tew mote cattle on ale this morning than arrived yes terday, which makea the receipt for the three daya tills week considerably in ex-' cessof the same uays of last week, -The demand, however, from both local packers ana shippers seemed to be in gooa snaps, and as a result the market snowed very little change from yesterday. The same as usual, tne big end of the offerings con-' Bistea ot corn-lea steers ana tne quality was fairly good. While the market waa not as active as It has been on some occa sions, still buyers took hold fairly well, and the general market was just about teady witn yesterday. Nice, handy-weight cattle sold very freely and in some cases the prices paid may have been a ilttie stronger. On the other hand, heavy cattle, unless of good quality, and common stuff of all welghta was rather neglected and salesmen In some cases had hard work to get what they considered steady prices. The change in either direction, though, was hardly enough to be worthy of mention. The cow market was lairiy active ana ust about steady Wltti yesterday. There Old not seem to be any too many In sight to meet the reqjlrements of the trade, and as a result everything at all desirable was Boon disposed of. Canners, though, were not wanted apparently by anyone, and In fact It was more of a question of finding a buyer than one of price. That class of cows, though, has not been selling to very good advantage for some little time. Buns, if 01 gooa quality ana not too heavy, sold freely at fully steady prices. Veal calves brought just about the same money they have all the week. Offerings of Blockers and feeders were again limited and anything at all desirable Bold at good strong prices. Quite a few cattle are now selling from $4 to $4.25, with some sales as high as $4.30. The demand for common stuff, though. Is very limited. The extreme ciose or tne rat came mar ket was a little slow and weak, as packers seemed to be pretty well filled up and made use of the opportunity to buy the late rattle for a little less money. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ns. Av. rr. No. At. Pr. 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 oO 4 61 4 66 4 66 4 61 4 63 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 M 4 10 4 M 4 10 4 44 4 10 4 II 4 II 4 al 4 16 4 IS 4 16 4 M 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 10 4 70 4 70 4 71 4 10 4 II 4 M 4 M ' 01 4 81 4 40 4 to 4 1 4 II 4 66 4 66 4 40 4 60 4 1; 4 ss 4 66 4 4 I M I to 8 14 I 10 I SO I M I t 8 M 4 0 4 00 4 an 4 00 4 00 4 0 . 4 00 4 04 4 00 4 00 4 1 4 1 1040 t 71 16 1100 IMS I 10 II im 111 it mil Ml IN 17 13.10 1tJ I M 40 1143 700 4 00 II 1141 IOO 4 00 17 ions IM IW It 11IS 170 4 00 11 101 061 4 lit W 1170 1(0 4 10 14 .1111 171 4 10 tl lll IM 4 II 7 1101 115 4 II 10 1174 lit 4 15 14 110 lltll 4 10 11 11 7 160 4 20 II 1437 1010 4 2 11 1110 4I 4 10 10 1170 1091 4 10 70 IMS 1011 4 18 II 1041 3S 4 II 1117 11 HI 4 11 14 1IW 170 4 10 II 1121 1100 4 10 II... IIM U7 4 10 It Uf,0 1446 4 10 II 1111 1140 4 10 10 111! 1110 4 II 4 1241 M7 4 II SO 1171 11IS1 4 II M 1117 171 4 31 II 1171 1171 4 16 li:i 1C0 4 31 l 11SO 1116 4 16 ! 1161 1040 4 S6 l 1823 1046 4 it II 1111 1117 4 16 1 1310 1061 4 16 1 1143 HI 4 40 t )D7 1041 4 40 10 1310 1061 4 40 II T174 147 4 40 II 1241 1011 4 46 11 12! Hit 4 16 II 160S 1166 4 40 I 11K0 1161 4 40 II 1130 1147 4 40 10 1124 1111 4 40 21 liil .1101 4 40 II..' .....140 lilt 4 41 10 1111 116 4 46 61 1411 1211 4 46 17 ..US) 1104 4 46 17 U4 1111 4 60 10 U1.4 1104 4 60 1610 STEEH8 AND COWS. M I II 1 141 too 4 0W U ini 164 4 16 10 1247 104 4 10 II 1J7 II It.... 1 1..... 1 1 to 14 .... I 4 10 li.... I 4 I I...,. 4 17...., I...., 1 17 7 10 1 17 14 16 7 1 11 41 17...., 10 17 14 4 II II II It I I to M 0 II 17 II 1 I II I SO 11 I it SO 10 17 II It 1 u 4 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 .... I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I STEERS AJSU HKIFEKS 171 Hi 4 01 4 16 4 M 4 K 4 16 4 I 4 10 4 SI 4 6 It.. lulO HWI .....IMll 1121 1171 1161 1176 1111 UN Ill 1S6I Ill IIM IIM ltll 7SI 1047 lam ,....1160 ,...tl17 1!M mo .... 1221 1110 1240 1110 W .....II'H U16 ,.v 1 11 26 II I 1 II I , IV6 , , 721 , ISO , Ml . 4 .1114 , Kit , IM . Ill , 70 , mo COWS. 1 0 t 04 I S i 4 1 11 1 00 I M I 0 t 00 IS 1 1 8 1 I II I at ion im TUo 1040 116 IO 70 1160 a" . 8 40 .104 I 4 . HI 144 .! I 6 . I.I $ W .is im lono I an I 40 ..IIM 4 OS .1170 4 M . -11SO 4 so I 11. 10. 1 7. ! t. 1., I I., 1. ..Uia .. MO ..ISM ..111 ..130 ..Hal ...1144 ..lira ..1074 ..10 ..lia ,.1"? .. , . saa ..1140 ..1?M ..14S0 .. ln .. . .loan .. an ..mi ..lJO ..use .1M4 4 4 M ... aia ... aw ...1H7 ...IM ...I1H ...1141 ...IIM ...imn ...linn ...ism ...Ilia . ..u:o . . ta;a ...1110 . ..nn ...1M0 ...1S41 ...laoo ... 7tn ...1470 ...1740 . .. 4M ...11A0 1 n 4 M 4 OS 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 la 4 IS 4 V. 4 m 4 M 4 it I 7S I TS M I M t M I M I 0 4 no 4 oa 4 0 4 00 71 71 t 7S I TS 1 n t an t I n t to BULLS. t n I 4 t K) t I lt I an t tt t I 7 70 1 r .1410 1 75 COWS AND HEIFERS. Hi CALVKS. , s;n . tail , Jo . tn , 121 . 110 . 190 . I0 , 740 T70 . M . DM , ttl is I tl 4 SO 4 SO I 0 00 6 IS I to 1. 4 on 4 00 1 1 , 1 140 leo 154 t.-O 4 00 4 00 4 S" HEIFERS, i 4 I a is 4 I 7S I 4 0 I 4 00 1 4 00 STAGS. 4 la 4 10 4 iO 4 M I 30 1! 700 (HI 41-1 14S0 75 STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. f 6M I Ml II 662 1 70 1 4.1 I 60 t f5 I 71 I !t I SO t 66J I Its I H O I 40 706 I an 8 ft I 10 14 1010 4 10 4S al 44 Ml 4 10 1 120 I TO W. C. Mann Idaho. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. .950 $5 2 feeders.. 1070 4 00 .1077 4 00 . 25 steers. ...U10 4 10 H. CleveryIdaho. .1087 4 00 18 teers....l22 4 30 .1104 4 36 1 feeder.. 12 feeders. 8 feeders. SO feeders. . J. A. Senter Idaho. 1 feeder... 970 3 60 6 teeilers. .101 2 60 15 feeders.. 10) 4 00 M feeders.. lt5 4 00 18 steers. ...1202 4 20 HOGS There was risrtit close to a reeord- breuking run of hogs here today, the esti mated receipta being 20,6t) head The rec oad is 20.6X4 head, received on July 31, 1894. Considering th enormous number on sale the market fere was quite satisfactory. As compared with yesterday's general market the decline amounted to a big dime. It was rather late tefore much business was trans acted, as buyers and sellers were slow In getting together on terms. In fact the mar ket was not very active at any time, so tne morning was well advanced before even the Duik waa disposed or. Buyers were rattier flaurlna on another hi a- run for tomorrow. so of course they were very bearish nntl did not want the hogs unless they could get them at their own price. The bulk of all the good weight hogs went from $4-60 to $4.56, with choice loads going from $4.65 to $4 60 and prime hogs as high as $4.65. The light and commoner loads went from $4.50 down. The last end of the market was slow and weak. There seemed to be more hogs on sale than packers needed and as a result salesmen had a rather hard time to dispose of the late arrivals and also of the com mon nnd light stufT. There, were so many good hogs on sale that packers discrim inated against the common stuff more than usual. Representative sales: No. 13... II... 18... IS... .71... 44.. 4... mi... 71... II... 71.,. 6... 17... 12... 72... I... 71... 12... 1... 77... 12... 17..., 1... 7... Tl... 11... 4... II... 76... 71... I... 7... IM. . 41..., n:.t. M.. 67..., tl...-, II... 76..., 14..., 4..., 71..., 41..., 71..., I..v 77..., IS... 140... 7.... CI..., w.... 76..., 17.... 64.... At. Pr. No. 19... 16... It... 7. . It .. 17... 17... 74... It... ... 61... 71... IS... II... 76... II... II... ft... IS... 61... 60... 71... It... 77... 17... 41... 7... 41 .. I... II... 47.:. 11... 64... 71... !! 42. . to... II... Tl... II... 4... II .. II... At. Pr. 4 62 4 62 4 62 4 62 4 63 4 II 4 12 4 62 4 12 4 13 4 62 4 62 4 62 4 62 4 M 4 66 4 61 4 65 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 6 4 61 4 66 4 61 4 66 4 65 4 16 4 66 4 66 4 66 I 66. 4 66 4 66 ' 4 66 I 66 4 16 4 66 4 67 4 47 4 to 4 10 4 A 4 0 I 0 4 60 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 40 4 (0 4 IS 4 15 .Ill ... .161 . 10 ,'.11 10 8 76 ' 4 25 4 St 4 16 4 40 4 46 4 41 4 46 . 4 48 4 46 4 47 4 47 4 47Va 4 47 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 10 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 ' i 60 lit 4 60 j a 4 60 , 4 60 4 60 , 4 60 4 60 4 60 . 4 60 4 60 4 it 4 63 4 61. 4 61 4 61 4 61 4 62 4.43 4 62 4 62 4 62 4 63 4 62 ...241 ....241 ....136 ....164 ...116 ....126 ....127 ....221 ....311 ....247 ....217 ....240 ...111 ....111 ....117 ....21 .'...131 ....341 ....161 ....Ill ....171 .. .21 146 ....171 261 . ..11 ....341 ....171 ....171 ....217 ....141 ....161 ....20 ....lit . ...MO ....111 .. 2M ...34 .., 274 ....261 ... .141 ....240 ....201 ....169 ....16 ....21,1 ....220 ....261 ,...16S ....277 ....117 ....114 IM 111 ,....117 ....111 ....1U0 r....tll ,,...111 ,....121 Ill ....104 ....111 ... .101 ....111 ,....214 116 ....21i ....107 ....240 ...'.111 ....171 ....117 ....111 ....136 ....111 ....110 ....121 ....246 ....111 ....321 ....211 ..J10 f.-lta ,...1M. ....Hit ....111 ....114 ....32J ....K4 ....til to 100 iio ....101 120 ....2.12 40 ...216 .... ....147 100 ....261 140 ....131 ... ..,.121 120 ....2.-4 , 10 .... ... 40 ....121 , 10 ....131 60 ....24 ... to 44.. .. 71.. 71. 60.. 72., !.. I. , 49., 61.. 120 4 IS fcMEKP There was n limited upply of sheep In sight this morning, and as all the buyers needed a few cars the market ruled ialrly active and iust about steady. There were some clipped lambs on sle good enough to bring $5.65, but aside from those the quality was only fair. Some clipped wethers and yearlings sold for $4.75 and $4.85. Clipped ewes sold up to $4.66. Everything at all desirable was sold at an early hour, but some of the commoner kinds were neglected and hard to dispose of, but still they finally sold at about the same prices as have been paid of late for that clnsa of offerings. Quotations for clipped stock: Oood to choice lambs, 85.50if(0.b5; fair to good lambs, $5.005.50; good to choice wooled lambs, $tl.50igfl.75; fair to good wooled lambs, $6.00gr) .50; good to choice ' yearlings or wethers, J5.OiKfi5.25; fair to good yearlings or wethers, 4.76g6.00; good to choice ewes, H7lU:4-90: fair to good ewes, $4.50J'1.70. representative saies: No. . ' 26 western cull wethers 20 western cull wethers 1 western lamh .: 41 western sorlna- lnmha Av. . 93 . 100 . 40 . 38 . 79 . 250 . 81 . 92 . 86 . 104 Pr. 3 25 2 25 8 50 8 50 4 25 4 50 4 60 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 76 4 85 4 80 4 00 4 00 6 ft 283 western ewes 1 western buck 270 western ewes 2 western wethers E17 western wethers , 117 western ewes 4 western wethers and ewes 244 western wethers , 76" western lambs 15 western lambs 23 western ewes v , 286 western lambs , 95 71 38 88 48, New York Lira Stock Market. NEW YORK, May 18.-BEEVE8-Re. relpta, 2.227 head; steers active and fully 10c higher; fat bulla nnd fat cows firm to 100 higher; Steers, $4 60o.70. Liverpool and London cabins quoted live cattle and sheep steady. Shipments today were 2.860 quarters of beef; tomorrow, 71 cattle and 62 sheep. CALVES-R-ecelpts, 7.492 head; market opened slow und 25c off. closed stendy to lower; veals, choice, $5 87f1.00, with a few fancy at $.25t6.60; general Bales, $5.00iW.75: city dressed veals, 6&9o per lb.; country dressed, Wio. HOQS Receipts, 744 head; market firm; State hogs, $7.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.562 head: sheep steady; lamhs firm; spring lambB steady; sheep, $4.00416.60: oulls, $3.0of 2.50; clipped yearlings, $5. 7500: clipped lambs. $5.75(37.00; clipped culls. $4.7505:50; spring lambs, $4.25ig4.75; few choice state lambs, $5.50. Kansas Tlty Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,3o0 head. Including 75 Shorthorns; market steady to strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, $4.6ufx5.25; fair to good, $4.O0(f4.a0; western-fad steers. $4.00fi4.90; stockers and feeders, t3.X4j4.70; southern steers, tt.7i4. 50: southern cows, $2.Xfi3.76: native cows, $2.00f4.26; native heifers, $3.60 (p4.50: bulls, $2.50j2.0; calves, 29c higher, $3 004T6 .00. HOGS Receipts, 14.000 head; market 10c lower; top, $4.80; bulk. $4 50rn4.72: heavy, $4 704it.8O; puckers, $4.8&$4.7S; pigs and llrl.ta UXtxht 65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnta head; market ateady; native lamhs, 6.76; western lamba. $5.00.7T: fed r .26f0tt. On; Texas clipped yearlings, 25; Texas clipped aheep. $4.6O&6.00; era and feeders. 43.5oiifH.fjO. 4.000 $0,251-1 ewe, $4 75"i5 Block- t. Loals Live Stock Market. BT. IyOUIS, Mar 18. CATTLE Receipts, $000 head. Including 600 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4 .lotftfl.50; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4 tV(75. 40; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3. 754(4. 28; stockera and feeders, $8. 60434 80; cows and heifers. $8 0Kj4.4i6; Canners, $2 2f!.75: bulls. $8.1084.60; calves, $4. butt. 00: Texas and In dian steers, $3. 50$ -4. 75, cows and heifers, $3 OfK54.00. HfWS Receipts. 10.000 head: market to lower; pigs and lights, $4 UJitA 60; packers, $4.Wij4.75, butchers and best heavy, $4. 10 4.86. , . , . SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 1 000 he'id: market strong: r.atlve muttons. 24, 6 1); lambs. 44 .imu7.0rt: culls and bucks, $3 20 CO; Blockers, $2.2503.26. St. Jeseiih Live Stork Market. .ST. JOKK.PH. M.iy 18. -TATTLE Re ttlyia. 3,1 J head; miwktt atctuly to strong; 1... I .. I... 1... I... 1... 1... 1... I .. 14... if... I... I... 1... 4... I... 1... 1 .. 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... I... I .. 1... I... 1... natives, $4 2MJf.3: Tenea and weetern.a. $.7.7o4?4.8&; cns and heifers. tl.iVff4.s6; bulla and stags, $2.7.Vr4.50; stovkers and feeders, $3.254)4. lit. 1KHJ9 Receipts, 10.303 head; 6c lower; light,, medium and heavy, $4.tiOi 4.f. HHEKP AND LAMHS Receipta. 2,858 head; steady; western lambs, $6.60. C HIC AGO l it R STOC K MARKET Cattle and Skeep steady nnd Hosts Five Cents Higher. CHICAGO, Mnv 1 CATTLE Receipts head; market steady; prime to good, steers, $5. lOfiu. 70; pimr to medium, $4 2.Vtf 5.10; etockers and feeders, $.i.3o,i1 4. 60; cowa. $1 'S4.S0; heifers. 23.25fi4.85; canners, $1 .taut 2.76; hulls. $2.2i4i-4.26: calves. $2,5045.50; Texas-fed steers. $4.tltff4.6t. Hows Receipts. 22.0OO head; estimated to morrow, 26.0110 head; mnrket steady to oc higher; mixed nnd butchers. $4.7lfH.9:: good ... -,...1 1 .. ft, . OIL .., ..H ltd'V ,1, ni'lHT lln, T rv''!M . , ' ...... j , 't4.Mf4.9n; light, $4.t4j4.o; bulk of sale. MIKKP AND LAMRS-Receipts, 13.000 head; m.'irket steady; In nibs steady to strong; good to choice wethers, o.ii'ijo.Rj; western aheep, $4.5"'nS.S6; native Iambs. $4.i. frt.16: clipped western himhs, $4. 754. 15; woolod western lamhs, $U.2ti 7 .0o;- spring lambs, $5.i.V(i4j.Oo. Sloni City I. Ire Stork. Market. SIOUX CITY. Is , Mav 18. (Special Tele gram. )OATTI.H Receipts. Nil head; mm Set steady; stockers strong: beeves, $3 i 4 80; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.30M4.Ou: stock era and feeders, $it.((4.00; calves and year lings. $2.7Mf3.75. IlOOS-Kecelpts, 8.200 head: market 5710o lower, selling at $4 4h34.ti5; bulk. $4.4034.9. Stork In Sight. Following are the receipta of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha S.oOO 3.700 Chicago 10.H1O 22.0HO 13.0tl Kansas City . 7.300 14.00O 4.t-) St. Ixuils ; 3.000 . Io.omo St! Joseph 2.11 10.825 8.8.V1 Sioux City 6Q 8.200 Totals.. 27,930 67,025 23,558 Cotton Market. LIVERPOOU May 18.-COTTON-Spot In moderate demand, prices XKJTi points lower. American middling fair. 7 14d; good middling. 7.50d: middling. T.42d; low mid dling. 7.28d: good ordinary. 7.14d; ordinary, 6.94(1. Futures opened easy and closed quiet, American middling, f. o. c, Msy. 7.25d; May snd June. 7.20d; June and July. 7.15d; July and August. 7 lid; August and September, 6 8td; September snd October, 6 34d; October and November, 6.08d; Novem ber and December, tkl; December and Jan uary, 5.9'd; January and February. 6.9bd. NEW YORK, Mny 18 COTTON Spot closed quiet, 25 points lower; middling up lands. 13.40c; middling gulf, 13.6uc. Salas, T.LOUTS. May l.-COTTON- Quiet. s lower; middling, 13c. Sales, none; re ceipts 278 bales; shipments, 10 bales; stock, NEw"' ORLEANS, May 18.-COTTON- Moi it irvr 1-.M .Tun 13 27c; July, 13.52 lS.tVic; AufcuBt, 12. -212 7?c; septemner, 1 1 . "r-Yl' ,X".,a jsovemoer, i'i.c; ucn-mw, , January, 10.84rgl0.86c. Spot quiet; sales, 1.875 hales; ordinary, 11 15-1c; good or- 13c; low middling, 13 9-16c; middling fair. li la-ioc. . Oil nnd Rosin. NEW TORK, May 1R.-OILS Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow. 274r"27c Petroleum, easy; refined. New York, $8.15; Philadelphia and Baltimore, M10: in bulk. t W. Turpentlno, steady. 6Sirt&8e. ' ROSIN Quiet: strewed, common to gooa, $2.9fVS3.00. OIL CITY. Pa., May 18. OIT,8 Credit balances. $1.62; certificates no bid; ship ments. 78.149 bbls.; average. 78.M8 bbls.; .. CXI -.'O V.Kl - . n tT 71 l.hla ' Mhln- l u un. o.i,iw 1 u,.' . ........ r. .. - - . ' ments, Lima. 74.967 bbl.: average. 19.021 bbls.; runs, Lima, 71,841 bMs.; average, 62, 197 bbls. SAVANNAH, May :8.0;LS Turpentine, flROS1N'-FIrm: A, P. C. t, $2 f; E, $2.70; F $2.75: H. $2.85: I, $3.00; K, $3.16; N, $3.20; W Q. $3.50.; W W. $3.80, ,, Co rTee Mnrket. NEW YORK, May J8 COFFEE Futures opened rteadv at a decline of 6 polnls. Rales were reported of 53.000 bags. Includ ing Mav at R.70V5.75c: July, 6.90c; Septem ber, 6.:"56.20c: October, .26c: November. 8 30c; Pecember. 6.40fa.45c: March, 6.70ft .75c. Spot Rto. steadv: No. 7 Invoice, 7c. Mild, quiet: Cordova. 1MT13Q. THE CRACKERJACK OF FLYERS A Train that Ran So Fnat It Sncked t'p Water nnd Flab na It Crossed Trestles. They had been speaking of fsst runs on railroads. 'That reminds me of a run we made soma ttmo ago on a train which came In from a point on the eoaat," said the man who wanted to add seat to the conversation, "and It waa about the fleet est trip I ever had on a railroad. Tha train was behind time about an hour, and I think the engineer made an effort to catch up between the city and a point not so very .far, out on the coast. At any rste, It looked very much like It to me. We shot through! the air like an arrow. Sometimes it would seem to me that we had left tha track altogether. That clicking peculiar to railroad trains could not be heard.' About all we could hear at times would be the whizzing of the wind aa It split by the windows. Across bayous and limugh marshes we rushed like mad. When we reached the rlgolets the most remarkable thing I ever saw took plare. The train vil traveling so fast It sucked the water up behind It as It rushed actosi the trestle, and I could hear tha flshea groan as we flew over thla neck of the gulf. Most remarkable thing I ever raw In the way of fast runs." And he lapsed Inta silence. "I'm glad you reminded' me of that run," sold another member of the group. "I had fortotten tho Incident. I can vouch for all you any, for I was on the back end of the last coach," and the water which was sucked in behind the train bv the vacuum almost washed me overboard, but I held on all right, and when we had made the crossing and the waters had re ceded I picked up on the platform of the rear coach the finest bunch of flsh I ever saw. They were no doubt the tlsh you heard groaning." New Orleans Tlmea Dcmoerat. The Bee Want Ada are the beat Business Boosters. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record May 18 as furnished by the Midland Guarantee ami Trust com pany, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, to The Bee: Ellen K. Southwlck and husband to Carl i. NorduJil, lot 13, block 61, South Omaha t 1.153 Will H. Thompson, et al, referees, to James Leering, lots 1 and 2, block I, city 48,503 Qeorge Sautter and wife to Mary Mies, lot 28, block 8, Malta's 1st add 153 William B. Olnndlng and wife to Mary 8. Atklus, lot 18, block 20, and other land, Poppleton park..,. 2 Wilson T. Oruham end wife to Mar garet C. Reagun, lot 11, block 18, Kountze place 8,600 Danlil V. Kelly and wife to John and Anna T. Sherlock, w.12 feet lot 12, Paulsen's add 1,600 Sheriff to Fred Stubbendorf, se ne 1-14-12 1,875 George W. Doune and wife to William C. Norrls, part of tax lot 7, nw ne. 10-15-18 ,200 Anna M. J. Smiley to George W. Loane, same 100 Charles B. Keller and wife to George W. Doane, same 1 L0WREY BR0S.&C0 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Grain, Stocks and Provisions Room 212, N. Y. Life Building Phone 2G10. Spec. attention given to telegraph an4 mall o. .re. OMAHA. Updike Commission Co. 43 RAIN AND PROVISIONS. Business handled promptly In all market Office. 462 Bee Building. Telephone 2451 0. W. Vl-VIKSZ, MAN AQ ELS, .