190. f Greei Trading Stamps Every Time ATTEND OUR GREAT SILK SA LE THURSDAY ATTEND OUR CREAT SILK SALE THURSDAY Agents for Reed's Lady Corsets. i zr0H - 'Jt? cushion Cushion 3 OMATIA DAILY REE? THURSDAY, MAY 10 TlIK HF.l.IAUI.K STORK. i! 1 I ; v: I i i I' 3 I0CNG WOMEN WANT A HOME Association Propoies That Judge Usrl'ls Eolsrgs Eli Bnildicf for It. ASK ADDITION OF TWO MORE STORIES SknSBBSJSBBBBM rrapoelttoa ts Sot Agreed o. How ver, ,an Carletlaa Orgaalsa tloa ia "till Waltlaf anA Watealaa; for Placa. Ths Young Women'! Christian assqcla Usn has approached Judge James Neville with a proposition for one or two stories for the association to be added to the con templated building at Sixteenth and liar nay streets. It Is understood, however, thai the bulldera and the association com mittee could not agree on the terma of uch an agreement and that nothing will come of the matter. The association has been In need of laager roam for a Jong time. It hae grown rap Idly, and, beside thla, the present rooms la the Paxton block are not particularly veil suited for Ita purpose. A building fund waa etarted a long time ago and has grown aa well aa could be expected, and the women are understood to have at their command In addition several Inrge dona tion. They have had the plans drawn for a flve-atory building and at one time practically had an option on a Harney treat property. But the announcement Of so many new store buildings haa made It rather doubtful If additional places on Harney street could be rented advantage ualy for the present, and. In addition, the fund had not grown sufficiently to allow of the new home for some time to come. The association management declined to give any details, but It la understood the idea 'was to make an arrangement with Judge Neville by which the women should build and coutrol one or two stories placed above the three which are now planned for the old church corner. Owners of real estate on South Sixteenth street' are anxious to have more than a three-story building erected on this cor ner, and several of them have been talk ing 1 up a proposition for a number of business men to unite In a pool which shall build two additional stories on the Neville structure, control and rent them for a period of years, and then turn them over to the owners of the real estate. No sUch proposition, however, haa been made to Mr. Neville, and he Is Inclined to think It would not be satisfactory. He has not definitely decided to limit the building' to three stories, but whatever height Is put up, he will do It himself. No leases for store space or offices in the new building have been made. SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCES Secretary Burgess Calls Attention to Soma Conditions the Board Has Met. OMAHA, May lfU To the Editor of The Bee: In The Kvenlng Bee of May 17 ap peared the following editorial comment! Comparative expenditures of the school board during the first ten months of the fiscal year la02-iT8 and the first ten months of the fiscal year 1903-1904 show an Increase of more than $60,0(10 In the cost of school government, although the Increase In the payroll of the teachers haa been less than lri.000, and the Increase In the payroll of janitors has only been $1,100, while the miscellaneous" expenses have Increased by nearly 112,000. In calling the attentlbn of the public to thla $50,000 Increase over the previous year you fall to state that $26,000 of this Increase Is due to the construction of the new Mon i mouth Park school building. No new school buildings were constructed during the pre vious year. That the fuel for the present year has cost the board $4,036.04 more than the previous year; that the board has paid in taxes $4,464.67 during the present year as against nothing paid during the previ ous year; that an additional $2,600 haa been placed In the bond redemption fund more than waa placed during the previous year; that $11,600.$ was paid by order of the court on account of the McDonald Judg ment, aa against nothing paid In the pre vious year, Thla amount appears in the secretary's statement - as "miscellaneous expenses." Add to these Items $7,100, whleh you have mentioned as the Increase In teachers' and janitors' salaries, and you have a total of $54,681.63. I have never been able to discover that you have ever called the attention of the publlo. In discussing school board finances, to the fact that the Board of Education has now In ths bond redemption fund $211, (11.50 with which to redeem the school dis trict bonds due In 1908 and 191&- This Is the amount which the law states shall ba In the bond redemption fund. I believe that I am correct In saying that the school district of Omaha la the only legislative body In the county of Douglas that has strictly complied with the statutes In re gard to 1U sinking fund. I think the publlo should know that the statute re quires that nearly $100,000 shall be set aside during each year for the creation of a sinking fund and the payment of Interest on the bonded Indebtedness that haa been incurred by the action of the people them selves in voting bonds for the purchase of school sites and the erection of school buildings. J. F. BUROES8, Secretary Board of Education. DENTISTS BUSY AT CLINICS Fnt'la Day with Technical Demoa "' atratione, Many Delea-atea Taking; Part 1st Prograaa, The meeting of the State Dental society thla morning waa devoted exclusively to Cllnk-a, at the Omaha Dental college. The principal demonstrators were: Dr. C. A. Bayer, Tekamah, articulating metal bridges) ' Dr. Clyde Davis, Lincoln, oral Surgery and Allen's method of making poroelaln Inlay: Dr. W. N. Dorward, Omaha, gold filling, moss fiber gold; Dc W. T. Humphrey, Lincoln, carving cusps; Dr. J. Enoa Wait. Superior, - method of making bicuspid and molar crowns; Dr. John Foster, Omaha, gold filling, using Nay's gold, Nos. 60 and 120; Dr. Elisabeth C Field, Lincoln, treating abcessed teeth, fistulous opening with sulphuric acid; Dr. Another Great Cut oi Our Ladies Suit Sale 9 'i ru w, ai auii Vrn. nVintiak nt 4 Vi aba MOl More fine suits from our own stock auueu lu mis immense oicuuiciu lot, all go tomorrow, at each ....... Your choice of these new and very fashionable spring suits made of voiles, broad cloths, cheviots, etc., etc. actually worth 20, $25 and $30 all in one (Treat bargain array for Thursday- choice at..... Sample Line of High Cost Crav enettes or Water Proof Coats ilk Mm No two alike in this Immense assort men t principal sizes 34, 36 and 38, in blue, green, brown and tan :?.!?!?!: 9.98 12.50-15.00 Ladies Shirt Waists Made la the latest summery fabrlcs-flace and embroid ery insertions wide ftp) tailor pleats, etc fjJJC tie w styles, at 25c $1.50 Untrimmed and Ready to Trim Hats, at....... From our recent big purchase of samples of untrimmed hats all this season's new, clean hats, comprising latest shapes and all new straws, blacks, whites, browns, and blues every hat guaranteed worth up to $1.50 "V $2 READY-f 0-WEAR HATS at 50c-SVYnJnt. of ready-to-wear hats, in all new shapes, trimmed with vel velvets and silk ribbons, pom-poms and fancy PA feathers, in millinery department, at, each JUC Two Great Trimmed Hat Specials The daintiest new effects for summer I wear these hats lire from a New I York wholesale stock, PA I bougnt at nig re. ,J.rill I ductlon choice at Very high-class, artistically trimmed hats many are faithful copies of thu very latent i-jencn models a wide variety, ut 5.00 39c Silk Mousseline de Sole 12Jc This Is a most desirable summer fabrics for waists or entire suits- plain or silk em- -S ySk l nroiaerea, uiui-k. ' white and all colors, on main floor at, yd., 15c India Linon at lc Yard Special Bargains In Basement tomorrow. Tomorrow we place on sale 10,000 rards of Itlark Lawn and Black ndla Linon. worth up to 26c yard, In long I C mill lengths at, yard " . ii in i j . ..- "JUI1HIII - I I " A Grand Opening Thursday and Friday of id -Summer illinery At the Store That Always Sells High Grade Exclusive Millinery, At Pricos You Can Afford to Pay. 3,000 Pretty Picture Hats to Choose From. It's Worth Your While to Look. Urges! Millinery House In Omaha, 1508 Douglas St D. J. McMillan, Kansas City.; combination Ailing with oohesive and nonoqheslve gold; Dr. W. 11. Sherraden, Omaha, Logan crown with band;.Dr, C. W. Graft, Teeum seh. use of narcatlle; Dr. U O Van Blyke, Bouth Omaha, appliances; Dr. W. R. Bmtth, Pawnee City, prosthetic (table clinic); Dr. H. B. McMtllen, Kansas City, orthodontia (table clinic). . ' The afternoon session was given over to the address of President If. -A. Shannon, followed with numerous papers and discussions. Bads BeaAacae'a Tortare. Lesy livers and sluggish bowels cause headaches. Dr. King's New Life Pills re move the cause, or no pay. Only Sta. For sale by Kubn A Co. - MRS. J. BENSON Muslin Underwear Wa are showing the handsomest line of muslin nderwear for the money that's made. Ma ny mw and pretty styles that have never tveen shown before. Bklrts In knee or long lengths, lane or mbroldery trimmed. Knee Bklrts, with flounce, handsomely tucked-o up. Long Bklrts for Be np to :HJL8. ' Corset Cove re, tn great variety, from lit oft to u Diawera of all kinds. We carry a full Una of children's and re Uses muslin underwear. Ws would call special attention to our spring Uns ' underwear, including XaeWs Pure linen Meah UadarwseJf tot ladles. Tin only Uusa underwear that to fiWlt4 mt " ' " " l ATTEMPT ATSUICIDE FOILED Plans of Yoans Man Fall, Err after He Writes Last Letter to Mother. According to the story of Otto Bemford, arrested at the Union station Tuesday evening and the charge of vagrancy placed against him at the city jail, he has been the victim of an unkind fate for sometime, so he resolved on self-destruction. The young man was hanging around the sta tion in a manner as to arouse suspicion when arrested, and when searched at the police station several farewell letters were found in his pockets. Two of the letters were addressed to his mother and sweet heart and appeared to have been written but a short time before the arrest The letter written by Bemford to his mother reads: My dear mother: When this my last missive reaches you 1 shall have Dassed into that most eternal beyond where 1 ahull live in hopes of meeting you attain. My many debts and other troubles, which are numerous, have led me to commit this rash act. Oood by to all those who are dear to me. I will remain In death as I was In Ufa, your loving son. Otto. With Bemford, waa arrested another young man who gave the name of Cleve land Kemp. He waa arrested several weeks ago In a resort and when searched had a "hold-out" card apparatus in his sleeve. For this charge he was fined GO and coats. He Is now being held on a vagrancy charge. FraakE For4 Oa Trial. The ease of Frank L. Ford, the "joking burglar," so-called, came up for trial in the dlmriot criminal court yesterday, the prisoner being charged with having broken and entered the residence of T. 11. Knaur, lu Houth Omaha, October 19. Four other Indictments of a similar nature are pending aealnat the prisoner. Sunday's Bee will be particularly Inter. etU4 to automobile, Bra 18 lira rain GREEN TRADING STAMPS EARN INTEREST ON THE MONEY YOU SPEND Much more Interest than you earn on the money you save. How's Your Stamp Book Coming? GROCERY For fresh new Groceries, Bennett's head the list lowest prices, Thursday special. iPH. Cheese Special. 60c worth of Green Trading; Stamps with three Neuf chatel in Cheese Potted Ham, can Mustard, prepared. Jar. Salmon, 1-1 b. can Oil Sardines, can .. 4a .. ho ..10o .. 6a 1 Pfil 11.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with each pack bk finest Ger man isr aw Noodles. Castile Soap, cake Rice, good, lb Worcester Sauce, bottle 600 worth Green Trading Stamps with each bottle Chill Qc Sauce COFFEES Roasted fresh dally. 11.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with each pack age Bennett s 28c DiT'i-rt'D ThMiuniii of pounds of Fresh Country Butter received dat'y. Wis. Cream Cheese, per lb 1 NeufchHlel Cheese, each ,c CANDY DEPARTMENT Lemon Drops-a regular 6c package, each So Wall Paper The latest artlstlo ideas tn Wall Paper. Tuesday la hemnant Sale Day, Bar gains galore.' Third Floor Guaranteed gold filled Glasses com plete. $1 Drlng Your Eyes, Special Glasses Ground to Order. A Thursday Scatter ing of Shoes and Oxfords We have just about the prettiest line of Tan Oxfords In Omaha, both for Indies and gents, Including the faultless fitting Dorothy Dodd Oxfords and others of acknowledged superiority. Thursday We Will Give Double Green Trading Stamps with all Oxfords and Shoes up 9 fl from aG.MJ Demonstrations German Noodles Choicest fftiallty produced especially itmonstrated- ' MAIN FLOOR. Jell-0 An axnulslte Jelly dessert easily Dreoared and capable of hundreds of lellv fantasies. Three packages for 2BC . ; y- Durkee's Salad Dressing An Indlspenslble to meat, fish and vegetable dishes gives tone and finish to the plainest repast. WHITE BOOTH . Jewelry Fancy Enamel. tl1S j nieces, large slse. Virttuff t) firman RtlcVera. Double Stitched White Duck Wash Belts 15c And JL00 in Green Trading Stamps thrown in. Extra stamps with Women's Tailor Made Suits. Three sweep ing reduction sales in Woman's Suits. ! Over two hundred suits AtviAe-ti ntn three lots all colors and styles-$27.50, 5 95 $11.90 and. r'" u T Double Green Trading Stamps with each sale .sfifisawni Hi Win', pWVVVw7 Green Trading Stamps All the Time NEW SHIRT-WAISTS The Bertha styles, fine organdy lawn, lace edge and insertion trimmed 1 $2.25, $1.48 and NEW COTTON WAISTS Opened Wednesday, dark and light, fancies and plain white S0c a 75c waist at s-rv- BLACK SATEEN PETTICOATS Never sold at QQ less than ?1.23 Thursday at. ................. HOUSE WKAPPERS One hundred dozen, sizes (IO 32 to 44, values at $1.25 and $1.50 Thursday at. . U' CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES Ages 1 to 4 years, 98c, 50c, 39c and 25c; ages 4 to 14 years, l0c 98c, 89c, G9c and JW ENGLISH MOHAIRS Extra special values in fine Eng lish Mohairs for swell SHIRT WAIST SUITS, in navys, browns, tans, grays, plaids and cardinals, In small figures and checks, at ?1.50, f 1.00, 50c 75c and PERCALES 100 pieces pretty dark percales Ol Extra fine quality, special WniTE INDIA LINONS 15c quality, very QJC sheer, nice White India Linon, special, yd V3W 25c quality fine Egyptian Cotton Sheer India 15c Linon, special, yd BLACK INDIA LINONS 200 pieces extra fine quality Black India Linon, all perfect blacks. Iflc worth to 29c yd., all go at, yard, 15c and KM FINE IMPORTED LINEN SUITINGS We will place on sale Thursday 150 pieces of very fine fancy dress. Linens and the new Knicker Suitings every yard of this im mense showing Is worth 50c to 85c yd. See them Thursday at, yard Women's Silk Shirt Waist Suits rrm now SOU Women's Jap Waists, several rows of Insertion, ni. j Beautiful Linen Waists, bought to sell a'jf is.iio to $10.00, n on now ,vu 100 dozen Women's Waists, In lnwns. trimmed wun msemon ana llC embroidery, worth up to 3.00, at. Women's Waists In Ginghams and Vestings, worth $1.00, at 49c Women's Wash Underskirts, at Women's $2.00 Rustling Moire BKins. ai - Women's $1.50 Percale Wrappers, at Women's 75o Calico and Lawn A.Od Wrappers, at Specials 49c 1.00 1.00 $2.00 Children's Spring Jackets, 1.00 $8.00 Women's Bilk Coats, . 4,Qg $7.50 Women's Silk Underskirts, A QQ all colors and Hack, at West Room Bargains Never before have such values in high grade Table Linen been offered at m low a prl e as we have been making ln our great May Linen sale. Thursday a offerings are no exception; you will appreciate the value as soon as you see the goods. Lome At 69c m'W-ln-.'-wr At 35c FiC I f Ready to use Camhrlo At AO A Heavy all Linen Hotel At sC finest Pillow Cases, AI IC Damask. 45x36. i. , . II Offa Ready to use bleached At !Qf B1J,eor wh,LV D2tted At 3lsC Eheets. 2yds. w'.de. Vi AI 19 C Swiss, worth Soo yd. yds. Icng. bOc and 78o Boys' Dark Colored OKr I15" HoyB' Heavy Ribbed Hose, in all g j Cheviot Shirts, Thursday ASJW sizes, a great snap, at EXTRA SPECIAL FROM 9 70 11 AM. 600 dozen Ladles Sleeveless Vests, plain and fancy yokes, all slses, worth from 12liO to 19c, your choice Be Read These Reliable Prices IN GROCERIES HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. 'WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS ABSOLUTELY FREE. English CleHned Currants, per ID 'AO Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour, per sack l.A Large Sacks Cornmeal ., 1240 Condensed Mince Meat, per pkg jo 1-lb. Package Cornstarch ...oo Electric, Elastic, IXL or Celluloid Btarch. per pkg viv.'1'0 8 Pars White Russian, Diamond "C," Beat 'Era All, 6wlft Pride or Armour's Laundry Soap for ISO 6 lbs. Breakfast Rolled Oats ...lk 5 Ins. Hand Picked Navy Beans, Good Rice, Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina. 18o U lb. Cans Potted or Deviled Ham 3o 1-lb. Cana Baked Beans 4o 1-lb. Cans Alaska Salmon 9o 8-lb. Cana Solid Packed Tomatoes 7Ho S-lb. Cans Hominy, Pumpkin, Squash, Aeple Butter or Rhutarb 7Vo DRIED FRUIT SPECIALS. Fancy Large Italian Prunes, per lb do Fancy Muir Peaches, per lb 7Vc Choice California Grapes, per lb 7Vc Virginia Blackberries, per lo 7V.0 New York Ring Apples, per lb 7tto Func.y California Beedloss Raisins, per id iu FRESH FRUIT, SPECIALS. Fancy large Juicy Lmons, per dos Zflc Fancy Sweet Oranges, each.. lo Fancy Mixed Nuts, j-er ib.... lOo CROCKERY SPECIALS. Venetian Glues vtses, Trays. Rose BowiB. etc., for tl.la sale only, Bo Only one pioc to a customer. Crystal Water Tuv tiers, 6 for 9o HARDWARE SPECIALS 13 tine rakes, each . 10 Garden hoes, each ... 15o Steel spades, each ..,,... ..49a Lawn sprinklers, each 19o Garden hose, per foot M4o Poultry netting, per square foot Vio t-burner gasoline stove $2.49 Adjustable screens, each 26a WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS ABSO LUTELY FREE. DR. BRADBURY Painless) Extraction .Without Oas. FIUloxs Oo Gold Crowns, $2.B0 up Pridr Work $2.50 ap Lady Attsodsnt Fourtaait Yaara Sam Looation 1506 Fartiam DENT13T. TEL. 1736. Ws positively remove narves from tsetti wttb ut tbe least paotldo of pain. Pistes $2 up. Open Suadaya 10 tell WHEN YOU NEED THE TIME rail us up we'll be glad to give it to you. Set your clocks by Lindsay's time. When down town make our store your headquarters. No place In the city where you'll be more welcome than at Lindsay's. Look for 'he name. S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. im 'i--nrni ' i i 1" "- - Good Cixre of Your Teeth If you possess good ones. If not, let us take care of them and make them GOOD TEETH. The man or woman who dws not have presentable TEETH today has none to blame but themselves. We stand ready to make your teeth pre sentable and usuful. BAILEY THE DENTIST 8rd Floor Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. Charges Less Tbaa All Others. DRs McCREW SPECIALIST. Truttsl ferns ef DISEASES Of MEN ONLY A nedlcal Bietrt. JS Veers Experience. I g Years la Oasaae. NfltfW JS.OS Csms Ceres. ew lit S. l St., Ouwti, A TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Three shipments Just received by express. More Bilk Shirt Waist Bults than all ths other houses combined. THURSDAY'S OFFERINGS Women's Bilk Bults In the very newest ktyles, Seated skirts, Irlnimed waists. In plain colors, checks and stripes, f 4 nfk a great bargain, at II.vV Women's 8ampl Bults, only one of a kind, made of the very best taffeta and Peau de Bole, $J5.00 values, 15.00 Women's Bilk Bults. the very finest, perfect models of artlstlo beauty, ail the new weaves and stylish effects, 25.00 l New Skitis Voiles, Sicilians and Oranlts Cloth lust received for Thursday's selling. Women's Bilk Dror Voile Skirts, O Qf regular $15.00 values, at U.SKJ Women's Granite Cloth and O Oft Sicilian Bklrts, at $3.98 and -'J 400 Women's Walking Bklrts, in mixed and nlnin cnlra. srreat variety of materials. Inrmcrlv mid at tt 00 and $10.00. C tl iJ,JJ trimmed with . f 2.9td H's Your Fault, Not Ours If you are bothered with bugs bi buKS, cockroaches or any other kind of bugs, tn is summer, 'cause we have cur 81 Hh DKATlt waiting for ynu to ROT'T 'i-.n OUT! IT JUST DOES THE BUSINESS, THAT'S ALL. Pints, 15c; quarts, ioc; half gallonSj 60c; gallons, 9oc; a pint oil can free with oOc or Sue size, or Bo extra with 16c or 2Te sieo. DELIVERED ANY PLACE IN OMAHA, SOUTH OMAHA OR COUNCIL BLLFrS. Remember, we are selling all the staple patents such as the $1.00 size of Llquospne twuns. HwamD Root. Pierce's Remedies . Mrlihum'i V. rnninfilimt HllineS Xola 7 Compound, Duffy's Malt Whtakey, BromyW t t i 'VI ..ISO .150 ..110 ..20o ..15J We guarantee our ice cream to he made from straight pure cream ana no n, amp ef milk. You know what's the proof of the pudding T bUI fKlVC DRUQ STORB K. T. TATE1, Pres. mth and Chicago Bta, Omaha. 'Pboaea 'phSe no. 1. th Ave. and Main St, CeuncTl Bfuffi 'Poena SHI. All goods 4e ?eV.a either dlr absolutely free. Hi-ltzer Llsterlne. etc.. etc.. at. 25o Packer's Tar Soap Mo Mennen's lalcum INiwder... 25o Graves' Tooth Powder tr-n fi to r i6o Qulnacetol, guaranteed cold cure. puoxiing r SCIIAEFER'S Odd Mineral Waters n.nnmla nn what you call odd. Almost all the "odd" or hard ones re easy for us. run i.-saiAJNCj!.: Miens from Germany. Veronici from California. Abilena from Kansas. Setters (in Juge) from German. CarlsbtrJ Sprudsl from Bohemia. Vichy (genuine) from France. Boro-Lltbll from Waukesha. .. (The best LltUla Wster.) Ask us for all kinds of Drug Ptore Articles jou cannot t eUfihere. Sherman & McGohnell Drug Co. Car. Jt aad Dodge Sis., Osaakaw J.