Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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t this office daily, ezcfit Bunrtay, at IM
p. m and low p. m. Sundays at l.DQ p.
m. and 10 8u p. m.
INKWForNDI.AND fxcnt tra-Post
Mall) By rail to North Syflnry and
thnce by steamer, cloaca at thle office
daily at 4.30 u m. com tine malla coe
rira ever;- Monaaf, Wednesday and Sat
urdu ).
Bamah'A T.y rail to Boston, and thencfl
t steamer, closes at thla ofllce at t.3i)
r. m . Tuesday and Frldny.
fcJigi'KIjN Ur rail to lionton, and thnce
by ateamar, cloaca at this office dally at
t:30 p. m.
MALA U rail to New Orleflna, nnd
thrnce by t earner, clos-s at thla office
dally, emcept Bunday; at II : p. m. and
Jf2 p - ". Sundays st 1:'j4) p. m. and
110 30 p. m. fconnecttng mail closes hers
Mondays at (l0:3u p. m.).
EOHTA RICA By rail to New Orleans and
thence by steamer, closes at thla om
dally, ejcept Bunday, at 1 p. m. bb1
IIO.SO p. m., Sundays at 1 :UU p. m. nnd
IO:3i p. m. (connecting mail close here
lueadnj-a at 10 30 p. m).
IREGldTERED MAIL closes at 6:00 p. m.
previous day.
Vransparlfle Malla Forwarded Oye
land Dally.
Bris schedule of closing: Transpacific mailt
la arranged on the presumrillnn of their
uninterrupted overlnnd transit " to port
of aaillng. The final connw-tlna; malla (ex
cept registered Transpaoillo mniia which
close d p. m. previous day) close, at the
.. general DostonVs. New York, aa follows:
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver nnd
Victoria. P.. '., close at 6:30 p. m. May
I 17th, for despatch per a. e. Empress of
I China. (Merchandise for V. 8. Poatnl
) Aajency at Shanghai cannot ba forwarded
viu Canada).
CHINA and JAPAN, via Besrtlar, close at
6:30 p. m. May ith, for despatch per a.
AiLAWAII (also specially mail
JhV FIJI Islands), via San Fninrlsco, close
t :S0 p. m. May Zist, tor despatch per
J a. a. Bonoma. flf the Cimnrci steamer
i currying tlie Brltlxh mall fur New Zeal
; and dof-a not arrive In time to connect
with thla despatch, extra malls closing
' at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6 30 p. m.;
Fundi ya it 4:30 a, m.. 9 a. m. and C:30 p.
m.'-wlll ho -ma do up and nrwaroVd until
"IJI ISLANDS (also specially addressed
mall for Australia and New Caledonia),
via Vancouver nnd Victoria, B. C, close
at 6:30 p. m. May 21st for despatch per
.a. . Miiiwern,
Ban Francisco, cloae at 6:30 p. m. May
IMtli, for despatch rer s a. Marinosa.
Cisco, cloae at 6:30 p. m. May i7th, for
aisnarcn per it. b.- Transport.
HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA nnd specially
addressed mail for the FHILIPPINK
JslA j Do, -. via Snn Frnnclsco, close
at 6:30 p. m. May ?ith, for despatch per
a a Tln-I o
hAWAII, via Pan Francisco, close at 6:30
p. m. may 8th, far despatch per s. a
PINE ISLAN'Xia), via San Francisco, close
at ::) p. m. June 6 for despatcn per s.
. Siberia. . .
at present forwarded via HiiKsla, Instead
of via jHpan, tlio usual route.
NOTE-fnleaa ctherwise iddresaad. West
Australia Is forwarded via tv.irope; and
New Zealand and Philippines via San,
r rancisco tne quicKect routes. niup
Blnea sncclailv addressed "via Cnnsda'
or "via Europe' must b fully prepnld at
the foreign fsteS. Unwell la forwarded
via Ban Francisco exclusively.
' Poatmaater
Post OfTlc. New Tortta N. T.
May 1.1, 1904.
a -
yitlOJI STATlO.vioTH
Cb lea no, nock. Island' S
Cblcano, nock Island A Fclue.
. Ixt. Arri.
Oilro Pyllght Limited ...a I W tm a K M am
hlcjo DurllKiit Locl.,i. ..!.'.. 11 mm II Hpa
Chlua Kipre.i u li am a 1:06 am
Molnrt Etp-trt a 4 to pm bit so am
Calcacp Kut Kipreaa a l:le pm a t:U pm
' ' . -
Rorky MoiinUia Umltrd. , t:J0 jb at:pm
Ltnoola, .-CQltfrado Bprttigm, Da
Ter, Pueblo and wat. a 1:90 pm a 1:06 pm
Trias, California aad ' Oalahooi
ntT ,-a m alt:9 pa
Union paclBc.
Ttaa OrarUnd Umltad '...V.r....a t 40 anf a I 0 pm
Iha Fart Mall l itiia a I M pm
Tba California Express a 4 to pm
Tba Atlantic Bpeelal a t:IO pm
Tha Poruaad.inicaao apaolai.. ' pat. at H pm
Tsa Atlantic fCaprviw.' ,.;;..... j 7:90 pm
Tka t'qlorad special. :r. all:M pm a Ii40 am
tsa Catcaco fcpot:ll.a a 3-40 am
loeoln, Ufitriua and biro ma
burg Eiyrraa ..,....,.... 4 00 pm Bit 46 pm
Colutnbua Local ....b 6:00 pm D $-M am
iiitvuKo Aortbwestern.
Faat CbieacA
a 1:40 am a T:U am
Loral cblcao
Mall ....i.T.
Laal fjloui GMy.
1'arlliht At. Paul.:
Jjayli.lH' Chicago .....l...
Llrultrd Chlraxa ... ..,.. .
r'aat cblaago- .1. ......
Local Cbivago
Kaat St. Paul .......a.....
HL Paul Gxpraes
Pat Mall
Local Sloax City ,
......all 10 art
.... 410 pa a 110 pm
.... b I it pm
a T:a. auv al0:09 pm
.w..a I'M am all:M pm
a 1:10 pm a U am
a I m pm a :tt pm
i a i li pm
.,... l it pm a ot am
... a t am
... ' ...J a 1:40 pm
b 4:00 pm a 10 am
1:04 am blO U am
o a et am biO:U am
orfolk and Bouaatcft
acoia sua ing rioa....
Mdwood. Hak SDrlnca
Lincoln a I'M pm l: pm
Caaper and Wyoming Expraa...d 2:FM) pm a 1.10 pm
Maatlnga, Superior and Albion, b 1 to pm b 1:10 pm
inicago, niiwsskcc St. Psvnl.
f'blcago DaVllght
...a 1 5S am all:M pm
...a 44 pm a I II pm
I s pm a 1:1 pm
...a I II am a 1:10 pm
Chicago Taat Baprvaa
Overland Llnilted .,
Molnaa Sxpraaa. .......
Illlnola Central.
Cbtcago Exprcaa
CblcagvA Minneapolis 4k
Paul Umltad ,
Htnuaapoila a tit. Paal
Mlaaourl Paelllc.
.....a I M pm al0:M pm
t 7 40 pr;
Ex..b T:M am
a I 04 am
biO:U pm
81. Ijula Eipreaa ,..al0:49 am
K. C. 4a Bt Lnula Eapraaa all:4t pm
World's alr bpoclal a I. to pm
( bU-astu Ureau Waaler. .
Bt, Paul and Mlnatapolta Lmtd .."..'...,..
bt. Paul and MiiMMapaila Kx...a t:l am
a I 10 pm
a t oo am
aU:M am
a :ll
tbicago Uuiltsd a 4.40 pm -alO.30 am
t. paal. Mloa. Caioaao Ka..a U M ..,1:...
Chlcaao Kapraas a 4.90 am a 4 04 pat
WabaaJa. ......
H. Lcala "Tannon Ball" Bs...a t it pn a 1:10 am
a. Luuia Local ilo. Uiufta.....a 4 14 am pm
Chlcaso, Oarliaiajton aV4)a,ner.
, . , '' t Laar Airla.
Chicago Bpeolal I.. I...... 4 1:W aa a 1:44 pm
Cbioago Vaatlbulad Express 4:00 pm a t 44 ura
Couaao Local ..a 1:11 am all:) put
Cbloaga U 04 lad ..,.... va jk. T:4 pm
Vaat Mall l a pm
Kssasi City, It. Juaepa at Co.' BlutTa.
Kaaaaa City Day aUpreae a 1:1 am a 4:04 pm
84. Leala . . tl:ll pm ail :04 am
kaaaaa City Night Kxpraaa aU.ii pm a 1:44 am
barllugiuu Jt Mlsauurl ,UlTr..
Wymora. ttaaulca aad Uuoslo,.a 4 44 am :Vl'4l pm
plabtaaaa Kapraaa .- a I M am. a 140 pat
iMUTsr Llmltad 4 4 10 pm a 4S am
Ulack Hula 4 Pugwt aonnd KU all lO put g 4:01 nni
Colorado Vaatlbulad Plf a I 10 pm
Liaoula Fast Mai; a l it pm all 04 pm
Kurt crook and Platumoutii. ...b 110 pm blu.aa am
tlailarua aod Paolllo Juuctloo...a 1.10 pm a .Ji am
aaitaua auu rwuw nnm ia...a a.av am
rl Pncltle.
Laara. AttI.
tfab, LooaL Via Wcaplng Water. b 4 10 pm 'at: 1 pm
tnloaaro, at. Paul, Minn, ate Omaha.
Twla City paascagar.,.., I I lo am b 1:1 pm
Biux city Paaavugr.. ....mJ.JOpm all Mam
Oaklaad Local .0 ..44 w b 1.14 am
i a Dally. Dally atcept ' -inay. 4 Daily asoapd
3 Saturday a bally aaccit Monday.
. CCiv..PAGf!!E GftalllALE
anfeneb IJne, .New York to Paris. Rlx DskfaV
smiling Kaawy Thursday at 19 4a. sn.
La Bavaia May ill La Oaacogaa ....June 14
La TiHiraina ..v..Juua I La Savula Juns U
La Lurr.iua June I La Cbaiapagne. . .Juna 10
ai. mud. ra. gigantrc lalu-acnw and aapraas
gluaiura; naral oOlcara' auau-of-irar dlaclpllaa.
luumau) a vaatlbulad tralna, Uairaari- 4 kaura.
A.i.ta Harrr k). Mouraa, 14U1 tsarnam St., Laals
"H ,la Kafl liauk. C..A. aatkarfurd. UU
farn.m St., Km laiaud r. '
Baoarlor aacoamodationa. Krcaltaat aalaiaa Tk
aaaalarl si paaMagar caNluiiy caualdad. Slaai
sa round trip llakata balwaaa Htm Tora aad Boaack,
feagllak. Irlak and ail prloolpai Baadlaaalaa aa
auilluaaUl polnta al attract!., mtaa. .a4 tor Baal
Toawa. Par tirku or awtaral lalaemaUaa apaap
BD any local asa4 at tka Anekor Una r aa
mwDKKSUN' liMnal. Oaa'l Aa-nia. CbLaga. IIL
t-aled bids will be received at tha eflloa
n( a rotary of at at, up until 12 o'clock
noon of May M. I'M, Tar tha construction
of an addition to tPi waterworks plant at
Haatlngs, accortlrssr 4d plans and spectnVa
tlona Mow on 111a m tlie oince of secretary
of "lata. .. . ...
Tha board reeervei" tha risht to. relect any
and ail btda. - aiBOKHE W. MA1U.
alecretary f Board.
Dnvla sells druars.
IfTert'B (rlassea fit.
Ptockrrt sells' carpets.
The Faust cigar, S cents.
Peterson sharpens mowers. 430 w. B. W.
Full line fishing; tackle. MorRan A Ilekey.
Mrs. A. L. Hayes Is vlrltlng relatives In
Lea Moines.
Pictures for wedding gifts- Alexander's,
333 Iiroadway.
Mrs. K. F. Walters Is home from an ex
tended visit In California.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Avers. 2122
Avenue B yesterday morning, a daughter.
For wall piiperlng. painting, picture fram
Uig, see Horwli k. 11 Main at. 'Phone A-6tf).
Mrs. Harriot F. Grlswnld Is home from a
six week'a aojourn at Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Peck of New York
City are guests of Mrs. Peck's mother, Mrs.
Victor Keller.
Bert Monre Of Sioux City Is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Moore of
beventh avenue.
Mrs. Jacob Neumayer and daughter have
gone to Hi. Louis for a two niuutlia' visit
to the exposition.
Mr. and Mra. A. F. Bloomer of York.
Neb., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. IL
xJloomer ot thla city.
Colonel C. O. Saunders Is In Rock Island,
111., on butilnes8 connected with the Modern
Woodmen of America.
Screens made to order. Also screen doors,
luml'er and drain tlie at right prices. C.
llafer Council muffs, la.
Mr. and Mrs Henry Rishton celebrated
Sunduy the hfty-fourtn anniversary of their
arrival in Council Bluffs.
J. C. (iulll of Iiazol Dell township. rc
reived the bounty yesterday on three wolf
cubs, which he captured on his farm.
Miss Margaret Wallace, a teacher In the
Blot mer Hcnuol, has resigned to accept a
similar position In the Central school in
Omaha at an increased salary.
The case against li. F. Agnew, charged by
Mrs. fcUruh J. White with uslnar profane
utid obscene language, was dismissed In
Justice Uuren's court yesterday.
Maria Winchester and Maud McAneny of
the high school seniors tied for class honors
with a percentage of 7. 6 each. Miss Mc
Aneny is the composer of the class song.
Jap-A-Lac floor finish. Morgan aV Dickey.
Have your carpets taken up, cleaned and
reiald by modern methods. Old carpets
made Into handsome nig.. Council Bluffs
Carpet Cleaning Co., SI iNorth Main street.
'Phone 616.
E. E. Fletcher of Indianapolis and Mlsa
Mabel Gertrude Robinson, daughter of Mr.
anu Mrs. S. t . ilobltion, f3 Willow avenue,
will be married Wednesday, June 1, at the
home of the bride's parents.
Building permits were Issued yesterday to
Dr. W. t;. Keller for two two-story frame
cottages on Plrxt avenue and Ninth street
to cost 12,lu0 each, and to F. H. Ashley for
a one-story frame cbttago to cost fl,3&u
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan L. Root of Manson,
la., aro visiting relatives In this city. They
were present Hunday et a fmlly reunion t
the homo of Colonel and Mrs. J. J. Abbott.
Mr. Boot la a brother of Mrs. Abbott and
tuey bud not met for twenty-three years.
The school year for the State School for
the Deaf will close June 30. Owing to the
lack of accommodation at the Institution
since the. fire, (he commencement exercises
will be held as they were last, year, in the
high school auditorium.
M1ss Mary L. O'Donnell, until recently on
the stair of a local puper, now with one of
the Chicago dull lee. was In the city yester
day for a short visit at her home while en
route to St. Louis fo report the National
Federation of Women's clubs' biennial. , .
At the meeting Wednesday evening of
Blulf City Typographical union will occur
the' election ot a delegate to the conven
tion of the International Typographical
union to be held In Bt Louis In August.
Arthur Pickering and R. J. Thomas are
the two candldutcs for the plum.
Mrs. Ferguson, an aged woman, living at
WU iouth rilxtU Street, was committed to
St. Bernard's hospital yesterday by the
commlHslonero on insanity. Mrs. Ferguson,
being bedridden, 'had to be conveyed to the,
hospital in an ambulance. Tire Information, 1
elrarglng Mrs. Ferguson with 'being men
tally deranged, wus Hied by- Dr. Adda
Micneit., ... s ,
William II. Poncelow, a motorman living
at 266 Avenue A, discovered among a
brood of chickens, which a faithful old
hen had hatched out in the wood shed.
chick with two bodies, two seta of wings,
two sets of legs, but only one head. Tne
effort of feeding two bodies proved too
much for tha single head and the chlok dlsd
after 'three or (our days 01 a irouuteeome
n M Vnnrlemnort. tha nalnter from Mai
uam a nrnhlhltlon town, who loaded up on
omahi whisk v Honda v. waa assessed $10
and costs In police court yesterday morning
and Judge scon oraerea n puuue ia "
tiunn 1. thA mrM ni an ironies wmt;ii v
v. .1 in fctu nru'keta when nicked UD
UVI l V ' . . i.v. ... . ' " -
by the officers. Vanderpoort's fine was sub
sequently suspended on condition that he
return noma, wnica ne prvuuacu w
noatr Room to Rent.
Omaha Dally Bee, 10 Pearl street, Council
Comlngr to sign Library Contract.
Winchester & Cullen, the Koekport, 111.,
firm awarded the contract for the construe
tlon of the Carnegie, library building, tele
graphed Secretary Stewart yesterday that
a member of the firm would do nere euner
Wednesday or Thursday of this week to
muet the board and sign the contract, sec'
retary Stewart, to whom the matter was
referred., has the contract drafted, but It
will have to be approved by the board oe-
f.,ru ,,i,miii(..l tn Winchester & Cullen.
There Is still a good deal ot feeling over
the cotrtract going to an 6ut-bf-town firm
and a welf known attorney was responsible
fdr the statement yesterday that he had
been consulted Jy certain persons with a
view to bringing an Injunction suit against
the library board to restrain It from enter
ing Into tile contract with Winchester At
CulUn. It Is not believed, however, that
such tactics will be resorted to, as the
ctttzpt's in general are anxious to see work
on the new building commence without
further delay. .
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. no; night. F-fltT.
beriuan Cnngreuatlonal Conference.
The general conference of the German
Congregational - churches of America will
be held In Avoca from May 25 to 29, In
clusive, and the citizens of that town are
making great preparations to entertain, the
delegates. A number of noted divines are
expected to be present from the various
states and the gathering promisee to be &
notable event for'Avoca,
The opening sermon ot the conference
will be preached Wednesday evening, May
23. by Rev, M. E. Eversy, D. D. Each of
the sessions will be preceded by a thirty
minute devotional service and there will
be preaching services each evening at 8
o'clock. Rev. Dr. Kraft of the Chicago
Theological seminary will conduct the
services and deliver the sermon Sunday
morning. May 28. The evening sermon
will be preached by Prof. , H. Bell ot Wil
Students may enter any time. Excellent
places to work for board. Tuition very
reasonable. Wilte for sample copy of ear
College Journal. Write or call for informa
tion. E P. MILLER. Pres.
Maaonlo Trample. 'Phone BC1
0ns Man How Coatrolf Three of the Fent
Coinple'.e 6eUi
Report that Stock Company la to Be
Organised to Monopolise the
Entire Bnalneaa in the
C'onnty. ,
The announcement on the streets yester
day that the abstract and title business of
Pusey Thomas had passed Into Hie hands
of Ernest K. Hart of the First National
bank created somewhat of a flutter In real
estate circles. There are but four complete
sets of abstract books In Pottawattamie
county and Mr. Hart controls or owns
three sets, the remaining set belonging to
Squire aV Annls.
Real estate men, it Is said, were fearful
of a combination to boost the prices of
abstracts, but while it is admitted Unit
their Is talk of organising one company
to control the abstract and title business
of the county, the purpose of the company
U not to increase rates, but to decrease
the cost Ot carrying on the work. In the
event ot a company being organized. It is
said, the stock will be placed on the local
market and real estate men given an op
portunity to become interested In the
Reception to Bishop Morrison.
Bishop Morrison expressed himself as
much gratified at the reception given him
yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Foley on South Sixth street by the
women of 8L Paul's and Grace Episcopal
churches. Despite the heavy rain, hity
women ot the two parishes were present,
as well as several visitors from Omaha
and South Omaha,
Bishop Morrison talked to the women on
the subject of home and foreign missions,
his talk being purely Informal, but none
the less interesting. The bishop , eaid
Uiat he was pleased to be able to report a
marked improvement during the last year
in the church throughout the state and
spoke of the need of the home as well as
the foreign missions. He called particular
attention to the mission work the Episco
pal church was doing la Alaska and the
The presence of the visiting women from
the Omaha churches was particularly
pleaslug to Bishop Morrison, who said he
was glad to see such a friendly feeling be
tween the two cities. Dainty refreshments
were served during the afternoon which
proved a most pleasant and profitable one
for those present.
Hsfer sells lumber. Catch the IdeaT
High School Sends Team.
Council Bluffs will send a team to the
state high school field meet to be held Fri
day of this week at Iowa City under the
auspices of the university. The team, which
will probably- be comprised of Nlcoll, Nor-
gaard, Andrus, Denting, Brown Balrd and
Dudley, will leave here Thursday and It is
expected It will be accompanied by several
of the high school faculty and a number
of the Btudents.
The field meet this year promises to be a
record breaker, as at least twenty of the
leading high schools of the state will ba
represented. .The high achdola already en
tered are: East, West, North and Capitol
Park High schools of Des Moines; Daven
port, Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Orinnell,
East and West Waterloo, Council Bluffs,
Eldora, Ida Orove, Storm Lake, Independ
ence, Marengo, Newton, Oskaloosa, Corydon
and Ames.
The railroads have granted a rate of one
and one-third fare from all points In the
state and special trains will be run to
Iowa City from Des Moines, Cedar Rapids
and Davenport. It Is expected that the
gathering of high school athletes will at
tract' ,000 visitors to the university town
Plumbing and heating. Blxby 4 Sen.
Swears Talk Was Bad.
.That they did wilfully disturb the quiet
In the neighborhood of Fifteenth street and
Avenue G by the use of profane and ob
scene words and loud) talk of a threaten
ing nature. Is the charge on which Mrs,
Lottie Robinson caused the arrest yesterday
morning of Mrs. Mattle James, 171S Avenue
G and Mrs. Nora Scars, 1710 Avenue F on
an Information filed In the superior court
Even Chief of Police Richmond, grizzled
veteran of the ctvll war as he Is, was seen
to blush as Mrs. Robinson recited some of
the language which she alleged the two
women used in the presence of herself and
other residents of Seventeenth street and
Avenue O. Mrs. James and Mrs. Sears
gave ball for their appearance In police
court this morning.
Matters in District Conrt.
The district court grand Jury reconvened
yeeterday morning with J. B. Matlack as
foreman and Is expected to complete its
deliberations not later than Wednesday and
possibly today. Mr. Matlack was drawn
on the grand Jury for this year prior to his
appointment as bailiff of the district court.
During the session of the grand Jury his
place tn the court room Is being filled by
former Police Sergeant E. B. Gardiner.
The Mathls-Aetna Life Insurance com
pany suit was not completed when Judge
Wheeler adjourned court for the day Mon
day, but It- Is expected to go to the Jury
today. Following this ease, Judge Wheeler
will takv up the criminal calendar.
Real Estate Transfers. '
These transfers were reported to The
Bee May 16 by the abstract, title and loan
office of Squire 4V Annls, 101 Pearl street:
Citizens Savings bank of St. Louts to
Nelson Mordeeon,
eV. neu. K-Ta-44. w. d I
Perlila Oborn and husband to Louisa
Prior, lots i and tl, block 1. Bunny
aids add., w. d
M. U. Morgan and wife to P. H. Wlrd,
lot 4, block Is, Hyatt's sub., w. d ...
John Hammer and wife to Margaret
L. McUee. lots 1
ana I, block
StuUman's 2d add.,
Diuiaiuaii u ,.,.. . v. v.
8. F. Henry and wife to F. W. Dean,
lot 10, block J, xuriey
sub., w. d..
Five transfers. ' total
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned desire to return their
heartfelt thanks to their kind friends and
neighbors whose sympathies and assistance
were so generously extended to them during
tha recent sad bereavements In the death of
their beloved mother. ,
Especially the officers and members of
Overland lodge No. la. B. of L. F. and tha
englnemen of the Union Stock Tarda
Pnnernl of Mlas Gerner.
The funeral services of the late Miss
Kathrlne Garner, daughter of Mr. ami
Mrs. Oeorge Garner, bald yaeterday morn-
In at St. Francis Xavler's church, were
attended by a large gathering of friends
of the deceased and the bereaved family.
High mass was celebrated by Rev. Father
Smyth, .assisted by Rev. Father Oeorge
and Rev. Father Loftus. The members of
the Toung Ladles' Bodallty. of which Miss
Gerner was a member, attended In a body.
Burial was In St. Joseph's cemetery, these
being the pallbearers: Theodore Laskow
ski, Charles Pasohel, Frank Badollet, Ed
Bowman, T. D. Mctcalf and Fred Cox.
Charge Firm with Esnbesslement.
SIOl'X CITT, la.. May IS. ISpeclal Tel
egram.) The sureties of the Insolvent
banking firm of E. II. McCutcheon & Co.
of Holstein today filed In the federal court
here charges of embezzlement and fraud
against the firm In relation to the deposit
of 1100,000 by the Modern Woodmen of
America. The fraternal order has brought
suit against the sureties for the amount.
The charges wpre made In an application
for Indemnity from the $210,000 bond fur-
nlBrled by the sureties.
Grand Army Appoints Committee,
LOGAN, la.. May 18. ( The
Neltzsch post of the Grand" Army of the
Republic at Little Sioux has appointed the
following committee to arrange for the
celebration of Memorial day: J. M. Ire
land. W. H. Butler, Levi . Reynolds, B. L.
Jones, It. Bishop, B. C. West, Mrs. B.
F. Cronstlale. Mrs. W. II. BiHler. Pearl
Morehead, Eda Cooper nnd Lula Reeves.
Xlp Them in the. Bad.
If you have loss ot appetite, headache,
constipation or biliousness take Electrle
Bitters. It cures or no pay. Only 60c. For
sale by Kuhn A Co.
Jeaae Lcvtlaohn Ilefuaea to Tell What
He Knowa About
NEW YORK, May 16 Jcs? Lewlsohn,
the banker, who was subpoenaed to testify
regarding his knowledge of gambling In thl
city, declined to answer questions put to
him by District Attorney Jerome before
Judge Wyatt in the court j)t special ses
sions today. Mr. Jerome Immediately made
application to Justice Wyatt for the com
mitment of the witness for contempt. This
was granted and Lewlsohn was plven his
choice of summary commitment or a war
rant for misdemeanor. He chose tlie former
and an application was made at once to
the supreme court for a writ of habeas cor
pus. Argument on this, writ will be heard
by Justice Dugro of the supreme court
After a transcript of what transpired be
fore Justice Wyatt In the court of general
sessions hsd been written Lewlsohn was
taken before the grand jury.
After Lewlsohn had been ordered com
mitted to Ludlow street jail the warden of
that prison Informed District Attorney
Jerome that he could not receive Lewlsohn
because he was not authorised to receive
crlmlnnl prlroners. . ' .
It was then decided to take Lewlsohn to
the Tombs, but as he was being conducted
here the deputy sheriff . hf.,. charge was
served with papers in the-, habeas corpus
proceedings In the supreme court and was
compelled to take his prisoner before Judge
McMahon. Arrangements . were made to
have arguments ott the habeas Corpus pro
ceedings put over until next Thursday,
Lewlsohn in the meantime being paroled In
custody of his counsel. .''' -.:
It was stated tonight thdV, District At
torney Jerome tomorrow wUi- awk the grand,
jury to Indict' Jesse Lewlsohn. because of
his refusal to. answer questions put to him
while a witness before that tpd?.
What Do Yon Think, of Thla
The Milks' Emulsion company of Terre
Haute, Ind., are out with an offer to cure
the worst case of- stomach trouble or con
stipation In existence or money refunded,
and to start you off they agree to buy
the first bottle -for you from your . drug'
gist and present it to you free of charge,
All you have to do is to write and ask
them for an order on roar druggist for a
free lot tie, giving your name, address and
particulars of your caso.
This looks to us llko a pretty good prop
osition. The fact that all druggists han
dling Milks' Emulsion are requested to
guarantee every bottle they sell is a sure
indication, of merit. Otherwise the Milks'
Emulsion company would soon go out of
business, and we notice they have come to
the front very fast since ' placing Milks'
Emulsion ' on the market one year ago.
Mnrder at Groton.
ABERDEEN. S. D., May l,-(Speclal
Telegram.) De Witt Bielby was murdered
and robbed by William Ziegler at Groton
Friday night.' The body was not discov
ered until Sunday evening. Zeigler Is still
st large.
May Yet Be Saved. , .
All who have savers lung troubles need
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. It cures or no pay. COc, $1.09, for
sale by Kuhn a Co.
Rain Stops Bell Uame..
SCHUYLER, Neb., May l.-(Spccial.)
The rains of yesterday and last night
caused the postponement of the opening
ball games of the season, to have been
played today and tomorrow between the
local team and the Genoa Indians. The
games will be played Tuesday and Wednes
Mustang Liniment
In sum for over alxtr J!
Mustang Liniment
CMtrsas Bpavia svnd Hinghoaisa
Mustang Liniment
ssxaMs aUl IWuaal 4f Kfa'Sgm tUaaa,
"Tit, mmk us X-"
feel e geecf." I b"-m J'
- u,..
Advance f nsrd of Rtpnbliosa Bute Con
vention on Hand.
Charges of Breach of Faith Made
Against Captain Hell Regarding
Delegate from the Seventh
(From a Btaft Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. May 16. (Bpeelal.HThc
advance guard of the republican state con
vention commenced to arrive this after
noon and evening and many of the leaders
of the party are here in conference over
the preliminaries. Secretary Bhaw was
one of the first arrivals. It was rumored
that In & sense he would speak for the
Rooscvtlt administration and Indicate what
the president desires should be done here,
but the sreretary would not admit that
this was the situation. He came merely
as a republican, of the state prepared to
work for the success of the party. Joseph
W. Blythe of Burlington, who by reason
of recent events has become the accepted
leader of the party, arrived at noon with
Congressman Hedge and others from south
eastern Iowa. James E. Blythe of M.ison
City also Joined the party. Congressman
Bmlth of Council Bluffs was. among the
early arrivals and also Ernest E. Hart,
member of the national committee. There
has been no thought of any 'other candi
date for national committeeman than Hart
tnd he will get a second term. George D.
Perkins of Ploux City, formerly and for
many years in congress, and who is re
garded as the logical man to 'succeed as
governor of the state, arrived in the after
noon and he will participate In the early
conferences. Senators AllWon and Dolllver
were to be here during the night, and also
Director of the Mint Roberts and M. D.
O'Connell, solicitor of the treasury. John
N. Irwin of Keokuk, who Is to be the
temporary chairman of the convention, ar
rived In the evening. He will deliver a
conservative address as temporary chair
man. Seventh District Convention.
A great deal of Interest was manifested
In the Seventh district congressional con
vention to be held tomorrow. The conven
tion will unanimously renominate Captain
Hull, as the leading candidates In outnldj
counties refused to make the race against
him. But In the selection of delegates to
Chicago the convention Is much mixed.
Judge E. E. Nichols of Dallas was brought
out as a candidate and was definitely
promised the support of Polk county If
he would gef 9" ot the way of Hull and
see to It that Instructions were given In
Dallas for Blythe. But later the agree
ment was repudiated and an effort made tn
get Nichols to pledge himself as against
Cummins In all things before he could be
allowed to go td the convention. He re
fused. It Is now the plan to divide Madi
son and Warren counties and then give
him as mqny votes as possible In Polk
without electing him. The friends of
Nichols claim . there was treachery , and
disregard of agreements.
Headquarters were opened by Chairman
Spence of the state central committee on
the fourth floor of the Observatory build
ing this morning. They will remain open
until . after"." the second convention amf
possibly longer. They consist of a . suite
of four rooms on the northeast corner of
the south floor probably the most de
sirable in the building. They have been
decorated with exceptional taste, flags 'and
portraits of party leaders being used with
excellent effect. One group of three por
traits consists of the martyred presidents-
LnCoIn, Garfield and McKinley. Among
the otnpr portrait- are those of President
R6osevelt, Secretary vghaw, Senators All!
son and Dolllver and Governor Cummins.
A portrait of Secretary Wilson will be ob
tained as soon as possible.
Officers of the convention have been
chosen as follows:
Temporary Chairman Hon. John N. Ir
win, Keokuk.
Secretary A. B. Hoover, Marshalltown.
First Assistant Secretary N. W. Beebe,
Second Assistant Secretary John Fisher,
Reading Clerk O. G. Relnlger. Rock
AHslstant Reading Clerk John L. Gilles
pie, Nevada.
Assistant Reading Clerk James - Wilson,
Jr.. Menlo.
Sergeant-at-Arms C. L. Bradnhaw, Des
Chief Doorkeeper James II. Wilson,
Boy Bandits Confess.
Four boys confessed In district court
today to various petty crimes on indict
ments for larceny and breaking and en
tering. They were James Sullivan, William
Blair, Hoyt Wllklns and Clarence Hayes.
The four boys had been sent to the State
Industrial, school at Eldora and served a
term there, and Immediately afterwarde
entered upon careers of crime. They had
banded together for a series of larcenies,
but were caught before going far. They
were of generally good families, but had
not been tntight any useful occupation.
Forger Makes Excuses.
Homer E. Voorhees of Correctlonvllle,
la., today waived examination In Justice
Greatest In the World
A MILLION AMERICAN ltURSINO MOTHFRa keep themselves snd their
&!f."?f .?. "pU41lieJ'iwlth.CASCAKET8 Candy Cathartic. The won
derrul thlnca CA8CARETB do for mamas and their babies have become
known through the kind words of those who have tried" them, and bo
the sale la now OvrB A vn 1 tritj nnvr-u a dnuTti 1.1... .
CA8CARET, baby oeta the benefit. The sweet, palatable tablet, eaten by
the nuralcj mother, regulatea her system. Increases ber flow of milk,
and makes her milk mildly purgative. Baby aets the effect dlluUdanci
as part of Its netural food: no violence no danger perfectly natural
results. No more eour curds In baby's stomach, no more wind collo,
cramps, convulsions, worms, restless nlahta. All druggists, 10c, 25c, oOc.
il,ra"5'id ,n Sr,0.11"1" tsblet stamped C C O. IJample and booklet
free. Addreae BIXELINQ REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. m
Mustang Liniment
limber np Stiff Joint.
Mustang Lisiiment
penstrstss t uis very btmsi
Mustang Liniment
court here and waa bound over to the
grand Jury to await investigation on
accusation of forgery ot checks on banks.
He had passed a note on a bank here
which punorted to have been made out
by a man st Bioomlngton, 111. It proved
to be a forgery. The banks had been after
him several weeks nnd Anally found him
teschlng school at Corrttlonvlllc. in Wood
bury county. It was found today that
Voorhees had worked off forgeries in at
least ten other counties of the state and
was wanted in Minnesota and Missouri
fnr similar conduct. He claims that he
received the checks and drafts from others
and supposed they were all right.
Consnl Swalm to Hetnrn.
.Word was received here today by State
Labor Commissioner Brlgham from I'nlted
States Consul Al W. Swalm at Southamp
ton, to the effect that he will return home
In the fall and expects to be in Iowa in
September. He was fotmerly consul at
Buenos Aires, but was transferred to
Hon. Henry Sabln. for four terms state
superintendent of public Instruction, fell
and broke his arm at his home In this
city. He Is 75 years old and the Injury Is
therefore dangerous.
(Continued from First Page.)
Lowdcn, and so did the four votes from
Jersey, Tates and Lnwden each lost a
vote In Madison, where Deneen was given
two additional votes. Peoria gave London
ten and Yates seventeen votes and Pike
cast One for Lowden. Woodford gave Its
six votes to Deneen. Tho vote on the
twenty-seventh ' ballot as cfllclally an
nounced was as follows: Yates, 42 440-770;
Lowden, 4o7 335-770; Deneen, 3) 64i-770; Hum
lln, 110 440-770; Sherman, 81 440-770; Warner,
3S 440-770; Pierce, 21 440-770.
Before the twenty -seventh ballot was an
nounced Yates' picture was hoisted to the
celling. There waa a great Yates demon
stration. Deueen banners were waving and
the band played "Almost Persuaded."
Daniel' J. Healy of Chicago sent to the
chairman a resolution providing that alter
the following ballot the candidate re
ceiving the lowest vote be dropped on each
succeeding ballot until a selection had been
made. The resolution recited that "after
numerous roll calls and a hard and tedious
struggle the bosses have failed to select
a nominee from among the candidates.'
Cannon flushed when he read this and
promptly declared thut unless the objec
tionable phrase was eliminated he would
not permit the resolution to be read.
"Bosses" was changed to "delegates,"
and Cannon said he would permit tha rea
olutlon to be introduced as soon as the
ballot had been announced. Healy, how
ever, .failed to ask for recognition and the
twenty-eighth ballot was ordered.
The vote oi the twenty-eighth ballot
was: Yates, 482 440-770: Lowden, 400 335-770;
Deneen, 393 54S-770; Hamlin, 110 440-770
Warner, 0 440-T70; Sherman, 61 440-770;
Pierce, 22 410-770.
The twenty-ninth ballot wae then taken,
with no Important changes, and tha con
vention Boon offerward took recess until
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Former llnnna Forces Will Have
Their Own Wny in Ohio.
COLUMBUS. O., May l.-8ome delegates
and most of the candidates are here today
for the republican state convention that
convenes tomorrow to nominate a state
ticket, seljct ' tfelegates and alternates at
large to-the r.atlomil convention at Chicago,
adopt a platform, . c. 'For .years' there
have been ' factMis, '-hwided "respectively
by Senators Foraker imd Hantia, who have
themselves been tho conspicuous figure
of these annual gatherings. Fenator For
aker Is the. leading personage, with elab
orate headquarters here tMs week, but the
"old Hanna fuard," Including Governor
Herrlck, Senator Tick, George B. Cox of
Cincinnati, Dr. J. E. Lowe of Dayton and
other So-called Hanna legatees, evidently
have control of the convention vrth a large
majority of the S61 delegates villlng to
Co their bidding. Tlicy will name the state
ticket and the national delegates and dic
tate the platform. This Is conceded by all
of the other faction who are here with
minority ' power that cannot change re
sults, but that can prevent such harmony
aa is desired by the majority.
The "harmony program" has Herrlck,
Cox, Dick and Foraker for delegates at
large, L. C. Laylln for head of tho state
ticket for secretsry of state, nnd all other
places filled in 'advance. Including Gov
ernor Herrlck for the Ohio member of tho
national committee and Senator Lick for
chalrrriun of the state committee. This
slate Includes Charles P. Tuft, publisher of
the Cincinnati -Times-Star, and Noah II.
Swain of Toledo a son of a former justice
of the United States supreme court, as the
Ohio electors at large. Taft is a brother
ot the secretary of war ond a son of
Alonro Taft. who was both secretary of
war and attorney "goneral under Grant.
A review of tho twenty-one congressional
districts shows that the Herrick-Diek-Cox
"combine" will have a . decisive majority
on the new state central committee that Is
to be selected tomorrow, as well as the
committees on credentials, resolutions, etc.,
and that this "combine" has a majority
of the forty-six Ohio. delegates lo the Chi
cago convention, but tho main issue was
to retain the old "Hanna organization"
In the state, and- that is now assured since
all of the eighty-eight conventions . have
Mustang Liniment
Destt for Horse sUlmentav
Mustang Liniment
II est for Cattle svitmeatah
Mustang Liniment
Beit fur i&ecj? stllmeiHas.
been held to select delegates to tills stats
convention. '
Governor Herrlck. who will bo both tem
porary and permanent chairman of the con
vention, says he will sound no national
keynote In Ms sr'vh. but will simply glv4
an account of his own stewardship ant)
that of the recent legislature. Platform
have been drnfted by Poimtnr Dick. Con
gressman Omsvenor and others, but It Is
understood that the Ilck platform, which
Is brief and docs not sevk to antlclr"t
the declaration of principles at Chicago,
la the one that will be adopted.
The lice Want Ads are the Id st Puslne-ia
Many Drleaatea at St. Iinla to At
tend t.eneral Federation
Mertlnsr .
ST. LOUIS. May 16,-Itundreds of club
women who are delegates to tho General
Federation of Womnn's Clubs are Rlready
here or aro coming on special trains for
the orenlng session of the seventh bien
nial convention tomorrow. The women
have arrived In special cars over the Big
Pour railroad and many of the Wisconsin
delegation are here. There ore a number
of candidates for president and the cqn
test for the office promises to be spirited.
The name of Mrs. tlenrge H. Noyes. s
well known club woman of Milwaukee, Is
the latest to be mentioned in connection
with the position.
fasasaae B:cc AJ- RailW ftf I
Atlanta, Ga., escaped the sur
geon's knife, by using Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Dkab Mbs. Pinkham: -I wibb to
express mv (rratltude for tha restored
health and happiness Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound baa
brought into my life.
" I hod suite rod for three years with
terrible pains at tho time of menstrua- f
tion, anddid not know what the trouble
was until the doctor pronounced it in
ftammution of tlio ovaries, and
pronosed an operation. '' -..--
"1 felt so weak and sick that I felt
sure that I could not survive the ordeal,
and so I told him that) I would not un- -dorgo
it. The following' weclr. I read
an advertisement in tlio paper of your
Vegetable Compound in such an eraer
pency, and so I decided to try it. Great
was my joy to find Chat I actually im
proved after tikinflr two bottles, ,60 I
kept taking it for ten T'ceks, and at tha '
end of that time I was cure,d. I bad
rained eighteen pounds and was . in
excellent health, and am now. . 1
" i ou sureuv deserve trreai success.
and you have my very best wishes.;
Miss Amcb Bailet, 30 Kortb Boule
vard, Atlanta, Ga. $5000 forfeit If original
ef about letter proving genulnentsa comno be pro
"erf, ..." .
All sick women would bo wis
If tlioy would take Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound and
le well.
Any physfciart cart tell you'
wty cure linen Is the best,
of all fabrics for weaur next
the skin.
is true linen-mesh not tv
cotton tvnd linefimixrure.
made to sell at a linen-price.
Omaha. Neb..
Quicker and for
than other
euros all aiierHal dlaoaaaa
i t men klUauy, blsdiisr
and uea6 of wuiuti
filnnrf PnitflB cured for llfo, won every si go
OIUOQ rOISOa ,Jmptoni. sort ou body, la
nioutb, tongus, throat, hair and eyebrows,
(falliiiar (iiiii dlssDDear completely forever.
Vrlrn Volnt ruulurad, enlarged and knot
IIIItU&B lEIili tj vulus curud wltboutcut
ting, pain ur loss of time,. Never falls
(julckeiit cur In the world.
Wpak Ufrintll LlPn from exhaustion, wajit
II Can, nellUU WISH iug weakness, uervoii
debility,- early uecllnaw lack of vigor sad
Trr-Hlment by mull. 14 years OF BUC
nt r of 14 Ui and Douulus.
I'aa Big 4J for anaatarai
' la I to 4Sara. I alarnarfas.iDBanLinallooa,
OaaraaMr4 U trrltatious or ulvaratloaa
aat la auiaiara. of a U coll BUvniuraDM.
rnaata Caalaalaa. Palnlaaa. and nut aalnav
1 1 HI tVANl UMIM ifl. (.n t or aol.oaous-
Charge Less Than All Other.
Treat si feres ef
A radical Eipcrt.
2t Years BsparUoce.
' II Vaers la OsaaM.
Nearly JS.OSt Caaas Ceres.
Blood Poraoa. Stricture.
Olaat, Narrou. iMbllltr. Loa. of Btranflk and Vila.
EH Sl ii TJJ
a? a
I T "1 aala1 by IrsBata,
- r- or sant la slain wraapan,
aly.l tr ai srnaa, prapaid, far
VH Si S. nrlbottlratl.T.
V es 4-irculax aaa a taaaest
4 anil 1
at? anS all forma of onruute aiaaaaaa
Traatluai.t bt avail. Call or aril. Baaf fM
0B rr fit IMS St., bmaaa, kiss,