Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1904, Image 1

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    I (
The Omaha Daily
WbnTha DmImmAii Extr." Oet Oo I
Compare The Bee War Reports. Les Head
lines But Reliable Reports of All That
5oro thing Has Happened.
Tor the Tint Time ia Many Ttn Ohio
W 11 Be Withovt Ita Dominant Spirit
lUpublloan Ceididatei Awaitinc Oovnaili
ef War and OocitrsnoM of Peat.
uuuun vtwtmuui muki
, .j
aad Senator Eick.
. .
ladlcatloa at Coaeessleas Except
la la the Case ot leaslor
Foraker Herrlck Will
COI.WBVB, O., May 15.-The republican
gtat convention meets here next Monday
and Tueeday under new conditions. This Is
due to the loss of Senator Hanna, who
had attended these gatherings for a score
of yean and dominated them for the past
decade. This week no one la supremely
master. In place of Hanna there is a
group of leader.
Instead of crowding Into Hanna's
quarter the few delegates and candidates
who ara hero are awaiting the results of
councils of war and conferences of peace.
The county conventions that sent dele
gates to this state convention adopted reso
lutions of respect to Hanna in advance of
the state gathering. This action in the
counties was .without precedent after the
death of other Ohio senators.
There ara 961 delegates In the convention.
A large majority Is affiliated with what la
called "the old Hanna guard" so that
there Is no doubt about the convention
being controlled by Governor Herrlck,
George E. Cox and Senator Dick, who with
Senator Foraker will be the delegatea-at-larg-e
to the republican national convention
at Chicago.
As Lewis C. Laylln, one of "the old
Hanna guard," Is a candidate for a third
time for secretary of the state, the "For
aker men" had planned to oppose him with
"the third weapon," but that has been
abandoned. What is called "the old Hanna
guard" will name the ticket and the dele
gates, the latter Including Senator Foraker,
"for the sake of harmony and In deference
to President Roosevelt."
Contention for Control.
The principal contention la for continu
ance of control of tho party organisation
and it Is conceded that Governor Herrlck,
who will be both temporary and permanent
chairman of the convention, will be re
elected as the Ohio member of the na
tional committee and that Senator Dick
will be elected chairman of the state con
vention so that the Hanna organisation la
asaured of continuance.
"The organization" men will write the
platform and while there la much talk
of concessions for the sake of harmony
there la no Indication now of any conces
sion egespt In making Senator Foraker one
of , th ,.delfigtcs-t-largv Herrjek, Cox,
Dick and Forakac wHVbe named unanim
ously In one resolution "or motion as "big
four" and the only "free-for-all" races will
be for alternates-at-larga and minor places
on the state ticket.
Clnclnaatl Preparing for the Eater.
taJnment of National Reaaioa
. of the Benevolent Order.
CINCINNATI, May 15.-Th program for
the national reunion of the Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks, to be held In
Cincinnati the week of July IS, has been
completed, It providea an unusually elab
orate series of entertainments, covering a
period, of five days. ' The grand lodge of the
order, which convenes during each reunion,
is to be entertained Monday, the 18th, with
an excursion on the Ohio river, ending- at
night with a display of fireworks on the
banks of the river, In which the Kentucky
lodge will Join with Cincinnati lodge. A
feature of the progarra will be a band con
test for these prises:
Band of thirty or more pieces, first prise,
fl.OoOi second prise, 260; bands of less than
thirty pieces, first prise, 1500; second, $250.
For the parade of Wednesday, the 20th,
these prises are offered: 1
Five hundred dollars to the lodge hav
ing the greatest number In parade; J300 to
the lodge having the greatest aggregate
mileage! 1600 to the lodge making the best
appearance; 1500 to the lodge wearing the
most Unique uniform, and 1600 to the lodge
accompanied by the greatest number of
Syracuse and Saratoga, N. Y., are the
nly avowed candidates' for the next re
union. '
Aaaaal Convention Premises to Be
Important and One 'of the Larg
est Ever Held.
CLEVELAND. May . The annual con
vention of Baptists from all the northern
Btatea will begin here tomorrow and con
tinue until Tuesday, May 24. The gather
ing promUes to be one of the most Im
portant and largely attended religious con
ventions ever held. The headquarters will
be at the Euclid, Avenue Baptist ohurch.
and the masa meetings will be held at the
Grays armory. Two thousand are expected
to attend the mjblle session.
The convenszAt Will be given up to the
reports and discussions of the several or
ganisation within the church proper,
namely: Woman's Home Mission society;
Missionary union; Publlcstlon society; gen
eral committee on Christian stewardship;
Historical society; Toung People's union
and Home Mission society.
Philadelphia Physlrlaa) Asserts that
lie Did Not Ise Terms Ae- '
eredlted te Him.
KNOXVILLB, Tenh., May 15.-A special
to the Journal and Tribune from Bristol.
Tatin., says: The coroner's Jury, which ren
dered a verdict of accidental shooting In
the cas of Edward L. Went, whose dead
body was found In Wis county, Virginia,
Several daya ago, this evening received a
reply from Dr. J. B. Went regarding his
alleged criminal charge In relation of tb
finding Of tb Jury. Dr. Went make due
apology to th Jury, declaring that he did
ant ua ucn terms a were credited to him
In the pre. Dr. Wents wa credited with
Intimating that th verdict was Intended
to shield th murderer of hj poo, who
vara frUada tt th jury. .
Ex-rlleeman His Way Home Is
Riddled with Ballets by aa la
known Assassin.
DENVER, May 15.-Lyte Gregory, an
ex-poIlcemnV. was assassinated early
this morning when he was returning- home
from a social visit with friends. His body
was riddled with bullets and he died In
his tracks. It In believed that the asses
sin used a repeating; rifle, and his aim was
true, for In all ten bullets penetrated the
murdered man's body. No trace of the as
sassin has been found.
The murder occurred on West Third ave.
nue, near South Water street, a section In
habited by the working- class. Gregory was
, alone and unarmed. Mrs. John t ombs,
. telghboring woman, who heard the shots,
- ard," and thought the voice was that of
-r ' husband, whose return home she was
r . itlng.
, i Tib was later found at a bowling- al-
T . . . . ....
ia piacea unaer arrest, it is said that
i had been at the bowling alley all
c.enlng, and no evidence of guilt has yet
been traced to him. He I being held, how
ever. Gregory recently had served for a
detective agency and was one of the men
accused by William Wardjon, the national
committeeman of the United Mine Work
ers of America, of assaulting him on a
railroad train near Sallda, Colo.
Wardjon was badly beaten, and declared
that four of the detective agency men were
his assailants. Gregory had Just returned
to the city, having been absent several
weeks. Letters found on his person show
that he wa aware of Wardjon' accusa
Twe Mass Meetlags Held by Yosag
Men' Christina Association
la Buffalo.
BUFFALO, May 15. Two mass meetings,
ona for women and the other for men,
services In several churches and an even
ing meeting at the city convention hall
today ended the thlrty-flfth convention of
the Toung Men's Christian association of
North America. At the meeting for women
Miss Helen M. Gould read the lesson of the
W. M. Danner, general secretary of the
association's health farm at Denver, told
of1 the benefits of the health farm, where
young men In search of health are helped
to pass the time In pleasant companion
ship. John F. Moore, railroad secretary of
the International committee, described the
dangers, moral and physical, which beset
railroad men and the work of the Toung
Men's Christian association In offsetting
those dangers.
W. B. Miller, army and navy secretary,
told about some of the work In his depart
ment and at the close of his address several
blue Jackets from the battleship Massa
chusetts came upon the stage and apoke
for themselves. All were emphatic in their
praise of the influence of the association.
Aastrlaa People Vnable to Centre,
head Budget.
- VIENNA. May IS. Th enormous budget
demanda for the army and navy (carrying
a total of 151,791,200) have caused the ut
most - bewilderment among all parties In
both halves of the monarchy,, more' es
pecially since the rumors of such forth
coming demands were persistently denied
In official quarters. Although the rumors
fell far short of the amount of the actual
demands, nobody Is able to understand the
government' sudden desire to hasten the
completion of the military program which
had been planned to extend over several
years, but It ls supposed that the ex.
penses of the Russo-Japanese campaign
are not unconnected therewith. The news
papers, however, cannot And in this suf
ficient ground for the government's de
mands and comment on the Inopportune-
ness of such action when the country Is
suffering from agricultural and commer
cial degression.
The explanations of Count Goluchowaky,
the foreign minister, and General van
Pltrelch, the minister of wsr, are awaited
with great anxiety.
The Bourse yesterday strongly reflected
the uneasy feeling.
Saperlor Board of Health la Mexico
to Take Action.
CITT OF MEXICO, May ls.-The Su
perior Board of Health will at once enter
upon an active campaign to prevent an
other outbreak of yellow fever on the
Isthmus of Tehuantepeo, whore a large
number of Americans are engaged In
managing plantations. Th Crist of this
work will be about J100.000, which ha been
appropriated by the federal government.
One new case of yellow fever Is reported
at Vera Crui.
The locul sanitary officers disinfecting
houses and water reservoir and are mak
ing dally house to house visits. Yellow
fever has reappeared at Merldla, where
there are now eight patlertt at the hos
pital. But a short tlmo ago the citizen
celebrate! what wn believed to be the
end of tint fever In that city. Energetic
sanitary work contlntius.
Gaas Ordered In Eaglaad Will Be
Delivered This (inner,
VANCOUVER. B. C, May IB Vancouver
harbor Is to be fortified upon the recom
mendation of Lord Dundnnald, general
officer commanding the Canadian military,
who Inspected the port a few months ago
and was struck with Its lack of protec
tion In esse of war. The new guns have
been ordered In England and will be de
livered this summer. Th fortifications will
be locsted on Point Grey and Point Atkin
son, the prominent and opposite points of
land at th mouth of th harbor. - Lord
Dundonald ay in the event of a war In
India Vancouver will be an important base
of supplies In transit to the Orient.
Two Railroad ia Meilro Operated
fader Commaalty of Interests.
CITY OF MEXICO, May 15,-The Vera
Cru A Pacific railway, also the Tehaunte
pec railroad, will not enter into th al
ready formed railway merger controlled by
the government, but will be operated under
the community of interest. There will be
entire harmony In th conduct of th line
from Laredo to Santa Crux, aa all are
under government control.
Pera'a Cabinet Again la Order.
LIMA, Peru. May 15. Th Peruvian cabi
net has In part bean reconstituted with
Alberto Elmore a president of the council
of minister and minister of foreign af
fairs. Dr. Soaa as minister of public works
and Juan Jose Relnoeo a minister of
"-; The other minister retain their
Illinois Bipublicam Look for Another Dj
of Bal'oting.
Desperate Efforts Being; Made to Take'
from the Yates Columns Enough
Delegates to Nominate
SPRINGFIELD, 111., May 16.-U looks
tonight as if there would be at least an
other day of fruitless balloting before the
gubernatorial deadlock In t lie republican
state convention Is broken. It is quite
possible that a break will come early to
morrow, but the developments of today
do not Justify any such prediction. A com
paratively small number of the delegates
are here, most of them having gone home
to spend Sunday, but the candidates and
their trusted advisors remained on the
ground, and numerous conferences have
been held during the day.
- It Is known definitely that desperate ef
forts are being made to take from the
Yates column enough delegate to nom
inate Lowden on an early ballot tomor
row. The Lowden managers are making
a more thorough canvass of the situation
than has ever been attempted by them be
fore and they expect, by the time the con
vention opens tomorrow, to have brought
about enough change to give their candi
date a majority vote.
It 1 reported that the Will county del
egates are received skeptically. After the
failure of the attempted stampede to Low
den yesterday, started by Dekalb county,
It la thought probable that Lowden will
not permit any of the counties which he
may secure to vote for him until he feels
confident of having enough to nominate;
for the moment Yates counties begin: go
ing to Lowden the remaining Yates men
may be expected to go to Deneen or the
Denecn men will go to Yates.
No Dark Horse Looked For.
There Is now no probability that a "dark
horse" will be chosen. Indeed, the choice
Is generally regarded as being between
Yates, Lowden and Deneen. So far what
Is known Is th "federal crowd," headed
by Senators Cullom and Hopkins, Speaker
Cannon and a number of congressmen, has
exerted but little Influence In attempta to
break the deadlock. At one time tt la said
that Cannon was willing that Vermillion
should go to Lowden, but the delegatea
themselves would not desert Hamlin.
Events up to date have demonstrated
that the delegatea to this convention, to
a greater extent than has ever been the
case before, are loyal to the candidate
In whose interest they were selected and
are not easily led away or shifted about
by the generally recognized party leader.
The' convention will reconvene at 3 p. m.
tomorrow afternoon.
Two Coaple Cross Hirer ia Tramway,
Whea They Are Precipitated
Into the Stream.
RENO, Nev.. May 15. By th breaking
of one of the spans of tth suspension
tramway serosa the Truckee river at Law-
ton Springs, five miles west of this city,
at S o'clock today, four young people-
Maurice Jacobs, a young business man of
this city; Miss McMUlln, daughter of a
prominent business man of Reno; Mrs.- F.
8. Ede, Jr., and a Mr. Klngsley of Chicago
were precipitated from the car Into the
swollen stream and drowned.
The tramway consists of two steel cables
stretched across the river, upon which a
car runs, which Is much used by pleasure
seekers. Today the four young people en
tered the car to cross th river. When
they reached midstream one of the strands
parted. One piercing shriek was heard and
the four were observed for a few momenta
struggling in the rapids.
Both young men were athletes, and gave
their lives In a heroic effort to save, their
companions. Mr. Jacobs was. seen for a
few moments swimming with Miss McMil
Hn, holding her above water, but In her
terror she grasped his arms and both
went down. Klngsley swam for 300 yards
holding Mrs. Ede'a head above water, and
then waa seen to turn on his back, when
the woman seized him and bora tha swim
mer beneath the water.
Fifty Thousand More Pass Gate In
Second Than In Opening:
ST. LOUIS. May 15. Th total attendance
at the World' fair for the second week,
ended Saturday night, showed an Increase
of over 50.000 over the total attendance for
the opening week.
The National Editorial association con
vention will begin tomorrow In Congress
hnll at the exposition grounds, to continue
during the week. The World's Press Parlia
ment will convene on Thursday, and It Is
estimated that the total attendance of
newspaper men for the two conventions
will number about 3,000 from all parts of
the world. Almost every press association
and news organization of the United States
will be represented, ss well as representa
tives of the larger newspapers.
The General Federation of Woman's Clubs
will hold Its biennial convention here this
week, beginning Tuesday, and the Na
tional Good Roads association will hold
Its annual convention this week, beginning,
The French pavilion will be formally
opened tomorrow and the Iowa building
will open Its doors with a reception to the
members of the Iowa Editorial association.
Attack Wealthy Resident of St.
eph, Missouri, His Wife
aad Son.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 15. Joseph Lllll
ger. aged 72, a wealthy resident, was beaten
by robbers at his horn on the northern
suburbs early this morning and tonight Is
believed to be fatally Injured.
Lllllger, his wife and son, Joseph IJlllger,
Jr., aged 25, were all beaten Into Insensi
bility by three men, who believed a larg
rum of money wa concealed on the prem
ises. Th robbers got nothing.
Movements ef Ores a Vessels May 15,
At New York Arrived: Furnessla, from
Glasgow and Movllle; La liretagne, from
Havre- Philadelphia, from Southampton
and t hertxiurs; Bovlc. front IJverpool.
Sailed: Umhrla, for Queenstown and Liv
erpool; Pennsylvania, for Plymouth; Min
nehaha, for London; Anchoria, fur Mo
vllle and Glasgow.
At Liverpool Arrived: Cevlc, from New
York. 8alled: Siberian, from Glasgow for
St. Johns, N. F., Halirsx and Philadel
phia. At Boulogne 8a lied: Noordam, from
Rotterdam for New York.
At Queenatown Sailed; Etruiia, from
Liverpool fur Nw York,
Overtaken by Strong Wlad While En-Joying-
a Sail aad the Launch
Is Overturned.
ANNAPOLIS. May 15-Mldshlpman Fhll
llp Brlttlngham of Wheeling, W. Va., a
member of the third class of the Naval
academy, was drowned about two mile
from the Naval academy this afternoon.
The young man left the arademy dock In a
sailing launch with Midshipmen Anderson,
Henderson, Towers and Stevenson, all of
the third class. The boat- was without
centerboard or air tanks, and being caught
by a strong gust of wind, capsized and
sank Immediately.
The five young men struggled In th
water for about twenty minutes before
succor reached them' from another acad
emy boat containing several other mid
shipmen. As the rescuing boat came nenr
oars were thrown to the struggling men,
but Midshipman Brlttlngham was una bio
to grasp them.
Midshipman C. T. Blackburn of
Nevada, who was In the second
boat, plunged overboard and In his
heroic attempt to rescue his drown
ing classmate was dragged under. Both
came to the surface, and Midshipman R.
R. Stewart bravely went to Blackburn's
assistance. Their combined efforts proved
unavailing, and Brlttlngham sank in sev
enteen feet of water. The other four mid
shipmen were picked up and the rescuers
dove overboard In repeated but unsuccess
ful efforts to find the body.
Midshipman Brlttlngham was 18 years
old and a son of Rev. Joseph Brlttlngham.
Speaker at Presbyterian Missionary
Societies Says Jap Victories Will
Benefit Christian Cause.
CHICAGO. May 15.-AU the states of tha
middle west, especially Indiana, Missouri,
Texas, Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee,
were represented at the opening session
of the twenty-fourth annus! convention of
the Cumberland Presbyterian Women'
Missionary societies, which began here to
day. The annual sermon was delivered by
the Rev. W. R. Dalby of Klrksvllle, Mo.,
who spoke on the "Greatest War In the
World." '
The speaker declared that a victory for
Japan would mean more for Christianity
and civilization, because her strides In civ
ilization are longer and surer than those
of Russia. The unexpected military power
displayed by Japan, he declared, waa In
directly the fruit of the civilization that
has crept Into the little empire through
the efforts of American missionaries.
A plea for the widening of the missionary
field was made by Mr. Preston of Texas,
Mrs. H. F. Butt of Texas, Mrs. I. L.
Steele of Alabama, Mrs. 8. L. Mitchell of
Missouri and Mrs. W. R. Darby of Evans
vllle, Ind., president of the board of mis
sions. In answer to the plea for volun
teer to the rank 'of the foreign mis'
slonarles, Mis Jessie Rlker of Ohio and
Mrs. M. A. Harlow of California, who
are delegatea to the conference, offered
their service and will be assigned a field
of work before the convention closes
Wednesday night.
Governor Odell Vetoes Measure En
larglag Scope of . Power
ALBANY, N. Y., May 15.-Governor
Odell tonight gave out his memorandum
explaining his veto of a bill enlarging
the ncope and powers of the Niagara,
Lockport and Ontario Power company.
After giving- practical reasons for th
veto, Governor Odell calls attention to
the widespread solicitude expressed In
protest from all over the union a to
threatened Impairment to the beauty of
Niagara Falls.
"However, much we may discount and
deprecate the Interference of the senti
mental with the practical In life," the
governor says, "we cannot get away from
the fact that thia sentiment is not one
of retrogression, but of constant progress
In civilised Ufa. There Is due to it, there
fore, the same consideration which should
be given to all practical affairs of life.
This seems to me to be a second and
fully as important a reason for objection
to approval of this measure.
"The legislature should protect th falls
rather than Increase the menace to which
I have referred by restricting those cor
porations which are in possession by com
pelling the removal of obstructions and
unsightly structures which mar the beauty
of Niagara.
Entertained at Various Functions
While Visiting at Philadelphia
with Her Mother.
PHILADELPHIA, May 15. Mrs. Theo
dore Roosevelt, who Is visiting her cousin,
Mrs. John W, Brock, In this city for a
few days, spent, a quiet Sunday, In the
forenoon, accompanied by Mrs. Brock, Mrs.
Roosevelt attended services at St. Luke's
Ephlpany Protestant Episcopal church. .
Miss Alice Roosevelt, who, with Countess
Marguerite Casslnl, participated In the
annual coaching parade yesterday, liad
rather an active day. Last night she was
a guest at the town residence of Congress
man Edward DeMorrell. Early In th day
she took a drive and breakfusted at the
home of John G. Johnson.
Litter Miss Roosevelt was taken on board
the city fire boat Ashbridge for a sight
seeing trip on the Delaware river. The
afternoon was spent at Mr. Morrrll's
country seat, where lunpheon was served.
A short stay was made at the country
home of Clarence Dolan, nearby, where tea
wus had, after which the president's
daughter returned to Washington.
I'nlteil State Consul at Buenos Ayrea
Among List of Passengers at
New York,
NEW YORK. May 15 The steamer Phila
delphia, from Southampton, arrived today.
Among the passengers was Dr, D. Mayer,
United States consul at Buenos Ayres;
William Davis. William Hill, Aaron Wat
son, Herbert Baker and Paul Ocl-i-r, British
Journalists, who are going to St. Louis to
attend the Journalist convention, and Peter
Augustus Jay, secretary of the I'nlted
States legation St Constantinople. Mrs.
Mayer, wife of Consul Mayer, died during
the voyage from Buenos Ayres to England
and was buried at sen.
NEW YORK, May -Representative
of Swiss. French, Turkish snd Portuguese
newspapers arrived todsy on the steamship
A Bretsgn. They wll latttud th con
gresa st St. Louis.
Konropatkln Ef'dtntly Oh an pel Eii Mind
About Making t Stand.
Situation at Port Arthar Present Un
usual Difficulties to the Force
of Japanese that la
Restrains; It.
(Copyright by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
PARIS, May 16. (New York Herald Ca
blegram Special Telegram to The Bee.)
Tho moment when everything seemed to
Indicate that General Kouropatkln had a
well settled determination to give battle
to the Japanese on the ground he has
selected to concentrate hi troops, rumors,
still vatrue, but perhaps Intentionally
widely disseminated at St. Petersburg to
prepare people, give It to be understood
that "In the presence of the numerical
superiority of the enemy the commander-in-chief
was thinking of retreating toward
"At the same time It Is reported from
Yin Kow that several thousand men, who
have Just arrived from New Chwang at
Llao Yang, have been sent north. More
over, it la only too true, In spite of con
trary statements so often repeated, that
the number of Russians at present In Man
churia la Insufficient, and the dispatches
of General Kouropatkln may be summed
up In a single sentence, always the same,
'Send me more troops.'
"We need not be astonished, for that
matter, at the mystery surrounding the
two armies about to be engaged and the
Inexact Information with which the two
governments voluntarily supply the public.
It Is often of prime Importance for a com
mander the truth should not be known.
Therefore, It is sometimes wiser in con
sidering events to rely on probabilities
rather than the Interested statement of
the belligerents.
"Who have already had occasion to call
attention to the evident plan of the Japa
nese to deny their own losses or at least
to reduce them to Inadmissible propor
tions, as the correspondent of the Herald
at Seoul ha Just shown in an Irrefutable
manner by making known In a round
about way that tho censorship had In
tentionally reduced by two-thirds the
figure 3,000, which he wished to telegraph
as being that of the Japanese killed and
wounded in the battle of the Yalu.
Railroad Certainly Cat.
"What should be regarded as certain In
the latest news from the peninsula Is that
the railroad has been cut between Klnchow
and Port Arthur and that the line and
bridges have been cut on a rather extended
"The squadron of Admiral Kosakea,
gathered near Dalny, bombarded that
town, which now Is abandoned. The Rus
siaji batteries have been silenced, but It
I known that General Fock, with W.ouo
men 1 charged with th defense of the
northern part of th kwang Tuna; penln
ula. Ha Is thus In a condition to repel
any attempt to land at Dalny or ita
vicinity, th more so as the coasts of the
peninsula are all bristling with formidable
entrenchmenta. It Is therefore little likely
that the Japanese cun penetrate there
except by way of the Isthmus of Kin Chow,
which 1 relatively easy to defend on ac
count of the shallowness of the ea, which
prevents the approach of warhlp of great
Port Arthur haa been In th possession
of Russia rather more than six years. Its
troops having occupied th place on March
2d, im.
Port Arthur' favorable situation and
general capability of being mad a formid
able arsenal waa first turned to account
by the Chinese, then the undisputed owners
of the Llao Tung peninsula, a few years
before the war with the Japanese, In 1894.
The foreign military advisers employed by
the great Chinese viceroy, LI Hung Chang,
ruler of the Pe Chi L4 province of China,
were ordered by him to convert the harbor
into an anchorage and dockyard for the
Chinese fleet, which waa becoming of con
siderable power, having; at that time many
more armored vessels than Japan. It was
the ancient seaport of Lu Chun Cheng, but
the harbor required much dredging to make
It suitable for big ships of war.
Chinese Start Fort mentions.
Under th Chinese, however, French cou
tractora being employed, it began to take
shape as a modern fortress. Its natural ad
vantages being well utilized for the pur
pose by the German engineer, Von Han
neken. Lying at the end of the Llao Tung
peninsula, opposite the harbor of 'Wei Hal
Wei on the main land of China, it guarded
the entrance of the gulf of Pe Chi LI.
There was an old Chinese city, which has
now disappeared, making way for a macs
of barracks.
The line of forts running northwestward
was designed to cover Dalny, and from this
line ran a circle of batteries around the
town to Mantow Hill, above the Tlger'a
Tall, on the west side of the approach to
the harbor. The most Important port on
this aide was Wei Yuen, and from her a
series of quick-firing batteries extend to
the Tlger'a Tall, where there was a bat
tery of seven Cruzat 6.5-inch quick flrer.
almost on a level with the eea. On the
Mantow hill is a lighthouse and sigflal
station and both here and on Kwang Chin
hill were powerful electric searchlights.
Behind the town, which extends a long
way Inland, Is a hill to the right of which,
facing seaward, Is the residence of the
viceroy, newly built for Admiral Alexieff.
The larg dock lying to the east of the har
bor proper Is known as the east port. The
highest for defending Port Arthur, crown
ing the Tiger's Tall, Is named Man Ts
How It Was Captured.
Th capture of Port Arthur by Marshal
Oyama In November, 1894, wa considered
as practically finishing the war with
China, as It wsa the greatest blow In
flicted in th campaign. Landing at Plt
sewo, about eighty miles from Port Ar
thur, h secured hi advance by the oc
cupation of Klnchan and Tallen Wan, and
then, after nearly a month's gradual ap
proach, delivered the final' assault, with
actual fighting of thirty-six hours. The
most vulnerable point was found to he j
north or ine east port, oyama nrst occu
pied the northwestern hills with his bat
teries snd then ruehed the defenses. Tho
final stand was made at the forts Just
south of the east port. The seaward fort
were taken In the rear or surrendered
without further contest.
In. sn order of th day, Issued Fehrusry
27, General Stoessel, commander of thu
garrison, told Ids men that the Japaneso
conKldeied the seizure of Port Arthur to
Continued on Second Pas.
Fair In West, Showers In F.nst Por
tion Mondayi Tuesday, Fair and
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday i
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Natural Hostilities and Strategies of
Conflict Raise Fears.
ST. PETERSBURG, May 15 In view of
the official dispatches regarding the hostile
attitude of the Chinese within and without
the Russian sphere of Influence, the au
thorities here do not conceal their appre
hension as to the outlook, especially In
the north of the empire, for they propose
to call the attention of the celestial govern
ment to the Impending uprising In Tapn
dzlatsl In order that repressive measures
may be Instantly taken.
It is known and appreciated here that
all the powers have nindo strong repre
sentations to Peking in the interest of the
preservation ot the tranquillity of tho em
pire, but It is stated that Major General
Pflug's dispatch of May 14 shows the neces
sity for further impresHlng the celestial
government with the advisability of acting
with a firm hand.
The authorities here do not forget that
the Boxer revolt which spread from Shan
Tung would have Involved tha entire em
pire had It not been for the firmness of
the southern viceroys. The military au
thorities In St. Petersburg claim to have
Information of a sensational character, to
the effect that the Chinese have tacitly
agreed to co-operate with the Japanese
operations against the Russians.
The Japanese propose, it Is stated, to
drive General Kouropatkin's forces Into
Mongolia, which would place the Russians
in the position of Invaders of neutral terri
tory and enable reprisals by General M:t's
army, which, it is asserted, Is kept In that
region for that special object, thus cleverly
avoiding the slightest Infringement of the
neutrality of China by Japan and the
Chinese troops by not crossing the Man.
chuiian frontier, could not be charged
with a violation of pledges in respect to
noninterference In military operations In
Manchuria. The opinion of an eminent
strategist given to the Associated Press
todtty Is that the Japanese Idtend to attack
not only Llao Yang, but all along the line,
In order to drive General Kouropatkln into
Mongolia, where the Chinese arc waiting
for him.
Knowing these conditions. General Kouro
patkln, he said, would not be ' likely to
make a serious resistance at Kai Ping or
Hal Cheng, but would withdraw to the
north. This would enable the Japanese to
march on New Chwang with little hind
rance and their unopposed use of that
point as a base from which men and sup
plies could be sent north without . any
violation of the neutral zone west of the
Llao river.
The German Foreign office has been In
formed, according to assurance given the
Berlin correspondent of Novo Vreniya,
that China will not venture to Infringe, the
neutrality, aa owing to the distinct Intima
tion from all the power th dynasty would
be Jeopardized by such Infringement. It is
believed that Japan would be embarrassed
by the open assistance of China, since
Europe will hold Japan responsible for the
consequence. The correspondent asserts
that the German Foreign office Inspired the
United State to propose, the neutralization
of China.
Report iadlrate Both Army and Navy
Is Ready.
BT. PETERSBURG. May 15. A statement
by the admiralty, covering event at Port
'Arthur from May d to May 12, was re
ceived by the emperor at Tsarkoye Selo to
night shortly before his departure for Mos
cow. The situation there Is considered sat
isfactory as the dispatch shows the con
fidence and preparedness of Rear Admiral
Wltsoef, up to the second cutting of com
munication with Port Arthur.
The fact that the Russians discovered an
other Japanese mine almost in the exact
spot where the battleship Pobleda was In
jured Is taken as evidence of the deuperafe
thoroughness with which the Japanese must
hav carried out their mining operations on
April 11.
The military movements which have been
officially reported aa credited of minor Im
portance in themselves. Indicate prepara
tions for a determined concentration by the
Japanese at Llao Yang.
The Russky Invalid, the army organ,
says: "We believe that two Japanese di
visions are moving forward from Feng
Wang Cheng, on the Llao Yang road. The
presence of a large force of artillery at
8lu Yen, about fifty-five miles southwest of
Feng Wang Cheng, may Indicate a Japa
nese Intention of fortifying that place so
as to protect the left flank of their base of
operations, which, probably Is now Included
In a quadrilateral, bounded by lines con
necting Slu Yen, Takushan, Feng Wang
Cheng and Antung. The advancing lines
are probably connected with Japanese bases
through Chantaldsey, on the road, leading
to Pltzewo and WIJu and Anju Into Cores."
Mlalster Impresses This View Upon
Prlnr Cheng.
(Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
PEKING. May 15 (New York Herald
Oablegrsm Special Telegram to The Be.)
On May 13 the Japanese, minister in a
private sudienre with Prince Chlng in
formed him of th strongly-expressed wish
of the Japanese government that China
preserve a strict neutrality snd also re
quired Prince Chlng to notify the legations
of the wish, On May 14 the Japanese
minister called at the legations, informing
them of hi requests of Prince Chlng.
The Foreign office tin aent each legation
the following dispatch;
The Chinese government considers It Its
duty, owing to false and alarmtiuj reports
In various Journals, to inform the foreign
ministers that the Chinese government 1
firmly resolved to adhere to tho strict
rules of neutrality.
Knsslan Veterans Make Fair Show In
at Tarsret I'raetiee.
BT. PETERSBURG, May 13.-Grand
Dukn Vladimir toduy Inspected ten com
panies of the ntrii of the Second reserve,
who u.t tailed upon when the mobillzs
tlon brings the First reserve Into the
actual army. To the number of IO.O'iO they
paraded through Krasnoye Selo, sixteen
miles from St. Petersburg, where the
gucrtls are encamped. Thi-y
prictPcd at the ilf ransei
avt-rufc of H per cent of hi'
been fifteen rr rlncc tha m
service, the grand duke was l
with the showing which Iht
w niter wards
, V,'1V",,, n
Vt -tins
J Vhaed
Emilani Tind Their Enemies la lyery
Inrokl and Oku Advancing ia Two Col
umns on iiain Aimj.
Moit PttsimUtio Opinion PrsTalent in 8t.
Russian Say Nrlahnnr Have Deserted
Them Just at a Time Whea Then
Needed Friends and
(Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
ST. PETERSBURG. May .-New York
Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to
The Bee.) The Japanese are reported to
have turned up In six different new places.
occupied four stations, blown up th Una
five versts below Port Adams and taken
Dalny. At the same time Kurokl'a and
Oku's divisions are advancing In a lln
K0 kilometres long, while th strategically
Important town of Hsln Yeu la being
strongly fortified, with the object of se
curing the left flank of the main Japanese
forces there. A largo amount of artillery
Is being brought up.
The Novoe Vremya'a military expert say
deluyed telegram received show th Japa
nese are operating three armies.
On all sides 1 hear nothing but pessi
mistic opinion. It Is being openly ad
mitted that the unexpected display of
numbers by the enemy renders Kouro
patkin's position critical In the extreme.
Great bitterness is felt and expected
over the tone ot the German press, so un
expectedly going back on this country at
a time when It much needs friends, Von
Buelow's well-meant efforts only making
matters worse.
The Grand Duchess Marie Pavlona'a
hospital train waa ferried over Lak Baikal
Send Captives to Japan.
SEOUL, May 15. Reports hav been re
ceived here that 450 captured Russian of
ficer and men will shortly be despatched
from Yongampo to MaJI, Japan.
The prefect of Tok Chong, which town
Is two days' march north ot Anju, re
ports that TOO Cossacks arrived there the
afternoon cf May 8, and commandeered
provisions, forage .and native ponies, and
In several Instance seised money, ' The
villager fled to the hills. ' '' '
On the morn'ng of May the Russians
advanced to Karchong, from which place
they attacked Anju. j. They cofrimtt tod out
rage upon the women,';., brok open the
local Jail, freed the prisoners and kid
naped the Jailer and the village headsman.
Four Tonghak leaders hav been executed
at Chon Ju, Corea. ' '
Brigand Are Attaakrd. '
NEW CHWANG, May 16.-A . band of
brlganda , wa attacked a short : distance
from this city last night by a number of
native irregulars, the fighting being Wit
nessed by a correspondent of the . Asso
ciated Press. Three of the brlganda wej
killed and three mortally wounded by the
native, who were not assisted by tha
Russian troops.
The Russians are offering splendid pay
for natives as railroad guards .which would
enable them to place more fighting men
In tho field, but the Ctrtnese are not ac
cepting the offer, A Chinese engineer rt.
ports thirty miles of the railroad Crippled
within the past twenty-four hours between
Using Yo and Wafan Tien. '
The total number of Japanese troop
landed at Pltzewo amount to 30,000. A
Russian officer, who , will not allow hi
name to be mentioned, Informed the As
sociated Press that the Russian plan It to
retreat to Harbin and remain there until
home troops arrive and then make a quick
and ' decisive campaign southward. Late
summer rdins commence toon and then
campaigning will be all but impossible.
ST. PETERSBURG. May 5. The emperor
has received the following report frdm
Viceroy Alexieff, dated May 14:
I beg respectfully to communicate to
your majesty a report from Admiral Wltt
soeft on the state of affairs at Port Arthur
from May 8 to May 12. The report wns
brought by express runner from bachlcha
stallun on the eve of the second Interrup
tion of communications by the enemy, it
The enemy's squadron, composed Of Iron
clads, cruisers and torpedo boats, appeared .
off Port Arthur today and coni.nues to i
blockade without active operations. The
work of repairing the Ironclads Czarevitch '
and RelvizHn Is proceeding with unabated
energy and with every success.
During hd examination of the roadstead
snd fairway at the spot where th battle
ship Pobleda was damaged by a mine wa ,
found one of (he enetnv's defense mine
which hod been exploded by the force of
the hurricane.
Jap Keep nosalaa Gactilngt
Lieutenant General Sakharoff ha ent
the following to the general staff, dated
Ana Yang, May 14:
The enemy's advance guard on May 11
reached Tuutlnmiu, on the road between
Feng Wang Cheng and iAto Yang. Our
two sotnlHH of CossacKS retired toward tit
villuge ot Kantsaendiantlg.
A jnpanr-HH force o( llnee battalion of
Infantry, ten guns Knd two squadrons of
cavalry from Hehidi-nan, on the road to
Mao Tin pass, was on May 11 In Tafanooh
valley. Since then there has teen no hew
cf the movements of the force, which leads
to the conclusion that It has branched off
went ward lo'vai ds Hal Chang.
A detachment of the Japanese vanguard
left Toutimtou southward and was pur.
suvd by our Cossacks, who exchanged
shots with the Japanese rear guard for
hull an hour and Laving In the meantlni
discovered an umhush prepared by th
Japani-Me ihey retired.
Our scouts ascertained that Japanese
force of two regiments of infantry, eight
guns and eight sq.iadrns of ca.valry had
wpproached f.l ndia pout e and Ersn Toufan.
our line of patrols between Uini Cliitn
lloun and Hlimtza had a skirinlsn with
t'lunese bandits. In which three Cossacks
and three were killed, three 'ns
sarks MlKhlly w undetl nncfNJuirnlsslng. '
Measures are being tskun Mlear thl
diMili-t nf ( lilnese bandits.
The enemy's eiuts have appeared about
nineteen miles houtheast f Mao Tin P.
An jh unli t tin the rond from 3lu Yen id,
ll.e pass. A lectuinolHB.inre to Chin Tal
Tze did not discover liny l onsldcralili: iiiiiii- '
her of the enemy.
Accoruliik to lilm report Takuslihii
hihI bln ful Tt t'-opii by smnll
Japanese rlrliirhiiii nu of .ti euch. Stronger
fniria nrrf at Si loi.k 1 . hld . twelve utiles'
northwest Of Tl(llshhtl.
Heturnl iK to hlu n the rei utinnlteiing
p-iriy had a kirmlMi with n small Japa
nese patrol. (me Japanese (Iratroon ,'
klhetl and one Cossack mil wounded.
There is no news from KIMlchjnulputso.
Hi May u detachment of tienrly 1,0ft) '
Japanese advanced seten miles north ot
Pnhmrlien. Another detachment of 300 in
fantry and half a squadron of cavalry ad
vanced by a fl, inking movement to Waftao
tlen. The truoi'S guarding $he frontier aJ