Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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Advertisements for these eolasaaa
will be takes antll 12 tn. for fa
errata edltloa and aatll p. m. for
(ho ntralic aatf landif edition.
Rater, 1 l-2 a word flmt ImerHnn,
la a word thereafter. Nothing takra
for less than SOa for tha flrat laser
tlaa. There advertisements mart be
ran consecutively.
Adrertlaera, by requesting a aam
bered rkrrk, eaa hare aaawera ad
dressed to a aambcred letter la care
of Tke Bee. Aaawera ao addressed
will be delivered oa preaeatatloa of
the eheek only.
Cold Facts
Warmly Emphasized
Tou can no mpra gain a practical, thor
ough business education In a business col
lege that la not business from top to bot
tom, practical In Ita course, in Its teach
trs and In Its training of Ita pupils, and
thorough In its discipline and In Its mold
ing of ita students' minds and business
habits, than you can fatten a fanning mill
running wheat through it.
Boyles College has a claim on the con
slderatlon of everyone thinking of taking
up stenography or accounting, because It
is absolutely and uniquely businesslike It
self Ita instructors are business men and
womeri Ita course Is one formulated by
business men and tested by business, as It
is practiced with profit by the master
business men It Instills Into the pupil's
mind a deep reallatzlon of the fascination
of business properly conducted It puts Into
its graduates the stuff out of which suc
cessful business men and women are made.
Boyles College.
H. B. BOYLES, Pres. OMAriA, NEB.
The Nebraska Seed Co.
Open till 6:ao p. in., tMiuiuay uuu dionday
till 9 p m. lau-lel Howard.
K 823 Jl
u. Yau Court, VMi N. loth. Tel. 1HM.
R eJ4 ill
18U K M64 Je
DETECTIVE Capt. Cormack, 617 Karbach
block. Tel. A-2M2. it 9J
CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H.
Phllbln, 1606 Farnam and opp. Union
Station. Tela. 784 and 1673. R Sid
h ita
?TnVFR,tort4 nd repaired. Jackson
fc 1 J Bros. & Pegg, 711 N. 16th.
Tel. L-3331. K-9b M28
OMAHA Safe and Iron worka make a spe
cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doora and
sales. Q. Andrefcn, PrOp.f 102 8. luth at,
R (M M26
Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 & 14th. T. 665.
nm n8ILVEI NICKEL Plaung. Om,
vWav mating Co., 1508 Harney, 'l ei. 2630.
K 627
CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent.
- RUJi
EAQLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat
ing; all buaineas confidential. 1301 Douglas.
. R aJ
EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and
storage. 214 N. lath. Tel. lifli. R-SiO
. R 831
Elettrir Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A.
wibwu Chnatenaon, ua N. 20th. Tel. 16uJ
' K toj
cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead
aniinaia; reduced prices. 64 ti. 16. TeL 177a.
R 833
the Bee Bldg. R 634
SIGN painting. 8. H. Cole, 1303 Douglas.
' R 36
ALL KINDS carpenter work; repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree,
' 20th and Lake. R 370
FOR noon luncheon try the Karbach res
taurant; reasonable prices. 418 8. 16th St.
R 878 M16
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. 621 N.
Wth. Tel. 1778. R 468
SPECTACLES. II; examination free;
days only. U. 8. Opticians. 808 N. 16th
STOVE storage and repairing. Hughes
Stove Repair Works, 2217 Cuming St. Tel.
F-2302. R 841
CAPSTjSlean,n' Wood, 2016 Clark.
Tel. F-3071. .R-844
BRICK contractor. J. P. Healy, 1822 Clark.
R M904 M14
FURS stored and repaired reduced prices
ti. E. Shukert, 313 8. 16th. R-M963 M3
COOKING, heating, gas, gasoline stoves re
paired. City Stove Rep'r Wks. Tel. L2945.
R-M326 Ml 8
FERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.; no In
terest; honest values; easy terms. Tel.
T01. R-S4S
H. W. M'VEA. Plumber, 1124 N. Kth. Tel.
77. R-M469
1307 Douglas, TeL 960. Omaha St. Rep. Wks.
' R M424
DR. BLABAUGH, Dentist, N. Y. Life bldg!
R M494
printing i Hlht 0r work.
ivi r crVr. t Crounae block, corner of
LYNGS 1 AD i 16th St. and Capitol Ave.
HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prioea
Tel. 1262. I. A. Medlar Co., 4.2 8. Uth St.
2. M. 8IRPLES8, Reliable Printer; estab
lished 12 years. 2u3 8. 13th St., Omaha.
-346 MlS
AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment
Get our prices. Tel. 1621. 1618 Chicago.
, M38 Ml
printing Job printing. Beat work in city,
Guaranteed, lill Capitol Ave.
KKS, 1103 Farnam. To deliver work when
promised Is our hobby. M31I
rooms I and t, Dally News bldg. 'Phone
Johnson Institute, tl6 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664,
XR. GRACE DEEOAN. 831 N. Y. Life. Tel.
3mA -3i
Fayette Cole, osteopath, 609 Paiton block.
JdRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Oatei.pathle Phy
slulan; offlue, Douglas blocs. Tel. 221.
tT Parwell. specialty nervous dlaeasea. 404
i'hstoav -J7
Shorthand Lessons Free
In order to show you that we bare the
most simple, legible and rapid ayatem of
Shorthand ever yet devised, we will give
four leesone free by mall to any one who
will agree to follow Instructions. Write us
snd we will mall you the first SI pagee of
our text book so you can begin at once.
These lessons will give you quite a start.
17th and Douglas Streets.
WEN to learn barber trade, free railroad
fare upon our failure to convince you or
this being the BEST, largest and only re
liable, moat practical barber college in
thla aection. Write for catalogue today
Weatern barbers lnatltute, OmabJNeb.
WANTED FOR U. S. ARM Y -Able-bodied
unmarried men between ages of 21 and
86; cltlrens of United Slates, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write Enailah. For In
formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th
and Dodge Bts., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb.
B M152
LARGE eastern plant manufacturer wants
responsible man or firm to take ex
clunive Omaha and Nebraska agency:
manufacturer will do extensive adver
tising for agent's benrflt. The paint is a
leadt-r wherever introduced. Addreas H 46,
Bee ofilce B 381
CHEF AND MANAGER For hotel restau
rant about to open; also storeroom man;
must Invest 8600 to 31,000; secured; salary
and Interext In profits. U. S. Hotel Co.,
St. Louis. Mo. B 934 lox
WANTED, flrst-claas barber at once. F.
W. Baade, Schuyler. Neb. B SOS
RULERS, two first-class men on down
line work, ncnunlon, to go east. Oood
wages and steady work. Address K 61,
Bee. B M487 15
Special Inducements offered teachers to
represent the Old Qermanla Life In
surance company during your vacation.
Write or call 822 Bee Building. Omaha.
B M794 15
CASHIERS. ETC. Cashiers,
clerks ar
vest In
Balnry. !
STEADY work for good man and boy.
Omaha Box Co., East umana. a eeo is
BOY wanted to take care of horse and
work about store. Enquire I3ia farnam.
B M8i6 16
WANTED at once, bookbinders, book trim
mers, paper cutters; highest wages paid;
bookbinders' strike in Chicago. Apply by
letter or otherwise to Rand, McNally &
Co., 1C6 Adams St., Chicago, III.
B M833 16x
MANAGER Of bar for large hotel about
to open; must Invest 11,000 to jz.ouu; se
cured; good salary and Interest In profits.
V. 8. Hotel Co., St. Louis, Mo.
B 932 lix
WANTED Men everywhere, good pay. to
distribute circulars, advertising matter,
tnck signs, etc.; no canvassing. National
Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M82 ISx
A SALESMAN of education to represent
us in this territory; must be a mistier
and mean business; only those out of
employment need apply. Call between to
a. m. and 6 p. m. Monday to E. J. Stan
Icy, Paxton hotel. . B MS87
ARE you satisfied with your present po
sition? Do you want more saiaryr ask
for our list of vacant positions. We can
help you. i
840-841 N. Y. LIFE. '
B-238 15
YOUR chance for good position and salary
is as good as others. btuay electricity,
mechanical or steam engineering, nt home
by mall. We have helped thousands. K
page bulletin mailed free. Electrical En
gineer Institute, New York. B
To fill positions as managers, accountants,
advertising men. salesmen and bookkeep
ers: also technical and executive men,
high grade exclusively. We have offices
In twelve cities. Write tor plan and
booklet. HAPGOODS (Incorporated). tt
Chemical building, St. Louis. B
WANTED Cashiers, bookkeepers, check
ers, day - and night clerks and other
hotel positions; must Invest In stock of
the company; secured: salary. Interest in
Profits and permanent position. U. S.
lotei Co., St. Louis, Mo. B 931 15x
ENERGETIC workers everywhere to dis
tribute circulars, samples and advertis
ing matter. Good pay. No canvasslna.
Cooperative Advertising Co., New York.
B 97S lfix
LOCAL and traveling representatives to
visit businesa men. State salary, ex
perience, etc. W. A. Lake, Adams Ex
press bldg., Chicago. B 8T7 16x
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Special offer. Few weeks- completes.
Careful Instructions: can nearly earn ex
penses before finishing. Call or write
Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas at.
B M976 20x
WANTED An experienced man, fully com
petent to run lard refinery, acquainted
with all modern methods of manufacture
both for domestic and export shipment
and capable of conducting department
Aaarees u it, iee.
B-M120 17
15 00
But each one rings true true of wise
economy; true of honest tailoring; true of
lasting satisfaction.
Big Tailors.
1408 Douglas.
B 696 15
Manager, S2.0no; bookkeeper, 11,200; sales
man, $1,500. Inquire Business Opportunity
Company, 1 Union Square, New York.
B-V38 16x
$70.00 A WEEK and a free trip to St. Lou la
fair. No money required; pleasant em
ployment at 'home for every one. Write
today and we will engage you. New Life
Pub. Co., 27 William at.. New York.
45 15x '
1S PER week and expenses to a hustler to
distribute samples and collect for Mfr.
in Neh.; expenses advanced; salary paid
weekly. Adv. Dept.. 702 Star Bldg.. Chi
cago. B 948 ISx
DETECTIVES Every locality, good sal
ary, experience unnecessary. Interna
tional Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis,
B 938 ISx
AMERICAN Barber college. Omaha, Neb.
Write for free catalogue; It tnlla every
thing. B 270 22x
WANTED, grocery clerk; state experience
and salary wanted. L 33, Bee.
B 374 16x
NEAT boys wanted to distribute samples;
11.00 per day to hustlers; reference re
quired; address. Inclosing reference and
parents' namea, L 36, Bee. B 377 lti
DRUG CLERK and soda fountain man for
out of city; state age, experlenne and sal
ary expected, Addreas L 30, Bee.
B-6 15
YOUNG man for shoe store. Address L
29. Bee. B Ml 67 IS
NONUNION floor and roundhouse machin
ists wanted for western railroad; also
hollermakera and bollermaker helpers:
must be experienced and competent, good
pay. Apply room 10, Victoria hotel.
. B-M247 16x
THERE are positions open for competent
men and women. Can you find themT
We have them. Ask for our list of va
840-841 N. Y. LIFE.
B 234 It
WANTED, neat appearing young man
stenographer. Kepiv. stating aaiary ex-
pec tea, n. I. nee omce. a u i
WANTED, man to take Intereat In a good
paying buolneea and travel on the road.
R. 4. Bee office. B-! 16
WANTED Traveling man. aaiary S0
month, aaiary and expenaes; position
permanent. Addreaa Manager Abbott Co.,
161-M .Waboaa Ave., Chicago.
at uu tax
crs, checkers, day ana nignt i nni iTipn. wnnK-w wont men to do
id other hotel positions; must in- , ,,,, ,-, ni.nt nd inter
block of the company; mm rured, e8't,nB.rood pay; previous experience not
Interest In i proflta and permanent ' f salesmen or solicitors preferred.
U. 8. Hotel Co., St. Louis, Mo. nvM R- riarkson. Omaha. Neb.
Nebraska Business College,
A; C. ONO. A. M., LL. B.. Pres. A. J. LOWRY, rrln. 17th and Hameyi Bta,
It Is almost incredible what our graduates are accomplishing for themselves In the
way of bettering their own condition in life, the aaslstnnce they are able to give their
rarenta, the bank accounts which many of them have to their credit, the property
seme have purchased and nre pnylng out on, etc.. etc. , , .
MJss , who had only an eighth grade education when she entered school and
finished her course about three years ago, has refurnished her mother s home, bought
a piano and Is paying for the lessons of a younger sister and taking lessons at night
herMr!' '. who Is holding one of the best positions In the city, has bought a val
uable piece of rental property, the revenue from which, together with his salary, he
has well nigh paid out on It. . . . . . .
Miss , who began work seven years ago at $75 per month, today she has to
her credit at the bank several thousand dollurs. . , ,.
MIks and sister, who finished their course with us about the same time, were
the sole support of a family of seven for a period of four yeara, .
We recently had students go Into positions who are only 16 years old and began
WltThs we'cmihgo on and recite the marvelous success of hundreds who have been
members of our school. What they have done nnd are doing you can also do If you
The secret of the above record is that these young people were trained In a chool
that has the reputation of doing absolutely thorough work ;xa school that Is well and
favorably known for Its high moral tone as well as commercial landing.
Ask bankers what school they send to for clerks. Axk business men where they
get their best qualified help. Ask man:igrs of railroads and packing houses what
Twill. h nr.l to for an exnert bookki-ener or stenographer. Auk the public what
Institution has the confidence of the people,
to each question Is the same me in. a. IM
t a- i.. v i..nMnn nf the tvnowrltpr that there has been such a great
demand for the stenographer. The demand is Increasing every year. This has neces
sitated a better, easier and more accurate system of shorthand. The old systems
were found too technical and unreliable. Mr. Gregg met the emergency by producing
o system that has revolutlonlied the entire theory of stenography. His system today,
while before the public only a few years, has made greater strides than any other ays
tern n thirty years. The times demanded a new and better system and Mr. Gregg
skill and originality has produced It. .,... . i. h.
j he only ecnooi in umana iimi majvea a. iimmu; .
Nebraska Business College,
The school that assists Its graduates to positions. Apply for catalogue.
B 132 15x
WANTED A man, fllving outside of
Omaha, to manage branch office, each 4
counties; salary $1,000 per year. Address
Tapestry ' Paint Co., Chicago, 111.
B 129 lox
DETECTIVES wanted everywhere. Ex
perience unnecessary. Rare opportunity;
always busv. Work Interesting. For par
ticulars address Slater's Detective Agency,
132 Nassau St., New York City.
B 979 15x
Learn Show Card Writing
And you can command a good salary any
where, or make big money In bualness for
yourself; our course of hund-palnted les
sons Is something new and the most prac
tical ever offered; If you want to learn a
good paying trade, write us and we'll tell
you more about It.
631 Paxton Block, Omaha.
B 146 15
YOUNG MAN; money may be earned; ar
tistic employment at home gliding tickets;
write for particulars, inclosing stamped,
addressed envelope. L. J. Noel, UD
W. 126th st., New York. o
, B 968 16x
TO PEOPLE In every town first answering
thla ad, an opportunity win De given iu
earn a round trip railroad ticket to St.
Ixiula World's fair with expenses paid.
Time Is short. Write today. St. Louis
Tour and Contest Co., 808 Columbia Bldg.,
St. Louis. Mo. 962 16x
WANTED Shoe salesman at once. Fry
Shoe- Co. , B 193 15
GOOD baker wanted at once; steady Job for
ngm party, jonn curiae,
WE want every man and woman capable
or filling a gooa position to investigate
our ayatem.
. 840-841 N. Y. LIFE,
B 237 15
MARRIED man, with references; must be
handy at odd jods, repairing, etc.; worn
credited on rent of house. Address L 26,
Bee. B 224 16x
WANTED, a boy to learn the carpet trade.
Apply at the people s store, a mszj u
PHOTOGRAPHER wanted; good view op-
eraior. Auuress urcai aui mwi u a hww
Pub. Co., box 629. Omaha. B 219 15x
LADIES Several vacancies open to com-
lete list, eaay sewing, lor us ki huh,
16 weekly. Addressed envelope for lace
sample. Majestic Lace Co., New York.
C 929 16x
LADY wanted; money may be earned; ar
tistic employment ai nome aiming uu,
write for particulars. Inclosing stamped,
addressed envelope. L. J. Noel, 129
W. 126th at.. New York.
C 967 15x
$5.00 PER WEEK and no washing Is the
i ,, . ...... . . . . Hntni,
wages a ww s " i-.ii juh Y.
general housework If she applies Immedi
ately to Mrs. R. S. Wilcox, 2109 Wirt St.
C 208 15x
WANTED, lady halrdreaser; steady posl
. . . ... .... i. te
non, juonneii s, nn rarnam. v io
LADIES .with a little experience In nurs
ing; gooa salary. Aaarma u ai. dj-
C 266 16
WANTED, girl for light housework. 1440 8.
18th at. juiloi ii
WANTED, an Intelligent young woman
who wants to mane iiw per monm ana
willing to leave city to take half-Interest
in good, pleasant business; $300 cash re
quired; money secured. Address L 27, Bee.
C 231 15x
WANTED Ladles to learn halrdreasing.
manicuring or facial massage. ew
weeks completes. Comparatively no ex
pense. Diplomas granted. Positions
waiting graduates. Call or write Moler
College, 1302 Douglas St. C M974 20x
WANTED A competent cook by Mrs. J. 3.
Brown, ioi u. mm ave. tj Mia u
MINUET SKIRT and waist holders offer
largest proflta. easiest sales. Exclusive
territory. Sample free. Wheeler & Bald
win, Garden City Bldg., Chicago.
C 119 15x
LADIC8, my new original plan you earn
$10.00 week quietly at home: send dime
and stamped envelope for plan; no fur.
ther expense; plan jguaranteed. Mrs. V.
R. Coon, Memphis, Tenn. C 116 15x
GIRL for general houaework. 4103 Daven
port t C M922 16x
LADIES to do piece work at their homea;
we furnish all materials and pay from
$7 to $11 weekly. Send stamped envelope
to Royal Co., 84 E. Monroe St., Chicago.
C 104 16x
$30 A THOUSAND copying letter. No
mailing to frlenda or furnishing addresses.
Particulars stamped envelope. Select
Toilet Co., Dept. 24. Chicago.
C-441 15x
LADIES Pleasant local work at home; $20
paid weekly; thla la no deception; write
today. Manager, 600 Coma Block. Chi
cago. -C-3 16x
TO A DE8ERVINQ young lady or gentle
man will give a complete scholarship In
Omaha s leading business and ahorthnnd
college, and lo M paid for when course
la finished and position secured. Address
L 15, Bee. C 75 24 x
WANTED Neat-looking lady to learn
arUasblowing, on the road. D. 3. Hlgglna,
Plattsmouth, Neb. C-M9udl5x
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1060
Georgia ave. C 806 15x
The BEE Joes not five away its space.
The BEE does not pad its columns to male a false showing.
The BEE does not juggle figures to deceive the public
But the BEE DOES print the most PAID Want Ads.
the parents, the students and the answer
LADIES for home work, stamping World's
fair souvenirs; good pay, clean, pleasant
Call 66 Douglas Bldg., Opp. Hayden's.
C-M704 M2D
80 GIRLS. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge.
, C M329
GIRL for general housework. (35 Park ave.
C M768 16x
COMPETENT girl, general housework;
have laundress two days. Call mornings
or evenings. 117 8. 26th Ave. C 127 15x
GIRLS from 15 years up to learn glove and
mitten work; experience unnecessary.
1309 Howard St., upstairs. C M825 18
WANTED Hospital matron. Call 202 S.
Uth St. before 10 a. m. C M840 16x
WANTED Girls for dining room work.
Apply to Mr. Kirk, Dellone hotel.
C-M902 15
WANTED A quiet, capable gtrl. In family
of two; $5 per week; at 322 N. 22d st.
Mrs. Truman Buck. C 910 lBx
WANTED Position as companion for lady
or tutor for children during summer, by
experienced young matron. No objection
to traveling or leaving city. Address L
19. Bee. A 126 15x
NEWSPAPER man. experienced, wanta
situation on republican daily or weekly.
Address L 18, Bee. A 124 lox
WANTED A position as child nurse; ex
perienced; good references. Address L 32,
Bee. A 269 16x
POSITION as collector, traveling or local,
by experienced, competent man; best of
references. L 34, Bee A 275 18
CULTURED lady and daughter 18 from
village desire home In family as ex-
fierlenced housekeeper and helper that
atter may have musical advantages. Ad
dress L 25. Bee. A 222 16x
SALESMEN on commission earning hun
dreds of dolars selling our fireproof paint
to merchants; one minute test with
pocket sample secures order from most
skpetlcal. Salamander Paint Co., 203
Franklin Ave., St. Louis.
SOLICITORS Either sex, to sell 60c cou-
gons, $1.00 per hour. ' Call on H. t.
mlth. Midland hotel. 128 ISx
WANTED Experienced travelers or busi
ness men to sell our line of cheroots,
' cigars and plug tobacco; good side line;
liberal commission. Dixie Tobacco Co.,
Bedford City, Va. 109 TSx
WE pay intelligent, hustling salesmen and
women, city or country, large commis
sions to sell our kitchen and toilet soap
shaving machines. Antiseptic Soap Gran
ulator Co., 2127 Michigan Ave., Chicago,
a, 108 15x
SALESMAN John Sexton ft Co., Importers
of teas and coffees, and wholesale grocers,
16 to 22 State St., Chicago, want ex
perienced, honest, energetic high grade
men to sell farmers and other large
buyers. We are the largest grocery
house in America engaged in this busi
ness and the originators of honest and
modern methoda of conducting it. We
handle the finest goods and guarantee
quality and quantity of every article; no
capital required. Exclusive territory
given, In which an established trade in
sures fine income. We are farmers'
headquarters in Chicago. 106 16x
SALESMEN Experienced apeclalty pre
ferred; opening for two, one for Ne
braska; must be competent; no salesman
In our employ paid below $250.00 a month;
permanent. Address Manufacturer. Post
office Box 1063. St. Louis, Mo. 998 15x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commissions with
sdvance of $100.00 monthly; permanent po
sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.,
Detroit. Mich. 936 Hx
perienced traveling aaleaman at once to
fill vacancy; general mercantile trade;
high commission contract with $26 weekly
advance while traveling. Merje, Smith &
Co., 90 Proapect at., Cleveland, O.
940 lx
SALESMEN to handle the best stock and
poultry foods on the market; can make
$.10 weekly; write for particulars. The H.
T. Stock Food Co., 44 S. Desplnlnes St.,
Chicago. 948 16x
WANTED Clothing salesmen to open Bales
agenciea for "America's Greatest Tall
ora;" the proper facilities given to the
right parties; woolens In the piece fur
nished for display purposes. This is a
rare opportunity to engage in a good
paying business without any Investment.
A number of our sales agents are making
from $1,200 to $3,500 per year. Write for
terms and full Information to Dept 10,
199 Market St., Fifth Floor. Chicago.
954 15x
PROPRIETARY medicine salesman by well
advertised house: capable man, cover ter
ritory closely, salary and expenses Man
ager, 160 Superior St., Chicago. 955 16x
manufacturer; must have good record and
experience drumming retail trade; perma
nent position and liberal salary to right
man. Address L 13, Bee. 937 lfix
no technical knowledge, but active, all
round hustler; established, well rated
house. O. p. B., 21 Atwater, W., De
troit, Mich. 935 16x
SALESMEN Hotel and cigar money every
day taklrg orders for consignment goods;
only photographs to carry; eaaiest money
on the road. Maer Mfg. Co., Memphis,
Tenn. 986 16
AGENTS Men and women, light work;
quick seller; good money; 2-cent stamp
for particulars; write at once. Odo-Mann
Co., 346 West 68th St.. New York.
J 981 15x
WANTED Two traveling aaleamen; $75 per
month and expenses. Loa Angeles Cider
221 16X
ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th A Chics go.
. E 861
DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
O. M. B. hauls trunks. TeL 611. E 864
$126 PER WEEK, Doran house, 422 S. 18th.
E 866
VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fine rooms,
ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights,
E So6
LARGE, warm room; steam heat. 1909
Capitol Ave. E M720
NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. U.D
Dodge St. E 857
THE FARNAM, 10th and Farnam St a.
E 86$
The Chatham; luxuriously furnished rooms
and smoking parlors; appointments first-
f.1... 1IA 1 .i.i. A. -It- IIUI n r.l
u, o, WU1 OUi uyjftJOH. .'I......
nished. 619 N. 16th. E M350 Je3
I ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11.
K 768
LARGE front room, porches, lawn, shado,
'Phone L27H3. 623 No. 20th. E M862 16x
NICELY furnished room, Bultable for two,
218 No. 19th. E Mt60 15x
LARGE, nicely furnished room, $2.50 per
week. 1707 Cass. E M861 16x
NICELY furnished room, 415 No. 18th.
E M859 15 X
FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping,
2118 Harney. E MS&6 lux
FURNISHED front room, double; also
single room. 620 No. 19th. E M886 15
ELEGANT furnished rooms for light
housekeeping for man and wife on boule
vard. 411 N. 19th. E M884 15x
NICELY furnished parlors; reasonable.
22.14 Farnam; walking distance. 'Phone
2203. E M890 15
CHOICE modern housekeeping rooms. 2201
Farnam. E Mx8 17x
NICELY furnished rooms; modern. 118 N.
26th. E M897 20x
FURNISHED front room, downstairs; also
rooms upstairs; quiet neighborhood. 1915
Webster. E-M898 16
NICELY furnished room; reasonnhle. 70S
8. 28th. B MS92 16x
FURNISHED room; south front. 619 N.
19th. E M93 16
NICELY furnished room. 2120 Douglas.
'Phone F-2163. E MS94 l6x
NICELY furnished front room. 2209 Doug
las. E M895 16
8-ROOM apartment, modern. 816 S. 22d.
E-012 20x
TWO pleasant rooms for two gentlemen;
private family. 802 8. 22d. E M134 21x
FIVE rooms, furnished or unfurnished, sin
gle or ensulte, 1014 S. 20th. E M992 17
720 N. 23D Nicely furnished room for gen
tleman, i E M990 17x
NICELY furnished single room. 131 S. 25th.
E M991 17x
THREE rooms, ensulte or single, strictly
modern, 1914 Farnam. E M9S9 17
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing. 3134; N. 15th. flat L.
E 93 15x
2566 DOUGLAS St., rooms for light house
keeping. Uj ill
TWO or three large rooms, parlor floor,
modern. Telephone 124, S. 25th st.
E 273 16x
FOR RENT, three nice rooms Iri modern
house, suitable for light housekeeping,
unfurnished or partly furnished. 706 S.
80th St. E M256 1 5
NICELY furnished front room, modern,
private family, gentleman preferred: rates
reasonable. 409 S. 25th ave. E M250 16
ONE to three partly furnished rooms, mod
ern; can be arranged ror Hgnt nouseiteep
Ing; no. children; references; 2701 Wool
worth ave. E 220 15x
ST. JAMES hotel, day board, meal tickets
$3 60. . F M438 M22
Furnished rooms, steam beat, with or with
out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chlrao.
1617 CASS, rooms and board. F M419 M21
THE MERRIAM, 25th and Dodge, 'phone
U; nice, light, airy rooms; ensuitea and
single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en
tire length of building. F-2G6
BOARD and room, $4; meals 15c. 161$
Dodge. F M361
THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; newly furnished
rooms, good board; rates reasonable.
F M426 Je6
FRONT room In private, quiet home place,
to responsible people. 2323 Harney
FURNISHED front rooms, with board. 316
B. 26th st. F-M764 16x
1816 DODGE, two nicely furnished parlors,
with board. 'Phone A2407. F-MS63X
ROOMS and board, 1812 Chicago.
F-M8C4 lfix
FURNISHED room and board; references,
618 So. 22d at. F M857 15
NICELY furnished rooms and board. 28f9
8t. Mary's ave. F M858 15
FURNISHED rooms with board; fine loca
tion; lawn and shade. 2215 Farnam.
F M905 16x
LARGE parlor; also single room: boara.
Xll S. 24h. F-M8S9 lOx
FURNISHED room, and board. 621 8. 18th.
Phone 1535. Mrs. C. H. Frederick.
F M257 17
STRICTLY flrst-Class board, reasonable.
1709 Dodge. F-M258 17
ELDERLY couple, or two quiet gentlemen,
wishing for home comforts In private
family, address L 21. Bee. F M259 16x
FURNISHED room, and board, lady pre
ferred who will take charge of house
occasionally as part payment, zios Harney,
F-M255 17x
CHOICE1 suite of two rooms at the Georgia,
1042 Georgia ave. 'Phone 2891.
r-M2El 16x
FURNISHED room, board. 'Phone L-J076.
710 S. Wth. F M264 17x
FOR RENT Large furnlahed aouth front
room for two gentlemen: board. 1420 Casa
st. F-M279 lfix
THREE modern, unfurnished rooms; porce
lain bath; no children. 631 S. 25th ave.
G MS91 15
TWO SUITES, unfurnlahed rooms. 1910
Dodge. O. C. Redlck, 1517 Farnam.
G M260 21
WANTED An eight to ten-room house,
furnished; west Farnam diatrlct pre
ferred; period three to alx months. Apply
Byron Reed Company, 212 So. 14th st.
K M861
WANTED To rent first-class 8 to 12-room
furnished house for the summer: West
Farnam district preferred. W. Farnam
Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St.. Omaha.
K 671
WANTED By young woman, room and
board In private family. Address L 23,
Bee office. K-M137 17
WANTED, two or three furnished rooms
by three grown people. References given.
Address L 28, Bee office. K-M248 16x
BEAUTIFUL $300.00 Steger Piano, encased
in the most exquisite burl walnut, with
genuine hand carved panels, solid mold
ing, cabinet grand; a thoroughly er Hallo
production in tone, action and case de
sign: has been used less than two years.
Monday's price, USi.aD; $136.00 cash and
u.w niontniy.
SCHMOLLER it MUELLER, 1211 Farnam.
4 1!S 16
ZD-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam.
J 800
100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. J 861
FOR SALE, several scholarshlpa In a flrst-
claas standard Bcnool in umana, comprls
lng complete course In business, short
hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee
ollice. Q 63
FOR SALE, will sell at a discount a schol
arshlp In one of the best Omaha buslneai
colleges. Address F 16, Bee. Q-M901
TELEPHONE poles; lone; fir timbers
cneap cnicaen xence. ui uougia.
MAHOGANY cased piano, cabinet grand,
carved panels; sold under our full guar
antee on Monday only for $168.00; $1U.U0
cash and $6.00 monthly.
J 1SN lb
FOR SALE, ralla of all weights; also
switches, frogs and cars for sidetracks
and tramways, locomotives, steam snov
els and contractors' tools. We make a
specialty of cutting ralla to any length
ueeireo. al. juitanaun CO., ueixou, mien.
W .Vlil4
NEW Stelnway Pianos are sold only by
Schmoller & Mueller, 1312 Farnam. Tel 1626.
WALNUT cased piano, modern in design.
fully warranted; Monday price, ii.ou
IhkiO rash and i.i.00 monthly.
8CHMOLLER Sc. MUELLER, 1318 Farnam.
4 wju u
HOG, Poultry, Lawn, Farm and Railroad
wire f ence. vire woraa, sn o. join ou
Tel. 110. W
2D -HAND safe. Swarts, Hatter, 114 8. 13th,
Q-445 J$
6-ROOM flat; cost over $500; Inventories 2d
hand price, $326, for $240 cash, or includ
ing a new $60 piano for (Ml; $276 cash
and balance on $5 monthly payments;
flat for rent with a sale only. 2129 Far
nam, 3d floor, west side. y-M,us Hi
SAM'L BURNS closing out refrigerators.
Q 884 Je3
LARGE stock of new and second-hand
automobiles. H. E. s'reuericason, umana.
Neb. W J
cane; musical worth double our Monday
JULIUS BAUER upright piano, ronewood
price of lizu.uo; fio casn and fa montniy.
W B lb
Wholesale and Retail.
HARNESS nnd SADDLES: everything con'
sldered: cheauest on earth: everything
hand-made; union shop; headquarters for
axle grease and wnips.
J. G. BLESSING, 331 N. 25th, So. Omaha,
4 tium
SMOKE Auditorium Brick, &o cigar.
Q 900
tad Wo sell TAR. Write for prices or
lrtl telephone, 741 Omaha Gas Co., 20th
and Lincoln ave., umana iNeo. juao
Sewing machines, 75o week.
We repair and aell parts
for every machine manufactured.
Second-hand machines
from $5.00 to $10.00.
Nebraska Cycle Co..
'Phone 1663. , Corner Uth and Harney,
MY diamond ring, cheap; tn pawn at Dia
mond Ixian Office, 1401 Douglas; they'll
show you. w M4U0
HIGH-GRADE piano for Bale; a big bar
gain; must be sold. Address L. 11, Bee.
Q M588 M23
CT A TI I A V Now Is the time to buy.
OlAlUAlXl Bargain prices until May
26. Omaha Ornamental w ks, JUX farnam.
jM7 u
CLOSING gas fixtures at cost. Sam'l Burns,
OUR piano bargain room Is the place to
save money; at least wi pianos on wnicn
various sums from $26.00 to $150.00 has
been received iu rental and which the
buyer gets full benefit,
Q 206 16
HOUSEHOLD furniture, cheap; must sell
at once. 616 N. 3Zd st. t 88 lux
SIX full-blood Irish Setter puppies. 1909
Douglas. w-M is
FOR SALE Full-blooded Scotch Collie,
male. 1 year old; pedigree; perfect condi
tion; nanUHome uunoenand. irz a.
19th St. 'Phone L-Z822. ti 906 15
$350 piano, new, $160 at Emory's, fotog-
rapher, Z13 in. join. vj ws lox
FOR SALE One large else "Hall Safe and
Lock comnanv's buraiar Droof safe:" also
one high speed "Ideal" engine, sire of
cylinder axil incnes. inquire or inrsi
national DanK, city. W
FOR SALE, church furniture: One Storey
& Clark churcn organ, good condition;
two upholstered chairs and couch for pul
pit: 1 marble top table; 1 oak reading
desk or pulpit; 90 wood chairs, curved
backs: 20 wood chairs, small, for Infant
class. Inquire 2420 Sprague st. 'Phone 2012'.'
u 167 15X
SQUARE Grand Pianos, Including many
world famous makes, from $20.00 to $76.00;
$12.60 cash and $2.00 monthly.
Q 20416
clans Testing Kit shows changes in eleo-
tric circuit. You can raise and lower at
will. Voltage, amperes, waits, ohms, eto.
i'rice 60 cents, r.iectncai, nzj ring Bt.,
at. jouis, mo. m zu 1DX
FTTWITURE of elegant brick flat, full
roomers and boarders, clearing $50 to $100
month; your own price; must sou ac
count of poor health. Address L 20. Bee,
Q 253 16x
HEAVY Drummond make ton buggy cheap.
Also good disc narrow at m value. Jonn-
son & Danrortn, B.vv. cor itn and jonei
Q-M228 Jel4
GYLMER. palmist, 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-3245.
a vw
BUSINESS MEDIUM, 718 N. 17th st.
8 M286 Jelz
DISCOVERED at last, true, reliable clair
voyants fortius your ruture, ror dime
stamp and birth date. Prof. Carl A Rol
lln, l-i'M N. Clark St., Chicago, III.
S 984 15x
FREE READINGS: Chicago's celebrated
clairvoyant astrologist. If there Is any
thing you wlnh to know, write her, ask
all the questions you wish. Advises on
business, love, marriage, divorce. Indif
ferences between lovers, speculations,
burled treasures, lost or absent persons,
etc. Her knowledge at your command.
Absolutely free. Send birth, date and
stainned. self-addressed enveloped. Ad
dress Patricia Adams, $74 Mich, ave.,
Chicago, 111.
S-969 16x
everything told, post, preennt and future;
satisfaction or no pay. 607 N. 18th.
B 208 16x
PROF. LESTER, the wonderful test me
dium, known from ocean to ooean for his
wonderful tests, free to all In trouble who
come honestly for a reading. So sure Is
he of Ids clnlrvoyfint powers, his predic
tions of farts, names, dates of important
events, is the envy of his rivals In busi
ness; love, marriage, speculation, what
you are best adapted for, success, etc.; he
has no equal In 28 years before the public.
To pntroim out of the city
for a wonderful test free and advice to all
who enclose etamn for reply. 1610 Daven
port at., corner 16th at. S 249 18
Life reading essential to the
welfare of everyone.
It Is now a conceded fact that everyone
should know their future and such Is Im
possible unless they make a study of palm
istry. The ordinary person has not the
time to lcoine nrofirlent In this wonder
ful aclt-nco, therefore It Is necensary to con
sult a life reader Mme. Oylmer la a thor
ough palmlHt and Is admittedly the beat In
the country and can give advice 011 any
aubjeot dentred. If you have not yet
availed yourself of a life reading don t
delay. See Mme. Ciylmer at Oti . Parlors
7i4 N. 23d sk
WILL trade sewing machine for type
writer. Neb. Cycle Co., Uth and Harney.
Zr AA7u0
IF YOUR old fumlturs don't suit. w will
exchange new for It. Tel. T71.
Z M73S M28
FIFTY -ACRE farm to exchange, t miles
from city limits of Council Bluffs; all
good land, small house, fair barn, well
and windmill, good brick corn cellar, 600
or 800 bearing fruit trees. Price, $6,000.
Will take $l,io or $1,600 in Omaha prop
erty at actual value. IL O. MeOee, 14
Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Z MSS8 1
$300 AUTOMATIC Regina muslo box, fsney
case, to exchange for piano or pianola.
Address K 13. Bee. Z MTU Ml
$360 FISCHER PIANO for $76; will trads
for Id-hand furniture. Enterprise Furni
ture Co., 102 S. 14th. Tel. 22H6. Z 763
10-IN. DISC records taken In exchange for
new records. Columbia Phonograph Co.,"
1621 Farnam. Z 751
WHAT have you to exchange for a plnnot
Perfleld Piano Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 7'H.
UNIQUE Journal, new Ides a sales and
exchanges. Sample. 4 centa. Mutual
Exchange, 1818 Howard. Z 886 Jel
PHOENIX BICYCLE to exchange for some
of the money you pay the street car com
pany. Louis Fletcher. 1623 Capitol avenue.
$6.000 Fine general stock. Will take $6,000
In good land, balance cash.
$9,rtn0 SOO-acre ranch, Cherry Co., Neb.
Want merchandise.
$16.500 $12,000 fine general stock; residence
properties, $4,600. VIll assume on good
$7,8S0-640 acres alfalfa ranch. Will pay dif
ference for first class stock.
$5,600 General stock, nearly new. Want
$1,500 cash, balance land or city property.
$17,600320 acres E. Neb. land. Will take.
$12,600 In hardware and buildings, balance'
$9,600 General stock. Doing $30,000 annu
ally. Want good lard.
$S,000 Hardware. Want good fnrm land.
$9,000 $6,000 Implements. Buildings, $4,000.
Want good land.
If you have anything to sell or exchange
send particulars to John C. Nulk. Falls
City. Neb. Z 118 15x
TO exchane-e for merchandise:
8ii0-acre cattle ranch, Edmunds county, S. D.
4iz-acre improved :arin, DlcKcy county,
N. D.
820 acres raw land, Edmunds county, 8. D.
Btore property In northwest Iowa town.
421 Toy Building, Sioux City, Iowa.
115 15x
TO EXCHANGE, merchandise, farms,,
lands, business and residence properties,
hotels, mills, etc. Over 4,700 propositions
for exchange. Send us full description of
what you have for exchange. Robert
Mather, Cedar Rapids, la. Z 9-6 16
WEBER piano, slightly used, trade for
horse and buggy. Room 7, Bee bldg. Tel.
701. Z M229
WANTED Canvassing agents In every
county to solicit subscriptions to THH
steady employment with aaaured good ln-i
come; agents In the country with horse
and buggy especially desired. Canvassers
make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad
Ccess Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
Bee Building. Omaha. J 213
AGENTS Big profits, quick sales; don't
accept an agency until you get my free
samples and liberal offer. T. M. Sayman,
2141 to 2151 Franklin ave., St. Louis, Mo.,
BIG MONEY in squabs; tney sell for $2 to
$6 a doaan; cheaply raised In only four
weeks; write for our free book about this
rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.,
289 Atiantlo Ave., Boston, Mass. J
SALESMEN'S side line. Won't Interfere"
with regular line. Big profits; easy seller.
Walter A. Zelnlcker, In St. Louis. J'.
AGENTS, our men make $8 to $10 per day
fitting glasses; our 24-page FREE EYH,
BOOK tells all about It. Write Jackson
Ian Optical College, College Place, Jack-,
son. Mich. J.
WANTED Agents to sell the best World's
Fair Guide; good pay . to competent ,
party, man or woman; references re--,
quired. Address Guide, 635 Century Bldg.,
St. Louis, Mo. J 133 15
AGSNTS wanted at once on a commission.
Dealers in mall order specialties. Send '
stamp for Information. It will pay you
handsomely. T. E. Proctor, 4718 Wood
land ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. J 880 15x
WE start you selling dlam'u-dg; don't fall
getting our liberal offer; $5 daily sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper J 978 15x
AGENTS $50 a week guaranteed; Auto- -matlc
Washers sell themselves. Agent
writes: "Exhibited sample lo ten women;
took ten orders." Time, 45 minutes;
profit, over $50; guaranteed to do washing
In 80 minutes; furnishes Its own power;
requires no labor; costs leas than any
other machine; free sample and exclu
sive territory furnished. Automutio
Washer . Co., Station U, Chicago.
J-971 15x
WANTED At once, experienced traveling
salesman for Neb., staple line. None but
high grade men need apply. Drawer S,
Chicago. J 114 15x
AGENTS Canvassers, men or women; our
free outfit Increases your present sales
and pays big; nothing to Bell. Address
Robinson & Co., 355 Dayton St., Chicago,
111. J 111 15x
60 commission and exclusive territory
to subscription agents. Address The Gate
way Magazine, Detroit. Mich. J 110 15 X
MEN AND WOMEN Agents; Jiew, at
tractive line; $10 a day sure; write quick.
Gondspeed & Co., 95 Washington St.. Chi
cago. J-996 15x
QUICK SELLER Button Thermometer,
worn on coat; neat, attractive and n
money maker for agents; 16 cents gets
sample and special price. Address Head
Novelty & Mfg. Co., Kenoeha, Wis.
J 107 lEx
LADY agents of mature years; liberal
oner. Aoaress jL,urna aieuicu.1 "..
Euclid Ave.. Cleveland, O. J 103 lox
CANVASSERS to sell automatic screen
door catches; make big money; exclusive
territory; sample postpaid. 25 cents. Au
tomatic Catch Co., Chicago. J 101 lox
WANTED First-class specialty salesmen
to handle staple line: commission of one
man last week $287. Barton-Parker Mfg
Co , Cedar Rapids, Iowa. J 100 16x
AGENTS $30 to $50 weekly profits; we send
proor, reaa in aara, mime punt-n, num
bers and signs; send for sample; your
name on poatal will do. Wright Pupply
Co.. Englewood, 111. J-963 15x
MONEY In mushrooms; cheaply grown by
either sex in cellars, sianies. nni, i-k.-.,
whole year. Send for free booklet and v
learn this profitable business. Dent. 31,
Eastern Importing Co., Brighton. Mass.
J SuS lax
ACTIVE. live responsible man wsnted ss
local manager to invemiKitm, r-i'"'
collect; must furnish fidelity bond Trans
continental Realty Co., 20 Broad ST. T.ew
j vav jus
CHANCE OF LIFETIME to one man onlv
In each state wim a i.u...,ju 1
and references; monopoly of legitimate
business; enormous profits; without risk:
hlahest Indorsements. Hull, 154 Fast
TwenTy-tMrd St.. N. Y. J-965 ISx
AGENTS WANTED Pell our $1 bottle Sar-
firoflt; write today for terma and terrl
nrv F. R. Greene, 116 Lake at., f'hlcngn.
y' J-8C1 16x
WANTED Agents or deputies to represent
the largest sirs, s-c:meni ana neam oene
fit association In the country. Have paid
nearly one-onarler million dollars In bene
fits to members. l'p-to-date plan; choice ,
territory to good producers: A-l contract. '
to right men. American Benevolent Asso-"
elation, St. Louis, Mo.
J-DC0 16x
AGENTS wanted, gold sample watches
free, write ror catalogue and particu
lara. Acme Jewelry Co., 108 Fulton St.,
New York. J 210 15x
$00.'!0 PROFIT FOR $3.50-Agents wanted
ror new stvie rnewing gum, fortune, love
letter machine: send stamp for partlcu-l
Urs. Sherborne, 29 South 3d St.. i'hlla
delphla, Pa. J-209 lx
TREES. Omaha Nursery, 18th and Dounlaa,
lei. Jboa. juio ai-
LARGE assortment of shade trees, fruit
trees and flowering shrubs at rescent
nursery ealesground, list and Fa main.
Phone 8367. Jt lx