- i 3 The Omaha Sunday Bee. urea PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 187L OMA1IA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1904. SINGLE COPY FIYE CENTS. rnrvr JV JV Ton Groom Trading Stamps and a A'ow Collecting Uoolc I?xoo. It 1 I i 3 S t f i'l 1 a 7 Sweeping Sale of High Class Tailor Made Suits Boys Hose Boys' "SteU Frame" "h avy ribbed black cotton heme, re-lrrforc-ed knee and heels, sixes from 6 to 10 regular Sic values f Qr" Monday, per pair ...- Ladies' Hose 100 dozen Ladle" Fast Black Cotton Hoclsry plain black. Mack with white foot and black lace all rJi-s up to 10 In. Bp Values up to 25o Monday, at, per pir iO Ribbons afrmilav mtrmimr xrt will sjpll fiftw nf rtnr fiiniopfst Clean "P "le or f"Jiry ribbon for Monday Drenflen and Bro MlUIXUaj JUVrmuft we U1 rsn I1ITV Or OUr tllUllfM cuded effects stripes and figures all till season's goqrls- at. yard. 19c and aVW nuljrarlan EmJbrolderccJ Doilies NO MONDAY EVER STARTED OUT WITH A DIGGER 'TALLY-II 0 of bar pain than tomorrow Monday. This ad Is phapged full with snap. Each bargain stands out like a sore thumb easily soon it's In the way of every shopper, whether looking Jot warm eargalne rr not. Thvre's a faH-roundcd, deoj-set satisfaction in shopping at Bennett's. Tou know the good are O. K. in every sense. Our yarrV aticks are 'M inches to the yard our pound weights are 18 ounces to the pound our gallon measures are fonr running-over quarts to the gallon. There's our prompt, courteous and Intelligent servicethere's our fnlly covered city and suburban delivery system, thafs as rroarpt and reliable as wagon deliveries can be made. There's our branding of every sale with enr absolute guarantee. There's everything dene that can fee done te fill the bill money-savlngly, sad there's Qreea Trading Staines with all purchase la all department ail the time. . - . ............................... ' . Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, marked 7 EC f from ISO to W8L50, at eOV This lot Includes Black Broadcloth:, Cheviots, Serges, Mistrals and Coverts, Tan Coverts, Brown GheTiota and Gnuiilcs. Gray Cheviots, Fancy Mix tures in brown, gray, tan and green. Ladies, you arc only paying half price for these suits at f 27.50. Ladlf "Waiting and Dress Skirt Sale will be con tinued Monday. Tiua is a rare opportunity. Elegant eidrta at less than the tailor's wages , Rale price Monday $L95 3 Q5 Are ytm going to the Auditorium ball? Of course yon are! It will be the event of tfe? sea son. Lett's sell yon your costume. Our elegant Crepe, Salt, Mnll and Point de EVprie garments are sow on rale. Center Pieces, Tray Cloths, Dresser Scarfs, etc- embroidered In red and blue prkxs ranee XZ-aO ta.i KTCKDI.ErVTORK DKPT, MAIN .FLOOR. .12ic BrJ-Vw 'Mill Z5 dozen ladles' Mnnlrn Mrhl (inrwrnn tnclted yoke and cuffs, ruffl trimmed all rlres varoes up to 75o 4 En Monday ... Ol JLND c worth of greejt tradenq STAMPS WITH EVERY OOWN. Anotiier Iiijr Sale of Silks at Bennett's IJere is a rare chance for every lady to get an evening; drnxa for tlie Auditorium ball We have Jnst closed out for canh a bin purchase of lrne FrencJi all Uk Crepe da Chine, 24 .ncnes wiae, in all ine eveiuns; snaaes or the new blues. (Taya. pinks, chsmpag-nes. creams and blacks not a B- yard worth lesj than tl26 we put them on saJe Alondaj Oik FANCY SILKS A pretty assortment In dots and small desJsns, In. this lOr season's prettkwt coIcm-Iubb. far pr yard " Shirty Waist Salt Silks at apodal prices C 00, 85c, 75a 5Qq BLACK SILKS Ws sj- always h ei a quarters for Black BOks. and eyeryona knows our famous Black Taffetas have no equal. Monday wa will a-tva another bl sale. Taffetas. 1 Inches wide 69o nallry otrty JSe Taffstas. 1 .inches wlda 7Sc quality only 59c Taffstaa, 24 Inches) wide (fee jua!liy otJt 75c 27-ancb wide U.19 quality 1 89c BLACK Pf.AU DE SOIE SILKS FOB JACKETS Dlncnea wide S1.0U ciialrly for 75c & Inches wide IIJS quail tjr tor , I.OO White Goods Sale Commencing Monday, we win start our annual white India Linon sale. This will be the greatest tiarpain-grvlng sale evtr hold in Omaha. We bought im mense quantities of White Goods at a big discount and are going to give out customers the great opportunity of buy lug White Goods at less than the im porter's price. LOT 1 White India Linons which win cost you In the regular way 15c, bir ' In this sale, per yaxd.......08 w LOT 2 White India Linnns ttloe round thread will cost yon in the tfc regular way liic. In this aaia, yd LOT 1 White India Unans Ana sheer Qual ity, worth to oc L, tl , In this sale, per yard. 1J LOT 4 FTua White sheer Perslaa Lawns. jods you pay 8io yd. rernlarly 'J fir" ... w w iroc lor. m this sale, per ard.. Extra Special in Black India Linons 200 pieces fhm imported Black India Linons, a reerular iSc vaiua. tUlr. special tor, yd... '"I1 Around iiaody Tbtncs for la and the Hoose, HOSEl HOSEI HOSEI A great sale of Garden Hose. The nap of the season. Three-ply Garden Boaa war- Qn ranted per foot ..,."' lao and loo per ft. $10.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps wiUi naoh AO feet of Ho Monday. .2.98 Two-burner Junior Gasoline Stove . ..t.., This store hss closed ends, double valves, brass tube strictly high grada. HOOD worth of Green Trading Stamps with each guaollne stove for Monday. BIB Liberty Brand Ready Mixed House Paint, per gal Jap-arLaA per small can Varnishes, Hard Oil, Floor Paint Brashes, Etc Hard ware Section ,98c ..15c Finish, Clothing. Special in Wen's Underwear 25c 35c Balbriggan at, , per garment....... 75 Balbriggan, extra good value at, ffQr per garment uUL MILLINERY ! MILLINERY! THE POETRY OF MILLINERY ART IS TRUEST AT BENNETT'S. We are now ready to show the best selection of light, dainty, and airy Summer Hats, white lace combined with chif fons and soft hair braids, which are praise! by connoisseare of fashion for their grace and charm and unusual becomingness. The faism FVorrUas brail lists. leoe, metsiiie silk aed Hovers, which eerrtes the dlstinetloa of elegaoee with it, worth at trimmed with 5.98 Trimmed fancy straws for young miss as well as trimmod Leghorns from S3 to... Children's trimmed Leghorns from ft to ...$2 98c Tailored to Street Hata from 93 A special table of Street Hats that for merly sold at 82, for 98c 98c China Bargains for Monday Buyers Rare and Exquisite Sifts for the June Bride. Our Mne of rich Cut Glass, Fancy China, Art Pottery, Fancy Glass ware, BrUsa-l$rac Dlnnerware and Lamps is the finest ever gotten together in the weetern state. IT'S A COLLECTION OF SPE CIAL LINES. Ilavlland & Co. White L4inors China, ranson shape 100 pieces .... mm m 24.78 mi Imported Qer tnati Steins Caoacirr 14 ounc raised flarures snd scenes of Fatherland white metal covers e each And $2-00 in Green SUciters. Little Pictures for Gradua tion Gifts Useful Articles in Burnt Wood Novelties LT.'80S Picture, beautiful - 5 Uct from OVC Mctures) en Dara-un tables at So, AOr. jbo, o and Double Orsea Trading Stamps w!th these Mon day. Pyrography Sensa tions for Monday H ndkerohief and Olove Boxes, Cir regular too aaUe price J5r"W Drewaer Boxes, regular $1.85 f CQ vaiuae sale price ituz .Photo Boxes, regular 90o 7fir -aluea. at JOS, BOO Panels, rewular 75o a ZXQc sweeping bargain at Dutch Boys and Tflp Girls aWW Nut Bowls, $1.40. $1.10, 90o 7Sc and mu Visit our Art Gallery, Den Room and Burnt Wood display. SECOND FLOOR. Jewelry Section White and Gold 100 piece Dinner Sets. . 6-inch Glass Berry Dishes each Quart Root Beer rubber stoppers per dozen No. 1 or 2 heavy Brnps Lamp Burners each, Grocery! Grocery I Bead of the procemdoa In the grocery businei new goods. Full weights and measures. Best fresh. $6 worth Green Trading Stamps with each $- Qflc! .lb Jar Bennett's Capitol Preserves "v XS -wnrth Orwm Tradm Stamps with each riRc pound dolloloua Oeylon Tea Vegetable and Flower Soeda, S pkg., SOe, 1Sf Green Trading Stamps a-w too worth Green Trading Stamps with 4 Op lb can Bennett's Capitol Black Pepper w ai worth Orecn Trading Stamps with each Of)r! - pound New York Full Cream Cheese aw Ifjest Lfcundry Bop. I hars...3o I French Mustard. jar.....)JOo SaxtJtt PeirsVi-lh c lo . Maple Cream, cake So Hii E0o worth Green Trading ' each pound Swiff a , Butterlne ......... Twt-ponnd hrtok . torn Stamps with ..........lie ..-20c X awnlne Porto BJco Cla-ar. M to bojj. $L75-eewen tor . Og2a Shave Ogir as to box worth gt Ceindy . Dopaart-naent Savri kuzxdrad packasee o to Lemoa Dm ps package ...25o .$1.60 Wall Paper! Wall Paper! Another Great Remnant Sale Monday and Tuesday mi a nrku. nianlra lira 0VrrT-. SIsSsJ !": Pi"'..16;'" .t,rder".:..: 7ic wrk im n iiVi nt mil IRo. ftc and. U patterns In Persian. English and Frenoh gc Tiipsstries psr rull Wall Paper Cleaner one-pound 18C oan ...... Room Moulding per foot-up 2C from Double Groan Trading Stamps with all purchases. 4.88 3c Bottles Patent 75c 4c Seven, eight and nlno-lnch . Jardi nieres , each 33c Second i Floor Double-stitched white duck wash belts, nickol har ness buckles, very neat. And $1 In Green Trading Stamps. lilii Fine crush leather Belts in black, brown, tan, grey, red and blue. We can save you money on 'em. Jewelry 5ectIoa Again fSSMonday Guaranteed" gold filled Glasses (P-g tfeMp com pie to kpl .jtSlljl'- And $5 In Oreen 153 Trading Stamps. BrlDsYoor Efes Special Glasses ground to order, We Hang Paper Third Floor. Refrigerators OUR GLACIER Mineral Wool in sulation, 8 walls, porcelain enamel and zinc-lined. Furniture City Refrigerators up from $6.00 Ice Chests up from $4.95 jj Green Trading Stamps . with all Purchases. 'r mot im mtrtolt t rtmmand imau; , mi mt'U da ion, Scmfrsmtuj wt'U tUurt it A Success Phenomenal and Unprecedented : or every effect there is a cause. Things don't "just happen." When, therefore, tne . Dorothy Dodd Shoe has attracted in all parts of the country the most particular and critical patronage, and has achieved within a space of two years a success so unprece dented and phenomenal as to excite the wonder of the shoe-world there must be a reason. ..TwUllf rei" 01 hJte7st vrr7 woman who appreciates style ana caret for economy. The Dorothy Dodd Shoe not only possesses style in an unusual degree style that is striking and distinctive a4 wiucn especially aDDcals to the exacting anH factix - t a , UW wuajt uu UUlUUSiT, UIU caiaunnir tA immfnl MFri., .. J .c i? , " - m " - wii uu auuuuig me mgnest aegrce 01 com- tort W it combines with these most desirable attributes tho r ... advantage ox a sensible, money-saving price. lv Cuts $2.50 and $3.00 Boott $3X0 and $3.50 FURNITURE! Kitchen Cabinets We have the best and cleverest variety of Kitchen Cabinets to be found In Onmha Just received fresh from the factory. The cleverest combination table ur.d cabinets yet devised for svstemiitlzlnsf kltchun work. They're the oest made. You need one If yon wll "a place for everything and everything In its place." Prices are moderate considering the quality, tne genius and workmanship of the product. KITCHEN CABINET Hardwood frame, with large flottr bin, partitioned druwer and moulding board, l OS et KITCHEN CABINET4 Hardwood frame, with two large bins, t drawers and 2 moulding- boards, A QS at KITCHEN CABINET-Made of white maple, natural furiah. with double bin, drawer and moulding board. fj OR at KITCHEN CUPnOARlV-Gnlden oak flrdah, with roomy dleb cupboard. 2 drawers, and double doaei beJow. CL at - ....-'-"-' KITCHEN CTPBOA-ED Golden Oak flnlah, glass front, 1 eraw- ars and closet, . IV- Z rt at ... TWs Ozfonl is sa aw ' trsmely ,n sty la. Om I -'Tt tt tba many asuot stykai -"v "f'A si the am , " Wt have the exdmsh vgerney ftr "IXwv&r Doii Shoo. li t Ait the fauar efyaur critiLai lnsftectum of ctar arm xty&s. THE BENNETT COMPANY. B vi jr fin ffcJ 'J-tlr . Oa. of many stylss ef T3' eSSS tb I es . V M -wright sis -t-r. rm Firm KITCHEN CFPBOARr Golden Oak finish, glass trent, ei- tended shall, Z oraww ana oioaru, A mtH Oilcloths 2nd Linolenms ' Here's a chanoe to cover the kitchen or dlnlns; Teem at a very moderate cost and a great lanur-aavlng; does away with all the hard scrubbing of floors. Floor OlkiloOi. M fdi wide, heavy quality, In block and npat ternfl. worth JOo yd. On sale Monday 21C st, so. yd ... - Extra quality Oilcloth, neat designs, glossy finish, made In 1 yd., I" yds. and 2 yds. wide, 27C at, sq. yd .....-....... . - -- UNOLiETIM made ef pure ground cork and Unseed oil. i tU wlda, rriar 6So grade; Monday for only, 39C per sq. yd ............ ....... W. oarry a complete line of 12-ft. wide Linoleum; also the tnlalds. otilar running through to the bark. A Matting: Special for 0j2 Week Our spring tarportstiim ef Chinese and Japanese matltogs has arrreae and brings forth an abundant Una of new and 4a- Fancy stripe Japanese eotton warp Matting, par yard............. Bbctra heavy long straw Jnrnfhws China Mat- tir.r in ati'lnes and ohaiiks. per yard ....... Fancy Carpet patterns Japanaa. Matting, inn straw. Der yard .................... Lonff straw cotton warp Jap Matting, fancy stripes and checks, per yard .....-....- Green Trading Stamps With 'Phone Orders. 15c 18c .25c 22c (aVAIKT rUATIHGI OF LIFK. Paul I.asch, a young touisvllle (Ky.) man, won $3,000 by roason of an infirmity, Stutterlug. He wanted to bet on Alice Lloyd In the second race, but ha began to stutter when he got in Hue with the book maker. Tbe Utter looked appeallngly to a bystander, who said: "He la trying to bet on Lady Lasca." The bookmaker filled out the ticket and handed it to Lasch. who began to protest, but too late. Alice Lloyd finished sixth In a large field. It Is said the Bt. Louis exposition authorl tles have found It necessary to have a series vf signs painted to be posted In tbe Filipino village, reading, "Ksup Your 6hlrts Cn I" or whatever Is tha Filipino equiva lent The IlKlo brown brothers doq't wsar touch, but even this little. It Is suld, they lave an unpleasant habit of removing at the most unwxpecUd times and plaoee. If they do this now It Is not difficult to Imagine whut they will do when the Weather warms up. Their clothing, when they wear It. coiihUts of a narrow strip, ailed a gee string, at th. loins and a hat. Thf ere particular about th hat. , ""Doing along the treat th et&sc tart noon," says ths Vermilion (S. 13.) Repub lican, "wa saw a woman out In a yard whipping a rarpet on the line with a mop. The woman's drrss gaped badly at the waist and her dishevelled hair was partly crowned by a red handkerchief knotted at the corners. Her eye flashed and the dirt flew. Ones the strings of the mop lovingly caught-her about the neek. Before we were out of earshot her timid hubby came to the door and asked her how many loaves he should cut the dough Into. She gave him the magic number, told him to grease the knife, see what the baby was into and fix up a good tire. House cleaning time whew!". i - Patrick J. McNamara, ones a pugilist of note, now a saloonkeeper In Baltimore, la a terror to the police at times. One of these times srrlved lust week when h created a panic In his neighborhood, tossed out sev erul policemen as though they were feather weights, and was not subdued until a squad of policemen had made a combined attack on him. McN-uuara was let off easily on his promliM to go to an asylum. He re turned next day, went to tha saloon and for th cash register. His wife ordered him to desist. McNamara refused. Fifteen nun-ales later be pra at lbs pollcs sta tion In a dilapidated condition and with blood streaming from his ear. He asked for a warrant for his wife, whom he ac cused of knocking him out. She appeared, acknowledged the accusation and paid her flue. Two man who bad worked together for fifteen years and had grown to be devoted comrades dlad suddunly at Hartford, Conn., within a few hours of each other. The medical examiner, when called to examine the body of tbe second man, suggested that the desth of the other waa perhaps the cause. The men wer Henry W, Collet t and Charles Edwards, tha former 60 and the latter M years old. C'ollett ecame sud denly 111 in his room and told the landlady to telephone for Edwards, mho was at work. She did so, and Edwards hurried to the house. A physician found Collett suf fering with oerebro spinal meningitis, which Is epidemic In Hartford. Collett was taken to the hospital, wher he dlod. Edwards wss with him when ha died, and grieved greatly. A few hours afterward he fell dead from heart disease, aggravated, It la believed, by grief for his friend. Th famous remark of Governor Zeb B. Vanes of "North Carolina to Oevaraor Wads Hampton of South Carolina, "It is a long time between drinks," made nt a gathering In the seventies, which was responsible for the familiar question, "What did the gov ernor of North Carolina say to the gov ernor of South Carolina?" Is to be made uxe of In a novel manner by a North Caro lina, man In connection with a hail clock. Ordinarily the timepiece would not attract more than ordinary attention-, but each time It strikes a change tnkes place. First of all, this Inscription, resting between the portraits of Governor Hampton and Gov ernor Vance, tiles Into place, Just below the face of the clock: o a : What did the governor of North : : Carolina tay t the governor of : : tiouiii Carolina' : t I o o A moment later a door drops at the foot, disclosing a well-stocked wine closet. PRATTLE OF THE YOOGSTKHS. Mrs. Tooker And Bessie must have some tea ths same as the rest. Do you take sugar, Bensle? Bessie Tes'm when nobody ain't lookln'. "Dickey, If you had twelve marbles, and Tommy should take half of them, hew many would he have?" "He'd have six of 'em, ma'am, an' de wust llckln' he ever got In his life, t'rowed In." Little ELile wasn't feeling very well, and her father asked her what was the matter. "Chlckenpox," promptly replied tbe small inva.lld. "Why, how do you knowT" he asked. " 'Cause I found a feather In th be1 this morning," answered Elsie. "One of our readers," says an English newspaper, "sends us a curious Instance of physical agility which he culled from a serial story. The passage runs as follows: The stranger grunted, and I noticed that , hs smiled faintly fur the first time, but ' Just at that moment he turned, and. catch ing eight of my back through ths half pena door, started slightly.' t He was about to lireukfi.it on entlrelj In his an share i t I ter about him that eat ite a boy of 12 and his sister was be married, and the wedding was to Je served by a caterer, ' new experience for the brother, liety lest he shouldn't get his i good things, he suited his sis. It, and she, of course, assured Is could have all he wunted to ; shs returned home she asked him how he fared; If he bad eatea all he wanted, and he replied: "I didn't eat all I wanted, but I ate all I could." The youthful scion of a Germantown household succeeded In putting the family physician to blush a few days ago. Something wa wrong with the young hopeful's vision and the doctor was called In. Ths family assembled and several opti cal tests were made. Finally the doctor held up his hand. "And what do you see now, my boyT" he Inuulred. "I see a dirty hand," piped th little fel low. The doctor's departure was followed by a spanking. Miss Myra Kellcy, who has recently at talned a vogue by reason of her stories of New York east bids children, one day pro pounded this question In her mental arith metic class: "Johnnie went to the store and bought a pound of sugar for cetita, a pound of butter for 5 cents, six c-gge for 10 cents and a pound of (lour for 1 cents. What does that make?" There v. as iiltnce for a moment. Then a little girl who also attended the cooking class raised her hund. "I know, teacher," she said. "Pound cake." "Johnny," said the teacher to a smell pupil whose face and hands were badly soiled, "you didn't wash this morning, I!J you?" "No, ma'am,' replied the truthful Johnny, "Why not?" asked tha teacher, " 'Cause," explained the youngster. "mamma wasn't home, and I didn't lu to." Found Her oa a t rapes , There are many every-day romances in real life, but few stranger than the one In th Uvea of Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" Dili of Decatur, III. Years ugo Jack Dill and Ilat tie Ervlng were sweethearts In Decatur, but they quarreled, as lovers sometimes do, and their ways drifted apart. On day lawl fall Dill went to a tlreua. Swinging on a diszlly high trapese, far up In the top of tha tent, he saw, In tights and spa hale-, the girl he used to love. He rerounli.-U her at once und sought her out. Thetr old lov waa remembeied and their old quarrel forgotten, although twenty years hail passed between. Khe left . th circus at once as4 LKv weru Married, 3