TIIE OMAITA DAILY llEEt SATURDAY, ITAY 14, 1904. if it ti M P I ft r n SPECIAL NOTICES AdvortUemgntt for tfct . c)m will be tH antll 1 at. for th tnlf edition and ntll 8 . at. fo the Barilii day edition. Bales, t 1-3 noid aet laaertloa 1 a wa thereafter, aothlag take for fee Ma yoe far th Srt laser Hob. ? gdTeiPot "ill raa aaeaatlvrly. Adrcrtlacra, by rl"ftta a am dressed to a aombered toiler la car of Tb Br. Anweri pddffaaeil Velll bo delivered oa present toa o( the cheek oaly. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N, Y. Life Bdg., Omeh. . Business Shorthand. Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in all tranches. Catalogue free. The Nebraska Seed Co. Open tin s.u y. ui., butM.ua a.iu 4jidY flRAVF! DRIVEWAYS AND ARTI a 1. Van OourV luJO N. lulu, tel. iaw. hb-4j jit I Frontier 1 towel supply co. Tat f 113. " r i i,4 Je PETKCTIVB-Oupl. Ourmack, 647 Karbach uiocx. lei. A-wi. wJ CUT RATE TlUKhiiS vrywuer. P. H pullbin, iui i amain snd opp. Union tatiou. Tel. ?4 and 1. Br-kJa KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY, Tal. S&HL ft-nM ' ) . 1 . 1 TOVPQ '" and repaired. Jackson Tel. IX3.t. ' - H-ttA MJ8 OMAHA Bafe and Irea work mk a spe cially vl tire eauap, shuuera, door aU aies. u. Anureuii, reap., iuk u. win at. ' ' ' R-H Mai Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 S. 14th. T. 165. I R8 r.n r8ILVBR, NICKEL plating, ptn. -VHrf Waling Oq., laol Harney, Tel. 26, s Kf CJTV BAVINatt BANK pays 4 par cent. R-tUi EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; al buslnes conndentiai. 11 Dougla. R-raiH XPRE8SMEN'B Delivery Co.. moving and atorage. Sl4 NY tatla. Tat 1186. R-4HU LOCKSMITH ' m m: Ml pa-f rlz-'Carpet Cleaning Work. N. A. ANTI-MONOPOLY QARBAOB DO eleana . catiapgola, vaults, removaa garbttge. dead aniuaala; raduaed prluea. 4 H, la. 11. 177a . . r R 833 PUBLICITY DESIQNB WHEATON. In the Bea Bldg. R 834 6iqN painUng. ' B. U. Cola, 13(9 Pouglaa. R ALL KIND8 car pen tar work! rapalrlng promptly attended to. f. f, Oohlltrea, lOtn and Laka. " R-J70 ' f OR noon luncheon try tha Karbach raa taurant; raaanap(o Prteet jg61- ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Oo. 621 N. BPECTACLS. H; examination frue: 30 daya only. U, 8. Optlolang. u8 Nlrfh. BTOVB atorago and repairing. Hughes Stove Repair Worka. Ml? CunUug St. T-et F-raot n8 ijsPSTjf1'""- Woo. WU Clark. R-444 BRICK contraotor. J. J Healy. 18a Clark. R--MW4 M14 COO KINO, heating, fas, gasoline stoves re paired. City Stove Rep' W'ki. Tel. LSMS. R M326 Mil PERFIELD Piano Co., Boe Bldg.; no In tereat; honest values; easy terms. Tel. 701. R84S H. W. M-VEA. Plvirober, 11M N. Kth. TeU . - R-M8 : STOVES STORED 130T Pouglaa. TeU KM. Omaha 8t Rep. Wks. PR, BLAPAUQH. Pentls,t, H, J. Ufa Vldg! , R-MBM BUSINESS CHANCES OOOD BUBINB88 CHANCE Let us tell you of a profitable Investment of a small amount of muney that will yletd you tood returns, pan be taken dare of In ddltluo to your regular work or bual nea. Addras Tha AhwnQ Oo.. Omaha, BHOLEB-ARMBTROWO CO., lit N. Y. Life, ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 81 Brown block. a get you tn or out oc business. Y-84i SMOKE WMl?" O' HA8TINQ8 8o oU i?(UW;Lj,Mi Uushing ai Uauvr.au, Dlatb. YM31J yoR BALK, restaurant and confectionery; ..11... hH....1a. .-..-Ik . t -, '. good reaaon tor aolUng, Ad4rana Lock auttciii locauoni pox 867, Olenwood, i, la. T M71I 14 A ."TH HOTEL BARGAIN ' One or the boat hotels in weatern. Iowa, in a eounty aeat town of 1,00 InUab. Itants. The only f J per day house In the plaoe; 8-story brick with bosententi a .property worth lltftuO: cu4( be bgught'for .j0 lirOO down and lu.oOo time will be given. Addreas H 44, Omaha Bee. v- um AN OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime for a legltlraato ibveatment. Call at 839 New .York Life building and aatlnfy vouraelf by invaatlgating. Y MitiS Ux WEN with capital to invest In a live prop osition that will stand invrntlgatlon. Address No, 'M Clapn Block, Des , Moines, Is. Y-M781 JOx WANTED -At onoe, competent man with 8.'00 cash or Dart good paper, to take up ' the greateaf paying proposition ever known; we pay car fare to anyone who goes and Inveatlgatea; no triAere or graft ers peed apply; write at onoo. C- E. I jr- ' son. Cambridge. Iowa. Y 17 8X) or mors can be made per month In legitimate bualneaa for pereone who can Inveat $1,600 oaah or bankable notes. If you mean business, writs to W F, Hirst, .Cedar Raplda. la. Y-M82S n FOR BALE Barber shop and bath roome; beet In the elate, In guod Nebraeka town. Addreee Bee. Y Mf98 18a WANTED TO BUY BIIONPELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 8 N. Y. Life, pays highest price fur books. Tel. BfCtg K-tf 1,000 FEATHER bed, pillows and bolster; highest cash price puld. C. A. H , jf.'r 8. lout. N3iS Id 18 WANTED To buy a family horse, also good inllch cow. Inquire buttlev building, S. V. cor. lath snd Jones Sis. N-Jao Jtl WANTED To buy feather beda. M. Anelyn, ir:i Cuming At. Trlephon )M7. N-W8 1X PATENTS AND PENSIONS H. J. COWOILL-Pptenta. No fee unlen succeaoful. 18 a. ibth, Omaha. Tel. j:w PATENTS guaranteed. Sues Co., Omaha. PENbiO-. r. Meore, 1(18 Famam. I eeis WANTED MALE HELP Shorthand Lessons Free In order to ehow you that we have the moat aimple, legiMe and rapid system Shorthand ever yet devised, ws will irlve lour leeeons rree tjr mail to any nne wnn will agree to follow Instruction Write us snd wc will p-iafl you the firxt K pages of Mir ict bo'jii sa yuu ean ws a. Thrse leeaons will give you qultf a giftr. Address: OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE lUh and Douglas Btresta MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad tar upon our fellur to convince ou o this being the BtHT, largest and only rf liable, moat prai Ucal barber college li this aection. Vrite for catalogue todav Western Barbers' natitut. wan'tj" WANTED FOB U. 8. ARMY-Able-bodled unmairlcd men between ae of Zl and 8s; tltlen of United Biatea. of good (.haracter and temperate habits, wjo can Pak. read and write English For In formation apply to Recruitlpg Qffloer, 16th gnu Dopge bit., un'a, r w B VflM LA ROE eaatern plant manufacturer wants Jeaponslblo man or nrm iu -luilve Omaha and Nebraska agency; tnunnfaotupsr will so extensive aaver- MID IS lalhg for agent'a benent. ine paint ia a taot-r wnerever imrvuuww. auuivvh a , ce office, i asi WANTED, flrat-olaas bsrbar at once. F. Rf-I.ISRfl tmra flret-rlaee nun on dow nne work, penunion, to go east. Good wages and steady work. Aarc( K CI, VEN TO LEARN barber trad; free rail road fare to aay other acheol you name, a a i tor reaaing pur c(niogu ana en dorsement you desire to gp elsewheia. Amertpan Jiaibas polleg, Omaha. Nt. vr,i.s wf VHIMg4V. f : : r r-T WANTED, axparlenced carpet wer; only (hose w'th experience with power mar chines need apply. J. L. Brandel Sons. NONUNION machinists and bolierraakers wanted for western railroad; rotiajt be experienced an competent; gaoa pay Apply lu9a 10, Victoria; uoiei. trrJMTSS Hx ATTENTION. SCHOOL TEACHERS! Special Inducement offered techers "rei.rcseiit the Old Germanla Life In surance ppmpany during your vacation Write or cIf p Bee Bull&paaha. WANTED Touni colored man to travel who smafi wagon snow 10 man nimseir generally useful; prefer one who can. lay string music. Aaaress -rne uiass y. Ia.? May 16 tb l! B-M820 Hx Z.aoo strawberry pickers June 1; picker make from $1 to 8E dally. There will bo ffuri an summer, rasiiuerru-p ami piacs berrfes later. Sec'y Fruit G rowers' a eociatlon. Wathena" Kan. B-M818 Hx NONUNION blacksmith, blacksmith help- en Hnif puiier maarr neipers wanieu lor western railroad; must be experjflncert and competent; good pay. Apply room 18, Viotorla hotel. B-MK88 14x 8THADY work for good man and bny. umana box Co., East omana. li M ll WANTED A boy to run an eleatrlo ele vator, inquire for trea Hall. People's 8tore. 1 B-87S 13x BOY wanted to take rare of horse and work a bom tore. JSnquire 1318 Farnsra. B-M8S6 II WANTED at once. booHhlndera, book trim mer, paper cutter: pta-heat wages paid; bookbinder' strike In Chicago. Applv by letter or otherwise to Rand, McNally it Co.. 16 Adam t.. Chicago, 111. B MS3S lx WANTED Men everywhere, good pay. to nisiriout circulars, aavertiaing matter, tack algns, etc; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M882 16x WANTED Everywhere, hustler to tack sign, oiairiqiiie circular, samples, eia. ; no oanvasslng; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. B M881 14x A 8ALESMAN of education tq represent ua in inia lernmry; must o a nusuer and mean bunineas; only those out of employment need apply. Call between and 13 a. m. Saturday to E. J. 8tnley, Paxton hotel. B-M887 WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIES for home work, stamping World's tair uuviiiin, auuu pay, oiean, pleasant. Call' 68 Douglas Bdg., Opp. Haydon s. V AUI1TB JR6.6 84 GIRLS. Canadian pfflce. th and Dodge, ' ' ' C M3J3 qjRl for genera) housework. 636 Park ave. V4l WX WANTED Girl fof general hqusework. 105 WANTED Thoroughly reliable girl for general noussworx. uw nouin iuin st. C-804 13X GIRLS from IS years up to learn glove and roiticn wora; esperienoa unneceseary. 130 Howard St., upstairs. C-M824 18 WANTED Hospital matron. Call 108 S. inn si. oaiure m a. m. c-am iox TO A DESERVING young lad or gentle. man win give a cnmpieis sonnjavsrip in Omaha's leading, business and shorthand college, snd to oe paid for when course is s nnisnea ana position secured. Address IA, cee. C 87i 4 WANTED Neat-looking lady to leam giasspiowing, on mi roan. U- J. Higglna, Plattamouth, Neb. C M9fl5 WANTED OMrls for dining room work. ppiy to Mr. A.ira, jjeuone notet. C-M80IIS WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED man wants position as references. Address K 88, Bee. A-N ltx 81TTTATIQN wanted by competent stenog. rspiier, n yeer experience: rererenees. Address L I, Bee. A M8ti7 14x AGENTS WANTED WANTEranywlng rnta n vr wwsti. i bivm gunnur pi xo I rljal TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Steady employment with assured good In' come; agents in the oountry with bone and buggy especially desired. Canvaaser drea i Century Farmer Suilcltors' Bureau. Bee Bulldln?. Omaha. J 111 PRINTING PRINT NG t - Hlght Orads work. LYNGS 1 AD 1 110 bt. ana Capltul Ave. HIGH CLASS printing at loweet prices. Tel. UtO. I. A. saauiar wo., M a. Uiin Bt. J. u. SIRPLES8. Reliable Printer; estab- ll.k. 1 till H Llth fit., rim. ha . . 446 Mil AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment. list our prises. ei. imu. uu v-nioago. M3u8 m Printinrr Job printing. Bast work In city, rnnung Uusranteel WU Capitol Ave. swXLi. KRAMER CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT. tun, liui r arnam. t o aettver wora wnen promised Is our hobby. Mil 8 GARDNER PRINTING CO., removed to rooms I and 8, Dally News bldg. 'Phone A-5U6. WV-J8 STENOGRAPHERS F. J. BUTCLIFFB, 1014 N. Y. L Deposi- Uons. conventions. Tsl. 367U. M 8iw FACSIMILE lettors. Boyle College. N. Y. JJI liicg. il Mt4 BTENOORAIIPER AND TYPEWRITER Correapondenca of firm and private parties solicited. Address "Stenographer" L'4 N. ISlh t. MbdO 14 LAW AND COLLECTIONS B. F MOREARTY, Atfy., 437 Psxtoa. TeL A-iUu). I KM JOHN M. MACFARLAND.New York Uf bidg roeui SV4 ana Hi, Tst UA. M4 Tht BEE does not give away its apace. The BEE do4 not pad its columns to male a false showing. The BEE does not juggle figures to deceive the public. But the BEE DOES print the most PAID Want Ads. 1)EE WANT ADS BR1XQ BEST IiETVRXS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th at Chicago. E tvl DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnatn. r ' E 863 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 81L E 864. P. 2 PER WEEK, Dorsa house, 4U 8. 18th. E So VIENNA HOTEL, 10U Famam; fine rooms, ladies' cafe, private dining r. ; open nights. E 64 LARGE, warm room; steam heat. I9U8 Capitol Ave. E-M724 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 140 Dodge St. ' ' 13 867 THE FA.RNAM, 19th and Famam St. K 8u3 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN The Chatham; luxuriously furnished room and smoking parlurs: sppolutmtnts first class. 110 S. 13th St., opposite Millard hotel. K 474 NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, newly fur pished. 818 N. 16th. E M3&Q !3 FURNISHED room for gentlemen. fu N. lOth. E 607 13X 8 ROOMS fos light housekeeping, lilt 8. U. LARGE front room, porches, lawn, shade. rnup (,iii. OiJ xo. win. c jisn io NICELY furnished room, suitable for two. III Pjo. 18th. b.hltm lkx LARGE, nicely furnished room, $3.60 per Week, ill i;as. ti mi lox NICELY furnished room, 116 No. isth. c ixxoug xua FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping, m , i, y . . tn nee i r .. fllO ( 1 I 11 C J KJ MIOOV FURNISHED front room, double; also Ins-la rnnm S'Vl Mn ISlh V lit ELEGANT furnished room for light nouaekeepmg ror man ana wire on doui Vkrd. 411 N.lBlh. E M884 Ux NIOBLY furnished parlor; reasonable. km tarnam; walking aisiance t-nmie 8203. E MS80 16 CHOICE modern housekeeping rooms. 8201 r arnam. c uaee ii NICELY furnUhed room; modern. 118 N, 8ttn. ti m( mix FURNISHED front room, downstairs; also rooms upstairs; quiet neignoornooa. litis Webster. E-MS98 IS NICELY furnished room; reasonable. 70S e). win. tu fiwu lux FURNISHED room; south front. 619 N. th. E-MS93 18 NICELY furnished room. 212Q Douglas. 'Phone F-21B3. E-MS94 lix NICELY furnJahed front room. 2209 Doug- i 1 T7 rofie to FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD ST. JAMES hotel, day board, meal tickets 83.60. M3S Mil Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland notei, ibtn citago. 1017 CASS, rooms and boa' a. F M418 Mil THE MERRIAM, 5th and Dodge, 'phone Be; pice, light, airy room; ensuite ana single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F aid BOARD and room, S4; meals 16a. liil UUttHS. , 7 -ii THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; newly furnished rooms, gooa ooara; rates reasonaDie. r uut je FRONT room in private, quiet home place, to responsible people. 23U3 Harney. F 461 FURNISHED front rooms, with board, tit 8. gfita t. 0 At lax 1818 DODGE, two nicely furnished parlors, with board. 'Phone A240T. F M863x ROOMS and board. 1813 Chicago. D'-t-MSD. 10X FURNISHED room and board; references, ill Bg. ua st. r m.o( 10 NICELY furnished rooms and board. 209 St. Mary's av. ' jr-Mtu it FURNISHED rooms with board; fine loca tion; lawn gnd shade, sua fnrnnm. ' F-M906 16x LARGE parlor) also single room; boara. ill d. 84tn. r-rJHOa ID UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THRESH) modarn, unfurnUhcd rooms; poro- WANTED TO RENT WANTED An eight to ten-room house, lurnivnea; yvvsi v, iv v v f erred; period three to six months. Apply Byron Reed Company, 218 Bo. 14th st. it J 861 WANTED To rent flrst-class 8 to 18-room furnished house for ine summer; w ui Farnam district preferred. W. Famam Smith Sc. Co., 1880 Farnam St.. Omaha. MEDICAL MAONET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At aruggists, el. e HOMBOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail, nermtui as jubvoiimu, wma.ua. too pR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases ana irreaumriuv ui wuiuvn, uiieucuugu, re uaDlo. iiUlf lAna, AI1III1VII utuva, Omaha. PRIVATE hopltal during confinemont; . . . . . . m r . . . I . 1 imiij , I I . . Dame eoopiuu. aire, uuman, mio .iai i. Tel. A-l. 902 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies aaopiea. taiuuuu DHTiinrnan snniisnuni, 7i 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la. &2tf PR. HOSTETTEH has removed to the S. w. corner or ruin ana ieavenworm sis. Tel. 7T8. 601 Je4 A POSITION TB OPEN. Po you know where It IsT We do. We nave upwnuise mr man ajrauv mn vi aii kind executive, technical and clerical- paying from 81.000 to io,(X a year, Write for plan and booklet. Office In twelve cltlee. HAPOOOD8 (Incorporated), 1 Chemical building. St. Loul. B- CARL ENGEL, M. D., diaeaeee of women and children. Phone Lr6b4, Counull Bluffs, la., 201 East Broadway. M 8o4 ltx LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED B. K. LA W ARENCB, 87U1 Leavenworth. Tel.,L-1676. -WO Mil C JARL, Til So. 18th street. U-790 Je 10 P, MELCHOiA machine work, luth and Howard. M-TslJ 10 FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 037 L. HENDERSON, 1611 Farnam. Bnd for price lt of cut Bowei snd plants. 877 ALFRFD PONAOHUB. JR.. W Farnam, Tel. toll. - NURSERIES TREES. Omaha Nursery, llth and Douglaa Tel. & -him UX LARGE assortment Of ehade trees, fruit treoa snd flowering shrubs at t'reacent nursery saiasgrouiid, lst and Farnnm. I'hon 83&J. U FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Tukey & Son, We offer sn acre. ,r as much cf It as you want on 2Sth and Cass Bts., with a email house. In poor condition. This ground lies on the Central Houlevard and within walking distance. Will make cheap sale. A. P. TUKEY & BON, Board of Trade Bldg. ' RE 812 14 ACRES IN BENSOM Desirably Tracta for Country Home. Ten acres with bearing fruit, all nicely seeded to alfalfa, 11,600.00. Five acres, some fruit, three blocks from car, 31.3)111.011. Two acres on pavement, a fine garden tract, 8a")0.00. Benson & Carmichael, 643 Paxton Block. RB-843 BEMIS PARK HOME H3.500 New 8-roorn atrlctly modern house at 84th St. and Hawthorne Ave. An elegant home and very cheap at $3,500. If you want a new home that Is strictly flrat-olaas, In a flrst-class location, do not fall to see this. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 1781. RE S46-14 On Payments 21st snd Elm, 6-room cottage, small lot; upuse in gooa repair, oca us at mice. $600.00 KENNARD & LOWER 309-10 Brown hlock. RE-8L2 18 DESIRABLE HOMES (-room house, 83d and Davenport 837.60. ?-room house, 22d and Leavenworth 63,000. -room house, 1906 8. 17th 2,uQ0. Srroqm houue, 2i6 Martha St. $i00. JOHN F. FIACK. City Savings Bank. BE 811 13 V. 6 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS. IV. 6 and 10-acra tracts for sale at bed rock ngures, eituaiea on ine Deautiiui hlKhlands overlooking the Missouri river atova Florence; Jsuu per acre and on easy termf. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-876-ll WALKING DISTANCE, 1.800 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Very swell 6-room cottage on North 13d St., pear l larK; fast front; nice lawn and terrace; good barn; permanent walks. A place you are sure to like if you see It. Payne Investment Co.. Ftrst Floor If. Y. L, 17U1 RE-rM8i M TWO brand new cottages, modern except lurnace; one i."u nnq tue oiner u.iau. SHIMER & CHASE. Builders of Moderit Houses. BE-734 HOMESTEADS ON THE ROSEBUD RES ERVATION. 8end 10 cents for map and full Information. Bonesteel State Bank, UUIICDlcei, D. MJ, llVT-ai91 ju.it FOR SALE 9-room modern house, with barn, $2,400. Seo owner and house, Hll IM. JDIIJ E. Kti-Ilia JCBX $3,100.00 Near 21st and Fowler Ave., 10-room nouse, lull 401, Bewer, water ana gas. onap. D, V. SHOLES CO, tel. 49. N. Y- Life Building. . RE-S68-18 BARGAIN. Within walking distance: four house: will bring $50 per month In rent; good reasons for selling; 82,000 cash and $?,tHi0 on 6 or lu years time. Address u is tee. RE M878 16x NEW 6-room cottage for sale; will trade tor- tea 111, some casi) anu oainnce easy payment. Auuress 14 1, nue tiiiir. f RE-M901 lSx NEW MODERN HOUSE. CLOSE IN. Seven-room, thoroughly modern house. bplit last year, paved treet, permanent waix, zutn ana cnicago, u.aiiu. R. C PETERS & CO., Grqund Floor, Be Bldg. RE-M8J7 H THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION Is open o settlement. Send fifty cents to Rath pian & Keller, Boncsteet 8. D., for In formation and large map showing topog. rapny 01 country. mo ia Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE. 818-813 N. Y. Ufa. Tsl. 311 RE-M327 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. On of the finest 8-room modern residences In West Fanam district. StMUO. RK-871 HOMES CLOSE IN On Pouglaa street, 6 rooms, new and modem, near Lutheran church, price only $3,750. On Cass street. ( rooms, excellent, cen tral location, near business, school and churohes; bargain at $4,6u0. W. FARNAM SMITH & Co. 1341 Farnam Street. RE-JK HOMESTEADS. In Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota. Open for settlement about July 1, 1804. Send $1.00 for official map and book of instructions HOW TO OUT A CLAIM. FUANKUN PUB. CO.. Omaha. RE M833 FOR BARGAINS FARMS, grssltig lands, houses and lots. J. H. Piper, lies Bldg., Omaha. RHV-774 14 FOR SALE Irrigated farms In Big Horn valley, ciiu, wormiiu, wuimnu, vvyo. RE 0 MUX A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation for the asking. Write or call for nne today, G. Belt Land Co., 814 First Nat. bank bldg.. Omaha, Neb. RE-MiW $3,000. ' ON easy terms wlllbuy the most beautiful home on Clifton Hill cheap when you see It throughout; owned by Rev. Dillon, who leaves the city; 4316 Grant RE M418 WE CAN BELL YOUR FARM. WRITE for details of our special plan. Fletcher Real Kstate Co., 801 N. Y. Lift Bldg., Omsha, Immigration agents ''Bur llngtoa Route.'1 REM74 M: f"fiAS Williamson Co., u.M RE-873 DO YOUWANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Till agricultural weekly goes to 60,W homes of farmers and stork raler o If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you wilt llnd a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 8 cent per word In email type or $Z.U ptr Inch U set In large t)e. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TO INVESTORS. FOR SALE. 6CxlR7 feet, large brick, three stores, three flats, two small buildings, cost ing twice the amount asked to build, rental Income, 31.26) per year; plenty of room to build three or four more bulldinas! aura Inrnma for ten years' lease ,000 lOPxlrt, with five 8-rooin houses, all In fine repair, brimrlnor an income of 81. 0H0 per year; good location, price.. 1,000 'ii, wun lour 4-room nate ana cot tage In rear, always rented, close In, all In arood renalr. rental income 1984 per year, price 6,000 9-room house and lot near illah school. rental per year 8,600 lu-ruom house. 81st and Mason, rental per year 8,000 8-1 oom house. 221 und Pnnnleton ave nue, near new freight depot 8,200 Double frame house between 9th and loth, on Hickorv. rental t:0 uer year 2.fm0 Some of this nronertv has low rate Interest nnd can be procured on excep tlunally good terms. J. A, LOVEGREN, 536-7 PAXTON BLDG. RE-870 14 COSY HOMES CUT PRICES CONVENIENT TERMS 81,400-Oood place, Orchard Hill. Jl.wn in S. 3lst. S-roora cottage. 11 hri Knwiii-d H.rnom. modern. 2,0i)O 2h20 Chnrle, UO-ft. ot, 1 rooms; paved street; Bargain. $2.2(10 Nice cottage, modern, Davenport near LSth. $i,6m Full lot, 8-r. cottage, near 28th and ( upitoi. GEORGE E. WALLACE, Brown Block, BE-877 13 J23 North 40th. The owner is leaving town and will sell his 7-room house, good 'barn, lot 60x166, for 8,400. call us up at once, Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE, 912-813 N. Y. Ufa- Tel. 814. T U f 1..0I. Ulug. your property. BaHtT iJro. Eng. Co, ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAP. uc. D. W. Fprbes. Bpnesteel, p. D. UUj alfi fUH HtNT HyUijhS THE Omaha Van and ttioiaga Co. pack, move ma uluru li. u. gouus. Siorehuueu, iuu-z4 XN. lath. Uiuce, wwm u'arnuni. ivi. llibti-eua. fi bia i-. x -1 unci unnL" u . i I. . j u, Ool-utM New Xurn tais Miug. 'fuou ixlu. 019 tini I KPCin all parts of tha city. Tb IIUULvJH, p. t-iavig Co., utri ne Bldg. j en urc. i ' l . i ...... ,. 1 1 .. ..i u l. . .. age Co, Tel. MiUco lui Webster ou U I O HOUSES, Insurance. King wait. Barker Blk. jj 6iu HOI 19 ,n U Part ot the city. R. C nUUOPJ etrg li Be iiuijding LlVM FOR RENT Seven-room houe, all mod ern, ilii Calltoinla St., including wr iu. iiiyuue at pui ti. inn eu D-U&M I I9T 4vour houses for sale or rent with 1. m. iiamraona, raxton Block. V V3H FINE 14-room, strictly modern, briok swelling, entirely new, UX H. 14th, NICE 8-room flat, facing Hanscom Park, yi i.uu. ,. i n,. . lUQAf No. 1028 So. 30th ave.. 11 rooms, oak finish, laundry, best of condition. No. lu3l So. 30th ave., lo roqms, 3-tub laun- ury, uua union, au mouuru. Address W. D. iteud, Jr., York, Neb. . 4tl FOR RENT No. 16U Park ave.J opposite purk, modern brick dwelling, 3 Vooins; price $40.00 per month, liiuulie at Ilia B. 82 st. J. M. Richards: 'H ' FOR RENT E)egant s-room modern house, st und Cass sis., $36. 'A'hpmas brenumi, evi Aite uiua. u i4 JO f FOR RENT. 8808 California st'.. new modern, up-to-date 9-room house, $40.00. 61ii N. 19 til St.. 1U rooms, all modern. N. W. corner 24lh and Templeton ts 8r 8604 So. 2ut St., 9-rooro nouse. all mod em. ia.00. r 3d floor 1615 Howard St., t rooms, modern, knriri innillllnn t ' J l 0,1 m. ' t OEORGU (ju., loul Famam st. D Miutf li FOR RENT or S-roora modern flats, Mao Donald block, 24th and M st., South Omaha; will rent reasonable. Inquire room 620, First Nat'l bank bldg. 'Pnon nn, uiuaiia. 1 MiM l $18 So. 36th ave., choice modern 6-room imuac m iu.i uim4 fpur mo iawn ana GARVIN BROS., 1004 Farnam St. M787 FOR RENT 7-room house, bath and gas. cu . .nil v. it euo l&X 8-ROOM modern house, with barn. 8830 awB.v, Kit. j ait 6-ROOM cottage, 1315 Pacific St., $16.00. runanouser oc runxnouser, Agents. 1218 Farnam St., 3d Floor. D-M826 18 7-ROOM oottage and barn, city water. 2808 California-, $2o,00 ' 6-ROOM furnished oottage, partly modern, Kiuav ill, a.u.w Sweet A J3et, 61$ N. Y. I4f. Tel. 1472. D-M849 It J716 DEWEY AVE., first floor and bath. PARTIES who are contemplating leaving ine vny tur ins summer, Wlsning to leave their house or flat to man and wife wnnoui cniiaren treierence exchanged), addres L 14, Be. D MH74 14x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY Dulldlng, 161$ and th second uivr uws-w njwara. w. xi. yusliinan. 1 S0J IN THE BEE BUlLblfl A handsori suite, entrance right In front or ine elevator, soutn sxposure, hard A nice smull ofrlce. fourth floor, no wuuu iininn una noor nrice Dur mnntn. lui. A good sized office with large vault, run ning water, on fifth floor, f.U Heat, light, water. Janitor service Inoluded in rental price ot all rooms. K. c. 1'elers A Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Be Building. 1814 DESK room, 414 Bee Bldg. 1-801 STORE ROOM, 117 S. 18th St. Inquire of rlurl, Pnu. I 1 1 .1 rt.r,l,nl . ... I HAI.1T Mil I HI,'. nr rnt. Iflli I'm mv FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS HORSES for sale; 2d-hand harness and ve hicles cheap. Melchlor a Stable, sui B 1'Jih P-o Family borne, carriage, cheap. Bum'l Burn. f Mii Jell 60 Bi aoiEd. wagon and all kind pf rig at nan pnue. it. srost, ittu anu lvn. worth. P 4)18 SELLING out buggies, wsgone, hsrnete, at cuai. Anoereon-Ariiuara uo., idis t apnoi. P 814 11 OOLF urrey, new; solid sest runabout; de pot rockaway; win sell all ror one-fourth cost. Enquire 611 Brown Block. P-MI&0 14 SHETLANDS Flue gentle pontes, saddle and harness; are for children. 43d and Center sta. Tel, lilauk llZi. P-Ml Cx PERSONAL ' DR. ROY, Chiropody, B. 8, VU Farnnm. Uivsl Paper Hanging &VllXlril: l. f. McL'LlliV. teed at reasoiiaD prices. 810 N. lith St. TeU B-164). U Dk4 DRESSMAKING, In families. Miss Sturdy, irajs uavenpwrt. u sti MUSICAL Thos. J. Kelly, voice, Davldg oiocx. u m est. Mrs. A. C Mark, 17th and Douglas. LA BOOK, ladies' tailoring, 613 Karbach block. u od KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 330. U-344 PANTORIUMcn. U-7 Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge bldg. ELITE I'arlor. 615 0. 16th. 3d floor. "V1AVI." way to health, 860 Bee building J NV WHAT'S nlror than arrnrdenn cleatillX W do nothing but the Attest. Uoldmaa x-ieating CO., AM UOUgiaa pia. u an PIANOLAS for rent: t months' rent Si lowed on purchase. Hclimoller ft Wi'SUer, ui saruam. iei. una. v TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 729 8. 18th St rHEATRICAL masu. costumae. Lleben, 1018 Farmiin. tj-a CRYSTAL Ice Co.. 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 2028 THERE are at least 20 reason why every man should smoke the Monogram be cigar, 'I'.- .t-... ... f. - i ...... ..I..... tiv .itm ib. ii ia equal lu any iuw .. ui ine marsei. . t . btoecxer k-iar lo manufacturers, 1J4 Douglus. U 69t MAGNETIC me. 1 T OUUlUi AA4 All . AM. 4". v ' U-tvili-J-JX STEIN WAY pianos are sold exclusively by bcninolier l Mueller, 1318 Farnam St. U 6VS i . Dye Works. Up-to-date If rillHIll;! cleaners ana ayers. ill -.fftMMJ Uth Bt. Tel. 3ti27. u-Mtii; BEST photos from $3 to $10 per doxeu and a 14xii or ItixJO photo not crayon Included in each oosen 1'HEE. Frames If desired at very low prluea. Slonecyplter, pholug lapnei, loiz 1'unwm st. lei. Boa. v'JJt l'ENNELL MILLINERY CO.-New looa li Jii, lil South 16th St., Opp. old postornue, U aqi all PHOTOGRAPHIC negative retouching complete course $25, $10 down and $3 per veea, ior live weens, uuuq i, tviug i iiea ter atae., iimatia, f4eb. u 3Jx A"' DR. FICKES, G. C, B. S. dentist 338 lie bldg. U MJZ? All! C1( C A PTQ "d Baby Carriage Mi'g. VJW Urt I O sold liom inig. to buyer retail at wholesale price; satisfaction juarujiiceq. uuiuua n, c tu jjlp "PAPA says he can't iliake 'em ell" Hute un'a New Patent Rimless Eyeglass; al most invisible. II meson Optical Co., 213 S. liith st., Paxton block; factory on the premise. v tuu DR. C. H. PE LONG, DenUit, 363 Bee. U Ml EXPERT piano moving; lowest price. Bchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farn. Tel. 1G25. FENCING lessons given to ladle or gents at tneir pome, uwcaisn system, uives you a superb figure, fine complexion and great irengtn. i-roiessor, r. dox tit, uroana. u caxusn jeix WANTED Th ' addree of F. M. Cook or iveDrasKa, or nis neirs: ne rormeriy owned land in lexa. J. it uates, ue catur, Tex. U-MS17 lSx MRS. DAVIEa 1615 Burt, electric and tub paths, second noor, room i. u fiiOi mx HANDSOME widow, very wealthy, owns ueauuxui noma ana large income; wants immeaiaieiy gooa, nonusv nusoana. Airs, A., St. Nichols Hotel. Chicago. ' ' U-M879 Hx IMP06&IBLE In Omaha! meet me at en trance Co. Bluns Jt. ti.. time you state Saturday evening; ' arrange, If not wire; will letter reach, you y M!i ltx MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bill! 11141 nave aucutuuiaieu uuriug mi wm... it niigut be an advantage to yuu 10 eout money from u and pay them, and then pay us in weekly or monthly payment until you get out Of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live uek and ,thr chattel and we make loans to salaried, people upon tuelr owu agreement to f uv. Qur rates are as low as any and a great deal lower than some, uur service 1 ijulck and without publicity. If you have '.salt with us and are pleased, tell others, and If you are displeased, tell us, Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 118 Board of Trade Bldg. Tal. 2293. (Established U82.) 3"tl South ltilh Bt V AW MONEY! MONEY! WB LOAN MONEY TO ANY PERSON residing in tns city ana notuing a perma nent position with a responsible firm. ON PLAIN NOTE. NO ENDOitalERS, and at tha lowest rates on long time, easy , payment plan, we uiso loan ON FURNITURE, WITHOUT REMOVAL, fluno, eta.. l in samo low ratea anu easy terms. If not convenient for you tq WRIT "ORH'ONE US AND AGENT will call on you to explain our system and arrange loan at your residence. All tuiMlnBA mi nfldMn tlal. The J A. MUTTON CO.. SUITE 614. PA-X.TON BLOCK, TELEPHONE 1)7. A SO rrj r A S H You can establish a CREDIT with an old KELIABL,Jfl nrm ana secure mutiny naad it. We will advance you enough money to pay erf all your aema, so 11111 you win owe It ail in one place, where you gt ..Aiirlunna truatlllnt. Our easy payment plan ha astonlshsd people who hud previously borrowed of other loin companies, or account or our liluktul ratiat. W make loan on SALARIES. FURNI TURE, rlAun, L.1V1S b iulr, eic, RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-8 Paxton Block. X Mi3 MONEY to LOAN Phoenix Credit Co 6J1 Paxton Blk. X-817 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE und other Willi security easy iymiiiai largest bualuesa in 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 440, Chamber ot Commerce bidg. X-812 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to $6,000 loaned on your personal not at 8 Pk-H CENT Pt-R YEAR. Ail gooa loans wanteu. lau or write anu my syaletti. W. U. Eastoian st Co., i.tMl 1'arnam, Omaha. X-l If you are FINANCIALLY EM BAR it AHB ED, come and hav a CONFIDENUAL tulk with us. STAR LOAN CO., 44 PAXTON BLK. MONEY to loan on furniture, horse, sic.. ......1 -.... I Ur iliK.nna' ,11.111 p i nun u. 11 a 1 iio.. . . , 216 at 20 B. 16th t. Tel. B-a4. X-814 MONEY loaned on piano, furnltur. Jew elry, horses, cow, etc. C. . R" Utb. jv HATTEL, salary and Jewelry loana. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam t. X-tll 4LAKY and colKteral loan. Templeton, til Bee Bldg. Tt W- A.-U7 LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any kind can ecurT a h.ill in th Bee budd ing. With splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, electrlu light, piano, etc. Apply to U. C. Ptei ft Co., ground floor, Be bldg. U 841 THIS FOR THAT WILL trade eewlng maehina for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., lith and Harm y. Z-M700 IF YOUR old furniture don't uit, ws wOJ exchange new for lu Tel. tti. Z-M73J M M2S FIFTY-ACRE farm to exchange. 2 miles from city limits of Council Bluffs: all good Innd, (mail house, fair burn, well and windmill, good brick corn cellar, ) or 800 bearing fruit trees. Price. ,".0. Will take $t,iD0 or $1,600 in Omnhn prop erty at actual value. It. G. M-r;c, 14 Pearl st., Council Bluff. Z Mvs lit $300 AUTOMATIC Rexlna music box, f mcy csso. to exchange lor piano or pianola. Addre K 13, Bee. -M7il M.l $3S0 FISCHER PIANO for $76; will trui'.s for 2d-hand furniture. Enterprise F.irai. ture Co., 101 8. 14th. Tel. 2-. Z-li. 10-IN. DISC records taken In exchange for new record, Columbia Phonograph i o , lu21 Farnam. Z-7. 1 WJIAT hav you to exchange for a p!-imJ Pertleld piapo Co., Be Bldg. Tel. 7 i. UNIQUE Journal, near Idea, sales and exchangee. Sample, 4 sent Mutual Exchange, 1118 Howard. 2386 Je3 PHOENIX BICYCLE to exchange for om or the pany. of the money you pay th ireet car com. xoui sieacuer, uu i-apiioi avenut P-6I4 FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS ID-HAND af cheap. Derlgbt, 1118 Farnam. 4-tteO 108 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. g a FOR BALE, several scholarships in a first das standard school in Omaha, comprls- J.ig complete course In business, snort land and typewriting. Inquire at He cilice. J m FOR SALE, will sell at a discount a schol arship In one of the best Omaha business college. Address F 16, Bee. U-MIU1 TELEPHONE polos; long fir timbers; cheup chicken fence. Wl Deuauv. F y-.M6e5 FOR BALE, rails of all wcighta; also switches, froga and cara fur tidLtrai k and trumways. iocomotive, neam s rov el and contractor' tools. V rnaks a epeoialty of cutting lulls tu any length desired. M. ailisbkun Co., Peticlt. .Mv.li. U -Man NEW Stelnway Piano are cold only hy Bchmoller Mueller. 1313 Farnam. Tel loft. HOG. Poultry, Lawn. Furrr. nnd Itatlroud Wire Fence, Wlr Wprks, on S Hitu sl Tel. IbSO. Q-M3ti7 Jyl itl-HAND safe. Swartx, Hitter, 114 6. JSih. Q 146 J 8 6-ROOM flat; cot over $50Q; inventories 2d hand price, $:!i6, for $-'Pi cash, or includ iiig a new 260 piano for 4uq; $.76 caU kiul balallCQ on $s monthly payinent; fiat for ront w'th a sale only, ii-'! lar nam, 3d 'floor, west side. y-M708 Hx SAM L BURNS ulaslns ot 'rMflrJS,'jr, LARGE tock of new and econd-huud. . ... .1... 11 L- S..Aflsi-1'r.lf a.n illtmlu. tuiuiUMUilDS. 4. ft,.w,i 7 Keb. W 331 ib STQCK YARDS 8ADDLERY CO.. Yt liuioatiiv o 41 v- iv;ni' JtHNESa und BADPI-lfla; everything con eidered; chepeat pn urih; everylhlnv H I via urnaJ alllfi favnirift. J. Q. BI-ESsJlNW, 31 i. 85th, So. Omaha. SMOKE Auditorium Brick, 6c cigai Q 00 TAR W sell TAR. Write for prices or tnlaiihnna 741 Omaha Gas Co.. 30111 and Lincoln ave., Omaha Nub. Q-3l3 Mm KIMBALL piano, $280. Beginning April 10 price will be reaupea ouny uuiu su.q. Room J, Be bldg. - QM3iW WE RENT Sewing machine, 76c week. We repair and sell part for ovary macbln manuteaturtd. Second-hand machines from $i.6o to 81Qtk. Nebraska Cycle Co.. Phono 1661. Corns 16th and Harney. Via MY diamond ring, cheap; in pawn at DI47 mond Lioan umco, Wl Jjqugias: lliey ii show yoij. Q MM HKJHtGRADE piano for ale; ablg br- gain; must ue sum. Anuress u .i. urr, CTATI I A tiV Nw the t,w,e ,0 J"Y 3lrlurtll Bargain price unill May 26. Qrpal)i Ornamental Wrk, 3025 Fa 111 mi. yaij ifc 1LOSING ga fixture at eost. Sam'l Burn, Q-M823 JeU WRITING PAPBR AND TABLETS. Beginning Saturday w close out ull lublet, folded note ana letter paper ni LESS THAN HALF PRICE. All 10c tablets, 4io do. Note or letter paper, tic 10. envelopes, ne per vu. Scratch paper, 4o lb. Typewslter paper, 29c ream. Visiting oarda, 4o package. Photo niountlnsr board. 2o each. No retailer pan got within gunshot of theas price. Open to everybody for one week. WESTERN PAPER CO., 15th and Howard. y 8(3 14 HOUSEHOLD furniture, cheap; must sell at once, bin jn. aa si. w em idx - BIX full-blood Irish Bftter puppies. J908 Douglas. Q M896 16 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rutes. W. H, iiiomus, r irsi jMat 1 Manx tiiug. iei. W-l PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N, Y. Life. W uiu TO $ P. C. money, Beinla, Paxton block. W 4M PRIVATE money. Jt. D. Wad, 1620 Douglas w il-l WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co., 14aj Fsrnam at. W-23 MONEY TO LOAN, payn Inveimnt Co. W-H14I WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. li. J. Peter 4fc Co., Bee bldg. Wi per cent loans, Uarvln Bros., IU04 Farnam. MONEY to loau. Kenny Real Eitat nnd investment vu., r. euu uw tiiua. e CITY loan. L. D. Holme. 712. N. Y. Life. vw ni$7 m-9 WEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 61S N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1H84, PR GRACE DEEGAN. 838 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2688. Fayette Cole, osteopath, 608 Paxton block. MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, Osteopathia Phy. slclaii; office, Douglus block. Tel. 28a. Pr. Fnrwell, specialty nervous diseases. V Uo virtn SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS A. C. VAN BANT S school, 717 N. '"IJ Neb. Bus. A Shorthand Col., Boyd theater. $86 BLICKEN8DERFER, $60. 838 New York Life building, Oma ana. 4lt V!" LOST IXST Will the gentleman who found a brown purse Monday rooming near Third st. school please return key and looktt to 231 llth ave. 7 He may keep the purs and cash a reward. Lost m;i4-14 LOST $36 In bills, May 11 or It; finder pleas report Tel. LM nd receive re. ward. Los t-M 1H7 14 . CLAIRVOYANTS QYLMER. palmlet, 715 N, 23J. Tel. O-i BUSINESS MEDIUM, 711 N. 17th st.