Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1904, PART I, Image 1

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Daily Bee.
3 PAGES 1 TO 8. 9
Wrk of Formulating Official Lawi of O'der
Disturbs Harmon j of Conference
Beport on Church Extention Tafcti Aw y
Bupport from the Costly Churchee-
EnppoTtsrs Make ipiil'ed Attaos on Ef
forta to Whitewash Offeioe.
Sabjeet Affords Deleeratea Bjajoy
First Stirring Dehatee fcy Con
pleaeue Flare ree ( th
Cea fereuee.
' 108 ANGELES, May 11. Tha Methodist
general conferenoe can now b aaid to ba
fairly launched upon tha work of legislnt
Ing In tha Interact of tha church at large.
Two matter of much Importance affect
ing tha administrative work of the church
were disposed of at today' session. Una
ws tha rather delicate duty of the episco
pacy committee In fixing the tatu and
relationship of superannuated bishops to
the church, and the other a rule supported
by the board of church extension and
adopted by the conference depriving cer
tain congregations owning churches costing
more than 110,000 of the right to apply to
that board for financial assistance.
These two matters, together . with the
completion of the rules of order, occupied
tha entire session. The order of tha day
was the report of Missionary Bishop Frank
W. Warne of India, but upon the request
of Dr. J. M. Buckley, chairman of tha com
mittee on episcopacy, the rules were sus
pended In order to permit consideration of
tha two matters above mentioned, and
Bishop Warne's report was made the spe
cial order for OJclock tomorrow morning.
Dr. Buckley's report on superannuated
bishops occasioned the most animated and
Interesting discussion thus far developed in
the general conference. It brought to the
floor some of the dominant figures of the
conference, and the delegates were enter
. tallied by the clear reasoning and eloquent
expression of some of Its best orators.
' The paragraph fixing the status of tha
superannuated bishops, which was finally
adopted, reads as follows:
A superannuated general superintendent
In relieved from the obligation to travel
through the country at large and may
choose the place of his residence. He shall
not be assigned to the presidency of an
nual conferences nor make appointments,
but If requested by a bishop presiding he
may take the chair temporarily In a gen
eral or annual conference, and at the re
quest of the bishop presiding In the annual
conference he may ordain candidates pre
viously elected to orders.
Rales Cause Clashes.
The work of formulating tha. official rules
ha been fraught with many clashes be
tween the opposing parliamentary leaders
on tha floor fit the conference, who seek to
secure the adoption of. rules that would
tend to give their particular faction an ad
vantage In the work of legislation. The
general body, however, has been watchful,
and the rules as finally adopted have been
framed with a view to absolute equity and
fairness. v .
The . report of Missionary Bishop F. W.
Warns of India was the special order of
the day Immediately after the morning ra
ces. The rh,r,M nf heraav made by Dr. Hun-
ball and others against the Garrett Biblical
Institute and the Boston School of The
ology continue to occupy the attention of
the members of the committee on educa
tion and continue to be the absorbing toplo
among the conference delegates. The sub
committee of five having In oharge the In
vestigation of this Important matter ha
made a report to the full committee, but
the attacks of Dr. Munhall and other sup
port of heresy charges ware so spirited
that the committee voted not to accept tha
report, but to submit It with Instruction
. to give the matter careful and thorough
consideration. The report of the' subcom
mittee stated that there were but eight
memorial before them on the subject, only
four purporting to coma from annual con
ferences ; that three of them memorials had
been signed by a total of tblrty-flvaper-sona
and that two of them were la tha form
of a printed 'olroular. .
, Attack: Whitewash! Process.
"This," the report said, "seems to be the
total result of an effort to stir up the con
ference of the country on the subject."
After a lengthy and somewhat acrid de
bate. In which tk report was characterised
by Dr. Munhall and his follower a an at
tempt to whitewash tha accused Institu
tions, the report of tha subcommittee waa
finally referred back with Instructions for a
mora extended inquiry.
The first taste of stirring debate partici
pated In by the conspicuous figure of the
conference waa given the delegate when
the report of the episcopacy committee
upon tha matter of retiring bishop and
fixing their relation to the ohurch waa
taken up. Tha paragraph that provoked
discussion read a follow!
"A superannuated general superintendent
is relieved from the obligation to travel
through his connection at larg and may
choose tha plaoa of hi residence. He shall
not be assigned to tha presidency of annual
conferenoe nor make appointments, but.
If required by a bishop presiding, ho may
take the chair temporarily In an annual
or a general conference and at the request
of th bishop presiding ha may ordain can
didates previously elected to order."
Dr. A. B. Leonard offered an amendment
to strike out all after the word "residence"
and substitute "he may perform tempor
arily upon invitation of a general superin
tendent any function thai belong to a
general superintendent." The amendment
vii supported by Judges Lohr and War
neck, lay delegates, and Dr. A. B. Leon
ard and Lyttle.
Ho Help foe- Costly Churches
Two speeches only were made In favor
of tha adoption of the report as presented
by Dr. Buckley, president of the episcopacy
committee. They were by Dr. J. M. Buck
ley and Dr. T. B. Neely. While at first
there seemed to be a strong sentiment In
favor of Dr. Leonard' amendment, when
Dr. Buckley finished a tea minutes' speech
In favor of the adoption of the committee'
report the committee waa practically In
favor of its adoption.
Key. A. O. Klnett of Philadelphia pr.
eon tad a report on church extension which
contained a change of great Importance
take away the right of the board of
church extension to aaalet churches cost
ing more than H0. 00. but gives the board
the right to make especLvl rerommenda-
4CwuUuud on 8ei?o Page.)
Turkish Tree as Destroy Villages aad
Fresek, Ruaslaaa aad British
Take Action.
PARIS. May 11 An official dispatch to
tha Foreign office from Constantinople con
firms the reports that Turkish troops have
burned the villages throughout the Sss
soun district of Armenia, killing the In
habitants. The French ambassador, M.
Constans, has Joined with the Russian an
British ambassadors In sending c
to Erseroum In the hope of limit'- ,
strtictinn anil bloodshed. ..AY
However, the official d tW -
brief. Indicate that the v. . exter
minating the Armenians upylng the
mountainous district of Saasoun Is pfac
tlrally accomplished. The Turkish methods
appear to have been much the same as
those adopted during the Armenian mas
acre. The official reports do not give
exact details as to the number of towns
burned and people killed, but they show
that the action of the Turks ha been
sweeping. The French authorities were
advised some time ago that Turkey was
taking advantage of Russia's preoccupa
tion In the far east and Intended to adopt
a decisive course toward the rebellious Ar
menlans. The Information then showed
that the Turks would begin tha work of
suppression about April 15. In order to
prevent this the power made an energetic
protest. This delayed Turkey s action.
which, however, has now been renewed
with the sains severity a at first contem
Grand Trask Pacific BUI Challenges
Protest In Canada.
OTTAWA, Ont., May 18.-Durlng the dls
cusslon on the Grand Trunk Pacific bill In
the House of Commons tonight the opposl
Uon made a vigorous protest against the
employment of American engineers In tha
survey of the proposed railway. Sir Wil
fred Laurler, in reply, said that C. M.
Hays, manager of the Grand Trunk, had
written saying that there were not more
than 4 per cent of the persons employed on
the surveys who were not either Canadians
or British subjects. Further particular
war asked for and If the final answer Is
not satisfactory the alien labor act prob
ably will be brought Into requisition and
the men deported.
Large Representation of Royal Per.
aonaares a Bucklaa-hana Palace.
LONDON, May 13. King Edward and
Queen Alexandra held the second court of
the season at Buckingham palace .tonight,
at which there was an exceptionally large
representation of royal personages. The
lrlnv unit miMn warA BDiAmnanl1 Kv Ih.
prince and princess of Wales, Princes
Victoria, Prince and Princess Christian and
the .the duke and duchess of Connaught.
Princess Patricia of Connaught was on
of the debutantes.
The court waa attended by a large num
ber of high officials and members of the
diplomatic corps, the latter Including Am
bassador Choate and Henry White, first
secretary of the United States embassy.
Canada's Representative fa Alaska
Leave for Scene) of Action.
WINNIPEG, May ll-Prof. W. F. King.
chief astronomer of the Department of the
Interior, who Is proceeding westward in
order to make arrangements for the survey
of the Alaskan boundary according to the
award of the tribunal, left Winnipeg today
for Vancouver, B. C.
The survey la a Joint on and the
Dominion and the United State are oaoh
sending three parties. Two of these par-
tie are to work on the Chllcat river and
the third will proceed up tha Btlckeen
AlexleS? Complains VlUagrera Will Not
Sell Sappllea to Rnealans.
LONDON, May 11 The Post' Shanghai
correspondent say: The Japanese first
army has occupied Alyang. Viceroy Alex-
leff ha sent a note to the Tartar general of
Manchuria, complaining that Chinese vil
lager refused to sell supplies to Russian
troops and demanding that the general
publish a proclamation ordering the na
tives to supply foodstuffs. Some of the
Chines viceroys are anxious for war with
Attempt to Bottle Up Port Arthur
Coats Something.
VANCOUVER, B. C, May 18.-Advices
from Japan by the steamer Empress of
India Indicates that the bottling up of
the harbor of Port Arthur ha cost the
Japanese government tl ,241,000 for tramp
teamen alone, beside enormous sum for
ammunition, repair, etc. Up to the time
of the departure of the Empress of India
nine tramp steamers had been utilised In
the bottling up process.
Stanley Will Not LI la Abbey.
LONDON, May 11 It ha been definitely
decided that Sir Henry M. Stanley, who
died May 10, will not be buried in West
minster Abbey. A memorial service will
be held there on the day of the funeral.
May 17.
Afrlean Conference Bellevea Religion
Salvo the Negro Problem la
tha United Stat.
ST. LOUIS. May 11. "Home and For
eign Missions" was the toplo discussed at
today's session of tha African Methodist
episcopal Zlon conference, which ha been
In progress her for several days. A report
was made showing that ill societies, repre
senting all parts of the oountry. had con
tributed HI. 1st for tha support of home and
foreign missions In the last year. Tha re
port also stated that "The hop of the
negro In the United Btates Is In an edu
cated and trained ministry." Speeches
along this line were made by several dele
Wklek Segregate Maa aad
NEW YORK. May U. Mary Baker Eddy,
head of tha Church of Christ. Scientist. 1
reported to have promulgated an amend
ment to the constitution of the church
against the segregation of sex In cluba
A most of the church member are also
member of clubs and associations, founded
on principle that preclude the associa
tion of men and women, they are said to
be greatly pu ailed ever the aaforoamaat ad
tha edict. Members of the Maaoulo fra
ternity are understood to be exempt from
the ruling, but many other secret societies
ar affected.
Fretidtnt Issues Proclamation Begarding
South Dakota Reservation Land Sales.
Entries rom August 8 to September 1,
ry After Jaly 5 at Cham,
ala, Yankton, Boat.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, May ll.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) President Roosevelt this morning
signed tha proclamation opening to settle
ment on August 8 the Rosebud reservation
lying In Gregory county. South Dakota.
After deducting lands withheld to state
for sohool purpose the proclamation opens
to settlement about 385,000 acre.
Under the provisions of the proclamation
registration v. Ill begin July 6 at. I a. m.,
at Chamberlain, Yankton. Bonesteel and
Fairfax and continue until 6 o'clock Sat
urday evening, July 23. As has fceea
stated heretofore In these dispatches, land
will be disposed by drawing. The drawing
will take place at the Chamberlain land
office commencing at 9 a. m. Thursday,
July 28, and continuing for such period as
may be necessary to draw from the box
all envelopes contained therein. Three per
sons of highest integrity and of spotless
reputation will be selected by the commis
sioner of the general land office, will
be present In person to supervise the draw
ing. Entries will be made at Bonerteel, be
ginning August 8 and continuing until
September 10 Inclusive, The land office, for
convenience of entrymen, will be temporar
ily removed from Chamberlain to Bone
steel In order to facilitate the rush which
Is expected. After September 10 subse
quent entries will be recorded at Chamber
lain as usual.
Those contemplating filing registration
must do so In person at one of the
four towns mentioned above, with the ex
ception of soldier or sailors, who may
employ an agent
No one person may register for more
than 160 acres. The actual opening of this
vast domain will occur on the morning of
August a.
The price of land as provided by law is
as fo'.lxws: Lands taken during the first
three months, $4 per acre; within atx
months, ft; after six months, $2.60 per acre.
All lands remaining undisposed of after
four years shall be disposed of by the sec
retary of the interior under suoh rules
and regulations as he may prescribe.
Other details of the proclamation are as
How Laads Are Acquired.
All persons are especially admonished
that under the said act of congress ap
proved April 28, 1904. It Is provided that no
person snail do permittee; to settle upon.
occupy . or enter any of said - ceded lands
except In the manner prescribed In this
proclamation until after the expiration of
sixty days of the time when the same ar
opened to settlement and entry.
After tha expiration of the aaid period of
sixty days, but not before, and until the
expiration of three months after the same
snail have been opened for settlement and
entry as hereinbefore prescribed, any of
said lands remaining undisposed of may
be settled upon, occupied and entered
under tha general provisions of the home
stead and townsits laws of the United
States In like manner as If the manner
of effecting such settlement, occupancy
and entry had not been prescribed herein
in obedience to law, subject, however, to
the payment of M ier acre for tha land
entered, in the manner and at the time
requirea Dy uie said act of congress above
After expiration of three months and not
before and until the expiration of six
months after the same shall have been
opened for settlement and entry as afore
said, any of said lands remaining un dis
poser or may aso oe setnea upon, occu
pied and entered under the general pro
visions of the same laws and in the same
manner, subject, however, to the navment
of (i per acre for the land entered In
tna maner and at the times required by
tha earn act of congress.
After Sin Months.
After the expiration of six months, and
not before, after the same ehall have been
opened for settlement and entrv. aa afore
said, any of said lands remaining undis
posed or may a mo oe seuied upon, occu
pied and entered under the general pro
visions of the said laws and same manner,
subject, however, to the payment of 12.60
per acre for the land entered In the man
ner and the time required by the same aot
oi congress.
And after tha expiration of four year
from the taking effect of this act, and not
before, any of said lands remaining undis
posed of shall be sold and dlsDosed of for
cash under the rules and regulations to
De prescriDea Dy tne secretary of the In
terior, not more than S40 acres to any on
St. Loala Democrat Hake Arrange.
meat for Larg Crowd at
National Convention.
ST. LOUIS. May 13. The seating capacity
of the Coliseum for the democratic national
convention has been fixed at 10,840, which
lr dudes delegates, alternates, representa
tive of the press, invited guests, official
of the convention and the general publlo,
who will be admitted by ticket
Tha preliminary arrangements for the or
ganisation of the convention are in the
hands of W. A. Deford of Kansas, who has
established headquarters at Hotel Jefferson,
representing tha subcommittee of tha na
tional committee.
Provision will be mad for S3 working
newspaper men, who will be seated In "cor
respondent " sections 1 and 1 Beat ar
provided for SS0 additional newspaper men.
who will occupy "pre" sections 1 and X
Row Prodnetlon Presented at tk Six
teenth Biennial Mnala Festival
la Cdaelaaatl.
CINCINNATI. May U.-At tonight's ses
sion of the sixteenth biennial music festi
val all Beat war occupied and many stood.
The attraction was tb new production,
"The Dream of Qeronltua," by Dr. Flgar
of England. The work I e setting of
Cardinal Newman' poem In which Oeron
Itu I represented aa dreaming of hi
asoent to heaven. William Green, tenor,
had the part of Garonltua. The orchestra,
the organ and tha chorus participated. It
required an hour and a half and 1 so
written that only on pause was given In
all that Urn.
Doteotlv at Doavor Coavlated of Kll-
ling; Peacemaker la a )aarred
Over Dies.
DENVER. May U. Samuel Enuich, a
city detective, was today convicted of
murder In the second degree for the mur
der of William Malone, a saloon keeper.
Emrtca shot and killed Malone In the
Utters aaloon after a quarrel with Mike
Ryan, au x-oonvlct. over a gam of dloa.
Malone waa acting the role of peacemaker.
Malone at that time was well known on the
turf, where ha owned a siring of trotting
Lor sea.
WIU Have One Seal for Parking Ceu.
ters and Another la the
CINCINNATI. May 13.-The session of
the convention of the Amalgamated Meat
cutters and Butcher Worker of North
America was devoted today to the new
wage scales effective next August, and nt
such other dates as expiring contracts de
mand. These now scales were adopted so
an to provide for Increases In the -arious
departments ranging from 10 to 26 per
cent. The greatest contention was over
the uniform scule for the packing houses
In Chicago, St. Paul, Sioux City, South
Omaha, St. Joseph. Kansas City, Enst St.
Louis and Fort Worth. Different wales
were adopted for other sections. New York
being the highest and New England dls
trict being the lowest.
There was a lively discussion as to what
action should be taken regarding state
militias. Some of the radicals wanted mem
bers of the unions prohibited from Joining
the militia. The resolution finally adopted
declared that while the union did not
favor Its members Joining the mllltla, yet
It left them free to use their own Judg
Commissioner Says They Are Pouring
In, hat Increase Will Not Be
TOPEKA, Kan.. May l.T-Eugene F.
Ware, United States Commissioner of pen
sions, reached Topeka today. Relative to
the new age order of the pension bureau,
he said:
"Applications for pensions under the new
age order are now coming In. I presume
26,0i)0 are already on file. ' Many of them
have been filed under the mistaken Idea
that age order means that the claimant
will recoive a second pension; that Is, if
the claimant Is already receiving a pension
and Is over 12. that he Is entitled to an
other. Nevertheless, the number of ap
plicants so far who will have their pen
sions raised $2 a month Is probably 20,000.
"The amount which this order will cost
the government has been grossly exagger
ated. The great death rate among old
soldiers will keep the pension roll In such
shape that the Increase in pension pay
ments will not be perceptible to the tax
Governor Peabody Will Not Order Oat
National Guard Unless There
la Rlotlngtw .
DENVER, May 13. A petition to Gov
ernor Peabody and Mayor Wright to order
out the National guard to preserve order
at the election in this city next Tuesday
is being circulated and already has been
signed by hundreds of citiiens. The peti
tion alleges frauds committed at past elec
tions and contemplated at the coming elec
tion, refers to police participating in pol
itics and alleges danger of mob violence.
"No troops will be ordered out except
In case of rioting," aaid Governor Pea
body . today. . ' "Owing to the .talk -current
that troops. Vpuld be used on election day
I have decided to postpone the target prac
tice which was to have been held early
next week until after election."
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
at Los Angeles Have Long; Ex
ecutive Sesaloa.
LOS ANGELES, May 11 The Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineer wa in
executive session for several hours today,
discussing the business of the order, con
sidering the constitution and bylaws, trying
to select rule to fit the requirement of
member In all aeotlon of the country.
Much of the morning session was taken
up In discussing the subject of railroad
fare. It is asserted there wa strong
criticism of the road east of Buffalo for
refusing to pan the delegare. There will
be no session of the convention tomorrow,
the entire body of delegate having ac
cepted an Invitation of the Santa Fe rail
road to visit Ban Diego.
Battleship Missouri Make Good Im.
resalea Vyea tke Oeoaaloa of
Bar Trial Baa.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., May 11. The
battleship Missouri returned to Hampton
Roads this afternoon after a successful
trial run to sea. The trial board which
has been aboard for twenty-four hours
returned to Washington tonight This was
tb final acceptance trial. The members
of the board. It I apparent, are pleased
with the ship's performance and will hand
In a favorable report. The Missouri will
go Into dry dock next week for repairs.
dnarrel Oeeart aad. Fred Seheata
Uses Pistol with rremkly
Fatal Results,
PITTSBURG, May 11. Fred Scbeuts to
night shot and seriously wounded Mrs.
Minn! MoCormiok and then fatally shot
hlmfeelL Scbeuts was a witness in a
divorce suit brought by Mrs. MoCormlck'a
husband some time ago, and since then
ha been attentive to the woman and. It
1 aaid, wanted to marry her. Sb would
not agree to the oeremony and the shooting
tonight Is supposed to have resulted from
a quarrel over the matter.
Body at K Recovered from Caaal
Cat aad Braised About Head
aatd Body.
CHICAGO. May li-The body of a man,
who had evidently been murdered, wa
found In the Illinois - Michigan canal to
night The corpse was badly decomposed.
A gag had beeu placed across the mouth
and two heavy section of steam pipe had
been attached to the right arm. There wa
a deep knife wound above the right knee,
the akull was fractured behind the right
ear and the left shoulder was broken.
There 1 no clew to tb Identity of the
Japanese Leek for Raaalaaa.
SEOUL May It It Is aaaerted hare
that the Japanese garrison between Ping
Yang and WIJu tent a scouting party
through the oountry east of Chi Slong, tha
extreme right of the Japanese force on
the Yalu river, in anticipation of the Rus
sian flanking movement The Japanese
authorities here consider It fortunate that
the Coaaack raiders, who paaaed around
further east, did not do mure damage
than the dld
8ecfit Beport Received at Bomt Ttlli of
Ialerial Diueniion.
Allege that If Constitution I Given
the Country the People
Will Hurry to Ita
ROME. May 13. A secret report received
from St. Petersburg depicts the Internal
concern of Russia aa becoming most
serious as regards the preservation of the
present lnst'tutions, the military failure in
the tar east having strengthened the opin
ion that the evils are due to the present
organization of the country. In which a
change Is necessary.
The. hope is expressed that the emperor
himself, seeing the danger, will be Induced
to grant the country a constitution. In
which event It Is asserted the enthusiasm
of the people will become so great as to
render It possible to raise an army and
collect the means necessary to defeat
Japan., the report says. It Is
believed nil the efforts made at St. Peters
burg will remain futile, as besides the war
In the far east, Russia will be obliged to
face a latent If not an open revolutionary
movement at home, depriving it of the as
sistance of the most progressive elements
of the empire, as the Poles and Finns.
Russians Know Little of What Is
Beinsr Done In Asia.
Nicholas will leave Tsarkoye-8 lo Sunday
evening for Moscow and Kharkoff, return
ing there on May 22.
Much uncertainty exists here as to ex
actly what is occuring in tho amphithea
ter of war, as much in regard to the Rus
sian movements as to those of the enemy.
General Kouropatkln's plans are most cer
tainly guarded. Although he Is believed
to be concentrating troops near Lluo Yang
very little actual information on the sub
ject is obtainable. The general impres
sion, however, is that heavy fighting will
occur within a fortnight.
Advloes received by the general staff
Indicate that the Japanese are pushing tha
campaign in southern -Manchuria with great
energy. The rainy season, which will ren
der the roads almost impassable, begins In
six weeks, and the latest issilsl here Is
that the enemy hopes to make lis position
secure by a decisive engagement before
tho rains set in. The army organ believes
that at least eight divisions of the enemy,
not counting 20,000 men In the lower part
of the Llao Tung peninsula, are In south
ern Manchuria. As to the force advancing
along the littoral from the Yalu, where
It Is believed another army has landed,
information Is very incomplete.
The three divisions of General Kurokl's
army separated at Feng Wang Cheng. Ac
cording to the reports of the Russian
scouts, 10,000 Infantry, with forty guns and
1,600 cavalry, moved north to Samatxy,
whence they could strike either Mukden or
Llao Tang. The flank of this force la prp-.
tec ted by a battalion of infantry, three
squadron of cavalry and a mountain bat
tery at Kuang Chan Slang. A division of
Japanese guards proceeded west to Hal
Cheng, and 10,000 infantry, with fifty guns,
mostly mounted pieces, moved southwest
toward Kal Ping and reached the Salid-
saypu ford of the Ta Yang river Tuesday,
leaving Wednesday for Suyan Chou. How
many reserves came up behind them on the
Feng Wang Cheng road Is not known.
AJ1 of these forces at their rate of travel
ing are due at their destinations Sunday or
Monday. The Russians are In the dark as
to the place where to await the Japanese
attack. It is considered probable that the
northern furce will be heavily reinforced
and that a simo.'taneou attack of the
southern division will clear the railroad to
New Chwang and permit the enemy to
move directly northward and strike the
Russian flank at Llao Yang or Mukden, In
co-operation with the force which waa at
Samatxy Wednesday. The Russian Intend
to make an attempt to hold one or two sta
tions on the railroad, but which of them Is
not known. According to the last accounts
they are still In possession of Kal Ping,
Hal Cheng and Ta Che Kiau. It la re
ported that the guns which had been
mounted at New Chwang have been taken
to the latter place.
The valley of th Ta Yang, where a large
force of the enemy, strength unknown, la
moving westward. Is generally hilly, but
there are fairly good roads to Feng Wang
Cheng, Kal Ping and Sun Cheng, on the
railroad, and down the east coast of the
Llao Tung peninsula to Pltsewo. There
are two fords at the Ta Yang, below Its
confluence with the Zedxlh, one at Salld
saypu, twenty mile above Taku Shan, and
tha other sixty miles lower down the Lun
Wan Mia. the latter being for cavalry.
No Information Is vouchsafed regarding
the raiding Cossacks who appeared south
of the Yalu.
No further particular are to b had re
garding th Wowing up of Port Dalny,
which 1 considered to nave neon neces-
tary. In view of the Japanese oomplete
command of the sea, to prevent th m
ployroent of a ready mad base of opera
tion against Port Arthur.
Grand Duke Cyril la suffering from die-
placement of the heart, resulting from ex
treme weakness and necessitating complete
rest for a long time. It 1 doubtful If he
oan aooompany tha Baltic fleet to the far
east. Th grand duke say he owe his
life to hi aide-de-camp. Lieutenant Von
Kube. They were standing together o
the bridge of the Petropavlovsk, and V
Kube, who shielded the grand duke ' -n
a flying etanohlon, wa killed on th' poL
The grand duke say that althouk the
Petropavlovsk sank at once by th bow
th momentum earried the flagship for
ward, so that when he dived and cam
up he found himself floating astern.
Goes Close to Hew Oh wan a- to Aid
America If Keoeseary.
SHANGHAI. May 13.-d p. m.-The United
State cruiser New Orleans has left here
for Che Foo. The Chinese In the vicinity
of New Chwang are restless and It la
considered advisable to have warship near
there when the Russian withdraw from
New Cbwacg.
Th United State cruiser Beletgh will
leave Shanghai tomorrow for Chin KJang,
on the Yang Tse river, where an attempt
of th Chinese government to establish a
public market resulted in rioting recently.
during which several persons were killed.
Allen Send Hew.
WASHINGTON, May 11 -The State de
partment ha reoelved advloes from Min
ister Allen at 6eoul to the effect that a
considerable body of Cossacks are re
ported to have arrived south of th Yalu
river. Tbe minister further state that In
the attack made on Anju on the 10 and 11th
Seventy Japanese soldiers, protected by
walia, held off 600 Cossack.
Fair and Warmer Satardayi Sanday,
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday i
Hoar. Den. Hour. Dec,
5 a. m 41 1 p. m tin
a. m 4 8 p. nt Rl
T a. m 41 8 p. m R2
fl a. ru ..... . 44 4 p. m ..... . M
a. in 4tt B p. m AS
10 a. m 4N , 6 p. m Bit
11 a. m 48 T p. m Ml
12 m CO 8 p. m IM
O p. in ..... . 4.S
General Kouropatkta Report aa Op
eratloa of Japanese Vnder
(Copyright by New York Herald Co., 1H.)
NKW YORK. May 13. New York Herald
Service Special Telegram to The Bee.)
According to a Into dispatch to the em
peror from General Kouropatkln, General
Kurokl has divided his forces and Is mov
ing on the Russian lines along the routes
traversed by the Japanese In the war with
the Chinese In 1894-6.
Hal Cheng, Llao Yang and Mukden are
threatened and In engagements already
fought Kouropatkln unnouuees that his
right flunk was turned.
Incidentally New Chwang la apparently
about to be Invested, while Dalny has been
attacked. In this operation a Japanese
torpedo boat was destroyed by the explo
sion of a mine it sought to remove from
the harbor. (
Port Arthur, It waa reported, was again
comiWetoly Isolated, both railroad and tele
graplj communications being cut.
tsar Says He Deelrea to Protect Gold
la Treasury.
ST. PETERSBURG, May 13. The Official
Messenger this morning gaxettea a ukase
from the emperor and a notice from the
minister of finance with regard to the Issue
of bonds of the nominal value of 3100,000,000,
to run five years from May 1, 1904, bearing
Interest at 6 per cent, to be paid semi
annually. The bonds are to be of the de
nomination of S1O0 and $1,000, and are to
be ssued through the banks of Paris and
The Netherlands, the Credit Lyonnals and
Hottinguer & Co., at Paris. If further
loans are floated before the bonds mature
It Is stated that holders of these bonds
will be given preference of subscription
In such loans.
An aurhorlxod statement accompanying
the ukase says that the outbreak nf the
war found Russian finances flourishing.
There was an available surplus of Idti.OOO,-
000, which was doubled by a roductlon In
the budget expenses. Altogether the war
found $150,000,000 In the exchequer, which
was declared to be insufficient. Prudence
dictated that early preparation be made to
meet the heavy expenses. The Imperial
treasury had $422,500,000 gold In reserve
May 6 to cover $322,500,000 paper In circula
tion, thus enabling Russia to lssae another
$260,000,000. This would have permitted !t
to meet the war expenditure, without hnv-
Ing resort to a foreign loan, but the minis
ter of finance deemed it advisable to avoid
recourse to measures which, attractively
simple, would exhaust the last resources of
the country a step to be averted during
the war.
The comparatively high per oent is com
pensated for by tbe shortness of the term
of tbe bonds, which will enable the Rus
sian government to resort to conversion
of them after Ave years, when the present
political difficulties are over.
According; to Dlspatehea Japanese
Keep, Russians Busy and Guessing.
ST. PETERSBURG. May 13,-Ciar Nicho
las has received the following official dis
patch from General Kouropatkln:
At dawn May 11 the Japanese began to
emerge from Feng Wang Cheng, on the
Llao Yang road. The advance guard march
ing reward Suellchen consisting of a regi
ment of Infantry, four guns and a regi
ment of cavalry. Suelichen waa held by a
troop of Cossacks acting as a screen, while
the Chansallan defile was occupied by two
Two companies of Japanese marched on
Chunsalian and another company advanced
on Suelichen, turning our right flank. The
Cossacks then retired, still keeping the
enemy back with their Are, first upon tha
Fan Tien defile and finally toward the de
file In the neighborhood of the village of
Fhumanso, where they took up a position.
The captain of the Sotnla, DeWahl, wa
wounded and two Cossacks were killed.
Kuandlansan (Kwantlenslen T) wa evac
uated on May 10 by the enemy and occupied
by our Cossacks. Reconnaissances failed
to discover the preeenoe of Japanese In the
valley of the Tsacheo, thirty-seven miles
west of Gatmadsa (Barnaul or Balmakl T).
On May t and May 10 the enemy's biv
ouacs were seen In the valley of the river
Unsianheo, near the village Talndza, eight
een miles east of Suellohen, and at Bedse
khedze, at the confluence of the Tayang
and the Sedzl rivers.
On the morning of May 10 a Japanese In
fantry detachment, about 10,000 strong,. with
from fifty to eighty guns, which concen
trated at Salltuzaipudxa, started toward
Sluchlen. Takushan, about forty milee
wi st of tho mouth of the Yalu and Chent,"
thaltsu, fifteen miles southwest of Taku
shan, have been occupied by the Japanese.
On May 11 Japanese scouts appeared at
a point twelve mile south of Sluyeu.
Asserted that Russian Cewalry la Be
hind tke Enemy.
UAO TANG, May O. Th advance
guard of the first Japanese army has ap
peared six miles below Lien Chen Kuan,
on the road to Llao Tang. It is not mak
ing any further advance, but I erecting
strong fortifications. Th Japanese move
ment were mad with th greatest oare.
A persistent report Is current - that a
Russian squadron of cavalry succeeded In
getting behind th Japanese, who were
several squadrons strong, ana 1 occupy
ing Kuan Din Ban. Tbe unexpected ap
pearance of the Russians eaused tha Jap
anese Immediately to evacuate the town
and to retire toward the Yalu. The re
port la believed to be correct.
Prof. Karavleff, who ha arrived on a
train from Port Arthur, assert that he
saw near Polandlen station the body of a
Russian soldier, one of the railway patrol,
cut into quartors.
In a skirmish near Polandlen one of the
patrol wa wounded. On the Japanese ap
pioachlng, the soldier feigned death and It
la said a Japanese officer shot him In the
mouth. Colonel Fleehen, who ha returned
from a reconnoiasanue of the district near
the River Taltsl, was attacked on May t
by Chinese bandits. One Coosack and two
porter were killed by tbe bandits, who
were driven off.
Russian Troops hear Caucasus,
LONDON. May 14. The Mall tills morn
ing publishes a dispatch frot-l Constanti
nople, according to which Russia is con
centrating troops Just beyond the Caucasus.
The mobt reliable Information, the dispatch
says. Axes the present total number of
troop at 125.0U0.
- Japanese Oocupy Pa La Tlea.
MUKDEN, May 13.-Pu La Tien, near
Port Adams, Llao Tung peninsula, has
again been occupied by the Japanese. Com
munication with Port Arthur 1 Interrupted.
Jap Vestal Destroyed During Perieiof Bom
bardmenU sod Sarvrylng Operations,
Boat ii Bhelltd While Bemovtng Vines aid
Bavsn Men Are Killed.
Three Cruisers Engaged with Email Craft
During Fight.
Attempt to Blow I p Mine Falls, kor
Floating Magaalae Suddenly El.
pledea and tuts Jap Ve
tel la Two.
TOKIO, May 18. 4 p. nv The Japanese
torpedo boat No. 48 was destroyed while
romovlng mines from Kerr bay, north of
Tallcnwan (Port Dalny), yesterday. Seven
men were killed and seven wounded. This
Is the first warship Japan ha lost In th
.The torpedo boat wa lost during a series
of bombardment and surveying operation
at Tallen Wan, Deep and Kerr bays by
Admiral Kataoka, oimander of the Third
Tbe admiral arrived at Kerr bay early
In the morning and detached the cruisers
Itsukushlma, Nlsshln and Mlyako, order
ing them to bombard the land batteries
while a flotilla of torpedo boats swopt the
harbor for mines.
A mcond flotilla of torpedo boats, which
had been engaged In guarding Port Arthur
the previous night. Joined the squadron
and began the work of surveying tho har
bor. The Mlyako discovered, a company of
Russian infantry and a detachment of
cavalry on shore and dispersed them.
Shell Ruealaa Troops.
The survey was completed at 3 o'clock
In the afternoon. Two torpedo boats that
were reconnoltertng and removing mines
on the west shore of Kerr bay discovered
a telegraph line running along the Taku
shan peninsula, and In order to destroy It
Lieutenant Hoba and four eallors landed
and scaled the height under the protec
tion of the guns of th torpedo boat and
cut the Una
The Japanese vessel than discovered
three bodies of Russian troops, one large
and two small ones, whereupon the squad
ron advanced close to the shore and shelled
The Mlyako, which was reoonnotterlng In
Deep bay, discovered a Russian guard post
on a mountain to the northwest of Robin
son promontory and destroyed It.
A Russian force, estimated at ten com
panies, took refuge behind an eminence,
but it was dispersed by the Japanese. '
Torpedo boats Nos. 48 and 49 discovered
a large mechanical mine In Kerr bay. Their '
various attempts to blow It up failed, and
it suddenly exploded of Itself, outtlng No.
48 in two. The torpedo boat sank in seven
minutes. The squadron hurried boats to the
rescue and picked up the wounded. Three
other mines were discovered and exploded.
The squadron completed its operations at
6 o'clock in the evening and' returned to Its
base. '
Correapondent of tke Aaaoelated Preaa
Leaves on Laet Train.
LIAO TANG. May IX Nemlrovloh Lvan
ohenko, popularly known as the Russian
Archibald Forbes, who is now in the serv
ice of -the Associated Press, tin just ar
rived here from Port Arthur and furnishes
the following chronicle of tho event of
the Urst, week of th Invents, ant of that
fortress. Danchenko escaped from tb b
ieagured oily by th last train i
From Thursday, 2fay S, the rowerful
fleet of the enemy' cruisers, the Adsuma,
Asama, Iasu no, Iwate and another, the
name of wh'uh is unljiown. tcgetrer with
the fLfihlp Mikasa and the U t'.leshlps
Bhlklahlma, Hattsues, A satla, Tas'ma and
the Fuji remained ivijpMjMy In fcsht at
Port Arthur, deiarf,rjr every night and
returning at dsrililit. The Japanese tor
pedo boats ox.i ruept 'tur coast
with seurcbllgnta at rfgnt, vMle thai,
barges lay In waiting off Plvn tay, be
yond our virion, on the westtrn horizon
and beneath the lofty hills that cklrt the
Liao Tung gulf. Apparently the Japanese
were watching to soe If we Intended to in
terfere with tbelr landing lar.her north.
Our communications with the north were
broken on Thursday aud the til'owlng day
the telegraph office In Port Arthur reXusea
to accept our messages.
Japanese cavalry reconnoltered the penin
sula irom the north lo ascertain whether
we were safely imprisoned. But this fact
did not cause any particular Impression in
Port Arthur. The weather was bee.ii'.iful,
a band waa playing on the boulevard and
there were mauy people unconcernedly
promenading the streets. We heard that
the Japanese had fired on the last out
going train carrying troops and wounded
and had succeeded in wounding two of the
passengers. Humors also floated in an
nouncing the destruction of the railroad
and the blowing up of some of the bridges,
but our spirits remained singularly unde
pressed. The military, officers and men,
talked of nothing except a second siege of
Sebastopol, although aa a matter of fact
Sebustopol hud never been cut off from
its communication on the land side.
"We can die like our forefathers," wa
the universal sentiment expressed. The
Chinese continued working as usual, for
the most part, very few of them attempt
ing to escape. It seems that the sole de
fense of Uie Russian strorghold Is General
Koiwlra ten ko. He knows no rest and 1
ceaseless In his activity. Th utmost vig
ilance prevails throughout th fortifications,
and the energy betrayed by everyone, from
the highest to the lowest, Is marvelous.
No one la now admitted to Port Arthur, .
The women from DaJny, which was dovmed
to destruction, sought sholrer here, but
were not allowed to remain any later than
Friday of lat week.
The number of Chinese seeking work on
the for liilout Ions and as servant la more
numerous llian ever.
As long as there 1 rice thire will be
Chinamen. The attitude of the Chinese
authorities la obanglng and beuonilug
threatening. The ai lives are clearly our
fiisnde and the authorities clearly an-
tagoulstic. For Instance, tbe governor of
tne province oi p u v now, luriusm or us
on the Uao Tung peninsula, has an
nounced that be will betiud all the natives
In our service very soon and that he will
burn Wafaudlan, one of the neighboring
towns, V hlch has shown Itself friendly to
the Russians. After the skirmish at
YV'afandlan between the Jt-pavueae advanoe
and the Russian guard, the governor ex
ecuted the Interpreter and tho servunt of
lieutenant lieilnier, the Russian military
chief lu charge of that section of the rail
road. Reyond Cape Terminal the Japanese are
landing Immense stores of rice and siege
guns, 'the surrounding heights are ou-
c ii pi id by their scout. The. Jupunex
struck the railroad llrst between Hunshlll-
fiou and Polandlen, ahout fifty inlles from
iera, and bluw up n lex llutl of tho bridge
with melinite. They fired on our suntrles
and, later, finding one of tbam killed, a
Japanese took off his tunio. rolled It up
mid placed It under his head as u pillow
and then reverently crossed Uie dead muu'a
arms over his breast.
On Saturday, May 7. I deoided by ho,k
or crook to loin the Manchurian army ut
Llao Tang, ft being pluinly ImposHlble to
write or telegraph from Port Arthur. I
paid a farewell visit to the batteries and
liixijected their positions.
Tli Kky whs of an intense blue, showing
tip tho filn'-k masses of Pape Htone and
the Irowuinef Diagua hill behind CUao