THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. MAY 12. 1004. , GRAIN AND PRODDCE MARKET WitUf Wheat Condition MtlaUlntd, bnl Acmgt fihrinki Contidertblj. GOVERNMENT REPORT DIVIDES OPINION 4nBBnnBBn) ' Local Short Bid Mar Corm Dow. Intention of Lea Interest. T . OMAHA, May 11. I. 4 2nl f,,L,.",n break wnlch I supposed . - w u"h government reports did r.Ii .m ,hlB morning, but It la yet too M-i ?. y how report will Influent peculation. A division of opinion U notlce 5y. .to tn report It makes the con. 2.-2 f winter wheat May 1 76 6. com 51m wiih condition of in .5 April 1, lH, SL; 'J'' 76.4 m li2. 941 In n ft? "J..'" 1Su0- T condition In higher 'nan had been expected, a In eg of 4 or t polnla being: figured from the preceding report. The acreage, given at 7.13 fro, tiowever, la decidedly bullish when com f"i,rZ& wltn tn eatlmate for April of 32, OoO.Ono acre. For May, ISOfl. It was M,r07,. 000, for ifafl for 1901 28.267,000 ana for 1900 26,585.On0 acre. The lone In acre g when taken with the estimate of acres abandoned, which la 16.4 per cent. Is thought to more than offset the main tenance of condition. Thin per cunt e-l abandoned acreage amount to 4.932.00O. 1-aet year the per cent was 13.4. The esti mated yiein, base on condition and acre age. Would be about 330.000.OIIA hUKhal. as egalnst the eatlmate for April of 32,iu,0"0 at no inn inon-niea yteia ror May, lwO. or 4oono.ono. for 1902 of S2a ooonno of inii ik. Otai.OOO and of 1908 of 378.000.000. The acreage uinnnnrq in Indiana in figured at 9o4,flno, In Ohio 47B.OHO and In Kunsaji 713 deal. Knu. mm grain men are ridiculing the estimated abandonment of 12H per cent In their atnto mu ijr ii uori nni exceen x pr cent. W hile the report shows a decrease It still how the United State an rmnrtlm coun try, and It remain to be aeen whether Kurope will rise to the American figure or whether the market on this aide must get down. Local short were busy during the early j'n oi ino session ana worsen tne May corn down by noon from 53c to 52Hc Chicago opened at 47c and ranged from 47Vic to 4874c. Omaha Julv onened at 4.1 Ur. ad vanced to H and eaaed off to hi- Chicago ranged rrom Vinc. , The range In prtre of Omaha grain for iuiure aeuvery ana tne clone tueauay anu today were as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. T'd y. What May 92 tt 824 93 B 92', B JUly 78B 78B Corn May 63U tSW K 52HA B3J4B July 4&H 46 46 6' HB Oata , , May .... .... .... 41HB 1B July r " M . 87 38 B 37H Bept ; .... SOA 30UB A Hiked. B bid. Local ,at flraln Marttet. Com men are wondering what the local Interest which control the cash corn la Intending. The local market la already high and 1 tar of No. 2 white corn and several ear of No. 8 yellow corn were car ried over "for better prices. Corn ad vanced today lc from Tuesday's market, but wheat and oats were steady. Receipts were: Wheat, 1 car out; one week ago, t and cars. Corn, 42 cars in and tears out; one week ago, 14 and 2 cars. Oats, cara In; one week ago, none. The corn receipts were the Urgent for several weeks l - I ,. il&rtl-- l,on fhlontri. BIIU WVIO V HtUHCI lli.ii ....... ..-.. That market received only 19 cars of wheat and 38 cars of oats. Representative sales of car lots by sam ple, on track, Omaha: . . . Yellow Corn-No. 2, 1 car, 52Vic: No. 8. 6 cara. 42c. Hard Wheat No. 4. 1 car, 77c. WHEAT No. 2 hard winter, 8590c; No. I hard winter, 084c; No. 4 hard winter, 64376c; No. 2 apnng, 85f90c; No. J spring. CORN No. 2. 61(&2c; No. 3, 6086lc; No. I Bti6Ae- no a-rad. 4fltfi46c: No. 2 yellow. H4f52V4c: No. 3 yellow, 51i&ulV4c; No. 2 white, 61(t62c; No. 8 white, b0461c. OATH NO. X, 413; ino. a, iw: rxo. , 3c; No. 8 white. 42343o; No. 3 white, Hit izc; standard, 4141Vc. Notes from tae iCachanare Offlces. John H. Daugherty of Minneapolis waa an exchange visitor. Omaha Inspections of grain were 13 cars, vi vm cara araded No. 8 corn. 2 cara No. 3 yellowT"-'fWtr: wfcjte,' J-or Ntv t, White Hlia cars ui uaia mv. o wiuiu. Omaha stock of grain are: Wheat, 177,878 bu. ; corn, i32,2S5 bu. : oata, 112,829 bu. Con tract corn stocks; Merrlam & Hoimqulst, 122,764 bu. and Union elevator. 81,974 bu. ' Grata Maritaca CIukihi, Closing prlcea of grain today and Tuesday at the markets named were as tollows; CHICAGO. Cloaed Wheat July Beptamber Corn July September Wheat July September Coru July ' Beptafnber Wheats July September Coru July Today. TueS. 86B 8 B W,A (WSB 48HA 48 KANSAS CU'Y. 74HA 74B 7tH 7oi 44 42S M'f . UjUIs. 83VsB 84 81 A MA 4 47 40SB 4 6(4 A September MIN N ttAPOLlS. Wheat- July ....... fceptsrnber Wheat July September Wheat July toevtejnbcr 2B 93B LUi.UXH. 92 0 8IV4B 84 B 90 90A WVB M-A CHICAGO CHAIN AM) PROVISIONS Faatnrea oi the Trading and tloslag 1. Prlcaa oat Board of Trad. CHICAGO, May 11. Improvement In con dition of tne growing In Hie Lnued btaiua and pruupecis 01 an enormous yleid In the canudlau northwext caused heuvy liquidation ot whisat today, r'inui quota tions on July snow a loss of corn la up He. oats gained r'lovlstons vary from a shau hlgiur to lte lower. Notwithstanding extreme bulllsliness ot tha government crop report, the wheat market opened barely steady, July being a ahada higher to -)u higher at oo'yat, Lter, under a decline, july dropped to M', teoc. iarl of the Ions waa resumed, but the market cloaed weak with July at Ht fcVC. Clearancea 01' w.uiat and liour were uual to )t,4ow bu. I'rimary recelpta were lil.OuO bu., 00 111 pa red wltli 2f,btjo bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Uuluth and Chlcsgu reported receipts of bl cars, against S last week and 90 u year ago. Considering the wiiiij.xo in wheat, the corn market exhibited decided strength. The market closed at aoout the highest point of the day. July opened a shaue to lWo higher at 4oS1-', sold between Wo and 464'c, closing at 4ac. lca! recelpta were 7 cars, wan one 01 contract grade. The feature of trading In oats was an urgent demand for the Mny delivery from a prominent house. After opening Vstfa lower at July ranged between ibAo and tic. closing at Ssitc. laical receipts were Hi cars. Pro.isions wr easier on selling, sup posed to have been lor outside account, lha market received fair nipport at tlinee, but the demand was not sumclent to pre vent small loenes In pork and lard. July pork closed loo lower at 1 1. IS. V. lard was down bo at 88. 4 July rib closed a ahada higher at 86 37tou40. Th leading futures ranged a follow: Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. I Clos.Te'y. Wheat May a July b July Sept. Corn Supt. May July H)t. Oats May July tepu Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Blue .1.1 1 V I MV;)' rt 91V, 81 Se'ti-JHI 87 ' Stim t 87(4 KAti-ti1 6ViiV 84Tt.(tife 86V41 fKi n 1 i-i!ivU',iiiww';M5nw 80Htl 81 7)f '1 ! 47-t 47 4m4! 4!k148.'1B 47 47S I AtX. Ml'., 1 ' ' t A! S8HI el 41S! 40 I 4Utl 40 8', 38' SBHttH SuSSlJii j rsf 11 tvj 11 374 42WI U 60 I H 80 as 1 81 V 11 40 11 U ti 68 11 40 11 46 0 K0 6 45 t SO 8 4S f 62Vs i ssl 70 I 87 40 40 8-' 8 bi 8 r Sept. No. 1 a Old. b New. Cash quotations were ns follows: FI.orR Dull and steady;- winter patent, 84 7A04 80; winter straights. 14 ! 4 tin; erring patents, U-91 W- spring straights. ti ru 4 1: bskers, 12 .frfl3 . WHEAT No, 3 spring, 0(fifl6; No. 8, $18 83e; No. 8 red. 81 0JI t5. . WOliN-Js'o. 8. 4K, No. I llow, I3 OATS No. t 41fffiH!; No. 8 whit. 40H BVE No. 1 717. BARLKY Oood feeding, 8S88c; fair t cnoice malting. v&sc, FI.AX SKKDNo. I, 81 01H: No. 1 north- wemern, xi iiev,; prime timothy seel. i.w. PORK-HfM, per bbl , 111 infill.lZJ. LARD per loft lb., ft .7H RIBS Short side loosei. til fio ltV4: dry ailed shoulders (boxed), 8.2NS.Mi short cjear sines tDoxeai, ClXVEK-Contract grade, 310.75. Articles. Receipts. Shlement Flour, bhls...., gin 2110 Wheat, bu 6I.O1O 57.OO0 Com, bu 13i,6!0 JSO.JitO Oata, bu ig 700 102.?M) l!e, bu 11 son 8.7O0 Barley, bu ajgn lf.,901) on the produce exchange today the butter '" was steady; creamery, ncri""""; dairies, 13fcl7c. Kggs steady at mark tcaee iiitiuuiu), Cheese easy, nvc MEW YORK GENERAL, MARKET aotatloa of the Day on Varloas Cosaaaodltle. NEW TORK, May ll.-FIX)UR-Recelpts, 8.4M bbla.; export, 2.143 bbl.; market was steady at old prices Minnesota pat ents, 86.WrQ5.25; Minnesota oakers, 4.W ait; winter patent. 8'.uu.8; winter straights, 14 SOfco.uO, winter extras, t3 36' 4.00; winter low grades, tXlbaM0. Rye flour, easy; fiilr to good, IS.WXb.Id; choice 10 tancy, I4.1684.G). CoH.NMLAlHiMilv: yellow western, n.ool.l2; city, 81.loSl.13; klln-drled, 3.0o e.O. RVF f-iill- Mn 1 western. 70c SDOt. BAKLKY Inactive; feeding. 49c, 0. 1. f.. New York: ma t n. 6babc. c. I. f. Bunaio, WHEAT- Kerelpis, i.uuu bushels; spot market essy; No. 2 red, $1.08 elevator and $l.loi 1.11 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Diiluth. 9".'V, r. o. l. anoat; no. 1 nara Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. The el'ise showed 1i'Sc net decline. May closed at 2'c; Juiy, 89 H-16'8'90 15-18c, closed at W Jl-16c; September, :4JtfHc. closed at 8V; Dewmwr, B8ilK4o, ciosea at iwt" CUKN Recelots. 2.1WI bushels: exports 2M bushel; spot market firm; No. 2, 6lc elevator and 66c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 yellow. 60c; No. 3 white, 67c. There was a squeexo of May corn shorts today, due to scant stocks ' and prlcea advanced sharply, closing 14e net higher, with July e up. May, briVVnGSe. closed at Mc; July. 6-iV&i'4Hc, closed at 64Vic; September closed at 63Hc 810 bushels; spot market steady; mixed oats, 38 to 32 pounds. 4SH'fi47c; natural white, 30 to 32 pounds, 48aS0c; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, 61bmc. HAY Quiet; shipping, tlbOTOc; good to RICE Quiet; domestic fair to extra, 3V49 &',c; japan, nominal. HOPS Oulpt: state common to choice, 1903 crop, 2635c; 1903 crop, 23-'c; olds, 19 24c; Pacific coast crop, lSifli3c; 1903 crop, 23(V ac: 01a, ai4c. HiriRSbiilef nalvestnn. 10 to IS DoundR. 18c; California. 21 to 25 pounds, 19e; Texas dry, Z4 to 80 pounds, 14c. TALLOW Easy; city (2 per Pk. ci country (pkgs. free), 4He. LEA Thk.rt -Steady; acid. 23S2(c. WOOI V'lrnc Hnmelli- fleece. 2832c. 1 PROVISIONS-Beef steady; family, $960 610.50; mess, 15.00fii6.90; beef hams. $20.0 21.60; packet, $8.5Ofi9.60; city extra India mess, $14.O04T16.0O. Cut meat quiet; picaiea bellies. tH2nffiftM: nlckled shoulders. W.50; pickled hams, 89.50i3l0.o0. Lard, easy; west ern steamed, $6.80; refined, weak; continent, $6.90: South America, $7.60; compound, $S.12tt &6.26. Fork, quiet; family. $m w; snort clear, $13.26(814.75; mess, $13,00413.76. BUTTER Steady; fresh creamery, 14 20'4c; state dairy, common to choice, 13 l!ic. CHEESE-Old, Irregular; 911c. FOKLTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens, 12Hc; fowls, 12Hc; turkeys, 11c; dressed, dull; fowls, 12Hc; turkeys, 14gi5c. St. Loot Grata and Provisions. ST. IXUIS. May 1L WHEAT Lower, on realizing sales; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $l.m1.01H; track. $1.06gi.07; No. 2 hard, 96 j97c; July, 83HC bid; September, 81i8lVc. CORN Higher; No. 2 caah, 50Hc; track, 53c; September, 48(&4Sc. OATS No 3 cash. 42c; track, 43c; No. 2 whlta Till," 11 r- a.n.mkar 304-n lltd. FL6uR Steady; red winter patents, $40 COO; special brands, lS'U'JBc nigner; extra fancy and straight, $4.80&4.86; clear, $3,900 4.16. TIMOTHY SEED Unchanged. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.40. BRAN Quiet and unchanged; sacked east track 96c HAY - Firm; timothy, $8.808ri4.50; prairie, $6.0Oi9.0O. IRON COTTON TIES-82C. BAUOINO-trC. HFMP TWINE-C. PROVISIONS Pork lower: lobbing, Lard lower: Drime rteam. M 05. Bacon teadrr baatod wutra, shorts $743; -dear rios, xy.bu; snort ciear, 11. 10. FOULTRY Turkeys, lower; chickens. 9c; springs, $2.00534.00 per dot.; ducks, 9c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Slow; cieamery, lc; dairy,' 11 fil7c. LOGS Steady; 14c, case count. . Receipts. Shipments. Flour. bbl...;. 4.000 8,000 Wheat, bu 19,oo0 66.000 Corn, bu 43.000 , 8i.0O0 Oats. bu..... 47,000 47,000 Kaasaa City Grain avnd Provlsloaa. vr AKSAB CITY. Mav 11 WHEAT May. 86c; July, 74V40; September, 70c; cash. No. 2 hard, 93c; No. 3, ntfoasc; no. rea, i.viw 1.02; No. 3, 94iBc; receipts, 13 cars. t.'Ultn-My, ic; juiy, ev, " mixed. 62Vb34c; No. 1 mixed, 62&o8o; No. 8 white, MfrMHc; No. 3, 52853c. OATS NO. 3 wnite, i8oc; nu. ouou, 40ft4UM RY15 No. 8. 64c. HAY Steady; cholf timothy, $10.60011.00; choice prairie. $7.764i8.00. BUTTER Creamery, 15fl17e; dairy, 16o. EGXiS Lower ; fresh, 13ci KGGS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock 14o dos.: case count, new No. 3 whltewood case included, l$o, cases re turned. o lesa. Recelpts.Shlpments. Wheat, bu J?.) M.OOO Corn, bu U000 M.400 Oats, bu. .. 10.000 8,000 MlaB-poIl Grata Market. v. v n tl U uv 11.WHFAT Miv 93ic: July. 92Vic; September, 8oi6WT4jC. On track: No. 1 hard, 96c; No. 1 northern, B6c; INO. x norinern, o7i. T ,.l I1 m nat.ntl IS UtVtlft lfl ! MACOnd patents, 84.906.00; first clears, 88.6O&3.80; second clears, 82.60. BRAN in ouik, ia.auw'ii.w. Mllwaaltee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, May II WHEAT Mar ket lc lower; No. 1 northern, 97c; No. 8 northern, 9u&Wrto; old July, 86c asked. RYE Market lc lower; No. 1, 744ra7&,e. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 8c;. ampie 4m9 61c. CORN Steady ; no. i. ooiBtac; juiy, MikV 48c asked. . Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL May 11. WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 1 California, 7s. Future, quiet; Mav, 8s3d; July.. 6s4Td; September, 6 6Sd. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4a4Vtd; American mlxd, old, 4s 7d. Ku. turrs, quiet; May, 4s 4 Sid; July, 4s 8T4jd. Dnlatk Grain Market. DULUTH. May ll.-WHEAT-In tore: No. 1 hard. 93Vc; No. 1 northern, 92c: No. 2 northern, 89c. To arrive: No. 1 hard, 93e; No. 1 nnrt'rn, 93c; No. 2 northern, 90Vc. On track: TTo. 1 northern, 82W0964c; No. 3 northern, 8t92c; May, 92ic; July, 92c; September, lc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. May 11. SEED Clover, cash, $6.30; October, $6 76. Prime alstk.. 86 16; August. $8.30 bid. Prim timothy, $1.40; September, $1.46 bid. Peoria Market. - ...... . . v. v ' , v . , T n ftiiu strady; No. 8, 47c; No. 4, 44Hc. wihom un tne Daaia of $1.21 for fin ished goods. Wool Market. LONDON May ll.-WOOL Th offerings t th wool auction sales today amounted to 14,708 bale. There was strong competi tion for good greasy half-bred combing and medium New South Wales scoured! and extreme ratea wer paid. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales. 8.900 bales; scoured. Hdls d; greasy, 6d ils Id. Queensland. 4o0 bales; scoured, lldfls lOHd: greasy, 6 lid. Victoria. 600 bales; greasy, 9ritls Id. South Australia, m bales: scoured, ltfls 6Ud; greasy, si T 101. West Australia, Scio bales; greasy, iVtiUHd. New Zealand, 6.600 bales; greasy, 6d'il. Cape of Oood Hope and Natal, 2i hales; scoured. Is 8Ujd; greasy, 4Vt)8d. Punt Arenas, 4.4u0 balea; greasy, 7fiKd. Philadelphia Prodae Market. PHILADEU'HI A, May 11 BUTTER Firm: extra nearby prints, 2$o. EGGS Steady and fair demand; fresh neurby. nl umia, ii-u wrniern, liX'; fresh southwestern. 17V; fresh southern, ''cHEESE Dull nd lower: New Tork full cream, choice to lancy, tic; fair to good, sUtl- . to IT Market. NEW YORK. May ll.-COFFEE Th market for future opened steady at un hahged price to a decline of potnts, losing steady. Sales wi 33.760 baas, .wlu.lln May at I3ou6.a(c; July. i frnmekSc: Sepumber. 6 .6ti 8W-; October, 6 86c; Novem- ler. toor; uec'uini, .wg tvu, ana aiarea, $.3u3.M. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Lmij Epo'.i AnlmttM Dj of Lctbug-j in th. Mark.t. CROPS HAVE AN UNFAVORABLE EFFECT Proposed Is of Hood by Hew Tork Central an Item to Which Mock Importance I Attached. NEW TORK, May 11. There wer pe rlon of toaay trading tuat were Con siderably mji active loan recently, tut In th intervals the market snowed a pro found condition of letnargy that lids characterised It for some tl.oe. News de velopment were not lacking, but tne re sponse to them was very slight. The gov ernment s crop report waa regardea as aeclaedly untavoraoie In the amount or the prooabi yield inaicatea of winter wheat. Another news development to wnlch general importance Is attached is tne proposed Issue ot debenture bonds by tne New York Central. With bom stock and bonds authorized and not lsaued It la evidently an aomtsMon in effect of tne ImposslDiiity of issuing these on fa vorable term in tne present market. On the other hand the epiacing ot the deben ture Issue with a syndicate I evidence of some Improvement in the absorptive power of tne bond market. The conspicuous feature of the day's stock maraet was the selling of the United States Steel stocks, whlcn carried the common stock to 94, a level never be fore touched. Report from the trade were of declining demand for iron and expanding racllltics tor output by the Vntted stales Steel corporation's Iron department with resulting discontent by Inuependent producers anu suggestions of plan for steel works to provioe consump tion for their product. But by tar tne most notable development of the day was the enormous gold movement. Total en gagements for shipment tomorrow had leached $u,0uo,oot. While th subtreasury paid out yesterday $10,000,(KO on the Pan ama canal payment to Morgan at Co., the depository banks were called on at th same time to pay over about $12,000, Ooo of government deposits, so that there waa little net Increase In the available supply. Call money responded to the heavy Inroads on cash renerves, the rate rising to 8 per cent. The time monev market Is not afTectcd. Railroad made further poor returns of earning. Con solidated Gas fluctuated under tne opera tion directed against the shorts in the stock. The stock was not far from th lowest, a rise of hi in Amalgamated Cop per helped to steady the close. The bond market became Irregular In sympathy with the late weakness in stocks. Total sales par value 31,824,000. United State bonds were unchanged on call. The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange yesterday: Bales. High. L.0 w. Close. 6,800 724 714 72 Atchison do Dfd 400 2,300 2 78 t24 78 Baltimore 4 Ohio.... do nfd 7sy .... 91 1167, 11U Canadian Pacific 600 117 Cen. of New Jersey.. Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago A Alton 1&7 100 304 30i 30 BOO 38 38 3S do pfd 80H 15 Chicago Gt. Western 1.400 15 16 Chicago & N. W .- 169 $.400 142 141 141 176 8 77V4 c, M. ft t. p do Dfd Chicago T. 4 T do Dfd C. C. C. 4 St. L 70 i;. 62 21 1.16 Colorado Southern .. 100 15 16 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 100 21 600 167 "ioo so" 21 150 Delaware 4 Hudson. Delaware, L. 4 W... Denver 4 R. G 268 20 (iJvV. do Dfd Erie 11,700 11,400 300 800 2? 23. 23 do 1st pfd.... do td Dfd 37 37 37 66 60 66 Hocking Valley do pfd 900 78 78 78 Illinois Central 400 130 129 129 Iowa Central J'i 34 17 ..... .... . .... 34 do tfd K. C. Southern do pfd Loul. 4 Naah Manhattan L W JUK-j 1UK 108 2.000 143 143 143 100 77 77 75 496 109 108 109 Met. Securities .... Met. St. Ry Minn. 4 St. L M.. St. P. 4 S. 8. M 4Z 600 62 -1.900 ' ' fn 'hi.' .61 90 tlhi do Dfd 116 Missouri Pacific M 91 16 M., K. 4 T do Dfd 36 118. 113 86 ' 66 88 67 21 21 113 113 66 N. Y. Central Norfolk 4 Western. 1,000 100 200 113 66' do Dfd Ontario 4 Western. 300 21 26,400 114 Ptnnsylv&nia P.. C. G. 4 Bt. L... Reading 8,600 100 200 4.4O0 1,600 100 43 78 62 22 43 78 . 61 43 '78 do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd 60' ') Rock Island Co 22 65 46 13 . K 47 20 83 22 25 87 83 91 17 87 16 17 39 Vi do pfd 65., 65 St. L. 4 8. F. 2d pfd tit. L. S. W 48 do Dfd Southern Pacific .... Southern Railway .. 8,000 700 100 400 100 300 17,600 "' 1.400 47 83 22 25 88 3 88 46 20 do Did 83V Texaa 4 Pacific T. St. L. 4 W 22 25 38 do Dfd Union Paclflo 83 do nfd Wabash 17 87 do pfd W 4 L. R Wi. Central 100 17 17 do Dfd Mexican Central 8,400 7 200 226 , 7 223 222 .... 180 Adams Express American Express ... v. 8. Express 103 203 49 16 70 H8 to .. 6 27 8 28 18 83 Wells-Farco Express Amalgamated Copper 28,900 49 16 47 16 Amer, c. & f 300 do Dfd Amer. Cotton OH ioo 28 28 do Dfd American Ice 3O0 700 87 6 27 do Dfd Amer. Unseed Oil.... do pfd Amer. lxoomouve .. tiO I'M I0 8O0 900 18 W 49 9.) 127 18 82 48 96 do Dfd American 8. 4 R.... 49 96 do ord Amer. Sugar Refining 126 127 Anaconda Min. to.,.. 73 46 31 2(H 11 W 81 166 11 66 88 78 17 82 23 97 25 Brooklyn Rap. Tr.... 3.700 46 45 Colorado F. 4 I Consolidated Gas .... 16,300 207 203 10 66 21 156 Corn Product l,5O0 11 do pfd 1,000 2u0 SOU 66 Distillers' Seourttles. 32 167 General Electric Ir.t n I Paper do ord 800 66 lnt'nl Pump do old National Lead North American Pacific Mail People' Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do Dfd 800 17 17 100 400 26 87 26 7 M 2ii 2liI 211 6 6 6 8,100 200 100 1,100 1(10 ) 300 1.600 10 40 16 77 84 89 16 77 84 89 15 77 34 6 f9 ,5H 64 9 63 166 Rubber Goods do pfd Ttnnesse C. 4 I.... U. a. Ieatner do pfd 79 79 7 7 69 694. U. 8. Realty do pra U. 8. Rubber 15 15 'vl 63 155 ao pro U. 8. Steel J"." 10 !R 166 do pia fc'"" Westlnghous Elo. 3o0 Western Union luO 89 89 88 Total sales for the day, 281,800 ahare Boston toek tnotatlon. rent' time loana. S8Vt per cent. OfflolaJ .iiviii and bonds: ciosin - ... . mAI Am .. Tl :: i .. :: ? ... ia .. .. to .. M .. JIT4 .. M .. 1 :: ?v .. 14 .. 4 .. 41 .. I :: ilt :: 1 .. .. n' .. .. It .. .. tl ,f,U A4Tnti CMtni "is""!. Aiioua Aml(amat4 AnurlcAB Ziba Ata lo l, .rs fkstM Alb.r...JJ Atlntlo Bingham t'al. A Haela a.Mta ' ; Boatoa Elv rilchbur t4 Coiir Hnm"J.'! N K. H. St n..'-i " . u.ransus ' Uomlnlsn Cssl . into f.cik Amer. Ar. " jj TV,",.' iiv "Tub.::: ... Miii:::: Amr. eusar Mhi. 4a A-arT 4 T... A mar. Woolea ... IMS Mont. C. A C... 1VI4 DoDjInloo , 74 'i Ocol itu Parrot So nIM Inlsa I. 4 Kliaa Klae. Illa . l" U iJulllc Oaaaral Elaatna .. 1S Tanuirtck ., t iTrlnlty .. m'l- . Mlaln.... V. I. Oil ., 44 j Victoria .. M Wlna f Wolverlas .. Maaa lactrIC ptd Uaa Maaa. I mil Ita4 Fruit full ia4 thorn Maon to t Btasl V. I to H4 Asked. aw York Money Market. N c w I . , i. IX . m. r , vsu can, y at 1?I per cent; closing bid, 1 per t; offetod. 1 pr cent. Tim loan, ess cen eas raav anu jji. " j - - v u. v a . . .. . . . . . a u . . ' SSaT!-1 per rwni, m iii.'iiiiis, avov par cent. RIMK MERCANTILE PAPER-$it,4 p'.r. ItKLING JCCI1ANGE-Hea7, with actual business in bankers' bill at 84 M for demand and at $4 for an days' bills; posted rates, $4.6'SH.6 and $4 88; commer cial bills, $4.84. SILVER Bar, 55e; Mexican dollars. 44,c. HONPS Oovernment. steady; railroad. Irregular. Th closing quotations en ond are a fellows: V. I. r- fa, re ...10 Manhattan r. (. 4a..l0l in tMD4 a a a ,i ,nn. mrai 4a hi. 4o S. rag ...l5 do lat Inc USA so coupon ...104 Minn a St L. 4a.... H at.. K T. 4a lon4 do ta Tl N. R R. of M. e. a. 74 N. T. C. IWa N. J. :. s. ta 131 4o uw 4a. rag I4 e eoupoa UlVa do old 4a. rag.. do coupon Atrhlann (n. 4a. ...ol ...Iffl ...lot ... tltt so alj. 4a No. raclRc 4a. 104 Atlantic C. L. 4a V; do la B. A O. 4 101 do Sa l Central of Oa. 4 do lit tne 71 Chea A Ohio 4a...io4; N. a W. c. 4a o. s. L 4e A par Tenn. conT. iva. Raattlna tan. 4a... 4H .... ' St. L. A I. M 4a 114 Chliaxo A A. Wa.... 7"4 f- L T. f. 4a. a4 C , R. A Q. n. 4a ... St. 1, u. w. la ii . C. M. A B. P. g 4a.,10n Seaonant A. U 4a. r. A N. W. e. Va ...!;- Sr. Pacific 4a C. R I. A P. 4a.... ill ISO Railway ta.... .114 .1114 . to .1064 . 1S . TIT .111V. . "S . Ki . . . 711 do col. ta 7v vaa A r la C C C. A 8. L. g. 4a.. 101 T. , 81. h A W. i Union Pac-too 4a... do ennv. 4a IT. S. Steal Id (a. Wabdph la do df. B W. A L r. 4a... wia. Crntral 4a.. Cole. F. A I c. I Chicago Tar. 4a Con. Tobacco 4a aH MS 5SS Coin. A So. D A R. O. Brla prior lien 4a : do (ten. 4a ks P. W. A I). C. U...107S Hocking Val. 4V,a...l(l7 U A N. uni. 4a 101 offered. London Stock Market. I.ONDON, May ll.-Closlng: Conanla, monar 4C?a N. Y. Central.. ..111 .. 44 .. 10 .. tl .. 4fS .. 10S .. 2 do account to l ia, Norfolk A w... Anaconda 3 Atrhlann 73 do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.... I"N Canadian Paclflc Iltl Chaa. A Ohio Jl Chicago Ot. Waatarn It ('.. M. A St. I 140 DeBaera it L. A It. O S'lS do id 11 Erla t4V4 do lat pfd. 44 do !4 pfd l- IJIlnoia Ceutral 1SJH Loula. A Naah HIV. at., K. A T !7V do pfd. Ontario A W.. Pannaylaanla Rand Mlnea ... Reading do lat pfd . 4 do Id pfd a So. Rallvajr do prd So. Parifin t'nloo Paclflo do pfd U. tt. Steal do pfd Wabaah do pfd Spanlah 4a 4 K'4 54 1S4 ikj SILVER Bar, oul. t :id per ounce. MONEY 1. iSSV wr cent. The rnte of In the open market for short bills Is 2.'i2 1-16 per cent; for three months bins, : l-lwj).Vs per cent. n York Mining Mocks. NEW YORK, May 11. The following are the closing prices on mining stock; Adams Con. SO M Little Chief .. $ Alice Braeco Brunswick Con Comatock Tunnel ... t:un. Cat. A Vs.... Hura Silvar Iron Glivar lieadvilJa Cou Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoel Sarage. Slam Navada dniall Hopea .. Standard ...3&0 ...440 ... f ... It ... 28 ... 40 ... It ...IOO , i . 4 . 10 .140 .Ui .110 , a Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, May U.-COTTON-Spot In creased In demand; prioee li points lower; American middling lair, 7.'iud; good midd ling, i.ijtol; middling, 7 o2d; low middling, 7.4 i; good ordinary, 7.2sd; ordinary, 7.0a. Futures opened easier and closed easy. American mkiallng, g. o. c, Mao', 'i.l'tia; May and June. i.Jud; June and Juiy, 7.20d; July and August, 7.lttd; Augusi and Septem ber,; September anu October, 6.84d; October and November, 6.1ld; November and December, 6.04d; Decemtwr and Janu ary, 6 Old; January and February, ti.Ood. NEW i'OKK, May 11. COTl'ON Spot, quiet; middling uplands, 13.75c; inlddilng guif, 14.uuc; sales, bJ bales. NH.W OKL.EANS, Way it.-cunun-Fufures oulet and steady: May. 13.0690 13.69c; June, 13.8s'0.13.89c; July, 14.08ul4.09c; August, 13.13i13.14c; Beptcmoer, u.UiiU'ii.wc; Novem ber, ll.04il.0t; DeeemDer, ll.t2tCfll.U4o; mar ket quiet and easy; sales, i'65 bales; ordi nary. 11 7-16c: cood ordinary. Uic: low miualing, Uc; middling, goou midd ling, 14 i3-h)C, middling tail', It i-16c; re ceipts, 4,009 bales; 8tocK,v178,Uo& bales. Movement of Gold. NEW YORK, May 11. The engagement of $l,ovu,0O0 goid -by lizard. I'reres lor ship ment to aiurope. on tomorrow s steamer was announced today and a similar amount wa engaged by Uoldmuit, Uachs & Co. Heidelouua, Ickelheimer at Co., will ship i.ouo.wu on Thursday, making tne total thus tar announced for shipment on that day, $0,600,000. ' '!. l-.aier in the day the shipment of $2,000, OOo gold Dy the City National bank raised the amount of tomorrovf ' shlpmenis to $i,ooo,ooo. ;i ... "t--v v : . ine total of Thursdays shipments reached 9,uo0,0UU afterwards, when Gold man, bach t Co., incrjiuped tnelr ship ment lroru .$l,000,ty r ai.luo.wa and me Koyal Bank or: cajijttlu'.aiinounoed an en-, gagemant of--l,0uu,,oba' MulSbwlng tile An nouncement ot goiu shipments aggregating $9,uoo,0u0 on Thursday Taste the unuttlcial report that J. f. Morgan oi Co., will prob ably ehip from i,0U0,o00 43,000.000 addi tional goid on the Bte-aJiialui til. Paul, gall ing tsaturaay. Metal Market. NEW YORK,. May li. METALS Tlu had a partial reaction, in L6ndon, apot closing at 4. lib t 6d auid futures ut 4Ci24. The local market responded slightly to the better tono Abroad. -Copper declined 5a in Ion don to 67 10 lor spot, anu to 5i lis 3d for futures. The local piarket remained quiet and unchanged. Lone is quoted at lift.bu, electrolytic at lJ.lBH13.Z& und cast ing at $13.12. Lend was tuiciianged at 11 lis 6d in London and t4.6tMU-4.tio in tne New lork market, bpeiter declined is 6d in the Lngiisii inaraet, closing at tLi2 oh, but re mained unchanged here at o..X'o.2o. Iron closed at bin in Uiaegow and at . 4d in Middlesborougii. Locally iron was quiet and easy. ino. 1 foundry,.- northern, is quoted at $lS.ouoalB.oO; No. $ loundry, north ern, at $H..6't)16.W6; No. 1 foundry, sou'.hern, and No. 1 soutnern, soft, at 414. tvo 14.26. I'lg Iron warants are quoted Nominal at 9.o0(&9.76. '! 8T7 LOL'lS, May 11. METALS Lead, steady, M Spelter, dull, 4.&o. Foreign Financial. BERLIN, May 11. Exchange on London, !0m. 4J pfg. tor checks. Discount ratua, short and three month' bills, 3 per cent. PARIS, May 11. Thre per cent rontes, 9bf. 60c. for the account. Exchange on Lon don.' Jot. 10c. lor check. Prices on the bourse today were firm, with 4he exception of Russians, which were Weak. Rio Tintoa gained 9 francs. Russian imperial 4s cloned at 83.50. uiNUON. Mav 11. The money condition wer unchanged In the market today. The market generally was firm. Home rail were buoyant. Americana opened dull, re covered a fraction, then became inactive and cloaed quietly steady. Or,ind Trunk was firm on disappointing trainc returns. Japanese were sought; Ruusluns sagged. OH and Hosln. NEW YORK. May 11 OILS Cottonseed, easy; prime crune, nominal ; prime yerrow, 2nC. Petroleum, cany; refined Nw York, is lti: Phlladeluhla' und Baltimore. $f).10. ROSIN Steady; attained, common to good. $.biiu3.uo. OIL CITi". May U. OILS-Credit bal ances. 11.62: certltlcates. no bid; shipments 69,649 tibia.; average, 76,990 bbls. ; runs, 90,249 bbls.; average, ooi. , siupuieuin, iJima, &U.f7 bbls.; average, 67, 959, bbls.; runs, Lima, ib,J24 bbls.; average, 49,126 bbls. . SAVANNAH. May 11. OILS Turpentine, firm, 64c. ROSIN-Firm; A. B. C. D, $2 50; E, $2.60; F, $2.70; O, $2.76; 11, $2.76; I, $; K. $3.16; M. $3.36; W U, $3.66; W W. $3.88. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, May 11. EVAPORATED APPLES TIe market shows no quotable changes. Common quoted at 4g5c; prime, buJt4C; choice, 6Mltic; fancy, 7&7c. California dried FRUiTs-Prunes show some Improvement In tone In the absence of selling pressure and rulo about toady at prlcea ranging from 3c to 6c, according to grade. Apricots are quiet, but not being urged for sale show a gen erally firm undertone. Choice are quoted at 9'8,10c; extra choice,' 10(10c; tancy, Uttlsc. Peaches are In practically the same position as of late. - Choice are quoted at 7if7c; extra choice, 7m8; fancy, 9 ji:c. ' Dry Goods Market. NF7W YORK. May II.-DRY OOOD8 Buyers show continued apathy, although nere ana nine n - " on memorandum is evidenced. The an- . . M . 1 . r.t CI ...... nouncement oi ino iii(ui.iiuii ... p-imi , Pembroke & Co. has been the topic of 1 a . I Vl n- II . Il.ii , 1. principal rtinvrrwii"" hj n today and Considerable speculation hfta been Indulged In regarding the ultimate (aaue. Condition of tke Treasury. w a a li I v.tav Vlav 11 TV,,t u , ' - .1.1.. ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exoluulve of the $lij0.000,0u0 gold reserve In the division of redemption, hows: Available cash balance, $178,029,0; gum, tUliWUil- Dank f'learlags. OMAHA. May 11 Bank clearings for to. day, $1.191, 741. , a dei-reae of $)i7,7s7.98 fi rom the corresponding day mat year. Allege Broker Are Hankrnpt. NEW YORK, May 11. An Involuntary pe tltion In bankruptcy was filed In the 1'nlied State district court today against Floyd, Crawford A Co., brokers. The charge ar made In the peH'lon tl"lt the nr,n PJd out (references to th amount of $3.0uD; that both members are In hiding, that an at tachment was Issued in th supreme court for $2.U24 and that th sheriff baa levied on th property. Robert C Morris wa ap pointed receiver. 01IAUA LIVE S10CR MARKET Ogttl fi4Wipti Af ail Modsrgtg and Prict BuUd Staidy to 8tronf. HOG MARKET EASED OFF A LITTIF Practically No gheep and Unki on gale and Market Uooted ftoarter Lower on Beat Gradea and Fifty oa Other Than High Time. SOUTH OMAHA, May U. 19"4. Recelpis were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday 4.221 6.190 4.9.9 Offlclal Tuesday i.122 .19l 3.811 Ortlclal Wednesday 8,023 6.760 4i Three days this week.. 10,366 21.131 T.S Stime days last week..,.14.1i! So.! l-s, Hume days week before.. 17. 997 35.0M 17,206 Same three weeks Wgo.. 16.892 36,991 37.1! 8nm four weeks ago. . . .1H.6S4 38.777 21.4-') Snine days last year 13.042 ' 23.957 10,8X2 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR To DATB. The following table show th receipt of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for th year to Oat witn comparison with lat year; )vi. Ino. Cattle 366,201 848,821 7.3t) Hog Bon.Otrt 81t,i'2U 85.A4 Sheep ul4.6t.i9 477,163 137,367 Average prlcea paid tor hoga at South Omaha tor tli last several daya with com parison: Data. l.l9M.i$)$.lkll.l)0.lW.l April 18, April It April 20 April II April it April u. April 24. April :. April M April 2i April 38 April zi April 30, May L. May 2.. 4 79 4 ; 1 4 811 4 iv-tui l 8l J4I 4 V I i :4l Vl 4 wi 4 bim 1 468 1 4 66411 7 141 M 1 $ 961 7 10 I 7 lu 6 8 7 06 861 7 Olj 8o 7 W UU 7 941 7 08 I Ml ft!i 6 83 7 07 1 6 77 7 W 6 M 6 9d 6 831 6 90 761 7 61 1 7 Ul, 6 761 t Ml 6 891 8ft! I 5 80 I M b 7t 6 11 1 6 7'i 6 'li, I 6 6i 6 M 6 64 6 7i 6 (-1 6 4 I 491 4tt I 41 l 4J, I li 82 )! S 8V el 5 $2! t 26 6 18 6 1T 6 84 b 'Ui I t 21 6 101 6L 6 16 6 16 I 6t I 3 71 I $ 761 I 3 72 I I 74 7 .' Oil t ko 8 3 t'i 3 S69 S 8 9 I I 61 ' 3 6o 3 3 66 8 3 W 3 8 U 3 3 64 $ I 8 3 69 ' 3 bbl 3 3 t-1 3 3 62 3 May May May May May May $.. 9!'. I 5 9l I I 4 t4 i I I i 07, I tl 1 4 64 I 6 72! 7 W, a aiti A uv' 5 67 V WW, V l 6 681 6 93 6 t3 V 0U 6 621 7 08: I 7 tl . 6 64 I 6 9 6 64, 6 tx 6 tl & 66, Alay May 10. May 11.. Indicates Sunday. The utncial number of cara ot stock brought. 111 today oy eacn roau was: cattie. Hogs, li s C, M. &. St P. Ry . u J Vv abash Mil rue Ky li o cnion i'acinc byaiein 22 2u C ec N. vv . liy a 1'., n.. tt M. v. it. It 2u 1 ., 01. f., -vl. tt o. tty 21 iu t. ti M. Ry 42 14 9 C, 11. ie 14. Ry 2 2 K. C. U 81. J 1 c, rt. 1. at r. ity., east 2 C, It. 1. Ac f. Ry., west 8 Illinois Central X 1 Chicago ureal Western 2 Total receipts 144 94 4 The disposition of the day's receipt waa as loilowa, eaun ouyer puiciiaslng tu num ber 01 head uiuicsvtu: 1 Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omanii Packing Co i'JS 082 26 Swltt and t.oinuaiiy 69t l,o8 Cudahy Pacaitig Co ul 2,Lo b2 Armour ft Co Via 2,000 Armour dt Co., Sou City i3U Vanttant tt Co 2 Carey ft Kenton 61 Lobman St Co b 11111 6c Son 7 Huston 6c Co 7 L. F. Husg 4 Wolf te Muinaii 9 RothBChlid & Hamilton... 12 8. t 8. Co 2C Root & Co M. Hagarty 12 Hhsrtdanv-Meat Co 21) .. Other buyers 124 2V8 Total 8.042 7,180 7i ci'i'Tt.k' Hni'Dinta at all Doiuts were ' . ... . a ,iu mnrnUiir lint in HnttA again IIIUU'.i 1 .,.in ...w. - 1 01 that fact there was 110 material improve- . ... . 1 , . .. , 1 -1. 1 .... . u-.A U 1, ,1 - ,1 a ment in cue miti act. niMieu City were both quoted only toady, o there was not lliucn cito4iv;o tui twwnn boost prices to any extent. In some cases though they did succeed in getting a little more money. About the usual proportion of the ofier- 1.. 1... 1 . . . nn.,,.raH aliutra n H 1 h. general market could be quoted steady to Strong. AS a geneiai cinii. strength was confined to tne more deslr . u. ...... a ,.t i,,,h.- wlltta nnd some thing choice of that kind may have sold in onto instances a iiccio 1111101. n m ratlier difficult, though, to got more thun teadv urlce for anything on the plain order. While the market could not be ouoted particularly active, sun ina canto , . . . . i .H ih ai.fllna and a arntta ACUt IllUtllia vniu - , cltarance wa made at a reasonably early hour. . , .... The cow margei was quoiea gent:iu.iijr strong and fairly active. There we;e com paratively few on sale, and as all the buy ers wanted some fresh supplies they had to hurry in oraer to gee men utu. v,n.inv. stuff did not show much of any Improve hut the a-nod to choice grades of cows' and heifers were In good demand with prices a little higher rather thun 0tBulls'o'ld in lust about the cam notche they did veterdny, while the demand for veal calve showed some improvement. The market lr anytmng wn stronger. Stocker and feeders were cart)e and any anything at all desirable could be quoted rteadv to strong. Common cattle were not rartlcularly active, but tlll they old with out much trouble at steady prices. Repre sentative sales: No A. 12S0 474 lot m W4 1 464 lfKil 7M 1072 11SS 114 1041 1110 1201 2 1174 1118 1014 1 10S , 111 1 1204 1 168 1144 , 1144 , 13H , 1068 17 lino 1630 1070 S3 1IK4 , 107 134t loot 1131 V147 471 Pr. No. At. Pr. 4 to 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 10 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 65 4 40 4 CO 4 40 4 40 4 46 4 46 4 44 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 I 76 4 10 4 14 4 40' 4 44 1 4.... I 1 I 7F, 4 04 4 10 4 10 4 90 4 30 4 6 4 16 4 16 4 to 4 10 4 W 4 14 4 M 4 80 4 M 4 16 4 86 4 16 4 36 4 16 4 15 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 a 4 46 4 46 4 46 4 46 4 4(1 4 46 4 60 4 60 II... 14... it... 16... 40... 34... 1... 14... 16... 64... II... II... 24... 1... It... t... 17... 6... 23... 43... 10... 16... 20... S... 1... II... to... 20... 13... 34... 14... 64... It... it... II... 4... 60... ... Hit 6t 1141 I860 1164 1210 1100 mi llaO m 114; 1220 JI 1100 1114 1190 1(K5 1S20 11.10 12f 1344 1131 1341 1344 1217 UHO 13.0 1867 1404 1128 1121 1241 131X1 1331 12C1 1440 1444 1364 1661 12:... 411.... 14.... I.... 10.... t.... .... 11..,. V,.... 16.... 1.... 16.... tl.... tt.... tl.... ta.... .... .... m.... 11.... M 44.... SO.... 4.... tl.... 1.... 4 . i. M II.... to 23 1 1 .... 1 4 4 4 I U 10 4 14..... 4 t II 1 I 1 I IT I 1 1 1 ( 1 it t It I I 1 1 I 1 1 4 47 1 .... I I I I 1 4 I..... I 1 I 1 I t 8 I i I 1 4 M 4 10 1211 20. 1244 'rtkkrh. and COWS .... 130 . I T6 24 1071 .... 431 4 00 17.,.: IQuI .... lit 4 10 " ' STEKRS ANU HEIFERS. .... 110 I N It 1061 4 44 .... 741 .... 410 . :.. 740 .... 147 STB ....1110 4 04 II lot ,4 41 4 49 14 1266 4 60 4 40 13 1301 4 10 1KRS AND 8TAG8. 4 24 COWS, r I 00 ..!..'. 440 I 78 I 04 11 404 t 18 14 II Ml 3 7i 1 t6 4 1140 to 8 30 1 II HO lu 3 10 4 IMS I It I 86 1 1330 I 16 I 16 t lOftO li 8 40 - II i 8 II I 60 1 13.VJ to 8 60 1 1170 I 0 I 40 :l 1141 40 I bit 1 11M) i (HI 8 44 t 1060 4 00 8 70 4. 1060 I M I 76 1 1240 4 00 I 76 113m I 00 I 74 1 1410 4 00 8 II t. 1U6 4 00 8 16 4. lit 4 00 8 T6 4 Ilu7 4 00 I 74 14 1047 4 00 3 76 4 104 4 10 t lb 8 134J0 4 10 '8 AND HEIKERS : to is 8i4 4 4 06 HEIFERS. I 26 14 141 1 III I 40 I 740 4 Or, 1 40 4 733 4 40 I 47. 1 64 4 04 I 16 II 0'3 4 10 8 66 4 410 4 16 I 76 BULIJS. I 84 1 670 II! t 40 1 1630 40 I 00 1 Iltio 4-1 I 00 1 1770 I 71 8 40 I .. .I4VI t 10 8 16 I 1 '.JO 3 70 I 26 I 1870 8 Tl I 3k I I 71 8 84 1 14W1 U 8 31 I ion 1 in 8 40 1 u. i a-. $ 84 I ltio 8 k'J ....140 ,... 117 ....1130 1040 nam .... MO ....1131 ..M 11M ,,..1130 ..,.114 . .l.lf'NI .... 114 1244 1174 .....10M .... t ,...13W .... 174 K0 1240 ....1136 ....lino .... .Ii COW 766 .... 114 .... 410 .... 620 .... 410 .... 441 616 .... 440 .... 7 ....1140 ....1"0 ...10I4 104O .... 710 1F.10 ....1411 .... 170 ....1416 .... 120 ....1214 14 2 17a I M I41 I 16 620 4 0 1049 4 24 I ftM I 66 1 1 1174 $ 69 CALVES. 1 I4 t tt I ... 1 ;. 4 it - 4 ... 1 140 I a 1 ... 1 130 4 OS I..... 4 14 4 00 1.... I ay 4 00 I 14 104 4 on 1.... 1 140 4 tS I.... 1 140 4 60 ... Hf 4 T ...214 4 76 ... 10 I M ... 19 I "4 ...160 I M ... tm I On ...130 I 23 ...174 I 16 STAOS. 1 1170 I K 1 1?0 I Tt 8 TUCKERS ANU PEKDKRS. 1. ... 440 t 4 I 06 t 71 1 377 I 36 t li:4 4 76 I 414 I 60 I 7a I 4M 4 4.14 3 70 11 1.. t"7 4 10 I IU4 8 71 4 T34 I to HOGS There was a very light run of hogs this morning, In fact the smallest run that has arrived at the middle of the week for some time past. The market opened with packers bidding not a great deal lower, but before much of any nuxl ness could be transacted leys favorable re ports were received from Chicago and aa a result packers began to pound the mar ket here. Tho general market could be quoted 24j5c lower than jeoterday'B aver age. Chit-ago cloaed 8m 10c lower and the extreme close here was decidedly weak, being fully a nickel lower and in some caaea even more. Trading whs not very active at any time, aa salesmen did not like the Idea of setting prices take a drop, but owing to th moderate offerings the market came to a close In good sen son. The bulk of the hog sold from $4.62 to $4.67. with ch.ilce loHris as high as 4.7. The common and ' light stuff went iroin $4.62 down. The weights of the hogs to. day were fairly good, but th generul qual ity was not as good as yesterduy. Repre sentative salos: No. At. 8h. Tr. No. A v. Bh.- Pr. 47 161 120 4 60 73 ;u Ml 4 6 tl 193 40 4 (2 77. 220 i 46 41 178 ... 4 6.1 n M J00 4 61 1 303 10 4 10 M 115 ... 4 5 17 4 40 62 223 40 4 Si 12 134 ... 4 44 r, 250 ... 4 45 76 1 120 4 40 li.. 270 44 '4 214 HO 4 to 6.1 24 u0 4 46 47 1K0 12" 4 40 -,2 t! 4 as ! f0 4 40 U. tit 00 4 15 44 221 140 4 I" . I) 140 12H 4 46 II 141 140 4 40 -4 2.14 4,1 4 4;, 10 148 ... 4 60 ta Z2i 1-0 4 It 13 2t 160 4 40 10 iiij 540 44-, 1 M 4 42V 47 214 0 4 7 73 323 . Ill 4 62W 40 228 40 4 17 1. 16. 44. .224 40 4 62 76 2C4 ISO 4 67 Va .138 40 4 44. 18 2.13 u 4 17 77 121 40 4 421 2 214 ... 4 12", 16 201 120 4 424 II. 62. 41. 71. 74. 41. ..2.4 120 4 47ti . 2:l 160 4 7, ..243 4l 4 67S ..146 411 4 47 S ..264 160 4 '.V, ..262 Ml 4 Hi, 70 Ill 40 4 42va af 130 ... 4 62 ' to 40 4 isv, 4 HO 80 4 42W 44 .Z4i Ml 4 1 231 ... 4 62 8 166 nut a a:i 263 40 4 42 V, 7 251 ... 4 67V, 73 134 m 4 42V 43 . ... 4 67v; "1 IPS 120 4 62 42 127 180 4 47V, ll 133 164 4 42 46 .'.161 40 4 47 ''t 346 ... 4 65 10 260 160 4 67 7 122 40 4 46 74 120 40 4 47 ' M fg 7 tit 60 4 47 IH 80 4 46 21 368 ... 4 67 M 30 40 4 61 M 0t 160 4 47 J?' 3 80 4 48 77 231 120 4 47 'J 10 4 48 1 4 216 ... 4 .7 '35 to t 46 84 IM ... 4 47 5' J 0 4 66 40 38J ... 4 70 U ... 4 66 67 267 ... 4 70 Si ' l 4 66 44 274 40 4 70 "' JJ' 0 4 66 42.. t44 ... 4 70 fj-l J" tdO 4 45 46 274 40 4 7t 1 324 80 4 M i..SH?EPrTh'r' Jt few odd Punches here this morning, so it could not 00 uald that a teat of the market was made. Whllo the market could perhap be Quoted steady, still It was very evident that packers were, not particularly hungry for cither ahoep or lambs and claimed that lift. ,nuitl, market In the east Is still In a r.,.te,"-cmorall,!,,i' condition. As compared with the high time previous to Tuesday of Inst week the market is Just about a quar ter lower on th good to choice g ades of sheep and lambs, while the oomminer flades ,Rle 26i'Oo lower and very dull at Ihe decline. Other markets have also suf fered so that the prices paid here are well in line with thone at other point. Quotations for clipped tock: Good to mb- .S036.05; fair to good lambs, K?a!35'22: &o1 to cholc wooled lambs. WX0JC.,6; fair to good wooled lambs, $6.00 to rno'c' yearlings or wethers, f2???'5: alr to good yearlings or wethers, 84.,&(j6.00; good to choice ewes, $4.7ofi4 90; fair to good ewes, $4.6044.70. Representative sales: ??' .t . ' Aver. Pr. 14 native ambs n 6 40 19 native lambs 5 6 40 12 western ewe j.... b7 4 60 Stock in Sight. Following are the receipt for the six principal western of live stock cities yestar- uay Cat tic. . 8.023 .18,000 t . 7, o00 . 3.000 . 1,615 . 900 , Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha Chicago Kansas' CltV Bt: Louis St. Joseph Sioux City Total ............. 6.760 45 27,00(1 12,000 12.000 7.442 2,600' lO.tKO 2.000 3,0"0 4.896 .34,033 67,793 -19,940 CHICAGO L1VK STOCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep Ten Cent I'lgbcr and Hogr Lamer. ifiCHIA?V. M.ay., " -CATTLE-Recelpt. 18,000 nad, Including 160 Texan; marko; ?-,r," l0 100 higher; good to prime steers $3.1006.68; poor to medium, $4.15(ii.ri.09; stocker and feeder, $3.otM4.40; cow. $1 50 fc-4.50; heifers, $2.2ftM.60; earners. $1.60ft2.;0; bulls. $2.0p&4.0 calve $2.6oiiio.00: Texa fed steers. $4.5G.OO. HOGS Reoeipts 27,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 26,000 head; market closed 10c lower; mixed and butchers, $4.60044.86; good to choice l.eavv. tt 7Mi K7ic. !i'S??'M2: llKht- S-W; bulk of sales! $4.7oror4.80. BHKKf AND LAMBS Receipts, 10.000 head; market for sheep strong to lOo higher; good to choice wethers. $4.0'66.50; fair to choir mixed. t4.7(Vifi JA- w.-i-n hoep. $4604.60; clipped native lamb. $4.60 unjieu western lamus, 44.itU4.tnJ. Ww York Live Stock Market. NEW ' YORK. Mav 11 RERVRIST?.. celpts, 2,228 h?aa; market for t,teer firm to lOo higher; for bulls and thin cowa steady: for medium and good cows, steady to 10c lower; steers, $4.3i4ii.35; bulls, $; cows, $2.00'3.76. Cables unchanged. Ex ports today: 30 head of sheeD and L Hurt quarters of beef; estimated tomorrow, j neuu or came anu Li. neaa ot sneep. CALVES Receipts, b.426 liead: market1 active and 2&c higher; some sales GOc higher than Monday; 400 head that arrived late unaold; veal, $3.50(6.12; choice and selected, $6.25ftfi.6o; little calves, $2.00a3.00; btittertnllka, $.t.50; city dressed veals, firm at 60S9C per pound; extra, 9c. HOGS Receipts, 6,969 head; market Arm; good state hogs, $6.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.093 head; market for good sheep, strong; others steady; clipped lambs. lOtjlSc higher, qual ity considered; spring lambs. staadv: clipped sheep, $3.3&(2f 3.66; clipped culls, $t.6o; meuium wuoiea lamus, si.w. Kauatas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 11. CATTLK-Ha. celpts, 7,x8) head, including 50 southerns. export anu oresxeo oeei steers, X4.60t(t6.2; fair to good. $4.utxal.&0; western fed steerH. $4.00i&4.70; stuckers and feeders, $J.2o4H.70; soutnern steers, $3.76(04.36; southern cows, $2.26&8.4o; native cows, t2.ti0iift.ia; native lienors, weak to 10c lower, 83.6to.4.76; btill.s, $2.5os3.0; tulveu, $2.76!u6.6o. HOGS Receipts, 13,vmo head. Market 5c lower; top, $4.6; bulk of sales, $4.66Q4.8o; heavy, 84.75ti4.x6; puckers, $4. 664. mi; pig and light, H.'u4-70- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,0.H head. Market steady; native luinbs, $5.&of 6.60; western lambs, $5,0006.66; fed ewes, 14.(J'o&.O0; yearlings, $4.oocq5.2G; cllppetl sheep, $4.60ti4.75; stuckers nnd feeders, $J.5o 44.00. t. Loal Live Stock Market. ST. 1X)U1S, May 11 , CA TTLK Receipt, S.OoO head, Includlno; ttoO Texan. Market for natives steady, Texan slow; native ship ping and export steers, $4 &K&6.H0; drosscd beet' und butcher . steers, $4.oit(4.86; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.5iKft4.45; stockers and feeders, 83.25(&4.36; cows anil heifers, W.ixx.l 4.76; Cttiiners, ti.Wu'lUt; bulls, ;(.26(.4,26; calves, 3.6(j'6.0o, Texaa nnd Indian steers, lt.uiiQ4.eo; cows and hullers, $2.6Ki:l.7&. HOGS Receipts, 12,IM head. Market 10a lower; pigs and light, $4.404'4.t; puckers. $4bu&4.7o; butchers aud best heavy, $4. 60 4.76. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.000 head. Market steady; native muttons. $4 bo; lambs. $5.00(111.25; culls and buck. 4w.tKit.25; stocker, (.2.6ou3.2&. St. Joseph Llv Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 11. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,615 head. Market active, steady to loo higher; natives, $4.26oVJ.26; cow and heifers, $2.26'u4 66; stocker and feeders $3 2i4 40. ' ' HOGS Receipts, 7.442' head. Market 5c lower; light, $4.tio6j4.7&; medium and heavy $46o480. SliEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 4.8i5 head. Market active, stendv to strung western lambst $6.65; ewes, $6.25. Slons t ity Lite Stork Market. SIOCX CITY, la., May 11. fHpeciul Tele, gram. I CATTLE Receipts, 9(i0 head; lruir krt strong; stockers slow; beeves. t(g 4.80; rows, bulls and mixed, $2 3o34li; tot-ker and feeders, $3.0i83 90; calve and yt-HrlliiKS, $2 7T.(3.7B, HOG a Receipts, 1.500 bend: market we1 and 5r lower. Belling at $4.6044.70; bulk, $4t44.65. Sugar and Mnlasars. NEW YORK. My 11.-8I GAR-Raw fltrn; fair refining. 34c; centrifugiil, 96 len'.-3'v;; mola sugar. So; reflnad Arm NEW OIU.KANS. Mav 11,-H'JAH 8lcuu; ot eu kettle, 2Hi title; open kettl t... 114 t M . I . I W IH 1.. I..'. M'O 160 1.. rentrlfugsl. Sy.'Sr; centrifugal whltt 4V,I 4c: yellow, 343 4ic seconds. 2?c. Mo lasss. nominal; open kettle, a-ti.-; cen trifugal, 102 15c; syrup, nominal, .'04126c. OMAHA WHOLKStlT. MARKKT. Condition of Trade and Qaotatlna on Staple and Fancy Prodae. EGOS Receipt, liberal; market steady; fresh stock. 15c. LIVE Pol' I. TRY Hens, c; roosters, ac cording to else, tV((7c; turkes. Lc; ducks, 9c; geese. 5c. . , RCTTER-Packlng stock. 11V; choic to fum y tlalrv. H11l.Sc; separator, 2iV. FRiTSH KISH-Trout, 14c: pickerel, te; pike. 12c: perch, blfc; Msiertsh. L'r; white fish. 14c; salmon. He; haddock, loc; cod fish. 12c; redannpper. 11c; lobster, boiled, per lb, .tOc; bullhead, lie; catflsn. lSojllc; blsrk bass. 20c: halibut, lie; rrspples, 12c; herring, 6c; roe shad, 7bc; ahad roe. tic; tmI' olseo li. H RAN Per ton. $155. II AY Prices quoted by Omaha "VVhoIc snle IVslers' association: Choice No. 1 tip lnnd. $"i 00; No. t, $7.50; medium. $7.00; eoatse. $"i8o; rve straw, $5.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and tecel.ts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, all sites. $2.50. fancy navels, all size. $2. iVi3.00; Mediter. rnnean sweets, all sixes, $2..'t; Jaftus, all elsrs. $2.60. LEMONS Cnllfornla fnnry. 300 to SCO. $360; choice. 240 to 270, $3.00oj3.76. CALIFORNIA FIGS-Per 10-lb cartons, 65c; Imported Smyrna, s-crown, J.c; 6 crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per metlltim siitd bunch, 2."a20; Jumbo, $2.;.MS.25. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs. $2; Ser lb. In 60-lb boxes, tc; Oriental atutted utes, per box, $2.40. I'lNEAPPLES In crate of 24 to 42 per crate, $a.00. FRUITS. AFPLES Oregon Ron Davl. pr box, $1.50; New York export Ruaaet and Baldwins, $4.00 STR A V B F.RRIES Arkansas, per 24-qt. cuse, $2.C0(i2.25. VFOETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. $1.20; Dakota, per bu., $1.10; new Texas Red stock, in acks, ' N A V V "riE A N S Per bu $2.16(S-2.i5. ONIONS Bermuda, per 5o-lb. crate, $2 00. CABBAGE Cnllfornla, per. lb., 8Vo; southern, i.-r crate, $2.764M.OO. Cl't'l'MLERS I'cr do., 76cfa$l.a. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, fancy, 82 2f.; choice, $1.76. RADISH EK Per do, bunches, 3fvtf50c. LETTUCE Top lettuce., per doxen, 450 50c. TURNIPS-Houthern. per dox. 45c. DEETS -Houthern, per do.. 75c. CARROTS Southern, per do., 75c. PARSLEY Per dos.. 40c. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, $3.00; string, per bu. box, $2 00. SPINACH I'er bu.. home grown, MBSOo. ASPARAGUS Per doien bunches tofl&XU GREEN PEPPERS-Per 6-bsket crt. $2.00. EGG PLANT Per do.. $1.00. SQUASH Florida uminer. per dog., $1.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13tc; Wiscon sin llmberger, 13o, CIDER Per bbl., 86.50; per H bM.. $3.25; KAPLE 8 1 JQ A R Ohio, per lb., lOo. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, Be; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lb., 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs, 6hic; dry salted hides, 812c; sheep pelts, H727c; horsehlde, $1.50(ff2 50. HORSERAD: 8H Per orate of' 2 doxen packed. 0o. - ' NUTS-Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 1 soft shell. per in., 3c; ino. i hard aneii, per 10., i-'c riecans, large, per lb 12o; small, per lb., Oc; peanuts, per lb.. 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8e;Chili walnuts, 1 12HJ.18H": lrn rf'ory nuts, per lb., lie; almonds, saft rifcell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, 13c; shell '.f.r ks. tr bu., $2.0.'; black walnut, per bu., 31 as. Woxltl'l Fair. Via th WABASH RAILROAE. 13.60 St. Louis and return on inle dal'yi Wabash City Ticket crice, 1001 Ftrnim St.. Omaba The Bee Want Ads are tho Best Bui!n- Booatere. REAL ESTATE TRAXSPKIIS. Deed filed for record May 11, i90t, a fur nlshed by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, ibU Fnrnain street, to The Bee; John M. WUUuni and wife to ry Oleson. lot 4 und 6, tlock 20, Water loo ..'.. -.1 5'0 The Benson Land Syndicate to Pat- , rick. J. li'lytin, Uil 42, block 23, o.o- - .... on ., National Life Insurance company to David Cole, lot 13 and part o! lot li, block 14,'Koufltxe Place ..... t.fXKt Ciara B. Vymkn et al. to th Browr. Realty and Investment compr.r.y, several undivided interests In ptrt t c',4 sw4 3-15-13 i 1 Bedrich l1enstabier to Tel Jed Scsoi, lot 24, block i. Potter & Cobb t adc-.. Oi Fnnnle ilrandeis to Fannie I. Henry, sub-lot 6, lux-lot 1, 21-15-18, And other land IB.."-? John A. Avcr und wife to Arthur C. 1 a i? Vtellvedre X.iVO John H liarte anu wire cc uuiitar Pegu ik iota 6 end 6, Luke At Tem pleton s ... f. ',000 Mary MoKenna to Anton, ptrt of lot 1, block 4, H. E. Rofcers' add. Frank Krlss and wife to Cutherlno McElhany, part of lot 24, block 2. Mollntoeh ubdlv. 1,400 Oeorge M Nicholsen and wife to Jaooo Oustave, lot 13, b.'ock 2, Nich olssn s add.. Fnnni M. Ostram and husband to ' Henry F. iTngelhurdt und Ftndu M. Fnglehardt, lot 9, block I, Sininm' 2d add 8r8) William La. Murray to Charle IS. Whitehead, sV 11-16-10, und othor land t.OOO Omaha Realty company to J. L. Ktl- -bat, lot 6, block 8, 1st ndd. to South Omahn tVO L0WREY BR0S.& CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Room 212. N. Y. Life Building. 'Phone 8610. Bpeclnl attention given to telegraph and mall ordern. ClAHA. Updike Commission Co., GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Business handled promptly In all market Olllct, (62 Em Building. . Talepnon 2456. '' )' , O. W. UPDJK.E, MANAGER. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of the Interior, Ofnce of In dian Affali'M, Washington, D. C, March 2,.' 1934.- Sealed proposals, indorsed "Pruposnl for blanket, woolen und cotton goods', clothing, etc.," a tha cuse may be, and li- . rected to the CoininiHsioner of Indian ARiilr, No. 119-121 Woosler street, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock II. m., of Tuesday, May 24, 1904, for furnish, fng for the Indlun Service, blankets, woolen and cotton pouds, clothing, notions, hots and caps. Lids must be made out on Gov ernment blanks. Schedules giving all ner. exsury information for bidders will bo fur nished on application to tli Indian Office, Washington. D. C; the U. S. Indian ware houses, 119-121 Wooster street, New York City, 261-267 South Canal street, Chicago. III. ; 815 Howard street. Omaha. Nebr.; 6u2 South Seventh street, St. Loul. Mo.; the Commlsbarles of SubaWom'e, U. S. A., at Cheyenne. Wyo., nnd Ht. Paul. Minn ; the Otiarlerriiuster, U. 8. Seattle, Wash.; the postuiustera at Sioux City, Tucson, Port lti nd, Spokane and 'lacomu; and tlin Miinufucturers' and producers' Asxoriatlou of California, Han Franrlnco, Cal. Bid will be opened ul the hour and dny abovtt stated, and bidder are Invited to be pres ent at the opening. The Department re serves the right to determine the point of ; delivery and to reiert any und all bids, or any part of nny bid. W. A. JONES, Commlsaloner M2dl6t-M CHIEF OUARTKRM AHTEK'H OFFK E. Omahs, N'eu., May 9, 1904 Sealed propositi, In triplicate, will bt received here and by Quartermaster af th posts nmnr-d herein, until 10 a. m , central ktandard lime, jun .1 9. Tail, for fumuihlng oatx, bran, hay and straw during the Asrul year ending June;o, 19"5. at Omaha Q. M. Iieiiot. Forts Crook. Robinson and Niobrara. Nebraska; JrfTir aon Karrack. Mlasourl; I'orlt Ltavf nwortli nd Riley, Kansas; Forts D. A. RiiNsell, Markenzia and Wushnkle, Wyoming; Fort bi-a Moints, Iowa and Fort Meade, Bouth I'ukota. Proposal for delivery nl 01 her plHcea will be entertained. I'. 8. restive right to reject or crept any or sll pror piihuls, or am part thereof Information fiirnlahed on application here, of to (jwar termusters at stations named. Enveiopt-g eontalnltig proposal should be marked "1'ropoeal for Forage," and addressed to Majur i. L. SAWYER C. Q. M M-10 U-Jel-2 i-i U t