'"HIE OMAn.V DAILY HEE: TIimspAY. MAY 12, 1904. 7 r OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, t.u N. T. Life bids. T. 14. -31 LR. C RACE tEKGAN, K2 X. Y. Lite. TL &.8S. 93 Frtte Colt?, oster.ps.ih. So Paxton blfvk. 'J23 MRS JOirV R. Mt'SICK. OstecpH'btc Phy. r'.cian; offl.-c, I'oufcl block. Tel. K4 It Farwell, specialty nrryoua diseasrs. "v rsxtr.n. "T NURSERIES TRKES Omaha Nursery. :sth an1 Pour! is, Tel. 3608. MTa MJ " I-AftGE nssortmrnt of sii1 trrrs. fruit trees and flowerlns: rhruljn at Cr-s--nt rnirsrrv salergrour.'I, 21ft and Fiirn;m, , . Phone 3307. "69 l-rx FLORISTS IES8 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. -937 L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Sena for price list of cut flowers and plants -9 1 1 t f ALFRED DONAOHUB, JR.. 1607 Farnam, Tel. Xa. 615 LOST LOST Will the gentleman who found a brown purs- Monday morning rwar Third at.- reboot please return M'ya and locket to ill 11th ave.? lie may keep the purse and tusn. as reward. lst M.'J-lt POSTOFFiCfc NOTICE. (Should be read dally by tu. Interested, a changes may occur at auy time.) a-ureifu limns lur tile wjik ending Ma' 7. A, will c:ose (FKOMPTLY In ml ' cases) at the Oeneial t'oaiotlice aa fol lows: 1'arcrJa-pusl maiis close one hour earlier than cljeing Urn shown, belutv i'arcels-puat mails lor Uoriuany clone at b p. m. Wednesday. -' lUsuIar and supplementary malls close at f oreign station (corner of West and Mor ton striata; half hour later than closing time shown below, (except that supple mentary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign station;. Transatlantic Malls. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. fir FRANCE, per m. s. La Lorraine, via Huvre (mail ur other parts of Europe must be directed per .- a. La Lorraine";; at ll:3u a. m. (supplementary 1 p. ra.J for El liul L. . per s. . Loutsi hiund. via Pl mouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg; Ht ll:a(l a. m. for ITAif direct, per s. s. Prlnz Adalbert , (mall must bo directed "per a. s. Prins j " FKlDAr-At 0:30 p. m. for AZORES 13- LANDS, per s. s. Romanic, from H ston. ; : SA.XIRKAY At a. m. for ELKOPE. per a. s. tit. Paul via Plymouth and Clinr bnurg (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. a. tit. Paul", .at 8.3u a. m. (sup - piemsntary 10 a. m.) fir EUROPE, pes a. a. Umbrla. via Queenstown; at &:au a. m. ,. for BELUIU'M direct, per 8. s. Kroon- - land (mall must be directed "per e. . KroonJand'); at ; r.. for SCOT- . . LAND dlrut-t, per a. a. Anchorla (mail must be directed "per s. s. Anchorla"). r After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic malls named above, ad ditional supplementary malls are opened on the piors or me American, .ngnsn, . French and German steamers, and remain open-, until within ten- minutes of the heur -of sailing of steamer. Walla for South and Central America, 'Weal Indies, Ktc. THURSDAY A 3:30 a. m. for BARBADOS .and BRAZIL, per s. s. Catania., via Per- nambuco. Rio Janeiro 'and Santos (mall for Northern .BraalL .Araentlne. Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. . Catania"): at 4:3j a. m. for ARGENTINE, VRt'OUAT and PARAGUAY, per s. a. Eijulta; at 8 a. ro. for CUBA, per s. a. Vigtlancla (mall for Mexico, via Progreso. Campeche nd Vara Crus must be directed "per s. s. iVHrllancia'); at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria; at 12 m. (supplementary. 1J:S0 p. m.) for BAHA MAS,, per s. a. Stvntlago (mail forWexioo, via Tam pica, must -be directed "per s. s. . rantlago r' . . "..- FRlDAi t ;M a. m. (supplementary 10 30 a. m) for FORTUNE ISLAND, HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per M. 8. Athos ,--naU fr-oher part of Colombia must 1 be directed "per s. s. Athos"); at 12 m. r for-OUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per p. s. Clenfuegos (mall must be directed "per a. a. Cleivfuegos"). - SATURDAY At S;5 a. m. (supplementary ;30 a, m.) tor PORTO. RICO, CURACAO nd VENEZUELA, per 8. s. Philadelphia mall for Colombia must be directed "per a s. Philadelphia"); at 9:30 a. m. (supple n.entary 10:30 r. m.) for FORTUNE IS LAND. JAMAICA. COLOMBIA, (except Cmuca and Magdalena Dep'ts) and GHEY T';WN per b. s. Alleghany (mail for Costa ftlca must be directed "per a. s. Al- - leghany"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. 8. llorro Castle, via Havana; at 11:80 p. m. tor CUBA, per s. s. Curltyba, via Ma tansas (mail must be directed "per 8. s. Curltyba"): at 12:S0 p. m. for MARTI NIQUE. GUADELOUPE and BARBA DOS, per s. s Plemonte (mall for Trini dad. British. Dutch and French Guiana, must be directed per s. a I'leraonie ). Malls Forvrarded Overland, Btc, Ex. eept Transpaelile. . CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at this office daily, except Thursday, at it 3 a. m. (the con pec ting mails close here on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless spclally addressed for despatch by steam' , closes - at this office dllj, except Sunday, at 1:K p. m. and IQM p. m. Sundays at 1.-O0 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parls-Post .t Malls) By rail to North Sydney, and thence by ateamer, cosea at this office daily at :30 p. m. (connecting malls close Mrs every Monday, Wednesday aud Sat ' JAMCA By rail to Boston, and thence . by steamer, closes at tbls oftica at i.30 p. m.. Tuesday and Friduy. - HIQUELON By rBll to Boston, and thmce . by steamer, closes at this office dally at s 6:30 P. m. BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and QUATE-- MALA B rail to New Orlenna, and tlienco by steamer,- closes at uus omce dally, except Sunday, at l:au p. m. and 110:30 p. m.. S 1 10:30 p. Di. (c k . Vlondaya at li sunaays at p. m. ana connecting mail closes hers iiii.tu d. ni.). COSTA KICA By rail to New Orleans, rnd tnencs by steamer, closes at tola omve dally, except Hunday, at tl4i) p. m. and . 110:30 p. m., Suudays at 111 p. m. and 110:30 p. m. conuscling mail closes here Tuesdays at 10 HO p. ru.). IREGLSTEUKD MAIL closes at t:00 p. m. , previous day. ' Vranspaellle Mafia Forwarded Over . land Dally. The schedule of closing Transpacific mails Is arranged od ths presumption of their uninterrupted overland trunsit to port of sailing. The final connecting mails (ax- . ccpt registered Transpacific mails which close 6 p. m. previous day) close at the aeneral Dostomce. New York, as follows: HAWAII, via Rao Francisco, close at :30 , . p. m. aiay sin, xur uespaicn per a. a Alameda. CHINA and JAPAX. via Taroma, close at flip. m. May Sth, fur deapatch per a a Nlng CUow. HAWAII, JAPAN, ailNA and PPILIP PLNE ISLANI'S. via, rUn Francisco, close at :S0 p. m. May U. fur despatch per a CHINA and JAPAN, rta , Vanootrrer and Victoria, 6. C. close at tJQ p. m. May 17th, for desjtch per s. . Empress of China. fMerchandlae for V. B. Postal Agency at f h t r tr1 J 1 cmnpot bo forwarded via Canada). CHINA and JAPAN, rla Oattle. close at 8 30 p. m. May JUth, for despatch per a s. Hyadea. NEW KKAl-ANT. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CAX.EDONLA. 8A-IOA and HAWAII (also specially addressed mall for FUf Islands), rta Ran Francisco, close at $M p. ra. May tlsu f r despatch per a a Sonoma, rtf the Canard steamer carrying the Prftlsh mail for New Zeal and doeei not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing st (:3A a, tu, 9:30 a. m. and ( 30 p m.; (tundays ut 4 JO a. m I a. m. and :30 p. m. will be made op and forwarded until the arrtval of the Cunard steamer!. FIJI IGI-ANDd (also spK-iallT addressed mail for Australia and New Cdiili, via Vancouver and Vii tnrla. B. -.. cioae at tW p. m. Ma.y Hat for descat-'h ier s. s Mariposa. TAHITI rjd MARQrTPlSAS IFLANDS. via Pan Francia-o. dose at Svi p. m. May Nth, for despatch per s a M:iripoaa. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1a SaJi Fran cisco, cloae at J0 r. ra. May mh. for d. spatrh per C. H Transport. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and sn-!:ny addrvuped" mall for the PHTUPPTN Ia'LA NDsk via Ben Frmorlsj-o. close il U) r m MT XTth. f ir dKiipntch per u. s. Dorlu. KOTB Unless otherwise sarresnd. West Australia la forward'.l Turner, and New Zealand and Phlltpprre em n Francisco he i)iilkest ruutea. Wlllri plnea specialty addressed !: 0n't" cr "via Furope" must be flrHy prepiild .' th forrlgn rstes. Flawsrl 1 firwardel Via San FrsnHro efhi slvel v. CORNELJUS Vi COTT. Posu&astsy. P"t Office New York. B. X. May t tst NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIOH ME3TI0. Davis sells drugs. LefTert'a glasses Pt. Btockert stlia carpets. The Faurt cigar. S cents. Paints, oil and glass. Morgan Dickey. Lawn mowers sharpened. Locksmith. 420 West Broadway. I'll-1 urea for wedding gifts. Alexander's, 334 Broadway. For wall papering, painting, picturt fram ing, see Borwick, 1 Main st- I'hone A-&JX Satisfaction free. Give us an order and we will give you satisfaction. C. Hafer, Council BiuffH, la. Mrs. Lilian Oliver has secured from the Park board the refreliment privileges at Falrmount park for the season. Frank Perks, formerly of Macedonia, thla county, now a rewldent of Kansas City, Is in the city to attend the county convention. Devoe s mixed paints. Morgan A Dickey. Arthur T. HofTniuyr of this city, who has been in Chicago under medical treatment for several weeks. Is reported to be con siderably worse. Have your carpets taken up, cleaned and relaid by modern methods. Oiu carpets made Into handsome rugs. Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning Co., M North Main street. 'Phone bli. The remains of Harry Maxwell, who died M.iv & in Houston, lex , are expeeted to arrive this afternoon. They will be taken direct ffoia the depot to Walnut 11111 cem etwy lor burial. .Overtures on the part of the park com missotiers tu induce the motor company to contribute towards the expense of provid ing Sunday concerts in full mount park have iaileu of their purpose. The trial of the damuge suit of E. Jacobs against Heiiner Edstrom began in the dis trict court yewteruay. The plaintiff seks to recover il.lso for a broken rib alleged to have heen received In a quarrel over a horse trade. Perry innian, arrested while masquerad ing us a detective and charged with en tiling the two young daughters of Mrs. binlin awuy from home, was discharged In police court yesterday morning. There was no evidence that liunun hud committed any criminal act and the court discharged iiliu alter reading linn a lecture. Peter Born, charged with deserting a wife and tour children in Warren, Pa., 1b ptill at the city Ju.ll. The remains of Marie Jurgenson, who committed suicide follow ing her arrest In company with Born, are still at the undertaker s. Through the as sistance of the editor of a local Danish paper Chief of Police Richmond hopes to locate her relatives in Denmark. There will be a muss meeting this even ing ut the county building at the corner of 1 wenty-tourth street and Avenue B, under the auspices of the West End Improvement club, to discuss the question of paving lxiwer Broadway. Mayor Macrae and other city oftU-lals will bo present. All interested In the improvement of the main thorough fare between this city and Omaha are urged to bo present. Hafer soils lumber. Catch the IdeaT Reel Kstale Transfers. These transfers were reported May 11, 1304, td The Bee by the abstract, title and loan office of Squire & Annls, 101 Pearl street: Angle H. Kneney to Phlllmarl Bo quette. lot 12, block 6, Benson's 2d add. w. d $2,000 County treasurer to W. H. Wood, lot 1. block 11, Howard's add, t. d 2 Schmidt department Btore to . Peter Joens, lots 2, 3, .4, 6, block 18, Avoca, w. d 1,100 Admlnistrutor of J. M. Phillips to Lu- ciiiua fengiisn,. lots s, and iu, uiocK 21, Ferry's add, d Joseph Mackland and wife to Trustees Lutheran Evangelical Association church part ne"4 nwA, 35-77-43, w. d. Nancy Baker and husband to J. R. Schuyler. Jots 1 to 6. and 14 to 19, '. blofk 3, and lots 21 to 26, block 2, Me lone's add, w. d m 10 , -26 13,317 Six. transfers,, total.., ' N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. zoo; night. F-667. 7 '-' ' - Helrt Vi and Robbed. - ", : James Butler og 3034 Avenue B was held up and robbed of $30 by three highwaymen late -. Tuesday night In ths vicinity of Thirty-flrst street and "Broadway. Butler works for the Union Pacific in Omaha and returned home on a late car. As be was on his way home he was accosted by the three- men. To the police Butler stated the thugs secured $30, made up of a $10 bill, a $5 bill, a $10 gold piece and $5 In silver. The men, he said, offered him no violence, and after securing hla money ran west on Broadway. Owing, to ths darkness Butler was unable to give any description of his assailants. Derek Room to Rent. Omaha Dally Bee, 10 Pearl street. Council Bluffs. TUB OKLY ABSOLUTELY MODERN Bl'SlKS AND NORMAL COL LEG IN THE WEST. Students may enter any time. Excellent places to work for board. Tuition very reasonable. Write for sample copy of our College Journal. Write or call for informa tion. E. P. MILLER, Pres. Masonic Temple. 'Phone B414. Wonderful Invention A most ' practical contrivance has been Invented by Locksmith L. II. Peterson which absolutely prevents all sagging of the door, be It ever so hoavy or lightly hinged. The contrivance consists of a roller with an adjustable arrangement for raising or lowering, all Incased in a metal box. This box is neatly matrlced In the bosfl of the .door aud forms a roller support that la not noticeable nnd at the same, time will tit any di.r. This will no doubt be taken up and pushed on a large scale, because It Is a praetieal way of overcoming this defect, which most heavy doors have. LEWIS CUTLER MOarnciAJi. Cornell Blafln, OCBAJ STEAMSHIPS. HOLUND-AUERICA LINE. Ne Teia-evraw m-n el H s?t Teas, law TuaK SJTTkitXiAJl. via kollLuUNa. suib Tu ii, at is a at .oUs-iUai Mar II SnuuUa Jun 1 Rriuuja ...af HPguaa ...Jaas 14 NuurOAa - ...MJ (UHuUeriUia Juus U HOlXaJa'D-AilgBICAJii UNI, U tMSTbora SL, C cau. ill-: Hurt Moeraa. uwi raruaai M. U. KLSarterd, W) faraaia Sk , J. B Kaj talds, Ul COOPAGHIE GEFIERALE TRARSATLANTIOUK Frenrk Line, New York to Paris. Mx Dayv soilings Csary Tuuraday a 10 a at. lM Safoi . il- J 1 .uuutu. ......Jia I La uBMll(Ii . J - . id La Lor: . . .Jite I La Brna .- jana to. Jaw. Kaearu, S'sa.aai twin-awve and mraai slaiuars. naval tll-.r.' uu-al-aw dlauiulua. LUJlMUlf t vlil,lilrU UMlua, liavra-n 4 Ih4l(m. a ituila- kiaiT) l. Mupi-a. 1U1 .mia Si., Lula laaaa. flm Mat I baua. C Aw auuw.'linl, UU yaiaiS at.. Suck lalaa ay. LLNB C 8 MAlU tTnAMSULTk fcgW TO. 1 0.:-JMiJtt AMU 4.LAH.OW. Ktw vu'.;, u.u'-.ALraa and Niiui eervrlnr .- Liii-.i.a Kmllant auialas. Tk aaaUirt of aiuaafcaa.1 naralailr oonaiuaraj. SlaaM fo-. i'U l.waaia baleawe K Yrs a&4 Sceua gnfilali. Lias ' U t-'luall sauaiaeflas a' 4 aautluaataJ pullita l altrama ralas. saai Iw kaaS ei taeta. Km- uckU at 8oeral ItfsraialM aavtt mr Wal asasl ta Aaakar Uae er l kkMtKM Mua, Uaa t BLUFFS. CANDIDATES GETTING BUSY Delegate! for Republican County Cormn tisn on Hand Larlj. BADLY MIXED UP OVER CANDIDATES Most Spirited Contest Over County Attorney, with Both of Aspirants Claim la Majority of the Delegation. The political thermometer was at least 100 In the shade yesterday and the centers of activity were the county court house and the Kiel hotel, where the country dele gates make their headquarters. By even ing it wus estimated that at least half of the delegates to the republican county convention from the country precincts were In the city. As was to be expected, there was all kinds of caucusing and fixing of slates and the candidates for the several nominations were busy patching up their fences and building new ones where possi ble. Indications late last evening were there would be contests over each of the nomina tions and an interesting time In the con vention Is looked for. owing to the uncer tainty of where the nominations will fall. I'p to yesterday H. V. Battey of Avoca was thought to have a clear field for the nomination for clerk of the district court, but as the country delegates arrived rumors of a dark horse commenced to float around. Nothing, however, could be learned as to the Identity of the dark horse candidate and some were Inclined to think that the talk of an opposition candi date was for the purpose of forcing Bat tey's supporters to throw their s'rerurth In favor of a certain candidate for one of the other offices. Battey's friends, how ever, were not much alarmed, as they be lieved that any opposition developing at such a late hour could not be effective and that Battey would receive the nomina tion on the first ballot. Hottest Fie; tit for Attorney. The principal contest will, It Is expected, be over the. nomination for county attor ney; at least there appears to be more In terest In the outcome of this nomination than In any of the others. C. F. Kim ball's friends were yesterday still main taining that they had over 100 of the 176 delegates, which would be more than suffi cient to nominate Mr. Kimball on the first ballot. On the other hand, J. J. Hess and his supporters, while conceding that they had no walkaway, were claiming a ma jority of the delegates. t was noticeable that some active work among the country delegations was being done yesterday aft ernoon and evening by Hess' followers. . Some surprise was created by the strength ehown by George Nash of Center town ship, candidate for the nomination for re corder. In the city It had been figured that the nomination practically rested between ft. O. Baird, at present deputy reoorder, and B. B. Bayles of this city. yesterday's developments, however. Indicated ' plainly that Nash will have to be reckoned with today In the convention. The delegates from Center township, who. are solid for Nash,, were claiming that they had suffi cient strength In the county to nominate their man without, the assistance of ths city. Auditor In Donbt. The nomination for auditor, which Is con sidered the pick of county offices, was up to last night an uncertain quantity, although W. C. Cheyne and W. M. Frederick were both claiming they had It railed down. These two candidates represent what might be termed opposing factions In the re publican party In Pottawattamie county, and In this W. A. Groneweg, the third can didate, figures lies his chance. He and his friends figure that In the event of a hard fight between Cheyne and Frederick, the nomination might fall his way. There was more or less talk yesterday of a dark horse being sprung today for this nomina tion, while It would not create any great surprise If R. V. Innes, the present In cumbent, was renominated. A largeium ber of delegates from the eastern part of the county made no secret of the fact that they favored renominating Innes. While Mr. Innes has In no sense of the word been a candidate for renomlnatlon, It is under stood that If a renomlnatlon were offered him he would gladly accept Jt. D. F. Dryden of Hardin township will undoubtedly. It Is said, be renominated for member of the Board of Supervisors, but for the other nomination for supervisor there will be a contest between Colonel W. F. Baker, at present chairman of the board, who is seeking a renomlnatlon, and Former Alderman Charles W. Mc Donald. The convention will assemble at -1 o'clock In the south room of the county court house. County Chairman George S. Wright has selected Attorney II. J. Chambers of this city for temporary chairman and James 11. Low ry, also of this city for temporary secretary. At the close of the county convention the delegates from Kane township, which In cludes the city of Council Bluffs, will meet for the purpose of naming a township ticket, including two Justices of the peace and two constables. ' Judge George Carson, ths present repub lican Justice of the peace. It la stated, will not accept a renomlnatlon and the same la said to be true of the constable of his court, H. A. Baird. Ovlde Vim, a former Justice and E. B. Gardiner, a former mem ber of Ui police force, and president of the Trades and Labor asaerobly are avowed candidates for ths nomination for Justices. These are said to he aspirants for the nominations fur constables: Lee AlberU, H. J. Palmer, J. C Baker, Bert Danders and Captain D. Maltby. Plumbing and heatins;. Blxby Jk Bon, COMMERCIAL CU B DWCCUEI TAXES School Levy Is the Prlnrlpal One I'n or Fire. "Can anyone state definitely that the taxes of Council Bluffs sre higher than In other cities of corresponding slxe?" was the question asked by Mayor Macrae at the meeting of the board of directors of ths Commercial club laat nlrtit. No one pres ent was able to answer the question. This question practically brought to a ctose a lengthy discussion on the taxes of this crty, which are claimed by some to he exresstve. Invitations had been extended to the members of the city counHl, Board of Kdu cotlon and Board of Cour.ty Supervisors to attend ths meeting snd talk over ths tax question. Vfembers of ths city council and psrk bfwrd snd sll of the Board of Educa tion were preeont In response to the Invi tation. Ths prevailing opinion apparently was that the tax lery for the tr lnfennnce at the publlo schools of Co unci I Fluff's was excessive, snd the members of the school hoard, ' especially President Hem and Chairman Davenport of the finance com mittee, were put through a rigid omas sr amlnatlon and erofs-questinning as to the why and the wherefore cf the need of "so much money" f the schools. Colonel I'avenpnrt said that had he un derstood that the dlscusslun was to have token the course It did he would have come prepared with facts and figures that the continual Increase In the number of school children In the city necessitated an In creased expenditure If the Bihools are to be maintained at the standard they should be. He explained that the lnrn-ase In the levy this year was mainly due to the fact that the people at the recent school elec tion voted a levy of I26.0O) for building an addition to the Avenue B school Instead of voting bonds for the purpose. For the Instruction of the meeting and to assist In the discussion. Secretary Reed of the club had prepared a tabulated Btete ment showing the tax levies, with other data for a number of years past. This table showed that while the total tat levy In Council Bluffs In. 1S97 was tA2 mills, It had steadily Increased to 87.375 mills In 1903, and that It had been eetimated that the levy for 1304 would be 96 mills. Whereas the assessed valuation in 1S97 wu $4,414,- 246, It had gradually decreased year by year until In 1903 It was only f!,733,6W, and was estimated to be $3,930,000 for 1904. de- j Onawa.. The total membership In Iowa In spite the fact that the population had In- i good standing January 1 was 13.611, with creased from 23.000 in 1S97 to 3u,0u0, which I 14.554 on the rolls. There were 2,038 cer lt Is now estimated to be. I tiflcatea issued during the year. The Iowa President Hess of the school board gave I grand lodge has fifteen hopelessly disabled It as hie opinion, and In this he was Joined I members who are supported by the lodge, by almost everyone present', that the trou- ; In the past year there were 116 deaths hie with the taxes of Council Bluffs was among the members. During the year the due to the low assessment and the fact j grand lodge recorder received 17,424 49. la that a great deal of personal property es caped assessment every year. On behalf of the school board. Director Gorman showed where other cities In the state expended more annually for the sup port of their schools than Council Bluffs did. As one Instance, he cited Cedar Rap Ids, with a population lees than Council Bluffs, expended 1100,000 annually more for schools than Council Bluffs did. Convention a Love Feast. The republican convention of the Ninth Iowa corgresslonal district, comprising the counties of Adair, Audubon, Casa, Guthrie, Harrison, Mills, Montgomery, Pottawat tamie and Shelby held yesterday at At lantic, was a love feast rmre and slmnle. and Congressman Walter I. Smith of thlsLthls 'as 6lven w,de Publicity. Hut the city was accorded a renomlnatlon hy ac clamation amidst the greatest enthusiasm. The convention was presided over hy James Dewell of Missouri Valley, while Hon. William B. Martin of Greenfield, Adair county, secretary of state, was chair man of the committee on resolutions. Na tional Committeeman , Ernest E. Hart of this city was endorsed for re-eleetlon. Con gressman Smith addressed the convention, as did Hon. Lafe Young of Des Moines, who was there as a fisltor. The convention assembled at 11 o'clock and completed Its work by 12:30 p. m the delegates from Council Bluffs arriving home shortly after 4 o'clock. Washermen Win. A match between teams from Bartel ft Miller's and the Bluff City -laundry on the Main street bowling slleys last night re sulted In a victory for the washermen by a score of 1.890 to 1,746. - The score follows: BLUFF CITY LAUNDRY. 1st. 2d. Srd. Totals. ...'.ISO 147 1 37 444 1....123 143 147 4"T M 135 1 09 340 11 " 110 120 3M 88 : 127 " 130 846 Wallace Grout ... Riiffcorn Caughey Herman Totals B8 52 - 641- 1,890 BARTEL fcMILLER'S. 1 lsr 2d. Urd. Totals. .c;.j.aj4X'-i34. . us ., -ssi Bartel .. Miner '.. Bergman Roblln . Wltte ... Totals ...:;..::irp lis 118 83 97 132 102; 105 : ..i98 T5T9 629 1,740 Street Railway Relief Association. Council Bluffs employes of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street .Railway company have organized a relief association, the membership of which will Include motor men, conductors, shopmen and powerhouse employes on thla side of the river. Tt will bo known as the Street Railway Em ployes' Relief Association of Council Bluffs. The object of the association is said to be solely the relief of members In sickness and to prmide for burial In case of death. These are ths officers: President, Thomas Yarwood; vice president. Elmo Kimball; secretary. Charles Barnett; trustees. Grant Bhoup, E. D. Carr, Frank Brown; relief oommlttee, A. L. Cummins, R. Roper and P. W. McMenomy. Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and residence. Age. William H. Robinson. Council Bluffs...!.. 25 Maude C. Graham, Rockwell City, la 2 W. J. Chadwlck, South Omaha 47 Ida Goellner, South Omaha 49 Henry E. Henrlcks. Omaha.... 25 Anna Anderson, Omaha 22 World's Best Pile Core. Why endure torture from ji'ss till you, contract a fatal disease when Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures or no pay. 26c. Tat sal- by Kuhn & Co. Masons to Bolld Temple. CLINTON, la.. May 11 (Special Tele gramsThe members of Demolay consis tory, Scottish Rites Masons, voted to erect a $7,000 temple here today. r wjgygj Greatest In the World The ttOfrt wonderful record it all hlatory marit made It Advertisi-tar baa served to make OASOAJrUTTS known, but the freateat advertisement ever printed oould do no more than get a Derson to try OA80AKETB 01 toe. Then oomee the teat, and If OABOARET8 did not prove their merit there would not be a at de of over a MILLION BOXES A MONTH. Thla suooeus has been made by the kind words of 01 x friends. No one who tries CASO ABETS falls to be pleased and talk nioely about them. OAS3ARBTS are easiest to buy. to carry, to take, to give. THE PERFECT HOME MEDICINE. 'They are a perfect cure for Constipation, Appendicitis, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Siok Headache, 1 ted Breath, Bad Blood, Pimples. Piles, Worms and all bowel diseases. Genuine tablet stamped OOO. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. All drug-glsta, 10c, 26c, 6O0. Sample KviAt. frAA. . Aiirirana Rterilmr Remedy Oo- Chloasro or New York. eiB 1&?mmM7rTir!a?m.vmmmMmm!m Mustang Liniment cwrws Carts, B surma, Brnlassii MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cures Sprains and Etraina, MEXICAN Mustang Liniment L. ... ..u v cure for Plies ' 1 . ' ... IOWA A 0 1 W PROSPERING IVJHrt A. V. L. ii. rivuoi liuu Grind Lcdga fission of Order How in Sm 8 on at PaTenpcrt, PLAN DEVELOPS TO CROWD CUMMINS OUT Indications Are that It Will Fall nnd lie W 111 Be One of the Delegates-at-I.argr to the Chlrago Convention. (From a Staff Correspondent ) DE3 MOINES, May 11. Special.) Mem bers of the grand lodge. Ancient Order of United Workmen, of the Iowa Jurisdiction are holding their annual meeting In Daven port this week, and the grand officers have gone l'rum headquarters here to attend the meeting. The report of Grand Recorder B. F. Rehkopf of this city shows that dur lug ths past year thero was a net gain In membership of and three new lodges were established, at Carroll, Clarinda and his annual report Grand Master Workman W. M. Narvis again recommended that the lodge go to the biennial sessions planned. It is expected that substantially the same general officers will be elected for another term. Tried to Endorse sham-. It has leaked out that a plan was made to start a boom for Secretary Shaw as delegate-at-large from Iowa In place of Governor Cummins and that It was to be given a start at the Jasper county con vention at Newton. So confident were those who were In charge that this would be done that they sent out dispatches saying that Secretary Shaw had been endorsed for delegate-at-large In place of Cummins and convention refused to do so. It Is learned that a serious effort may be made In the state convention of "the republicans next week to keep tho governor from going to the national convention, but thus far It looks like It would be unsuccessful. The Jasper county convention sent a delegation to the state convention under the control of Senator Maytag, who Is a candidate for delegate to Chicago, and It Is found that the entire Sixth district has changed front and has been lost to the stand-patters In the party. Oleomargarine Case Submitted. The supreme court of Iowa has Just taken under advisement the test case from Polk county In which Judge McHenry up held the Iowa statute which virtually pro hibits the sale of oleomargarine In the state as It Is now being placed on the market by the big packers. The case was one In which the Armour Packing company was fined for Illegal Bale, of oleomargarine. State Dairy Commissioner W'rlght pur chased a package of the product In the open market for the purpose of making ths test in the oourts. On the trial It was held that the Iowa law in effect prohibits the sale of oleomargarine of a yellow color, re gardless of the processes of manufacture or whether . or not there is actual coloring matter" introduced. The, defense, before the Iowa supreme court, presented a strong argument to show that the proper oon struotlon ef the statute would be to effect the prohibition of the act of coloring Oleo margarine or sale of the product which had been artificially colored. He contended that the stuff condemned by the Jury was of the natural color of eleomargarine and that the yellow In It was due to the neces sary Ingredients alone, and further that the yellow color was r.t of the color of yellow butter, as described In ths Iowa statute. . Conrt Derisions. The following are the decisions rendered by the supreme court today: Swearlngen Lumber company, appellant, against Washington School Township: Greene county. Judge Church; affirmed. Opinion by Weaver. Mary Kenyon, appellant, against City of Cedar Rapids: Linn county. Judge RenUey; affirmed, by McClaln. Catherine Wald against George Wald, ap pellant; Sao county, Judge Klwood; re versed, hy the court. J. M. Ingold against B. J. Reynolds, ap pellant; superior court Cedar Rapids; Judge Rothrock: reversed, by Deemer. F. C. Hartung, appellant against E. E. Oldfleld; Calhoun county, Judge Church; reversed, hy Ladd. State against Henry Brown, appellant; Warren county, Judge Gamble; affirmed, by the court. State against George Hohl, appellant; Warren county, Judge Gamble; affirmed, by the court. State against William Tabor, appellant; Polk county. Judge Given; affirmed, by the court. Quarantined the Horses. Dr. P. O. Koto, state veterinarian, has been down In Van Buren county looking after the diaeaae affecting a number of horses in that part of the state. He reports all the horses quarantined and a close watch hetng kept on the afflicted ones to see that there is no spread of the disease. The situation has been greatly exaggerated. GEWIIATOU ASfsT F0I1 i'SCJKt O'T CATHARTIC ANNUAL SALE TEN wwf9 ,W M .jj.a MEXICAN Mustang Liniment jmrr Frostbite auxd Ckilblalaa, MEXICAN Mustang Liniment MEXICAN Mustang Liniment drive ot ail ni rsinTl- j snd no serlnus trouble Is now anticipated j from the breaking out of the disease. 3eT Cum pa airs. ; Ths articles of inoorr-or-.tion of the Matt- on Clove W orks of Muon City were fi'ed 1 with the secretary or state Unlay, with ! tV),rtX carltal. This is the rompanv which 'b- 'ui mo"j frm -' - , tty tc .,taN1,h . bun.s ThP artl(ltS were also filed for the J. J. Hats lvk!e j company of Iowa City, with tl5.'0 capital. n Strike rttlrmrst. I The Dos Moines strike and lockout In the 1 hiiiMIn trades remAins ns It h.m liprn some time, and without prospect of settle ment. The long deferred throat of Impor tation of nonunion men still hangs fire, and the carpenters are maintaining their position that they will not consent to the terms laid down hy the bosses nnd con tractors. Committees are at work almost dally trying to effect some settlement, and the worklngmen hold meetings every few days, but thus far nothing has come of ! all. MAY START A CRIMIVtL ACTIO Drastic Action Against Homesteaders of Blackbird Island. ONAWA. la.. May 11. (Special.) Acting Commissioner of General Land Offl' e Wash ington, on report of Ia O. Moore, special agent appointed to investigate the con troversy In regard to claimants cf Black bird Island, In the Missouri river, opposite IJncoln township, Monona county, Iowa, has "notified Register Howard at Des Moines, recommending that criminal pro ceedings be commenced by the government against George F. Phillips and William I.. Johnson, who tiled the homestead claims to the Island and who arc now fn pos session of same. The commissioner also recalls the plat and survey, which was opened for homestead entry December 22, 19os, alleging fraud. This proceeding Is the outgrowth of n case now on trial In the United States cir cuit ccurt In Omaha, wherein Phillips and Johnson's c'alm to Blackbird Island Is con tested by a number of Omaha Indians. In case the criminal action is brought It will be befcre the United States court at Des Moines, where the c-line, If any, was committed In making fp.lse affidavits In support of a homestead entry. RIT1IERFORD IS OW IX CIIAH6L Temporarily lakes Place of Prof. Kennedy at Iowa State College. AMES, la.. May 11. (Special.) At a re cent meeting of the board of trustees of the Iowa State college Prof. W. J. Ruther ford, assistant professor of animal hus bandry, was made acting head of the de partment and acting chief of the animal husbandry section of the Iowa experiment station during the absence of lYof. Ken nedy, who was granted a year's leave of absence to study live stock conditions In European countries and make a report of the same for the United States department of agriculture. Associated with him In the work of the department will be five ear nest, faithful, hard-working Instructors; thus the prospects were never brighter for a most successful ytar's work. Women Run Des Moines I'nper. DES MOINES, May 11. The Des Moines Woman's club Is in charge of tho Des Moines News today. Mrs. J. C. Hume, wifo of a prominent attorney. Is editor-in-chief ; Mrs. A.- B. Shaw, wife of the secretary of Still college, Is managing editor; Mrs. J. II. Windsor, wife of a capitalist. Is advertising manager. Others prominent In the Des Moines Woman's club occupy responsible positions. The receipts of the puper for the day above operating expenses are do nated to the club. They will be used in the erection of a club house. Women Quit Hospital Work. CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. May 11. (Special ) The entire membership of the ladles' aux iliary of the board of directors of St. Luke's hospital, after passing tesolutlons condemning the management of the Insti tution, voted to leave the hospital to Its own resources. The action was taken out of dissatisfaction with the management of the hospital. The auxiliary Is composed of the prominent society women of the city, and has been the main support of the hos pital. Whiting; Not a Candidate. ONAWA. Ia., May U (Special.) Uriel Whiting, representative of Monona and Ida counties, Iowa, and commissioner to the St. Louis exposition. Is In Onawa today on business, and In answer to a question by the correspondent as to his candidacy for the democratic nomination for congress In the Eleventh district, stated that he was not a candidate and would not be under any circumstances, and wished to be counted out of the race. Qnlt Tax Ferreting. CEDAR RAPIDS, Is., May U.-(Speclal.) The Board of Supervisors of Linn county, have yielded to the universal desire of the taxpayers and have gone out of the tax ferret business, refusing to renew the con tracts with the ferrets for the coming year. They will allow the ferrets time to close up the deals they have now on hand, but will, give them no further assistance In their work. Enjoins Liquor Dealers. CLINTON, Ia., May 11 (Special Tele, gram.) Judge Wolf In the district court issued an Injunction against twenty-five liquor dealers, who were charged with vio lating the mulct law. Mrs. Julia M. Yatt, THE GOiUirJE U MILLION BOXES MEXICAN Mustang Liniment for Man, fiesvwt or Poultry. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment beevlaOld Seres quickly. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment res Cared -Udder ia eessa. wlirt has been prosecuting the liquor dealers two tars, t the comphiinirg witness. Former Qorrii la 111. ST. I.OriS. May 11 -(J'ie.-r l.lllkuolsnl. former soverelsn of the H.i-,Uimii lUni, 1 ill at her apartments at the World s fair Her lllnes is smii that It was an nounced tli.il her stiiy In Ft Lou's would b rut hfrt nnd that "she and her party mould h are Riiurd iy for Honolulu. In stcd of remaining for two or three weeks lorgcr. For sickly girls and women who mlTer from Monthly Irregularities, Backache, ' Cramps, Sick Headache, Sleep lessness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia or Consti pated Bowels there is no medicine vill give Relief to quickly as the Pitierg. The weakest stomach can retain it. Therefore we urge a trial at onca TAKE OFF YOUR HAT Don't roa see tbs result of ueglecting rout tlr f You pertninlT risod s Hair Tonlo, snd the test on the market, rpfardjess ot tost, IS Itteeds thp hair, cleanses the scalp snd makes the hair grow. Alio irnkcs the hair . suit, light and tiufly. No grease or Injurious IngradliHrts Id ft'seotnpo t ttlon. A clear tonic without coloring ruuuiT and sells for only 15 CENTS A BOTTLE IS Cents. O Cent and 75 Cent Bottle (Br mall 6 cents extra for postage.) IIAI-ITREIT C0..79-S1 Csrtlandl St., HEW YORK .... , Drug Sales Co.. Chicago, General. Sales Agents. For sale locally by . Srhsflrr'i Cut Prlee Drn Stove, Cor, ;lb nnd ( taifaeo Sla. Quaker IT HAS THE . CALL Because of Ks mel lowness, purity bo. Ccllclous boquei. A tonic and tls liant comblaetV RecommemleSl fcs physicians. At all leedlnr bars, B. HTRSOR A OO. eaies end cius stores. Kansas Orrr, Ms. 000000 SCARLES & SEARLES Omaha. Nt. CORES GUARANTEED Quicker nnd (or LESS MONEY than other SPECIALIST. cure all sbeclai disss if men kidney, bladdsr a lid UlaeatMj of wouiit Blood Poison Vrwi. tnouib, u gue, throat, hair and eyebrows, (laiilug oui disappear completely forever. Varicose Veins, yTnt'0: AiiHf, pain r loss ol time.. Never tails, Quicktt cuts in ths world. Weak UomniH! Man irom hition. wast llCas, nWU HI6U log weakness, nerveus tlebuKj. euMjr ttouline. lack ol yhror and streiiattn; ' ' - ' Treatment ty mitll. '14 years O BUC CESBKLU PRACTICE IN OMAHA. Cor ner ot HUi and Io.igias, Tha Jonlo Par Excellence. (A Win Cordial. The best spwific remedy for Malarial and Typhoid rovers, Colds, Influenza, to. ... .S.Will.iii..I-, j" Every Woman - ks icleresioJ m i should know i truti 1 in woitafCTru MARVEL Whirling Spray ThS llW Tarlaal H,r.,.. MM. k. vW cNtfii auna J'.asl-aaf- i- Must CouTtawrub .1 ,.ra 1 iuj. itk Mr In-U m It. Ir h -ann.a aaitbl II Slant KL. i ui 1,0 iiLli.-r but truil ILimb fn' lliufciratrtl l'(.i-Ua llrtTea full uaruenlaia and rtliarlrnl In. Tll)H In HtKl t LlO., ! rrk at. Itl irk. Tar stale by . . SniAFFER'8 UHl(i STORES, lth snd Chicui brs. : Bo. Omaha, tth. and M bus; Council JHIuQX fit and NUiu Bta. KUHX-i CO.. liUl aud Douglas Street lj iflLn aKD WBtAtHe LUaS I Da Big wforBoai-ri . I a aeanX I alaabaMaa.u Wia-uoa. taaiaa-.a U IrnUAIaus f alonSial a ia wl, w. cjf n U e 1 1 ai pram. rn ni c ' raiataaa, aaa a at ssliiai MUtasQWMl''! CS. gal 01 aauaam tlSWJU),t f ""I BMJ- by tsv V r. a. a. o aaa la aiaa rM ' ' . o aaa ;! " araaa, rraa to, jau tluan TS. Ma l&91l!i n Maid .' Rye I Hi 'MiSJSlm--K,-'v. fUrW) , . J. .j . - H SJ I