J THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MAY 7, 1901. I I ! i t ' i 3 : : 1 i ' f ! ! - CHINESE PAVILION OPENED Bplsnior tad Qui :t CVrar.ii A2d to to Attr curt 8o.v. PRINCE PU LUN TOASTS PRESIDENT Title tklaamaa .Wtin First ra ock Feather la Inltea States lace Visit of LI Ilea Chang. VfORVV B FAIR OftOCNDS, 8T. LOUIS. May 6 Ont or the most notable functions that hue taken place t the Worlds fair. Informal In nature, but gorgeous In ap pointment, wn the dedication and open Ins of the Chines pavilion today. Not only was It elaborately attractive, but It was marked with significant expressions from the high Chinese official! preaent, tending to Indicate that the relations be tween China and the United flutes have been drawn Into a closer alliance through the Louisiana Purchase exposition. Officials of the World a fair responded with the assurances that the United Btalea deeply appreciated the hearty participa tion In tha exposition by the Chinese gov ernment and toast were drunk to the health of the president of the United States and the emperor of China, and the era press dowager. The feeling of International friendliness was first touched upon by President D. R. Francis of the exposition, when, raising a glass of champagne, he proposed the fol lowing toast: '1 am sure t express the sentiment of ths commissioners and the guests assem bled when I ask that we be permitted to drink to the long life snd prosperity of the emperor of China and th empress dowager." Raters Are Toasted, The toast was responded to by Prince Pu Lun, Imperial Chinese commissioner, his sentiment being Interpreted by Vies ' Commissioner General Wang Kal Kah. Prince Pu Lun said that he most deeply appreciated the sentiment which had prompted the toast, and asked that all prmnt drink to th health of th presi dent of the United Btates. Th glasses were Immediately refilled and once again Prince Pu Lun proposed a toast; this time to th health of President Francis and Mrs. Francis, together with that of the expo sition commissioners. These toasts fol lowed brief speeches by Prince Pu Lun and Sir Chentung LIsng Chsng, Chinese minister at Washington, In whioh they expressed the sentiments thst the expo sition would bring the United Btates and Chin into closer relations as nations, President Francis followed with a brief address. In which he stated that China was on of the first nations to respond to the Invitation of the United Btates government and that from the beginning tha work of preparation of the Chinese exhibit had been rushed with all speed to completion. He added that he wished to express the ap preciation of these facts, not only by th exposition officials and the people who would visit the pavilion, but, If he might so presume, by th president of the United Btates. General Franklin Ferris, general counsel for the exposition, was then called upon and expressed the sentiment that all na tions would enjoy closer relations from having mingled together at the exposition and that ths Chinese pavilion will be one of th renters on tha exposition grounds where representatives of all nations might congregate and become 'mora closely ac quainted end -more harmoniously affiliated. Wears Peacock Feather. Many Chinese dignitaries were present at the dedication, but Interest Centered prln clpalry on Prince Pu Lun and Blr Chentung Liang Cheng. Prince Pu Lun wore th first peacock feather ' ever worn by any Chines visitor In St. Louis or In tha United BALD HEADS JJOVERED With LuxcriantHairand Crusted Scalps Cleansed and Purified by CUTICURA SOAP Assisted by Light Dressings of Cutlcura,th9 Great Skin Cure. This treatment at ooee stops falling hair, remove crust, tcalea and dan druff, destroys hair parasites, soothes Irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates the batr follicle, loosens the scalp skill, supplies the roots with energy and nour ishment, and make tb balr grow op on a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all sis falls. Millions dow rely on Cotlcara Soap, assisted by Cutlcnra Ointment, tha great skis enre, for preserving, purify Ing and beautifying the skin, for cleans ing the scalp of crusts, scales and daadraff, and tha stopping of falling balr, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes. Itehlngs and chaflngs. for annoying 1 nit at I me, or too free or offensive perspiration, for ulcerative weakness, and many sanative, anti septic purposes which readily saggest themselves, as well as for all tb par poses of the toilet and nursery. Complete treatment for every humour, consisting of Cutlcura 6oap, to cleanse the sklo, Concurs, Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cnttcnra Mesolvent nils, to Cool and cleanse the blood, may now be bad fir one dollar. A single set Is of tan sufficient to care the most tortur ing, dunxerlng, Itching, bnmlng and acaly humours, enemas, rashes aud Irritations, from Infancy to age, whea all ele falls. SoM tkfMStKW Sm wrl Car nlai. II form al kal Cr.J ruu, SH tm rial .4 , IMalawm, .. MP,f. DdwLi l-w.4o,' rtarlrf M , rk . Hu d l Nil. B.'.. K tw.stt) in rit i a i - rritv trh4 lm "it" ' '" ( aH," ta -Umm ta liar. Baaaliral lUlf THE DAINTIEST SOAP MADE is HAND SAPOLIO. The only soip made that makes every pore respond, nd ener glzes the whole body It is a summer necessity to every man- woman, and child who would be daintily clean. Keeps you fresh and swet as a sei breeze; prevents unburn and rough ness. Make the test yourself. THE ILLUSTRATED DEE KtEPLNG IP THE PACE It set so long ago, Th Illus trated Bee holds It place at the front of all competitors, both from the standpoint of literary merit and In excellence of Its Illustrations. This Is because Its subjects are chosen with care, Its pictures are prepared especially for the purpose they nre to fulfill. 1JT Miwrts In every department, and the results achieved are those that please the people. In the number that will be out on Sunday will be found much that will delight the critical render. A fine portrait of tieneral Enoch H. Crowder is used for the frontispiece. Ueneral Crowder Is !. T..t.A4 Ctn taa ponrctapnlj) tl VA I Ut? LUIiru .'It . V " f- : with the army of Japan in the J held. The secretary for isoor 01 w Zealand, lu an Interview with Frank 0. Carpenter, tells of condi tions that prevail in that colony; a charncter study of Colonel Young husband, who Is now pushing the British advance on L'hassa, Is given; Crelghton and South Dakota and the Omaha High achool de baters are preaented; a short story of the career of Charley Thorpe, the well known Nebraska Jockey, Illus trated from photographs of some of the most thrilling episodes In Ms life on the turf; scenes at the open ing of the St. Louis Exposition an other of the "Child's Letters from ft Castle on the Sea;" the continued story, the woman's department, crisp comment. gossipy anecdotes and all the features that go to make this the best of its kind have been given the customary attention. If you fire not now a subscriber, you should order the paper from your newadeuler today. the illustrated BEE a..... v. .lava of LI Huns Chang. The costumes worn by the different digni taries were gorgeous, consisting 01 u the finest texture ana or many elaborate trimmings. Blr Chentung Liang Cheng will return to Washington tomor row. Ths great gongs Imported from the roysi palsce In Peking were rung for the first time at the opening or tne ceremony. as the Invited guests assembled in the In terior of the main reception salon quaint rt.i ,.1 ti. h. iiiuminflted the Interior, re vealing the choicest treasures of carved . ii.m furniture, aoeclmens 01 unemai pottery and rare fabrics. At on side of v. Hi- Annn. t, t hn entrance, ia a niinn !. above which rests a small Ivory Idol. The pillars at both sides arc fantastically shaped Into huge gilded dragons, and from the celling nang lamps flnatv wrnua-ht from gifts. n.iiaa nf tha costly treasures with which the pavilion Is replete, visitors will iv. a,tFnittit in small parties, and each party will ba shown through th different apartments by Chinese guides. The main pavilion Is a one-story struc ture and la patterned after on of Prlnc Pu Lun'a summer palaces, me gateway Is an elaborately emDeuisnea arcn, ui mniwited bv srrotesaue CJhlnese figures. Just outside the entrance Is a gold fish pond, a duplicate ef ths one at Prince Pu Lun's summer house. Rereptloa by Prince Pa. Tnni-h Prlnee' Pu Lun tendered a re- rnniinn at the Washington hotel, to which more than 1.400 guests were invited, In cluding exposition snd city officials, state and foreign commissioners and prominent social personages. The entire first floor of the hotel had Been reservea tor ine re ception. Flags of all nations hung In the corridors and parlors, potted palms and roses wsre placed In profusion, and tha affair waa ons of ths most elaborate In decorations of any function held In con nection with th World s fair. Prince Pu Lun waa assisted by Blr Chentung Liang Cheng In receiving the gueste. Prince Pu Lun sna nis party win re main In St. Louis and visit the exposition until Mav 14. whan they will leave for Chicago and Indianapolis, after which the prince and Sir Chentung Liang Cheng win make a tour of th country. DEATH RECORD. Joha S. Slott. John 8. Btott, who has been engaged In the stationery business In Omaha for the past fifteen years, died at his apartments In the Drexel hotel Thursday night. The funeral will be held at I o'clock this afternoon. Services will be conducted at that hour in the parlors of the hotel. Rev. Newton M. Mann, minister of the Unity church, will officiate. The interment will take plaoe at Forest Lawn cemstery. Mr. Stott was born at Manchester, England. seventy-one years ago and eame to Omaha during lt to assume the management of J the Gibson, Miner a Kicnarason i-aptr com pany. He subsequently occupied a similar position with the Carpenter Paper eom psny and about ten years ago entered Into partnership with Samuel Megeath la form ing the Megeath Stationery company, as suming the vice presidency and manager ship of that firm. Last October Mr. Btott disposed of his Interests In the Megeath Stationery store when he and Mr. Megeath sold to I. and M. Kahn. For soma years Mr. Btott boa owned a stationery store at 417 North Twenty-fourth street, South Omaha, this place being managed by his son-in-law, J. 8. McReynolds. The de ceased Is survived by his wife snd daughter, Mrs. J. 8. McReynolds of South Omaha. Mrs. Mary Christiansen. Mrs. Mary Christiansen, wife of Freder ick Christiansen, frUS Parker street, died Thursday night at the Wise Memorial hos pital, after an operation for gall stones. Funeral services will be held at ths resi dence Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. In terment at "prlngwell Cemetery. Mrs. Christiansen was 69 years, 4 months and I days of age. She and her huabaad, who la a building contractor, have lived In Omaha for many years snd their seven children were reared here. Two daughters and two sons, Minnie. Frances, George and Louis are at horns, while tha two mar ried dauglilert. Mr. W, B. Nleman and Mrs. It. A. Llnsley, live at Kama City snd Cvanaton, Wyo., respectively. Henry, formerly of he 11. M. general office of this rlty, Is now In Kansas City. The absent inrmtKT of the family ars tx peciatl horn for ths funeral. Ten free trips to th World's fair each week. Sue ooufoa oa (efe a WHOWILLTOE HARVESTW1N? Ia tb i Cooto't Jnit Clo-ing Tor Ten Tr'ps to -hs Et- L. n i fairjiatid' AIL BUT ONE ARE IN THE DOUBTFUL LIST W. O. Cava of Ceaaell Bluffs Sails High Eaoagh to He Fairly Out of Danger Balance Will Have to llaatle. Testerday's score as It appears below records the field as It appears Just before th final onslaught, which has Invariably In previous contests brought out far the largest portion of the week's voting. This time, with the exception of the score of Mf. W. O. Cave of Council Iiluffs, the voting has been the lightest since the contests began, but whether the most of this Is simulated, and the actual vote will equal or surpass other weeks remains to be seen. At any rate It will not be safe to rely entirely on a light vote, and the better plsn for the candidate Is to put In his full strength and win out by a good majority rather than hasard missing by a few votes. Remember the contest closes at l. m. today. Ths vote at I p. m. Friday, May ft, was: W. O. Cave, Council Bluffs 3,131 B. P. Metstrer, Omaha TOO Curtis Lindsay, Omaha 'OOO D. Welmer, Omaha 3 HO Miss Llssle Cruse, Omaha 207 Ethel Sheets, Osnaba 8.14 Walter Leomlt, Omaha 131 Roy Miner, Omaha . 120 James D. Wood, Omaha 113 John Mangel, Omaha 40 Walter Truelson, Omaha tl Thad J. Wrenn, Omaha l M. Coren, Omaha 17 J. E. Anderson, Council Bluffs s C. D. Anderson, Omaha 6 Carl Nagpl, Omaha 3 Chas O. Saunders, Council Bluffs 1 ROYALTY NEEDS THE MONEY Soft Snaps Enjoyed by Nearly 12, OOO Living; Persons with Rights to Brithlsh Throne. It will be news to many people that there are almost 12,000 living persons who have British royal blood in their veins. There are, and the Marquis de Ruvlgny, who finds his recreation In genealogical research, proves it in a thick volume Just Issued In England. The marquis gives the names of 11,723 living persons who are legitimate descend ants of Edward IV, Henry VII of England and James III of Scotland, with pedigrees to show how they obtain that distinction. The list Includes the names of every Christian crowned head In the world, ex cept the kings of Sweden and Servla and th princes of Monaco and Montenegro, and most of the higher nobility of Eu ropean countries. It also Includes scores of cc nmoncrs humble Smiths, Browns and Jonses In the most modest circumstances, whom nobody would think of associating with a royal pedigree. The marquis numbers them in the order of their nearness to the head of the family and if descent really counted In the matter to the British -throne. It doesn't, for the act of settlement of 1701 barred the Catholic aons of Elizabeth, queen of Bohemia, sister of Charles II , from the succession and settled it on the children of her Protestant daughter, the eiectresa of Hanover, beginning with George I. All the same, tliougn, tne mar quis, taking the -view of the ardent legiti mist, labels, as No. 1 of the blood royal Mary Theresa Henrietta Dorothea, Prin cess Louise of -Bavaria, whom he describes as "heiress of the house of Stuart and by hereditary right queen of England, Scot land, France and Ireland." Of course, in the family pedigree she comes before Edward VII., the actual king. In the marquis's book. So do Don Carlos of Spain, dozens of European prince lings and hundreds of commoners. But all. If among the lineal descendants of these three king were counted those whose that unlucky act of settlement bars 'em pedigrees are crossed with the bar tlninter, no book would hold them all. The mar quis counts only the legitimate lines. New Tork Sun. CULPRIT CAUGHT IN THE ACT Han Who Theatena to Dissect Medical Stadeats Alive Arrested While Entering; Saloosw Charles W. Gibson, alias TTarvey, colored, has been fined $40 and costs In police court. Gibson was arrested on a charge of mali cious destruction of property at the Jensen & McCann saloon, 203 North Sixteenth street, at t a. m. last Saturday. It Is said that when arrested Qlbsoh had the saloon window partially opened and was prying Off the bars, with the evident intention. It is declared by the police, of entering the saloon, but Officer Flynn apprehended the man while he was at work on the bars. 4: - - - . " '- -, V"r There is a coupon "; ' V;--, " ,t; ' V-'-- " ;'- - - i "; :' ia every package of .', ' '? : .r : V 7 ,.'; Quaker OaU. V 1 : " : ' ; : ' " 't 'fKf;:iS';7 for a few VWiSis:'-ri :::'fSyiMf ,- I WEEKS ONLY WMv& . ; . . it gives you the chance to e- " -'. , -. A ; ' : V ; .; cure part of this $ 1 0,000.00. - , : : : J i .-' I- vtc ; Tliere are no concKtions - '"-.-! i Gibson recently was sentenced to thirty days for threatening to operate en some of the students st the Creighton Medical college with a raxor and disturbing the peace around ths college In ether manners. WHY POPCORN POPS AND POPS Important laformatloa ttot from tha Popper of Vnele Samuel. Much of the progress Americans hnve made along political, commercial and social lines la due to the Interest which the In dividual cltlst-n takes In probing every question that urines In his experience. It Is not enough to tell the average free born American that a thing Is so. It Is ant enough for him to know that It is so. He will not be content until he discovers, either by asking his friends, writing to the news papers or communicating with the national government, why It la so. Take an example. We all know what popcorn Is. We have seen It In the ear. We have seen It when shelled. We have eaten It from the saucer or In the ball, salted or swentened. Most of us have In dulged in popcorn at the circus. Many of us have gathered with loved ones around the family hearth and watched tt ns It popped. But how many of ua have learned why it pops? How many of ua have care! to discover what may be called the prlrcl ple of th popcorn pop? Very few. Why? Because moet of us have been Interested In the solution of other and equally impor tant questions. The time was certain to come, however, when this snd all'ed question would be raised. And the time has come, as a mat ter of fact, for a correspondent has put the following questions to the Department of Agi (cultures 1. Why does popcorn pop? f. Why doesn't ordinary corn pop like pop corn? . . 3. What Is tr. composition of popcorn and whv doc It ('Tor from ordinary corn? 4. 'Wh'- nopcorn pop better when thoroughly dryt H It Is one i'l tl.e glories of our republican form of government that It employs men In every deportment who are specially quali fied to answer any questions that may be addressed to it One would suppose at first glance that these questions would embar rass the information bureau of the Agri cultural department. Not at all. Scarcely had they been received before the popcorn expert had set to work, and. In less time than it takes to tell, the following answers were on the way to the anxious inquirer: 1 The popping of popcorn is due to vola tilization of the oil contained In the kernel. 2. Field corn does not pop aa readily as popcorn pops because the outer portion of the kernel in more porous, permitting the escape of the oil as It volatilizes, while in the case of popcorn a great pressure is de veloped in the kernel by the confined oil and the kernel is suddenly exploded nnd turned wrong side out. 3. In ctmprsltlon popcorn differs from or dlnarv corn In having a larger proportion of corneous element and a great per cent 4. Popcorn pops more readily when dry be when moistened the kernela are swollen, more porous and toughened and do not explode so suddenly ana completely as when dr' and hard. This settles the wholo popcorn question. It was, after simple. Will somebody be kind enou, to ask the government something hard, that It may once more have an opportunity of demonstrating Its rblllty 1 1 meet every possible emergency likely to urally inquisitive people? Chicago Inter arise among a happy, contented, hut nat Ocean. The Motorman'a Story. "Of coarse I don't mind bein' called Shorty," he said, "i-ecausa I am rather short, you know; hut when a Bumtown chap that ain't no bigger than I am calls me that before a lot of girls, and brags about cuttln' me out once on a time, as that there Swlnglln did the other night, I'm goln to git even with him If I can. Swlnglln Is Just about my Ight andM bu. shape. If you was to come up oenina; hlm you might think It was me, I metj 476 ft2i bu.,' against Bfl.94R.6iO last season, him at a little dance last night, ana wnen I got him In a crowd of girls I says to him. -Swlpelin. you come mighty near git tin' me Into trouble day before yester day. " 'How's that?' he says. " 'Well,' I says, "Just after I'd turned Into Cottage Grove avenue, goln' south, somebody come out on the front platform, threw a pair of orms around my neck, and says, 'O, my darlin", If you'll come back I'll forgive you!' I turned around and saw It was a woman nearly old enough to be my mother. 'OI' she wiys, 'excuse me! I thought it was Mr. Swlnglln!' "Maybe that didn't cook his goose with the girls he was swellln' around with!" "But did that really happen. Shorty the Incident on the platform?" "Well, Swlnglln Is a good fellow. I haven't any grudge agin film. But that's the story I'm telling on him." Chicago Tribune. Transfer Militia company. STURG18, S. P.. May 6 (Special.) Company K, Third regiment of the stats militia, has been moved from Whitewood to Sturgls. The event took place under the supervision of Battalion Adjutant Vercoe and Battalion Quartermnster Smith, both of Deadwood. The company Is officered by F. T. Smith as captain; Leroy Smith, first lieutenant, and Charles Hunt, second lieu tenant. Thirty-eight recruits have signed the roster during the past week. u-j'-air. SEASON FAIR, BUT TARDY QuV. Conditions Kotd in Nearly All L'oei of Wearing AppareL 8UYERS ARE ORDERING WITH CAUTION trnctaral Work Is IaerBsla. hat Dealers Have large Accomala tloas of -.applies and Prlcea Sot Firm. SEW TORK, May 6.-R. O. Dun A Co. Weekly Ktview of Trade tomorrow will say: Somewhat better retail distributions fol lowed improvement in temperature, but it came too late to recover und le.ihxe pari of the taidy season's injury to spring trade. Quiel coiiiiiumis are noted In prac tically til lines of wearing apparel, with the exception of specUIUm. bucIi as tan shoes, that cannot le delivered with suf ficient rapidity. Operations lor future re quirement are carried on with caution, and this dispostlon to avoid exceaslve com mitments will do much to reduce the num ber of failures. 6ume improvements In col lections, particularly nt the south and west, will a.ao atrengtlien weak concern. The percentage of lUie factories has in creased, especially in textile alia footwear, and a change in atyle has rendered un available much silk machinery. Structural work is increasing, but dealers had accu mulated large supplies of building ma terials, and prices tack seasonable firmness. Commodity prices declined slightly during April. Hallway earnings in April were s per cent less than last year. ... Recovery In the iron and steel Industry is again retarded by the unexpected dis solution of the ore association. Prior to that event there was increasing confidence In the stability of quotations, the railways were at last seeking rails in moderate quan tity and fair activity prevailed In tin plate, sheet, pipe and wire products. Fuel con ditions are unchanged, anthracite continu ing active, while cuke and bituminous coal are dull and weak. v. After last weeks exceptionally heavy transactions It was natural that the west ern hide markets should become inactive. Prices remain firm, however. Commercial failure this week in the fnlted States are 2uS, against 'M2 last week. 241 the preceding week and li& the corre sponding week last year, failures in Can ada number 27, agninst 16 last week, 12 the praredlng week and 22 last. year. WEATHER STIMULATES THADB Business Much Improved, hot ot tp , to the Standard. NEW YORK, May 6.-Bradstreefs to morrow will say: Long expected good wvather has at last materialized and has helped farmers nnd retail trade in seasonable good. Crop preparations and planting has made espe clafly good progress, the preaent outlook being that while the winter wheat crop will be short, the acreage in spring wheal, oats and corn will be heavily increased. Retail and wholesale trade, however, has not experienced the stimulation eariiei looked for, there being a disposition so far to regard results as below expecta tions. Reorder trade with Job. r Is slow and fall orders are bnckward. Other condi tions partake of irregularity. ihe Iron trade Is uuleter, with prices d stlnctly weaker. Eastern Jobbers ate Inclined to take a more favorable view of trade now that good weather Is stimulating retail de mand: The improvement as yet, however, is a matter of tone only, and some Jobbers regard a portion of the spring trade ns actually lost. The volume of fall business Is limited as yet. In dry goods business as n whole Is not up to expectations and Drices are a bar to activity uy ium..- turers who are talking of curtailment. Eastern shoe manulucturcrs arc griuna some orders, but no Brent activity is noted. Leather Is quiet and hides are firm. Vexa tlous labor troubles curtail activity in lumber and building materials at me centers. The formal dissolution fl the Lake Ore association this week wa an unsettling feature in the iron trade. Busi ness in hardware is of fair proportions. Wheat, Including flour, exports for the week ended May 6 aggregate I.lfl2,il8 bu.. against 1,010.850 last week, 8,5t!J1.6W this week last year, 8,8o2,2V) In 1902 nnd 4.178,872 In 1901. From July 1, lf'8. to date they aggregate 122 899.W5 bu., against 190,905,650 last season, 21S!614,83B In 1902 and 176,922,141 In 1901. t'orn exports tor me w mbi r. -.,. ... -- - - -- -' rpK(,t- oi'ifi'.r,7 in irjyi ,n, I IfU fiOS 974 In 1901 Business failures in the I'nlted States for the week ended May R number 17(1, against 11 last week. 176 In the like week in 1903, 179 In 1902, 1D3 in 1901 and 174 In 19tt. In Canada failures for the week number 18, against 14 last week and 18 this week a year ugo. PUT STREETS IN GOOD SHAPE Much Work Done by City on OntlylnsT Residence Walks and Thor oath fares. The street department has Just finished the construction of a soventy-foot wooden brldgo at Maple, and Thirty-fifth streets. An ordinance Is now pending to open Maple street from Thirty-f.fth to Fortieth. The opening and grading of Emily street from Fortieth to Forty-third has been started. Many trees have to be removed and the Job is a big one. It was done to afford easy access to a somewhat Isolated cofnmunlty and to enable children to get to school easily. Ho Mercy Tills Time. "Judge, won't you please take pity on me Just this time?" pleaded Mrs. McOraw when arraigned before Police Magistrate Berka on a charge of being drunk und disorderly. "I have taken pity on you several times and let you off. Only the other mornlna I discharged you, nnd here you are again in as bud a condition as ever," replied tha Judge. "You need straightening out and I'll sentence you to fifteen days." Uu.VlfW' Open Until 10:00 P. ITT. Satur day. tfiVi A ribNAft TMK PKUPLK'S FIRMTIHE ASD C AItPKT CO. (js3o5- c Ladies Eton Suits Reduced They are made of cheviots, enetlans In blarK. blue ana orown, wnu ets, new eloping shoulders, also collarless care effects, pleats and fencv braid trim mings, silk girdles, nine gored llai'.l eklru suit that sold up to $310 Saturday at Silk Waists S3.98 At I3.9S we offer tomorrow some of th greatest values we have of ered this seaaon every style shown entirely new in design snd colors of the very latest spring and summer shades 15 and M values Lawn Waists c for Women's Lawn Waists A spe clal sale of hundreds of Lawn Wslsts all fresh and new trimmed with embroidery or lace, In all white or linen color, the very popular shades values up to all on lot SI2.50 tor New Silk Blouses Tn.t wolfa l, I Hn.. tnr this mrr4t aA? 9 rlrtlv tailored out, made of fine quality silk tafTa. collarless and nattily IO ffl trimmed with silk braid, also plaited all over smartest line ot IbbsUU silk blouses at this price ever ofTered .-peclal at Big Bargains in Millinery Startling Price Cuts on Trimmed Hats The lot includes hats of chiffon, mnllne. braids, flower hats trimmed with small roees. fruita. pfffpie. etc. every popular shape and style values, K, JT & and J nil In one lot tomorrow at p. Extra Special Offer for Hen of Spring Suits of all and pure worsteds tne closest svruuny. as tney are inranacir sold eisewnere at them to be STRICTLY HAND TAIL ORED THROUGHOUT our price only.... Special Sale We have a few of left wnlch we will All hand tailored throughout tney will Weep you dry and will not overheat you We guarantee them to be absolutely rain proof our price only Hen's Shoes Men's fine Patent Lathpr or Vlcl Kid Hand Sewed Oxford Hea rvgulnr t no values priced for tomorrow at.. Make a Brood goes and win a street clothing: window. Guessing at lO p. m. The Previous Elections a Great Success. 100 nore to Be Elected. Ten Each Week, as Before. New 4 Election" 5tarta oa flon- day, flay 2. All Trips Are Via The Wabash. Conditions of the Election, Coupons Are on Page Two. th 1 jf rues 01 reuuuLFii R I micMMfully Iraat Hemorrhoid, (or P-1' . H writ. u. lullr lullr dr.vrli.iiis Vuich B will larw.rd you mwll. In. br ,",urB..'.T,.r ana If flS .u urr nd If Mtt.l.oiorr rrmll to m. on ooh.r aaa If ii. a sown .ua tn.i riun . Nut n unl el your money antll , .... . . ......,ttli,ii utl e.u rurrd UU tri.n on. tu makioa tola! com of tur. our u "'" fluid to Pr lu i.C cut.4. Writ, twiar . at. pa it. .1 lair si V. A. TUCatR. M.U.. 10 main i-a Cloth ing Depts on 2nd Floor. .SaTtXUC-UTlAa. - cR,3? oaftei, , 0 ns and voiles, itln lined Jack- and voiles. IZ50 .,,,.-. j.. - 3.98 95c 95c taffeta, clald brakls. fancy 3.95 hr"'"e-- H Moderate .leans. wool serge, neat caa mrea. cfcerlols mese quaiiue win war 7.50 io ana i.z we g':araai of Priestley's Cravenettes our 15 and 1.S0 Cravenette Rajn Coats clear out at a greatly re duced price. Hen's Hals Men's SOft or Stiff Hats in ail the latest enacles and dimensions reg-ilnr 1,1, 1.98 two dollar values for Priestley Italn Coat Nee our Sttth eoatest closes Saturday May T, yo .48 i 1 BlWiflllllBB The Bee Will Give 100 More Trips to the World's FaJr at St. Louis The 'Vlectlons" which have Just closed, by which The Bee a ill send sixty of lis readers to Ht. Louis at lis ex pense, has met with such ju'eat sunesH, lias nrouscd Kuril an Interest and enthimUsm, that It has been clo dded, to send one hundred mora of its readers. Th meiliod of choosing the fortunate ones, as before, will be left to The 1'ee's readers. The Bee asks Its readers to elect ten persons each week to take these trips. Everybody al.ould vote you Buiely know some one who Ceaerve a vii gallon (rip. The Bee wants the most deserving to go, but leaves It to Its readers ,10 say who they uro. Everybody get ready go tell your friends and get them to vote for you. The tlect.on tpen 011 Monday, May 2, and closes Saturday, Hay V, bt I p. 111, The fortunate "elect" will travel on the best the shortest line to St. Louis The Wabash. This is Um only ilns going direct to the oi.povltiun ground. The equipment, of course, on Uiis line is sucn as 10 tuku cine of the crowds, as they will have extra trains uu all lines. The ten persons receiving the largest number of .vote at the close of ach "uleotluii" ;il be 1. rnlslied, - at 'lh Heo a expense, as prizes, each .1 true tup 110111 Omaha to St. L.oui and lalurn, to be taken ai.y tlmtt timing th exposition. No restrictions are placed as to w.l.era tlio party lives as a candidate for cne of the expotlvun trips. No votes will be counted for ti.iployt cr agents or Te Uee. . , , ... . AH votes must be made on coupons which will do published each duy In The Bee. prepayment ot subscriptions may be made eltlier di rect to The Uee FuDilahliig Con. .any or to an author ised agent of The Hee. , , , . , , No votes aent In by erenls will be counted unions sent In In accordance with Instructions given hem. The vote from day to day will be publlalid In all editions of 'Ihe Uee. Tha "election" will tloe eh fcaturday at 8 p. m. Votes may be deposited at the business ofilce of The Bee or sent by mall. No votes sent by trail will bo cour.ted which are not in Ihe Omaha poatoltloe for Uttliv ery at p. m. cn th day of closing. Address, "Exposition Departme nt" Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. 1 Ha ve 4, . . stll. M IhnJ. prescription.. ta. nun 1 11 v nna aii - .--, . 3 r--jjm&rji m r SIX L"7 d SklefV h M so. -no, A