16 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE: BATURDAY, MAT T, lflOi. Ueautlfy our Homo 10,000 Live, Growing Potted Flowers and Shrubs on Sale for Almost Nothing We go into an entirely new and create a tremendous sensation tire contents of W. J. Hesser's Greenhouses at Flattsmouth, Neb. Mr. Ilesser is one of the best state. He leaves for California, home, and ho i Sold -us all Kis potted plants, all his palms and all his flowers iiv bulk at a most ridiculously low price. They're on sale to- At He, 5c, 7c, 15 c, 25c In this immense assortment you will find everything in the line of flowers thousands of Palms, of every variety grown and in all sizes Rubber Plants, Cacti, Ferns and other plants for home decoration also Geraniums, Heliotropes, Fuschias, Roses, Mig nonettes, Nasturtiums and hundreds of varieties for out-of-door transplanting. I Make Omaha V Beautiful L OJ Open a. Bank Account and receive 4 est compounded every three months. Ac counts opened for onedoliar or more, and deposits made now draw interest for the entire month. Little home safes loaned free. Checks on all banks cashed. J. L. Bra,ndeis . Sons, Bankers. Tha Acknowledged "nnnnn uvudlam v IN OMAHA Showing Hundreds of NEW HIGH-GRADE UP-TO-DATE BEAUTIFUL DRESS HATS At Popular Prices Always. Special Street Hat Sale Saturday It's Worth Your While to Look. 1508 Douglas St. GURLEY GUARDED IN SPEECH Reserves Eapresaloa to Post- Primary Actions Hot After the Alaika Job. W. F. Gurley reaervea an expression a. to his ultimata candidacy for tha repub lican congressional nomination, but an nounce ha will at leaat not be a candi date at tha prlmaiii's May 13. What ba will do at the convention ha dos not any. Mr. Gurley Buys he knows nothing about a prospective appointment aa United Btutea district attorney for th territory of Alutka, to succeed Molvin W. UrUby, who haa retired. "All I know about It Is what I have seen In a preaa dispatch from Washing ton," said Mr. Gurley. "I huve not been a candidate for the place; have not sought It and did not know that anyone wui trying to get It for me, or that there was any likelihood of appnlulinent. I do not know even what the pluco la Ilka or what the dutlea are. Therefore, I cannot any whether I would want It or not. The whole thing la news to me." "Axe jrou u of the cvntestauts In the Beautify rtwr" . the ficGO'lS City. 3E Plants, Today deal out of the ordinary ran for a day. We buy the en known and oldest florists in the which he will make his future Have per icui uiioi" Leading Retail nr m pending- congressional tight T" was asked. "Well, at any rata, not In tha fight at tha priamrles May 13," was tha reply. "It Is too early to try to forecast later develop. mente. I have an idea that any man whom tha republicans will nominate will ba elected this fall, partly betausa of tha fact that It la a presidential year, without a vestige of doubt for tha success of tha re publican national ticket." Duckleri Araiui Tha beat In tha world for cuts, corns, boila, bruises, burns, scalds, sores, ulcers, salt rheum. Cures piles or no pay. So. For sal by Kuhn Co. Marriage Ueesaea, Up to noon May tha fallowing eouplos nd tHien licensed to weOf Name and Residence, t Ace. lll.:n 1. Qulncy, Gmha ii A Ilia ri llomniel, OmaJ.a U Alum It. Conkllng. Oliaha. U Jt'.tle frllnclerj, Omna to Charles Nelson, Om,m S3 Ida Liickson, Omtlif 2o Charli-a K. Held. Da-iver M MuiiIlU Kluharda, Mew Stork City t . U-K. Wedding W'gs. EOhoim, JsweUr. : , rmz n:,i: : mm Store Open Saturday Evening Till 10. Satur day If i V lSllUrS Saturday. It's tha most Inviting the est and altogether t he pleesantest and Ing center In the wrest. There la nothing stuffy, either about the etor e, stock or the prices jt-rerytning is ciean-cut and sweet, even to tne at Biosphere In the basement where several thous- ,a anas or people are lining the great every hour or Saturday and being promptly waited on. Kaufman's Orchestra 7:30 to IQiQQ. Special pro gram. Come. FresK Meats and Provisions Strictly fresh dressed chick ens, all hens, small sizes, per pound, 11 l-2c Fresh No. 1 Leaf Lard, 15 pounds for $1.00. Pork Roast, at, per pound 6Jc 5c . .5c Spare Bibs, at, per pound .... Bologna Sausage, at , Mon-ell's Iowa Pride Bacon, 1 (backs, per pound ; IIJW Morrell's Iowa Pride Cal. Hams, (r per pound m3 Choice Cottage and Boneless 1fr Hams, per pound HJW Swift's best grade Premium 11&r Hams, any size llib CO-pound cans of Lard, all best known brands Rex, Sliver Leaf or 7(S, Armour Shield, at, per can Oreen Trading Stamps every time. Silverware Sale. Onleda Community's Hate hless 25-year Spoons, Knives and Forks Beautiful hand-made 25-year tea- P C A poons, per Bot Saturday kpieIU and $5.00 in Green Trading Stamps. 25-year Tablespoons, per set and $10.00 in Green Trading Stamps. Onieda Community hand-made Knives and Forks or Rogers Bros.' 1847 Z J?A Knives and Forks, per set pJUM and $10.00 in Green Trading Stamps. Saturday Stamp Sensation Two hundred manufacturer's biu.-iiiiw uiuBniiaii cilctui.b nuu uiunLy nana embroidered designs all this season's pretty colorings values up to 60c Saturday morning at o'clock they go on sale at each AND ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH STAMPS WITH EVKUY PIECE. f Made Veils We are showing a special line of coin dotted Bordered Chiffon Veils one and one-half yards long In white, blaok, navy and brown values up to sixty oents Saturday eeon t...M. .. Clothing Department. A bargain purchase of 565 some cost to make 139.00 yours Satur day at and double Green Trading Stamps 250 Children Suits, (ft! ) C special -.--it.-.f P and double Green Trading Stamps. $450, at $2.45 Children value to and Double Green Trading Stamps, 50 dozen Boys Knee Pants at.. ,. Choice of any well-known SuspenderThe Kady, Prebi dent, Bough Rider. ........ and $2 in Green Trading Stamps. Big Shirt bargain, value CC) to $1.00, at.- xMUrK and $2 in Green Trading Stamps. The way our $2.00 Hat moves shows it has no equal. Double Green Trading Stamps Saturday. vlted to make) this tha biggest of blj atoraa their headquarters cheeriest roomiest airi moat popular trad. at BENNETTS. aisles Grocery Vnnai a wvwi on every DUrrhna. - . . CT ui a ruceries ana assurea. SATURDAY SPECIALS. Pr2&L'w,oI,1 .Hlver Thlmble SlkinTr i h pound of Te 3ii"St ,'or turdaronl Potted H.m French MuataxJjsi"" o 10O . -t iniui ... d eaiung Soda, packaVa IX Pre-jervee ? dfl'" 2c W.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with each 2-pound can Bennett's Breakfast ,4Q Coffee 40C One thousand cans at this special offer. Jl.oO worth Oreen Tradins Stamps with three Neuf chatel cheese 2fJ 1100 worth Oreen Trading Stamps with each three lb. can Clam OHn Chowder.. ,.UC 6oc worth of Oreen Trading ' Stamps with each two lb. can Strawberries at .y!U.P- -JSC Tons and tons of butter iowest prices. CIOAR DEPARTMENT. 60c Oreen Trading Btamps with each box containing 12 2B.a.rr. 25c ANGEL FOOD TAFFY. Assorted flavors, very delicious, per S?U. 15c 60o worth of Green Trading Stamps with each pound. $3.00 Sale of are heartily lm S I wf H Neckwear in Our Neckwear Dept. "clean-up" Collar Tops, Stocks, 29c OF GREEN TRADING 35c Men's Suits- doo men's cults $7.50 111, i jm "re 19c :i50c mm ii raaiM I I erfarWjsyysrty II j m IsMrtsJi I iisjnirf--Msj -4 m IT x i I SMITH'S Groon Trading Stamp Spocials FOR SATURDAY AND WEEK t .00 In stamps with one rack honey 2uo J 00 In stamps with I boxes of Matches..... 16c J .00 in stamps with one package Malta Vita loo J 00 in stamps with one package Bak- Ins; Boda 10c J1B0 In stamps with 1-lb. can Bnk- 4 Powder 26o JC .00 In stamps with sal. beat Ohio Maple Syrup 7So $0 00 In stamps with one clothes basket 60o tl.00 In stamps with one can of apii ' cots .200 I .00 In stamps with one bottle of Ketchup 16o 1.00 In stamps with one 6-pound Sack ' Salt lOo $1 00 In stamps with 1 New Tork cream cheese pound of , 80o SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY 51 00 In stamps with seven bars D. C. Soap 25c 1.00 In stamps with three bars Velvet 1 Cocoa Soap 16o CI.00 In stamps with three pounds best prunes 25c $10 00 In stamps with one gallon Ohio Maple Syrup S1.25 00 In stamps with 3Vs pounds of Ex celsior Blend Coffee $1.00 $10 TEA SPECIALS tin .00 In stamps with 1 lb. B. F. 'U Japan Tea 80c Cin .00 In stamps with one pound best IU Ceylon Tea at 80c C.00 In stamps with 1 lb. a Breakfast Tea English 75c tA.OO In stamps with 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea 60o COFFEE SPECIALS .00 In stamps with 8 lbs. Java and Mocha Coffee tl.00 .00 in stamps with S lbs. Excelsior Blend Coffee 11.00 .00 In stamps with 1 lb. Cucuta Blend Coffee 26o 00 in stamps with 1 lb. Fancy San tos uiena cotxee ao SPECIALS IN BAKERY DEPT. Angel Foods, each 16c Chocolate Layer Cake, each 26c Peanut Bars, per dosen 10c Almond Cocoanut Maocaroons, per dosen 10c E. T.SMITH & CO., 1407 Doiglai St. . Phone 16-4. COMPREHENSIVE SUGGESTIONS which aot onlv awakon keen interest, but inspire you to action. Reasons: Quality and Price. Results; Satisfaction and Economy Strictly Fresh Eggs 15c ...12ic ...12ic per dosen Ralston Breakfast Food per package Saratoga Flakes per package M Knox's Gelatine 11c .5c per package Malta-Ceres per package Malta-Vita 10c per package , Trlscul ta 8c per package Early June Peas three cans ...25c xor , 6-lb Basket Tomatoes 38c We are pleased to announce that we will again place on sale tomorrow (Saturday) the choicest selected ripe Tomatoes at 38o per Dasaei Strawberries Vegetables and Fruits of every desorlD- uon at greauy reaucea prices. Live Spring Chickens It Is needless to buy cold storage chickens when the market affords live, well bred. healthy stock. Visit our market, where jj-.jA.N.ui.N.b23S aweus permanently. Sommcr Bros., Exponent of Good Living. 28TH AND FARNAM STREETS Grocery TeU. IStO-lSSl. Market Tel. 736 New Oxfords for Man If a man wants the new and correct shoe In a low out, he can surely suit himself at this store, where we are showing the latest styles and shapes In both the regular cut and bluoher out oxfords. $3.50 and $5 will buy the smartest oxfords of the seaaon here, In the new nun Mat. I loir nin'V UllH.la Calf, Velour Caf. Patent Colt and the Tan Russlas In all the correct and smart styles. We Invite your Inspection and oomparlttoo. CTrYHDBCO. 1 ivm Li RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS AND CONNOISSEURS " 'Mtt WiM SERVED EVERYWHERE When You Write to Advertisers remember It or.ly takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to men' on tbe fact that you saw, a U Tbt Baa, x Don't Forget! We Sell GLORIA. uu THR RtLIABl'R HfHK. Annual May Women's 6 and $8.50 walking O Qfk skirts-at Women's $8 and HO walking R fC dress skirts at a,uu MAY CLEARING! SALE SPRINO WAISTS AUour $1 and Jl.oO waists 50C Women's $3 and $2.60 waists Q5C Women's taffeta Jap and lining waists, worth, up to $ at 2.98 Extra FROM 8 A. M. TILL 11 A. M.. ONLT Women's seersucker underskirts, with flounce and two ruffle, excellent AQq value at $1.60 your choloe s-rw Children's spring dresses, In sailor and blouse styles AQc ages S to 8 at Women's $12.60 oravenette coats 7 Eft eSksj iinmn eee Hayden Bros. Have Just Received BY EXPRESS. A HANDSOME NEW LINE OF SHIRT WAIST SUITS, IN SILKS AND WASH MATERIALS. NEW VOILE, ET AMINE AND MOHAIR SKIRTS AND BXLK COATS ALL FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING. Newest Styles. Best Materials. Unmatchable Prices. WOMEN'S NEW SILK SUITS In checks and plain colors, pleated skirts with extra drop-made to sell at $18.60 SI 1.77 SATURDAY SPECIAL AT ipit.MM WOMEN'S SILK SUITS in pongee and taffeta silks, in checks, stripes and fancies, skirts pleated and very full, waists elaborately $15.00 trlmmed-made to sell at $23.00-SPECIAL AT WOMEN'S NEW WASH SUITS In checks, stripes and $1.50 plain colors at WOMEN'S NEW MOHAIR WASH SUITS .$5.00 In all colore In plaids end checks at Women's etamine and SWllan walking sklrts-$2.90, $4.90, $690 and $S.90. SI A Foaming, Sparkling, cooling summer beverages are now In de mand. We are ready with the most de licious fruit syrups made. 7 Sticks Candy 0 Peerless Mixed Candy 9o Premium Mixed Candy 10o Peanut Taffy 10o Marshmallows, box 6 Chocolate Drops 100 Winter Oreen Lozenges o Cream Mixed 160 Yankee Peanut lo 8 packages Sum lOo Ice Cream Soda ...60 THAT'S mmmm He Still Sells Stationery. 1611 Farnara St., Opp. N. Y. L. Bldg. GREEN TRADING STAMPS Our ioD crloes and the best quality Is what la keeping our would-be competitors auesslng. ONTO WEEK'S SPECIALS. $10.00 In green stamps with one pound Ceylon or English Breakfast Tea at bbo. $10.00 In green stamps with 3Vs pounds Ceylon uonree ior $8.00 In green stamps with three pounds Mocha and Java Coffee for $1.00. 1.1 In oraan .tnmn. with l.Dnlind Can Mocha and Java Coffee for 7uc. i.OO In green stamps with 1-pound can Boston Baking fowder for 46c. .00 In green stamps with one pound Japan, $3.00 In green stamps with one 4-.xund pacaage cuuany s s'raiuiu whi -uw- .4 . om Jut In u-raan atamnfl wtth AAfll bottle Waterproof Shoe Polish at 20c. 1.00 in green stamps with each 43-pound sack Blue Bell Flour at $1.35. to In green stamps wun eaca 001m Kxiraci a 1 10c. . 00 IN GREEN STAMPS WITH THE bars Laundry Soap, 25c bottles Pickles, Hoc. large Jar Prenarvee, 16c. Sack age Corn Starch, 10c. pound cans Tomatoes, 8Uc. cana Early June Peas, 3uu. cans Rex Lye, lOo. Celluloid Starch, K)o. -pound Baker's Chocolate, 20c. 5-pound sack Salt, 10c. pounds Prunes or Rice, 26c. packages Searchlight Matches, 15o. Doutid American Cheeee, 18o. tub Borrow MEAT A GROCERY CO 113 Worth 18th. Phoae lOeW. Rogers, Peet O Co. Swell Clothing for Men. J. L Brandels O Sons. mi 0 Don't Forgetl to ask for GLORIA. .Lild Clearing Sale This Will be the rreatost hnrR.iln sn; we ever hnd durlns; this month of iin venr RICAD CAREl-'ULLT THil FOLIAIWINO! Women of Omaha know our stock preitv well, but not at the following exceptional prices: All suits that sold lip to $1160 m rrv May clearing sale price J,JVJ All suits that sold op to $18.00 in fill May clearing sale prloe I V7. VIVI All suite that sold up to $.10.00- so ri May clearing sale price WOMEN'S CAPES AT CLEARING SALU PRICEH. Women's $3.00 eapee f Women's $4.00 capes 2.90 Women's $10 and $13 capes 5.00 Women's silk and covert coats 5.00 May Clearing Sale of Skirls Women's $5.00 walking skirts J.QQ OTHER CLEARING! 8 ALIO BARGAINS. Children's coats, ages 4 to 13 1 Oft years, oape over ahoulder at Children's spring coats O QQ $6.00 value at ....... .. .. " " Misses' $6.00 skirts at ..... a 2.98 Worn en' s orepe and lawn kl monas, $3 value at ....... 79c Specials Women's rustling Mn4r tinder- e rr skirts, regular $2 value at l.Vw Women's $ silk underskirts 4 () aU colors and blaok at FROM 7:80 TILL P. M. Women's wrappers. In light and dark col ors, worth up to $2.00 59C Limit of two to a customer. OJ 0 L2M Some Bargains In the Drug Dept. 60o Rubber Complexion Brush 19a Pears' Unscented Soap 12o Mentha! Pencils 1 Milk Emulsion 6 Lleblg's Beef Wine of Iron 49o Regular 60c Perfume in White Itoso, Jockey Club, Lily of the Valley, Helio trope, Carnation and Apple Hlossom, por ounce 25 PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MIC I) ICINAL PURPOSES. Port Wine, quart bottle 89i Port Wine, pint bottle &o Vine Springa Malt Whisky, quart bottle.75o Vine Springs Malt Whisky, pint bottle. .B"o Old Prentlco Whtaky, quart bottle !o Old Prentice Whisky, pint bottle Co w&wm - . , . . . j MY NAME Johnson & Goodlett Co, ' Phono 1375. No better values than those ioted below can be found anywere else-and they are ... . .,.. ,thnr to be found at our store, oney oheerfuUy refunded If you are not satlsued. Specials for Saturday COCOA-K-lb cans Lowney s 26o ; J8a RBlLRASPBEiu U ESi-lb " cans' Vio Cory bnud-l syrup-oiieap at Ac- - APPLKBib ' calls' ' good" for "p'le ' or BABEANfcVHigh ' ' grad". ' " "a-Ito tauT Armour s iu llua tomato suuc. l$MlsT-'-iii ' caiva ' aVen wood brund, 100 uuallty. per can 60 KATlfoP-bnyder's, pints, 26o per lottle I'iiARri 8-lb cans, fine, blight Michi gan fruit, In syruu. per can..... He JlI.L-O assorted flavors, par pkg.... 7Vo 7'aKKS our famous -layer White i'ukuM. nut, orange, caramel, choco- lat. or coooanut, for 30o PoltK IjOINrt per pound Vn, KiMK liUTTS per nound 70 FINE BRHAKPABT BACON lean and sweet, tier pound IZ'40 BOiLINO BEEP tender and sw.ot, HAMS Uliimond "?' brand, pound. H'ao fv.uit FHIITO ner nki Bo BTKAWBKUIUES flue ripe and aweut. The market Is down prices will he EXTRA FINE) HOME GROWN VEGE TABLES the freshest and best at the lowest prices. LAMB STEW per pound 2 Wo Johnson & Goodlctt Co. SOth sad Lake its. Bakers, Ontolters sad Clroeers. . 1 A i