Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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lf yoa art ai.i-i.yee by a smovl bLU
, that hT aocumaatea atirii ( te elr.t'-r
It inigni be an ortcue w )uu to recur
Whsey roc us end p f Utcm. and U.en
. pa) us la waekix or mommy pa men a
, until you f t eut of , We ioaa oa
. furniture.. ;ii,ob. lira eiork and ether
chatiei and ws bUi loan to
pop upun ifcfcir gt agreement Ui re-
t-r ratea ar ai low aa any aod a grt
deal lower than lome. cur servlc ta
. quick aud wluiout publicity. If bar
oeait with Ma ud ax piad, UUsihara,
sad tf yoa arc dlrpieased. te.l ua
Omaha Mortgage Lan Co..
Lt Hou4 of lr4 iug. "lei. 2i
( (EaiaUlstied laa. e South 1 a ft.
I X l
1'lANOS. fctc.
" With rebate n ben ptld before dj, end
-. extension of Km h"ii sick or out
of wora, without extra chars.
Tou can establish a CKEpiT with a 4d
- RELIABLE firm and secure money
wbeaevrr u need ju "
w wiii sovenr-e vou nioiutn tnonc
pay ln au your oeois. ao trial y-u WiJ
ewe it all In tmt place, where you get
CO"uTteous 1 r A tmfBi -
ow easy pajzmni pin .nes asoaisbee
people no i.aa previously burrowed of
other loan companies, ot aoocuiit of oar
liberal rate.
"We make loses ' on EALARIES. FURNI
'07 -I Fuun block. X MfCJ
Je loan on aalarlea Easy money. ' sasy
trm. Quick and courteous treatment
SM PAXTdN. ELK. .... TEL. F-23
; i X MSil
:. ' to . . .
y . . iPhoenix Credit Co,
j' ,63 1'axton
: .. x si7
and ather with aecurity; eaay payment;
larcaat Lualnaaa In 4 principal oiliea.
Tolmao, rams 0. Chamber of Commtrct
' X-K
3 P. C. YEAR
FftOU II to V.W loiinad on our
Data a PK EKT PER 1 EAR. No
uny pliant deal. Call or writ and set
my ayatem. W. L. taatnan at Co., 11JK
amam, umaoa. A. kW
MONET to- oaa on furniture. borea, ett,
- at half oauaJ ratea. lr. Prlbbenow, room
uaaijun b. mm at. lal. Jtt-aM. JLi
MONET loaned on tlanoa furnltur. law.
airy, horaoa, oowa, c J. F. Rd. Jj S.
UtL - lfc-iK7
CHATTEL, aalary and Vrweirr loans Foley
CALART and collateral ioana. Templeton.
Zli Be Ttd. Tel. 204. X-M41S
(Should b red dally by All interacted, a
cnangea mar occur at any urn. J
i -tntMta. tor the wees eiKllng May
1, lwt. will -eloaw :tPROMPTLT In all
caa . at. tne Ueneral Ftoatofaoe aa fol
low; faruvla-puitt maila cloae oae hour
earlier than cluatng tlma ehowo below.
arcels-pat aiia aor Uarmany )ac at
a p. m. JdoaAay. . . . . -
aienilar and uprflmemfy mailt vioae at
Forrifn atatloa iuorner of Waet and Mor
toi'atreetsi ha:r IVeur later than cloaing
lima ahowe tlow. exoett that auppla
mentary mall for Europe and Central
America. Colon, cloaa one hour later
at Fareigu atnUoc.
- ' Traaaatlaatl Matlla.
BATTBDAT At a. n. f or EUROPEi per
a. a. Germanic, via Cherbourg and South
ampton (mail muat b directed "per a. a.
Uerma.nic"); at 6.30 a. m. for EUROPE,
per a. a. Cucania, via Quwoitown; at 1:80
a m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. a. Vad
erland (mall rnuBt be directed per a a.
Vaderland' ); at liJi. m. for ITALY direct
per a. a. rruiceaa Irene iman muat oe ai
rected "per a. a. Prlncea Irene"); at :Jtt
a. m. tor e(vi i u aireci, ier m. B.
Aatoria I mall nut be directed "per a. a.
Aatona"; at 11 a. m. for DENMARK di
rect, per a. a Hekla (mall roust be di
rected "per a a. Hekla").
Vfter the closing of the supplementary
Transatlantic malls named above, ad
ditional supplementary mall are opened
on the piers of the American, Engllah,
French and German rt camera, and remain
Pn until within ten minute of lb
hour of Bailing of steamer.
SUalla far swath Ml Cwatral America,
Weal ladles, Bts.
fRIDAT At a. tn. for BERMUDA, per
s. a Caiibbee; at I SO a. m. (aupplement
sT lfl: a. m ) for 1NAQI A and HAUL
per s. a. A)n; at U m. for SANTIAGO,
per a a' Jaaon (mail muat be directed
'per s. s. Jaaon").
BATl'RDAT At : a. tn. (suplementxry
M a. m for CURACAO and VENE
ZUELA, per a. a Zulla (mail for Colors-
bia must be directed "per a. a Zulla");
'it I t m. for PORTO RICO. pr a a
Coamo. n Gan Juan; at u a. m (up-
r-lementary 10:! a. m.) tor FORTUNE
(except Cauca and Magdalena Dep't),
Ir s. a Pa nil a (mail for Costa Rica
must te dlret tcd "per a a Srnla"), at
Mo a. m. fur CUR A. per a a Mexico, via
Havana; at p. m. (supplementary
J p. m ) for TURKS lis LAND tnd iXjM-
IMCA.N REPVEIC. per a a New
J Tork.
kails Frre Overlaaa, Etc- Ei.
ert TraaBaelge.
CUBA Via PorL Taanpa, riurioa, sieaus at
thla offir daily, except Tburaday, at
a. m, (the corinsc'tuig maiis close here on
liondiri. Wtdnnuii mtA aulurrt!!
aUEXICO CITT overuuid, unless aptjcially
aaarraira iiir aepatt n by luamrr, Close
at this office dally, escept Sunday, at 1 M
P. m and iu:u p. m. iiunday at IJM a.
i m and la so d. m
k'KUll'lll.iMV fomnt
- Msils by rail tn North Sydney, arid
thence by steamer, cioses at this ofuc
- ally A t.M l sn.-tctl net-ting rottlis c.use
-liio every Munoay, Wednesday aud Sal-
0AMA1CA By rati ts Boeion. and thence
by. steamer, closes. at this omo at M
P. m. Knday.
MlQL'KLoN By rail to Pqston, and thence
by steamer, closes at this offits dally at
MALA R nil to S'tt Orlwrn, and
thtnee- sv steamer, cloees at thl offkw
cwy, except Sunday, at 11 n p. m. and
ii' su p. m., tunairvt at fia p. m. asa p. ru (cuniiecting mail close brre
Mondav at tiO iift tS ni .
ro&TA RICA Hy ral) to NVw Orleans, enl
inrnce oy etsumer. cioees at inia ome
dally. exceit Sunday, at l -10 p m. asJ
(10 to p. an , Sundays st 11 AH p. m. and
10 13 p. ra. (connecting mall closes bar
rueedays jit 10 au p. m ).
IliLOISTE.-.K-D MAIL closes at C p. ru.
previous day.
aels MalU Farwaraei Over,
laad Dally.
The achedula of clualug Traotciflc mailt
la arranged on the prrumptHn of their
uninterrupted everlkjid Uouait to port
cf i-allkig The itl eKecting malls (ex
cel reariBtered Tancinc mails which
rK p. m pre-luus day) rkM at the
aAi2Tlll,K?I,;ft"2 -Nw Vur- follows:
PINE 1SLANI.B. via Sn Ftancl cloie
J Pjjn- May id, fur despatch per S-
d&iP&tzw- rHiNA.,na philip-
IlNb ISLANDsw vU Man Frar.rieco. close
at f ao p. m. May 7th, for despatch tmr
a. Amerloa liana.
HAWAII, via fu Fraix-iaoo, close at C
p. m. May Sub, for despatch tier a a
rHlA and JAPAN, via Tamma, cluae at
p. m. May rth, for despatch per a a
Mrig Chow.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and
Mftorta, B, C c1( at I S p. m' jj.,
l"th, fur dwpa(ch per a. a Empretw of
C l.ina. I alrvltadu for V. 8. Puvial
Agrnry at t-'Uai.ghal rannot be forwarded
via Cuaia).
CHINA Bi.d JAPAN, irla rV.ttle, 'rinse at
' Se.p J- "N lur drpatch per a
Darls sell drugs,
LetTert'a giasfe ft.
Plockort sells carpel.
The FauM cigar, i cents
Paint, oil and glas. Morgan A Plcksy.
Special sale on floor easel and screena
Alexanuer s. tT3 Broadway.
L't. memorandum book. Return to 1
Scott street anl r--rive reward.
For wII paperii.g. palr.ttng, ttcrur fram
ing, see Bora Kk. 11 ilaln t. Pbooe A-6JD-
Herbert, the infunt n of Mr. and Jin.
Ailred Cberbey, iim Aicnue B, djed last
evening, ared 1( months.
A marriage license was issued resterday
to J E 7' orbit t. fcpeO . and Jennie E.
Vfendenburg, sred I'., U"th of this rjty.
The Ladles Missionary society of the
First baptist Chun a. wiJ meet this after
noon at i.Vi o'clock In the church parlor.
The regular meeting of the Council Blurt
bwlire ri Kik. will be held this iening.
when a large class of candidate will be
Mr E E Avleeworth arrived home yes
terday from New York City, where she has
ten visiting friend and relative for sev
eral month.
Julhi Anderson wa issued a bulldmg
l-rmit vinterdav for a one-story frame
store biiliiilng on Twentieth avenue and
Tenth street to cost .
Deroe's mixed paints Morgan A Dickey.
W. J. Pullman, charged with the theft
of chickens, a as adjudged guilty in po
lice court yesterday- morning and sentenced
to the county Jail for thirty days.
The Ladle' Aid society of the People's
Union church. Thirty-fifth street and Av
enue B. will give a social this evening st
the home of Mrs. Levi, 3644 Avenue C
Have your carpets taken up, cleaned and
reiaid by inouern methoda Olu carpets
made Into handsome ruga Council Bluffs
Carpet Cleaning. Co., 4 North Main street.
'Phone 16. a Woodward, the local architect
for the Carnegie library building, began
yesterday a series of tests to ascertain
whether piling win be necessary lor me
proposed building.
The Northwestern railroad has been noti
fied by the city authorities to construct
culverts under its grsde on both side of
Avenues A. U and C, and Broadway, within
thirty days.
W. I. Walker of the Walker Manufactur
ing company of thla city, has removed his
resldenoe lrom Omaha to Council ttiun
and taken the J. J. Brown house on South
beventh street.
Fred W. A. Oeise. who was stricken with
appoplexy bunday night, died yesterday
morning at hi residence, liast ash
lngion avenue. He was S years of age and
as survived by his wife and one child.
The regular meeting of the Women's
Christian Temperance union will be held
this afternoon at the home of Mra Beet ha
C. Johnstone, 23 Frank street. Miss Mary
ODonaell will have charge of the pro
gram. Mra Anna S. Anderson, wife of 3. Q.
Anderson, tK South First street, died yes
terday afternoon from tulercuiois after an
illness of Hire years, aged U years. Be
side tier husband, two sons, J. W , Jr.,
and Dawn H.. survive her.
Mrs. Mary Hoist, wife of Peter Hotel,
died Wednesday evening at her home in
Plumer settlement from Congo i ton of the
lungs, aged 114 yeara Three children and
her husband survive her. The funeral will
be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock
from the German Lutheran church and
burial will be in ths Huff Cemetery.
' Ths funeral of the late Mr. Mellnda A.
Cole, wife of C. C. Cole, will be held thl
afternoon at l:Sti -o'clock from the residence
of ber daughter, Mr. Ernest Marsh, 1421
Eighth avenue, and interment will be in
Fairvlew cemetery. Rev. W. 8. Barnes,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church,
will conduct the services.
E. Swanson of Crescent township brought
to the county auditor s office yesterday sis
wolf cubs which he had captured on his
farm early In the morning while plowing.
He received the bounty of II a head after
he bad taken the cubs to the basement of
trss oourthDuae . and terminated their ex
istence with the asslstanos of Custodian
George Hin.
Mrs. Martha M. Martin, wife of John
Mai-sin, 142ii Eight avenue, died at a late
hour Wednesday night, aged yeara One
son. William, and two daughters, Mra.
James Quln and Mra Emma Nelson, all of
this city, besides hex husband, survive her.
The funeral will be held this afternoon at
i o'clock from the residence and burial
will be in Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. F.
A. Case, psstor of the First Baptist church,
will conduct the service.
Rev. M. J. Pusey for Are years past
principal the Methodist school for English-speaking
youth In callao, Peru, hat
been secured by the Methodist churches of
this city to deliver s lecture at Broadway
Methodist Episcopal church tonight. He
brings with him a number of South Amer
ican curios, such as corn which he got
from a Peruvian mummy more than l.lK
years old, costumes of the wild Indians of
the Amason valley, etc. His lecture deals
with the political, historical and com
mercial features of the South American
republics, and will be free to the public,
which Is cordially Invited to attend. While
in the city Rsv. Pusey will be the guest
ot Rev. A. E. Burlff, psstor of Trinity
Methodist church.
Desk Hewn ta Rest.
Omaha Daily Be a 10 Pearl street. Council
Student may enter any tlBro- Excellent
places ta work for board. Tuition very
reasonable. Write for sample copy of our
Colic; Journal. Writs or call lor lniorma
Uoo, K. P. MILLER, Prea.
Maaonio Temple. ' Phone BG4.
and HAWAII, via San Trsncisro. dost
st f:10 p. m May 21st. for despatch per
S a Sonoma Hf th Canard stesmer
carrying the British mall for New Zeal
and not arrlvs In time to connect
with thla orspatrh. estra malls cKiaing
at I SO a m.. a. ra. and Do m ;
Sundays at I M s tn.. t a. m and :M
m. will be made up and forwarded until
tits arrival of tlie (Vinard steamer.
and NEW CAl-EDONIA (apecially ad
dressed rly. ria Vancouver and Vic
toria.. B. C . close st as p sa. Msy Bst,
for despatch tr s. s Miosera.
& Frncls.-H. cluse at ho p m May
Nth. fkT denjtrh per s a Manpoak
cisco. rkiM st SO p in. My fTth,. for
d ttrk per U B. Transport.
NOTE Unless otherwise ddn sssd West
Australia la ftwarded via Europe: sr.
Ksw Zealand and I'hlllprrnea via baa
Francisco th gulrkest routes. Philip
pines speciallv addresoad 'Via Canada"
or "via Furope must 1 fully preptd at
th forela-n rates, Hawsll Is lorwardsd
via Baa Fraioteeo exrlusivelr.
Pos LasastasT
Post rs xvw Turk. M. T.
ApiU tS. 1H04.
For lai sand Ala-fi
rutfl in. raaym Til all
Dega.Ui 1 B cYeoted t OoiVy Semi
Biting OoiTtaiion Mtj 12.
Other Likely ta Ds-relsas However,
Before the Asseaabllag of the
Ceaveatlea Which Is ta
Hssalaate Ticket.
Prln-arles to select delegate to the re
publican county convention, to be held
Thursday, May 12, at which time a county
ticket will be placed In nomination, will
be held tomorrow evening In th city and
throughout the county. The places for
holding the caucuses In the city and the
number cf delegates each precinct Is
entitled to ars as follows:
First Wsrd First precinct: Wheeler A
Hrreld building, corner of East Broadway
end Benton street, live delegate Second
rreclnct: bheelv Linti marble shop,
67 East Broadway seven delegates.
Second Ward First precinct: City build
ing. Bryant street, seven delegate. Second
prwinct; 7-40 West Broadway, ix delegate.
Third Ward First precinct: 1M South
Main street, seven delegate. Second pre
cinct: Fire station, (1 fcoutn Main street,
five delegate.
Fourth Wrd First precinct: Farmer'
hall, courthouse, six delegates. Second pre
rinct: Smiths hall. 71S Sixteenth avenue,
four deleastea.
Fifth Ward First precinct: County build
ing. Fifth avenue ana iweinn street.
ie-ht dleru. Second precinct: County
building. 1511 South Thirteenth street, five
delegates. .
Sixth Wsrd First precinct: County build
ing. Twentv-fourth street snd Avenue B,
seven delegates. Second precinct: Mg
tiussen building. Cut-Off. one delegate.
Each caucus will also select a preclnot
committeeman for the ensuing year, as st
the county convention the county central
committee will be reorganised and a new
chairman selected. Providing he will con
sent to continue to serve as such there 1
no doubt but George S. Wright will be re
elected chairman.
Still Baat of Candidates.
The candidates for ths several nomina
tions hare been waging quite an activa
campaign, although It has been on the
"still hunt" wder. With the exception
of that for clerk of ths district court
the Indication are ther will be lively con
tests for most of ths nominations. Up
to date ths number of announced candi
dates In the field is not large, but others
may develop between this and next Thurs
day, the dsy cf ths convention.
For clerk of the district court, H. V.
Bsttey of A voce, the present east end
deputy, appears to have everything- his
own way, although there have been rumors
more or less persistent to the effect that
the friends of Freeman L. Reed, the pres
ent Incumbent of the office, may try to
renominate him. It Is stated also thst
Frank W. Reed, son of Freeman Reed,
and one of his deputies, would not refuse
the nomination tf It came his way.
For oounty auditor there are three
avowed candidates In th field... They are
W. M. Frederick, present deputy under
Auditor Inn; W. C. Cbeyne, present dep
uty ta the' offlo of the clerk ot the dis
trict court, and William A. Qroneweg-,
deputy marshal under Sheriff Canning. All
three have strong hacking and are equally
well qualified to fill the postlon.
G. O. Batrd, at present deputy under
Recorder Smith, la said to be the leading
candidate for ths nomination for county
recorder, although E. E. Saylea, former
alderman from the Fifth ward. Is - an
avowed candidate and is making a quiet
bat active campaign, George H. Nash of
Center township has been reported as be
ing a candidate for this nomination, as hat
William Bailey of Loveland.
The contest for the nomination for county
attorney rests between J. 3. Hess, the
present assistant to County Attorney Kin
pa ck, and Clem F. Kimball, who held the
position before Mr. Hesa The statement
that John Fletcher of Avoca had eyes on
thit nomination hat been denied.
D. F. Dryden of Hardin township and
W. F. Baker of this city are the two
members of ths Board of County Super
visors whose terms expire at the end ot
the year. Both srs candidates for re-
Supervisor Dryden, it is stated, will meet
with D opposition, but the contrary It
true in the case of Colonel Baker, at
Former Alderman C. W. McDonald, a
leading member of ths Commercial club.
Is out for ths nomination for the member
of ths board from Council Bluffs.
Th convention next Thursday will also
be called upon to select twenty-seven dele
gates to attend ths stats convention at
which a stat ticket will be named, and
which has not yet been called.
Plumbing and heating. Bixby A Son.
Relay Mae Between Classes Promises
ts Be laterestlas;.
What promises to b one of ths most In
teresting events at the high school field
meet this afternoon at th Union Driving
park is ths relay race between teams rep
resenting the seniors. Juniors, sophomore
and freshmen, Th program contains six
teen events and the first race will be called
at 1:1. These will be the official: Judges,
3. A. Clark, 3. M. Chestnut, W. N. Clif
ford; referee. Painter Knox; announcer,
W. F. Sapp; timekeeper, P. Johnson and
W. H. Dudley; starter, Fir Chief Nich
olson. Th list of events and entries follows:
On hundred-yard dash: Baird, Canning,
Cutler, Hollcnbeck, Johnson, Leffert.
Nichols, NicoU. Norgard, RadlkH, SuUioff,
Land, strom.
Pole vault: Baird, Brown, Joalln, Nich
ols. Norgard, Read, Andrua.
One hundred and twenty-yard hurdle:
Baird, Canning, Cutler, Demmlng, Hen
nlger. Hardin. NieoU. Norgard, Clearer,
Lundstroin, Red fern, Milia
Half-mile run: Baird, Lemming, Hardin,
Mills, Mortensen. Nichols. Nlcolt, Norgard,
Redfern. Sims, Landetrom, Green.
Hammer throw: uuaiey. Harden, Joslln,
Lefferi, NlcolL Nor
Tn hundred and tweuty-yard dash:
Baird, Canning. Cutler, Planer, Hollen
lck. Johnson, Leffert, Nlcoll, Norgard,
Redfern, Sulhoff. Landstrorn,
Two-mile bicycle: Fiickeuger, Flower,
Jacobl, Menery, Mills. Swensua, Whimty,
Andrua. Currie.
Running big a Jump: Brown. Canning,
Cutirr, Demoting. Fisher. Henulnger, Jos
Jin, Read. Cleaver. Landstrorn. I
Twenty-yard hurdle: Baird. Brown. Can.
ring. Cutter, Fisher. Hennlngsr. Nioll,
Norgard, Cleaver, Landstroui, Rediern,
Hard in.
eUnrt put: Canning, Dudley, Hardin, Jos
lln, Leffert. Nlcoll, Norgard. Redtem.
Four hundred and forty-yard dash: Baird,
Canning. Cutler. Deniniiug. Fuber. Juslia,
Mortensen. NkkII, Norgaid, Red tern, Sul
hoff. Ltul strom,
inscua throw: Baird. Brown. Dudley,
Hardin. Hennlnger. Joslln, Leffert. Nich
ols Nlcoll, Nor sard. Kedfern. Landstrorn.
Running fera Jump: Baird. Canning,
rlaher, Hemiina-er, Hollenbeck, Johnson,
-ffrria, Nichols. Norgard. Read. Sulhoff,
U hltney.
Half-mile bicycle: Fllcklnger, Flower,
Jeoohl. Meri-ry, Mills, Saansuu, Whitney ,
Androa, Surrie,
Mile run: luilrd. Demmlng. Hardin, Mllla,
NKhota, NlcoU, Norgard, Radfarn. blme.
Relay raoe: Sweuors. Brown. Demmlng.
rluuwhat-k. Joaiio, JuhMoa; juniors. Cam
tuna Flehe-r, Read. Hedforn. Nichols; soph
4Maaar aXvardq. lUurjhQf, jNauuli, sSwlaVMa
Landstrorn: freshmen. Mill. Hardin,
Volght. Landst rem.
Mtlcatlsa Over Owes Child.
Th litigation over th custody of little
t-ysar-old Jessie Owens In th superior
court is likely to occupy the attention of
Judge Scott for several day yet. At the
hearing yeterdy morning the opposing
attorneys engaged in a betted dispute and
Attorney Mynster. representing the mother
of the child, Mrs. Ellsworth, ard the lat
ter's mother. Mrs. Bracken, withdrew their
appearance and left the courtroom. The
dispute arose over the. manner In which
th hearing wet being conducted. Attorney
Mynster objecting to the esse, as he termed
It. being turned Into id examination aa to
th fitness of the different partle to tb
proceedings to have the custody of th
At the close of the testimony et Thomas
Owens, the plaintiff In the habeas corpus
proceedings. Attorney Mynster and his
clients returned snd re-entered their volun
tsry appearance.
The child was not in court yesterday,
Judg" Scott ordering that she remain st
the Creche until the case wat determined.
A number cf witnesses on both sides have
yet to be examined, and the hearing, it Is
expected, will occupy th remainder of th
week. If not longer.
Matters la District CoarL
The trial of the personal injury damage
suit of Charles W. Smith against the city
of Council Bluffs was begun yesterday in
the district court. Smith asks for f.JviO
for Injuries alleged to have been received
by driving into a washout on Ridge street
during the season of the heavy rain last
Following the Smith case the suit of Dr.
J. L. Tamislea of Missouri Vailey against
Pottawattamie county will be taken up.
During the smallpox epidemic In February.
IPkiJL Dr. Tamlsica attended two members
of a family in Rockford township, thl
county, who wW suffering from the dis
ease, and he later presented a bill for
1800 for his services to the board of county
supervisors. The board rejected the bill,
claiming that Dr. Tamlsiea had no con
tract with the local board of health and
that hi services had not been requisi
tioned by the county authoritlea
Dr. J. P. Walter, under Indictment on a
charge of alleged malpractice, has filed a
motion for a continuation of his case to the
next term.
Real Cat ate Travasfers.
These transfers were reported to The
Be. May 6. by the abstract, title and loan
office ot Squire A Annie. 101 Pearl street:
lows Townslte company to Llewellyn
Williams, lots If and to, block 11.
McClelland, w. d 4 XX
Mary L. Daniels and husband to A.
C. Keller, lot X. block T. Curtis A
Ramsey's add., w. d 150
David G. Aisop and wife to John W.
end Isaac Mlnnlck, lot 6, in Baylies
Strip, w. d...., e.600
3. P. Greenshlelds and wife to Mra
Corn Green, lots aod IV, block L
Van Brunt A Rice's add., w. d ITS
C. E. Weaver and wife to same, lots
1 to I block t, Mynster Place, w. d. 600
George Baxter to Samuel Ross, SH
nwa neA neH 25-7S-42, W. d 500
3. P. Hes and wife to William Leahy,
S seres In nH sw and In sw nwli
82-75-43. w. d L0
3. W. Squire and wife to Adda V.
Kennedy, let S. block aV Streets' add. .
w. d - 40
Karl Karrer to his wlft. Anna Kar-
rer, lots C and 7, block 2, Treynor,
W. d - 1
A. L. Beohler to Painter Knox, lot
1L block U. Squire s add . w. d 3
Ten transfers, total'..'.."... Hl,f7
K. T? Plumbing Co. TeL-HO; Right, F-GC7.
Besi Keep em WtsmlaaT.
The Bono bowling teas is continuing
to defeat every team that oms before
It Last evening It -again defeated ths
Nonpareil team on the Main street alleys
by a score of 2,430 to Z.170. Tb soor fol
lows: SEX OS. '
1st U IS To'tlt.
Frush 157 1S7 15 45S
Mulils 175 14 lift Wit
Searles 17Z . 2111 14 Wl
Liggett lO W7 144 472
Gardner 16a 14 12! 441
Totals .S3S iot 778 t,4D0
1st Id d Tot ls.
Oudley 142 14 ITS 4S4
Horwlcn 1M 116 14B 43u
Uuinn m ii vat us
Lundls lfi 111 ITS 458
Nicoil 140 US .170 403
Total .70t . 64 801 1.170
Arrested far Wife Desert low.
Peter Barn, wanted on a charge of de
serting a wife and four children In War
ren, Pa., was arrested in this city last
evening at ot North Eighth street. Bam
Is a tinner by trade and he claims that
he left bom because he was unable to se
cure employment. H baa been living at
th house where b was arrested since
Monday. With him was found young
woman named Maggie Jorgenson, who was
passing as bis wife. The young woman
Is a recent arrival In this country and
cannot speak a word of English, , She said
shs was acquainted wltfi Barn In Den
mark, but bad not seen him for ten
years until h wrote to ber that bs was
coming out west and met her in Omaha
about four weeks sgo.
Hot Wsaaa'i Hasten.
Mrs. Clara Drehoff arrived from Det
Moines yesterday to see it sr could
identify one of the four victims of tb
Northwestern freight car fire as ber hus
band, who has been missing from his
horn for several weeks. , Tb bodies bad
been taken to the cemetery, but Mrs. Dre
hoff decided from the dwrlption given her
by Undertaken Cutler that none of tb
four could be her husband, he being ' 15
years of age, A telegram announcing that
ah would b here yesterdsy morning was
received by Chief of Police Richmond from
Mra Drehoff late Wednesday plght.
Father Does Sot Get ChllSrea.
Charles E. Fenton of Edison. Neb., who
cam here after his two children, James,
aged 17, and Jessie, sged 14, was obliged to
return home yesterdsy without them. Th
children refused to go back with their
father and In face of statements made by
the young girl, th local authorities decided
that it was best they should not. They
were turned over yesterday to th care of a
half brother, John Coyne, living at M17
Fourth avenue, snd their sunt. Mrs. Land
of WOS Broadway, st whose horns they were
when fhs police located them Wednesday
at th request ot ths father.
WatehlasT the Gaashlers.
CEDAR RAPIDS. la, May t. (Special
Telegram.) Tb era cf reform continues
la this city. Th newly organised Cliiaens'
league has appointed agents to watch the
gambling places of ths city and begin
proceedings against th owners with a
view of shutting out all th gamblers
from tb city.
Fencing in whit pine, yellow pine and
cypress. Prices to suit you. Com in and
se us. C. Ilafer. Thon Jul.
eaeealaate raaarreesaaaa Ceaalas.
CEDAR RAPIDS. I May a. Coagreas
maa Robert O Coaalns was renominated
bv acclamation for a seventh term t, v-
Fifth district republicans today. Th
DrobibitluailBta of the Fifth Atsarir ku u
aamed sa tVlr aaodatet Rev.
EUaU M ilhalljws-
Stat Cosmitteg Sot ts 8 Orfaaisel for
Smral Week Tt
Maay Take Exeeptloas ta th Stat
Ceaveatloa Sasalas; th Chalraaaa
et the CasasBlttee Taek
lag Walah Oa.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, May k (Special.) It wns
announced her today that th democratic
sate committee will not open headquarteri
until in September and th cotnntltta will
not b called together for organisation pur
poses until about two weeka A. W. Mat
well of Wayne county, who was designated
by the state convention as chairman of
the stats committee, stats that bs will
not call the committee together until after
b has had some tiro to atteryl to his own
affairs, as bs has been away from bom
attending to the Hearst movement for
several months. It Is not certain that tht
state committee will jacecpt in fall the de
clsion of the state convention In regard to
the chairmanship. Th stat convention
never before undertook to declare what th
state committee should do in .regard to Its
chairmanship. At the convention jester,
day the convention named Maxwell at
chairman. A. E. Jackson, the Fiftieth
district member of the committee, has been
chairman for several years and waa plan
ning to be chairman again, and be and
his friends feel disposed to resent the in
terference of the state convention. But th
state convention clinched the program by
making Charles A. Walsh, national com
mitteeman, ex officio member of the stat
committee, thus assuring the Hearst men
of full control of the same,
Charlea E. Russell, western manager for
Hearst, left for Minnesota today, wher
he expect to get to that state.
"We are not sure of Minnesota," said Mr,
Russell, "No organisation has been effected
there, but we have assurances ot much
support. The state convention will be
held early in June.
"We are not claiming the national con
vention," said Mr. Russell, "but Mr. Hearst
will have at least nearly half the conven
tion. We have carried Illinois. In Chicago
and Cook county out of tb 192 delegate
we secured 855 delegates. There will be lnj
the state convention a total of 1.254. Those
already chosen give Hearst 713, which
thowt a clear majority.
"We expect to bold most of th Paclflo
and the mountain states and ther is a
;.ghtlng chance that we will capture In
diana along with other of the states of
the middle west. We are opposed by Torn
Taggart, the smoothest politician with the
smoothest machine ever run In h coun
try. Bo far we hsve been abl to tak
four congressional districts from him, but
the battle is" not won there by a long ways.
Th - south is the real problem for the
Hearst men, and we have no organisation
in any of those states outside of Texas,
which will be for Hearst. If our friends in
the south bring then- expectations to St.
Louis, however, we may carry the conven
tion by storm as we did in Iowa Wednes
day." '
f aperialewdewt Miles Reslgrats.
Superintendent B. J. Miles, for lb last
twenty-Mv years the . head of the Iowa
State Industrial School tor boys at El dors,
has tendered his resignation, to take effect
July L when he goes to Washington, D. C,
to accept a position In a similar institution
at better pay. The Board of Control will
have the selection of his successor, but
nothing has as yet been don looking to a
selection. Superintendent Miles receives a
salary of $1,800 a year with support for
himself and family at EUdora. He went to
th school as an assistant superintendent
and is now the oldest in continuous servlc
of any of the heads ot the various Iowa
state Institutions. The sol reason for bit
resignation Is that of a better position and
wider field.
Worth of a Child.
The supreme court of Iowa declares that
ths life of a girt of t years is worth at
least S3.O0O. Judgment rendered In the Pot
tawattamie county court for that sum wat
declared to be not eaoesslva Ths child
had its foot caught In the tracks and de
spite that the place could be seen for halt
a mile near Underwood the train wat not
stopped and the Jury returned a verdict
for (S.500 in favor of the administrator,
William Farrelt, against ths Rock Island.
Judge Green reduced it to 8,000 befor en
tering Judgment. The company com
plain ed that this was excessive. Justin
ating Ulcers
Nothing it a source of to much trouble as an old soro or ulcer, particu
larly when located upon the lower extremities where the circulation is weak
and sluggish. . A gangrenous frating ulcer upon the leg it a frightful sight,
and as tha poison burrows deeper and deeper into the tissues beneath and
the sore continues to spread, one can almost see the flesh melting awav
and feel tbo strength going out with the sickening discharges. Great
running sores and deep offensive ulcers often develop from a simple boil,
swollen gland, bruise or pimple, and are a threatening danger always!
because while all such sores are not cancerous, a great many are, and this
should make you suspicious of all chronic, slow-healing ulcers and sores,
particularly if cancer runs in your family. Face sores ara common and
cause the greatest annoyance
because) thev are so Dertsistent - Wh.Ung, W. Vs., Kay 28, 103.
oecause uiey are so persistent som year ago whu at work, I fu over a truck
and unsightly and detract SO and asvsrely injured both of my skins. My blood
much from one's nersonal ao- "J" Pid reauit, and tbe doctor told
muca iromones personal ap- j would has running aors for liie, and that
pearance. Middle aged and if they closed up ths rult would be fatal. Da-
old Deoole and those whose
S A " -
blood is contaminated and
tainted with the germs and
poison of malaria or some pre
vious sickness, are the chief
sufferers from chronic sores
and ulcers. While the blood
meat aad
remains in an unhealthy polluted condition, healing is impossible, and
the 6ore will continue to grow and spread in spite of washes and salves
or any superficial or surface treatment, for the sore is the outward sign -of
some constitutional disorder, a bad condition of the blood and system,
which local remedies cannot cure. A blood purifier and tonic is what
you need something to cleanse the blood, restore its lost properties
quicken the circulation and invigorate the constitution, and S. S. S. is
just such a remedy. It counteracts and removes from the blood all the
purely vegetable (remedy, a blood purifier
and tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronic sores and
ulcers. If you hare a slow-healing sore of any kind, external or internal,
writa u about it, and our physicians will advise you without charge
Book oa "The Blood tod Its Diseases " free.
Sherwln points to th fact that some time
ago the Iowa court sustained a Judgment
of SLOno for a boy and at another tiro
a Judgment of HMD for a girl killed, and
conclude that th Judgment In this case
Is not excessive.
Alleaatlea at Afreetlea.
A judgment for Rid for alienation cf
a wife's affections m tb case of Chna
tianson against Thompson, from Harrison
oounty, waa affirmed by tb court.
Cewrt Declaleaa.
The following were ths decisions ren
dered today:
Alex Tod against S. P. Christian, ap
pellant; Palo Alto county. Judge Bailie;
affirmed, opinion by Lada.
A. P. Christiansen against A. T. Thomp
son, appellant; Harrison county, Judg
Thorneii: affirmed bv Weaver.
L. E. Sheets against Alice M Pff. ap
pellant: IAnn county, Judg Thompson;
reversed by Bishop.
Carroll improvement Company against
Alio C Engleman. appellant; Carroll
county. Judge Church; affirmed by tb
C. W. O Nelll against F. IT. Evertiam,
appellant; Mill oounty, Judg Thorneii
affirmed br Deemer.
Wuliam Parrel against Chicago, Rock
Island A Pacific Railway, appellant; Potta
wattamie county. Judge ureen; tinned
uj Buerwin.
tak Batrles Maay.
Secretary Simpson of the Stat Agricul
tural society reports a total or 1 entri
in th stake races for tb state fair, six
separate events. This is the largest num
ber of entries at thl time of tb year.
He 1 also negotiating for securing Dan
Pstch, tb paring horse, for exhibition
purpose at th state fair.
Baslaess Mea's Asaoclatloat aad Laher
raleaa Will Meet to Arraag
DES MOINES. May 5. -With a satisfac
tory adjustment of the difficulties between
employing plumbers and Journeyman
plumbers, by which 900 men resumed work
today, it is announced that th big lockout,
involving ( MO laboring men. In Des Moines
II practically at an end. Negotiations ar
now under way between the Business
Men's association and the trade unions
looking to a satisfactory settlement of
their differences. In each instance both
ides will make concessions.
Pew Details of Stores Which did Dan.
aare at Meet dew,
CHEROKEE. la- May A A tornado
which passed through this county today
destroyed several houses and barns In ths
vidnhy cf Meriden. Th buildings were
totally demolished, but no lives were lost
A severs wind blew her during the
progress of tbe wave that did tb damage
at Meriden. which la six miles corta of
her, but no damage was dona In the im
mediate vicinity. The exact extant of the
storm cannot be learned as yet, telephonic
communication with Meriden being de
moralised by th wind.
SIOUX CITT, la., Msy 6. Th tornado
that struck Meriden passed east, taking
a few buildings in Its path. No on has
been reported injured or killed. Th storm
at 4 o'clock was approaching Sioux City
and th people were alarmed.
KeaalaateA for Ceasrress 1st eleventh
District aa Flftr-Foarth Ballot.
CHEROKEE. Ia, May a (Special.) On
tb fifty-fourth ballot at 1 o'clock thl
morning the Eleventh district republican
CG&ventlon nominated ESbert B. Hubbard
for congress to succeeed Lot Thome. Ths
nomination was made by th delivery to
Hubbard of the stir strength of L S.
6truble, including twelve rotes In Ply
mouth, eleven in Sioux, three is Osceola
and one In - O'Brien, and also of ths
strength of- W. A. Hell sell, consisting of
tan la Sac and eight In Ida, and of Hogue's
eleven la Monona. Buena Vista, th bom
of Lot Thomas, voted last, moving to
mak It unanlmoua
Saloeakeepers Fined at Owawav
ONAWA. la-, May t (6pec.lal. Tb
Onawa saloon men, who wer indicted at
tb last term of court, appeared In court
and withdrew their plea of "not guilty
heretofore mads and wer fined by Judg
darn or as follows: Charles Hubbard, tn&ft
and ooets; Haltman Bros., 1100 and costs,
or In default ninety days In jaiL O'Connor
A Son. aaro. and In th case of William
A M. M. Wis tbey wer fined gam and
ootta, and ar also to pay an attorney
fee ot H00 to th county attorney. William
Livingston was fined (t0 tor running a
gambling bousa In th case of Joseph B.
Arnold against Mary Ex Arnold of Whiting,
which has attracted considerable local
attention on aooount ot the issues raised,
after the Jury bad ben empaneled and vi
flanos partly Introduced the cess waa dis
missed without prejudice.
Bavin Was he Oat Track.
ONAWA. la. May E. (Special Tele
gram.) A heavy rain this afternoon
A Constant Drain
Upon the System.
"J "arag report II.RM tasirtiest
rssorted to ta aa ef S. S. S. Its sflseta
war prompt aad gratifying. It took only a short
while for th adicia t our ap tb ors, and I
am not deal aa th doctor intimated I would be,
aitar kav tbe sors vr broken ant a-aia, and
som 18 yaara bar alapeed sine what I iiav de
scribed ocoaxred.
Car Behsaulbecb Brewing Oo.
impurities and poisons, and gradually builds
up the entire system; and when the blood
has been purified the healing process begins
and the ulcer or sore is soon entirely gone.
S. S. S. Contains no mineral or poisonous
drugs of any description, but is guaranteed a
washed out 150 feet of track on th Illlnc
Central near Tl conic Th company ex
pects to btT th break rt paired this evening.
ew Atteraey far fteetheva.
KANSAS CITT. May k Samuel Moore,
an attorney of this city, has been mad
general solocltor of tbe Kansas City South
ern railway, a 1th headquarter la this city,
according to an announcement mad at th
general oflce here today. Th appoinrmesit
was brought about by ths recent retirement
of Max Imm of New Tork City.
Will Mak lea reel Yvaag.
Electric ritters are a marvelous tonl
and work wonder for a weak, run drwa
system. Try them. Only 6(ic For sal by
Kuhn A Co.
Military Attaches WreckeeV
NEW YORK, May S A transport which
wat conveying ths foreign military attache
to the scene cf war. has been wrecked,
striking a rock near Shlmonosekl, accord
ing a World dispatch from Tokio. Tha
attaches are being carried by another
steamer to their destination.
Everybody who has been
a boy and most of us
hare, except the girls re
members now he looked
upon the bath much in the
nature of an enforced
ducking, with an unpleas
ant soapy flavor,
i And a bath in hard city
water isn't much more than
a good ducking, really.
When you put BO&AX
in the water you get a
bath that really cleanses
-that rids the pores of
waste matter- niic3cens
the circulation ana stimu
lates the entire body. Try
it and. you'll . find the
difference. Just a&k for
BRAND- iYs pure. Sold
by Druggists and Grocers,
, , aadl4bVpa(ages. c
to purchaMm td " so- Mule-Team Bnras.
At atom cr seat Mr BOX TOP aad c la aaarnsv
raabc Coast Borax Co. New x'ark.CBkaca,6a
as-MulTsam--Ow Trad Mark
Your liver regulates
your system.
Wright's Indian
Vcgotablo Pills
regulate your liver.
BR. peeets tm mi TEOTJIX
The Annlhtlator of Worms.
a-ev sal Tsr all aswgsrista.
Charges Less Than ill Others
Treat all terms ef Diseases ef
TvveBty-eight Years' Experience
Eighteen Years in Omaha.
Ths doctor rtnarkabl success ha
never betn sQualed. His resources aad
facilities ior Ufcatu.f this claa of diseases
are unlimited and every day bring many
flatteriiig reports of Li.a good fc is domg
or tbe relief h ha given,
All Blood Poisons. No "BRKAKJNO OUT
cn the akin or fur- snd all xtrnsl slarns
of tbe dlaeas disappear at onoe. A per
manent ur for life guaranteed.
KFAD Ifl Oftfl l',e cured of Hydrocele.
ItLAM JUtUUU biricrura, Oieet. Narvoua
Debility, Loaa of Strength and Vitality
and all form of chronic diseasea
Treatment by mall. Call wr write Bog
KS omoe at South lath st,. Ganaha, Nbd.
Sealed proposals fur in construction of
two dilchut In Lioog county, Nebraska,
known a th Bowman citch and Kasii
ditch, will ! received by th county clerk
of said Lodg county until May 10. lift, at
lu iciock a. m.. said ditches to ba con
structed according to plai.s and specifica
tions f (he survsyor as fi.ed with
ntr ciaro. via must v o-
cooipanted with a certlned rhetk fur u
on um national batik of Fremont. Neb.
Party or parties to whom con tracts ar
awarded must civ good and sufficient
bonds for th faithful performance of euu
tract and to aecur th payment ot laborer
and tnechaxiios,
Addres allUds to C. O. XJO. coonty
Clotk, JiiwauoatJXsU ' JioJVl i
M eT '
t es