Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1904, Image 1

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    Omaha' Daily Bee.
For REL I A 13 LB War
Noxva Road THE HBE.
The Bee prints more Paid Want Ads because
Methodiet feneral Conference Take Up
Timewih Addressee and Memorialv
ril11.4 f n. V.b R1iavaa 'Rasa Dnxa f
tion Bee ires Too Much Attention.
InduJgei in Warning Agaiml Alleged
Current Erilt of the Day.
Krgro Lynching, Tyranny of Trades
I'nloolem, Ureed of t'nacrupuloas
Employers, and Amiitmiili,
Rabjerts Discussed.
LOS ANGELE8, Cal.. May S The Meth
odist general conference held two ses
sions today, th'. morning session being;
devoted to the reading of the quadren
nial address of the Board of Bishops of
the Methodist Episcopal church to the
general conference and the afternoon to
the receipt and reference of memorials
from the various annual conferences. The
morning session was presided over by
Bishop Henry W. Warren and the after
noon session by Rlshop J. W. Wolden.
The various committees got together
during the early morning hours and
elected their respective chairmen and sec
retaries, but as there was no business be
fore them adjournment was taken until
tomorrow morning. Beginning tomorrow
the general conference will hold sessions
only In" tlu- morning, thus allowing the
delegate to give their attention during
the afternoon to committee work.
Dr. Qeorge L. Elliott of Detroit pre
sented a memorial to the effect that the
committee on episcopacy consider the ad
visability of the election of a colored
bishop. He said that he believed that the
Methodist Episcopal church had reached
a, crisis In Its relations with the colored
"If we are to hold the 300,000 colored
membership we now have," ho said, "we
ought to give them some sort of leadership
which they understand and trust and
which understands them."
Object to Colored Bishop.
Charles P. McClelland of New York, lay
delegate, spoke In opposition to Dr.
Elliott's resolution. Mr. McClelland said
he was vey sorry that this resolution was
offered at this time; that if the church
had reached a crisis In Its relations with
the colored people It was brought about
by Just such resolution aa this. He be
lieved that the ' race question had been
brought before the conference entirely too
much, and he aald he hoped the political
conference would put an end to this agita
tion. He was willing, he said, to see
any man elevated to Episcopal honors,
regardless of color, when that man should
would warrant this high recognition.
A resolution was offered by Rev. Horace
Jacob Of Central Pennsylvania conference
to request the publishers of the Dally
Christian Advocate, the official organ of
the conference, to withdraw from Its ad
vertising columns all reference to Sunday
newspapers. One of the publishers of the
Advocate gave assurance to the conference
that If the resolution should be withdrawn
there would be no further cause for com
plaint on that score, .
Bishop rose' Address.
The reading of the quadrennial address
of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal
church to the general conference was the
feature of the day's session. Bishop Cyrus
V. Foss of Philadelphia read the address.
It elaborately reviewed the statistical rec
ords of the past four years and self-set
before the conference many of the current
problems which the church Is facing.
Ths suggestion was made that some
mutual arrangement should be made
whereby transfer of ministers and members
from one of these denominations to the
other should be expedited and made easy. .
. Warnings were given against the cur
rent evils of the time, political corruption,
the liquor traffic the tyranny of trades
unionism, the greed of unscrupulous em
ployers, lynching, the negro question, po
lygamy and Mormonlsm. A recommenda
tion wa made that a new chapter on
popular amusementa be added to the dis
cipline, admonishing Methodists to guard
their spiritual life and to avoid such amuse
ments as have a dangerous or demoralis
ing tendency. The chapter is intended to
take the place of the present paragraph,
No. 24, which occasioned much discussion
at th general conference at Chicago four
years ago. The address made a deep Im
pression and was received at the end with
hearty applause.
Two Delegates Are 111.
Mr. Frank Moss, ex-pollce commissioner
of New York and a lay member of the New
Tork delegation, who was taken suddenly
til with an attack of Inflammatory rheuma
tism On the trip west. Is In a serious con.
41 Lion at the Deaconess hospital. The phy.
slclanS la attendance express hopes of his
recovery, but grave fears are felt by his
friends. Resolutions of high esteem and
tender sympathy have been passed by the
conference and communicated to the dis
tinguished patient.
Kev. Thomas B. Ford, a presiding elder
from Oregon. Is slso confined to his room
with a serious Illness. .
Laat of Twenty-Four Engines Shi
from Philadelphia for the
Pas East.
PHILADELPHIA, May I. The last of
twenty-four locomotives built In a hurry
In this city for the Japanese government
have been boxed and sent to New York
for shipment to the far east. Some of the
locomotives have been sent to Japan via
Ban Franolsco. At the request of the Jap
aueae government the utmost secrecy was
maintained In ahlpplng the englnea. fof fear
that they may in some way fall into the
hands of the Russians.
Remains of laldeatlae Man Aro Dis
covered at St. Louis by a '
T. LOUIS, May a-A watchman today
dlacovered the body of an unidentified man
In the settling basin of ths city water works
system. It tad evidently been In the water
for some time. It la believed that the
man committed suicide. The clothes ar
those of a person in gvod clrcumstsnces,
but the only means of identification is that
the fourth l pa t rifti, f ctej a toinlim,
Heads List of Nations Now Construe
ting; Machines for Naval
LONDON, May 5. A parliamentary re
turn Issued this morning gives the number
war ships built snd building of the
n Strongest navies In the world credits
la with only one completed submarine
This Is of 1T0 tons snd was launched
Tt. Russia Is credited, however, with
?en others in course of construction.
foot note points out that It Is un
' whethr all of these have actually
'nlted States comes first In battle-
lldlng. with thirteen. Including the
id Mississippi In course of con
followed by Great Britain, with
The latter Is constructing seven
..Mired cruisers against eleven for
the United States, the third In order being
France with nine armored cruisers build
Question In House of Lords Shows
Little Proareaa 'ln Balkans.
LONDON, May 5. In the- House of Lords
today Earl Spencer, the liberal leader,
raised the question of the situation in
Macedonia. Lord Newton, conservative,
said the civil agents of the powers had, up
to the present time, made no progress In
application of the reforms decided upon
for Macedonia and he suggested calling
an International conference on the sub
ject. Foreign Secretary Lnnsdowne said he
had only too much reason to be disap
pointed over the progress achieved, and
that If the rate of progress was not ac
celerated the powers might be confronted
by a situation which would cause grave
anxiety. Lord Lansdowne, however, did
not approve of the suggestion to call a
conference, because should It fall to find
a solution of the difficulty the situation
would be worse than before.
Venesnelan Congress Confers Extraor
dinary Powers 1 pnn President.
CARACA8, May 5. The Venexuelan Con
gress, after having declared Itself a con
stitutional assembly, today conferred on
General Castro full dictatorial powers for
a year, with the title of provisional presi
dent. General Valle was appointed sec
ond vice president.
General Castro was elected president of
Venexuela In October, 1901, after having
acted for president for a year. According
to a decision of congress he was to hold
office for a term of six years from Febru
ary 20, 1902. It was announced from Caracas
May 2 that the constitutional assembly had
approved the new constitution dividing the
republic states and giving the president
a term of six years Instead of four. Dicta
torial powers were probably conferred on
General Castro In order that he may put
the new constitution in force.
Operation on French Statesman.
PARIS, May S M. Waldeck-Rousseau
was successfully operated upon for a mal
ady of the liver today.
Philadelphia Firemen Have Baa Fight
aad Watchman I Shot by. .
PHILADELPHIA, May 5. An explosion
of a gasoline tank in the yards of the Penn
sylvania railroad at Thirtieth and Market
streets today, by which twelve firemen
were burned, was followed by a riot among
Italian Immigrants. Assistant Chief Waters
of the fire department was seriously
burned. 1
Half an hour after the lire started a
tralnload of Immigrants arrived from New
York. The sewcomers tried to leave the
cars and break thtough the fire lines. A
fight ensued in which Railroad Detective
Connor was shot in the side by one of the
Underground In the yard, some distance
from Market street, are tank of gasoline.
Fire was quickly communicated to the stor
age house. Just as the city firemen got a
stream on the building It exploded. All the
men near by were literally bathed in
Residents of Apartments Fly from
Flames In Warehouse Which
Kill Horses.
CHICAGO, May 6. Many tenants of the
leasing and Leasing Annex buildings, two
fashionable apartment structures, were
driven to the street today by lire which de
stroyed Werner brothers' storage ware
house at 18 Evanston avenue.
For a time it was thought the flames
would spread to the Leasing Annex, which
adjojns the warehouse, and three calls for
firemen were sent in. After a hard fight
the blaie was confined to the building. In
which it started. The family of Erie
Warner, proprietor of th warehouae, lived
on the top floor of the warehouse, which
was a three-atory structure. They were
awakened In time to save their lives,
though they were forced to flee to the
street In their night clothing. Sixty horses,
confined on tho ground floor, were burned
to death. The big warehouae, filled with
furniture, was destroyed. The loss 1 esti
mated at 175.000.
ays Chairmanship of tho National
Repnbllran Committee Will Bo
Determined at Chicago.
NEW YORK, May 6 -Cornelius N. Bliss,
treasurer of the national republican com
mittee, returned today from Washington,
where he had a conference with President
Roosevelt on Tuesday. Mr. Bliss, on his
arrival, gave out a Statement In which
he referred to the national chairmanship
as follows:
"Several gentlemen have been consid
ered for the chairmanship and other offices,
subject to the approval and action of the
national committee. There wtll be no
difficulty in definitely settling the ques
tion at the proper time; that Is when the
committee meets at the convention at
Chicago In June."
Fire Thousand Shoemakers Aro Idle
ava Resell of Fight on
I n ton.
CHICAGO, May a Five thousand mem
bers of the Boot and Shoe Workers' union
are Idle as the result of a lockout declared
by six of the largest ahoe factories In Chi
cago. The shoe manufacturers have noti
fied the national officer of th union that
tho manufacturer will discontinue the use
of the union stamps and will hereafter run
tb focwrtee M Oftta ' '
Through Bate to Be Ho Greater Than th
East of tb Locale.
Differential to Chicago Has Formerly
Been Two Centa In Favor of the
City at the Month of the
Kaw River.
CHICAGO, May 6. (Special Telegram.)
After many futile attempts the western
railroHds today succeeded in completing a
final settlement In the grain rate war be
tween Missouri river points and Chicago.
All have agreed to make proportions!
ratus from all Missouri river points and
have decided that the through rates from
Nebraska points to Chicago shall not be
lower than the combined locals excepting
from certain Nebraska points tributary to
the Slnux City gateway, the latter being a
concession to the Chicago & Northwestern.
The rates on grain from Omaha and
Council Bluffs will be the same as those
from Kansas City. Heretofore the rate
from the former points was 2 cents 100
pounds higher. The new proportional rates
are as follows:
From southwestern Missouri river points:
To Wheat. Oraln.
Chicago 12 11
Peoria 10V4 94
St. Louis and East St. Louis
to Dubuque, Inclusive 9 8
St. Taul and Minneapolis 12 11
Memphis 14 12
Oulf for export 18 17
From Omaha, Council Bluffs and Ne
braska City:
To Wheat. Grain.
Chicago 12
Peoria 10V4
St. Louis and East St. Louis
to Dubuque, Inclusive 9 '
St. Paul and Minneapolis.. 11
Memphis ,..14
Gulf for export 19
The following local ratea were agreed
From Wheat. Grain.
Omaha and Council Bluffs to
Chicago 17
Omaha and Council Blurts to
St. Louis H
Sioux City to Chicago 19
Believed that a Majority of the Dele.
gates to the State Convention
Loan. Toward Parker.
HARTFORD, Conn., May 6. No oppo
sition to the choice of former Congress-
man Robert E. De Forest of Bridgeport
as temporary chairman of the democratic
state convention developed tonight at the
first sitting of the delegates. It had been
expected that Alexander Troup, the leader
of the Hearst movement In Connecticut,
would take exception to the selection made
by the state central committee. The ses
sion tonight was that of a temporary or
ganization which will be made permanent
tomorrow after the caucus have selected
a new state committee. It was not possi
ble to determine tonight whether there
are more Parker than Hearst delegates
holding, credentials, but tho indications
strongly favor the former.
OLYMPIA, Wash., May 6. The demo
cratic state convention met here today. A
compromise between the Turner and Hearst
forces had been effected by the combina
tion of Pierce and King counties, in which
are located Taooma and Seattle. The dele
gation elate was not satisfactory to south
western Washington and negotiations for
concessions delayed the calling to order of
the convention. A temporary organisation
was finally effected, with Henry Drum of
Olympia chairman.
Wolcott and Antl-Woleott Forces De
sire to Name tho Temporary
DENVER. May 5. It has been agreed by
the state republican leaders that Edward
O. Wolcott, former United States senator,
shall be chairman of the Colorado delega
tion of ten to the national republloan con
vention. The-state convention will be held
In thla city tomorrow. ,
Besides Mr. Wolcott, whose election is
conceded. Governor James H. Peabody,
Judge William Walter Dixon and Simon
Guggenheim probably will be named as
delegatea Other candidates are John W.
Springer, A. W. Stevenson, W. 8. Boyn
ton, William Lennox and Irving Howbert.
A contest over the choice of temporary
chairman between the Wolcott and the
antl-Wolcott factions Is expected, but there
is no doubt that the Wolcott people will be
In control.
No Loss of Life Reported, bnt Mach
Property Destroyed by Wind
storm. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., May 6.-A spe
cial from Bridgeport says a tornado pasted
three miles west of that place this after
noon, proceeding northward. It Is also re
ported that Cordell waa visited by a tor
nado and that much property was de
stroyed, but wires are down west of Bridge
port and rumors cannot yet be verified. No
loss of life has been reported.
WICHITA. Kan.. May 6.-A telephone
message to the Eagle from Carmen, Okl.,
states that a tornado started at Helena and
passed through Tlmherlake, extending to
Alva. It cut a swath sixteen miles long
snd one and a half miles wide, destroying
crops snd soiri buildings at Tlmberlake.
Damaging hail fell In that section, but no
lives were lost.
One Thousand People Driven from
Their Homes and River Rising
Abovo Danger Line.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 6-The rain
storm that ended tonight was of extraor
dinary severity, its most serious result
being the crippling of the city water ser
vice. The Kansas avenue bridge Is In
danger, but is still Intact. The Kansas
river la above the danger line and rising.
Electrio lights are shut off In a large part
of the city.
A thousand people have been driven from
thnlr homes In Roaedale, Kan., and Kansas
City by ths overflow of Turkey creek.
John Downey, a laborer, was killed by
lightning at the oil refinery In the east
bottoms. The city hall and several build
ings were struck.
Workman Falls lata Molten Iron.
CHICAGO, April I Halney Anderson, an
employe of the Illinois Steel company,
clung to a ledge of the caldron today while
his feet burned off. Then, with a shriek, he
foil Into the seething mass lelow. In a
few moments his body was literally con
sumed. Some of his fellow workmen
IalMt4 with horror a( U piciu .
Secretary of Treasory spend Day In
New York with the Fi
nanciers. NEW YORK, May 6. A conference was
held at the subtrenstiry today between
Secretary of the Treasury Shaw, James
Stlllman, president of the National City
bank, and George W. Perkins of J. P.
Morgan & Co., presumably In reference to
the Panama canal payments.
The secretary's other visitors f the sub
treasury included Charles Steel i a Temple
Bowdoln of Morgan & Co., George F.
Baker, president of the First National
bank; Isaac N. Sellgman, J. A. Blair and
Valentine P. Snyder, president of the Na
tional Bank of Commerce. At the close of
the conference Secretary Shaw made this
formal atatement:
"There la no hitch In the arrangement
for the payment to the Panama company.
A warrant for $40,000,000 will be placed with
J. P. Morgan & Co. on Monday next. There
1b no material modification of the plan of
lost fall.
"While the secretary of the treasury Is
required by statute to take security in
casrs of this kind the extent of the security
la left to his discretion. Securities ap
proved by the department to the extent of
J25.nno.000 will be deposited at the time the
warrant is delivered. These will be such
bonds as savings banks in the city of New
York are authorized to Invest In, and cash,
the relative proportion of which will be
left to the convenience of Morgan & Co.
The working out of the plan will cause no
financial disturbance. The money Is being
drawn from the banks and the treasury
gradually and will be disbursed by Morgan
& Co. gradually."
People of Colorado Greatly Interested
In Derision to Be
DENVER, Colo., May 5. Arguments on
the writ of habeas corpus Issued on behalf
of Charles H. Moyer, president of the West
ern Federation of Miners, who has been de
prived of his freedom since March 80 by
order of Governor Peabody and is now held
as a military prisoner at Tellurlde, which
Is under martial law, were heard by the
state supreme court today. Many lawyers
and Judges of minor courts from all parts
of the state assembled to hear the speeches,
Two full days will be consumed In argu
ment. The question at Issue is whether the gov
ernor has authority to establish military
rule for the purpose of suppressing what he
termed "a state of Insurrection Rnd rebel
lion, due to acts of strikers," In his proc
lamation declaring martial law. Governor
Peabody denies the Jurisdiction of the court
In the case of Moyer and claims the light
to suspend the writs of the courts and to
arrest and hold as military prisoners any
persons whom he deems guilty of inciting
TELLURIDE, Colo., May 6. Judge
Theron Stevens today ordered the Jurors
summoned' for the. May term of the dlH
trict court in this ctty to be discharged.
All cases pending before the court will
go over until the next, term. Judge Ste
vens explained his acrpjti 'by saying that
owing to existing conditions In San Miguel
county, which Is under martial rule, juries
could accomplish little, If anything, In the
trial of cases.
Machinists at Topeka Prepare
Protracted Fight on Santa
Fe Road.
TOPEKA, Kan., May 6. Picket lints
petroled by the union machinists Is the
principal noticeable features In the Atch
ison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway shops
at Topeka. They have been warned to
keep away from the railroad property. The
pickets will be used in two shifts during
working hours.
Vice President Buckalew of the machin
ists' union haa established his headquar
ters here and will place C. W. Smith in
charge, while he makes a tour of the sys
tem west of Topeka.
General Manager Mudge of the Santa Fe
railway says, although few of the union
machinists are coming back to work along
the system, the company Is finding no
trouble In securing the required help to
keep the engines up and the shops running.
J. D. Buckalew, who Is directing the
machinists' strike on the Atchison, Topeka
& Santa Fe railway, said today that the
association probably would submit a prop
osition for settlement within the next forty
eight hours. "Of course it Is understood,"
said Mr. Buckalew, "that the longer the
strike drags along the harder It will be to
make a settlement. It is not a closed shop
that we want, but a contract, so that the
machinists may have an Idea of the work
to be required of them. They now have a
very vague' Idea."
Relic to Be Exhibited, bnt Wtll First
Visit Nebraska and Other
PHILADELPHIA. May 6,-The Liberty
bell will be taken to St. Louis. This was
decided upon today when both branches
of the city council passed a resolution ap
pointing a special Joint committee of twenty-four
to escort the relic, and appropri
ating $51,000 to defray the expenses. The
start will be made early in June, but be
fore the old bell Is placed in the Pennsyl
vania building at the World's fair it Is
the present Intention to have it pas
through the principal cities of the state
and territories Into which the Louisiana
purchase territory was divided.
These are Montana, North and South
Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska,
Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kan
sas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma and Lou
isiana. The bell will remain at St. Louis
until the close of the exposition and will
be under a constant guard of Philadel
phia policemen.
Illinois Man Who Intervened la
Family Row Shoots - Ills
Way Oat.
ALTON, III., May 6. While defending
two women from the attack of the hue.
band of one of them, Marshall Scheff, 19
years old, shot and killed Edward Cardwell,
$5 year old. Scheff surrendered to the
police and Is held, pending sn Investiga
tion. According to the story toiu V Mr.
Cardwell and her sister. Mis Kate Layton,
Cardwell, without provocation, attacked
the two women with a knife. Scheff in
terfered and was in turn assaulted by
Cardwell, it la said. Scheff drew a re
volver and fired two shots, IsstanUy killing
Believed Admiral Oriu Has Closed with the
Vladivostok Fleet.
Alleged that Raaalnn General Who
Disobeyed Orders on the Vain I
No Longer In Com
LONDON. May 5 A dispatch to the Cen
tral News, dated at Seoul Tuesday, says
that heavy cannonading was heard off
Gensan, on the east coast of Corea. Mon
day and this morning. Itjs supposed Ad
miral Urlu's fleet has succeeded In engag
ing the Russian Vladivostok squadron.
A rumor to the effect that the Japanese
had succeeded In bringing the Russian
Vladivostok squadron of four cruisers to
battle oft Vladivostok waa circulated In
Paris yesterday, but up to this morning no
confirmation had been obtained. Evidently
the above dispatch refers to tho same
ST. PETERSBURG, May 5 -There are
persistent rumors here of a naval tin.f.ige
ment between the Vladivostok and Vice
Admiral Kamlmura's squadrons, but no
confirmation of the reports had been ro
ceived here up to 1 o'clock this afternoon.
The admiralty says no further news has
been received here from Port Arthur.
PARIS, May 6. A dlBpatch to the Temps
from St. Petersburg confirms previous re
ports to the effect thnt the Japanese fleet
appeared oft Port Arthur yesterday and
that an engagement occured oft Gensan,
Corea, between a Japanese squadron and
the Russian squadron from Vladivostok.
Eaasallteh Is Relieved.
ST. PETERSBURG, May f. General
Kouropatkin has gone to the front from
Lla Yang to inspect the situation person
ally. Troops are being hurried forward
from the Llao Yang and Mukden line to a
position near Feng Wang Cheng.
All the Russian wounded have been aent
back toward Llao Yang in order not to en
cumber tho operations of the Russian army.
It appears evident that General Kouropat
kin is preparing to give battle to General
Kurokl's army if circumstances warrant.
Private reports are to the qftect that the
fighting blood of the Russian soldier Js up
and that they ore thirsting for an oppor
tunity to revenge the slaughter on the
Yalu, but although the comander-ln-chlef
is greatly chagrined at the miscar
riage of his plans on the Yalu, there is no
Idea here that he will act rashly on that
account. His decision as to the extended
opposition he will make at Feng Wang
Cheng depends upon the location and suc
cess of Japanese landings In Manchuria.
Descents or attempted landings are now
momentarily anticipated near New Chwang
and the head of Corea bay. Occupying cn
interior line and pursuing the tactics of
Napoleon, Kouropatkln's problem will be
to prevent a Juncture of the enemy's forces.
It is necessary for him to await the devel
opment of the Japanese plans and ascertain
the direction, strength and whence the
other column will come before deciding how
to fight his adversary In detallx
Think Japanese Are Kmbarraaaed.
It is believed here that the Japanese
plana for concerted action have teen em
barrassed by their failure to block the
entrance to Port Arthur 7'uesday and a
repetition of the attack on the Russian
Gibraltar is momentarily expected. Vice
Admiral Togo's fleet was righted off Port
Arthur last night, and Indeed unconfirmed
rumors say he attacked at daylight this
morning and that fighting la now in prog
ress there. At least the cutting off of Port
Arthur, If not the fate of the fortress, de
pends. In the opinion of the general staff,
upon General Kouropatkln's preventing a
Juncture of the Japanese forcer.
It is understood htre that General Zas
salitch has already been relieved of his
command for disobedience of orders and
that his ac ion is under investigation.
In connection with the obstinate stand
made by the Russians at the Yalu against
Instructions, and in the face of an over
whelming superiority of men and especially
of guns, an interesting bit of the, history
of what occurred during the maneuvers
near St. Petersburg last summer is being
recounted, which illustrates this trait in
General Zassalitch's character. He com
manded an Infantry division and Insisted
In storming heights commanded by artil
lery, and In the face of a fire which
theoretically wiped out his command. The
Judges were so disgusted that they re
warded the blunder with a sero mark
against the general's name.
Punishment for Failure.
Under the old rules and traditions of the
Russian army the Second and Third bat
teries of the Third artillery brigade and
the Third battery of the Third brigade,
which lost their guns at the battle of
KIu Lien Cheng, would be stricken from
the army Hat forever. The names of bat
teries losing guns and those of regiments
losing their colors or otherwise tiny racing
themselves, formerly disappeared from the
The Immortalized Hussara, In 1826, which
participated in the conspiracy against Em
peror Nicholas, are recalled. Only a few
year ago the regulation waa rescinded,
owing to a realization of the fact that
it would work great injustice in the case
of batteries and regiments forced by cir
cumstances to sacrifice themselves, as was
the case on Sunday.
No further officials news haa been re
ceived regarding the Russian losses, but
General Kashtallnsky's estimate of 2.CO0
men Is accepted as representing practically
their full extent.
It la generally believed that the Japanese
lost between 8,000 and 4,000 men. This I
based upo rv.reporta of eye witnesses. There
haa been absolutely no statement of the
number of prisoner captured by the Japan
ese, but the general staff is inclined to
admit that 300 men were captured, though
the staff acserts that it haa no means of
knowing definitely how many prisoners ar
in the hands of the Japanese.
Not a single newspaper dispatch has been
received beyond the several colorless tele
grams from the Russian headquarters at
Llao Yang, which simply repeat the offi
cial news.
A correspondent of the Novostl, who was
at the front, waa killed.
Two Hundred Additional Reported by
Japanese Who Search Itatlleneld.
TOKIO, May 6. A telegram haa been re
oived here from General Kurokl, dated
May (. In which he reports that a careful
Search of the battlefield of last Sunday re
vealed 200 additional wounded and dead
Russian He expect that a complete
search of the field will result In Increasing
tht number.
Continuing, the Japanese general says
tbat among the Russian prisoner I a med
ical field officer. The Japanese ordered him
to assist them in caring for the Russian
and their own wounded. The officer obeyed
and he 1 now engaged la ftftllng th
wounded. oX both armies.
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Japanese Armies and Fleet Appear to
Bo Closlna- In Around Port
(Copyright, by New York Herald Co.. 1904 )
NEW YORK, May 6. (New York Herald
Service Special Telegram to The Bee.)
Japanese armies appear to bo closing
around Port Arthur, whose fate the Rus
sian general staff admits Is at least doubt
ful. A fleet of transports has been sighted
approaching IMtsurvo, on the east coast of
the Llao Tung peninsula, with the Inten
tion of forcing a landing, and more trans
ports are reported on the west coast at
Klnchow bay, a little nearer Port Arthur.
Meanwhile a Japanese fleet is off the pro
montory at the end of the peninsula ready
to engage the Russian ships if they ven
ture out or to jrlvo aid to the landing par
ties on either side.
The main Japanese army, which crossed
the Yalu, Is between Antung and Feng
Wang Cheng.
A rumor was current In St. Petersburg
of another engagement, ln'whleh It ijr!nld
the advance was checked ntiff ilfW5 Japa
nese were slain, but no confirmation was
received from any source, and the report Is
Russia's Vladivostok fleet 'Is out again.
and dispatches say It has engaged Ad
miral Kamlmura's squadron off Wonson,
at which place heavy cannonading was
heard far out to sea.
Both nations are borrowing money. Rus
sia will Issue a loan of $200,000,000 In 6 per
cent five-year bonds, placed nt slightly
above 98. This has already been taken by
French bankers. The Japanese will issue
$50,000,000 6 per cent, seven-year bond at
93H. half to be placed in London and half
in New York.
Newspapers Comment bnt Sparingly
I'pon Result of Late
ST. PETERSBURG, May S.-The Russian
papers are rather sparing in their com
ment on the battle of Klu Lien Cheng, evi
dently awaiting more complete details, but
what they Bay contains no trace of dis
The Novoe Vremya says the days of pa
tience announced by General Kouropatkin
have now begun and declares that the
Japanese difficulties wtll Increase a they
advance. The paper believe the chief
danger now I n the attitude of the Chinese,
and says:
"Our diplomats must make Peking realize
th danger of Chinese violation of neutral
ity. Russia must win. but with heavtor
sacrifice a heavier price -will be exacted
-.rom- her foes."
The Vledmoetl remarks:
"It is a Japanese victory. Do not let u
eaek for a rcapegoat. It is the fortune of
war. Glory to the dead and to the sur
vivors of the herolo fight against over
whelming odds. But the Japanese prob
ably would gladly exchange their dearly
bought victory for a successful bottling up
of Port Arthur."
The Russky Invalid, - the army crgan,
points to the fact thnt 5,000 Russlc.ns
fought a rear guard battle against &0.000
at Sehoengrabern, (Austria), In 1S06, and a
century laer 8,000 Rdislana foight i,000
Japanese at the Yalu.
"The Russians," the Ruasky Invalid adds,
"are accustomed to lay down their Uvea
when duty calls. The Japanese paid too
dearly for their victory. It will take them
days to recover."
The Novoe Vremya's expert saya the re
port of Major General Kashtallnsk proves
clearly that the Russians should have
withdrawn during the night of April SO and
"Kaahtallnsky foredoomed them to de
struction. It was a miracle of heroism
and fortitude . that they escaped after
staying and inflicting such tremendous
losses upon the enemy.
"General Kurokl probably has eight di
visions available for an Immediate ad
vance. ThlB force will be Joined by Gen
eral Oku'B.armyr when the latter Is landed.
The Japanese have every reason to follow
the Southern road and have tho advantage
of the co-operation of their ships. The
roads are less difficult and mountainous
through the Feng Wang Cheng district,
but the Japanese must dispose of the Rus
sian force at Feng Weng Cheng before they
can cut off the Llao Tung peninsula."
A high officer of the general staff, who
does not believe the Japanese will make
an Immediate! advance In Manchuria, aald
to the correspondent of the Associated
"They are too careful to commit such a
blunder a to expose their flank to the
Russians stationed at Feng Wang Cheng.
I think they will fortify their position at
the Yalu and may land troops at Taku
Shan and hold the sea shore, but In no
wise will they advance . across to Llao
Tung, where they might by taken on either
flank by Oeneral Kouropatkin from Llao
Yang and General Stoessel from the south."
Reported that Raaala Haa Tft.OOO Men
South of Harbin.
CHE FOO. May S Ths steamer Chikh,
which left Port Arthur a week ago, has ar
rived here. Its commander says seven
damaged Russian ships are i:i the Inner
harbor, Including the battleships Retvlzan,
Csarovltch and Pobieda, the protected
cruixcr Pallada and the armoured cruiser
The small dock at the Tiger's Tail penin
sula (Port Arthur) I completed.
Civilians have difficulty In obtaining pro
vision. A former officer of the Chinese
army, who has returned hero from Man
churia, ay there were le than 75.000
Russian troops south of Harbin, Including
the garrison of Port Arthur and on the
Yalu. The Ruaslan, he adds, occupy a
strongly fortified position between Klu
Lien Cheng and Fen Wang Cheng.
Japaaeso Paper Says Fleet Is Carry
las; Out Program.
(Copyright, by New York Herald Co.. 1904.)
TOKIO. May 6 (New York Horald Cable
gram Special Telegram to The Bee.) The
JIJI Shlmpo today '.bllshes the following:
"Our fleet haa not returned to Its rendez
vous snd Is still engaged in carrying out
Ita prearranged program."
There la reason to believe that the Japa
nese Intend landing a second army at New
ChwaoeT upon the successful bottling up of
ths Port Arthur harbor,
Naval and Mi'itarj Cordon Will Coon Be
Drawn Around the P-ac.
Transport! with an Army oi Board Bead
to Hake a Landing.
Brithh Experts Think Effort to Prevent
Landing of Jape is Futile.
Garrison of Plaee Supposed to Bo
About Twenty Thousand, Wall
Supplied with rrovlslone and
Strongly Entrenched.
(Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
LONDON May 6 (New York Herald
Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.)
"Within a few daya the garrison of Port
Arthur will be cut off by land and sea
from all of the outsido world and one of
the most dramatic sieges In the Whole of
history will have begun."
This prediction Is made here upon th
basis of a St. Petersburg dispatch recount
ing the appearance of Japanese transports
off I'ltxwo and th departure of Admiral
Alexleff at Port Arthur.
There la a general disposition to believe
that a Japanese landing on the Llao Tung
peninsula will be accomplished with suc
cess. It Is pointed out that ther Is no
Instance In history of a powerful army,
backed by a fleet commanding the sea, be
lng unable to effect a landing. A military
expert, writing in the Dally Man, eaysi
"It Is not probable that the Ruaaiana
have many troop apart from the Port
Arthur garrison at Pltswo, nor Is II
probable that the Russian garrison at Port
Arthur will be able to spare many men to
harrass the Japanese landing.
"The garrison at Port Arthur and Palny
have been variously estimated at from
10,000 to 60,000, probably the actual force
but 20,000 men. The' town must now be
provisioned, as the Russian have had
three months to move food into It, but
coal Is known to be running short, and If
their communications are cut the warship
in the harbor will be a great embarrass
ment." Port Arthur Doomed.
According to the same authority, it waa
some months ago the intention of th Jap
anese to storm Port Arthur by ths same
kind of furious attack by which they swept
through the Russian position on the Yalu.
But this plan may have been hanged. It
would Involve fearful losses and Its suc
cess Is not. absolutely- eertaln.
"If blockaded Port Arthur must in th
end. fall, and in modern war armies, not
places, are the object of offensive action.
A storming of Port Arthur might, how-
ever give the Japanese the remnant of th
Russian fleet, and for such a prlie greet
rlt-ks might well be run."
The Dally Telegraph say: "Onoe a ling
of hostile steel haa been riveted around
the Rvoii-n arsenal we do not bellev any
human power can avert ita ultimate fat.
In that sense the appearance at Pltswo of
one of the Japanese armies, hitherto In
vincible, mean the beginning of the end.
"Ctillzlng the brief period for which the
railway will still remain open Admiral
Alexlcff has made good his escape. Grand
Duke Boris ha likewise quitted th Im
perial fortress. General Stoessel, no doubt,
remain in command of the troops, con
sented by as dark prospects as ever opened
befrce any soldier.
"Aa to the fleet It Is now apparently out
of the Question thnt Admiral Skrydloff can
reach Ms designated post In time to hoist
his flag."
Other comments upon and deduction
from the Pltswo report made her ar to
the following general effect:
Japanese Know tho Place,
"The Japanese force which I landing I
probably the second army, under General
Baron Oko, numbering tbout 63.000 com
batants, with 126 field and mountain guns.
"Pltzwo has several meiita for the pur
poses of a Japanese landing. It Is one of
the few places that has never, like almost
every other place along the coast, been On
where Russians seem to have specially ex
pected a landing. Its facilities for landing
are very familiar to the Japanese because
a portion of the Japanese army landed;
there during the Chinese war.
"It la very close to the Parker Islands,
which have been certainly the rendezvous
and depot of Admiral Togo's fleet In Corea
bay and have prohnbly also ben a depot
where siege guns and stores for a siege
of Port Arthur have been accimmulated.
"Furthermore, If the Japanese find It
advisable to attack the Llao Tung pen
Intuitu on both ocasts simultaneously In
order to defeat any force that may be
gathered to opppse them. Pltzewo Is the
point nearest to Port Adams, on th west
coast and. though Port Adams Is not an
Ideal landing place, it Is one of the best
that the west coaat affords,"
Upon the last occasion when the Japa
nese transports anchored In PI tie wo hr
bor, the landing operations took twelve
days to complete. Now, the naval arid
technical facilities enjoyed by the Japan.
nese are far In advance of those thy
possessed tn the war against China. How
ever, If Port Arthur la sealed up by aaa,
there Is no need to hurry and that Mf.
Bennet Burlelgh'a report, cabled you yes
terday, of the complete blocking of th
channel. Is borne out by today' news, t
taken ns undoubted. i
Kouropatkin Cannot Help. f
"One authority surmises that the Invest
ment will he complete In a week and that
Port Arthur will be taken by assault within
a month. Finally. It Is considered that
General Kouropatkin ' could not march
south to the rescue In any considerable
strength without exposing himself, In th
words of a Dally .Telegraph writer, "to
the risk of finding mother Sedan without
avoiding another Mets."
The Japsnene have other armies In re
serve, with ample sea power, which will
enable them to throw additional strength
upon any deadly woak point that the csaCs
commander-in-chief may be driven by pres
sure of circumstances to expose."
Touahaks Will Rebel If Islanders Ar
Not Victorious.
SEOl.'L. May $. Corean officials admit
that If the Japanese ar not victorious In ,
their operations on th Yalu river th
Tonghaks (bandits) of northern Corea will
rise In open rebellion. Their leaders are
now, It la said, awaiting any Japanese re
verse. It Is probable that the southern branch
of the Tonghaks has already risen, as
they ar troubling, th district official