TTIE OMAn.V DAILY BEE: TntUSnAY. MAT 5. 1M4. PARSONAGES SOT TAXABLE Bear of Iqil tit aa Tiktt Op:i a Tiw iron Alton wsaare:. TREASURER CALL STATE WARRANTS UiruIrT rM DimwiIU r eeatlea Dala44 by imm aad lulrcrli Delegate ta ataad aa Hlsrisr. OTroai a eVtaff Cocryoreat.) . LtKCXU, Hi; 4. special. -Tb Stat Board af ajqaajiaatioa ibis uufam over ruled tb supreme oorurt o( aUnneaot an tber stares, set aside tbe oldaioo of At torney OomJ ITeut and decided tbat personage were not a subject (or taxa tion. 1b board arrtred at tbia ouacla tfuo under Lbs section of the constitution Lb at provide that ail pnPrty used 'eidu aively for rellffknia purposes wm exempt Inn taxation. Tb auestioa vu raised by sum county aasiisaur. and this afternoon Um board held a special auaslam to pass upwa tb matPer. It ba beea tb general rule af bourta that parsonsges vara taxable for tba reaaoa that tbey wer not aaed 'excluslTeljr for religious purpose, and It la tba presump tion that the law intend t tax ererythlng thai la not exempted. Thia ki tba second tim Oeseral aroat baa been overruled by tha toard. the flnrt -tlma being upon tba taxation of awuHTlea deposited with tba a lata auditor by fraternal lnsuranc com panies. v No ether question cam be f oft tha board aad tba meeting araa only of a few mtn ' Btss duration. Monday the board wlU ax Air. meet for the purpose of ltrtenlDg to representatives of railroad companies ar(u (or a lower assessment. Cad la tmm ttauls Warraata. State Treasurer Morten am will Issue a call for warrants to the amount of te!. ' to C7I.,(X4 for May 14. Mr. Mortensrn Intends to get In erVry cent possible to apportion among the various school dls- - trie la. The amount will be certmed to the avate superintendent May IS. It is rx- pected that the apportionments will be larger tkat at this tune last year and will - reach ewer MWi.eNft. LAwraater fsr Old rtatfwrsm. " Tbe democrats ef Lancaster county In 1 convention this afternoon endorsed James A. Meaulre of Lincoln as a district dele- gate t tbe national democratic conven tion, adopted resolutions rVafflrming tbe Kansas City platform and binding the del- i gatioa to tbe state'eonvention to vol as a, unit on all questions. Tba question of selecting a district dele f cats aroused eonstderabre oratory, occa : aiosed by Tom Worrall and A. 8. , Tlbbetta. whs withdrew in favor of Mc- Oulre. making his endorsement unanlmoua. A committee composed of W. J. Bryan. Jaxaea Manaaan. T. J. Doyle. ,W. D. Welsh . and W. P. Larsr selected th'e delegates to the state convention, which, according to ths binding resolutions, makes the dele f gatioa as W. J. Bryan would have It. B. B. Whiting waa chairman and Harry Huron secretary of tbe convention. Mr. Bryaa anade a speYch. tlsaT the rwavewtlwai Oelesratra. t CbaJrmaa Lindsay . has been figuring on . saxlng the delegates to tbe conventtoa and by dlatricta tba detegates will be aa foi-j 1' .i First DUtrirt fariard-on, JT: Pswnea, . U: Johnson. 14; NemaJt. 1: Case. 2; Otoa, S1: LaAcaater. U; total. 1.". fteoond Olstrict Perpy. t; Douglaa, tH; Washington, 14; total. 1(. Third Xlatrtct Burt. U; Thurston. 7; Ie- kota. T; Iixon. 12; Cedar. 14: Knox, lfi: An . telope. 14; Pieroe, , Warns. 11; Cuming. 11; , Ptanton. 7; MaJisoh. 1; Boone. 11; Nance, ; Merrick. 10; Platte. 10; Colfax, t: Dodge,- firtewt jit? rr t - -i v Fiourth ' r!srrtcs Hamlltmi. 15; Polk, ; Butler, 14; 6a under , fa ;: Seward. IT; York. B; ruiraore. 17; Thujer. 1: Saline. 1; Jef ferson. : Oage. n: total. IK. Fifth District Clsy. 17; Nuckolia. 11; Hall. If: Adams. 17; Webster. 13; Kearney, . 1: Franklin, 10; Harlan. ; Ph!p. 11; Gos per, (: rurnaa. 11; Frontier, ; Ked Willow. &U Harea. 4: HMcbcock, .; Dudy,4; Chase. 4B Parkins. 1; total. 174. Wxth Ilstrl, . Howkrd. 9; Greeley, (; Wheeler, 1; Buff ale. It; Sherman, . Valley. : Oarneld. Halt. 14: Boyd. K. sleya Paha, t; Rock, b: Brown, i; Blaine. 1: Iup. 1; Custer, : Dasrson. IS: Lincoln. II; Kaith, 1: Logan. 1; McPherson. S: Thomas, t: Hooker, t; Grant. 2, Cherry. Bhetidan ; DeueU 4: Cheyenne. 7: Box Butte, ; Dawes. 7: Bloux. 2: Beotta Bluff. 1; - banner. 1; Kim t II. t: total, 56. Grand total, 1,7. J set rbaagea Beard lag Hawse. Warden Seeroer haa gone to Iowa to V bring Into eaanp one Charles W. Cunnlng- " . foam, who Is about to be released from tbe .. penitentiary there, who esrarnnd from tbe 1 N'ebraaka. penitentiary about four -ears .' ago. He baa still about two years to gerra here. i' Para lee Tw Cwavtexa. Governor Mickey paroled two more eoa- , vlrta this month and commuted th sea. tenet and discharged one. The two par- eled' wwra Bud Blank of Holt eoanty. ! sen tensed Tor free year, whose time ex I pi re Bepietaiber K M. and Jsss Georga, flXtencwd (or fir year from Tork county - for erlBBlnal assault. His sentence ex , ph-es rJeeembsr Ik la Both were paroled ' to E. O. Bohamwia, Lincoln Uvarrmaa. The report of Warden Beemer. filed with th secretary of state today, shows 'that 4 during the past month tweny-alx prts ' oners .were roelvd, one waa returned from parole, making the total namber at , th end of the month I7. there having ' been discharged eight, on sentence com muted and two paroled, - Of these TM are employed by the Lee Broom and Duster company. Those discharged during the month wi re: Raymond Pmlth. "burglary to cmumlt crbxiraaJ assault, one year, from Sbertdaa coaaty: Jame W. ajmlth.. house wreaking, on year: Claude Allen. burglars' tooia, atx month. TraTisJarrriirrg three meals into a full day' work is a pretty intricate and try i&s process. Tbe point about "FORCE" is that it meets 'Dices, tion more than half way and the two work hand in hknd to accomplish it. 7 ' ""roarr" a vm m s 1 sma. Se4 mtm4 SMa I I Inn e4 fciM f Douglas county; Charle Speery. burglary. one rear, fmn Oage : Tboma Saunders, burglary. rears: James Burns, burglary, two )ara. from rawes John file, daylight burglary, or year, from Lancaster county, and Frefl Renv. sending threatening letter, one year, front Hherldan county. The sentence of John Pattersnn. sentenced from Hall county for robbery for three years, was commuted and he was discharged. Ten of the ronrVte lost good Cm an were sent to the dnngeoa for Tarkma rea sons, one for catting another eonriet. and the majority f the others for Inaolear. It cost the state Just LI cents a day to feed each of the convicts, and 1 cents a day far each et the gnsrd. The value of ths farm products consumed during the month amounted to: Pork. sttt.ES; beef. SB ; real. S3M: eggs. IS fa. and onions. K. rsseral ( Crers Harry. The funeral of Oeorg Hirry. the ex pnllceman who murdered his housekeeper. Miss May Tourg. aa then took his awn life, was held from the Walter Q. Roberts undertaking rooms this afternoon. Lat night the remains of Miss Toung were taken to Gtnoa by H. C Toung. the father. wrrr burlej ih'e fftMwvm Miss Toung was 3 years of age and her father said she had been la Lincoln only about Iwi mac tha She had worked for Harry, be said, not more than six week, having come to Lincoln to enter a millinery store, but owing to poor health she gar a up this work. Seleets City Ubrarlaa. Mies Jnanna Hagey of . Beatrice was chosen city librerlaa last night by the llbrxry board, at a salary of gMO a year. Mm Hagey Is a graduate af the university and has spent a year as assistant librarian at Cedar Rapids and at this tiros is city librarian at Be trie. D1WEI ENDORSES KIKAID BILL. PbrpaMlcaa CwwveaUoa la a Haraaeal aa Gatarrtag. CHADRON, Neb May . Special Tele gram The county convention assembled at Crawford this morning at 11 o'clock and after perfecting temporary organisation and selecting committees on resolutions and on order of business adjourned until 2 o'clock. At the afternoon session Harry Irwin was chosen county chairman. J. E. Porter of Crawford was nominated for county at torney and Eugene Ken (Trick commissioner from th Second district. The following delegates were chosen: Btste W. Birdsall. W. Gillam. -G. Oorton. C. D. Ray re. George Dunn. H. Bprague, F. J. Coil. Senatorial Colonel Ketcham. D. Kffner. J. D. Hevwood. B. Pitman. George Bab cock. L. N. Cartwright. T F Forbes Rf prrsentattvt George HarneT. Habagger, Heywood. Colonel Ketcham. L. W. Gorton, W. D. Burkett. The following resolutions wers adopted: Whereas. Our country has enjoyed un bounded prosperity, largely due to the wise, able and patriotic administration of Presi dent Roosevelt, we pledge our undivided support tn behalf of his re-election; and be It further Resolved. That we are Justly proud of the administration of Governor J. H. Mickey, and thet we pledge our unqusllfied support In behalf of his renomlnation and re-elec tion: and be it further Resolved. That we heartily approve of the passage of the Kinkaid bomestesd 'aw as a wise and beneftdent measure to north western Nebraska, and that thia conven tion hereby expresses its thanks to Hon. M P. Kink aid. They further endorsed E. J, Burkett for Vmred States sen i tor and approved the recommendation of th state committee for the nomination of a candidate for TTnfted States senstor. Pt-ATTSMOrTH. Nb.. May 4. -'Special ) At the regular meeting f the Foard of Ed-jcatkm the following efflcers were lerted: T. C. Morgan, president; Oeorre Dodge, rice president, and John Pearce. Secretary. Th following teerfeera Were eeleclrd, for the ensuing vear.. Olive Gaaa. May Powell. Anricttx Sprung, Eleanor Wirt Grace . Montgomery, Vemav Cole. Myrtle Leving. Bertha .Kennedy, Margaret Far- y. Laura Klnkaid. v Ella RiSner. Delia Tartsch. Fmma Edwards, Mr. Mae Mor gan. Emma Treeriaaa. Euna Towl. Maude Mason. Mrs. A. E. Bartlett Mary TrlltTT. Nettle Hswksworth, Nellie Wbalen. Mabel Hayes. Blrdella Smith. Mrs. Mattle Wil liams and Ha rtie Fight. Mia Euna Tcrwle Is the new teacher. She spent tar years at tbe State Normal school at Pern and has been principal of the South Bend schools for tore years. rala Lawk Well la Tark. TORK. Neb. May 4. (Special Tb old est pioneer farmer says there sever was a better prospect for largs winter wheat crop. Th large acreage of whiter wheat in this county earns through the winter ip fine shape Th ground haa been in fln condition for farm work and nearly every farmer haa his ,Trouad prepared for corn. Next week a large percent of corn win be planted. Tork county farmera are paying more attentlea to seed, modern and best methods of sowing, planting and cultiva tion, and every lsVacr farm baa email fields of timothy, clover, alfalfa aad brom grass. The estimated acreage of Alfalfa ta this county la H, acrsa, making Tork county on of th leading counties tn acre age of alfalfa. Defeat Sale f Caarthaaa. GRAND ISLAND. Nh, May 4 (Special Telegram ) Returns are ta from all but one precinct oa tbe special election held YMtMiv fne the sale rnf th Aid -rcrart house site at a peine sot leas 'than ; fte.tOO. and th propnsfdon appears to be defeated, a majority against of n having to be over come by th one township ta a two-thirds requirement to carry. Tbe cntlrs rata will barely reach 1.00a. Sews wf lebrsika. CAMBRIDGE. Mar 4 Mouse! Bros, sold drt ins team today ta an attorney of Hannibal. Mo., for P. BITTE. Mav A Tbe vote on court nous bonds tn Butte reeulld In nir two against te proposition. Tbe court rbewse is sure FOR t lLHOl'S. Mar 4.e-Thw Congreaa- tionai churrb here is soon to become PreA- bylerian and be takrk under lb wing ef the Omaha presbytery. HARVARD. May A fine rainfall of about half an inch o-rurred this morning lhat by softening the top of the land very materially aiua growing crepa NEBRASKA C1TT. Mav A Fir partt!!y destroyed u boiler room of the Nebraska City steam laundry. The damage was ekghl and fully covored by insurance, . BEATRICE. May 4-Wbila operating an edger. a machine used tor edging hoards. Harry Reimund. an employe ( tiiV Imnps ter factory, ibis afternooa bad ail his nu- gers oa ths left hand cut A, leaving the BEATRICE. May 4. Th ease of th Biaie oi iveorasa against Alexander brallh. charged with wife dean-lion, was tried In the d strtr court today, (ha Jury return ing a verdict tula craning la lavor af d- iniouil. FALLS CITT. Msy A Fonowlns are th data of the graduating eserriara of th venoms in inis county: Dasrson. May 27; Humboldt. May 14. Salem. May 14; Vardo. May II: Bhuuert. May 11; bieEa, alay Ik; rails cuy, jsay as. NORTH LOI P. May A L. S, Davis was aaea oeiore iu tomaussien of Lunacy toaay lor xaaiiBaUaa regarding hi mental eeaoiuon. Mr. Davla ia aa old raKie..t of Valiey cwanty and served his country BtnnniNi wwuis im ii war. AtHrnn, stay a Auburn baa a street fair la full blma All the principal streets are bioraea wua anow seats of every kind asa aesonpivoB. in iar m iraw'ng awod crowd and tbe people nawtllT an well pleased alth th eetertsoument at loroed FORT CALHOCX. May 4 -The caoacil blu&s of Larwts aad Clark waa an this pla. teas )ust h years ago. aad W. H Woods Is circuiatiag a petition to allow the Son aad Daugbter af th RevoiuUoa -a Ne. braska l erect a moruimeat la the city para la August. FREMONT. May 4 It has rained her near: all aay oay, an to Lai prcrtpita uo k.rk Aver ikaif mm bwk rM . v.A -M Iwgetauoa are ery backward aad the raia kl beip Uttm auk la aunae askuou eat are reported looking bdr and the r perts lor sniall grain are not the best. Cra planting ha tr-i commem-ed jet, PAFlUJoN. M) 4 W arrants aer la med laat ncl.t l"t the arrest tof teorg W. Ringo ami Us (Jid man of frpniigsiid up-iS Hie -barge ,.i iUgti! Toung and perjury. The warrants were SKred on Kingo and be mn an ptara-rre here to day, but the hired man coix not he tmjnd. The case wili be tifeMrd before Judge fc u- OSCETOLA. Mar The adjourned term of the djatrKt court for the Fifth JudirtaJ district, In and for Polk Bounty. Nebraska, waa held at the courthouse yesterday with Judge K T. Onod presuming It was a short term lasting for a day. A number of oasea were dismissed, few tried and Elisabeth rolsom was granted diToroe Irom Ldward Polsom. PRlNOFTEU Msy 4 Remonstrances against issuing license to tbe two appli cants for saloons st this place were fied last week. The roi'? met and gave tbem a hearing last Saturday night. The re-monstram-es were overruled and lte re- monstrators appealed to the district court but the boar met Monday morning an Ad iwied ine licenses. FREMONT. May . Following is th morLgage indehetdness record of this county for the month of April: Farm mon-gag-s filed. 14. amount tfti.d It; released. Ik. amount 144.&4.74JL Town and city mort gagee recorded. 17, amount !lt.44v.ft; re leased, 17, ajnount ts.lrtu 07. Chattel mort gages filed. amount tia.0U.l9, released. C, amount 12s.R1.. SCHVILLH, ilmf 4. The Wells-Abb&U-Nlemaa Co s mill Is shut down on ac count ef tbe breaking of tbe main shat of tbe corn mill department. Tbe shaft broke sotoe time since, and was repaired by putting on a roriar; tt had not held sstisiactorily several days previous to yesteraay. when the collar spilt. A new shaft is being put in and may be ready for tomorrow. PLAT1 8MOVTH, May . Tbe Identity of "Jack, tbe Hugger.' haa, at last been ee taouetied in tba person of Stuourl Mace. Vsiiium kudig, tbe tsther oi tbe am. swore out tne complaint. Police Judge Meoer tAougct it was worth fx and cobls to bug sub a pretty girl on tbe ureei without iir consent. Vimc did not deny tbe cliarge ot aie-ticg and embracing U.e young uisu on tbe street In tbls cuy. DA'll C1TT, May 4. The new city ad ministration took bold ef tbe rems ot gov ernment tins week. At a epecuu merung itoaatLf Mayor bpelte eppoiijted ex-bhenU 1. C Ren cMet ot police: G. X. 1'avln. nigbt puitceman. and d. Ciisginan. water couinuMUoaer. l"bs city win cununue wet tor ajiotner year us siiJoon license were granted to Shraniek Bros.. K. L. tevericlg, aroo Chom3 and Juiin dtskal. HAjSTINOS, May a The Buaid vt Edu cation has elected teachers lor the next school year. No changes Were made in tbe present oorpa ot leitcbera, except thut . tlie princiual in me Went wara. Miss Mocx ndgp. was granted a year s leave and Miss Edaleman wi ocribner was elected to sup ply tee vacancy, and Miss Vivian Norman of Manning, la., was elected tu till the vacancy in the bevenib grade in the Nortb w aid made by the resignation of Miss , Oould. i PLATTPMri-TH, May. 4 Hon. WiUiam Ielles-ijernier of Kim wood ha received a telegram irom Congressman Burkett stat ing that his son, Chester, has been hon-' era-bly mustered out of tbe service of the Lmted Slates navy by crder of President Roosevelt and the secretary of the navy. V It bout the know ledge or conseut ot his parents tne young man, unoer age, en listed at tbe Bremlngton navy ard in the state ot Washington, but soon after took French leave and returned home. fePRINGF!E"lJ.. Msy 4- The Springfield water works are held up on account of bonds not being legal, i he contract has been let and a part of the material is on tne ground, but parties who were negoti ating for the pu ctiae of the bonds rsieed a point of law that tbe bonds were Illegal for tbe reason .bst notice of publication ot special election bad only been publmhed twelve instead of fourteen daya. aa required by tbe law. Tbe village attorney is brief ing the matter to submit it to tbe supreme court. The chances for water works look very slim. At'Bl'RS, May 4. A steady rain haa pre vailed here ail day and no doubt the same will be thankfully received by the farmera. Tbe rain on April 12 and 3 ra packed the ground that tbe oat crop was not doing any good and the crust caused thereby was seriouMy .fleeting the growth vl mii vege tation, Tfle present nan will soften this crust and will do a great deal of good to wheat and oats ,and will also put ths ground ill good shape for venting corn, which th larmera: as a rule, are ready to commence. NEBRASKA CITY. May 4 Tbe new Board of Education elected Dr. Claude Wat sen, prefjoent, and C. C brant, secretary of the board. Prof. Neal S'aclaJr was re elected superintendent of the city schools. A local evening paper has openly attacked C C. Brant lot several weeks past and iaat' night the editor of tbe paper person- kl. ..... W A,mne r4 i v lha hnetfA mMt. pie 103k upon the matter aa of personal epltw and the influence of this paper seems to be waning aa t be people iv has supported lately have railed of election. TORK. May 4. la the sale of school bonds by the trustees bids were received from us far east as Cincinnati. The lowest pre mium offered was trom Cincinnati. The Chicago bid was a little more premium. Burlington, la offered still a larger pre mium and a Council Bluffs, La-, tirm made the largest offer of premium, wblch was pTii, and ihy eurea the entire issue of SJb.sft worth. The proceeds of the sale of tn-ase bonds will te used in tbe erection of n arid it .mi to and remodollnr of the pres ent high school building, making it one of the largest end finest High school buildings in the stat. Pt'lUERTOS. May 4. Last a ght at the First Presbyterian church ef this place c- urred the instaiiauoa oi its new fastor. Rev. Ralph H. Houseman. The m.on was delivered by Rev. Charles A. Arnold of fccbuyler. Dr. Ray of M, Paul j.v th charge to the pastor and Rev. Carna- ban of Central vity tne cnarge u tne con gregation. Kev. Ralston of Primrose pre sided at the meeting and Rev. Ticknor of Geneva propounled the preabyterial ques tions. The church was tilled with the members of tbe church and ronf.egauou aad the choir rendered peautltul music specially prepared for the occasion Rev. A. P. V aughn, a newly appointed mission ary to Japan, was present. SCHUYLER. May 4 I pon complaint mad by Mayor Arnold, Matthew Becker was in police court yesterday upon a charge of selling intoxicating liquor to. bdsira T. Hodsdnn, a habitual drunkard Mayor Arnold waa at Markka's place twice on business Monday evening, and on each saw- Hodsdon procure and drink brer. Police Judge Sutherland fined Becker SMt and costs, amounting to c.4u, afterwards remlttins one-half of the fine. the balance and costs bring paid. With tbe sealing up of communicating rooms ana insirucuons in omc-ers 10 nie com plaints azainst violators of the statute! and ordinaneee. tbe mayor's klea of "less saloons snd have them respectable." bids fair to mean mocfa to saloonkeepers ana ail concerned. only Vis L jp IRRIGATION IK NEBRASKA War Eu Bean Arpl sa tt 245.9X) lati is iht E ft COST OF IRR.GAllhS FAR ITS (2,453,743 Berth aad Vawth Dakwta Ha lbs aecewafally Expertssaatedl , t'pwa by tbe Cwew WASHTNOTON. May 4 Tbe census Du re la a report on irrigation la Nebraska in 1M ray that water was artificially applied to 3VK0 acres, aa Increase ef al most 5 per cent since 1M. There were 2.BL2 farms Irrigated and tbe ST7 systems employed were eoastructed at aa Initial cost of C.40.74&' ; This swm includes lb cost of the necessary hydraulic works and of tbe LS1 miles of maia canals and ditchea. The increase sisc 1R9 ta number af farms is bi.1 per cent eJel u HjUH oouetrvvtkss cost SS per cent- The average first cost per irrigsted acre lacreased frdr Id la 1B9 to 10. (d In 1S02. Ot the total Irrigated area 244.63 acres were watered tram springs and 1,03 from well. Preliminary reports oa Irrigation in tbe states of North Dakota and South Dakota note a remarkable Increase since ln tn the total Irrigxted srea In North Dakota. In North Dakota In 1SC the farms on which Irrigation waa reported numbered 1U3 and 1Q.1S4 acre were Irrigated. la the Dakota. Sixty-nine systems supplied with waters from all sources In tbe state, were con structed at an Initial cost ef U&.0S7. aa average of 14.34 per Irrigated acre. There were sixty-six miles of mem canals and ditchea. These figures represent an in crease sine 1K of 111 J per cent in num ber of acre Irrigated, S&.1 per cent In num. ber ef farm and ISSti pet cent la, total construction cost, " The Mlsaourl river, and tributaries sup plied .fifty systems, which Irrigated 1,444 acres belong! . to eighty-three farms. The total construction outlay foe the fifty seven miles - of main canals and ditches and other irrigation works waa HO.r, aa average of et.Z per Irrigated acr. In South Dakcta the rainfall of 1902 was above th average and irrigation was not practiced as generally aa In other years. This was noticeably true In the artestao rlt. where tbe total acreage Irrigated was not half as large in IMC ICS. In IPC Che total Irrigated area was Sa.137 acres, an Is crease since 1W of 1 4& acrea, or 21.7 per cent. The number of farms represented was 696, the total Initial cost of constructing tbe 34 systems PRLW and the average first cost per Irrigated acre BARPT COISTT BRIDGE AFFAIRS CaaBsalsslaaers Trtead with Salt by Alleged Useat Bidders. PAFILLION, Neb.. May 4 (Special.) Testerday afternoon when the bids.for th construction of wood and steel bridges In Farpy county for tbe ensuing year wer opened by the county commissioners. It was learned that among seven bids that of Charles Thompson of Springfield was the lowest and only Md Tiade according to plans and specification. C. G. Eheeley of Lincoln cam next with a Vgher bid. but the commissioners could not determine to whom the contract' wmM be awarded. They wentfnt executive session and after ward briloted. but nould com t ao agree- Many charges, bar made against .i . . . , . . (regarding bridge affile, it being Calmed tnat no one eaoepr wnemry can obtain a contract for the work. Chairman Toung stated that bids will be readvartlaed for. bat Attorney Wedg wood, representing Thompson, said If such a step waa taken that Sarpy couaty would have a mandamus suit on Its hands. OFFICERS AID POE GET .MEM Three Krrrlag Brother Arrested a Charge af Rabberi . NAPER, Neb.. May 4 (Special Tei- gram. At t o'clock this morning Sheriff Cottrell of Keya Paha ootinty, Sbertff How ard and Deputy Sheriff Briggs cf Boyd county and a posse of citlsens captured tbe three Kerrlng brothers t waive miles west of here. The Herrings bad males and alleged stolen property la their possession. The Kernrngs lire In a lonely ptaoe la a solid aton hone built for defense. They resisted th officers aad tbe house was surrounded, Tbe Kerrtngs were baaiyfused tip and were brought In in Irons. Tbe afB rra ar aur that they hare th rea Bank of Naper robbers ta thee people. Th Kerrlng are da per at man aad but for a ruse en th part of th Accra wwuld not bar been taken a lie. - Pass Stays at Or. - . ? ORD. Neh., May A f Special -T1 Beard of Education, at Ita meeting last algbt, re elected Prof. Paul. Goes aa supnrsctendeat of th city schools for the ensrtng year. A resolution waa passed wetting est that re ports sent out from here to the' ."Sect that the new members of tbe hoard were ejected on an anti-Goes platfrom wer Incorrect, and by unanimous vote testified Vt bis abU. lty as an educator. r. The first cake of Lifebuoy Soap was made is years ago. yet it is of late years that it introduced in this city. at ALL OVER CIVILIZED WORLD and manufactured in Germany, Swit zerland, Belgiiim, Australia, England and Canada. Three Works alone k? the United States. Lifebuoy has wonderful merit. Did you ever try it? Ask your grocer, LEYER BROTH EES COMPANY ' NEW YORKBOSTON" Pill B IMII I IPJJI lUlLLLLf Mill! iiMliP Mill. . , CP?1. sv Ao CANDIDATES CETIING FOXY In tba rirst Coxtett of Tfct Bw'i Xw tenet for Ten St. Louis Trips, TRY MP TRICK OF Id AS KI KG BATTLRtCS KVeal gtrwagrth Held la Caaeealsaeat Scare Thai Far Extremely Light aad Most Eseesraglsg far Caa- didate t Fall la Llaa. I Th foxy candidate seems to be up to his pranka with more than usual avidity in The Bee'a contest No. 1 of tbe new series and thus far may be mora truth fully described as merely pretending to rota. What he will do next Saturday Is another matter. What be should do is to rather votes enough to make sure he don't get tripped and lose bis trip. You may find bigger guns and a larger number of ' them planted when tba crisis come Bat- I urday than war dreamed of In your cal- U"na. Just aa the Russians did on tbe I Talu. ao don't b too fozr. but Just foxy I Th ui p. Ok. nwimuiij, aif wav. Curtis Lindsay, Omaha - J... 2K H, Omaha IS B. P. Metager umaha J to 7 Roy Nlmer. Omaha James D. Wood. Omaha ........... Joha Mangel, Omaha Walter Locmils, Omaha Mr. LSix:e Cruse. Omaha Charles ,3. Saunders. Council Blul . 40 . n . i . i EadjLHradaeaa Tartar. Xjuy livers and sluggtah bo vels cause headaches. Dr. King's New Life Pills re move tbe cause, or no pay. Only 26c For sale by Kubn 4t Co. HYMENEAL Ba ra a sa-Pa are. ON AW A. Is,. May A t Special. A t the bom of Mrs. Nettle Barium on Wednes day evening at 1 o'clock occurred ths marriage of her daughter, Annette, to Dr. Clarence V. Page, Rev. Zlckefeose ef th First Congregational church officiating. Th wedding waa a quirt home affair. Th brld and groom left on th evening train for a short visit in Da Moines, after which they will be at home la Council Bruffs, la-, where Dr. Pag will ba as sociated la practic with Dr. A. T. Baa- chett. , ' Blarhhara-BaweU. ARLINGTON. Neb.. May A (Special. V Mr. R, M. Blackburn aad Miss Halll R. Howell were married yesterday at 2 o'clock at the reeideBoe of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs- J C. Howell. Rer. O. M. Coaffer officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn left on the 4 o'clock' train for Chicago, where ths grown has a good situation In tbe ofBoe of tbe Northwestern Railroad company. has been It is sold THE Mil RHEUMATISM In any FbRM can be cured by the SYS TEMATIC use of HALLWAY'S heumatism Cum. ASK THOSE WHO HAVE TRIED IT. PRICE 50 CENTS. ' ' -v BEATON DRUG COMPANY, " - 0KAHA, KIB SOLE AGENTS. J Lru r.iazEB the A WONDERFUL llflin TOillO . T A DOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS EUL-STRETT CD., 79-81 th-og Sales Co., General Sale. For sal. f ehaatew. Cat Frlee Drag; f tar. Car. RS Comfortable as Your Own Club ; Tbe last car of our 5135 p. m. train for Chicago is an observation car 10 sleeping section in front; a wide, cheerful, well lighted observation room in the rear. ' Here you can niioke, chat, glance fbrough the magatines and look at the Rcenerv. The chairs are big. the Tviixkiwa vide, and the, room is daintily as well as comfortably furnished. Each berth has it own individual light con venient to undress by or to read by after you get in bed. ' Hemember the hour of dparture--5:35 p. m. from the Union Station. "a" 4 , Bee Want Ads :i3 nam grow Bombary. Maaa. April MU, WtK. Beal-Btrelt Co, , New York Crty. 1". Geutleaaea I waa peresaded by a friend to way a battle ef HAIKINC snd so my ssrprlse If wwhsd weadera Mi hair bad beea coujng out and n aai I aoald ret would stop It: but eve small boeUe af BAlflXK. dta Um werk, t 1 writs tfcia. and yea bae tar penutssine ta . aabUsb aa. aaraag I bat It wiii iieip mm young girl thai aaa ia work for a tiring aa I do to rm ta bent ilr tobic la tba rr4dtor the -east moner. - " Wlahtag ro sisarsisx, I am. . ,'. t. Vers traly roura - . ia a. M. s ntXTEa. Co. Bartlett St, Boxbur. Mass. . AT ALL DKP&Oirrt. . THREE SIZES 15. 40 and 75 tm.' By mail 6 casts extra a bottle, t YDCB DBTTOGIST WHX bWCTE v j it res you wrTHrs m boces : -ir YO0 DEPOSIT THE PBICB UTTH TOCB OBOES. t Csrllzndl Street, Ilea Yetfc. Aeent, 25 RandiJph St., Cbicaro. locaJlr by 1Kb sd Cblaaas PM. OTIIERFORD, D.P.A. 1323 FinnrJ STREET, ciiini, HEB. Produce Results 0