lor THE OMAIIA DAILY ITEE: THURSDAY, MAY B, 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES Adeortlseaaeats for mc nlnaa will fc take antll 13 a, for the rTralna1 4lloa aa4 aatll ft p. sa. for Iho MMilit ! r edition. Rates. 1 1-2 a. word flrat Insertion, Is a word taereafter. Set blag taksa for less than arts) for tko nrst laser, tloa. Thoao advertisements aiaat k ran faa(lTlf. Advertisers, kr reetlsg a aam. krvod fbtrk, caa kao aaawora ad grease to a awaakovod latter la fart of Tko Boo. Aaawora a addresses will ko delivered oa presentation of the eheek aalr. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE ; N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English.- Mail lessons in all branches. .Catalogue free. B-337 - 6AND UMG BRICK, ready for wall In 24 hours. 1 liave aolvetl the greatest of all brick questions, and have received patent on the simplest, beat and cheapest sstem ever known. Making DO per cent race brick, as hard aa Hint at common brick prices. If you have the sand 1 can make you a rich man. Now la the time tor this great queetlon. Bend me a sample of your eind and I will send you brick made from yfur own sand. Can make rock-faced brick without extra cost, where ail other kinds cost $36 per thousand extra. Sam ples of this brick sent on application. Steger Band-Lima Brick Co., Bonham, Texas. - R M9tl S The Nebraska Seed Co. Open till 6:30 p. m., Saturday and Monday till i p. m. 1613-lalo Howard. R-8G2 Jl HRAVPI DRIVE WATS AND'ARTI VjrvAVCU FICIAL STONE WALKS. L. U. Van court, loul N. l'ita. Tsl. law. B 861 JU CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Philbln, 1606 tar nam and opp. Union station. Tele. 764 and 1673. R3 KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY, .TEL. 353". R 343 EXPERT ACCOUNTING EMPLOYES WORK VERIFIED, BUSI NESS SYSTEMATIZED IN'IO DEFAK1--MENT8, BOOKS OPENED, CLOSED AND BALANCED. TERMS REASON ABLE; BEST REFERENCES. E. A. DWORAK, 313 Ramie Building. 'Phone 1493. R M4U8 Mii 9TnVP stored and repaired. Jackson d I W V i-O bro. 4 Fegg, m N. 16th. Tel. L-U3L R M29 OMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe . clalty of lire escapes, shutters,, doors and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 108 8. 10th su R 864 M2a Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 8. 14th. T. 658. R m HO I lyiLVER, NICKEL Plating;. Om VJ""-1-'riatlng Co., 15u6 Harney. Tel. 431 R o7 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 868 RIPYPI F"? LARSEN'8 '04 modal Is UH- IVLCO best. Large line of btcyole sundries at bottom prlcea. Tel. F. 1371. . 14a N. 24th. R HV3 Mi EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodate Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Dougls Ro?0 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 814 N. 16th. Tel. 1185. 1W71 LOCKSMITH ? N R-873 FlprtrirX'?rp't Cleaning Work. N. A. -ttUIL;h.4,tenBon 2221 N. 20th. Tel. 166s. , R-299 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans , cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dvtd animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779. ' R-S74 . PUBLICITY DESIGNS - WHEATON In The Bee Bldg. , R 875 -SIGN painting. S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-877 ALL KINDS carpenter work; repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake.. R 370 FOR noon luncheon try the Karbaeh res taurant; reasonable prlcea. 418 8. 15th 8t R 878 M16 BrECTACLES, tl; examination free; 30 days only. U. S. Opticians, 808 N. 16th. . R l X storage and repairing. Hughes ,"5. Pn"" Works. 22lf Cuming st. Tel. F-2303. R 25 G. E. KOCH, tinner. 2717 N. 24th. Tel. L-1919 Agent for Columbus roof cement paint R-273 Je21 I CLEAN, dye, repair clothes. 604 N. 16th , R-M309 Je23 C4P5Tvle,ui,n"- Wood. 8016 Clark. Tel. r-8071. R-M166 'STOVES STORED 1207 Douglas. Tel. 960. Omaha St. Rep. Wks. . R M494 M6 BICYCLES! BICYCLES1 OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago. R MS58 M2 BRICK contractor.- J. P. Healv; lm Clark R M904 M14 "kTR5 ,rl and repaired reduced prtces Q- B. Bhukert, 818 a. 16th. R-M958 M28 COOKING, heating, gas. gasoline stoves re paired. City Blove Rep'r W ks. Tel. 1-2946. R M326 Ml PKRFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In terest; honest values; easy terms. Tel R 8SJ H,.W- M"VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. Mth. Tel ARTIFICIAL STONE ANB BRICK SIDEWALKS AND CBMENT KIXiORS AT COST , M WILLIAMS BROS., tn-l Paxtoo Blk. Pbonea 3io0 and BS106. . R M6 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on Wll taiiia, ivwn iu, uocajiue PUUdlng. -884 tMOLE8-ARM STRONG CO.. 722 N. t. Life. " x ba ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 818 Brown block. ov ' WB vu wusinesa. X-880 ?MnKFPRlDK r HASTINGS frc cl O.I I V- lw Cushlng & Gauvreau, listb Y-M319 Jl GOOD BUSINESS CH ANCE Let ua tell you of a pro tt i able Investment of a small amount of money that will yield you geod returns. Can be taken rare of In addition te your regular work or buxl- ness. Aaaress ine Ahamo Co., Omaha, NURSERIES TREKS, SHRUBS. FIXWER8. Front the t . W. Meneray Crescent Nursery i o., a miira i rum innanK. LArgext ai sortment grown In the weat. rTowerln shrubs, heavy clumps, beauties. We ca .!... w r. i (v. t , n v.w,a .. . . J li.. Bales ground, tlst and h'arnain. where siuck uiBi lane to grow is always placed according to enntratt Q. 11. Kys, o in aba. Mgr. Phone S3C7. U7H May9 TREES. Omah Nursery, lSto and Donslas. Tel.. awe. M73 mm LAW AND COLLECTIONS K. r. MOREARTY. Atry.. 417 Paxton. TeU A-MJI. - 1,0 JOHN M MACFARLAND, New York l ift li.ug.. rooiua V4 a, to. ZsU Ubl , AUva WANTED MALE HELP Shorthand Lessons Free la ordr to thnw ou that e have the niot Fin, pie, legible, and rapid syelem of Shorthand ever yet devised, we will give four Irasons free by mall, to any one who III agree to follow lnatructlons. Write us and we will mall you the firat 32 pages of our text book so you can begin at once. Thrfte lessons will give you quite a start Address: OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE lilh and Douglas Blreeta. MEN to learn barber trade, free rallrond tare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST, largest and only re liable, most practical barber college In this section. Write for catalogue today. i . t ... . f k n X. si K rveaiern uaroeri insuiuio, vhmi. U 894 WE WANT mtn to All posltlonw as man- ulcere, oooKKecpera, HienoBrtijjiie-i a. cniintiinifl. WESTERN REF. 8c BOND ASS'N., 840-841 N. Y. LIFE. B 381 4 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMT Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of Zl ana 85; citizens of United Btates, of good character and temperate habits, who enn speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th and Dodge cits., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M1U LARGE eastern paint manufacturer wants responsHiie man or - nrrn to taac ex clusive Omaha and Nebraska agoncy; manufacturer 'will do extensive adver tising for agent's benefit. The paint Is a leader wherever Introduced., Address H 45, Bee office. , 1 B SSI FIRST-CLASS sodawater dispenser. H. B. uiKuam, iu ana arnsm. . wo 00 PAINTERS at worlds fair. St. Louts; union men; ubc per hour; no trouble. Ap ply at World's Fair Grounds. B-MS08 6x WANTED Experienced bookkeeper; must w nine m give reierencea. auui ppb M. Bee offloe. South Omaha. B M809 MEN Our Illustrated catalogue explains now we teach Barber trade quickly. Mailed free. Moler Barber College. 1303 Douglas St. B M121 6x MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail- roaa tare to any other scnooi you name. If after reading our catalogue and en dorsements you desire to go elsewhere. American Barber College, Omaha, Neb. Writs for catalogue. 1 B M3S8 7x WANTED, flrft-class barber at once. T. W. Baade, Schuyler, Neb. B 306 WANTED, at once, carpenters. H. J. Joseph, Z7S Hamilton St. uMJia s WANTED, press feeders for 8-revoIutlon Hon presses. wage scale, jn a. ino "boose fighters" wanted. Steady employ ment. Address Box 255, Bloux City, Iowa. B M368 6 WE WNT salesmen for drugs, hardware ana Imolement specialties, safes, stoeir foods, etc., on straight salaries or salary and commission and expenses. Call or write. WESTERN REF. & BOND, ASS'N., MO-MI t). Y. LIFE. B-885 4 WANTED Young man to take charge of noor in our woman s cloak nnd suit dept.; must have experience. Apply to H. Swan son, Nebraska Clothing Co. B 378 4 WANTED, bright, well educated ' young man Dmween is ana is years oia, io no office work; must write a good hand. Ad dress. K 49, Bee. B 394 7x GOOD Man can make 83,000 per year as ntaie manager in xsenraska ror esiaonsnea Minneapolis house; will require about 8150 cash. Address Box 283, Minneapolis, Minn. B M402 6x 20 MEN FOR ClRCt'8 WORK; NORTH- TX L'UT 1 TV T ' T3 . Xtt?r)tl a. O I.' A TTA " x-w i ictn cnnAoan. j 7 v a, SOUTH AND NORTH DAKOTA, MIN NESOTA AND MONTANA; 820 TO 235 AND EXPENSES; TEAMSTERS, LA BORERS. TKNT, TRAIN AN!) CANVAS MEN WANTED. WRITE US FOR PAR TICULARS. BWENEY'S EMPLOYMENT CO., 209 BO. 12TH ST., OMAIIA. B-M403 6 PHYSICIAN wanted In advertising doctor s oince, at once, on salary; must De reg istered In Iowa. Address W7 Drtvls, 719 Douglas St., Sioux City, la. B M404 8x WANTED, by E.. B. A. U Stono com pany, imKiana, cri., steam shovel run ners, $5.76 per day; steam shovel cranes men, $4.25 per day. Write for particulars. B Msas WANTED, at one, two men to travel and appoint agents; salary $18 week and ex penses; $25 cash bond required. Call 71 Myncter. Council Bluffs. B M4U . ?15.00 ... IS OUR LOWEST PRICE. 520.00 , 18 OUR HIGHEST PRICE. But each one rings true true of wise economy; tnfe of honest tailoring; true of lasting satisfaction. BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS CO, Big Tailors. 1408 Douglas. ; B M410 WANTED A strong, progressive Old Line .ire company wants a majiagcr for Omaha and vlclnltv. To a man of satisfactory references as to SDimy ana integrity an exceptional lib eral contract will be elven Correspondence Vtrlctly confidential." Ad- areas jv. -', Bee. B M408 7 WANTED A strong, progressive old- line lire company wants a manager for Omaha and Vicinity. To a man of satis factory references as to ability and In tegrity, an exceptional, liberal contract will bet given.' Correspondence strictly confidential. Address K 43 Bee. B-M408 7 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Agents to solicit orders for tapestry pointing; big money. 623 8. 19th. C 8S2 Mill LADIES for home work, stamping World's lair souvenirs; good pay. clean, pleasant. Call 56 Douglas bldg., opp. Hay dens'. C M704 M2S WANTED A cook at The Hillside. 102 N. ism bu c 713 lx LADIES Our catalogue explains how we learn rtair Dressing. Manicuring, and Facial Massage quickly. Mailed free. Moler Barber College. 1302 Dougliis St. C M12U 6x WANTED, a girl for general housework: iiiusi urai-ciaa cook; small family, no children; houseileanlnft already done. Wages, 86 per week. Apply 2970 Pacific. C M320 6s 80 OIRLS. Canadian office, 15th and Podge. C M3i GIRL for general housework. 1024 S. 2th ve. C-M37 4 6x SALESLADIES wanted In lace and tmnd- Kercniet aepariments; must be experi enced; good wanes to right parties. Ap ply J. L. Brandels & Sons. C M368 f WE HAVE several good positions open now; call or write. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N., 840-841 N. Y. LIFE. C 382 4 WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED laundry man wants posl. lion; can take up any part of the work. Address Lock Box 8, Madison, Neb. A M416 9x HAVE had nine years' experience In statu ary bunlneHs; want poaitlon. Address E. uonoerger, f ountain Urten, 111. A 417 7x AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvatslng agents In every county to solicit buhsci lotions to' THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; steaUy employment with assured sood In. come; agents lu the country wlih hor and buggy especially desired. Canvaamrs make eaaily to $luo per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Sollvutora' Bureau. Bee Building. Omaha. J-1U AQENT,8 leaks $ dilly selling the cheap est snd most perfect Water Filter ever Invented; rt-t at $2; big jirofit; exclusive territory. SEN EC A FILTER CO. ba ecs. Mo- J M744 x SALESMEN WANTED WANTED, salesmen to sell our "Charlea Dickens'' 6c cigar with excellent premium dtls. Address . U. PulUliw Co.. Mil aaukee, WU. At-i I 0 . .. ' . IT In the medium that pets PAID for its space. That's why The Bee prints the most FAID, want ads. The Dee does not pad its columns nor give away its space to make a false show-, Ing. Bee want ads bring best returns. A trial will convince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th at Chicago. ii e DEWEY, European hotel, 13th sad Fsraam. ' Iw OilS O. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 611. K-90Q $1.26 PER WEEK, Doran house, 4J2 a 18th. K 01 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nignts E )2 LARGE, warm room; steam heat. 19o9 Capitol ave. E M'iW NICE furnished rooms. 2-4 N. 15th. 668 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 14I3 Dodge St. K 9o4 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam sts. 901 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN The Chatham; luxuriously furnished rooms and smoking parlors: appointments first - classy 110 S. 13th St., opposite Millard hotell h-ti0 SUITE of 8 rooms. 1039 Park avenue. E-271 4x FOR RENT One large east front room with large closet, with or without smaller room adjoining; strictly private family; no better location in city; one block from Park car, two doors from "The- Georgia." Privilege of use of telephone and piano. 1050 Georgia ave. Tel. 589. E M347 SUITE of rooms for housekeeping. 2234 Farnam, top flat. E M353 6x NICELY furnished rooms, nloe nelghbor hood. 131 Bo. 26th. E M865 6x NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, newly fur nished. 619 No. li'th.- E M.130 Je3 NICELY furnished single room; walking aisiance, iai b. Kitn. tM3 7x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD ST. JAMES hotel, day board, meal tickets 13. K0. F M438 U22 Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago. F-90 1617 CASS, rooms and board. - F-M41I M21 LARGE front room, with board for two gentlemen, bis B. am bt. mzz? THE MERRIAM, 25th and Dodge, 'phone H6; nice, light, airy rooms; ensultes and single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F 266 FINE location, lawn And shade. 221S Far nam. f M373 vx BOARD and room, 84; meals 15c. 1619 UOOge. ' M361 2t?0 HARNEY; nicely furnished rooms with Do&ra. t Mibi bx LARGE room, with board, reasonable. 2310 uougias. i -MJ;H bx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT I OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 1340 8. 27th. G M366 6x THREE unfurnished basement rooms at inn rarnam ai.j mese rooms are Drignt and cheerful. Call forenoon or evenings. G M366 ox FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS ID-HAND eare cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. W s 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.; Q Sll SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; ' billiard tables repaired; large stock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Brunswick-Balks Collender Co., 407-9 8. 10th. FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course In busipess, sftort lmnd and typewriting. Inquire at Bee . oilic. Q 52 FOR BALE Cheap, old ink barrels. Apply to the pressroom of The Bee. Q 443 FOR BALE Will sell at a discount a schol. - arshlp In one of the best Omaha business colleges, address F 15. Boe. Q-M901 TELEPHONE polos; long fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. 801 Douglas. W M595 FOR BALE, rails of all weights; also switches, frogs and cars for sidetracks and tramways, locomotives, steam shov els and contractors' tools. We make a specialty of cutting rails to any length oesireo. at. jautsnkun Co., Detroit, Mica. y w ma 2D-HAND safe. Swartx, Hatter, 114 8. 18th. Q Ha Jy BAM'L BURNS closing out refrigerators. W w ej 'HOG, Poultry, Lawn, Farm and Railroad wire r ence. wire works, oil d. win u Tsl. 1590. VJ M387Jy8 FOR BALE New ana second-hand auto- mooues. . w. uacsn. iJaum iron' CO., Omaha. J 71 UlJ LARGE stock of new and second-hand automobiles. . H. E. Fredrickaon, Omuha. Neb. Q 839 Je2 2ND-HAND automobile cheap. Powell Au tomobile Co. Q 7e STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO.. Wholesale and Retail. HARNESS and SADDLES; everything con sidered, cheapest on earth; everything hand-made; union shop; headquarters tor axis grease and whips. J. U. BLESSING. 831 N. 25th, So. Omaha. Q MsM 8MOKE Auditorium Brick. 6c cigar. Q-4M0 TAR Wo sell TAR. Write for i-rlces or 1 Al telephone 741. Omaha Gas Co.. 20th and Lincoln ave., Omaha, Neb. Q 212 Mil KIMBALL piano, $28a Beginning AprTTlO price will be reduced $2 dally until sold. Room 7. Bee bldg. Q M395 WE RENT Eewlng machines, 76o week. We repair and sell parts (or every machine manufactured. Second-hand sanchlnea from $5.00 to $10.00. ' Nebraska Cycle Ca. 'Phone 1663. Comer 15th and Harney. FOR $30 Reglna muslo box and 22 tune sheets. Good as new. Cost $85. K 17, Kee. Q-M&4 M-l FOR SALE -room furnished fiat, cost $550; insured; will sell for $250 cash, or Including a $250 new piano, for $30 cash and $125 In small monthly payments. Flat for rent. 2129 Farnam, 3d iloor, west side. Q M-2UU fcx REMINGTON TYPEWRITER.No. , prac tically new. cheap. Knapp, Army Pldg., 15th and Dodge. Q MS21 5x .AUTOMOBILES OLD3MOBILE slightly used at a bargain. Olds Uas Engine Works, 1116 Farnam au -L Vj 9 ORIENT MOTOR I.UCKBOARD, like new. for sale, $35.00, 13i4 model. Address K 40, Bea.1 . Q U3-j 9x FURNITURES of 7-room house. Inclusion refrigerator, base burner, gas and cook atovrs, carpels, etc. Call afternoons. 2s06 California. Q M34i 6x FOR SALE, second-hand gas range, nearly new. 2223 Leavenworth. y M3H1 6x MY diamond ling, cheap; In pawn at Dia mond Loan Ofllca, 1401 Douglas; they'll show you. Q M4to SHORTHAND AND TYP E WRITERS A. X VAN 8A-NT'8 school. 717 N. T. Ufa, -41 Neb. Bus. Shorthand Col.. Boyd theater. vi $K BLICKEN8DERFER. 860. 88 M luUk LUe bwlidlug. Oman. PAYS TO ADVERTISE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SPECIAL BARGAIN. An attractive new f-room house, fronting east on 29th n v i.,t north of Jackson. n rro oak finish snd flooring, eieciru light and gns fixtures, butler's pantry wit ith red oak finish snd flooring, electrlo iiv,j iici an moaern impruv,?iiiTiiv. permanent walks and driveway, asphalt pavement with lot 60 feet front and 140 feet deep, running through to 30th ave. Price, $7.SX and terms reasonable. Apply THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 8. 14TH ST. RE 814 6 HOMESTEADS. THE "Rosebud Bill" Is now a law; send 2p stamp for map, etc. The Nebraska & So. Dakota Land Agency, " Bonesteel,) SPLENDID PROPERTY CHEAP. Party leaving for California will sell his flne 2-story, 9-room, all modern house at 2618 Pierce st. for $3,750. Improvements alone are worth more money. $500 barn, lot 60x160, high and sightly; fins trees. If not sold, will rent. See us quickly If In terested. Harrison 4 Morton, 912 N. Y. Life, TeU 814. - RE M732 I1.2O0 BARGAIN WHICH NETS 13. An attractive tt-room cottage, newly remod eled, so. front, lot AixIm, with two-foot terrace, excellent location and surround ings, near 24th and Maple; will sell for csh or on easy terms. Bee us about this at once. W. H. RUSSELL & CO., Tel. 857. 426 Ramge Bldg. RE 383 6 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $l,8oo and the other $2,450. - 8HIMER & CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses. 1609 Farnam St. Tel. 2423. RE-S46 4 ' WALLACE. 87,000 Buys one of the best paying Invest ments In Omaha, lot 66xl3J with double store, flats above; two cottages; total rental over $1,200 a year. Splendid busi ness corner. Income can be increased to $1,500 by small outlay. $5,ono For 8 lots, paved street, store and several cottages, always rented. Rental value 8800 a year. Payments $1,000 cash, annual payments 8 per cent. Others In all parts of the city. GEORGE O. WALLACE, BROWN BLCK. RE M349 6 IF YOU HAVE BESN LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN IN AN ALFALFA FARM DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS. 160 acres of choice smooth land In Piatt valley, best black loam soil, clay subsoil, 70 acres In alfalfa, balance In cultivation. Ml fenced and cross-fenced, house, barn, sheds and corrals; mile from station on main line U. P. railroad. Immediate pos session. Bargain at $5,0u0. but owner will take $4,000 If sold Immediately. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY. Ground Floor. Bee Building. RE M489 Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE, 812-913 N. Y Life.JTel. 814. R M327 FINEST view In Omaha, on Florence boulevard (N. JOth Bt.), 8 blocks north of Ames ave.; no special taxes; largo lot, east front; 8-room modern house and barni for sale at reasonable price and terms. Fred M. Youngs, 6002 Florence blvd. , RE M301 ENGLISH & CO.. PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest 8-rpom modern desidences In West Farnam district, J2.i00. i. i .. . i RE 922 i- i" i IUus. your property,. Baker Bros. Eng. Co .i m t. ltii 8.1 ; ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAP, 25c. D. W. Forbes, Bonesteel. 8. D. RE M23S WB CAN SELL YOUR FARM. WRITE for detnlla of our special plan. Fletcher Real Estate Co., 801 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Immigration agents "Bur lington Route." RE M723 M2 H' 400 Bemis Park Lot H The cheapest lot offered today In this ad dition; line east-front lot on 3-d st., one block from two car lines. Others for $6uu, $550 and $600. Many others In all parts of the city. - Hastings & Heyden, 610-6U New York Ufa Building. RE a40 4 ON easy terms will buy the most beautiful ..u.aiv v.,, vuiuii ,,ui v.iicaf wiitsis you see it throughout; owned by Rev. Dillon, who leaves the city; 4316 Grant. RE M4l3 - HOMES. West Farnam Location, Modern 7-room residence, oak Interior, boat plumbing, best furnace, best construction throughout, built for a home and first class In every particular. Price reduced to $3,600. South front on Harney at., a beautiful home, attractive; one of the finest loca tions In West Farnam district. Prloo $4,760. We have some of the finest homes In the West Farnam location for sals which we are not permitted to advertise. Get par ticulars direct from us. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. RE M770 THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION Is open to settlement. Send fifty cents to Rath man & Keller, Bonesteel, S. D., for in formation and large map shotting topog raphy of country RE ili C"a Williamson CoK. RK-9e MY RESIDENCE house. 8 rooms, all mod. ern, ltuti Spencer; terms easy. Will Marks. V. O. Box -Wo. RE M148 A80 FOR SALE Cheap. Bee owner In house. New cottage, corner lot, south front, large -U.wl- rUUM ,,11 ilf,, nlnmhinu lain bath aud wash bowl, medicine closet, china closet and quarter-sawed polished floors; 7 rooms. Including bath and stor age rooms; large porches and nice lawn; cemented cellar, permanent stone walks. Owner must leave city soon. Easy teruis If desired. 2596 Pratt St. Bring this ad with you. Re 694 4x FOR THE LAND'S SAKE HERE Is what you hava bsen looking for. We know It will suit you. Listen a moment. It has six living rooms, arch parlor witli mantel and grate, large dining room with nice butler's pantry, large kitchen with hot water boiler, en ameledaink, cistern pump, large vestibule with refrigerator room, good cemented cellar, fine bath room, porcelain tub, toilet, wash bowl; plumbing all new; new gas fixtures; houne newly papered throughout; newly pa4ntnd, Including roof; good barn, newly painted; large lot, lax 140, with alley; all fenced; good walks; some fruit; only one-half block from car; must be sold this week. ALL FOR 52,400. Payne, Bostwick & Co., olitli Floor X. Y. Life, SOLE AGENTS. RE 842 4 640-ACRE FREE HOMESTEADS. The Kinkaid bill granting Mo-acie home steads la western Nebraska has just be come a law. There are over 9,i0,6iaj acres to be thus disposed of. Send fifty cents fcr copy of the law, map of district cov ered by tha law and instructions as to steps to be taken to secure one of tiiese homesteads. Address Buchsnan & Pat terson, Land Attorneys, North Platte, Nebraska. ItE-kW $ HOMESTEADS ON THE R08EBI D RES ERVATION. Send 10 rents for map and 'fall Information. - Bonesteel State Bank. Bonesteel. 8. D. RE M3S4 15 x TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one $1 8'u and the other 82,44). HHIMKH & CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses. UQS ruotm fr. Tel 242. - REM4B FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H 9-Room House, $3000 H Near Kountie Place, No. 2914 N. 25th, be tween Locust and Binney sts., hss city water, sewer, gss, bath, cistern, house piped for furnace, st fmnt, large troeg, barn. Home In fine repair. Nine-room house, modern, 2.,."2 Bpaldlng. Hss the latest plumbing. Kins location. South front. Cement walks. Price, 82.0.0. Hastings & Heyden, 510-611 New York Life Building. re ail 4 TUKEY & SON DESIRABLE HOMES. 8. W. corner 21st and Poppleton. 10 rooms, all modern, good barn, fine corner lot, paved on both streets, permanent side walks. Price $4,750. 2541 Chicago, 9 rooms, modern except fur nace, lot 76x132, barn, cow shed, chleken houws, etc.; walking distance. Pi Ice 85,6110. 1134 8o. 30th ave., 11 .rooms. n modern, paved street, etc.; all In first-class shape. Price. $7,000. 2051 No. J9th st., 8 rooms, all modern, on the boulevard. Price $3,176. 4208 Grant. 7 rooms, good lot. Trice $1,900. 41st and Grant, 4 rooms. Price $850. A. P. TUKEY ft RON, - Board of Trade Bldr. RE M35S 7 ' i I WEST FARNAM $3,600 Nearly new, all modern 6-room house on 40th St., near Dorlge, east front: elegant home in fine location. Owner very anx ious to sell. Ask to see this place. Payne Investment Co., First floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 1781. RE-M356 6 MONTHLY BARGAIN. - 4-room house, city water, half block from car line, near Hanscom park; only $750; $50 down, balance same as rent. BEMIS, PAXTON BLftOK. RE M360 7 A 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. With new under-foed furnace, on St Mary's ave., south front, west of 2oth st. Price, $5,600. An excellent location to got full Interest dn your Investment, besides your own occupancy by renting rooms. C. H. HENDERSOIH K2 South 12th St. "Phone 1666. RE M359 6 FOR BALE, In West Farnam district, fine 8-room house; modern except furnace; $1,850. Call 407 Brown block, 'Phone B21S6. RE M 406 6 FOR SALE-8 Irrigate farms in 73l Horn valley. Chas. Woriand, Worland. Wyo. RE 870 Mlox ACREAGE ACRE LOTS IN SOUTH OMAHA, $300. ACRE LOTS OUTSIDE CITY, $250. FIVE ACRE TRACTS, $1,000. AH of above are 15 and 20 minutes walk couthwest of packing houwes, and is the finest and cheapest acreage oni the mar ifih. i ii on. 'aBy Payments. Close to school Running water on part, making the best feed yards near South Omaha, iand overlooks Somh Omaha. N: P. DODGE & CO., 2512 Q St. 1614 Farrvam St. Tel. A286. Tel. 829. RE M407 7 NO DIFFERENCE . . NO DIFFERENCE for 611 "Ult W mak to our measure x 15.00 OR 20.00 and those of high priced tailors In town, of oplnilon d"rerence' elePt the difference BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS CO. Big Tailors. 1408 Douglas. RE M412 THOMAS BRENNAN, ' MAIN FLOOR. N. Y. LIFE BLDQ. we ai'e authorized to sell thirty-six feet fo?000 00 8tre"et- north of Leavenworth. This is a snap and the price Is good for one week only. Come In and let us show you this property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Kom K N. Y. Life Bldg. W. H. CRARY, Manager Real K.state Dept. RE M413 5 HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS. . . Nice new 6-room cottag In Benson with three lots; a snap or $1,600; new 7-room hoose In Dundee for $3,200; 6 acres In $7300"' 73 Cr" near Benaon tor Benson & Carmichael. 642 PAXTON BLK. . RE M414 t SACRIFICE SALE FINE HOME - 3.500. On Maple St.. near 21st St.. 8-room. all - . .. ,IUUOD nnu line uh r n, targe lawn south front, all In good condition. Owner is Just finishing new home In west Far nam and sells at sacrifice rather than rent the property. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781 . RE-M415 8 GOOD INVESTMENTS Two-story, 9-room house, all modern, ex cept furnace, lot SOxliO. south, In good $?300 ClSe ' "J1 car and school. One-story, 6-room house, extra large i-ooms. with laundry In batment. lot 8uxlJS, east front, llrst-cluss neighborhood close to street car and school, within two b ocks of the new Roman Cathedral Catholic church, $1,850. A very large 6-room cottage close to Leavenworth nnd 23d sis., gas city water and sewer. $1.3ii0. Two-story, 8-room house, all modern, ex cept furnace, with a beautiful lawn and shade trees. In the vicinity of 41st ave. and Webster, $2,600. Lot 60x132. south front, with three houses, between 17th and 18lh, Jackson St., $4,m Two-story. 9-foom houne on North 21st St., one block south of Lake, house In nrst class condition, $1,600. Lot 5tH4xl63. with a 6-ronm brick house, a corner on West Hurt Bt., close to street csr and school. $1.4ii0. Two-slory, 8-room house, all modern, lot t2W' Vlclnlty of 41,t and Ilard. Lot 314x120, 4-room cottage, on North 2tJth St.. $750. Five rooms and hall panicles and closets, nice barn, near 36lh and Reward, two blocks to school, three blocks to car, south front, $800. Lot lofixlOO. 6-room cottage, stable, chicken house, coal shed, cistern, about ten or eleven beautiful shade trees, $1,200. Lot 4xl40, large 6-room cottage, city water, close to 3)d and California. $1.0i0. Lot 60x132, three houses, 4 and 6 rooms re spectively, barn, In the neighborhood of mi and Center, $1,200. Al-o have 49 beautiful building lots In Ross Hill addition, close to the club ground, on the Military road where all the sum mer resorts are now being built. A low ?rlce. from $100 to $200 per lot, according o location. Sixteen acres close to Krug park, $300 per acre; $60 cash, balance, one. two and three years at 6 per cent. Will sell one acre to a purchaser. Seventy-five acres rlosa to Pries' lake, with house and outbuildings. $i6 per sere, or will sell 40 acres without Improvements, $ per acre. Four 6-acre tracts close to Pries' lske, will sell separate on six-year payment; $50 cash. Two 60-foot lots on 41st snd Burt sis., close to the new Romsn Csthedral Catholic church, for ths low price of $326 each. Will guarantee purchaser 60 per cnl on the Investment In eighteen months. J. A. LOVEGREN CO., ' 536-7 PAXTON BLDG. 'jRE M398 I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL HOME The McConnell home, 1228 Cass St., with two corner lots; nine rooms, very large: new plumbing; steam heat; laundry; good Fisnie. nest neighborhood in Omohs. Both streets paved. This property cost the owner $20.ono. and as he hss left the city he will sVll It for $14,000. Property csn b leased from June 1st at 870.00 per monin. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAN ST. RE M408 T PERSONAL DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. t, 1515 Farnam. U 941 Paper Hanging c'i-S."': c P. WctLrtif). teed at reasonable prices, jiv is. 1, in st. Tel. B-2547. U 943 Accordeon pleating, cheapest, bent, quick est Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17 ih and Douglas. U-V43 LA BOOK, dies' tailoring, 618 Karbaeh block, U-44 KELLY'S LAUNDRY 'PHONE. 3530. U 844 PANTORIUMr. Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge bldg. U-4H4 ELITE Parlor. 616 8. 16th. Id flooK . U-848 ,"V1AVI," way to health. 830 Be building. . U-4V7 ?A-8 nlo''r thn accordeon- pleating? wo do nothing but the finest. Qoldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas blk. U-4U8 SEND 26c for HOMESTEADER'S &U1DB, containing forty-eight oages of valuable H:?Ima,Uon-.-0rriclA MAP and full Ki ATk-u ?R ,how t0 et a tlaira on the S.ViJ.-1JiJU HKRVATION. Forbes Lo cating Agency, Bonesteel. 8. D. U 9ol iiS13 fot rnti months' rent al lii rurchase- Schmoller & Muelter, srnam. Tel. 1626. U 952 n01UAT,I0N wanted of J. R. Patter. !? 'nT no ormerly lived at 313 West ibth N-5W ?,ork' "moved to 69 Halsey st., W,"llhN J., and then returned to 233 rrerin. t"t'' New VorK- 'nse send Ti ff . address C. E. Newbury, 810 Ster ling Place. Brooklyn. LU8-6 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th St. , V U-953 - PR. 8LABAUOH. Dentist, N. Y. Life bldg. T U141 V Wist TSf'SAiHICA1, . costumes. Lleben, tola arnam. U 954 SK9E8, ''anclnsT tlub or meetings of any kind van secure a hall In rhe Bee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, eleotrlo light, 'an,; 'J?- Apply to ft. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. VhC CRYSTAL IeeCo., 1306 N. 24th. Tl. 20aT U-M450 JelB THERE are at least 20 reasons why every man should smoke the Monogram 5c cigar. The first Is: It is eq&al.to any 10c cigar . on the markot. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. U 103 MRS. KATE BURDEN, milliner, will hear of something to her advantage by address ing postofflce box 20O, New York City; Anyone giving Information will be suit ably rewarded, besides doing Mrs. Burden ft favor. U 189 4x READ THIS If yeu are Interested In clean clothes, then patronise the Domestic aundry, 241 N. 24th. Tel. B 1182. U-M483 FAMILY washing and rough drying a spe clalty. 3014 N.' 24th St. U-606 M6x DR. C. H. DE LONG, DenUst, S52 Bee. U-468 M4 M Aft NKTIP treatment & baths. Mme. I'lAUllCI lt- Smith, 118 N. 15. 2 fir... R. 8. U-60 M-7x BTEINWAY pianos are sold exclusively by Schmoller & .Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. U-M800 ' Pr7omi SALVE. Quick, absoluts cure. CLieilld b. j. Bcannell, 609 Ware Blk. , U M606 M3 - . Dya Works. Up-to-date V iPrmfini?! cleaners and dyers .11 1 llUlliay. mn gt Tal. jtiJ. U M867 BEST photos from $2 to $10 per doxen and a 14x17 or 16x20' photo not crayon included In each dosn FREE. Frames If desired f t very low prices. Stonocypher, photog. raphei', 1312 Farnam St. Tel. 3523. U 928 PENNELL MILLINERY CO.-New loca tion, 111 South 15th St, Opp. old poetofflca, U-832 M14 PHOTOGRAPHIC negative retouching complete course $25. $10 down and $1 par week, for five weeks. Suite 2, Krug Thea ter Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U-322 MIT LAWNMOWERS sharpened. HOS Leav. Tel. L-1676. U M340M18 DR. FICKES. O. C. B. 8. dentist, 338 Be bldg. U M327 ml8 HO PART5? and B"bv Csrrlsges Mfg., JJ I 1 O Bold from mfg. to buyer; retail at wholesale prices: satisfaction guaranteed. Omaha It. 4c R. Works. 411 . 18th. U-M887 "PAPA says ha can't shake 'em off' Hute aou's New Patent Rimless Eyeglass; al most Invisible. Huteson Optics! Co.. 213 a 16th St., Paxton block; factory off ths premises. U 400 IF Miss Mabel Roaple will send her. ad dress to K 43 Bee office, she will sefe on of her Chicago friends. U882 4 M. DENTON C Papa says you mnv coma home. Write. F. E. C. U M39S 8x MRS DAVIER. 1615 Burt, electric and tub baths, second floor, room 1. IJ M399 11 x PRETTY widow, worth 8S5.000, Inherits $7B.. 000. beautiful home. Income 85.000. wants Immediately honorable. Industrious hus band. Address Mrs. A., Bt. Nicholas ho tel, Chicago. U-M401 6x OUR STANDARD PRICE8 ARE J515.00 AND 20.00 If you go past our prices you py too much. If you fall short of them you lose In quality. Stop anywhere on the mark and you win. BRITISH WOOLEN A1ILLS CO. Big Tailors. 14o8 Douglas. U-M4U MEDICAL MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, 81. 856 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherruun 4k McConnVll, Omuha. -951 DR- PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women: experienced, reliable. 15UVt Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha. S67 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted Mrs. Gardels, 2211 Charles. Tel. A-2618. -fcd PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 7.3 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la. S2 LADIES Chichester s English Pennyroyal Pills are the best- Safe, reliable. Take ne other. Send 4c stamps, for particulars "Relief fir Ladies," In letter, by return mell. Auk your druggist- Chichester Chenilcil Co.. Philadelphia. i. CLAIRVOYANTS GILMER, palmist. 71$ N. 23d. TeU B-824S. 8 Sou PROP. LESTER, tsst medium, gives facts, names, dates, etc. Patrons out of city write for wonderful free book 1610 Dv nport sL 8673 Mi2 BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. J7th st MZHb M13x LOST LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN A llf pointer tan pup, long ctra and tall; tug Ko. Iu38; return to 21ue Douglas St. and get reward. Lqsl 3H 6x IXltiT Ijtdy's gold watch and fob. J. H. to F. M G. engraved on oulnlde; return to liavden Bros.' office; reward Lost 377 ix THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for typewriter N'eb. Cycle Co., 15th and Hsrney. . Z-M7P0 IF YOUR old furniture don't suit, ws will exchange new for It. Tel. 771. Z-M738 M $8W AUTOMATIC Reglna muslo box. fancy esse, to exchsnee for piano or pianola. Address K 18. Bee. Z M781 M26 $350 FlflCHERpfirVo for $76; will trade for 2d-hand furniture. Enterprise Furnl ture Co., 102 B. 14th. Tel. 2294 Z-753 10-IN. DISC records taken In exchange for HI ' 'rord- Columbia Phonograph Co.. 1621 Farnam. Z 751 rWSAsIii"S yo ',haKr for a'plsno? .....c.u 1,0110 a ties Dldg. Tel. 701 3C-78: UNIQUE Journal, new Ideas, sales and exchanges. Sample, 4 cents Mutual JExchsnge, 131J Howsrd. . Z--3S6 Je3 BOOK8 to exchange. w7ltT"rne7 K4T Bee. Z 390 Rx PHOENIX BICYCLE to exchange for some of the money you pay the strMt cur com pany. Louis Flescher, 22 CHpltoi sve- 7.-M409 THOENIX BICYCLE to exchsngT' t,7r some of the money you psv the sire.t car company. Louis Flescher. 1?2 f'nnl ,0" ave. Z-SJioo FOR RENT HOUSES 210 8. 36 TH AVE., rooinB, mouei it, In goou reptur; luwn aim snaue.. ..$40.10 25m itamty, s-rootu, inouern aj.w, f" 8:,ill" ave., s-rouni, mouern u.vu ow i. i-rooiu, uutli tu.w 1. inn, i-rooiu, butu lara. ruuniM - 1- 1 ' roo,n U.yi vw ... ,v PL, O IOOIUS.. i. it St., t 1 00111s li.vo . litn, 6 looms '. 4i to, .ke, rooms, bath r IV iW Bnuo., lv FARNAM Bl. D atdoi 6 . 1U D. li II 2txll Lake, UAMI THE Omaha Van and Bturajta ( m.h move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, iifi.' "la Offlcs, iU)i r.m. Tel! UtHr-868. D 8rt i'Ay?!:-OSTvV1CK CO., choice houses! WU-4W. New liork Lite Bldg. Phone luls, D - HOUSES ,n " arta ot tua city. The 1-4M, WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. 141 omce 17x8 Webster St D a . HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blav D Imu HOUSES i? " paru. ot tt c1' R- IIWUOUO peiers 4k Co., Bes Building. 1 D 41 FOR RENT Seven-room house, all mod ern, im California BU, $32.fro. Including water tax. enquire at 607 N. 19th SU D-M898 LIST 7m hJua toI ' ot rent wlib 1 L N. Hammond. Paxton Block. . D-030 FiNB '-rolmt ."triotly modern, brick dwelling, eVitlrely new, 8326 8. 14th. hernia. Paxton Block. D MoOO FOR RENT Four rooms, lower floor, newly papered; city water In house; 8184 Mason St.. $7. C. M. Bachmann. 434 Pax ton Blk. D Mi03 N.IfsB.2:Jwm.nat' fac,n Hanacom Park. $33. 'Phone 628. D Ms4 No. 1029 80. ith Ave., 11 rooms, oak finish. lalihnrv tuisi n shJUI. No. 1031 So. 8oth Ave., lo rooms, dry oak finish, all modern. Mw oms, 8-tub laun-w rn. v ... Aoaress w. D. Mead, Jr.. D M667 ent! 7 FLATS FOR RENT. 8econd floor,' 1614 Howsrd st, 6 rooms; modV m, fcuuy t-unuiunn; ,w per month, DE81RABE COTTAGE. 1111 N. 18th St.. 7 rooms; modern; first class condition; $22.60 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY. D J68 I ' FOR RENT 8-room house, furnished or unfurnished. Dr. Gage, 807 North 89th. D-9 FOR - RENT No. 1641 ParK ave; opposite park, modern brick dwelling, rooms; price $40.00 per month. Inquire at 1115 8 82d st. J. M. Richards. . . D296 FOR RENT Elegant 8-room modern house. Slst and Cass sts., Via. Thomas Brennan, New York Life fcldg. . , , D--M8i7 NEW, 8 rooms, water, gas, sewer, $7. SWEET & BEST, m S. Y. L. TEL. 1472. D-379 FOR RENT. In short time, T-room house near car line. Furniture a4 carpets for sale. Tukey & Son, Board of Trade Bldg, - DM397 7 FOR RENTSTORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1612 and ths second noor uue-w xiowaro. w. a. uusnman. 1-832 IN THE BEE BUILDING ' a handsome suite, entrance right In front of the elevator, souh exposure, hardwood finish and floor, price per mon., $30. A nice small office, fourth floor, $10. A good-Blsed -office with large vault, run ning water, on fifth floor. $20. Heat, light, water. Janitor service Included In rental price of all rooms.. R. C. Peters A Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. ' 14114 DESK room. 414 Beo Bldg. - ,y 1301 WANTED TO RENT WANTED To lease a hotel, ready fur. nlshed; $2 house preferred, unless It should be an up-to-date $1 house; good references furnished. Address Ixx-k Box 264. Clarlnda, la. X M193 M31 WANTED, desirable ftont room; prlvste . family; breakfast If possible; location near 25th and . Douglas. Address K 41, Bee. K-M324 4x YOUNG lady wants room snd bosrd In Srlvate family; best of references. Ail ress K 46, Bee. K 388 7x WANTED to rent; one-half a store room not too far out. Address K 46. Dee. K-,387 7x PRINTING PRINTING H'11 Jrads Work. riLVrio ifl Crounsa block, cornsr ot LYNGSADTl Wth St. and Capitol Ave. HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prices. Tel. 12C2. 1. A Medlar Co., 4J3 8. ltih bl. 46 J. M. SIRPLESS, Reliable Printer; estab lished 12 years. 2u8 8. 18th St., Omaha. 4 -846 MIS AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment t;t our nricea. Tel. ltl. lbllf Clitcutfu. MS Mil Urintinrt 3ob printing. Best work lu city, r J JIUlllg Guaranteed. ,611 Capitol Ave. 486- KRAMER ft CHANDLER. QIICK PRINT ERS, II113 Furnam. To deliver work when rromlsed is our hobby. M 31s WANTED TO BUY 8HGNFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books, 'let IM Nli4 ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 2020. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. , N 4)18 1 000 FEATHER beds, pillows and bolstsrs; 'highest cash price paid. C. A. R . l.'l 8. jOih. N 79 Mil WA NTED Good horse. C. W. Bhradef, 26th and Blondo. N 844 WANTED To buy a family horse, also good milch row. Imiulre Sattley building, S. W. cor. 10th and Jones sts. N ISO Je3 PATENTS AND PENSIONS H. J. COWUILL Patents. No fee unless successful. 818 8, 16 ih, Oroabs, Tel. l:. -$;i PATENTS guaranteed. Buss ft Co.. Omshs, PENSION F. Moors. 1621 I-arnam. -V,4 Jali DRESSMAKING IN families. Mlsa Sturdy, 06 Davenport, WANTED, dressmaking in f ami Ilea; best of references. Adurrss K. 43. Bee 8S9 ltg