The Omaha Daily Bee. For R.nL,I AHL,n War Nows Hoad THB I3B&. The Bee prints more Paid Want Ads because BEE WANT ADS BRING BEST RETURNS. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOUSING, MAY 5, 1904 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TIIKEE CENTb. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. EML1SU FACE FIRE English Find Adaoo ia Thibet Barrou by Obitrnctiofii tod Angry Thibetan i mmmmmmm' RIFLES OPEN ON RECONNQITERING PARTY Brit: ritiih Surrounded by Enaray and Exci - and adjourned. . Bhof.lutH.CMEe.nlt. .-j-M.f 1ered. This Will STOCK GROWERS ORGANIZE a One of lb Efforts of ths Assoelatloa Will B Directed Against Railroads. DENVER, May 4. Th convention com posed of delegates of the cattla growers of the states wrat of the Missouri river to day completed the organization of the Cat tie Growers' Inter-late Executive commit- ENGLISH LEARN DELAY GAINS NOTHI Britiih Eeoonnoltetlng Party Wu Tryin U Croat Fan When AtUck& . DISPATCH RIDER BRINGS BACK NEWS farther IMe el Hire Reaa already Ileld by Tblbotaaa aa tha Brit, la a Expect a Itikkora ' Fight. " ! LONDON, May 4. A report, brought by a mounted dispatch rider, la to the effect, aya a Times dispatch from Gyang Tee fort, Thibet, that the farther aide of the Karo peas, on the direct road to Lbassa, is trendy held by the Thibetans, some of whom were drawn from the lata garrison of Gyang Tse fort. The British reconnolterlng party, after crossing- the summit of the pass and de scending a short way, saw the road barrel by a wall, and suddenly a heavy lire from Jingals and .European rlflea waa opened, bullets striking the ground all round, but oa using no casualties. The number of Thibetans Is estimated at 1.800 and their position may threaten the British, Una of communication with Khangma. No reply was made to the Thibetans except two or three shot to keep down the enemy's firs during 'the retirement. , , ' This action on the part of the Thibetans Anally disposes of the possibility of any useful purpose being served by the visit of the amoan, from whom Colonel Young husband has received no further com munication. It suggests, Indeed, that the only object of the visit Is to gain further time for the defense of the Lhassa road and probably anticipate help from the north. 1. one-fourth of 1 cent on stock by those who Join was 1ered. This Will furnish a fund of 1100.- it I. mm a it vi UntilnMn of Denver i elected Irt-aauier. Committees w!l! be Mnted by the board of managers, which V V :'fin a vigorous canvas of the varl- ock yard and packers of the country. y-' os of assistants will be employed to at trust. . ' v - conference, will be held with heads of railroads handling live stock transporta tion regarding Improved transportation and lower rates. Following Is an outline of the objects of the organisation as given In the reports of the committees: To formulate, prepare and put Into effect a plan and active operation looking to .the securing and passing of such laws or amendments thereof by the congress of the United Btatea aa will afford relief to which the live stock Interests are entitled against exorbitant rate and injurious practloea In the shipment of live stock, to urge upon the agricultural and shipping In tereata generally the necessity of organisa tion against Injurious practices by the rail roads of the country and to do any and all things that may seem to this organization and to the organisation it represents to be of benefit and advantage to the live stock Interests. TAKES FORMAL- CONTROL OF CANAL lalted itates Assumes Possession af Property oa the Istbasa. PANAMA, May 4 The United States Canal commission today took formal pos sesion of the .canal rout and of tha prop arty of the Panama Canal company. From today tha canal works will be tinder tha direction of Mark Brooke of tha engineer eorpe of the United States army. who represented tha canal commission at tha ceremony of tha transfer. Immediately after tha transfer the United States flag waa hoisted over the legation and over the canal offices in the Cathedral Plasa. SANTA FE ROAD RESUMES WORK Machinists' I'nloa Officers lay that Meal Have Only Begaa the Contest. TOPEKA. Kan., May 4. Santa Fa rail way officials announced today a resumption of shop men all along the line from Chi caa-o to the Paclflo coast. They state that In most cases shops are running with a full complement of men. In many places union machinists have gone out, but their positions, the officials assert, will all be filled by the oloee of the week. Vlc4 President Buckalew of the Machin ists association, aay that the trouble has Just begun and that not another man would return to work. He say further, that many will go out In sympathy. The Topeka shop seem to be running about up to their usual capacity, though there la undoubtedly a shortage In toe force of machinists. Neither the railway com pany nor tha striker are aaklng for con oeeiona No report of violence I made. goat hs Amerleaa War Improbable. TELEPHONE COMPANY APPEALS Tennessee Company Will Not Be ' Oasted Wltheat Exbaastlnsj Legvl Remedies. NAHWVTT.T JKL Turn.. Ifav A President RIO JANEIRO, May 4-Tbe Associated I c.Mwel, of th, Cumberland Telephone pre - oer-esponaent is assures oy gov- i Telegraph oomcany. has given to tha Asao- ernmest qfnciala who are In a position to I dated Pros a statement concerning Chan- spaa or iBuiri)fi i wnis. wui i cellor Allison's decision la the ouster pro- Braslllan and Peruvian armies are being ceedlnga against the Cumberland company. reinforced on tha frontier between th two l Mr. Caldwell say: countries, war la improbable. Th differ ence over the boundary line are th Sub ject of dlplomatlo : negotiation and will probably result In arbitration. There I no excitement her As th people are utterly Indifferent upon tha matter.' IOWA CAPTURED BY HEARST Eii Supporters Dominate Evsryth nf in th. State Convention- ANTIS HAVE ONLY FOUR OF DISTRICTS Delegates Selected These Power- less Aecoant ol mate lonven . tloa Voting? to Enforce) tnlt Rale at St. Louis. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, la., May 4. (Special Tel egram.) The democratic state convention was a clean-up for the Hearst men today. They demonstrated that by reason of a perfect organisation and abundance of money they had secured a solid delegation with about 146 clear majority on any bal lot. They seated their contested delega tions in four countlea and gave their op ponents two, then adopted rigid Instruc tions for Hearst with the unit rule Im posed. They chose as delegates at large General James B. Weaver, E. M. Carr, James Par sons and S. B. Wadsworth. Iu the caucuse the Hearst men demon strated that they had control of the state. They got all but six or seven of the dis trict delegates, there being some doubt as to the standing of on of th delegates In the Third district. There was much Impassioned talk In the caucuses, but In the convention the de bates were more deliberate, save when the aotlon of the Hearst men sought to be smirch their opponents In certain counties where there are contests. It was In this debate on credentials that there seemed at one time great danger of a bolt. It was well understood, however, that Congress man Wade, who expected to be a candi date to succeed himself, had protested ail dsy against any bolt. Hs wss opposed to Hearst, but he desired that the opposition take Its defeat with good grace In order to sav htm in his district. Because of this It waa decided' early In the day that no matter what happened there would be no bolt. The convention remained in ses sion from 2 p. m. until after 9:30 o'clock without taking any Intermission. The convention proper for the most cf the day was about as Interesting as a democratic convention could be. Before noon Chairman George Culllson talked and wss listened to patiently and almost silently as he waded through his speech. The only applause came when he abused the republicans. The convention was to meet at I p. m., but for one hour the as sembled delegates did the unusual In sitting patiently waiting for something to turn up without asking anybody to make a speech. Then th speech-making Instinct prevailed and speeches were railed for. Hisses for Gannon. The convention was well organised. M. V. Gannon of Chicago, formerly of Iowa, got th floor, but he was hissed for full ftv minutes by bis old associates In east ern Iowa because he appeared as a Hearst man. Other who spoke were Walt Butler, C. A. Wlndle and 8am a Wright. They all avoided factional references. It was i o'clock before th convention was allowed to do business. To reports on credentials were returned. Th ma jority would seat Hearst men in Van Buren Scott, Franklin and Hardin counties, total forty-three, and seat tha opposition In Des Moines and Keokuk counties, total thirty. SAM PARKS DIES IN PRISON Notorlon Labor Leader Saccambs to Consumption " at Slag sing rcnltentlary. OS8INING. N. Y., May 4. Sam Parks, the New Yoik labor leader who was sent, to Sing Sing prl n Some months ago after his conviction on a charge of extortion, died In the prison todsy. He had consump tion at the time of his conviction and had failed rapidly since ha was sent to Sing Sing. The prison physician visited Parks In the hospital at 9 o'clock last night. The pa tient was then barely conscious. Later he became unconscious and remained In that condition until his death. Only the hospi tal attendants and one or two prison offi cials were at his bedside when he ex pired. Parks, after his first conviction, was brought to the prison on August 27 last. On securing a new trial he waa released on ball on September I. After his second conviction he was brought back to the prison on November to serve a term of two years and thre month. He wss at first put to work In the fiber brush shop, but his condition soon became such that he was admitted to the hospital and was under treatment there to the time of his death. Sam Parka was prominent for years In labor circles, being a leader In Chicago before coming to New York, and the loy alty to him ot his associates was remark able. He waa walking delegate, or busi ness agent, of the local housesmlths' and bridgemen's union fur several years and It waa under bis leadership that the big strike of Iron worker in New Tork last year was Inaugurated. That strike In volved th National Iron Workers' or ganlsatlon and National President Bu chanan finally announced himself aa against Parka and the general strike throughout this country which th New York leader sought to have ordered. The contest was carried to the annual con vention of tie union, WTiere Parks won to the extent that he prevented the recog nition of a rival local union, which had the approval of both President Buchanan and the New Tork contractors. During lust summer charges of extortion were made against Parks and he Was flnnlly Indicted It being alleged that he had taken t"00 from an employer on a promise to call oft a strike. Other similar charges were made but at no time was h tried on the same charge, After returning to New Tork from Sing Sing, the first verdict having been over turned by a higher court. Parks was one of the central figure in th Labor day parade last September. When convicted the second time and sent to Sing Sing he announced he had given up the Cght for imself and for labor, and a anted to die peace. Tim McCarthy, one of Parka' associates, waa also convicted and sent to Sing filiig on the charge of extortion. Sine Parks' condition became mors se rious and death seemed only a question of a few days, there was talk of making an attempt to secure his pardon, but Gov Th reDovta sent out concerning th de cision In the Cumberland Teltmhone & Tales-ranti enmrtanv ease are unwarranted. uur attorney nave appaaiea in case to i me majority report was signed by eight JupV"r.".,ihr'i,-.vr.S members and the minority by thre mem- there' I now no decree of any kind against he from the FlrsL Second and Third dls- the company. It will be born in mind trlcta. that this Is a fight between rivals and is not a suit Involving money claims. The Harrloaaa Destroys Lite. lirnnu .-.v. in A r-v. i m u.m a a I r-zimnsnv wss nevsr more rroarerous or v ' i -..., .u. k.. . better established than at present. It re- "u"'" -'- . ' . - gards tha occurrence as unimportant, hundred native were killed and great dam- I age waa done. All th telegraph line In CnDFST FIRFS IN WISCONSIN Balgon were destroyed. Many native ves sels sustained Injuries, but otherwise there was no damage to shipping here, though , mall craft In minor sorts suffered. Homesteaders and Las by Raaaoa Flames. f tha Oamadlaa Merchant Palls. LONDON, Ont.. May 4 -Ths assignment la announced of C. J. Woods, of Wood's Fair. Th star covers seven stories, and the company controls several stores In Ontario. Tha sssets are placed at 1130,000; liabilities not stated.. . . TOMAHAWK, Wis.. May 4. Forest fires ax burning and spreading rapidly in this section and north of her, and along th Soo railroad. Homesteader and farmers are suffering losses through th burning of buildings. 'A dispatch from Eland, Wis., says travel A warm debate followed, in which John T. Sullivan, A. E. Howard and A. L. Mat thews spoke for th minority report and A. W. Maxwell. Charles Walsh and Gen eral Weaver spoke for the majority report. It waa during th attempt of National - a-... i vumiuiuoenuui rvaisn o explain wnai nap pened In Scott county that pandemonium broke loose, and he was finally hooted down. He waa greeted with calls of "How much did you get?" and "What did they pay your' He had been In Scott county working for Hearst and when he mentioned that cer tain prominent democrats were left off the local . delegations he waa greeted with Shame!" Maxwell nearly queered th Hearst move- ALKS OF FIRES IN HOTELS Member of Hotel '!",' Assol41 ays 'Maay- CasaaJtlea Are Da la Carelessness. DENVER, Colo., May 4. At the meeting of the Rocky Mountain Hotel Men's asso ciation today, Mr. John B. Laughlln, a member or tne executive board, read a paper on "Firetrap Hotels." He said in parti isrtil r)M .! ili n. LONDON. May 4.-Charles Frohman has Tom ths north report the woods full f roent by referring to th money spent by arranged for tha dramatisation of "Ml- free, A message rrom r.iaren. a village i nr in peneoung nis organisation nere. trim's Pro -Kk-h .in h w,. nln miles southwest of here, says fir I The majority report In favor of th next season In New York and r,n creeping up on ths buildings and asks for Hearst delegates In four counties was sus- Thera will be nineteen scene and ever two assistance. tnJ 476H to 8344. The ousted delegations hundred parsons In th cast. PRISONER AND CAPTOR GONE Jlethlsg Haa Beam Bee-a ot Alleged ' Marderer aad Depot? BherltZ Slae Taesday. got up and moved out amid great con- filDIC TIIRNFn INTO TnRfiHFS fusion, Gasoline Tank la Laaadry Explodes aad Employes Are Serloasly Baraed by Flames. chairman. , OGDEN. Utah, May 4. No trace has been discovered of Charles Lennox, the es caped prisoner, and Deputy Sheriff Miller Instruct for Hearst, two reports 1 on resolutions were pre sented, the majority stating the principles of the party at length and attacking trusts ST. LOUIS, Msy 4. Ftrnr persons were I and Instructing definitely for Hearst. The burned, two seriously. In an explosion in I minority report was signed by the members a laundry at Klrkwood. a suburb of St. I from the First. Second, Third and Fifth Tuils tnrfnv. The exDloslon was In a I districts. Tha member from ths h?l.v.nth of Silver Bow courUy. Montana, who dls- Kasolna tank Bnd Eva Doyle and Anna J did not sign either reports, but voted with t-"' incoming imnir train 8mith, employes, were covered with burn- the minority y..rrusr. di viuinn tt ouvrr oow ,n, Wlth thelP dothlng In flames Then came another spirited debate on In county and pollc omcr are engaged in thy ru,he,j nt0 the street and two men .tructlons. Jerry Sullivan, last year's can a olos search of th surrounding country. .ninVe at the laundry were burned while I riMsta for s-nv.mnr r. a ..1?C? I?"Vk m.urderer extinguishing th flame which completely ,nd he wss followed by Congressman Wade killed th deputy sheriff gft.r leaving th .nveloned th. two airls. of lwa Cltv end w - Dodgfl. FIVE LOSE L Ft IN WATER roe Instructions Mr. Weaver, George F. wenan ana james fx u gent spoke. In his Texas Cblldrea Drevra la Creek I mcnan ciaimea credit for starting train, threw hla body Into the Ogden river and then escaped. Lennox is wanted In Montana' on th charge of murder. He was capture! in Nevada. FOUR DIE FROM EXPLOSION Tea Thoasaad Posad of Powder Oa Blowing; Two to Fragments. NEWPORT, Ind., May 4. A powder welled by Ralaa Hear Aastla. AUSTIN, Tex.. May 4. As a result of th cloudburst In central Texas and this section, not a train has moved to the north. Several miles of International A till owned by tha Northwestern Powder Great Northern tracks hav been washed enmSanv. three miles from Newport, blew ont aorth of here. up today. Four men war killed and two wers Injured. Th dead: DrSota Brlgga. Albert May hew. r George Mayhew. , Henry Griffin. Tea thousand pounds of powder exploded and the bodies of Brlggs and Orlflln were blown In such small places that they could jnot b picked up. Th other bodies were not badly mangled. Ftv children were drowned In a creek the Hearst movement In th United States snd declared it was because of his love for Bryan and left the Inference It was because Bryan wanted Hearst named Healy declared opposition to instruction because ne neueved the nominee of the St. Louis convention would be on who Is not now known to be a candidate On roll call Instructions for Hearst had BIS votes to 171 opposed. On motion of A. W. Maxwell the report five miles from th city. Fields are under I was amended to demand the entire dele from four to eight inches of water to th I gatlon vote a a unit and In this form was south ot her. Rivers and creeks are I adopted. overflowing. SAYS SUBMARINE IS NOT SOLD Cag-tala af Craft Sara Ha Forolgm Government Haa Delro 4 Bay. BRIDGEPORT, Conn.. May 1-Captain Simon Lake, who has arrived her from ' Newport on th submarine torpedo boat Protector, was asked about th reported sale of tha boat to th Japan govern ment. H replied: "You can say for me that I hav received no offer from aay foreign government. H added that it was true that th boat has been examined within a few days by Japanese officers, but naval attache of For delegates-at-large th following were placed In nomination: James M. Parsons. Lyon county; jamea a. Weaver, -Jasper E. M. Carr. Delaware ; a B. Wadsworth Pottawattamie; D. D. Myers. Dubuque J. I). Butler, webater; Jerry B. Sullivan Polk; John Foley. Chickasaw. It waa evident that th slate had hn Two Orders Coasoltdat. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. May ,-(Bpeclal Telegram.) At a Joint meeting of the two order her today a complete consolidation of th Highland Nobles and Court of Co lumbian Circle was effected under the nam of tha Highland Noble. The officers I made up and Persona, Weaver, Carr and of tne new society were equally divided be- I Wadswortn were elected. tween th two orders. Ths combined order will hav a membership of t.000, Th ques tion of headquarter Is now being discussed and Cedar Rapid is working for that honor. nVETDUIVr ftI n! UTTADT' ! President and Party Ladsr Bntj Sinofl Adjoarnmtit of Oongresi. BLYTHE MAY BE NATIONAL CHAIRMAN National Committee Decides to Ree- ommend Ex-Secretary af War for Temporary Chatrntaa ot Convention. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 4. (Special Tele gram.) The secret conclaves which hsve been going on since Sunday, between the president and leaders of the republican party in the two houses of congress, ter minated by reason of a number of th "inner cabinet" leaving for their homes Senator Allison, accompanied by his sec retary. Mr. Dawson, who Is slated for congress from the Second Iowa district, left this afternoon, as did Speaker Cannon, Senator Cullom and Senator Alurlch. Durlne- these conferences, which have been held almost continuously since Sun day, the platform, vice president and chair man of the national committee were dis cussed at length. Senator Lodge In the last few days has presented three different drafts of a plat form to his associates, dealing particu larly with tha tariff and trusts, but none of these drafts have been wholly- sstls factory. Th platform builder, aa Lodge 1 now regarded, will take the ubJeot horn with him to Massachusetts. A to the chairmanship, It la no oock sur thing that J. W. Blythe of Burlington has been wholly eliminated. It was learned today that Mr. Blythe was being very ser iously considered for national ctuUrnif.n for conditions which operated against him two mouths ago hav been minimised, namely, the supreme court decision In the Northern Securities case. Mr. Blythe is recognised as a very strong roan for the place. He Is looked upon as being a very resourceful politician, with a comprehen sive knowledge of the party' need In a national campaign. He is also master of detail and la. next to Cornellu. N. Bliss, who could hav thn ohairmanah'.p It he would take it. regarded a tha most likely man thu far mentioned for the position. Senator Allison, rpesklng about the Iowa convention, said, previous to hia leaving, that tho platform would In all probability have something to say about tariff and trusts, together with a clause about reci procity In its broadest sense, As to th national platform, he said nothing definite had been decided upon. Th vie presidency 1 again In tho air by reason of Speaker Cannon's protest against the use of his name. Th polltl ciana hereabouts look upon th selection of Fairbanks as assured, although in the six weeks befo'r the convention meets much may be don for om other per son. Snbeommtttea Bseki Up. Th subcommittee of th republican na tUnal lAmml t tV aoDolnted to make ar mor Odeil ar-d yesterday that no appll- ..,. ,nr the eomlns national con- cation for a pardon had rt ached him. . w the nurooae of completing a preliminary organisation ot NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Showers Thursday Frlrts), Warmer la West Portion. Fair and Hoar. Des. Hour. Des;. II i, m (7 1 p. m r a. m AM U p. m t T a. m nil a p. m...... M a a. m 03 4 p. m tiH li.t II p. m o 10 a. m MT H p. m 11 a. at 4 T p. m "O IS at Ol M p. m no H p. at tiO VICTORY COSTS JAPS DEARLY Bosnians Elated Over the Dead Piled tp oa tho Banks of (ho Yala Dartas; Flifht. the convention- After axreeirui that former Secretary ot War EHhu Hoot would be recommended for temnoranr chairmen, th subcommittee in looking up the precedent found that It had teen the custom for the Ml committee to select the temporary chairman, and this will be done at a meeting whloh Chairman Payne will call tor Chicago June 16 Chsrles W. Johnson of Minnesota was agreed upon as general secretary to th convention. The committee also agreed to Statistics showlna- the wholesale land tan recommend the following officer frequently unnecessary) loss of lives fro,n Assistant Secretaries Chief ' Asslstsnt hotel omiflagratlons In the past twenty-five I - . v,n- -hl .Tames o Cannon years are so appalling that they almost John R MaJ, , h'' rn tHssrer numan creoence. or mew lorn, t.ucifn urrj u nimui,, mi- e cannot, nay muat not. close our eyes i tinn nt Wisconsin. T. Lnrrv Frve 5 . -fr ,Vh." r LJm1m:n" L.r-.'KTlS. of Pennsylvania, Rome C Stephenson of gross negligence, with an almost utter dls- Indiana, John H. King of South Dakota, reRarn or even the ordinary methods of proper protection ta hotel guests, aside from thoee which the laws afford, and should compel. Hence It Is up to the honorable hotel men themselves to bring about a thorough ar.d radical reform in this direction, and that they can do It if they set about It In the right manner no sane person among inem ror a moment nas a aouot. Walter 8. Mellck of California. . Reading Clerks W. D. Harrison of Ne braska, Dennis E. Elward of Michigan. E. L. Lampoon of Ohio, T. W. B. Duck welt of West Virginia, James II. Ston of Michi gan. Clerk ST. PETERSBURG, May 4 12:40 p. m. The gloom which prevailed here yesterday waa almoet completely dlitpelled this morn ing when the people read the story of the glorious fight mode by Genrrul Zussnlltch's handful of rough regiments against the flower of the ml kudo's legions at the Ya'.u and ot the utter defeat of Vice Admiral Togo's new attempt to seal the entrance to Port Arthur. It Is now plain that not more than L0O0 Rusgianb were actually engaged in the fighting at the Ynlu against the Japanese army of a total strength of between 30.000 and 40,000. The losses on both sides, which are expected to reach 1,000 and possibly 1,200 in the Russian force and twice that number for tho Japanese, make it ono of the bloodiest fights In history. At the river crossing the Japanese dead lie piled up literally In heaps, and General Kurokl's success was purchased at such a heavy cost that the Russians are disposed to regard it as rather a defeat than a victory for him. General Kouropntkln's dispatch shows that the Russians fought with such bulldog tenacity and bravery against the over whelming superiority ot the enemy that I ths latfv's nominal victory was rendered expensive by tee prowess ot the csar'a soldiers. General Kouropatkln'a report also served to restore General Zassalllch to public favor. Those who were disposed to oritl-; els him, even at tns headquarters of the general staff, where It is considered tha; he made a tactical blunder, now say that he redeemed hlmse:f by his gallantry In action and tha damage he inflicted upon the enemy. About bulletin boards the peo ple are Imprubsod with the desperattt bayonet charge of the ElevontH regiment. Tho mental picture of the regiment ad vancing against the enemy, with bunds und bugle blaring and the priest with cross aloft at the head, appealed to the dramatic sense of the Russian population as nothing else could. Tha survivors of this heroic regiment, which cut Its way out, declare tJiat the position was surrounded by mors than 1,000 dead Japanese. The loss ot th guns, which, according to the best Information obtainable, con sisted of twenty-two field pieces and eight machine guns. Is considered particularly unfortunate, even though they will be of no service to the enemy, on account of the removal of their breech blocks, but mem bars of th general staff say the science of war offers many Instance where guns hav bean saerinced to allow Infantry to retreat. In good ider.. T)i official reports were Issued too late for comment In this morning's papers. Th emperor today revel ved the following dispatch from General Kouropatkln: Malor General Kaahatolinskv rcnorts a follows: '1 consider It my duty to report the cir cumstances of the grievous, yut glorious battle fought by ths troops under my com mand Willi the superior lorces of tho Jap anese on May 1 "Early on the morning of Aorll 30 the Japanese begun to oppress our lelt Hank, having on tho previous evening occupied the Khtiesan heights sfter sn attack, in consequence of which 1 ordered the Twen- ty-seconu regiment, wnicn naa occupied Khussan. to retire somas the Ai river to our position at - Potketlnsky, on tne morning or the same aay an extraordinarily irolnn-d kih! violent bombardment of our whole position at Klu Lien Chang commenced from Wlju. I fore saw that the Japanese, after the bombard ment, in wnicn over z,ouo projectiles' were discharged, would take tho offensive. Re ceived orders from Lieutenant General BansHlltrh to accept battle snd to retain HARBOR SOW SEALED Jgpnn Tak Adtantifaaf aDsnia Tog to Aocomplisi tha Taak. NINE MERCHANTMEN SUNK IN ENTRANCE Remaining Bissian Ehipi at Fort Ajthnr Uoabla to 0t Ont GIVES JAPANESE FLEET A FREE HANI TwVU of Tcklo Sfjsicics Orsr This and Victories on Yala. ADMIRAL ITO CALLED OUT BY CROWDS School Cblldrea glng-lng la Street and Today Will Be Oivea Over to tb Fete Day of tb Boys of Japaa. at President's Desk Asher C. Firetrao hotels are not only a great I Hinds of Maine. menace to any community, but they are a I Official Reporter-MIlton W. Blumenberg distinct reflection upon the legitimate, im- I t ,,,,- portant and expensive notei nustness it- self, so that In the Interest of this Im- Tally Clerks Fred B. Whitney of im portant Industry, s well as human life. nnls. George R. Butler of Nebraska, these should peremptorily be closed and m,.i-j.n..ei- t,,.. permanently, or their owners compelled to Messenger to cnslrman Ourley Brewer comply with the laws In rendering them of Indiana. as safe as it Is possible to make them. SerMnt-et-Arms William P. Ston of Maryland. First Assistant Rergeant-st-Arms David TRIAL OF TYNER AND BARRETT Case Against Former F.mployea of Postal Department Moves Slowly at WasblBBjtoau v WASHINGTON. May 4. Richard M. C. Owen of Wisconsin. Chief of Doorkeepers Charles B. Montell of Maryland. Btato Gets Land. Th secretary of the Interior today ap proved the selection by th state of South Webster resumed the stand in th Tyner tkota of thirty-on acre In the Plerr and Barrett trial tonay. , . d.trtet ta k. ummA . f, . A. S. Worthlngton. counsel for the de- ..... normai -eool The selection is m.i. fense. cross-examined tne witness in regard an(, rrlultei unJer tn, ,abilng; act to HIS testimony as iu ma pruceuure in lot- i tery cases and the rule by which the fraud Postal Matters. orders are recommended, and asked If his Rural routes ordered established June 1: testimony before the grand Jury bad been I Iowa Humboldt, Humboldt county, on ad the same as on the stand today. Assistant dltional; area covered, thirty-five aquar United State Attorney Tnggart objected, 1 miles; population, 650. South Dakota-Con but Justice Pntchara permitted the ques- ter Point Turner county, one routs; ares. tlon "for the purpose of impeaching the thirty-two squsr miles; population, 40s. wltneaa snd on no otner grounds. Ramona. Lake county, on additional: Mr. Worthlngton argued that If It would area, twenty-nln auar miles: nooulatlon. d nown wax mo Biumony oi in witness i jnj. had varied on tb two occasion th court Rural carriers annotated for Iowa; AI. blon, . Nettle Bee son, regular; George B. Beeson, substitute. Soldier, Charles Isom, regular; Dorsey M. Isom, substltuta Mrs. Anna Welsh has been appointed postmaster ' at . Horace, Greeley county. Neb., vice E. B. Welsh, deceased. would be bound to quash the Indictments. The witness declared that his answers be fore the grand and petit Juries wers In tended to convey the same meaning. The witness said that the case of suspen sion reported from the office of the fourth assistant postmaster general were first sub. n4 t mA a TTuehner. a memhfir nf lh fifflp. force. In regard to the bond Investment KlUNArlNU SI KIKE BREAKERS companies under suspicion Mr. Webster Novel Charge - Preferred Against Members of Bakers Cnloa at Chicago, lid h had little knowledge. NEW PARTY WANTS FUSION Aay Candidate Acceptable If other Party Will Endorse Called Christian Platform. CHICAGO, May 4. An attempt to import twenty-nln baker from St. Louis to fill th place of strikers lesulud today In a ST. LOTTTS. May 4.-Th National Com- oomplalnt to the pollc that twenty-vn mlttee and the delegate to th National t h Bt- Loulalan had been kidnaped by convention of the United Christian party, member of th Chicago Baker' union. who hav been in session her sine Bun- Two or tn s'.rming palters were arrestee my intuition at the forts of FotietlnsKy M Family Poisoned by .Milk. CEDAR RAPIDS, Is., May 4. Special Telegram) Ths family of 3. C, Johnson Is seriously ill from poisoning, but It Is thought they will recover. Bread and milk was served for supper and shortly after I Third and rourth districts were elected by ths entire family wa taken sick. It Is the anti-Hearst men. but they will t, Th convention seleoted A. M. Maxwell or Wayne chairman of th state commit t and instructed ror Charles A. Walsh ror member or the national committ. Following wer elected alternate delel gates-st-lsrge: John Denlson, Wright county; A. P. McQuIrk, Davsnport; Wslter H. Dewey, Lucas, and Louis Murnh r.. butiue. District Delegate. Th delegates rrom ths First. Second suppted thst formalin was used to pre serve ths milk snd that it was this that sAbaf aivsraniU ogy alga lck,4 1; (fcymr, I catunxl Uit yolgoolri; unsbl to do anything as they are tied Co&Uu.ul a So4 Pat day, hav appointed a nominating com mittee of twelve to select candidates for a national ticket at the next presidential election. Th convention has adjourned to meet here, after efforts have been made to secure the endorsement of ono of the prin. ctpal political parties of the planks eon. snd the pollc are looking for th twenty- seven mon who hav disappeared. Th men arrived in Chicago and started In a body for ths plant of the Schultse Baking company, where they .had been promised employment. When within half a block of the shop they were surrounded by talned In the Chrlstain party platform, several hundred union bakers ana sym- udopted last Monday. If the platform Is pathlsers. Tb striker warned th nw- rndorsed. It Is a Id, there will be no ind- comer not to accept work at th be- pendent ticket, the I'nlted Chrlstain party leaguared bake shop. Soms of ths non- agreeing to support the nominee of the I union men insisted, now ever, end a fight party endorsing Its 1 1st form. I seemed Imminent. A riot call was sent in. William R. Benkert of Davenport. Ia.. I but when th polios arrived tb crowd Sad was re-elected as chairman of th na- disappeared. Only two of the 8t. Louis tlonol executive committee. State chairmen men had uccedou In reaching the Schultse wer alao appointed to secur funds tot g plant and th otaars bad boas, spirited naUooai ooipsja, ., away. v left flank waa defended l v two bat talions of the Thirty-second reviment and the Third battery of the Sixth brigade. The Japanese took the offensive at 5 o'clock tn tne morning, aispaiuning at least one di vision of Infantry, whlcS advancing In column, sustained enormous losses, but crossed the ford and attacked our position, which was exposed to the fire of thirty-six field guns and alege batteries. The Jap anese advanced and occupied the position. "Towards noon I , ascertained that the Japanese had nuted the lattullon of the '1 wenty-secona . regiment nosiea si tjnin Gow and were turning my left flank. At 1 o'clock in th afternoon my left Hank waa reinforced by two battalions of the Elev enth regiment and a battery commanded bv Lieutenant CPlonel Mornvsky, which were sent from the reserve by General Sasnalltch with orders to hold their ground until th departure of the xsiuth and Tenth regiment from Sakhodss. 1 ordered the Eleventh regiment tn hold a commanding position In the rear from which tliey tould fire on the enemy from two sides. "I held Lieutenant Moravsky's battery In reserve and ordered the Twelfth regi ment the Third battery and the aulck- firing gun to retire urtaer cover or tne fjieventn regiment- my ciuei ot ston: lea the rear guard te Its position. "At 1 o'clock the Japanese approached ao close to the Dosition held bv the Elev enth regiment . that the Third battery could not pass along unoer tne crons-nre, ana taking up a position a short distance from the Japanese, remained there until the end of the fight, losing Its commander, Lieutenant Colonel Moravsky. "A company with quick-firing guns wa brought up from the rear guard: and the omcer commanaing mat torce, seeing in dimcuit situation or Aioravsicy oatiery, took ud the position on his own Initiative. He lost half of hi men and all hla horses and attempted to remove th guns by hand to the shelter of the hills under the Jspanese croea-fire. The quick-firing piece discharged about ab.uuu bullets. . "The Twelfth rrrlment cut its war through snd saved its colors. Th Second battery ot th Sixth brigade, having s.l temnttd to reloln the reserves by another route, oould not ascend tha mountain sioa with only half Its horses, and retiring to Its original position, received ths J .panes attack. "The Eleventh regiment, which held Its around fur three hours witn neavy losses forced a passage at the point of the bay ivnet and crossed the ravines with Its cot ors. It lost its colonel commandant, forty officers and about 2,000 noncommissioned officers and men. Th Japanese losses must have been enormous. "The Russlnns retired In good order on Feng Wang Cheng, CHIJA IXSIBTS IT WILL BD HECTHAL Minister at it. Petersbargr Gives As surances to Rnsala. ST. PETERSBURG, May 4. Th Chinese minister, who, having heard rumors of th possibility that China might not remain neutral, applied to Peking for information and repelved a cablegram from the Peking government ana viceroy, luan or.l Kai, which! reads ss follows: In reply to your telegram of Aoril 23. with the object of putting a stop to unfounded, rumors, we request you to deny them, de claring sgain In the most formal manner that China and the Chinese pjople will faithfully oboerv neutrality. foil authorised to say that the Chinese govern ineit4 has given rigorous orders to the local authorities to tnat neutrality Is strictly Yna In talned and that the most complete order is preserved In the whole territory declared neutral. Moreover, w are able I guarantee that owing to the measures w have tsken any renewal of rvsut Ilk (Copyright, by New York Hereld Co.. 1904.1 TOKIO. May l.-(Se Tork Herald Cablegram 6peclal Telegram to The Bee.l During a dense fog yesterday afternoon the Japanese successfully , blocked Port Arthur by sinking nln merchantmen at the entrance which 1 now absolutely sealed. Th Japanese fleet in effecting th blockade stesmed Into th entrance at full peed. Naval officers who hsd mads previous attempts begged permission to carry out the next attack in daylight, that being easier. Th roqust was grafted. So de termined wer th naval chief to succeed this time that they decided, it necessary, to lose half their men, Th number of insanities ha not ret bn cabled to Toklo. Tho cftcea of th War snd Navy depart ments ai.d of tho general staff war tha scenes of th greatest enthusiasm. Two oi tse Imperial princesses visited ths Nov department snd th assembled crowd wel comed them with cheer. Than th throng demanded Admiral Ito, chief of th general staff and the hero of th fight on th Tslu during the Chinese-Japanese war. Ha ap pealed In response to ths calls of th peo ple snd they saluted Mm. It had been expected that tldlnjrw of th ' Port Arthur engagement would com from Vice Admiral Togo some time durlni ths day, but none war received. The report which hss reached hor from Europ that General Kouropatkln, ths commndi-!n-cVlef of the Russian troops In the fsr east. Is personally leading 20.000 troops from" IJao Tang to Feng Wang Cheng, Is wel comed as good news, on ths theory thai th mora aggressive the Russian oampstfn becomes th more speedy will be Japan's - success. ' - t Congratulatory telegram ar being re- -cetved ' frdtn foreign .THend and' re also being exchanged between : th ' authorities' at" Toklo end th naval and Tni'.ltarr cf-' flclala nt ho front. ' . Last night, ths populace organlcsj l-n- promptu lantern ana transparency ' pro cessions snd today ths school ehl'eren ' are singing In ths streets In honor of the Japanese victory. Tomorrow, May 9, I th boys tet day In Japan and Gars rcnresentlna fish nr. flying over every household. Ths. fins' day Is on March S, when doll are displayed representing famous heroines, Th 'Im portant to May S Is accentuated by th fact that It I being dedicated by th em peror to commemoration of th memories f the sailor and soldiers who hav died for their country. " . Thousands of persons will visit Yssukunt shrine and make obelssnc to th slides of the heroes. ? LONDON. May 8. The Tokio correpnd- ents of both th Dally Telegraph and th Dally Chronicle assart thst Port Arthur Is effectually "corked." i aiGM OF BIO, KAVAL BATTl.B. Heavy 1. Heard to Seaward Off Port af Waaaoa, Cerea, (Copyright, by New Tork Herald Co., I0t) WON SON (Via. Beoul). May 4. (New Tork Herald Cablegram Speoial Telegram to Ths Bee.) Heavy firing haa been hara to seaward off her today and It presumed a naval battle Is taking place. ,' (Copyright, by New Tork Herald Co., IM.) SEOUL, May 4. New York Herald Cable gram Special Telegram to Th Beo.) Tho Japanese merchant steamer Haglnowia Maru, enrout from Wonson to- Fusao, la considerably overdue and fears ara enter. talned that It hat met th sams fat as th Klnshin Maru. Another . Russian raid ' down ths oast coast wss reported. . ' Five hundred Russian cavalrymen hav passed through Nong Song south boubd. The Coreans In tl at district are welcom ing tbem and repairing ths roads to faclll. tat their Advanee. BIBWt IS COMING SLOWER XOW PI nee Csar Removed to Rniumer ftonta Correspondents A Delayed. ' , 8T. PETERSBURG, May . Sloro th mpror' removsl to Tsarskoy Salo, a new system has teen Introduced of com municating official messages Intended tef publication to a special commission of milltsry snd naval censors. Formerly ai; telegrams addressed to ths emperor, re ceived direct at the Winter pal act, wars ssnt to Admiral Abasa, who d4ilphared them and forwarded them to a commission sitting In ths telegraph office. Th cn sors read the messages carefully, omltled a word or passage likely to prov Usaful to th enemy and then a duplicate was given out to ths onrratpondents, quartered In an adjoining room. Ths only delay sros from th censors sdjournlng from t p. m. to ( p. m. Ths present arrange ment Involves further delay. Messages hav to com back from Tsarskoy Slo after being deciphered. Those relating to th Und operation go to th War minis try and those referring to th sea move ments ar taken to tb Marin ministry, which ar respectively n trusted to glvs them out . Yssterdsy General Kouropatkln' first taitftrfcia reached, th War nUulgtry ai tAOSg 04 UUV M unpossiMS . ti . v . " (