THE OMAHA DAILY EEE: WEDNESDAY, MAT 4, 1PM. 9 SHORTHAND AKO TYPEWRITERS C VAN imiKkM. Jil N- T. Life Neb. Bu SbortLead Col. Bcyd theater "l US BUCK ENfT'EF.FER- fA. U New fork Hie buij du.g. Omaha m u-t MUSICAL THuS. J- A ELLT. vatca. Daridga bi-TA DA18T HJOGIN8, vote, piano, da N. rt . I 1L A-Z.AL CHJUL H. aUXFEB. blase, B Barker P't an FLORISTS - HE-R8 A f OBOD4 Mil Faraam. K7 U.- HKXfERSoN. 1S Fima Pnd for -par tot et cut tosn and p. ant -T7 tf ALFTtFT) tiOXIGHVi; JIU "7 Tfl ttXL Faraara, eli DETECTIVE AGENCY Opt- CAranach. BT Xartwcb Mb. TtL a .A POSTOFRCE NOTICE. '"vShourd t read "daily ty ail interested, at '. e, oar occitr at any note.) . .Freie;ri rii"ia lor tr.a wees ending Hay . 14. will close iPK'TviPTLY. In ail cases) at the Oeroeral Pesvoffioe aa f ol- luwa: I ereels-poet mail cluee on bo- t.t than rioemg tiro imn mmw. ParcelB-post mail or Germany doe at p . m. jfnnoay Bwlat aod FupplcmeDtary trails close at iwpi aiatlen imramr of nm and nor In streets! hall bour later than ckjeir.g t km sbosa beiow, imc4 that suspi- . (nectary "mails for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close etA boar later - l Foretga station). Traaeatlaatl Mails. 'tTETNESDATAt i -3d A. m. for EUROPE. per a. a oceanic Tit Uiwoarovn. TJT1 'K!' AT At 7 a. cl for KKANf-R. evVlTZEALANtt. ITAt.T. SPAIN. PuHT I'OAL. TtHKET, KKifPT, GRSEi E and BRITISH IM'IA. per a a. ia Tojraine, i Hxrt ttMil ler other parts of Europ. tnust be airerted "par a. a. La Tnuruiw i. A TV RDAT At a. m. for EUROPE. per . a. ".JeT-manic, via Cherbourg ana soum empton imail must ba Aractad "per a. a n wwiuamt : at -M a. tn. for EL HOPE X r per a. a. t -wcanla, via Que-metrwn. at '-Ai a. ci. for B KLii I UM dirct, per A A Vad ' CTiaod i mAl aiuat be directed "per a a. I aAarlaaid' t: ttlJta fn. for IT ALT dlr"t J- i ter a. a. .Prtnoaaa Ircna (mail rnuat be i rwrted Vbt a. a. Pnareaa Ir-a- ); at : for XTLAD direct, per Aartoria. tm11 nut be dire1ed per I A A a tiAatona"i at U a. m. for I'JMiRK d- rerl, per a. a. Hekla maii uuat Ua U - raorbd "per A A -Hoala i- ATter tb cVaUsr of th aupplemantary Tranajjtlantic maiia umH abnvA ad djtlonhl aupplemenlaiT aaaila AT opened en (be pi rs of tha American. Eccliah. Frencb arid German neajnera, and remain (pro or. tli w-lUUn ten mlcutes f tha Lour of of aieanar. Italia tar Sewtb aa Cevtral Aaeerfeaa, Weet ted tern, Ete. i ."rVTrPTSMPAT At 12 m. (e-sppleinentary 11J0 a. m.) for BAHAMAS, r-r a. Andlia at I n. m. . for ARGKNTlXli 1R1 Gfir and PaRAGCAT, per a. -Pallor PrlncA TIJl'H CTl A TA B en foe l 11A nep B. A Experanaa (mail fnr Mexico, via Pro arean. Carcpecba aad Vera Cms most be directed "per a. a. Eeperassa"); at A a. for SEKMVTJA. er A A Trinidad; It 1 .20 a. nu-ror bRA21L, per a A nyron, "rta Ornunbena, Hahla. Kio Janeiro and Santo tmuM tr Kerthera hraaU. Argvn- Una. I ruaraay and Faracmay muat be Olrerted "per A A Byron'7); at HI a. m. for HAITI, per a, a. Prtna M litem I1L - rarfl ttmt Cap Baltic-Port da Paix. Goa- Atve. Jeremla. Curacao, Veneamela. Tnnldadk BrHieh asd Patch Oilar.a muat - dn-ecaed "per a A Prtna WiUeaa IlL"i: tt 11 m. for MEXIOD . per a a Turn-art (mail muat be directed Ter a A Ta ' ermrf-: at U m. for BXRHAIOJ19 and ...... KORTHEliN BRAZIL, per A A Hubert. -j! via Para. Ceara and Miruhua; at T p. m. for X STW TX L' r La.vd. par a a Car thaeinlan. from PKllaJetphia. ' JTJT A T A t I A m. fee BEK3fft"IXA per a. a t aruiDe; ax a ac a- m. tauppiemer.i- , ary V J A m.) for IXAGUA and HAITI. . per a. a Alene; at 12 m. for SANTIACX), . vi-er a a Juan, (mail muat be directed per a A Jaeos"). . JL4TL"RDAT At -3 a. n. (aupplemeiitary rTe A ra-1 for Cl'HACAO and YE.N , .ZL'ELA. per a a Zulia (mail tea Cviam . .. Via muat be directed "per a A Zulia"); . . a t a. aa. t or POHTO KICO. per A A , Coam, via bAa Juaa; it t It 1 tn. (aP .. piementary 10 a. m.) for FORTt'NE llLAKD, JAMAICA and COLOMEIA '-4aoapt Ceoca and Magdalena tep tai. per A A Bamla (rcaU for Coarta Rica muat be directed "per A A Barnla); at mii . a I ew -e. . na. per a. a asexjoa. via Havana: tr 11 SO p. m. (euppleraentary p. m.i for TVKKS IaJULNl aad 1jM IMCAi;. KEPViiUC per A A New ..Yora. XaOIa Fee-ermrAeA O-ve-rLaaiA, Ete It ewf Trmawtla. - ClBA Via Port Tampa, rvatda. ciaeea at ttua affic daily, exoept TbareAay, at lit-hi . m. ithe eoiinectuie' aiaila clua bare an . Monday. fcedbaeda and ftaturaayai aAAXlOJ C1T I Overland, unleaa apeoaily aAdreaaed for deaiiaicA by steal -- at t&i eftu-e daily, eaoept Sunday, at 1A1 . m. aad Jm p. au aWoaya at im a. i - m. and la M a, m. JCEW rOUXXiLAND (except ParIs-Poet ... Maliat By rati te North Sydney. erA "Abeivoa by ataamer, eluaea a4 tbia ofSrs e . Aaily at JB p. m. (connect Ire maiji e oae - - here every Mtebaag. TATadnaelay And atet- iray. JAMAICA By rail te Buatoa. ana thane r .. by eteamer. riieiaa ai laia ofhoe At iJt - p. m. Knday. MiQVELON By rail ta Boat on, and thrac , - by aaeajD. rlaaia at tbia offloa dally at p. m. - -. J6ELJZE. PtntBTO COHTEZ and OUATB- - MALA B rail to New Orieana. an4 thence by steamer, closes st tbia effioe -Aaliv, apep KuaAav, eA p JW p. m. aad l.o M a. av-. Sundaya il L:ia a a aad l e as p. aa. (osBMetana atau Aoaea ber Mondaye at . m.). Ct'STA RICA-toy rail to New Orieana. end tsenoe by steamer, claaes ai. tbia fbr dal.y. cxpc rhinday, at 11 AS p. an. ill '' ' I't a p. m, AuaoArs e p. m. aad i.a.aO p. an. (connerttng' tnail cloaLB here Tueedajre at li tu p. m l. HJO j: I AJClIJ maJLi ciueea at g:o p. -;, previoua day. . , Ah...-. aeavd DaM. ' Trie eehedul f closing Transpacific mans - - errs a aad oa tb preMieaptiva of their uninterrupted overland transit to port ef selling I he final eonnfctins- mails in . eept registered Transpacific mails which - j-f. etues sv. m. prr 1..u dyl doae at tha ""A x-.eral postoB-e. New Yora aa f riowa: . HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PH1UP- e - PINE USLAXI'li. via Sa Francisco, rloa ,. at p m. May :o. for d tch per a a M.trrolia. a. Hawaii, japan, china and Pinup- u. .PINE ISLANIS. rU fWa Fr-icli. cioe at t J p m May ,th. for despatch per , . . AS. Amrrlca Maru. , I HAWAII, tit aa Franrls-.n. close at .- p. m. May feb. for drspatch per a a Alameda. f. CHINA and JAPAN, via Taco-na, cliae at I at p m. May Kb. for drapatcb per A A Nir.g Chow. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and 5 , Victoria. B. C. rloa at f 34 p m. M.y C J1 h. tar deFpatch per a. . ttmpreae of China. (MercKs ndia for It. A Pcaiial t-- AiBfT at ttax.gUai cannot be forwarded via Csnadat. CHINA and JAPAN, via BeattlA riuee at a K p. -m...jsixj A'th, tor deapairh per A s Hyaea I. Kr' ZEALAND. Al-PTRAUA .eseept b West) NEW CALEDONIA. FUl SAMOA and HAWAIL via 6n Frsn-nsce, cltie t p. ra May "Met. I f AscpeKi per - . A A Sonoma, -if the Cuaard steamer carrying the B ih mail fur New Zeai 1 and d( nr arriv Is Um ta cotinect with thia deapa'.-h, extra malls closing - tt t 4. a. I t B. aad aa p m.; Suadt-ra kt 4 3 a. m . a m and t.M p m. -a1U be made ui, and forwarded anill the arrival ef tbe Cwnard stramert. Al STRAT I A (e -ert W -t i. FIJI leLANDS 1 and NEW CALEDONIA pecial!y d dreeaed oelyi. via Varooever and Vic toria B. C. cIt. it I la a ex. May fist, foe despatvn taee w Vfrerera. TAHITI aad MARQt'ESAg ISLANDS, via fa Francisoo. dim, et b- m aa. May . th. for epatrh r-T a a Mar one J"l!LirPE ISl AVfS. Tb. Ran Fraa ' . rsw, eloee tt i re. bfay frth, far d et-etrh per T". S Tranaoort. 3S"TE-l"nle rtherwle. adr-Med Weet AsstrsHa ts f r-irm -d ia Furor: ar-d New Zea!atd and t tilllrTine. via Sxa Francbv tb uerkvet rest. Pr-ii t aneea r-"r)i!y addreaaad "via Canada" - -e "via Fur ope aiix he fury prep-Id at The foreiei, ra'e Hawaii 1 fcvwanied Via Saa Frseeee. exeluelre'v. j - CORNELIUS VAN rv-tTT. 1 PoataaaatfT. IVwt ra- "ew Tort, X. X. COUNCIL rarjr aella maA. Lefart'e aaaaea ft Btoraert aeJA carpeA The Ftutl rr. i ceetA raJrta. of! and r'aaa- Mortraa tnrkey. C'onrruir.tfi Waller L Smttb ta bom from aahir.rton. L. C. firlal aa e n floor eaoeai and axraana Alexander A SI Broadway- For wall Biterlnt. p'nuna iiiiir fram- tt.. aee Ewraick, 1 AUJn at. Fbooa A-tia. W J Pulltnan waa a.n-ee4 erentng rharred ty A. GiblxAia wltA tba theft of chirkenA Charlea MrTlonaM reeentjT wder. vent an operation for appendiciUA Abla te be out. Lnet on Mill etreet. a pearl brtoch wtrb Ciamond. Return t Mra. E- A. rUaaer and rerelTC reward. The r M I. riub win be entertntoed Tbaradar atemoon by Mm. Thooaa Mar Joney. 3 Avenue E. . wvoe a mixed palntA Motbaa aV rtckey. J4re U Keeier rmrrrinm hia ten root K a atina aa the reauJt of droppicc A aUck of atore wood ma the enemtirr. . It w. U Trey nor will bjare today for Tewa City to attend a MUn tba Board of Reenta ef tba Sta.te italeanity. f.nte Faik waa bwueA A buUdjn- beraut yeaterday tor the reikin of a two aory irne rotuura on rutb aveoue, t coat Man yonr rarprta taAen no, cleaned and reiaid ty modern metbodA Om earpeia naaue icto har.eeorae rure. CennrO iiiuffe Capet CJeacli Co-. M Nortb VLhJM a treat. k't,a iia. Jamea A. LArklca, aba baa bean artta aa a aperui in., ice man, baa been gi'eu a permahent iKnaLmeLt on tbe foroe. Ha formerly eerved on tbe police forca durlnA' ala or Jetmir.aa' admlnielration. Tbe Ere d-ptruaent waa called yeaterday afternoon to the reaidence ef Joba Dorr, bat Avenue li. a here chlklrea playinc wlUJ matches bad ataned a blaae In a ceJar areamar. Tbe rtamafe waa eUgbt. Mra. lorr waa aick b bed aad tbe ei ciirmeat, it la thought. Ui bare a bad eflect on ber. . Tbe dlatrlct court Jury In tbe ault of jl. P Mead lee againat E. Merer brought In a Teiojct yeaierday afternoon for the de fundant. aued tor damages tm aa.eged false arreat and mallcioua proeecuiioa on tbe rbaia of ateallng a hurse Vd buggy from Meyer, Ala former employer. John Mclntyre, ailaa Tom Pavia and Larry V. Ililama got Into a dispute yestev oay. It la aud, over a bottie of alcohol and were arreatea. Tbey were cbarged wiUi beihg drunk and diaturblng tbe peace. Mclntyre when taken to tbe city u3 at tempted to am aggie tbe bottle of aJconol Into hia reU by biding it up tba leg of bia troaaera Plambera, take notice! Wa always have aabeatoa fa atock. Give ua your order. C. UAXer. Phone X Vlctla tlll Valdewtlaed, The four young- men who were burned to deatb. rn tb freight car la tb Nortb WQtrn yard a Monday morning have not yet been MenUfled. Owing to the condition of tbe bodleA It will be lmpoaalble ta keep tbea longer thaa today and tf not Identified tbey will be buried her at the expena of CSm county. Tbe railroad offlclala bav tetegrapbed te Cbicag to try to eerara bnformatlam which mlcbt lead to their identification, but up to last evening nothing; had been learned. - The belief that the cam of tbe yena eat ef tha four rictlma waa Jamea Grady la aLreatgibened by a letter received yes terday by Undertaker Cutler from Gail Peorod. a buMneaa maa of Ixigaa. la. Mr. Penrod atate that a yontxg maa gfrmg tha nam ot Jamea Orady cajied at Ala bom la LiosAa early Sunday Booming aad a abed for omethtng' to eat. While eat ing tb lunch given hlia young Orady told Mr. Penrod hia nana aad a bowed hba tha rw letter of reooaameadatlaa from the Chlcaro ho tela which ver found aa the body of tb youngest victim. The boy aald hia home waa ta lAfayette, XndL. but Ltbat ha had beea away from ther tor thre rrA It ta auppoaed tb boy left the trala at Ioe;an while It waa being witched, tn search of aocBcthtnC t eat- On receipt of Mr. Penrod" a totter Cader- taker Cutler at once communicated by Ulearraph with tb authorities at Laf ay tt tn tb effort to locat the boy'a reia tlveA Plumbing and beating. Blxby Boa. Ileal Estat Trauaeree. These transfers wer reported to Tba Be May I by tbe abstract, title aad loaa ef fioe of Squir A Ann ta. 101 Pearl street: Iowa Tcwnalt company to Peter B. Jacob, iota A a A 7. block X. and lot 14. block L Greai Western aAd tn Minden. w. d I7QI Seme te Samuel J. Rosa lots A a. Work 11 Bentley at Adolr-h C. Matthleaen aad wit ta C G. Bee aam. w. d IX Samuel J. Rua and wlf to Adolph C Matthleaen. him. w d 2.X Anrje I'arraogh to Henry Laptdua. - 3. leer i rncne to A Dtocx A Up Las' 1st add. w. d MM M. Marcus and wife to Annie Daj- raucb. same a. e. d 1 William Quirk to Email n W Quirk, Ms wlf a part lot i. block 17. Bayllsa' 1st ad, w. d Jon Reorganised Church of Jei Chrlet of Latter Day Salats te F-dward E. WlUlama. aea neA. ll-T-a. w. A W L. M. Sberraoea to Barney S. Terwil- Urer and -Camline E Barney. aH ' seV iw Is-Ti-M, no. part, . e. d 1 Barney S. -Terwllliger and wife aad Caroline E. Bowmaa ta Helea S. Inae. aam. A A d 1 Total flea transfer- .. .. ...2.juy THE OIL! 1IMUTILT btODKAl BltlbEgg AID bOatMAL COle -LE IS THE y -EST. Student may enter any Una. XxeeDeat places to work for board. Tuition very reasonabla Write for aampl copy of our Cuueg Jaurnal Write or caul for iafdrma- E, F. KlLXCrajs. Masonic Tampla 'Pboa BCIL LEWIS CUTLER MOTTTTCTAJ. CCEAN STEAMSHIPS HDLUSD-tllERlCe. LIME. twa i i,. Il.ain ml 1 1 , v TOAJb aTTAuiaA. via bobleMSA aaiiiaa T inr. a u i a Aa la hwS, baa H bi i rM m , u f- I'rumma jwh braaaat Aa bluna -Ji iA cAAAjr-JxXAiCAA IOKA aaeaw at-. Cb 1A. baBf I I la. iSUl St. I A b hi " 'A Ski A A f-t-'ri 14 TWAItSATlJLarrb9UC Faesib Uasw bew Torh b 1-mrta, Bis Da sell fcas Aveey Ikanaaf ae M a aa. sur swr m iiiM SI be. BfSA. s-S-oLtr iets-i mmm ! I M t u0kirv' I nrr r a wviaa, awarr. om 4 a xeau-Kun b M - M Ivwa Sc . n um. fuw. bat I Ut C raraaJB ax . ah Uiij Ai. AACAOA una A A laTajllBA bsw toax. GiaAaxtAA aas aarVAt. lttW nlilja BaiellM) fMelaa Tb. a, mil trie 1 1 1 " nii ee In a aaii, bsciua. mam u a 1'iHI a, i.a. . t,l s,ial, aitJi.e mtaa- Bw B 1 1 , mt Ian rar liiia mt a ' ' " ' lini in ass a, hi mi , la. ' I ar m BLUFFS. FORESTERS RUSH BUSINESS Osmplet Vork-sf Lidl Eecxica n lt UratDgy. IM0 LP WITH A BAkCHJlT AT RIGHT TlatHagt DeJemtM Mm baeered ta Twa Itay a, bwt by HaabamaT rx TWf C Tbewegb Tb Iowa high aourt of tb Independent Order of Forest era saooeeded tn campiet lr the work of Its third bsannisi meeting yesterday ta rw aneslntia and adjourned y ! lay aflirniia It had beaa expected &1 tha g g t"ji j tw day and tb loaa tadava ef the order had mad ar raaciuaanta aeoardlnalr tor the axtarrata mant of tb visiting klg& oOoara aad dele gate. In view f the early adloumment tha arrarig-asaarita bad to bo ohanged and tha baaae snhoirnlii tot today was held last evening. The chajng ta tb arrangements waa due to tb fact that tb members of th high omul preferred to devote all ef yesterday to bnameea taataod of part to eight see ing and pleasar as bad beea planned by tb local coxnmltteeA The elacaeai of officer, who wer Installed at tha aftaraooa BemooTi, resulted as fol lows: OsBeer far tb Karalag Tear. ' High chief rang-er. Judge M. C MAtthawA ITilu)ae. Kirn vice chief rsAger. D. S. Cooper, Bur- ling-tca. Hlrb aecretary, Peter B. Hoffman. u buque. Ulrh tre-nTr, Chris Haw. fHrarawa. Hlch physician. Dr. C U. Bower. Coun cil Bluff Hlg-b auditors, E O. Holme. Bloux City: Otto P. Geiger, DubuauA The are the of&oert appoiated by the high chief ranger: High rator. lira. Boa Walters. Coun cil Eiuffa. High aecretary, Mra. Ann Mo Ca be . Ltj bufj ue High nra-alst. Miss Carri Kll-r.knecht. MT Vernon. Hlrh senior woodward, George M. Clark. Smithiand. High Junior woodward. M. Aaamua. Indc dendenoe. High marahaj. George M. Wilson. Mt. VemTn. High conductor. Perry PerklnA es Mome. meseenger. W. J. Walker. Smith- land. High senior beadle. George C Helraick. Council BlafTi. Hlrh junior bead). Brary Lehman, Waterloo. Keatlae of MeetlaaT. Th aeaeaons wer held tn tbe ball room of th Grand hotel. At th opening session Thomas Q. HArrlaon, past grand chief rang-er of tb Council Bluffs eeort, deliv ered aa address of welcome, which was re sponded to by Judge M. C Matthews, the high chief rana-ee. A E. Stephensoa of Detroit. Mich., general manager . of the work of orgAnlaarloo of th order In tb United State, addressed th meeting, and a number ot short talk wer tnad by other member of th hbrh court. Judge Matthew waa sleeted representa tive to tb guprem coart of th order, which win meet la Bostoa la August, 13CA The place of marring for th biennial session to be held ta 1M was left with tb high standing- oommltte. consisting of tha six principal officer ef th hlg-h court and B, SI Bowoa of Duhoqu. Junior past high raager. Th reports from tb eeveral oOoers shewed that the order whil boldlna tta oca la Iowa, had not ahowa any material growth during th last two years, although a large increase In membership la looked far tn th next two year. About thirty delegate were la attead aaoe, half of th number from oat of tewa being from Dubuqae. th stroeghaid of th order in low. Judge Matthew C Matthew, tb high chief raaawr of tb Independent Order ef Fores tera ta Iowa, is judg of th district court of Dubuque county, which, consti tute tb Klnetenth Judicial district of Iowa. As he had to be a tha beach this morning. Judge Matthews had to leave for hem ImraodlAtaly At tbe eloee of th aft eraooa a lest aad was aaabl ta retnala for th banquet ta tbe evening. X. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. SO; Bight. F-967. XO ACTIOS OS BIDS FOR UBBAJIT Uaaae la Flavaa to dtSMSS Cert of BhaUdlaa The Board of Library trusteas. after a protracted meeting last Bight, postponed action la th matter of awarding the ooo tract for th Caraea-io library bunding until th regular asonthly tnaiitlng aext Monday Bight. la the meantime th local eachl teets have beea Instructed t take sound ings on th sits aad aaoartala whether piling for the foundation will be ary. Th report ef Pattoa A Miller, The Chi cago architects, giving a tabulation ef the bids, was received a short whil before the convening ot the board, aad consequently the members had so time to look over and examine it before tbe meeting. Taking tbe bid cf Whtcbeeter A Co He of Rockport, EL, and Jane Til) a, Wla, th lew bid for the general conatructlon, th tabu latloa la as follows: General construction .......IS. (ft! J Plumbing and gaa fixtures 9T.fl ETer-trlc wlrtna" 71" Flstare 1 HMtitif and veetllatln X MHia Deooratlea ... l!fA Shade . 1E Iwnrativ rlasa & reUvery, CAtaiogua caaes aad table 1 4V US C hairs IVfiM Book stacks Uxl at Traye .- 1 Standards 7Ut) Total ....Jet enr? Add for concrete piling ItiuAg Total - a.gLa7 T this must be added architect's fees of tum. making a grand total of 171.11. -FT. or above the Amount to be donated by Mr. CaraeglA Te bring the total oost within th appro priation MeeerA Pattoa Miller agfet4 certala modlfleationA such aa omitting th finishing ef th baaaiai nt, etc. whV h would reduce Winchester A Callee s bid 13.37. and snowing C etc for tbe old hnfldtngr aw th sit would make a total r4ucrk-i ef CLS7 and thus bring the total root within the r offered by Mr. Carnegie. Aa ther appeared to be a general feel. big that th contra et tf possible ahould be glvea to eoaae locat arm Trust Gahrta eugreted that th local eantrarftara be per mitted to submit pruposltiOPB showing what redhictlor.a they would anak la their bads OS) the ttesns suggested te be snodlfled by tbe Chicago architects. X motion ta this effort, bewerer. waa defeated as aoaiority of th board did box believe that ta looel a, wb were at least tlg.toi Klgber thaa th Rorkport firm, could re- doe their ag-ares legttiariatery oa tb item sua-reeted by Messrs Pattoa A bTUer to b modified. All ef th local oo tractors who subcaltted bads war present and requested ts be permitted to lailsx their figures tbe same aa Wsncheoter at Cullea had A BKttioa by Trustee Scott that th bid be awarded te Winchester A Cuilea. th low bidder, failed the support of a seeoai t a gui wet big. After aev ai inlraa was finally decided te actloA an lit Una flay, ta aw The Second THE past week has been one of the busiest in the history of this store. The second week we propose to make a record breaker. You will find here new. fresh, dependable merchandise at prices you cannot duplicate elsewhere. New goods at less than you can buy old goods. We have too much stock which we propose to sell and quote you prices to move it quick. Hosiery and Underwear Nw Fancy Hosiery for ladies, toe aad Bora' heavy IH? Toper Hoee at 12c pair. Tie l-v-r-iee ed hand trimmed Ud ex fnlon Suit. c. (Me lac trimmed alee-releee mdica CtUra fuu. c Knit Corset Over for ladtea. me and TSe. Ladles' kmc sleeved shaped Vesta, special lc . . ebs tare trnameu, baA (Swi Gaaa Vsta at sue Petticoats Vew lot Black Verrerlaed Petticoat- p'ain black mercerised, biafk and white checked mereerlaed. black mercertaed with white dot, worth LS and tUu, at CM. McCall's Patterns Ws hare added th past week a complete Bo of the McCail Patterna. After con sioerlng tbe different make of palterne w found that thia particular pattern give tb beat saUaJsetlon. berr.g c ana isr. notning higher, and superior ta other in fit and easier to cut from. Bed Spreads Marked at special price a to reduce stock. Extra quality Huck Towaia Ifcxa. Vc Embroideries Another lot of EmhmMerlea. con Fisting of ege. bands and applique, worth up to Sc. at he each. Laces New Net Top lAce. choir pet tens in white, butter and Arabian, at 2c. 3bo and bJC yard. Stationery Special lota Box Paper, were lftc and 13c box at c Corsets Lot of odds and ends la ladles Coreeta, Puritan. Kabo, etc. were COO and 60c. sale price c Skirts tm Drees Sktrta and Walking Sklrta. every oo new, at ore-third off already k-w prtc. THE WILLIAM WOODBURY COMPANY 32-34 MMN STREET. ll-Vi PEARL STREET. standing; being that the board definite actios at that time- will take Test of Tax Ferret Law. Judge McPhersoa held A special aeasioa of United Bis tea court yesterday to boar arguments la the' case brought by Mra Anne Jefferla to enjoin, :ttoa eoanty treas urer from attempUft,-. ; ODlVeet AOeged dettrquent taxes oa personal property dis covered by Tax Ferret Cunningham. Suit to caXoro payment , of -these taxes was begun by Cotaaty Tteaaurer ConalgTiy la tha district court. . Mia: JefferlA la ap plying for aa injunction, contends that tba tax ferret law Is nncnostttutlonal la that pro-rides for taking property without due process of law. This to the first case attacking this law to be brought before the United State court, although several similar suits have been tried la the district eeurts and Judge McPheraon'a ruling will watched for with considerable inter est. A cumber of other suits instituted by the county treasurer oo tha tax ferrret's discoveries will depend oa Judge MPher- eon s ruling. Tax Oolltettioa Heavy. County Treasurer Conalgay yesterday completed bis apportionment of the tax coIlecUoa for March, and the first part of April. The collections ware Above the av erage, the Amount received during Marcb being trTUTAta. Th Cruree for tb en tire month of April ar not yet oorapleted- a a result of the Increased coIlsctloBS during March, tbe otunty treasurer was able to turn ever to City Treasurer True I71.1SUX of which VB.ri represented reg ular taxes aad C 4.1. Fa rpecial Improve ment taxes. To H. O. MeGee, treasurer of the Independent scb3oi alstrtct ef Council Bluff. Treasurer Omstg-rty tamed ever M2.HSLM. Treasurer Bereebeim of the Park board received from th county treasurer xcTli , while the state's proporJoa of the tax eeUerriooA which a melted te CU74.TQ, waa remitted to Stat Treasurer Gilbert- soa by th county treasurer. HYMENEAL Va-et-Bl oabemrwe, COLCMBLS, Neb.. May 1 ( Special. r-Mlaa Catherine Vogd and Mr. Anthony Moahen- ros were married this morning at St. Bona- veatura Catholic church. Rev. Father The- bokt performing the- esreraoay. Tbe bride tbe only daughter of Marcus Veget. a retired business maa of this city aad th groom to a sea ef a wfl-lo-d farmer liv ing la Columbus township. Mr. And Mr. Toget left today for an xtendd trip ta the west and will visit Denver, Salt Lake and other point. They expect to reside this city. FIRE RECORD. Drew College. CARMBU N. T, May 1 Drew colleg. en of the aianeer ed jrationaJ tcstitutloas for women la tb country, was destroyed by fire today, entailing a financial loaa cf fully lAd! with only (&. fbsuranoa Ail the atudeatA members of th fxculty and ervaet-i escaped- Drew eUge was conducted under tbe soanagenvant of tb New Tork coeferenos of the Methodist Episcopal church. preta ad Br lee StelehJp Cared Whea yoa get a spram sr briua valuaMa tima may be saved by promptly applying Chamberlaln'a Paha Balm be th sojured part It will rure a sprain bt one-third the time required by the usual treatment. Lest winter Herb. W. Edward ef Da Maine, la., got a tall oa an icy walk, spraining his wrist and bruising his rnasa Tb nest day. be )'A they wer so sors aad stiff I waa afraid I would bav Is stay ta bed. but I rubbed tb parts wall with Chamberlain's Pain Balm aad after a tew appicetys xU aorvaeaa had disap peared. I teal thai this bottle ef Paia Balsa saved aa several daA time, to say aetk big ef the suffering. as la isatsBa. INDIANAPOLIS May I Municipal rlee Uoa ar betng held ia saaay ladiaaa cities teoay. Tbe bones are in nearly erery case purely VocaL tb liquor ad wvle-epea qee tasB eemrwag bub ta asalmls very sargeiy. Week of CULVER & Notions Ptadt prom te per boA Hump UocAa and El'CA card, of two doeen. lc. 7e Band Brasoea, ac. ( Caiukud Pine Comb, lc each. Six earoa Black Daralr.g Cottoa for be. ltic Rubber Dreearng Comb lor c. Hoe Surporter. sll sine, whit Dal elastic and rubber poet, to pair. lc Toilet SoapA e per hex of thre eakeA .-.(' Tftnt h V.ftwite 12c Se Baik Combe at Ue. Wash Goods i.W yards Printed Lawn, pretty pat-te-ns. full width, bought to sell at I l-c and 10c. at tc. 4.0 yards fancy Mereerlaed Strip Ba One. aU ew. ISSc values, a l-c I Of rarda Printed Batiste and Saanrrock Dimities u received bought te eaU at lie aod lc, at Utc pd. Lot b-New c wash txhrif at I3c Table Damask T-r P.ed TaMe Dsmaak a ttc. s-inch Bieached Table Dajnaak, 10c yard. (oe fT: Elf ached Damaak at ete. Belts, Pocketbooks, Bags py- Flack nk FltA sale price X5c t rt Pnckethor.ka worth JSc to Jur. at IPt. Zk- wnst bag, from 3c ta 13-dO each t ODe-thlrd off. New Veiling LAdies Maie VeilA tlie latest erase, usu ally sold at CW and CM. hera at Tic, BOc and c Hose Supporters Ladle aTc Belt Hooe 8u; porter, sale prlt 10c White Lisle SupporterA all slsea, alw-eys Ktc, at c pair. Ribbons Another W Fancy Ribbons at te yard. r-r All Silk RibbociB, ail colors. 15c yard. Due Ail tiik RiUicnA all colors. Xc yard. Neckwear Collar Point, worth up to Se two lota, 1,-tc and c tfic Lac Stock CoHara. 15c. M doseti Chiffon Covered Stocks, f Tunda- 1 tioi.s white, lie value, at So each. EDICTS. A3 IOWA OFFICER Ed 0. Brews, Cbeirmas cf itdtd E-ulrcad Oo-zuBistdn, ChaMbd "biti CriniA HE rS ACCUSED CF ILLEGAL BAHKIKG O'Briea Cwaaty Creed Jry Tote Foer Tra Bill a leteaat of Alleged Crooks dae-o ta Mam stag k'B A As Irs. SHELDON. Ia, May t (Special Tele gram.) Th O'Briea county graad Jury has voted four Indictments against Ed C Brown, chalrmaa of the Iowa Railroad commission and president of tb failed Sheldon State back ef this place, for al leged irrttgulazities la connection with the bank's affaire. They ar understood ta Include one and possibly two for smbexal ment. on for declaring a dividend when the bank wa Insolvent, and at least one for receiving deposits after Insolvency. Th indictments have pot yet beea re ported. Mr. Br-twa was waiting to be called, bat waa not called, the indictment 1 being baaed oa reonrda. Th largest embecslemest charged l based en a loan of moo to J. W, Fix A Co., a firm of which Earl Brown, eaahler and son of President Brew-o. was a mem ber. Earl Browa signed the firm's name of Fix ft Co. to tb not oa the loaa being made without satborixatioa of the direc tor, which la contrary te statute ta cab of aa officer cf th bar. A It Is oitarged. ta another Indictment, that April II lack, the ik declared a dividend of nearly Htoa, being then Insolvent. la an other Browa Is charged with having borrowed .) freta a Chicago back oa his personal aot aad later writing fh Chicago bask to etiarge it against th SHeldoa bank, which 1 alleged to oenatitat beaxlemcBt. There are several sped fie ohArges of receiving deposits after th bank was insolvent. The Bank origiaally had Qa an capital, but ta UM was reorgan ised, th capital being eat to tSAOOt. Will Set Be Co ad ids te. It 1 charged with carrying ever PS.m of practically wortkleea paper to the new organisation, and therefor, being In solvent from th beginaiag of the new organisation Ed C Browa left Ebeldoa after it waa gtvea out that th tDdictmenta had beea voted ta attead tba coTgTwsslonal eonven tioe at Cherokee. Oa the train be told friends that ta view of hi ladictmest h should aot further attempt t stand as candidate for renomi nation aa railroad com. mlasioDer, hia term expiring thia year. Th bank la expected to pay e) t W cents oa the dollar. Aa effort arfll be mad to hold the original tcao.aot of stock for lot per cent meets on th around that tha bank waa Insolvent whea they raorganlaed and re tired, aad therefore they could not escape liability, merely reorganising. Under th fwrjrraalaarJoa th Sjt.0Bt ef stock was chief y held ia Dubuque, but wa later boaght by tb Brown. Under th purchase it continued ts be held by the Dubuque people as collateral security, th Browns te pay for it ta installment Tha Dubuqu me retained the right te vote it. Creditors Insist that this wa equivalent to ecictinaed owaerahtp by th Dubuque tnteresta. therefor that aa aaeamer.t against them will hold good. If these twa essmeat contention ar mad good at w a large aha re af th liabilities wLi Crtlt's filaiKt ITlst aban latair aa ban east l sa Ft ban s af tb kaww atra Tir Kms a apm-iTH bar auoaer u aaaawaaaiaeB af boms sa'as-taa .1 isaa tbs laliaaea aaa Btfaauinekj sesas eaery ess ef aajeorr. Oasmrssataa Bad Oa- aea a saajr eursA bmnrxveii mm Lsvar 1 ! a bisdAar. In iisiis Sia um'JB at TJreg Bawfeib-n beau serial Sntrr sisa. bus a anal ami ul besraA fjee aaa avexaug B aaaij lailial ag abat saerw. rni. tm K. aoArasa bsbbs? ar i iissh caaatfsT Lie as nrtaiia ttteaa it-. r sa.rnv- the Dissolution Sale WOODBURY - Silk Gloves Cm and tne Silk Odrea. ta bsvek. whit and color. 13 pair. tw nr. BuA Soe, gLA t ana so. Dress Goods P. S rascy SurtlngA 4 tnrhas) wide, c akc Taney Suitings at r. tte Fancy Barreua Voile. aU good col- era. Sbc. tea Met mumIT SsltiTfe, waist snibA Be Umbrellas thfr ' M ladle AD silk Colored rmbreuaA with finey border, boug-ftt to sell for J8. p.I and mm, at ui. CJS and XT. M each. C bla'k Mercerized Lmbrc"lA fancy haadlaa, 3c. Men's Furnishings It tnrn'a SV Shirts, colored nefllre. . Men a Mack Sateen ShirtA all aiae, sold for 75c, ber at c Nrw Una men a Fancy Shirta. setl for He largest an ef sty) and pattern la eitv to select from at see. Men's Fancy Hose, also pKla black and tACA 13c vaiueA At Aic. Boys Department Two special pric ta boys Suits CM and 11 la. Bojs' all wool Colored pr Cordurey Pants, 4 to If yearA sOc Let boys PantA ail aiaes. to close, ISc Handkerchief Kimonas LArtre. full aire, at (Tftc and Btc- I-reairtrig Sacqsea. tanry. pank and bio. alrh whit triaimrog. at V.. Black Taffeta auik Waisi. tO.-. Shirtwaists New White Waists, yaat received, up from "e-e. Forty style at front HJ to CfS). Lot Colored Waists, bought to sell tra to Se, at 4c Basement Anotber lot of Zephyr Ginghams, loc and I3e values, go. I l-c Fancy White Goods, te yard. Lot Standard Prlnta. blue, black and red 4e yard. Lot Lace Curtain aampleA en e-half -lenrth Curtains at lie. Wrappers in all sisea. black, rede, biaeA Sc. Fancy Table Oilcloth, 13c yard. paid, as the eaatera Iowa people ar wealthy. Ed C. Brown. Jr.. a director, and Earl W. Brown, eaahler of th bank, wer also ix dieted oa five counts each, the same specific allegations applying to AU thre. COLLEGE MAIICERI IK CO-iFERJCTtCE atepresea tat Ives kedteele ta Severed Sthbtee FrcAcat. (From a Staff Corre pendent) DES MOniSS, May I (Special. ) Presi dent Seerlcy of the Stat Normal tcfcool to ta tbe city attending a of the StAte Educational board, lit will return to Cedar Fall tomorrow, where ther will be a big meeting of th beads of normal schools and normal oapertmeat of the north central state. There will be about twenty of them present, from Mich, lgaa to Colorado aad Oklahoma. Jo ha W. Cook of DeKalb la president. And J. 14. Wilkinson ef Emporia, aecretary. Daring the oek ther will b th internet normal school eralorioal contest, with apeakera from Iowa, nilnotA Ifanaaa. Mis souri aad Wisconsin part Id paling. Then there will b th aaaual Fanaaa-Iowa de bate. The week wtll also tritrvMS th ath letic meet et tba normal schools ot th five stat. As aaothar step ta the direction ef fore- tag settleaoest ef tbe labor trouble la tb buDding trade, ta lannber dealer of tb city today closed their offices and abea aoaed their yards, aad not a stick ef tim ber caa be purchased ta th city for Any purpose, either by the contractors or by the striking oarpeaters. This Is for th pur puss of preventing all work of every kind until tb fight 1 ended. Tbe m-der ts th hardware dealer aot ta sell te the strikers were not eorr-plled with en tirely. There has beea no change la tba situation aad th strikers did aot return to work and there la but little doing. Neva has beea received here of labor troubles at Burlington and DubiaquA la Burling! oa the plumbers and bakers are out oa striks a account of aa open shop order, and- la Dubuque tb tinners ar out becaua ef failure ta get aa lncrcA of I oeota Aa hour. Th etat meeting of th Knights of Co lumbus was held her today and following wer ejected stat officer-. Slat deputy, W. J. MoCulloca, Davenport; aecretary, F. E. Haley, Dea Molnass tturr, F. J. Weber. Keokuk; advocate. A- Tab Wag eaen, Bloux City; warden, J. E. Puree U. Clinton: chaplain. J. F. Brower, Del mar. Tbe ealy new ones oa tha list are Tab Wagenea and Brower. The weekly bulletla of the Iowa weather and crop service aays: "For the weak ending Monday A av. May 1 the dally meaa temperature was from S to t degrees below normal Tb weather. however, waa aoostly fair, and at th do th ATtuMtloa wer about aS that could be d trad tor farming operations and th germination ef cereal. Reports ar gen erally favorable as to the eon di ttua of oata, spring wheat And briy, which ap pear to be generally coming up la good tlm gad promising a fair stand. Good progreas has beea made la plowing aad preparuxg ground for core aad a very large area is aow ia reed. ocas for th planters. Ia sotn favored localities r last ing waa begun on th last tw days of April, aad with continued good weather a very coosiderabla acreage will ha planted the first week ba May. Coodltion ar touch mere favorable thaa at tha ciurreapoadlng dais last yar tor ta cereal crops and all klada of fruits, except peaebt. The season is tea days la la as te armInatSon of seed and growth of vegetation, but tb goneral outlook Baa not beea auors encouraging at th first of May wttfcla th last firs year DEATH RECORD. FaeC Aateale Irewrak. Tb mteliigvmca ed the death ef Frot Antenla Dvorak, the great Bch'Buaa mu siciaa aad easnpeeer, - of perelyelA at FragUA Bohemia, May L waa lecatvad ta with profoaad regret. He had Aad Tlsttad bar few ago. aad Dolls Any Doll tn the strw-. one-third off price, kid Doila. Druse 1 1 DoUa Lamps, tl M Dec-eraied larrnpa, with) daooratod aabMaaj- 8gfaV tl w DecKiralad Lamps, with d sours 14 gleheex a Glass Lenrp. oith up to bA iotdla Km iei and ch'.ii'itey. at JPa. Men a W Bhtrta. oark and ligrat eoa ore Sa Bcts' Suite. Overaila and Jurrper, ffond trualitT blue dtcilta, were at salt, at lbs garment. Painter Overalls ertd iMiiwa 4ba. sip men' Pacta, good qaality, fall sttaoa, at CI M netr. Ladles' M aella Gown SSs eV Muslin 1'iaeei a. ladies',- at Btc ChUdrso-s -Tocsry Hoee. i la I It H pair. Ladle Fc Testa bleactied. taped back and irn. ((nir fee aa. Snap. 1 cab a. ... Torchoa Laee, wwtk t to lei yard. At rard. . . dose men's wen ejtiT-a, oiaca aaa white stripe, sue rAUsa. at aVe. Handkerchiefs Lot of lair Uliaastl HandkerehlefX worth lie, at e each. Child's Dresses Children's Sailor Salt, tn ptn- bro sod linen colors, ages I to H year, at Cat, CV r.l and 6 Ok Children Drusasa. red. bro aad dotrUd. with embroidery talmtning. The tack Gray check ed red Piping. CI aero. Linen eoor dotted lace yeAa. eery prettily made. n.M eaeA Shirt Waist Suits Gray ehambray trimmed with aopror tuck and pearl butt oca, pipingA at IA7 n' rt S ! Pretty gray effect ta novelty rocd. at Linen color, ta rofle. B SI ewch. Linen Suit, hemaxlarhsd trtmttolnc. at (A Blue and white mohair, trlmszod with straps and piping, each tket Mixed gray or brewa suits, nicely trhav mod. at CIS. Shirt Waist Sets. i Se GCt aad Peart Waist Seta. Me par art, kre fancy peart head Hat Pins st 10c sne rurse lar. reepiere. at uc. bAmple lot tr.irt waist beta just at c-oe-ccif prio. tbe special tr-xst of Edward water. Professor Dvorak was th poser ef numarroKB opetaa and trrmpboaie that have become classics ta the world ot music He taught tor a mmber el years fat the coDtMe-vAtory of bate ef New Tork And was widely known throughout the Tnlted State and tbe musical world tn geoeraL Mr. CI yd Day. OiCE-OLA, Neb, May 1 'Special -Ther wer many- aad hearts aertong tbe frlenda and relative cf Mra. Clyd W. Day oa Sunday morn' eg to Vearn at her death at Weeping Water that aborning. Mrs. Day was th dAnrr.ter of Mr. aad Mra. A. F. Cockling of ecr city aad whoa she was asarried te Mr. Day oa January a last et the Presbyterian church they had one of the largest wadding ever bead ta ear city. Rev. Knox Bond mho Is tb pastor of tbs Presbytrlaa church and per formed the marriage cabrooey c short a time ago, went to Weeping Water ta officiate at the fi-ieraj today. Xtre, AVartrtet M. BVv-aldtm. Um Harriet M. Boaldia died Monday atforaooa ef pnewmcinla at tbe Teatdaoc of her daughter, Mra O. J. Hunt of Flor ence. The deceased was T3 years ed age i and has m n tsiabiRsr bee kan. wtvb b daughter for about a year. Her au. la-law. O. J. Hunt, is a prominent eattlemaa ear Florence. The remains wtn be aht-t'ped by H K. Burket. undertaker, ta Leadea Park. Md., far tntrrment. Child ex ta. A. Oebaesbwtau Th -yar-old Boa of Mr. aad Mrs. Georg Jl. Oeheenbeta, M Parker atrast, died Monday aftemooa Crem acariet fver, Tbe funeral will be bald Wadset day after. BMa and irbsrment will be malt at Fro, pact Hill cea&etary. Mra. CsvtberlM At lab ley. Mra Catberiae h inkier died Monday evening at the he ana ef her aoa, Jetta Kmk- hty. who Uvea ala aad a half saQea west f BerAOta. Mra Klakley was 7t years ad ag. The tsataal win take xlaee frosa tba Kbsk ley rasadertr) Wednesday afteraooe. , , Jesses C Coak, MILFORD. Ooaa May l-Cama C. Ceob, know as th oidest practical printer ta th United States, tf tot la tb world, died to day of old age ta bis eighty eath Fear. Mr. Cook was the senior proprietor of th kllUord Journal. A. L. Barrtagrtwta. PAWNEE. Neb, Msy 1-mSbobbI Tato rraxo.) A- L. Harrlcgtoei died at tbe bom) ef hi aoa La-oto la this dry thia asorsiag at th ag mt at year. H bad beea resident her for twesrtjr-Bve Tear. Six cbildrca aunrtr Um. Celewel W. tS. Weleh. DANVILLE, Ky, May A Coiooei W. O. Welch, a proantaent lawyer, who eei i id ag oeionel la tb wemfederai army, died today at Stanford, near here, from blend poiaon. Will D All Tkl, tmr Tea. Dr. bung's New Lira pnia puts tlm. vigor and aew Uf lata every aerv. Burn and rgaa ef the body. Try them. Sc. For by Kuaa dt Ca til taaerlataaaeal I BVJUed. CLEVELAND. Mav A Superintendent George Hall of th Beaeemer m.i is ef tn American Steel end Wir eoeupaay her waa instantly ktbed today as a result ef being etruek by a rapadly anevtng eras ia on of th saliiA RAZZLE