ii 9 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements mttt likf ' "veala ealttea I far tkn colasaas til IS m. far the aatll p. m. fat Rates. 1 1.2a a wars first leserlloa, a war thereafter. otbla take fa lr tkaa 0 for tha Brit laaer. tlaa. These irllMat snest rn e-naseeatlvely. Advertisers, ar reestlaai a tara etHk, paa kaa " dressed a a auaibrrvd letter fa ear f The Bee. Amwtri addressed wtll delivered prMatatl at Ikt eh eric emir. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha i. .. . -T- 1- I . BUSineSS Snortnana, lOUCn lype- writing, Fnglish. Mail lessons in all branches. Catalogue free. B 337 BiNn 1 IMP RBIPK. rendv for wall In 24 Dour a. 1 nave soiveo. ine greaiem oi an brick questions, and have received patent on the simplest, best and cheapest system ever known. Making Id) per cent face brlok, as hard as flint at common brick prices. If you have the sand i can make vnu a rich mnn. Now la the time for thla groat question. Bend me a sample of your and and I will Bend you brick maoe irom oif own sand. ran. make rock-faced I brick without extra cost, where all other kinds cost $36 per thousand extra, nam nlea of thla brick sent on application. Bteger 8and-Lime Brick Co., Bonham. Texas. R M962 The Nebraska Seed Co.- Open till 6:30 p. m.. Saturday and Monday till p. m. 15U-lol5 xiowara. Kr 862 Jl rrntlCI DRIVEWAYS AND ARTI- VJIXAVCL F1CIAL STONfl WALKS. K. D. Van Court, low N. 16th. Tel. I9yg. R-861 JI1 ft'T R A TTT TICKETS evervwhere. P. H. , Phllbln, 1506 Farnam and opp. Union elation. Tela. 784 and 1673. R-63 KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. TEL. 3530. R 343 EXPERT ACCOUNTING EMPLOYES WORK VERIFIED. BUSI NESS SYSTEMATIZED INTO DEPART MENTS. BOOKS OPENED. CLOSED AND BALANCED. TERMS REASON ABLE; BEST REFERENCES. E. A. DWORAK, 813 Ramge Building. 'Phone 1493. R M4K8 M23 QTnVPQ atored and repaired. Jackson w I w V CO itro,, 4 pegg, 711 N. 16th. 1 el. iv W BUSS OMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe cialty of Ore escapes shutters, doors and sales, u. Anoreen, crop., ivri a. lotn at. R 864 M2t Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., TIB S. 14th. T. 635. K KM r.ni lSILVER, NICKEL PlaUn. Om. wUi j.Ung Co., 1506 Harney. Tel. 435 R 867 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. RIPYiTI LARSEN'S '04 model Is Dl I LLLO beat. Large line of bicycle sunaTiea at bottom prices. Tel. F. 1371. i ii im V4t r R M4S1 Mo .iik? omce; reliable, accommodat- ma, ait vuwnmi Guuiiueniiiii. 111 uuugiaa. 1 n bin EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. ai r. I8tn. Tel. 11U3. K 8,1 LOCKSMITH SthftSW N R 873 Flo'trir.!i"-rJet Cleaning Works. N. A. -' ".-Qtistenson, ua w. zotn, Tel. 16M R 2 LARGE stock of new and second-hand automobiles, it. ti. Fredrlckson, Omaha. neo. , R 838 Je2 ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools.- vaults, removes garbage, dead , ammaia; reaucea prices, vzi n. 18. Tel. 1779. R 874 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON In The Bee Bldg. R 875 SIGN painting. S. H. Cole, 1303 Douglas. ' ' . R 877 'At.L KINDS mrrvnl.r wnrlr- repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th and Lake. R-370 FOR noon luncheon try the Karbach res taurant; reasonable prices. 418 S. 15th st R 878 M16 CI-OTHE8 pressed, altered. Yousen. Pax- ton noiei isjior. R 881 SPECTACLES, tl: examination free; . days only. U. S. Opticians, SOS N. 16th. R 133 PeafrhoPJilirJ?0Sr..B5 5 nt,n,lr- eat, honest values, easy terms. R 882 H. O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. 15; Tel. sno2. R 883 BTOVE storage and repairing. Hughes nwivi. nopair norm, 11 uiminf St. Tel. r -yu. R 925 O. E. KOCH, tinner, 2717 N. 24th. Tel. L-1949. ; Agent 1 or coiumous root cement nalnt. R-272 Je21 I CLEAN. Jya, repair clothes. 04 N. lth. ''.- It M308 Je23 CARPET cleaning. Tel. F-907L J. Wood, Clark. xv M166 STOVES STORED 1)07 Douglas. Tel. 980. Omaha St. Rep. Wks. It Mt!H M& BICYCLES! B1CYCLES1 DMA HA BICYCLS3 CO., 16th and Chicago. xt M&aa M13 BRICK contractor. J. P. Healy, 1S22 Clark. K M904 M14 . .. f COOKING, heating, gas, gasoline atovee re paired city move Rep'r W'ka. Tel. L2946. R M326 M18 PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.: no In terest; honest values; easy terms. Tel. Tin. R !U H 'W. M Vea, Plumber, 1124 N. th. TeL . 1747. . . R-M469 ' FURS stored and repaired reduced prices. 1 u. ta. nnusert, m o. lBtn. R M953 M29 COOKING, heating, gas, gasoline atovea re paired. City Stove Rep'r W'ks. Tel. 1,2945. It M32S MIS PBR FIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.; no In- . tereat; honest valuea; easy terms. Tel. . Wl. . R 882 II W. M VEA, Plumber, U24 N. Kith. Tel. 174T. KM469 1 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on Wil ls, ma, room ii, Mccague building. Y 884 HOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. t. Life. . Tel. . I ea ABBOTT -COWAN CO.. Ill Brown block. can g(l you m or out or ouaineas. " Y-884 CUrilCPRiniC OF HASTINGS 6c cl Oi'l wltgar, Cuahlug 4 Uauvreau, Histb. - - X M318 J3 . FOR SALE A new spring line of mll- llnery with fixtures; good trade, grow- 1ns- bla: ally of 2.000, in central iseDraska. i Reasons for selling 111 health. Addreas r lock box , Albion, Neb, Y M371 4x i OOOD BUSINESS CHANCE Let us tell , you of a profitable Investment of a small amount of money that will yield you ood returns. Can be taken care of In t addition to 'your regular work or busl- Rass. Address The Anamo Co., Omaha, eb. Y-M369 jI fl i L. XJCARN the real etata business; be your i own boas. We give a complete practical course of Instruction, furnlah large Hat ef saleable properties, make you our ape elal reatfeeentallve, co-operate and a1 you to earn from $1X to $5,000 annuallvi '' Write for free Illustrated booklet. 1L ' W. Cross 4s V., 14 Otis block, Chicago - . . Y-il4 44 WANTED- MALE HELP Shorthand Lessons Free In order to show you that we have the moot mm ilc legible, and rupld system or Bliorthiind ever yet devised, we will give four lessons free by mull, to any one wno will nirr In fritl.tw tr. ct ruM Inns Write US and we will mall you the first 32 pages of our text dook so you can wpnn m iu-o. These lessons will give you quite a start Address: OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas Streets- MEN to learn barher trade, free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you ui thla being the BEST, largest and only re liable, most practical barber college In thla section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' lnitlitutc, Omaha, Neb. 11 C3 I WANTED FOR U. 8. AHMT Able-bodied unmarried men between ages oi ii anu 86; citizens of I'nlted Slates, of gooa character and temperate nauua, s .- apeak, read and writo EnRllah. or In formation apply to Recruiting Officer. 16th and Dodge Sis.. Omaha, or iJncoln. Neb. la,rqe eastern paint manufacturer wante resDonsible mnn or firm to tak ex chislve Omaha ?.r Nehrnska usencv: manufacturer will do extensive auver tiainv for Brent's benefit. The paint la leader wherever Introduced. Address H 45, Bea office. tt-wi riKsl - CLiiKB lootwutr dispenser. H. B. -468 Graham, 24th and Farnam. WANTED An experienced aalesmnn for Nebraska; must be laminar wan tne ni, glove und fur trade; an exceptional oppor tunity is ottered the Hgnt man I') secure a desirable position with a'i old estao- lished manufacturing house; references re quired. The Morawetx Co., MllwauK.ee. W is. B t WANTED Coat maker nt once. Carl P. Lindecrantx, Holdrcge, Neb. B M772 4 500 PAINTERS at world'! fair. St. Louis: union men; 55c per hour; no trouble. Ap ply at worm a f air urounas. R M8US DX A : POSITION IS OPEN. Do you know where It Is? We do. W nave openings for high grade men or an kinds executive, technical and clerical tinvinv fram ti non tr xi n oof) a vear. Write I for plan and booklet. Offices in twelve cities. HAPGOODH (Incorporated). H6 Chemical building. St. Louis. a- WANTED Experienced bookkeeper; must ne able to give references. auuito du m, Bee once, acjtn umana. xj MEN Our Illustrated cataloinie explnlns how we teach Barber trarte quicKiy. Mailed free. Moler Barber College. 1302 Douglaa at. M M12i 6x MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare to any other school you name, If after reading our catalogue and en dorsements von desire to go elsewhere. American Barher College, Omaha, Neb. Write for catalogue. B M238 7x NONUNION machinists and machinists' helpers wanted for Western rnurona; must be exnerlenced and competnt; good pay. Apply room in. rst. jamea hotel. B M303 4x WANTED, first-class barber at once. F. w. Haane, tscnuyier, jeo. r jud WANTED, six good railroad blacksmiths and neipers to go to Aiouquerque. mil room 10, St. James' hotel, Omaha. U M3IZ x WANTED, at once, carpenters. TI. J. Joseph. 2729 Hamilton St. B M3i6 6 ANT person to distribute our samples; $15 weekly, steaay. mgr. n.mpire. mso Grand Boul., Clilcago, 111. B M3"0 4x. NONUNION machinists wanted for west ern railroad; must be experienced tnn competent; good pay. Aplly room 1", t. James hotel. a Mauo 4x WANTED, press feeders for 3-revolutlon Hoe presses. Wrier "booze flK-hters" wanted. Steady employ ment. Address Box 255, Sioux city. Iowa. B M3f3 5 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Agents to solicit orders for tapestry painting; big money. K . lath. v; oc aiiv LADIES for home work, stamping World's tnir souvenirs; good pay, clean, pleasant. Call 00 uougiaa mug., opp. nayaens . C MiU4 M2i WANTED A cook at The Hillside, 10! N. I 18th St. C 71J lx LADIES Our catalogue explains how we teach Hair uresslng. Manicuring, and Facial Massage quickly. Mailed free. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. C M120 6x FIRST and second girl for small family; good wages. iai image st. c zt 3X WANTED-Exnerlenced carpet sewer: only those with experience on power machine need apply. J. 1 uranaeis & Hons. WANTED, a girl for general housework: must be first-class cook: small family, no children; houseclenlnr. already done. Wages, $6 per week. Apply 2970 Pacific. C-M320 6x 80 GIRLS. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C M3J OIRIj for ireneral housework. 1024 H. 29th C M374 6x WANTED, young lady to learn glassblow- Ing; neat ana gooa looking; at once. Prof D. J. Hlgglns, Auburn, Neb., care Cosmoptlloan Carnival Co. C M362 4x SALESLADIES wanted In lace and hand kerchief departments;, must be experi enced; good wages to right parties. Ap ply J. L. Brandela & sons. c M38 T FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. ttr (All DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. X- 036 O. M. E. hauls trunka. Tel. 6U. E 900 $1 25 PER WEEK, Doraa house, 42 8. 18th. C VUl VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam: fine rooms. ladlea cafe, private ainuig r.; open nignu LARGE, warm room; .t.a haat i9u Capitol ave. h. M . :ji NICE furnished rooms. 334 N. 15th. 663 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1420 Dodge St. a 9i)4 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam sts. ai bus APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN. The Chatham; luxuriously furnished rooms and smoking puriora; appointments nrst class. 110 ti. Ulh at., opposite Millard hotel. fc. l.tt THREE nice rooms; modern; housekeep ing. ca rarnara. XLrsoi SUITE of 3 rooms. 1039 Park avenue. E-271 4x FOR RENT One large east front room with large closet, witn or without smaller room adjoining; strirtly private family; no better location In city; one block from Park car, two doors from "The Georgia." Privilege or use 01 teiepnnne ana piano. IOuO Georgia ave. Tel. va. L MA47 Sl'lTE of moms for housekeeping. 2234 Farnam, top hat. E M3o3 6x NICELY furnished rooms, nice neighbor hood. 131 So. 25th. K Mtox ! NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, newly fur nished, eiy No. 16th. IS Moje3 ri IDKII U m DfinilO Mn DOADn I r UIII1I IUU nuuillt) MliU uunnw Funil Jhed rooms. alem heat, with or wlth- ou ooara. Midland hotel, Ulh Chicago. 1M7 CASS, rooms and board. F-M41I M21 ST. JAME8 hotel, day board, meal t.'ckets N HL r Ml. LARGE front room, with board for wo gentlemen. 518 8. 36th St. FilrU THE MERRIAM. ftth snd Dodge, 'phone 85; nice, light, airy rooms; ensultes and single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en- lire length or building. r jw FINE location, Urn a snd shade.' r.'l5 Far nam, WiJU TnE OM AIT A DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY. MAY 4, ltUTf. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in the medium (hat pets PAID for its space. That's why The Dee prints the most TAID want ads. The Bee does not pad its columns nor give away its space to make a false show ing. Bee w ant ads bring best returns. A trial will convince. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD and room, Dodge. $1; meals 15c. 1618 F-M351 MIO HARNEY; nicely furnished rooms with board. F M352 6x LA TICK room with board, Douglas. reasonable. 2310 F M154 6x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT I OR S UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 1340 S. 27th. G M366 6x THREE unfurnished basement rooms at 19o Farnam at.; these rooms are bright and cheerful. Call forenoon or evenings. G M3H6 6. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-11AND sure cheap. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. y-lM 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Sherman A Q-811 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; large slock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wlck-Balke Cullender Co.. 407 - S. 10th. Q 913 1E0 WATCHES. 75 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. Q 814 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first class siundard achool In Oman.i, compris Iiik comnlete course In buainess, slTort- Imnd and typewriting, inquire at Bee otllce. VI M FOR SALE '.-heap, old ink barrcla. Apply to tne prersroom ot ine uee. v " FOR SALE Will sell at a discount a achol araiiip in one U llie ursi uuiuua uuoiiism colleges. Anaresa v i, uee. TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. ul Douglas. 14 now FOR SALE, rails of all weights; also swltche8, frogs and cars for siaetracas ana tramways, locomotives, aieum snuv- ela and contractors' tools. We make a specialty of cutting rails to any length uesireu. on. aiiianaun vo., ueiruu, wiuu. W sum 2D-UAND safe. Bwartz, Hatter, 114 B. 11th. WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Sam'I Burns. 1 HO iUJ 1IOO, Poultry, Uwn, Farm and Railroad wire Fence, wire worm, wi o. luiv oi, Tel. mn. 4ulmi jys for SALE New ana second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, ttaum iron co., Omaha. VI uii mij LARGE" stock of new and second-hand h utomobiles. H. E. Fredrlckson, Omaha. Neb. Q-339 Je2 2ND-HAND automobile cheap. Powell Au tomobile Co. VI STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and Re-tall. HiRNir.iin and SADDLES: everything con aldered. cheapeat on eartn; everymwg hand-made; union shop; headquarters tor airl vrease ana wnina. J. U. BLEbSL'U, 331 N. 2Sth, So. Omaha. j mow SMOKE Auditorium Brick, 60 cigar. W vuu -T- t r W sell TAR. Write for prices or Omaha Gas Co.. Mth IAI telephone 741. Omaha Gas Co., 20th and Lincoln ave., Omaha, Neb. Q 211 Mil ITTIumAT.T. nlann. X2)M. Beginning April 10 price will be reduced SZ dally until eoia. inin poic Q M335 Room 7, Bee bldg. WE RENT Sewing machines, 75o week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from 15.00 to $10.00. ' Nebraska Cycle Co.. 'Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. IB FOR $30 Reglna music box and 22 tune sheets. Good as new. cost xh6. k h. nee. 14 maas jn.a FOR SALE 6-room furnished flat, cost $560; Insured; will sell ror zw casn, or including a $250 new piano, for $300 cash and $125 in small monthly payments. Flat for rent. 2129 Farnam, Sd floor, west side. Q M-206 8x REMINGTON TTPEWRITER,No. , prac tically new. cheap. Knapp. Army Bldg., 15th and Dodge. Q M321 5x AUTOMOBILES OLDSMOB1LE slightly used at a bargain. Olds Gas Engine works, ma Farnam su VI xajii ORIENT MOTOR BUCKPOARD, like new. for salo, $325.00, 1903 model. Address K. , Bee. - Q 336 9x FURNITURE of 7-room house. Including refrigerator, base burner, gas ana coo stoves, carpets, etc. Call afternoons. 2i0o California, Q M348 6x FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS HORSES for sale; second-hand harness and vehicles cneap. aieicnior s Biaoies, Hil 8. ltli. JP-all LARGE bay horse; will drive single or double. lewis ivyte, iraiuer, d&io n 22d Bt. P-9ti7 3 - HAVE your wagon painted or repaired by H. Frost, HUi ana Lieavenworin. P-918 HORSE, phaeton, aurrey. cheap. Sam'I Burns. P 4 Mil WILL sacrlflo high-grade $125 runabout for $75; also gooa top ouggy lor too. Johnson & Dsnforth, a. W. Cor. 10' h 4 Jonea P 873 M12 itor 8 A I.E Light. 2-seat surrey, with rub ber urea. In gooa oraer. aiuion ttogers & Sons CO.. I4tn ana varnsm u x iji HnRSES CL rrhUf; 5r.VLr 1 - - - ' w. ' ' . P M763 BUGGIES and runabouts. All new, al less than wnoiesaie prices, wi in. ibin st. P M196 7 A VICTORIA topped Stanhope buggy, with rubber tiros, inquire ijai o. lain ave. P-294 4 FAMILY horse, 1,200 lbs.; price $70. 1013 8. 30th Ave. r Jin ax WANTED TO BUY 8HCKFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. Lite, pays nignest price tor oooas. let. -11 ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 202a Chicago uurmiure co., iviu uoage. N-919 1,000 FEATHER beds, pillows snd bolsters; highest cann price paia. jt. n.. 13.S a. luth. N 79 M19 WANTED Good horse. C. W. Shrader, 26th and Blondo. IN M WANTED TO RENT WANTED To lease a hotel, ready fur. nlahed: 12 house preferred unless It should be an up-to-date $1 house; good references furnished. Address Ixick Hox 264. Clarlnda. la. K M193 M31 WANTED, desirable front room; private fapiily: breakfast If possible; location near 25th and Douglas. Address K 41, Bee; K M.1?4 4 PATENTS AND PENSIONS 11. 1. COWGILL Pstents. No fee unless successful, sis b. loin, Omaha, xei. liM. -97$ PATENTS guaranteed. Sues Co., Omaha. PENSION Moore, t62t hnrnn. s4 Jel? STENOGRAPHERS r. J. SUTCLIFFE. 1014 N. V. L. tions. convenUons. TeL 36i. Deposl-M-3M FACSIMILE letters. Boi Collage N Y. Life Bid. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE SPECIAL BARGAIN. An attractive new 9-room house, fronting east on ZSith ave.. Just north or jacason, with red oak finish and flooring, electric light and gas fixtures, butler s pantry, laundry r.nd all modern Improvements; permanent walks and driveway, asphalt pavement with lot 50 feet front and 140 feet deep, running through to 30th ave. Price. 17. .VM nnH trm rensonnble. Apply THE BYRON REED CO., 212 8. 14TH ST. HOMESTEADS. THE "Rctebud BUI" la now a !: send l!o stamp for map, etc. The Nebraska & So. Dakota Land Agency, Boncsteel, S. D. RE M739 13x SPLENDID PROPERTY CHEAP. Party leaving for California will sell his fine 2-story, 9-room, all modern house at 2613 Pierce st. for 13,750. Improvements alone are worth more money. toOO barn, lot 60x160, high and sightly; fine trees. If not aold, wilt rent. See us quickly if In terested. Harrison & Morton, 913 N. Y. Lue, Tel. 314. RE-M732 TWO brand new cottages, modern except lurnace; one l,wu ana tne oilier bHIMCK & CHASE, B Illinois ut Modern nouses. 1609 Farnain bt. Tel. 242.'. RL 34o 4 FOR SALE 6 Irrigated rarma in Big Horn valley, chua, norland, Worland, Wyo. Hli KiU tikis ENGLISH & CO., PAXl'OiM BLOCK. One of the finest It-room modern dealdsnces in Weal 1 allium uuurlcl, RE 922 CH.AS- Uilliomcnr. f-n Ut Floor bk. bldg MY RESIDENCE house, 8 rooms, all mod ern, ltii Spencer; tarms easy. Vv 111 Marks, f. O. Box oso. HE M14S AIM IF YOU HAVE BEEN LOCKING FOR A BARUA1N IN AN ALFALFA FARM DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS. 160 acres of choice smooth land In Platte valley, test black loam sou, clay subsoil, W acres In alfalfa, balance In cultivation. itll fencea ana iruss-lenued, house, bat 11, sheoa i-nu corrals; 4 mile from station on main line U. '. laliroad. immediate pos twtiori. Bargain at lo.wO, but owner will iae M.uw 11 no 1 a immuaiaieiy. K. C. PETJi-RS 6i COMPANY, Ground Floor. Bee Building. RE Mm Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE, uU-Iim i. 1 i.le. lei. 314. KE M327 FINEST view In Omaha, on Florence boulevard (N. 20th St.), blocks north of Ames ave.; no special taxes; large lot, east front; 8-room modern house and tarn; for sale at reasonable price and terms. Fred M. Youngs, 6002N Florence blvd. RE M301 BARGAIN IN ALFALFA FARMS. We have 1M) acres of choice alfalfa land near Lexington, Dawson county, at $15.00 per acre. 16u acres of highly improved alfalfa land six miles from Lexington, Dawson county. Can be Irrigated. $3,600.00. a. C. PETKkS CO., Ground Floor, Bee Building. , -, KE M247 4 WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT! whA " THOMPSON -BELDEN, ORCHARD-W1LHELM, THE YOUNG IIUN'8 CHRiSi'lAN ASSOCIATION ax.d the contemplated addlilon to the l'.er Grand hotel nail on 16lh and Howard streets, will surely enhanoe ihe value of all South 16th street property. Every thing north Of the viaduct, and we have a Hue three-story brick block, well rented, on the west side of 16th street, owned by eastern parties, and our instructions are to sell at once, bea us quick and you will make money. Low price and easy terms. 6 per cent interest. ' Thomas Brennan, room 1, main floor New York Life bldg. W. H. Crary, manager real eatate department. Rlv-M399 WE CAN SELL YOUR FARM. WRITE for details of our special plan. r leicner neai estate CO., sui in. x. l.ne Bldg., Omaha, Immigration agents "Bur linglon Route." RE M723 M26 H $400 Bemis Park Lot H The oheapest lot offered today In this ad- oition; nne east-rront lot on 32d st., one Hock from two car lines. Others for $500, $550 and $600. Many others In all parts of the city. Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 New York Life Building. RK-J40 4 $2,009. ON easy terms will buy the most beautiful Aome on cuiton mil cneap when you see It throughout; owned by Rev. Dillon, who leaves the city; 4316 Giant. RE M41I HOMES. West Farnam Location, Modern 7-room residence, oak Interior, best (umbing, best furnace, beat construction throughout, built for a home and first class in every particular. Price reduced to $3,500. South front on Harney at., a beautiful home, attractive; one of the finest loca tions in West Farnam district. Price 14 750 We have some of the finest homes In the west Farnam location for sale which we are not permitted to advertise. Get par ticulars direct from us. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnain Street. RE M770 FOR SALE Cheap. See owner In house. New cottage, corner 101, souin front, large shade trees, full nickel plumbing, proce lnln bath and wash bowl, medicine closet, china closet and quarter-sawed polished floors; 7 rooms, Including bath and stor age rooms; large porches and nice lawn; cemented cellar, permanent stone walks. Owner must leave city noon. Eiisy terms If desired. 2596 Pratt St. Bring this lid with you. Re 694 4x FOR THE LAND'S SAKE HERE Is whst you have been looking for. We know It will suit you. Listen a moment. It has six living rooms, arch parlor with mantel and grate, large dining room with nice butler's pantry, larm kitchen with hot water bolU-r. en ameled sink, cimern pump, large vestibule with refrigerator room, good cemented cellar, fine bath room, porcelain tub toilet, wash bowl; plumbing all new; new ana fixtures: house newlv papered throughout; newly painted, including roof; good barn, newly painiea; targe ioi, iox 140. with allev: all fenced: good walks; some fruit; only one-half block from car; must be sold this weeK. ALL FOR $2,400. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life. SOLE AGENTS. RE-342 4 WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT! Why. THOMPSON BELDEN, ORCHARD-W1LHELM. THE YOLNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION and the contemplated addition to the Her Grand hotel, all on 16tli and Howard streets, will surely enhance the value of all South 16th street property. Every thing north of the vluduct. and we have a nne tiiree-siory brick block, well rented, on tha west aidu of loth street, owned by eastern parties, and our instructions sre o sell at once. Dee ua iimn uu juu will make money. Low price and easy terms. 6 oer cent interest. 1 nomas kriinnnn rn,.in 1 mAin tllXIT New York Life Bldg. W. H. Crary. manager real estats department. RE M399 THE ROSEBUD RF.8ERVATION Is open lo settlement. 6enl fifty cenls to Rath man Keller. Bonesteel, S. D.. for in- formstlon and large mP showing topng ravhy of country vt 71a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H 9-Room House, J5.000 H Near Kountxe Place, No. 2914 N. 25th. be tween Locust and Ulnnry sts.. haa city water, sewer, gas, bath, cistern, house piped for furnace, east front, large tre?s. barn, llouie In line repair. Nine-room house, modern, 2.V2 Spalding. Has the latest plumbing. Fine location. South front. Cement walks. Price. 2,ft0. Hastings & Heyden, 610-5U New York Life Building. RE 341 4 THOMAS BRENNAN, MAIN citriR. N Y. LIFE BLDQ. We are a'jthorlxed to M sixty-six feat front on Kith atreet, north of Leavenworth, for 19 INiO mi Thla is a snap st.d the price is good for one week onlv. Come In and let ua show you this property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. W. H. CHARY. Manager Real Estate Dept, RE M9.6 4 Illus. your property. Baker nros. Erf. Co. ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAP, 25c. D, W. Forbes, Bonesteel. S. D. RE AI236 640-ACRE FREE HOMESTEADS. The Klnkaid bill grunting WO-acie home ateada In western Nebraska has Just be come a law. There are over 9,u00,0ou acres to be thus disposed of. Send fifty cents for copy of the luw, map of district cov ered by ths law and Instructions as to steps to be taken to secure one of these homesteads. Address Buchanan & Pat terson. Land Attorneys, North Plntlo, Nebraska. RE Mbo WALLACE. 17.000 Ruvs one of the best paying Invest ments In Omaha, lot 66x132 with double store, flats above: two cottages; total rental over 11.200 a year. Splendid bust ness corner. Income can be Increased to II. 500 hv small outlav. $5,000 For 3 lots, paved street, store and several cottages, always rented. Rental value IS11O a vear. Payments 11.000 cash annual payments 8 per cent. Others In all parts of the city. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLCK RE-M349 6 TUKEY & SON DESIRABLE HOMES. S. W. corner 21st and Poppleton, 10 rooms, all modern, cood barn, line corner lot, paved on both streets, permanent side walks, price J4.750. 2541 Chicago. 9 rooms, modern except fur nace, lot 76x132, barn, cow shed, chicken houses, etc.; walking distance. Price $o.500. 1134 So. 30th ave.. 11 rooms, all modern paved street, etc.; all In first-class shape, Price. $7,000. 2051 No. 19th at., 8 rooms, all modern, on ine nouievara. irice 3,ir&. 4208 Grant, 7 rooms, srood lot. Price $1,300 4lat and urant, 4 rooms, price $vu. A. P. TUKEY ft SON, Board of Trade Bldg. RE M358 7 WEST FARNAM $ 3.600 Nearly new, all modern 6-room house on 40th St., near Dodge, east front; elegant home In fine location. Owner very anx ious to sell. Ask to see this place. Payne Investment Co., First floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 1781. RE M366 8 MONTHLY BARGAIN. 4-room house, city water, half block from car line, near Hanscom park; only )750; $00 down, balance same as rent. BEM1S, PAXTON BLOCK. RE M360 7 A 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. With new under-feed furnace, on St. Mary's ave., south front, west of 2oih st. Price, J6.&H0. An excellent locution to get full Interest on your investment, beslucs your own occupancy by renting rooms. C. H. HENDERSON. 222 South Lth St. I'nune 1666. RE M359 t SNAP. 2117 S. 41st si., i-rooin house, newly repaired; barn, chicken house, well and cistern; all In good condition; lot boxio; l,OU0. 6211 Lincoln ave., 6-room house; barn, shed, half lot, $450, If bought soon. C. O. EDL1NG. i19 N. 19th St. KE M367 4 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; one l,Suo ana the oilier $2,4au. tiillMLU Ac CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses. 1609 Farnam St. lei. 2422. RE M346 FOR RENT HOUSES 210 S. 36X11 AVE., 8 rooms, modern, lu gooa repair; lawn una snuae.... $40.00 25m jiurney, iv-ioom, inoaern 3o.uu iiu b. will ave., b-rooui, modern 0.uv liuW W. .ii ill, i -loom, bath 2u.uu iiua Clara, i rooms 1b. uo iam A. 3ist St., rooms l.uu Ui4 b. Inn. b rooms Xi.w Ztoll Lake, rooms, bath 10.00 UAKV1W bnUb., 14 FARNAM BT. 1 Mjul 8 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move ana atore tl. ll. goous. Biorenuuse, iIM)-24 N. Ulh. Ollice, iiUVs Farnam. Tel. UoS-iHiS. U 824 PAYNE-BOSTVVICK & CO., choice houses. vi-eu xsow xoia Xjiie mag. rcone lula. HO! IVPi ,n psrts of the city. The nUUiJCO u. Davis Co., so Bee Bldg. WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. lei. 14J. omce itl Webster St HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. l Ml In aU parts of the city. R. fj. I1UUOLJ Pelers Si Co., Bee Building. V SAl FOR RENT Seven-room house, all mod em. Z12J California St., $43.60, including witter ut. uquiie ui vut r. lain ou D-M89I I IQT yur houses for sale or rent with 1. Ai. Hammond, fa ton Block. D-S30 FINE 14-rosiu. strictly dwelling, ilitlrcly new, Leinu. Paxton Block. modern, brick b. Ulh. FOR RENT Four rooms. lower floor, newly papered; city water in bou.se; Ii24 waon el.. . c. M. Biicniiutnn, io 1 ax ton Blk. D-M3 NICE 8-room flat, facing Hanscom Park, sm. rnoni u ai No. 1U2D So. 3th Ave., 11 rooms, oak finish. launury. Deal oi conuuiun. No. Iu31 bo. 3uih Ave., lo rooms, I-tub laun dry, oak finish, all moderu. Addrexs W. D. Mead, Jr.. York, Neb. D M657 7o8 S. 34th, four-room house. D-XS9 3x FOR RENT 8-room house, furnished or uiifurn'shed. Dr. Gago. 807 North S9th. FLATS FOR RENT. Second floor, 1615 Howard ut, 6 rooms; mod ern; good condition; $.10 per month. DESIRABE COTTAGE. 1111 N. 18th St., 7 rooms; moilern; flrsl clsss condition; $22.50 per month. GEORGE tt COMPANY. D 268 I FOR RENT No. 1541 Park ave; opposite park, modern brick dwelling-. ( rooms; Slice $4u.o0 per month. Inquire at 1115 22d at. J. M. Rlrharda. D2fei FOR RENT Elegant 8-room modern houae, lint and Cass sta., $'t5. Thomas Brennan, New York Life bids. D MM LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY. All y.. 437 Paxton. TeL A-263. JOHN M. MACFARLAND. Ntw York life . , t, , T.l l&ii MuB uium.. luuiui mrm ...u - PERSONAL DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 1 lila Farnam. u vu Paper Hanging ',na..pwo,,kn,gi,.2rratn c P. MctLtiN. teed st reasonable prices. 210 N. Llh St. Tel. ,B-2547. C 942 1 Accordeon pleating, cheapest, best, quick est, jure. a. c Mara, liin ana muiut U-s-U LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring, 613 Karbach OlOCK. U H KELLY'S LAUNDRY 'PHONE. 3530. U-344 PANTORIUM u-a&a FRIDAY afternoon tall lady, full figure, Ktiwuea in iiRiu gray, accompanied laiiy to I nlon depol, then nT-me entering store Union depot. K 41, Bee office. U 319 3x Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge bldg. u 4HS ELITE Parlors. 614 & 16th. Id floor. u sis 'VIA VI way to health, KO Bea building. U-4H7 WHAT'S nicer than accordeon bleating? We do nothing but the Onest. Goldman Pleating Co., ioO Douglas blk. U-4it SEND 2oo for llnMRHTKitiKR'S OU1DB. yuniaiuing rorty-elght pages of Valuable Information. OFFICIAL MAP and full iniirucuiin how to get a claim on the ROSEBUD RESERVATION. Forbes Lo- caunB Agency, Bonesteel, S. D. U-8M for rent; S months' rent al- ''"'el on rurchsse. Schmoller At Mueller, 01a raruuni, xel. 1626. U 963 INFORMATION wanted of J. R. Patter- un, wno formerly lived at 313 West 3oth St., New York, reninve.1 10 KU Ilalsev st.. Newark N. J., ami then returned to 2.13 West 3oth St., New York. Please send present address C. E. Newbury. 810 Ster ling Place, Brooklyn. 1.118 6 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 B. 13th St. U-S6I DR. SLABAUGH. Dentist, N, Y. Life bldg. U MU1 TftfiAXRIC'At' "n. costumes. 1018 Farnam. Lieben, U i4 LODGES, dancing club or meetlnga of any Kina can secure a hall in the llee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, electrio light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Petera & Co., uuuu uoor, Bee bldg. U Ml CRYSTAL Ioe Co., 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 20ML U M460 JelO hv man snouia smoke the Monogram 5o cigar. The first Is: It la mini In anv 10n chral on the maikot. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., nanuiaciurers, 1404 oouglas. U 1U3 MRS. KATE BURDEN, milliner, will hear or something to her advantage by address lng noslotilce box 2090. New York Cltv: Anyone giving Information will be suit ably rewarded, besides doing Mrs. Burden a iivui. Li--INI 4X READ THIS If you are Interested In clean clothes, then patronize the Dumesllo i-aunary, z6 N. 24th. Tel. B 1.82. U-M483 FAMILY washing and rough drying a spo rlalty. 3014 N. 4th St. U-606 Mix DR. C. H. DE LONG. Dentist. S52 Bee. U 468 M4 M AflMPTIP treatment ft baths. Mme. 'IrAVJllC 1 IC. Bmlth. 118 N. 15, 2 fir. R U too M-iS bTEINWAY pianos are sold exclusively by ernmouer 6t Mueller, U13 f arnam hi. U-M80O Eczema SALVE. Quick, sbsolute cure. B J. Scannell. 609 Wsre Blk. U-.M606 MS - . Dye works, i p-to-aaie ( iPrmanifl cleaners and dyers. 1U VJCllliailiag lath St. Tel. 187. U M&67 16TH 8T. about 8 Saturday evening, young lady, dark skirt and coat, with trnnsler ticket, offered gentleman scat and got off Farnam at.; would like acquaintance; tnentiOD incident. Address K42. Bee office. U333-3 BEST photos from $2 to $10 per doxen and a 14X11' or inxzu pnoio noi crayon inciuaen in each doxen FREE. Frames If desired at very lownrlces. Stonccypiier, photog rapher, 1312 Farnam st. Tel. 3521 U 828 PENNELL V.ILLINERY CO. New Iocs- tion. 111 South i5tb St, opp. eld postomcs. U -832 M14 PHOTOGRAPHIC regatlve retouching complete course 825, fio down snd x, pa.- weeK, ror nve weens buiis 2, jvrur ines ter Bldg., Omsha, Neb. U Sii M17 LAWNMOWER3 sharpened. 2703 Leav. 7J M340M18 Tel. L-1676. DR. FICKES, G. C. B. dentist, 338 Bee U-M327 m!8 bldg. " r P A RTQ nd Bly Carrlsges Mfg., VJvy v-.rt l I O aold from mfg. to buyer; retail at wholesale prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Omaha R. & R. Works. 41l I. 18th. U-M367 'PAPA ssys he can't shake 'em off"--Hute-son's New Patent Rimless Eyeglass; al most Invisible. Huteson Optical Co.. 213 8. 16th st , Paxton block; factory on ths premises. V 400 GEORGE Everything all right; drop me a line when you are coming; i want to oe prepared. G. U 211 3 IF Miss Mabel Roaple will send her ad dress to K 43 Bee office, she will see one of her Chicago friends. U3S2 4 MEDICAL LADIES, our monthly regulstor never falls; box free. Vita Co., Station A, De troit, Mich. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. IT CURES, -865 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman aV McConnell, Omaha. DR PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women: experienced, tellable. 1511V Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha. ' PRlVATKi nOBpilBl ..vi.uirounrMi, luibles adopted Mrs. Gardela, 2211 Charles. Tel. A-2618. -58 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies Sdopteu. ine UUW o.i m i ubii Dauiwriuii 72X 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la 536 PRINTING DDIMT1VT. J H1"h Grade Work. PRIN I IINU J, crounse block, corner of LYNGSTADl J6th St. and Capitol Ave. HIGH CLASS printing ut loweat prices. Tel. 1263. 1. A Medlar Co., 422 8. llh SL 845 J M SIRPLE8S, Reliable Printer; estab lished 12 yi-urs. M B. 18th st, Omaha. 1 -34 M18 AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment Get our prices. Tel. 1621. 1618 Chicago. M 368 MIA r- a; Job printing. Best work In city, rnniing Guaranteed. 1511 Capitol Ave. 435 KRAMER & CHANDLER, QUICK PRINT KKS, llo3 Farnam. To deliver work when pronilweq is oi ir nnnny m .th AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subacilptlona to THb TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; it-ii.li ..mi.lovmant with aasured a ood In come; agents in the country with norte and bunny especially desired. Cunvassers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad ureus Century Fsrmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building, Omaha. j ir.pVTii miU to dallv selllns the cheap . ,,ei'ri Water Filter ever Invented: retsIlK st 12: big profit; exclusive irrhnrv SENECA FILTER CO, ben- eca, Mo. J-M744 6x NURSERIES TREES. SHRUBS. FLOWERS. From the V. W. Meneray Crescent Nursery Co.. 8 miles from oinslia. Lurp-sl as sortment grown In the west, t lowering shrubs, heavy clumps, beauties, we can please you bolli In prices and quality. Sales ground, list and Farnam. where stock that IhIIs to grow is always re placed according to contract G. H. . Keyes. Omaha, M g r. "Phone 87. MiJ4 Marl TREES. Omaha Nursery. Utli Tel. 308. ind I lour I. is. M7 M: THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for typewrit ieo. tycie v.:o., uin ana Ilarncy Z-NHnO IF YOl'R old furniture don't suit, we will v-ai-finnsc new lor 11. 1 el. ill. Z-M733 M.T. $300 AUTOMATIC Reglna music box. fa un case, to exchange lur piano or ntnnol.i Address 13. Bee. Z-M731 M24 ' $350 FISCHER PIANO for $75: will trsde ior jn-nanu i urnmire. Knterprlsc Furni ture Co., HIS 8. 14th. Tel. Zl. Z-7M 10-IN. DISC re-ords tnkrn In exchange for new records. Columbia rhonosrnni, m . riionogrnph Co., J 5.1 Farnam. Zi T,M WHAT have you to exchange for a blnno' Perneld Piano Co., Bee Bldg. Tel 7' Z-T83 FINK muslo box; wht have you k8T He. 7??7-Sx MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS MONEY. If yon are spnnyed by numernija mail bills that hare accumulated during the wln't.'r it might be ah advantage lo jou to t-ecu.e money from ua and pay them, and then pay us in weekly or monthly puyraeiut until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stork and other chattels and we make loans to salariru people upon their own agreement lo i. Our ratea are as low aa any and a great deal lower than some. our service is Sulck and without publicity. If you hv ealt with ua and are pleased, tell o, her, and If you are dlspleastd, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. Ut Board of Trade Bldg. TeL 2295, 2294. aa jT 16ih &rT l&siaDiisnea umif. M Houth 16 MONEY! MONEY! ARE YOU IN NEED OF MONEY t WE LOAN OH SALARIES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, Etc. WE OFFER THE LOWEST RATES BEST TERMS FAIR TREATMENT. LONG TIME, EASY PAYMENT PLAN, With rebate when paid before due, snd extension of time when alck or out of work, without extra chars. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., SUITE 61 4. PAX.TON BLOCK. TELEPHONE 1607. X-7w CASH. You can establish a CREDIT with an eld RELIABLE firm and secure money whenever you need It. We will advance you enough money to pay off all your debts, so that you will owe It all In one place, where you get courteous treatment. Our essy payment plan has sstonlshed people who had prevloualy borrowed of ether loan companies, Ob account of our l.beral rates. We make loans on SALARIES. FURNI TURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, etc. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 807-8 Paxton Block. X M82J MONEY to loan on salaries. Essy money, eaa terms; quicK ana courteous treatment. STAR LOAN CO. 644 PAXTON BLK. TEL. F-S291 X M351 MONEY to LOAN 1 Phoenix Credit Co., 633 Paxton Blk. X-817 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE) and others with security; easy payments; largest business In 48 principal clues. Tolman, room 440, Chamber ot Commerce bldg. X-WM 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to $5,000 loaned on your puraunu! note at 8 PER CENT PER YEAR. No money shark deal. .Call or writs snd gst my system. W, L. Eastman eV Co., Uul Farnam, Omaha. X M3u MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., i'.t half usual rates. Dr. Pribbenow, room 15 st 209 S. 15th St. Tel. B-2D64. X-M MONEY lesned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, norsos, cows, etc. c. . Reed, sis Reed, 319 8. 13th. X C HATTEL, salary sod Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam st. X-808 SALARY snd collateral loans. 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2904. Templeton, X-M415 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low ratea W, xjr Thomas, Flrat Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. imi. W 969 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Life. W 9i0 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton block. W-871 PRIVATE! money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas, w-nia WANTED City loans and wsrrants. VV. Farnam Smith A Co., 1S20 Farnam St. W 9.1 JL. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 9i i WANTED Real estate loans snd wsrrants. R. C. Peters A Co.. Bee bldg. W-874 I per cent loans. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Frsam. MONET to "loan. Kenry Real Eatate and Investment Co., t. 300 Bee bldg. W7$ CITY loans. L. D. Holmes, 713 N. Y. Life. W 815 M28 SALESMEN WANTED SALEM EN WANTEDTO .BE THE 'TRAVKI.KR8 TIME SAVER Indexed guide to train limes. .May num ber now ready. 52.00 A YEAR. 25c for a six months trial sub sorption; send at once. ' RAVKLEKS GUIDE CO.. OMAHA. M 4 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Instttuts. Ui N. Y. Life bid. DR. GRACE DBEGAN. 832 N. T. Ufe. Tel. 2688. Fayette Cole, oatsopath, su Paxton blk. MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK. Osteopathic Phy sician: office. Douglas block. Tel. 22X Dr. Farwell, speclslty nervous diseases 604 Paxton. " , WRENjrSJORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1512 snd the second floor liue-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman A Wet IN THE BEE BUILDING a handsome suite, entrance right in front of the elevator, snulh exposure, hardwood finish snd floor, price per nioiv, .n. A nice small office, fourth floor, $10. A good-slied office wllh large vault, run ning wster, on fifth floor, $20. Heat, light, water, janitor service Included In rental price of all rooms. R. C. Peters V Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Kee Building. -814 DESK room. 414 Bee Bldg. 1-301 CLAIRVOYANTS CYLUER. palmist, 714 N. 23d. Tel. B 224s. S 860 PROF. LESTER, test medium, gives facta, names, dates, etc. Patrons out of city write for wonderful free book. 1810 Dav enport st. 8073 Mil BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th st B M286 MUx'Ss, DRESSMAKING IN famlllsc Hiss Sturdy. M Daverpy. V ft