r1' TI1E 0MAI1A DAILY PEE: WEDNESDAY. MAT 4. 104. IMS ASD PRODUCE MARKET UnuinillT Lata Opening of Lake Karig.: tion Eendi Pr eet Up. WEATHER IDEAL FOR CROPS AND WORK .pleadld Coadltlea tad Work Far I ader tka era. ell Reported la tar Saxadfaa; Hreaii OMAHA, May . in only four year of a naif century ha tie opening tit lake navigation been ao lat It liaa barn thla year. Ihe reoord ) held by the year iwt6, wben the opening u My a. It li I coincidence that in all thcee lata years hick prices have been tna rule. Wheat sold tor SI. 4 In July. ls.'J. for 11.43' In October. lsl. for le April of l8u, and during- September of lva for U. Thin wouid seem to indicate that a late spring In nut favorable to a large crop and low prices. Tha la-ke shipping nas been completely tlf-d up, and tha only charter inane is tr 7.t4) bushels of corn clear to New York by a vessel which Is going Into the Atlantic trade and for thst reason released. Tha spring weather I Ideal for arrowing crocs and farm work. Rain again has fal len In Kansas and Oklahoma, where It was needed. The bean I in ess of the northwest Is perhapa the feature. The soli Is said to be In SDlendld condition there for seeding and the work to he far advanced with pros pects for an Increased acreage. These In fluence largely offset the bullish help from the Ohio valley, ao the sentiment has been changing during two dsys. The Illinois crop report ror me weeg says anrrth Is needed by w heat, but there is do- aided improvement since tost report, uats wvre all sowed and while there are some W Anmttl.ltiti nt alow germination due to cold the condition Is generally god. Corn plow ing Is getting under wsy, saving been held back br rains. The Missouri report Is ex acted tomorrow and Is rumored to be M. as against 81 for last month. The statistics sre bearish and the news is tending that way. Rradstreet's weekly gives the wheat a decrease east of the Rockies of 628,000 bushels and on sea, and In Europe an In creasy Risking sn Increase on world's stock of l.Orlono bushel. Com Is given a decrease of 1,167,000 bushels and oats a decrease of WVT.OOO. Minneapolis i stocks of wheat have decreased during four dsys Kal.noo bushels The range In price of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close today and Monday were as follows: losea em. I1fl4i trim timothy nirsci grsoe. I in h. OATH-No. 2. 4-4i ! No. n 3 while. 41043c, RTF No. . 70c. HAHl.KV-ml fe-dlng, IM3V hole mailing. 4f.pfc. I'koVISiONt Mfs pork, per hM., rll.sO 11 i4 ljrd. per ) 11. , R 47V hort ribs al-les m-neei, ft, itj, 124. Dry sslted Fhoulders (tvxedl, Iv.iMat 76. Short leur sides boxed). II !. Th. r.llnln. r K .uu.lr.4a KIlJ ... UIIV ' , ...... 1 IW1 WT- V. shipments ol hour and grain: I lieceipts. Bnipmen Flnirr. bbls 2i 1 Wlmil, bu 24.?ll .b oru. hu 215. 5 1-1. Outs, hu !,.) lU.fr1 Rye, hu 4 " b Rsriey, bu...; U.atai . tn tne Produce, exchange ttxlsy the but ter ma i K -t was sternly i creamery, 144ci dslry. 1344i;;lr. Lgge, weak, at mark, cases Im-iuued, 1S4jic. Cheese, easy, kVi tfl"c. HEW Wheat Msy July Com Msy July Oats Msy .... July .... Sept. .... A asked. eat Open High. Low. Today. M'd'y, as n R ? R 76 77 76 77 B 78B 4 40 )t R B 41 . 46 44 46B 44B 40 40 A 84 M ZfZ to B bid. Cask Grata flt-A 84A 2B Market. 4hB 8B SO B The local cash market was very light but as one broker auld: "We've got the best cash market in the country. Every body Is Wilding stuff for higher price. me men this morning had a car or two of yellow com that he wanted 54o for, ana seemea to reeii ne wouia get it, too. The prices In wheat, com and oats were stationary. The reoejpts continued light and would seem to show there Is little grain In first hands. Receipts were Wheat: t car In and 4 cars out: one week sgo, t and 10 cars. Corn : 11 cars in and S cars out: one week ago, H and 14 cars. Oats: 1 cars In; one week ego, I cars In. WHEAT No. I hard. ffMrWc! No 1 hard. hard. 71izr7uc! No. 1 spring, spring. 81(ft3c; No. 1 spring, V3c; No. 4 har Milc; No. I sprlr J 717Vj. V CORN No. t,.47(j 4. 44H4fc: n$ 47(S48ei No. t. 4iV4ei No. 44U4oVbc: no grade. MhVz . No. I yellow, 4S'&4h No. a yeiiow, Kj47c Na S whits. 47twcl No. I white. 44H7c. OATH No. X 0alo; No. . J.VjJia9c: No. 4. re38c: No. I white. JMle! No. t white. 8Q6b: No. 4 white, S&tfSjc; standard. 404 41c. Jfa4ca fraas tha Eiekaags OsUees, Exchange visitors were O. L.. B hone felt. feterson, ana M. f oweii, uncoin. Omaha Inspections of grain were tS cars. Of wheat, 1 cars graded No. I hard winter, cars No, 4 hard winter and 1 ear no grade. Of corn, a cars graded No. I, cars NO. 4, I cars No. I yellow and 1 ca rio grade. Two cars of oats, graded No. white, and 1 car of rye No. 3. Grata HsrksM El Closing bricea oC grain today and Man day at tha markets named were aa follows ItUCAQO. Closed Today. Mon. . 84B 4B . YVA 47A 4T T3 6 rWheab- July BepteaiDer Corn July September KANSAS CITT. Wheat July ,,...., beptambe torn July 4114 September 4J ST. LOUIS. heat July ,.. K Beptambe , 80 A Corn July ,,, , 4A Beptetnber , 46B MINNEAPOLIS, Uhsat July September a,.,,,.,,.,.,,..,...., 80 DULUTH. Vheat July arts, September ,, nuB Wheat-. July Beptsmbsc KSW YORK, 8u 4r4A 4744B 7iia 4riB 40H n 8B ASB A at 11 8B I2 2H: clover. 1 white, 44c; fair to YORK LEtlRtL MARKET lantstlDs of tae Day aa Varlaas Casassadltlrs. NEW TOR K Mv x -Fiiil'R-Receipts. O.si-i tbls.: exuoits. 8,11 ubis.: inc.ienj lureiesei HinnHwui DSieuts. M.im..-ii Minnesota bakers. MiMi w.uer tt.fMi.uu: winter rx'.raf, W-l-i 4.m; wliite,- low graiies, i.-ld e". H Hour, easy; fair to auod, H li4d choice 10 lancy, 4.4.4j4.;(I. C'UK.MbALr-ira1v: yellow western. $1.1"; klin-nried, zvt.l0. HTb-Dull; iso. J weetrn, i0c spot. UAhLt.i-Lull: leeolng. 4c. t. I. f. New Tork: tnultlng, u.'av-c, I. t Buffalo. W hEA l-Hc.-elpis. 8.itfn bu.; exports. 123 bu ; spot, barely steady; No. t tej. l.i4 elevator and II owjl t f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, ic, r. o. u., afloat; No. 1 (mm slanltotxa. nominal, f. o. b-. afloat. leclde1 weakness ctiaracterixcd the early wheat market. Rallying later on vig orous cnlcago support ami covering, it closed rsiher firm, although V4j-Sc net ower: May cked st lc: July. (WS'a-c closed st Sb-lSI Peri ember, h. 11-lbiiH.ts.o, closed st t3c iJecember, SJTt'nM'ec, closed at 8vc. CORN Receipt!". 6.J7 bu.: spot, nrm; No. t. 61c elevator and 6jSo f. o. o. ; No. i yel- fcrsc; No. I wnne, ob-. option mar ket was Irregulnr. but generally nrm all day, on covering due to the lake strike, and closed partly c net hlgner. May, aok u-aHc. closed at oh'V'i July, UuoJSu, closed at bVc. tiATo Receipts. 79. van bu.; snot, steady; mlxd. 4.V(i4c; natural white, ) to 32 lbs. 4hi4y-: clipped white, 3i to ) ib.i.. aifctMC. HAY julet- '1'AlAAtW Slow: cltv tt2 per package) 4I-16'; country (packages free), 4NQ4V- HOI'R Wultt: stHtf. common to cnoice. IsMi.lVi 1SM2, ZTMlRc.-; olds, 9tjl4o Pa cific coaHt, 1HU3, f1tic; 1!.C. KtJ6ci olds, WI14C RICE Quiet: domestic, fair to extra, jv. trtc; Japan, nominal. HlDKtf Steady: Ualveston. li) to 15 lb., lc California, fl to S lbs., lfcc Texas, dry, 14 to DO lbs. 14c. lt;ATiifc.K steady: acid. Z3y9c. KROVI8IONS Beef, steady; family. ti50 trio.lOi beef hsms, l30.0f3Jl 50; packet, $x.5rt s.iiu; city extra India mess, ii4.wi(W. ut meats, dull: pickled Jwllle. i.7M7.fto: shoulders. $6.5'l hams, tS.ZO'QW.V). Pork, easy 1 family, S14.5A; short clears, 13.2.Vd1 14.7S; mess, !3((i 13.75. Lard, easy; west ern steamed, I7.0H; refined, barely steady. BUTTER Firm I fre3h creamery. 14 24Hc stale dairy, common to choice, 14 t23o. CHEESE Quiet; state full cream, large and small, fancy September, 10llc; good to prime, winv. JMiJ Barely steady; western storage selections. lse: firsts. lc. POULTRY Alive, quiet; western chick ens. 12W: fowls. lSc: turkeys, lstiioc. Dressed, weak; fowls, 13c; turkeys, IB43I6C. SEWWRR STOCKS ANDBONDS Dipoiitirn to Co: tinea Dowjw&rd Mot nant Diiplajd Ij Mtrk:U j UNITED STATES STEEL LEADS DECLINE Rraaaarfag Factors' Afcraad Leads ta Sassa Raylag far Loadea Aeeoaat, at Otherwise Market Is llagglsk. NEW TORK, May The early stock market toosy showed some disposition to continue the downward movement which wss in force yesterusy The check to the decline had tne appcarsnce of a contest waged between opposing factors In the maiaet and tne upward movement was discontinued as soon as the selling was checked. The operators lor a oecltne seemed to center on I'nltetl Ststes Steel preferred while the rest of the market Al lied their faith In t'nlon Pacific. The resumption of trading on London after the holiuay with r.o cv!d;n? c f fj:!t nw by reason of the military events In Asia was a reassuring factor and there whs some buying here tor London sccount. On the other hand the heavy decrease In net earnings for March reported hy th Pennsylvania system was a weight upon the wnole market owing to the representa tive character of the Pennsylvania traffic. The showing had a strong reflex effect on United States Steel preferred owing to the large part played by steel tonnage In the truffle of that system. Pennsylvania stock itself was little affected. Call money showed a firmer tone early for the first time In many days snd the minimum rste was r per cent, with loan made above thst. This was attributed to the gromtng Influence of the gold exports and to the exigencies of the bidders for the UT.AOn.ano New York Cltv bond issue. After the bids were announced, call money nroke to one-half of 1 per cent. The time money market wss not affected. The statement by J. P. Morgan In Paris clari fied the understanding of the method of the Panama canal payment and made clear the position of his firm as the Sscal agent of this government and the me dlary by contract with the canal company. 1 ne market closed dull and irregular and showed small net changes. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par value H.tCiD.t'io. I nlted Stat.-s 2s. the is coupon and the old 4s declined per cent and the new 4a per cent on call. Following was the range of Quotations on tne .-sew lork stock exenange: nlnetv davs. l" p1" rent; six month. Mil per cent;' prime mercantile paper. 30-t per cent 8TKRMN1 EXCHANGE Stead v, with actual business In bankers' Mils at Ml5 for demand and st 4 M4 M for sixty dsv bills, posted rates. M.t6 and 4.(; com IncrclRl bills. 14 S4S4M M. SILVER Bar, u4c; M'Xiran dollar. 4rW ItoNDS Government, weak; railroad. Irregular. . . . a . quotations rn uonas are as t. Ieala Grata aad Provlsloas. 8T. LOUIS. May t. WHEAT Higher: No. t red cash eJevator. 11 01M track, ll.Obfl l.Ofi: July, S:cl fc'cptimtx r, x 1 No. 2 hard. 2f corn Firm; No. x cssn, wc: track, wu B0,c; July, 4fic; September, 46c. OATo Lower; No. Z cash. 4lc; track, 4zc) No. I white. 44c: July. Waci September. aHc. loi r-unlet and encnangea: reo win ter patents, I4.")6ufi; special brands, 16"f zT-c higher; extra fancy and straight, 4.tif 4es; clear, 13 notii.lb. BEK1) Timothy, steady. I2.40gz.ao. t'ORNMKAI-Steadv. I2.4W. BRAN Higher 1 sacked, east track, 0& HAT Steady 1 tlmotby, $8.084714.50; prairie. X8.00ti9.oa. IRON COTTONTIE8-2c BAOOINO V. HEMP TWINE e. PROVISION8 Pork. lower: Jobbing, fll.utk bard. wtady. Rarcm (boxed)-lower; extra shorts, 67 clear ribst I7.S7VW abort clear fT.tiSH. POULTRY Easv: chickens. 9Hc: Borings. t3K16i10 per dog.) turkeya, i3314ci ducks. lie; geese, V7e. tiifTTtn at CHICAGO GRAM .AID PltOYiaiOai VcMarae al Iba Tradlaaj aad Closlag rrlaas aa Board al Trade. CHICAOQ, May .Active covering of Short sales following a sudden decline In wheat prloea today caused a quick recov ery, the market closing strong with July Vo higha than yesterday's Itital quotations. Corn Ta unchanged, Oats show a decline of 40 and prwlsioiis 2c to aua, la oonsaqusnc 01 Hie heavy selling pres aur initial eaivs w.-rs made at a consid erable decline, J-I being c2 Wo to o at 83VA ta 4o. Artar selling at 8440, July closed at 84W-.. Clearances of wheat and flour wars equal to Tb.uiu bushels, bradstreets' world's visible showed an Increase of l.OTJ.Ouu pusnaia, i-rimary reoelpta Wars 2l,100 bflsh eia. eomparsq wun at.HK) bushels a year ago. atinuaapotiB, 1'uiutn and Chloagu re ported receipts of 103 cars, against lu2 cars lsst wek and ltf ears a ywar ago. The eora market Uowd ixiiisldersbl sreakneas during tha flrsr part of ths eeasion, July oin-ned (j nSb o lower, at 47So to 47Vc. Bold Off to 4;V(14fVn. and sft.r advancing to cloawl al 4T-4so. laical eelpt ara 34 cars, with. (3 of contract i'a.rada. Oais were lafluenosd malnlv by the action f j ' of tnW grsms, The market was weak any, out laws a nrmer lone developed, much of the leases being regained. July rpenea quarter lu Sao lower at W to ranaad between Sno and Uo, tiding at 810, toual recaipts were 118 esra. 1 Previsioae ware weak under active sell lug by packsr aad aapurtera, There was a nrm opening eq tne Duiusn pog market put early a-aaknea la grains brought oul influential soiling resulting in a gradua decline, fif lurk closed with a net lost or S')o st 111 TT' k ) J11 v i a ri m a rif,-.-. i,w at un, and ribs ware off o, at46.4fl O4teo, The laadlag future ranged as foil own Artidaa.) Opea, Uigk.) Loaf, Cloaa.Te'y, BliTTKR Steady! creamery, 174?I4c dairy, 14iilV. EGGS Steady, 15c, case count Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 8.000 6.0U) Wheat, bu 20i 62.000 Corn, bu ,1i6.000 a.OtO OaU. bu 106.008 a, Kaasas City Grala aad Pravlsloaa. KANSAS CITY, May J. WHEAT Mar ket steady; May, 2Sc; July. 73c; September, 69'c. Cash: No. I hard, gxiasic: No. I, K rtc: No. 1 red. 8y: No. , wessc. CORN Steady : May. 441e: July. 43'4c; September, 42c. Cash: No. t mixed. 4.V; No. a, 47i4Sc: No. I white 49c; No. I. 470, OATS Steady 1 No. I wnlle, 41c No. nilied. )i40c'. HAY Steady: choice timothy, 116.604 ll.ou: choice prairie, xs.twjfs.ij. jYgj No x 64c. BUTTER-Creamery. Uf30c; dalrv. 17c. V(K1R lower: Missouri and Kansas rases returned. !Se new No. I whitewooa cases included, 14d Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, hu 66.000 4 0U0 Corn, bu H. 7S.4oO Outs, bu U.0H6 10.0U6 Visible seaaly at Grata. NEW TORK. May 2. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet a ahow the following changes In available supplies, as compared with lsst accounts' Wheat. United States and Can- da. east of tne rtocKies, aecreasea bu j afloat for and In Europe. Increased Mdg,0im bu. 1 total supply, increaaea i.ui .() bu. Corn, United Btates snd Csnsda, east of the Rockies, decreased 1.167,000 bu. Oat a. nlted States and l anada, east or tne Ruckles, decreased 837. UU0 bu. The stocks held In Manitoba this week Increased E17.UU0 :iu. snd those held in the Chicago private elevators Increased tt.KU bu., while the norths estern Interior elevators report a de crease of tuw.Ww bu. The closing follows: V. r-f. In, reg 4o coupon So a, ret 4o roupoa So now 4. re. do coupon do old 4. rc 4o coupna At hlftns (en. 4. 1o fell 4o Atlantic C. L. 4 B O. 4S in tv,a Central of Oa. ia 00 let Inc Cti a Ohio 4ia l hlra(o A A. S r . B . U . n . c. h a a r c. a n. w c. R 1. P. do rol. ba . .1 . 1" . .11 ..Jia . in ; ..1T Manhattan r. g I Met Ontrsl 4a do 1st Inc Vina St L M . K a T. 4a . Mo ta S. B. R of M N. T. t f '-lS r 1 r. a s L. Chicago Tor. a Con. Todstoo 4o.... Colo a So. 4a P R. U 4a Erie prior lias 4a.. do id. 4 F. W. a D. C. la Horklnf Val. ',.. L. a N. unl 4a ... Bid. Offered ..! x. i r. s .. ! iNo. ra'lfic a .. M do sa ..101 S. a w. t. 4a ... .. M',0. 8. L 4a a par ..lf Penn. coot. ln.. .. 70 Read lea, (en 4a.. ..1S U I I. I a. .. 77V at. u a a r. ft. .. n at. 1. a w. ia . g 4a 104 Sea)oar4 A L. . 7a. U"H o- Pa1-!"' 4a 4a 7b i So. Railway ia... aovt Taa a P. la 4a. .110 T.. 8t. L.. W. "an .tnlon Pacific 4a.. . ... tv1 do con 4a .!V. 8 Steal td aa .... aa .wahaah la . aev,) do dob. B . M ". A L. K. 4a .107 ivtla. cenirni ln7'Colo. r tick a 1"t ... 7a ... 1 .. M ...1 ... Til 4a :s ... V ...1Vt ...1"4 ... 7!'4 ... 7' ... M'-i ... ... MS ta in 4a. tl si .ufV 1. s4 .104 . 1. 1 . 7114 .lift . 41' . 7t Loadoa atoelt Market. LONDON. May S. -Closing: Cooaola, money .. ta u-U Ji. 'do arcnont Anaconda ...M Atthlaon do pfd Baltlmora A Ohio. T. central. an -Norrolli A V... 4 do pld 74 Ontario A W.. SnValPenrarlvanla . an-tiRand Mlnea ... Canadian PaclBc 11:, Heading rhea. A Ohio IIS do lat pfd (Imago Gt. W 1S do Id pfd C at. A St. P 144, 80. Railway IeBeera ".'a do P'd ... D. ft R O Jo So. Paclc .. do pfd 7j'4 tnlos PaclSc Erla ti do r'd ... do lat ptd ti t. 8. Steal.. do 2d pfd MS do pfd ... Illlnola Central HS Wabath Louia. A Naah do pfd ... 11 , K a T 17bi 6paala!i 4a .. Sales, high. Low. Close. 143Va 142 100 17 17 110 108H 115H "aii 1174 60 1 z -4 1 aa r (4 SI 7VXI Whsal f I I Msy W4W! M ( grf July s4e-V, JS'atta Mil I July aHt-4: a4! MS Sept, m Hi soSl -V . i it aa 1 I 1 1 flJ! eV14T74. 47',tfJ July ia'iij-v,l tail aaJ kS; Z Pori W 0? tl n !i W I "70 1) Ob 11 crw 11 TA4, 11 T'W l1 iru il 17J 11 iiffl 11 iiii'helj in, aus tv,I trrJ asm 4 p I 71', ins I k ! I July I 46 ITSw 40 4jJ 4 ftspt. as 4u tbi (iTg tm pal Na L fOld. I Near, ash etiotMtlna.s aera mm fnllnw.. "LOUR Quiet and staadri alm ... . - . . . 7 - . . . .11 . "". a.nnp-tai prraigni, M aot; spring vmmwrm. a a BU. WHEAT-No, lasnrlna. lAJrlSri No. a r foRN-Na. 1 47V; N'o. yellow. Sic.' aVEtLty-asa, 1 l.Wi Na 1 fio.'tiist Philadelphia. Pradaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Msy l BUTTER Steady; extra nearby prints, 77c. EGGS Steady, fair demand; fresh nearby, rsc; freh western, 17pc; fresh south- weoirm. 1,VV. CHEEPI-i-Firm: New Tork creams. 10 We; fair to good, ''ffVc. Uvrrpool Grata aad Pravlsloas. LIVERPOOL. May IWHEAT-Spot, dull: No. 1 California. 7s. Futures,, dull; Msy. 6s H,d; July, ta 4Vd. CORN pot. steady; American mixed. new. 4s Id; American mixed, old. 4s 7d. Fu ture, quiet; May, 4s3Hd; July, 4s ad. Atchison 7H 71 do pfd 611O 93 9: Baltimore A Ohio 7.4 7Sv 7t' do pfd 100 90V. fail Csnadlan Pacific I,5u0 117 lloVi Central of N. J Chesapcske & Ohio... 1 H 8o Chicago dt Alton ao Ki 7S do pfd l'O S1U )m Chicago Gt. Western. 00 16 15 t-nicago dt N. w C M. A St. P 11,300 do pfd Chicago Term. A T do pfd C. C. C. A St. L Colo. Southern a) 154 15 do lft pfd loo &!V 62V do 2d pfd Delaware A Hudson.. fxO 1S7 j.V Del., Lack. & West... 200 r70" 2704 Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie 11,500 24 374 do 1st pfd 1,000 M tB do Id pfd i.ono Rvi, 27Ti Hocking Valley SnO 671 7 do pfd 1 MS 7K Illinois Central dOO 130- 13oV. Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville A Nashville "0 10TH 10;74 Manhattan L doO 14 '4 14A Met. securities Met. St. Ry 11.000 Minn. A St. Louis M., St. P. A B. St M. 200 60 60 do pfd 300 116 114 Missouri Pacific 1.000 92 81 Vi Mo.. Kan. A Tex SoC 174 17 do pfd N. R. R. of Mes. pfd N. Y. Central ) 1U,, Norfolk A Western... frisJ ota do pfd Ontario A Western. .. l.Ono 21V Pennsylvania S5.?00 lis P.. C, C. A St. L 100 en Reading1 .' OoO f.l do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co I,"fl t" do pfd 600 63 St. L. A B F 2d pfd bt. lOUl B. w.... do pfd Southern Pacific .. Southern Railway do pfd Texas A Pacific .. T.. St. L. A W..... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A L. E. Wisconsin Central do pfd Adams Ex Amerlcsn Ex United States Ex Wells-Fsrgo Ex Atrial. Copper 14,100 47H Am. car & Foundry do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. loe 100 6i do pfd ion 77' Am. Linseed Oil 300 I do Pfd Am. Locomotive 8"0 do pfd 200 Am. Smelt. A Refng. . M) do pfd bfrt Am. Sugar Refng l.ano Anaconda M. Co Jr Brooklyn R. T i.400 Colo. Fuel A iron Consolidated Gas 8.210 Corn Products 100 do pfd Distiller' tecuritle.. Oenersl Electric International Paper... do pfd International Pump do pfd 100 National Lead 100 North American 2V Pacific Mall SuO People s Gas J Teased Steel Car.... do pfd. exdlv Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel 5"0 do pfd WO P.ubber Goods 200 do pfd 200 Tenn. Cosl A Iron.... 1.700 U. S. Leather ?io do pfd 200 U. S. Reslty 100 do pfd J"1 U. 8- Rubber ! do pfd ao C. 8. Steel 17.HO do pfd 27.100 Westtnghouse EJee.... 2o0 Western Union Total sales for the day . 100 .12,200 . 2iO . 100 '. "iob . S"0 .47,600 .' "i6 . l.StO . 100 . 600 100 472 20" 4 26V4 8KS 4t 'is" 37i :7S 3314 M 'ass 38 83 V, "is" 8R'4j 15S i 4Ki '76" 6i 17' S 7iS 927, 79 90 116'4 lfi7 15S L0 14.1S 175 S 17S 70 15i 21 H lsrti' 270'va 20 ti.''i 24S t;3' MS f, 7S4 1 !.H 34 107 144 76 40S 60 116 91S 17 1154 21s 11 7S 434 7X4 o CS 4 73 8!S 47S 204 C4 24 2v4 ns 4; 91 17S 17 i&4 37S 20 1 103 303 1 1 C9 2U 27S .111 . M -4 . vi . 40s . 1S . Its . 4 . II . tlS ,. MS ,. 4S .. MS .. 4va .. 11 .. 471 .. 1 .. M .. IIS OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Excaaiira BeoaipU of CatUa Canted An other Ereak in Prlcaa. HOGS ALSO SOLD A TRIFLE LOWER Deasaad tut Iktrp aad Lamb Ap aareatly Set ta Rrlsk aad ae a Resalt tk Market Wae Rather Plow aad Wrak. SOUTH OMAHA, May t, 1104. Receipts were: Cattia. Hoga Sheep. urnciai aionday Utflctal i uesday Two days this week Same days thl week.. same week before Same three weeks ago. Same four weeks sgo.. Same days last year.. RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The fOllOWlnsr ta.hla ohnwa tha recelnt of es!e. bcgi sad shrcp at South Omaha for the year to data with ccmDarison with last ln4. lsus ma Vtl 1M447 32,Oi 12.441 H'igS 4S.4 72. 4 12.074 Sheen 850,518 469.619 190.901 Omsna for the last several days with co m- iwna: Pata. 1 iao4 iijoi.iiaw.iiaoi.iiaoo.iiaaa. iiaai. Aprn Apnl April April .. x,s:'4 a.i ai .. 1.000 13.IUU ..10.474 19.522 U.11J ..10.666 1 9.H ..11.649 23 V. 17.8-1 ..U.S49 16.964 1463 .. 7,l 14.317 1,-M ..11,061 19.52 J.o-W 1-1 ! l s-.( April 11 June. FILVEH Bar. steady, 26d per ounce. V.OXKV-IU.W iver cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2S4il'S per cent; for thrc months' bills. 2S4T- -l P" cent. Foreign Financial. RERLIN, May 3. Quotations were well maintained on the Bourse today. Ameri cans were weaker. Exchange on Ixmdon 2u marks 43S Dfgs lor checks. Discount rates, short Llllx, 34 per cent; three months. bills. 6 per cent. PARIS. Mav I. Trading on the Bourse toilav opened unsettled and dull, but prices closed with a marked Improvement. Rus sian lmperlsi 4s were quoted at 90.36. Three per cent rentes kii oc lor tne accounu LONDON. May 8. The release of dlvl dends increased the supply of money in tne market today. Business on the Stock exchange orjened aulet and irregular. Con sols Improved on the easy money condi tions. Home rails were irregular. Amerl cans opened heavy but recovered to a fraction above parity. The market closed firmer. Foreigners were dull except Japa nese. Russians were flat. Kaffirs were dull. Aprl April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April Apr.l April April April April April 2?. April u.. May 1.. May I., May 3.. I 4., a.. 1.. r. 1.. ... ia. 11. 12. u.. 14. li. 16.. 17. II. 19. 36. 21. 22. 33. 24. :(. 26. 27. 28.. I T f aa, I n 1 7 ii aai a m I 7 21 a 661 I Ml 1341 T 36l a 61 I 91 V'Hi ! 4 6ji I i; 00SI 7 24) I I Mi 4 13 SI T Ml 64 4 9"Si 7 ri a aa 01 4 hv; t ni a asi a ta 1 7 26) 6 7) 4 s&s 7 1 6 t II 7S 4 Ui I 9 4 ao t i I 04 4 B6S 7 31 II BS 4 1S 7 16' 4 b 7 071 !! ' til. 1 1 j 74 4 76 4tlH 4 74, 4 nv 814i "441 4 78 4 744 4 71 S 4 64 4 61V 4 58 4 6&S 6 96. ( 01 ii i m I 1 I S I Hi 96 tat a 171 a at 1 a a ( n a 401 t as aai H I 71 I aoi 3 i 3 7 I U I 43 1 1 71 I 37 II l I 2 I Tl iai a 1 ' 10 7 10 7 lw 7 061 7 Oil 7 OS 7 6 M 66 s6 96 7 01 M a 9 I 13! 7 7i 6 77 7 03 Hi 4 96 Ml 90 I 7L 7 51 I 7 Oli 6 45 a u a 41 t 89 t 46 I 86i 6 46 lid, It' t 7tt 6 77 I 161 i It 6 lo t 77! I S9j 3 66! 3 67 I 61 I 1 3 r; I 72 3 I 68 I 3 75! I 77 1 3 72 s l7i 3 661 7i a I 71 I 71 I 67 I 7 I (7 t 41 e I 60 I 11 3 61 1 U I 14 8 74 s 3T1 HOGSt-Ther . liberal run of hogs here this morning snd the msrket too another drop. The-decline, though, wss not vcrv serious, sa- it only amounted to shout jUc, ssles going from weak to 5c lower. It wss rather late before buyers and sellers got together on prices, but when trading once l-egsn there wss some activity. The bulk of ths esrly sales went from 14 514 o 14 574. choice los.la from thst up to 14.66. Common stuff went from 14 5i'4 down. ... i- There was not a great deal of Changs in the latter half of the msrket. though of course the tenuencv was for buyers ta pese down a little sfter thev hsd their more urgent orders filled. The Ut sales, bow, ever, arere right ground 14.55. or sbout tne ssme ss at the opening. Practically every thing, except some common l'sht stuff, was out of first hands by the middle of tha fore noon. Representative salsa: wis i w I c .li 7 I aa i. i I s .law i ..!- t 7 1! 4o 1 a!" 4 .roa I 4" CALVE! ... 4 as I IK I a . 4S 1 1"" a" . 7 4 00 1 IW I M .If 4 as I i?o If. . IH I IH I I . tit 4 711 140 I 71 . I IS KTKERS AND FEEDERS. . 4M I 74 I . 4W I 1 n4 . 4e T It t I 7a .Ml aa I! " J 7 . y oe K' 047 I 7 .774 I SO 1 I 7 . 4 4 ? 17 . 71 7 .411 ia n I" .IS IH 4 " I o .Ml so 1C 'l I " M IH S 1N7 4 SO . 471 I ao M 4 00 hetJ; market steady; ewe. 146. laaaba, 11 itl'M.-. loarr, I. 7. , laat lly l ive Stack Market. PliUX CITY. Msv 3. (Special Telegram ) CATTLE Receipts, l.pat hesd; msrSet weak; stockers strong; beeves. IJ k"M ao, cows, bulls snd mixed. sU.i.1.8; t-ckers snd feeders, K.t'OlH.Oii; calva and yearltna. 2 7pjJ 70. . HcKiS Receipts. 1.300 bead; msrket strong, selling at 14 4Qi4.0; bulk, 34.50t74.ii. tark la tight. Following ar ths receipts of live stock for the six principal weatern cities ye-r-da: Cattia. llogs BhV S iiith Omaha f 18. I . Chlcsgo 21 lVt 14.M Kansas City lO.mai 14.' a.(J St. lxiuls 4.i lO.O)'1 3.ft" St. Joseph 1 7M 4M 4.4.3 Sloug City 1.100 - i 731 t M 37 ICS' t 64 t 82 6 64 6 26 3 61 t Til i is; 3 46 3 651 3 M 3 67 8 69 3 69 I 79 3 77 I 79 3 83 a 3 90 t 721 6 17 3 6ii 3 87 Bask Clearings. OMAHA. Mnv 8 Bank clearings for to day. 11,519.926.30. an lnrreaso of 3146,695.18 over the corresponding day last year. 16 .. 1 4 1 41 4 3 1 68 I 12 1 - .. 87 13 :: :: t 3 i V. m 27 4 1200 184 62 494 K'N L7S 764 464 184 814 N 94S 12s 764 454 2704 13 20K4 13 300 1674 1674 Pearla Grala Market. PEORIA. May 3 CORN-Steady : No. 3. 46c; No. 4. 4c. 76 164 M 76 164 54 26 IK4 814 fr 12S 7 4.64 tou SOB 13 70S 22 1674 11 66 3X4 76 164 81 26 9674 69 2U9 64 42 W4 764 86 "4 7S 677, , l"H 674 in 6E4 153S s4 2X8.S00 shares. 600 264 264 47 16 77 36 7 794 s 16 674 1"S 56S 164 64 424 16 77 36 64 6R 67 10 65 163 Metal Mara?. NEW TORK. May 3 METAU Tln was a little higher In London, an advai. f! 2s 6d being n-rMired, with spot quoted at 127 los and futures at 126 16s. Locally m insiae price was raised slightly, but the outside price was lower and the aver age unchanged, ths new range being 1270 t)24 10. Coppar was unchanged In London, with spot at 5 17s 6d and futures at 5 lbs. The local market slso remained un chai.ged at 111 5o f.r local. Ill .124-51126 for electrolytic and 112 874i 13 124 for casting. Lead declined la in the London market, while New Tork remained unchanged st 14 6nu4 65. Spelter was unchanged at lo i A In ths New York market and at 23 7s 6d in Ixindim. Ically Iron Is unchanged No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted at 315 5 rtl5 76- No. 2 foundry, northern, at 114 75a 16 24; No. 1 foundry, southern, snd No. 1 tuundry southern soft, st 14.0'S14 50. Oils aad Koala. NEW TORK. May 3. OILS Cottonseed easy; prime crude, nominal; yellow, 2b4-( c; petroleum, easy, refined. New York. 18.16; Philadelphia and Baltimore. U Vi; in bulk. 16 30: turpentine stesdy, 624fi6oc. ROSIN Steady at 674Wc SAVANNAH. Ga., May I OILS Tur pentine, flrrn; 64Sc. ROSIN Firm. A, B. C. D. 83 80; E. 3166; F. 12': U, 3; H, 12 70; 1, fl n; K, till; M. 8130; N. 83 45; W. G. $3 0: W. W. 11 j. OIL CITT. Pa.. May a-OIIJ Credit bal sncea. 1162; certifies to, no bid; shipments 64.3S4 bbls.; average. 67. sal bales; runs, 11. 14 bbls : shipments. Lima, 81.803 bbls.; average. f7,k bbls. ; runs. Lima. ia,4s bbls. CesTaa llsrliaL NEW YORK. May 8 COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at a de cline of 6011 points Sales were reported of W 6O0 bags, including: Mav. 4 6.V. July. 6bo5aV; 8lember. 4fl6olic: Ortober. 4 1bu 3ur; Iieremher, 36r6 4ac; March. at tt Spot Rb. julet; No, J lavuiva, 7e. MUd, Jvl, Cvidova, l -tJllM, Biatss Stack tsaatatlaas. BOSTON. Msy 8. Call loans, S4 per cent; time loans, 2'44 per cent, official closing of stocks ana bonds: Atcktass si da l ealral aa Max Atrklaos da f Ikatos Albsof.. goacas Maloa.... poaos Sleaiad ... ritrhbur ld ... Mas Ooiral ..... K Y . N H H Pera Mae.atta .. t'slos Faeiac Asxr. Ansa, csaaa do yf a Aaaer. ra Tuba A mar. augsr o r'd Attar. T T Arner. W'oolaa da td ... rumiBios i. a a . Edlaoa Ela. Ills. Uoaaral Elertrlc . Maaa. Electrt do yl Uaaa. baa l attad Fran foiled Sbae Mars.. da ptd U. ataal do rid Waalln. eoaaatas .. Bid. Asked. Adrantura . its Allouat . S Amalfamatad .. . 714 Amajiras Zlsc . . MS Atlantic 144 Uiughaa ,l:i al Heel .. 14ia Cei Ui alal 1M Cowr Ruse . . Malr Waat .lat) iMtanmoa Caal . 7 Franklis . Oranej . IIS lale Borala ... . 1 -a Maaa Misiag .. . 4H Mleklgaa .IMS Monavk .1M Moot. C. C. .11)4 Old DoatBloe . . 1S florae la . T4' Parrot S QulBejr .XM Sbaaaoa .1M' Tamarark 1S TMall TSS I altad Cospar I . a Mlnlcg... lo-i i-. s. uii.. 4S Ttak ts vixarla .. 10 , WIboss . . WS W slaatise , tl .. 1 .. I .. 47 ' ? :: ,1 ..47 .. Hi, .. 42S .. 114, .. 4 .. 4 .. f .. 4 .. 4 .. 41, I .. aa .. si .. I .. 7 ... Ma, .. ... I ... Tl Hw Tsrk Kiatagr Itscka. NEW TORK, May t The following are the cloeicg prices on Adaaas Cos aim hrBroa t'laaewiek Cos .. riaisn TsbbsI raa. Cal. a Vs.. Mors ailaas Iras SI Ira Lead rill Ca.... . b . I . M laa U 114 . a mining stocks; UttM Cblof Cmurl (air . fotosl dlarra Nevada akall Hera . aMaadsr . I rr, II . 14 . (J . u .tt OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Coadltloa at Trade aad (tnotatlnas aa staple aad Fancy Prodaee EGGS Receipts, liberal; market steady; fresh stock. 16Sc: Including cases, I6c LIVE POCLTRY Hens, loc; roosters. 8t710c: turkeys. 13c: ducks, 94c; geese, so Bl'TTER I-scklng Btock. lJ4c; choice to fancy dalrv. 15J16c: BeDarator. 22c. FRESH FISH Trout, 14o; pickerel, 8e; nllce. 12c: nerch. 6ac: b ueflsh. 12c: White- fish. 14c; salmon. 11c; haddock, 10c; cod fish, 12c; redsnspper, 11c; lobster, bo.led. rer lb. 30c: bullheads. 11c: catfish. 181714c black bass. 20c; halibut, lie; crapples, 12c; herring. 6c; roe shad, 76c; shad roe, 16s; small ciscoes, 10c. , RHAN Per ton. 119 09. HAY Prioes quoted by-Omaha Whole- sale Dealers' association rT-hoice No. 1 up land, sh 60: No. 2. I6.M: meat urn. 170; coarse, 17.00; rye straw, 86.50. These- price sre for bsy of good color and anaiity. i emana fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Nsvels. choice. all lea 12.50: fancy navels, sll sixes, 22.76; r.edium sweets, all sixes, 82.75; Jaffas, all sixes. 1260. LEMONS Csllfornfa fancy, 300 ta 30, 13.50: choice. 240 to 70. 83 04i3.78. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb carton, 66c: Imported Smyrna, 2-erown, 12c; 6- eroarn 14c; 7-crown. 16c. BANANAS Per medium slsed bunch, t2.0062.6u; Jumbo, 32.iM3 2o. AT Eft Persian, tier box of 80 pkga. 82 per lb. In 00-lb boxes, lc; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, 12.40. PINEAPPLES In crate of 24 to 43 per crate. 83.00. FRUITS. APPLES Oregon fancy Ben Davis, per box. 8160; New York export Russets ana Baldwins, 14 00 STRAWRERRIE8 Arkansas, per 14-o.t. cae, W-25Q3.60. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 81.26; Dakota, per ba., 31.20: new Bermuda potatoes, per dol, 16.60; early Ohio seed, northern, per bu., 11 28. ... .-v me A vac. V... eiUAIS ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate. 2 26. I ABHAtjH lllltimia, per iu., i-ic. rrn'MfiERS Per do.. 81.26. TOMATOES Florida, per t-baaket crate, fancv. 12 00: choice, i.7o, niniaHFRPer dos. hunches 86060a. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per doxen, 464 60e. TURNIPS Southern, per dog, 46c BEETS Southern, per do . 75c. CARROTS Southern, per dns , 76a PARSLEY Per do.. 81 0001 25. spiv APH Per bu.. tl.0O4il.26 BEANS Win, per bu. box. 13 00; string, per bu. box, B 00. ARPARAGI S Per doxen bunchea. 4660c GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-basket crte. 12 00. vim PLANT Per do.. 31.00. SOUASH Florida ummr, per dog, 81. 00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 11c: Wisconsin Young America. 12c; block Swiss 16c; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wisconsin V 1 1 r. rrr i-1 ' . e - -' , . " ' i -" . , MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, c; No. I green. 6c Vn l aalted 7c: No. 1 salted. 6c: No. 1 vea calf. 8 to 12 lba.. 94c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs. 6Sc; dry saitea nines, wgix; sheep pelts, 24tT27c; horsehides. 81.60lu2 50. HUKBfcKAUIOll-rrr cram UI - uucn packed, tuic. NUTS Walnut. No. 1 soft shell. ih hard shell, ner lb.. 14c; No. 1 so per lb.. 13c; No. 3 hara sneu. per io., no Lecans. large, per lb., 12c; email, per in. Tor: neanui. ter lb.. c; rossted peanut, ne.- Tb.. c:Chill walnuts. 12flS4c; large hickory nut, per lb.. 11c; almond, oft shell, per lb., Uc; nara sneu. ioc; sneu hnrks. per bu., 2.00; black walnuts, per bu.. 11.25. Wool Market. BOSTON, May 3 WOOL Concessions by 4u1ra In order to Clean UP til Old WOOl has been a feature of the wool market the last week. Msnv dealers are expecting considerable shrinkage In the new wool be cause of the high prices generally paid. The trade seems unanimous In the opinion hut the nrtc Is entirely too nign ana not an anted by anytning in sism in im ioww market. Territory snd pulled wools sre ?ulet and generallv steady, rno market lor oreign wools Is firm. Iaadlng quotations re: loano. nne. lau io , nraiv line. i.vi 124c; fine medulm. H'ol64e: medium, ly 17c; low medium. 17tjic. Wyoming, nne, 14U.IS16C: heart fine. Ufll34c; fine medium. 15Ji64c; low medium, !Sg;9e. ftah and Nevada, fine. 13'ili4c; nue meaium. 1447 16c; medium, Ul!c; low medium, J5jiiV. Dakota, fine, lulfc-; fine medium. 16l4o; medium. Ib-rl9c. low medium, 19c50c. Mon tana, fine, I619c; fine average, 17618c: fine medium choice. Ibf1c; average. JGtflTo staple, lMflo; medium choice. l4lc, BT. IT)riS, Mav 3 WOOL Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 304t t-c; light nne, laVa 1 . '4-; heavy fine, ltd 144c: tub washed. SudJSlc. LONDON. May 3. WOOL A large num ber of buvers attended the opening of the third series of wool auction sales today. The ofTerir.g numbered 14.66 bales, mainly oroasbreds. Following are the sales in de tail: New South Wales. " bales; scoured. 9djrl 7d: greasy. 6j64d Queenslsrd. bales: sooured. U4dtls 4d: greasv. eind. Victoria. 9no bales; scoured, 104drls 4d; greasy. SjlM South Australia. 300 hale; scoured. Is d: greasy. IS&llVtd West Australia, 10 bales, greasy. 44j44d New ZeaUnd. 7 200 bale, scoured. 4dtTla 3d: greasy, adfils. Cape of Oood Hope and K.-ctal, SOO bales; scoured, dyis T4d; greasy, 6474d. Pvinta Arenas. 4 300 bales; greasy, 44104d. British Columbia, 100 bales; greasy, 4d. Indicates Sunday. The ofllcla.1 number of cars of stock brought in today by each ruad was: cattle, nogs, no p, u s. c M. dt St. P 10 Wabash 3 Missouri Pacific .... 3 I nlon Pacific system. 72 C. & N. W 3 F.. E. M. V 87 C, St. P., M. Ic 0 61 B. A M 76 C. 11. at Q 8 K. C. St. J 6 C, R. I. & P., east.... 4 C. R. I. A P., we... 8 Illinois Central 6 Chicago O. W 3 Total te7eopt....34t The disposition of the day's rtclpts was a rouows, eacn nuyer pur.-nasing -.ne numuer of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattie. Hog Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1,047 40 Swift and Company 1.159 2.7 841 Cudahy Packing Co 1.675 4.222 :.160 Armour A Co 1,675 4.312 1,160 Armour, Sioux City 867 vanaant aa Co 121 Ixibman A Co 1 W. I. Stephen !3 Hill A Huntslger 17 H. F. Hamilton 76 L. F. Hub mi Wolf at Murnan 281 Hobblck R 81 Sol Degan 10 S. 8 145 .... 449 Cincinnati A. Co Rooto A Co Haggerty A Co Others buyer a We. A. 9ti. fr Na. A. S. Ft. Tl 1M 1r0 4 4 1 til n 4 44 SI 17 SO 4 41 43 Ii I 4 IS . 1M ... 4 H 1 K . 4 M aa 117 1M 4 41 71 110 40 4 44 ao II 14 4 40 M t(4 U I H 1 oi 4 bo 1.4 . . 4 M aa iai ao 4 M 74 M i 4 II B7 1H 40 4 40 711 H4 ... 4U aj Ill 1 4 US 7 ! 4 b tj ri mi 4 K4 7 ati ano 4 4 TO Mt 10 lll'l Sll ... 4 44 74 til 4 IfW 74 134 K lb HI J07 ... 4 HC -" Its 4 44 M 1M 4 ftc, 44 J 10 4 4 41 114 14 4 Its 74 Ill B0 4 41 TO !t ... 4 II W 4 45 47 1!l . . 4 MS 4 It h u 77 U7 14 I 41S 7 I U IU tl 141 an 4 (IS 1 ... Ill U. t: 11 4 US M w '4 m K III 16 ao 4 45 to us h (li f m r4 4 4 11 17 m ... 4 Ml 71 IK ... 4 11 4 ... IU M 511 ... Ill- T...,....lr HI 4 la II 144 ... IK 47 fl ... 4 67S 41 Ill ... tli 78 4 12 a f7s 0. m o 4 is 14 ... 447 , W MO 1J0 4 44 70 4.1 10 4 I7S Tl 171 an 4 15 4 1C4 ... 4 17s Id Ma J10 4 M T 4 17s M M I 4 IS 7 I4 ... I 47S 1 Ml ... 4 II Ml ISO I 47s 44 Ill 10 4 US HI 4 4 47S 10 170 40 I M 41 .81 ... 4 47S Tl 1.11 IN III II 14 ... 4 I7S at ri 40 4 44 tu m 4 its r 144 40 4 II 71 14 St 4 47S 101 MT lan 4 5.1 44 147 10 4 47S 77 Ill 1 III t ill 40 4 ITS IS 1S . .. 4 ft ' 4 M 4 ITS 10 ;a )jn II :4 ... 4 47s n. mi ao 4 is ii ... iirs 1 14 K 71 121 1O0 I 47S 44 so 4 IS 71 IM ... 4 ITS 71 m 10 4 W 7 MS ... 4 l-S ' MS 10 4 M 7t 41 4 47S o ;m id 1 us t o ire 1 17s II 141 o I IT. 17 mi S II7S a rr. so 1 ui i. uo 1 its 7 M0 ... Ill 71 Ill J 4 ITS 44 rrr isn 4 u i Ml :o 4 its 10 jo jo 1 1,5 10 141 U 4 47S 41 it ... 4 11 71 III ... 44 4. rd ... IH ... 1 110 4n 4 14 144 . . 4 10 40 fPI 10 4 u 10 th9 (o I 40. ID 1 ... Ill 14 til . . 4 40 11 1"4 ... 4 II Id H I 10 Tl tn 1C 4 M o Ill ... I Tl I TO 40 4 CI 17 UI ... 4 II Totals .27.356 63.06 81.073 Cotlaa Market. LIVERPOOL. May 3 -COTTON-Fpot In limited demand; price 6 points lower; American middling fair 7 svvi ; good mid dling. 76d; middling. 7Md; low middling, 7 44d; good ortllnsry, 7.4J1; ordlnsry, 7.12d. Futures closed steadv. American, g. o. C. Msy. 731d; Msv-June. 7 27d: June-Julv. 7 Kd; Julv-August. 7.1M: August-'ptemar, 4 9.WI: Septetr.lr-Octoler. .8d; October Novdmlier. and; December-January, 103d; January Fchruarv, 102d. BT. LOIMS. Mav 3 CDTTON-Pllrhny lower; middling. 1sp: sales, none; re ceipts, none; shipments, none; stock, 1X118 NEW TORK. Msv 3. -COTTON Spot closed quiet, 10 points lower; middling up land. 13 Sic; middling gulf. 13.80c; sales. C13 bales. Whlaky Market. CH1CAOO. May 8 WHIPKT Steady, on a bssjs of 31 28. PKOR1A. My 3 WHISKT On a baal of 81.28 for finished goods ST. LOl'IS. May 3. WH1SKT Steady, on a basis of 11.374. CINCINNATI. Msr S WHIFKT On a leasts of 31.23 for finished goods. REAL. K4TATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record May . 1904. aa fur rlshed by the Midland Ouarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 ramam streot, for The Bee: Bert 1'. Boons and wife to Theodore Farnsley, lot 43. Lake A Temletn's I 460 Arthur P. Wood, trustem. to Florence W. Hall, et al. lota II to 18, block 4. Bowling Green 3J0 Cornelia B. Frank and husband to Frank J. Fltxgerald, lot 16. block L Redick's park 1 The First Incorporated Presbyterian church of Salem, N. T.. to Iotil 1 w. Hasten, part 01 101 s. woes. v. liai i add 1.800 W. K. 1. Vila and wife to Harry L. Bosnd. part of lot 38. block 4, Camp- bell b add 800 Charles P. Southard and wife to F.llxabeth W. Wright, part or lot 4. block oa cltv nf Omaha 1.000 Frank Thompson, executor, to Filbert A. A. Hansen-, iota r ana u, oiocs !7. Omaha View add 0 Msry B. Simmon to John Forman. part or lot at, diock 1, campueu a add i.100 (Yank E. Moore to Julius Treitaohka, iot 7, block 2. Kent and ;u Jmes H. Collin and wifa to Henry F. Dally, lot J, block 11. t-atncK a Id add Chariea H. Rrown to John C. Brain- ard. part of lot a, block 7. in pudoit John I. Redick's add 131 Total 1. 7.611 13J171 4,979 CATTLE There were over 330 cara of caiue neta una morning, or una oi ua heaviest runs ui u.e year to dale. In view tne liberal supplies lue market was very naturally siow, with prices lower ail arouna. Buyers tuua meir uite koout ex amining iQa cattie ana tor tnat xeaeon It waa sauier tale ueloie much uusiueas waa uansactea. Wee I steer again made up the big bulk of th offering and the market couiu safely be quoted generally a dime lower inau yesteruay. Bwmetning strictly cl.oi.-e in tb way of tanay-weight caitle mat both thlppers and local uacaei were u- lous for may not have twen quite tbat much lower, out. on the other hand, some cattle bad to sell more than a dime lower, so that the general market couid not be quoted anything out loo lower than y ester cay. The Quality of the cattle wag consid erably better man yesterday, which helps out the appearance of the market on paper 10 some extent, owing to ine lacx 01 ac tivity, It was late in the day before evin the bulk of the arrivals wss disposed of. Tne cow maraet was aiso a little lower than yesterday. The decline, however, was not so much a on steers, owing to the fact tbat there were comparatively few included in the offerings. '1 he roaritat could pr b ably beet be described by calling It weak to a dim lower, the least decline balng on good to choice light-weight cows and heifers. The most or tne cow stuff 1 disposed of at a seasonably early hour, Buns nid just sDout ttraay, as tne de mand seemed to be or quite liberal propor tions. Veal calve showed little change from yesterday. The aemanu lor siocgera ana feeders was rather limited this morning and a a result th market was not very active and the tendency was to buy the cattle tower. The best grsdea may nave been about steady. but common ainos were a snsae lower. Representative ssiea: J3S.B.S BlbUU), BHE'KP 1 here wss not an excessive tun of shc-cn r. sight this morning, but btLI nets was uleir.y to meet the requirements 01 tne local traoe. Buyers were rather In- enneo to be bearish, and In mai.v cases succeeded In getting their (upplies for a little leta money than they did yesterday. The better grades sold steady to a little lower, while common kinds were very dull and unevenly lower, or in most oases 631U lower. Borne clipped wethers thst brought 36.40 sold fur 86. 4u today, or a nickel higher. On the other hand, the clipped ewes that Drought - i yestcraay had to go today for 86.00. These two rales are a good ex ample of the uneven and spotted condition 01 tne market, The lamb market was In much the ssme condition as that on sheep. ' Clipped lanbs old from 85.66 10 to b&. Owing to th lack of activity It was rather late before every thing was disposed of. ReDressntatlvs aiM: No. Av. 14 western cull ewe 8s 12 weeurn buck 137 1K& westers ewes 0 31 western lambs srd yaaillTig b 26 western cull ewea 82 8 western lamb 66 1 weatern buck 1) 0 western ewss 89 10 western cull lsmb 66 1 western cull lainb 70 13 western ewes 9H 21 western ewes 103 2(a) western swes lis 21 western lamb nd yearling b Kew Tsrk Meaey Marital. NEW TORK. Msy a-MONET-Oa rail. very easy st vi per cent; closing bid IS ivr cent; offered at 14 1-T ertt: tlini loaxa, lleadi aixt 4ya, VvVr4j fa 9ati Dry Caali Market. . NEW YORK. Msy 8 DRT OOOD4J Ruyr . sre opeiatlng in conservative fashion snd yet in certain guanar sligutly tors lbtaieei waa obacrvablaw No. 1 II at 1 i i 11 14 w ta M it I I 14 11 .... ...v I II 0 I 1 II 17 I 14 1 II 1 11 14 1 I la 14 11 II au II II I T7 II M I II 1 1 I V.... U-... I.... I.... .... 1.... 1.... 14.... II I At. rr. Ho. a. rr. ....I 4 i;71 4 4 .... Ill I W Tl Ml I o ..1W I 10 '.I ll I a .... il I 1 51 ltvl I 4 .... mil a us 4 a ....1001 4 II 21 UH I 4 ....in 4 II 17 HIT I 44 1111 1 11 n nil 4 41 .... Ml I I 44 110 4 ....1010 I 10 M UII I u ...1(141 4 M 14 143 4 41 ....1141 4 lu II lite 4 41 ... .li.44 4 tt IT nil 1 o ,...11M I 11 II im 1 to ....112 4 II Ill I IS Ml ill M 11M 4 K 1041 4 M II. HIT 4 DO ....lUd 4 17 IU4 4 I inti 4 H It 1 I M 1044 4 H 11 1190 I III 1117 I 10 M fill I 19 ,....I1M I 4 H 101 I 0 1071 I 10 II 1U4 4 14 l l 4 I 17 lew 4 II UII 4 t II li 4 II 110 I 1 IIM 4 U Hit I M II lloi 4 M UII I M 1 1!U I II mi 1 to it uii 1 is HOI I II tl lab 4 40 1444 4 15 17 U4T 4 40 1171 4 a II ltKI 4 44 1SV4 4 II 11 1144 4 4 . liaa I M 11 1101 4 ao 14 I It 1 i,a 4 io U4 IN 11 lt 4 11 llul I M Ull 4 it 1144 4 II 1 1424 4 liJ I at :i 1111 i to UM I 1 DM I TO tW I II 1447 4 7, 107 4 40 II HOT I 71 ! 4 4 14 lla 4 Tl I'.ll 4 10 It uil 4 H STEERS AND COWS. I'll I M 44. IS IH la II a 4 10 Ml 4 1 M UN 4 II ... lftto 4 M II 14. 4 Tt STEERS AND HEIFERS. 223 western ewta 19 western wether r60 western lambs 1S8 Colorado cull lambs 17 western ewes 64 Colorado ewes 9 Colorado ewes 449 western wes 11 western cull Umos 1 western ewe 816 Mexlcsn wethers 214 Mexican wetnera 635 western lambs .. 61 Colo, yearlings ana wetnr. 293 Colo, yearling and wether. 97 western lamb 456 western .amb 1 native iamb 126 western wethrr... S50 western wethers 27 western yearling 86 western :imba 2 western wooled lamb Ill 123 69 62 Wl 7H 66 95 78 230 70 674. 75 76 SO 74 66 170 V H9 J05 74 85 Pr. 32 00 3 i0 3 06 3 16 3 35 3 60 3 60 4 73 4 60 4 75 4 7 4 90 6 00 6 0) 6 M 6 46 6 76 4 60 4 60 4 0 4 60 4 65 6 00 6 6 lo 6 ?0 6 6r) I 624 6 6-.'4 6 or. 6 h6 7 D7 8 00 E i0 6 40 6 & 23 Of A DEPARTMENT ii H. T. UFI AROADD.) Oar ao Bslaa wklok Java aa aa sar gaaarai aww . . STOCKS AND GRAINS ea HhU ssUMk a BPaKlAl. aXWD w m ad swsr, sr will bay BBVtMltBTIOHOI AlltOAl MIDI NUIIOI'Al IOII0I aadotbsrllUmsABIltOUIITllI Busts aa asa at aoa at sar al 1 3rom-r.t. sn aairvsry aa rami efflea. ts Mls-aslls tareaa ssy s thalT natlaasl ss stats wlc srs ear SafMMltortas. J3ond Lift Sttd on Eeque. C0UUISS10N CO- flralirSlocia BmM. r.KNERAL. omC'B. H. T. Ufa Bldat. - Wlaaolia. OMAHA RAHCH, 1419 rarsssa St. Talaaliaaa tVT. THOS. M, WAD DIC K, Oar. GOE 44 ...Uul ... Ml ...lata ...lie . . . ma ...ie ...1M ...last ... 171 ...ltll ...1M ... ... tM ...IM ...111 ...lot ...till ...101 ...1.44 ...110 ...ltll .ltll I M I 4 I 44 I Tl I 10 I 11 I I I t I I I II I aa I at I 4 I 4 I It I 44 I I I 44 I bt I 14 I M I a I i U. cowa. it .. 11... ii... 14 ". ...Ut 4 4 ...1MI ....1144 ....lfc'l ....141 ....Ull ....llbl 1 144 ....Hot ...Ibut .... Ml ....IU4 ....1MO ....10 to ....111 ....111 ....inn IbM 1174 ..... MT I 74 I 1 I Tl I 71 I I II I al I It I I M I 44 4 4 4 ua 4 a I . 1 m 4 M 4 nt 4 ea 4 M .1 I at COWS AND HEIFERS 1 to fa HEIFERS. .ull 1 1 I 4 I 4 I 1 I I aa I 44 at I I 440 40 II .'. ... (9 . . l"ia ...llt BULLS. I ta l.... lis 1 ... IM 1 . II I... i Til . 4 14 . aa , 4ta . til its UTS 14M ltai 1 a I to 8 74 1 Tl 4 4 14 I M I 4 I M I M CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattia Slow. Hog ftroag ill Five Ceat Higher, 8heea Loarer. CHICAGO. May t CATTLE Receipts. 1600 head; market slow; good to prime steer. 86 KHp.60; poor to medium, l.t9 4 90; stockers and feeders, U vU to; cows, tl. 5064.40; heifers. 12 2&4i4.15: cttners, 1160 frz.pi; bulls. wiMcinw; chivss, .r-uj.vt; Texas fed Bteers, 34 00-4. 7f. 1IOUH Receipt, ta.cwu liesa; euiiniaceu tomorrow, 30.w0 head; market opened strong to 60 higher and closed weak; mixed ana DUicner. a-. o , a iu ( iiwua heavv. 84 7641-4 Sj: rougn neavy. 4 sen..: light. 34 5064.75- bulk of ssles. 84 6otj4.i. BUEEP AND LA MRU-Receipts, 14.000 head' market lOGH&o lower; lambs. lOltkr lower; tooi to choice wethers, t4.75t(o 40; fair to choice mixeo, w.MH.aj; tnppen western sheen, 4.00ft6.n0; clipped native liaihi 4 66K(i .90. clinimd western lsmb. t6 UU'35.90; wooied western lamb, IS.2it7.'. Hew York Lira Slock Market. NEW YORK. May 8 BEEVES Re ceipts, 10 hesd: no trading; dressed beef, steadv st f44i4c for native sides. Cables quoted live cattle sailing at 10tfllc, dressed weight: refrigerator beef. 4'alnc. Exports, 890 head rattle. 1.647 bead sheep and laofJ quarter of beef. C.ALVLS neceapis, a neao; do iraaing of any Importance; feeling stesdy; city dressed veals, unchanged at 64'34c; a few elected carcasses st 9c. BHEEP AND UMBft-Receipt. 3b3bad; market quiet and steady: Clipped sheep sold at I4.004J4 75: clipped lunW t. i. 124; via thcrn at 74c; dressed mutton unchanged at birloHc; dressed lambs at H Ollc. HOGS Receipts, 2.817 head, none on sale; feeling nominally steady. t. Laale Uva Btaok Market. BT. LOL'IS. May 2. CATTLE Receipt 4.UU head. Including I.60O Texsns; market steadv: native shipping and export siasrs. M liai.7; dressed beef and butcher airei t. stockers ond feeders, i X4 40; cows and t.elfei t3.8&4'4.75; csnners. 82 liaorl 6n; bull, t Outl 40; calves, t6.c011.oO: Texas and In dian steers. 3.i"3-l', cows and belter. t2 6J3- . , H'-KiS Receipt. ' 10.000 head' market steady to 6o lower; pigs and lights, 14 MP 4 66; pscgers. 4 ocixl4.ru; Duicners aua ocsa heavv. 14.660 4 75. ' SHEiEF AK1 1 LAMRS-ReceJjvU. 8 O0 head; market steady: native minion, 14 25 frS 76: lambs. fc.Outi-T.uO: culls and buck, 6t.boyt.OO, stockers, 82. 60(18 60. Kaaaas City LIti Black Market. KANSAS CITY, May 3. CATTLE Re ceipts. 10 oon head. Including 460 southerns; market ateadv; native stsere. H 6Wjo 2i; fair to good, H0iap4.6O7 western fed steers. 64.7o436.10; southern cows. 82 aCOl-ao: nstivs cows, 82 004 at); native heifers, 83 6vmv4 ); bulls. 82 6bffl3 6; alvas. t2.76trlt.7i. HOGd Receipts, 14,iM i.sad: market weak to 6c lower; top. 64 724; bulk. M 6 6 fc; heavy. 14 -i4 71S ; packers. 1.6iC4 .To; piss and lights. KfcaiH 60 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1006 head: market 6910c lower; native lambs. fc6"u7(': western Is rata 86 8Vo.T6. fed wee, 84 7VR6KI; yearling. tttx-ao TS: clipped sheen, 4 6"ii).O0; stockers and feed era, lilt- tJ-4.60. t. Jaaeak Lira laak Market. ST. JOHEPH. May 3 CATTLB Re ceipts, 1.766 head: market weak to Iftn lower; natives. H.OO'fl 16: cow and heifers, 12 4 40: stockers snd feeder. B"atf4 25 HiXlB Receipts. 4 414 hesd; steadv; light. 4fai144; medium snd h'nvy, M.aiaa4.7. , fiUtP AM LXUH-ri:iyi, 4171 The Merchants National Bank cf Omaha, Neb. tt. i. sWtrlrr Capital aad Surplus. StOO.000 rlfI MUtrir. Praa. Ut- aV WM. f . pr, UTitl IAI.IL UaUar. PI4J4K T. lAMILTt. atat. CaakkB. aba si butt, aaabaia. aanst- laaiaiaaaaat aa Uvaesaa Feielgn BseBaas bosgkl sa IVattars tl Ceasil oil. avsllsMs Bt sll afU 4 tka arsrt. Iriacsa aat aa Ttaaa CatloaUs ef laaaaH. 'ibaattaaa aaaaVa sraaastlr as sasa aaalatUy. W 4 aaaaaaa aai WHY 171-2 CENT COTTON WILL EQUAL $1.85 WHEAT. I- ITS EPPBCT CM TUB STOCK nAtKET Baa lar tbla battar abevlst -kat acashi ta ssy it Btlt tka aaaa atoaay t tt tk oaaalag rla. Oreart eieatits Is all liata atocSt lor lnnsta.eat or s siarla. Spatial sttsstla givs U Mlati.f la i aaluuaais. Baa lav IllaatraU book 4aserlbla yregertlas tu4 aqu: aasast sf CROWN KINO MINES CO. iBfarsaattos eoaoarslDg tb avlsakta prseartr as all staar INHITgD iro.'ka abaat-laliy farslahs. J. I. McLEAN & CO., Bankers Mala Ofltt, na Bread tt.. Haw York. L0WREY BR0S.& CO COMMISSION MKPC1IANT& Gran, Stocks and Provisions. Room 112. N. T. Life stulldlng. Pnon 3610 Special attentloi given to telegraph anj mall orders. OMAHA. LEGAL NOTICL NOTICE TO COXTRJI CTORS Sealed proposals for tho construction two ditches La Lodgt county, Nebrasse, known si the Rorman ditch and Km 1 ditch. wl!l be received by the county cletg of ssld Dodge county until May 10, 1604 r . 10 o'clock a. m , said ditchea to be con structed according to plans and specific. -tion of th county surveyor ss filed wt.r the oen.nty clerk. Each hid must b ac companied with a cnlfld okeck for tl'O on om rational bank of Fremont, ib Patty cr parties to whom contrsrt a. awarded must give good and auftltYsj bond for tb fslthful perforraanne of its tract and to secure the payment of labtrs and mechanics. , ; Address sll bids to C. O. Bo, eo-inty clerk. Fremont. Neb. Ml!.t KOTICTE TO CONTRACTORS. aled bids for th erection of an M. F. Church Building st Auburn, Nebiaska. will be received at th office of W R. Harmatl of Auburn. Nebraska, up to t o'clock p. m Msy 80 Rjlldins to he nf brick and stone, cost ing in the neighborhood of 110,000. All bide must be accompanied by certified check of 1306 and be delivered to W. H. Herman by time specified. Committee re serve tha right to reject any car all bldr. Plscs and speclflcstions ran be aaen at any time at the office of W. B. Hsrmar.. espsrate bids for furnaces to heat ssld church will also be received at the una Mm. May I 2t SKALED PROPOSALS Will ha received U th office of the superintendent of the Iowa School for the Deaf on oit.efor t p. nt.. Sstutdsy, Msy 7 to. fcr cleaning and cording tne old brlrk and stone now oa site or burned building snd removal cf debris: spe.lncst'ont st cftVe r.f HENRY W. IUJTHERT, Superintendent. Right rtrvcd to Itject anv or all bids. AUy-sV4-6M Sa.