Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Homeopath, Ailopata. and Esj'.ern 6tirt
LolJ Ansnal Meetings.
esslees Held at Pestea Hotel, (Uf
Hall aad Maeoele Teas pi Hr
epeetlveta, Ceetlaalag
, r,
abree state convention b-gn 5 el I be ra
tion In Omaha yesterdey. They are
annual meetlngn of the. Nebraska State
Medical association, Nebraska State Ho
moeopathic Medical aoclety and .Grand
chapter of the Order of Eastern Star.
a11 three convention will continue tmtll
Thursday. Regular matter coming before
similar meetings will be attended. Fully
Vt delegates will attend the medical asso
elation convention, or 100 the Eastern
fctar and an Indefinite bat large number
the homoeopathle meeting.
The homoeopaths are matting at the
Pazton bote), the medicals at the city hall
and Eastern Star at Masonic temple, with
headquarters at the Millard hotel. Social
meetings will form Interesting parts of all
three conventlona
ttmM Rntar Bessloas Kxeewtire. wltk
J ! Opea teelal Meeting.
grand chapter of the. Order of Eastern
Star of Nebraska, aeaembled at Masonic
hall at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon for a
three days' meeting..
The delegates began arriving Monday
and already there are between M and Mt
delegates here. The headquarters Of the
grand chapter Is at the Millard hotel. The
grand officers. Including Mrs. Mary E. Hag
gard of. Nebraska City, grand matron;
Peter fUbeaxlall of Madison, grand patron;
Mrs. Laura McOeer of Blue Hill, assistant
grand matron; Jesse Oldley of Cedar
Bluffs, assistant grand patron; Mrs. Anna
C. Win psoas af Omaha, grand secretary
Mrs. Cora Wright of Schuyler, grand treas
urer, already are her.
The sessions of the grand chapter will
be eaecatlve. The proceedings opened with
an addreaa of welcome by Mrs. Zana How
ard, matron of Maple Leaf chapter, Omaha,
and the-response was given by Assists
Grand Matron Mrs. Laura McOeer of Blue
1 11 II. renewing the addresses came the
announoesaa&t af committees and tba aanual
address Ot the grand matron, assistant
grand - anatrott, the reports of the grand
secretary and grand treasurer, all of which
showed the order to be In a most prosper
ous condition.
Today's session : will begin at ft:M a
m. and will comprise the reports of the
committee on credentials, assistant grand
matron, assistant grand patron, grand lec
turer, grand depot lea, report on the Ma
sonic home and miscellaneous committee re
ports. In the afternoon the report of a
nous committees and the annual election of
officers for tba ensuing year will take place.
The evening aessloa wili be devoted to the
esenrpllflcatioa of floral work by Arbor
Vita lodge Ke. B of Fremont, tba Vocal
Star work of Vesta, lodge No, of Omaha,
remarks by distinguished visitors and a re
ception by Vests, and Maple Leaf chapters
of Omaha to the visiting delegations.
Thursday morning will be devoted te unfin
ished aad new business and In the afternoon
tha Installation of the new officers wUl take
place. ' ...
Forth with
' Haadred rtolesjavtea.
Three hundred Nebraska physicians and
surgeons are expected In Omaha this week
to attend the thirty-sixth annual meeting
of the Nebraska State Medical association
In session until Thursday on tba firth floor
of the city halL
Binea the reorganisation of the
tkn a year ago the membership has Jumped
from 250 to more than SQO and the present
gathering Is anticipated as the largest and
most successful In the history of the
Mine. Yale's
Hair Tonic
A Hair I nvlg orator, Just what Its
Bam Imp Ilea. . It supplies nourishment,
tha elements ol growth, which, when
absorbed by tea hair, strengthen and
beautifies It In tha aarae way that sap
glorifies tba foliage o( a tree. Ere a
when tha follicle are seemingly dead.
If tba seals Is ma seared dally with
Mm.- Tale's Hair Tonic a rigorous
growth will be produced. It baa bora.
eetly earned Its title of "tba great balr
grower.- It stimulate tba most stunt.
ad growth and makes tba hair ma
Blflcently healthy and beautiful.
Mroe- Yale's Hair Task; Is priae-l
equally by man and women, particularly
when tha hair bearing to weaken or fade.
Ouree beUaeea, grayneaa, splitting of
tba balr, dandrnS and all diseases af
tte balr. scalp and beard. One applies
tJoa stops balr falling. A aursery rexj
KMt; no moiber should neglect to nee
tt far bar boys and girls; when tba balr
Is made strong: In childhood it remains
proof against disease and retains Its
rigor and youtbfulness throughout Ufa
Msjmx Yale's Hair Toalc Is a color lee
fragrant. deUgbtf ul , balr dreaalng;
neither sticky, gritty nor greasy; makes
tba balr sort, flurry and glossy. Con
tains no artificial coloring; would not
aoli tba whitest balr; restore original
cdlor by lartgorating tba scalp and re
aetabllahtng natural circulation and
proper distribution of tba live coloring
matter. Beautiful balr redeems th
da litest countenance, aad anyone can
secure It by using aim. Tale's Hair
Tonic New In three sis ear prloa.
5 and
n Yale's Msir TereVt
U SaU by
Dro Dept. Boston Store
rtety. which Is made up of tha various
county medloal societies an over the stata
A long aad Interesting program has been
arranged and tha railroads here made
special ratee.
The business and scientific work of
the convention have been separated and
the routine affairs of Interest only to the
members were disposed of at meetings of
the bouse of delegates and board of coun
First Oeaeral eaefea.
President B. F. C rummer of Omaha
railed the association to order. After the
reading of the minute Dr. J. M. Akin.
chairman, read a report from the com
mittee on arrangements. This was followed
by three orations, as follows: "The Duty
of the Patient to the Physician." by J. M.
Mayhew of Lincoln; "Intra-Abdomlnal Le
sions," by B. B. Davis of Omaha, and
on "Obstetrics," by A. B. Somers of
Omaha. This finished the afternoon ses
sion, unless there is time left to devote to
the section of general medicine, for which
papers were prepared by Dra. F. A. Butler
of Harvard. W. O. Bridges of Omaha, W.
H. Wilson of Table Rock. 3. L. Greene
Of Asylum, H. M. McClanahan of Omaha,
H. Douglas Blnger of Omaha, A. P. Fits
Simmons of Tecumseh and A. 8. von Mane.
felde of Ashland.
The local doctors will give ft smoker to
tha visiting brethren this evening at
the Paxtoa hotel, which la the headquar
ters of the convention. The present officers
are: President, B. F. Crummer, Omaha;
vice president. O. W. Shldler. Tork; vice
prealdent, P. E. Plumb, Gothenburg; rec
ording secretary, A. D. 'Wilkinson. Lin
coln: corresponding secretary and librarian.
H. Wlnnett Orr, Lincoln, and treasurer, J.
L. Greene, Asylum.
Three) Bterles te Be Pat r This
pries; aad Two Mara Added
Later On.
Work win be begun upon tha building to
be erected upon the old Kountse church
corner. Sixteenth and Harney streets, re
cently bought by Judge Neville, just as soon
As tha ground can be cleared. The plans
for tha building are almost completed by a
local architect.
Tha building is to be of brick and stone
and three stories In height, with walls of
sufficient strength to support two more
stories. In case no difficulty Is experienced
In leasing the first three stories two addi
tional stories wlU be added next spring.
There will be six storerooms on the first
floor, part of which will face on Sixteenth
Street and part of which will front Harney
street. Tha two tipper stories will be de
voted to office rooms. The building will be
modern and up-to-date In every respect.
The cost of the structure has not yet been
fully determined, but It Is believed the first
three stories will cost about 175.000. The
building win cover the entire space owned
by Judge Neville.
The building is .being erected by Judge
Neville, but It la thought possible he may
be putting It up for another party and this.
In reality. Is believed to be the case.
Detonated Trie Gets Drwak aad "Threw
Theaaaelvea ea Mercy af tha
Jadgre. '
Charles Smith of Denver, Willis m Ford
of St. Joseph and George Howell of Lin
coln, three cripples, each walking with a
pair of crutches and arrested together on
a charge of being drunk and disorderly,
made an unusual spectacle when arraigned
before Polio Magistrate Berks. The ele
ments of humor and pathos were strangely
bieaoea as tney lined up before the magis
trate for Judgment. The thoughts of three
men with six crutches becoming drunk and
disorderly amused those In the court room.
while the anforttmate condition cf tha men
served te aetuio their discharge. They
hobbled out or tne court room, going te
Colorado, Iowa and Minnesota, respectively.
so they said.
lea Risk Tew 1.1 fe,
ir you neglect piles. They will cause
fatal disease, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve
positively cures or no pay. tto. For sal
by Kuhn Co.
Werld'a Fair.
Via the .
Ill-80 St. Louis and return ea
sale daily, Wabash City Ticket
Office. 1601 Farnant Bt, Omaha.
DeaesKs Made Daw
Draw Interest for the entire month. Open
bank account today and receive 4 per
cent interest, . compounded every three
months. -
Checks on all banks cashed.
i. L. BRAN DEI 3 BONB. Bankera.
Attenrflea, D. ef H.
The members of Anniversary lodge No.
130 are requested to be at the Presbyterian
church, toth and Leavenworth streets.
Wednesday, May 4, at 1 p. m., to attend
tha funeral of our late sister, Cora Von
Tocsin. AU sister lodges Invited.
jBarrala Carpets.
We are showing a very attractive line of
new patterns that have Just been received
Of th Park Mills goods. These are as
ftn la quality of material and as perfect
and durable In dyes as any Ingrain carpet
ever In the market.
Best all-wool filling and cotton warp.
guaranteed by us In every particular, g)c
per yard.
Worsted warp and best all-wool filling.
same guarantee by us, CTc per yard.
These goods always give satisfaction and
are very cheap at these prices.
Ail the shades to harmonise with any
rugs, the per yard.
A few patterns of ths fin Bavonnerle
parlor carpets that we put on sale Monday
at 11. K. Theee are II 71 carpet, the latest
design and colors, the best carpet bargsi
we have offered this season.
"The Tesae Trala.-
A new, faat, mtgnlnceatly appointed train
te th southwest, via Cotton Belt Route
reaching direct and through close connec
tion the principal points In - Arkansas,
luouisiana and Texas.
lrlts for copy of Illustrated folder.
schedules and Information about low rates
to the southwest.
Cotton Belt Route, 8L Louis, Ma
A. B. Hubermann. oldeat and absolutely
reliable Jeweler In Omaha; goods marked
la plain figures and lowest prices guar
an lead. B. E. cor. Thirteenth and Douglas.
OCHFENBIIN Walter Raymond, from
aoarlst (ever. Monday, Msy f, 1M, agej
i years ana months, beloved son ef Mi
an-1 aire. u. A. ix-nsenbein.
Funeral private, V edneaday at I p. m.
Interment, rruepect Hill cemetery.
Cmrd ef Ttaaka.
Wo wish to thank our kind friends and
neighbors for their assistance during the
Illness and death of our beloved wife and
toolbar. Mra Teas Davla, and for the Baser
Corel tribute
attlftg SADIK DA Via.
Csnith Only Mas to Signify InUotlon of
Burning" for Cos (rasa.
El bear a Refaees t fieaseval af
Reeldeaee CertlSeatea, Saying
Law Was Set Compiled
For Delegatas-ai-Larga to tha National
Convention Edward Rose water, 11. C
For Two District Delegates to tha Na
tional Convention Robert Cowell. C. J.
Greene, Herman Aye, Gurdon W. Wattles.
For the Congressional Nomination E. J.
These were the filings made with Secre
tary Tuttle of the republican county com
mittee. Tha time for Cllus ulused yester
day. It will not be neoeaaary to file name
for delegates to the state and congres
sional conventions until Just before tha
primaries. May U.
A. W. Jetferls, who has been mentioned
as a candidate for the republican congres
sional nomination, was asked If ha was a
"Not at this time," responded Mr. Jef-
"In no sense 7" was asked.
"Wen," he replied. "I cannot go Into tha
fight at this time. I have not tha time to
make a canvass."
Elbeera Refases Ree. Bests.
A number of persons not registered or
who have changed their address since th
last revision of tha books applied at th
office of the city clerk yesterday for
affidavits showing their right to partici
pate In the primaries May IX They were
refused such affidavits by City Clerk El
bourn and were forced to leave without
being able to qualify for the party election.
In explanation of his action Mr. Elboura
'Notice of these primaries was not given
to me by Secretary Tuttle of the com
mittee until lOJe on th night of April SO.
when a letter from him, dated April ZS.
and Inclosing a copy of the call, was left
with Mrs. El bourn at my house. It was then
too late to give the five days for registra
tion provided by law, ten days prior to the
primary. This must be done as the names
havs to be published for ten days prevloua
Inasmuch as the provisions of the law
could not be carried out I have decided to
uuma no affidavits and none will go out of
this office. In past years I have chased
around after the committee officers and
got them to give me official notice In tlma
This time I was busy and did not take the
trouble to do It Consequently the over
sight baa deprived a ' number of voters
from qualifying In this primary.
Foraa Company aad Prepare Sloe It te
Raise Fifty Theasaad
The Modern Woodmen of America are at
present hustling subscriptions for the new
building to be erected as a home for the
organisation In this city, with good suc
cess. Several thousand dollars already
have been subscribed and the applications
for stock are coming In at a very satis
factory rata .
The company for the erection of the
bulkUnr has been Incorporated ' and the
stock forms prepared. The stock has Jeaa
plaeed en the market In sharee-ef SIS each.
and during the first few days that It was
offered CS shares were taken by members
of the association. It Is the Intention to
raise fBo,00 as a preliminary amount, and
If It Is found a still larger sura can be
secured, without too much difficulty, still
more stock will be sold. Ail of the stock
will be disposed of to members of the or
ganisation, and It Is thought It win require
but a short time to sell enough to guar
antee the first 150.000. As yet no location
for the building has been decided upon,
but it is probable that one will be selected
within a short tlma
ATc-tar-Bee Laere Cesasalttee Sweeps
Dewm ea Osseka tm Forty
Fear AatesaehUea.
Automobile day today Ak-Bar -Ben ' au
tomobile day, that Is and the official
hustlers of Ak-8ar-Ben will make such
a house-to-house campaign for $10 vas-
sala as the city has never seen. At
o'clock this .morning forty-four auto
mobiles will gather at Fifteenth and Far
nam streets, where members of the hustling
committee, reinforced by willing volunteers.
will mount and go after their game.
The city has been districted and tb hus
tlers will repair each to his own place and
hustle there. At sunset the conspicuously
bannered machines will return te the vicin
ity of the Millard, where at o'clock a din
ner begins. Mayor Moores and other offi
clals of tha city win lend dignity to the oo
cast on. These plans were given out by the
hustlers Monday. The total membership
to data was announced as Ka.
Let Meted Oat te Teeaug Mam Led
by Drlak te Cessaslt
F. II. Alcorn, a pale-faced young man.
who gave mute evidence of appreciating
his position very keenly, was arraigned In
the erlmiaal district court on the charge
of having lasued a forged check, to which
he had signed the name of Henry Homans.
Hs pleaded guilty to the charge, and when
asked by Judge Day If he had anything to
say for himself replied that his act was
the result of drfnk and that he had never
committed a crime ef any kind before.
The court gave him some kindly advice
end let him off with a seatenos of on year
In the penitentiary.
William Morris pleaded not guilty te the
charge of having broken open a car of
the Union Pacific railroad and stolen there
from seven sacks of granulated sugar.
Ceca Keseedrf
eat Kaae.
r Boinkon Chamberlain's Cousti
Remedy la tha best made for colds," says
f ra core e w im wttuji, vu.
There Is no doubt about Its being the beat.
Ko other remedy will cure a cold a
quickly. No other ie so sure a preventive
- ...nwAnta- Ne other Is so Dl Assart and
safe to take. Thee are good reasons why
it should be preferred te any other. Th
fact Is that few people are satisfied with
any other after having once used this
(tatter settled Oet ef Overt.
George Creamer, of Council Bluffs, has
beea discharged In police court. Creamer
was arraaled on a charge of horae stealing
preferred ty n- 4. ivoweti. aie norm tus
tventk street, aa old maa. who claimed
be loaned Creaaaer bis borse and wsgoa
during a recent illness. The eoateatioa
waa Creamer had takea the aniiaal and
venlcle feloniously away, but tbe matter
baa been eettied out of eoert to the eetls
factioa of all concerned.
Mortality atstletlee.
The follewlng births and deaths hare beea
reported to the board of Health during the
twsotT-teur hours ending at noon Tuesday:
births Carl Petsnnn. t'-1 South fM
teeaia, bo , Jwha Cuplla. 71 bvuia Thir-
teenth, girl;
Rath. 2001 North
1 weniie
th. bor.
Deetha-Clsra Wallsce, ins Js-kgon. M:
Ella Houston, Ml North Thirteenth. ,
Waiter A. HI. I. county hospital, 6w, oeorge
L. Fairchlld. MM Ames avenue, i months.
ays Be Get la en Greaad Flee
aad Ceralsh aad Carley In ,
W. F. Ourley was referred to as a con-
reestonal candidate by John P. Preen, aa
avowed aspirant for the place, In an ad
dress on general political topics at th Mr
Klnley club Monday night. Mr. Breen said
ha had been Induced to come Into the con
gressional fight by the representations of
his friends that he would be In "on the
ground floor." and be entered "only to find
K. J. Cernlsh and Ourley occupying tte
basement." He did not say much mora
concerning the congressional contest, but
proceeded to defend the national admlnia-
t ration.
The meeting of the club was one of the
best attended ever held. It being the occa
sion of the Installation of a new roster of
officers. Retiring President H. A. Foster
made a brief talk and the new executive.
Henry F. Leavltt, spoke at greater length.
calling especial attention to the constitu
tion, which declares the objects of the or
ganisation shall be to perpetuate the name
of William McKlnley and work for the
good of the party. Hs said It was not
within the province of the club to assume
to dictate or control republican politics In
this county, but that It should labor for
the good of the party as a whole at all
times, eschewing all tendency toward fac
tionalism. A committee of three, composed of F. A.
Bhotwell, Nathan Bernstein and T. B.
Dysart. was appointed to arrange for a
mock national convention to be held at
the June meeting.
Joe Morrow was elected sergeant-atarma,
this place having been overlooked a month
ago on the regular election night.
Tha board of managers will this week
take up the matter ef permanent quarters
for the club. This has been pressed and no
time will be lost In endeavoring to secure
suitable rooms, which will be. open at all
times to members of th club and their
Rappeaeack Strawberries Cease north.
as Also De Seme Florida
Th finest aggregation of strawberries so
far engaged for the year are the Van
Buren (Ark.) outfit, which came In Mon
day. There was a carload of them and
they were ripe and dry and had none of
th mildew, due to picking in rainy
weather, which has Impaired other berries.
They are wholesaling at U 50 a crate of
twenty-four boxes. Some berries from the
Indian Territory also were received, but
theee were only a small express shipment.
A car of Florida tomatoes was unloading
alongside the produce wharf. The toma
toes are coming down In price, the Jobbers
taking for them this .week from (LIS to
tilt a case, while last week the choice ran
up from fa. 16 to $175. . The first ear of
Paeenda cabbage la also displayed by the
commission district window drapers. These
California cabbage are later than the other
Varieties - and sell for more money and
are said to be worth H. This car was th
first of tha crop.
The pineapples are not all that could be
asked for Just nowIt la too early in the
season. They are mostly Red Spanish from
Cuba, those- from Florida being somewhat
later. . A car will com the iaat ' ef the
week, which will probably be better. The
new potatoes are now from S to SH cents a
pound wholesale, and the old spud are
11.20 a bushel.
Prospects are for a rather large crop of
California fruit. It la a good general crop,
not large In any particular place or par
ticularly strong In sny fruit, but promising
well all over the state. The first car out
this season will be from the cherry or
chards, about the middle of this month.
Apricots and almonds seem to be a little
Short of the average. La it year the de
ciduous fruits sent out were 8.000 ears.
which was an Increase of TOO from the year
before. This year they expect te do even
Aadlterlasa Bxeeatlve Oeananlttee Cea.
eludes This Work Will Be fa-
The Auditorium executive committee has
come to the conclusion tt win be Imprac
ticable to finish the balcony by the time
of the opening festivities. There wss Boms
thought at first that this work could be
done, but this has now been abandoned,
fibers are being received for the day eon
certa Enough have applied te handle the
night crowds, but a tew vacancies are left
for tha afternoon concerts.
, Marriage Lseeases.
f p to noon May t the following couples
had been licensed to wed:
Name and Residence. Age.
John Dun. South Omaha SI
Joeie Hyland. Omaha 17
Fred F. Alger, Omaha 2S
Ingra Madison, Omaha JJ
Frank D. Grace. Omaha
Irons V Rchmke. Omaha
Joseph Alekas, Omaha t)
A game iaMiisvus, uraana zz
Henry K. Brown, Omaha ZJ
l TVt. rtmahfc . Si
Frank T. Williams, South Omaha.. ...! U
Viola B. Decker, South Omaha to
Edgar Robinson. South Omaha tt
Birdie Ellis. Omaha kg
IS-K. W eddies Ringa Edhotm. Jeweler.
J. H. McDonald has signed a contract
with tba city for planting tree in Prospect
Hill In accordance with the plan recently
approved by the city council. Th work
will be done for Si cents a tree, the city
supplying the treea Work has been
United States District Clerk Hoyt has
removed his office from the east front of
the federal building to his new quarters
at the southwest corner suits of rooms ef
the building on the third floor. The new
offices are much larirer and more con
venient and will constitute the permanent
quarters of tha felted States district court
clerk's office for the future. The old rooms
on the east front wl!l be utilised for cham
bers for the United States district Judge.
my rcn aiuwAoa-JCT roa dot
New Shirts for
at $1.00
l Louis
The Burlington is the smooth road to St Louis.
The St. Louis Flyer leaves Omaha 5:25 p. m. and
arrives in St. Louis at 7:19 next morning. Carries
through sleeping and chair cars.
You can't make a mistake if you use the Burlington.
which Is usuallr t) 00.00. la Just as well secured when placed with us
as Is the largest Inveatment of 15.000. 0. All money placed with ua la
secured by Brst mortgage on real estate, the security becoming better
each month by reason of the borrowers repairing a part of their loans
and by the steady building up cf a Reserve "fund, which la this Asso
ciation now amounts to over ISO, 000 00. We already have over COOQ.OOO
under our care and Invite anyone Interested In securely . mating their
money to call and see us or write for information. Have aever paid
less than I per cent.
The Conservative Savings and Loan Association.
205 South 16th St.. Omaha. Neb.
We reeuadle the Best la the llae ef IKWI5Q MACHIHES AID ICPPUEI.
Tea eaa have year ehetee ef half a tests dfoTereat ssakes, all evrtetly
first-class. Haehtaee r rated at The sir week er 9M pee aaeath. spa Ivies;
deae promptly aad reaseaably. attsfaetlea gaaraateed.
Watch Repairing:
Is an ImDortant branch of our buslnaee. Ws
give careful, painstaking attention to re
pairing rine watches, the kind that need sat re careful
adjustment. We want you satlafied first, last aad all the
time. We guarantee all work
rawjfMAwH INNLYfSi ITAJM i;U.ilZlllll,
When you get thick and
"dopey" it's your Brer
getting lazy.
Wright's Indian
Vogofablo Pills
Dr. UotSano't Elixir tf Cplaa
Far Nervousness end Insomnia.
ear aale TSr all drwaarteta.
V I a
Save Money
bf kvriag your
fft rough
Tou not only save money, bat get
what you WANT, what you can, IjB
fkSD on aad what Is Ul'A RAN TE I.U.
Hear from ua before you buy. Par
ticulars mslled free. Give your ooco-
pitlon end date of birth In first letter,
this will enable us to answer you la
te'Usently. Karferearesv-Coounerclal Agendas or
Omaha banka Addreaa
Brewa Bloc. Omaha. N.b. ;
The "New Market " the f
Swell Hat for $2.00.
WVTe brought out many'new ntjlca la hats thl sea
son, among them the "New Market," and it has bdn'a
winner from the atari. This Is the best hat eTer pro
dueed for the money. We're glTing you a better hat
than you'Te ever been able to buy at thia price. A
man doesn't want to pay legs than 2.00 for a hat-'
but he appreciates a better hat for $2.00 than f 2.00
ever before paid for. ".. .
and Eletorn
City Paaaenrar Agent.
1502 Farnam Street,
Omaha. '
Ilectrk: Usuted Ttrevwbotjt
"it? . is svua
EWPuILntn Drawing-room
Sleeping Cr $, Club Cat aad
Free Raining Chair Car. Sup
per served in Club Car. Break.'
fast a la carte In Dining Car. -
Leaving Ojnaha 4:50 p. m..
Council Bluff at 5:12 p. in.,
arrive Chicago 8:55 the next
TaLen at 1512 Faros Street er U
Staboa, Omaha.
aC. !.!! aslttftstaaYsrtTiratr?
w r C.l !. Sst .
a !! I '..i.kJ M
S m J )clt." Ml I ill, lliiil
X I y, f hsss. 1 Im iUm .1
pr-f rsuklsss. taMSOTkMfsif
fVj" avrr r.-.. ...
' a. p. a. a. u
New Spring Weight Under
wear. A Special Linc:
at 45c. -
A man waa aaked: "Do
you thick it la likely to
atop ralalngr' Ha an
awertd: "Well it alwaya
baa." .
Jnd( ' tha futnfe by
tha pant-" 1
Fince moat Omahana have
found it adranuceoua
to be MacOarthy cuatotn
erg. It la a Ur wager
that you will alo find It
to your advantage to jrrt
Into MaeCarthy clothing
eTery tlma the need of
new attire eta In your
One of our W0 Porge
Pulta would look miguty
MacCarWy TaHorlnjf
'40 & tit t.
' Ket deor te
Wabash Ticket OtBoe.
Soap iei
la season. We sell all kinds of scae,
even some laundry soaps.
English Process soaps, t kinds,
to cake; per doaen Wto
Turkish Bath Soap, Co oak.; doa....80o
rioaUng Bath osp, to cake; dos..60a
Thia is Colgate's new bath soap and
is a corker.
Cutlcura Soap, . cake ...too
4711 Soap, cake '. Uo
Packers' Tar Beep, cake ...... .....Ue
Lee a Egg Tar Soap, cake aOe
Shah of Persia Soap, cake ...Co
Crstal Glycerine P-oap, cake lUo
Lava Boap, cake lOo
Ivory Soap, cake, to and 10c
See our Una of Bath Sprays,
Sponges, Toilet Waters, etc.
10-lb. bag Saa Salt 0e
Howell Drug Co.,
16th nd Capitol Ave.
Ton began to think of; a refreshing
summer tonio or beverage? Of
course you . desire 'the best.
Ko mistake can be made by ordering
One trial la all we ask. Put ap In
quarts or pints. A small glass fall
two or three times a day will aM
strength and vitality.
Fred Kriig Brewing Co.
. Osaaha'e Model Brewery. .
TeWphooe 420. OMAHA.
Geld Craws, tresa.... 923
a1 ef Teeth tress fa.M
We are here te etay. I. atedeata.
Work done free
Small charce for material
from f&e.
iiiiiaii a a a ..... -
umun utniAU LUMr'ANT. .
SatJ IteugLaa. Kaeea a 1 '
Silk or Lisle - ;
25c, 50f, 75c, ShOO. ;
WT Bet r Aleves la a. Cleve
tare t