THE OMAIIA DAILY I1EE: TUESDAY, MAY S, lflO. T'i. lg-69t VE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT I P. M. "Wl ma la life ri- V ortr Whet .-are irt la Y These beautiful May days mean house cleaning tltae, and algo meabs replacing, curtains here and there that, have, worn: out, This is an opportune time, to replace such, "as we are offering special values in beautiful new patterns. .; r - .' ; ' . ....':.. riOURED SW183 CURTAINS-- yards long with 1-Inch rullli. Bpec'lel price.' Mo a pair. ' "" - " ' ' 7 ; : DOTTED 188 .CURTAINS t yards long wllh S-lnch hemstitched ruffle. Special price, fljk A' jnir. ' -. .' , ;.. ';....' ARABIAN .TCRTAINS-JV, yards long, ecru color, pretty, designs sewd, .Wbieor. Special p rIOi W ' pftlr.V f ' i .'....' BOBINET, CJLRTAIN8- yards long with lace Insertion, lace edgtvofi e-lncb, ruffle. Special price, L si pair.-' " ' ' - ' . s '' ' BOBIUKT CURTATTCR-' yard long with 4-lnch laca" lnartlon, taca d on 6 Inch ruffle. Special price.-' tl-Tl . pair. " ' . r ,,. NOVtMNOiiAM LAC CURTAIN3-W Inchea wide, Stt yarda long, cable net. very desirable. Special price, 13.4 a pair. " ,- ' NOTTJVQHAM LACE CURT AJN8-S0 Inohes wide. 8H yards long, boblnet mesh, very Arte and lacy. Biwwlal prlca, P. a pair. BPECIAItIlTlNQ AT -ONE-HALF PRICE They are what 'are left of Una ot this season' prettiest mutures, all new spring colors. Thar will be Una picking for those- wa rnm party, Never sold for less than SOb t 0e a yard. On sale Tues day moi-aliif at I o'clock '"' -. 25c a OfVM. C A. Building. Corner, that the Impenetrable fog twice forced the' abandonment of the attack on Vladivos tok and twrce spared the Russian squad- ! ran a sea fight. .,. While Kamlmura was steaming north the first time he passed the Russian squad ron bound south on the raid of Oensan which reesulted In the sinking of the Japa nese merchant, steamer Qoyo Maru and the transport Klnshlu Maru. The Japanese and 'the Russian.; squadrons must have passed Wy, los , to each other, for the Japanese were conscious of the presence of the enmy. When Kamlmura -was compelled to sus pend tils attack upon Vladivostok he moved to the southward and again passed the Russians' cm' their way' north after the Gensaa raid.. . : , . As soon at Kamlmura returned to the Corean coast he learned that the Klnerrlu Maril was missing and Immediately re turned to the north to search and pursue It. He found three boats belonging to the Klnshlu Maru floating at sea. Hs then detached some cruisers from his squadron and ordered them to search certain Inlets In th' vicinity of Nanlwa These vessels dlsoovered some Russian mines at Isuml and exploded them. 1 Vice Admiral Kamlmura ' close his re port with saying that ths continuance of the fog slnoe 'Thursday haa prevented a renewal of the attack. cnoiiiiD ranrninTF AUiviumiL s I. I Every 7cman For sole bv ' BCHAEFER'B DHUO STORES, Uth and Chlcaso Bo. Omaha, Mth and N fits; Council Bluffs, 6th and Main Bta. XTJHN St. CO, Uth and Douglas Street. 1 U Mm: Drive Aw; 'rat n til' iEfikl weariness by 'foMkAx drinking : 'MU Ghirirdelirs .SKSKfi' Ground . iljlhffl Chocolate dij Bi iV Its The Food and Drink . Tht Makes yoW f$MU . ' Think ' JV-. 4- .,;, - .. . . V if ' is i i i .y ,ivi a latamaad hs raM snow MARVtL w,,i" w x TJ ;;LZS Mu ConienleDt, f jmmr Imiw . L. f ,!? It h nno .apply the V,. Jfflf; ;h.r. bui tru4 tuhms fo' stfc. v.A Hil4rul tMMkU4. ltffW J.' dT full UtlNlllMllllMI.)M 111. V' AT. UM.) o l.die MiKVUU.Tj , , B trrka,lliwk.. ' liia4f CUT OUT TMIt COUPON. Osmha Bsa Cxposltiott Ccapa A Trip to ist. Louis via The Wabash - ' ONE VOTE Om Vcta far. AAiraca. CUT THIS OPT- DapaaW at Dae 0oe cr snail ta Omaha Baa. Omabs, Webraaka, CUT OUT THU COUPON. Om&hq Boo Exposition Coupsn A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash PREPAYMENT COUPON .Vote far. iaVkaat. Twwa, UtUUiU (um). I by i. im A sabeortvliua oao be sepal a. u a if "- T7 a aali to deaths, he. pm, May a, i. SPECIAL VALUES IN LACE CURTAINS Yard. ... Sixteenth and: Douglas Sjs. METHODISTS ARE GATHERING Many Cats Readied' Lot Ang-eles to Attend tba Thirty-r in t Confersnoe. ' MANY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS PENDING Charea Expected ' ta Take Decisive Actloa as a lVaaiaea af Mat - tere Iavolvlaa; Dladplla aad Qoveraaieat. ,-. . j.v ' ' LOS ANQELE8. Ca May t-As the day for the assembling of the delegates to the thirty-first general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church approaches genera Inteiest In the gathering of repre sentative churchmen from all parts of the civilised World becomes greater, and when Bishop Steven Merrill calls to order1 the first session at I o'clock next Wednesday morning, 748 out of a total of 7M accredited delegatea will be in their seats ready to proceed with the legislative 'tasks' eon fronting them. The delegates will, during the dally ses sions lasting throughout the month of May. be called upon to Solve many prob lems of Importance to the growth and future welfare of the Methodist Episcopal cnurcn. In the opinion of many high In the i-ounclls of Methodism, this quadrennial nesslon will prove the most Important of nny In the history of the church. Among the most Important subjects are the following What can the church do on the liquor question? ...... What action can the church take to solve ine race question T . . , . Shall worldly Dlettsurea. such as- dafcrln. theater going and card playing, be con doned by ths church? With which oombstaat in the-war In 'the VdTlu bit um ay injpitiniflfi f What can oa none oy me cnuron to prevent. In the good name of the coun try, tne crime of 1 ynchlna? Shall the li be restored? hall the Itineracy ot Methodist ministers How many blshopa shall be elected and now many ne retired! Board af Trastees an (la ad. Several of the twelve members of the board of trustees have already reached this City, among whom are Rev. E. B. Raw Is, Dr. Lewis Curtis, J. N. Gamble and R. T Miller. Bishop J. M. Walden, th venerable Chairman of the board. Is among today's arrivals. Rev. Dr. A, H. Lucas, pastor f Trinity church, Albany, N. T., who wilt, be as sistant editor of the Dally Christian Advo cate, the official organ of ttte"conference, has arrived and la quartered at the West minster. Several of the visiting mlnjsjters occupied pulpits In the local churches yea. terday. "Dr. J Oh a A. Glbboas. KEOKUK. Ia May 1-Dr. John A. Gib bons, one of the most prominent democrats In the state. Is dead. He waa at one time assistant postmaster. here. RAZZLE a eaak prepaid aahaortpttaa a THS IMS, votes iw anon aoiiar paio. eta. noua eu ta aate aaaaaaa aata. ' mua Unnsnl.' Usnsha -1 , DAKOTANS FAVOR WEBSTER Ktmbert of Desdwooi Delegation to 8ltux rail i Ooiirtotioa Land Nsbrwkan. STATE HAY ENDORSE HIS CANDIDACY i Haadred aaa Elgaty Delegates Mat Hare by Caagressmea Mar- Reaablleaas. One hundred and eighty Bouth Dakota republican delegates to the state conven tion tarried In Omaha an hour last nlglit on their way to Sioux falls, where they will assist In nominating a state and con gressional ticket and selecting a platform and delegates to the national oonventlon today. They came from the west halt ot the state, the Black Mills country, com prising the counties of Lawrence, Butte. Mead, Pennington, Custer and Fall River. At the train they were met by a delega tion of local republicans and a brass band, all under the supreme jurisdiction of George F. West, general paascnger agent of the Northwestern, which road the South Dakotans used on the whole trip. Just prior to their departurs from Omaha the delegates were tendered a reception at the union depot by many republicans, chief among whom were John L. Webster and 8. A. Bear le. No sooner did the delegates catch sight of the western candidate for vice presi dent then a shout of Webster and Rooa vclt arose. Loungers about the depot and pedestrians on the viaduct hurried to tha waiting room and catching eight of John L. Webster standing on a bench. Joined lu the cheers, waving their hats and shouting for the Western representative. Cries of "Gt on the radiator, we can't see you," "A man from the western em plre," greeted him and laughing and bow Ing he was assisted up the radiator where he could be seen by all. On account ot the Shortness of ths time Mr. Webster was only able to thank them for their reception. Other speakers from the ranks ot ths delegates followed Webster and every allusion to a "Western man for vice prel dent" was accepted with a round of cheer ing. The climax wss reached when Charles A. Buell of Rapid City, In closing his ad. dress said: "If every man In Bouth Da kota, thinks as I do, the ticket will be Roosevelt and Webster." For a moment the crowd went wild in their enthusiasm and the meeting terminated In an out burst of shouts for "Webster and Roost- velt." Boom Webster Mock. The Webster boom will receive a fresh Impetus at Bioux . Falls today. It is prom' Ised. Many delegates pledged themselves voluntarily to do all they could to have Mr. Webster's name endorsed by the con vention.. Judge II. E. Dewey, Judge ot the county court of Lawrence county, and one at Its fifty-nine delegates, said: There Is no good reason why Mr. Web ster's candidacy should not receive the en dorsement of the Bouth Dakota republican convention. On the other hand, there is every good reason why we should support Nebraska, and that very iikely Is what the convention will do. Mr. Webster has been out In our, part of the country and I think haa worked up a very favorable feeling for himself among the influential men of the party. 'The convention, tomorrow promises to be a quiet affair. With' the exception of governor our- state officers probably will be renominated for second terms. . Gov ernor Herrted is not a candidate again For .' the governorship there Is a sharp fight . on between the regular organisation. with half a dosen possible candidates, and Coe I. Crawford, a young lawyer of Huron. tie haa been making a vigorous campaign, lias friends all over the state and la very likely to , be nominated. Congressmen Eben W, Martin of Deadwood and Charles H. Burke of Decatur have given satis faction to their constltuants and will bs renominated. . There Is no particular con' test ever the seleotion of delegates to ths national convention." . T. D. Edwards, editor of the Lead Tri bune "There la no doubt that the delega tion is favorable to Mr. Webster. Psrson ally I think him an able man and well qualified to fill the position of vice preil dent. Mr.- Driscoll is our choice aa dele gate to the national convention and I think that he la friendly to Webster." C. H. Hvman "I would like Mr. Webster to get, ths nomination, but I cannot say whether any action will be taken for his nomination at our oonventlon. If he Is nominated at' the national convention he will get the hearty support of Lawrence county." Charles J. Buell-'The Black Hills party recognise In Mr. Webster an able anad hon est man end ths right man for vice presl dent. So far as I know no action will be taken at our convention for the Instruct ing of a candidate for the vioe president, but if any one brings up ths subject, I feel sure Mr. Webster will get a great deal ef friendly sentiment." Charles J. Driscoll "Mr. Webster Is a fine man, and just the one to properly fill the position of vice president. I know htm' well and should like to see him get the noml nstlon, the more so because hs Is a west era man." Congressman Martin of Bouth Dakota Tou heard the others for Roosevelt and Webster. This spontaneous outburst shows our feeling towards Mr. Webster, not think ths subject for a candidate for vice president will be brought up at the convention." Jacob H. Gable, traveling agent for the Northwestern, who has had charge of the trip, was presented with a gold chsln and pendant from delegates of the six coun ties. The party left on a special at l:V Congressman Martin met the delegations as they left the train and shook hands with nearly all of them, while the band played "Dixie Girl." Congressman Mar tin favors the endorsement of Mr. Webster for the vice presidency and Is sanguine In the belief, that the oonventlon will place Us stamp of approval on him today In an emphatio and official manner. Omaha republicans were disappointed Baatauaatam H a I B Flatter your irieadt I I I I through laetr tasU H I H lor ths hsaahluL 0 1 1 Dorflinger I II Glassware , B araakauy eat. U beaaastthsoaaUra, H A erk.0r 'h '' A that more opportunMy was net given to arrange a better recepttrm for tha Bouth Dakotans. What done waa thrmigh the efforts of George West of the North western, who was apprised of the dele gsUon's coming shout J o'clock. Thsn It ws discovered that the train was late. and many who wished to welcome the visitors could not brook the delay and came and went from the, station. A FRANCISCO PHTCI! t ses Herald1 Raeeessfally in Treat- lag ftyeoaU at the Beard 1 He says: "I recently treated a case cf sycosis (similar to 'barber's Itch') of the lower Hp, with Newhro's Herplclde. There was an extensive loss of beard, with In flammation extending welt floWn on the chin. The result of the application of Herplclde was most gratifying. The loss of beard ceased and a new growth of hair Is now taking place over the once nflamed area.' ' "(Signed.) Melville E. O'Neill, M. D., . "46 Howard St., "San Francisco, Cal." ' Herplclde kills the dandruff germs and permits the hair to grow abundantly. Bold by leading druggists. Bend 10 cents In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich.. Bherman A McCon- nell Drug Co., special agents. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Cera Taw Taeniae. Mrs. Cora Van Tochlne, daughter of Mrs. . C. Carson, died at the home of her mother, mo St. Mary's avenue, Sunday morning at o'clock after an Illness Of nearly five weeks. The funeral will be held from the Southwest Presbyterian church, Twentieth and Leavenworth streets, Wednesday 'at I p. m. .Mrs. Van Tochlne has lived In Omaha nearly all her Ufa, having gone through the graded and high schools and haa many friends who will mourn her loss. She leaves a mother and little daughter. Mrs. Mary Kablck. TAELE ROCK, Neb., May J. -(Specials- Mrs. Mary Kubick, widow of the late Henry Kubick, who settled on a homestead three miles southeast of here, where she has sines resided, died, Tuesday night, at the age of 78 years.. She wss buried In. the Bohemian cemetery, four miles east, on Thursday. She leaves three sons and two daughters. George Starr, NEW YORK, May 2 Oeorge Btarr, com missioner of Immigration at this port for twenty-five years, Is dead at the age of ( He was president of the West Side Savings bank; and well known In local republican politics for many years. Mrs. John H. Vasallae, HASTINGS. Neb., May I. (Special Tele gram.) Mrs. John - H. - Vaseline, aged S3, died this morning as a result of an opera tion. The funeral services will be held Wednesday from the Methodist church. Sprains and Braises Qaiekly Cared When you get a sprain or bruise valuable time may be saved by promptly applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm to the Injured part. It will cure a sprain .In one-third the time required by the usual treatment. Last winter Herb. W. Edwards of Des Moines, la., got a fall on an Icy walk, spraining his wrist and bruising his knees. The next day," he says, "they were so sore and stiff I waa afraid I would hate to atoy In bed. but I rubbed the parts well with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few application, all soreness had disap peared. I feel that this bottle of Pain Balm saved me several days time, to say nothing of the suffering." 'VEBT WW RATES. Banalo ana Retarn Via "Lake Shore." May 10, 1L U. -account International con ventlon T. M. C A., the Lake Shore rail way will sell tickets Chicago to Buffalo and return at on fare plus H cents. Return limit May S3. For particulars address M, 8. Giles. T, P. A., Chicago, or C. W. Daly, chief A. G, P. A., Chicago. 111. May party at Child Saving Institute Fri day. May fc "The Texas Train." A new, fast, magnificently appointed train to the southwest, via Cotton Belt Route. reaching direct and through close connec tion the principal points In Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Write for copy of illustrated folder, schedules and Information about low rates to the soutnwsst. i E. W. LABEAUME, O. P. T. A.. Cotton Belt Route, St. Louis, Mo. FORECAST OF . THE WEATHER Showers aad Cooler (or Nebraska, with Fair Skies la West Por tlon Wedaesday. WASHINGTON, May 1-Forecaat: For Nebraska and Kansas Showers and cooler Tuesday; Wednesday, fair In west, showers In east portion. For Iowa and Missouri Fair in east, showers' In west portion Tuesday; Wednes day, showers and cooler. For Illinois-Fair Tuesday: Wednesday showers:. fresh northeast winds, becoming southeasterly, For Colorado Showers Tuesday; warmei In northeast portion; Wednesday, fair and warmer. For Wyoming Showers Tuesday, rlsln temperature; Wednesday, fair and warmer, For Montana Fair In west, showers and cooler In east portion Tuesday; Wednesday fair and warmer. For South Dakota Showers Tuesday, cooler In central, west and south portions fresh northeast winds. Looal Reeera. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, May i. umciai rcuuru ui " perature and precipitation compared i : JT. .n,ri,. Vi v of the past thr teov th velrs- 104. 190i laJl. Maximum temperature... il i Minimum temperature.... J J fj Mean temperature g IS 22 Record of temperature and, precipitation at Omaha for tide day slnoe Marcn i. iw Normal temperature , Excess for the amy Total deficiency since Marcn 1. 7 Normal precipitation " "jen l 'Cllk.l 11 -w ...... j t i t Total rainfall since Moron 1 t ,lnch" Deficiency slnoa March .... Deficiency for cor. period, W0... 1-JJ nchee Deficiency for cor. period, 1WS...I.M Inchea Reports troaa gtationa at v r. 2" e a 0 il CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. Omaha, clear Valentine, part cloudy . Niiria Platte, cloudy ... Cheyenne, snowing Salt Lake City, raining. KapIdClty, cloudy H uron. clear 711 .00 7U .( 6b W Hi 4 1.19 ft 64 W UlUtan, part cloudy ChWagu. clear BU I-oula, clear SC Paul, clear ......... 741 4 to l1 TUi Davenport, clear . Kanaaa City, clear Havre, cloudy .... Helena, raining ... V e ye js 74 Ml est 8 60! hlmnaiTk. part cloudy ......... Oalvaatan. part cloudy 74 72 71 U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. SECOND SERIES OF CONTESTS or On Hundred Vora Trips to tha World's fair at 8t Louis. - FIRST CONTEST FOR TEN TRIPS ON WAY It Closee at B O'clock p. as. ataroa: May T Flow le the Time to Get la Llao Early Contests Easiest Wes-Begla Now. The second series of contests for 100 ad ditional trips to the St. Louis exposition Is now begun and although the vote thus far Is In Its Infantile stage. It should be borne In mind that "great oaks from little acorns grow." "Watch me grow" you might henr It say If It could speak, "till my squeaky voice hollers your ears deef." An Import ant change has been made In the time set for closing tech Week's contest. In pre vious advertisements the contests of the new series were set to close at 10 a. nv each Monday, and this has now been al tered, the contests to close instead at t m. each Saturday. All Interested should therefore bear this In mind, particularly regarding the contest this week, which will closs Saturday afternoon at I o'clock. The vote at t o'clock p. m. Monday, May was : D. Welmer. Omaha .1 Curtis 1 -Inn say, Omaha M I John Mangal, South Omaha Mrs. Utile Cruse, Omaha MISSOURI INQUIRY AT AN END Coart Charges Explosion to sv "Flare- back" and Relieves Crew trans Responsibility. WASHINGTON, May J. That no further proceedings be taken is the recommenda- tlon of the court of Inquiry appointed to nvestlgate the explosion of the after-tur ret of the Missouri on April 13. The court finds the emloslon was due to a "flare back" caused by an explicable comblna tlon of usually latent gases In smokeless powder. The officers and crew of the Mis souri' not only are relieved from all re sponsibility for the accident, but are warmly commended for the bravery they showed after Its occurrence. " The evidence showed there was not an extraordinary amount of powder In the handling room nor were there more officers and men In the turret or handling room than was necessary for record target prae tlce. Among the witnesses who testified were the two men who Jumped Into the magaxlne room and closed the door after them as soon as they saw the flame. An other survivor was unable to leave the hospital so the court took htl testimony at his bedside. STORM TURNS TO BLIZZARD Over Two Feet Of Snow In Cripple Creek and Wind Blowing; a Gale. CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo., May I. The storm which began here on Sunday devel oped today Into a bllzsard. By noon today there was over two feet of snow on the streets of this city and twice as much In the hills. A gale Is blowing and there are drifts five to aeven feet In depth. Electrlo and steam railroads are tied up and busi ness Is generally suspended. LYNCHEHAUN JS AT, LIBERTY Indiana Irishman Hot Sabjeet to Ex tradition Proceedings' on Part of Great Britain. WASHINGTON, May I.-The . United Slates supreme court today affirmed the de cision of the United States circuit court re leasing Thomas Walsh, alias Lynchehaun, the Irishman arrested In Indtana and for whom extradition was sought by the Brit ish authorities. Lynchehaun was charged with murder. Foarth Jndlclal Nomination. MITCHELL, a D., May 2. (Special Tele gram.) The republicans of the Fourth Judicial rlrcuit comprising Aurora, Brule, Buffalo. Davison, Jeraul, Lyman and Banborn counties met here today In delegate convention to nominate a candi date for the bench. Every county waa represented by full delegations. Judge Frank B. Smith, who has been on the bench In this circuit for, eight years, was nominated unanimously. Judge Smith Is so popular over the circuit that there Is talk among the democrats to endorse his candidacy by not putting up a candidate. Flad No Trace of Child. BTURGIS, S. D., May 2.-(8peolal. The report that the little daughter of James Harrington of' Elk Creek, who strayed away from home about ten days ago. was found dead In a mudhole seems to be untrue. Parties In from that vlolnlty say the child has not yet been found. Search lng partlee are still out. and people down there think that wolves might have car risd the little one, which is only t years old, away, as every possible search has been made for It. Grooers at Saa Francisco. . . . ...... v, ... I J m. It,. . . d L I ' 1 1 tVi Association of Retail Grocers of the United States opened lu annual convention here today. Mayor Bchmlti made the principal welcoming address. An eloquent reaDorma was made by George A. !3chtrer, past presi dent of the association. Committees were appointed and the report of President Lott read, i ne remainaer or ine session was oc cunied with routine business. A cure food exhibition is being given in connection with the convention. Novel Operatlaa at Ann Arbor. CHICAGO, May 1 A dispatch to the Reo ord-Herald from Ann Arbor, Mloh., says that Dr. J. B. Nancrede, professor of sur gery in the medical department of the University of Michlmn. has cerformed with apparently perfect result, a simple ARE YOU SATISFIED II Hot, What Better Proof Can Omaha Residents Demand? It's from a oltlsen. It may be a neighbor. Tou caa readily Investigate It The more investigation, the mora con vincing the proof. ' Mr. A. H. Weber of U Martha street skipping clerk at Hardy Co s. says; waa troubled with lame back for nearly two years. During the winter months, when I caught cold, it always settled In my kidneys and caused sharp shooting twinges across ths small of my back, par ticularly after stooping. When I saw Doan'a Kidney Pill advertised I wsnt to Kuhn A Co.'s drug store and procursd a box. I took them a few days, when I noticed the benefit The pain in my back soon passed away and my general system was Invigorated." Bold for eft cent a box by all dealers. Foster-MUburn Co.. Buffalo. N. V.. sole agents for the United Bta tea. Remember the name. Doao's, and take ne substitute. , operation for the enre of trifacial neuralgia. The operation coneleta In the injection of onmlo acid into the aTTeotea nerve. i ni maiKn haa twen Intrrwlured onlV a Short time, and thin was Its firot trial at the university honpltal. By "trifacial'' Is meant the nerve that supplies tne upper poruon of the face . ARKANSAS RIVER IS FLOODED Cloadbarat ta Oreenhera Monatalaa Caases Groat Damage la Colo rado Town, FI.ORENCE. Colo., May 1 A cloud burst In the Greenhorn range, eight miles south of Florence, today caused the Ar kansas river to rise between eight and nine feet here In less than an hour. The unexpected rush of water caused great damage. One bridge acroes the river has gone out, and the Snnta Fe and Florence ft Cripple Creek railroad bridges are in Imminent danger. The Santa re tracks are under water and trafllo Is held up. In the northern end of the town the streets hsve been transformed Into rivers and cellars are tying flooded. Business Is suspended. An immense amount of dam age has been done by the hall to fruit trees and gardens In the valley. COSSACK TnOOPERS. Russia's Famous Soldiers with Camp hell Brothers' Cfreos. One of this year's features with Campbell Brothers' circus. Is a company of Russian Cossacks, ths tried and true mounted troops of ths cxar. They are the flower of the Russian army and acknowledged to be the best drilled and most expert horse men In all Europe. The Cossack begins service at the sgs of sixteen and It Is one of the unwritten Muscovite military laws that there is nothing Impossible for a Cossack to do. They can bear hardships better thsn any other European soldiers and are always assigned to the task that is the most difficult. Noted as they are for their rapidity of movement, they per form feats on the backs of their running horses, that are not equalled by any body of men in the world. These troopers are on a year's leave of absence from the army, and by the cpar's special permission allowed to travel and give their wonder ful exhibition dally with Campbell Brothers' circus, which will be at Omaha on Mon day. May I. May party at Child Saving Institute Frl day, May 6. HAWAIIAN WILL NOT HANG Governor Dockery of Missouri Com mates to Life Imprisonment Life of Murderer. KANSAS CITT, May t-James Brown, the Hawaiian under sentence to be hanged at -Independence, Mo.,-Friday, for the mur der of his stepdaughtor In 1899, will not be executed. Governor Dockery having commuted his sentence to life Imprison ment. Do You Suffer From O Elabitua. COHSTIPATIOH IT IS THE STARTING-POINT OF DISEASE, BUT IS EASILY CURED BY THE K1TCRAL UI1TIYE WATER HALF A GLASS ON ARISING GIVES PROMPT AND PLEASANT RELIEF. YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DEPEND UPON IT. IN USE THIRTY YEARS. FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION ALWAYS ASK FOR IT BY THE FULL NAME HUNYADI JANQ3 WHY TAKE DAINTY CARE of your mouth and ne glect your pores, the myriad mouths of your skin? HAND SAPOLIO does not gloss them over, or chemically dissolve the health giving oils, yet clears them thoroughly by a method of its own. The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago Very Low Rates . .to.... Minnesota. Dakota Montana, Washiarton, Oregon and Canadian Northwest On various dates In March snd April. ..... 14011403 FAR NAM ST. OMAHA tCL. B14-M1 0 N g?g Best of Everything 'Use Hyomei tit Our Risk" Shorataa V McCenaell Drag (., Cor- stor Sixteenth and baa are Streets, Omaha. Will Pay for HrOMRI Treatment If It Falls to Care Ca tarrh, v Bo pronounced haa been the relief and cures following the use of Hyomei In ca tarrhal troubles, that In nearly every city and village all over this country the lead ing druggists have advertised thst they would pay for Hyomei themselves If It did not effect a cure. In this oily the Sher man dt McConnell Drug Co corner 16th and Dodge streets, publicly announced In The Bee and other papers, "Use Hyomei at our risk." The result has been sn enormous demand, and many unusual cures have been made. The fact that Hyomei Is so convenient snd complete and that It cures by merely breathing and not by drugging the stom aoh, no doubt haa had considerable influ ence In creating confidence In the. treat ment. When Hyomei Is used every par ticle of air that enters the head and throat and goes to the lungs is charged wllh heal ing balsams, that kill ths germs of catarrh and soothe and heal the irritated mucous membrane. . The Sherman aV MoConntll Drug Co., corner ICth and Dodge streets. Omaha, urge all who are subject to catarrh or ca tarrhal colds to get a Hyomei outfit from them and use it at their risk. No matter how skeptical you may bs, you cannot dis pute the fairness of this offer. Una Hyo- ' mel for a month. If, at the end of thirty days, you can say to Sherman & McConnell, "It did not help," they will refund your money without question or argument This Is their way of removing all doubts ss to the power of Hyomei to cure catarrhal troubles. They believe It the strongest evidence that can be offered. , to the curative powers of Hyomei. A SKIM OP BEAUTY l A JOY POBPVEg. DR. T. FKXIX OOrRATfD'fl OR1KNTAT. CRKAM, OR M AUICAL. BEAUTIf 1ER . HmTii(Tsn.rispln.Trmk1, . M, and T.ry kicailia ' ffled.trtlon. It 8 ! T tsste It to b ure , u it properly mstla. Aeecptne rouator fali ef lm 1 1st . nsm. Dr. L. A. StTrs smKl le a i." IMy ot ue pant- ton ( patent) i 'Aa yoa lad ls ;' Will us nm, i reeemtDSsd : 'Bsumifi Orasm ' ' si the least harnrol of all the Ski nreparsflnnt. ' !ror sal try all PruriiM n raaoy Osoils .Usalsrs , n ih U. B., rnda. bi! Earope. IRQ. T. HOPKINS, Prts'r. 17 Butt Jess K, K. 1 v ' AMVSKMEMTS. 20th and Paul- Sts., MONDAY, MAY 9TII CAMPBELL BROS Great Consolidated S H .. W' S EXTRA! SP-ECIAl, FEATTOBI WAR JAPAN VS r-HSSIA ' " BETS RUSSIA'S FIQHTINO' MEN. r Double squad of Russia's Rough' RMers. the famous Cossacks, who are permitted by the . . CXAR OP ALL THE Kl'SSIAl. ' Also by special permission of ths MIKADO OF JAPAlf . , A Cetaohment of Japanese soldiers, wear Ins; their Identical uniforms and war Im plements, just aa they did at the ' " SIEGB OP PORT ' ARTHUR. ' Two Exhibitions Dally,- Rain or Shlno.' Afternoon at t, Nlfht at S. Doors Open One Hour Earlier. . v t BOYD'S Woodward Sc Burgess, Mauatrera TONIGHT AT SUB VIOLA ALLUN In Shakespeare's Comedy, - ' Twelfth Nifirht Prices. !6o to $2.00. NO FREE LIST. MR RICHARD MANSFIELD Pricsy "IVAN THK TKBHIRLJ2. gat Mat "Bi.AU UHL'MMhL" eat Nlht "OLD HlLKLHk.Ui." Prices, Wo to 2.b0; mat., 00c to 42. BeaU on Bale. NO FKK14 Liar. Beat sale Friday for Tuesday, W'rdnss-. day. May 10-11 The Celebiated Oper atic Artiste FHITZI SCHHFP In ths Successful Cemlo Opera, BABETTE by Victor Herbert and Hurry B. Smith. Company of WU people. Iricludlns Eu- Sens t'owles. Louis Harrison, llichle Line-. Ide Havoley and Josephine Bartlttt. Telephone U3L. ' EVERT NIGHT-MATINEES THCTtppAT, ' SATURDAY, SUNDAY. ; 7T Modern Vaudeville The Colby Family, Murphy tc Nichols. Nichols Sisters, Olllo's Arteata,. Eckert ss her. Al lawrencs, Arouaun a Attitoiy and the Kinodrome. : , . ,. .1 .-t ,t Prices. 10c. c. sOo. 7 , j Amateur niffbt Sataraay, May Ith KRUG THEATER 15-25-50-75C ' TON IO Ht' At' I : U : OVER " . mawesdat! .'NIAGARA . J?1.. FALLS Thur NVBht-Ejn Holt In The' Cardinal. New England Boiled . DINNER AT THK CALUMET IUtSDAt Jo .... j.