Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 13

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    The Omaha Sunday
PAGES 13 TO 24.
K ST A II LI S II ED JUNK 19, 1871.
- "- - .. .......- , .. .J.,,... Tyff.r.. . ....r,--, ..-,m..ffl-!rT-1 r,-- . .,, , . ,
at V V -vx
As Showing the Sensational Popularity of Green Trading Stamps'
And the acknowledged superiority and peerlessness of Green Trading MStarup Premiums, the local representative of the Sperry
& Hutchinson Co. informs us that one day last week NO LESS THAN ONE UUNDKED AND TEN PREMIUMS, cover
ing individual collections of one, two, three, four and in some cases five, six and Beven books, were delivered to Green
Sticker Collectors. Every day sees the exDrePS companies busy delivering premiums. BUT THE ONE HUNDRED AND
TEN PREMIUM POINT is a top-notcher for Omaha. It eoes to hov that the adoption of Green Trading Stamps by this
company TOUCHED THE SPOT. Several thousand homes in Omaha can show one or more premiums that give entire satisfac
tion This is a good index to western economy and shrewdness. It shows that a cash discount on cash purchases is the soundest po ssible
logic. The principle is the same as the savings bank. You cannot earn interest on payments that are "always coming." You have gt to make
actual payments you have got to pay cash, and if it's worth your while and it is to earn a small rate of interest on the money you sav
6urely It's worth much more of your while to earn interest on the money you spend. How's Your Stamp Book Coming?
Bargains for Monday
in our vast
Hardware Section.
Th dNiRcrjr of laundry work Is
greatly lessened by having the right
utensils to work with. They convert
a toil into what's ulniOHt a pleasure.
Then from Bennett's mean guaranteed
goods at guaranteed bargnln price.
No. 8 good heavy 4 g cy
cnppr Wash Boiler leO
No. 9 good heavy f Q
t opper Wash Boiler dmjtmwZO
No. I copper bottom f S
heavy tin Wash IOC
Holler . vw
No. 9 copper bottom 4 f rj
heavv tin Wash I.I I CJ
Liberty brand Ready g Q
Mixed HnuM Paint- J QJ
per gallon
Special Sale of Silks, Col
ored Taffetas and
China Silks
In the Dry Goods Section
100 pieces Ann ell silk Taffetas and
Cliina Silk. 19 and 24 Inches wide all
colors for this bl(t anle worth 40c
and 50c yard special for
Monday, only
27-ln. rongee Silk, wortb $1.00
yard apeclaJ Bale price
100 pieces floe all silk Grenadines, 4(1
Inches wide, plain and fancy stripe
worth np to $2.25 yd. all "k"k
go in this sale at, yd ievlv
160 pieces tine nil silk new styles to
Shirt AValst Suit Silks, in browns,
blues, greens, cardinals and purples
all the very swellest patterns K-,
per yard, $1, 65e and A Ow
Colored Dress Goods
The manufacturers FIND of tha season
the happy medium between silk and
voiles the most durable and sensible
fabric manufactured for shirt waist
suits. We are 6howlng a beautiful as
sortment lu all the new deeltms and
colorings, ranging In price Cfr
from, yard, $1.W to. . . wUw
Very Special
75 rleces of Mohairs In plain colors,
fancy figures, dots, stripes, melange
effects, also Jacquard the 75 g
kiud, special May price, yd... UuC
50 pieces 49-in. wide Crepe Princess a
soft, rich material for gowns and shirt
waists a full line of colors, including
Mack and white--a regular fj quality, yard A OC
20 pieces of high finished Voiles, Sheer
Crisp mesh, light In weight, but fine In
texture the kind that wears all the
new shades fori street and evening
wear, Including the popular Onion
Skin shade an exceeding high class
$1.50 quality we start them -4 (f
out Monday morning at leVVr
Wash Goods Department
350 exclusive patterns, elegant designs
and very newest effects In all the
latest shades and colorlnps. In figured
and plain Voiles, French Novelty Suit
ings, Figured Organdies. Fancy
French Swisses, In lengths of .10 to 12
yards Monday, your choice -4 OA
for, pattern lOvf
125 pieces of the latest Bilk effects suit
ing. In fancy figured, striped and dots
worth 8ftc yard special for H C
Monday, yard lcw
For the Graduation
We aro showing all the suitable
fabrics that are to be worn on that
eventful day. In the simplest of
Muslins, Wash Chiffon Moussellnes
and Chlffonettes, Silk Messellnos.
Wo are confident we can please
you. Why not give us a trial?
100 pieces Embroi
dery Edges and In
sertions, widths from
3 to 7 Inches values up
to 30r yard f C.-,
Monday at
And Double Oreen
Trading Stamps.
We are making a big showing of
dainty Valenciennes Edges and
insertions for the new summer
frocks Edges from,
' yard, 75c to
Insertions from, yard,
60c to 1 ,
BO pieces black laces,
Applique, Irish Cro
chet. Point Venice
Chantllly and Kscurlul,
widths up to 6 inches
this season's new
styles and patterns
values up to 60c yd.
And $ I worth Qreen
Trading Stamps with every yd.
We have made up an
other lot of women's
dresses, in foulard silk,
taffeta silk, cloth of gold,
?ioii8;ee silk and fine mo
intrn, Including? Mack,
navy, tan, cream and fan
cies. Orig.
nal prices up to $25
sale Monday st
Women's Wool
Four splendid offerings.
The very newest shapes,
materials and shades
5 at JI9.I10,
( I14.B0, 18.75
- .- and
Double Green Trading Stamps with
each of these suits Monday.
1 Women's Cloth
Our entire stock, In tan,
castor and black, at clear
ing prices on Monday, and
double Green Trading;
fttampg with each clulh
Voile Skirt at $7.95
Elegant designs colors, black, navy, tan
and brown you can t match
them for 10 Monday
if VWifl
In the
House Wrappers
Percales and lawns, trim-
rued and frilled, worth
$1.26 and $LB0, ftfj-.
Monday " O C
And double Green Trad
ing; Stamps.
Boys' Balbriggan Underwear
Long and short sleeve shirts, knee or
auklc drawers fine quality full reiat
Inr made grKxls worth up to
35c Monday, per garment. .
Ask to see the new "Pulley" lloso
Supporter at the Notion Counter.
Ask to see the "Kay Brand" Indies'
Sanitary Napkins at our Corset Dept.
Ladles' Fancy and Black Lace Hosiery
All the new shades of modes, tan and
gray nil the pretty new designs
values up to 75c gf"
Monduy, pair OvfC
50 dozen ladles' stayed Batiste and tape
girdles, pink, blue and. white A Q
values up to 60c Monday.. .. rlOC
Women's Walking Skirts
Extra offerings for every-day skirts.
$4.05 In black, navy, gray and novel
ties. $3.05 In black, navy and novelties.
$3.45 In black, navy, gray and novel
ties. $2.05 In black, navy and gray.
$2.25 In black, navy, tan, gray and
in the
Art Aisles
May tlma bargains. Here's a stun
ner, with 2t Green Stickers thrown
In. A fin French Bevel Mirror lSx
40 framed In t-inch gold, burnished
moulding, florentine pattern sold
regularly at Slo.uO and 7 Qtt
$12.00 yours Monday for
Asd $20.09 (lV Little Oreen Stickers
enough to nil almost 7 pages of
your book with It. Only one to a
customer and only one big bunch CX0)
Little Green Stickers with it.
Here's another scorcher In framed
uncalled for pictures. These pic
tures hav been accumulating In our
Art Department Tha fact that they
were brought to b framed Is evl
,nu i.t thev ara rood 'uns.
have tried to locate the owners, and ,
w ar going to nna new owner. iur
them Monday. Our art critic val
ues theae pictures up to OSc
$160 our prlc Monday zrw
And $2.00 worth of Green Trading;
Pyrography Scream
ers for Monday.
Japanese Nut Bowl 1.10
value $L40-t
And $6.00 worth Gren , Trading
Other Not Bowls regularly sell at
uc and $L10-t 75o C0C
With double Green Trading Stamps
with each. on.
presser Boxes, value $1.85, at....$lt
Handkerchief Boxes, value 50c, at SSa
Glove Boxes, value tOc, at 4to
Outnts the very beet at the prlce.Q.M
Moulding Hooks, Picture Wire and
Gold Enamel, ail ready for the 'May
Visit our Art Gallery. Den Room.
Pining Koom Assortment and Burnt
Wood Display.
Bennett's $15.00 Men's Suits have more style Are better
made, and better fitting than many a $30 tailor-made suit
Why Not Save the Difference?
In the Stationery
Aisle Monday
Sevcnty-flve extra heavy White CS-w '
Envelopes wonderful bargain ijC
Bhelf Paper, In lengths of ten yards these A
lengths come In different colors per TtC
Crepe Paper larse assortment of 7f -
colors full 10 feet rolls Monday sC
INK INK-IXK One pint extra g
good Black Ink lijC
Sunday bditiou oa Bale in Sta
tionery department TUESDAY.
Cut the coupon from the funny
rtnrrA hrlnc It tn onr Praminm Par.
5jtjR x
IkJlLJjlor, second floor, and we will give
you one dollar a worth of (ireen
Trading Stamps for it Paper on
Bale Tuesday
Bennett's Grocery Department Is the great west's pacemaker In good
things to eat. Freshness and (air dealing, quality and low prices, full weight
and quick service speak loudest at Beunett's. Once tried, always patronized.
$1.00 worth Green Trading Stamps
with each pound New York f
Cream Cheese. ... . ;........WvC
Baking Soda best 1-lb pkg.. to
Seeded Raisins, pkg lOo
Imported Sardines, can Wo
Peas, 2-lb can 7o
Roasted fresh every day.
1.00 worth
Green Trading
Stamps with
each 3-pound can
Table Syrup,
quality... :12k
1.00 worth
Green Trading
Stamps with
each pound pkg.
Capitol rtQ.
CotTee ....SOC
5 c
TEAS. Splendid Drinking: Qualities.
Tea Bftlngs, per pound 15o I Imperial Japan, per pound 2to
B. F. Japan, per pound SSo
1.00 worth
Green Trading
Stamps with
each i-pound can
Caplto! 4r
Mustard.... 1CL
Aisles Monday
100-plece docornted undcrglased Kng-
lish Iorpplain Dinner Bet, A Al
choice ot t colore Monday...
Uavlland & ''o. White Hanson Tea
cups and Saucers limit 6 2(lp
to a customer each jw
English I'orcplaln Decorated Aa
Breakfast Dates each w
Bowl and Pitcher large else, R.ic
flaJn white, fanoy ehHpes.each... SJw
leavy No. t Brass Burner tic
Good Oaa Mantli
8 - Inch decorated
.v.'":'".. 38c m
Am S-IAA M .... k 1 F
linen i rsaing Munsi
tnrsws in.
5 for 1
S timet Green
Trading- Stamps
on all pieces
Rich Amerkan
Cut Glass Monday.
We want you to give particular
attention to our resplendent dis
play. It Includes the best and
most celebrated makes ot rich
American Cut Qlasn.
We guarantee evry piece to be
genuine and to retain all original
brightness of cut and sharpness of
Five times GrecnTradlng Stamps
with all Cut Olaaa'Monday.
1.00 worth
Green Trading
Stamps with
each dinner
pall filled
Candy ,
w r
We are putting eye comfort with
in the reach of the needy.
For Graduation Day
0 size (small) 20-year Ladies'
Watches, Elgin or Waltham,
complete 2t 75
Theaaest cesaplrte llee el high-grade Caste.
lalne PI as. Breeches, etc, in the city.
Ladles' small sliver Chate
lalne Watches, guarau- J I 111
teed 1 year, complete W
Jewelry-naln Floor.
Wall Paper
' Another great remnant sale. One of the greatest sales
of Wall Paper ever given In Omaha. All goods la one
and two-room lota.
8,000 rolls of 5c and 6c papers at ' O
per roll OC
2,000 rolls of 10c and 15c papers at rj l
per roll A 2W
12 patterns In Orientals, Embossed Golds and Tapestries,
ihat sold from 40c to 75c in one lot '
Monday and Tuesday .at per roll IOC
Room Mouldings, per foot up y
from ,.,.SC
Wall Paper Gleaner per pound 4 g-
caa IOC
Sinking Into Comfort Sweet Soothing, Restful Comfort.
That's vthat you earn by wearing Dorothy Dodd Oxfords.
Dorothy Dodd Oiforda are built upon an entirely different plan from
othr Oxford". The ehoe has not been shaped from mere knowledge of the
average contour ef a ladies' foot There is no guess work about the
measurements in the building of the Dorothy Dodd Oxfords. The actual
UKt itself has been used. The bones, moecles, ete. have been taken as the last lor the shoe, worked out from X-Kay photographs
KKSDLT the most remarkable shoe you ever dreamed of. One which makes no day too long for Its wearer. You never realize how
truthful this st lenient is till you try a pair.
Oxfords 1904"" Fast cslor eyelets that do act wear brassy ased eiclslrely. )
:d--$3 and $2.50
t If ' '
Special sale of Odd
Dressers in Furniture
$10. Ort Golden Oak Dresser shaped top
four drawers mmt.
French plate mirror ity
$11. SO Golden Oak Dresser large mlr
rocexcellent con- g- "V
itZ"z o.OO
$14.00 Golden Oak Dresser pattern
mirror neatly 4 g j mm
carved front four I I . KM ?J
drawers-e.t 1UU
$17.60 Golden Oak 4 g g
Dresser serpentine la. III!
front lSitO mirror at. tWU
$2040 Golden Oak Dresser full swell
front selected pm p
stock four drawers 1
$30.00 Golden Oak Dresser full ser
pentine front all A
quarter-sawed stock L .1111
best construction ..... w
Rug Dept.
Third Floor.
Wilton Velvet Ruas extra heavy
file warranted fast colors noted for
heir durability a large line of de
signs and colorings to select from
not a poor rug In Uie lot.
(-9x9 Wilton 11 rtfi
Velvet - lO.yo
Wilton 25.98
We are showing- a most aomplete
line of the beat quality of Body Hrus
els Rugs in every unique design
for parlors and dining rooms. The
colorings are bestullful the quality the
$Z:L .25.50:
s-txl0- and zU feet.
Brussels Rugs 6x14-26 patterns to
select from In floral, medallion and
mall Persian effects
Rugs worth up to $2LM tf AO.
each Monday at 10.40
The Poetry of Millinery
is Purest at Bennett's.
JjrnS.2r,f,.mBiKi'1uU"t. Fo",a,Ml Turbans that artisUo mlUlnery skiU can pro
ducethe daintiest colors and shadings imaglnable-every one a perfect picture of beauty.
v.,..? ihwin,P""Srrdntvlllffon ros-hatsVof hyacinths in ill shades, blended-
vs. sa new ut yiwAauuB u ts.i tj :r 1 11 1 r 1 m ann Aamih -,! k a n . 1. . . s
combination In dainty ahades. VERY Frenchy and IndivlduallsUo.
Our $5.00 hats tn all combinations such as
every possible
ir $5.00 hats In all combinations such as Dress Hats made of braid and ohlt- sa -v
fen in navy, brown and tan mixture white sad black trimmed ready to "J j J
"i.M.11 S.TRA.W al,0,.'' hats-whlch are so Hon in materials and trimming worth A Ct
eight dollars Monday, special at ,Z17. ... 4(5U
STREET HAT 6PECLaLr-Ten dosen hats that formerly sold from three doVlars' to two""" ntl
ouUars, at , "OC
Duck, Linen and Flannel Caps and Tarns at 75c,
50c and 49c.
Double Green Trading Stamps on Monday.
Wagons to South Omaha; Walnut Hill, Benson and Council Bluffs EVERY DAY, Fort Crook and Bellevue WEDNESDAY
Mors Saon::bls WeathH tut Week Im-
prorei Baiipsss in All Lines,
Set Mack Cheese la Rallaar Prices Oat.
aide ef Orestry IJae, 4tatatloas
Betas; Ktrm ea Praetleally
All Staple Goads.
Vore seasonable est her lat week srestty
improved trjja conditions ihmuhojt the
terrliory tributary to lliis mark-t. P.
tollers as a ivsult eiijoyt-d a burk Irate
on spring lines for Tcli ll)r tne hist
Uuie iliui )Kar aji4 tiven an
opportunity to form some idea of what
trade will be from this time on. More
merchants arrived in the city last week
and placed aortitis; up orders than have
been here In many weeks. They all had
a good word to say regarding- f'ltvire
proapwt -juid were ayaprenlly in a very
hopeful frame of mind. The way in
which they placed their sorting up ordera
was good evidence of the fact thai they
are not at all afraid of trade running
Short of earlier expectations.
Taking ttw month of April as a whole
retail trade has undoubtedly been rather
light. Immediate business with whole
salers baa alao been abort ot what It
would have been with more favorable
weather. Advanoa orders for fall goods,
however, have in nearly all lines gone far
ahead of not only former years, but of
expectations. That being the case, whole
aners and manufacturers say they have
uothlng to eomplutn of. for the sorting up
orders that should have eome in April will
be placed In May, owlug to the lateness
it the season.
The fait tliat crop prospects thus far
are much belter than usual is an en
couraging feature of the trade situation,
ll is iUuncd in naAjr sections that there
Is almost enough moisture tat the ground
at the present time to assure a crop ot
small grains. With the warm weather of
the last few days farmers have gone a
long way toward catching up with their
work and seeds that have beats sown are
springing up at a rapid rate, showing the
excellent condition ot the soli. Taking
the situation as a whole the general opin
ion Is that future prospects wera never
more encouraging than at the present time.
As will be seen from the following re
view of the market on the different lines
of goods pricha hava fluctuated very little
except In the case of groceries. There
le a good, healthy tone to the general
market and that is what dealers like to
see. Sudden fluctuations up and down are
not conducive to an active demand.
Skar Advaaee la asrar.
Wholesale dealers report the sugar mar
ket ae being in rather an excited condi
tion last week. Rawa advanced nearly it
of a cent, but reflned gradee were marked
up only H of a cent. Indications are
considered favorable for still higher prices
lu In near future. The raw market la
being firmly held at outside prices, with
usf buyeta titan, sellers, fteOneries rs-
fort the demand very brisk and say that
hey are oversold from one to three weeks.
The coffee market Is Arm, or on about
the same basis as It was a week ago.
The impression prevails that it is only a
question of time before higher prices will
rule. Stocks in New York are about nor
mal, but receipts are gradually falling
off, while the demand la increasing, tiuch
conditions, of course, are bound to atttct
the market sooner or later.
Tbe market on cheese is quoted a trifle
easier than it was a week ago. Owing to
the late spring, grass has been alow In
starting, and it will probably be the middle
of June before new grass full cream cheese
will arrive on the market. October stock
la getting well cleaned up and new goods
are being sold at considerably less moner.
but. of course, do not coma up to the
standard of October goods.
Better Mevwaaeaf la Dry Gaods.
The dry goods trade showed a decided
improvement last wotk In .ail departments.
Quite a few buyers arrived from the coun
try and placed liberal Sorting up order.
Traveling men also sent lu a guod many
Immediate orders, so that trade took oa
Bivrs Ul UtSA vr sums ibae i. Ac
cording to reports received from tha coun
try, retailers did a good business last
week, which made them feel much more
cheerful and gave them renewed con
fidence. With anything like normal weather
conditions tha unanimous opinion now is
that neither wholesalers or retailers will
have any cause to complain regarding the
condition of trade.
Advance orders are still coming In very
freely and Jobbers all agree that they bave
taken mere fall orders so far this year
than during the same period of any former
year. Sot only that, but they expect to
keep on increasing ui trade as the season
Brisk Deaaaaa far Hardware.
The warm weather of last week started
the trade on such lines as refrigerators,
lawn mowers, bicycles and In fact on all
clashes of seasonable g'Xtds to moving in
good shape. 'or tha last several weeks
the demand has been risk, but last week
there was more activity than ever. The
demand is general for all seasonable llne.i.
Including tlie regular staple goods and
builders' hardware in particular. There la
an immense amount of building going on
ail over laa section a )its cvuutry and
Jobbers sre prepared to sell snore builders'
liardware than ever before.. There is the
same scarcity in poultry netting, barb
wire, wire cloth and field fence that was
mentioned a week ago.
The market is In the same firm position
it has been all the season and no radical
changes in either direction are looked for
by those beat posted. Owing to the sharp
advances of late in the prli'e ot rubber, all
goods containing that articles are being
marked up. Among tneee is wringers,
nhlch have baeu advanced from tl.oii to
I.' tw per dosen.
Iealers la farm Implements have also
been doing a very like business In ail
seasonable lines. Up to the present time
the demand is generally reported as being
much better than a year ago, which is
saying considerable. The warm weather of
last week greatly Improved the demand
for wagons and buggiss and an excep
tionally fine buggy and carriage trade la
looked tor this season.
Fralts aad Vegetables.
8trawberries in carload lots have been on
the market for several weeks, but not until
next week will the strawberry season actu
Ws In full swing. At that Uuie Arkn-
sas berries will arrive in carload lota and
while tha prices asked will be a little stlfi
at first. It is expected ghat they will go
down quite rapidly as she supply Increases
Arkansas has au exceptionally large and
fine crop this year and with favorable
weather during the ripening period some
unusually One stock will be seen here thin
year, present Indications are that prices
win be rather low during the height of
tbe season. Opening quotation will prob
ably be from tito to"ul1 ,n "001 demand at from
UW to U7i Lemons are also selling more
freely than they were a short time ago.
but prices are still around (3.(10 to fci.Su.
The supply of fresh vegetables is rapidly
Increasing, and. as will be seen from the
quotations In another column, prices are
gradually going lower. The demand,
though, has been quite liberal, which has
prevented prices from going down as rap.
idly as they otherwise would.
Butter, eggs and poultry are all selling in
much the same notches they were a week
ago, the supply and demand apparently
being about eiuaL
Kubber goods very naturally are quiet.
The volume of business for the year to
date, though, has been vaults satisfactory.