Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    rnr omatt.v daily mTA rmn.w. :ri.iT; 20. imi.
Johnson In'-.Itute. .15 N. T. Lire Meg. T. IYj$
I K GF.ACi LEKGAN. f32 N. T. Life. TI
F;.ette '""I'
ostecpath, M Paxton bl's.
I , r! LAIRD & LA' RD, '3 Karharh bla.
phone S"l. Mv-j Aa
MPS JOIIV K. MCPP'K, Osteopathic Phy.
.-i i-n; office, Douglas biuck. Tel. 21
- I'urwfll, specialty nervous diseases 1914
: 'fix ton. 77.7
WANTED Canvassing agent ;i every
comity lo solicit out.mcrij.Uoim to THK
steauy employment with assure-l good in
come; agents iti the country vita horse
and buaay especially des-ired. Cnvnsri
make easily nt to $ per rnewth. A.1
..ress Century Farmer Solicitors' lue.u.
Pee Building. Omaha. JZa
AGENTS make U dally (.fllivn th che.ip
ft and mifft perfect Water Kilter ever
Invented; re i1ls nt U; big profit; -xcli.slie
territory. SENECA FILTLli Ci 1 . tV-n-
era. Mo. J M744 Sx
KEL.LT. voice, Davldge block.
DAIHV HICKJINS. voice, piano. K13 Lear.
Tel. A-274L K7
CHAS. H. KEEPER, piano. &S Barker Plk.
. 991
HE89 4 6WOBODA. 15 Farnam. -J-.I
, l
L. HENDERSON. lt.l FarnKm Kei.d foe
price liat of cut Cor a:xi pianta
r -77 tf
T"' Jit
TILLMAN A PRICE. 410 1st Nat. bk. bids.
E F. MOIiKARTT, Alt ., Patto Tel
blJaT.. rooraa and ai. Tel 1532. y.J&
GVLUER. pBlmlat. Tli N. 23d.
T. U B-S:4i
S jj
I'ROF. LF8TER, teat medium, fiivea facta,
rnmea. d.ite. etc, Patfnr out of city
write for wonderful free bulk K'.O Div
enport at. S '73 MtJ
F. J. BITCL1FFE. ioln N. V. L
tlona, convc-ntiona. Tel. 367t;.
FACSIMILE lettera.
Ro lua Colleirc., X Y.
. K3 M34
IN famlllec. Mlaa Sturdy, &K Davenport.
WANTED, drcaniaklnd In fmnlli.-a; beat
Mi ini'rrnrw. Aaurcaa 11 a. Hoc.
MG4I M3x
(Should be read dally by all Interested, aa
rhungea may occur aC any tune.)
KureiKii inula fur the w et-k ending April
. Iii4. will cloau (PKO.JHLV in all
c-uaesi at the General Potottli.-e aa fol
luwa: l'arcela-pKt inaila cloie ouc hour
earlier than closing time uliovn below,
l'arcela-poat maila for Urnrjiiy cloae at
t p. in. Monday.
Rrgular Hud Bunjltminlary n;alla close at
Foreign station tcorner of West and Mor
ion street! half hour later loan closing
time Hhown beiow, (.except that supple
mentary niulla for Lurope and Central
America, via Colon, c1om one hour later
at Foreign Btanou).
Transatlantic Malls.
BATURDAY At 2;3U a. m. for IRELAND,
Ir s. s Ktrurla. via vjueenstowu
lor oilier pans of Europe ,.iusi be eii
rectel "per s. s. Etrurla'l; at u iu.
for EUROPE, per a s. St. Louis, via
Plymouth and Cherbouig; at a. m.
for SCOTLAND direct, per a. a. Columbia
tnihtl musl lie directed "per s . Colum
bia 'i; at 8:S0 a. m. for BELGIUM direct,
per a. s Finland (mall must be directed
"per s. a. Finland").
After the closing of the sui.plementary
1 ransaiianue malls named aliove. ad
ditionul supplementary mails are open-d
on ine pais 01 the American, Kng.lsh.
rench and dtrsian steamers, and remain
oin until within ten minutes of the
Lour ot Bulling of steamer.
Malls for South and Central AsneHea,
West ladles, Etc.
FRIDAY At t a. m. for BERMUDA, per
s. s. Pretoria; at 9.30 a. rn. for NEW
FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Siivia; at .&0
a. m. tsupplementaary 10. jj a. m.) for
MARTA. er s. s. Adirondack (mall for
other parts of Colombia, via Savanilla.
must be. directe-d "per a. a. Adirondack ");
at 12 in. (supplementary i;.3y p. m.) for
BAHAMAS, per a a CTlxuoa (mail for
Santiago must be directed "t-er a s. Orl
lnhn"). ATURDAY--At R an a rn (supplementary
and VENKZI'LIA, r s. a. Caracas
(mall for Colombia must be directed "per
a. s Caracas"); at t:J) a. m c supple
mentary S SO a. tn f..r hf. lil'iMAP,
and KKKXt'H GUIANA, per a. a. Korona
(n ail lur Barbadoa. Orenada and Trini
dad muni tw directed ' per a. a Korona ");
at 8 3u a. tn. (supplementary lo.w a. m.)
LOMBIA (except Cauea and MaKdalena
I'ep tsi and tJHEYToWN. per a s. Altai
(mall for Costa IIIi-i must be directed
"ler a. a. Altai "1; at 10 a. tn. for C UBA,
per j. s. Mono Castle, via Havana; at
10 a. tn. for O It EN ADA. TBI N IDA D and
a: d FRENCH OU1ANA. lr a. s. Gren
xdu; at 1J:3" p. nt. for CUBA, per s. a.
Olinda, via Matanzag (mail liust be di
ectd "P r s t. olinda"); at 1 p. in. for
GUAY, per s. s. Sailor Prince.
Halls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex
cept Transpacific.
CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, closes al 1
tliis ortlee daily, except iaurei'-.y, at o )
. m. (the connecting mal a K.e hero 01
Mondays. WednesJata aud Saiuruas)
itViro CIT V overind. unlt pcinlly
addressed fur despalca by feteaiuer, c.oaes
al this ofhee dally, except, at
p. In and W.Sn p. m. bunuays at l.v p.
ni and l.3u p. m.
KKW KulNbhANH (except Ph rcels-l'ost
Mallsi By rail to North Sydney, ad
thence ty steamer, cieiaes ul llo.i ' flice
daily at 6 iJ u. m. (connecdt g maiis c S!
here every ilondey, Wednea.i a:.d Sl
urd ) ).
JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and lt.enc
by steamer, cioees at this olhce at ( aU
p m. Tuesday and Friday.
IIqUFIjON Hv tail to Boston, and thence
by steamer, closes at this ol!U UUy at
i p. m.
MALA hy rail to New trletns, "t.d
ti.ince by Sieamer. clone at this offlx
dailv, ecepi Suniiay, al II p. m. snJ
I).., p. m , oiiduva at p. ru. anJ
llo KM p in (cennex tir.g mail climes here
V.'iid .v c' -t H 30 p. ni I.
D'STA Itli.e iiy rail to New Orleans, and
thence 1 steemer. at Ihia ofll e
atil!y, except Sun. lay. at 1S) p. in. sal
I'm p. ni., Svinlays al 1 "J p. 111. t.nd
llti p m t'-onnee'ung mall elofcs here
jueslas at I Mi SO p. ni )
BAHAMAS (except ParceD-Pit Msllsl
By rail to Miami. Ma., ani ther.ce by
ateami r. closes at i M a. m. W ednesday.
Leaislered mall cIomm tt :oa p. ju. pie
vioua day.
Transpariae Mails.
fHILIPPl.NE 1S1.AN' 3. v'a Sin Fran
cleco. close hte at Ci-i p ru. 1 p to
Apill 1-l.ih. Incl's-.e. for uSLua ler
I 8. Trai.spcr'
KFW ZiiAl-ANIt. AIS'RALIA (except
MOA and HAWAII, via Sin Fiancise-o
fw here dally at i Su v. m. up t April
l:'iti. inclusive, for derpatrh per s s
SiMT (If tne rviard i-iriv ne
SI' t'ritlsh mall for New Zealand o, s
ple.t arrive in tims l-t connect wlia eh-.
tlespauh' extia mails -.. s.'.g t Si.
a m ) a. m. and So p iu . S-ir d. .
at 4 jo a in., s a. ri and t, si p m v l.
be mutie up and forwarded until the ai
rlvsl of the Cunard steamer 1
47H 'NA and JAPAN via Seatt'e (tperUllv
adtrese4 uuljh clue tier daily i
P m. up to April truY iTi.-lusive. f -r de.
pteh per t .
CI! ISA an1 J A TAN. via Vancouver and
Victoria.- B. C. close here dally t 6: 0
p m up to April ty.'h Inclusive for
e'.sist.h j. r s of Chlra.
Mere hs n.llse f'.r I". P Postal A gene v al
hhsrghal carrot be forwarded via Can-
PINE ISLAM'S, via Hr.n Franc Iseo. c1k.
here dally at 6 p m up to May 3d.
Inclusive, for despatch wr a. s. Mon
gol. CHINA and JAPAN, i la Tarorea. c'o-e
hre dally at 30 p. rn up to May Hth.
Irrlulve. for despatch per s. a. King
HAWAII, vln San Francisco. rl here
dully at S" p. m. up lo May 'th. In
rl ilve for desf-steh per a. a A1meda.
PINK INLANDS via Pan Franrro. rlosi
rre dally at f:M p. m. up to Msv llcth.
in-hisive. for dvpatrh per a a China
A 1 'PTH A I 1 A (except Wat, FIJI IPLANPS
and NEW Ca LEl"ONI . U Vaneotirer
and Victoria, n ('.. clrn h"re dally at
-Jo p m. up to Mar 1-1 ft. Inclualve. for
derpstrh pt-r a a. Mlowera
TAHITI and MARQt":3 A3 IPLAKT'S. via
Pan Franrlcn. cloe here dally at :D0 P.
m up to May f"4th Incluaive, for d
eptch per a. a Marlpoaa
NT E I nleea ntrierw'ee addreeaed. Wi
Antra)1a la forwardt v'a Europe; and
New Zealand and Philippine la B-.n
Franolco the fjnlrVeot rp'itea. PMl!p
plnen apec'allT addre-j-ed "via Canada"
cr "via Europe" muM he fully prrpeld at
the forelrn ratea. Hawaii la forwarded
via San Franriaoo excln'lveH-.
Trtnpclflc malla are forwarded to port
cf aalllra- dally and the achednle of rloa
Inisr la arranired on the preaMTiptfon of
heir uninterrupted overland tranait
I pettatered mall cloaca at i:00 p. m. pre
vious day.
po.t Of re New Tork. N. T.
eHI " 1"04
1 t the Im.-riiir (ifiinf of Jnrlmn
Aft'ili a. WaaliltiKton. D. C. March a. lia4
fr.-alcd proposal!, inured "Pr"poala for
!'- 1". fiour. etc.." aa II. e case may be. and
directi-d to the Commissioner of Indian Af
fairs, 2oj-.6i t-outh Canal fctreet, Chicago,
.!., mil be riseivid until 1 o i loik. p. m. of
Tumda), May 3, lS-4. lor furnishing for the
l'.il;.ii service. bei iour. bacon, beans,
c fTi e, sugar, rice, t ana oilier arlK les of
s t ilsti n e; also for procerles, s.utp, baking
powder. crovKery, oiiricuiiurai tmpiemeuts,
I .tints, oils, glass, tinware wagons, harness,
eat!-T. cho- lindlngs, ajiddlery, etc., school
supplies, and a long list of nUacellan.Mjus
articles. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Pro
pos.tls fur rubber goKl. hardware, etc.," aa
the cane niajr te. and directed to the Com
missioner of Indian Affairs, t2 South sev
enth street, St. Louia, Mo. will be received
until 1 o cIcm k p. ni. of Thursday, May i,
".Stat, for furnishing for the Indian service,
r'lf.bor 4;oo-la. lnn.ta and shoes, hardware
and medical supplies Sealed proposals. In
dorsed "iTopoauIs for blankets, woolen and
cotton goods, clothing, etc.," as the casa
may be and directed to the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs. Nos, 119-11 Wooster
street. New York City, will be received
until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, May 24,
for furnishing for the Indian service,
blankets, woolen and cotton g'KKls. clothing,
notions, hats nnd caps. Hids must be made
out on government blanks. Schedules giv
ing all necessary information for bidders
will be furnished on application to the In
dian office, Washington, D. C; the U. 8.
Indian warehouse, 119-121 WcoySier street.
New York City; 265-27 South Canal street,
01 ioajro. Ill ; S15 Howard street, Omaha,
Neb.; 6c2 South Seventh street, St. Louis.
Mo.; the Commisnr1es of Subsistence, U 8.
A , at Cheyenne, Wyo.. and St. Paul, Minn ;
the Quartermaster, U. B. A., Seattle, Wash ;
tli': postmasters at Sioux City, Tucson,
Portland, SjK.kane and Tacoma, and -the
Manufacturers' anrt Producers' association
of California. San Francisco. Cal. Ulos will
be opened at the lour and days above
stated, and bidders are invited to be present
at the opening. The cVpartment reserves
the right to determine the point of delivery
and to reject any and all bids, or any part
of any bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner.
Omshu. Neb.. April 25. 104. Scaled pro
posbls, In triplica-.e. will be received here
and by eniarttrmasterc at the iiosts named
herein, until 10 a. m , central standard
time. May 25. 19(. for furnishing wood.
coai ana cnareoai aunng .he nscal year
ending June 30. 1!5. at Omaha Q. M. depot.
Forts Crook. Robinson nnd Niobrara. Ne
braska. Jefferson Barracks. Missouri, Forts
irtsuveiiwonn ano miey. nansas, t-orts L.
a. itusseii, Mackenxie and Washakie. Wy
omlng. Fort Des Moines. Iowa, and Fort
.vieaue, bourn oakota Proposals for de
livery rt other places will he entertained
U. S. rese-rves right to reject or accept
any or an proposals, or any part thereor.
Information furnished on application here,
or to cuartermesters at rtatlnns named
Envelopes containing proposal should be
rnaraeo rr.-.posais lor Fuel. and ad
dressed to Major J. E. SAWYER. C. Q. M
A29 SO M20 a 23 24
Sealed Mds Will be received by the un
derslgriea trustee In bankruptcy until
(.'(li k p. m. on the 7th day of May. 1XH,
for the sale and purchase of a practically
new stock of hamese and saddlery, furni
ture and fixtures, now located at Anita,
Iowa. Parties desiring to bid can see the
stooa- ami .nvoice em application.
Rlhht to reject any and all bids reserved
A-'7-2S-Ml-3M. E. A. STONE. Trustee.
Uat Routt
Electric Ugbtetl Throusbout
TEV Pullman Drawing-room
Sleeping Cars, Club Car and
Free Reclining Chair Car. Sup
per served in Club Car. Break
fast a la carte in Dining Car.
Leaving Omaha at 4:50 p. m.,
Council Bluffs at 5:12 p. m.,
arrive Chicago 8:55 the next
Taken al 1 5 12 Faroara Street, or Union
Station, Omaha.
rue lu. Vurft in ftUvr iMjiv
aMUaiu r ') u.rtUk ml i : m.
LALurr&ua. Aagi il. Ju 7. tf.
Ltn ! . M M. iuum Ij, Au. 4, A.
Liao-14. Mv U. JlL4) im '. 1L
La 1 tra.iM, k ft. Juu . jul 1. It,
LtfttrnMpisC. Jta4 4, j,, fe.pi i .OcC tf.
fci-ur . L4vtl iiLira' b&avu -ai - At (aiAcijma.
ivuiiMt ' fMt.tH.itv4 irm, ktvrt-fvu, 4 lUtn
Harry K- Moor, imi num at..
Lett No. Finn N&tioit&i Amu.
C- sV alMUMa-Uts-4. VUX k 4kJUAA AU. . mck UlU4 ftj.
AOkCMOA us a V
aUrt mi 911141 csv4l4tf cw ,.4.a. Staji
r.U trip Ukt- .tlwr S I4 4 tVcMcm,
Abc. 4. I.; u a ! t.riActpftl sU.sidiss4iua
(wUttriwCtAl jviLU at aUrnWt'.tv rln Cu4 Utt It,
4bf T m. . 1 ur tavivrt 9 4(cijri tblermaiHf
to mf locl cl of tiM Aaehr Um mt t
ke Tsis-Si-rre Souiu.cs M iMs Isu.
KSW Yoke K Jl IKHiJAM. u IuC'IamX.
ssilu.a Twku, el 1 . a
PuoiUat l-r .Sooraa Utj 11 ....Mi 1. Siaitttkiiaai Jwh I
l'.-i.-.4i .. Majt xel't ihlks Jmm II
bOLUKD-UllltkAS USC, UarWl SC. cat
cuo. Ill : Uxrrr Kane U-l SC; U.
hJkrlur. Ui luua Si-i 4. SV iW..H
ftsea av
ff 1
Davis sells drugs.
Leffert's glasses fit.
Stockert sells carpets.
The Faust cigar. S cent.
Peterson, gun and locksmith, 4.'0 H'y.
For rent, modern house. 718 Sixth ave.
Taints, oil and glass. Morgan A Dickey.
Special sale on floor easels and screens.
Alexanders. 333 Broadway.
Council Fluffs lodpe of F.Iks will hold
a special meeting this evening.
For wall papering, painting, picture fram
ing, see Korwtck. -11 Main St. Phone A -.-.
Mrs. F. E. Ollllland of 221 Seventh street
will leave today for California, where she
will visit until July.
Bluff City Masonic lodge will meet in
special communication this afternoon at
4 o clock to attend the funeral of Edward
O. St'bs.
ShorlfT Cstinlnr vealeritae a n r, n. i lh
appointment of J. B. Matlack of Crescent hand Wednesday night ar.a wunout even
city as district court bailiff and deputy taking his chief of police Into his confl
sheriff to suoceeed the late Fred Petei - j dence raded two gambling houses, and
Have your carpeta taken up. cleaned and ! single-handed placed under arrest four-
reiatd by modern methods. Old carpets i
made Into handsome rug. Council Bluffs
Carpet Cleaning Co., S4 North Main street.
'Phone 51t.
George H. Nash, a well known resident
of Center township. In the eastern part
of the county, was In the city yesterday
and announced his candidacy for the re
publican nomination for county recorder.
Devoe's mixed paints. Morgan A Dickey.
F. L. Hsys returned yesterday from les
Moines, where he attended the state meet
ing of the Knights and Indies of Secur
ity. He waa elected delegate to the nn
tionnl convention of the order to be held
In St. Louis In June.
The hearing of Leonard Hullrt. the
hack driver charged by Mra. Larsen. pro
prietress or tne Manhattan restaurant,
with treating a disturbance and assaulting
ner. was continued in justice Ouren's court
on the Carnegie library site has be gun,
The large frame barn which was reserved
by Mrs. Pinney Is being torn d wn and
esrted away and the brick sidewalks on
the property are being torn up.
The case of Cl de and Joeie White, ar
rested Tuesday night on the charge of
conducting a disorderly place, was con
tinued in police court yesterday until to
day. The woman, however, was removed
from the men's department In the city
Jail to a room on the second floor.
F W Noble cluimlriB- to tie a lituriiav
man barber, was arrested last night as I
a suspicious character. He was found by !
Offle-er Oliver in the yard of Dr. Sev
lert's residence, on First avenue. He had
a paving brick in his hand and several
plee es of brick in his pockets. He could
give no satisfactory explanation for hla
presence mere, but appeared to nave been
V. D. Perry and Bessie M. Broeffle. a
young coeiple hailing from Omaha, applied
for a marriage license yesterday, but Clerk
Heed or tne district court was obllced to
refuse them, ns the would-be groom was
under age. The young man admitted he
would not be of age until May 3, so Mr.
Reed advised him to wait until then. They
left the court house evidently much dis
appointed. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. T; night. F-657.
Ko Action on Ditches.
The board of county supervisors ad
journed yesterday until the regular ses
sion In June. The fact of Governor Cum
mins falling to sign the drainage bill pre
vented the board taking any action In the
matter of the Harrison-Pottawattamie
county drainage ditch contracts. The
meeting Just adjourned was held for ihia
purpose, but the board will have to wait
now until June before It can do anything
In the matter.
The request of County Recorder Smith
that he be allowed. 11,500 for clerk hire for
the present year was again before the
board, which discussed the matter, but
adjourned without taking any action.
Plumbing nd heating. Blxby A Son.
Marriage Licensee.
Licenses to wed were Issut-d yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence.
Henry Ehlers. Loveland. la
Minnie Winans, Loveland, la
Charles W. Shook, Creston, la
Mary Frost, Creston, la
John Konx, Mlneola, la ,
Wifellmlna Burke, Dumfries. Ia
Johannes Rolerts. Council Bluffs
Millie May Mackaben, Council Bluffs
.... 29
.... a
.... i
.... 25
.... 27
.... SO
.... tfi
Hafer sells lumber. Catch the ldeat
TtHiajr while they laat you can itct
any of the 11-oeut lmrjialna adver
tlstHl for iny of the previous one-,
tlay gales this week. To make n
fitting clone to thia relet ir at ion of
our eleventh biiHlueaa anniversary
we will have both today and tomor
row an eleven minute special.
Iok for thera.
Fine Playinit Cards He
Plug- roup, rotir-ln-llainl, Iile-ycles
and other high trrad layluj;
itirtU on sale today oue
pack to the customer IIC
25c Score Cards Mc
All the regular 2ik? and U.V Score
Cards today only 1 1
per dozen '. IIC
Half OunceFinePerfume lie
lotlny only, ounce of any of our
fine l'Pifuliieg, liH'ludlllK n 111 sit
(Jpranluiu and 1 1
Carnation IIC
Itiinx your bottle.
Friday's II Minute Special
For eleven minutes this morning-,
from ll:tJU to 11:11, fine Ok? Heui
stltch Boxv Stationery, either flat
or folded suet-tie, extra swell
goods one to the customer 11
per bos IIC
I'osltively none sold before 11
o'clock or later than 11 minutes
THIS OM V ABsOLI TKI.Y MUOERS aku kormai. tub-
Students may enter any time. Excellent
places to work for board. Tuition very
reasonable. Write for sample ropy of our
College Journal. Write or call for Informa
tion. P.. P. MII.LEK. Pres.
Masonic Temple. 'Phone Mil
M Cvnacfl BiuSa.
Tiii 1 Two Pltcei ted PnU FonTtetn Mtn
Under Ami:.
F.levea Are Trapped In Oae Place aad
Three In Aaother Oambllaai In
pleraeats Taken to Police
Dr. Donald Macrae, Jr., Council Bluffs'
new democratic mayer, played a lone
teen men touria in ine iwu piaeeK
About 1 o'clock the mayor made his say
by a back stuirway Into the gambling
house over the Manhattan swloon and res
taurant on Broadway. The e'even men In
the room when they saw the familiar form
of the city's executive realized that he
was there on business, and several made
a move as If the suddenly remembered
they were wanted elsewhere at that par
ticular time. None, however, got away
as Mayor Macrae, foreseeing such a pos
sibility, backed up against the door and.
dna-itig a revolver from his tverooat
pocket, suggested to those present that It
would le time to leave the place when the
,ur,.i ,... arrived, to Si mmon which
he deputised one eif the ulleged pr prle-
tors of the place.
The mayor was evidently much pleased
at the success of his ruse, ar.d when C.
L Perrine, one of the men alleged to be
running the place, poured out a g'.asa .f
whisky and suggested to his honor that
he had better take a drink anyhow. Mayor
j Macrae gTacefully accepte-d and pleasantly
drank to the health of the eleven men he
had in custody.
T"e mn taken to the city Jail from
the Manhattan acre H. A. Larsen, pro
prietor of the swloon and restaurant and
owner of the building; H. L. Alexander
and C. L. Perrine. these lelng charged
with running the place; and eight men
charged with f e (iientlng s gsmb'Pg house.
They were all released on bail furnished
b,y Larsen, and their hearing was con
tinued In police court yesterday morning
until next Monday.
Also Raids krug,
An hour before he kwooped down on the
Manhattan Muyor Macrae walked into the
back room at the Krug saloon at the cor
ner of Main and Story etre-ets. where he
found several games going on. Here he
placed under arrest Fred Hay. H. D. Fin
ney and Dave Mooney. They were given
a ride to the city Jail and boe.ked and then
released on their own recogniiances. Their
cases were likemlse continued in police
f-ourt until next Monday.
Several tables and other gambling para
phernalia were seized at the two places
and are now In charge of the police.
Edict Against tiambllna.
Mayor Macrae stated yesterday that or
ders had been Issued that there could be no
gambling, but he had learned that his or
ders had been ignored. Jt la said on good
authority that the mayor and chief e.f
police Intended raiding these places about
a week ago, but the move waa tipped off
and when Mayor Macrae and Chief Rich
mond went to Investigate they found
everything closed. Wednesday night Mayor
Macrae decided there should be no chance
of any tip off so made the raid single
handed. il. A. Larsen, the proprietor of the Man
hattan saloon, and C. L Perrine were re
cently arrested on an information filed In
Justice Ouren's court by the county at
torney charging them with maintaining a
gambling house and the case ia still pi nd
Ing, the hearing having teen cantlnueJ
for thirty days, so that It might be taken
direct before the district court grand Jury,
which will reconvene May 15.
Following the raid on the gambling
houses. Mayor Macrae Issued orders yes
terday that all slot machines, cash and
trade, were to go, as well as all nickel-ln-the-slot
picture machines.
Esdi Divorce Tronble.
In the district court yesterday Mrs. Mil
lie May Mackaben was granted a divorce
from Louis Mackaben, and before Judge
Wheeler's signature waa barely ory on the
decree a marriage licensee permitting she
and Johannes Roberta to wed was Issued
by the clerk of the court.
The divorce and marriage license will. It
1s expecttsd, constitute the final chapter In
Mrs. Roberts' marital troubles. The suit
for divorce brought by Mrs. Millie May
Mackaben from her husband, Louis Mack
aben, was struck from the calendar by
Judge Thornell last March for want of
prosecution. Mrs. ' Mackaben bad failed 10
prosecute the suit in the court here, hav
ing secured, ss the thought, a divorce in
the district court at Albia, la. Following
the Albla divorce she marrled Mr. Roberts,
the janitor at the Pierce Street .cho.,1.
Her former husband, however, was not sat
isfied with the divorce which Ma wife
claimed to have se-curcd at Albia and al
leged that It had been secured by her Il
legally. He caused the arrest of his wife
and Roberts on a charge of living to
gether unlawfully. Mrs. Mackaben then,
through Assistant County Attorney HrBs,
obtained the reinstatement of her divorce
suit In the court, with the result that the
relief prayed for was granted, and she be
came a rree woman ana wnn nothing to
hinder her marriage to Mr. Roberts.
Clasa Rivalry Breaks Oil.
The class rivalry between the Seenlors
and Juniors of the high school has broken
out again with renewed vigor. After mid
night Wednesday the Juniors succeeded In
floating their class flag from the top guy
wire of the Fourth street and Broadway
electric light tower, it had been there but
a short while when a vigilant senior spied
it and he quickly summoned the clan. By
t a. m. the seniors had succeeded In tear
ing the flag down, but failed to hold it, as
a watchful policeman happened along and
took charge of it-
One of the seniors while taking down the
f.tig had a narrow escape from becoming a
fll subject for the undertaker. One of the
heavy weights attached to the elevator
cage In the tower became loosened and
came down with a crash, narrowly missing
the boy's bead. It was stated last even
ing that the police now have orders to ar
rest any boy found climbing the electric
l.ght towers.
Tabor Line Bas Depot Kite.
Announcement was made yesterday that
the Council Bluffs. Tabor A Southern Elec
tric Railway company had secured the
property at the southeast corner of Wash
ington avenue and Bryant street, occupied
I by the City mills, for lis city depot site.
The consideration has not be-n made pub
, Ii-.
The property has a frontage of lu4 feet
4s) WashliiCtoo avenue and iai uu Bryant
street. TUe main building of the mill is
four stories hlpih and was originally built
In INK by a memler of the Bald In faml.).
Colonel HofTmayr e.perated the mills for a
number of yeurs. but for several years
past they have been Idle.
N. P. Dodge & Co are agents for the
present owner of the projxrty and whvn
asked last evening Mr. lv..(!s"e sid negotia
tions for the purchase of it by the Tabor
line had been In progress for some time
past and that yesterday he was notified by
the officers of the company that they
would buy It.
Although no announcement has been
made by the Tabor line people yet. It Is
supposed that It will erect a Joint freight
and passenger depot at this point. Under
the charter ordinance the company was re
quired to locate its passenger depot at a
point between Eighth avenue and Wash
ington avenue.
Dae From Might Pcrntch.
Edward G. Stiles, an Illinois Central con
ductor, died yesterday morning at his
home, S"7 Mynster stre-ct, from blood eii
sonlng. He was 41 ye-ars cf age and Is
survived by his wife.
Three weeks ago Mr. Stiles scratched a
finger while opening the seal ef a car at
a way station near Fort Deidge. He was
In a hurry to unload, as he was anxious to
get his train out of the way of a passenger
following, and In his haste ripped the scul
off by hooking his (Inner In the wire. The
scratch was a small one and Mr.
paid practically no attention to it. Blood
imisonlng, however, set in and spread
through the entire arm and from there b
the body.
Mr. Stiles was n member of Bluff City
Masonic lodge of this city and the Order
of Railway Conductors. Funeral set vices
I will bo held at the residence Friday after
noon at 4 o'clock, conducted by the Masors.
nnd on Saturday morning the remains will
be sent to Eeist Dubuque, 111., for inter
ment. l)ole Asks Hehearlng.
Notice was served yesterday upon the
local j.ttorneys for James F. Hums, presl
eVnt of the Port land J.Id Mhung r-.r:ij ;ny.
that James iH.yle intended filing a petition
for a rehearing by the supreme court In
the famous mining ease. In which Doyle
secured a verdict against Burns, and which!'"' of the railroads doing business!
was ree entlv s. t nsl.le bv the supreme court m K'Wh in reierence , spe-e iauy eo e,,e- ..e
anrt a new trial ordered. Ina'ids of the stock shippers on the rail-
n,.,i--. i-rn,in,n.,n ... a.miv f..e n e...
hearimr h. fore the sunreme curt c omes as
a surprise to the tittorneys here who
Interested in the case, as v.-hen the decision
of the supreme court was announced Doyle
stated that he was re-ndy for the retrial of
the suit and would endeavor to hae it
brought up nt the September court.
The petition for a rehearing will delay the
retrial of the suit now for a year, or pos
sibly longer, a at the- best it Is not prob
able that the question of a rehe-arlng will
b decided by the supreme court until some
time in the early part of next year.
llrnos Keep on M Innlsii.
A bowling contest between the Heno and
Nonpareil teams last evening on the Main
street alleys resulted in a victory for the
Benos by a score of 2143 to lilt.1. The score
1st I'd 3r Tt's
Fnish 10 llei 175 5 0
Rempke UM 141 175 4 G
Liggett 1 p.8 149 4)
Conn 143 L'l 110 377
Gardner 1-4 Vi 13 C-i
Totals ".... .710 777 7G2 2Ui
1st 2d 3r Tils.
Nicoll 1S5 1:2 ITS 47J
Stafford 1S4 111 1C 411
Qjtnn 1-M 141 l.b 4.s
Lundlne 144 "ul 119 4..1
Pickering Hi ISi li3 3
. Totals ti57 7S0 744 2181
Tip Which Failed.
Herman LelTert. the Broadway Jeweler,
received a tip Wednesday night from a
secret source that an b -tempt to rob bis
store tnd blow his big safe containing a
valuable essejrtment of incut diamonds
and other precious stones and ;ewelry was
to be made. Earlier In the day a ptrange
man had been noticed Altering near the
store and had been seen lo look In through
the windows and door a number of times
.s If Firing up the place. The police were
notified and Captain Busse and a plain
clothes officer were detailed to watch the
store throughout the' night, but nothing
Hall Goes Free.
The case against Harry Hall, charged
with holding up and robbing T. L. Cody.
an old soldier, was taken from the Jury
yesterday morning' by Judge Wheeler ar.d
a verdle-t entere-d for the defendant. Cody
In his testimony tdmltted he had been
drinking the right he was robbed, but
clalmej to Identify Hall as one of the
two men who held him up. One of the
principal witnesses for the state. Detective
Pat Murphy, has died since Hall's arrest.
and the prosecution was compelled to rely
entirely upon Cody's evidence.
Heal Sstale Transfers.
These transfers were reiorted April X to
he abstract, title and loan offlc-e of gqulre
& Annia. Ml Pearl street:
H. B. Jennings and wife to Pottawattn
mie county, sti-liM acres In ne' ne
e-4-4;t. w a cw 1
e.ora r.. .-toiler nnej uijreiaiiu iu . e.
Olderog. lots 2 and 3. k J, and part
lot 4. block 3. Trevnor. w d 3H)
Vllllnn-i Herbert Sta'-y and wife to II.
O. MeGee. lots 43 rtid 44, block 6,
Wrigkt's add. q c d . 100
John B. Crumble nnd wife to ora Anna
Deuel, lots 2 nnd Su. block 6, Web
ster's 1st add, w d 101
Four transfers, aggre gating .-.
Cedar Rapids Jobbers on Tonr.
CKDAR RAPIDP, Ia., April 28 (Special
Telegram.) The first trade extension ex
cursion of Cedar Rapids Jobbers snd manu
facturers made a trip by special train to
DeWitt today. About luO representatives
of the Jobbing trade accompanied the train.
It stopiied at Tipton for dinner and stopped
at all the towns along the route and was
heartily received.
The Slarnai of niatress.
Whites of eyes and skin yellow show liver
trouble and Jaundice. Dr. King's New Life
Pills cure or no pay. Only 2ic For sals
by fcuhn Co.
FEATRICE. Neb., April 2s.-( Special )
Yesterday at 11 o'clock at the home of the
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D.
Rutherford, occurred the marriage of Mr.
Charles E. Rutherford and MUs Anna D.
llohl. Rev. J. A. Lowe officiating. None
but a few relatives witnessed the cere
mony, which was followed by a sumptuoas
wedding repast. The young couple will
make their home in Glenover, a suburb
ef Beatrice.
WEST I-OiNT, Neb.. April 2S. cSpeclaL)
John Vogellanx and MUa Anastasi
Zacek were married this morning at St.
Mary's Catholic church. Rev. E A.
Klemenz, ai.-unt pastor, officiating. Ths
bricio Is the daughter of Matthew Zaic
of this city, and the groom Is In busi
ness In Dodge, where the young couple
will make their future home.
The Bee want ads are the Seat Biuineas
IcdianKeion Ec5'.s H:mLiUle d wi'.l
Tai Aro'Ler Trio.
Hearst anil Anil-Hearst People lo ot
Agree on the Resnlt of the Con
ventions Already Held
In lorn a.
(From a Staff Corrrsi-ondenl.)
PBS MOINF.S, April 2V-(Spe-clul.)-Oov-ernor
A. U. Cummins nrrlved home from
Indiana today after a short stay ot a health
resort, but his health Is not greatly Im
proved, and after attending to the neces- j
ssry work at his office he will go nway .
again to remain some time In the hope of
regaining strength. lie appeared today
chiefly or the purpose of giving n hearing
on the bills which he has not yet signed.
and especially on the drainage bill. He
asked for information or suggestions on
the constitutionality of the gem ral etrnin-
age bill. nlo as to whether or not there i
was a sufficient guarding of th matter of
expanse and whether tl.e damages pro- find come from Purl'ngtnn ird nnde many
visions were ndequatc. A n-,imler of rer- stops and nt all points there was (he
sons appeared to oppose the bill, chiefly ! greatest Interest manifested il- the tnlKs
farmers from Story nnd coun- Tomorrow the train gas onwest to Shen
tl. s. where there bus been local troubles ' andoah nnd Chir1:;da and o,.ntinns the
oer the making cf ditcl '-s. Several ethers : good work.
appeared to favor the bill. Representative! "Po not plant votir corn too deep In
R. M. Wright of Webster county, the i.u- j this heavy soil.'' Is the Int. st d Ice to
ther of the bill, appeared to take up the i be given by Prof. Holder.
matter with the governor nnd explain the New conditions have Ix-cn encountered
Mi w of the 1 gislntlvo committee, and At-j In this locality The soil Is he ivy and
torney 0"neinl M'lllane nppear.-d to di- i farmers have been wondeilag a hy thlr
cuss the legal phases of the same. The corn yield was lower than It should If.
governor has not decided what he will The difficulty was found by I'rof. II. il
do. but plnlnly expressed that he Had some j den. nnd Ihls phase Is now farming an Im
grave doubts about the legality of :hc 1 portant adjunct to his advhecn the' test-
I measure.
Morkmen V bat Tbe ant.
Railroad Comnilssiorer E. T. Brown of I
Sheldon re-turned today from t huimo.
where he Bnd others of the state railroad
commission held a ennfe-rencc a-lth the
I ron d riiiniiaiiU. The tonference
1 ogreeable In rtw way
! iniinagers, after tic matter was presented;'
hf them rod ful.v dismissed. Immedlntely i
agreed to make the ceincesslons which are j
d. emed satisfactory -to the- stock shippers ,
,,e lw.j Tho . hlcf at tl.e.ele is un .ef?re-f-
... " - o ...... .....
nient to restore th
e.e.e.e.1 trt tile. tt,e-k
trains and to get the live stock Into the
markets f istcr than nt present. Tln-y will j
also :esunie the issuance of the return
stock passes, but unde r some modified rule,
... ... . . . u
which will prevent abuses nnd make the
. . . ...
sstem u.-iform In tl-.e Oifferent states.
Antl-llenrsl Men Active-.
The activity of the anti-Hearst , mfr
among the democrats continues and today
they are claiming that they have Informs- j
tlon from different delegations which have
been selected to lead them to believe that
the cl.-.lms of the Hearst boomeis are so
exaggerated that In fact the anils will
have control of the state convention. Loth
aides are claiming that the- oth. r will
bolt and send s second delegation to the
convention In St. 1ml'. Much i? said
to depend on the result In Dubuoue and
Woodbury ' counties, but the anti-Hearst
men are confident that they will secure
both and make a line show In the con
vention. The two warring factions dis
agree as to the rtatus of the dc-legitiorui
In reveral of the important counties.
Hansen Is Renominated.
Congressman O. N. Haugen of the
Fourth Iowa district was renominated at
Coage today. His nomination was by
acclamation, there having been no oppo
sition at any time. The resolutions adopted
endorse heartily the administrations of
President Roosevelt and Governor Cum
mins and the attitude of the congressman
In his work In congress.
Indicted for I'rorarluK.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dickeroff of this
ctty were Indicted today f'ir having in
duced two young girU to come to -Des
Moines from Lumoni, ostensibly to work
as domestics, and yet for the real pur
pose of enticing them to '.Ives of theme.
They were arrested a few days ago on
You can absolutely rety upon
ti train
1 lu-mnTin
M oaauaaaJ mm m mm V W
Tho natural laxatlvn
water for
Tmk hmU m
TTr iiiiTwrstiit 11 -srl sifflflHI
1 L3
Ilntral noon realises Ike ntter hoprlessuess of Him roudlllon end
piles ap In despair, livery inan who baa tho least reason to suspect
that he Is a victim of a secret waste shuald consult ns nil boat delay.
Nature will always re s-nt an Injury,
Tou cannot fly from it. Little you
i-.ougm in your ooynooa tnat you
would now in your middle age? be
suffering from the Indiscretions you conirnited. The doing waa easy
but the undoing. Because yuii can
not see the losses which are constantly
taking place you try to believe they
Co iiot exist. Beware! You cannot
see the deadly electric current on the
trolley wire, but It Is there, and its
lower la not more deadly than that of
tne secret losses many are suMuanlr g.
e ley ue.1 mere I inej issue l:Ke a II... Ii
and hae it cut? You will be U.c
Strict uret Varicocele, Emissions, NervoSexual
Debility, I m patency, Blood Poison (Syphilis),
Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases,'
ar.d all diseases and weaknese-s of men due to Inheritance. ell haMts, self
st-uso, nice , or the result ef specific or private diseases.
Cfl 1 TITIPiI FRFF lf 'ou cannot ell write for symptom blank.
vwaULIAilU!l inLt ofllc. ilour.; a. m. to p. m ; .Sundays, lo to 1 onlv
1308 Faraam St., Bet. 1 3th
mpie int of the girls. ho did net know
I of th!r dancer until tney had teno hers
; and mft" l!vin nt the house. It is gen
eraiiy believed that there Is a large gang
l of i r. i updating In !s M lnes rn-
prC d In the T.e farhms (rnflie and the au-th-.rlt's
h..H to unrarth It by this pr-
v ntlon
( nminlna Inelted to Talk.
fl. vi rm r A. H Cummins has been In
vited i.i -e the chief speaker at a irfil
nie ti'ic cf the lnlring men of Iowa or
the iw-'ni,:i e.f the nieettt.g it the Ptstl
Fcih ration at M irshailtown. M.iy 1". Ill
Is ixpected on the second day of the con
vention to rieHk at the (Vleon theater;
and other addresses mill be by John P
W hite i f ( president cf tin
t'nit.-d Mine Workers;. Arthur F.. Holder,
Pes Moines, ex-stale president Federation
of Iihor. nnd others. Plane are being late!
at Marshalltown for a banquet when lien-
rral Si-cretary J. H. Felllnaham of lh
Railroad Young Men's Christian associa
tion will rreslde as toastmaster. There
will be responses by A. L. Crick. lei
Molne: 3. H. Ptrlef. Pious City; Joseph
IT. Mohr, Mai shnlltown, and others.
Corn Kiprrt. Tell How to Improve
Yield of Corn.
OSCEOLA, la.. April IS -3clj )Ths
big meeting cf the day for the Iowa srel
corn specialists was the one hld here
tils fvrklng at tl.e close of a diy'a Jour
ney through soiitl'.enste rn Iwa. Th"
special seed eorn train e.f Prof. Holden
st:d his aaoclates frcm the state
I '"' of s.'vil com.
Another new feature that Ins been en
countered on ti e Rurllugton's rxctirs'on il
the drainage of c rn (u-his. A giSAl
i amount of this work ha he-en done already
I and many fields piissed yesterday were
reas. d wi;h ditches in ahlili the tiles will
1 Prainane ia a pHi-tlcular hobby with PU
rector Page-, lie preicheil lis benefits at
each station and '.he subject is forming a
, ' '
Th. i'istnltttIo: of ilftiusire systems on
farms t'ouble iloir productiveness. " says
Mr Page. "It i far better to expend It")
;ht acre- fe-r nih ir than lo buy r.ew land
f -
The elralns wl'l ilouh'e the
' w 1 '
an. poii ... e('u.
The inipe-rtani e. of e orn tests and tl
repulati. n i f the planters formed In th
...... .,
I C'TS. Prof, ilonlen s.llel;
Iowa s nverukc l"ld to the acre rO"S
I. .... , , ... . t , , -, ,, .
hut little above bushels, while allowing-
j v,ut om, HtaiK n, ne ear to t(ie Ui:l. the
frfflW )r (.fijn )!" u producing an aver-
,.ge yh-M of at leat fi.' Imaliels. The fault
Hfg, ,,t with the farmer, not w'th the
oorn mit t,r iarj, f tfSt!nC and tha
J fauity regulation of the- planter.- - '
j -(,ur methods are row to mriny, but I
am ,,., ,ldlnu- The farmers of the rtate
I Hre worklt.rr sln.- relv to' lucres se their
; yield ns it Is to their Interest to ine Tea. e
j jt hut n our h.islness, like all ether oc-
, , upatioiis, stcdy is hound 19 I rl:'g fc.rih
Improvement and lmprnvrmnt Is popslble
."An even rlarul of corn is the necessary
adjunct 10 a good yield, but to get the
even Hand the tests must be made and
Kthe planters arrange to distribute it
evi tily."
la-Kan Man rt Missouri Valley.
I.OeJAN. Ia., April (Special. ) Gorge
W. I'kuii, an attorney ( f tlila, deliv
ered nn r-.eldresa before the weeltly session
of the I'ri-sLe.vt. rian Literary flub nt Mls
seurl Valley. I'gan's address wus entitled
"The Educated .Man." A largo number
were In atte-nlince and the speaker Was
well received.
hilil r rlounly ItarneiL.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., April 28. S,ec lal
Telegram.) While r.ttemptiug to light a
fire yesterday by the aid of kerosene Nellie
Schmlnkcy, the 10-year-old daughter of
Charles Pchmlnkey, residing In Btumptown.
was badly burned. Her Injuries consist of
scries of burns about the face and neck.
ft mm -il rrtr?3
v vmm mm' VX l-nwa mrm
oefaaa cut aranp.
UlflAi imiTTTflflT
,? it ,-!.
Von raaaot be healthy if oa are snffeilnsr from a
secret viaste. lllddrn drains" rrork Iwstr rcrptlbly,
but sare. Their work ( devastation la Jerrtbly rer.
lain, and the anfterrr frcn this baneful wd ilrflo..
yainer. for you will regain complete
n.unhood. Do r.ot be deiaderd wun the
l.i-.a trial the disease or weakness wili
to-reel itself it uever d.-a.
We ne-ver promise what we c ajin-.t
Itifc.itu, anel wi alwats pe-rfomi Jut
exactly wliat we ; roinlse. We have)
brought elie iii.-ul analysis an i na. io
scopieal i-xaininalions up tj the peu:t
of i-erfectlcn in these cases, and a
correct and reliable amgn jeeia is a posi
tive certainty, our n.m.y ears of
close study cf these S- ,al dlseMises.
suppletuented by our long experience
111 ine tiiainu iit or 11. 1, eruditions
ai..i ft 1. erl.iiive pikeii.-e, enables us
1 to suce esfjtlv tr-ut and iur.
and 1 4th Streets, Omaha. Neb.