i! 10 ens Witch tor Saturday Specials. Great Specials for Saturday. Green Trading Stamps Every Sale. RE mn omatta duly iiee: fhtpay. a rim, 20, ifloi. ' HA CT3 C"3 TUB HICLI AB1.K ItURK. I 9 i ; "bos" SOWS' Ba.rga.in Frida,y The Greatest 65-CHNT I) If ESS GOODS 29c OF THE ENTIRE YEAR. Three cases of mill lengths bought from one of the foremost mills in America. Cream, black and all colored goods In lengths long enough for children's entire dresses nd skirts melrose. aranltes. Panamas, voiles, etamlnes, nub etamtnes, 42 and 43-lnch wldi all this season's goods, at, yard Thousands of these pieces, many of them to matchthe highest clasa of goods manufactured always JQq ti3.cll 29c Importer's f Sample Lengths vv Bold at 25c each, at, each SI.SO Dr On Iront bar (ioods. gain square 85o as Yard au accumulat ed lengths of fine dress goods voiles, tailor cloths, broad cloths, Sicilians, etc., f s ' 3 to 8 yard lengths, f iC at, a yard ,1,w SI Dress This Beaton's popu (ioods, lar pood, the ac 35c Yard cumulatlon of Bales of our highest class spring dress goods a square filled with extra ordinary buyinff chances T f worth up to II. 00 fttj y&rd . 50c All Wool Dress Goods, at 75c Yard All weaves & colors, double widths, also French flannels, etc LACES Vals, torchons, etc., In bands, galloons and insert lngs a variety of desirable widths worth ' Ca up to 20c yard, at, yard ...IC-sWC- JC EMBROIDERIES Fine Swiss and nainsook in all widths embroideries, lnsertlngs, bands and lfl galloons -worth uptoSSo yard, at JiVm UC-ljC SILK SPECIALS A special Friday offer of high class silks specially adapted for shirt waists, suits, house gowns, etc. thA npft1Qt anrlnn silica, that, nm rtnaltl va! v worth P u.w , t o , - r ,j - - - - 15; Sl.OO yard, at, End of All Kind of Silks 2 to 13-yard lengths on bar gain square, at, yard the ement In neat Remnant Bargains Bas 10c Jasper Suitings very ttyl ish, worth iifto yard, at, yard fine Sheer Dlmltle Iff T dress styles, at, JoC yard 40-Inch India Unon 25o grade, will go at, yard 10c French Percales very best quality yard wide, light and dark Q I hades, will go at, O2C American Shirting Prints goott lengths, at, (i yard Remnants of Table Damask All one-half regular price. 2lc Fancy Corded Ginghams stripes and checks, sold generally at 16o yard at, yard Colored Cnrtain Swiss 36 inohei, 1 to 5 yards lengths, yard 36 In. Mercerized Sateen black and all colors, 40o grade Fine Chambray ainghama- ln plain colors, go at, yard Travelers' Samnle Place lengths and many alike mgn grade sample pieces, at, each lengths and kinds at 8k 3k 15c 5c -3-4 yd &2i; about J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. . BOSTON STORE. SEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES 'lis Fat of the Land" ii a HoTslty Among ' This Season's1 Publications. STEINER DESCRIBES A VISIT TO TOLSTOY Two Portraits ( llsuul Interest In the My Oentnryt-Tba Smart Set atore Tht Vpkolds Hpla tlom mm Clover. The chief novelty among1 this season's books is tr. Streeter's "The Pat of the Land," published by the Macmlllan com pany. Most people who narrate their search for a country home are very poor, and the point is how little they get along with. Also, they are generally very, very young. But tlUa middle-aged medical man undertook farming, not aa a means of grace through privations, but with the Intention of living luxuriously. He farmed intensively, fed oows, pigs, poultry, land, and apple trees tor product, built a big house and entertained many friends. The boolc is a step beyond garden books, nature books, and all sorts of country home books In which someone tells how he tried to go halfway back to nature. There were no half-way measures about the doctor; he made Just as much a business of farm ing aa anyone else does of selling cotton or running a factory. 'Withal, he never lost sight of the truth that the real ob Ject of life is to live, and his handsome profits were a means rather than an end. One reason why Dr. SI ren ter wus able to carry so large an amount of stock on Ms farm of S'M acre, as related in "The Fat of the Land," was tbut he raised alfalfa, fertilising It so as to reap ttve tons a year per acre. Alfalfa and Its great value for cows, horses and chickens Is hardly known east of the Mississippi; and Dr. Btreeter's experiment is of special Interest to all people living In the coun try. The difficulties of the stranger within the Russian gates are well Illustrated by an eitperler.ee of Dr. Edward A. Stelner, the author of "Tolstoy the Man," pub- toaoos'vsr1owo4 os tela koae ass fee prMsies trass m at a 4ta eoaai. . Wo osua also tuaUk aa took Bobllslieo. BARK ALOW BROS. Tel. 1612 Faraam St 0) re rvn rr o) Is LiJ uJ y 'TMIE deep-rooted pop ularity ol Green Trading Stamps Is again proven by the collectors' rush on Red Letter Day. No premium earning plan equals the Green Trading Stamp plan for all around worth. New articles of the most substantial manufacture and high finish are being added every day to the stock of premiums on display in Premium Parlor, second floor. One dollar's worth of Oreen Trading Stamps given free with every new collecting hook called for. The charm of our Oreen Trading Stamp system la that It Is HITCHED ON TO EM PHATIC BARGAINS. It takes no particular shopping shrewdness to see the immense money saving Involved In patronizing any of our 50 complete de partments. Tthe advantages af trad ing at BENNETTS are self-evident How's Your Stamp Book Coming? Jcll-0! Jcll-0! A combination of gelatine and fruit flavors. Makes a delicious and dell cate dessert. Comes In four flavors lemon, orange, raapborry and straw berry. Put the contents of the little package In a mould, add hot water, set away to cool, and the trlok is done. Demonstration on main floor. Three packages 25C Grocery Otir grocery business has always been large, and we are still adding friends to our list daily. Quality and Prices Count! MM $1 .00 WORTH GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH THREE 3 POITND CANS OF TOMATOES 30c Sweet Chocolate, Cake 4Wc Hreakfost Cocoa, Vlb can Celery Suit, bottle 1'' Capers, bottle K! Lemon Extract, bottle 5c W. Q. JERREflS, Pres. 209-311 So. 15th Street. Think of the Advantage ! THIS extensive making to order by an establishment with large and busy stores In nearly every principal dress center between New York and Frisco! ttOO WORTH GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH JAR P.KN NETT'S CAPITOL MARMALADE 25c SUc Sack General Groceries with $3 worth Oreen Trading Stamps. 1 bar Zoo toilet soap 5o 1 nit r Wetmore Gflutlne 10c 1 can Clam Chow der We 1 bar Prldn of KltuJien Soap Bo 1 1-lh pkg Raking Soda 6t 1 box Matches, S00. 4c 1 3-lb pkg Capitol Wheat 10o si i 'ill 50c Seeds! . Seeds! Northern grown Flower and An Vegetable Seeds, pkg w Eight packages 25o. Maderia Vine Bulbs r each DRY GOODS Visit the Big Bargain Section Harney Street Aisle. 5o FANCY DRESS GOODS. IOC YARD 100 pieces fancy drons goods in plaid, checks and fancy mixtures, cheap at 25c yard, for Friday, yard... 80O TABLE PADDING, 29C YARD M-inoh extra heavy Table Padding, worth 60c yard special, per yard PERCALES AT 8 1-SC YARD 100 pieces new percales, nice dark colors worth 1214c yard only, yard SHEETS 72x90 sheets, extra fine quality, deep hem, cheap at 60c CHr special, each JJS TOWELING RussUn Crash Toweling a very good 12Ho quality- special, at, yara ,10c 29c 8ic .7ic BARGAINS IN LITTLE THINGS. VISIT OUR NOTION BARGAIN 1 llshed by the Outlook company. In de scribing his last visit to Tolstoy he says: I went into Russia at the extreme east ern border, and found myself suspiciously viewed by the gendarmerie. My passport was held back, and after being called to police headquarters I was questioned as to my purpose In coming . Into Russia and as to my special business Inasmuch as the passport regulations deal with men according to the trade, business, or pro fession. I said I was a professor, and then I heard one of the gendarmes ask the other, 'Does he look like a professorT' To this he received a negative reply? I was told that I could not enter the csar's domain until I proved my title. Unfor tunately, my visiting cards had neither handle nor tail just plain Mr. Edward A. Stelner and I was quite sure that I had 10 mm oacK tne long and tedious way I had taken through Poland, when in despair I pulled out a letter which had the abbreviated Rev. before my name. A young lady, ' the foreign expert of the police department, was called, and she took the letter and read, 'P-r-o. Yes, he Is a professor." 1 felt like embracing her. but the train was waiting, and I departed with no further word." There will be two portraits of unusual Interest in the May Century, one of Tolstoy. another of President Roosevelt. The Tol stoy likeness Is from a drawing made by George T. Tobin from a photograph, and shows Tolstoy at 29, as an officer In the Crimean war. The president's portrait, in tint, will be the frontlspteoe of the issue. and is from a photograph taken by Arthur Jiewitt at the White House, January lu. 1SW4. The May number of The Smart Set more than upholds that monthly's reputation as "the magazine of cleverness." Between its covers one finds brilliancy, strength, spark ling wit, delicate fancy, originality overy- ining. in fact, except dullness. The nov elette. "Veronica's levers," by G. B. Bur- gin, author of "The Shutters of Silence.' is an J-.ngllsh story of enthralling Interest In which attention centers upon half-a-doien characters whose striking Individu alities are skillfully developed through the unfolding of a most ingenious and novel plot. The entire number is lightened by many bright, crisp bits of wit and humor and frequent little sketches and verses con tributed by the best among tba makers of fun. Taking It all In all, the May Smart Set Is an exceptionally good Smart Set which means a great deal. A notable feature of great current value In The World Today for May Is th group ing of seventeen pictures In color Illustrat ing various points of Interest In connec tion with the Sberlan railway and the 3c lc 5c 2c Oc ...2c .4c . 5c B 25c COUNTER IN THE MAIN AISLE. There are hundreds of little things there, wanted every minute. CROCHET COTTON-Full length, all colors, extra quality, for PINS Full papers, good quality for , CABINET HAIR PINS Plain and crimped, visible and Invisible two for IRONING WAX The best quality for a BIDE AND BACK COMBS A large assortment 25o quality, HOOKS "AND EYES The' best hump for SAFETY PINS Assorted sizes, on card for CURB PINS Black, white and jet, full count ror , NEEDLE CASES A lot of samples, values up to 75c all, at . Children's New Wash Dresses Ages 1 to 5 yeans, neat patterns, fast colors prices 60c, 39c and 25c Misses and children's new wash dresses, ages 4 to 14 years. A splendid assortment, prices $1.95, $1.48, $1.19, 98c, 69a LADIES UNION SUITS Low neck, umbrella drawers, lace trimmed, worth 40c garment, each 25c CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR 2 cases children's and misses Swiss ribbed underskirts, high neck, long sleeves, spring weight, worth up to 20c each 12 Jc 5 OASES WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. "Fast Black" full regular made, worth up to 20c,pr. . 12 he It means better dress for about one-half the price formerly paid; it means a saving of from $10 to $15 on prices common today. It means the best cutters the best tailors the best materials at prices within easy reach of all. It means fabrics tempt ing enough for the man with $50 to spend or the economical man limited to $20. Trousers.. ..$5 to $12 Suits $20 to $50 Let the cutter see you today. WALL PAPER Latest and cleverest designs. Every Imaginable wall paper Idea at cut prices. THIRD FLOOR The Japanese Window on South Sixteenth street draws In terested crowds. See the views from the sunny kingdom. Pictures of the Russian-Japanese naval battles made from OENUINB photographs taken by Japanese artists. ' Yes! We've Got 'Em Going South! 3T THE BRIGHT DAYS ARE HERE and every lady enjoys getting out and seeing the new goods. We have so many nobby, tasty things In sliver, tcut glass and leather goods a few minutes could be spent protltably In our store. Look for the name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1316 Douglas St. MRS. J. BENSON rr Silk and Lisle Gloves Husso-Japanese war. This Issue Is one of the nnest In color effects yet produced, forty of the one hundred and fifteen pict ures having tint plates. There are several beautiful portraits of children among these. The artist who made the sixty pictures for Josephine Daskam's "Memoirs of a Baby," published by Harper, Is herself ,a famous young woman. Her name Is Fanny V. Cory. Her "Tragedies of Chlldho- d pictures In Harper's Basar have circulated far and wide, and made for the young ar tist a permanent place In public affection. Miss Cory was born and reared In New Jersey, but delicacy of health resulted In her going to Montana for an outdoor life. There she lias built a picturesque bungalow near Helena, and there she enjoys all the freedom of western life, tramping, riding bronchos, and building up a sound consti tution. Miss Cory's work as a portrayer of babies Is scarcely equalled. She bas struck Just the light notes of humor and refinement. salle, William Morris, E. Vandervelde, Sid ney and Heat rice Webb, John Burns. E. Anseele, Anatole Prance, and many others of equal prominence. The dlscuatlon Is not confined to any one country, but extends over all the world, with special reference to European sociullsm. Interesting and hitherto unpublished facts concerning the famous Hayes-Tllden election contest appear In an article by Joseph M. Hogers. In the partisan bitter ness of the time impartial discussion was not possible. Mr. Roger? secured much im portant matter from the late Abram 8. Hewitt, who was Mr. Tilden's field man ager during the contest. Senator Hoar and Henry Watterson also contribute interest ing facts. The truth concerning the con tests, the manner of Us settlement, and the real seriousness of the crisis presented are here first shown. 3 New York Boston and The East Six trains a day from Omaha over the North-Western Line, the only double -track railway from the Missouri River to Chicago.connects at that point with all lines, for a:i points East. These fast trains on the North-Western Line are most conveniently equip- neil fnr the safetv and comfort N of patrons. Bunet smoking ana library cars. Superb a la carte dining car service. Drawingr-rooro and private compart ment sleeping cars, free reclining chair car and 'standard day coaches. Leave Omaha dnilv for Chicago at .3:40 a. m.. 8:00 i. m., 11:30 a m., 4:25 p.m., 5:50 p.m. and 8:25 p.m. rickets and full Information on spplkstlon J I401-M0J Fsrnara Mrect, Omaha V1NW170 ... smssaaaasmaa; I Sharp, all go at one price per ard ' i , V Ho standard dress ' 7f UH" dotted curtain 7 J- , prints per yard JaW gwlsses. yard 2 111 25o Fine Irish Tlr MHi standard dress SZn dimities 4 2V ginghams . ' ' , 4 . 12ia bleached and unble.iched muslin S ,, long mill ends at. yard 19o 40-inch sheer Hip 12V40 white goods, j? j ', apron lawn UJW nil kinds, at i , Thio standard apron Cc l2Hc percales long 1",- ' check ginghams mill ends, at '-V, ', i . I ' Jhn printing batiste Rp 69c linen finished 4"1,, I 3 inches wide, at sheets, SlxW size, at 4 L I Friday in Great Domestic Room EXTRA SPECIAL Commencing at I a. m.. we will place on sale log full pieces of mercerised wlit walstlng. worth from 6O0 to $1 ( a yard some are slightly soiled on e,iKe,. but most of them Jerfnrt Kernetnr.e-r at a. m too heavy blanched sheets, TSxW slse, at 371c 16o eambrlo finish pillow t-11 ih. 4'.x.lS 9c 80c mercerised ftTAc damask, at 3W tl.!B oil boiled turkey fFtC red table cloths, iVi yards lons''' 40c Vnl'in tahlo damusk IRo 4-!iir! li'eaohed pi. low cnslr.g at, yard ..22c ...121c a2Hc bleached seemless sheeting 2,1 C 24 yards wide, at fc FLANNEL REMNANTS Bilk embroidered white flannel, wltth hemstitched or scalloped edge, on nl at less than cost price. Uttc Outing Flannel, 84-ln. wide, at....6c 1 10c 8haker Flannel Remnr.nta at, jd....f'S'! Special Sale Dress Goods nur black and blues, all wool 8ootcri Mix tures, all tke new spring colors, worm up to flKc, Friday 49C per yard . . French and German Flalds, crepe nnisn, assorted styles and colors, .lC worth 7Hc, Friday per yard 7 7 Wool Novelty Dress Goods, assorted col ors and black, worth tiic. Friday "50f per yard " Wool Crepe de Chine, nil tlm .veninj shades, cream and black, wcrlli ' ''IE.. Friday per yard liV. All remnants of our flno Wnnl Im.- Goods. In lengths of 2 to 7 yards e'r., worth up to itHc, t ilday por yard Interesting News for Wrapper Wearers. -MIK? mornrnTher'et EZSSVvS W W They are divided Into three lots. Lot 1 Women's Lawn and Percale Wrappers, light and dark colors, 4)C one dollar quality , Ijot 2-41.B0 Percale and Lawn Wrappers. In Ught and dark colors, ruffles over JfJ shoulders, Friday 1 Lot S-I2.B0 Lawn. Dimity and Percale Wtsppere, trimmed with laoe and 1, ft) embroidery, at Wholesale Grocery Prices To the Consumer. Extraordinary Stamp Specials Friday. 15.00 worth extra trading stamps 'free with every aaca 01 r iuur. tfi.Ov worth sxtra trading stamps free with every three pounds best Mocha and Java Coffee for 100 $6.00 worth extra trading stamps free with every pound of Tea, any kind you want, up from :;a.vj- . COMPARE THESE PRICES WITH BO CALLED CUT PRICES. 10-pound sacks pure Buckwheat Flour. JSo 6 pounds hand picked Navy Beans. lo b pounds gooa japan xt.ico ur ..oyiuuo. Quart cans Golden Table Syrup 70 Impound cans Preserved Raspberries 'n 1-pound package best Macaroni Mc 1-pouna jars pure r run Large Domes pure iinmio """f"" ETlY l.iivmn B-piiit Pud din a- or Jell-O. package 7V4o Large bottles Pickles, any kind you 8-pound cans solid packed Tomatoes... 73 8-pound cans Boston Baked Beans 7Ho 8-pound can tfneappU Butter 7Vfco O .. A Wav RtrlnsT nF T J Til A. Loans "" 2-pound oans Early June Sifted l'ejia., 1 10 8-pound cans Green Gage or Kick Pluins lo t-pound package beat Corn Starch.... 4o Eleotrio. alabaster, L X. k or oollulold Bes'buikUunJry 'stajfeh,' per lb '. 8o EXTRA DRIED FRUIT SPECIALS Large California Prunes, per pound.. JJfco Fancy iUIr Peaches, per pound JHo Virginia Blackberries, pur pound T'o California Grapes, per pound 74'! English Cleaned Currants, per pound. , c New York Evaporated Apples, pound. IWc Three Crown Layer Raisins, per pound ts Virginia Raspberries, per pound Stoa fresh fruit special. pound 12Vto Fancy Mixed Nuts, per pound ly: California White Figs, per package.... , Colorado White Clover Honey, ruck. 12c Large navel Highland oranges, doien,.lBn Lame lulcy Seedless Lemons, dor.nn ,.Uo 11 OUR BUTTER LLP ART MB NT. We handle nothing but absolutely pure butter, made In the best preamerlt-s In the mate. Our prices are always tho l rwi-ei. t &3AVDEi3 BROS. We are showing the. best fabric gloves made silk gloves, double finger. Every pair guaran Colofs, black, white, tan, Prices,. 50c, 75c and $1.00. Lisle 31oves in same rolors prices, 50c ami 75o. Full line of new limle in Kil (lloves-r-priee,. f 1.00 up. v Bee our new utjle in Embroideries, EJjjtsi and Inheitioa. tipped teed. mode and gray. The Hay St. Nicholas on Ita stamp page notes a growing difficulty in securing nne copies of the early Issues of United States stamps. Poor making, careless handling, and laxness In collecting are counted the main causes of the increasing difficulty In securing these stamps In condition accept able to careful collectors. Young collectors are advised to take special care in gath ering and preserving specimens of these early United States stamps. I'nilur ha tltla r.f "Modern Socialism as Set Forth by Socialists In Their Speeches. Wrltlnas and Proe-rams." the Hcribness Import a book of much timeliness and value. It la edited by R. C. K. Ensor. It amounts, briefly, to an unusually complete and authoritative statement of the position and views of modern socialists, comprising articles by such representative socialists aa A. BebsL V. Kugtls, Karl alarx, Lea- Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 122 South Fifteenth street. 8rlght's Dims. Caused the desia of Doctor Bright. Brlgbt's Lnaesse is aiiupiy slow cotme.Uon of the Kid ncfs. In the lant siane the congestion becomes scuts snd the victim lives a lew hours or a lew days, but Is psst savins'. This Inbidlous Kid C.J truubls is caused by sluvsuia. torpid, con gested liver and slow, committed bowels, W hereby the kldueFS are lutolved and ruined Ur.se s Pilmelio Wins is a foe to comes I too Of Lutr, Kid iien and tWsuea It promptly re lieves the eonseslioD and carries it out ol the Liver, Kidneys, tissues and blood. Drake s Palmetto Wut restores ttie uiucoui membranes to hesltby eondltloo. relieves tlie membrsues tbrouvbout to body froui lnflammaiua sod Oatarra sod cures Catsrro. Cotisilttloa sad Liver sad Kidney diwsse to tu cured.' It gives relief immedlau;!. builds up visor and health, prolongs life and makes ii enioysble. A trial buttle alwurs gives relief and olieo cures. trial bottle will be seat to every reader o( ibis paper woo will write for it to Drake Formula Cumray. Drake Bulldm. Chicago, 111. A postal Card ui bilDg u.is woudcrlul tonio Palmetto B.edloioe to sou kbMlutey Ir-e. 111. a boon to aisnsse l.dnuud. yKitt-rukWu suea and wotueo. Rogers, Peet 0 Co. Swell Clothing for Men. J. L Brandeis & Sons. R2n ivarci Line? i I Travelers of an economical turn of mind will be interested in these iow rates. They apply from Omaha. San Francisco Los Angeles Portland Seattle .Tacoma I One fare plus ( $2.00 for the May 3 , round trip IS25.00 (roday and every day until April 30th Home-seekers' Excursions to the West and Southwest ABOUT 55.00 SUITS Quite a few of the stores around town have had $5 .00 suit sales of late, some gave good values, others did not. We are now ready to show you what we can sell for a Five Dollar bill. We want those who bought IG.OO suits elsewhere to compare the ones they got with ours now on sale. It s a rare chance to secure a suit that looks every bit as good as many 115.00 ones. The e suits have haircloth fronts, shape retaining shoulders, hand finished button holes, A 1 linings and trimmings. They have a natural merchant tailors look to them, and if you would see these suits on good dressers you would take them for a hlsh grade merchant tailor's production. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1E19-15Z1 Douglas Street. California and KHurn I flfli April 23 to May 1 Full information at all Rock Island ticket offices or by addressing F. P. RUTHERFORD, D.P.A. 1323 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN By W. C. Maxwell. M. D. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege of New York City. 124-a Em building. Omaha. N.u. Teu 1U4. For Menstrual Suppreiiioa .,nMM. rr.ri pun-tan-got SiHCJkwS NMttfniUrilWisuS sWCsbmU eras Cw. sutlMaisust xr How to Write a Want Ad To Get the Best Results. Don't expect to have a big crowd of pple rushing to see your vacant room, if you men ly advertise "Xice Room for Kent," with your street number attached. Hay something in the advertisement about the roni, so that it will make a person's mouth water to see the room when they read it. If it has a south front and is a pleasant place in summer, or only a few minuteri walk from down town, or if it is fur nished in a way that is more than ordinarily attractive, say so. It is a good thing too. to state the price of the room in the advertisement, because that in one of the first question the prospective roomer wants to know. i