Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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Ttftturt of Cora Epcnlttlon it Oortrisg of
PUn aid Follower.
Wheat aad Oata Are rrartlrallr -tiomary
Con nl Oats Cash Da.
4 I are see aa
klsoiaa; Baa I a.
OMAHA. April 27. ISM.
Ths feature of corn speoulstlon has been
the covering of Pattn and hid followers.
Tuesday and todsy they were hucing The
Way and hsve gut over l.nnn.ftnu bushels.
To this Is due the corn strength. These
Ms; shorts have been entirely r.ght In the
Hay corn buying when Armour i getting
Jons; snd th market was high. Thev are
now satinfied to take their profits. These
same Interests have rhsnged their senti
ment in regard to Mav and July oata and
Patten haa taken the May They
ere bearish on these, hut think It time to
coer. They are um hanged on the Septem
ber oata. These operations caused local
shorts to want July corn and My oata
badly The corn was bid up from the open
Ing 43"c to 44c, end the May oats from
l-Sc to 17 c. but the shorts were unahle
to get any of the stuff even at these ad
vsncea. The weekly government report Is bullish
In Its references to de.ayed seeding In the
southern half of the spring wheat belt and
to the condition In the Ohio valley. Kansas
sr.d Oklahoma have Improved much. This
Improvement is reflected in the heavy sell
ing f wheat hy houses having southwest
Connections. This caused weak spots. The
reports from Michigan. Indiana and Ohio
f iggest only a crop of 2a or 10 per cent.
Thera have been rains In Missouri snd
Ohio, where they were not needed, but the
dry and warmer condition In the north
west is altogether favorable. Ths cash
demand for com and oats la much better
snd the corn has got down to a shipping
basis. Chicago sold Tuesday ItA.Ono bushels
No I it V under the regular charge for
May. snd there were charters of Kii corn
and l..'i oats to Buffalo. Manitoba haa
been exporting some wheat st a much
lower price than American markets. Minne
apolis wires track No. 1 northern sold there
today at I cents over the Msy.
The range In price of Omaha grsln tor
future delivery and the close todsy and
Tuesday wera as follows:
Open. High. Low. Today. Tu day.
May HO
July 76
Msy 4M4
July 43"
Mar K
July J6i,
A asked. B bid
ft4 an am,R an r
7 75 76 B 76 B
44 S 4fl,R 4 B
447 43"B i2KB
2? 25 27 B 2
S. :4 B 36
3 ISVk. 3B a"B
.Local Caah Grata Market.
Brokers with caah stuff for sale today
did not like the ruling prices and, aa a
result, most of the wheat, corn and oats
were carried over. Busmesa waa unus
ually light. The market had strsngthened
up Lrom Tuesday, but the men with the
corn wanted more. Wheal and oals were
piactlcally stationery. Receipts: Wheat,
cars In snd 7 cars out; one week ago,
2 cars In. Corn, I cars In and 23 cars out,
one week ago, 66 and 14 cars. Oats, 2 cars
out; one week ago, 1 and I cars. Chicago
received only 11 cars of wheal and 'H cars
of cats. .
WHEAT No. 2 hard, KSSBc; No. I hard.
6iWoc; No. 4 hard. Jlia;o; No. 2 spring,
uAoc; No. 2 spring, ljac; No. 4 spring,
CORN No. 2. K(j47Hc; No. 2, 464046c;
No. 4. 43fc44c; no grade, J64?3fc; No. 2 yeiiow,
47v4Mc; No. 4 yellow, 41"b-4Ac ; No. 2
white, 46&47Vtc; No. 3 white, 4fcv4tc.
OATS AO. i, oMc; No. lnuJitke: ?s
4. SbitJnc: No. 2 while, afrgXw; No. 2 while,
7xjc, No. 4 white, IVtvoic; standard, 28
Kates froaa the Eseaaaare oBees
J. L. Gwyne of Imogens. la., was an az-
tl'ange visitor.
Omaha Inspections of grain were 19 cars.
Of wheat. 1 car graded No. 2 hard winter
and 2 cars No. 4 hard winter. Of corn, t
car graded No. 2, 11 cars No. 2, 2 cars No.
t white and 1 ear no grade.
Oral Markets blsewhere.
Closing prices of grain todsy and Tues
day at the markets named wet aa follows:
Today. Tue'y.
Aiay ...
July ...
May ...
July ...
May ..
Jmy ...
July ..,
May ..
... ei A Mr,
... &HA
. "'s
. 43HA
, 2
61 A
juiy ...
July ..,
May ...
July ...
May ..
July ...
May ..
July ..
47 B
it R
Prices Baard of Trade.
CHICAGO, April 27 Fears of additional
delay to seeding operations In the north
west, owing to predictions of rain, caused
strength In wheat today. At the close
July wheal snowed a net gain of Sc.
Cora advanced V Oats are up l-tJl-tc,
and provisions sutc.
A nrm feeling prevslrsd In the whest nit
at the opening, and prices ahomed a sllgnt
advantage over yesterday's close, July be
ing unchanged to Stl'nC higher, at
to AJjut1. Ths Close Was strong wun
July at a.vtjc. Msy sold between .STJ'c
and cl.iastd at aTc. t'learatuea of wlieat
and flour were equal to lovsou bushels
I'nmary receipts were 1S3 icu bushels, com
psred with bushels a year ao.
Minnsapolis, Oulutb and Chicago reported
receipta of 74 cars, againsl 1 cars last
week snd 1S2 cars a er ago.
Under an active commutation house de
mand coin ruled atrong throughout the
day. Li'iuidatl jn rauaed some reaction late
ki the day. but the market closed strong.
July opened a shade to ',&'c- lilgher, at
4- 4f as.-, sold between 4.sg4l1o and
cloeed at 4kSiM-,c. May ranged between
4W4-47Vi-, closing at 4v.c. Local re
ceipts were its cars with contract grade.
The leaiure, of trading in oata was the
activity and strength witnessed in the
May delivery. The market closed strung.
July opened a shade to Vuc htuher. .'.
ttoVufce. mid Itetween S.c,,.c,-. clusing st
.-ac. May ranged between 37U.l!ec and
clone at Jal,c Loial receipta were
3 cars.
Procu-ions were f.rm. In sympathy with
the strength In grains. OlTernifc-s were
Imht. 1 tie market received most support
trom packers. The close was firm with
July pork up 17Vr'"-'"l at tlit.S'1-'" July
ltrd was up be, at Ko-S,. and libs, 7c,c, st
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles I Open. ! Hlgh.l Low. Clos. Yes y.
Wheat t
.May sKve,
f'i "7
rr 1 s's
a July
b July
a Sept.
b 8- pt.
Cor 11
S ,4T'S So',,
61-, Kn 1
nv, '4 sic,
7-',i aO :7Tsiv
4t'.i,' a' 4S
4s1, 4Sn 4R'i',
: 4SH 47
47T, 4US'8S
Oa la 7
I7V39NV 17t4j
17J 12 si
11 OS I
12 -i j
6 rv.
1; rv,' 1;
1: :v, K A
i 12 aO
1; ju
C 7V
trt I
1 li",'
6 76
J 7H
T 00
6 46
1 M
1 a
7 la
6 45
6 n
6 7
7 lu 1
7 I
Hi !
7 iCV,
( H
( 46
( ho
( 76
No. 2 a Old. b New
'aah quotations were aa followst
F1XUR Dull and steady; winter patenta
4 7'-0-t 60; winter sirslgnta. 14 .vj4 su, spring
patenta. M M spring straights, i.) j
4.1": kera. t:ii20.
W H FAT No. 1 sprinr KtrWr: No. gf
ffir-c: no. j red. sis.v.
OR.N-Na 2. 47ij4sc, No. 1 yeiiow, 4
OAT8-K0. !. tftkr: No 1 white. 43W:
No 2 white. 414141c.
RTF-No I. e
RAR1 tr-O.H-1 feeding. t"fl6c; fslr to
chf. mall ins). 44a-. is.- . - -
SEEi'i-.Stb I til. (llA, No, 1 nwrtB-
western. $1 prime timothy. US"; clover.
Commit grade, ..
PROVISIONS-Mcss pork. per bhl . T.: 1
fit Mi Ird. per I' Ibbs . I" 7T& 77v
hort ribs side (lrvoi, jt 37 ViJ 5c , short
clesr old" iboxed). I 5trjj 75.
The following were the receipts and
shipment oi flour and cram:
Receipts Shipments.
Flour, bhls 7O0
Wheat, bu .t 42 !
Corn, bu :'4i.o) to "
tfwtts, bu 14. a."!
Rye. bu
Barley, bu ,) l"1
On the Produce exchange today the but ter
market was steady, creamery. laZc;
dairy. lSfcllc. Kggs essv. at mark. cases
Included, ll'81it. cheese, steady, 68
daetatleaa af the Day aa Varieas
NEW YORK. April 27 -FLOLR-Receipts
16.4M bhls.; exports. 1.712 bhls.; market la
steady with but a light trade. Rye
flour barely steady. Minnesota pstents.
15 4466. 2; winter straight. 14 6&4ji ''.
Mlnneaola bakers. 64 i&4 .; win
ter patents. 15 lii5.5t: winter estrss, iS.Jotf
4 (, winter low grades, is lfi4 u. Rye
flour, dull; fair to good, M .144..; choice to
fancy. U Q4 TO.
CfiHNMfcAly-ftteady: yellow western.
$l 'ttl.lw; city, $L1'm1.12; kiln dried, 12 v?
ln .
RTE Steady; No. 2 western, 70c, to ar
rive rronipt
BARI.ET Quiet; feeding. ,e. I. f.. New
Tork; malllns. ti'jS, r 1. f.. Buffalo.
W HEAT Receipts . ou.; spoi maraei
firm; No. 2 red, 21. M; elevator. No. 2 red.,
il 4, elevator, No. 2 red. II nfjl f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 northern liuluth, !c, f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o.
b.. afloat Options opened higher on cov
ering. The close waa ISc net higher on
Mav. and WSrVjo up on other montha. May,
KS-tjiov, rloeerl st S"v; July. R"V"7c,
closed at 8SV; September, KntjbSVc. closed
at SSSc; Decerabvr, WV54c, closed at
CORN Receipts 22.673 bu.; exports. 12,
bu ; No. 2, nominal, elevator and MV f.
o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, B7c; No. 2 white
Efic. Option market was more sctive and
strong The close waa S'aV? net higher.
May, 64SitiMSc. closed at bc; July, 3S'
MSc. cked at &Jc.
OATS Receipts 40.5TO bu. ; exports, St
bu. ; spot market firm; mixed, X to S3
pounds, 44'341"-; natural white, to 22
pounds, 47'pHac; clipped white, 36 to en
pounds, frfyiCc.
TALIX3W Steady; city 12 per pkg), 4Sc;
country ipkRS freei, 4Tsc.
HAY Steady; shipping, 6&S70c; good to
choir. !2Htic.
HOPS Bteady; state, common to choice
lieiS crop. 26'335c; wa crop. 23-'! old,
14o; pacific ceast. 19(0 crop, G30c; liwi
crop, 2f?c: old, 914c.
iriDES Steady; Oalveston. 20 to 25 lbs,
lc; California, a to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
U to 0 lbs., 14c.
LEATHER Firm; acid. J34J;.
RICE Quiet ; domestic, fair to extra, 23
6W-; Japan, nominal.
PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family, tio 00
611.00; mess. 0g00: beef hsma. tS VQ
a.00; packet, l!.OtB1000; city extra India
mess, J14 OOt16 00. Cut meats, dull; pickled
bellies. f7 u'7.75; pickled shoulders, 26 60;
pickled hams. 19 Wng'lO.On. Lard. firm;
western steamed, 17.-; refined, firm; con
tinent, 7.4; South America, 17.75; com
pound, S6.2citj4.37Sk- Pork, quiet; family.
114 60: short clear, tl2.904215.0u; mess, $13.75
614 25.
BUTTER Firm; fresh creamery.
state dairy, common to choice, 16frlc.
CHEESE Quiet; atate, full cream, large
and small, fancy, September, llgllS,e;
September, good to prime, HH'ijlOc.
EGGS Easier; western firsts, 17c; stor
age selections, ldc.
POlIvTRY Alive, quiet; western chick
ens, U"c; fowls. 13c; turkeys, U'(i;3c.
Lressed, weak: western chickens, l-'sUc;
fowls, 13Hc, turkeys. liS 16c.
t. Loals Grala aad Prevlaleas.
8T. LOUIS. April 17. WHEAT Firm ;
No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 7Hc; track 9s-y
11 04; May, Vjc. July, gl6mc; No. 2 hard,
CORN Higher: No. I cash. 45S.c; track.
4eij4Sitc; May, 6c; July, 4747Hc.
OATS Hlsher: No. 2 cash. 41c: track.
42V&42c: July, 27c; September, 31Vc; No. 2
wnite, oc.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents,
24.7bj4.K; special brsnds 2traS6o higher: ex
tra fancy and straights, 64.4o4.i0; clear,
X3 7553 4.00.
SEtD-Tlmothy. steady: 12.402.60.
CORN MEAL Steady, C 4a
BRAN Slightly bigher: sacked, east
track. KOfcJCc
HAY Dull; Umothy. .60014.09; praliio.
PROVISIONS Pork higher; Jobbing.
H2.33H. Lard Higher; prime steam, t.o.
bacon higher: boxed, extra shorts, 7.27V;
clear ribs. tT.621; short clear. 27.87Vs.
POULTRY Eleady: chickens, 10c;
springs, 12.005.00 per dux.; turkeys, 13614c;
uurkn, 11c; geee, 67c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 17614c;
dairy, 14618c.
EGGS Steady; 15VkC rase count.
Receipts, bblpments. t.ouo
8.UU0 7;.mo
X:.i0 36.010
24.0tM S1.0U0
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu .
Corn, bu ...
Oata, bu ...
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
7iSc; July, 7ic; September. 7r4'3'7oV--;
cash. No. 2 hard, rtftV; No. , 81S-c; No.
2 red, 9c: No. 2 red, S3g97c.
CORN May. 43Sf43Sc: July, 43HtJ43Uc;
cash. No. 2 mixed, 47c; No. 1, 4SQ4c; No.
2 white, 4fr"g47c.
OATS No. 2 white, 8!k340c; No. I mixed, J7Sc.
RYE No. 2. 64c.
HAY Choice timothy. tl0.o0Jtll.00; choice
prairie. IS 00.
BUTTER Steady: creamery, lPf30c;
dalrv. fancy. 17c.
KGG8 Weak; Missouri and Kansas
stock, 16c, cases Included; cases returned,
Rece!ot. Shipments
Wheat, bu : .tm 8.000
Corn, bu 24.800 11 0o0
Oats, bu 6.000 6.0U0
MInneaoolls Grain Market.
ASc: July. soc; September. sftSstnc: on
track. No. 1 hard, WSc; No. 1 northern,
i.'Sc; No 2 northern. oSc.
FIjOUR First palents, 143.0P: second
pstents, 14 so) 4 90: first clears, 114'&S.5&;
Second clesrs. (J.30fi1!.40.
BRAN la bulk. 115W515 .50.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAT'KEE. April 27 WHEAT Firm .
No. 1 northern. 44iioc; No. 2 northern, S'.J
sc; old July. s4c.
RYl-V lower: No. 1. "ffTTtic.
PARLEY Steady; No. 2. t3c; sample, M
CORN-Steady; No. S, 4851c; July. 4SS3
4c asked.
Uverpeol Grnln Market.
dull; No. 1 Csllfornis. 7s. Futures, Quiet;
Mtv. f.s JUd: Ju v. Ss 4Vd.
CORN Snot. A merles n mixed, oulet st
4 Id. American mixed, old. stesdy at 4s 7d
Futures, quiet; May, 4a Jkd; July, 4s 3d.
nalntk Grnln Mnrket.
rU'LUTH, April 17 WHEAT In store
No 1 hard. "ic: No. 1 northern. Kc: No 1
n rthern. . to arrive. No. 1 bard, l"V";
No. 1 northern, SV-: No. 2 northern. thh
May. "c: July. Hl'c; September. Ifc.
OATS On track and in store, 2c.
Peartn Grala Market.
PEORIA. Arrll 27.-CORN Higher;
1. 4f.W.-. No. 4. 4TVC-
WHISKY On the basis of Jl 3 for
ished goods.
TOLEDO. O. April
27. BE EH Clover.
caah and April. K
October. 15 75. Prime
alulae. b l.'i,. August. 10.26 hid
Prime tiro'
otiiy, (140.
Cotton Market.
unchanged to two points higher; Ameri
can middling fair. sold, good middling.
1 twKj, mmuuiig. 1 .no, low miadurg. s.4a;
good ordinary, 7 44d, ordinary. 7.J4d. Fu
tures opened quiet and closed steady;
American middling good, ordinary ciauae;
April, t.mmi. April-May. 7 6ld; May-June.
7.47d, June-July. 7 4d: July-August. 7 401
August-September, 7 lad; September-October.
i4Ad; October-November, a lad,; Novem
ber-lAcember. 4 lid. December-January
(d: January-Feitruary. 6usd.
Futures steady; April. II TVc bid; Mav
13 7V4(llOc: June. 14 0;il4 11c; July. 14.41
14 Its-: Aufust. U ?Xj;i.3-s-. September. 11 .6
toll 77c; October. 11 Lt) 11 iti ; November.
11 tax- bid: December. 11 Vail 10 SloI
stesdy; sales. 2.3is bales: ordinary, 11 11-lnc;
good ordinary. li: low middling, r;
middling 14c; good middling. 14 6-iSc;
middling fair, 14 11 -lac. receipta, 1.987,
siocka 217 bales.
NEW YORK. April 27 COTTON Spot
closed steady, 10 points higher; mid.1l n
uplands. U6ec; middling sruit, 1410c; sales,
lift bales.
ST lAJUIS. April 27.-COTTOX-8teady;
middling. 14-ac. amies, none; receipts, none;
Shi pine tils. none, stock. 12.11s betas.
staak Clearlags.
OMAHA. April f7 Uank clearings for
tid.y were 11 J4.7a) a decrease of 3-M.-t
14 frvoi tbe corres ponding day last
Dealingi Fled Kiw LsTtli t A Drop E'.ill
Brekrra sad Traders Almost Prepared
ta See All Porsser Hecarda Bro
kea laleaa ( oaslltloas
larrti e.
NEW YORK. April 17. Tola s stick
market was a trivial affair from whaievt-r
stanupolnt M(ca oealingH lul still
further trom yesterday a smail total, lus
couraged btokers snd trsatra ate ulni"7t
prepawd to eee that rei-oru brokt-n unl'-s.
CT'nditlons Improve Narrow and sIukxi'h
aa today s movements were, it p?.. l
tnrougn aeversl variations snowing the
vaclliationa ul opinions in the market.
Lur.Oon nelped trie opening hete by ail
vanclng prices of Americans there, bjt
offered no substantial ai"!i!tan'e uy buy
ing stocks in tnis markft. The heavy
tone of United States 8tet-l preieired was
the effective factor checking tins advance.
The weakness of steel had as little explana
tion as at any time heretotore and opin
ions varied as to whetner th selling was
for short account b some venturesome
trader, or was disguised selling for some
large inside interest on poor prospects in
the trade.
Thete were further engagements of sold
for export, bringing the tuial fur tomor
row's steamer up to K.snx.v.u, and for
the week to !9.1a.0.i, a figure not often
equalled In past records lor a week s ex
ports San Francisco is again readv to
transfer I1.870.W.V of Japanese g ild to "New
York. The fljw of currency irom tiie In
terior continues unchanged. A number of
the high priced coalers, gas stuck and
specialties made considerable sdvances to
day. Otherwise there was no featuie in
the market. The plethora lu the money
market Induces omy a light demand for
some of the picked bonds. The active list
is irregular, lotal sales par value to ',".
United Slates government bonus were un
changed on cail.
The following were the quotations on the
New York block exchange yenteraa) :
OH.ies.iinj n.ijc. .Close
,1A 7a-, 7ji
.1" Sk.-4 W-4 iw
2,4iJ so ',! ,:t
ci 117S lns lil-i
AI li lw.- IW'Cj
fsaj Sst fci 3t4
4c V lt4 lt li
6.V 144" 144 144',
100 as. o' '
lia.1 Us) Z- 4
ltne 1;- l.vt
UU 272 lil'i
.... .... .-i
MU 7'i' 6. a
l.Ssw 2 io- 'Jn-t
000 u' tk,!-, tk.i,
41 ,
l'X) tl ol S"'i
lUO liJ I30-4 14
, 2j bis lia.
M 141 IO4 IU4
i,iou :u' iu-4 Hi
luO tl', til M'i
l. It-l-a, !-', !:s4
li4 l'4 17' IT'
' 27"4
1U0 llr llti 111
, 58
10,4"0 U7, 117, 117,
do ptd
Baltimore & Ohio....
do pid
t'anaalan Pacitic ....
Central of N. J
Chesupeake at Ohio.,
Chicago Alton
do pfd
Chicago t O. W
Chicago at N. W
C, M. a: St. P
do pfd
Chicago T, & T
do pfd
C. C. C. at St. L. . .
s ,
Colorado Southern ...
do 1st pfd
do 2d pid
Delaware a- Hudson..
L, L. & Western...
Uenver tc Rio Grande
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Hocking Valley
do ptd
Illinois Central
Iowa, Central
do pfd
K. C. Southern
do Dfd
Ioulsvilie At Nashville
Manhattan L
Met. Securities
Mel. St. Ry
M. & St. L
M . St. P. a- 8. St, M
do pfd
Missouri Pacific
M.. K. Sc r
do pfd
N. R of M. pfd
N. Y'. Central
Norfolk ft Western.
do pfd
Ontario at .Western .
P., C. C. A St. L.... od
Reading 6,100 4o 44 S 447,
do 1st pfd 2uo 7si 7s-4 75
do 2d pfd H",
Rock Isuuid Co l,6a Zi Z'.yt ats
do pfd 4U0 S4V, b4 61V,
St. Is, & B. F. 2d pfd 46',
St. L. Southwestern IS-i
do pfd it iU", 34c, its
Southern Paclflo t.soo 4X 4 4!S
Southern Railway.... 1 -l1, Zls,
do pfd boo StV, H to1
Texas A Pacific zs
T . St, U & S 2 2ft, Zi a.',
do pfd Ii0 3SC, ! Jtt
Union Pacino 14,4o m, so1,
do pfd 2ca S:v it-, h'-,
do pfd 600 SsH Ssi tH
W. & Lake Erie it)
Wisconsin Cer.trai .... II
do pfd a4
Adams Express
American Express Is5
U. S. Express 16
Wells-irgo Express 1
Amal. Copper rt 4ii4 4i, 40
Amer. C. at. F 9 Is 17S 1714
do pfd 6,000 701, ty, '
Amer. Cotton Oil L4
do pfd 1j0 o SB M
American Ice 6",
do pfd 100 277 2, 2".s,
A. Unseed Oil 1
do pfd is
Amer. locomotive.... 4,rX l7, TjtC, :f.,
do pfd ISO tt"8 'i 8OC4
A. 8. A Refining 3' 4K 4- 4T,
do pfd 1.2ta fitc, W w
Amer. Sug-ar Refining 4.3'0 1 LTT, l:'7T4
Anaconda M. Co 6a) 73 73 73
Brokklvn R. T 6,tioo 47t, 46Vi 47
Colorado F. aV 1 31 4
Conaolidated Gas 6.000 !.c, atC1, :
Corn Products 12
do pfd 71
Distillers' Securities 23
General Electric i IST, 161, lt.-H
Inter. Paper liv,
do pfd 300 Go', 66
Irrternatlonal Pump Sntj
do pfd 74
National Lead y
North American 100 3, $2 M
Pacific Mail l
Peoples Oas 4"0 7 9t i-.
Pressed Steel Car.... 27V4 26 2H
do pfd 70
Pullman P. C 21H4
Republic Steel 4"0 6 6A,
do pfd 300 421 4-'
Rubber clooda 0 16 16 ,6
do pfd .... "6V
Tennessee C. A I jnr J7 27 37
U. 8. Leather 2"0 7 7 7
do pfd M0 60 SO gn
V. B. Realty 6
do pfd 100 57 67 67
C. 8. Rubber 2.bat 16 14 44
do pfd 3't 644 4 6T,
8. Steel l.nrO P, btS
do pfd CTJO 664 KS
Westlnghouse Elec 157
Western Union l'X SV
Northern Scuritles 'Jt
Total aales lor the day. 157,4i0 shares.
Btstoa Stork 4)aotatloas.
BOSTON, April T Call loans. per
cent; time loans. r.usi4ij per cent- Official
closing of stocks snd bonds:
sAtiblaoa adj. 4a .
lo a
Mai ( smtral 4a ..
4a pltl
Boston A Albany
huacoa A Ma;n.
tViatoa CiseatM ..
sKlUhburs P'4
41 , Wealing comaaoa
WS Adsmturk
tSS Aliouea
'.-a Amalgamated
Ol'k ADinati ZlBO ....
i'- sA,,4n,e
ta kit ahsnt
.. 74
.. I
.. 4fa
.. r.i
. .4.
.. 14
.. 14
.. 44
.. IV
.. T
.. 4
.. I
.. i:
.. n
.. at
.. 4
.. 44
.. ti
.. It-k,
- 4i
.. I
.. 4
.. Tl
... 14, t, fa, Harla.
le.14 csBieaa'al
V c0j.pcr Kanga....
H .lk-4 Pl Weal
. . . 71 I oro'.r,l.a Coat
Max certral .
N T.. N H 1
Per llarqneua
I bids Pad Sc
A aw. Arts. Chaat
4e '4
A Bier Paea. Tabs.
Aner. Soaar
So pM
Amer. T A T
. as!. Kracklia
14 Cran.r
. 11 is. Rssai
T4 Msaa Mliims
t: Muhigaa
IX aoaiit
!JW -t'ft A C
. lei old Itocoln.oa . ...
. 744 fhM et.14
OS I'arrtM ,
tH OulDi-r
.141 PtBBoa
. ! Tamarack
. tit Trinity
. s I S Mining
.104 f S. Oil
. 44 I'lah
. 4 Vlrtorta
. 11S W !Bftl4 ,
Amr. Woolea
So fit
rvtmlaiua I A 6
Eliana Elec 1 1 1 u
General KisHra .
SMaas- F ,4. trie
4o pro
I'BltsA Sbo stack..
4 ptd
V- t. Waal.
Bid. Asked.
s 4 Wkirartsa
Loststoai Itark Market.
1XJNDON. April t7. Closlrg:
Consols, mossy .- 44 11-14 N T Central
So accvaat
11 ..Vorloik a
do pd
!W tumors A out.
C4Badiaa Pmrlte ..
rttos. A Obio
rt,K4s o w ...
r . u a sc. p...
PBer .
b a a o
4 J4
S 1st pM
Id pfd
IlltBAta CntraJ ...
Lotos A siaab
M . K. A T
. "4 da pid
. T4 Ontarts A W'
. as jPaaaoltasia
. 41 14 Rand Mines
: Rsaalus
. li . I d 1st ptd
. it,' 4o id ptd
.14 4 So tlhst)
. 1S do ptd
. tlV. So. PV-'O-
. 711,'taloa Pacific
. r?il do prd
. 44ir i ! ...
.41 I do pid
14a Wab4sn
.Ill I do pfd
. :74 Bpaslas 4a
firm. 2A per ounce
MU.t.i IHnk per oet,i.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is J- per celt, fur three
Bionins' bills, Js-16uJ4. per cent.
Mew York Meaey Marktt
NEW YORK. April ST. MONET On rail,
asjr, lfjlV per cent, Ut loaa, tii ai-4
T;m l.-si easy
CI 1 '
j '! per cent .
six iht' li :!'r I 't I" r it
jn r rei,t.
a't'.ml businiss In but-k-T
I. I s
4 ?'' for demand and at H ci'ii vVo for
cav tills: ls:cd rates, $4 a; d ts. com-ine-cti,
n-.ll- It ll'n
PII.VKR-Hor. V; Mexican rto.lurs. V.c.
p'iNI'S troernmtr.t. rtady, ra.ltoaU,
li rsular
The closing o, iotM;or, n uondi are as
foi o:
V. S. rf
da ft. re
Sn ronprtn
So Br 4s.
"t''S) Vsrl.a-tin r a
in;. Si 'y. r o-M-al 4a
.... -,
.... u
Ta f1,-. i.: in.
V'on Si L 4a
u. 1 M . K a T. 4a..
f o coupon
So eld 4 ref. ..
00 rottpoa
Ai hison 4s.
to ad). 4 . .
Atttnt r '". b. 4a
n. a o. 4
d., i,a
rrl of (;a. l,a.
in IP! htr. .
ChMC A Ohio S
1 hhaao a- A
(' . B ft Q n. 41
' Mas F t
'. N W. r. 7a
C. R. I P. 4a
do ctl tit
c R H o st r
N T r a S'.a
X J c (
I No Pa. if., 4a
dt !
V A TV. r 4s
S 1. 4. ft Bar
. i"Via r- roriT. c,a .
Kfa'l'.r.a ara 4a
rn 4a Ss
M r I 1 ;
t. U A
u a s r f
.at. I.. S W. la ...
1" Sat-rd A. L. 4a .
Si Pa'ISc aa
?J, Sn Ka!lwar 4a.
. 70
. s
. ."
71 "
' .Tsxaa A P. la
( 4 a l V st , st L. a W 4
frr.K L
( Mc Ban 1r.
. Vtlno Ff (tic a
. faS do rotiT 4a
. SW. Steel M ta .
. W IWahaah la
. ' do toti. B
" w A L. t: 4a....
,n Vis C-nt'al 4a .
.11 a, 'Colo, F. A I. c. as
. ,
t7on. T"ha"ro 4a....
Colo. fV io. 4.
I' : R i. 4a
fcne prinr lien 4a.
dr- crn 4a
r. w. p. r ,
Ho kln Val. 4:.
L a V unl. 4a ..
off creu.
seer York Mlalns; Storks.
NEW YORK. April 27-Tlie followlrig are
c fTered st 1 r r r.t
riu'l : sit'v r nd t ifet
the closing prices on mining stocks;
Adama Coa 1 bl'tla Chief t
Alice 14 ;Cintarlo t'i
Bteece IS iopbir t2J
Brunavlrk Con 4 .Piiuentx a
i omatork Tunnel .... S iPotost la
("no. l al. A 1M iSaraaa If
Hun) Sllser 130 tlarra Nevada a
Iron Silver 1M1 . Small llopea U
Lemdrllls Coa t IbusLdard 2w
Foreign Financial.
BERLIN, Ajirll 27. Exchange on London
J maiks 441, I'irs- for checKs. Ihscount
rates, short bills, per cent, ihree months
bills. 2 per cent, 'lradlng on the bourne
today was qutet and values were main
tained. Iron shales were strong.
PARIS. Apiil iH. Thre per cent rentes
7 f, 7oc for account. Exchange on London,
IS f 11c for checks. On the bourse
,lni' prices were firm, Russians snd In-
iei iiaiiwnnis a o a nci 11 rcussian imperial
4 at fl.;t Rio Tintos g.ilned 14f.
Iyl.NLMiN. April 27. There was an in
creased demand f . r money In the market
today. Ilsconnts were steady; the tone on
the Stock exchange strong." A feature ot
the market was the buoyancy of high
class Investment securities. This was ow
ing to the cheapness of money, which It
Is lelieved will continue for some time.
Home rails were stronger. Americans
were dull at first and closed firm. For-cls-ners
were quiet. Japanese securities
were in request, Mexican rails were firm.
Metal Market.
ST. .LOUIS. April Z7. METAL8 Lead,
dull at 4 40. Spelter, dull at 65 "5.
was a shade higher in London, closing at
au advance of 7s 6d to AL'7 1 od for
sisal, and M 15s for futures. The local
market continued quiet, spot closing at
!-' "'V'J-'1 l-'S. Copper was without fur
ther change in the local market. Lake is
quoted at 113.37ViJ13.oJ4; electrolytic st
113.44 13.2S. and casting at tU.87V,fil3 l.'1-.
In Ixindon spot was unchanged at 7s 6t1,
while futures were Is 3d lower, at Li" is.
Lead remained steady in the New York
market at !4.00J4.65. while the London
market declined Js tidfi V Js 6d. Speller
tn both markets was unchanged Here It
is quoted at to. Mid Jo, and spot in London
closed at 2J 7s 6d. Iron closed at 6Js 3d
In (jlasgow and 44s 6d in Mlddlesboro. Lo
cally iron is unchanged; No. 1 foundry,
northern, 115 25'iil5.75; No. 2 foundry, north
ern, 114.7M)1&.25; No. 2 foundry, southern,
and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, U4.1&&
narar aad Molasses.
Steady: open settle, .oJ3 2-16c; open kettle
centrifugal. Sj3Sc: centrifugal whites. 44
64Sc; yellows. 8'S4c; seconds, SStiSHc.
MOLASSES Nominal: cpen kettle. v
I5-; centrifugal, loqjlic. Syrup, nominal,
NEW YORK. April ?7 SUQAR-Rs w.
firm; fair refining. 3 3-lKra3 Slc; centrifu
gal. M test, 3 11-itl'di 5-3Jc; molasses sugar,
2 15-163 8-31c: jefined. stesdy; No. 6. 4.35c;
Nr.. 7, 4 Sue; NO. . 4ct No. 8. 4 c; No. !.
4 15c; No. 1L 4 !; No. 12. 4. laic; No. 13.
4.0uc: No. 14, l.kic; confectioners A. 4 60c;
mould A. 6.10c; cut loaf, i 4oe; crushed,
6.45c; powdered, 4. Sic; granulated, 4.75c;
cubes, i.tuc.
Dry Goods Market.
Business has been confined to very re
stricted lines rnd buyers have not chsnged
their ideas, lrresula Titles in certain line
have increased this conservatism rather
thsn otherwise. With Jobbing houses little
or nothing was done In the wsy of trade
and though teports from some sections are
not encouras-lng. mall orders were better
than many anticipated.
CotTre Market.
NEW TORK. April 27. COFFEE The
market opened steady at a decline of 6
points on all positions except Msrch,
which waa unchanged, closing steady at
a partial advance of 6 points. Sales of
Hs.iiO bags were reported. Including May,
6 Mti6.6ic; July, 6 !jti.ic ; September, 6.20
titi.joc; October, fcSufl60c; December, 6 60
4i6 ttic; March, 6 Son. Spot Rio stesdy; No.
7 Invoice, 74c; mild, quiet.
Coaalltloa of Trade aad Qaotatloaa oat
Staple aad Faaey Proa ace.
EOGS Receipts, liberal; market stoady;
fresh stock, lAxc; including cases, lkc.
L1VL IVL'il'KV-Wens, loc; roosters,
Uloc; turkeys, lie; ducks, 6Vsc; geese, sc.
BUTTtR Pack lug stock. Jtc:; choice
to t.iiicy dtiry, liyluc; separator. 22c.
FRESH FISH Trout, raioc; pickerel. 6H
fetic, pike, SK-; perch, f-ii'c; biuelisrc, lie.
witlteiioii, 74jiuc, ealmou, ice; luuidock, luc;
codtish, lie; ivdanspper. 11c: lobster, Holed,
per lb.. 4uc; smoaed whltefisb. lie: bull
iveads, lie; catnsh, la til 4c; bisck baas, 20o;
haubut, 11c; crappies, Uc; hernng, 4tc;
white baas. ;3c; biuehns, 6c; sineu. lofjl.e.
f.iuus baddies, smoked, 6'tc; roe shad, tic;
shad roe. ;; sniaul clacuee, lwc.
OYSTER New York counts, per can.
41c; per gai., J Ot., extra select, per can. sko;
per gal.. 1 ,'S, standard, per can, J7c; per
gal, 11 .tU(1.4V.
BRAN Per ton, 118.00.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wboiosala
Dealers' association: Chelre No. 1 upland.
1" io: No. X .'k.OO: medium, 17.60; coarse,
IT on; rye straw, li SO. These prices sre for
hay of gucd color snd ijuality. Demand
fair and receipts llsht.
ORANGES Navels, choice, all sires, KM
JJr.. lancy navels, all sixes, 1J.76.
LEMONS California, faucy, 30 t 160,
(l iu, choice, J4u to a7l sizes, lIiAvt tf.
1 Ida California- t-er 10-lb. cartons. 66c:
Imported fcmyrt a, J crosTn, Uc; 6-crown.
14c, 7-crown, If
BANANAS Per medium sized bunch.
12 it"J j", jumbos. 1J. 1U4 Jo.
DATES I' per box of 10 pkge.. K:
per 10. In 60-lb boxes, 6c; Oriental staffed
dates, per tn,x, I. 4 J.
COCUANUTS Per sack, 14. ; pair doa..
APPLES Oregon 'aiicy reds, per box, New York export Greenings. Russets
and Baldwins. 14 0u.
STRAW BERRIES Texas, par S4-qt. ease.
POTATOES Colorado. 4i -a; Dakota, per
bu . (i.JU, new licrmuua polalbea, per bit!.,
t; .
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. I'&gjtii.
ONIONS tipanUh. per rraia, 11. SO; Ber
muda, per io-10. crate. 62 ucc
CAHbAUE California, per Ih., Se.
CL CI MbLRS Per doa.. II aovi-Tl
TOMAToLa Florida, per 6-bajaeC crate,
fancy. U li".; ch"lce, 1-i).
RADISHES 1 er dux bunches. KSSOo,
LtTTl'CE HEADS For dcx. buncLes, 10s
til Ou. top lettuce, per doa.. 4it4oo.
TL HXil o-bouiuiK, tr Cos., ssa,
BEETS Southern, per dot. sOe.
CARRo'rsgouii.ern. per nos.. 76.
PA RbLK Y Southern, oer dot., Aj4ss4V
SPINACH Par bu . llAoJ!J.
BEANS We , sr uav Mix, COO; string,
per bu. box. U 00.
CHEESE Wisconsin isms, full cream.
Uc, Wisconsin fou.ig Amercaa, Uc; Uuiat
baias. luc; Wiscuru-iu biica. 1-c; W latcouavu
liuitierger, lie
LlUtK-Per bbl., lii, per S bbl.. U.2X
I'lah and Colorado, per it fiames, ixtiu.
MAPLE SUGAR O1.10. per lu.. luc.
HIDES No. i green, sc; No. 1 green. 6c;
No. I bailed. 7c; No. S salted, in; No : veal
lalf. I 19 J lbs., . No. I veal calf, U
to la lbs , 1ic , dry sailed hides. ktfiSci
sheep pelcs. j-.J7c, horse hades. LbJ4z.sw
HoRbERADibH Per tae oj J uuaea,
packed, sue
NL IS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb-,
lie; bard abell. per lb . 14c: No. i aofi aheb,
per lu, lie; No 1 bard shell, per lb., a-c;
pecans. Urge, per lb, Uc, maii. pr 10,
!.: peanuts, tier lb., 6c. roasied peanuts,
rnr is. 6c; Chid walnats. iJU-3; J,t(
itkory i.ucs, per bu , Bibxi.a. pr lb-
11c, nltHrii. per 10., 11c; a .cauaaa, 40ft
t.sIL per lb., lie: bard shsn. Uc. abed
baias. get to-. 4- W, hiack waUmls, per
H6T Brctifj of Cttili Ctcied Quit
B;ik in Priest.
More Liberal Receipts et Sbeeo and
Usibs bet While Iradlna W as n
Utile loer Best GrnaJea Held
Abont Steady, Others Weak.
SOUTH OMAHA. April 17. 1H.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
umciai Monaay 4:iw
crticial 1 ueeday
omciai eaneeday s.JSf
Three dys this week.
Same das lasi mees la.wi
came days week betore. .ls.t4
same tnree ii'tk ago...U.e
Banie lour weess ago. ...u.M
(Same days last year la.tsu
To following table shows the rece.pts ot
came, nogs and sneep at bouin Omana for
tue year 10 daie wiin compau laons witn lai
year: 4. !.. inc.
cattle bc.ot4 Ij.suu
lll(4 HU.1M 'ial,aiM
OliC-ep 6M.C04 4.-t4 l,'l
Averags prices paiu or bog st south
Omana lor ui tasa several uai St leb com
parisons; Date.
April I.. 1 4H 7 -Jt 4b s Ti 1 1 644 I
Apru '4uagt(i66st ; t
April .. , 2 1, 4, m, s m, 1 6b
April .., I UVs. 1 , t w, a w, iv, 1 Mi 1 71
April 6... 1 s a, 1,, ; m, s So, s ui wi t
Apru ...) wu, 72,, j 1 M, 1 1 tM il
April V...1 4 .,, J 4 tt, 1 a 4 Mi 4 ;i
April s... a 1 ... a a, k 01. , . to, i
April ..., n, , j., 4, tai s Sit s t I
Apru is..) , t s s.t s si 2 6(
Apru U.. 4 arSi -l s, s si s i 4 i I 1
April li..) t si, a, t ai, 4ii I il
April Is.. 1 4 v, 7 Ik, 1 s tHi s i, ki J
April 14.. I 4 sxf U i lln I S 4St S. a id
April is.. 1 4 so-,., , i, ihi, 6 01, s ,4 i , is.. 1 4 m 1 1 vii s i. ai a 45, j si
Apru I,.., , j u, S i i s6i 1 72i
Aiii is.., 4 7? V, 1 aa, s as. s 4. s W skt I 60
Apul is.. j 1 a 1 1 a, i u t 1 ii si
Api 11 ju.., 4 aiSi 10, 1 s Sa. s 4k, s i, 4 1 lu, 6 B, HI is
Api n 4j..j 4 sia, : v. sa, 6 Sci n li,
Apru 1 417,, oi, k U, fe so, 6 Jo, 1 S i4
April .a.., ' , 1 Wo, k r. e ii S a-, 1 67.
Apru -.., 4 "44, 1 n , la, t 1., in, 4 aj I li
Apru A.. I il 1 j S , a it, s , a, 4 M
A4.n1 4 .c, 44 s , t ,1, t n, 4 a,, 4 is
Indicates Sunday.
1..S.4 .-
14.t e,aU0
4.(C 1A.X5J
ao.ic'l lieu
Z'.7i7 il.t.a
U. too .CU
o.i. a is.
JO.CklC lv.iU
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today py each ruaa was:
OaiiUe. Hog, obex p. li'ses.
C. M. & St. P. i-.. k H
W abash 1 a .. ..
410. 1-a.c'lIic n I4 4
c P. system S4 lo 1
c. as .v v . Ky I 4
r ., u.. c .-u. v. K. K..lUb bk is
C , bt. p., Al. at O.... 44 si
a. at M. xty s si 1
c, n. 4c m. Ry a
K. c. ac bu J
C, K. 1. Sc P., east.... 10 6
C, K. 1. Sc 1 ., west.. .. 2 2
Illinois Cemrl 6
ciucago ot. western. 4 4s...
Total receipts 33o Jls 37 1
The aisposiuun of tee ot.y s rece.pts waa
as lollops, each bjjOi iau
numoer oi neau indicia. ed:
Buyers. caclle. Hogs. Sheep.
vniaua- racainf co
Swiit and coiupacny...
cuuahy ramuii tu ...
Armour ds Oo
Armour At Co., S. C...
S. A S
4 ansajil ac Co
W. i. Stephen
Hill Ac Huntsinger
iiuston at Co
L. P. iiuex
B. dt i
W uii 44. Muruan
bam Wertnelmer
lee Rothscnnu
Krey Packing Co
.lammunu c Blandish.
jacob Oold
.i.t'k 1..44 1
.1.444 4.141 l,.ik
.i..k i.ii i.Cik
.i.Qutf i,.'l 4,t'iS
. .J
. 114
. 21
. as
. 44
. 0
,. SI
.. 1
.. La.
JJO ....
kB ....
U ....
.. 4i .... l..a
..7,270 15,437 7,741
tyuires dt Co
c tsmpbell Bros
ocutr buyers
L'Al'luL-Receipts of cattle wro txsess
ive tiua tiioimuo at kii uisiauit. Cmcaato
reporied si.isju neau, vtiln the mAtaei a.i
ll.a Way liom sieauy to .tic lower. Al Lu.s
point cueie weie swut s,iM neaQ or mji
uau armed tne Lig oay 01 tue year up 10
ttial uine, whicn vaa two wee ago ea
ceuuay. ua,U to cnia oig tun uie uiaiaet
was alow auiu lower aJlu .1 was .ace uelore
even tue buik bt Uie axrivaA was O.S
posud 01.
t-acker vera very slow In starting out
and tnelr aariy were so much lower
mat utile buslneas was usiiaacied lor
some time, 'ins ngnt cattle 01 s.mki ciuai
liy that botn shippers and packers navs
Leen wanUng for some time post were pet
Laps not more Ulan 'iiwc lower, out a.nle
from 1 he choicekl uuuenes of thst kind tne
general market was luily a dime .ossr.
1-laJn, heavy cattle suffered the most and
they could saiely bo quoted icitiic liwer
ana extremely stow at the 'there
were quite a good many of that kind on
sale and salesmen had rstlier a bard time
In disposing of ail of them.
The cow market was fceneraily a dime
lower. Choice Ught-welgnt heifers were
not over 64)loc lower ana some of the most
desirable bunches showed very lit Us change
trom yesterday. Heavy cows and ths less
desirable grades of all weights were fully
a dime lower snd not very active
Bulla were also alow sale and lower, In
svmoathv with the decline on steers anu
cows. Veal calves are getting quite plenti
ful and the tendency Is to break the mar
ket on them. Prices here have held up In
pretty good shape so far, but at some other
markets there has been a bresk ot oor7;.e.
Tnsre were not many Blockers and feed
ers on sale, and. the same aa yesterday,
there was a fairly good demand, and prices
held steady to strong on
grades. RepresentaUvs sales
desirable 61I.UU).
Kb. a. Pt Ma As- rr.
1 470 t t 4s Hit 4 44
I i:t I ts t4 i'Mi 4 a
1 410 I 74 1 114 4 44
t 414 I 44 44 1MI 4 44
441 I SO 17 1111 4 44
I 1144 4 OS IS lira 4 44
11 1U44 4 OS 44 114 4 a
It fcl 4 00 11 114S 4 44
4 1IHS) 4 04 II 114fl 4 44
II lint 4 10 i: 1104 4 ta
T l4 4 10 6 HH0 4 M
II 1(T4 4 10 1 144.1 4 4t
1 M III Mi 4 40
10 Ill 4 IS 14 14 4 44
II 1144 4 1 4 11.1 4 44
!....( lunl 4 16 40 14 4 I
HIT 4 JS I !-'! 4 U
4 4.0) 4 10 I I-' 4 41
11 lull 4 14 44 1211 4 44
;i lit 4 4 24 t 1141 4 tol
II M IH rl I47 4 4
It 1114 4 r4 14 12x7 4 40
7 1:44 4 l" 112 4 44
14UI 4 14 M i 44
t: , mi 4 10 ' ui 4 t4
14 lit" 4 10 6 llll 4 ts
!1 Kl 4 H72 4 44
tt 4l 4 0 I 1410 4 70
IS. 1243 4 40 17 1242 4 7s
il 1124 4 l 14 i I4tt 4 74
14 12! 4 4 4S 1VJ4 4 74
la l' 4 44 4 U44 4 74
II 1144 4 44 14 12M 4 Tl
T 1147 4 44 M lva 4 74
14 1114 4 It II. lll 4 70
to 11.4 4 4a I: 1111 4 71
Ki 1211 4 40 II 1310 4 SO
21 4 4S ll- 4 40
II 12S4 4 4A 1 1114 4 44
I! 1124 4 40 21 . )440 4 44
II 1114 4 00 SC dm 4 40
22 1120 4 40 I lili 4 00
jt, nu 4 00 11 i m i 00
14 irt 4 40 47 14;i 1 04
IS IH 4 44 II 1444 6 1
II 4 4S
14 4 00 11 list 4 4
10 104 4 IS 14 lilt 4 44
14 M 4 14 I 484 4
11 4. 4 SO 4 414 4 44
j 14 4 40 li 1M1 4 u
li usa 4 0 ; iu7 4 as
U H I 4 14 :t ins) 4 40
' "Vows.: l 4,
1 414 I OS 1 1IO0 I 40
J J 1 SO I l.u I 44
I w I" 4 lira i aa
4 sat 1 10 I sua 1 40
T70 I 40 14 740 I 44
1 1140 I 00 It S4 I 44
1 Is I 4 17 lad I 44
I r I 40 la llau I 44
1 410 144 1 1070 I 41
I aa t 40 li 444 I 04
1 ls I Ta 4 ii J I 14
I I"! I 74 1 1144 I IS
t:i I tl t ir4 1 7i
t 10u0 I 00 1 lust I 71
1 4x0 I 0 4 VI I 71
1 44 a OS 1 4 I 71
j ltsat I OS I lias I 74
I 100 I SO 1 112S I 71
I 11B0 I 14 1 414 I 74
J lltA I 10 4 HOT I 74
1 1140 I 44 1 110 I so
1 1040 I I 174 I 00
1 Ill 111 I 4S4 IBS
j a I at I lis I 44
1 4a) I 24 4 1 I 44
I 12,4 I 24 i I I at
1 It I 24 1 1411 I St
1 1140 I 24 '4 n.i I SO
1 lite I at 4 sat 1 so
1 r.oa 1 14 tl 07 14
1 1U4 I 4 l aa I a
1 1:1 I aa I us 1 sa
prt st 7 1
t 1'ss t :-i 1 (. t m
1 sa J so I isi 4 4
I IH l 1 , 4 s
4 '"SO f M 1 14SS 4 tat
I. .14 3 4" 1 i:i 4 ::.
less S to 1 ,3St 4 1
I .MS t s
11 rsi ir
t 744 I 4 r Sot 1 yt
I 1 IK I : I i-4
I 4:4 I u 4 4 1 aa
t Hi a is t is
I 74 t 7S ' s: I 7i
I r 1 t 1 '"1 ii
47 4?T t 7S II 7e t s
4 4-J I as 4 ;r : n
1 7j tn 4 ...... . 7; 1 1 si
4 so; I ir l!!7 4
1 7S 1 ' I 4 1"
I 4)1 IS l'4 4 IS
a " 1 4 7
. 1J44 t 1 M! J S
I iKa I st 1 nan I
1 1SS1 I li 1 1Ti1 I 4"
1 UTS I It ! i " I aa
1 14?0 i 1 i" 4
1 1IM I 14 1 l-S t 4"
1 tJSS III 1 'Ts,. I
1 ism I I If 1 M
1 4S4 I ti I IK.
1 1.-S0 I Zi 1 " J M
1 414 til 1 !
1 ir If t't 4 (XI
1 14J I 1 . 4 W
I tn t la I ) to
10 an t as 4 l"t
1 is i : is- 4 mi
1 11 1 o 1 TS I
I imi ; i" M
1 no 6 on 1 14 1 i
I H t 1 144 4 M
1 1M Is. 1 14 111
I...T lit 4 ( : 174 I Tl
I 100 I 00 1 1 4 7
1 44 so 1 1.1 I 75
t If I ; ITS I 71
1 IM I It 4 in 4 74
1 at ll 1 14"0 4 40
1 '0 J 75
1 UK 44 41 I SO
4 44 IM ;i I Sft
4 .'! 1 m I 1:1 1 as
1 SOt I 44 I sl I 5
1 4ai 1 4 )i io 1 sr.
4 447 I 70 IOCS I at
1 441 I : 4 414 I 44
t 40 I 71 IS 4"! : W
11 tit I 79 11 llH 4 SO
4 4i I 76 1 ' 4 '
1 441 lt ... 144 4 14
II 4U I 74 14 4.7 4 (4
HOGS There wss a big run of hogs In
sight this morning, over ji0 can heu.g re
ported, other markets also had liberal re
ceipts, so that prices OMsed off here all
around. Packers wanted to buy their hoes
at about 14. 7J1 or around 7Sc lower. S..I.--men.
on the other hand, were not wil.'i g
to take off more than a nickel, and the
early sale were made largely on that
basis, the most of them being st $4.7:'Ci ntia
14 76. with the choicer loans going from
14.75 to It.!"1. It was some time, however,
befcre much business was transacted.
By holding on salesmen forced pn kr-s
to raise their bids considerably and Hie
later nisrket was not much over IV lower
than yesterday s general market. The pop.
uiar price became 14 7a. with the choicer
loads going from 14 TTVtN 6. while the
less desirable kinds sold from $4.7-4 down.
After packers made up their minds to psv
the trices asked trading became veri- brisk
and practically everything wss sold hv
noon. Considering he heavy receipts and
the condition of the market at other olnts,
the market here was nsldered very satis
factory. Representative sales:
44. .
At. Sk. Pi.
. .HJ .. 4 M
..lit .. 4 i
. 14 .. 4 IT'S)
. .W .. 4 7tl
.171 ..47
.14a 4J I 70
..m w 4 7
..114 .. 4 70
. 244 :4u 4 70
. IX". 4V 4 7
. -11 . 4 71
4V .
42 .
4 T4
4 74
4 71
12 J
... 211
... 227
..... 14
. ... 27
, 241
40 4 71
. . 4 7i
40 4 74
.. 4 7i
so I 71
40 4 71
.. 4 74
.. 4 74
S7 4 71
40 4 76
10 4 74
. 4 74
40 4 75
. 4 74
40 4 74
.. 4 74
20 4 74
SO 4 74
t-0 4 74
.. 4 7
.. 4 71
4 Ti
4 4 74
. 4 74
40 4 74
. 4 71
4 4 74
il. .
T .
70 .
VI .
74 .
70. .
74 .
10 .
42 .
a . .
'. .
to .
44 .
4c .
44 .
:i .
ft .
4 V.
11 .
tl .
24 .
j. . .
a .. .
14 ...
80. ..
44 ...
44 ...
SI, ...
4... .
II. .,
47 ...
II. .
44 ..
77 . .
lal 40 4
.214 tuO 4 71 ,
4 72.,
!40 4 71
M 4 71-1
121 4 7:c,
4 72C,
4 71
.. ti
.. iltl
.. HO
a 721,
4 7J-,
4 72C,
4 71 c.
1! 4 7i
40 4 724
Ml 4 7:14
4 72S,
.. 4 72V,
I! 4 72a
itat 4 7:,
.. 4 72
4 72),
4 74
4 74
lie 4 T4
4 71
4 7t
4 74
4 74
4 74
4 14
4 Tic,
a rrcj
a 77k
4 77 14
4 771
4 77s
4 77
4 T7,
4 774,
4 77c,
4 TTV,
4 77 ,
4 77
4 40
4 40
4 0
4 40
4 4.1
40 4 74
11V 4 74
.. 4 76
W 4 74
.. 4 7S
.. fJl
...211 40
. . .141 .
...211 tm
...231 ..
4 74
4 74
4 74
4 71
4 74
4 74
4 71
4 71
4 74
4 75
4 71
4 74
.. 4-4
124 4 74
li 4 71
, . . 4 74
:o 4 75
4 71
4 74
SHEEP There wss a more liberal run of
kheep here this morning thsn haa arrtvod
lr some little time past and there aid not
seem to be as much activity ss i-as char
acterised the trade on some d(.ys. Ptukeia
all -van ted fresh supplies and simply took
advantage of tne increase in lu.eiuia lo
depress prices wherever possible. Ihe mor
se i as a Jesuit waa ramer -ueven. Borne
kinds that Just suited buyers and that
have not been making as good a cor ss were
rather neglected and had to sell a trifle
lower. As a general thing, however, ths
market wss right around steady on desir
able bunches. The clipped wvtheia that
sold yesterday for 16.60 brojgbt 16 40 today.
but buyers rlalmed they were much fuller
today. On the other hand, some cliDbed
lambs that brought 65 60 yesterday sold for
15.76 todsy. Clipped awes sold up to 15.0o.
Ihe above quotations show the unevenness
In the market on both ehecu and iambs.
The bulk of the desirable bunches were
sold In fairly good season, but tt was a
littls late before the commoner kinds were
all disposed ot and besides thst the late
srrtval of trains helped to delsy ths mar
ket. Quotations for rllnped stock: Good to
cholcs lambs,'; fair to good lambs.
et.kcsQb cs.i; good lo rnoics wooled lambs.
M4o(j6 6l: fair to rood wooled lambs, 66 76
E 6 26; good to like yearlings or wethers,
isi; 5 IS ; fair to good yearling or wethers,
64 iMoi.O"; good to c noire ewes. 14 1611600:
fslr to f aod ewei, 64 5ogt 7S. Representa
tive sales:
Av. Pr.
m Hi
64 4 n
.62 4 !Z-
K 4 16
, 10 4 W
so 4 X,
, 4 KS
,66 6 (
. lht 6 1"
. s ( ISI
. ss 6 )
.if, 6 X
. ! t 15
, I 6 16
. 6" 6 JV
. 6 6 12.
.72 b 4ft
.67 l!1
.so I 6i
. (7 6
, M 6 hi
.61 6 It
. M I SO
. kl 1 h
. . 4 7S
. I"2 4 sS
. ISO 6 i6
.117 6 25
. 7k 6 S-i
. 76 6 66
. 7i 6 a,
. 101 t s&
fi western cull ewe
1 westem wooled cull lambs
6 western ewes
tui western ewes
1 western ewe
IS! western ewes
648 western ewes
671 western ewes
I western buck lambs
western ewes and wethers..
12 western wooled ewes
4s western iambs
t75 western wethers
113 western wethers
40 western lambs
6 western wooled wethers ...
western wethers
260 western lambs
Z western wooled lamb
Kt western wooled lambs
312 western wooled lambs
Il western wooled lambs
I" cull western ewe
6 cull western ewes
Jf7 western ewes
l.'to wooled western ewes
las western aethers
6t western wethers
V& feeder lambs
t7 western lambs
2X3 western lambs
wooled western ewes
tork In algal.
Followlns are the receipts of live stock
for the six principal western cities yesier-
C.tMe. Una. Bheeri.
. I 2K7 14 7'rt 1600
.33 '"O 33 4 15 00
ll.t 110J 2.5ofl
. 2.60 6 2 0
. 127 6.777 4.Ai
auO 6.V1O
.66.27 i.77 Si" 100
Booth Omaha
Kansas City .
St. Louts
St. Joseph
Sioux City ....
Cattle aad Hogs lOe to 16-e Uwor aad
beea lOe Higher.
CHICAGO. April 57 CATTLE Receipts.
Xi s hesd: market l's;16c loser; good to
prime steers, a.iaau poor to medium.
63 SsscU 1aJ. stockers and feeders t3uoti4 46;
rows. lt4 4n; heifers. tl24T. rani, ers
l.S.ali. buils, !2(ajj4 26. Texas fed
steers 644 61. calves. $I66sO.
HOGS Receipts. J"aD; esllniated tomor
row, XS.OUi. market 647 10e lower; raixd and
butchers. !4 1siaS.u; good to choice h'arv.
15'a4'6 14i; rougn heavy. t4s-'B4t; llkht.
64 7T.Jil.: bulk of ssles U.UiV.
EHEEP-Receit ts. 16 ufO head: market
steady to luc higher; Ism to. steady to
strong: good lo choice wethers 64.7i.4j"':
fair to choice mixed t3.75j4T5: rlliprd
western sneep 14k"tl5o. clipped native
lambs. 14.26'pSiSO; clipped wesiern Uml
li.7iai.10. wotid weaieru lambs, ;u",.0i
lia York He sleek Market.
NEW YORK April 27 -BEEVrS Re
ceipu X.KS bead, leers, sWw, bad lcr,
thin coma firm. toe.M'im snd go4 cowa
general:) essiei , name steers. 446'tl'-
nulls. 6J."i4i'. 'en stags. s --43
4 isc Lueiptt"! srd London csbies ciuote
live cattle stestiv. sheen seiltrts at .4o.
jearllnss at 14.- dtesseu sts.ght. reirlgsrat u
lef M-illng at Siev per p imitl t.po. IS
i.slu dinner of twi 1
CALVES Receipts 4.. "A heitl. active snf
hltr'-er; veals, is :vi '. chtdca, lAl-'SS
6ii. l!tle ciilxes. I: Jt'it; city dres.-
vesls. firm at H'V' l"'t pound; countri
d rested . t.4j tr
SHEEP AND I AM P.S Receipts 1 6
head, market steady; laral. slow to ps
loan; spring lambs dull, unshorn shee-
14 ellpped sheep. IS fssjrfi ; wooled year,
lit s. h,5f7Ji. ( Uriel yearlings. 66 "9
6tst; no rs'ally Rood dipped stock sold,
sprlns Ismbs. IS tiisj.t .V per Lesd
HotiS-Recripts 6.6?a head; firm to W
St. Loots Mae llork Market.
ST I.OI IS. April i"7 CATTLE Receipts
!.:ai hesd. nu 'lexaiia. market steady; na
tive shipping and extort steers. 44 i.'ti' M,
drtss. ,1 l eef and bin. her :ecrs. Itiili 'ilS,
Slt'ers untler l.isai Hub. tlA4eii.ii. Siock
era snd feeders, 43 t..Vi; ."w s, a-d h'lf
ers. iJ.A'itil C: isrneis. Ii.l"j.'fci; bull.
1J 7f.tj4 '.; calves M ,.; Texss snd In
man sieer. 43 .'sj 4 i.".. cows and heifers,
U i'tiS 7a
HiaiS Receipts. 6,."oo read; -r.aret 6;
lower: pigs and :-ms. tisilU'i psikir",
14 7v,iSjX. i.utt hers a: d b4t heavy. 466.9
6 VV
SHEEP AMI LAMVS-Rer-elpts. i .Ml
head, market strcrg. rtl-e t.iutt.o.s. f 4 s 0
6 7a. lainba. tn 2'..': 7 ij : culls aid but ks. Hoi
ithA), st.akeis. K-lcal1".
Knasas City Llir toek Market.
celpls. U.i hesd. Including i.M soutns-n.
Market. Blockers and feeders lie rlgne.:
others, fiftloc loner Export nr.d cre3
lef steers ft 7T,i5 :4C; ts.r to good.'J
4 ; wes'ern led steers, U7."lr-76. t t 's.
ers snd fe"ders, 7i Ciit t)t; southern ic.
7544 7; native heifers. 13 s04it.7t; bj .A
4i7i4 1"; tsltes. IStisjit.OO.
IRXiSRecelpis. It D hesd: ms.-kst 04
lower; top. 14 "TV lu'k of sales. 4ttn
heavv. 14 (cy4 l7i: rockers, 4.Mi4)v; P g
snd lights, 14 :".j 4 a
Kill h l ANU LAM RS Receipts. ? 6
heatl: market HV nlgher; r.ative lstnba.
fVSisij. 65; western lambs. tf.60si676: fed
ewes. 14 Iro.Ki; yeat.lngs. 15 S0.; mock
ers and feeders, t344.M.
ft. Joseph Live Otoek Market.
ST JOSEPH. Mo. April 77 CATTI .E
Receipts, 4 . ! " ; market mostly 10c lnver:
biitlves. aa.7ffl5.f5: cows and heifers, ll 'iotj
4.75: stockere ami feelers. 3.tXr4i4 40.
H4X;S Receipts r hesd; mostly ic
lower; light, 14.7047 4.S0; medum 4.nd heavy,
14.7644 fn.
SHEEP ANI LAMBS Receipts. 4 tot
head; artlve, steady to i'c higher, i-smna,
to si, es. es. to jo
loax City Live Mock Market.
SIOLX CITT. Is , April 17. 'Special Tele
gram ) CATTLE Receipts. Vi head. Mar.
ket weak; atoekers slom- and lower; beves,
IS.oiViil so, cows, bulls a-id mixed. t-'.Ufl4.(v
storker and feedera. t3.lHjt.U0. calves and
yearhnga. tJ.TSiB KO.
HtKiS Receipts, 6.6n0 head. Mirket 6
lower, wiling at 14 -n4.K): bulk, 11.70.
Wool Market.
ROSTON", April T!. WOOL Prices hsvs
been from Sc to 1c above '.ast yesr for
same cili.s. Territory wools are well clesned
up. Pulled wools are quiet. F-jreign woolt
hsve sliown more activity. leading quo
tations sie: Idaho. MC-ft 16c: hesvy Ine. II
Jil3V: fine medium. Iu'ul54c; midlum, la'i
7c; low medium. 17ilR-. Wyon Ing. fine,
MVfi lftc; heavv fine. MVU'.sc: hoe medium.
U.lil.",Vc; medium. ItrfliV: low medium. II
xilSc. Ctah and Nevada, fine. 14Val5c;
heavy fine. 1.V011V; fine medium. ?.Hi1'':
medium. IStJj lt-o: low incfllum. ltt)iftc. Da
kota fine. U.'dlKc; fine ndlum. itxfflRV:
medium. lSffl9e; low medium. litrJOc. Mon
tana, fine choice. lKfflSir; fine sversge. 17a
ISc: fine medium choice. l4fflc; oversge.
lcllic; staple, llTOc; choice, 1J
ST. LOCIS. April 57. WOOL Steadv;
medium grades combing and clothlnf. IS'
Tic; light fine, .itii;1,.; heavy fine, lJ4.14VrC!
tub washed. 2'u31o.
LEEPS filed fcr lecord April V, 1W4. as
furnished by the Midland si ua ran tee and
Trust company, bended abstracter, lt!4
Farnsm street, for The Kee:
B. T. campt-ell nnd v:fe to Sy!ter
Pres.on. i"cs 17, -8, ak and 2u, biock
11. Ampler Plsvce f IM
Minnie C. Cnllnhan tt al. to Animett
Hoore. part of lot F. l."rjcall .... 660
Michael T. Kearns and wife to Pat
rick arid Rose Daly, rart of lot 4.
block 12, Improvement Asfcoolatlon -add
Rodman B. Ellison to Joseph R.
Walls, st nw',! tf swS of ne' 4-15-U 2.600
Mery Heth V.' to Andrew
Saundor, iot 1. block 7, Central
Park 4-4
Sarah A. Slater to li. F. and Johanna
Strawn, part of lots 7, 1 and 9, all of
lot 10, block . West fide 109
Addle Hard to E. R. Hume, lets 9 to
17, bhK'k 1. Bowling Green 160
Union National bank to Ellery R.
Hume, lots 14 and li. bicck l'S, Dun
dee Place 100
B Jetter and wife to Elisabeth Papei,
lots 10 snd 11, biock to. South
Omsha 7. "TO
Albert J. Harder aud wife to Louts
C. Harder, lot , block 1. Fowler
Place 1
Louis C. Harder- to Acgusais J.
Harder, lot 6, bloek 1. same 1
R. A. Jones to Ida Hayes, lot 13,
block K Orchard Jtl l.KsJ
Clinton H. Brtggs and wife to James
Kelly, part of taxlot Si. U-15-13 1.109
Cec-elia A. Rybum to Jse A. Tyler,
lots IS and 1. block 6, Kilby Place. 4
Anne A. Rosslter to Jessie A. Tyler,
lots 14 to 17. la. 21 and 23. In Shiloh. i
Hugh 8. Thomas to Jessie A. Tyler,
same S
George W. Loomls and wife to Omaha
In and Building association, lots
7 and 1, block 11. Pnrk Forest 1
Ssme to same, iot 11 of Iewls' subdlv.
of lots 11, 12 snd 13. Osshorr.a '1
William D. Reed et al to Nora 1. Osl
lngher. part of lot 4. block 1, South
Omaha 660
Thomas R. Penny and wife to the
George P. Bemls Real Estate coin
puny, lot 16. block 1, Seymour add.. 600
Anna K. Johnson and husband to
Jcase H. Culver, part of lot 10, block
2. E. V. Smiths S.SOO
John C. Klmbsll to I J axle Kaneft, lot
. block 6, Plnlnvlew 1.700
Cltv of Omaha to li. V. Pholes com
rmnyr lots 7 to JO, block 29, Wllcox s
id 1.009
D. V.' Shtiles company to Omaha
Council Bluffs Street Railway, lots
7 to K block 2 Wilcox a 2d 1.000
fnielle V. Preston and hushahd to
Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Rnll
wav. pits 6. and 10, block 2. Wii.
rox s Zd 1
w. t. uri AHCADI1.
Osr Pm4 kslss. ehaak kse kaaa lao4stsl
ts ear fsaaral kesksras Is
kass led aa ts asUMMk s nVOAL. aostp b
w a mri tar. r will key
AIII34I iaill
and Other kllll IRaBE ttCUslTUt
Bua:aM sao to eso st aT et ear !
Rraatk uffla. aad dller SB4S tresa ear
(crl t,S la MlnssBsnlls tkroaaa ssr W
fc 11 Bailsa) sad outs kaaSs whtca ar ear
iottd LiU Sent on ReqvaL
nnp couuission co.
UUt Orsa-Srocsl-Besiil.
K, T. Life Bids;. MlasveaaeUs.
14IS Fa rm a aa St. Telepbeao aV4VT.
THOI. M. W6DD1CK, Cor.
Updike Commission Co..
Business handled prompt' y In all msrketA
Office. 66! Eee Building
Telephone 24JC
Grain, Stocks
and Provisions.
Room 212. N. T. Life aiuildiug Pr.ou 2sls. '
Special attentloa given Iw tttiegrspn snj
Viali ordtr. OiaAtAA.