10 Tnn OMAITA DAILY REE; WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27. 1904. i u- Special Sale of Ladle' Skirls. JO Olr 25c Embroidery Swisses, 5c Today we place on sale 50 pieces of embroidered dress swiss These were made to retail at 23c yd, We bought them extraordinarily cheap, and offer them tomorrow as long as they last at yard New Silk Shirt Waist Suits In our Initial showing of silk shirt waist suits, we display, the prettiest styles of these suits, which will lead in popu larity this summer All made in the walking lengths, with pleated skirts, blouses with belts, new, broad shoulder ef fects, etc. A pretty Shantung or taffeta Q QQ . shirt waist suit at ...... eseU w gun metal taffeta, alo blue and brown silk shirt waist t O f suite very special at I0 J TZT.r.T. 17.50, $19 $22.50 Our special spring leader T A Q kirt-at J.nrO Covert Jackets at $9.98 HuiJiomly tailored covert Jackets very stunning In appearance some with new care. aa ah O of hem In cornet coat II IIS effects, at. Embroideries on Embroideries, galloons, Inserting and Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric worth 38-lnch Linen Ladies' add Metl's 20c Hard Rubber Tape Measure Handkerchief S -Combs9 worth ry eifl-ht f- a &c at 5c ssr. 5c Barqnin square of mrn's and ladies'1 ssaBssBsB Fancy Finishing J (andkerchurfs,' ladies' initud hand- J. O. King's RraMe kerchiefs, some hand embroidered, a Marhin Draias varky Qf lain wllite mauunc 4 to 8-yd pieces and fancy border Handkerchiefs, thread worth A also pillow top Hand- 200-yd. " 10c, -l-C kerchiefs, worth up to mjC spools S.C. at w tOc,at,each .sssvw Cap Sheaf Jfe lump Velvet Grip Pad onc Safety Pins . . Hose War pns all sizes, n0 ana Supporters, Amber or Shell each.. A colors for...-'-' The New Spring Lace Curtains. In Our Drapery Department, Basement. Our spring Una of lace curtains Includes all the latest and beat designs In , all grades. The widest variety of Bonne Femme, Saxony. Point d' Venice, Point d' Arab, Dentelle, Nottinghams, Cable Nets, Brussels Nets, Tambours, ' etc., etc We sell these curtains at prices much lower than you are accus tomed to par elsewhere, and you havs the advantage 'of buying absolutely fresh new goods. , ; . THOMAS SAYS GUN IS FOUND Proiteatar ef DesmUo Ce Claims gb.erellffs Re-rol-ver Baa Been CD.eaxtb.ed. Elmer B. Thomas, who has had chargw of the prosecution that obtained tha Indict ment of Tom Dennison la connection with the rollock diamond robbery by a Logan ' (la.) grand Jury, says ha has received word from Mlssoarl Valley Ithivt the .revolver which Frank Shercllff said he burled near tha diamonds at Missouri Valley, has been found. According to , his Information, tha gun was discovered .by. soma boys who were playing marbles on tha spot last sum mer. They havs It In ' their possession, Thomas says, and .he hopes to recover It, together with a penknife found by the , lada at tha same. time. ' . , Recently tha convict and officers were taken to the spot where the former claim! he had hurled the (15,000 worth of dia monds and near It the revolver. i Cared After Twcaty Tears Of Tartu. r. For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. ' Maesey of "833 Clinton fit., Minneapolis, Minn., was tortured by sciatica. The pain and suffering which he endured during this Urn la beyond comprehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he ueod GHomberlaln'a Pain Balm. One appli cation of that Unlment relieved the pain and made sletfs and rest possible, and less than, one bottle has eftocted a permanent aura. Mr. Maseey relates his experience , for the benefit of others who may be slra "illlarly afflloted. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 26-cent bottle of Pain Balrsj 'and see for yourself how ' quickly It relieves the pain. Xotea froaa Army Jle ad quarters. A squadron of the Eighth United States cavalry have left Jefferson Barracks, Ma, for the ritie range at Arcadia, Ma, for the annual target practloe. 'The two. companies of the Twenty-fifth United Suites Infantry reoently garrisoning Fort Dee Moines, left that post last night for their old station at Fort Mo biara, bring relieved at Fort Dee Moines by the Eleventh. United States cavalry. The Eleventh United States cavalry ar rived at its various stations In the Diart aaent of the Missouri Sunday. The head usrters and two souadron passed through Omaha Monday. The headquarters and the first squadron will tnke station nt Fort Dee Molnae, twu troops will go to Jefferson Bar racks, Mo., two to Fort Sheridan, IlL, two troops to Fort Riley and two will remain at ct li. A Rusaell. f A Wemeerral Cksait, i. Weak, sickly Invalids are soon changed by Electric Bittern Into healthy men and woman. They cure or no pay. 60c. For - aale by Kuha 4 Oo. '' Hwssssfcore Kates ta Wert Dak eta. i Every Tuesday until October the Chi cago Oreat Western railway will sell round trip ttekaU to points In the above named state at a great reduction from the usual , far. Far further Information apply to Oeo. F. Thomas, general agent, 1U1 Far- bam street. Omaha, Neb. i We, were 111 Bhirt Waists we ore 6howiug a very large line In all the new materials and styles! Among others a very desirable Bummer mohair In colorsAchampagne, Cream, Navy Blue and 5c JUST ARKIVED. Voile Skirts at $6.90 A special lot including walking and !T7 01 voues, monairs and 1111. HT1U 6.90 i iiinni manj sam ples In this lot, special, at Bargain Squares bands of the best P ' f A fl i up to 26c a yard, C-IUC'IsMiiC Smart Spring Styles for Women ' We Invite all women to call and Inspect our very complete lines of fashionable footwear, in all the new and correct styles. $2.50, $3.50, $5 Our "Specials" st the above prices are wonderful values this season. In no other shoes at the same prices can a wo man obtain the splendid com bl unt Ion of style, quality and comfort thnt Is found in tne FRY SHOS. Call and sea for yourself. ! WDQVfcUSCU wnx positively tvnis Kidney and Liver disease. Rheumatism, Sick Headache, Ery bIiIh, fcVrofula, Ca tarrh. Indigestion. Neuralgia. Nervnnsneea. Cty.pepala, Kyphllltle DUeaaea, Constipation ii,3M puopie were treated In I'Mi. 6c. All druggists. rrSTENCENTS What To Eat S&iJESX Bead far eopr. V aeots or B.w a rear RallAfcl ZUaitb AMolssL Tebl Btaresv Jests, Poaiaa. Oever Teasla. A gwod friend eo brighten ywur Wswe mo meata. Fall at navel I rswi lins tor entsrtefnlng. TW Ira H K BkOMta -Ow t .ii al4 M kU1 e4 wm i a) Ike h w w. I m mt kls vwiay hSuW WHAT TO BAT (Meothty l sbm rwia A IIUI MRS. J. BENSON Silk Shirt Waist Suits and Shirt Waists. offered-some choice styles of Bhirt Waist Suits that were so extremely handsome and valuable for the price that we "couM not resist buying them. They are made of ' Tongee and Foulard of the different L lVDNfSDy IS GREUI STICKER RED UTTER DRY. ra id rn r Oramges On Sale Wednesday Another Car of those Fine Lare, Sweet, Juicy "Highland" Navals at the same low price Per Dozen And $2.00 Green Trading Stamps with every dozen ANT SALE MAY NOW BE THE LAST, AS THE SEA SON FOR FANCY WASH INGTON NAVALS WILL BOON BE OVER. Limit, four doien to a cus tomer. No dealers supplied. A Half book of Green Trad Ins: Stamps With One Small Sale, Women's spring; suits. A few odd lots. Picked up as sam ples. Cream Sicilians, Cloth of Oold, In cha in pag-ne shade. Imported pongee & sutah,fancy foulards in light and dark colors, taf feta silk In hair line stripes, shades of blue and brown. This is a startling sale. The dresHes are i worth from S15.00 to '$18 00 each. Take your choice at 14.0, i and with each dress isold you will get a half DooK too ureen iTradlng Btamps. Sale hetrlns at I a. m. 'Wednesday morning. 1 , & &mkiis4&m $3.00 In Green Trading Stamps Big Sale of Shams, Scarfs and Table Tops 1,000 shams, dresser and. table, scarfs, small table vooorjom. and stand covers. They Inwmtfiil . m t ...i. i. wora anu iiinvifcvii... ... " o not one worth less than 86c, many $125. Bcarfs come in lengths 18x36, 18x46 and 18x54. Shams and table covers C 38xM and 13x32. Your choice Wednesday, each J JC And $3.00 In Orein Trading-Stamps with each piece. Stamp Sensation in Veilings 1,000 yards of this season's newest and best jiat- terns of face veilings in mesbe. All bUck, all white, white with black- dots, black with white dot,, grays with white dots and figures, greys with black dots and figures. Values In this lot up to 60c. Wednesday we put them on sale at, each ... And $1.00 worth of Oreen Trading Stamps with each yard. Snaps on the Jewelry Counters Another lot of regular 50o tension bead IQr looms With $2.00 In Green Trading Stamps. Indian beads, all colors, per buooh of 80 j J? strloRi : Ml With Sl.OD la Green Trading Stamps Jewelry Dept. f Real Saffian Wrist Bags Some with card case, worth up to 75c, choice Ana i And 12.00 In Green Trading Stamps ally for. See the ladies' Suit Otter. Jewelers ivnd Wttchmakers We carry a full line of Elgin. Waltham and Hamilton Watches, and our prices on these as well as on all ether goods In our store Is as low as anywhere. Bpeclal attention given to all kinds of watch and Jewelry repairing. P. E. FLODMAN & CO.. TELEPHONE 1574. 1514 CAPITOL AVENUE Bee Want Ads WEDNESDAY is Red Let ter Day. Ten Green Stickers Given Absolutely Free to every book present ed at our Premium Parlor, second floor. Bring your book and get in on this Red Letter Day benefit. Watch the Special Green Trading Stamp offers throughout the store Wednes day. Green Trading Stamps with every purchase and rousing extras in several departments.- GROCERY! 1 Recaiise we buy in great qunntltles we buy st lowest prices, we save you money. We give you fresh goods. We lead, others follow. . Butterine 80o worth Clreen Trading Stamps with each pound. Lincoln, per pound 11c Lincoln, 8-pound brick. 20a Seeded Rnlnlns, package lto Bluing, bottle 4c Baking Powder, -pound can 13a Full Weight Milk, can lo Cocoanut, package "0 Royal Luncheon Cheese, jar l"o Breakfast Cocoa, Vfc-pound can 13o DakmI Several hundred pounds DC POUnCl 0f fresh, crisp, spicy GINGER SNAPS. Maracalbo Coffee, per pound IB" Bcnnetf s Capitol Coffee, per pkg 28o Teas Teas Beat values offered In this line. Two dollars worth of Qreen Trading; Stamps with each pound pack ate best quality 0 Tea Sittings IOL Candy Department Oo worth Green Trad Inz Stamps with each jar A sorted Candles 10 Cents Drapery Dept. Third Floor. SPECIAL SALE OP PORTIERES AND COUCH COVERS FOR WED NESDAY ONLT. Portieres- Extra heavy Oriental Stripe Portieres, S yards long by 60 Inches wide, with heavy fringe 'top ' and bottom the kind others sell for tt.00 and 14.60 our price for' Wednesday " Q only per palf(-., tJ.su Couch 9overs Same quality and pattern as the Por tieres, with heavy fringe all around, oovers meaaure S yards long and 65 Inches wide special for f CL'J Wednesday only JM. DRAPERT DEPT.. THIRD FLOOR. come In plain and embroidered drawn rhla la Vil m MirphflH nf ftn.mnlnii fancy dotted and plain coin purse and Fcj y f Jewelry Dept. L. TZ .11 ill wa9 . . tor Wednesday's sala we fler Zt black ' J enamele4 mantle clocks, very best 8 - '. day movement cathedral gong strikes f the hours half hour bell worth usu about W.60, A PA And $10.00 In Green Trading Stamps. It Is an Astounding Opportunity, Produce Results Red Letter Day Wednesday at SMITH'S CI. On In stamps with one pound- best ' Maple Sugar U JO 00 In stamps with large package of shredded codllah 4oc t) 00 In stamps with 1 pint bottle Be- lected Queen Ollvee Sic t1) .60 In stamps with 1 lb. Baking Powder 26c 1.00 In stamps with S boxes Search- ' light Matches ISr $1 00 in stamps with 8 pounds best Rice . 26c J I 00 In stamps with one 6-pound Sack Slt 10c tl.00 in stamps with 1 package Bnk- ' lug Soda 10c tl.00 In stamps With H-lb. Baker's Chocolate 20c J I 00 In stamps with lb. Schepn's Cocoanut 50c tl.00 In stamps with one pound New ' York Cheese 20c a 100 In stamps with seven bars Laun- ' dry Soap 26c JR .00 In stamps with tt gal. best Ohio D Muple Syrup 5c FUR WEDNESDAY ONLY. tl.00 in starops with jar jam ' at 16c $ .00 In stamps with three pounds 1 Prunes at 260 t .On in stamps with one pound Cod ' K!sh Brick at 10c Cf .m in stamps with one pound best ,u Ceylon Tea at 80c TEA SPECIALS. tlft .00 In stamps with 1 lb. B. F. ,M Japan Tea . (toe tl .00 In Btamps with 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea - 00c tc.00 In stamps with 1 lb. English v Breakfaat Tea 76c COFFEE SPECIALS. te.OO In stamps with I lbs, Java nnd 3 Mocha Coffee 11.00 te.OO In stamps with t Ura. Excelsior Blend Coffee $1.00 tl.00 In stamps with 1 lb. Cucuta Blend Coffee 26o t 00 In stamps with 1 lb. Fancy San ' toa Blend Coffee 20c Bakery Specials for Wednesday. Charlotte Russe each 6c Stollcn (cotlee cakes), per dos.......l0c Lemon slices, por dos 10c Fresh Cookies always on hand. Remember Wednesday Is Red Letter Day for GREEN TRADING STAMPS E. T. SMITH &CO., 1407 Douglas St. Phone 104. W. a JERREMS, President. 809-211 South 1Sth U Scotch Fabrics COTCH fabrics will easi ly stand two seasons' wear and corrie up fresh and bright to the end. Nicoll's variety of these goods is indeed liberal made expressly for usby the manufacturers Of Scot land. The prices are reasonable. Trousers... $5 to $12 Suits.. ....$20 to 50 We take all there is in many styles for our many stores but never make a style common nor choose ! one that will not grace our reputation as leading and , skillful buyers. How about that covert overcoat for these chilly mornings and evenings? We've a most tempting line of fabrics for light weight overcoats prices $20 to $40. , Samples to non-residents. A Man from Callaway, Neb. Stopped In cur Omaha store this morning on his way to Sweden and bought quite au assortment of drugs and medicines to take with hlin. He said he had bet-n reading our ads for a long time and that he ad mired our pluck in standing out alone against the drug combine. From the number of mail orders which are rolling In from all over Iowa, Nebraska, etc. we think there are many other people of tne same opinion. Send in your mall orders; club together with your friends, and if the order amounts to $10.00 or more, we will pay the freight. Remember, we sell all the dollar staple patent medicines at TDc, all 60o ones at 4ic. Canadian Malt Whiskey, the best 76c luu lbs. Sulphur $2.76 Z&o Qulnaoetol, the guaranteed cold cure tto 1 month's treatment Woman's Friend.. $1 W 11.00 Cramer's Klduuy Cure guaranteed.. 7lo $100 Peruna all you want Tto $L00 Swamp Root no lluUt .....70 tl.uu Cireene's Nervura ...7a 26o Cutlcura Soap 2o tbc. Mennen'a Talcum Powder Uo Send us a LIST fur prices. SCIIAEFER'S DRUO TORB C T. YATES, Pros. ltth and Chicago rta. Omaha. 'Phones T47 and 11. Mtta and N Sta.. South Oiualuk. 'Phone ho. L 6b Ave. and Mala St., Ceuncil bluffs, 'phone tag. All goods Se Uvorsd as etUter dly abeolutety free. . Rogers, Peet b Co. Swell Clothing for Men. . L Brandels 0 Sons. 63 ' Ask for Gloria Cloth. ma RELIABLE STORK. llaftSdaaOacH U Marx Hand Tailored Don't Miss It Wc For Fine Bed Pprends, MarscillPS Pat tern, with or without rrtngo; they are fully worth 12.00 each. We got QQo a snap don't you miss it 41 :.. i 90 -f :. Tib sf ja iT ill r A. k.ww . For Today Only. Imported French Challlcs In all the latest nnrais to the Persians ana orientals- sold for uc ana oc, for this sale 4 Imported French Challles satin striped In plain and figured. In the latest colorings, worth 75c, : nnd $1.00, for this sale Printed Henriettas, a llttlo heavier thun ana new coloring, the latest and prettiest sola tor 760 ana jor tins saie Groceries Groceries t Double Trading Stamps With Every Pur chase Wednesday, in Grocery, Crock ery and Hardware Depts. Choice Tea Slftlngs, per lb 10c Uood Uolden ttio uonee, per d..........uo Fancy Oolilen Santos Coffee, per lb lua Large Sacks Corn meal lSVio Mlnoe meat, per pkg to Quart cans Golden Tablo Syrup 8HO 1-lb. Jars Fancy Preserves, assorted kinds 8M.0 8-1 b. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes.. ito 8-1 b. cans Uolden Pumpkins TVo 8-lb. cans Apple Butter THo 8-lb. cans Baked Beans ?Ho f-lb. cans String or uma Heans io Malta Vita, Vigor, Vim, Force, Egg-O-See. or Neutrlta, packago THo 6 lbs. Hand Picked Navy Beans 19o 6 lbs. Pearl Tapioca IBo 6 lbs. Oood Japan Rice lto Flower or Vegetable Seeds, package... SHo Fancy Prune Cereal Coffee, Urgo pkg.. 16o Star or Horseshoe Tobacco, per lb 40c WHOLESALE DRIED FRUIT PRICES. Large California Prunes, per lb 6Ho Large California Peaches, per lb 7 English Cleaned Currants, per lb 7 Fancy California Q rapes, per lb , .HAVD'EW. BROS. r? Last Chance 11 This week Is the iast opportunity to be "elected" to tale a trip to the St Louis exposition at the expense of The Bee. Ten more trips will be voted for this week. ' If you want to go, now Is the time to get out and hustle and let your friends know that you want to go. You will find that they wilt be only to glad to help you, If you call their attention to the fact There Is no reason why you can not havo OD 6f The Last Ten Trips Next week will be too late, and the chance to take a trip to the exposition will bo gone. Do not forget that you can get 620 votes on a year's subscription in the city and 800 votes on a year's subscription In the country. You will have a chance to travel from Omaha to Bt Louis Via the Wabash JllIlL Rules of the "Election" . The ten persons receiving the Urges number of votes at the close of electloJr wUl be furnished, at ihe bees expense, as pris-s. eaok a ltrip lVom OuTana fe) b Loui s and l-turn. te be Ukeo any Uiue duiiag eu'tctlons ere pieced as te where the party Uvea aa a candidal t8, cu. , ef the ejoslUo IrU .mploy- r sg.nts of The Omaha Bee. AU vStJIJ rnuilt be ua4e oa oeupvu. Ulch wUi be published elt Say tn Tb I'Tt'pay meni . of subscriptions may be made either direct te Tha Bee IMblUhlir Company or to an authorised ag.nt of The Bee. JNo otm u!t in by agoois will e count! unMae sent la la aooordance 'NKuMr to" "dy will be published In all edition, of The B 4h liotlouawUl clo each Thursday at p. m. Voiss swTy bJT deposiud at the business ofhoe of Tha Bee or sent by No vol.. sent by mall will be counted which are nut la the Ouaie pwotoffloe for dsUvery at 4.W p. to. eo the tr t closing. Address, "Exposition Department," Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. COUPONS V. V Ask for i i VIA 6loria Cloth. liV IVe are moving Our entire stock of spring and summer clothing from our counters to the homes of Omahas most dlscrlmtnntlng buyers. Ton need only to see and examine our line of goods to be convinced of the superiority of our clothing over nil other mnkes at the price. AH A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT) WEDNESDAY. SU.60 TO I1B.0O MEN'S SUITS, $10.00 2V stylish, well made suits, perfect in fit, nobby in pattern, excellent In fabric han. tailored throughout and well worth. SU.f4 to S16.00 of nnylKHlv's money IA (f our special price Wednesday tv.VV Are you a dressy dresser? See our Fine Suit offerings 2 Rfl Wednesday at $lloo and Worth S14.60 to $20.00, but specially prloed for Wednesday's selling. They come In Scotch Chevlota. Fancy Tweeds. Fancy Worsteds, Serges, unfinished Worsteds, TMbets and many other popular fabrics, a vast range of colors and nohby patterns, hand-tailored, with hand-felled collar, hand-podded shoulders, self-rctalnlng heir cloth fronts, exclusively elegant In ap- E ranee, a perfect suit in every respect, them, try them on; you will euroly ; Wednesday's sale O price, $15.00 and ,4,,uv' 250 Pairs Men's Fine Pants t Wlilch we purchased at a great bargain wtll be on snle Wednesday at the pocket book pleasing O Kfl rrloe It " -S.OU Worth from $8.00 to $405. See our Wth St. window. YOUR CHMCE-S8 SVtT CASE, t.98 . We have left from Saturday's sale a few Solid Leather Suit Cases, which we pur chased at a great jaraaln: theso goods would regularly sell for $6.60 to SM; our closing out JL UN price designs and colorings from tha little neat challlcs In large pattern fabrlo for klmonas. Virginia Blackberries, per lb THa New York Ring Apples, per lb 0 Moor Park Apricots, per lb... ....12H0 California Seedless Raisins, pkg Be Fancy Bartlett Pears, per lb 12VM EXTRA SPECIALS ON IRE3H FRUIT. Large Highland Navel Oranges, per doe. 15o Large, Juicy, Seedless Lemons, per dos.. Uo Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, per lb 6a Colorado White Clover Honey, per rack. 12o California White Figs, package 6a We handle nothing but the finest Cream- rry Butter made, and strictly first-class -ggs. Our prices are always the lowest to the consumer. i Decorated Ware English Imported Seml-Poroelatn, open stock Consisting of all sises of platee, oupe and saucers, platters, bakers, cov ered dishes, pickle dishes, etc. you choice Saturday at, each , 6o Qlsyanlan Vaas. 10, IX 14. 18, IS and $0 l&rbea high, choice Wednesday 16o The WABASH is nearly 60 MILES the shortest and takes you to Its OWN STATION at main entrance World's Fair Grounds. Think what this means quick time, money saved and a delightful trip, rot all tired out before starting to do the exposi tion. J ON PAGE 2. i a