Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1904, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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GcTanor Ifictsj Iwc F ik'iu mi U th
F ' tf lit Euie.
IrWukk Tf- veils g Mem Elect OBftn
m Agree t Held Their
ex Meetleg at So
bresha tllf.
(TYotn a Staff Corrcepof.cnt )
X-ECCOLW. April B ?;v--ial. Tu s-iaj.
Jf7 B. he been set apart by Governor
ilckey tpcn which to celebrat the rign
ig of th bin thai made Nebraska and
Hansa a territory. l"poo the FrKia j- pre
eajdicg thla oar Ovrmor Mickey requests
that appropriate exercises be held la B
the school boa as of tbe state and that on
tbe Sunday preceding Nebraska ministers
tefl Nebreetana of tba growth of the (lata
Th. prooiemaalon anting apart tba da 7
Od ta th day ef May. UH. President
Fterc aflxed his signature 10 one of the
Inoat Important enactments a bach haa
passed cony a the existence of
theee United Plate 7 be Incidents leading
vr t the Introduction and hnaj taatege
ml the IT a rsa a-Nebraska biU were l.iaiorr
sexklr.g la their character a ad hare indel
iei ewan-.pea their impress apea our tie
ttonaj Ufa Tee eueceedlx.g events ware
even Dora deelelve and tragic la thr re
sults. a.Umaiey plnnging tbe nm-.h and
south lute factional war and mating in
tba balance ef aang-ulnary con f let the
noted mUo of tba times sftectlr g hu
man liberty. 9ur stirring scen-e a fkeee
marked tba manmtiil of the Karsar-Ne-braaka
bL br tbe term of which the
rut ore atata of Nebraska, then In torn- I
torlaj form, flrat emerged frrn tbe wilder- 1
peas lying west a the Mirectin and a- I
earned Ita initial civic respocslolllire Ow- 1
ng to tba tn'enaltv ef the time the ere of !
tbe talka ware axed upon NeJTeeka ihen i
end because of our spectacular greath and
development tba tir.un thje attracttd
mmm nerer t mtaenwu. M uco ail ex
parted of Nebraska, but not more tbsn It
baa been abia to dallTfr. Ita earlr erttl
rnenta of Ord-feartna. Uherty-icnr arbocl-.J
j wimni ciiiaana eierced a wboieaome ln
f)uaaea upon rbe trerid of national ererta
from the rery flrat end laid the f'un4a
Uona fot tbe majmtfloer.t aratebood abk-h ta
our berUaae todar.
In tbe burrr asd tiuatle cf l:fe it ia
prtfltata at t:nea to hnrfr pauer for ret
roaportlTa tVw. In harmcnr with th
Idea Binr of our clUaana hare thourht it
wla U proierlT celebrate the eml-carTe-
Blai arnlTemrir of the eignlrig of the Kn- 1
aa-Xebraaka bUl and tbe pin roeeta aritd I
any hearty appror-aa. Aa tbe date orrura I
m tbe I'"Ji of Mar. a day cttjx c rated to I
the fneror-rr r our aldlr dead, a delay of J
one day la ftt ana and proper i
Therefore. L John H. M.rkey g-r-re-ri'ir 1
or tba elate or ecreaaa, 00 tierebr appoint
and art a fart Tueaflar Mar t. 1M a
ay romrnacnoratjre of the aiarilnr of the '
a-in enre u tun an event 01 the ut
mnet lmportare ta thla jjeople- I augreat 1
that on the Jrtday preredjr.g the tchoole
of tba elate take oocrjzance of th nat
ter ard hy appropriate eaerrleea rhallerga
attetitton to the it'iimi of the half cer
trr, the blrtory artandlhg the birth of the
territory, and aeek to Inculcate a-jrh lea
"r.a of patrkttlara aa befit the opceiVin. It
alen eeTre pmper that on tbe Sabbath pre
ceding th aanJTeraary the paetora of tb
ptate ahould irake referenre to the eVant
from the aarrad deek and ffr to tbalr rn
greeatlone aotna rhoughta on th growth
and development of or common wealth
and tbe MeWnara ef Provldenoe that have
ha Touehaafed to aa. I reonimd that
tb peopi gernaraTly rergnbTe tba anrl
veraary and aaelat la Ita otiaerranoe la any
manner that eeema mwt ronTenient.
Th peop' of Omaha ere preparing for a
err elaborate celebration, due aot)o of
w-fc!-h will appear In the public praea. ana
tt ta probable that many from outVrlr.g
tow-n and eamnarJUea win avail them
aelre of tb opportunity to attend tb
pretenfjoua eeremonJea there to b ball.
lanraaea Pwltrlaa Rat Taxable.
IX the opialoa of Attorney Geaaral Prout
la th opinion of tba Stat Board of Eaual
laaOon. aad there la rrery raaaoa to beUar
tt will be. oaab arrcadar Ufa lnauraooe
poSctea are act tazabla aadar tba aew rara
Bua law aad win sot b aniaail Bail a '
tarr Benaett gaea It out aa bla eptaloa
aotne daya age that thiaa paUdaa war tax
able. Iaauraaoa man at oaoa raijnaaiat and
ecuroa a bearlsc by tba board mad tb
tatter paaaad up ta Axtoraar Oanaral
Prout. Ho today fUad hia opteloA. conclud
ing that tba potWlaa war aot taxabia. Ha
reached thla conrlnalon by arwaibf la tbit
Tb aea rmaiw law doa aot aay ta
rpecifir laraaa that tba 6a4h aarrwaaar vara
of a life Ineurano policy la aaeeeaable. !t
la cot aaaai aaaia. tbarefcra. liriiaaa made
o by tba rrnaral prwetaioii which require
tb taxaUoa of all property aot exempted
by tbe constitution or atatut. Tb caan.
eurrecder value of a life Inauraao pottcy
la force la aot "property ' wnhia tb bma
Ing cf that word aa ueed la tb revenue law
Tb "rxh aurrender'' tralne. aa that term
la uaed la ywur Inquiry, la tbe amount of
money which tb Ina uraace company would
return to tb aaaured or tb beneficiary It
th policy were cancelled or annulled before
tba death of aaavired or before axptratloa
of tba term fixed by tb contract. Whether
r money would be ao returned depende
fOa a coatiaveacy. th eaaceUatloa of the
jOIIct: and tb amoiiat retnraaSt would
dpend In a oieaauie .a the ajuount of pre
mium paid by aaaured If tb cootlna-enry
doe aot an, aaeured dora aot get th
money, and It will remain la tbe hand of
tb lnaura.n oompany. wber It la taxable.
If tb ooatiaaanor doea vim, tba money
la returned ta the aaaured or to bla ban
Sdary. wber tt mar be aaeeeaed.
Travaaara Kla Mnn.
Tba Nebraaka Travaleia Fretertl
daUoa today aalectad Nabraaka City aa the
t.iac to not ita next roavantioa aad
elected tbe officer:
rVealderiL raeat H. Hoat Chnaha; flrat
rice praakoeot. W. li Bcnwr. Late-.In a
ond vlo preaioaait. W. it. Wbiia F-remoai:
third vice preaaeanl. J O Brlea. uenaaa;
fouith vie pruaidht. H. U Haider Nor
folk; fifta vk pmiident. R. H Tale. teat,
rtoa. aecrvtary aad treaaurar. K- T. liodgli.
board of Dlraotora Jchn Keller. Oirahx
two ear ; R. K iiacoo, uaaua. two )ara;
A. U Ccaway, Omaha, ao veer: E. a
Baaiey. Nebraaxa it. tw )tui, c. iL.
1 u more. Haaunga. tw yeara and .
Eutl Grand Island, two veara
Ijeiegaiaa to tba Xauonaj Ccventlon-A.
V. Mt.ur.g, Unocm; R y. Hadrw. Cmaba,
John .e.tey. Omaha: & 7. Racoi. Omaha-A-
l Conaway. uroata: John H"a. T.-e-raom;Jcha
argie-. Unco n. H U grr.
der., and H C Rice. Nebraska
Oty It waa uiiarimoutJr agreed that R
F. Hodgtn ef Oawha abculd be bnnmed for
member hip aa the nauanal board, and
tb delatea war Irtructed to make a
febt fr bra at the Bieetln of tb r.atlenaJ
Cv.nvet.Uon ta ar.
tate rwrtti a.
M Rayley. Omaha
Ralrcad W
Heiei J hj5 O NU. V nliereity Flac.
iT'M J b. (.wriMin, twana.
Uea-lrUfre U P. Slna. LJ-K-alr.
lm itTD-n t D J u Erln Omaha
f-Kk ard Relief M C Howe vwnaba.
It yalcian It. E.. E Arnold. Omaha.
Tbe V-rtera r'aaaenger aaicdalion wag
give a a few let aho'a fry tbe way la whl.b
It eer Interchangeable raiif boaa. a
few bo'ela were d!c;eed lcaae ther
dldn t f-ed well, ard BaT.ber did they tak
propr ca- ef th fettv traveler. L T.
La Eeaawe. who waa dlacharged by f?ur
member of tbe comasfttea. who
ciaimed be waa ehort in hit account, ha
being- the national trexaurer at the t me,
u given a vte of con?. dene, and a
resolution wxa adopted that be be re.n-atated.
hem!, mm
rnieRTCf trcact or PAnixiott
Sarpy raty raraaer la Vow ta Jail
After Ore t la a Eirlleaeat
PAPU.LION. Neb. April U (fpelal Tel-etrraia-)
North Pa pillion prop e were
greatly exdtea morning at t o cl ck
over the appearaec at their bomea of a
traeger who made the moat tndereat p
four la to tbe women. He bad railed at
aeveral noue'. bvt waa chared away w!:b
dog, and at en bone at tbe point of a
At th bom cf Mra E. N. Becord be wxa
run st of the yard and at once went 1
tbe next door neighbor, Mra. Trailer Uowry.
ah waa alone, and purhed open the door.
Vrt Lewrr waa bury with her bouaewtrlt
and waa badlv ecared when ebe bbeld tba j
atrarger In her room. The aam propraa
of a a Inanltlng- character were made to her.
and Mra Up wry ord' rel Mm frcm th
bouee Th mas ref jd to go and Utrd ta
lxe her. but waa frurr rated by Mra.
Lwry. who threw a diah of a. ere h:ackirg
at him Mr Lowry then ran for araltt
ir,it and the man left- Ha waa later cap
tured rd placed In Jell, whe-e It waa
learned that be waa Henry Byara. a farmer
living near Pepillton. Charge will be preferred.
This store catered to the high class trade, and had the proud distinction of carrying the most com- :
pre hensive assortments and latest styles in meritorious merchandise The order from the court has :
gone fourth to sell sell sell no matter what the style or quality may be. Cash must be realized
and manufacturer's cost has been completely lost sight of. In many instances cut to half. ,
Groep Five Dtrwe Mve Tople aad
Electa OBee-re.
HARVARD. Nab.. April C .Special.
Oroup No. I of tbe Nebraska Banker a
aociatlon held Ita annaal meetlna; her to
day, with a large repreaentaUoo cf the
banker of the alx counties composing the
district. Provident Georr; Brown of Haat
lrs presided, ably aaeaated by Secretary
W. D QeJbreth of Hebroa and Mlaa Emma
Bengrtoa of Harvard as ahonhand re
porter. Thomas H. Matters welcomed th
group to tb city and tbe response waa
given by James N. Clark of Haatinga
Many Questions of vital lmportaoce to
bankers war discussed and tbe buslbess
session was considered one of tbs beat ever
Officers for tbs ensulnc year were elected
aa follows: President, W. D Oalbretb of
Hebron; aecretary. C. L. Irw1a of Tmlrfleld;
treasurer. V. 8. Hall of Bladen; executive
committee. P. H. Updike ef Harvard. P. P.
N'uaa of Button and E. C Nortoa of Kane
aaw. Thla evening there wxa a banquet
at tbe New Harvard hotel.
Oolarad stetal Pwexer arttk Ced Char
acter Oea tAgrat (aataar.
HAJ-nVOS. Kab, April M. Special Tst-d-rasa.)
At a spaelal aaasioa of tba dis
trict court today Horace Sherwood, col
or, bote! porter, pleaded gruilty ta hav
ing; forgwd aa aaiass f H. A. Bcbaabla
and W. H. DUob ta a caaek for C. aad
was sentenced t ftrurteea aaoataa m tba
penitentiary at bard labor. Considerable
taterest was sbosra la the eass aad a tare
crowd gaibered In tb eoart room.
Mrs. Sherwood, arba la tb ben ef tba
negro population, was by er hmbaxid'a
aids while sentence was bain- proa ou need,
aad barst late tears when tbe charge wxa
read by tba county attorney, adga Adams
said tbe negro a prevtous good record wxa
aa eatanaatlnc factor, also ta boss cawea
tb entalnty of pun lab meat aad aot th
severity of It la Its ehkef pnrpoaa, tt waa
a theee aroaada that ba proaovnred a
Bfbt seeteaoa. Bbarwood arm be takaa to
Lincoln t
Get My Book, if Sick.
Dsa't See. i Peso),
Xlaa't aabi a aaaay.
lea eM UU yua mm ehat I aaa aa
in riaa. Lm , mm aww a-e ,at
ra frnki tr 1 mm mm 1 'e. year tt f--i Tiaam. 11 rmm
far a vaia auMU ra at m-m a eue. it,
iietaa rat
I s iu tel. yea ef a ersg-a tw re ml tr
n atauaa mt Itt. a a iaii ive a a
1 wui aaaeiMelr all ta mt II a bua ii
yea mJ 'It ket ae m" tbal lukrv
aa le rea at eaiX I'm yen anaef M
aia ieatc a aa . aa caaartr aa I I out
yva ta tw am'atx a&4 mu.m . mx uh
Sv a nut ea .. I aa im piwnitiM taai
rtua Mr ealr ril at ta Mrw rm it im
kaiuUt wiU care M u rrm-
a ! mult vul eat x4 a tua ia
ta.&. b tb. aauarta tae aaraiiMaa
aa 1 m n .-1 ia eiaeea.
ytere mm . mi i
1 1 u a iaa mt aiar ta aii
ar.e mt. eeew a tn .M r.
1 Imu twl ami xt iM w
aaealr tkebaki af kat the thai mrm t 11
lfct.e ut ut&k't mm in.
Tm a a l'tJ raai wy ia ,
aa. raae I emx.l iumu u.i T
feat vwua vttAiM. tae nun T-,
I m namdn b at aaeea tae
aa If. t M baavn. Vw
aeaa are rnllM au eSar mm mm it mm tm :
tnr mmm m ut . 1 an, aua J mm vmm
ef a. Si eat mi aa set 11 !. ,m 4 awtt
rtfc Amm ta tuneta Lm IMI ii mM
tw ta a wmu-m I mm prvmt mt. a amL 1 Z.
at a weea a ftaw lit itai m area tirmiL wmm
mmM lell taca mrm ea. ml mr ,n tmi
km a sa tra-M Ml ei mmmu, mm
mr Sr u i ct m m m. ,m
rear r lea tmmt m mm, mmmimut, m nt
t.a - mm Tmm ,,,,,
aaa a4 Tn we at aw eu tna im mm pwi
aim raae ae ui aae a greineae te ata mt
aa. Tser erea -u a a fiaieaee m t te
"o awaa Xm I m um e-.n
baaareawaaleBda- hm- t mm tmm TZmmm
aa S3, Imta '
ss tw
I la .
mm mmrm Ml,
" a as aa
ebraaka Irwt letea.
nSNER. Neb, Aprfl B. npeeial V
This vicinity was visited by a heavy rain,
which waa much needed, as th pastures
have net bea-ua to start and everything is
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. April n. ("pedal v
Tbe GermaA Met ho at ministerial confer
ence of the Nebraska district Is still In
seeatoa at the chareh in thia city. Premdlr.g
Elder J. 1- SieiclTger ef Lincoln In tb
chair and Rev. Bdwsrd Beck of White.
cloud. Kin . as secretary Minleters from
Nabraesa, ranaas and Misaour! are la at
tendance PKOSBER, Nab.. April S. (Special I
Prossar wiU ceiebrste the advaai of Its
tret passenger tram tomorrow with a bar
beooe and ether fltflng desaooatratns. A
train load of ea cvrsio&ist trom Kxcaaa
wlii be P resect to parucipats in the reoio
ln. aa well aa ooaUaawbie froaa Netaraaka
towns stnng the line. Tbe passenger aerv
los ta betn put la by tbe ilaaoun Pacific
FREMONT, Neb.. April n (Special
Judge HoUrnbeok oalled tbe docket cf the
district court for tba purpose of aetring
cases for trial thla moralruj. Nine civil
cases and firs criminal ware set down fur
trial by Jury. Sotae cf the civil caeea.
boweter. are likely t g ever. None of
tbe criminal cases are Irnportant. The next
term ef court convene May X aad will be
a brief or a
I'AKOTA CrrX. Neb . April n Sp-cjl
Tbe sradaatina exercises of the i'akota
City High acbooTwili be held In tbe Metho
dist murra aa Friday evening. June 1 The
graduating class will muut of Msaars
Charles 1 Maxwell. John B Evans sad P
Baker Eckbart Tbe baccaiaureate sermen
Will be preached by Rev. 6 M. Lesher.
L4itherxa pastor of this plaoe. at tae Metno
diat Ktaacopal church on nunday ve-.lng.
May 2a.
T1X VMPEH. Neb.. April IS. fFpedal Tel
efram. lae result of late village e:ec-
1 hub at Bterur-ff VMM can Teste, rro- were lnarirnt In raiiBiT
hers tonlcht for a recount peter Plthian
la the contestant aad Henry Rathe and
Joha Jasaea the oootseteee. In la elertinn
Mr. Ilthiea who la temperance, waa de
feated l'y Mr. Ratbs. lloanaa. by oim vote
for the offioe of vliiSg rruetee. Mr. Piuuaa
1 rocks be waa counted eat
PETEF.8Bl.-RG. Neb.. April Tt f6pecial )
Tre lndiraUons new are thai th town is
to have aa eiectnc light plant. N W.
lea who receaUr came here from Scrlb
aer. has purchased a lot In the east part of
lean and haa beaun ta wt&n
I buiidng tor :oat puie Already a Bum-
trr r.ate auriernoea lor ngMa air Wies
expects ts have tb pUat ta operation bv
Jul.e 1. WiJ girt P-leruarg boia
acetrlene gaa and electric ligcia
TFXn V4S1-H Keb . April 3 tSpecUl r
C. K Feig-ueon received a telegrmaa from
hie brother. U 8 Frrguson ef BellevUie.
Kaa, tbia u. U-l u. iatter a eoa.
t..aer Ferg-oaoo, aged aboi l ?K aad beea
killed ia a areck at Clifton. Kan Teutg
Ferruaea was a bremaa r jii&lr.g oa a
fret.t train cut of bebetllia Ha father
recrntiy removed front Tecumaek t be.le
vll, e that tb eoa might Irr at boat. The
teTaai stated that tbe body aad beea
tSn Helievll.
HASTINud. Neb.. Aprfl (Spodall
Ta excavattoa for Hastings' aew soaa fao
tery kvaa beea begua The aew pleat Is ta
be H by a feet, tw at ones biga. wa a
deep basement The eew eaiaraa-is wUl ba
operated by Wkta Broa
Th Heating council ef I'nltel Ossaaaer
rial Trateiera eatertauaed about gueeta
at Kalgfcts ef Pytbiaa ball last aigat. Mra
W. a. laaraea rendered sea eral seaea aad
tbe literary and au-eal praraai waa
rleaaantly varied by the reeeia of Mra.
P. C. Baacork and tb alaginc ef th Oay
broibera Lascar.; aad earda were aia
features of the evealag s er.tertalnaaeBt
feEA TRICK. Ne. Jtsrti a ioaJ Tel
ecrajn Chariea ft. W aia wa d lamlsa i.d
L.a suit aaiast SL R kri caadidata for
Boa I reareeeotarlva alleging tbat Mr. Kyd
owed bua (a for sartli as readered at tb
late republanaa prim ies today a 111 af
fidavit Were Judge W H rJaer. a yue
Uia of tb pears, that be dismissed tba
case for a eeeMSderaf iea ef gat, i jmiA ta
him by aad Kyd At the neas Wade made
hie arttteoteet with Mr. bl)d be asreed te
Siga a aisatnaal ef the reae. but whea tb
attorney drew aa tae papara, be a-ii f
fer Lie atgaatura. be laorpw-aied lata Itaa
iasfe waa-kt re Seeled t4ai Mr. Wad
The eiprepsions of catisfaction from our customers during this sale is tin absolute indication
of the genuine low prices at which theie goods are marked. This week's saJe finds them cut still
230 piece all wool serges, albatrosses, nun's veilings, henriettas and novelty
suiting, regular prices 50c, GOc and 75c. The entire lot Monday to
go at, yard
2(H) pieces all wool canvas cloth, granites, ctamines, Venetians and ehephard
checks recently irnluced from 75c and fl.00. The entire lot
Monday to go at, yard ,
150 pieces all wotl cheviot, Panamas, English mohairs and l!xianna
suitings, also recently reduced from f 1.00 and ?1.25 yard. The entire
lot Monday to go at, yard ,
50 pieces finest quality of French challis. regularly sold a
C5c and 75c. The entire lot Monday to go
at. yard ,
25 pieces of meltons end fancy mixtures, specially made for pedesterian skirts.
regularly sold at $1.50 and fl.75. The entire lot Mondav to go at, vard OaU
All our novelty mixtures, new spring suitings and all other high grade suitings marked at
proportionately low prices. 33 1-3 per cent discount on our entire stock of dress trimmiiigs and
Black Dress Goods
Our entire line of black dress goods embrsximg ail this eas
son's novelties to be sold regardless of cost.
50 French novelty dress patterns la blacks and colors, grenaclisA
and etaxnine grounds, bought to sell at f 20.00, $22X0. $25,00
and $30.00. Your choice of this entire lot A CA'
this week, at, each .m3f3
20 French novelty dress patterns, bought to sell at $15.00, $13.50
and $12.50. Your choice of this lot this 1 CQ
week at, each m
and dress lengths, formerly sold at 50c and
65c While they last, yard
Foulard and fancy waisting siikt, 75c and
85c values, to go at, yard
High grade foulard silks, regular $1.00 and $1.25
values, in this sale at, yard ,
All our black taffeta silks, black peau de sole, armurs and
many other fancy weaves at much lesa than Kanufarturers cost.
on Ladies
The Manufacturer's Cost of these Fine Garments has been cut to one-half, others
to one-quarter, and the selling price does not even represent the cost of making.
$10 Suits at $3.50, $15 Suits at $5.95, $15. $18 and $20 Suits $8.89, $15, $20, $22
and $25 Suits at $10; $30 Suits at $12. $35 Suits at $14. Walking Suits included. Pedestrian Suits included.
U..TO..g.... mi i , M.-.,r .jjujsi.iwjiixi aa'W 'U',' ,'",' " J ..IWUaMPH "mt Basis.
honesty aad lotecrltT- This ha reseated
la tbe affidavit made today.
BEjxTRjC'K. Neb.. April M. (Bpertai V
Acting under orders from labor Comtrjs
notker Buafa. a number of property ovaers
bare supplied Lbelr bullaiii wlta fir
Frank Hxnklna who waa Jodaed In tail
at Wymors on a diar of asaaultica
Julius X earns tin, a tnerobaDt, la believed
to ba a noted Jxll breaker. He escaped
tartos from the v yirtor Jail aitblo aeveral
daya and after Jaarahal Arton auooeeded
la oapturltic him each tune be iilaosd band
ruffs oa him. Uanklne aaceeaed In break
l&c the cuffs all to pieces, and In order to
keep him from escaping tbe marshal waa
obllaed to chain him to a caae He claims
he Is from Oklahoma. The vfflcere bear re
be ts a tonrh customer
PUATT6 MOUTH. Neb. April a (Sps
clai Tbe democratic Cass county oodtfq
Oon arlll be held In LoulrriUe, Neb, May
t to elect deteaates te attend tbe atata
eoaveetioa tat Omaha June 1.
Ernst 8ubck. 4b yeara of a-, west to
work In the Burlington shoj-a hers as usual
yesterday morales but a few hews later
as was seen te stoop sad firmly e"rasj a
steam Pipe His feliow-werkmen aulcjtlr
stepped to his side In time to see him take
hts last breath. Heart disease Is supposed
to have beea tbe cause. He leave a widow
and five children, tbe youngest a few
months and tbe oldest years of age.
Hs was a saember ef the A O. V. W. and
tbs Burlington voluntary relief department.
Plattasoouth Is gntng to hare a metro
politan street fair from Ml , to 14.
AtH'RX. Neb. April la. I Special. TTO
11am States haa sold his frocrrr store ta
B P. Mershon. Mr. States' health haa
beea bad aad he goes ts California with
tre hope that the change will benefit him.
Mr. Mershon Is a farmrr and thla ta his
f.ret venture !n tbe mercantile line
William T. Hat moo has traded his hard
ware and furtmure store to J. A- Martla
for a farm In Cuater county. Oklahoma.
MasUn wiU tniarge tbe bsineMt Mr. Har
mon expects to go to Oklahoma la the
Prof. E. Guy Simpson, who baa beea
inunpal of the pubac schools of Aaburc
for the past three veara. haa beea elected
uterlnteident to succeed Prof. H.
(Gardner, who goes to Fremont, Nab, &a
superlnterdat of the schools there.
TOP.k. Neb.. April frpeclal kfkJlT
here are satfering from an epidemic sal'ied
pinkeye, a disease of the eves lasting three
er fvur dava. but of such a nature that
those aRicted are eearlr blinded for a
arif-rt time.
Tork college has engaged Mie Martha
rayun aa ir.strur tor of tbe violin, ah
blng on of the best violin performers fa
the west BUe Is a daughter of Editor
D.rtoa of the Tork Republicaa.
Arbor day was observed by many of tb
ciusens of Tork by setting out trees aad
shrubbery, aiany setting out tree In Turk
The msrr friends here of Hon. Joha Lett
are not only pleased to learn of his candi
dacy for xh po;trn of con-.mander of the
Grand Army of Nebraalu, but are mors
tian eaed to learn of the many poafs la
Nebrxeka that haee elected delegates to the
state encaxr.ptnert and Instructed tor Joha
PA PILLION. Neb . April 3 (Bpecexl -Resolutions
have t-n passed by the mem
bers of the Papilllon Lutheran church
granting their minister. Per Wli.lam HiMe
aoaa. a vacation I rem ia duties here In
reoognitloa of the rant vesrs so faltbfully
cln to the church Rev. Mr. Husemia
aill dejiart Wednesdiv for a vlait wfth
eastern frWda and relatte. after which
be a til ga to Luropr. tetarnlng next fall.
South Oniala authon'tea rave arrested
ta tiretna s '.r f naa warned in that cite
aa a wttnees agxinat a saloonkeeper aader
arrest (barged with sellint liquor to minora
The boy did act want lo go oa the witness
atnd and so left town
Tbe Sarpy County Tearbers asaociarloa
waa beid at Gretna today alia a good al
ter dance
T PAt'L. Neb April 3 Special ) A
dnultng rata haa beea felheg here for th
left ta daa closing last wi-h eult.
a halletorm. which did no damag to crops
Tb prrtptawn waa XT ef aa Inch aad
bllT r.eeied
WE8TPOLVT. Neb.. April a Special )
ArSor dae waa genera Ly obeerred hers
a-e tbs cittaens ta piancar treea Tree
planting exerrase wsre conducted by the
acuity aad pepi a of tbe puUie arbools
sad essay rale bla treea aaa shrubs wer
est etn
J-jdre BoTienbeck ef Freaaest haa ast
rloeed a abort ad)oaraed tern ef the (Me
tric usrt, st t Org ta the place of Judge
Gar T Gravee of Peadee. whose health ia
aeriouae trr paired la the cox'eeted eler
tloa ease. Ineolvteg th title to the office of
county )adge. the court ordered a rercmnt
of the vol mm to commence oa Anrtl B. Th't
win decide tbe ease, tie present Incuwbeat
claiming ta ba ssced by a ma)ae-ity of tea
Tbe week baa boa eold and stormy Veg
eta.f lae tea beea at a standstil! ar.d lsyury
la feared to early sowa care Penatoee are
toady ptaated. a karge acreage bstrg de
voted to this crop, piowug for cora ia
eel nader wsy
CsehVer EngVee ef tbe Vbraba ate
hank aaa purchased tae Flijaejw'h Klexe
reelderc ea Llaccua street. i.rtag there
fee H mm
Wii.iaaa Bredle.ger. Jr.. left ewerdir fer
Plero. where be ha accepted a rx"loa
la a bank. II ras beea cecaected here
wttb tbe real eecat and law brra of Maody
4 Kallgb.
JkErb, rU7 it EiitpetgJ of tb liUirj cf
Ar.kttr BrowtJea
Is Biarrtsted ea Ceaelaslea ef a
Tea-Day geateace far a aaaU
Kabbery at David
COLCMaCS. Neb, April a. (Special. -
Deputy Sheriff Lscbnlt returned last rJrtt
from David City with James Keller. wia.
Is charged with the murder of Arthur
Bnowflen at Humphrey oa March St. Eelier
will talk to do one. remarrmg a-jeolutely
allent oa all Questions. County Attorney
tjtxtm say the evidence against htm si
far ts entirely drc urns tan tlxl. but Is quit
Snowdaa wxa found murdered la Hum
phrey township March M. His remain
ware aent to a medical college at Lincoln
aad were not identified until Just recently.
His parents are said te lira at Kearney.
Keller has Just completed a tan-day
sentence at David City rov robbing- th.
general mere handle store of K. A. Craxa
of that city of about S3 worth of wearing
apparel. He waa found with tb. goodi
In his possession near the stock yards
and pleaded guilty. While be was aer
lng his sen ten re Sheriff West racerrad
eecrtption of tbe supposed murderer of
Arthur Snowden near Humphrey, Neb., aa
March 3. which was a complete descrip
tion ef hi. prisoner. The offorra ef Piatt
county were Borrfled. and ad vised that th.
sentence would expire Tester day. rpon
request from the authorities of Piatt
county tb prisoner waa again arrested by
Sheriff West, aa th. supposed murderer.
Tsetarday evening Deputy fiber! ?T H C.
Laranlt of Piatt ceanty, accowipaslad by
Sheriff Bamnii of Dodge eountjt. went
down ta Darld City and Immediately
Identified the prisoner aa the man wanted.
The prisoner gives his aam as Joha X.
Bent or., but it Is knows tha t he baa gone
under tbe aJlxaes of James Miller. Jam
KeUey. Jame Tbompaoa and Jama Mor
Sheriff West was for a long time chief
ef police ef David City, and ta bow serv
ing his second term aa sheriff ef Butler
county, and he ear that Denton ta. la his
pinion, one ef the toughest criminals ha
haa ever seen or had Charge of. Sheriff
West believes be wTil receive the few re
ward offered by the aupemaers of Piatt.
laar Laabtea May Make Sb
lag- tiers Bewaltsotloe aVaara.
LCSHTON. Neb.. April S.f Special )
rarmers Irving pear her are talking of
forming sa organlsatlea for tba purpose
ef sending a delegate Lie com to urge,
ape tbe State Board of EquaRaattoa tba
injustice ef tba return, ef secae af tba
railroad ta Nebraska ef raluatlcma Nearly
every farmer la Tork county haa rural
mail deltvery at hie deer and every farm at
Ukss a dally paper. They are reading
th schedules returned by tbe railroad, of
Nebraaka. aww berng printed ta th daXUaa,
aad are taking a great Interest owing ta
the fact that their lands bare beea raised
froaa S le aearry C per aer. and that
wbaa tb aaaf aanr got through wtih tbaai
they felt as tf they had beea through a
wringer, and that there waa e-thtr,g. aeaa
th chickens and a fork Call of hay, that
clicto iechi iwrcono
Deedree feaifi Preaeetlea la Balldtaa;
reaeet Alec aUgbt-at-Way.
PLA TTS M OITH. Neb.. April a 8ae
cial Th BurUngtaa railroad -t takea
Its grtrraaoe rf'' aeveral people rastd
la bear Gr era weed, greeibg euC ag the
Have You Seen Them?
Over 1,000 Fine Specimens
io Select From.
The Finest Exhibition Ever Shown
Outside of New York.
Worth Your While Whether You
Buy or Not.
Ask jonr neighbors who hare attended the aJe The great
Jt bargains erer offered to the public.
Sales Daily at 2:30 and 8 P. M.
Thla la aa old-faahioned auction pure and simple. Ererj
rug potdtiTelj sold to highest bidder. Gome and jou will
Joy It
Rogs on Exhibition Dilly trom 8.S0 A. Af. Till 2 P. M.
Rftraember we par clerks to show the fine ruga, and rrm
are under no obligations If yoo do not buj. Do not miss thia
rare collection. An exhibition long to be remembared by con
Doisseura. Sae conducted by Thorns ft. Rtld, Chlcogo's leading auctioneer.
1710-12 Farnam St., Bee Bldg.
aspaayg actio ta arbssnpung ta
fsecee along txs right-of-way. lata cwurt
Two psnrkaai gaa Sksd, te which Deacls
DowS aad Mra. Minna La&ar ars defsad-
ante, aad aba cwurt B) asked fer aa lxl sno-
tlsa leetislnlag rhera frors further ialer
fareoo wttb th oonstr actloa ef a fca.
Dewd cn aaa tba campany'a feac buC4
lng oa (ba greaad that such acttoa Is
saaraeebing apoa ale premiss. Tb eoaa
paay aansma. that It ta tbe lawful eeaet
ef tba toad exteadiag la) feet oa each aid
ef tb track.
Last rear tb ssrr ps sy rXlt a faaoa alocg
a portion of tb land ta giassooa. but later
tt waa Vara Sowa by Dowg. A few day.
ag. vb eotapaay bad tb fsnoe rebuilt,
but DewS has tora that so down also.
he pasted up aewoes forbtddmg tb
coastracUea af fences. The plaintiff-, peti
tion seta up that Dowd aotaaily assaulted
eome of tb workaaeo with club. Mra
Imam ta alas aasuasd of tearing down a
porrjaa of tbe faaoa.
Its Awtasaabll Uaa
rASWEUa Neb.. Apr. & (Special
Tmmxm bar beea cesxr'tied whereby
party of three ta 9 use rial men bar. formed
a aoaxpaaa- nmOmr the beafttrg of aargect
Tranaportaooa sansj nr. srkeah will
ate several gaea sf at
for rbe ease bwaaflt ef tbe travellag pwatle.
Tb nrklssj bav as beea eeatractee ;
fer as ret. baa they bar several aader
twraajdararsaa as te tberr eaaakxilt far :
saver read dary. Tba rata ar ts be '
almost tae aaase aa the seas act
bg tba Bvery ansa. Tba aeadgaartara
ta be i oca lad ta rarwalL Kab,