The Omaha Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET. V unday I PAGES 13 TO 24. C ESTABLISHED JUNE 19. 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKNIXO, APUIL 24, 1904. simile copy five cents. Wednesday is Green Trading Stamp Red Letter Day, Ten Little Green Stickers for Nothing. Bring Your Book. Throe great sales of women's tailor made suits. On account of the bad weather of the past five davs our startling sale of tailor made suits will be continued Monday. Three lots the tailors got more for making than we are asking for the complete suits. Prices $1 9.50. I QC 114.50 and U.VO Secure your costnme for the Auditorium ball. It's only a little over a month until it conies oft. You know the cost and trials of getting ball dresses made. We hare them ready, only a little fitting. Elegant Crepe de Chine in all colors; handsome Voiles, with or without silk drops; white China Silk in handsome styles. 1 'rices to suit your purse. U Ed EE' Hill irvnrxnnacrpcn b u u w Stamp Sensations in the Children's Department Children's Wash ftresses Monday we ill put no ia!e two lots of children's drMim, ages ( month to I yearn. bo- and airl. In white. rlue, pink and tan The flnet good of the klnl w fhnwn In Omaha. Thoee that rld at f IQi; r II. t.. II II 75. II 8 and II ail tusm Thw that nold at ti.5n. KO. : . t3.Hi, U M and 14. ti. all at WITH EACH OF THKSE PRESSES IN BOTH i LOTS WE WILL. GIVE fh.00 WORTH Of" GREEN TRADING STAMPS. mi Infants' Clothing .We want every mother in Omaha to save her back by buying little dresses, little slips, little gimps, little robes, little bonnets and htnds, little jackets and coat, and all other little things that infants and children wear, instead of making them. Uendy to wear they cost very little more than the material. Extra Bargains at Our Silk Counter Monday 50 pieces very fine quality new foulard silks, navys. greens, browns, modes and blacks, with neat dot effects In white a good 60c quality, 'lQp iituuinl .............. . Big sale of shirt waist suit silks, at, yard . 250 pieces of fancy silks they take in almost every style made this season that is popular and stylish. 50c We have neat, small fancy effects, stripes, plaids, checks, plain weaves. They come in lengths of ( to 20 yards and are worth 85c yard up to $1.50. all go at one price. Sale starts 8 o'clock . UVV Mondav morning B Reduct on Black Dress Goods $1.50 qualities 1 00 25 pieces nice new voiles, plain and fancy Koxiana weaves. Panamas and Armurt every yard the most jMijmlar weaves worn this "1 f season, special, yard YJJ $2.00 qualities for $1.50 yard. 20 pieces exclusively high class effects in thin sheer fabrics that Hame Fashion says must be worn this season, such as eolines, chiffons, voiles, in plain and fancy, also new ert-pe effects 1 EeZ" for this special sale 1st-J VJ 75c qualities for 50c yard. 20 pieces of Nun's veilings, albatross, melrose. Sieil ians and granite weaves these are the latest spring styles iu medium priced cloths "ii'r all go in this sale at JVJv New Se!l Colored Dress Goods 00 in. guaranteed rain proof doth in all the new shadings, equal to any $2.00 or $2.50 1 O cloth Monday at $1.50 and Crepe de Valois 40 in. wide A beautiful soft clingy fabric, suitable for street or evening wear, in navy and cadet blues, French blues, all the shades of browns and car dinal, grays, greens, modes, black and O Cp cream, good $1.25 value, Monday, only. . C -J Just received another lot of those fine French Toiles, beautiful finish, all colors and "1 creams, only A KJ J Wash Goods Department (wing to the continued cold weather we have too much wash goods which we are going to sacrifice, beginniug Monday, regardless of cost. Here are 3 big leaders: No. 1 Consists of 150 pieces of silk embroidered Swisses, 44 in. wide, a beautiful combination of patterns and colors, worth 75c yard, while they last, only No. 2 -100 pieces of new summer suitings in all the newest and swellest designs, worth to 50c yard, all go in this sale at Net. 3 JUKI pieces very fine white mercerized waist ings. in French and English materials, light, soft and clingy, a high satin finish with very beautiful designs, worth to We yard, while thev last At the Linen Counter IJleached table damask 07 in. wide, in the fCr newest patterns, worth S5c. sneHnl. --.ri vJw ' - I T . s in bleached damask, a good 50c quality, very special, van! 50 dozen fine bleached table napkins. 22x22 in., the very latest patterns, worth $2.25 1 kJ 1.00 25c 15c d waist ght. soft ea utiful 25c 69c 35c dozen, while they last, dozen. Prawn work lunch clotha, 31x36, 4 rows of drawn work, Monday special, at Prawn wrrk dreaoer acarfs. 18x45 and JRx54. 2 rows of drawn Cfl,, wcrk. Monday special OVt Webb's Dew Bleached Towels 50 flnzpn of Wehh'a celebrated dew bleached towels finest wearing towel made hemstitched. lxCS. worth SOc each FjieciaJ lor Monday UuC GREEN TRADING STAMP J RED LETTER DAY 3 3 i 3 Harpn Wednesday. Brlnst your collecting fxM.k to our Premium Psr lor. second floor, and we'll give .vou ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF LIT TLE GREEN STICKERS FOR .NOTHING. You are not required to make a purchase In order to secure this but when you IH make pur chaw you will W money IX. SPECIAL GREEN T1UDINO STAMP SENSATIONS A HE AX EVERY DAY FEATURE AT BENNETTS. Ifll pay you In pocket book satisfnetiion it'll iy you In yfALITY satisfac tion It'll pay you iu every sense to confine your purchases entirely to BENNETTS, IT'S OMAHA'S GREATEST RETAIL ltINT. Wa haro the lead and we are poiim to maintain It. We've shown the pace and me are poinj; to keep it tip. Great buildings Mill shoot up all around us. WHY? lU-cHUKe e ploiierrctl Otuaha's new retail center. Yea, we're trot 'em jroln; wiuth. t Shoes '.Shoes! Shoes! Mondav The nicest line of Aten's, LadiesBoys' and Girl's Oxfords ever seen in Omaha calls for Double Green Trading Stamps in Bennett's Shoe De partment. mm Don't Fail to look them over. Ms Clotl: Bennett's $10 Suits for Men, Best Values on Earth YOURS MONDAY ONLY WITH TWENTY DOLLARS IN GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Enough to Fill Seven Pages of Your Book. BEATTIE PIANO Full eke, seen Borne pervice, but still worth double what we fj)S5 A GOOD KRANICK & BACH UPRIGHT PIANO Taken In exchange for an Everett, good 21 1 f condition. ipllW PIANO LEXINGTON UPRIGHT PIANO Usual price when new f 275. Just returned from Qlli g renting. Price now ipL'-TxJ TO BUY RICHARDSON UPRIGHT PIANO New, side of case damaged, otherwise in ierfect lOK. condition. Regular price f 32 5. Special, aP-JCJ JEWELRY DOINGS FOR MONDAY QUADRUPLE PLATE SILVER BAKIN't DISHES with enflmeled lnnidp dish ooiuWiiod ASD HI WORTH OF LITTLE GREE STirKKRK THROWN IX. QUADRUPLE PLATE FHUIT OR BERRV DISH WITH -IMl'UUTElAJFttt'iT BOWIi-yonr rhokf ....V.r: AUD flO IS SREEJ TRUU0 STAMPS THROWS If. If you havo wedding presents to buy, GET IN" ON THIS. LADIES' BELTS! LADIES' BELTS! Monday sale (Drummer's Samples! Ladies' Bell lea utiful heary Bilk and natin ieiis some nne cmciiea leather iinnr style worth up to $2.(H rbolce AD f3.0 IX GRKK TRADING STAMPS. 2.48 :2.48 35c DRUMMER S SAMPLES LADIES' BELTS-SPRIXG STYLES SILK. SATIN AND CRUSHED LEATHER worth uji to A!U f.K I CREEX TRADING STAMPS. 4.K- at. 25c and 15c HARDWARE StationeryMonday Specials : 19c 5c fine quality rerultr Se Talue Monday Box Not Faper tr tor Frr Napkin rlaboratf dtI(m rrjlar 10c per doan quality klondajr at Just one-lJilf piice. New York World Sunday edition on aal In Stationery department TUES hiV. Cut th routon from the funny pace, bring It to our Premium Parlor, aeoond floor, arid w will rlva you one dollar worth of Orn rtC Tradlnc Stampa for It. Paper on sale Tueaday.... w Fruits! IS Monday spe cials and ex tra Green Trading Stamps. 1 peck fancy Baldwin Apples. . 1 pound fine Mixed Nut 8 40c .18c 25c k 6 quarts Fresh lloasted Peanuts. On dollar worth QrM Trad lag 5tJOM with EACH ITEM. Monday only. FruiU and Vegetables all kinds iu season fresh, crip and ripe. Meats! cut pric on ail maata Fraah, PtckWd, curad or amoked. Grocery! Grocery! VetetaWe and Flower Seods Nortnern Urowa new A atoc k per package 4w ff.frr. 25c Madcria Vine Bulbs, each lc Q ROC ERY BASEMENT. H No. 1 Galva nized Tub 56c And $3.00 Worth of Green Trading Stampa. No. 2 Galva nized Tub 64c And Three Dollar Worth Qree n Trad ins Stampa. JSP? ?5 IY 72c No. 3 Galva nized Tub ... And Three Dollar Worth Oreen Trad ing Stamp. 10 nized Pail -qt. Galva- l0 zed Pail C And On Dollar's Worth flreen Trad ing Stamps. 12-qt. Galva nized Pail And On Dollar' a Worth Oreen Trad ing Stamp. 14-qt. Galva nized Pail.. ... And On Dollar' Worth Oreen Trad ing Stamps. 22c 24c Full line Paints. Varnishes, Jap-a-Lac Forks, Hoes, Rakes, etc. Great Monday CrockeryDoings Look, over our magnificent lines of French, Austrian, Bavarian, Dresden and Syracuse China Dinnerware. Our lines of rich cut glass, our galleries of fancy lamps and toilet ware are ahead of any thing in towi. We have the leading china stock from any and every point of view. Enpliuh porcelain, decorated under- A AQ glazed 100 piece dinner sets. . . . . . t" O English jHjrcelain decorated tea cups and sau cers. St't consisting of 6 OOn of each VC (Only one set to a customer.) Kich American cut glass mgars A IQ and creams WaT'O 100 piece white Orleans Bavarian china, lighter and whiter than French, copied after a fam ous Ilaviland shape 100 r piect for... V. A O Blue English tea plates, each JC N'ice tinted 12 piece toilet sets, com plete with slop jar , Common table tumblers, per dozen 3.88 15c 1 1 worth of Green Trading Stamps with each pound . ""V New York Cream Cheee UC Provision Deportment-Basement. 50c worth Green Trading Stamps with each 3 pound can f Pumpkin. yC Grocery BaaemenL $1 worth Green Trading Stamps with each package Carman Noodle, -f g borne made IOC Grocry-B se menu Oo worth Green Trading Stampa with each large jar Prepared Wuatard... ,.jlC Grocery-Basement. CIGAR DEPT.-t2 worth Green TraJinif Siampa with each BrUr Pije ., aJUC Main Floor. 1 iorww m "wir Paror Furniture Under Priced There's a host of money saving opport unities in this sale. Our entire line of 2, 3. and 5-piece iarlor suites fatad there's not a poor one in the lot) with from I to 1-3 clipped from the regular selling price. Kpace too limited to give all the details, but here are a few. 3 PIECES MAHOGANY FINISHED FItAMES Rnrintr j n seats covered with silk Damask regularly sells for $15.00, at .'. 3 PIECES MAHOGANY FINISHED FI I A M ES carved and inlaid backs covered with Verona Yelour regularly sells for $23, at 3-PIECE MAHOGANY FINISHED FKAME8 highly polished, covering is Silk Damask, assorted colors regularly sells for $2S, at 3-PIECE MAHOGANY FINISHED FI J A M ES beauti fully caned, fine piano polish, covering is silk damask regularly sells for $30, at.... 3-PIECE MAHOGANY FRAMES claw feet and backs handsomely carved, covered with Silk Damask, be6t up holstering regularly sells for OfS O FT $To. at UV.yO 5 pieces consisting of Sofa, Arm Chair, Kocker, Parlor and Reception Chair. Backs tufted and upholstered with best Silk Damask regularly sells for $55, at 11.50 16.75 19.95 S beauti- $24 " a - a. a, $42 WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! Great Rpwlal P Monday and Tuesday on Wall Taper of all pradet. For kitchen ond bed rooms, per roll, up from jc For hallR, dlnfne rooms, per roll, up from c For parlor and lttlnj? rooms, per roll, up from . gc Wall Paper Cleaner, l ib. can. can go Itoom Moulding, up from jr foot We carry Wall Payer In all grades, from the cheapest te the finest. Green Trading Stampa with all punhaaea. THIUD FLOOR. ART DOINGS KOR MONDAY. Put a poetic touch to vmir mrlne hou clenitiir ty decking the hl. f your home llh the cuiel, prettfBt ana most harmlnir picture thut m.l ero art and buying naearib haa ru-daced. ,29c Millinery! Millinery! Specials in Millinery The f.neRt Jot .f Gage Hata to b had Just arrived. In blark. brown, nary and amy, ith fanry fnclnga, boautifui bnud crown and orna- T Ca mt-nt to flniah worth i'j.m at iiOU A t-uUful Turban Ut ciute c ade In fancy design of Proxaline brnid. in white, brown, light tltik. black and navy, trimmed In aoft ribbon. aniHll, ihjiii cowfn uumrunea wnn roaes. inaaing the bat very effec- S e 500 40c tlve. worth at Tha new Capa In white flannel, whlta duck and linen, at 75c! and A larte bunch of llht Mne aad cream Roca tbrea to a boncb on tptlti labia at , And Two Dollars la draco TraUlnt stamps. On Buuch to Custoaner. niLUNERY DEPT. SECOND FLOOR. m I- Ptcturea framed In the latent Jjovt-lty dedgtui, fit Sw . Uo. c. 2lx- tn.d Oii.'luala by maf'.'-r ArtUla nair.ei thut live tup to $75 ) iKtubie Oreeti Trad ing lamia Muniiay only on above jiui ciaaea. v GOLD ENAMELS to restore your old gold frames with brush, oil, bronze aud i 7r directions complete, 20c and . w PYROGRAPHY SNAPS WttoUaala Monday Only. Handkerchief box. worth 50e, tor Glove Hox. Sue value, tor . & , .unn , n I .if Ireaaer Bm, regularly aella tor II t. (r.. t' ' I'ar.ela. lujuai. raularly ella for Tic, for lio rTograpny outnta. latent, beat and mot dependable-tl you teed to begin with Monday, up frm II to Double Green T'ading Stamps on any of tl ce pyrograiiy Itema Monday Ploture f rami; g aaJ framee moulding the l on earth. A phenomenal variety wrrkroanahip guaranteed expert. Iw lvenns made with care and promptneatt. Vlali the Art Gallery, the urn room, the burnt wood dinplay. and aee the bargaina is plrturea in ltitb St. Window aouth. The Building Boom Around Us Shows How Bennett Points the Way to Great Achievements. S 3 Prescription Filling There'a no drug rtore In Omaha better equlped for preaerlptlon tying than B'nnett'a Inig Iiepu, Southeast Corner Main Floor. Ve are not runuinx a common patent meOleiiiP joiut, but a PltOP KltLY KyUH'PEIi Irug Store. Some of the leading physicians of Omaha motit oonwlentious men rw-onimeiid their patients to hare tlieir preneriptiona tilJed at BEX XETTS. There is nothing In this for the dtM-tor beyuiid the satis faction of knowing that the pres cription which HE HAS CAKE FfLLV COMPILED will be as CAHEFf LLV FILLED. The doc tor snd the patient sre entirely r greed ss to THE FITNESS OF P.EXXETTK DKfG STOKE for the fllllnjr of prewTlption. It's the rijrUt place for au-h. An immenaA turnovfr enableH us to (if AH AXTEU AHSOLf TELY THE Ol ALITY. pf HITV AND FRESH NESS OF EVEBY GKAIX OK IX1KEIIEXT WE f SE WE (if ARAXTEE AISSOLVTLLV EX PFItT PHAKMAC1STH CARE WE Of ARAXTEE ABSOLUTELY Fl'LL SATISFACTION AXD WE GUARANTEE MONEY SAVING PRICES.