TIIE OafAIIA DAILY DEE; SUNDAY, AntlX 24, 1004. 11 4IRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Icnprored Wtathar and Crcp Condition. P.odio AppTnt Wtaknest, OPENINGS UKD1R CLOSE OF FRIDAY '' Agfala Free Seller at Mar Cera sad la Thoeght to IUti Abandoned Idea of f Corar. OMAHA, April 2S, lMt. . n,,rket fimt today a rrult nn- Wrher and nnpro.ed cnul vions. Tm professional have itcumt bla i .1 ln " attempt to buil tne mar. e. S . .V croP damage, being unabie 10 in.e--t tti country apecuiato.j. o r'.la.y an J today lone hav been liquids t.ng uiiu s.p iV or2.' n"v been cumml I., ironi nil idea Tne result was a ctns.u-rabs veik- .'10 ,h market an tola to u and lhe 4y opentd In Ch.ii.go ficm l'fco to lc weaker than the clcse ot Fr.day and the July and bepiemter -.e alio oft In proportion. The maiket rol.lea. now.ver toward tha cloe. May co. n a. no .opened cent off and Declined another H cent. Tha crop ncwi, except irom luuiau and Ohio, were all tor tfte better and nans reported to havs Improved greatly since tha government report. Ti.a In diana condition came In late In the ses lon ai .40 and retting worse, and tnla in fluenced some buying. Armour waa attain a free teller of May corn and It la thought ow that he haa gl"n up ail Idea of wont ing a aqueeta In that future. Tha caah situation In oata la murh hetiee iki. i. offset by tha speculative aelling and bear sentiment, due to prospects of a very large acresge. Chicago Friday aold aso.OcO busn- ' "i ay price to a snipper, bt. iouls cold M.OuO No. red wheat at Ter tha May, and Toledo reported 25.W0 Kl'i&'l l;k,en y millers. uuluth sold lOfOOO bushels of wheat for export. Tha range In price of Umaha grain for future delivery nnd the close today ami Friday wars -as follows: Closed Wheat Pn-High. low. Today. Fify. May M A M A 11 A t! A H A u'J II A II A ?tHA 7tV.A 7 A May H 47 48V, 46H- 'A A 46 A UA 4rA Aj is May 87J4 874 87 IT 87,A July 3v, 3h r, Sept. . 2iZ 28 fcA iWA A asked. B bid. Loeal Cash Grata Market. Omaha spot wheat market, taking Into consideration tha shipping rates, was a little higher than Kansas City, a little lower than St. Louis and llio sume an Chicago. Corn sold relatively Ho higher locally than In Chicago, and while Chicago declined lo from FrlUny prices umaha went down only Mc The volume of business, however, wus not large. Hecelpts: Wheat 1 car In and 43 cars out; one week ago, t and cars. Corn i cms In and 14 cars out; one week ngo, 42 and i cars. Oats t cars out; one week ago, I cars In Representative sales of carlots by sample on track, Omaha: Corn No. If, 1 car. 47c; No. S, 1 car, 46Ho. 1 car. 49c: No. 8 white. cars, 480. WHEAT-No. a hard, 84300; No. 1 hard. 2v4cj No. 4 hard, i2&7u:; No. i spring, (Mo-Mlo; No. 1 spring, sljto; No. 4 spring, 7ify.6c. COKN-No. t, 4fltf-4Sc: No. 8, 45H4Hc: No 4, 43H'B'44Hc; no grade, 443c; No. i yellow. 4i(i4k;; No. k yellow, 4; n 7c; No. Jk white, 4i(fl4Sc; No. a white. 48H447C. OAT8 No. . 8Kf40c; No. 4, muiWc; No. . wx0M'Ci no. z white, 4iK(Hlc; No. a white. ISSi"0' 4 whlte' 'Vfcici standard, 40 ; Wates franl tb Eusasse uffleaa Echanga visitors were J. J. Trompert ot coin. Morphy, haa arrived with her dauguter - ....v p , ci,u n.ir icuiiiijr ! now eiay. Jng at the Madison. Omaha inspections of grain were 'iO car ffd: of corn, cars gradeo No. 2, U cars No. I, cara No. 4. cars no grade, a cars No, I yallow, s cara No. I whae and 1 car Oral Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Friday uiaiBsw ueineu were as iouowb; Cloaad . Today, Friday. tHti Wheat May July worn Ml 47U 41 July KAN SAB CITY Wheat 3uiy rnrn 7H May 43 July 43V ST LOI!IH Wheat- May 884 XHB tiVsB Corn- May July 44HB ititi MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat May July I9XB lViA rvVki Mli-i DULUTH. Wheat May July : 8B .... .. a ti tB wht- w" CHICAGO GRAIX ARD PKOVIIIO.N9. Featwres ( the Tradlaaj ssd Cloalag Prtcea on Doard ot Trade. CHICAOO, April 2.-Ideal weather In the wheat fields today was accompanied with ft flood of liquidation ln the wheat pit. causing loeses oi lylHo. Corn Is down a. Hc. Outs are off a. Provisions closed unchanged to to higher. The excellont weather In tha southwest caused an i Untnely weak opening In wheal, the May options being down Ht2So at bAa87c. July waa oft Ho at 43o. Almost veryone who had any long wheat appeured to be anxious to sell. Ine greatest unx L",,,!..a on w?' An 'tort to liquidate holdings resulted In still further losses, jsay sold off to V and July to 83Vo. A tVF '''very waa made. May selling up to 7H0, but thre was another reaction, the closing being at 7VkW7Sc, a net loss of 1O1H0. Cleurapces of wheat and (lour ware equal to 17i.fiui bu. Primary receipts Wera SS7,j0 bu., compared with M,j0 bu. a year go. Minneapolis Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of H cars, ugalnst 1W last week and Iso ears vr u 1 oo Ths slump In wheat and Imi.ra'veH euih.r conditions caused a weak opening In tha . ... tu, .ivj vr t tji , k iair ae- arles, but wes knees of Muy, due to llberul mansing sales, preventeu any general ad vance. The market rUtmmA A . - decline. July opened S.yo to HfiWo higher at 47Vc. sold between 47o and 4Si,c tnd cloeed at 474c. May closed at 47Vc. ooal receipts wera 171 cars, with at of contrast crude. There was comparatively firm market In oats. July ranged between and Stx, and closed at 31Sii!c. Local receipt wera 48 cars. Provisions eaied off some early In the day, Influenced by the weaknis In grains. The market closed steady, with Julv pork unchanged at tli.X. July lard and rib were ch IKc higher at I nnd a 67H. reenectlvely. "Tha leading futures ranged a follows: Articles.: Opto High. I lt. Cloia. I Tes y. Wheat May SJuly July tSept. SPU C.Mii May July Sept. Osis May July Sept. fork Msy July Lard May July Sept. Ilibs May July Eept !-7vf 4SiS- I I 87V K S3 04j INIlV84 ! ta fi. Ha 1MJ SI a,rTs 1 Mil 7w8ui sTHi i! 47. 47HO. 47 4W 47 .74fi-. 47H 47 W 7Wfl 74i 47V 26H H 2&'.'. J5'nS(l la0 8o. n a U 20 to ( Tt 12 00 I It 90 U 27H! 12 la 1J 00 13 26 n stij 12 26 67H r4 00 I SW so It tu. 8 1 1871 -'H itr1 2H I 22H I J0 2T,' 3 e U I 1 8 7V I 7U Cash ouot.tlons wars aa follows; TX)1'R Dviv and weak; winter patents 4.7ina4 80; win? - straights. 4 4l4 80; srrina ritvuts. 24&X ""-ring straights, h.i 10: bakers. 1 2120. WHEAT lj spring. Tlo; No. 2 pnn, touvr rea. iejvn,o. v un is ro.ssr m tnc; No. 2 yellow. pork, rer bM" 211 S 11 Sill 1 l. ribs sides (loo-), f. i;'tS.a7l4j. Bhort clear !) itKxed, MWij75. ' OATfl-No. 2, su-ta.c; No. I white, 248 ilc. KTE No. t. ks. BAKU!-ooou feeding, 4J24c; fair to choice malting, 4Mj:io. 8EEU9 No. 1 nax. 11.00: No. 1 north western, tl.(s4; rrime timothy, 1J0; clover, poniracl grade, 110.15. The following wer the receipts and shipment of Hour and grain: Receipt. Shipment". Flour, bhls U 11 joo Wheat, bu 36.0f 2&G Corn, bu 1'lO'fl s -nn Onts. bu 121,n0 l.r0 He, DU l.n Barley, bu 42.100 10.W On the Produce exchange today the butter market Was steady: creamer v. U'ti23c: dairy, 13S21C Egg, (Irm, at mark, cae in- ciuaea, ivbiic. Cheese, steady, r&iuio. OMAHA IN fOLi.Al,Ii JIAItlvKT. CondKlon f Trade and Qantntloae on Staple and Fa tier Produce. EGGS Kei-elDl I'l.o. I maiket a!ilt". fresh stock, 16ic; Including cases, lbc. LlVhi riiL'l.iltl.hi m livc: rooster. WlOc; turkey, i3ol4c; ducks, kVc; geere, Ho. uui iMi-mciunf sioi'ic, i.j; enuic to funcy driry, 16UIBc; eepsralor, 22c. FRE81I F1BH l.out. BlOc; pickerel, five; Pike, tu; perch (wftHUc: liuefsi. Ijo; hllenh. 7filiK-: nlmnn. lie: IvnddocK. 10": codfish, 12c: red'nspper. He: lobster, boiled. per id., uc; smoKed wiiiiaiisn, lie; nun iiesds. lie: catfish. lS'ffltc; black bass, c: halibut, 10c- crpples. lie; herring. 4He; white bass. blnenns. ic: smelts, lOOllo; Bnnsn hnddles, smoked, 60 OYBTEHC New York counts, per an. c; per ai., 00; extra select, per csn, afio; per gsi , ti.ti. rmnaaro, per can, zic; per ! , tl tM 4U. PliAN-rtf ten. V.tOO. HAY Prlres ounte.! by Omaha Wo'esals Denlers- asoclstf'n: Chrlce No. t upland. WS0; No. X '8.00; medium, 27.50; coarse, 27.00; ryo straw, 15 6ft. Tiicao prices are for hoy of itucd color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light TROPICA! FRUITS. ORANQE& Ne vels, choice, all slstfl, 82.E4 rUi J fancy navels, nil sixes, 12.75. LEMONS California, tsncy, ID ta ), 23 50; choice. 240 to 270 sixes, t3AS2 2r-. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons. 66c; Imported Bmvrra, 2-crown, tie; s-crown, 14c: 7-erown, iRc. BANANAS Per medium sized bunch, tf n -U 2.,t,, J il m be.. 1.75(Q3 25. DATF.a-rers.an, per box of SO pkgs.. 2J; per lb. In 60-lb boxes, 8c: Oriental stuffed dotes per box, .4A COCOANUT8 Per sack, 24.00; psr dos.. iilC. TRVTTB APPLES Oregon ancy reds, per box, 21. Mi; New York e::port Greenings, Uussct ard ItaMwinn. 24. Ou. STRAW BE KR1ES Texas, per 24-t. oass. 23. 26. VEGETABLES. POTATOE8-Coloraao, 2I.S; Dakota, rer bii 21-20; new Bermuda potatoes, per bbl., "NAVY BEANS Per Ivj.. 22.:BJ.. CKUERY Large California, tiuc, 76o. aed 20c . ONIONS Spanish, per crats 21.10; Ber muda, per 60-lb. crate, 22.00. CABBAGE California, per lb., 2a CCCUMUKKs Per dos., i.R0'i.7S. TOMATOES Florida, per 4-basket crate, fsncy, 22-511; choice, 22.00. RADISHES Per dox. bunches. 354780c. LETTL'CIfi HEADS rer dox. liunches. too 0(1.00, top lettuce, per dox.. 465fiOc. TL'RN IPS Southern, per dox., 4bc. liKKTS Southern, per dox.. CARROTS Southern, per dos., 75e. PARSLEY Southern, per dox., J04J4&O. 8P1NACH-Per bu, tl.S126. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, 23.00; string, per bu. box, 23.00. MlbCELLANUOUS. CHEESE WiNconsin twins, full cream. 12c: Wisconsin Young Amcr cu, 18c block Swlsa, liic; Wisconsin brick, lvc; Wisconsin llmberger, 13c. C1DKH Per bbl., 26 50; per H bbl 23.25. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 trrnaes, 23.00; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 2J.UO. MAPLK SUJAR-Ohlo, per lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 green. 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; calf, 8 to 12 lbs., Vc; No. 2 veal calf, 1J to 1 lbs., frrs; dry salted hides, 8ui2oi sncep pens, :a-'e; norsehiaes, 11.602.60. HuRSEKADliiH Per caea ot 2 doaen, packed, 80c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., IXn harit aKatl nr IK 1 J . M , I . k . t. . 1 1 per Id., Uc; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 120; pecans, large per lb., 12c; .mall, per lb, 10c; peanuts, por lb,, 4c; roasted peanuts, per Id., So; Chill walnuts, l0i3c; large hickory nuts, per bu., 81.60; Brazils, per lb., 11c; filberts. per lb., lie; almonds, soft shell, per lb., l,c: hard shell, Ilc; shell barks, per bu.,. 22.00; black walnuts, per 1U., SX.JD. NEW YORK GENERAL, MARKET. notations of the Day ea Varioas Commodities. NEW YORK, April 2J FTjOL'R-Reoelpts. 14,646 bbls.; exports, 7,26 bbls. ; weak and lower to sell; Minnesota patents, 6.00t6.36; Minnesota bakers, 24.00ft4.36; winter pat ents, 26.10ig6.60: winter straights, 24 905.1C; winter extras, 23J6Q4.00; winter low grades, 23.163.80. Rya flour, easy: fair to good, 24.1bU4.25; choice to fancy, 24.36(34.70. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western. l.u(i1.10; city, tl.10tfl.12; kiln dried, $3.11 RYE Weak; No. t western, 76c, to ar rive prompt. BARLEY Dull: feeding, 4o, o. I. f., New WHEAT Receipts. e.O-.O bu.; sales, 1.100,000 ou., tuiures. epot. wean; Mo. 2 red, tl.ug, elevator, and ll.04tgl.07, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, JSo, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Severe declines as a result of de cided Improvement In weather and crop conditions marked operations. Long ac counts were thrown over and short Inter ests extended. Ttia close was weak at V4m net decline. May, gSH&OOc, closed at 8VHc; July, 88$ 8. a-ltlo, closed at Sc; September closed at 83 He. CORN Receipts, l.io bu.; exports, 1.300 bu. Spot, firm; No. 1 northern, nominal, elevator, and 66Ho, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 fellbw, 57Hc; ungraded mixed, Wc. Op Ions opened lower with wheat and met considerable liquidation, after which there was a rally on good Chicago support. The oiose waa weaji ana He net lower. May, Wj64c. closed at iJlaci July. 6S63ic, cloned at 63o. OATS Receipts, 40.600 bu.; exports, 12.240 du. spot, auu; stanaara wnite, 4o'g4ttc; No. t Vc; No. I while, 4fiftHo; No. J white, 44i46c. TALLOW Dull; city ($2 per pkg.), 4"So; country (pkirB. free). 4T4c. HAY SteHily; shipping, 6570c; good to cnoice suvkUwc. HOl'8 riteudv: state, common to choice 1802 crop. 26ja.c; l)2 crop, lU(tt2ncf yld. 14o ; Pacific coast. 103 crop, t3oc; 19U! crop, humc; oia, ttoio. 1IIDE3 Steady; Oulveston. 20 to 15 lbs. 18c; California, il to 26 lbs.. 19o; Texas dry, M to (TO lb., HO, I.EATHEit Firm: acid. 23026c RICE yuiet: domestic, fair to extra, 2Mi9 l'o Japan, nominal. PROVlttlON8-beef rittlONS-beef, steady; family, 210.00 fi 11.00; mess, 2X04:91)0; beef hams, 20.60 2.00; packet, 2H.0utfl0.00; city extra India mess, 214 OOftlt.W. Cut meats, dull; pickled wv.lira, v, . , . , , l.jl nicu tllUUlU,!,) Pickled hams. 29.tctfl0.00. Lard, oulot: western steamed, 840; April closed at 26 96. nominal; refined, steady; continent, 17.06; South America, 27 80; compound, 8ti.60D 7.26. Pork, steady! family, 214.60; short Clear, jn.WMf i.7; mess, Il3.bog14.00. Bl'TTER Creamery. 144T22WO. CHEESE yulet; stats full cream, fancy, September. HuilHo; good to prime. VUd0c r-uu-t irm; western nrsts, ic. Wll'l TUV W..U.H At.lnL.. 1,Uj. fowls. 12c i turkeys, 13c; dressed, steady and uuciiatigea. t. totals Grata Frovlaloas. BT. LOUIS. Anrll t WHR AT lower No. 1 cash, elevator, 6a; track, 9rri21.G4; CORN Lower; NV 2, cash, 46c; track, 49V; M'. July. 4iu4!c. OATH t.tfr. V a t ,. . K j. . T. tlc; May. 27o; July. 24c; No. 2 white. 4Sc. LOI'R-Dull and lower; red winter pat ents, t4.7iMtp4.O0. spe.iul brands ou3jo higher: extra fancy and straight, $4 41.70; 6EED Timothv. steady. 22.40ff2.tO. CORNMEAL Stesdv. 22 40. BRAN Strong; Sacked, east track, 889 liA.Tr5t'djr: lraothy. W OOtJlt.OO; prairie. IRON COTTON TIE8t:c. BAOOINO 've. HKMP TWINE to. PROVISIONS Pork, hisher: Inhhln. 212 10. Lard., higher) prima steamed, J3i. Baeon. steady' boxed extra shorts. 27 26; clear ribs, 87. 87; short clear, I7.12H. POt'LTKY Quiet i chickens, HxrflOHc; sprlnas. 83.Mj8 6) per dnn; turkeys, 13J lc; aurit, lie; geeee, wtjic. BITTTFH Steady; creamery, 18tT24c; aairy. ngiiw. EOGS-rlrra at 104c rase count. Receipts. Shipment Flour, bbls too) 5 frio Wheat, bu f t Corn, bu 81.0 v no., Oata, bu 2a 000 U.i0 I.tvarpaol Grala Market. LIVERPOOL, April JJ.-WHEAT-Hpot. dull; No. 1 California. 7s. Future, steady; Mav, ts4d; July, ts4d; September, nom inal, CORN Spot. American mixed, new, steady at 4 2d: American mixed, old, Sulet at 4sti4jd. Futures, dull; May, 44.1; uly. 4sSd. Prorla Grala Market. PEORIA. April, 23 CORN Lower; No. 2. 4Hc: No. 4. 42iC WlflfiKY-Oa tLe sasls Of 2112 for da ubed goods. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS aaaaaaaasaaa Mtiket Oj crl'si tad Dealt Ehow LiUlt Vgr BD09, MONEY C0NTINULS TO ACCUMULATt Pletborlo fallow of Meaey Dees Not Carry aa laex at Whaleaoaaa Baslaess Activity Haw Maallest. NEW YORK. April 22.-Today s stock maiact WJs color.es.. Deals were trans acted at tittle, variance In prices. The en gagement ot ft.tKM.uw in goid lor shipment to rail j on Tuesday waa announced and prooaoiff further shipments on tnat date weie outlineu. The signature of tns con tract of ssie of the Panama canal orings the arrangement of the payments Into tne ImmeulHie Held of the exenange mirket. it is evident that In the present condition of the exchange market golu Is the ctinapt-st lorm of remittance and It would not cause sur prise If the total, 240,00u,i4j0, to be paid to r rench stockholders snouiu go out in gold. Tha bank statement ahows how money con tinues io accumulate nere ana explains tM eay outward movement of gold. Ths ptethorlo Inflow of monev doe. not earrv un Index of wholesome business activity and Is not a lavorabie influence on the stock market. Ths moderate loan expan- un inowi inai corporation not issues have not been made on a large scale this week. Wall street expects more of these I'sue, however, and rumor today was busy with two of ths large railroad cor porations, one east and one west, whlcn are expected to b next In ths field with targe temporary loans. Total sales of bonds, par value. $1,210,000. Money on csn and ordinary time loans re In redundant supply, with very slack uvmttiiu, wnne rmiroao ana corporation notes running from one to three years command a high rate of Interest ln our own market snd capital Issues In other lorms are held for lack, of an absorptive demand. Ths offer of 237.000.000 of New York eltv bonds Is more than twice as large ss was ever before offered at one time. A com- f illation of the short term corporation notes psued lnce January 1 In this market re veals a total of considerably over 2100.000.000. Motning important is hoped from tne bond market until the Issuance of securities of this class Is completed, and their ultimate funding Is expected to claim the first re sources of capital offered on favorable terms, projected war loans) win nave a similar effect on capital. It m evident also that war expenditures play a considerable part In the present redundancy In the money market. The Inflow of Japanese gold to our own market la a case In point and the shipments of gold from New York to Paris carries the supply to that market. Russian balances on the Danas or western Europe have been largely drawn sine the outbreak of the war and presumably dis bursed in tne money markets. Anotner feature of the money markets that is re ceiving attention Is the growing supply of new gold, hoth from tha Transvaal and from Alaska, with tha prospect of a still further Increase In the rate of production by supplying labor requirements In the Rnid. Steel preferred hss been in Important svmnatlie'lr Influence on the whole list of stocks. Railroad framings have continued to run hnlnw last vear. The sprlnar reduc tion In the anthracite price schedule has renilterl In the larsje demand for that prod uct and tha coalers have been sparing. The speculation In New York municipal stocks has had to do with legislative chances. The losses by the Toronto fire were not calculnted to stimulate demand for securities. The Panama canal pay ments are expected to be an early factor In the monev and exchange markets. Ths bond market has been dull and sluggish and ha conformed to the stock market. Vnlted States 2s olds and 4s olds have de clined Sii- and 8 have advanced U and ths new 4s T on call during the week. The following were the quotations on the New Tork 8tock exchange yesterdays Baiea.Hin.L4w.uioe, Atohlson do preferred , Baltimore A Ohio.... do preferred Canadian Paclflo .... Central of N. J....... Cheeaps&ke at Ohio.. Chicago 4 Alton do Dref erred 2,000 73H S'.SOO 8oU 78 "79 73 80H 800 1174 117 117H 100 160 160 1594 100 100 Chicago G. W Chloago sc N. W..... Chi., Mil. Bt. Paul. do prererred Chi. Ter. A Trans.... do preferred C. C. C. A Bt. Li Colorado Southern... do 1st preferred do 2d preferred Delaware & Hudson. Del., Lack. A West.. Denver A Rio Or do preferred 100 600 100 100 600 Erie 2 6i do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred Hocking Valley do preferred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred Louisville & Nash v.. Manhattan L Metro. Securities .... 130. ssess ) 85 18 .... 86 100 108 108 108 tlJO 1424 1424 142 'to ii4 114 47 61V4 Metropolitan St. Ry.. Minneapolis at St. u. M , 8. P. A S.Sttt. M. do preferred Missouri Paclflo Miss.. Kan. Tex... do preferred Nat. R.R. of MX, pf New York Central. Norfolk 4 Western.. do preferred Ontario 4k Western.. Pennsylvania P.. C, C. A Bt. lu... Reading do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred Rock Island Co do preferred St. U A 8. F. 2d pref St Louis 8. W do preferred Southern Paclflo ..... Southern Railway ... do preferred Texas 4 Paclflo Tol., Bt. U ft West.. do preferred Union Paclflo do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling A Lake E. Wisconsin Central.... do preferred.. Adams American United States Wells-Faigo Amalgamated Cop... Amer. Car A Foun.. do preferred Amer. Cotton Oil.... do preferred Amer. Irs do preferred Amer. Linseed Oil.... do preferred Amer, Locomotive... do preferred Amer. Smelt. A Rsf.. ioo 'is too 17 111 93 03 174 88 17 '28 '58 200 28 '88 116 68 88 BOO '166 4,7uO 214 n a 117 117 M 46 46 117 700 46 78 806 '224 't3H 2? ioo '47 '47 47 2H 884 86 1.400 uuo coo 6U0 It 200 40 40 200 100 19 81 93 127 do prererred 400 Amer. Sugar Ref 200 Anaconda Mln. Co Brooklyn Rap. Tr.... 10,300 Coloraao r . t 1 Consolidated Gas .... Corn Produeta do preferred Distillers' Sen Oeneral Electric International Paper,. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's Giis Pressed Steel Car.... do preferred Pullman Palacs Car. Republic Steel ,. - ... do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred Tenn. Coal 4k Iron... U B. Leather do preferred TJ. S. Realty do preferred V. S. Rubber do preferred U. 8. Steel do preferred Westlnghotise Eleo .. Western I'nlon Nor. Securities t.200 22 22 I1H4 I644 ia !! 100 luO lfli? '274 t2 10 i 10O I iS Hid. Total sales for ths day, 71.800 shares. Forelaa Planai'lal. PARIS, April 22. Trading on the bourse today opened quiet. Prices strengthened, Internationals especially. French stock, cloeed with nn advance on a persistent nmor that President Loutx't will meet Em. pror William In Italy. Russian Imperial 4a closed at 115. The private rate of die totint was S 11-14 per cent; three per cent rentes. I:f .714c for tha account; exchange on U'rilon, 26f Uc for checks. LON'Ih.)N. April 21. The abundance of money In the market tends to keep discount rates easy, though they suffsned somewhat 22 II 88 88 88 81 800 18 164 164 171 8,000 145 144 1444 175 SS Sets Se V se.se 19 7t 100 17 17 17 68 23 234 23 I 166 1W 14 ..... 284 20 'ioii 'mi 70 20 26 200 71 71 71 today ln consequence of the Russian loan rumors. Business on the 8tocs; exchange Is suffering lrum week-end slackness and the nearness pf the settlement. Consol wer fairly steady, though a fraction lower, owing to exchanging Into the new Indian loan. American opened Irregular, recov ered somewhst, became Inanimate and clored quiet but steady. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank cf Englnnd on bnlnnce today, 31.000. BERLIN. April 23 Prices on the bourse todny were Irregular. Domestic govern ments were stronger. Coal and iron shares were lower. Exchange on London, 24in Wpf. lw York Meaey Market. NEW YORK. April M MONEY On call, nominal; no loans Time loans, ay; W dsys, 2 per cent; 20 days, t per cent! t months. aVtWJKi percent. . PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-444 PsrTr:RLINO EXCHANGE Slightly hoar ier, with sctlve business ln bankers' bills at Hi-Thti 4.8730 for demand and at 2'.8 f 4.8f0 for (Ixty-day bills; posted rate. 84.8H nd 248j4.IS4 commercial bills, - 84 849 4. Hi. ' SILVER Bar, ⪼ Mexican dollars. 4c BONDS Govsrnment, steady; railroad, firm. The closing quotation cn ponds are ss follow: t). t. rf. Is. rg. to touson 00 , rs to coupon t s. 4, rsg. . So eoupos to 014 4. rog... so eoapon Atrhlson . 4s.. do .4. 4. Atlsntlo C. L. 4s. B. 4 O. 4S to IVt. Contrsl of 0. to.. .14i M.nS.tt.n . g. 4S..1MH .MVt Met. Central 4. i .1044 4s lrl ino II .1"714 M. St. 1. 4. .111 iM.. K. 4 T. 4. rSii .114 io H 7t4 .lOTUj N. It. R. of M. 4 7 .101 14 N. T. O. g. IH. tH .100 H J. C. I ia . ). r.clflo 4. 1H . ts) to 1 7t .IMS. N. 4 W. . 4. 7'4 . UA O. i. U 4. 4 '... ii .ltxv. rnn. eonv. IHi 17 . toik ttn.dlns s.s. 4. 60 lrt Ino. CW 4 ODI t. L. 4 1. M. 0. St .lltH Cblctio 4 A. IHi... 77 St. C. 4 t. r. f. i: Hl C, B. 4 q. a. 4. .. St. L. S. W is vt C. M. 4 S. P. g. 4s.. 104 8Mbor4 A. L. 4s.... C. 4 N. W eon. t..lrH4,9o. 1'iclflo a 0 C, R. I. 4 P. 4s... TSH Hallway U 114 4s osl. I. to iTexti 4 P. 1. lit CC C. 4 9. L. g. 4a. 141 'T., St. 4 W. 4. MH Cblr.ro Tor. 4 mf t.nion r.oine . iiq Con. Toboeoo 4. 49 do eonv. 4. Ma Colo. 4 80. 4s 45 t. 4 R. O. 4. HVt Erlo prior lion 4..... m to goa. 4 17 F. W. A D. C. 1.....104U, Hoeklns V.I. 4V4S....1S7 L. 4 N. unL tt uffered. t' g. Steel Id ...... 71 W.bMh 1. UTS do dob. B 4 W. A U E. 4o It Wli. Central 4f 90 Colo. r. 4 I. 0. la.. UVt Boston Stock notatlons. BOSTON, April 23. Call loans, 23 per cent; 11ms loans, inui per cent, umclal closing ot stock and bonds: AtckKoa sdl. 4s muj W.Ming. eommon ... Tl do 4. H Adv.iHuxo 3 Msz. Cntnil 4a U lAlloue. 4 Atchison TlUj Air.ls.m.ted 44 H do pfd 431 American cino lot. Bolton 4 Albonjr....l0 Atlantic I Booton 4 Maine 14Uj Bln(ham Ill Boston Elevated 1414 C.I. 4 Hfcla 4M ritchburt pfd 140 Ctntonnt.l 10H Mrs Contrsl IW Copper H.n.o 4!V N. T. t. H. 4 H....1M I Daly We.t U Poro Marquette 71 Dominion Coal 44 mins PaclfH ni rranklla 7 Amer. Argo. Choni... ltf iQr.ncr tI do pfd tl lisle Royal. T Amer. Pn,u. Tub... Man. Mlnlns 4 Amor. Sugar 127 Michigan 4 ao pia i Honiffi .1 Amor. T. 4 T If Mi Mont. C. 4 O Amor. Woolen 10! Old Dominion 124 to pfd Tl Inaeool. 47 Dominion I. 4 i ... Parrot tn aaiaon bmo. iiiu...,.i3. iuiney , so Oentral Eloctrlo ....lC7)t Shannon I Maaa. Bleotrlo tOla Tamarack te do pfd 7I4 trinity I '4 Maaa. Oia V. 8. Mlnln td'i Vnlted Fruit K !I7. S. Oil s t'nltod Ahoo Marh.... 4f H Utah Wti do pfd itS4 vi-iorls V. 8. Bteel 10S Winona 44 ao pia woiTorms Tl Bid. Isoadoa Stock Market. IXVNDON, April 23 -aoslng: Conaols, money all N. T. Control... Norfolk 4 W.... do pfd Onurlo 4 W.... ....11l"4 do .ocount Aaacond. AtchLon do pft Baltimore '4 Ohio. Canadian Paclflo .. C'h. 4 Ohio Chlcaio Ot. W C, M. 4 Bt. r... PeBoera Don Tar 4 R. 0... ds pfd .... Erlo to lot pfd do M pfd Illinois Control ... Loula. 4 Na.h.... M., K. 4 T M It .. IK .... iV .... HUSj .... Pennerlr.nl. ... .... 40H .... lOH .... M4j i IV, I R.nd Mines .1101 . 13 . 11 .14114 . It . am . i-vj . t . 41 1I4V4 .111 Readlns do liit pfd to Id pft Bo. Railway , ds pfd .... Bo. Paclflo ... Union Pad Be to pfd .... U 8. steel... to pfd .... W.baah to pft .... . . , . n .... to .... 174 ::::!?, .... M .. 17 iin.JJKBar' lJr. H1 Pr ounce, MONET 1 tier cent The rate of discount In the atih m,-h.l fcr short bills, 1 per cent; for thre uiuimis ouia, iai o-iB per cent. New York Utntagt Stocks. NXW TORK, April 28. The followln I are tns closing prices on mining stocks A Cam. Cos 20 iLlttls Chlot Alice 1 Ontario Breeoo i Onhlr Bmniwlck Cos t Phoonlx ComMook Tuun.l .... V Cnioal Cos. Cal. 4 Va 171 SaTase Horn BIlT.r 110 Blerra Nsr.da Iron SUrer 17. Hmall llonoa Loodrlllo Con 2 Standard 1 .. t ..400 ..SN .. t .. l .. 40 .. 41 .. 11 ..Mil Clearing Iloase Averages. NEW TORK, April 23.-Tha statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this city for the week shows: Lonns. $1.044, 30,300; Increase. 23,13i,200. Deposits, 2UOS.374,400; Increase, ai2.2&-i,000. Circulation, 235,726.000; Increase, 8410,800. Legal tenders 875.399,800; incrsaae. ti. 56 1.600. Bnecle, Wi,- ioi.oiiu; increase, ai.ii i.tHn. nesrrve, 1311 . 647.800; Increase, 19.668 100. Reserve) re quired, 1377, 343.400; Increase, 83.Oi4.Oii0. Bur- glus, 234.208,700; Increase, 8o,89.lo0. Cnlted tatea deposits, 8486,206,076; Increase, 86,902, 660. Bank Oeartncs (or tka Week, OMAHA. April O.-CcmparaUva state ment of bark clearings for ths week: 1804. 190. Monday 11,492. Sou. S9 $1,489,016.07 Tuesday 1,351.647.68 1,268,781.97 Wednesday 1,671. 16t.S 1.6&t,3o7.99 Thursday 1,479,181.31 L664,807.9 Friday Holiday Saturday 1,497,632.71 1,842,721.4s An Increaae of $179,078.48 over ths corre sponding week last year. Raw York Imports and Bxnorta, ' NEW TORK. April 23. Total Imports of dry gjooda snd general merchandise at this port tor ths week ending todsy were valued St 810.832.t60. Exports of specie from this port for th week s re 8781, 8x8 silver and Jl. 547. 064 gold. Imports of specie at this port during the week wars IIM.084 gold snd 850,227 silver. Kansas City Oral a and Provisions. KANSAS C1TT. April 23 WHEAT-May, 7Htt7tfc; July, 73Hc: September, 70f7o4,o; cnah. No. 2 hard. 84-ii8Gc; No. 8. eC84o; No. 2 red, 81; No. 8, Wtroc; receipts. 47 oars. CORN May, 44lii,c; July, 42S'ffl2c; caah, No. 8 mixed. 4SHc; No. 3, 44H(j4CHc; No. I white, 4oc; Nn. a, 45646a. OATS-No. 2 white. 40c; No. I mixed, 29Ho, R YBJ 6?e. HAY Firm: choice timothy, 100U.OO; choice prairie. 28 00. rll'TTER Creamerr, lftffllo; dairy, 170. EOOS-eiteady: Missouri and Kansas, coses return ad, lic; cases Included, ltc. Receipts. Bhipments. Wheat, bu 27.600 M.400 Corn, bu 84 400 a 4i0 Oat, bu 23,0u6 1,000 Waot Marks. PO8TON. April 28.-WOOL Pulled goods quiet, ss sre slso territory wools. Idaho Fine. 14Wfiri5c: heavy nne, U'lie: hnc medium, U4fl6lio; medium, 1617c. low me dlum, 17jjilac. Wyoming Fine. 14Vt16,'; heavy fine. lStjASHc; fine medium, lDiiii'Ho medium, 18lc; low medium, lsnlsc. Vtah and Nevada Fine. HhbQISt: heavy fine, luyl'Hc; nne medium. 15Vil6c; medium, IKhlOc; low medium, 19tf20c. Dakota Fine. ItS 16c; fine medium. lflltic: medium, la'oi 19c; low medium. l!tl3Cc. Montana Fins choice, Uaitc; fine average. 17$ lbc: fine medium choice. ISfflSc: averne. lfii$17c; staple, 192Cc: mediu-n choice Hrtltc. ST. LOUIS. April WOOL Steady; medium grades, combing snd clothing, 18 feXic; light firm, 14iH74c; heavy flue, 113 14Vc; tub wsshed. rul3ic. LONDON. April 3. WfOL There Is n fair Inquiry for wool and crossbred a are firm. Sheepskins are strong. The arrivals of wool for the third series of action sales amount to tsS.999 bales. Including 123,000 forwarded direct to spinners. 1 lis imports during the week were: New Couth Wales, i.t.839 bales; Victoria. 1.110 bales; Routh Australia, 22 bale; Tasmania. 1.441 bales; New Zealand, 11,114 bah-a; Cape of Oood Hope and Natal, 648 bales. Ruenos Ay res, 649 holes: elsewhere. 314 bales. NEW TOMK, April 23 WOOL Steady ; domestlo fleece. 2'0?-c. Mllrraokee nrata Market. MILWAl'KEE. April 23 WHEAT Low er: No. 1 northern. 914JMC: old July. 84 Ho. RTE-Steady; No. 1. 7J372HC. MA RLE Y easier CORN-Steady; No. 8. 194X61V: July. tr9 47C bid. rtnlath Grala arket. DVLTTH. April 22-WHEAT-In store: No. 1 hard. 90Sc; No. 1 northern, sgt.c: No. 8 northern, 8,c To arrive: No. 1 hard, 80Sc; July. 8c; September, 80'c. OATS To arrive and on track. tlc. Taleda Bead Market. TOLEDO, April 28 -SEEDS-rioverseed. caah and April, 86 40 bid; October, to 70 askad Prime alslke. W.10: luruat L. w I bio. rruiie tiaioiuy, i es. OMAUA LIVE SIOClv MARKET All Kindt of Oat'lt Strong to a Ll'.tlt 6ilhr Togo, a Week Ago, HOGS A TRIFLE LOWR FOR THE WEEK thee Tea to Fifteen Higher for the Wltk, While Lamb. Ars Oeaer ally a Qaarter Higher and la Brisk Ilemaad. OUTH OMAHA, April 28. IN. HecefbtS wers: I'.ml. llmi atn.en. Olliclai Monday 4.0I i.vim H.io. Olfl-iai Tuesday 7,JJa lb.dlO . M'j Ultlcial ANednesday 4.J43 1Z.J..3 I.4M Official Thursday a.2H4 4,411 Offlcittl Friday 2.SH3 8.! 14 1.87.' umclal Saturday 1K t.177 2,418 Total this week ?!?', tJt 779 SS.lfil Same days Isst wcek....ij.ia 6a.o71 2l,au7 Bam day week before. .l'.,9,4 34.413 30 161 Same three week ago..k0.777 b7.lit 26. 8: Bam four week go... .23 .347 86.V'4 4J.7i8 Same days last year.... It. 703 Mi.r.t 4,411 RECEIPTS FOR TUB YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheiD at aouih Omana for the year 10 data witn comparisons with lout "ri lSiH. WJ. inc. Cattle son a, a xoa ta 4 1.411 Hogs ;,&,2.t iOu,..l Ii.oiK Bheep 5.U.S1I 444 148,.6s Average price puld lor hogs at bouni Omaha lor ths last several dajs with com parisons: Pat. I ltO4.190a.120t.1901.lX).18W. 11898. April Arm April April April April April April April I "8a 0 t3j Mi f Wl t tu M ss U so tto i tf 9 t k3 a I 6 86 96, Du 6 96 i, W, . i t 86 t 85 a 71 a 641 a st a ti a ttl a tat a 7 a tui 3 79 8 64 2 72 4 bbl 8 71 a vt a on t (All I OS T na T at m 7 n 1 i5 7 t 7 il A.! 7 hi 7 tii 7 u '."I 7 10 7 lui 7 06 7 01 6 li t 9 6 30 6 6 6 kill 6 9oj 6 3u 6 27 6 01, 1 6 9-l ( 281 Sil 6 to I a 1 it 3U mil M, t 04 6 40 48 01 1 b tM, 6 46, t 93 6 66 6 Mi 6 is I 6 S'J 6 4o, 6 661 6 4i I " 4ii 6 80 6 80 6 36 I 0,Hi 001 4 o a April 10. April 11. April 12. April 12. April 14, April 16 April ) April 17. April 1, April 19 April 20 At.ru i. April S3. April 28. 'I 4 96?. a 7 a 7i O OI 4 I 4 u, I .1 4 ot.i 2 03 8 01 3 7 8 73 8 72 a os 11 a oi 3 70 a ti a ti 1 A "ni . : 1 IU 4 7 I 4 Vs,i t 81 a ao a ti a t3 3 a 84 a 74 a -.i a 75, on, a 731 'Indicates Sunday. The official number f cars of stock brought in today by each road was: I '.IIU L 1 . . .. U I - .. . . 1 ., M. A St. P 4 Missouri i'aclflc , .. 2 Union Pacific system 17 10 .'. C. A N. W 7 F., Ev A M. V 1 23 11. 4 M is i C. H 1. P .a.l , C R. I. A P., west!!!. .. 1 " " vnicago ti. vv 1 Total receipts 7 Tl 10 "l The. disposition of the day's receipt was as follows, eauh buyer purchasing ins num ber of head Indicated: r. . vaiue. log?, eneep. Omaha Packing Co 14 "'H aim voi.ipany 1478 Cudahy packing Co 8 1 olil "m Armour A Co... 93 i)0 im Aimour, tiloux City Sol Degan 2 Other buyers 78 '.'.'. TtaI 184 M4t T6 CATTLE About the only cattle on sale this morning were some Montana huy-fud cattle. As there has been nothing hero of lute like them there Is nothing with which I?,n!!HkLa comparison. The killers sold for 88.65Q3.80, while the feeders brought 3 90 For the week the receipts of cuttle have been about 8,000 head in excess of the cor responding week of last year, but as com- mm mo ult run ot lust week there in 1 a urcruose 01 aoout i.uuu .head. Consid ering the? liberal run this week nnd last the market has heM up In very satisfactory nisnner. corn-red steers have made up the bulk of the receipt all ths week, and while the mrkei broke to some extent on Monday and Tuesday the tendency of values has been upward since .than time and. .cloning prices are fully lO015cylilgier than the tlrst of the week or strongtxo a dime higher tl.an the close of last woek. Handy weight cau tie of good flesh nnd quality are ln tho Jrreatest demand, though of course prime leavy cattle top the market. 6trlctly prime wti, vlii-, wiuugn occasionally a bunch arrives good enough to sell around 26. A strictly choice load, though, ought to sell around 85.25. The bulk of the good to choice cattle go from 84.80 to to. fair to good fiom $4 to K-80 and common to fair from 83.60 to 84 Th ow market has followed much tho same course aa the trade on steers. The proportion of cow stuff to the total receipts hns been rather small and each day's offer ing have been well cared for, even though buyers did take advantage of the heavy re ceipts of steer to pound prices down to some extent. As compared with the close of last week the desirable grade of handy weight cow and heifers are around a dime higher. Common kinds, though do not show much of any change, the decline of the early tmrt of the week having hen i i.t about regained. Good to choice cows and neiters sre quotable from 23.50 to 84. with prime light stuff as high os 84-25. fair to good cows from 32.00 to 83.25 and canners and cutters from 82 to 22.60. uooa Duns i.ave sold to better advantage this week than .hey did last and good fst bulla sre tisht around a Quarter hleher. Common tuns, though, are selling In atioui the same old notches. Oood to choice bulls are telling largely from 83 to 83.65, with the ooiogna grades K.N to as. Veal calves are about stesdy, best grades selling sround 26.60. with an extra choice oneeup to.5.75. Ths stocker snd feeder market has been In pretty good shape this week In snlte of the unfavorable weather. Receipts, though. nave Deen ugnt ana prices are ir anything 4 little higher than they were a week ago. As noted above some Montana hay-fed feed ers sold for 33. 90 today. Oood to choice frades are quotable from 2.1.75 to 24.16, fair o good from 23.60 to 13.76 and common to fair rrom as. bo down. Uepresentntlve sales STEERS AND COWS. No Ar. rr. 1 I Ml 10, COWS. 4 1IM 8 to HEIFERS. 8 lit 3 74 MONTANA HAT FEEDERS. tateor 10OT 119 tt steers I ti t itoers ...sj ivit 8 40 tt ateors Kkt a til 4 fMders IM 8 90 HOGB There wss a moderate run or hogs here this monalng and th market held generally steady, with trading aotlve. The bulk of the sal us went at M M'fji.s:', with the cholc load from I4.s59u. Th com. moner kind went from 84.77 down. The extreme clos of th market was a trifle weak, but In spit of that fact an early clearance was made. The quality of the hog wa hardly a good a usual, snd, taking that fact into consideration, the market was In reality stronger. For th week reoelpta ot hog have been liberal, there being an Increase over last week amounting to about k.vo head, and aa conmared with the same week of lust year there Is an Increase of about lO.faO head. Although packers have been rather bearish and have made an effort to pound the market, they have been unable to take oft only 6410c. The low point of the year to date was reacnea last tueanay, when tne average was aown 10 44.16. Kepre sentatlve sales: Ke. Ar. ... rr. No. At. gh. Tr. m 144 ... 4 a " n i" 4 It's 104 101 40 4 71 46 Sit ... 4 liV, 44 114 140 4 It 12 221 SO 4 .' 41 t.'4 140 4 74 70 Ill 10 i )., Ml 1)4 4 77 It (10 SO 4 -H 44 1I0 ... 4 77 T4 127 ... 4 I2'I ' 6 147 ... 4 ITS, 74 123 ... 4 12 1 I'll ... 4 0 74 147 110 4 tlV. 71 311 to 4 4 71 174 160 4 tf. I'D 40 4 M 44 IJT 110 4 ! 77 lrl 40 4 W 41 144 ... 4 H'-t t til 110 40 SE tl 40 4 BZtii 40 110 100 4 40 al 110 40 4 It II 17 110 4 10 H 114 ... 4 IJS4 41 I0 44 4 10 II. Itl 1 ll! 17 1M ... 4 M 74 i M 4 lav, 41 tH 14 4 M II. tot ... 4 U' 0 101 lit IM 71 244 ... 4 U 70 111 49 4 M 41 Ill 40 4 lit 77 104) lt 4 44 14 Jul too 4 t!'a tl 114 ... 4 10 17 tat 0 4 12 17 137 ... 4 10 41 171 M 4 U 77 IM ... 4 40 74 S2I ... 4 42 41 Ill ... 4 M M I I 10 4 ' 71 til 40 4 10 44 124 110 III. 41 IM M 4 10 14 224 10 at 41 204 ... 4 44 41 117 ... 4 41 17 too 10 4 M 17 270 I 4 M 44 H 900 4 11 II ...134 4 4 4 44 tU 110 4 12 II 11 ... 4 ai 47 lit HI 4 II U til ... 4 1 41 214 ... 4 11 44 161 40 4 IS . Tl M 4 12 70 104 10 4 U Tl 1l ... 4 11 II Ml ... 4 17 70 141 W 4 41 II t'l 44 4 17 41 121 40 4 12 41 Ill 12 4 SO SHEEP There were about ten cars of sheep snd lambs hers this morning, but they were practically all lambs. A new too was put on the market. ( olorado Mt x lean wooled lambs sailing at 26.66. but tl.oy were choice. some Nebraska-red lambs brought 86 26. Tha market could not be quoted anything but steady and active on all desirable sradea. For the week rvcelpts have been very liberal, for the time of ye;ir, there being a guin over last week amounting to about I.Oi head, and as compared with the same week of laat year there Is an Increase of about 12.000 head. The demand, though, has been fully exi'ial to the occasion and an active snd strong market haa been ex perienced. A compared with the close of lust aeek, sheep are generally l.yllc higher, while lambs are ri.ht around :i quarter higher. Lambs i,e shown t:i greatest Improvement, for tiie reason that they have oen Selling low. as compared with tho prices pHld for sleep. At the present time the range of prices Is about normal. The bulk of the stock coming foraard now is clipped snd the quotations below refer to clipped stock, ex. ept in the c;e of lambs, where quotations are given for both clipped unit wnoicd. In giving sales In the luttire everything will l considered clipped, except those designated as wooled. (Quotations for dirped stock: troud to choice l.i nibs. 8Xtf$. : lair to good lambs, I4t.'6 0ii; good to choice wcmlcd lanib. K 4i 6. 65; lair to good w ooled iambs, to 76 U6.25: good to choice yearlings or wethers, t.v(fl5 -6; lair to good v-arlings or wethers, 84 7i.'c5 00; good to choieo 24.rHf6.0o; IHir 111 genu inrfl, ea.vi.iw. ivr.rn7iii- tlv sales: NO. 6 western cull lambs t western ew s 19 western wethers SJi Nebraska wooled lambs. Av. Pr. . 64 6 00 ft t 00 88 t 76 64 t 25 4-s Colorado Mexican wooled lambs 80 t 66 621 t 'olornilo Mevlrun wooled lambs f7 6 68 l."4 Colorado Mex. wool lamlM.. S7 161 2"0 Colorado Mcx. wool lambs.. M t t6 .T" Colorado Mex. wool lambs.. 86 6 65 8U0 Colorado Mex. wool lambs.. 83 111 CHICAGO LI VIS STOCK. MARKET. Receipts Shaw Last of Week Dallaess sat Prices Well Maintained. CHICAGO. Anrll ?S. CATTLE Receipts. 800 head; market nominal; good to prime teers, 86.0ei5.j0; poor to medium, 23.80 4.90; stockers and feeders, 83.0W'o"4 36; eows, 1.7&g4.0: heifers. ;2.L'olj4.75; canners, tlW 8 60; bulls, U.0tvu4 10; calves, $2.2r(4j5.6o; Texss fed steers, it.oi 'QA .75, lttKia tteceipts, ii.ooo head: estimated Monday, 43,"); steady to 6c higher; mixed and butchers, 25. Ou it 5. 20; good to choice heavy, 8f..h'fi5.7; rough heavy, 24 i"fi5.05; light, ttmfjo lo; bulk of sales, f5.00efi.lt. BHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1.500 head: market steady; good to choice weth ers, f4.756 25; fair to choice mixed, 83.7Mj 4.60; western sheep, J4.7W5.46; native lambs, f4 60fc4.9o; western lnmbs. clipped. 25.00 6.90; western lambs, wooled, 2d.iH.(0.75. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. April 22 CATTLE Re ceipts ioo nead; market unchanged; export uia dreSed beef steers. 4 .Vdf !: fair to food, 23 9ivi4.;S; a-estern fed steers, K.vj)' 40; stockers and feeders, 3.:6'ci 4.i; southern steers. f3.7".4.80; southern cows, j.io'pg.oo: native cows. v. :.t"rj4.ai; nnilve heifers. 23.60414.50: bulls. 22 6ii.M): clves. 23.006.00. Receitits for week. 31.000 head. tit us Receipts. 8.000 neau: market weak; top. t4.K5; bulk. f4.ST('4.95: heavy, f4fYi4.95; packers, f4R5i49D; pigs and 1 1 . . 1 "f, . f. . n . I . . . . I. . , iiaiii", ai.-jt.rv. Ietrii'a 101 ncn, rr, 9n0 head. SHEEP AND LAM Its Reeelnts. none: market nominally steady; naifve lambs. 25.6o(i6.40; western lambs, f5.6rn&6.i; fed ewes, t5.(KWii.4i: yearlings. 85.0(i4i5.40 stock ers and fccdeis. $j.Oi(5.85. Receipts for week, 10,900 need. St. I,n n Is Live Stock Market. BT. LOnS. April 23-CATTLE-Re- cflpts. 100 head: no Texans. Market steady; native shipping nnd export steers. 14 10'if 5 50; dressed beef and butcher stetrs, f4.no 195.25: steers under l.nno lbs.. 84.006.10: stockers nnd feeders, f3.50fi4.DO; cows and net fern. f?.ntf4.30; canners, y: lcpz w; mu s, 23.00(84.00; calves, f5.2ii86.0C; Texnns and In olan steers, f8.50ijf4.7u; coa'S and heifers, 82.60fff3.50. HOdS Receipts, J.OOO hend. Market was steady; pigs and lights, j.4.Dcrro.0i; packers, $4 75.6 10; butchers' and best heavy, IS 064 6.25. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none Market stendv; native muttons, f4 7TWi75 lambs, f5 25'6.O0; culls snd bucks, 23.; 3.00 stockers, f.txXaS.OO. St. Joseph Lire 8to?k Market. ST. JOSEPH, April 23. CATTLE Re- cclnts. 79 head. Market unehunercri. . HOGS Receipts, fi. 413 head. Market was rirnn.v , iigiu, .v.li.iiru, iiirunilll Oliu lietfjr, f4.9iff4.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, nor.s. Slonx City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. April 23. tSpeclnl Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 300 head: mar ket steady; beeves, f3.504.80; cows, bulls ana mixed, li .sogi.tio: stockers and feednrs, f3.00ffi4.00; calves and yearlings. f3.7Tiia3.Wi. HOGS Receipts, 3,!00 hend; market strong, selling at M.6a4.90; bulk, f4.7534.85, Stork la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for tha six principal western cities yester. aay; Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha If) ' 6,177 2,468 Chicago 800 ll.OOrt J, 500 Kansas City '100 f.Onn St. Ixiuls 100 2000 St. Joseph ,. 70 3.413 Sioux City 8C0 8 2oO Totals. 1,009 26,790 8.963 tTotton Market. NEW TORK, April !. COTTON-Fu-tures cloned, quiet; April, 13. 65c; Msy, 13.60c; June, 1.1.77c; July, 13.8Sc; August. 18.41c; September, 1S.10C; October, lf.l4n; November. 11.41c; December, il.SSc: Jan uary. 11.38c. Spot closed dull: middling u,.i..,.rt i4Q; middling gulf, ltlGe; aalea, 1,102 bales. siiv oRLBANS, April n. COTTON Spot, quiet; sales. 1,050 bales; ordlnnry, 1116-18c; good ordinary, 13lo; middling, 14c; good middling. 14 9-16c; middling fair, 14 15-lc: receipts. S.1H7 bales: sto-k. Jf.537 hales; futures, steady; April, 13.80c; Mav, 13 81 13.82c; July. 14.31(r7'14.c; August, 13.37 if(1340c; September, ll.84QU.8tn; October. U.2S4Tll.?c: November, ll.lSo bid; Decern ber. ll.KVrf.ll.13o. I.lVE.RPO)7. April 23.-COTON-flpot. In limited demand; prices 8 points lower; American middling fair, 8.0M; good mid dling. 7.92d; middling, 7M low middling, 7.72d; good ordinary, 7.82d: ordinary, 7.42d. Bales, 6,000 bales, including 200 for specu lation snd export nnd 4.200 American; re ceipts. 6,000 bales, Including 4,000 American; futures opened quiet, closed quiet nnd steady; American middling, a. o. c April, 7 f S I : April nnd May, 7.54d;, Mav snd June, 7.5d; June nnd July, 7.49.1; July and Au gust. 7.4r,d; August and September, 7.22d: September find October, 6 56d; November and Deomber, t.Zld; r-ecember and Janu ary, S.19d; January and February, 6.18d. Metal Markets. NEW TORK, Ajtrll 7J.-METALS There was little doing in any of the local metal today, although the 'indertnne ruled gen erally Arm, with the exception of tin, where there was a moderate disposition to sell. Snot tin, trr.OO'-i 2 10. former Lake, f18.26ffrt3.n2H; electrolvtlc. 818.12HfS1.1 26; cast ing. fl2 87Hff13.l2. 8plter-f5.20fj6.. Iad, MtAtites. Iron Quiet nnd firm; nominally Unchanged. ST. LOCI3, April 73. MET A.T.B Lead easier at 24.40. Spelter lower at 15. Oi. PlillaeVnhla I'rodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 23. B17TTER Firm and higher. Exert western cream er v. 23Uc; extra nearby prints, 25c.' EOOS Firm, good demand. Fresh nesr by and fresh southwestern, 18c, at tha mark; freih western, 18'io at the mark; fresh southern, 17Vc at tha mark. CHEESE Quiet but steady. New Tork full creams, choice to fancy, lOIOHc; New York full creams, fair to good, OflOc, Mlneapolls Wheat, Floor aad Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, April 23. WHEAT May, 89ic; July, 8 AdJTM'ic; September, HEAL ESTATE TKAXaKUHS. Deeds fll'.d for record April 23 as furnlstiod by the Midland Guarantee and iru.-t company, bonded ai)ircler, 114 i'"inaui street, :or The Bte: Joseph C. Moore and wife to Arthur II. Goodell, .ot f, Moore's sub $ 200 Otorge K. lai.low and wile to Emma V. Ucbaack, .vie 11, block 2, llilislda No. 1 25 Oeorge McCoiubs to J. Kelly lie Combs, U',? sec. U-lt-12, and oilier property 1,400 Rebecca K. Lonxcity and husband to Wlillam urfi J. Kelly McCjmbs, same property as aboe. Marble slaving Hank to Carrie K. Field, part ot lot 10, Axfords, and part of lot 2. Paulsen's 4.00J Johan Bajek snd wlfa to John Oodek, part of lot 0, block 9, Amor Place extension 280 Thomas Dugdale to James Haxuka, lot 20. block 7. Brown park 475 Samuel 8. Curtis, mazier In C, to Me chanics Savings bunk, lots 19 and 20, Windsor Place 2,333 Omaha Kafe Depo,lt and Trust Co. to Omaha t.'oal, Hay. and Building Sup ply t o., lot 6. block 1R8 6,0 0 John T. Cathers and wife to Mary A. B. Howell, block 94. Bt-n-on 2:0 Home Insurance Co. to Dennis Carrol, lot 1. block 7. and lot Is, block 8, Poppleton prk 60 John A. Cathers ard wife to S. M Kcenan part block 64. Benson 00 Addle Wllilama and husbend to Kiy M. George, part of lot 12. block i, Plalnview 1,0 Clementine Brown to Fred W. Ad gale. lot S. block 23, Kountie Place.. 850 Corinne Pclsnsnt to Vletor E. Pols rant, lot U, block 8, Bedford I'lpc.e, and other property J Josephine Humes nnd husband to f'lnr- ence i'lllbury, lots 8. 4 and 5, block 21. Waterloo 150 Orson Touman snd Clement Youman to Fred Wttzlg lot 6. block 1 Pot -Ur V George Co-'g sub r, ta. 8CHP; on track. No. 1 hard. Kc, No. J northern. 91'. c; No. 2 ricrtlurn. 6V-, lI.ol"H First luteins ure .iiiotable, 24 iaVvt"': Second pate-its. Sfil; first Clenrs. M.40,itV.; second clears, 82.911.40. iKAN-ln bulk. 815 'W6 60. Dry (loads Market. ft,,,r -1 , m isn 9 nftft r. , limn, ii aa. i ' i m'i'c- The market hss shown few developments today, and closed with little In the wsy of rpot demand or for future delivery. Retsilers sre awaiting warmer weather. In oruer to move sim n ntrrmi) 111 nunu. f.ire placing duplliste orders: hence busi ness with both sgent and Johtier has ben confined to very conservative channels. k r n OJ i I V'l IS) W Ul DEPARTUENT a. T. LirR AltCAPB.) Orr Bon Bale., wtilea hare ssoa Ineieeaiel to oar so.oral srosaraso to STOCKS AND GRAINS tar. IM o. te establish a grgCUt, BOND Dl fABTVBNT. W ewa sat eVae, or will Mf SOVfUIIMtlT IPN3I RAIlllOAB IBHII MUNIOIPAl tONDt sod othsrHlBH BHa9l SCOUIITIII (OR CASH Bsstneao eao t tens at aay rt ear 14S Branth Dffli-ra. and Oallrorr ma4o from r Seral nfflw Is Vlnnaapolt. ihionsh any of lb. 171 n.slooal an4 stai. MaHs vhtob r ear eepoaltort.. Bond Lift Sent tm Bfqu$L GOE COMMISSION CO. Grain itotki-Bondt. OK5EWAI. ornc, K. T. Life Mtaaeaiwlte. OMAHA SJRARCII, 1418 PJtrnam t. Trleakaa aT. T7IOS. M. WADDICK. Cor. SPECULATORS How would you like to be able to Tit LI, IN ADVANCE what the Stock snd Grain Markets ars going to do? How would you like to know whether BT. PAUL, for In stance, Is going to decline to 120, or whether it will advance to lo, or whether WLEAT and CORN ars go'ng VP or DOWN? Wlat would you give to know? We tell you Just -vhere to place your or ders: what set'o..-Ks are coming; what Stocks or Grains will move first, and which way; where to tnke your profits, and many other valuable Instructions., A most IMPORTANT TI'HN WILL TAKT9 PLACE In the STOCIC MARKET SHORT LY. It will bo the turning point of the market for some time to com. If you get this turn right, a fortune Is within your grasp. OUR DAILY MARKET LETTER mallad at 8:30 p. m., In plain healed envelope, gives full details. Terms 810 for 15 days. fl6 for SO days. In advance. PREPAID DAILY TJI1.EORAM SERV ICE, private code, U0 for !i6 days, fls) for SO days. , A copy of our booklet entitled "THE IN BIDE OF WALL STREET" for 1904. mailed free, upon request. Make all remittance payable to WALL STREET COMPANY. 323 A, Tho Rookery. Chicago. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 8TOCK8, BONDS . INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St Tel. 1064 We buy and sell South Omaha Union Stock Yards Stock. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, INt. U. S. Dse:n ry Capital and Surplus, $600,000 ttUNK MUtrsY, Prat. Ul I. 0S, V. Pr, uirnei saut. c taw. MA!W T. asMILTWi aist Csstlsr. Iteeelre Moeunts ef banka. tanker, .arose stlosa trow sat laalvttuls ea IsvermM Win.. forelss Bichaa tMmglit sat ssK. Itlar. et Ce4ll lasuaa. avsllabls la sit ssd' lk verld. IsUraet pal4 ea Tim Ort I Koalas ( DepMtt. r.ellMtl.D. mad. prootptir aa eseaas.ls.llr. sr. r.sst n nrais.4sss, oxican Standard St t oanta s ahar PAR VLt'B tl 00 I. th. beat la Vaatm.st pure ha a. oftcraj. Buy now (or 100 PER CENT AOVANGE Writ, tor lllu.tratet proapectus sat our tpeelsj rilNINQ MARKET LETTERS WEEKLY PRICE LISTS Thar are rKIB) upas requMt. WE BUT AND SELL ..LL tTOCKt. Oat rr srlesa Irving K Farrlngton & Co., Mrmbar Wall Bt. Mining o4 Stock Eirh.n. II WALL 8TKKBT, MEW TOHK CITY. WHY I7T-2 C E N TO TT5 n'" WILL EQUAL SI.85 WHEAT. IN ITS EPFECT ON TMB STOCK HARKET. Band rer tbla lrttsr ubosrlni what alack, to buy to ma. a th. most mou.jr out ot th. i-.nili.g rlM. Orilara eaa.;uU4 in all Haled atoosa tor lovastment or on w.rg.o. fsMl.l sit.utlon glT.s to kiloiug Invatinan:.. ' Bend for llluatrstet sosk Suoriklng prop rt las ssa Ci)Ulp01llt ot crown k:no mines 001 loform.tlon ronramln th1. -..luabl proporty .nt .11 oiu.r INI.1BVKU SILK K4 diMTtullr runiUhsd. J. I. tvicLEAN & CO., Cankers Mala OlUce, iB Oroad St., XeiT York. 12B,000. T Per Cent. SO-Ycsr Hall, way Gold Hi ail. On St mil, row Una vhlrh I. j i.'.tlrallv as ertan ton ot s old artabi.ahf n.d, ih. satendoo rv. in riv.r. Rlrar and road Iraveialua. tUa iicrt tlintxr euuiilry In M:ro. Rallruad 10. 1..,. a.olualM (ran. chisa to float lot. en nv.r. Hallw.r tsmlt... net ovar tilO.OOtfoo per snnvm. rrrialil oouir.rtail for car. at lull currying powtr or roat. Inttreat tt 7t0 and slaking t-ind 44 5t gssrsslaed y ravp.inatbl. partlea. Commlaa..a gio n.oo. Por fall l.-iforeia'.ioq, writs OVAKANTT "Kl'iT CO., V Faw. r.ai, ris sl Act.. LOMEYBROSi&Cd COMM1PSION MKHCIIANTa. Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Rcom Ml. N. Y. Life Building 'Phone 1610. fcpcclid attention t;iveu tu telegraph unl nuili oiders. OMAUA. 7 PSOWTHS FREfZ II 1 Vp-t'i-dato Mining 1'npttr f I (fully llluslrateil), contain- I 1 Inc all tlie latest news Updike Commission Co., ORAIN AND PROVISIONS. Duslno.s handled promptly in all markets, Omce. tU Be Building. .- Telephone Hit. O. W. LPD1KE. UAMAQCJL from the famous cold ramps, I II In'-ludlngTHL'XDKK MOUN 15 I 3 tain and Mil U tO CREEK. V' t. a IIM1 JlllHVtl., 50 assaa it., H. Y.