Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1904, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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1..ILIUIU.11.1 mil. J , mmmm 11 j 11 u n 11 mmm iw. hi n. iiinui .. 11 TTTf H" IT
17. A. HIKE, GfltMIDGE, 0., (Banlirupt)
Sold at Forced Salo for Less Than Half the Actual Value.
A Great Business Stroke Where Brandeis Gash Brings Another
Extraordinary Clothing Opportunity to Omaha Men.
asw M
VALUES $1650, $18.00 and $20.00, at.
VSv " eorrtiCKr ies
Your choico of all iho $15 and $16.50
en's Spring Suits
TopvGoats and the Gen
uine Priestley Craven-ettesTt-From
the Bankrupt-
Stockon sale
Saturday at ...
Your choico of all tho $18 and $20
en's Spring Suits
Top Coats and Gen
uine Priestley Craven
ettes from the bank
rupt stock on sale
Saturday, at r ' -
Entire surplus stock of Spring Hati from one of
the Greatest New Jersey hat manufacturers'
In this ffreat purchase are all linls of merC and
boy 8 hats. They will be sold at the biggest bargains ever
attempted in Omaha.
T3 At. .T 1 VVV L i'-':7 '
manufacturer's stock
all the new and nonular nhanoa and ll .7Jv
colon for spring wear them nata
are worth no to J2. CO take Tour A 7
pick of these up-to-date rprtng bats
tomorrow at
- - - 1 K ,
i 1 1 1 1 1 J H d'Tit
mil "V "-f i '
Men's Soft and Stilt Hats at $1.39
From the New Jeraey manufacturer atock in the new tprlng rf
hape tbee hata would cot you at any other hat ttore from II mmmm
12.25 to t'2.50. tomorrow at AL
Men's $3 and $3.50 Hats at $2
T7mM nm AM eiw7ef 1ia a mmaam A
, m ' w ' w y iwk r?wrri 0 an fill
maae p to rciau ot ana fs.soau U J J
newest olock and moat popular spring jA'm
colors, tomorrow at MI
Boys Soft Hats
?WWX f 1 ,
f; r t i v i.'ow juTcuiiu oty juii ids iQin(f ior dov m
SSSsf spring wear, fashionable little styles, i Sf
worth 11.60
J V 'iw r 1 r"t.!i j 1 -
V f-w uuys nnu vuuurcn s wnps
fW These are regular 60c quality caps, In f
y yy nun, jKiit suu viucr iijiun, it
Special Sale Men's. Shirts
A great assortment latest spring style shlrU,
in 1 na raw wni u Hint iuhj-k f-1 - jtw . m ml 1 i.'),-
- v.-- --r -j. y n n 411 rr. 1 '-i
each iresri
Hinph iirAfiP Nnnnor niri5 wv
.1, 1 1- sr. .inl In t anil atvla la thai flnMt
. a- .vi-t v,i ..n.v .r M Jl-l AjSS-T.,-t
98c, $1.50 and $2.00
Men's Spring Weight Underwear
T t Men's medium we'aht underwear for w am M m
prlnK. blue, salmon and ecru colors, -k s . iW A
reaular Tic . and tl-W valuea JJm
Men S Here's the spring neckwear, In all the
. newest ahapes and patterns set a
V -fjs iii pretty new tie Bat- r 4 p
a a w v jbw 11 m eva at urii'H . -
1 Kt
II 1 J
mm a ta.
11 r
ii r
AdTcntnrea of an Arm 7 Offloer u a Spy
Among Hostile Filipinos.
acwtlaar Teww u4 Jfancl n4 la
tke Cub ( a HtiitMst Prtav
TraaplBC a Ldlaa
Among' the reoent arrlTals ea tha P
Ma ctwst from lh Philippine Ulands
la a certain Uautonant of Infantry whoa
life story, stranger than any In fiction,
la tbat of a man whose explolta In lata
jr,ra have won for Mm th oognomsn of
Tb Amaiican Strickland. Thais are
eorea who hold . that Kipling's 8trickland
waa an apprantioa at tbe trade in which
Rafferty azoala.
RAlTmy la not tha lleutenanrs name,
and it would not ba wise or fair to him
self, or to tha government, to hint at the
real one, for tha War department hat
started a particular rrw-ade against pub
licity, especially 11 tha matter of Kplca, of
whom tbla lieutenant la considered tha
snoet wonderful.
Rafferty Brat eame under the notice of
high offlcaal etrrlea shortly after the com
mencement of tha Filipino trouble, when
ena evening be forced his way into 'he
presence ef Froroat Marshal Ttllson at
Manila and quietly uttered a sentence that
turned the provoat's face to the color of
"Who are your' he asked.
The soldier brought his hand to the tuv
hite and answered modestly:
"James Rafferty. sir first sergeant.
Company K. th United States Infantry,
sow stationed at Baler.
Tha provost marshal summoned an or
derly, wrote something upon a ollp of
paper and dispatched It with all speed to
the sergeant of the guard stationed at
tbe Quartermaster wbarrse en the Paalg
Haw Be Saved tbe Vsairti.
That night an attempt waa frustrated to
blow up tha wharves with dynamite. Raf
ferty told the story of the plot to the pro
vost marshal himself. Tbe sergeant ar
rived from Baler on the previous day, it
appeared, with aeveral prisoners, and
found, after he had turned the Moroa over
to the proper authorities, that he would
have to wait several days before be could
get a steamer returning up the coaat.
Having time to kill In Manila the sergeant
frequented the gambling hells so common
utsida the walls of the city proper. In
one of those dene be overheard a con
versation between two well-dressed Fili
pinos. They spoke freely, but In tbe Tag
alog language. Rafferty waa the only
American present and he waa very drunk.
apparenUy. The chances were vary much
againat his understanding the Tagalog
language anyway. But that was one of
Rair.rtv'a narlalttee. He had been learn
ing things In the mountains around Baler,
r tell u " aald one of the Flllplnoa.
"the Americans will not fire upon a womaa.
I have seen It for myself. The guard
oatrola around the wharvea where the
stores are kept all night. It will bo a
severe blow If the stores are aeairoyea.
On! v wnman ran nln entrance. I bave
watched the soldiers talk to them, for the
nights are long and the Americanos are
far from home. She will not bo sua
pected. She Is beautiful, and can speak
wltb the guard, while the other enters.
Who the woman was waa never discov
ered. In fact, nothing happened that
night, for, acting upon Rafferty's infor
mation, the guards were double-banked
around tha wharves. Another sdt. how
ever, waa sent to investigate Rafferty'
story, which waa shortly afterward eon-
The provost marshal caused Inquirlae to
saffered so terribly from stosnack
trouble that it was feared I had cancer. I
Induced 10 try AVer's Sarupanlla.
and only a few botUes entirely cured ma
Mrs. r. U. smith, Middleneld, Cons,
Are you discouraged, half-sick, miserable all
the time? Then your blood is thin and im
pure. Make your blood rich and pure with
a doctor's medicine Ayers Sarsaparilla;
tested and tried for sixty years. Ask your
doctor if he knows a better blood medicine. sSstaia. AUanactasa.
I. a. Ar- o. . l.a.ty. 1
be made with regard to Rafferty's history,
and the effect of what he learned Is pretty
clear from what he said a few days later:
"How a man who haa been la the islands
less than six months can know the natives,
their customs and languages, as you do,
beats me hollow."
A a Es-Repotrter.
It would- be Interesting to know what
that history la. Rafferty waa born of Irish
parents In Rochester about thirty years
ago. He began active life aa a police re
porter on a Rochester dally, and In that
capacity distinguished himself for his
shrewdness and alacrity In reporting crim
inal eases. His ability In this direction
later attracted the attention of an official
of the New York Central a Hudson River
railroad, who waa worried over certain
freight robberies In the yarda. He sent
for this youthful detective and gave him
the case, with tho result that Rafferty
waa Instrumental In sending several crook
to Jail.
When the Spanish-American war broke
out, Rafferty. yielding ' to bla hv of ad
venture. Joined an infantry regiment. He
waa then much as be Is now a brawny
Celt, sis feet In height, f sir-haired, and
bearing a striking facial resemblance to
Lord Kitchener.
Before Company K sailed from 8an Fran
cisco Rafferty waa .made a flrsts sergeant.
When the troop landed at Manila It was at
once ordered to the relief of the besieged
town of Baler. Here a handful of fever
smitten Spaniards held the garrison against
the Moroa, hemmed to on on side by a
reef-torn sea and on th other by almost
Impassable mountain.
DlsaaUed as a Friar.
Th troop of which Rafferty was first
sergeant cut a difficult way through th
mountain wilderness to the reecu of the
Spaniards against the common enemy, th
Moros. While enrout Rafferty distin
guished himself as a scout. Several times
be saved the company from ambush and
almoat certain massacre by his Intrepid
daring. Dressed aa a mendicant friar be
would travel through the Jungle Into the
Mora camps and villages, picking up
threads of plots and Information of In
tended attacks upon the Uttl troop. This
man would be absent for days at a time,
and consternation would reign among his
comrades, among whom Rafferty waa
highly popular. Then this adventurous
scout would suddenly turn up la the most
extraordinary manner, sometimes aa a na
tive, again In his favorite disguise of
mendicant brother, and oocaalonally as
himself, tattered, bruised and starving,
crawling out of the wilderness with Infor
mation that prepared th camp again A
every ruao on the part ef th treacherous
It was as sergeant of the guard over
soms Mores captured In the Baler affair
that Rafferty arrived In Manila In time to
avert tbe probable catastrophe of th
quartermaster stores. After that It was
thought necessary to have the redoubtable
sergeant In Manila all the time. II was
glvea general commission th And out
things." and many a plot h unearthed
while ha was there.
Case ad the moat IrteTaactaa; affairs la
which he was concerned was when he
neatly turned up a clever scheme on the
part of the Filipinos to create havoc In
Manila. Rafferty himself always laugh
ingly alludes to the matter as "my prayer
for the soul of General Lawton." Here Is
the story as told by a brother officer.
Rafferty used to make a custom of at
tending chapel very regularly while be was
In Manila. In fact, he never missed a day
that he did not attend two or three In vari
ous parts of tbe town and several church
functions. There was method In this re
ligious mania. He discovered that the
priests were on the side of tbe Insurgents,
believing that th American conquest of
the Islands would mean the overthrow of
their ecclesiastical power. Many priest
were dangerous spies, he found, and many
ot the Filipino servants were foroed t
spy upon their American masters and over
hear and report their conversations.
Rafferty learned that the Insurgent plot
ters were fully Informed as to the rout to
be taken by th cortege bearing th body
of General Lawton to the steamer bound
for San Francisco, and that they had
formulated a dastardly plot In that connec
tion. Sisvea 4 tae Sskfe.
4 uti aa lua tofLc. was eiwul to atart a
eta in im.mM uumuL iua VI aj u Iw
Suu Mitt tuiO, Slum 4yfoouy eaat
ut b Wyt auisvatou uuiLtuujt u
ua - a uuito-r aMU tuMi um
owrtcae lor wul ail auur, 0011114 wuicu sev
i4 arrest limn in aim! her piul of
Manna, 'in towns, bad cammed as ms
Uiwuaiy aa lis iLad voni. imi It twuul
aiiutea laier utal the auppumni Frani tia
e iiauUiiiam James rwlioriv. xl. lua
uswveiiMl a plot to throw a bwmo at toe
bier of lawivu, LA us creating a aiveratwu.
Willi an uprukiAg took piau in auoiax
part ef Manila. V ery clever, uuaeuhiaUly,
but tins uoubi-yulked egg was nearly
smashed In vae hatching.
perhaps th most sensational adventur
la wkicn "Ui American ttinckland" towk
a hand was th caplur of flo del Pilar,
on el the executive geniuses ef Aguinai
do's staff, Tocr wer three geniuses Gre
goiio and P10 del pilar and L.una. w hom
Aguinaldo is aaid to have stabbed in a fit
ol Jeaioua rag. Uregorio Oel Pilar waa
shot ia battle, and a reward was offered
fur the capture ot Plu, dead or alive.
At the Sam Urn a certain Filipino aris
tocrat by the name of Lara had a beauti
ful friend living in a lonely house at Santa
Anna, sum dietanc up th Paalg river.
Plo del Pllsr was also la lov with this
One night In Manila an attempt was
made upon the life of Lara and rumors
gained circulation to the effect that the at
tempted assaatlnation was Instigated by
Plo del Pilar himself.
Csftsi ef Filar.
Late that same sight a Franclacaa monk
hoarded a steam launch which was moored
ta the Pasig river and. shoving a revolver
la the face ef the engineer, th holy father
ordered him to teem up toward Santa
Borne time after that tbe monk entered
the quarters the site TTTtisaillr-s; the
American troops at Santa Anna, and. after
a brief Interview, took his departure. Later
on In the night a guard of soldiers was
quietly placed around a lonely bouse Just
outside the tow.v Presently the monk ap
peared, and by virtue of his office wassd
mltted to the presence ef Plo del Pilar him
self. "Come out" said Rafferty. And Flo came
at pistol point.
Lara waa shortly arterward assassinated
In Manila while on hi way horn from a
ball. New York Tlmea
Health Bares of Chirac Flaws te
Teat th Dree a the
The health department plans to make
analysis ef the many headache powders
old In Chicago. Alderman Butterworth,
chairman f th health committee of the
council, will Introduce an order at the
council meeting directing that the Investi
gation be stsrted.
The department ha received many com
plaint recently regarding th character of
these powders, 'some physicians declaring
they contain drugs detrimental to those
who take them. More than 50 per cent of
thee powders, sceordlng to information
received by the department, contain poison
and If taken In sufficient quantity will pro
duce death.
Women are the largest users of headache
powders and It Is said they frequently as
them to excess, to the Injury of their
health. Many new powders are placed on
the market each year. The health depart
ment has no official knowledge of the char
acter of these medicines. It Is to gain that
Information tha test will be made by ths
city chemist. Hugo Jons, and his assistant.
Dr. W. 8. Maharg.
If th tests con Arm th information al
ready received by th department. It Is
probable tbe council will be asked to adopt
an ordinance restricting the sale of the
Several years ago the department made
aa Investigation of certain medicines en th
market and found that over 60 per cent of
those analysed detrimental to tbe health
of the users.
Two physicians who have made privet
teats of headache powders claim many con
tain acetanllld, an tl pyrin r other eoal
tar products. The amount In each powder
Is a reasons ble dose, ofi.n aa much as ten
or twelve grains. That amount will not
Injurs snyone, but when a person takes
several powder there Is said to be a lia
bility of evil result.
Persons with weak hearts are liable to be
killed by taking several powders of certain
brands. These drugs reduce tbe action of
the heart, thereby relieving pain, but aa
overdose for person with slow circulation
Is liable to be fatal.
Dr. Maharg said recently that thee pow
der should not be sold Indiscriminately.
They should be sold only on the pre
scription of licensed physicians, hs said.
"Who pel sens are permitted to get thee
urea tat almoat say quantity they deep
thos who are Indiscreet are Cable to take
them tn the same way.
"Many believe that U ane powder la guod
two are twice as good and so on, when as a
matter of faot one may be placing his llfs
In danger by taking the seeond dose. Anti
pyrlne U a useful drug In allaying fever
and other things, but certainly no reput
able physician will assert tbat Its Indi
scriminate use Is advisable.
"Persons have been killed by taking head
ache powders, according to medical rec
ords, and there are probably many victims
whose cases are not brought to the atten
tion of the authorities. Th council has
limited the sale of poison because of the
number of suicides, and I see no reason
why action restricting th sal of headache
powders would not be for the publlo wel
fare" Chicago Chronicle.
Calqa Feat re of Naval Eqalaraetrt
Follows la the Wake ef tho
Atlaatle Fleet.
The only vessel of her kind In th United
States navy, and one of tbe moat peculiar
ships In the world, recently arrived In New
Tork harbor after her longest cruise.
Th repair shop is on th forward berth
deck and Is lObxtt feet. It receives a flood
of daylight through a hatch 20x3 feet.
This shop Is well equipped with all klnde
of machinery. Including one open-alda
planer, which Is ths largest machine tool
afloat: one tf-lach open-gap lathe, twenty
feet long; two lathee with swing of six
teen Inches each; on large wall radial
machine; one 16-Inch and one It-Inch
shaper; one 4-Inch pipe machine; one larg
steam hammer, and three large forges for
blacksmiths, boiler-makers and copper
smiths; one lUnoh buss planer aad one M
Incb hand saw; on 10-foot wood-turning
lath and a trimmer. The four tool last
named are used by the patternmaker. Each
machine Is driven by a separate motor, th
power being furnished by two large dy
namos. The Culgoa travels td all our naval fleets
In Atlantic waters, making repairs and giv
ing supplies to the various ships in need of
patching, or provisions, or both. The me
chanics In the repair shop are all skilled
workmen, picked for their respective duties.
They are capable of doing any kind of
mechanical work on any ship of tha United
States navy and tbe Culgoa's records show
that much work Is constantly demanded.
Leslie's Weekly.
Toe Maeh of a Feast.
"Can I see the editorT" Inquired a straw
ger as he stepped Into the editor's offlee
of a Carbon county newspaper" and turned
to the Ink-daubed devil, who waa roosted
on a .high atooi.
"He's sick."
"What's the matter with hlmT'
"Dono." aaid ths boy. "One of our sub
scribers gave Mm a haa of flour and a
bushel of pertaters the ether day, and
reckon bee foundered. Rlvarslds (Wyo.)
Whiskey and. Boer Habit
Pbysiciaas proaoaacs draakessess a disease of Iks aervoss systes. creating a noittl
Cravisr for a stimslast. Cob t. seed iadalgesc in whiskey, beer or wise eata away ta
etoraack l.siag aad ai.pttee ths digestive orgasa. ths. dsstroyisg ths digestios and
ralaisg ths health. No "will power - caa heal the isfiamed stoaack saeabraass.
"OHKIKE" peraaaeatly removes tbe crariag for liq.or by acting directly ea Ik
ejected aerves, res'orisg the stomach aad :eeil gaas to sormal coadiUoas, improviaa
tae appetite aad restoring the kealta, Caa be givea secretly U deauad.
Cure Effected or Money Refunded.
Ask yoardrnjx1 wiest you knr what he thinks of ORRINE; 'he will Indorse
ear statement ss truthful ia every respect. If OKRINJ2 fails to curs we will refund
70a every penny paid for it as cheerfully as w took it.'
No Sanitarium Treatment or Publicity!
Mo Absence from hem or. log of tlmo!
VI others, wives aad sisters, yon caaaot cure those who arc afflicted with this most
terrible of all diseases by your fervent prayers, or eyes red with tears, nor by your
hope that they may itop drinkiog-. It caa be done only with ORRINE. Yea have
the remedy will voo use it t If yoo desire to cure without the knowledge of the patient,
bay ORRINE No. 1: if the patient desires to be cured ef hi owe free will, bay
ORRINE No. 1. Full directions found ia each package. Prloo f I per boa.
fV, W will gladly tarnish a Ueataasnt free of cost to aay phyaiciaa
sZ. to demonstrate tkat Orriaa is a positive speclfiajor erssk eases.
r All Correspondence Confidential.
For free book Treatise on Drunkenness and bow la Care It writs ta
THE ORRINC CO- INC., WASHINGTON, D. C. or caU l Urrtt to
Sheraan & L!!l Drug Co., Cor I51h & Dodge Onihi
Ceo, S. Davis, Druggist, Council Bluffs, lot...