TnR OMAITA DAILY BKE: SATrHDAT. APTJIT, 23. 1004. Tele. s-M. V!m CLOSE BATVRDATd AT C P. M. "Selr-aaeaessloa for self. . f nraet f olaes. 1 New Hpring Hosiery for children, and a better or more com plete, line we have never had. 'Children's lishtwfjfght black-ribbed I or cotton how, double knees, heels and toes, 2S! per pslr. Children's fine ribbed Lisle Hose, In the nfw shades of TAN; double Vnes, extra Spliced heels and toB. sires H and 7. at ICe per pilr; rises 74 and S, at 30c per paJr; fclses H and t. at o nr pslrs for H . Misses' light weight black Lisle IIos line rib. double soles, heela and tvs. sOc per pair. Misses' Black I-lsle Hose, alt-over lace or lace boot pattama, all have double so es, heela and toes. Mv per pair Infanta' allk flnlah ribbed Ltola Ttoae, In colora, tan, pink, blue; alto bl.ick or white, 86c per pair. I infanta' Ellk Stockings, In black or whit a. apeclal plica, too per pair. TlKIglKItiELlfi)EKI& Y. M. C. A. Building. Corner Sixteenth and Douglas St. Japanese aplea at Mukden: that an Ameri can named Rtlly and a Canadian named Ivtnn had Mysteriously disappeared from Mukden under circumstances aurh thnt raised suspicion of foul piny. Tho Foreign afflce replied thai tllsy had no Information yhatever upon ths wubjeet and do not b Heve that tha atatamant can b true, since action affecting foreigners would ho Immediately reported. It In their belief that the statement IS unfounded. The state of alrge haa been extended to 11 tha towns adjacent to tha Siberian rl)rod. OFFICIAL. REPORT 0 ALBXIEFF e mmm Veaaela Near Petrvaavlovsk Coald ; ' ' Reader fa Assistance. ST. PETERSBURCI, April 22.-The text kf Viceroy Alexleffs report to tha am poror concerning the Petropavlovsk disas ter and the torpedo engagement, which r receded It, reada aa followa: I respectfully report to your msjtsty that pn April 11. the whole effective squadron Jt Port Arthur Bailed out to tho southward lo maneuver and toward evening returned Jo port. On April is a flotilla of eight Torpedo boat deatroyers went out to Inspect he Islands, haying received ordera to at tack the enemy should he be encountered in i the course of the night Owing to darkness and a heavy rain three tl t2s destroyer became separated from Jhe flotilla, two of which returned to Port Arthur at dawn. The third, however, tha Besstrsshnl, having, according to the evi dence of the seamen, encountered several destroyers, took them, In the darkness, for Russian ships, and, giving them tha signal of recognition, joined them at dawn. It waa recognised by tha enemy and there was a right at oloBS quarters, Irt which Ita commander, mldahlpman and engineer, and fnoat of Ita ctew were killed. Mslelff, Its lieutenant, although wounded, continued firing on the enemy. 'At dawn on April 13, tha orulssr Bayan went out, preceded by destroyers, and hur ried to the rescue. About sltteen miles Yrom Port Arthur tha Bayan saw the de stroyer Besatrashnl engaged with four Japanese deatroyers. Shortly afterwards, an expioalon oecurrsd and tha Bisstrashni sank. '.Driving off tha enemy's destroyers by Its lira, the Bayan approached the scene of tha fight, lowered Its boata and had time to save tha remnant of the destroyer's craw. Unfortunately only Ave men were awlmmlng. Their lives were saved. . The cruiser' waa obliged to fight on Its starboard aide with alx Japanese cruisers which came up. Having picked up Ita boata, tha Bnyan regained the harbor, suf fering no damage or loss, although cor ared with fragments of Shells. ' Tha cruiser Diana and Ave destroyers hastened to Its auccor, and at the same time the other cruisers, the battleships petropavlovsk and Poltava and soma de atroyers came out from the roadstead and the battleships left the harbor In column formation, with the Bayan at tha head and the destroyers on tha flank. Vice Ad miral Ma kurort preceded to the scans of the Bnsetrsshnl'S fight, whither more Japanese destroyers and cruisers were approaching. After a short fusllade at fifty cables lengths distance, (1.000 yards), the ships drew off. A squadron of nine battleships appeared el S:0 a. m. and our ahlps retired toward Port Arthur. In the roadstead they were rejoined by the battleehlpa Pobleda, Bvlet and Sevastopol, which' were coming out through the channel. The squadron was drawn up In the following order: Aekold, Bayan. Diana, Petropavlovsk, Pereavlet, Pobleda, Novla, five destroyers and two torpedo boata. They turned toward the left, but when approaching the mouth of the channel tha destroyers were algnaled to return to the harbor and the cruisers to proceed. Maneuvering with the Pstropav lovek at their head, the aquadron turned to tha east, making toward tha enemy on their right Fussing Frantically GOOD CLOTHES FOR BOYSVtXJ'fuPfMl'tfA don't "COma rlsht off." We've eonvtnnot inta nf rnrnts thst our sort is utteapest in he end, and "best to buy" BOYS ' BCIT CRAVENETTE COAT8 .7.50 to 3.50 12.00 to 8.75 Chock full of style and money saving dependability. AMUSEMENT TICKETS FREE cTheealer. Write for our Spring Catalogue. BENSON g - ' OMAHA eMEB; CUT OUT THf COUPON. Omaha De Exposition Coupon A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash ONE VOTE fcM Vat, ftr. CUT THia OUT Dec salt at Ba Office or mail to "Kxpoaltioa DopartaaeBt" Ottha Bee Qtnha, Nebraaka. r b99999999999699999999999999t99999999f CUT OUT TMIf COUPON. Orantia Be Exposition Coupon A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash PREPAYMENT COUPON Rt. .Votes for. A44rM. Stan let t (nam). OtnaiM. Me. TtJa oonpoav M areaad r a aaah srrld sjVsortptloo U TNI Mat, ft souis 10 voiitor aach K paid, t votea for aollar paid. . , . 1 A subor1ptioa eaanot fee prefMJ aaui uo aoMHiai oim i oaia dsvb mm wo. a k feo inoo at inau W aiposiuua usparxmaoi, urnu m, a Bee, April a, 1901 Hosiery At 1:41 a. m. an explosion occurred at the right side of the Petropavlovsk; then a second and more violent explosion tinder ita bridge. A thick column Of greenish yellow smoke waa soon to rise from the battleship; Its mast, funnel, bridge nl turret were thrown up and the battleship heeled over on Its starboard side. Its poop arose from the water, showing Its screw working In the air. Tha Petropavlovsk wm surrounded by names and In two minutes tank, bow first. Somn of its crew escaped. The cruiser Oaydsmak. wnlch waa a cable length sway, lowered boata and succeeded In rescuing Grand Diike Cyril and forty-seven eetmeti. The destroyers and boats from the Poltava and Asknld nlto picked up some of the Petropavlovsk's crew. Altogether seven officers and seventy-three men were saved. The Poltava, which waa following the Petropavlovsk two cable lengths astern, stopped Its engines end remained on the scene of tha disaster. At a signal from Rear Admiral ouktom? ky the ether warships made for the harbor, maneuvering toward the Paresvlet In line. A mine exploded under the starboard side of the Pobleda. It listed, but proceeded and entered the harbor with all the other ships astern of It. The enemy remained In sight until I o'clock and then disap peared. The night preceding the sortie of the squadron lights and the outlines of ships were seen In the dlstsnre from the road stead and the commander of the fleet kept watch In person until dawn from the cruiser Diane, ststloned In tha outer road stead. He left tho Diana at o'clock In the morning. In concluding I vake the liberty to an nouncs respectfully that, despite the Ill success which has attended the Pacific fleet, tha crews of the ships retain their morale and are reedv to perform all dutien required of them. The gracious words of your majesty addressed to the seamen at this painful hour cf trial serve as a con solation and a support to all the force In their efforts to overcome the enemy, to the glory of their beloved sovereign and their country. RIMOR OF riOHTIIO IXCOSFIRMED Russians Believe Japanese Are Try Ina- to Outflank Them, LONDON, April 23. Rumors of aevere fighting on the Talu are repeated In var ious forms and from various points. The Shanghai correspondent of Tha Post eaya he hears that tha first Japanese army hna crossed the Talu almost without opposi tion and Tha Chronicle's correspondent at Seoul Says that heavy fighting haa oc curred, but that for strategic reasons it la Impossible to send particulars. No au thentic newa, however, haa reached Lon don ahowing that anything haa happened beyond skirmishing. According to Tha Telegraph's St. Peters burg correspondent, tha Russian strategists are reluctantly arriving at tha conviction that General Kurokl la engaged In tha ad venturous plan of advancing along tha middle reaches of tha Talu river via Kang Oe. and despite enormous difficulties. Is moving hi army over tha mountain paths, hla purpose being to outflank tha Russian position on tha right bank of tha Talu. Ne Newa ef Bombardment. 8T. PETERSBURG, April 22. I :S8 p. m. The Associated Press la authorised to an nounce that tha government at this hour haa received' nothing to confirm tha re part of tha alleged bombardment of New Chwang or the landing of Japanese troops In that vicinity. A. Hart Never Harts After Porter's Antl-eptlc Healing Oil la ap plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heala at the same time. For man or beast. Price. !"c. !'" , 11 -Lai flome stores do a great dent of fussing about Boye' cheap Clothing. We're Interesting parents In wears. iil,i.ipit- iva the newness tnst In every sense the words imply. ffl MfN.ft. 16.50 to 10.06 c&Zf? 15.00 to 10.00 THORNEB tat stem. SELS PERIL" IN JAPANESE fla'uku Tr'.fa!eT SiysThr't Eaoceu Mann: Mongol Control of Alia. KILLS AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN TRADE Russia a Wedge In Mancharla Oaly Thing Which Separates the Two Great Mongol napes Which Japan Would Dominate. (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 19f4.) NEW YORK, April 22-(New York Herald ScrvKc-Spiclul Telegram to The Bee.) That Japan's alleged reasons for go ing to war with Russia were mere pretexts, and that Its success would mean death to American and European commerce and In fluence In the east and a menace to west ern clvlhxatlon, Is the opinion of Baron Ernst Von Hese-Vartegg, a well known traveler and political writer, who arrrlvel today on the Qraf Waldcreee of the Hamburg-American line. Baron von Hessc-Wartegg Is regarded as an authority on matters In the far east, having traveled extensively In that part of the world and his book on the far eaatern questions haa been translated into several languages. He has been Invited to lecture on the subject before German societies hers and In Chicago. "Three main objects are placed by Japan In extenuation of Its action," aald Baron von Hease-Wartegg. "They may be summed up as the preser vation of the Integrity of China, the pol icy of tho open door and the cauta of clv lliratlon. They sound well, but examine them. "The Integrity of China and the Inci dental occupation o'f Corea mean nothing less than the political consolidation aa well aa the geographical union of three Mongol empires, which are now kept arart by the Russian wedge, Manchuria. The military, political and economical leoigan Izatton of China, under the benign Influ ence of Japan, would be forwarded by the collapse of Kuropean power and Influence In Mongol Asia. The yellow race would gain and try to maintain the ascendancy, and this would mean constant danger to white resldenta In that part of tha globe, the domination of paganism, the decline of European and American trade and the realisation of the much decried 'yellow peril.' Door Only Ooen tor Japan. "The so-called 'policy of the open door' means an open door for Japan only. The Japanese, aa all the world knows, are an Imitative race. The whole character of their modern civilisation Is Imitative. The imitate evei . .ilng from an ' Ajnerlcaa pickle to a Krupp gun. Perhaps they don't make them quite as well, but they do them more cheaply and, too, they can make a great deal more than they can use tor themselves. How long dues It tsks a load of goods to reach China from a Ger man or an English port, even from an American shipping point? It only takes a coupla of days to send a oargo from Japan to porta in Manchuria. Besides, the oost of the transportation and tha Insurance are very small. "In Manchuria Japaneaa goods would be dealt In by Japaneaa merchants, who are contented with cheap modes of living and email profits. They are kin in a race and morale to the native' Manohurisns and agree with them In their hatred Of the Eurofeana. "Russia opened up Manchuria with the Transslberian railway , at an expenditure of l.GCO.OOO.OOO rubles. True, It waa for Itself, but It was also for tha rest of Europe. Tha money was furnished hot by Russia, but by other countries. Russia la one of the best markets In the world. Japan Is one of the worst and one of tha moat dangerous competitors. It Is prac tically closed to foreigners, who may not own land, and the small 'trade they onca controlled Is passing out of their hands. "As to the cause of civilisation. Japan haa adopted our Institutions and haa given us nothing In return. They are heathen, and of their morals It Is best not to speak. It must be admitted that they are courage ous and patriotic to a degree, but these qualities are directed against Europeans, whom they despise. VRussla will be weakened by tha preaent war, no matter where victory rests. The Japanese will remain a constant menace to Russia in Asia, Victorious, It will be a constant menace to the whole white race In tha east." , TO START THREE ARMIES TO RIVICR Belief Qeaeral that Japanese Forward SEOUL, Cores, April l-(Vla Shanghai, April U.) The belief ia general hero that ho attempt will be made to cross the Talu river before tha end of this week, by whioh lima tha arrangements for a Concerted Japanese movement, a simultaneous rush toward tha river from thrao Oiatant points, will have been perfected. Tha second Japanese army ia supposed to have left Japan April It and it probably will attempt to land near Port Arthur, while other forces will try to laud on the Manchurian coast near Takuahan, - about fifty-five miles to the west, of the anouth of tha Talu, on tha Tatung Kao, about fifteen miles west of the river's moutli. Tart of the general advance will be to ward Lao Yang, and a division of guards, 10,vKW strong under Major General Inouye. will be the flrat troopa aent aalnet the Husslans at Chlu Tien Cheng, which Is op posite Wiju, on the Manchurian side of tho Yalu.. Major Oeneral Inouye won hia laurela in the tight at Cheng Ju on March U. . The auppllea now being landed at Chul san, near the mouth of the river, on Corean territory, can be forwarded easily to Wlju. not more than twenty miles away. Wlju Is to be the Japanese buse In northern Corta. The artillery and the cavalry constitute tha weak point In the Japanese army. The horsea are not well trained, nor are they strong, and, although tha Japanese cavalry behaved splendidly In recent skirmishes with superior numbers of Cosiacka, It la probable that when the first lot of trained horses la exhausted the employment of a second consignment of raw animals will hamper their movementa. The bowltsers which are now being em barked at Chlnnsmpo are evidently in tended for use In the movementa against Tort Arthur. CHIJEMC OBJECT TO Itt lSIAM ORDER Govorameat Refasea to Aeeept Code Measacaa from Via Kaw. ' TIEN THIN, April tl If Viceroy Alazleff haa declared Yin Kow aa terminus of the imperial Chinese railways, opposite New Chwang, to be within the region under martial law, the management of the Chinese Imperial railways will consider It an un friendly act, aa It waa arranged that Tin Kow should' be considered within a neutral one. Tha Imperial Chinese railways gives uotlce thla morning by telegrsph that it will not receive code messages at Tin Kow. When this is considered, the war corre spondent sow at Mukdaa a4 Now THE ILLUSTRATED BEE w IIESTERN PEOPLE HAVE VV the first place in the nura-be- t.f Iho Illustrated Bee which will be out on Suiuhty, but not to the exclusion of other mat ters of Interest. Ixical topics nre very largely dealt with, Iwth In illustrations find text, nnd yet the ffenernl field is covered with the isii dip en re that lias marked the course of the pnper since Its Incep tion. One of Trederlck I,, rnlnior's letters to Collier's Weekly. Illus trated from photographs made at the front. Is tfven: an Interview with (ienernl Poaell I 'lay ton. t'nltcd States minister to Mexico, tells of conditions, commercially nnd Industrially, In the southern republic; the life nnd romance of a stoker on an ocean liner la prnph Ically recited by William Thorp; the workings of a modern telephone exchange is described nt some lenpth In a special article; the propress that is brine made in the development of Oniiilia's tuslness district Is frtven attention; nil thew articles are Illustrated from fhoto praphs made expressly for The Illustrated Hee. A fine portrait of Henry D. Estabrook, who will be the orator of the diiy on the occa sion of the "elcbratlon of the Ne braska Seint-Centeniilnl in Omaha on May 31, is used for n frontis piece, and in addition the portraits of a number of people who are more or less in the public eye at the moment will be found, each with some bit of chatty comment. The regular departments of the pfiper. with another Installment of the Interesting serial story, will be found carefully made up, and noth ing that would contribute to the general excellence of the f.nmber Iiiih been omitted. If you are not now a subscriber, you should leave your order with your news dealer today. the illustrated chwang will not be allowed to forward news of the slightest Importance. DOUGLAS COUNTY PRIMARIES (Continued from First Page.) counties. He then read tha . resolutions for tha joint primaries. blackbnra la Vote Dot a. Tha resolutions were inatantly opposed by the Blackburn faction. H. M. Waring voiced an amendment to eliminate auch parts of the resolution aa referred to the congressional and national delegates, and N, P. Dodge tacked on a provision for a conference committee of Ave. Then Black burn offered a substitute, In which ho Bought to arrange for primaries to eleot atate delegatea on May IS and to apportion them among the various warda and pre cincts. This was the motion that was put to a vote by roll call. It met defeat by 48 votes to 25. and after that there was no real opposition to tha resolutions. The committee adjourned aa soon as they were adopted. rontrrrsslonal Commltte Meets. The congressional committee met behind cloaed doors In the office of A. H. Burnett In tho Paxton building after tha county committee meeting was ended, and, after several hours' deliberation. Issued the fol lowing: A oonventlon representing the rspubllcnns of 'he Becond congressional district of Nt ornaka is hereby called to meet at the Lincoln hotel In Lincoln, Neb., May 18, 1M4 at t o'clock; a. in., which Convention shall consist of the delegates elected to represent the three counties, Douglas, Barpy and Washington, comprising the Second congrcsslonnl district, in the repub iican state convention, ssld delegates to eject two delegates nnd two alternates to represent the Becond congressional district In the national republican convention and to do no other business. A delegate con vention will be called later by this com mittee to nominate a candidate for con- T. W. BLACKBTRN. Chairman. WEBLET J. COOK. Secretary. "We propose to call our own primaries for the congressional nominating conven tion," said Chairman Blackburn. "It Is violating no confidence to say that tha plan adopted la one I conceived several weeks ago. It will not Interfere with a 'Convention to select delegates to the na tional convention, and at the same time will give the congressional committee an Opportunity to assert Ita rightful suprem acy In thla matter. Credentials given dele gatea elected at the prlmariea May 13 will hot be recognised In the congressional nom inating convention." Raker la Not Pleased. W. 8. Kaker of Oretna. Burpy county's candidal for oongress, does not Ilka the resolutions adopted by the county commtt- ! teo. "It practically disenfranchises 8arpy and Washington counties so far aa making the nomination for congress la concerned," he declared. "Acordlng to the rules the Liouglas county delegates must vote for the candidate who has submitted his name who recelvea tho largest number of votes. This means that whoever wins out In fiouglM has ft cinch on the nomination and the other counties have absolutely no voice In the selection becsuse of their much smaller representation." "Could not a candidate from another county submit hla name to tha people of Douglas?" wss asked. "Possibly," responded Mr. Raker, "but there might ba difficulty because h Is not a resident. In any event It would do hi in no gocd, becauae ha would not receive a plurality of the votea cast." Raasla Waats Warships. PARIS, April 22. Information reaches tha officials here to the effect that Russia Is negotiating with Greece and Argentina for the purchase of warships. ABOUT ONE in THREE COFFEE DRINKERS have some dlseas caused by It. Ask them. They get well if not "too deep" wben they leave off COFFEE and uss POSTUM CASAl CONTRACT IS S1CSED PaDaira WalarwH Row tba Pre; arty of tkt United lU'.ft, TRANSFER PAPERS IN ATTORNEY'S HANDS Stockholders Will Today Ratify Cow veyaace and Formally Ri alga Property la tho Canal lest, PARIS, April 22. The Associated Press Is authorized to announce that the con tract by which the ownership of the Pan ama canal passes to the United States Is signed, sealed, delivered and completed. The title to the canal rouM Is now1 vested In the government of the United States. The document by which this transaction Is consummated bears the signatures of President Bo and Director Rlchman of the Panama Canal company, who signed for the company as Its responsible offi cers. The transfer is complete and .without restrvation end the United States secured a perfect title. This result has been quietly acccmpllshed and unexpectedly ss the public had been given to understand that the contract would not be executed until after the meeting of the stockholders of tho Panama Canal company tomorrow, at which the question of ratification would be presented. When the meeting take place tomor row President Bo will announce that the sale haa been completed, and Instead of asking for authority to execute a future contract It will only remain to ratify the contract of sale which the officers of the comapny have already formally com pleted. Only a few of the highest officers of the company are now aware of the secret which will not be known except by this announcement In the United States up to the time of the meeting. It Is confidently believed that the completion of the ssle before the meeting will Increase tho vote for ratification, ss It will be recognised thnt nothing more remains but to ac quiesce. When W. A. Day and Charles W. Rus sell, United Btatea assistant attorneys general, who sre In Tarls to assist In the trsnsfer of the property, were seen to night by the Associated Press they re luctantly admitted that tho transfer had been consummated and furnished the fol lowing offlclsl statement in writing: The pnpers transferring the rights snd property bv the new Panama Canal com pany to the United Plates have already been STeeuted and delivered. They will be ratified tomorrow afternoon by the et"ekholiters' meeting. The srrsnirement includes a general con veyance and provisions for depdo and reflsnstlon In the republic of Penem snd In the canal sone now under th 1url!dle tlon of the United P stes. under which sone the civil lew continue In foce bv fe'on of the pension n' the -on" f'oni " civil lsw sovereignty. All fr-nrMMes of the local lsw on 'the Isthmus hsve bei errnnpred for and secured to the United Btstes. The property will shortly be, de'vred on the Isthmus snd voon that being dons the purchase price will be paid. Ths full tert of the principal documents will be made public tomorrow rtlRht. Tha United Btstes gets an unencumbered title. HANG THREE BANDITS (Continued from Flrat Page.) few steps away. Into Marx's room. When the two faced each other Marx said: "Harvey, I hope to see you soon, and I think we will meet again." Van Dine seemed to be mora affected than Marx. He replied: "I hope so." Marx said: "I am ready," and went to tfho scaffold with the priests. Preparatory to tho third execution tha rope was tested with a bag of sand. It was feared the strands might have become weakened by the strain of the two previous hangings. The rope, however, was found to be satisfactory. Why Men Were Haaged. Tho specific offense for which Van Dine, Nlcdermeler and Marx were tried und sen tenced was the murder of Frank Stewart, a clerk In the Chicago city railway car barns, during a robbery there on the morning of August to, 190 J. James B. Johnson, a m toiman, was also killed and two peraona were wounded. The bandits escaped after having secured 2,Mu. Rocskl waa not con cerned In thla crime, but after tha convic tion of his companions waa tried sepa rately for one of the murders In which he waa the principal, convicted and sentenced to Ufa imprisonment. On January 6 the trial of Niedermeicr, Vsn Dine and Marx, who had been Indicted the day after the capture, began. But lit tle testimony favorable to them waa of fered. No defense at all waa mad for Nledermeier. The aged mothers of Marx, Nledermeier and Van Dine were In court during the progress of tho trlst, as ware widows of some of the men who had been slain. Nona of tha bandits had yet reached t)it age of 26 years. Following are tha names of persons they Were known to have murdered: Bauder, Otto, In aaloon of Ernest Spirts, July , im. Lagross, Benjamin C, In his saloon, Au gust 1. Johnson, Adolph, In saloon of Benjamin C. Lagross, August 1. Johnson, J. If, motorman. In robbery of Chloago City railway car bsrns, August 50. Htewart, Frank, dark, In robbery of Chi cago City railway barna, Auuust 30. Qulnn. John, detective, while trying to arrest Marx, November 11. Driscoll. J. D., detective, wounded by Nledermeier in light at "Dug-out," Novem ber 27, died December 1. Sovla, John, urakemart. when bandits Stole train In Indiana, November f7. SEBKAbKA kews KOTES. EXETER. Neb., April !t (Special.) The Exeter Woman's club entertained about twenty-five of their elderly friends at the home of Mrs. J. N. Cox Wednesday, April to, from 2:to to l p. m. After having their regular program for the day tnterxpemed with music the guesta were escorted to tables beautifully OVeorated with carna tions, and refreshments mere partaken of. PLATTBMOUTH, Neb., April 2J.-8pe-cial.) The Board of County Commissioner has adopted a resolution authorising the enforcement of chapter Ixxv of the session lawa for 1903, which Is known a the "eavenger set." and directing County Treasurer Wheeler to proceed to collect all delinquent taxes or those which will become delinquent on May 1 In Csss county. STELLA, Neb., April z2.(Spectai.)-MIa Clara Btolts was opening a fruit jar with a butcher knife whin the Instrument slipped and cut a deep gash In her arm sbove tho wrist, just missing an artery, it required three stitches to close the wojnd. 8 P. Hinds has sold his residence prop erty to M. J. Clancy and is parkins up preparatory to moving to Ksnsas City. Sir. Hinds was Missouri Pacific agent here for the lust seven years. HOOPKR, Neb. April 22. 8eolal. Aaron Btenvers. the young man who waa accidentally shot last bundav morning, died on Thursday afternoon at :X o'clock The Injuries, which at first were thought not to be serious, were found afterward to extend further than waa supposed, and a number of the shot took effsct In the abdomen, und the patient suffered Intense pain until death relieved his bufferings. The funeral will be held from Bt. Paul's Luthersn church next Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. FREMONT, Ntb., April 22 (Bpeclal.l Thoinas Adams and some other parties have lea m-1 a lot north of ths new union depot of Mrs. Nancy Turner and will at once begin tne construction of s new hot I. designed especially for railroad and tran sient trsde. Tha building will be two stories In height, about ninety (eel dep. will contain a restaurant and about twenty-five rooms for guests. Mr. Adams was formerly a railroad msa umil he loal so arus la aa oUUuU eouditlua of the Oldest CIUS. w. LttUN, rru. J. A. SttDMUW, Pre. Ft Cirr savings bw";) . lease Is that no liquors shall be kept or sold on the premises. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. April I2.-(Speelnl -The cold and dismal weather of the Inst week wound up last night with a soaking rain, and this morning the mm came out and iho thermometer made a decided Jump, bringing all kinds of vegetstlon up at -a rapid rate. Fruit growers are delighted at the present prospects of a bountiful crop, ss the severe westher has checked the growth of the hurts snd kept them out of the way of tha frost. F.d Hughes, a young laboring man In the employ of Cooper ft Linn, millers, wss the victim of a serious accident last evening. He fell downstairs, striking on his leg In such a manner as to crush the thigh bone badly. PAPILLION, Neb., April Ti-8peclBj -Mrs, Ellen Woods of Fort Crook hsa filed a suit In the district court In an endeavor to recover 15,0(0 damages from Frank Ketchmark, a saloonlst of that place, and his bondsmen, Adolph Bruckner nnd I). Lttrsen. In her petition Mrs, Woods de clares that upon April 20, lfiC, her son. Ed ward Woods, became intoxicnted at Ketcli ninrk's saloon, and that while tinder the influence he laid down on the Missouri Pa cific tracks and wss run over nnd killed. As a result of trying to have a drunk upon bs.y rum Walter Dunning, a private In Company A, Thirtieth infantry, lies iIshJ at Fort Crook. Dunning wss company har bor and drank the liquid, not realising Its probable effect. ANSLET, Neh.. April 22. (Special. ) A heavy rain visited this county yesterday. It ruts the ground In excellent condition. There was considerable complaining about the lack of moisture before the heavy rain of yesterday. The dairy Interests of this vicinity Is folng to make great progress this yesr, ully B0 . per cent Increase will be made over 1S03, when $10,0uQ was received nnd pnld out for crenm at Annlcy and a like amount nt Mason City. C. C. Tabor, a workman at the Burling ton cunl sheds, was dangerously hurt Tuea day by a chunk of coal falling some thirty or more feet snd striking him. For a time It was thought his back was broken, but Inter this proved untrue. At the pres ent time he Is not expected to get well. TECUMSEH, Neb.. April Ui. (Special. ) The senior class of the Tecumaeh High sehool Includes fifteen members, four boys and eleven girls. It Is presumed that all will graduate. The graduating exercises will be held at the opera house Friday evening, May 27, The Biownvllle Biograph has discon tinued. Mr. J. A. Ranney has been giving the people of the old river town a good local psper, but It did not pay. Willis m Hohne, the 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hohne of Bterling, has been sent to the reform school. Mr. and Mrs. Hohne came Into the county court of Johnson county snd declared they could i nl i ontrol the bov. At a special meeting of the Board nf Education of the Tecumseh district Miss Katherine Wood of Madison. Neb., was clcctel principal of the high school. The Tecumseh Military hand has reor- Jsnlsed for the season and Is practicing or the open air ooncerte to ba given each Tuesday svenlng during the simmer. Tha nrst one win De given Tuesday evening. May I BEATRICE. Neb.. ADrll 81. (Bpedal.) Uavm JLiituejonn, residing sdoui nucen miles northeast of Beatrice, was badly In- lured In a runaway accident at Ms rarm Wednesday evening. He was thrown under tne wagon, wnicn passed over mm, oraaa Ing three ribs snd bruising his body. Prof. M. 8. Calvin, for the last twenty years at the head of the musical depart ment of the Beatrice publio schools, yester day tendered hts resignation to take effect St the cloae of the present school year. The Beatrice District institute of the Methodist Episcopal church, which has been in session here for the last three days as a school of Instruction for ministers and laymen, closed yesterday afternoon. Vesper chspter No. . Order of tha East ern Star, met last night and elected the following officers for tha coming year: Bister Coulsa Bpellman, worthy matron; V. W. Wright, worthy patron: Sister Delia Palmer, sssoclata matron; Sister Myrtle Hare, secretary; Bister Lizzie Linton, treasurer; Sister Kittle Flake, conductress; Sister Edna Miller, associate conductress. Word was received here yesterday by Mrs. Harry Qldrilngs , that her brother, Will liorton, a former resident of this city, had been killed at Moberly, Mo., by the cars. Mr. Borton was a railroad man and It Is supposed he met his death In the yards at Moberly. He was S3 years of age and leaves a wife and three children. Tne remains will be Interred at Wymore. NEBRASKA CITf, Neb., April 22 (Spe cial.) Marshall Bradley, one of the lead ing druggists here, was taken suddenly 111 yesterday and Is threatened with pneu monia. The doctors today entertained but little) hope of his recovery. COLUMBUS, Neb., .April 22. (Special.) There are three cases of scarlet fever under quarantine In this city and there has been one death this week, a 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ixnils Zlnnecker. A child of Mrs. Edward Klnton Is said to be very low and not expected to live. The rases ars said to be of a very mallgnnnt form, but eery precaution Is being tiiken to prevent any contagion. One caae of smallpox two miles from town Is under the care of the County Bonrd of Health. Owing to tho continued cold, wet wentner many of the early sown oats have rotted In the ground and reports from several parts of the county say these fields sre bclns Dlowed ui) and replanted Oats sown Inter have not been affuctud. Winter wheat Is said to bo looking very good In thla part Of the state. At the last meeting of the city rottncll the rules were suspended nnd the ordinance forbidding the use of giant flrecrnckers nnd toy or blank cartridge pistols was read tha second time. No firecracker over three Inches In length enn be used for celebrating purposes or even offered for sale, and any violation is punishable by ft fine not exceed ing in). A crmmlttee of the Woman's club waited upon the council and naked for un appropriation of about $T0 to prnvids sew erage for n drinking fountnln to be erected In Frsnklln park. The Woman's club will place the fountain at a cost of 1V, hut hfl no funds shove this amount. The city will meet the deficiency and plenty of good, oool water will be on tap at the park. Ten free trips to the World's Fair aaeh week- Bee coupon on page t CARTER'S ITTLC IVER 1 1 PILLS. CURE f lek Hesilsebs and relieve all the uuubles hMsV daat to a biliuss suus ef tf.t t.iin..u as Iia slnaas, Nantes, Drowainc. Pitlrcat aftaf as ting, Pals la tbt Bide, sfce. Wfeils ssoet tsstsck bin euect.t list beta sbuva In taring lOK- Ssdscht.r C'srtar'tLitUe Llr l'UJt era tqaafly valuable is ConuNwtiou, coring sad prcvaaung lint uiaojrisg cumU:at, whii ikry alto eurrect all disorders of the stlmuisit lbs liver and ttgalsie the bowsla. JCica it tiuy only ear4 rb they would botlu.o.t pricclrea to tsese wb suffer from this di.trcatisg roBisUiat ; bat forta sal air ibsir goodaeet drx-t not cud brre, tne toots woo one try tbam will ftad that lilt! Piilt vala ! ia to mr ways that the will not bt wuuag 4owlUuialiaem. Jlal after all sick bead T. Y,W.. r.1 k ... M.nv that tlCT It 1 stake ear grass buaau Oar UU out U waus ethers So SOL - Carter's Lit He LWtr Wlls ars very saufl tag eery aaty lo Uke. Uses two situ " Tsey si auu ii visbl snd do n.ii gripe ts purge, but by tbf'.f senile sciloB pl'tte U whs rtt tkewj. la vtala it r eer.ii: fl : U 6w Vy lTBg-iSt f rerysbw. ' CJLKTlili Jf EDICIKE CO., Jfcv York Cltj AGIK1 City Savings Bank I6 h and Douglas Streets. DEPOSITS DRAW t PER CENT PAYABLE ON DEMAND. and 5trnirtt Savings Bank In tht State JOHN P. UC. Treat. W.HILLIS, Auk Tress Ths Onty Doubt Track Railway between tha Missouri River and Chicago. AILY TRAINS nulUI TO CHICAGO 8.25 pm THE OVERLAND LIMITED Manafflesntanlld S.llr ml o Oliiosso. Omeje. ment nt trtn.rai lt,tft rr. Uhrsn. Imse btrbsr. bth. tclepboB. dining en a orasrrsUoa Mr. ElMtrio lichfed thrasf bout. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS ?nllmtm Marl ptsfl mn &4 fccW . lrtaiDg r mm from Olintna. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Fnllmsn drswlne room and teurlH laplnf ear, fn. rwlinlni can, bullet library and making US, During rum. 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3ft ill Illra.ndrawlng-rnawglatngmrg.tnin1"! (Ill AH .moling and llbrnr? c.r. gn frm rerun " tng chMr cr to CMmmto. Dining car. If 4f1 ill Ttirmigh Mretae Omaha ta Chlrsso I All AM North -WMUrn irt.nd.rd d.r ooaeh.4 "m and f pm obair or.. I'll, log c.r.. 4r)f nil Pre r.r. to Ohleagn. Pullman 1 r U !pl.a or from AiKMioCtilrsso. ins- 1 " ing ssr Mrrlns brM.fut. 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS 7 50 AM ohJr"MoB e "' rlor ear asa 81 C BIJ Pollm.n kwrtns Mr, fcnff.t library t 13 fas ear. trM runlngohir or. BLACK HILLS 2Cfl Dli ToFramont,LlnMln,Wgihoo,nftviarHr. 9U rM fork, HaMtlnsja, smart, ttnT, Hup I tor, worioist. JLon mpr, nor, nprinw. toAftwood tsnd Lm Through ftoHntna obftir Carat Pullman tlspfo car vrriosx 111 Ta IframnnL T.tnttols. Ws.'iAA. Norfolk. Fr" Lotis Pin, Ytrs).r, Bon, an.1 ttift ad in tat. IX; ration ftountir- CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street. HAND SAPOLIO CLEANSES stained fingers absolutely, removing not only every suggestion of dirt but also any dried, half-dead skin that disfigures the hands, and this in so gentle, wholesome a way as to materially benefit the xemaining cuticle. Novate (sssv Inserts Pure,5eft, Whits Skis) V aas a Bssatlfnl Cataplexies . J mmfeaamn sat Tetter. eolalelr and Fersiaotntly 4 removes Blackbtadt, Free- DerBS-UoraM Soas a (set tkia It Injured. ) aM fcf Druggist, sr attvbeerserte Slrset Densut-Kcyeas, tl par betU. aapsa swld. Xleraaa-aieyale Beat, aa eenta, ay aaai. Hoik la iMsekturw, SLao. srepr astM. Trk DvrssawilayeUa Caw Otaalaaati, O. SCUAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORE. Oca aha, Mas.. aa4 Boata Omaha. Near. SEALRES & SEARLES Omaha. Nab. Cures Guarantee! QUICKKH and for 1,ESS MONEY THAN ALL, OTHKKS- cures all special dless of men kidocy. bladder sad diseases 01 srguiia Blood Poison cur,d fo oou .ln. UleUU ruieUil (.mptotn. sorus on body, la mouth, ittugus, threat, hair and eyebrows, fulling out) disappear completely forever. Vnrlrnaa Vslns ruptured, enlarged ami knul lailbVsl IBIUs tJ, cur,d wltUoutout- litis, pain ur loss of time,. Never falls. Quickest curs In tba world. Vlak UsnriUa Uin from exbauaUou, watt lllaa, 161111 MSB Jug weakne.t, nervous aeblihy, early decline, lack of vigor and atrviig'.n. TiauUnent by mail. 14 yera HUCCKtmtrUL. IN UatAUA Corner f Uia and Ltouglaa strsets. OMioMtistrs a ti.. EfiriVROYAL PILL j -v Urialeel i Ual. U.mul. tor (HKHhSTFU'ii KNtiLlktl 1 Ki ll ..4 Mull. MM. M.U4 I'lMxrikM.. J'.li. ee elker. liefaM aaeaeree. Betetlleitee. aad I.lle Mm S tl ?..t SiMfi!. m4 4. e naM fcr P.rU.aUrb 1miI.Ui. MM 'HrlUt f.r ll. l, I .n Mali. is. tee r..ti..uu. sil kr an bru4tu kl.k.r t'krvleei mm. aledlM Sefa I'Uli.S kAm TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Subscribe Keif, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oat Dollar a Year. AstLSlCMRHTS. BOYD'S Ww5wM'.rM.t.r.ur'eM THIS AFTKHIOO lOMfJUT THE ROSE CECILIA SHAY GRAND OPERA COMPANif. Hils Aftsrnoon-CARMKV. Toiilgbu-Tlllfi MUHKMIAN CURL. jTlces c, tmu, 70c, II UO. Mutlnie Toda-, Xu and too. l KUAf AMD MONDAY DANIEL SULLY Iticphnnt oSl. EVERY NIOHT MATI.VFEfl THURSDAY. BAllKUAr, DI'MlAV. Modern Vaudeville Marcels Art Btudlea ti ftua JUIIff", Mldglev A Carlisle, Clura I!all rinl. lull Link, IXiulse. lirehaney, Trmk A lludJii, iiallerlnl s Liogs, and the Kiuwdruiau. I'rllnS U)C, awO. Mia. KR.UG THEATER 15-25-50-75C iTOMCiflT at 8:18 Fun and Music Gideon's Georgia CairtD Mretlng ilATI.N'tU; SATURDAY Sett ti-uts. 25c eunduy Muilnta TUB STAIN OV UUlLT" JS$m 6T XT l 13 ng$e DOCT 0 u SI-'.j-SV'.VN astMuu