II TIIE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AmiL 23. lOOf. SPECIAL NOTICES Aevertlsetarats tor these nliam Mill tafcea til II m. for Ike fvealnar adllaa anil ill H r. m, far lbs mora In a; aa Sandae- edliloa. ' Rata., 1 l-3e a ward first laaertlnn. I a want mtrrxlur, 5iainc taltan for laaa thaa Koa for 4he Irtt Inser. flaw. These att vertlaaateata Baas tae ran ewaeaeatlvely. Advertisers, hr rialn a nam real eberk. ran kTt aaaeeere ad. dressed fa a Barn here 4 latter In rara f T"he Itee. Aniwrti a addressed l!l b delivered! aa ratl-aj of flia eheck nnlr. MISCFLLAXKOIS. BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Lift Bldg., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in all tranches. Catalogue free. The Nebraska Seed Co. Open to 6 to p. rn. Saturday and Monday to p. rn. 1513-1514 Howard. J R 862 JJ CiRAVFI rRJvEWAYa andTrtF- VjrVAVCU FICIAl, STONE WALKJ. E. D. Van Court, 103) N. 16th. Tel. lm. A-m j it CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. . Phllbln, 15 Farnam ana epp. Union station. Tela. 7M and 16;. R-4W3 OMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe- , elalty of fire euro pen, shutters, doors and safea. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 fl. loth st. R-st.4 H: D. M HA VERLY EXPERT ACCOCNT ANT, 212 BEJ5 BLDti. PHONE tJ"i, R-foj - Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 7U S. 14th. T. f5. R-8 fini nS'IAER. NICKEL Plating O-n. VJUI-Ui-i.tlngCo,. 15u Hsrpty. Tel. S".J R-817 CITY SAVINGS BANK paya 4 per rent- K-l RIPYn PQ rARSEN'B '04 mcdel la LMVv I V-l-C J beat. Ijtrga lira of bkyrlo tindrlee at bottom prices. Tel. F. Wi, 1423 N. 24lh. R-MU3 Mj EAGLE Loan Ofllrei reliable, ireommniiat ,lng; all business eonftdenlla.1. laol Doug-Inn. ' R-670 J$X PRESSMEN'S pellvery Co.. moving and storage. 314 N. 14th. Tel. 1105. K-4K1 LOCKSMITH rthR lirktf- N R-878 ni-ri-Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A w vChi talnnaon, tS21N, 20th. Tel. IfiM. R-29 .ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans easaponia, vaulta, remove garbage, deid anlmala; reduced, prices. 621 f, 14. Tel. 1779. R-S74 PUBLICITY DESIGNS VHEA TON.' In The Bee bldg-. R.-47S "STRONGEST In tie world," the Eqnlta- me are Life Assurance society, Its pollrlea alght drafta at maturity. It n. Ncely, manager, Mercnania National Ban bid. Omaha, Neb. R B78 IQN painting, 8 H- Cola, W02 Pmigtas. R-877 ALli kinds carpenter work; repairing iiromptly attended to. J. T, Ochiltree, nth and Lake. P-70 FOR noon luncheon try the Karbach ree taurant; reaaonabla prlaea. 418 6. 11th at. CTXrTHBa preaaed, altepad. Youeen. Pa. ton hotel UUof. R 881 BPECTACLE8. II; examination free, W days only. U. 8. Optlclana, V& N. 16th. R 188 TRACIN08, blue prlnU and working draw Inga. Suea aV Co., Omaha, 'Phone 1A3S. H 237 Aprils PERriELD Piano Co., Bea Bldg.; no Inter, aat, fionoat valuea, aay term. R lilt M. O. BMITH. plumbing, lit N. Hi Tel. tmt. Rba BTOVH atorage and repairing. Hughea Btnve Repair Worka, B17 Cuming at. Tl. F-tat R-a 25 PHOTOS, wo. Btudlo, 111 N. 18th, epp. P. O. R-U Thla ta the day WW GIVE PHOENIX BICYCLES A WAT With $36 eaah you pay at Louie Fleacher'a, 16S1 Capitol Ave. ' Hartford tlrea, M OO. R MITT as TP,0,',, and repaired. Jackson OIUVDOuroi. Pegg, 711 N. U h. Tel. lam. R-M473 April O. B. KOCH, tinner, t717 N. Hth. Tel. L-14S. Agent for Columbus roof eement paint. R-t7 Jell I CLEAN, dye, repair elothaa. VA N. lftth. R M809 JelH CARPET eleaplng, J, Wood, SOU Clark. Tel. F-3071. R.Mld& STOVES STORED IKt Pouglas. Tel. fea. Omaha Bt. Rp Wks. BICYCLES! BICYCLEST OMAHA BICYCLE CO., lth and Chicago. BRICK contractor. J. r, Haaly. iKt Clark. R-MH M14 CCH1KINO, heating, gaa. gaaoMp stpves re paired. City Btove Rep'r W'ka. Tel. l.Strt. v RMSafl MU PEKTIEI.D Piano Co.. Bee Bldg ; ne IrT- 701 Printing Beat work In city. 1611 Capitol Ave H W. MA'aa, Plumber. 11:4 N. Mth. Tel. IIONFELI). the ANT IO I' ARIAS', 8?j N. Y. Life, paya hlgheat price for books Tel. Ill ID-I1ANU furniture; high prlcea. Tl. 20i0. . Chicago Furniture Co., Hlu pudg. N-811 l,nno FEATHER beda i-i;iow and bo7teri niKHWl trabii rii; paiu. f. A. K.. W1 loth. N-i7l Ml WANTEI Oood family hnraa large enough fi aurrey, J. , Lumpir)"'). 17m nrnl Houglaa N-M4C3 WANTED Several thnuvnnd feet of gmid bhiegraa od on grxund or delivered; offers wnttj H i I ufll'-e. . N - - U . j J4j ri-uinkTs. JlKSa BWOIlOUA, 11S Farnam. -M7 U. HENDERSON. U19 Fariiani Ls7nT h price Hat of cut tlowera au4 pianta. m -jri tf ALFRED DONAOtlL'K, JR., 107 rrnan lei lX. jJ TREF.S. sjmcHsTnvnwKRa- From the F W. Meneray t'rceui Ntiriery t'u., s ailles fruni I'mahn. Largiat a a, eortment giuaa In the wvet F.iiwrrlug ahiuba, heavy tlurnua. beauties We can I'leaee ut bulk In prl.e ani ajul ty taiea ground. 21st and Furi.an, where aturk that fulla lo grow la iua r- llaced accuidlng to iitiact G, 11. Keyes. Onmh, Sl'g'r. 1'liuiiy l7 MJ.4 Ma,y WIT. ITKAYKD-w hlte bull lerrUr Uig: year old. light yell' Bpft over left eye, tut u4 tall cuii whii wore a laise ui lnr. Uetui i or notify Hi'ktTtun bri e , Sie e. uin it, ana receive rnwtru. . J.i.3t-li S tOBT Pocketbok. Ihqrrty evening, con tiilniHB L a luoxrv and taluil.ln i, pers; aaate aad addrcaa ua aatMre. Finder biaavae return receive reward WAITED MALE HELP. Summer School Ws are going to have the largest Bummer Behool we have ever had. It will be for those a ho desire a ahort course In Honk kipping, Shorthand. Typewriting. Tele gmpliy and Penmanship. It will begin about the 2i th of June and last until Pcpt. 1. Tchere, bookkeepers, atetioaraphers and telegraph operators can review. Class for puhile school children a specialty. Cata logue free. Write OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLbGE 17lu and Douglua Btreut. MEN to loam barber trade, free rallrond tare upon our mliure to convince you of tnla being tna Hh.nr, largest and only re liable, n. om ptHcilcal bertier college In tnia accunn. v rite for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, OmahH, Neb. B HI WANTED FOR U. 8. A FIM Y Able-bodied unmarried men between egrs ol 21 and im; cltlaena of I'nlted fciutes, of g.Mi character and temperate hablta, wlio can speuk, reaa and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th and Dodge eta., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B-M1M MAN to visit retail trade for mercantile house; salary, 1-4 weekly; expenses nd vnnced; previous experience unnecessary. National, Caxton, Chicago. U MK77 U IAKGK anetern paint manufacturer wunts reepnnaloie innii or firm to take ex clusive Omaha and Neoraaka agency; niunufaclurer will do extensive adver tising for asent's benefit. 1 he paint la a leader wneiuvor introduced. Address H 45, Bee oflloe. B S1 PORTER WANTED Must have experience In a mercantile store. Firnt-claaa refer ences required. J. L. Brandels Bgna B MiWJ UX WANTBD Partner to manage permanent business In Omaha; sober, reliable, en torprlHlng; tit week salary; cush capital reijulred; half Interest; good, hon orable opportunity : referencea eichangcd. Address Henry Willmeriiig Vanaunt, Pe. orla. 111. B MJi S3x WANTED At once. 28 teams; I months work; $4.i per day; bring wngon. Call at iXB H, nth at., Omaha, or the worka, 1 mllea north of old fair grounds at Counoll Bluftp.. Illinois Central Co. Works. B 406 CLERK or BRIQHT TOUNG MAN to fit f'ir (iov't Position. Starting aulary ISCO. I'romotlona aa desarved. 1. C. I , Box 670, Cedar Rapids, la. B 4oJ 20x WANTED Traveling salesman with Intel ligence, experience, energy and ehurocter. Heferri ces required. No satnplea. Ad dress, giving age. references and full partioulars, II 49, Ben. , B M422 24 ARB YOU SATISFIED With your preaent position or salary? If not. write us for plan and booklet. Ws have openings for managers, secretaries, advertising men and solesmen: also tech nical, clerical and txecutlve men of all kinds, high grade exclusively. Offices in twelve different cltlea. HAPQOOD8 (In corporated), lit Chemical bldg., 8L Lou la B- WANTED Men everywhere) good pay; to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. 11 M 467 24 x ONE experienced aoda djapeneer, capable of making own syrups; salary, 112.00 per week. Four commercial travelers, famil iar with hardware trade In Iowa, Illi nois, Kansas and Nebraska. Two hotel clerks. Four travelers for hats and glovea. Two experienced telephone girls. Western Hef. Bond Ass n., 40-841 N. Y. Life. B-M468 23 WANTED Everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Bun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B M466 23x WANTBD -Experienced salesman for coun try and small towns; must be temperate and come well recommended; state Bal ary expected, etc. Bourlclus Piano Hotiae, Council Bluffs. Iowa. B-J4467 2x FIRST-CLASS sodawater dispenser. H. B. Graham, Hth and Farnam- WANTED F ESI A LB HELP, ANYONE need of housekeeping or man and ivtfe call Canadian office, Uth and Dodge. c-m LADIES for work at horn stamping World's fair souvenirs; steady. 66 Doug las bldg., ppp. Haydans. C Mm A26 WANTED Girl for general housework. im Oeorgla avs. C 6W WOMAN not over 40 as housekeeper In Omaha family of three male adults on May 1; a permanent position to one ca pable of doing all the work- Address, stating references as to character end honesty, H 12, Bee. C M8S MISS HILDSTRVM. the Bkln and Scalp Specialist, will teach two competent wo men facial, scalp massage, snampooing and bust development, Tree of cliarge. Miss Hlldatrum will leave Omaha next month and w)l have many customers, and wishes to teach her methods to some one who may continue the work success fully. C-M843 a WANTED Child's nurse; references re quired. Inquire 4123 Farnam. 0-M363 23 WANTED Agents to solicit orders for tapestry painting; big money. Vii 8. ldth. O-lbl Mil v"ANTED-Neat girl for general house- null, f ivv ait aamiljr. mvo rtqiuntlll. C-M3l4 24x WANTED Olrl for general housework; no waaning references remlred. Apply li N-Jpt h- ' C ta E4 WAKfTUP SITl'ATIOKS. H. C. THOMAS, 1208 O atreet. Lincoln, Neb.i wo pieaaea 10 accept a position Wltn some buslnuas anterprlau or company that would pay a fair salary, with opportunity for something better, provided have neces sary ability; referencea furnlshtd. A 101 14 POSITION wanted by competent account ant, tunce manager, credit man and audi tor; best of references. Address Box did, Omaha. A M 120 84 FOR HK!)T Fl HMSUbn HUtlMS. ROYAL HOTEL, European, i8tj, A Chicago. DKWEY. European hotel, 13th and Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha hleHin Laupdry, 1760 Luaveaaqrlh. 'Phone A-lTsl. B-g Q. M. M. hauls trunks. Tel. til. E Duo $1 J PER WEEK. Doran house, 422 8. lth. E-SUl VIENNA HOTEL, ion Farnam: flne rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.;opeii nights. E-S02 LARUE, warm room; ateam heat; Capitol ave. EV-M720 NICE furnished room a 124 N. 16th. E 645 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor, hju Dudge St. H -tsMi THE FARNAM. llth and Farnam Ri. E n THREE furnished rooms, light houseSeep- iia. an- o. aim nt . rj LA ROE all modern front room; Walnut Hill and Harney cars, ia month. 3.'10 Cunting Bt. E-UJta !3 NICELY furnished single room: gentle man only, 411 N. mi. E M440 2ax I.ARtiK front room; also back parlor, neatly furnlnhed; rcaaonable. i N. ISth. E M441 26 X ELKOANTI.Y furnished parlor; walking dtaitance, ri34 Farnam, top flat. K-M44J 3l TWO nicely furnished ronma for gentle men. Tel. tiH. rai Farnam. second flat. E-M443 26x I.ARQE room, suitable for 4 men; sope suitable fur I nten. 1:32 Farnam lao E-MtU NICELY furnluhed single room.M707 Cass E-M447 2x IM 8. 16th, nicely furnished rm. K.-M44K X LARGE room, suitable for t 1101 Fate nam aurri. i-J Mi63 tfcx NU'ELT furnished rooms, valklne; dla- unit?. 13.U tioage. -WW (SX 11) DA VENPORT Nicely fu rshed room. -M4o0 x NICELY furnished rooms, S3 nmiD-lsai t L-M4u2 Km Everybody Reads This Some of than will Jind your Want Ad the important thing in the paper. The Bee prints Ads. Dee Want Ads bring best returns. Bring your Want Ad to tht BEE and get a good Jiook i'rte.See FIRSISHED ROOMS AD HOARD. I'TOriA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F-9U4 Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16tb & Chicago. F-Wi Fine location, lawn and shade, gentlemen preferred. 2216 Farnam. F-3tt4 2lx lfflT CA88, rooms and board. F M41 M21 ST. JAMES hotel, day board, meal tickets M 80. F-M438 M2II 1818 DODQK, nicely furnlrhed rooms; board. F-M446 26 NICELY furnished large room, shadn, torches and lawn, bU N. toth. 'Phone 78S. F-M446 26x TWO nicely furnished rooms; board. The Bhelton, 46tl, and Dodge. 'Phone F3314. F-M44 2UX 8INOLK room well furnished; board. 1701 podge street. FrM4til x FOR. SALE MISK ELLANEOIS. ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. VI-IjV 100 KINDS of Mineral Water, Ehern-.an dt MuConnoll Drug Co., Omaha. J Kil lEtONU-HANP billiard and pool tables; billiard UnOifcs repaired; large slock cueap bar natures, cigar counters, 'iiio liruns-Wtck-tJalke Coiiender Co., 407-S 8. lutli. 150 WATCHES, 75 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Oitic e, 1401 Douglas, WB RENT Bewlpg machine, 75o week. We repair and aell parts for every machine manutiiutursd. becond-hand machines from lii.oo to liu.uo. Nebraska Cycle Co., Phone 166. Corner 16lh and Harney. -4115 FOR BALE Several soholarshlpa in a first class atundurd school lit Oinuna, compris ing complete couraie. in business, sirort tiand uJid typewriting. Inquire at ilea oillce. W 162 FOR 8ALE Cheap, old Ink barrels.. Apply to the pressroom of The liee. y iu FOR SALE Will seli at a discount a sohol arshlp in one of the best Omaha business colleges. Address F 15, Bee. Q--M801 FOR SALE Second-hand safe, soda foun tain and National cash register, Ricli-mund-Derlght Co., 1308 Faiuam. Q Ul7 DENSMOKliJ typewriter, in good condition, fur I2u, No. 1011 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. S67. w-iYtwa SECOND-HAND furniture, carpets of all kinds, lowest prices. Western Furniture Co., 1414 Dodge. Q M837 A I TELEPHONE poles; long . fir Umbers; cheap chlckeq tence. vol Pouglas. g-MU35 HEAVY, full leather top buggy In good condition; Drummond make; 150; also harness. Johnson tfe Panforth, 8. W. Cor. loth and Jones. Q-M191 Ml FOR BALE, rails of all weights; also awltchaa, frogs and cars for sidetracks and tramways, locomotives, ateam shov els and contractors' tools. We niake a specialty of cutting rails to any lengtb desired. M. Mltshkun Co., Detroit. Mich. W Mm ID-HAND safe. Bwartx, Hatter, U4 8. lata. 4 44a Jya WAREHOUSES scales cheap. Bam'l Burns. W44 Mil HOO, Poultry, I .awn, Farm and Railroad Wire Fence. Wire Works, till B. lth 8t. Tel. 1580. Q M387 Jy FOR SALE Oldsmobile, 4i0. Price de creases 110 daily alter April II until sold. 20 Bea building. Q-MU FOR SALE New - and second-hand aulo mobllea F. W. Bacon, Baum Iron Co., Omaha, Q-i.71 MU IND-HAND automobile cheap. Powell Au tomobile Co. u 7S STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and Retail.1 HARNESS and SADDLES; everything con sidered, cheapest on earth; everything hand-made; union shop; headquarters tor axle grease and whips. J. U. ULEbSINU, 831 N. 26th, Bo. Omaha. Q MiiKI SMOKE Auditorium Brick, 'Bo cigar. Q-ttOO TAR We sell TAR. Write for prlcea or 1-Unl.nM til , . n 1 . n r..m 1 ' 1 OA K and Lincoln ave., Omaha. Neb. Q 811 Ml FOR SALE Oldsmobile, 1400. Price de ureases 110 dally after April II until Bold, 208 Bee building. Q-S&l FOR SALE At one-third coat, furnltura draperies and rugs of eight-room house, all In first-class condition; can be seen forenoons at ?t18 Harney. Q M381 KIMBALL piano, I2S0. Beginning April 10 price will oe reduced 12 dally until anld. Room 7, Bee bldg. Q-M3J6 FOR 8ALE-2 cows; fresh,. 2828 Webster. Q 428 14a FOR SALE Two eight-foot atandlng desks, one roll top ilek, one Remington type writer and desk. William K. Potter, re ceiver. No. Sua Brown block. Q 434 FOR 8ALE- -One Hurr Incubator and brooder; first-class In every respect. &C9 California street. Q 433 PINE rubber-tired Btgnhope, nearly new, cheap, or will trade for diamond. J. p, Henchs. 1410 Podge. Q-436 24 BTEOER aV SONS piano, good as new, at tractive price. Coll pr write 12fl N. 25th St., city. Q-M462 24 STARLE and carriage room for II horses to be moved. "Ml fl. 17th at M4M FOU. S ALfcw IIOU ShiS, VtjAiaiOAS, fcilC. HOK8E8 for aale; second-hand harness and vehlulea cheap. 14ciciioi's Wiablea, iil a. mi.. V W HAVE your wgun painted or rapairt.4 Uy 11. Fruat. 11H and LeavBiiwotiu. P-ilS HORSES CLlPP5Di:)TnofiW P-M34 AIJ HORSE, phaeton, surrey, cheap. 8am 14urus. P 44 aVill WILL aacriho high-grade 12 runabout for 176; also good top buggy for tJ. auhnsou Damoi th, 8. VY- Cor.. 10tb 4k Jones. ' F 672 MU FOR SALE, aeveral city broke driving and funilly huraes; nice aurrey and single liar lieba lirtrs uarn, South Omaha. Neb P-S23 24 Ft)R SALE Light, t-aat surrey, with rub ber tires, in good order. Milton Rogers & Bona Co , 14fn and Farnam at. P 4.U ONE Bhetland opy mars. UM Webster st. P-f W S4.1 FOB gAlK-riRMTlRh;, BEDS, dressers, stoves, combined writing desk, roucp, parlor ret, rug for sale. 2tL4 I avenport st. Call forenoons. O Xt3 24a WAHIEU-TO HEaT, W ANTE I By a family of 6 (no children), a 7 or s-ruom house, modern, with yard; no objection to outside location. Address H 47, Bee. K 4t4 14 x YOl'Nt) married oouple wants to rent aulta tf rouina where ran have tioafd; state par ticulars. Address it lb. Bea. K2W I5a W ANTE l Furnished cottage for the sum mer; family of fopr- Address H 89 Bee. K-239 yg W A II TV RWS A LKfl M A a . W AN'TKIa 'on.petrnt salesman, able to take small interest in established buslnes In Onialui and hue salaried position Ad dreaa U I , 425 24 FOn BALE HEAL ESTATE. FINEST view In Omaha, on Florence boulevard (N. 20th St.), I blocks north of Amea ave.; no special taxes; large lot, east front; I-room modern house and barn; for sale at reasonable price and terme. Fred M. Youngs, 6002 Florence Wvd. RE M301 CHAS. Uiti; - 1st Floor Uiiaill5.UU U.,U. 8. bk. bldg RE 7 13,000. ON easy terms will buy the most beautiful gome on Clifton Hill cheap when you eee it throughout; owned by Rev. Dillon, who leaves tha city; 43U Grant. ' ' RE-M413 MY RESIDENCE houae, I rooms, all mod ern, 1820 ftpencer; terms assy. Will Matks, V. O. Box 6K5. RE-M148 AJO H $900 Homo H Good 6-room cottnge with large lot, 41st and Center; good well, brick walk, barn, nice shade. Can lease adjoining lots. First time offered for this price. Hastings & Heyden, uiu-uil N. i. Life Rldg. RE-518 Sautter & Mares Co., Tel. 1777, 20 and 1 Pierce Sts., Hus (or aale tou,vxju acres timber and farm land, iinproveu una ummpiuved, on euny terms, mi prices ranging iron) 35 lo U per acre, at Cumberland, Wis. inveou aaie. i-xcursion twice a month. RE-M538 ENGLISH &CO, PAXi'O-N La-OCK. One Pf the tlueitt -rooui luuuern Uesldencts ill Weal aniMin uutuicl, a.,uw. UE-123 IF YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR A BAltUAlN IN AN ALFALFA t AitU Do Nor OVi!,RL,Ojlv 11118. W) acres 01 choice smooth land In Platte valley, beat black loam toil, ciay subsoil, 7u acrea in altaita, balance in cultivation, Mil lenceu anu eiuss-leiiced, house, bain, al eua anu con a is; V mile lr-m atation en n. a. n line U. f. railroad, immediate pos stssion. Bargain at lo.uoO, but owner will take 4,0oo it sold immediately. R. C. PL'la.R8 k COMPANY, Ground Floor, itee Building. Rlii Mia ACRES Near Onviha, choice and sightly; overlooks city; owned by eastern client who pre fers to close out entire holdings to one purchaser, but we think he will sell In small 1 1 acts, aa follows: Tract of 20 acres at I lot) per acre. Tract of 20 acres at $150 per acre. Traet of 40 acres at $160 per acre. Tract of 22 acres at 1200 per acre. , W, FARNAM SMITH & CO. . RIC-.MJ04 ,2,1004210 Ersklne st., 8 rooms, veil ar ranged, story and a half, cak floors downstairs. This Is a genuine snap. 8ee us. u v. onoies CO., r& IN, X. iaUe Bldg. Tel. 4. KB 674 FOR SALE 130-acre farm, ly, miles from Fort Collins, good water rights and fine Improvements. Lake stocked with fish. Address, Box 167, Fort Collins, Colo., R. F. D. No. i. RE 818 t6x l-ROOM modern house on 6th, north of Cuming; lot 30x127, 82,700, Must be sold an account of owner's health. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE-M331 24 BUY NOW TWO CHOICE FARMS IN THE BEST ALFALFA DISTRICT IN THE FERTILE PLATTE VALLEY 160 acres of choice alfalfa land in the Platte valley, within 6 miles of Lexington, Neb. Land can all be cultivated., llu per acre If aold st once. 160 acrea well improved alfalfa land In Platte valley, 7 mllea from Lexington, Neb.; 6-room house, barn for !M hoi sea and 20 cows, hog houae, chicken house, cave, wind mill and tunks. If sold now. 13,600. R. C. PETERS A CO., Ground floor, Bee lildg. RE MluO 84 WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT I 1 why. THOMPSON-BELDEN, ORCHARD-W 1LHEL.M, THE YOUNG MEN U CHHiSilAN ASSOCIATION and Hie contemplated adultlon to the Her Grand hotel all on 18th and Howard atreeta. will surely enhance the value of all South lftth atreet property. Every thing north of the viaduct, and we have a line ihree-story brick block, well rented, on the west aide of 16h street, owned by eastern parties, and our instructions are to aell at once. See ua quick and you will make money. Low price and aaay terms. 6 per cent Interest. Thomas Brennan, room 1, main floor Naw York Life bldg. W. H. Crary, manager real estate department. REMSN FOUR HOUSES FOR SALE. t&ASY WALKING DISTANCE CITY, 12,150.00. 1111 North 18th st 7-room house, has city water, sewer, bath, closet, gas and la la tlrst-clasa condition. Lot 83140 ft. Im mediate possession can bo fciven. 1 ram nn 2011 Webster at., T-room houae on one of best down town asphaitum paved atreatB, which la paid for In full. Lot 10x134 ft- 11.650 00. 1545 North 18th st., C-room cottage has city water, sewer, bath, closet and gas. Fine lot, 33x140 ft, 11,760.00. 1008 North 14th st., 7-room house. This is Just north of Cuming st. GEORGE & COMPANY, ltiul Farnam St. RE M388 2$ WILCOX ADDITION Cheapest Property in Omaha, Location and Develop ment Considered. Wallace Offers Forty of the Cheap est Lots In This Low Priced Addition. Note some of the advantages pf tills prop erty: HALF WAY BETWEEN OMAJIA AND SOUTH OMAHA. Walking distance from either rly; car Una lo be built down t4th. Great West ern elevator and terminal grounds Just across the tracks from it. Bub way on Bancroft, under all tracks, (q be built this. year. New Car Barns, 24th and Vinton You know what that Improvement meant fur property around 24th and Ames. It will mean twi.e as much for Wilcox addition properly. Wallace afters following bargains, on 26lh, Just south of l!iicrt.it and the proposed subway, only J or 4 blocks from new car barns: LOTS, $2M EACH. 4 LOTb, law EACH, t) LoTB. 110 EACH 4 CORNERS. 4'(0 EACH. FOI'R 14TH gT. rRONTS. tftOEACH OTHERS FROM f To ll.tmy. EASY TEKMS. See me st once fur paritculare. These lots will all be sold in sport time. QEORGB G. WALLACE. BROWN BLK. RE Mill 14 Illua your property. Baker Bros. Erg Co. ItE-M FB 8AIK-The McConnell house. 1121 ( asa, la roonta; complete In every way; ground lttCxUi; stable; 14.i0. N. P. PODGE at CO.. leW Farnam. iUi-sloW a Page. most interesting and the most paid Want largt ad in thit ittue. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 1917 PACIFIC STREET. ' 500 LESS Than ever offered before I eottages, rent ing for 125 per month; walking dtntar.oe, near Omaha Medical college, this prop erty belongs to an estate that must sell. Price has been IVum, but to sell quick they have put It down to 12.600. This Is on a full lot and a bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 1781. RE-4.' 23 HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS Nice, new 6-room cottage In Benson, with three lots; a simp for 11,500; pew 7-room house In Dundee for 8.1. 2o0; 6 acres In Benson, 1,2&0; 73 acres near Benson for I7.3CO. Benson & Carmichael, 642 PAXTON BLK. RE-M4U 25 1 TO 10-ACRE TRACTS. At end of Farnam street car line. Just the location you have been trying to find for your suburban home. Ilbo to IsOO per acre; one-third down and balance to suit at S per cent Interest. BEM18. PAXTON BLK. KE-M40S 21 FOR SALE 6 Irrigated forms In Big Horn Valley. Chaa Worland, Worlund, Wyo. HE lf.0 Ml. EAST front lot on 40th, between Leaven worth and Farnam an.. tAW. F, D. W E A D, 1524 Douglas. RE M416 23 Watch for Plat of Lots for Sale on "Tukey's Terms" in Sunday Papers. RE M 453 23 INVESTMENT BARGAINS Three blocKs ei ot iota at. between Far nam arid Leaven worm, luu it. I rout on paved street, wj ft. deep, 6-room nuuse in good repair; must be sold to pay mori gagu and laxus. Wo know no belter oar gain cioBG in. etco us lor partlouiuis, N. P. Dode & Co S14 al lium Jul cel. UE-M446 !M FOR It a) AT HOtaEg. THE Omaha Van and bloiage CoTpacki move aim store il il. goods. Storehouse, Iian-24 N. lain. Ottiutt, aatUVk Faruaiu. Tel, ;iot(-(i63. D 92tj PAYN'E-BOSTVVICK tt CO., choice houses. Vl-tsM ew ioia Ulo Bldg. 'fuuuu iulo. ij a. HOI mFi lw tt'l pwrts of the city. The IIWUJLJ o. b Davis Co., uwK Beu Bldg. WE MOVE pianos. Muggard Vun & Stor age Co. Tel. 14V. OHioe lili Webster St. D 9M HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D JU 11WVLVOL.O feters a Co., Bee ilulidiug. d m FOR RENT Seven-room house, all mod em, 8128 California St., 132.60, Including water lax. inquire at 8u7 N. Uth St. P-M893 I IT l'our houaea for aale or rent with tJ A. N. Hammond, Paxtun Block. P-830 FOB RENT All modern 8-room houae, No. 810 S. 86lh Ave. Inquire M. L. Uugarman. oounty court, court house. i ini3 FINE 14-room, atrlctly modern, brick dwelling, entirely new, 2325 S. 14tu. Uemis, Pax ton Block. D M6oo R. C. PET3R8 & CO., Managers of Heal Estate. 2-H5 Blnney bi., lo looms, i.iodsrn. hot water heat, 40. ' 1621 Park Ave., new modern 8-room flnt. across from Hanscom Park, 4. 15s) Dodge 8t., east 'A new nouble brick, pewly papered, nickel plumbing, exclu sive neighborhood, 6 rooms, 832.50. Kal H. 27th, 4 rooms, city water and aewer, R. C. PETERS CO. Ground Floor Bee Bldg. D 203 FOR RENT, 2108 N. lath ave., S10; large rooms; 8 blocks from Lake st. cars. M. L. Trimble, sgent, 1218 Farnam, 2d floor. D-M155 FOR RENT 7-room furnished house for the summer. Dr. Gage, u7 N. 3wti;. D-897 FOR RENT Four rooms lower floor, newly papered; city water in house; 8124 Mason St., .7. C. U. Baclinuinn, 43 Pax. tun Blk. P-MM2 FOR RENT 4 and 7-room flata; ground floor; barn; pity water: also store room. 110 each. N. P. Dodge a Co., 1014 Farnani t. pj7 .5.".room flat- facing Hanscom Park, 833. 'Phone 623. p U4 FOR RENT-2909 Paclflo St.; strietly mod erp l-room house, oak finish; $40; vacant J ay 1. Enquire A- G. Ellick, 640 Paxton block. P-M350 FOR RENT Red cottage st corner of 20th and M sts.. Bo Omaha. Inquire of L. A. Pavla, Murphy olock. P M3t 23x WELL furnished house, Kountse. addition strictly modern, 10 rooms, till September, 836 per month, same priue aa unfurnished. Addresa H 48 Bea. P M409 24x FOR RENT May 1, modern, 7-room eet tage. 2420 Caldwell street. D 427 Six HOUSE, 490T Webster St., Dundee, 8 rooms, fornure. bath, gtis, bnrn; perfeet repair; J8. Thene, lllack 1171. l.eavitt D M4,".n J4x FOR BKT-ITOHm AND OFFICES. TWO-BTORY building. 151J and the second fiqor 15US-18 Howard. W. IL Bushman. 1932 DENTIST wanted to share office with a pliyslulan with flne quarters iu Bee hi Ig., with well established practice. Address C 21. Bee. 1131 OSTEOPATH Y. Johnson Institute, 615 N. T. Life bldg. T. 1064 PR. GRACE PEEGAN, 83 N. T. Life. Tel 244. 3 Fayette Cole, osteopath, 6ul Paxton blot k. SJ Pr. Ftrwell, specialty nervous dlseithea, 8uf Paxton. -M518 A2ti PR8. LAIRD A LA'RD, 203 Karbach blk. 'Phone ScJl. Mvt A 28 MRS JOHN R. MUSICK, Oaieopatblc Phy. slcian; office, Douglas b!"ck. Tel. 2-U 470 rHiuD. PWINTINH i High Grade Work. rrunilllMJ I Crounae bloi k. corner of LYNGSTAUl llb t. and Capitol Ave. 9.il HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prlcea. Tel. 1262. . A Medlar Co., 4-2 8. loin bt. 5 J. M. SIRPLE8S, Reliable Pilntvr; estab lished 12 yeara. 2o8 8. 13ih St., On ha. MIS AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment Get our prices. Tel. 1621. ltll Ch rxgo M-:'b kill UNEngAKitn. IN famllle Miss Sturdy, loot, pave: port. -la JO 1'b.llSOXiAL. SKPTKMBKR. 18 - Philadelphia Alhis House, ueotge piukcrt. agcu months, son er tletirgo P. 1'lanno. Market. 7th S"d Colluwhiti, left by Brn.et lUcivenna. Jones court, want relatives Addresa care David Campion, bpi inner hotel, 14th and I nlverslty, New oik. V-1&3 x DR ROY, Chlroptly, R. 2. 1515 rsrnam. Paper Hanging .."1"!, t. P. McCL.mN. teed at reasonable prlcea. 218 N. l,th St. Tel. B-2647. L S4l Acoordeon pleating, rheapeat, best, quick est. Mrs. A. C. Mark. Win and Pouglaa U-stJ LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring, 611 Karbach block. U 14 PANTORIUMS-.'&siM U ItoO ANT poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Woinon, C4 N. J4th St., Omaha, Neb. U-M528 Mis Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, llamgs bldg. U-4i ELITE Parlors. 615 8. 16th. 2d floor. U-Wd "VIAVI," way to health, 390 Bee building. U-'7 WILL the lady who waa In the box at the oyd theater Monday night with lace net snd fur piece on, who noticed the gentleman who came in lato, please ad dress H 62 Bee. XJ-333 26x WHAT'S nleer than accordeon pleating? ve do nothing but the linest, Goldman iJougias Pig. u S4S HEN BOLT-why didn't you meet me at 5,fLu?lb'f Phonograph cotniany's last nig it I walled until half past . Bay, , , free concerts ate grand, and I bought a doxen X. P. Mo records for o each. Peggy from Paris. U-4 SENP fuc for HOMKSTEADER'B GUIDE, containing forly-eiuht pages of valuatile nfonnaliun. OFFICIAL MAP and lull Huniu'IV!' ow to "t a claim on the nit., i aL1J hSERVATION. Forbes Lo Agency, Bonesteel, 8. P. U 9U i,A 8 for 'ent; I months' rent al iri i.- " 1 u'"chnBi Sehmolier A Mueller, 1313 tariiam. Tel. 1623. U 861. TUB, vapor and alcohol bath's. 720 8. 13lh St U-903 DR. 8LAHAUGII, Dentist. N. Y. Life" bldg. U-M121 8"Via uK..?pt' Freer'g Greenlan.ler cigar. 410 8. 18th. U-MSUt Mayl T,iiSAtRKA1 i'q- coatumea Lleben, 1018 Farnam. U 854 C-..M. BRLNS Addresa wanted or would hear from him. Send word to C. A. W 1'ostoflice Box 672, New York. U ttta 2ux LODGBS. dancing club or meetings of any kind can secure a hall In the Beo build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service nil night, electric light, piano, eto. Apply to il. C. I'eters A. Co., ground floor. Bee bldg, TJ 241 CRYSTAL lee Co., 130 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. U M450 JelQ THERE are at least 29 reasons why every mn should smoke the Monogram 6o cigar. The first 1st It is equal to any 10c cigar on the market. W. F. Stoeckur Cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 pouglaa, U 103 WALL paper cleaned. Mlddlemlss. Tel. A 3296. U-M146 A80 READ THIS-If you are Interested In clean olothes, then patronise the Domestio Laundry, 2416 N. 24th. Tel. B 1182. U-MlfU FAMILY washing and rough drying a spe cialty. 8014 N. 24th St. lf-506 M5a DR. C. H. DE LONG. Dentist. 158 Bee. U468 M4 M AfilMFTIP treatment & baths. Mme. JlrUlC I IK, smith, 11 N. 15, 2 fir., R 8. U-650-M-7B- BTEINWAY pianos are sold exclusively by Sehmolier & Mueller, 1813 Farnam Bt. U MMO RESPECTABLE business man (34); Income 14,000; would marry strictly family girl or orphan about same standing; no agents. H El Bee. U-714 26x Frromi SALVE. Quick, absolute cure. CCieilM B. J. Bcannell, 609 Ware Bik. U MOOS Ml C . Dye Worka. Up-to-date lPrm H n I A cleaners and dyera. Ill c lllUllltta. 18tU St. Tel. 1027. U M867 MOLES on face or body removed; no aclda, knife, electricity used; no pain; reference given; for dnte, Sunday only. Tel. A2644. !Lo4 N. 21st St.. Omaha. U MS60 2iix IlEHT photos from $2 to 110 per doxen nnd a 14x17 or 16x20 photo not crayon Included In each doxen FREE. Frames If desired nt very low prices. Btonocvp.ier, photog rapher, 1312 Fnrnnm gt, Tel, 3i22. U 92 PENNELL MILLINERY CO.-New loca tion, 111 South rah St, Opp. old postofflce. U-922 M14 rHOTOGRAPHlC negative comnlete rouise t'.Ti. llu'dnw retouching complete rouise t'.Ti, tin down and ft per week, for five weeks. Hullo II, , Ki'tig i nrav- ler Bldg., Omaha. Neb. U-32 M17 LAWNMOWERS sharpened. 2703 I.env. Tel. L-1678. U-MS40M18 PR. FiCKES, O. C. II. 8. dentist, 338 Bee bldg. U M327 m!8 TUB and vapor baths. Mrs. Pavles, 161k Burt. 2d flopr, room 1- U-'MI 25x -- pDTC and Baby Carriages Mfg., VJV- t-irllV I O Boid from mfg. to buyer; retail at whnlosnle price; sntlsfncllon guaranteed. Omaha R. at R. Works. 4 1. 18th. U-M387 "PAPA savs he can't shake 'em off " Hute Bon'B New l'atent Rlmlusa Eyeglass; al most Invisible. Iluteson 0.tl al Co., 211 8. 16th at, Paxton block; factory oil the premises. U 400 A COUNT. French, would like to meet a voting nnd wealthv lady; object, matri mony. Po n.. II 50 Bee. V 750 2Dx MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggiata. 1. 55 HOMEOPATHIC piedlclnoa, wholesale, re lull. Sherman 4i McConnelU Omaha. --806 PR PRIES treats successfully nil diseases mid irregularities of women; experienced, reliable. 151 ity Podge, Arlington block. Omaha. 9j7 PRIVATE hostlpal during confinement: babies adopted Mrs. Cardels. 2-H Charles. Tel. A-2.S18. 08 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la. j2i PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement ; banlea adopted and b"arded, Mrs. Neflln. 608 N. lfilh. M430 May'Jg g'l'KKOUnAPIIIORg. FRANK J. Bl'TCLlKFE, 1018 N. Y. L. In quests, deposition, conventions, court work. Tel. 3576: res. 8736. M3W 136 BUCK KN8DKRPER, 150. S3S New York Lite building, Omaha 401 MO A. V VAN SANT'S school, TIT N. Y. Life. l Neb. Bus. at Shorthand Col., Boyd theater. Ml ilt lL THUS. J. KELLY, voice, Davldge block. 3'i DAISY HIOOlNa, voice, piano. 20U Lea v. Tel. A-2741. r -SJ7 CHAS. H, KEEFEB, piano, 63 Barker Blk 9::S PATENTS AltO PENSIOWS. II. J CO WGILfPa tents. No fee unless successful. 814 S. lath. Omaha. Tel. r. -97 PATENTS guaranteed. Sues A Co.. Omaha. Si.'j PENSlONB-7-8. F. Moore, 1623 Htrnam. -H..4 JeU IILTEI'VIVK AUEWX. Capt, Ccruiack, 617 Karbach blk. Tel. A-21 -4 MOEY TO I.OAS-4 HITTKLS. MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bills that have accumulated during the alnt'T It might be an advantage to ou lo secuts money froca us and pay them, and thn pay ua In weekly or monthly pa menu until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stork and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their owu agreement to re pay. Our rates are as low aa any and a great deal lower than some. Our service I quick and without publicity. If you have dealt with us and are pleased, tell o:hers and if you are Ulsplea.-ed, tell us. Omaha Montage Loan Co., Ill Board of Trade Bldg. Tel 2"5 (Established 1W2). io Btuth ltih St. X-K41 ' CASK. " You can establlah a CREDIT with an aid RELIABLE Ilrm and secure money whenever you need It. We will advance you enough money to pay off all your debts, so that you wi.i owe It all In one place, where vou get courteous treatment. Our easy payment plan has astonished people who had previously borrowed of other loan companies, ua account of cur liberal rales. We make loans on SALARIES. FI'RNi. TUBE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, etc RELIABLE CREDIT CO, 207-g Paxton Block, X M8I3 MONEY to loan on salaries. Easy money, eaai terms; quick and courteous treatment STAR LOAN CO. 844 PAXTON BLK. TEL. F-231 X-M351 MONEY LOAN1SD ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Lew rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try ua If you want to save money, PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 833 Paxton block, 16th and Farnam streeta X-tsvJ BUSINESS opportunity that can be worked aa tide line; pays good returns for capital Invested; suitable to any partyi does not require expert or a spe cial salesman. Address H, 4? Bee X-M352 24x MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; ensy payments largest business In 4 principal cities Tolman, room 410, Chamber of Comincioo bldg. x 964 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; bualnraa confidential; lowest rates 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-9G5 3 P. C. YEAR FROM 1100 to 15,000 loaned on your personal nolo at I PER CENT PER Y EAR. K, money pnara oeai. uaii or write and get Fa iy system, w . n,UBimat, at uo , 'arnam, Omaha, . X M.U6 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., at half usual rates. I). Prlhbenow. room 216 at 20 S. Uth St. Tel. B-2964. X-'M8 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cowa, eto. C. V. Reed. 810 S. 13th. X-167 CHATTEL, aalnry and Jewelry Joans Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam st, X 168 SALARY and collateral loans. Templston, 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2904. X-M41I MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. FARM and city loana. low ratea W. It Thomas, first Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1648. W-Wl PRIVATE money. Sherwood. S37 N. Y. Llfa W-870 I TO I P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-871 PRIVATE money, F. D. Wead. 1520 Pouglaa W-972 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-4T73 MONEY TO IIAN Payne Investment Co. W-S77 WANTED Real estate loana and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co., Bae bldg. W-874 I per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W-976 MONEY to loan. Kenny Real Estata and Invest ment Co.. r. 1W Bee bid g W 978 "hrsi!K CHACES." TO GET In or out of business pall on Wll lama, room 411, McCague building. Y-884 BI lOLKS-ARMSTRONQ CO., 723 N. T- Mfs." Tel. 40. Y-SB6 ARROTT-COWAN CO.. 312 nrown block, can get you In or out of business. T-88 WANTED, young man In shoe and fur nishing business that oan inveat 8500 to ll.ooo. This Is the very best chance for a voting man to get Into a good business. Addresa H 32, Bee offloe. Y 114 'THE HOTEL BARGAIN." One. of the best hotela In western Iowa, In a county seat town of 2,Sn0 Inhab itants. The only (2 per day house In the place; S-storv brick with basement: a pronertv worth 812.000; can be bought for f7 200; $2,200 down and 85.000 time will be given. Addrese H 44, Omaha Bee. T-MK4 WANTETWOfflce manager able tn take small Interest In eHlahnliei1 business In Omaha: good salary to right party. Ad dresa It. 54. Bee. T-4:4 24 FOR SALE One of the best furniture and carpet businesses In the state of Iowa. Btork all In fine condition and a rare op portunity for anvone who deelrea to en gage In this business. Will bear the closest Investigation. Owner has other business requiring Ms nttentlnn, which Is the reason for selling. I'i.ft'O In rash would be required. For full particulars address It 65 Omaha Bee. Y-M437 2 FOR SALE, Cigar and confectionery. South Omaha; will Include employment business if de sired; nwncr going west; good trade; worth 8500; will take 2350 for ejulck deal. MUTUAL EXCHANGE, 1313 HOWARD. Y-M439 24 WELL furnished 7-room flat on car Una for sale very cheap: good reaaona fur selling. This is In a fine location and the rooms are always filled. For particular address M 60 Roe. V- 361 26s IK) you want a money-makerT Then buy a business chance m a paying community, price 11.014). For terms, etc., Inquire of It. D. Gross. Real Estate Agencv. enoa. Neb. V- M .1452 24s WANTED $10,000 In larne or small sums, for a safe manufacturing Industry, paying 25 per cent annually; good position for tha right man Call or address Invest ment, Room 2-6 Her Grand otsl CLAIM VOl AVP. GYLMEK, palmist, 715 N. 23d. Tel. B 8246. It TO I'ROP LESTER, test medium, gives facts, names dales, etc Patrons out of oily write for wonderful free book 1810 Dav enport St. 8 III Mil MRS CARRI F! BMIT BOVEREIO N IADY glEKN OF CLAIRVOYANTS; everything told; past, present and fu ture; satisfaction or no pay. 107 N. lHth, 8296 2tix At, EM'S WANTED. WANTED-Canvasalng agents In every county to solicit suhscriptlona to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; steady employment with assured good lu conm; agents lu the country wllh horse and buttsy especially desired. Canvaawna make easily $on to Ilia) par monih Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building. Omaha J 213 LAW AND (OLlKniOM, STILLMAN A PRICE. 410 lat Nat. bk. bldg. E. F MOREARTY. Att'y., 437 Paxton. Teli A-239. 870 JOHN M MACFARI.AND, New YkI.fe bldar., rot mis 4 and l9. Tel. 1M2. M34 l'lg . rntimi 104 and 119. Tel. I55i Mil FOII t:ltikOL. WILL trade beautiful piano for horse, feknmollcr at Mueller, Uil g-gritam. L