The Omaha Daily Bee rT-3JwX!a!Si SamTtZ!!Z)SiXhiJrSiKX)JS PART I. PAGES I TO 8. g ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, HATU11DAY MOUSING, Al'KIL 23, 1904 SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPV THREE CENTS. HASC THREE BANDITS Car Barn Murdewi Fay the Penalty of Their Crimra cn the Scaffold. NEIDERMEIER THE FIRST ONE 10 DIE it.u.i.j o : j . tit i r 7 u. .r AVlGUJUe OU B1UO VS J I will 1JWI VI . Blood and Ha to Be Oa'ried. MURDERERS 60 TO GALLOWS SEPARATELY Original Plan Wai to Disport of Youthful Thugi at Tame Time. KEIIERMEIER SULLEN TO THE LAST Vara and Van Din Walk ta Their Doom Repeating: a Litany, After Passing; a Sleep. Iran Night. CHICAGO, Aprtl 22. Prt Nledermeler, GuStav Marx and Harvey Van bine, the notorious car barn bandlta, and confessed murderera of eight men. were hanged here today. Neldermcler waa the first to die and hie mannrr ef death waa unusual. He waa so weak aa the result df hie attempt at sul clde that the Jail guards were forced to carry him to the scaffold. He waa then placed In a chair and the drop sprung at 10:35. Hla body moved convulsively as he hung and It waa thought he alowly strangled to death. Although It waa first believed by the physlclana that he waa strangling. It devel oped that hla neck had been broken. Twenty minutes after the drop fell he waa pronounced dead and the body waa cut down. With execution bo near as to be awaited by minutes. Peter Nledermeler, Oustav Marx and Harvey Van Dine, the car barn bandlta. today after a practically sleepless 1 night, prepared for the end. At first it was the Intention Of Sheriff Barrett to hang the trio simultaneously cn one scaf fold, aa the anarchlHta were exeouted some years ago. The plan, however, waa aban doned mainly on account of Nledermeler'a attempt at suicide, which had left him In a weakened condition and made it ad visable that he should be hanged alone. A large crowd assembled at the Jail pre ceding the hour of execution and sought admission, but were turned away. Only a limited number, provided by luw.' were al lowed In the Jail to witness the execution of the bandits, whose careers with Emll RoeskI, Imprisoned for life but a few days before were closed at practically tha aama time. Last Visitors to Condemned. Nledermeler continued to reject all spirit ual advice and It Seemed that he would carry out hla Idea of dying an atheist Jailer Whitman aaid Nledermelor "would be able to walk to tha gallows without as sistance. Marx and Van Dine, who had Joined tha Cathollo . faith recently. . spent - JJuUr, last hours In reading, writing and praying, sev eral nuns and prleata being with them con stantly. Marx aaserted ha. waa feeling fine His sweetheart waa tha laat of hla frlc permitted to vlait him. It waa announced that the men would be hanged separately, and In tho' following order: Nledermeler first, then Marx, and Van Dine last. Attorneya for Van Dine were trying to aee the governor to obtain a atay of ex ecution for the bandit, tha Jailer said, and tat waa why oonaent waa given to hang Van Dine laat. It waa regarded aa un likely, however, that the governor would Interfere, aa ba haa already refused clem ency, Dr. McNamara, the Jail physician, visited .all three of the bandlta and said their . condition under the circumstances waa ail that could ba expected. Tha death war rant waa read to Nledermeler, and shortly . after 10 o'alook the march to the aoaffold began. Nledermeler Dlca Sellea. t Previous to tha execution Nledermeler maintained the aama sullen demeanor that haa characterised him since be became a prisoner. While the death warrant was being read ha snatched tha document from the sheriff and etuck It la hla pocket, mak ing a sarcastic reference to hla execution, He waa carried to one of the floors on a Jail truck, than carried down a flight of stalra to the aoaffold. Marx, accompanied by two prleata, waa led to tha aoaffold repeating a litany after the clergy. He made no atatenieot. Ho appeared weak, but met deal bravely. Shortly after U o'oiook Marx waa lead to the aoaffold. Neatly dreased and with a white roee aa a boutoniere, whloh ' had been given him by his amall alatar the night before. Ha waa pale, but hla cour age never left bin while he atood on tha aoaffold. He made no statement. Two prUata of the Roman Catholic church, of which Marx had become a member, ao cqjd panted him to the gallowa. He re peated a litany with them, kissed a cruci fix, after 'which the Jailer adjusted the nooaa and sprung the trap at 11:17. He was pronounced dead at 11:34, hla neck having been broken. Harvey Van Dine waa hanged a short Interval after hla companion Marx, a few days before a bitter enemy of Van Dine, but tha bast Of Or lan da la their laat hours of Ufa. Incidents In Van Dlne's execution were Similar to those that characterised tha execution of Marx. Like Marx, Van Dine waa compoaed preceding hla execution. With the Cathollo prleata who accompanied him Van Dine walked unfalteringly to the acajtold. attired neatly In black, like Marx, and wearing a white waistcoat and a white rosa Van Dine seemed to ba even more calm than hla companion Marx, who went to death shortly before. Van Dine made no statement of any kind while on the acaf fQjd. but tha prayer which he repeated with hla spiritual advlaera waa quite audible. With Van Dines lips still moving In praysr the trap was sprung at 11 :U. His neck was broken. Last Meaaeats af tka Maa. Before Nledermeler waa taken to the gal lows he waa asked If. like hla companions. ho wished to accept of the sacrament- He answered that he enred nothing for spir itual advice and wished no priest would fol low him to the gallowa. When the drop fell the aliroud about Nle dermeler' s body fell apart and to the on lookers waa revealed for twenty nilnutea th horrifying struggles of the desperate Nledermeler. The death of Marx and Van Dine wu unaccompanied by any similar spectacle. A dramatic Incident, however, preceded the execution of Marx and Van Dine. When the Jailer entered Marx's room to give no tice to prepare for the end Marx said: "I want ta sea Harvey." Van Dine wss brought from his room a (Continued vn Second fsge-Jj FRANK ROSE SHOT TO DEATH Legal Execution with Caas Takes Place at tha Salt Lake Penitentiary. ALT LAKE CITY. April . Frank Rose, the wife murderer, was shot to death In the yard of the state penitentiary here at 10:0 this morning. Death was In stantaneous, four bullets lodging in or very close to his heart. Rose was strapped to the same little wooden clialr In which Peter Mortensen met his fate a few months ago. Five prison guards, concealed behind a heavy blue curtain in the doorway of the black amlth shop, across the area, formed the executing squad. One of the rifles held a blank cartridge. Roee went to his death chair with the same coolness that had marked hla conduct aince he surrendered to the police. The Herald aaya: Frank P. Roee, sen tenced to be shot today for the murder of his wife laet Christmas dsy, has confessed to other murders, said to number no less than ten. Rose declared he had apent the last fifteen years In committing suc cessive primes, varying from robbery to murd-r. Robbery was his first crime, ac cording to bla story. From that lie launched Into murders of every descrip tion, and related Instances where he had killed men for a little money. Rose de clared he had committed a murder In San Francisco, where he quarreled with a com panion, who waa working with him on the Santa Fe terminals, across the bay from the city. The man's body was found In the bay and Rose says he murdered him. In St. Louis, according to Rose'a con fession, he was guilty of a number of crimes, Including murder. There Is some doubt at the penitentiary about the truth of Rose'a confession, but he has furnished names and other de tails to such a degree that hla story haa gained general credence with the prison officials. Rose snld that In 1893 he was a member of the Dalton gang In Oklahoma for a time and took part In the robbery and murder of a' number of "boomers." After leaving the Da I tons he continued his opera tions aa a member of the Starr gang. Rose said he served two years In the state prison at Jefferson City, Mo., for larceny and embesslement. UNION LAB0RWINS VICTORY House of Commons Passes Second Reading: of Bill Permitting; Plcketlngr. LONDON. April 22. The House of Com mons tonight passed the aecond reading by 22 to 1M votea, of the tradea union bill, legalising peaceful picketing and amending the law of conspiracy In connec tion wKh trade disputes, and protecting tradea . union funds against legal - process for damage cauaed by the action of mem bers of such unions. The bill Is the out come of the recent Judgment of trie court in the Taff Vale railway case, In which the railway men's union waa mulcted in heavy damages for picketing and interfer ing with nonunlonlata. Shipping; Trada Nat Gaod. . LIVERPOOL, April ' 21-Frederlck Ley land & Co.. limited, the first British line purchased by J. Plerpont Morgan when forming the shipping combine, issued a re port today for the thirteen months ending with December. The directors say that even after drawing tl.M7.600 from the re serve It Is only possible to pay the preferred dividend for six months. This withdrawal reduces the reserve to $325,000. The direc tors attribute this result to the epldemio of foot and mouth disease In New England last-year, atopplng shipments of live stock therefrom, and to tha inadequacy of Atlan tic frelghta. Australian C'ablaet Reslgae. MELBOURNE. April 22,-The federal ministry haa resigned. ' The resignation of the federal government waa due to Its defeat In tha House of Rep resentatives yesterday on a labor party amendment, making the bill providing for the arbitration of labor disputes applicable Ur state employea. Haaararlaa Itrikera Ara Firm. BUDAPEST, Hungary, April 22.-The rail road strikers are now ahowlng little dis position to rsturn to work unless their demands for Increased pay are conceded. Premier Ttsxa announced In the Diet today that aa a result of the conference there appeared little prospect of a settlement DEEDS OF TRUST FOR BLAIR Valwed at fDO.OOO Bach, bat Parties anted ta Iastraaaent Deay Knowledge of Than. 8T. LOUIS. April 22. Three deeds of trust, executed ten yeara ago by the Shrewsbury Park Land at Improvement company to James L. Blair and William Taussig, trustees, were filed tor record to day at Clayton. In accordance with the law the documents will be retained a year by the recorder and held open to the In spection of the public. Tha deeda are for 10,000 each. Judge Beddon waa named as the party of the aecond part. Judge Bed don and Mr. Taussig say they never be fore heard of the deeda. They were given to eeoure purchase money for twenty lots. KOIROPATKIN APPOINTS STAFF Mad aa Deep at Review Men Healed Out With Rape. I4AO TANO, April 2.-Goneral Kouro- patkln haa appointed aa members Of his staff Lieutenant General Bakharoff. com mander of the First Siberian array corps, to be chief of alaff; Oeneral Beablelln, chief af communications, and General Oru ber, chief of commissary. General Hoi pohevnlkoff haa been placed In command of the rear guard. During a review of the troops by General Kouropotkln the mud was eo thick that It waa necessary to haul the men out of It with ropes, many of the soldiers losing their shoes and parts of their clothing In the mire. The fight at Chengju on March 2S waa aver the possession of the height com mending tha town. The Japanese Infantry and General Mistchenko's Cossacks raoed for the Kusen mountains, at which tha Rus j alana were first to arrive. Tha Russians I awept the town, which waa occupied by the I Japanese, with bullets, but tha Japanese, In addition to a force of cavalry, sent four regiments of Infantry and a mountain bat tery to surround Mlstchenko, who retreated In good order. Rasela Waald Harrow Mean, PARIS. April 22. The European Econo mist aaya under reserve, tbst Russia la negotiating with tha principal Franco banks for a loan of tUC.Ooo.noo on I per cent four-year treasury bonds, to ba placed, at at. The atatement la ,not verified and ap peara baeed ou yeaterday'e St. Petereburg reports, indicating that the Russian gov ernment might resort to abort term loan CONFER ON KIMAID'S BILL Houie and Senate Hot of fame Hind on Iti Pro siois. EXPECT DIFFERENCES TO BE SETTLED Aathar Tlilo''- Porter Is Glv- ' M'Vv,Ti ejnterlor, .poaed, I)e- i or pose of BUI. .... . (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, April J2.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Representative Kinkald, when lus bill permitting the taking of 640 acres ot land as a homestead In certain soctions ol Nebraska wss reported to the house today, with senate amendments, moved to non concur and asked for a conference. Repre sentatives Lacey, Moniiell and Llnd being appointed. Judge Kinkald, in explaining his reasons for nonconrurring In the senate amend ments, said they conferred greater power on the secretary of the interior than had bren ontemplatcd by his bill; that word hid been added in the senate amendments which would defeat the puipo?es of the measure If they were taken advantage of by the secretary, particularly Insofar as certain lands might be held Indefinitely for irrigation enterprises. He said he was con tent to have the national Irrigation lan- apply to these lands, but he did not r ant hem subject to the "private enterprise'" feature Introduced by tho senate. Judse Kinkald Is hopeful of an sgreement le tween the two houses, particularly In re gard to Irrigable lands, and also In regard to the rights of an cntryman who has set tled upon a quarter section of land but who has not commenced actual occupation. These, according to the amendment of the aenate, would be wholly wiped out and only those actually on the land and developing same would be entitled to en additional three-quarters. Kinkald holds that not only occupants of land, but those who hav filed on quarter sections should be treated the same In ac quiring additional lands under his bill. It expected the senate conferees will be appointed tomorrow, Senator Dietrich In all probability being one of the number. Itoaebnd BUI to Be Signed. Representative Burke and others of the South Dakota delegation have received as surances from President Roosevelt that he will sign the Rosebud bill tomorrow. The South Dakota delegation will be present to witness the president affixing his signature to the bill which they have labored ao earnestly to put on the statute books. After the bill Is signed the Booth Dakota delegation will have a conference with the commissioner of the general land - office to discuss the details regarding the opening of the new territory. Commissioner Rich ards will formulate a proclamation opening these lands and make rules and regula tions governing the same. ' Ho Land Law Repeal. There will be no repeal ot the stone and timber culture law, aa provided by the Quarles bill which passed the senate a few weeks ago-Tha house committee on public lands this morning decided by a vote of eight to, five to postpone further considera tion of the measure until the next session of congress, Mlaor Matters at Capital. Representative McCarty "today recom mended George A. Blackburn tor post master at Craig, Burt county, vice J. A. Clark, resigned. He also recommended the reappointment of David Matthews aa post master at Crofton, Knox county. Prs. W. E. Stewart, E. M. Stewart and A. H. Thomas were today appointed mem bers of the new Board of Examining Surg eon for thet pension bureau at Stratton, Neb. Captain Charlea F. Bates, Twenty-fifth Infantry, la relieved from duty at Fort Dea Molnea and will Join bis oompany at Fort Reno, OkL Postmasters appointed: Iowa Halo, Webster county, T. O. Apland, vice T. B. Apland, dead; Pickering, Marshall county, S. H. Hagen, vie P. Olson, resigned; Rath bun, Appanoose county, Alexander Middle- ton, vice J. M. Adler, resigned. Additional rural route ordered established May 16: Keota, Keokuk county, la.; route embrace an area of twenty-two square miles containing a population of 610. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Co- lumbua, regular, VQ. M. Hail; substitute, Amelia A. Hail; Gretna, regular, 8. IS. Shaffer; aubatitute, Harvey Arlington; Le banon, regular, W. DeVoe; aubstltute, M. C. Stevens. West Point, regular, Alfred Gralst; rubstltute, Eddie Grelat. Iowa Algona, regular, Albert Reed; aubatitute, Mra. A. Reed. Belmond, regular, Charlea Peteraon; substitute, George Peterson. Blairsburg, regular, Clarence E. Btoufer; substltuts, Elmer Btoufer. Buffalo Center, regular, James A. Putnam; aubatitute, Ed ward E. Young. ' Clulter, regular, Herman F. Blocker; substitute, Louis A- Blocker. Hillsdale, regular, Owen E. MUler; substi tute, Clarence Loveland. Knoxvllle, regu lar, O. A. Beckley; substitute. B. M. Neal. St. Olaf, regular, Frank M. Perry; aubati tute, Edmyna Perry. South English, regu lar, Leo A. Blaylock; substitute. J. H. Weoger. Toledo, regular, Maxay M. Davis; substitute, Annie M. Davis. . Walnut, regu lars. John H. Dreysr, Isaao N. Kite; sub stitutes, John Ot boon a, Nettle E. Kit a Woodburn, regular, Harry Lowraan; aub atitute. Thomas F. Lowman. Bouth Da kota Big Stone, regular, Henry R. All rich; aubatitute, W. Voneacheu. THI9K JAP ARB Olf THIS BALTIC Mraaae Craft gee a aad Rasata Fca for Hart hern Fleet. CHICAGO. April fL A special cable to the Dully News from Stockholm say that It la reported In responsible quarters that certain strange craft, said to be Japanese submarines, are hovering on the eaat coast of Sweden. They were last seen off the fortified harbor of Farosund in the Island of Oottland In the center of the Baltic sea It la reported that the St Petersburg aa tboiitles have been advised of the matter and are alarmed for the safety ot the Baltic fleet flo ATI no Miami thrkateh shipi Several . Saaa la Raata ParaaMd by Merchant Vaeaala. TIEN TBIN, April XL Floating mines have been seen off tha Shan Tung promon tory In the much-used fairway followed by vessel bound to and from Shanghai and Cnea Foo and Tien Tain and other northern porta. This Is extremely dangerous to ship ping and probably will cause an Increase In maim las ara nee. klse Have Been leearrl. PARIS. April C A dispatch U (aa Tampa from St. Petersburg aaya tha for- malluea of tha purchase of three Argen Una warships of tha type of tha Garibaldi, constructed at Genoa, appear ta k settled. PROPOSED RAILROAD CHANGES I Barllnstoa ta Reach Oat for Calfl and Santa Fa to Tap Red wood Foraata. SAN FRANCISCO. April 3.-E. H. Har rlman. president of the Southern Paclfle, and his party arrived In this city today from southern California. From here It la expected the party win make trips over the local portions of the system and return east by way of the Lucln cutoff. President R P. Ripley of the Santa Fe system ts also In the city, having come from Santa Bar bara to consult with his engineer regard ing the proposed new road to Eureka, which mill tap the Redwood forests. KANSAS CITT. April 22 The Atchison. Topcka & Santa Fe latlway has completed arrangements for improving its freight ter minals and will within the next seven months spend 1250.000. This road now has sixty-seven miles of terminal tracks In Kansas City. This will be Increased to ninety-seven miles. The additional mile age will Include a large gravity switching ysrd. The Star says: The Burlington railway rysttm ts to be extended from Kansas City to the Gulf of Mexico if plans now under consideration by lta owners and chief offl cera are carried out. It is "proposed to run the new line south from Kansas City through Oklahoma City to Houston end thence to tidewater at Galveston. Tho Burlington ts seeking a gulf nutlet so as to be in better shape to handle tte Immense grain shipments which originate on its lines in the northwest. A part rf the plan is to make NKans City an Im portant storage and Irnnfffi'r system for grain. To that end a number of elevators will be built on the 350 acres owned by tha Burlington In Clay county. Missouri. For eeveral years the Burlington has been negotiating with existing gulf lines to secure a leare or Irnckage arrangement from Kansas City to salt water, but, hav ing fallrd In this. It Is now said to have arrived at a decision to build Its own line from Kansas City south. DENIES KANSAS CITY ST0RT Kansas City Offlcla.1 lays Dutch Be- cnrlty Holders Do Not Con trol CoBspsuty. NEW YORK, April 22. The following authoritative statement has been Issued concerning the recent meeting of the di rectors of the Kansaa City Southern Rail'' way company: Mr. George J. Gould did not retire aa vice m-esident at the request of the Dutch or other stockholders. On the contrary. Mr. Gould at tne directors meeting a year ago expressed hla desire to retire from the vice presidency and In the course of the year repeated hla wish to that ef fect, as he could not possibly give proper attention to the duties of the office, and It was solely upon his own insistence that he was not re-elected. The company Will atlll have the benefit ot his valuable co operation and advice aa a member of the executive committee. Mr. Msx Pam haa not retired aa an official of the company. The president, desiring to have that part of the legal de partment relating to the operation of the railroad In direct contact with him at Kanaas City, tha office of general counsel was abolished and the office of consulting counsel created. Mr. Pam waw-therenpoa elected consulting counael. There Is no change in hla relationship to the company except aa aforesaid. Mr. 61elcken was not elected vice presi dent of the Kansaa City Southern Rail way company at the request of the Dutch holders of securities, but upon the sug gestion of Mr. Harrlman. There li no controversy or conflict con cerning the property between the present management and the holders of the vot ing trust certificates, whether Hollanders or otherwise. No complaint or dissatisfac tion has been expressed: ty anybody au thorised to speak In favor of the Dutch holders. The subject of making a supplemental bond Issue at this time to acquire and ay for new extensions ana equipment nri tMKtn under discussion for noma time. The matter was fully investigated and con sidered, and at we meeting tne president reported that the company was In a posi tion to dispense with the making of any additional bond Issue for the present, In which conclusion tha directors unani mously concurred. The voting trust continues in force until April, 1906. and the voting trustees are: Louts Fltsgerald, John W. Gates, George J. Gould, K. M. Marnman, utto ti. nann, Herman Blelcken and James Stlllman, ELEPHANT DELAYS TRAFFIC Anlaaal Jumps from Freight Car and Ha to Ba Lifted with Jaekscrews. ' IDA ST ST. LOUIS, April 22. An elephant enrout to the World's fair, that threw Itself half out of a box car In an effort to aecure It liberty and then stubbornly re fused to get back into the car, caused a susynslon of business on a railroad for five hours, east of here trday. Tha freight train had stopped. In some way the car door swung open and the elephant Jumped out. Heavy ehalna prevented the beast from throwing It tody entirely out. The keeper coald not Induce tha elephant to get back into the car and also refused to unchain the beaat. A crowd of men en deavored to lift the elephant back Into tho car and failed. The railroad men Anally placed Jackscrews under the bulky body and In that way plaoed the elephant back Into the car, and trafflo was resumed. LINCOLN WIDOW GETS PRIZE Beat Twa Other Candidate a Matrtaaealal Bureau Haa hand. j 8TERLINO, 111., April It (Special Tele gram.) Henry Argue ot New Bedford ad. vertlaed for a wife In a matrimonial agency and on Wednesday three women, one a widow, another a graga widow and the third, a maid of 40, appeared to claim him. Elsie King, the widow. Journeyed from Lincoln, Neb., to have a bom for herself and Ave children. The two other arrived an hour later. They Immediately became Indignant at Argus for preferring the first arrival. The grass widow and tha maid, after vowing vengeance, left town. They refused to give their names and they dined at a cheap lunch counter ao that they would not ba compelled to register at the village Inn. PREACHER PRAYS IN COURT tUlaee Minister OsTera Pa Vila Thanks far Aeaalttal af Bla Baa. EDWARD8VTLLE. BL, April XL la tha circuit court room today. Rev. J. C Bat ten, paator of the Presbyterian church at Troy. III., publicly offered prayer of thanks when hie eon waa acquitted of a charg of grand larceny. Then the aolniatar am. braced each aaaanbar of the Jury that had return ad tha verdict and with arreamlfig eye embraced hla aa and led him from the court roam. Tha con, Frank Srftgn, cad been aecuaed cf stealing Jewelry frcm a Jewelry store la Troy. H's defense waa aa absolute de al tn charge, DOUCLAS COUNTY PRIMARIES BepnblicaQ GomaLte Imisi Call for the EelsotioD of relegates. BLACKBURN'S TACTICS CAUSE DELAY Congressional Chairman Calls Conven tion at Lincoln to Select Na tional Deleaea aad "to Do Na Other Buataeas." . The republican county central committee yesterday afternoon by a vote of almost two to one decided to elect eighty-seven delegates to the state convention by direct primaries on May 13, the same delegates to act In a similar rapacity In the congres sional convention. Under the rules adopted the names of candidates for congress and for district delegates to the national com mittee are to be submitted to the voters, the men receiving the highest number of votes in the county to be nominated by the convention. , The resolution embodying this plan waa introduced by Victor RoBewater, who ex plained that It was not his work alone, but that uf others as well. After a teat vote had shown how the committee felt theft was no trouble in adopting the plan. The dilatory congressional committee waa ig nored altogether and propositions to wait upon It with a conference committee were rejected. Not until alter the meeting did Chairman Blackburn of the congressional committee, who Is a njember also of the county committee, unfold the fact that the congressional committee had been called to meet at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Ralea for the Primaries. The Douglas county primaries for the state and congressional conventions will ba held under these rules: A primary election of the rennlllrsn vn. ers of Douglas county Is hereby called for Jriday, May 13, 19(4, to select eighty-seven delegates to represent Douglas county in uoueiiuun ai Lincoln, May m, pur suant tO the Call of the KLAti. nnmmlltn. The delegates so chosen shall also represent county in ine republican congres sional convention for the Second district, when that convention shall be called, and btt authorised and InstmoteH to Miat tl,z entire number of votes apportioned to Doug. cvuiijr, aim 10 can saja votes lor tne candidates for congress and candidates for nauonai aeiegates receiving the highest number of votes at sold primary. Each candidate for congress and for na tional delegate seeklnar the nunnnrt of tha delegation shall file with the secretary not later than ten days previous to tho primary his name, together with his registration fee. Candidatea for delegates to said state und congressional convention shall not later inan inree nays previous to the primary Ale with the secretary their nn mt mh. scribed to the following form, together iviui inoir regisirauon xees: "I (or we) hereby request that my name (or our names I be Disced unon thH nfflniAl frlmary ballot for delegate (or delegates) to he republican state and congressional con- venuons ana pieoge myseic (or ourselves) to vote for the candidates for congress and for national ' delegates who shall have re ceived the highest number of votea cast for auch positions 'respectively at the pri mary election." The names of candidatea for delegates ta state and congressional conventions may be filed In groups of not more than eighty seven, and when so filed shall be printed on iu oniciai oauoi so mat tney may De votea ss a delegation. No name shell be printed twice on the official ballot for delegate to' atate and congresalo.ial conventions. The registration tee for this primary shall be for each candidate for congress, ITS; for each candidate for national delegate, $20; for aaoh eandldate for delegate, $1. Candidates for the support of the delega tion may withdraw up to five days before tne primary by request in writing, but no teen ahail be refunded. For thia primary the primary election dis tricts shall correspond in the countrv pre cincts with the voting districts; In the city of South Qnuvha with the boundaries of said city, and in the city of Omaha with the respective wards, excepting the Sixth ward. In which there shall be two primary voting districts made up: First, of the First, Becona, irourtn ana Finn election precincts, and Second, of the Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh dis tricts. The polls for said primaries shall be open In the cities of Omaha and Bouth Omaha from 12 o'clock noon to 7 p. m., and in tne country precincta irom i p. m. 10 p. m. Bald primary election shall be conducted In all other respects subject to the rules already adopted by the committee govern ing primary olectl.tns, excepting Insofar aa In conflict with this cn'.l, in which parts they ara hereby suspended insofar as they apply to this primary election. The vote of said primary shall be can vassed by the executive committee of the republican county committee at the meet ing ta be held at t o'clock p. m. Monday, May 14, and the results officially declared on the vote of preference for candidates for congress and for national delegates, and certificates of election issued to the success ful candidates for deiegatee to state and congressional conventions. Reutlae af the Meeting;. Nearly the entire committee was present at Fraternity hail In The Bee building when Chairman Cowell rapped for order and the roll waa called. Several vacanolea, caused - by removal, were filled as fol low I W. G. Whltmor of Valley In place of John L. Teagvri John Kowaletaky In tha Fourth dlstrlot of tha Seventh ward vine M. 0. Bouma) Carl IB. Herring In tha Second of the Ninth for John C Campbell, and J. F. Miller In the Sixth af the First vice Joseph Guggenmosa Upon the suggestion of Victor Rose water Congressional Candidatea Breen and Burbank, who were the anly aspirant present, were called upon to explain their preferences In the matter of the congres sional convention. Both agreed that tho county committee should not take Inde pendent action with regard to delegate, but should appoint a committee to confer with the oongreselonal committee. Mr. Breen remarked Incidentally that he did not believe a republican could be elected to congress this fall unlee members of the party hung together. t. R. 'Wilson of Sarpy county, who ha been endorsed by the republican there for commissioner of public landa and building, made a speech In his own be half, saying nqthlng about the congree aianal controversy. Blachbara State) Position. In reply to a question from Joseph Koutsky ef South Omaha, Chairman Blackburn aaid that his committee claimed the right to control the congressional pri maries In t district, and while eeeking no controversy would resent any attempt to dictate how many or In what manner the delegate are to be elected. . In connection with a letter which Mr. Blackburn had written to him asking for a conference, Chairman Cowell declared that person had been circulating the report that he waa being controlled In hla action by Edward Roaewater. Thia, he ald, waa untrue and uncalled for. Victor Roaewater aaid that the light of the congressional committee to . call the convention when It aaw fit was conceded, but that the right to discriminate against any single county of the district waa not. He pointed out the fact that Barpy county had and Washington county was doing yesterday afternoon precisely what he wlahtd th county committee to do that la ta arrange for delegate to th congressional convention. Neither of th two other county eemmittee had sent eon fereae eocnmlttuea ta Mr. Blackburn and ha thought that Dougiaa' county should follow tha precedent set by the two other iOattenaa on Second P) THE BEE BULLETIN dhowera ftatardayt colder in aoath weat portion! ffuaday, fair aad colder la eaat portion. Page, 1 Three Car Barn Baadlta Are Ilea. Klnknld Bill Coafereure. itnnslaa County Prleaarlea Called. Latest rni from Seat of War. 9 German Seea I'crll If Japan Wlna. Panama Canal Contract la Signed 8 Xews from Over Nebraska. 4 etlekney Is Kntltled to Street. B Army Officer Spy Among- Plllplao. 6 Story, "Aa I awllllaar Diplomat." T W ireleas Telegraph niflereneea. Mormon Marriages Were Secret. Instate Flaral Tolley la Sound. Kebraakaa Pay Tribute to Morton. O Battle Over Corporation Fee a. Cent part a a; Trade and Profesalona 10 Editorial. 11 Nebraska Grata Rata War Settled. Talka on Sociology. la Sportlno; Kvents of the Day. 13 Flnaarlal aad CoramerolaU. IB Council Bluff and Iowa Howe. Hour. Deg, Hour Dag. 8 a. an p. m 0(1 a. m 4 a p. n OH T a. m T 8 p. m TO 8 a. an BO 4 p. m Tl ft a. m...... BS Bp. m T8 10 a OO p. m Tl 11 a. ra oa T p. m on 11a 6S 8 p. m 7 t p. m .l SUMMARY 0FTHE WAR NEWS Skirmishing ( the Yalu, but No Conflrmatlen of the Battle. (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1904.) NEW YORK, April M. (New York Herald Service-Special Telegram to The Bee.) With the Japanese concentrated at WIJu and the Russlana, after skirmishing with the advance guard, retreating from the north bank of the Yalu, tha dispatches from the far east Indloale that the long expected battle nearthe Yalu cannot long be delayed. Port Arthur report declared that a Jap anese column has been obliterated In an engugement on the Yalu, but there waa no confirmation of the dispatch. CarelessneFs on 'the part of the Russians at Port Arthur resulted In the explosion of a mine, the loss 'of a lieutenant and twenty men and the destruction of a launch. Renewed reports of possible Intervention come from various sources and St. Peters burg paper talk of an Anglo-Ruaso-French alliance, which ha caused a sen sation In Berlin. A special cable dispatch from St. Petersburg, however, says that Rvasla would listen to no offer of media tion based on th retention of Corea by Japan. TALK OF A KKW TRIPLE ALLIAKCB Berlin Intereated in Reported- Com bine of Russia-Franee-Ena-Iaad. (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 190t BERLIN. April .-(New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) Considerable Interest ha been aroused here by an extraordinary article In the Novoe Vremya in which reference is made to the possible conclusion of an Anglo, Ruse o-French' alliance. If there waa any truth In this It would, of course, indicate that Russia wks already considering the question of peace- However, It Is re garded Tiere aa merely a balon d' eesat , A statement In the Cvet to the effect that It may devolve upon the power to enforce the neutrality of China and sug gesting that Germany should take the in ltlatlve In proposing thia measure meet with energetic protest here. , The Vossl che Zoltung declare: ."Of ail the powers, Germany ha the least reason to place Itself at the disposal of the cear'8 government, that especially aa it is known that France show th greatest dlslnollnatlon to assume the role proposed for Germany." The Journal denies that the presence ot foreign Instructors In the Chinese army 1 a breach ef neutrality, and no power can object If China protect it frontiers. It Germany la foolish enough to assume th role proposed, it I now laying itself open to another diplomatic defeat. RIISIA SCOFFS AT A SETTLGMBltT Would Never Oeuseat ta Japan Keep lag Cerea. (Copyright 1904 by New York Herald Co.) ST. PBTBXRBBURO, April U.-(New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) Idea apparently started In Pari of th possibility of an arrangement being reached attar a first engagement on land, uppolng Russia victorious, upon condition of Japan retaining Corea and Russia keeping Manoaurla. ere pure non sense. Russia would hover aocept suoh a proposition. King Edward 1 reported to he the mover of suoh aa Idea her. The king won golden opinion for high, calm chauvinism and anti-Ruaslan sentiment la England, and thus prevented danKaroualy threatening In tamatlonai complication, but King Kd ward would never think ot offering inter vention, which would meet with a prompt refusal. Nor waa suoh action arranged recently In Copenhagen. What waa aettled there waa th assured neutrality ot Deit. mark, which 1 another blow to a Gorman project recently given In th Herald. GERMANY SELLS TORPEDO BOAT Takes lagealeas Tact ta Avoid Breach of neutrality. (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1904.) BERLIN, April 21 (New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) Some sensation ho been caused in Berlin by a dispatch from a German agency to th effect that Germany haa ceded to Rua sla certain torpedo boats building In pri vate yards, which are on the point of com pletion. Eight of the, which axe being built by the Schlclian yard, are the larg est torpedo boat as yet constructed In Germany, being of WO tons weight with an average speed of twenty-eight knots. In order to prevent a breach of neutral Ity the German government haa annulled It contract with the yard, leaving them to do aa they pleas with th torpedo boat. Japanese Oflleera Oaaajht la Raaala. ARCHANGEL. Russia. April 22 Two Japanese spies have bean arrested on tha railroad rear Vologda, m northeastern Russia, toj relies from Mohowa, with ians In their poasesalon of Archangel and the famou monastery on the island ef Solo- vetsky, la th Whit sea. WIPE OUT JAP COLUMN Beportad Einiam Hat Destrojad Entire. Command of Enemy oa Tali. , APANESE CONCENTRATED IN WAR FORCE l. Btwiiin Scouts Exckaagt Shots withBrowi Men cn Fomaku Rmri i JAPS PREPARING TO CROSS THE RIYER Foro at Wlju Eteadllj Inortailnj in a Foifr- tojm Coming Up. .- ALEXltFF DETAILS SEA BATTLE EVENTS Describes Movements la Front af Pari Arthur Which Bad la Dos tr na tion of Pet re pa vie vsk aad, Death af MakarosT. LONDON, April 22,-At T:40 p. m. a dis patch to th Central New from Port Ar thur say new haa been received there of the complete destruction of a Jjanese column on the Yalu river. No details. It Is added, were obtalnabla Hasslaae Defeated aa Yala. 8T. PETERSBURG. April 22 -An offlolal telegram says Russian scouting parties re port that the Japanese are concentrated t in considerable force with war material and pontoons at and around WIJu. Shota were exchanged south or tha river Po r.iaku, where a Russian detachment of two officers and thirty-two men lost three killed and two officer and thirteen men wounded. The Russian force regained th Russlaii aide of th river under th pro tection of two gun. AlexlefPa Report af Battle. The following telegram from Viceroy Alexleff haa been reoelved by the ciar: 'A aerlea of reconnolaancea carried out " on the Yalu river haa shown that th Japanese ar concentrating in considerable force. It is believed that they have about one division to the north of WIJu. They are also beginning to concentrate troops at WIJu, from which they have moved th Corean. "Information has reached me that quan tities ot material, apparently parts of pontoon bridges, are collected opposite the Island of MablkTte. ' Our scouts have killed two Japanese scouts, one of whom ap peared to be an officer. "On our right flank 'our scout executed daring reconnolsances, extedlng over sev eral districts, on th left bank of th Yalu, aa the result of which It has been, ascertained that there 'are only a . few troop south of th river Fomakua, but that th Japanese there are occupied - In k preparing boats. A Russian detachment, of two officare and thirt v-twn men nre ceedlng thither in boats. ' Th detachment, . however, waa discovered by the enemy and shots were exchanged, three of our riflemen being killed. Staff Captain Schnelxln and eleven riflemen were eeverely wounded and Lieutenant Pushkin end four men were slightly wounded. Th detach ment returned to our hank of tho river under the cover of two of our gun." Pay the Prlee of Careleaaaesa. Viceroy Alexleft announcement of th destruction of a launch and th loss of twenty-one men by the explosion of a Russian mine at Port Arthur haa added to the gloom which haa prevailed alnca th disaster to the Petropavlovsk. "We are paying the price of careless nesa," said a member of the admiralty, "and previous disaster seem to teach nothing." The war commission suppreesed part of the viceroy' dispatch which showed where the mine were laying. It I believed that aa launch were employed they were min ing the entrance to the harbor In order -to prevent ine Japanese from forcing an entrance and attempting 'to destroy th . remaining ship. i . : It i evident from th closing of th entrance that Viceroy Alexleft ha no in- . tentlon of letting hla ahlp go to sea oven : against an Inferior force, though this may not be th -policy of Vie Admiral ' Bkrydloff, who, will determine on a plan of operation when he assume com-. mand. Preparing; to Croaa the Yala. LIAO YANG, April it-General Kou ro pe t kin expect that the Japanese will soon attempt to cvos th Yalu. Th concen--tratlon of the enemy1 fore at WIJu haa ; steadily progressed. Information brought by scout and other show that there I more than one division there and that ' pontoon ar oomlng up, There waa a , skirmish yeaterday opposite WIJu ' on an Island which th Japanese occupied in order to pave tha way for tha laying of pontoon. Russian troop in boat were attacked and driven hack. Captain Schnelxln, who waa in command, being so- " verety wounded. -- Ruaaiaaui Kill Own Man. 8T. PETERSBURG. April B.-Ths csar ' has received the following telegram from Viceroy Alexleft, bearing today' data: I respectfully report to your majesty that today during tiie placing of mine by some steam launches Lieutenant Pell and twenty men were killed through a mine exploding prematurely under the stern of ou of the launches. . , ONLY KIRMlSHEa ALONG YALV i Roper of Battle) teat Croaa Seoul 1 Erreaeoua, (Copyright, by New York Herald Co.. 1804 ) SEOUL. April 22. (New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) It appear that yesterday rumor of a battle fought near th mouth of th Yalu waa based on several small skirmishes. Russian scouting parties on tb eastern ooaat ar retiring northward. It la re ported that Russians ar gradually retiring from tb vicinity of Amooa toward Pong Wau.' ' . AMERICAN NIRIES AT YOKOHAMA. Miss McOee and Party Reaetvf Umwtr Welcome. (Copyright 1901 by New York Herald Co ) TOKOHA.MA. April ItV (New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) Miss MoGee, a physician, and eight Ameri can nurses, arrived at Yokohama today. They received a very hearty welcome and the governor of Yokohama delivered an address. Rl BIA DENIES GERMAN STORY Arrested as Spies. ST. PETERSBURG. April 22 -An Assoc!, ated Press rorreapoDdant called tha atten tion ef th Foreign office here to the tele, gram ef th Harbin correspondent of th Frankfurter fcetttuig published yeaterday In the United Statee to the effort that four unarmed AJeriuaa ciUaen wer aaid a