(TIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, A HUT, 22. 1001. 9 4 S 1 4 I SPECIAL NOTICES A4rlUratili for Ikeae roluaune rlll It lak !! 18 m. for he evenlna; edition and until p. . (or the ncrilx 4 laMir edition. Hatca. 1 1-2 a ward flrat Inaertlnn, Je a word larrriftrr. Xolklac taken for lees thaa 20e for tha am Ineer. loj. Tkrif 4rllarmtiti snnet be ran enneerntlvetr. Advertisers, br repeating, a nsn. fcere4 eheek. eaa kitt nd. dressed tn a aumhered letter ta rare f Te Bee. Answers an addreaaed will he delivered on pre-eentetlon of ffce efteek aalf, MISCELLANEOI . BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English, Mail lessons in all branches. Catalogue free B- The Nebraska Seed Co. Open to 6:30 p. m. Saturday and Monday to p. m. 1518-lelo Howara. R 8fi2 Jl r.RAVPI DRIVEWAYS AND ARTI LlKA V EL FIC1AL, STONE WALKS. E. D. Van Court, 1020 N. 16th. Tel. mm. r i J a CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. F. H. Phllbin. ISOo Farnam and opp. Union station. Tela. 7M and 1.3. Kni OMAIIl Rf anil Iron works make a spe cialty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and safes. U. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. luth st. R-864 &126 D M. IIAVERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT, m BEE BLDU. PHONE a). R 066 Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 S. 14th. T. 6S6. R-8. r.ni nSILVER, NICKE VJWLUHitlng C. lSuell arney. Mel. &3t. R 8(jJ CITT SAVINGS BANK paya 4 per cent, R 8fi8 nifVlt FQ I'ARSEN'S "04 mt Dll I l-'L. CO best- Large line of modal Is bicycle sundries N. 24th. it bottom prices. Tel. F. iilii. 14JJ R M4tsi M6 EAGLE Loan Office; rsltable. accommodat ing: all buulnesa confidential. 1401 Douglas. R s;o EXPRE8SMEN"P Delivery Co., moving and storage. 1!14 N. 16lh. Tel. 1196. R-U 1 nreCMITU C. R. HEFLIN. 808 N. LWUIWIUIlll let 16th. Tel. 2B7I. R-73 Clarf ri-Csrpet Cleaning- Works. N. A. CieCulCchrlstenson. ZiuN. 20th. Tal. 1659. r m ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel.1773. It 874 rUBLIClTY DESIGNS WHEATON. In Tha Be bldg. R-876 'STRONGEST In the world." the Kautta- ble Life Aasurance society. Its policies aro sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants National Bank bldg., Omaha, iNeo. K i0 BIGN palnUng. 8. H. Cola, 1302 Douglas. R tit i ALL kinds carpenter work: repairing Sromptly attended to. j. 1. ucruitree, )th and Lkt. R 370 IFOR noon luncheon trv tha Karbach res taurant; reasonable prtoes. 418 8. 16th st If is Mitt CI-OTHEB pressed, altered, ton hotel tailor. Yousen. Pax- R 881 fjPECTACLES, $1; examination free., to days only. u. o. opticians, ion in. lttn. R-188 TRACINGS, blue prints and working draw ings. Buesj Co., omana. Phone 1KZ3. R 237 Apr22x PERF1ELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.; no Inter. eat, nonest values, easy terms, ti SJ 1. It. a SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. IE; tel. 9001 K 3 BTOVB etorags and repairing. Hughes rnove Repair woras, irzil cumins; at. Tel. F-2S0Z. K 12b Of PHOTOS. 2RC. Studio, 119 N. 16th, opp. P. O. R-811 This la the dnv WB GTVB PHOENIX BICTCtJCS AWAT With $26 cash youpay at Ioula Flescher's, 162Z cnpttol ave. Hartford tires, $3.00. R M277 23 CTftVCC Stored and repaired. Jackson JlOV CO Bros. Pegg. 711 N. lth. Tel. K M Apr2 Agent for Columbus roof cement paint. z(2 jezi I CLEAN, dye, repair clothes. AM N. 1th. R M809 JeS3 CARPET cleaning. Tel. F-8071. J. Wood, 2016 Clark. K M165 STOVES STORED IXfl Douglas. Tel. (60. Omaha St. Rep. Wks. K Mill Ms BICYCLES! BICYCLEST OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chlcnge. R-MSil Mil BRICK contractor. J. P. Healy. 13 Clark. R M9"H M14 COOKING, heating, gsa. gsaollne stoves re- paired. City Stove Rep'r W ks, Tel 1,245. n m.t.-j mis PERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee bldg; no In terest; honest values; easy terms. Tel. 701. R-W2 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, room 411 McCaautt building.. Y-8SI U HOLES-ARM STRONG CO., 721 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. X OHO ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 812 Brown block. can gel you in or out or Dullness Y-886 .WANTED, young man In shoe and fur. nlshlng business that can Invest $500 to $1,000. This Is the very best chance for a young man to get into a good business. Address 11 z, tee omce. t x Z14 IS" ICE pool rooms and bowling alley; cheap rem; nrai-ciaiu. im-aiiun, a money maker; three aood rooming house a. all bareaina: also a rice brick, will rent for ii per monin, i. iou. oee u. n. suck, 2I n. I. Uia Diag. X 321 "THE HOTEI, BARGAIN One of the beet hotela In western Iowa. In a county seat town or Z.800 Inhab itants. The only 12 per day house In the place; 8-story brick with basement; a $7,200; $2,200 down and 85.0.10 time will be given. Address H, . omana tiee. Moot RANTED Some one to Invest capital In a new patent power that gives heat and light and pulls all kinds of machinery. Call and see Inventor. Charles Johnson. ll' Farnam sc. omana. rn.,n. r so 21 AGENTS WANTK.D. WANTED, canvaaslng agents In every county to solicit suns notions 10 1 rl K TWENTIETH ft.MlKI tAKMCK. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvasser make eaaiiy too to iiuu per monin. Aa drees Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, itr Running. Una ha j 71s ' LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BT1LLMAN aV PRICE. 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg E. F. MOREARTY, Att y . 437 Paxtoa. A-2ti. Tel. 470 JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life bldg.. roome $04 and S19 Tel 155J M3h9 MUSICAL. VHUa J. KELLY, voice, Davldge block. DAISY HIGGIN8, voice,-piano. TeL A-3741. JolS Lea v. . 27 VHAA. U. Jt-EEFKR, piano, H Barker Blk. WASTED MALE HELP. Shorthand Lessons Free In order to ahow vnu that we have the most simple, legible, and rapid system of Ehnrthand ever yet devised, we will give four lessons free by mall, to any one who will naxee to follow Instructions Write us and we will mail you the first 32 pure of our text hook an yon can begin at once. These lessons will give you quite a start. Auarcss: OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Ktli and Douglas Streets. MtN to learn batber trade, free railroad tare upon our failure to convince you ot tnla living the BESi, largest and only re liable, n. oat practical barber college In tins section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers Institute, Omaha. Neb. WANTED FOR U. 8. A KM Y Able-bodied unmarried men between ages ot u ami &j; citizen of United States, of good character and tenm.T:i te habits, who can riftu u u nH rit F.nsllMh. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, liith ana Doqgo bis., Omaha, or mhmi. . B Mlo2 500 painters at World's fair, St. U.uis; union men: noc iter noir, uvuw..,. Apply at World s lair loun?M957 ax a n i r, 1 1 Men to learn iwiii ,in.,,T, rv cial offer Includes sc holai ship, board and tools; short time completes, best oppor tunity ever Riven. Cail or Write. Moler Barber College. IJ02 Douglas St- B M164 22x MAN to visit retail trade for mercantile house; salary. $24 weekly; expenses aa- va:iced; previous experience unnecessary. V ... 1 ...... 1 i ' - -.,... I'hln.ai ti K.IQ77 ILlY WANTED Experienced marble cutter to do rough cutting and engraving. Ad dress U. C. Mendell. Superior, Neb. LARGE eastern patnt manufacturer wants responsible man or nrm to tuKe ex clusive Omaha and Nebraska agency; manufacturer will do extensive advor- Ulncr for agent's benellt. I he paint Is a leader wherever introduced. Auuresa H 45, Bee office. B ooi PORTER WANTED Must have experience !n a mercantile store. First class refer ences reuuired. J. L. Brandels & Sons. WANTED Partner to mnrtage permanent business m cmana; sober, reiiauic, en terprising; $15 week salary; cast capital required; half interest: good hon- oranln opportunity; rerernnces tii nangeo. Address Henry Wlllmering vansani. re- orla. III. B M3ti 23x WANTED At once. 25 teams; 2 months work; $4 k0 per day; bring wagon. all at 2f 8. 12th st., Omaha, or the works, 2 mls north of old fair grounds at Council Bluffs. Illinois Central Co. Works. B 4c CLERK or BRIGHT TOt'NO MAN to fit for Gov't Position. Starting salary jsio. Promotion as deserved. I. C. I.. Box R7f, Cedar Rapids. Ia. B 4o3 30x Wr ANTED, travelinar salesman with Intel llgence. experience, energy and character. References required. o rampies. at- dress, giving nge, references and full particulars, H 4. Bee. n Mu: 24 WASTED FEMALE HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeping or man and wilt call Canadian uince, iuin ana uorge. C 9t LADIES for work at home stamping world's fair souvenirs; steady. 55 Doug las bldg., opp. llayden s. UMSsi A.JO WANTED Girl for general housework. 1332 Georgia ave. WOMAN not over 40 as housekeeper In Omaha family or three male adults on May 1; a permanent position to one ca pable of doing all the work. Address, staling references as to character and 1 honesty, ll 12, Bee. C M833 LADIES to learn halrdresslng, manlcurlni cnnic; tour weens completes, positions awaiting onr grauates, call or write. Moler College. iiUi Douglts St. c M lW-Z-'X MISS HILDSTRUM, the 8kln and Scalp bDeciaiist. win teacn two competent wo men facial, scalp massage, shampooing and bust development, free of charge. Miss midstrum win leave omana next month and will have many customers. and wishes to teach her methods to some anu wnnea 10 leacn ner meinoas 10 some I one who may continue the work snccess- I fully. WANTED Child's nurse; references re quired, inquire 412a Farnam. C M3SZ iix WANTED Agents to solicit orders for tapestry painting; Dig money. 623 a. 19th. c ma mis WANTED Neat girl for general houa work. Five In family. 4248 Burdette. C M:W2 24X WANTED- SITUATIONS. H. C. THOMAS. 1208 O street. Lincoln. Neb., would be pleased to accept a posi tion with some business enterprise or company mat wouia pay a lair salary, with opportunity for something better provided have necessary ability; refer ence furnished. A 402 24 POSITION wanted by competent account ant; omce manager, credit man and aud itor: best of references. Address Box 863. omana. A M420 24x FOR RE 1ST PLKNISHBD ROOMS. KOYAX, HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th .4 Farnam. kj NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Bieam laundry, libtt Leavenworth. Phone A.-1.6J. E 9 O. M E. hauls trunks. Tel. 611. E 800 $1.26 PER WEEK. Doran bouse, 422 S. 18th. E 801 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, 1 laates caie, private atning r.; open nights. J 902 LARGE, worm room; steam heat; 190 Capitol ave. -l . u NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. 16th. NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1420 uoage bl. E 901 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam sts." E 806 THREE furnished rooms, light housekeep ing, liu d. uin mi. j 4,4 IiARGE all modern front room; Walnut Hill and Harney cars. $10 month. 3210 Cuming street. E M263 23x ONE nicely furnished, front room. 8. E. corner 21'th and Douglas sts. E 8ts 21 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. UTOPIA, steam heat. 1721 Davenport. F 90s Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with. outboard. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago. 801 FINE location, lawn and shade, gentle men preferred. 221a rarnam. s4 24x L8IlJ?A8ajroomjijndoard, F M419 M21 W1KTEU.TO BL"T. I cuoven .v,. 1 , ru"! L,lf' P" n'n' ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. best price for books. Tel. 3036 N 1J4 ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 2020. cniciigo ui niture Co.. iiu uodge. N-918 WE cLaTh! yrRe!edr" ."nN-rM3?0bT: l.Ooo FEATHER beds, pillows snd bolsters. Highest casn price paid. C. A. R , 1922 S. WANTED. good family horse. large enough for surrey. J. W. Umpmiin, 17th ana iougiax. N M123 Z3x WANTED, driving horse, city broke: mare preierrcf. v ouiu nuy horse, harness and trap tf suited T. 11. Pollock. Plana. mouin. N M42I 22 LOST. STRAYED w rule bull terrier dog; year old. light yellw spot over left eye. eirj and tall cut; when hist wore a large col lar. Return or notify Robertson Bros., 214 8. lain si., ana receive reward. Ixat4 6 22x DRESSMAKING. IN ta ml lies. Mlsa Sturdy, 860$ Davenport. PEOPLE PAY FOR SPACE IN THE BEE Because i t pays- The Bee prints the most paid Want Ads because Bee Want Ads give best returns. Choice Books Free Saturday. See Large Ad in This Issue, FOR 8 A LB MISCELLANEOUS. ID-HAND safe cheap. Deright. 1110 Farnam. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman Q 911 McConnell Drug Co., Omana. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; Dlillard taints repaired; large atocK cneap bar nxlures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wick-alke Conender Co.. 407-u b. 10th. q du 160 WATCHES, 75 diamonds, left In pawn. cheap, jjimnond iahui omce, itui Dougi is. W Kit WE RENT Sewing machine. 5c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine munuiactured. Second-hand machines from o.wu to iu."j. Nebraska Cycle Co.. Thone 1663. Corner loth and Harney. Jlo FOR SALE Several scholarships In a flrst- ciass standard school In Omana, compris ing complete course lu business, short hand and typewriting, inquire at Hoe oltlce. W FOR SALE Cheap, old Ink barrels. Apply to tne pressroom ot ine t5ee. w u FOR SALE Will sell at a discount a schol arship In one of the best Omaha business collects. Audi ess F 15, Bee. Q M301 FOR SALE Second-hand safe, soda foun tain and National cash register. Rich- mund-Derlght Co., 13oa Farnam. Q nil DEN8MORE typewriter, In good condition, lor m. no. luie xs. x. iue. let. auio. SECOND-HAND furniture, carpets of all kinds, lowest prices. estern Furniture Co., 1414 Dodge. 4-Mi Ai TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; fell Douglas. W MG95 cheap chicken fence. HEAVY, full leather top buggy In good condition; Drummond make, so1); also harness. Johnson & Danforth, 8. W. or. loth and Jones. y-MUl Ml FOR SALE, rails of all weights; also switches, frogs and cars for maeiracas and tramways, locomotives, steam snov ela and contractors' tools. We make a specialty of cutting rails to any length desired. M. MiUhkun Co., Detroit, Mich. 2D-HAND sale. Swarti, Hatter, 114 a. Htn. Q llo Jys WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Sam ) Burns. HOG, roultry, Lawn, Farm and Railroad vir f ence, wire woras, ui o. Tel. 1590. u mi jys FOR SALE Oldsmoblle, $400. Price de creases $10 dally after April u until soia. 208 Bee building. w 001 FOR SALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, Baum iron co., Omaha. Mil 2ND-HAND automobile cheap. Powell Au tomobile Co. vi si STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and Retail. HARNESS and SADDLES; everything con sidered, cheapest on eann; everyming hand-made: union shop; headquarters tor axle gresse and whips. J. G. BLESSING, 831 N. 25th, Bo. omana. SMOKE Auditorium Brick, 6c cigar. FOR SALE No. 2 Hubbard oven, $75, If taken at once, inquire w. o. oaiauii, di Farnam St. Q-2 21 t- . r-t v j11 TAR Write for prices or )maha Gas Co., loth I f r telenhone 741. Omaha Gas Co., th and Lincoln ave.. Omaha. Neb. Q 212 M16 FOR SALE Oldsmoblle, $400. Price de creases $10 dolly alter April u until soia. 208 Bee building. W wi FOR SALE Three roll-top desks, first class condition. 828 cnamDer ot l ommerce. Q M365 22x FOR BALE At one-third cost, furniture draperies and rugs or eignt-room nouse, all In first-class condition; can be seen forenoons at 2618 Harney. wmsji KIMBALL piano. $280. Beginning April 10 price will be reciucea 12 aauy uniu ana. Room 7, Bee bldg. Q-M396 nir.rnvn.HlNn TYPEWRITERS. These machines have all been thoroughly overhauled and put in nrst-ciass conai- Hn. anA a r a tiArffiiln. for the monev: Yost 10- Caligraph 10.00 No. 5 RllcKensoerrer . No. 2 Remington No. 7 Bllckensderfer No. 1 Smith Premier No. 1 Densmore No. 6 Remington .... 16.00 20.00 25.00 28.00 (0.00 42.60 60.00 No. 6 Remington No! 6 Remington 5?.00 xTa 1 Bmllh Premier D3.1RJ No! 2 Oliver 55'52 No. 2 Oliver ' No. 2 Oliver MDHKABKA I II I.E. ic.. Corner 15th and Harney Sts. a? Hrnndwav. Council Bluffs. BRANCH OFFICE-612 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. utu. r. Phone 1663. I"?,n?KvV- Kj nun -- FOR HALE UORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TinRSES for sale: second-hand narness and vehicles cneap. airicniui a tool 8. 19lh. P 917 HAVE your wagon painted or repaired by H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth P-al8 HORSES CLIPPEDifMcc-l'.pri P MS84 A 27 HORSE, phaeton, surrey, cheap. Bam' I Burns. P-846 Mil WILL sacrlflo high-grade $125 runabout for $75; also good top miggy IOr o. Johnson St Danforth. fl. W. Cor. 10th & Jones. P-3 Mia FOR SALE, several city broke driving and family horses; nice surrey ana eingie nar ness. urewer s oarn, duuki umuim, i-, 1' 323 24 FLORISTS. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -937 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Send for price list OI cut nowers anu piania. n tf ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR., 1607 Farnam Tel 3333. TREKS. SHRUBS. FLOWERS. From the F. W. Menersy Crescent Nursery , 'rt m miiea rrom umana. x.arKcsi as sortment grown In the west. Flowering shrubs, heavy clumps, beauties. We can please you botn in prices ana qunuiy. Sales ground. 21st and Farnam, where stocK tnat rans to grow is iwii re placed according to contract, u. it Keyes Omaha, M g"r. 'Phone 3357. M7:4 May? OSTEOPATH r. 1"tltU"- 614 N" T" Uf bld- lP DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 631 N. Y. Lfe. TeL 26M. m Fayette Cole, osteopath, tot Paxtoa block. Dr. Farwell, specialty nervous diseases. 604 Paxton. te aj DR8. LAIRD & LAIRD. 203 Karbach blk. Phone , aiiwa a-s MRS JOHN R. MU8ICK. Osteopathia Phy sician: omce. Douglas oioca. in. S70 PATENTS AND PENSIONS. H. J. COWGILL Patents No fee unless successful. 618 8. 15th. Omaha. Tel. l.'J. 9,9 PATENTS guaranteed. Suea Co., Omaha. Pfc"8ION8-. ". Moore, 13 r"yn.1 eis KOR KALE REAL ESTATE. FINEST view In Omaha, on Florence boulevard (N. 20th St.), 3 blocks north of Ames ave. ; no special taxes; large lot, east front; 8-room modern house and barn; for sale at reasonable price and terms. Fred M. Youngs, &002 Florence blvd. RE M301 c"ls- Williamson Co.M, RE-795 $3,000. ON easy terms will huv the most besutiful home on Clifton Iftll cheap when you see It throughout; owned by Rev. Dillon, who leaves the city; 4316 Grant. RE-M413 MY RESIDENCE house, 8 rooms, all mod ern, 1626 Spencer; terms easy. Will Marks, P. O. Box K. RE M148 A 30 H $(m Home H Good 6-rooni cottage with large lot. 41st and Center; gool well, brick walk. barn, nice shade. Cnn lease adjoining lota. First time offered for this price. Hastings & Heyden, .i.i-.l N. V. Life Bldg. RE bin Sautter & Mares Co., Tel. 1777, 20 and Pierce Sts., Has for sale Zoo.owi acres timber and farm land, improveu mid unimproved, on easy terms, at prices ranging irom $6 to Ij per acre, at cumberiunu, Wis. Investi gate. n.xciii siou twice a month. KE-M&38 ENGLISH & Co-, PAX ION BiAJCK. One of the finest -room moucrn desldsnces in West rarnam uuirici, i,-0o. KE-922 IF YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR A BARUAiN iN A. rtU'AL A t AitM Do Jsui uvh.hL.uuh THIS, lbo acres 01 choice smooth land In Platte valley, beat black loam soli, clay subsoil, u acres in altalta, balance In cultivation, nil fenced and crusa-lenced, house, bain, bheas and corrals; , mile from station on main line U. P. railroad, immediate pus fcesslon. Bargain at ta.uOO. but owner will lake $4,000 it sold Immediately. It. C. PETERS st COMPANY, Uround Floor, Bee Huuding. RK Ansa ACRES Near Omaha, choice and sightly; overlooks city; owned by eastern client who pre fers to close out entire holdings to one purchaser, but we think he will sell In small tracts, as follows: Tract of 20 acres at $100 per acre. Tract of 20 acres at $150 per acre. Tract of 40 acres at $150 per acre. Tract of 25 acres at $200 per acre. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. RE MJ04 $2 too 4216 Ersklne st., 6 rooms, well ar ranged, story and a half, oak floors downctalrs. This is a genuine snap. See us. it v. tsnoies Co., 722 m. x. Lure Bide. Tel. 4. RE-575 FOR SALE 130-acre farm, 2H miles from Fort Collins, good water rights and fine improvements, mice stocked witn nsn. Address, Box 157, Fort Collins. Colo., R. F. D. No. 8. RE 319 26x t-ROOM modern house on 26th, north of Cuming; lot 80x127, $2,700. Must be sold on account or owners neaitn, 1 nns noyer, 22d and Cuming. KB-M331 24 BUY NOW - TWO CHOICE FARMS IN THE BEST ALFALFA DISTRICT IN THE FERTILE PLATTE VALLEY 160 acres of choice Alfalfa land In the Platte valley, within 6 nines 01 Lexington, inbd. Land can all be. cultivated. la per acri if Hnlit at nnpt 160 acres well Improved alfalfa land in Platte valley. 7 miles rrom lexingtnn. Neb.; 6-room house, barn for 20 horses and 20 cows, hog hoiute, chicken house, cave, wind mill and tanks. If sold now, $3,600. R- C. PETERS A CO., Ground floor, Bee Bldg. RE-MI60 24 $2,750. 8-room modern house on Harney St., near 33d St.. on payments. THE BYRON REED CO., RE M37S 22 WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT! why, THOMPSON-BELDEN, ORCHARD-W1LHELM, Itlti luunu MEN'S CHRIS 1 IAN ASSOCIATION and the contemplated adatilon to the Her Grand hotel alL on 16th and Howard streets, will surely enhance the value of all South 16th street property. Every thing north of the viaduct, and we havs a line three-story brick block, well rented, on the west side of 16ih street, owned by eastern parties, and our Instructions are to sell at once. See us quick and you will make money. Low price and easy terms. 6 per cent Interest. Thomas Brennan, room 1, main floor New York Life bldg. W. H. Crary, manager real estate department. RE M399 FOUR HOUSES FOR SALE, EAST WAbKlNU DJB I AINC Uil, 82.150.00. 1111 North 18th St.. 7-room house, has city water, sewer, batn, closet, gas ana is in flrst-clasa condition. Lot 33x140 ft. Im mediate possession can bo given, 82.000.00. 2019 Webster St., 7-room house on one of best down town aspnaitum pavea eirevia, which is paid for In full. Lot 30x132 fu tl.650.00. 1546 North 18th st., 6-room cottage, has city water, sewer, Dam, ciosei ana gas. Fine lot, 33x140 ft. 81.750.00. 1008 North 24th st. 7-room house. This Is Just north or Cuming st. GEORGE & COMPANY, 16D1 Farnam St. RE-M388 23 WILCOX ADDITION Cheapest Property in Omaha, Location and Develop ment Considered. Wallace Offers Forty of the Cheap est Lots in This Low Priced Addition. Not iom of tht advantage! of thta prop- artl" HALF WAY BETWEEN OMAHA AND Ki.l TIl OMAHA. Walking distance from either city; car line 10 De ouiii. aown in. viw ,, ern elevator and terminal grounds Just ...mi, K. tracks from It. Subway on Bancroft, under all tracks, to be bunt mm year. New Car Barns, 24th and Vinton You know what that Improvement meant for Drooertv around 24th and Ames. It will mean twice as much for Wilcox addition property, u'liiia.'a ofti f.iiimvinir Viiraalns. on 2eth lust south of Bancroft and the proposed subway, only 8 or 4 blocks from new car barns; LOTS. $250 EACH. 4 LOTS, $. EACH. I LOTS. V EACH 4 CORNERS. $400 EACH FOUR 24TH ST. FRONTS. 160 EACH OTHERS FROM $ To $l.w. EASY TERMS. See me at once for particulars. These lots will all be sold in a short time. GaioROB U. WALLACE. BROWN BLK BE Id 41 34 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS. Nice new 5-room cottage In Benson, with three lots; a snap for I1.5H0: new i-room house In Dundee for $3,200; 6 acres In Benson, $1,250; 73 acres near Benson for $7,300. Benson & Carmichael, 642 FAXTON BLK. RE-M4U 25 1 TO 10-ACRE TRACTS. At end of Farnam street car line. Just the location you have been trvlnar In find for your suburban home. $150 to $100 per acre; one-third down and balance to sun at e per cent interest. BEM1S, FAXTON BLK. RE M408 23 CHRIS BOYER, 22nd Si Cuming St. BARGAINS IN CITY PROPERTY 214 8. 2th St.. R-room house, lot 40x112: must ie sold within 2 weeks, a genuine uarK'iin 2 .mi. For Sale Business property on Cuming. neiwcen 21st and 22d, one-story brick building, lot 20x132, good business loca tlon; a snap; Investigate. S2d and Webster, 7-room house, a bargain. Call for particulars. Two-room hoiiMe, barn, cistern and well water, on Gust St.. near 14th $800. 4-room house, barn, chicken house, coal snea. wen water, on Gust St., near 14th( a bargain at $600 VACANT LOTS. Two vacant lots 011 27th and Saratoga, 100 xl27, together $600. 2 lots. 60x1m each, on 46th and Hamilton, corner, $3ou; Inside, $250. CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming. Tel. 2049. KE Mui 22 FOR SALE 6 irrigated faring 111 Big Horn Volley. Clias. tVoliand, oriand, VYyo. EAST front lot on 40th, between Leaven worth and rarnam sis., $ouu. F. U. W tAU, 1.4 i.uugla8. lvc-M416 23 lllus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE-9-1 FOR SALE-The McConnell house, 2123 Cass; 10 rooms; complete in every way; ground 131x132; stable; 14,0u0. IN. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam. RE--.vi.W7 23 FOK RENT HOUSES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store ll. 11. gooda. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. lulu, onlce, uWra Farnum. Tel. U69-e63. D 926 PAYNE-B08TWICK & CO., choice houses. 601-60 New lorn LAio Bldg. Phone lolb. UHiO Iirt IcrCC In all parts of the city. The flUUOLJ 0. jr. Davis Co., au8 Bea Bldg. U 92 1 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 149. Ohlce lii3 Webster St. D 929 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. DMO UnllQPQ I" parts of the city. R. C. IIUUOCO peters ft Co., Bee Building. D 931 FOR RENT 8even-room house, all mod ern, 2123 California St., $32.50, Including water tax. Inquire at 607 N. ltfth St. D MS93 I IQT your houses for sale or rent with -!- I I. N. Hammond, Paxton Block. D 930 FOR RENT All modern 8-room house, No. 210 S. Join Ave. Inquire M. L. Sugarmau, county court, court house. D 963 FINE 14-room, strictly modern, brick dwelling, entirely new, 2324 S. 14th. Bemls, Paxton Block. D M6O0 R. C. PET3R8 A CO., Managers of Real Estate. 2216 Blnney ht., lo rooms, modern, hot water neat, -o. 1521 Park Ave., new modern 8-room flat, across from Hanscom Park. $33. S509 Dodge St., east Vi new uouble brick. newly papered, nickel plumbing, exclu sive neighborhood. 6 rooms. 832.50. 909 S. 27th, 4 rooms, city water and sewer. R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor Bee Bldg. D 208 FOR RENT. 2106 N. 28th ave., $10; C large rooms; 8 diocks rrom iaKe st. cars. M. L. Trimble, agent, 1218 Farnam, Zd floor. D-M255 FOR RENT 7-room furnished house fo mo summer, ur. iiage, out N. win. D-S97 FOR RENT Four rooms, lower floor. newly papered; city water In house; 8124 Mason bt., $7. c. M. Bachnuinn. 436 Pax. ton Blk. D-M832 FOR RENT 6 and 7-room flats; ground noor; Darn; city water: also store room io eacn. is. r. uoage & Co., ion r arnam t. D 317 NICE 8-room flat, facing Hanscom Park, m. rnone di. u mxsi FOR RENT 2969 Paclflo St.; strictly mod ern 9-room house, oak finish: 840: vacant May 1. Enquire A. G. Elllck. 640 Paxton BlocK. D M369 FOR RENT Red cottage at corner of 20th ana M sts., ho omana, inquire or E. A. Davis, Murphy block. D M363 23 x FIVE-ROOM house. 846 S. 18th. D-M3S9 ELEGANT 8-room house In West Farnam district; strictly modern; large lawn. Charles E. Williamson Co., U. 8. National Bank Bldg. D M410 22 WELL furnished house, Kountze addition, eincuy mouern, iu rooms, mi neptemner, $.' per month, same price as unfurnished, Address H 48 Bee. D M409 24x FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. TWO-STORY building, 1512 and the second noor imb-io Howard, w. 11. Bushman. 1933 DENTIST wanted to share office with physician with fine quarters In Bee bl.la. with well established practice. Address C XI, Bee. 131 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By a family of 5 (no children), a 7 or 8-room house, modern, with yard; no objection to outside location. Address H 47. Bee. K 44 24x PRINTING. PDIWTIWP. I High Grade Work. !;"VV Y Crounhe block, corner of LTINUOl AUl 16th St. and Capitol Ave. -933 HIGH CLASS printing ut lowest prices. Tel. 1262. 1. A Medlar Co., 423 8. loth 8L to J. M. SIRPLESS. Reliable Printer; estab lished 12 years. 2o3 8 13th St., Omaha. -345 M18 AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment. Get our prices. Tel. 1621. 1618 Chicago. M-36& M19 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Schmoller Mueller. 1213 Farnam. Z 978 EQUITY In 11-room modern dwelling on corner lot, close to business center, in Iowa town, for general merchandise or laud in Nebraska or Iowa. Address 610 West 6th 8t., bedalia. Mo. Z-M7 2"-' FOR SALE Fl RNITt'RE. BEDS, dresaers. stoves, combined writing dehk. rouih. parlor t.et. rug for sale 2fc4i Davenport St. Call f wrenoou. O iti 24a I'KltMiNAL. SEPTEMBER. ISM Philadelphia Alms House, George plnkert, aged 9 months, son of George P. J'lanno. Market, 7th and Collowhtil, lert by Brhrget McKenna, Jones court; want relatives. Address care David Campion, Springer hotel, 14th and University, New lork. U 153 26x DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 1 1516 Farnam. U Ml Paper Hanging cTassrrJrTn t. I'. McCLAiN. teed st reasonable prices. 210 N. 17th 8t. Tel. B-2547. U 942 Aecordeon pleating, cheapest, best, quick est. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Douglas. U-1H3 LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring, 613 Karbach block. U-944 PAN TORI UMnlh,n' U-960 ANY poor girl in need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women, 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U M526 Mix Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge bld. U 916 ELITE Parlors, 616 8. 16th, 2d floor. U-946 VIAVI," way to health, 830 Bee building. U-8J7 WILL the lady who was In the box at the Boyd theater Monday night with lace hat and fur piece on, who noticed the gentleman who came in late, please ad dress H 62 Bee. U 333 26x ,H 8 nicer than acoordeon pleating? We do nothing hut the flnwt. Goldman Pleating Co., 2o0 Douglas blk. U 948 BEN BOLT Why didn't you meet me at C olumbia Phonograph company s last night 1 waited until half pant 9. Say, their free concerts aie grand, and I bought a dosen X. P. Wo records ror 25o each. Peggy from Paris. U 949 SEND 2;.c for HOMESTEADER'S GUIDE, containing forty-eight pages of valuable Information. OFFICIAL MAP and full il1.",,J.u-?tlon how to Ret a claim on the ROSEBUD RESERVATION. Forbes Lo cating Agency. Boneateel, S. D. U 9il ' AftuuAs for rent; 3 months' rent al ;ow.t'T.on ul'ChHse. Schmollor & Mueller, 113 t amain. Tel. 1625. U 962 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th St. U-963 T, 1 . - . . . . DR. SLABAUGH, Dentist. N. Y. Life bldg. U-M121 6M,OK.E. c"Pt- Freer's Greenlander cigar. 410 S. 13th. U-M917 May! THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lieben, U-954 iu.o rarnam. C. M. BRI'NS Address wanted or m-nuM like to hear from him. Send word to C. A. W., Postofflce Box 672, New York. U 659 25x LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any uniu can secure a nan in tne liee runn ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, ele-trio light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. U 341 CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 3U28. U M4&0 Jell) THERE are at least '20 reasons why every ,., i ruiiuin anoint; wie juonuBi'ini oc cik,.i. The first Is: It Is equal to any 1oc cigar on the market. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. U 103 WALL paper cleaned. Mlddlemlss, Tel. AJ--WS. U M145 A .10 READ THIS If you are Interested In clean ciotnes, tnen patronize tne Domestic Laundry. 2416 N. 24th. Tel. B 1182. U-M482 FAMILY washing and rough drying a spe cialty. SU14 M. 4t!l Bt. 11600 MUX DR. C. H. DE LONCI, DenUst. S62 Bee. U tM Ml M A r.VCTIP treatment & baths. Mme. CinVJl. C 1 IV-. Smith, 118 N 16, 2 fir. R. 8. U 150 M-7x 8TEINWAY pianos are sold exclusively by Bchmoller ft Mueller, 1313 Farnam bt. U-M80O RE8PECTABLE business man (34; Income $4.000; . would marry strictly family gin or orphan about same standing; no agents. H 61 Bee. U-714 2Bx Eczema SALVE. Quick, absolute cure B. J. Bcannell, 609 Ware Blk. U M606 MS I iPrmani?i cleaners and dyers. Ill wwiiikaiMU 13th gt Tei. j,i?7. U M867 MOLES on face or body removed; no acids, knife, electricity used; no pain; reference given: for date, Sunday only. Tel. A2644. 2304 N. 21st St.. Omaha. U M850 25x BEST photos from $2 to $10 per dozen and n 14x17 or 16x20 photo not crayon Included In each dosen FREE. Frames If desired at very low prices. Stonecyp.ier, photog rapher, 1312 Farnam Bt. tci. 3.122. u - PENNELL MILLINERY OO.-New loca tion, 111 South loth st, opp. 01a postomce. U-922 M14 PHOTOGRAPHIC negative retouching complete course $25, $10 down and $1 per week, for Ave weeks. Suite 2, Krug Thea ter Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. U-322 M17 LAWNMOWER3 sharpened. 2708 Leav. Tel. L-1676. U-M340M18 DR. FICKES, G. C. B. S. dentist. S38 Bee Blag;. c ,io-i una TUB and vapor baths, Burt, 2d floor, room 1. Mrs. Davles. 161b IT :t4 6 25x fC C A DTC nd Bohy Carriages Mfg.. VJVJ VAr I O gold from mfg. to buyer; nt wholesale prices: satisiacuon teed. Omaha It. & R. Works 41l guaran S. 18th. "PAPA says he can't shake "em off' - Hute son's New Patent R!mle?s Eyeglass; al most Invisible. Huteson Optical Co., 21.1 B. ISth St.. Paxton block; factoiy on the premises. Jlli RETIRED business man, very rich, seeks good honest, home-loving wife: money no object Address Mr. L.. - 202 Washlniarton . 3r., Chicago. 1T-M412 22x A COUNT French, would like to meet a voting and wealthy lady: object, matri mony. De II.. H 60 Bee. I -750 2f.x MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists. $1. IT CURES. 955 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman at McConnell. Oinaha DR PRIES treats successfully all diseases arid Irregularities of women; experienced, reliable. lillVs Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha. ' TR1VATE bullies hosiln ll during confinement: adopted Mrs uardels, 221 Charles. Tel A-2MH. 908 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Humeri tan Sanitarium, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, Ia. 024 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement: babies adopted and bearded. Mrs. Neflln. 60R N. 16th. M420 MayTx STENOGRAPHERS. FRANK J. 8LTCLIFFE. 101O N. T. U In quests, deposition, conventions, court work. Tel. 3576; res. 2735. M390 $85 BLICKENSDERFER. $50. 838 New York Life building, Omaha. 401 MjO A C. VAN SANT'8 school, 717 N. Y. Life, 091 Neb. Bus. & Shorthand Col., Boyd theater. C'LAIHVOl ANTS. GYLMER. palmist, 715 N. 23d. Tel. B 3243. 8 - PROF. LESTER, test medium, gives facta, names, datea, etc. I'atrons out of city write for wonderful free book 1610 Dav enport st. . S-73 Mil M R 8 . CARRIE-SMITH. P O V E R E 1 1 1 N LADY QUEEN OK CLAIRVOYAMH; everything told; past, present and fu ture; satlafaction or no pay. 807 V 11 U, 8396 26 X WANTED TO BORHOW.- W ANTED l-oan $1.M0 on city Property; aood rUk: must be reasonable. H 48, Bee. M372 22X MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bills; that have accumulated during the l itir It might he an advantage in ou to secure money from ua and pay them, and then pay us In weekly or monthly payment. until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we make loana to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Our rates are as low ns any and a grest deal lower than some. our service Is 3ulck and without publicity. If you har eall with us and are pleased, tell others, and If oU are dlspleaaed. tell us. Omaha Mortgage l,oan Co., lit Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2?K. (Established 1892). 3 J South 16th 8t X-4l CASH. You can establish a CREDIT with an old RELIABLE firm and secure money whenever you need It. We will advance you enough money to pay off all your debts, so that you will owe It all In one place, whe,re you get courteous treatment. Our easy payment plan has astonished people who had previously borrowed of other loan companies, or. account of our liberal rates. We make loans on SALARIES, FURNI TURE. TIANOS, LIVE STOCK, etc RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-8 Paxton Block. X M823 MONEY to loan on salaries. Easy money, easy terms; quirk and courteous treatment. 8TAR LOAN CO. 644 PAXTON BLK. TEI F-229S X-M351 SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2904. X M415 MONEY l,OANRD ON FURNITURE, riANOS. LIVE STOCK, SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and eay terms. Business confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., C33 Paxton block, 16th and Farnam streets. X 963 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., at half usual rates. I. Prlbhenow. room 216 at 209 8. 15th St. Tel. B-29S4. X 6 BUSINESS opportunity that can be worked as side line; pnys good returns for capital Invested; suitable to any party; does not require expert or a spe cial salesman. Address H, 4? Bee X-MS52 24x MONEY LOANED 8AI.ARIED PEOPLE and others with security; easy payments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce bldg. X 064 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people: business confidential; lowest rates. Ill Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-9T 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to $5,000 loaned on your personal note at 3 PER CENT PER YEAR. No money shark deal. Call or write and get my system. W. L. Eastman & Co., Iln8 Farnam, Omaha. X M32S MONEY loaned on pianos furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 8. 13th. , X-867 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam at. X 9HS MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. It. Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1m. W-963 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W-970 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton block. W-971 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. W-972 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-973 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W-877 WANTED Real estate loans and warranto. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee bldg. W-974 6 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W 875 MONEY to loan. Kenny Real Estate and Investment Co.. r. 300 Bee bldg. W 97S DETECTIVE AGENCY. Capt. Cormack, 617 Karbach blk. Tel. A-2MJ. Sill POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending April 2.1. 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In nil cases) at the General Postofflce aa fol lows: PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be. iow. Parcels-post mans for Germany close at 6 p. m. Wednenday. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Station (corner of West and Mor ton streets) half-hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplemen tary malls for Europe and Central Amer ica, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. FRIDAY At 10:30 p. m. for AZORES ISL ANDS, per s. s. Cannplc, from Boston. SATURDAY At 8 a. ni. for EUROPE, per s. s. Philadelphia, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mall for Liverpool, Scotlan! and Ireland must he directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); nt 6:30 a. in. for EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Queenstown: at 8:30 a. nt. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. 7.eeland tmall must be directed "per s. s. Keeland"); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Knnlgln Lulse (mall must be directed "per a. s. KonlRln Lulse"); at 11 n. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Island (mall must be directed "per s. a. Island"). After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls nsmen above, .idol tlonal Supplementary Mails are open I on the piers of the American, Encllsh. French and German steamers and rama it open until within Ten MlnuKe ot the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for South and Central America, Weal Indies. F.c. F4RDAY At 8 a. m., for BERMUDA, per s. s. Csrllibee; at 9:80 a. m. (supplemen tary 10:30 h . in.) for 1NACM A and HAITI, per s. s. Flandrla; at 12 m. for 'ARGEN TINE. URUGUAY ond PARAGUAY, isr a. s. Hyilaspca. SATURDAY A I 8:30 a. m. (supplementary :3 a. m) for CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per s. s. Maracalbo tmull for Havanllla and Cartegcna must be directed "per s. s. Maracnlbo"); at 9 a. m., for PoRTO RICO, per . s. Ponce, via Sail Juan; at 9:.H a. m (supplementary M So a m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA, 8AVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Slblria (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per a s. 8iblrla"i; at l'i a. m. for CUBA, per . s. Mexico, via Havana. Malls Forwarae oserlaml. JKtr.. Ki rent Tranaronilnenial. CUBA Via Port Tamps. FloiMa. closea at this office dally, except Thursday. t n:l a m. (the connecting malls clone t.eie oil Mondays. Wednesdays ami Saturdays). MEXICO CITY overland, liiilew Hpecl.ill addressed for dispatch by st.ame.. clo.ej at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1 30 p. m. ar.d lu:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. NEWFOUNTILAND-By rail to Norlh Syd ney and tnence bv steamer closes at t.ila office dally at 6.3i p. ni. (connecting m.l i close here every Monday. Wednesday and JAMAICA By rail to Boston, nnd thence bv stesmer. closes at this office t 6:) D m Tuesday snd Frldsy. By rail to Philadelphia, and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 1 p. in. M?wL'ElVN By rail Is lioaton and thence by steamer closes at tills office oaliy at (1 30 p. m- PIXIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleana and thence by steamer eieaea nt tins office dally, except Sunday, at 1 :80 p. in. anl 1 10 20 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and llo M m. (connoctlng mail closes here lion avs at 110 30 jp. m COSTA RICA- Hy rail to New Orleans and thence b steamer closee st this offtre dally, except Sunday, at 11:89 p. m. snd 10.30 p. m., Sundays tl il p. m. "nd lu.jt p. m. (connecting mail closes ir Tuaa. daya at I0 p. m BAHAMAS (except Parcels Post Mails) By rail to Miami, Fla., and tnence by steamer, closes at 15:89 m Wednesday. I Registered mall closes st p. m. previ ous Oy TranspaelSe alalia. TAHITI and MARQUESAS I8I.AND8. vis ku Fiauclsco, close here dally si M at sua