TITE mfrATTA DAILY REE. FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1004. Tali. t tH. W1J ClOSE SATURDAYS AT I P M. Be. A.rt . -1904 j Warner's ' Splendid style and quality is gained by ..the adoption. of a WARNER'S RUHT PROOF NO. 2J1. . It hnci the. long, deep-curving hip and dip-front with the round-gores pointing up into the .waist-line, thereby sloping the hips.:'--' ' ' V'.' .- , " , The model is daintily frilled with lace, and has adjusted the qualify -of horte tmpporter necessary for service, and, assisting, the . .. .. - . 4, m. , -a- a a n i . ftn K. 1 corset ln shtrplng the figure. .Maae :'. ' .V- . . f 1.50.. PER JTMtiiRIPSS Y. M. C A. Bulldine, Corner army in tbe. regular Inanner. The age, of the , apiUlVnta raiiae from 14 to 70. Many of Iham, -'ollowlntf tha Samurai custom, sign, their apJillcatUms with J heir own blood, and several are wholly written In blood.' Volunteer '. haV not yet been accepted, but tbe ofllcteht are much pleased at th -desire of the pepl to assist In tha war. The 1 applications will be filed and If . volunteer- are needed, thoee wrto are now applying for active eerrlce will be (Ivan the flrst opportunity. The authorl tlea here believe that 500,000 volunteer will esally be obtained,.' . - - ' - ITSITBD ITUE! RGIEHVE9 RIOHTI Wllb Pratntliif Against Rmhi'i Coarse It Will Protect Writer." ST. PETERSBURG, April 21.-Forela;n Minister I.amndnrlt ha been notified that the United States reserve U the right It may have under International law In the event of any American citizen being affected by Russia' decision In the case of war correspondents using wlreles tele graphy. Thla notification doe not In volve a protest against Itussla' eourae, it simply reserving whatever right may exist In regard to tha yet unadjudicated ques tion of the use of the wireless telegraphy in time of war. United State Consular Agent Greener at Vladivostok has been instructed through Ambassador McCormlck, to Inform the Japanese consul at the Island of Sakhalin that a vessel will be sent to the Island to take back to Japan the consular staff and the refugees. - The arrangements for send ing the ship are to be made by Japan through the authorities at Washington. Grand Duke Cyril, who was Injured at the time of the Fetropavtovsk disaster, la protesting against returning to Russia. He desire, aa soon a he ha recovered to go back t Pert. Arthur, but hi mother, the Grand Duohee "Vladimir, Is Insisting on hi return: ; All tfle powers were r,otifled a.mUHane ously with t he 'linK (.-,,. bat the, latter la the only government jhat ha made any reply. The action W. 6X'hlted States la accepted without criticism. '" WASHINGTON, April .-Announcement wag, mad at the State department today that.-the,. United States had acknowledged the receipt of the Russian government' note defining the status of correspondents In tha far east using wireless telegraphy. In acknowledgment of the not j this govern ment reserves the right to take any action which inay be necessary If the Interest of American citisens are affected. Secretary Hay and Count Cnsslnl today briefly dis cussed the wireless telegraphy question and It Is believed here that when the war Is over Russia and the United States may AH? BARG FRIDAY. Boys' Hats and Caps. Girls9 FOR A QUARTER. Heavy shipments have overcrowded our Immense Hesdwear section. Te get .the stock within bound we lave taken all the felt and cloth hat, all the plain and fanoy caps, everything that has been In the house more than thirty days, and put on each. regard:sa of cost or value, a price of TWENTY-F1VIC CENTS There's hats and capa worth all the way from 60o to $UW. See east Window. J8' BLOUSES Immense variety of pattern and styles Best values yet 50c . Come early for first choice. i FREE AMUSEMENT TICKETS Free with purchases amounting te 16 00 we give a ticket to the Base Bull Park, good any game. With purchases amounting to 12.60 w give a Matinee ticket, good any Saturday. Our Spring Catalogue Is ready.- Write for It. BENSON ÞES OMAHA .NED: z ' CUT OUT THIt COUPON. t Omaha Ba A Trip to St. Louis ONE OM ?t ht. sMMU. Tw. CUT THIS OVT 0Bstt at Bee OOoe Omaha Bee, Ornate, iMIHIMimWMIHIIMHHHllWI SSSSSSSStSSatSSSBB CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Deo Exposition Coupon A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash PREPAYMENT COUPON .V.ttg fr. S Sm4 Kea to (aacaaL. AMrasj. Thai spa. whan wcrnnaM r a oasa prepaid suboortptloa to TUB aata 1 voUe tor eaoh ate paJa, lis) vote, tor each dollar paid. eto. A euoeartpOoa oaanot a prepaia uaui in amount ae to ate aaa till Deposit a Bo OOaa or mail to "aUiHjeluoa Department," Omaaa Qmaaa, Mea, C?tt1 Rust-Proof I Corsets or sort uasiisie, 115 10 o incncs PAlit. .-, '.V! iSS43U7JUUU SQ SS Sixteenth and Douglat Sti. Uke the lead In th calling of worlds congress to define one Hod for .all the statu of wireless telegraphy; and the law of nations. . i r . i CRl'ISER BAYAX-WAS HOT DAMAGED Japanese Fire In ent Attatk Had . , ( .Ko Effect on Belt. ,' .PORT ARTHUR, April 20. tDelayed In Transmission. )-Tb situation her Is un changed. ;. A large launch from the Petropavlovsk was brought Into the harbor today., ' , Two Germ in naval officer have arrived here. . They will be attached to the, Rus sian headquarters. . The cruiser Fayan Suffered tio" damage from the hall of' shells poured upon It from the Japanese warships when the Bayan went to the assistance of the Rus sian torpedo boat destroyer on April 13, just previous to the sinking of the Petro pavlovsk. The Bayan, in driving off tha Japanese destroyers, which had sunk the Bexstraahnl, had been subjected to the fire of six Japanese cruisers. Further details of the action of the cruiser Bayan during the night of April 13 show that In covering the retreat of the Russian torpedo boats It approached within thirty cable lengths of the enemy In attempting to rescue the Bezatrashnl' crew and stood broadside to. the enemy, keeping four cruisers at bay, while It low ered Its boats and picked up five sailor. In spite of the weight of the enemy' fire, not a single man on the . Bayan waa wounded. One of the Bayan' shells (ell between ttio smokestack of one, of tb Japanese cruisers, producing a heavy ex plosion on board. Kearopatkla Sends Message. ST. PETERSBURG, April fl.-Marlne Minister Avellan ha received the following telegram from General Kouropatkiat I mentally embrace you. 'dear Fee-dor Cerlovlch. knowing the-grief ane analetv you are suffering. The army finds oonaola lion In the firm conviction that our Illustri ous seamen will retrieve hlr,loe -at 4h expense of the Japanese fleet. . ... , Japanese Officers at Fort Art bar. TIEN TSIN, April 21.-Th two Japanese officer captured In Manchuria disguised as lomas, who had a large quantity of ex plosives In their possession, have Keen taken to Port Arthur, An examination la blng made In order to discover bow they procured Chinese 'passports. They all! be dealt with according to martial law. Think AlexleS Mast Stay. TIEN TSIN, April H.-The Russian here believe that Viceroy Alealeff's resignation will not be accepted. BARGAIN FRIDAY. limiMIMIMIIIIIII Exposition Coupon via The Wabash VOTE r mall ta "Bxpeattlea Department. Nebraska. J Sana HAYWOOD TACKLES MILITARY 8odlrjE."itoLtHiraTlk with Uojtt at Deiter STRIKES WELLES AND EIGHT RESULTS Secretary of federation I Roaahly Handled Controversy ! Prisoner Resells Between Mili tary hi civil Power. DENVER, April a.-President Charles H. Mojer of the Western Federation of Miners, who arrived In Denver today In custody of state troops after several weeks' Incarceration at Tellurlde, where martial law I In force. In consequence of labor troubles, was taken before the state su preme court this afternoon under the writ of habea corpus which had tieen issued In his case. At the Oxford hotel he en tered a hack with General Sherman M. Bell and Captain Bulkley Welles, the re spondents to the writ, and the vehicle was driven rapidly to the statebouse, followed by thirty-two soldiers, who guarded the entrances to the court room, while the habeas proceedings were in .progress. Attorney N. C. Miller and Attorney John N. Waldron appeared in court for the gov ernor and military- authorities and At torney B. F. Richardson 1n behalf of Mr. Moyer. Chief Justice Oabbert and Justice Steele were en the bench. Justice Camp bell being absent. The leturn to the writ presented by Attorney General Miller set forth that the petitioner. Moyer, Is law fully restrained of his liberty under and pursuant to the expreea command of the governor and commander-in-chief of the military forces of the state of Colorado, a a military necessity in the coarse of the suppression of an existing state of in surrection and rebellion In the county of San Miguel, "that this honorable court is not lawfully vested with Jurisdiction to make or render any further order what soever, in said proceedings exoept to dis miss and quash said writ." Assault on Captain Welles. General Bell's answer reperesented that all acts of Captain Wellea were performed under command of his superior officer (Bell) and declared that Moyer was an active participant in fomenting and keep ing alive the Insurrection and rebellion In San Miguel county. The court heard argu ments on a motion of the petitioner to be admitted to ball pending a dwcislon on the question of the courta Jurisdiction and took the matter under advisement. Mr. Moyer was then removed to the hotel In the custody of the militia. Defying the detachment of cavalry which brought Mojrer to appear before the su preme court, W. D. Haywood, secretary treasurer of the Federation, attempted to hold a conversation with the prlaoner while he was being taken from the train at the Union depot thla morning. Ordered to tand back by Captain Bulkley Welles, commanding the guard, he struck the em cer in the face. In a second he 'was sur rounded by a cordon of angry troopers, who struck him with the butt of their carbines and beat him with alx-hooter. That he waa not killed by the excited soldier 1 due to the action of Bert Given, the orderly of Captain Welles, who struck up the muzzle of a gun aimed at Haywood and rescued him from his po sition between two car, where the guarda men. had him cornered. Placed under ar rest, he, waa put in the middle of a hollow square of militiamen and marched. to the Oxford . hotel, near the depot. Here he Main showed fight and was beaten Into submission. t ...... Bell Thr patens to Shoot; ' Hla injuries consist of a deep cut on the left side of the head and one on the right side of his bead which almost severed the lower lobe of hi right ear. When a demand wa. made by Police Captain Frank Leo for the release of Haywood on the ground that military rule did not extend to Denver, General Bell replied that he intended to hold Haywood aa a military prlaoner and would shoot anyone who attempted to take him. but, neverthe less,, under orders from Governor Pea body, Haywood waa surrendered to Sheriff Armstrong and placed in the county Jail this afternoon. A telegram was aent to D. C. Copely, a member of the executive board of the Western Federation of Miners, who I In Kansas, requesting him to come to Denver Immediately and take cnarge at Federation headquarters. R18SIA ISSl'ES PAPER CX'RREXCT Csar's Government Be' as to Fiaare on Cost of War. ST. PETERSBURG, April M.-Russia ha mad a new issue of 114,000,000 in paper currency against free gold In the State bank. At the ministry of finance it waa explained that it was an ordinary Issue and In no sen waa forced. Under the law paper la issuable to double the amount of gold, up to l0,ooo,ooo gold, an excess of which paper lasusd must be covered, ruble for ruble. In the State bank there Is In round figures 1400,000,000 In gold, which would permit of an issue of 0,000,000 in paper, but the paper issue at present only amounts to $350,000,000. All sorts of figures of the cost of war are printed abroad The correspondent of the Aksoclated Press Is authoritatively in formed that the dally expasea are averag ing 1760,000 and It la eetlmated that a year expenditures for the war will total $260, 000.000. To meet thla there existed a free balance of $50,000,000. which was increased to 1116,000,000 by reductions of the ordinary budgets, leaving ostensibly $136,000,000 to be found. But a portion of tbe latter la made up by the Increased earnings of the rail roads owned by the government, It being in reality a question of bookkeeping. How the balance is to be raised baa hot yet been determined. No foreign loan has been ar ranged and none Is desired If It can bs avoided, aa practically the total of the war expenditure will be raised at home. The ministry of finance believes It may be easy to float an internal loan late In the summer or fall. LETTER FROM CAFTAI MARSHAL CaiBiaBe of Vleksaars; Deserlfe.es Battle at Chemaloa. WASHINGTON. April .-A report by mall from Captain Marshal, commander of the Vlckaburg. giving an account of the engagement at Chemulpo between the Jap anese and Russian naval forces on Febru ary I, waa received by tbe Navy depart ment tojlay. Captain Marshal aay that on learning there were a number of wounded on board the Varlag be sent a medical officer aboard to render assistance and when It waa re ported that tbe Varlag waa sinking two of the Vlcksburg s cutters and the whale boat, with boats from other cruisers as sisted In taking off its personnel and put ting them aboard the Talbot nd Elba. Two Russian engineer officers mere taken aboard the Vicksburg and. cared for, "and," adds Captala Marshal, "on my offering to have the Zefaro used as temporary quarters their captain declined my offer with thanks." Continuing, the captain reported: "These two oOioer very freely atated that they themselves had opened valves In the engine and Are room, with the object of ain king their vessel." Too JLorieta, Captain Marshal reports. wa not hit, a far as he could learn. He ays: 'i "t1"1 X P"ltlon between the Vlcksbursj and the Zcfro until lojo (during which interval It never attempted to Tower a boat to go to the xltnnr of Its consort), when It anchored Inshore of us near Ob servation Inland spit. lter the ship was abandoned by the officers and men In their own boats. MIKES DESTHOV PETHOPA VLOVSK Emperor Receives ladlaputahle Proof from Viceroy Alealeff. ST. PETER8BVRO, April 22.-A11 doubt as to the cause of the deatructlon of the battleship Petrpavlovsk and the damage to the battleship Fobleda at Port Arthur I dissipated by tha report submitted by telegraph to the emperor April a. In It Viceroy Alexleff stated In a way that leave the matter no longer an open ques tion that mine were responsible for the disaster. The admission of the presence of Japa nese ships oft Port Arthur on the night preceding the going out of the Russian ships, which were,, watched by Admiral Makaroff. tends to establish Vice Admiral Togo's claim that his ships laid mines on which the Russian battleships struck. The viceroy' report waa sent only after a thorough Investigation, ordered by the em peror, had been made. The Russian officials also fall to under stand the surprising blunder caused by the mistake of the Russian torpedo boat destroyer In taking the Japanese torpedo boats for a Russian flotilla, which resulted In the loss of the Strashnl.. JAPANESE CAPTIRB MAIL STEAMER Islaaders Believed to Send Dlsiralsed Soldiers to Rnsslaa Land. ST. PETERSBURG, April 21. Mall ad vices received here from Alexandroff, Isl and of Saghallin, Say It Is believed that 2,000 to 3,000 Japanese ' employed on the eastern and southern roasts are disguised soldiers and sailors. Many of them have been arrested In the Korsakoff with arms In their possession. The families of officials and residents of Korsakoff and Alexandroff, It Is added, the secreting their valuables and fleeing Into the Interior. The mall adivces say that the Japanese having captured the Vladivostok mall steamer, the Island will be cut off from communication from the mainland aa soon a the Ice disappear at the end of April. A private letter from Port Arthur, de scribes a wedding which occurred during the bombardment of March 22. The wed ding guests were nearly stampeded, the carriage horses tried to bolt and shells were bursting as the procession drove to the church, but after the ceremony 100 guests danced vhlle sheila were flying and bursting overhead. PIT MORE SHIPS IX COMMISSION Rnssla Prepares Battle Fleet for Serv ice In Far East. ST. PETERSBURG. April 2i.-The ship of the Baltic fleet here and at IJbau will be In commission next week. The naval reserves of the neighboring provinces are arriving for distribution to the ships. At the Vladimir palace today a requiem mass was celebrated for the soul of Lieu tenant von Kube, ' the aide-de-camp of Grand 'Duke Cyril, ' who lost hla life at the time of the Petropavlovak disaster. All hope 1 given up of the recovery of the body of Vice" Admiral Makaroff. TTie official reports place eighty a the number of person saved from the Petro pavlovsk. The admiralty denies the state ment mad by the lxndon Times In Its wireless report' fhat the Japanese mine ship Koryo Maru"; was fired upon while laying mine fce(ori "port' Arthur, It 1 aid that lr it came m and-laid mines the Russian Bearchrrghfir failed to pick it up. Ci A I,- i. f. ' Russian Occapaney Hot Confirmed. 6EOUI,, Corea. 'April 21.' Latest advices do not confirm tha reported occupation by Russian trcop of Peuk Chyong, a town about seventy mile down from Sung Jin, on tha east coast of Corea. dolet at Port Arthnr. PORT ARTHUR, April 21. All quiet her since April 16. There are no signs of the enemy' transport off the coaat of the peninsula. APPROVE HILL PLAN (Continued from First Page.) me to predict at this distance. The Issues involved; appear to De a legal problem of considerable dimensions and all I can say la that we shall contest the result In the courts to the end. The Injunction ob tained yemeraay, aa wen aa otner cases that are Incidental, will be fought out in the courts. As regards my personal relations with James J. Hill, they have always been of the most pleasant character, are so at the present time, and I hope always will be. As proof of bis cordial relatione with Mr. Hill. Mr. Harrlmau called attention to the fact that the former' son, James N. Hill, Is one of his guest on the trip. Mr. Harrlman stated that his western trip at this time ha 40 special significance. FIGHT WORLDLY AMUSEMENTS nek Will Be Chief lssno at Methodist Conference, Say Bishop Fowler. Bishop Fowler, head of the Methodlal Episcopal church, Bishop Hartsell and wife from Africa, Bishop Andrew of New York, Bishop Foaa of Philadelphia and Bishop Ooodsell jf Chattanooga passed through the city yesterday on their way to San Francisco to attend the bishops' meeting which will be held there AprU 16. The na tional missionary conference will be held in the same city AprU tt to May L aftor which the bishop will go to the general Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church to be h.ld In Los Angele May 3 to I. Bishop Hartsell will apeak at the con ference on the African situation. Bishop Fowler also will deliver a lecture at the missionary conference. Bishop Hartsell has been In Africa eight years, and ha recently returned to New Tork after a tour of 2S.000 mile In Africa. Bishop Fowler said that the main Issue before the general conference will be the fight on amusements and the restoring ef the time, limit for pastor. There formerly waa a rule that a pastor could not remain In one church longer than nv. years, but this rule was abrogated, and It Is now the desire of a large number of member to restore the rule. It Is the opinion of the bishop that the attempt to re-establish the rule will precipitate a hot light In the conference. The question of ad ministering by ths bi.hop alao will be taken up and discussed at the conference. Mortality Statlstles. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dar ing the twenty-four hours ending st noon Thursday: Births Frank C. Crny, 1M1 South See-enw.-nth, girl: Edward Wennlnghofr. Forty elf nth and tenter, girt; Charles Horwlts, Uto Kouth Thirteenth, boy; John Smith, UV South Blxlenth. boy: George Ronnh. 11I Bouth Twenty-seventh, girl; Joseph Grady. o North Eighteenth, girl: G. U. G.irJon. lv; North Twenty-first, girl. IXuiths Mrs. Minnie H. Purand. J Lake. K; Infant Andanmri. M Orover. 11 days; Mercy W. Wells. U rkmth Thirty-seventh, tt; Frances 8roka. Florence. months; Ida Mabel Wagiwr, 1M South Twenty seventh, tt; CI, arte. Oleson. St. Joeeph hospital, ej; jubaaa Cannon, lAa) Web- POLYGAMY LAWFUL IN IDAHO Publisher of Boise 8tstcimtn Tsiiifltt Be fore. Wt'hinftoo Corauviiioa. MORMON MAJORITY KILLS LEGISLATION Before Campaign, Witness TeetlSea, Chairmen of Pnrty Organisa tions Go to Salt Lake and Have Thins; Fixed. WASHINGTON, April 21.-The feature of today's hearing In the Smoot case before the senate committee on privileges and elections wss the testimony of Angus M. Cannon, for twenty-five years president of the largeot Mormon Stake In the world. The testimony was of a personal char acter, dealing with the conviction of the witness on charges of polygamous cohabi tation, and was drugged from him under protest that he be protected from any peril or liability to prosecution for what he re vealed. When assured that his plural marriages, under the statute of limitations could not be used as evidence-against him. he an swered most of the questions. The same frankness was not apparent, however, when the witness was preened to reveal the na ture of the oath he had taken In the En dowment house. Brlgham H. Roberts wa again on the tand for a short time. Polyaamy In Idaho. Calvin Cobb, publisher of the Boise States man, was examined In regard to polygamy In Idaho and the Influence of Mormon on the politics of the state. He said there Is no statute against polygamous cohabitation, though several unsuccessful efforts had been made to enact such a statute. All of these measures, he suld, had died In the legislature, which Is about one-third Mor mcn. In regard to the Mormon Influence In the state Mr. Cobb said that the chairman of the state organisation Of both parties goea to Salt Lake before every campaign and both come back and say that every thing has been fixed "all right." He said that after the election one or the other usually felt that things had not been "ail right." Mr. Cobb related the effort before the legislature to have called a constitu tional convention to enact an amendment to test Mormonism. The amendment was defeated several times and finally John Henry Smith visited Boise and soon after ward the resolution was adopted. Counsel for the prosecution examined Mr. Cobb relative to the Influence Mormon are alleged to have attempted to bring to bear for the retention of Senator Smoot This was shown, said Mr. Cobb, by a delegation of the Idaho legislature, which called upon W. E. Borah, a candidate for the senate, and asking him what would be his attitude as a United State senator If the case of Senator Smoot should come up. At the afternoon session Angus M. Can non Was called to the stand. He said he hss lived In Salt Lake since 1849, but had been blessed In the Mormon church when he was S years old. He Is 70 year old and now hold the position of patriarch In the Mormon church, having been desig nated for that position by President Joseph F. Smith about two week ago. Patriarch, the wltnee said. Tank next to the twelve apostles In dignity. Mr. Cannon said that for twenty-eight year be had been presi dent 'of the Salt Lake Stake of Zlon. PREPARING FOR VACATIO! TIME Ambassador at Washington Begin to Prepare for Sammer. .WASHINGTON. April 21,-The German embassy?' will' Te established at Lenox, Mass., for th summer arid the ambassador will raise the embassy flag there early In Jurle. The ambassador expects to remain there until October. He will return to Washington early In that 'month to com plete arrangement for th unveiling of the statue of Frederick the Great at the army war college here October SO. Baron von Dem Buasche, first secretary and coun selor of legation, probably will go on leave of absence In October and will take his family to Germany. With the excep tion of Mr. Scheller, second secretary, the ambassador and the Baroness Speck-Stern-berg will have the entire embassy staff at Lenox this summer. It I probable that Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, the British ambassador, will fix the British embassy also at Lenox for the summer, but he will not laave Washington until late In June. Mr. Raikes, the first secretary, and Mr. Waterlow, the third secretary, also shortly will go on leave, and It is probable that both will be trans ferred. The Russian ambassador and the Countess Casein!, with the embassy staff, will transfer the embassy to Bar Harbor, Me., for the entire summer. The French ambassador and Mme. Jusserand will spend th summer In Franc and the embassy probably will be trans ferred to Manchester-by-the-Sea, with the first secretary In charge. Private advices recently received at the Italian embassy say the Italian ambassador and Senora Mayer des Blanche will re turn to this country In June, but th lo cality of the embassy for the summer bti not been aettled upon. TO INITIATE A LARGE CLASS Knlsfcls of Colnmbna Will Take la Seventy Now Member San day Afternoon. A clasa of about seventy candidate for knighthood will be Initiated by Omaha council, Knight of Columbus, Sunday afternoon. Ihe exercises will take place in Ancient Order of United Workmen hall. Fourteenth and Dodge streets. Officer of th Kansas City and Sioux City council will assist In conducting th ceremonies. Many visitor from nearby council are expected. Lincoln alone sending a delega tion of fifty. Member of the Omaha council and visit ing knight will assemble at the Millard hotel, the headquarters, at 10 a. m., and march to St. Phllomena's cathedral, where high mas will be ceUbrat.d. The Initia tion ceremonies will begin at 1 p. nv. A banquet wlU be served at the Millard at T p. m. Thomas J. Nolan of South Omaha will preside aa toastmaster. The toasts and speakers are: "Ths Educated Man," Mr. Egan, Logan, la.; '"Impression of th Day." Rer. M. L Strtteh. S. J., of Crelgh ton university; "The Knights of Colum bus," Mr. Slattery. Kansss City; "On the Sea." James Manahan, Lincoln. Vocal music will be furnished by the Knights of Columbus quartet. OLD LANDMARK ORDERED DOWN Ptoaoer Dwelling at Thirteenth and Dodge le Condemned and . Mast Go. One of the oldeet frame dwellings In Omaha Is being torn down by WTeokers at the southwest corner of Thirteenth and Dodge streets. It was condemned by the city building Inspector sometime ago and recently tbe colored families occupying It were forced to vacate and the owners, eastern parties, sold tt to Frank Dworak, a wrecker and salvage man. The houee Is aald to have been moved down to Omaha, twelve and one-half miles, from Calhoun in the latter '60e of early 0. For year It wa th home of Samuel Megeatb, one of Omaha' pioneer buainee aad later waa occupied for long time by former Mayor Champion 8. Chase. Directly nu:h of this old house, In the early day when what Is now the "burnt district." waa the fashionable residence neighborhood, stood the beet board house In town, that of Mrs. Wl'"1". mother of a subsequent treasurer of the United States. COLD, BUT NOT DISASTROUS Abnormal Weather la Said to Caaeo K. Harm to Frnlt or Grnln. There may be some uncomfortable fea tures about the Manitoba character of the weather doing business in this latitude dur ing the past few weeks, but there Is some little compensation In the fart that tt la not doing the fruit a bit of harm. The trees are a little chary about leaving, too, with the hope of better weather to fol low. However, old weather seers main tain that a backward spring means a big crop year, particularly for small grain and grass, and these are the crop that Ne braska Is most deeply interested In. Spring plowing haa not been seriounly Interfered with, and in some sections of the tate oats planting already I completed or Is under progress. Thla Is especially true In the southern part of the state. The temperature yesterday morning at T o'clock was It, at llartlngton $2, Oakdale 32 and It was raining at Valentine, North Platte, Dodge City and Cheyenne. Snow and rain prevailed In the mountain and It Is generally cool and about the f reeling point In the west, with th prospect of a low rising temperature.. Weather Forecaster Welsh said yesterday morning: "The temperature during the month of April thus far has been from eight to ten degree below the normal all through the central valleys, though It Is no worse than we have had In previous years. It Is safe to Infer that thla weather Is not hurt ing anything particularly. The chances are that after the break does occur from thla abnormal condition the weather will settle down" 8EAS3XA8LE FASRICXS LADIES' CORSET COVER AND PET- COAT. - No. 606O-eo51. In th dainty design shown her we have a simple little model that 1 o constructed a to bring the blaa of the goods under tb arm and over the bust. with oijly enough gathering at the top to give a moderate fullness and slight bloused front, . The back lines lie flat and the waist edge is tight fitting except for a few gathers In the front. The only seam In the garment la on the shoulders. The model, as one can readily sea, haa.espe dally good lines, the bias of the good under the arm Insuring a good fit and rre vent the cover . from "riding up." The matter of trimming 1 optional; the pattern furnishes the foundation which may be simply or elaborately trimmed, according to one' taste. The style Illustrated I very much In vogue at the present time. In these days no one think of putting a ilnlng in a skirt; a drop skirt or petti coat skirt Is used Instead, not the petti- cot with ruffle and frills, but a gored skirt which fit smoothly under th dress and which has, instead of ruffle, circular flounce to give tha proper flare to the dres and which are not so heavy a ruf fle. The design shown haa been made especially for the new dress skirt, and la close-fitting, not necessarily tight, but close to the figure. This style skirt may be made of lawn, muslin, or of silk, sateen or any material suitable for a petticoat or drop skirt The pattern provide for a medium sweep, dip or round length. Material required for corset cover, in medium slse, 1 yard, 36 Inches wide. For medium slse of. petticoat, 114 yard. 27 Inches wide. Slse for corset cover No. 6060, 32, 34, 86, B, 40, 43. 44 and 46 lnche bust messure. Blses for petticoat No. 6061, 20, 22, 24, 26, 38, 30, 2, 34 and 36 Inches waist measure. For tha accommodation of Tha Am nail ers these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which cover all ex pense, ic oraer to get a pattern em close jg cent; give number and name of pattern. ' Eating "FORCE" doesn't create brain, it merely brings out the best there is in it. Napoleon lost Waterloo because of brain-fog. If he'd had "FORCE" to cat every day, I wonder how the map of Europe would have looked in this twentieth century. Yoa mmtu tan snkl tarn ttm aoArtnal la raoapfiAtw m4 Vltrui. wka r-rt I- -t M wwntM ur imm f4 RESULT OF FIFTH CONTEST lor Ten of Ths B.s'i Pr te Trips to th tt Loiii Eipotition. SWYGARD OF ALBION IS THE CHAMPION Wlaa Ont with Over Foorteen Thon-sawd-Cold Storage Captnre lit and Dark Hones loir Trips Tenth Score Not High. Ten more candidate have won glory and a free trip to the St. louls exposi tion In the fifth of The Bee' series of voting contests closed yesterday, and the highest honors of th occasion fell on the head of Mr. W. B. Swygard of Albion,' Neb. From the day Mr. Swygard entered the contest he set a pace far In the lead of the remaining candidate and day after day-kept up the same pace until the end disclosed his score more than double that of his nearest competitor. There aaa no dearth of dark horses, seven entering the arena and four win ning out, so that the ranks of the big ten were badly demoralised. The vote at the rloee stood: W. R. Svtygnrd, Albion, Neb . . . . 14.4iU F. Thompaett, Omaha...,,...,. .I4 Mrs. H. K. Rowley. Omaha...... 4MNK1 I'd Smith, Omaha R,H.1.-4 Otto A. Bench. Omaha w . . , . ... . B.nia Grover Aker. Blair. Keb 4.2:iu Charles U Uovr. Sooth Omaha.. 3.1MCI ' Leslie Welch, Wayne, Itrb...... R.54H John Ballard, Nebraska City.... ft.4Mt Mnnle Pleraon, Omaha !i,ltM J. E. Wlgman, Omaha... l.5:T Mayme o'Dnnnell. Omaha ... 1.4a M. J. Aberly. South Omaha 1,4:' W. C. Noyes, Omnha () J. E. I.utman, Afton, la 4S Cora Reed. Omaha.. 83 Thos. J. Fitzgerald. South Oma ha.. I'S Karthqaake In California. SAN FRANCISCO, April' 21. An earth quake shock was felt In this city toSay. It wna sharp, but not severe, and lastel about three seconds. A slight tremor of the earth preceded the shock. No damaga was done. Van Dlno Mast Hang. SI'RINOriEIJD, 111.. April 21,-Oovernor Yates today refused clemency to Harvcv Vsn Dine, the street car bandit, who Is under sentence to be hanged In Chicago to morrow with the other bandlta, Nledermeior and Marx. iMabutliea ISM. Summer homes are far more attractive, when Dorflinger Glassware H nsej (or th table and iideboard. fmi the dealer. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN Raj way TO ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS CH0RJE3T and'most at tractive daylight ride. New "House Can all the way, with dining room, parlor, smoking and observation room. Meals served a la carte at any time Leaving Omaha at 7:35 a. m., Council Bluffs 7:58 a, m., arrive St Paul at 7:38, Minneapolis at 8: 1 0 the same evening. Tickets at 1512 Fa ream Street, or Union Station, Omaha, AMl'SEMBNTa, BOYD'S Woodward c Rurgea. Msnagers. Toalght and All the Week THE ROSE CECILIA SHAY GRAND OPERA COMPANY. ' Tonight ragllaecl aad KMtlcaaa Bat. Mat. CARMEN. Sat. Nlsht BOHEMIAN GIRL. Prlceo-26c. 60c. 7fcs, II 00, 1.M. Bar rain Mat. Saturday, 26o and Ma. 1 cl.pnonv jpji. EVERY NIGHT MATINEES THURSDAY, Modern Vaudeville lldxley A Carlisle, Clara Ballorlnl. Hill IIS. . X. lit .' ...f, . ' w. .., ii.f.ra ljfta. and ths Klnodroma. Prices 10c, fcc, 50c fU ITC THEATER lUVUU 15-25-50-75c TONIGHT at 8:15 Fun and Music Gideon's Georgia Camp Meeting MATlNCk. SATURDAY pest BVata, Ex.-. Sunday Matinee "TIIK 8TA1N OK Ol'II.T1 Baked White Fish with Tomatoes FRIDAY AT THE CALUMET