12 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: fTIUUPPAY. AVTUh 21. 11101. nr - riHOj 0 Millinery A 5uper Trimmed Hat at $5. The (tunning bats have 00 that ib BO touch of style elegance that marked In Brandelt mil linery most beautiful trimmings your choice, at 5 I I i VI I I i At Ml If Ml x sr i. a t ar h . ,-.. W ft Buttons from the Railroad Wreck Thousands of dozens of plain, fancy and ornamental buttons. Here aro some of the very finest buttons, suitable for all kinds of dresses alsb a variety of fancy pearl buttons P I ft 1 ! fl . , yanytf them are worth We a J-QQ & AJC UQZ at per docen v Ladies Initial Handkerchief at 5c Tpa harsrntn Mnnnra with Vtti&TA varletv styles and all letters daintily hand-embroidered all widths of hemstitching line sheer niiBllty wortn to ac earn also men's plain and fancy handkerchiefs lany suitable for pillow tops III All go at each Kid Gloves Special lot of high class kid gloves In all colors and all sites worth up to $1.25 a pair at Ladies' Skirts Ladies' Skirt Good quality very pretty, new styles 150 Ladle Skirts Hi walking lone-ths T.ZV3' 89c , ' Big: Spring Suit Bargains Hundreds of New Spring 5ults all the latest effects new cloths and col ors in four great lots very speoia), $12 Silk Waists at $2.98-Beautl(ul new sralsts peau de sole, eto, latest stile, worth SO, QO at... J. L BRANDEIS & SONS, BCS1CN S1CBE. DR. BRADBURY 1506 Painless EslractJoa DENTIST. TEL. 1754. We positively remove fmZHToc uo f "V -rvesfromteethwtth- pridf Work $1M uf UTlf.YYrVV Pln" FUU 93 "P Lady Attendant 1 I II I Open Sundays 10 1 11 PROUD OF STATE'S DISPLAY James Walsh 8ayi Nebraska's Exhibit at World's Fair ii Excellent. MANY BUILDINGS. .NOT YET IN ORDER Mae Dalar tor Wamt of Material to Fill Isssseaee Stnctarcs Which t . r Are . Greater This Aatlcipated. . James Walsh, superintendent of the agri cultural exhibits (or the Nebraska com mission te the Louisiana Purchase exposi tion, has returned from 81 Louis on busi ness connected with the Nebraska exhibit. "We are getting the Nebraska exhibits In shape.? he said, and few states will sur pass us In the variety and excellence of our display. The Nebraska corn exhibit will be one of the very best at the exposition grounds. While not the largest. It will tfiake up In excellence what it may lack In quantity. Our sheaf grain and grass dis plays are exceptionally fine and will sur pass anything at the exposition. We are purposely a little slow in Installing our ex hibits, for we do not desire to give our competitors too much of an advantage to profit by our Ideas, and then we want to keep the exhibit fresh and continuously Interesting." "The other states contiguous to Nebraaka are extremely anxious to know J ait hat We are coins to do. Most of them have thrtoe the money appropriated for exhibi tion purposes that Nebraska has and they are going into It very extensively, but I Want to aay light here that even with our meager appropriation the Nebraska exhibit fill be a thing that no Nebraskan need lush for. You know we have the best location In the - Agricultural palace, and cure will be the, most conspicuous display la that great building. Pletares of Sprier Plowlag. "The special object of my return to Ne braska Is to procure klneteacope pictures of actual spring plowing scenes In Nebraaka. I shall go to Benson and obtain a mdYlng picture aoena of actual plowing with gang plows there and this will complete our list f moving pictures for the exhibition. This moving picture series of actual living farm ing scene in Nebraaka is an unique and extremely fascinating manner, a feature not aa extensively undertaken by any other state. These views will be added to during the summer harvest season and they will have the merit of being fresh and real. "Prof, tajbour. superintendent cf the educational exhibit, Is putting the Nebraaka School exhibits in ths besf of shape and these, too, will be unequalled in complete ness and wlU reflect the highest credit on the state, "As regards the general exposition, I ran ut think there Is a very, manifest condi tion of unreadlnesa ' The building are Im mense and It will require an enormous amount of material te nil them. I must aiznlt I do. not see where alt the material Is to come from. Of course It will come In time, but sn enormous amouut uf work is lo be dona Mast Relay Paris, i "The weather has Been damp and much n 3 n rs Specials Many excellent bargains arc to be found in our millinery depart ment on the third fljor, A wide va rictg of everything, from flowers and trimmings to the most elaborate hats. Beautiful Ready-to-Wear Hats In large and small shapes, trim med with quills, buckles and straw bows these hats slQQ are worth up to 15 Jf Q very special " at Handsome Street Hats at 98c A wide variety of ready-to-wear hats, made of popular colored straw frames, jauntily trimmed worth up to (3.00 eachffc Q ve ry s peoial O C at. Flower and Foliage Including the pretty small flowers, now In vogue roses in all colors, etc. 2f... 15c-25c.39c of Indies' Initial handkerchiefs, all Lill -Ming 5c at 59c. 59c . Waists IEf Basement. $5 511k Waist at $1.50-A very fine lot of pretty new, up-to-aate waists some are slightly soiled and a little mussed worth to. 00 at 1.50 Silk Jackets at $3.98 the popular silk Jackets, the swell things for spring and summer wear, at 3.98 For nam Poor I eon Years) Sam Location of the paving through the grounds will have to be relald. Much of It was put down while the frost was still In the ground and now In the damp, thawing weather the paving Is getting in a deplorable condition. "This Is equally true of many of the buildings. They were built over .frosty ground and their Interiors are extremely cold and uncomfortable Just now. Men have to work with their overcoats on and hence the work of preparation Is slow and tedious. But at the same , time the fair management Is full of enterprise and vigor and these handicaps will soon be overcome and the exposition will go on swimmingly. It Is a big undertaking, bigger In fact than Its projectors contemplated, snd hence It requires the exercise of the utmost energy to get things In shape. "I shall return to Bt. Louis Thursday and will remain there Indefinitely. .Our fruit exhibits are safely housed In cold storage and we will' have them ready for placing In ample time, and we think ours will , be among the flneat fruit displays on the ex position grounds." , A Death Blow to Malaria, Electric Bitters kill and expel malaria disease germs, will prevent, typhoid, and cure fever and ague, or no pay. Only Wo. For sale by Kuhn & Co. WOMAN IS GIVEN A VERDICT Gets Damage from Soldier Whom She Is Said to Hare Tickled fa the Ribs. In Judge Estelle's department of ths dis trict court Christine Christlanson Is awarded a Judgment of fctfo against Alfred Bhukert. The action was one for damages for per sonal l.ijuiiea alleged to have been In flicted by the defendant, who was accused of slashing the plaintiff across ' the Inside of the wrist with a knife because she "tickled" him in the ribs: and other wise annoyed him. The defendant Is now a soldier, doing service as a private in the Philippines. , Another verdict returned in the same court was in the case of The Oammel Book Company' against Clarence 8. Payna and others. It was an action on a contract. In which the defendants filed a claim In offset. The Jury found for the defendants to recover In the sum of $1. THE HAIR BRI'SH. Breeds DaadratT, Which Caases Fai lles; Hair aad Piaally Baldaeaa. Prof. Vnna. Hamburg, Germany, Euro pean authority on skin diseases, says that dandruff la as contagious ss any other malevolent disease, and that one common source of the spread of dandruff Is the use of the same hair brush by different per sons. The way to avoid catching dandruff or any other disease from another's brush Is to lusutt on the use of Newbro's Herpl .clde. It not only kills the dandruff germ, but it Is also aa antiseptic that will prevent ths catching of any disease whatever through contagion of another's brush. Hold by leidlng druggists. Sand 10 cents In stamps for sample to The Herpioid Co.. Detroit. Mich. Sherman MoConnell Drug Co., special agent. Green Trading Stamps All the Time Buy by Mail? Let's tell You Catalogues arc good enough I u their way, but they are NOT IS IT with these rousing bargain days at Bennett's. We live one day at a time and a catalogue Is a back number when It's a wee k old. If you'll watch our daily advertising you'll find tlmt goods are pouring Into this huge stor evrry morning rain or shine you'll find thnt we're fracturing prices mak ing catalogue figures look sick You'll find we are giving Oreen Trading Stamp sensations thnt no catalogue dare ever tackle. Make these extraordinary advantage your own not In on ern bv acting quickly. Write at once. If goods are unsold we'll fill your mall orders. Jap-a-Lacl Jap-a-Lac! The Genuine Jap-a-Lac. t The greatest floor finish that is made. Yes, it's floor stain you need! Surell and you want the genuine Jap-a-Lacl Put up in i pt. to whole gallons. Prices bargain stained &nd little green stickers with 'em. Hardware Section Basement Green Trading Stamp Sensation at the Linen Counter. t5o dozen Table Napkins, In bleached and un bleached. In dice patterns, nlxe 20x20, worth tl.36 doien Thursday And $2 Worth of Green At Our Silk and Dress Goods Dept. Big Special Offer for Thursday. 100 pieces of All Silk Taffeta Silks big assortment of colorins. Including II. black cheap at 60c yard special sale yard JJs. iilli fj N10HMRSI MOHAIRS! t00 pieces Black and Colored Mohairs all colors, plain and pretty fancy effects a lot of 54-Inch goods in this lot worth up to SI yard Thursday. Double Green Trading Stamps all day Thurseay la our Silk and Dress Goods Departments. Muslin Underwear Sale Women's Corset Covers, Chemise and Drawers trimmed with lace, embroidery and tucking all sixes new goods bought last September, but only delivered now values 29c, Sic snd S9c Thursday morning JC Umbrella Day Thursday. Special Prices S9e Fine Serge, stel rod, natural handle at 80c Fine serge, natural Congo handles, silver mounted, steel rod very fine , 75c Heavy mercerised sateen, steel rod, paragon frame, fine natural Congo handles a dollar umbrella $1.00 Plain gloria silk, paragon frame, steel rod, fancy metal and natural Congo handles, really worth tl.2o at $1.19 Plain gloria silk, paragon frame, fancy Ivory, pearl, metal and 1 1Q silver mounted natural wood handles .cheap at $l.o0 Thursday I. 17 $1.98 Fine Glace silk, best frame made, plain or with fancy borders, , f QO Imported Bogwood handles, a flrst-cluss S2.S0 umbrella, at 1.70 Footwear for Thurs day's selling and Double Green Trad ing Stamps with all men's shoes Thurs day. Extra Stamps with ladies' ox fords and slippers Thurs day. - Several hundred pairs of men's vest ing top vlcl kid lace shoes, worth $3.(0 of anybody's money Thursday for S.J J About 100 pairs of men's vlcl kid and box calf oxfords worth $2.50 of any body's money 1 Qt Thursday for 1.3 J Over 100 pairs of men's patent colt, stylish cap too Balmorals, worth $3.50 of any body's money f c Thursday for JV Seven dosen pairs of men's guaran teed patent colt, blucher oxfords, worth S3. to of anybody's J Cfi money Thursday for .JV A Rouser in Boys' Footwear. Nearly 100 pairs boys' box calf ox fordsworth $2 of hard- 195 earned money Thursday for.. S.J PS WM sassaTQOVlsj Green. Trading Stamps All the Time. IT ONLY TAKES A LITTLE Money these days to buy a nice purse. We are showing some fine ones for 11.00, $1.60 and $2.00 the newest goods in this city for the price. If you - need a purse now wouia De your time to Duy it. ttpena a lew minute? n our store. Look for the name, S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1316 Douglas St. Fire wiped me out complete ly. I will serve my customers at 161t Farnam oef.) He still sells stationery. GROCERY Experience ts the best teacher. Our experience In the grocery business en ables us to offer the best goods at low est prices. Thursday specials: $1.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with each three Neufchatel n i2c Cheese, Thousands of Madeira Vine Bulbs, each .'. ie Vegetable and Flower Seeds, pkg .. 4o Klght packages 25c Baked Beans, 3-pound can 10c Worcester Sauce, bottle 10c Oil Sardines, can .... Be Tomatoes, solid, 3-lb. can 10c 51 worth of Green wfjZffi Trading Stamps fV5$ with each M-lbAti&Eim can Bennett's Capi-Mffl tol Black Pepper 12c Baking Soda, package 4c Chooolatlna, can lOo Peas, 2-pound can Tc BUTTER From the best dairies every day. Fresh Country Butter up from ....14c Bennett's Capitol Creamery 25o COFFEEa-Koasted . dally the best values. Maracalho Coffee, per pound 15c Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per lb.... 28c CANDY Special order placed for a large quantity of Vanilla flavored Chocolate Creams, Thursday only, at, per pound 12c too Trading Stamps With Evtry Dozen. 50c - value me ..39c 50c .75c 1.00 Bargains Haviland & Co. 100-piece French China Dinner Bet, nice wild rose decoration on Ranson shape. . .26.50 Common Table Tumblers per dozen 15c Heavy No. 2 Brass Burners, each 4c English Flown Blue Tea Cups and Saucers, for set of six of each 45c Call and inspect our new lines of French China. We are showing the largest line of all kinds of fine China ever shown in this vicinity. lli Crockery PianoPrices That Talk! The roinotlollng of our Pianola room has forcod us to quote prloos on fllmut l."0 Instruments never bo fore heard of In the history of plnno selling. Nowhere else can you buy such celebrated Instru ments ns "Stelnway," "Stock," "Stovrer." "IlBrdman." "A.n.Chnse," "Emerson," "Vose." "Mel'linU." and our own hand-made "Mueller" l'lano nt surh remarkably low prices and ensy terms. Notice a few of the many rare bargains awaiting your Inspection: $1,000 CONCERT GRAND 00 KNABE pUUU $700 KIMBALL FARLOR . M7R GRAND 001 J $500 IVER& & I'OND t)Wd $400 SAMPLE tO ID piano gZIO $300 KIMBALL CM 7 UPRIGHT $200 COTTAGE C0Q UPRIGHT $30 OLD ENGLISH tl C UPRIGHT 20 squnro pianos, good for begin ners, $15.00 and up. Terms to suit your convenience. Pay us a visit of Inspection or write for cata logues and prices. We Extend Credit Everywhere. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Manufacturers Established 18RO. 15i5 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Tel. 1625. BRANCH STORES Boa Broadway. Council BInffs, law 40H Fourth Street, Bloom City, lsu 1.1S Sooth 11th St., Lincoln, If eb. Combinations, do you like 'em? If tho SUGAR TRVST or the COAL. TH1BT GTREIj TRUST or any of j the Improvements or for DONATING TO BOMB J.lHKAKX OK UULLJiUi;, they simply bump the people for the needed amount by shooting up the price snd then take the glory of philanthropy to themselves) L0 nil. isiaAmu, ititMT Now It is much the same with the patent medicine combination, only THHTf NEED THE MONEY FOR THEIR HEADACHES! If you want to help these combines, then use their Koods but if you want to help ourseil, use i no anti-romninanon goods, lere are a few and we guarantee every one satisfactory or money buck: $1X0 Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure.. 75c 2ac(Julnacetel guaranteed Xjb. UMppe cure 15c tl. Oreen's N"rvura 7i)o tl.OO Parisian Hair Tonic 7&c la Hon Anile French Capsules,..., $1.00 2.ric Hcllndonna Plaster, 16o, 2 for 26c 25c Colgate's Talcum Powder lfic 80 dnys' treatment WOMAN'S rnit.M) n.uu Remember these goods are all guaran teed. Ice cream soda, with fresh fruit or nuts, Be and 10c. Mail ordors filled promptly. ' SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICB PRUQ STORB E. T. YATES, Prop. Kth snd Chicago Bts., Omaha. 'Phones T47 and 7V7. 24th and N Bts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. L 6ih Ave. and Main Bt., Council Bluffs 'Phone S3S. All goods de livered in either city absolutely free. THE POWER OF LOW PRICE is exemplified In the following? Items: 11.00 Peruna $1.00 Hwamp Root 5oc Swamp Root 1 1.00 Plnkham's Compound .79c .7e .46c .7!)c ii.uu tiooa s Hursaparnia 6oc Hay's Hair Health ... .7Mc .Via ioc rmo (jure 6oo Perfume, per os too Complexion Brush 5oc Violet Talcum Powder Quart bottle Rye Whisky Quart Port Wine Quart Sherry Wine Ice Cream Soda ..21c ..26c ..19c ..6c ..(tits ..8a ..89c ...6c Builders' Hardware Suitable for the Cottage or Finest Residence. LATEST DESIGNS LOWEST PRICES The Celebrated "UNIT' LOCKS Anyone can put on a "Unit" Lock. James Morton & Son Co., 1311 Dodf. St. Atcnta lor Corbtn. Lew... Rogers, Feet O Co. Swell Clothing for Men. J. L Brandeis O Sons. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER esserlse Hew. Lact and Em broidery Safe This Wttk ill TtlH HKU.tULR STORK. Great Reduction Sale Continues HALF PRICE On women's writs Las brought our cloak department dally THURSDAY. , Extra salespeople to wait garments- THE GREATK8T VALUES OFFERED. $15.00 WOMEN'S SUITS (Extra Special) EVER .5.90 Women's High Class Suits, beautiful gar ments. In Etamlnes and s A ff Cheviots, $28.00 value, Thursday. I.VU SAMPLE SUTTS-Beet of materials, high est class workmanship; they are certainly beauties, worth $36,000 and to ti $40.00. now IO.vU Bilk Suits Ir. Peau d Sole and Taffeta, rh.k"' stripes and plain colors, regular o.oo values, jA rr now .' 14.90 Special Black WV will bpII In the domoatfo room 40-Inch "'"" itnu jncquaras, regular price 4!c only one pattern to A C customer at. a vard 43C 3-1 lAll HaII.I. A . For one day only we will sell 64-Inch extra ' ii, . wo incites w Hardware, Stoves and ....a cvnimiiB, in vincK, navy ana Drown, A Car of Blue and White Enameled Ware on Sale in Basement. Now No. 8 Copper Bottom Boilers 69c ,13c 95c ....4c .2ic 15c Good. Full Slse Washboards .... Solid Steel Frame wringer Best Poultry Netting maoe 10 and 20 D. Nails Garden Rakes ......... SEE OUR DODGE STREET WINDOW. HAYDER3 BROS. r Twenty More Trips To the St. Louis exposition. Forty trips have already been awarded as a result of the previous "elections." There are still twenty trips for those who are ambitious to see the exposition and make the journey at the expense of The Bee. The exposition is not open yet, but when your friends come back in the summer and fall and tell you how fine it was, you will be sorry that you did not, let people know that you wanted to go and get them to vote for you. A little hustling will result in A SPLENDID VACATION. Get your friends interested in the fact that you want to go and they will be glad to prepay their subscriptions and to save their coupons for you. Remember that you get B20 votes on a year's subscription in the city and COO votes on a year's subscription in the country. The trip from Omaha to St. Louis will be Via the Wabash Fair grounds. It has seven "distinct lines to St. Louis from all directions, so that its facilities for taking care of you are greater than that of any other road. Rules of the "Election" The ten persons receiving the largest number of votes at the close et each ' election" will he furnished, at The Km b expense, as prlaw. ea free trip lrura Omaha to fek iouis and return, to be taken tajr time aurlng Uie exposition. Hm restrictions are placed as to where the party lives aa a candid te for one of the exposition trips. No voles will be oouiiud for employee or agents of The Omaha Bee. All Votes must be ouule oa oouyvua which wUl be published each day la The Prepayment of subscriptions nmr be msde either direct to The Bse Publishing Company or to an authorised agent of The Bee. Ho vote eent in by agents w'.il ue counted unless sent la la accordant with Instructions given tiutm. ..... . The vote front day to day will be published la all editions of The Bee. The "elections" will clues each Thursday at ( p. m Votes may be deposited at the business office of The Bee er sent by mail. No votes eent by mall will be counted which are not In the Omaha postoffloe for delivery at t.M p. m. ea the Cay cf closing. Address, "Exposition .Department," Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. It Rug and Carpet Sale Third Floor throngs of enthusiastic buyers to STILL GREATER BARGAINS on you. Don't miss seeing these Women's Silk and Covert Coast Fins Peau de Sols and Taffeta Coats: ex tra large sleeves), the newest, nobbiest rnow.V.8:.00...'? 10.00 , Cravenette Coats Something every woman might to own Handsome garments piped in red, blue or green, worth $12.60, j Fine Covert Coats tn jrreat B.f Variety at $18.00. $l!soO and les.OU Women's Skirts 4,Rnn SKIRTS IN Tins GREAT BAM3. Walking Skirts In mixtures, srrava. hi own. i-mi-iiB, ana n uu .2.90 values, at... Women's $(!00, $7.no and MOO Walkln. Pklrts In navy blue, brown, blnrk. castoi and .nlxtures; 20 different styles to se- aT1..?.0!":.'.1.1..8? a.90 un.on voile Skirts, trimmed with bands of taffeta, now. 6.98 Women's Waists In evory style nnd fabric, from SfV-t $15.00 each down to OvrC Lawn and Vesting Waists, Bn. worth up to $2.i)6, at OUC Unen, Lawn, Vesting and Madras Waists, the greatest variety you ever nB saw, worth up to W.fio, at VOO Jap snd China Silk. Taffeta. Brlll'antlne ajid Persian Lawn Waists, trimmed with embroidery and Insertion, reg- ott ular $6 00 values, now SiiVO Other Specials Thursday $1.00 Women's Wrappers; each $1 60 Women's Percale and Lawn W rappers at $7.50 Women's Silk Underskirts at i Crepe Dressing Sacque In pinks, heliotrope, cardinals and blaok, ftt ., $1.00 Mercerised Underskirts 49c 98c 3.95 bliiea, ..98c 59c 98c ts rumesj. at Children's Coats, nges 4 to 12, fclllllMlUU, Ul Dress Goods Sale regular 76o goods one as day only, at 40C Cmnettee" n VOl," Moh,Ur v? will sell a $2.09 Rainproof. Tf Ofl w .in. H.-B whim, yara....M,Me'v'-r Housefumishings Come. Steel ' Spade Garden Hoe . 59C 15c Strapped Spading or . 8-drawer Spice Cabinet t wood Coat Hangers for .49c ,5c 59c Regular $1.00 Hand daw ii The reason the Wabash has been selected as the best route to the World's Fair is because it is many miles the shortest, the time is quicker and it lands passengers at Its own station at the main entrance at the World's 2.