Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    ponorrKK rotic-b.
P. m. ar.d m m p. tn. Sundays at 1 D. m.
anil 10 3d n .-n
HKWFOfVni-AKn-R Mil la North Srd.
' riey nn1 thenr hy Ifiimrr rlnae at this
, ofTtra daily aH:) n. m. leonneottna; msi s
cln hers every Monday, Wednesday and
JAMAICA By rail to Donton, and thenes
- hy steamer, rinses at thta ofDce at 3D
p. m. Tiieedsysnil Friday.
ny rail to Philadelphia, and thence by
steamer, close at thla office at i p m
4IQUKL.ON-By rail la floaton and thenr
by steamer close at thla offlca tuui at
, MALA By rail to New Orlean and
thenc by steamer do at thta offlr
T Banday, at 11 :S0 p. m. and
10:30 p. m., Sunday at 1 p. m. and I10M
J. m. (connoctlna; mall close bar Slon
lss at 110 SO p. m i
COHTA RICA-By rail to New Orlean and
thenc by. steamer closer et thla offlca
dally, except Sunday, at fl:V p. m. and
110.30 p. m., Bundaya l II p. m. nd lib.
p. in. connecting maV clnaies far Tues
days at 10 n p. m.
BAHAMAS (except Parcel lost Mil
By rail to Miami, Fla., s.nd tnsnce by
Steamer, closes at 5:S m. Wednesday.
I Registered mall cloaea at p. m. prvt
ua dy.
traaiparllc Malta.
Ban Francisco, clou her dally at 1:30
. p. m. up to April l8th. Inclusive, (or des
patch per . a. Marliosa.
IIAWAIi. via Kan Fraudsca. rlos here
c-daliy at v. ut. up to April listh. In
clusive, for despatch P'r a. Alameda.
HAWAII. JAPAf., CHINA and ape-
- dally addreaaed man for PHILIPPINE
. IHLANIjS. via Ban Francisco, close her
dally at 4:80 p. m. up to April J21at, In
clusive, for despatch per a. e Gaelic.
and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver
and victoria, u. t... clous nsre dally at
t:S0 p. m. up to April 2M. Inclusive, for
despatch per a. a. Aorangl
Cisco, clone here dally at : p. m. up ta
April JP6th, Inclusive, for despatch per
u . o. 1 mnnuuri.
CHINA and JAPAN, via. Vancouver and
. Victoria, B. C, close her dally at :30
p. m. up to April 26th. Inclusive, for do,
patch per a. a. Empress of China. (Mer
chandise for IT. 8. Postal Agency at
Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can
ada.) NKW ZHAl,AND, AUSTRALIA (except
MOA and HAWAII, via Ban Francisco.
- close here dsily at 6.80 p. m. up to April
I3th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s.
Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carry-
Ins; -the . British mall, for New Zealand
does not arrive, in time to connect with
this . despatch, extra malls closing- at a m, and 8:30 a. m. and 1:10 p. m.;
. Sundays at 4:30 a. ta., f a. m. and :30
. p.' m. will be made up and forwarded
until the arrival pf the Cunard steamer )
- PINE. ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close
hero- dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May, tad,
Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Mongolia.
IVOTB Unless otherwise addressed. West
c Australia, la forwarded via Europe; and
. New Zealand and Philippines via San
. Franclacv the - quickest routes. PhlUp
' pines- -speuilly. addressed "via Canana"
-. or "via Kurop" roust be fully prepaid at
! the foreign ratea. - Hawaii Is forwarded
r via San Francisco exclusively.
Transpacific mails are forwarded to port
i Of sailing-dally and the schedule of clos
f ing Is arranged on the presumption of
, their - uninterrupted - overland transit.
. IReglstered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous
. Say. Cornelius van -cott.
, Postmaster.
Poatofflce. New York. N. T.. April 16. 1904.
r ; .
Ckloaco, Rock Islawd Jt Paelfle.
Leers. ArrtTs.'
nlro Cajrittht Limited........ :U am In m
rhlrnte rrlHlrt tocml. ........ .s T OO o a t it i
fliltiio Bprraa A.....bll U s l:M tits
P Molnn ItprM.. ...... ........ 4 0 sU:M m
Cttlcsgo Fut Iiprns ...,.s :U sib s IM Bia
foekr kJoanUla Llmlt4......7.a t:t0 aa I T da
X,lneoln, Tolorsdo Sprtatfft, X)sn-
' vr, fublo tna wt a 1:M Bm a l:Mpm
Tnu. CalltornU and OkUsoaw
Flyer 4:10 all 40 pis
1'nloa PactBc.
k- nM-tnj i i tt.j am AM m m m
rut Mall l 0 m a I:W
Cclltornls Kipreas a 4:10 pia
Atisntio special ii hib
Poriland-Chleare Spatial... a :W pm a I (0 pn
AtlDll Bipreaa .......... a t:W pm
Colorads siHMilal ......... .all 16 oa s l:n am
burs Eisraas
0 4-00 pm
.i. ........ .b 4:00 pm
1)11:44 pm
b 4 .14 an
a t 44 am
a 4 so pm
b 144 pm
lD oo pm
11:M pm
a 4:14 am
1:46 pm
s Too 'am
a 4 M am
a t-40 pm
a I N am
bl0:S4 am
bl4: am
a 114 pm
1:14 pm
b 1:14 pm
Columbua Ieoal
Chlcasjo Nsrthwestern.
Fast Cbtcaso
.a i s am
Loual Cblvaao ....
Lonal ilnn rtty .
EarllsM Bt. Paul
Tllaht CMrago
Llmlt4 Chlaaia ..
Fast chloago ....
Loral Chlcaco ...
Fast St. Paul ....
it. Paul Eipraaa ,
Faat Mall
atl'SO am
......a 1:14 pm
, a T:44 am
4 a l oo am
a I'M pm
a I M pm
......a 4:U pm
1:11 aia
trocat Blous rity .V 4:0 pm
Norfolk and BannHxl a 1:04 am
Lincoln aad Lone Viae - b 1:04 aa
Iwaflwood,' Hot Springs ' an4
Lincoln i..i,..tinis
Caapar and Wrnmlns Kipra...4 1:40 pm
Uaatlnsa, tuparlor aiid Albtea...b 144 pm
Chlao. Mlleraukea-V St. Paul.
rtiluio Datllrtrt a T 44 am
all 14 pm
a I 14 pm
a 1 11 am
a 1:14 pm
14 : pm
a 104 am
blO U pm
rhleaio Pan gipna ............a 1:44 pm
Ovorland Llmlud ........... w. . 1:10 pm
Dot Molnea Bipraa ..............a 144 am
Illlaols Central.
Chleaaa Bipraaa ..a 1:44 pm
tfelcaso, . MJanaapeltt it-
! Paul I.tmltad a t 4 pm
Mlnnaapolla and St. Paul
lllsaoarl PaelBe.
at, Leaia Bipraa.. 110:04 am
K. C. 4 IL teuli Ir.....al0,M pm
4. kloaao flreat AVrstern.
t. Paul and Hlnaaapolla LmU
1H Paul and Mtanamnolls s)s...a 1M am
a 4 t pm
a 4:14 am
a 1:13 am
I D pm
alO.M am
a 4 :0a pm
Chlcaso Uatited a 4 .40 pm
Paul, Mlna. Ckloaco El.. 4 40 pm
caso Bupiwav . 440 am
ta. Levis "Caaaoa Ball' BI....S 4 M pm
Bu Louis Local (Us. atluO) a 4:14 am
s I 44 am
aio.44 pm
Ckleago Burllaatoa aft Qalacy.
Lost. Arrlv.
riilnafe Special a 1 00 am a 4 44 pm
rhloaao VeMlbuU4 Eipraaa s 4 00 pm a 1:44 am
rhicsto Lol ....a 114 am 11:40 pm
Chicago Limited a 4:01 pm a 1:44
Faat Mall - I ll pm
Kansas City, at. Joseph Co. Blvda.
ranaaa City Day Eipraaa s 4 14 am a 4 04 pm
i. Loala Klj.r a 4 24 pm all 04 am
kausaa City Kight Eipraa S14.44 pm a 4:40 am
Harliugtoa A Mlssomrl River.
Wrmora, kniirlv and Uacoltt..a f 4 am hit 04 pm
Maoraika Birraaa a 4 40 am a 144 pm
lnar Llultod s 4:11 pm t 4 44 am
feiaok Hilli a Psaat Couad Ba.ail 14 a 4 40 Dm
Colorado Vwtlbulr4 Pljrar al lOpra
Llneolit. Faat kail ....b 1:11pm all ot pm
fort Crouk and PlaUamouih....k I 14 pm bio M am
B'llavu and PaclSn Junction,. a 1 40 pm 4 It am
S)liafu o4 Pactaa Juactioa.. I S am
larrsBTIPn 1 V Htf'r , KYI, m. m.'D.naw.n
sf Issoari Paella.
Laa Arrlr.
Wak trnoal ta Waging Watar..b 4:10 pa a 10 a am
(kloaso, SI. Paal, Mlaa. A Omaha.
Twla Clly Paaaansar ... 4 44 am h 4 14 n
lauz cuy paaaaL.. c. .......a l oo pi all M am
Vn Local ,..
a Daily, b Dally eirapt Sunday
Saturday, m DUjr ascopl Msoaay.
Dally tloapt
Maa Tvia-scra taaMr el U.44 loaa.
' Balling Tuoxlay, at 14 s. St
Mor4m Apt. taiNoordaa My It
rotadfco. Mat UllfutUua Ma 44
liottaruam May i.'luUuUa Juoa 1
MulXAKU-AkEKICAM UNk, 1 OslWl St.. Chi
i aa. 111.: ttarr Movna. laul yraam st.1 U
kuiAartord. UM Jtanuua Si. J. B. kajualds, U-J
a af uam at.
itporior aacoatatodatlona. , Kaeellaat aulslaa Th
Halirt m patMngnn caratullr ooiialdaNd. Slagl
r roo4 trip IRkala Mim Nw Tor aad fcoua,
biimi. uim m vii principal s4lnai and
SMi'masUl ptat at atlraaam nlw ad to ol
1 Toara. I'm ticketa t sorl latormatloa assif
inr iuvi - w, ta Aowr aaa r i
., kNlUOsl BMu.. u'i Asrauk Cklosa
rranck llaa. Maw Tork to kr Sia Oaa - w t . sk
trraiu. Mar 11 Juu I. Juiw : i., u
Lot. Apr. 14: Mr H Jun n. aus. t-
tt.;ou Mar 1. Jtua 11; July 14; il
louralu. Mar 4. Jiaua I: Jul 11 au la
LaBrMasna. Juna to; July t: Bol. . "5cL tl
' Mav. Biotforu. i Ta a4 txr.
puMi. wiMcm Mafvar UKlsll.
Compaay's aaaUlxtlod Irauia, uim-rus, 4 houra.
. Asnta:
Harry B Maoras 1401 arm SC.
Xoal K in. Ptral fcUouAl Maak.
C. A. Iumi14, Ui4 luaaa sa.. Mark laiaad k.
Iavls sells drugs.
Irf-fTert's glasses nt.
Stockert sell carpets. '
The Faust olgar, t cents.
Peterson, gun 'and locksmith, 420 B y.
For rent, modern house, 710 Sixth ave.
Paints, oils and glass. Morgan Dickey.
Picture 'framing Alexander s art store,
K Broadway. Telephone 864.
For wall papering, pnlnting, picture fram
ing, ste Borwlck, fll Main st. TPhope A-S20.
Uevoe s mixed paints. Morgan Dickey.
Lily Camp Aid society Will meet FTiday
aftrrnonn at the home of Mrs, Wills, 204
South Twenty-fourth street.
Bonrd and room wanted In a good private
boarding house. Address E.. Care of Omaha
Bee, Tenth and Pearl streets.
E. A. Wlokhnm has been given the eon.
tract for filling the south section of Bay
llss park at 10 cents a yard.
The remains of Mr. Elisabeth M. Poore
were taken to Logan, la., yesterday. The
funeral will be held there today.
Tlgredla temple, Ralhbone Sisters, wilt
meet this afternoon at the residence of
Mrs. IJnle B. Matthews, 104) Angle avenue.
A meeting of the "Parks" committee of
the Commercial club has been called for
this evening at 7:80 o'clock In. the club
rooms. The regular meeting of the West End Im
provement club will be held this evening In
the county building at Twenty.fourth street
and Avenue B.
Deputy County Auditor J. M. Pusey was
handing cigars around In the court house
yesterday. The reason wss the arrival of
a baby daughter at his home.
The regular meeting of Harmony chap
ter. Order of the Eastern Star, will be held
this morning. Mrs. Wyland of Harlan, a
member of the grand lodge, will be present.
The funeral of W. Scott Rice will be held
Sunday afternoon at 1:S0 o'clock from the
Second Presbyterian church, corner of
Pierce and Grace streets, and will be in
charge of the Union Veteran legion.
Building permits were Issued yesterday
to Alfred Moraine for a 11.200 two-story
cottage on Twenty-fifth street and AvMiue
F and to Dr. Beybert for a ll.OiiO addition
to his residence at 524 First avenue.
A copy of the $163,000,000 first and re
funding gold bond mortgage given by the
Chicago, Hock Inland at Paciflo Railroad
company to the Central Trust company oi
New York was filed for record here yester
day. It covers 122 page of printed matter.
A mass meeting of residents of the south
ern part of the city will be held this even
Ing under the auspices of the South End
Improvement club at Seventh street and
Sixteenth avenue. The meeting Is for the
purpose of Interesting the people of that
part of the city In the movement to olean
up the streets.
The choir . of the . First Presbyterian
church, assisted by the best local talent,
will give a muslcale at th church parlor
Friday evening, April 22. Admission, 25
Plumbing and heating. Blxby tt Son.
Mrs. Brattoa's Act Aallelpated.
Mrs. Biatton the young woman who at
tempted to commit suicide in Kansas City
by Inhaling gas, 1 the wife of Zen Brat
ton, a barber of this city. Mr. and Mrs.
Bratton. before the latter went to visit a
sister, Mis Nannie Neal tn Kansas City,
made their home with the family Of Dolan
E. Taylor at 62S East Broadway, Mrs. Tay
lor being a sister of Bratton.
The announcement contained in the press
dispatches that Mrs. Bratton had attempted
to end her life was no surprise to her rela
tive here. Tuesday morning Mrs. Bratton,
the mother qf Zene Bratton, living at lot
West Broadway, received a letter from her
daughter-in-law In which she wrote that
she was eellng very despondent and had
about decided to end her Ufa. Domestic
trouble are thought to be the cause of
Mrs. Bratton wishing to take her life. Brat
ton recently returned from Kansas City
and was arrested by the police for drunk
enness. He was liberated Monday, but th
police wer looking for htm yesterday, as
he had failed to pay his fine as promised.
Mrs. Bratton has been visiting tn Kansas
City for Several weeks.
Hafer sslls lumber. Catch the Idea
- Test of Vetera Law.
Among th bills passed by th state legis
lature st Its. recent seealon Was one, re
quiring that veteran of the civil war be
given preference In all public and semi
public employment In the state where It
Is shown they are competent. F. B. Fellen
treter, an old soldier who was poll tax
collector during the administration of
Mayor Morgan, snd who was ousted when
the democrats secured control of the city
council. I preparing to contest the right of
the aldermen to vote htm out of office. Th
bill referred to became a law by publica
tion before the democrat assumed control
of the city' affair and consequently Vr.
Fellentreter claims they had no right to
oust him aad place In th office a marl Who
wa not a veteran , of th civil war.' He
will call th attention or-tha city council
to the matter and If Jt refuses to recede
Mr. Fellentreter states he will appeal to
th courts.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 230 night. F-T.'
Real Bstat Traaifers.
These transfer were reported to Th
Be April M by the abstract, title and loan
office of Squire 4V Annls, 101 Pearl street:
Hnttle Jacks and husband and Hannah -
Cetley to K. W. Nash, lots 1 and I,
block I. Charlton addition, w d t ESQ
Inei Diamond and husband to Victor
Peterson. w28 feet of n78 feet of lot
7. block 1. Mlnden. w d 1.000
Sarah J. Relnke and husband to Ion
Wood, lots 11 and 12, block 2, Oak
land, w d M0
Iowa Townslte company to Edwin B.
Ma (fill, lots 6. . , 10, 13. 14. block
1; lota . t. in. 11,. block I; and lots
S and 7. block 4. Great Western ad
dition, Mlnden. w d 1.000
Four transfer, total ....
Marrlaje Urease.
License to wed wer Issued yesterday
to the following:
Nsme and Residence. - As.
Floyd O. Moershall.-Lcs-an. Ia 14
Lucy Meneray, Crescent, la 1
A. O. Foreman, Des Molnea. Ia 14
Ihira L. Jones. Des Moines. Ia 2
Walter 8. Eaton. Council Bluffs W
Jennie Sampson, Minneapolis, Mlno 27
Student may enter any time. Excellent
places to work for board. Tiiiiinn
reasonable. Write for sample copy of our
i out s ouuiiuti. v 1 1 1 or etui xor inrorma
E. I. MILLER. Pre.
Maaonie Temple. 'Phone Bali.
W are closing out our bicycle rook and
If you wsnt to purchase a wheel us be
fore buying. Vo also sell draya. delivery
wagona, tuilk wagon, etc i
llOO Saalk Mala Street.
David Bradley & Co
cotciL si.irrs. iowa.
, Ctaasrfl bluJlaV
tttit owatta'
Est. 0. G. Bio Tclli of First Church Or
(inflation Fifty Years Ago.
Tktrtl Saaday la May ia All Ckarckes
la Assoelatlaat ta Be Mad Oe
t easloa far Vollertloa far
It Beaeflt.
Th annual meeting of th Council Bluff
Association of Congregational Churches
and Ministers, which was also a celebra
tion of the semi-centennial of It organisa
tion In this pity, In a small log cabin used
aa a house of worship by on of the found
er of th association, Rev. O. O. Rice,
closed lakt night. The meeting, which was
attended by forty minister and delegate
from th thlrty-flv churches comprising
the association, wa considered a most In
teresting and beneficial one, the visitor
being much pleased with th entertain
ment provided for them by th member
of th First Congregational church.
Corning wa (elected a the place for
holding the semi-annual meeting In Sep
tember, and these were named aa a com
mittee to arrange th program for the
meeting: Rev. James Thomson, Council
Bluff; Rev. A. 8. Henderson, Shenan
doah; Rev. W. P. Begg, Tabor. Rev. W.
A. Schwtmley of Anita wa selected to
preach the sermon at the Corning meet
ing, with Rev. H. J. Hlnman of Lewis a
These wer selected as delegate to the
national council, which will meet In Des
Molne In October) Rev. E. 8. Hill. At
lantic; Rev. E. E. Flint, Creston; N. P.
Dodge, Council Bluff. Alternates, Rev,
A. 8. Henderson, Shenandoah; Rev. W.
A. Schwtmley, Anita; E. M. Carey, Cres
ton. These were named aa the home mission
ary committee; Rev. H. 3. Wllklns,
Fontanelle; Rev. J. H. Sklles, Glen wood;
Rev. E. E. Hill, Atlantic.
Tabor College Commended.
Tabor college occupied a prominent place
In yesterday's program. Dr. George Ellis,
president of the college, addressed the asso
ciation at both morning and evening ses
sions on behalf of the Institution, de
scribing Its work and Its needs. He said
that every effort would be made to close
the fiscal year on June without a deficit
and he had every hope that th effort
would, be successful. Th association
adopted resolutions commending- th col
leg and Its work ' to th hearty support
of . the Congregational churches In the
Council Bluffs district and elsewhere, and
fixing th third Sunday In May for each
church In the association to have a Tabor
college day, at Which Special offering for
th Institution wilt be asked for.
Th addre of Rev. O. O. Rie. which
had been looked forward to with consid
erable anticipation, owing to' the faat that
he was th sola survivor of the three mln
Isterk who fifty years ago organized th
association, proved most Interesting, Rev.
RIc told of how he crossed th state In
a prairie schooner an on reaching Coun
cil Bluffs, or Kanesvllle aa It wa then
named, he found It a Mormon village with
out a single place of worship. "I found
but on Christian In th village," he said,
and he happened to be a transient." He
then told how after many vicissitude he
and a Rev. William Blmnson. the latter
a Methodist minister, finally succeeded In
Securing a small log cabin In which to
hold divine worship and how they alter
nated Sunday In conducting th services.
The Council Bluffs Association of Congre
gational Churches, he related, was or
ganlsed at a meeting In thla little log
cabin, ther being present, beside himself.
Rev. O. B. Hitchcock of Lewis and Rev.
John Todd of Tabor. Th three minister
represented four churches and from this
irew the present organisation with It
thlrty-flv churches. Rev. Rle paid an
eloquent tribute to the two ministers who.
with him,, organised the association, both
of whom ar now dead.
Statistics of Ckareh. .
A number of Interesting statistic were
f Ivan by Rv. C. H. Talntor of Chicago,
field secretary of th Congregational Chureh
Building society. Rev. Talntor had been
asslgnsd'to speak last evening' but Instead
Was given a place on the afternoon pro
gram Rv, J. II.- Sklles, who mad way
for Rv. O. O. Smith Tueeday afternoon
taking Rev. Talntor' place In th evening.
9v. Talntor ha charge of twenty states
and territories and, a h told hi audience.
he travels nearly 6,000 mile every month
and consequently see but little of hi
horn. Telling of th work of th last fifty
years of th society which he represented,
the sneaker gave then figures:
Three thousand four Hundred and nlnetv.
One churches have been secured In nfl
States and territories, 17 paraonagea Live
been built In forty-three slates and tvcrl-
torle In twenty-on year, $4,819,744 hav
been rained for church and parsonage build
ing In fifty years. Wl new house of wor
ship were secured during 1901 by the aid
of th oclety. fifty-two paraonagea wer
added to the list during 1WJS. For church
jurpow in society na secured 4.187 build-
ngS Bine lfl&t, 1221171 was receive fnr thla
work during 19ui and 1400,000 a year ts
needed by the socle tv tn mrrv nut tim nrir
The society has no liabilities, as It must
nave tn cash In hand before It under
takes any expenditures. The value of th
property aecured for th Congregational
church by ths aid of th society I in round
figure, 117,000,000.
Rev. E. E. Flint of Creston at th after
noon session spoke on behalf of a system
of grading th Sunday schools th same
a th public schools. Ther should be
gradea In every Sunday school, he said, and
th children promoted from on department
to another as they are In th public schools.
H said th system bad been adopted la
th Sunday school of his church In Creston
and had proven moat euccesaful.
"I th Present Status of Biblical Criti
cism Injurious to th Churcht" wa th
subject of kn address by Dr. Begg of Tabor.
Th speaker treated th question In a lib
eral light and gav It a hi opinion that
th church was not Injured by such criti
cism. Th feature of th closing session In the
evening was Dr. Ellis address on Tabor
college. Rv. J. H. Sklles of Glen wood
spoke In favor of th adoption of a uniform
course of study as prepared by th Inter
denominational committe by all women'
missionary societies. The closing service
wa led by Rev. E. R. McCorkle of Orient
Deatk of Mrs. Blaalrav MKekell.
Mrs. Elmlra Mitchell, widow of J. D.
Mitchell, died yesterday morning at th
hoot of her son, Nd Mitchell, I4f Vln
street, after a few day' illness from apo
plexy. Mrs. Mitchell was 71 years of ag
and I survived by. four sons. W. W., J.
C, a EL, and timd Mitchell, t Funeral ser
vice will b held at th residence on
Vln strettt this afternoon at I a'clock,
conducted by Rv. F. A.- Ca. pastor of
th rirt Eaptkat church, following which
daily m?E; Thursday.
the remains will b taken to the old family
home in Owatonna, Minn., for burial.
Matt 4 era In District Conrt.
The Jury In the district court before
which wa tried the damage suit of David
Rnach against Jacob Stein brought In a
vrrdlct yesterday afternoon, allowing the
plaintiff $100 as balm for his Wounded feel
ings at belng'arrested at the Instance of
Stein on a charge of disturbing the peace.
Rnach was formerly Irv the employ of
Stein snd the trouble leading to the for
mer's arrest arose over a dispute about
wages. Roach, against whom the charge
wa dismissed In police court, sued for
Following th Roach-Stein case, the trial
of the ault of Mr. Attle Hower against
Meyer Pearlmnn was begun. Mrs. Hower
asks for $2,000 for alleged false arrest on
a charge of stealing a fur boa valued at
$.. I
This second assignment of law cases
was mnda yesterday by Judg Wheeler:
Thursday, April a Devgnsy against City
of Council Bluffs.
Friday, April 22 Estes against Chicago ft
Northwestern Railway Cnrnpany (Special).
Saturday. April 23--Berenhelm et al
against Pnlllnger; Boyer agnlnst Day A
lfeaa: Albert! against Pottawattamie
Monday, April 26 Dermody BgalnstMa
chlnery Mutual Insurance Company (Spe
cial); McLean against Benson.
Tuesday. April 26 Turk against Illinois
Centrsl Railroad Company (Special); Btate
of Iowa against Harry Hall.
Wednesday. April 27 Olson, against City
of Council Bluffs; Day against City of
Council Bluffs; Stale of Iowa against
Thursday, April 28 Hatch against Union
Pseltlc Hallway Company; Miller against
Anderson et al.
Friday, April I Headlee against Meyer;
State of Iowa against Walter.
Mondny, May 2-Plurrtsr a-nmt Wabash
Railway Company (Special); Goldstein
against Morgan et at. .
Tuesday, May Lucas against Key.
Wednesday, May 4 Smith against City
of Council Bluffs; Wade against City of
Council Bluffs.
Thursday, May 5-Clatterbuck against
Motor Company; Jolan agalnat Motor
Company . .
Friday, May 9 Nicholas Rhnpard
against Fisher Aney (Special); Tamislea
against Pottawattamie county.
Monday. May fr-rFulmer against t rilon
Pacific Railway Company; Fogarty against
Ingersoll et al. .... .. .,
Tuesday, May 10 In , the matter of the
estate of C. C. Haiem, deceased; Crlspen
against Pottawattamie county.
Wednesday. May 11 Moss against Potta
wattamie county i Jacobs against Edstrom.
Thursday, May 12 Mathls against AeUm
Life Insurance Company; American Hand
Sewed Shoe Company agalnat Mrtln
Friday May 1 Khlera against Blumer;
Ouderklrk against Peterson A Bchonlng.
Saturday, May 14 First National Bank
against Ingersoll; Smith against Ryan.
Chansres at Folic Headquarters.
The city council commute on buildings
and bridges ha decided on carrying out
a number of improvements at police head
quarters. A new heating plant to supply
th city halt, city Jail snd patrol house Is
to be Installed In a building to be erected
at the rear of the city Jail. The new ad
dition will be located where the welgh
master's office now stands. The heating
plant will be placed In the basement and
the welghmaster'e offlca will be on the
ground floor. , . i
By this ystem. It I believed the cost
of the new plant . and building can be
saved In a few years. To heat the city
Jail and patrol house rrlne tove are used
and the cost of coal Is consequently very
large every wtnter.- Less fuel than la now
necessary to supply the nine stoves, It is
believed, will be required tor the new heat
ing plant to heat trie three buildings.
The committer has also decided on reno
vating the room ovVr he .pktrol house
and placing them ls"jrdr . to be used by
th police departmenf'-The bridge connect
ing th upper stories pf .the patrol house
and city Jail, nS suggested by Chief Rich
mond, will be erected fcltd the police offices
will' be transferred from the city jail to
the patrol house, where they formerly were.
This change may make It neeesaary to use
one ot the members of .th police fore a
jailer. -Work on these Improvements Is
to be begun at once, said Chairman Weaver
of-the committee on buildings. and; bridges
Benos Defeat. Neamayer.
The Benos defeated .the- Neumaver last
3,117 to 2,017.
M. M. Tot.
148 147 435
1M 149 4T,
131 130 432
J2S 152 870
l&S ... 4.14
719 713 1117
Id. Id. Tot.
119 141 J70
160 120 89
1M 114 897
10M 145 400
16 148 461
695 668 1 017
The score follows:
Frush ....
140 ,
......117 .
.; .....124 '
.. .:!...;...
, S......147-
Glrke .....
Gardner .
Newell ....
Cadwell ..
Two Complete Beateaes.
Robert Stevenson and Charles Jones,
who wer sent to th penitentiary at Fort
Madison In October, 1901, for robbing
William Davis at Twenty-first street and
First avenua, hav completed their three
years' sentences and hay been discharged.
Word to this effect was received yester
day by Clerk Reed of th . district court
from Warden Jones. Th young men
each earned six months off their sen
tences by good behavior.
Ckarfge Data of .Gra Jaatloa.
The graduating exercise of th senior
class of th high school will be held Fri
day, June S, Instead at on Thursday, June
t a previously announced. Th change la
mad In order that Dr. Vincent of Chicago
could be secured to make th address to
the graduate. The part In th senior
class play hav been assigned and rehear
sal hav already commenced.
Tklak Ulrl Is Kldaaped.'
CEDAR FALLS. Ia.. April . TTnm
Thomas, aged t, th daughter of a wealthy
furnltur dealer, I believed to hav been
kidnaped. The girl left home at 7
o'clock this morning and ha not been seen
since. Larg searching parties hav been
started out to scour the country In all
Uwa New Notes.
ONAWA. Ia.. April 90. (Special.) In th
Monona county district court In th esse
of the Btate against Mike Engl and the
State against Herman Gents, judge Gaynor
fined each of the defendants (so and cost
or in default a Jail sentaxice. These parties
were inauiea lor running a turaey ram
last winter. . ,
latUaal rufrae of Episcopal
Worker I 1st Progress
' at St. Pmal. r
ST. PAUL. Minn.. April t0.-Th twelfth
annual meeting of th National Conference
of Church club, composed of thirty 'club
of laymen of Episcopal diocese In th
1'nltsd Slates, began her today with a de
votional service, at which Bishop Edsall
delivered an .address. Following this cam
th business session, presided ever by John
B Conner of Cincinnati. i
Th principal paper of this session was
read by Judge R. S. Tut bill of th Juvenile
court of Chicago, and his subject was "Th
Attitude of th Stat Toward Delinquent
Boy snd Olrla. .
Th program for 'the afternoon session
Includes paper by Prof. J. H. Dtllard of
New Orleans and by W. IL BingUua of
Washington, DV C
aran; 21. N 1004.
Pxturs of Diitingnishsd low an How Hangi
ia State H tor cil Librirj.
Mest Oat Ok Strike Mast Tag Cask
for Goods r Go Wlthoat
. Prospect tor Kralt Cow
sidereal to Be Good.
. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, April . .(Speclal.V-A
handsome oil portrait of Rear Admiral
George C. Remey. retired, lias been re
ceived by Curator Aldrich of the Stat Hia
torlcal department, for placing in th his
torical rooms with th large collection of
portraits of noted Iowa people. Admiral
Remey was sent to the naval academy as
a cadet from Iowa and graduated In 19.
serving with distinction ever sine until
about a year ago, when he retired. He Is
the most distinguished Iowan who ever
attained prominence in th navy, and had
the honor whll in command at Manila of
directing the largest fighting force ever
placed on the sea by the ' t'nlted States.
He had fifty ships and 17,000 men under
his command at one time. He married tho
daughter ot Charles Mason, first chief
Justice of Iowa, and has always regarded
Iowa ss his home, though not living here.
The portrait Is a handsome one, painted
by Harold Macdonald In Washington, and
has ben favorably mentioned In the east,
where It was shown before sent here. The
portrait will be hung at once In th Iowa
Conrt Dor Much Work.
The Iowa supreme court will begin the
May term on th 10th of the month and
divide the term Into two sections,, one to
be held In June, and cases filed previous to
September i last will be heard. The court
has Just closed th so-called January term
and In thirteen weeks'' time rendered Writ
ten opinions In 360 cases appealed to the
court. Of these one-third wer reversed
and the other affirmed or dismissed. This
Is the largest number of cases decided at
any on term In th history ot th court.
Ther were forty, state , cases decided at
th term.-
May Starve the Worklngmea.
The strike and lockout situation la dally
becoming more Interesting and more nearly
dangerous. Thus far all Is quiet The
latest phase which interests the public Is
the movement of th retail grocers to re
fuse credit to those who are not regularly
employed. As practically all the strikers
are In need of credit and all the union
men who have been locked out will need to
purchase on credit th situation presents
that of th Influence of hunger In settling
ths strike. All ' business tn th building
trades Is at a standstill and both sides ara
Officials of th City Railway company
today announced their determination not
to take sides in the present labor troubles,
despite the pressure which they admit has
been brought to bear by the Business Men's
association. "
Making; l'e of Telephones.
The railroad commissioners of Iowa havs
had considerable success the last year tn
Inducing the railroad managers to ' place
telephones In depots at the small stations
Where they, claim they cannot afford to
maintain operators and to havo employed
there young men to attend to freight busi
ness. In this way a large number of small
stations are supplied with reasonably good
facilities for business, for th telephone
connect with the next large station and
the operators ther give order for the
flag stations and make rate on goods.
Ther have been so many complaint of
failure of the companl to keep telegraph
operators at th small stations that this
system Is becoming quit common. ' '
lows Fialt Prospect.
The following Is a statement of th sum
mary of reports from Iowa on the condition
of fruit for April, compiled by Wesley
Greene, secretary of the Stat Horticultural
society, with comments:
Andes. 14 per centl cears. R0: American
plums, 93; European plums, ,76; Japanese
plums, 80; cherries, 66; peaches, 84; grapes
(not covered). 76; red raspberries, 61; black
raspberries, 67; blackberries, 75.. and straw
berries, 82 per cent.
Peach buds In the eastern part of the
state are badly Injured. II n the western
part they are in better condition. Iite
varieties of cherries that were defoliated
last summer by leaf-spot are In feeble con
dition. Raspberry cane hav suffered In
the north-central nart of the state from
dry, cold weather and lack of snow cover
ing. Strawberry plants that were" not cov
ered are In a somewhat damaged condition
this spring.
on trio wnoie, tn ouiiook mr a crop or
fruit in this state Is encouraging should
normal cllmatio conditions prevail during
the fruiting season..
Gave Wrong Train Orders.
It. Is alleged by the engineers that a con
flict of train orders was wholly responsible
for a meeting of trains .on the Great West
ern near Gladbrook at o'clock this morn
ing. On had order to pas at Gladbrook
and the other at Green Mountain, and th
two met In th country. On of th engi
neers saw the light of th meeting train
soon enough so that his train was stopped
before the collision, and the other had
checked th speed of his train materially,
so that th chief damage wa done to th
engines. Both were passenger trains.
Marder Case Appealed,
Thomas Smith of Albla has appealed to
the supreme court from a conviction for
murder In th first degree. He wa an
officer and had arrested a man named
Server. Th latter' son Interfered as th
officer waa taking the old man to Jail, and
a fight followed, in which th younger
Barver wa killed.
Governor Cummin has Issued a parole
to Mrs. Gertrude McDonald, a colored
woman of Davenport, sentenced at Daven
port to two year in th penitentiary for
robbing a peddler.
A. E. McKlm, a farmer, arrested in Des
Moines, was taken to Mount Ayr on a
charge of cheating, and on hi plea of
guilty was. sentenced to six months In ths
penitentiary. Ha had borrowed $20 to buy
chickens and had left th county with ft.
Elect rl Men Meet. .
Th fourth annual convention of ' the
Iowa Stat Electrical association convened
her today. At th same tlu representa
Indigestion Cured
In on week with Drake's Palmetto Wina Send
postal card request for Ira boul to Dxaa
"crmula CossnuTiV, Chlcsco.
Mustang Liniment
la (M for orec sttxty gears.
Mustang Liniment
oaireMl Bpawij sutul B In a; bone.
Austang Liniment
tives of the electrio railways of th state
held a meeting which will likely result In
the combination ot the two organisations.
A special car attached to a Rock Island
train thla morning brouglit forty men from
Chicago, representing the supply houses,
to attend th convention.
Graves Marder Case.
Th testimony taken In the Graves mur
der case today wa for the defense, and In
dicated that the chief reliance will be on an
ability to prove that Grave had not been
at th houae where his wife died for several
hours, and that It would hnv been Impos
slbl for him to hav killed her and then
set fire to her clothing. Testimony was also
taken In defense Indicating that Mrs.
Graves was subject to epilepsy and that
she probably died In a fit or fell upon th
cook atove and caught fir while uncon
scious. Iowa Pkotograpkers Meet.
The fourteenth annual convention of th
Iowa Photographers' association com
menced her today, with about 150 members
present. The association ha a fine ex
hibit of PhotosrnDh bv members entered
for competition. W. J. Reynolds Is presl-
dent of th association and C. F. Town- I
send secretary. j
Case et Mapleton Preacher Set for .
Hearing? April 30w
ONAWA, Ia., April W. (Special.) The
celebratel cose of the Stats of Iowa against
Rev. McKay, th Mapleton preacher who
wa Indicted for criminal assault upon Ida
Knaft under the age' of consent, whom
he afterward married, ha been set down 1
for trial 1n th Monona county district 1
court for April 30. This coo was the most
sensational evej- tried In Monona county
and attraoted state wide attention." After
a long and tedious trial McKay was found
guilty and sentenced to the penitentiary at
Anamoea. An appeal was taken to the
supreme court, which reversed the case on
the grounds that th wife could not testify
against her husband. I
Ten fre trip to the World' Fair ach
wek. Be Coupon on 'page 1.
Editor Attempts Suicide.
CLINTON, Ia.. April J0.-(8peclaj Tele
gram.) Paul Dohmnnn, editor of the An
selger. Is fatally wounded as the result of
a bullet fired Into hla body this morning,
doubtless with suicidal Intent. No cause
I known.
Sick Benrisebs snd nller all lbs troubles loot,
cant to s bllloas auat of the sritem, ancti a DIs
siness, Nanaea, Drowsiness, Diatrea after satins;,
Pain In the Ride, Ac. Whll their most Mmaik
ab's saccsit h4 bees shown In curing
Headachcret Carter'aLlttl I.Wer fills areeqaeTIt
viub) In Conailpatlon, citrine and prcrmtlna
this annoying complaint, wbli they a'ao correct
alldlsordars of th stotns'ih, stimulate th liver
sad regnlal th bowals. Krta If tiny osly cur
Ach they wonM bealmost prtaelrfs to toc wh
suffer from this dltreluf cosiplamt; bnt fortu
nately thslr goodness doe not end hers, and those
who oaes try them will And the little tiili vain
able la so meay ways that they will not b wUlisg
4 do without Cheat, fiat after all sick head
1 1 tksbane of so usny lire that here is where w
make ar great boast. Our fUla Cure It woU
other do not. . .
Carter's Little Liver Dili ar very small 4
ry saay to take. On or two pllis sask s dose.
ThV ar strictly vegetable and do aot gripe
barge, hot by their gentle action pljs all wh
ua thm, fa vial at gft cent! tv for 11. Bum
by digglstsrywhe,rnty saail., .
New York Cltjfr
Every Woman
, u mwrtttM na thou id know
fttxmt li winlrfiii
MARVEL Whirling Spray
fo it Mi' JSmciinn. FlMl Aaf
K-Xwt Convenient.
IliCMsM laUU
.k rr 4nl.t w M.
it nt cannot atippiy t
SlllkL. i'i-ut I
othor. Slit and aim. fo
Illustrated bonk-MM. ItilYaa
full BarUculara and dliw4lona In.
Valuable to ladIM M4HVKLCO,,
a ri n.., new sera.
For sal , only by
If II H II A. Cfl.. ma .and.potigla.
Omaha. Nabrasa.
"ai V--V ...t1
iAiasa" r"KXj aaalartaJ.
For Want of a Nail
at th right tiro many a rood building; has gon t rank and
ruin. . I ther anything
have a window oo rd broken
off, or otn Ilttl trlfl that
fsw mtnuts to repalrT
1 L9LLr
makaa Its boast that 1U tenant ar not
subjected to this sort of aanoyano. It
oorp of meohaalo kwp th building oon-
. Al ... m.mJl St Si tKdk fllV th4
siajiuv id mm mvvu wsss
first tenant mord In.
Isn't thl the place wheats you ought to
hare your office? Let us show you arouud
and you will need no further argument
IL C. Pcicrs & Co.,
Rental Agent?.
Ground Floer,
Bee Building.
Mustang Liniment
Umber, np Btiffjolnta.
Mustang Liiiment
pntratMi to tiisj vary boom.
Mustang Liniment
sUwrrjra glv4 Mtlaiaoiioia, ,
Medical authorltte now ponced that ander
the STitem ot treatment Introduced by M.
Frank WheUel oi Chicago,
' Pr. Is D. knrtt, Lebanon, Kj.s fr. T, W
Brown. Prlmshar. Iowa: Ir. . C. Onrryet,
it. Paul, Minn.: Pr. M. L. Crsffer, BV. louls.
Mo.; Ir. O. r. Beard, so. rrmlsham, Mass..
bear witness to themioy of his treatment
and the nermanenev of th cur la their
own csae. Ir. Whether new method la
radical departura rmra the Old faahlrmed
moke powders, spray, etc., which rllT
dui no not cur.
prepared for any on glrln a hor desarljv
Hon nf IhN caan manti MmtinS name ol two
other aithmattc minVrer Ak lor booklet
of experiences of those cured.
0pl M Omirlcs "', jCMcsr
Olvsj t womtva t fcMlrllM llMd f Mt. wtf sMuf
th battl of litsiuty- . Th4S4kbBWMTtfai Tttitm
tlnH. rl. h hrMi arMiir, anllnw fold! ffetf.
wtvm cnettnnt nun, r prtMiuMa oniy ny w
i Imperial Hair Regenerator
n li M TV 4tM. AttmA Hal rUaar4.r r.MW as lmkl
tVVt. tUtr. VUkMtrM Kr tofS tnt plntA. ftial
Y rf youf havr C4i4Mfri iYf. tMnrt tfrtf pmptltk.f;
ji InMriil Cbfw.Mff.C. 1AI .1U SL.Nw Vwfc
Ihtrmu 4b UoCtuMQ Pri Co Otuu
Tho Only Doubt
Track Railway
between th
Missouri River ,
and Chicago.
Maanlfloant aolld Aallr train 4o lf
nant and iraln room as rJibr?2.i3
barbar. hath, Wlei.hona. Hlnlns (! sod obsamllo
ar. Elaotrk Us ht1 throusnoui.
?tillmaii tosrirt aleapln ear aad aoaah. IHals
en aai mm tainton.
man it r. win room and loonaa aiaamns cr
clinlnt chair ra. buB4 llbrr asd Bala4
3fl in lNi!lmanowln.romlatMf4
4U AM anokins ea.l Itbrari or J ifw reallsi
""""lurtilrsnloOlilMH. Iilsor.
II Olfl ail Throuah arlc Omaha to OhiM
I Ml AM Korth atandard dr oaebl
I.UU Al" ?;JlV -K-i, lilnluaaar..
40C nil Frss.ehalr car to Ohleaan.
7 n KM alaeplns car fmm Am to Chi
kf I" tn.c,.r,lg hrmktaat.
04-0. Dta
7 50 AM obatlsa c,( 0,r' parlor cms as
81 til Pallnan .latrine ear. twfM llbwun
.19 M orauil I r.)llniug chair cr.
2.50 pm
rlor, Jforfnl
To Fremont, I.lnooln.Wahoo.Darld flty,
York. ILailiiaa. Hanaro.. li.n.T. Hut
.. 1 1. 1 . Ill r II ... Iln.rt
I Mod wood and1 Hd. thrci'ulta raollJiln chair ora
It 1U ?'o rremonl, l.lnenln. W'ahoo, Norfolk,
13 AM Long Pln. v.rllar. Bonail and th
bull Indian KMrTntinn country.
1401 and 1403 Farnam Street
Gorges Lass Tftsa An efts?
Trvt all form of Diseases 1 .' k
Twenty-eight Years' Experience.
Eighteen Years Iq Omaha.
Th doctor's ramarkabl suocsaa has
never bn quald. Hi resource and
facilities for treating this class of 41s4
ar unlimited an4 vry day brlnsa many
flattering reports of the good h Is doing,
or th relief h ha glrn.
JUl Blood Poisons. No "BREXKINO OUT"
on th skin ar fao and all xUrnai signs
of th uaa olsupp.r at ono a par
mancnt our for
auarantd. .
pobtUtv, Loss of Btre&aTth and Tttallts
ana au rann oi onronio annus
IVaatmauat by msdl. Call or writ.
TM ' 04fiM US ouV. lath st, Ocnaba.
that annoy a man mor than to
and stay broken, or a floor knob
would take th rlrht man but
4 la.laaia I lis' I I l-xxTfclMHMi-nlf
r t
"v II
Mis! in . i ; a
1 -ta
Mustang Liniment
Dent tor llorm st-llmotita.
Mustang Liniment
Ueat for Cstttla sUlmsmta.
Mustang Liniment
Boat ftsr lb9 fciltnaiuls.
Is If has snail