Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1904, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
If The Bee Says It Happened-U Did.
Rumors Are Labeled If Printed.
When The Bee Issues .an "Extra,"
Get One Something Has Happened.
Bakrmoro Firs is tVmojt rnpl'caled 'n
EisineM Heart of Canadian Ci -
Train of Haaaary Tied Ip
Mea MTia Waal More
BUDAPEST. April :o.-The strike of rail
way mn. which began yesterday on the
Hungarian Western railway ha become
". general, and on all the Hungarian atate
-allwaya today traffic la at a complete
standstill. The Southern railway, which la
rj t owned by the government, alone man-
? t ed to atart tralna out of Badapeat today.
- V tralna due laat night, have not yet
and all tralna to be abandoned by
V..A Tti..' Tna BW Lonir and .fir crewa at the atatlona wrier each
aVSJHSw aVHV a sa. w m-- -J
Estimated Lou, Whios Oovsrs A
Will Amount to $12,000,000.
Two Bloo'ii tyida,
gteataaa Man Last Seen aa Flame
Eavrloped Reef wlta f blcf
Thompson, Wka Jampa
to Safety.
TORONTO. A'prll 20. The total loen by
the fire which deetroyed the wholeaale dls
trlct of Toronto laat night will, according
to the moat conaervalive. estimate, reach
tli.WO.VA The total Insurance la i.36n.flOO.
The area swept by the fire embrace
fourteen acres, and from (.000 to 7,(W per
sona axe thrown out of employment. The
work of tearing down the. dangerous walla
was begun this afternoon. In the whole
burned district tba only walla that appear
to stand Intact are tboae of the W. R.
Brook Co. building.
The city council this afternoon placed all
Jiubllc buildings and the exhibition grounds
at the dispoeal of the Are sufferers; amend
ed the fire regulations to allow the erec
tion of temporary structures, and appointed
a committee to wait on the legislature and
secure an act ordering all wires under
ground. i
Every building on Bay street from Mellnda
treet southward to the Esplanade at the
water front wa wiped out and the Are
apread on Wellington and Front streets
and the Esplanade along the water front,
from their Intersection with Bay street, for
distance of a few hundred feet to a whole
Tha total number of buildings destroyed
were: Bay street, east side, 20; west side,
10; Wellington street, north side, 12; south
lde, T; Front street, north, 22; south, 27;
Esplanade, 4; Piper street. 1.
Early in the evening when the Mr as
sumed alarming proportions, appeals for
assistance were sent to London, Hamilton,
Montreal and Buffalo. ' Special tralna were
aft Vlll, W4 IVU liUUI fUlUM, wu I
was long after midnight before the first of
them began to arrive aud In the meantime
the local firemen were having the light of
their Uvea. From tha time the Are started
on the north aid of Wellington street, a
Short distance east of Bay strjet. In the
IS. 8. Currl Neckwear Manufacturing
plant, until tt burned itself out at day-,
break, there was not moment when a
hlft of the wind to the north would not
have resulted In the destruction, of the
greater part of the alty.
VeaaJaaa, Maa.aar Last. - .
AC en early stalrt" of the Are Chief
Thorn paon was forced' from the top of a
building when trapped by the flame. A
network of wire broke hi fall and laved
hi life. 11 escaped with a broken leg.
When the chief mad the jump for his Ufa
a. traveler from Montana was on the roof
with him and no trace of him haa since
been seen. It la probable that he perished
In tha flame. ' i
Tile Are started In the elevator shaft In
the rear of the Currte building. Thence the
flame apread across the street to Brown
Bros, and from there east to Bay street.
The wind, which had keen brisk, increased
to a gale. A general alarm was sounded.
but before all tha force had reached the
seen the Are had leaped to the high build
ing oooupled by Anally A Co. and Pugsley,
Dlngman & Co. Then Suckling at Co.'s
feulldlng adjoining Curries on the eaat
caught Are. Almost simultaneously flame
began to shoot out from the Brown build
ing and the firemen were obliged to split
their force. The roof of Dlngman a)
Money penny a building on the northwest
corner of Bay and Wellington streets was
the nest place to burst Into flames. In an
Incredibly short time Buckling', Currle's.
Krewn's auxt Dlngman aV Moneypenay
were all a nuai of flame and the streams
of water thrown Into them had no apparent
The Gale Manufacturing company' tm
mena plant In the rear of Ansley & Co.
was tha next to fall prey to the fire and
Shortly afterward the flame from the east
Bide of Dlngman A Moneypenny were oar
ried acroaa to the eaat aid of Bay street
to the OftVe Specialty building.
It was here that the flremen united forces
and mad a deaperat stand to check the
prusjree of the name northward In the
heart of the city. They won, but not until
they bad lost control of the flame, which
were now sweeping down Bay street to
ward the river front The office of the
Evening Telegram, the next building north
f the Office Specialty building, was slightly
damaged In th two hours' fight with th
raging flame.
Fire Sweep at Will.
In the meantime the Immense warehouse
(Yof the W. It. Brock company, on th south.
Tweet corner of Bay and Wellington streets.
Nwas being subjected to the Intense heat
' from the burning Brown building on the
east and th Dlngman Moneypenny
building opposite, with scarcely a stream
f water playing upon them. The big
wooden water tank on the roof caught
fire, but In some strange manner the build
ing itself escaped destruction for th tlm
Th fire cut Its way through the rear of
the Brown Bros', building, which faces
oa Front street, the first street south of
Wellington In a brief space of time
Front street, on both sides, was like a
roaring furnace. For over half an hour
tho lire In Front, street burned fiercely,
practically unchecked. It then began to
work itself back upon Bay street, Oor
con. Mackay 4 Co.'s warehouse serving as
fuel. A few minutiae before midnight the
Canada Rubber company's plant started
to burn. While It luted this furnished
the hottest and fiercest conflagration of tb
night. The flames, shooting hurvtreds of
feet Into the air aud scattering great
masse of sparks and cinders on every
aide, continued north on Bay street, until
a complete circle of Are had formed around
the Brock building, en the southwest cor
ner of Bay and Wellington streets, over
which the flames had hurled in their first
dash south. The Brock building was soon
la ashes.
Firecracker Make Display.
It was only the Intervening park that
save. I the Queen's hotel, one of the flu est
fcosteliie In the city. So Imminent seemed
the danger that all th guests hurriedly
left and everything portable was removed
ffuiu I'm hotel.
The flame leaped acroea Bay street la
happened to be at that hour.
The committee propones to dispatch trains
to places along the lines for the purpose
of bringing the strikers Into Budapest, but
no passengers will be carried on these
The men declare they are willing to re
turn to work If their demands for In
creased pay, which, they claim, was prem
ised them by Premier Tlsza. are granted
and the strike leader reinstated.
The railroad stations are guarded by
A number of Strikers' delegate arriving
here to attend a meeting have been ar
The prices of provision have already
risen. Up to the present time 450 railroad
employes have been arrested.
The situation via discussed by the minis
ters and deputies prior to the sitting of the
Diet. Premier Tlsza declared the govern
ment could not negotiate with the striker.
and had ordered troop to be summoned to
assist In the re-establishment of order and
had Instructed the railroad and telegraph
regiment to operate the railroads. An
example, he said, must be made of the
ring leaders of the strike.
Another batch of BflO railroad men from
Flume has been arrested. '
The men In the work shops of the West
ern railroad have Joined the strikers. The
latter have disconnected the telegraph in
truments at various points, severing com
A band of TW railroad men seised a
train at Bla Torbagy, brought it to Buda
pest and reported themselves to the police.
who have Instituted criminal proceedings
agnlrst them.
HI Majesty Also Invite Absent So-
elallet Mayor to Lnnrheon.
CATANIA. Biclly, April 20. Emperor
William today made the ascent of Mount
Aetna. When the emperor and his party
arrived at Monte Roea, where the road
ends, they found thirteen mule waiting
them, on which they would continue the
ascent, hut the emperor declined the use
of the mules, saying the Invigorating air
Invited a walk. The emperor lead the
climber. At a crater the lunch brought
from Catania was eaten.
On his return to Catnnia the emperor
sent a wreath of flowers to' the tomb of
Vlcenso Bellini, the Italan com power, with
the Inscription, "From the Emperor of
the land of Wagner to Bellini."
Hi majesty. Inviting the authorities to
dinner on the IraprriaLyacht Hohenaollena
tonight. Includes In his Invitation Deputy
Defence, the advanced socialist, who Is
also mayor cf Catania, but who wag out
of town. Whether the mayor's absence
was due to the emperor's visit or not I
not known.
Abeat Oatr Haadred Die aa of
Saowallde la Italy.
TURIN. Italy. April 30. -About 100 miner
have been burled by an Immense avalanche
near the village of Pragelato. A violent
storm Is sweeping over that locality and
It is feared that other avalanches may
The whole population of the village and
a detachment of soldiers have gone to the
scene of the disaster, hoping to save some
of the burled miners.
NEW' YORK. April 20.-a.fter three day
of continuous rains many avalanches and
landslides have occurred In the Blmplon
pass, says a Herald dispatch from Geneva,
At Oringeols an avalanche buried twenty
persons and Ave houses.
Member of Commission Hot Alaraed at Cli-
matto Conditions ca Isthmus,
Galas laformatlea Which Will Et.
able Cam mission te Proceed
With Plana for Werk ef
Coast rectloa.
(Copyright, by New York Herald (X 1304.)
NEW YORK. April 20 (New York Herald
Service Special Telegram to The Bee.)
William Barclay Parsons, member of the
Panama Canal commission, who wont
down to Panama with the commission In
March, returned this morning on the
Panama line steamship Alliance. He said:
"The net results of our Investigations
Is that, in my Judgment, the construction
of the canal Is perfectly feasible, and when
constructed the canal can be successfully
"The climate during my stay, although
warm, waa not so disagreeable as the
extreme summer climate of either New
York or Washington. While under the
present condition on the Isthmus the death
rate Is considerably higher than in the
t'nlted States it is alao considerably higher
than the death rate should be on the Isth
mus. I am confident that with good wa
ter furnished both to Colon and Panama
and with a complete system of sewers.
supported by proper sanitary regulations
vigorously enforced, both of these cities
can be made healthful.
"At present neither city has made any
Improvement to brag of. Has no system-
of water supply or sewerage except
such as Is furnished by cess-pools for the
former and by cisterns or wagons bringing
In water from the surrounding country
for the latter. Steps were taken before I
left Panama to begin Investigations for
the selection of a proper supply of water
for both Colon and Panama. In a few
weeks I expect the rest of the commission
will return to Washington and organize
the necessary engineer eorpe.
. "After an examination of Colon and Its
surroundings, the commission proceeded
to Panama, and was formally presented
to the president of the republic. The com
mission then. In a body, began the serious
labor of Inspecting the work already done
and studying the details of the work to be
"To this end they passed) through In
boats such portions of the canal as have
been sufficiently Anlshed to be navigable
examined at great length the celebrated
Emperador and Culebra cut, which form
th most serious obstacle to construction,
and traversed the Chagres river for some
miles above the line of the canal so as
to study the details of construction neces
sary to control the stream, which at flood
times carries an enormoua amount of wa
ter. , ' '
"The commission also examined the vari
ous sites selected for lock, the site ef a
dam which baa been proposed to be con
structed at a place called Bohto, which
would concert thentral portion nt th
canal rent into a large artificial lake) and
also examined -site for other dams aa
alternate schemes to the Bohto dam. In
all these examinations the engineer o
the French company rendered very valu
able assistance with the Information, maps
and plans that they had prepared.
"As to the details of the plana to be for
warded It Is. of course, far too early to
speak. That decision rests upon many
questions, which have to be carefully
studied by the commission at some length
in order that the best location may be for
l.eglalatare Take Day eg te Pay
Trlbate te His
COLUMBUS. O.. April JO-For the third
time since the present session began the
legislature paused In Its work to pey
honor to Marcus A. Hanna, late senator
from Ohio. The second week In January
It elected him to a second term In the
senate. A month later it adjourned out
of respect to bis death and to attend his
funeral, and today the two branches met
In Joint session to hold format memorial
exercises and to pay honor to his memory.
The Joint session waa held In the hall
of the house, Lieutenant Governor Warren
O. Harding presiding. After prayer by
Rev. 8. 8. Palmer of the Broad Street
Preabyterian church. Governor Herrlek
made a few Introductory remarks. The
prln -Ipal memorial address was delivered
by Senator Charles Dick, who Is Senator
llanna's successor.
Benator Dirk saidt
The only offices Senator Hsnna ever held.
excepting a seat in the Board of Education
of his adopted city, waa a seat in the
t nite.i states senate.
It is civeti to few men who have been
reviled and persecuted as he was to enjoy
such a complete reversal of sentiment and
to close their fUjrs In the full sunlight
or power, commence and esteem. His
greatest legislative achievement was turn
tig a nostiie majorltx against the isth
mian canal to a decisive, majority In Its
Senator Hanna was not merely a scholar.
He wss more thsn he Ims been reported.
He was a thinker and did not triiilt
others to think for him. The greatest
gotKi ne did was wnut he accomplished
to solve the greatest Industrial problem
His greatest service lay in making labor
ana capital Better acquainted. Measure
him from whatever point vou choose, his
sturdy honesty shines pre-eminent. The
srts of the demagogue he scorned He
nated all Hhams and artifice. He did not
win by Intrigue.
He passed away In the fiillnese of his
Influence. In the full possession of his
fplendld faculties. In the midst of a nubile
- r wiui-ii gK.v piominq ui even utrtc
usefulness, secure also in the knowledi
that he was known and honored by his
countrymen, tliat all njunderstanriln(?s
and misconceptions had r-assed away.
looked up to bv one set of Interests as
Its shield and ty another aa .ts friend.
The speaker said that Senator Hanna
believed in the future greatness of this
country and In the doctrine of America
for Americans, and he taught those ad
mlnlstrative principles that led to great
Industrial and commercial progress. He
understood the people, and. as the people
came to understand him, they thought
the more of him. HI life and work would
be an Inspiration to young men for many
years to come.
Explain i "Feature of Measnro to Senate
Commute on Poblio Lands.
Hala Theraday aad la east porlloa
Tentperatare at Omaha Yesterdan
Resebad Bill Doe Met Oet to Presi
dent aa laoa aa Aatlclaateaf
hat Ne Doabt It Will
Speedily Be Slgaed.
Hoar. Dec.
A a. an XX
ft a. aai !t
T a. an. .... . AM
K a. an :!
t a. aa VH
lltl a. an t
lit a. an BT
13 aa ST
I .
II at. an
4 l. an
R at. an
M a. an
T p. an
fa p. an
antYpattd Flunking MoTimeot of Japi
Been in Appearance of Chips off Potima.
. Allaniiiia w,aaa AnSklPliw a A i fMai rt
." i Kua;in innnui rravtrti lanuinu
sn :
Disembarkation Will Undoubtedly So Cov
ered Bj Warhipa of the Enemy.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. April .-tSpedal Tele
gram.) Judge Klnkald appeared before the
senate committee on public land today In
behalf of hi measure amending the home
stead laws relatlnar to certain unreserved
lands In the Fifth and Sixth district of (Copyright by New Tork Herald Co.. 190.)
Nebraska. The Juda-e. after outlining the NEW YORK. April -New Tork Her-
toreaa Frontier Saw the i-riacipaa
Scene of Actloa Between
rteslsf Rations.
provision of his measure which passed the
house this week, was subjected to consid
erable questioning on the part of member
of the committee, particularly In relation
to the lands which the secretary of the in
terior may exclude from entry because of
their Impracticability to Irrigation, and also
regarding the right of entrymen mho own
and occupy lands heretofore entered by
them to enter upon other lands contiguous
to their homestead entries.
To all of these Judge Klnkald made defi
nite and seemingly convincing answers. A
sub-committee wa appointed, consisting
of Senator Fulton, Dietrich and Newlands,
to report on the measure. It was ordered
that In the event this sub-committee could
agree upon amendments to the bill that
they could poll the committee on the floor
and report the hill to the senate without
further committee action. Senator Diet
rich, who la greatly interested In the
measure, believes that the sub-committee
can so amend the bill as to meet the objec
tions brought out today and at the same
time not materially change the purport of
the bill. Senator Dietrich has strong hopes
of passing the bill at this s ssion.
Delay la Raeebad Bill.
The Rosebud bill did not reach the White
House today, owing to the crowded condi
tion of the machinery through which It
has to pass for enrollment, engrossment
and signatures of presiding officers of the
two houses. It Is expected that the bill
aid Service Special Telegram to The Bee.)
New Chwang. the Yalu and the northeast
Corean coast were the points In the war
theater furnishing the most Important dis
patches of yesterday.
lxmdon heard from St. Petersburg that
a Japanese force hud landed near New
Chwang, but there waa no confirmation,
neither did th Information appear from
any other souroe. .
General Kahtalinsky notified St. Peters-
bur; that all was quiet along the Yalu. He
reported the Japanese as Intrenching across
from Qollutsky and northward, adding that
the number of Japanese troop thereabout
was increasing. Japanese transport wer
reported near the mouth of the Yalu, but
no mention was made In the report of an
attempt to land.
Seoul reported skirmishes along the river.
saying the Russian now bad only 60.000
men on the northern bank.
Tong Oan, In northeast Cores, waa re
ported occupied by the Russians, and for
the second tlm a Cossack detachment ap
peared at Sonchln, ISO mile north of Won-
son. Another force wa reported aa far
south as Puek thong, about seventy-fly
miles north of Wonson.
Jary Fixe Fvaalty of lifetime In
Jr. 1 for Xauat of
CHICAGO, April . The jury In th rase
of Emll Roeskl, the last of the car barn
bandits, returned a verdict of guilty. Th
penalty fixed la penitentiary for life.
The guilt of Roeskl wa established upon
the Srst ballot, but hour of argument
among the Jurors ensued before the pun
ishment was determined upon. KoekI was
sentenced for the killing of Otto Bander,
during- the robbery u j a saloon on th
night of July ..
Tho first ballot Is said t have resulted
In a vote of eleven for death and one for
life Imprisonment. From that -tlm until
the verdict wa reached, the Juror who
stood alone argued the case and won tba
men to his belief ene by one.
The prisoner' youth he Is but 19 year
old 1 said to have Influenced the . Jury
In fixing the penalty.
Roeskl' brothers. Otto and Herman,
were arraigned Immediately following the
announcing of the verdict, for conspiracy
to aid the convicted man to escape from
i the Jail. Both pleaded guilty, and upon
FIGHT THE CARPENTERS' UNION recommendation of the tate pro.ecutor
Utto was released. Herman, however, was
sentenced by Judge Kersten to an Inde
Creditors of Daagbter Compelled ta
Fay the Costs.
BRUSSELS. April 30. Th court today
delivered Judgment the creditors
of Princesses Stephanie and Louise, daugh
ter of King Leopold, who sought to obtain
a larger share of the late queen Marie
Henrlette' fortune than decided upon by
the king, and condemned them to pay the
cost of the action. It ha held that the
act of March 18 waa a diplomatic treaty
and that subsequently the late queen's
property became subject to the principle
of seaparate estates.
tCiMUiiu4 Hoaa4 f ae
lyoala Firms Alleare that Brother
head I a Trnat to Be
ST. LOCI3. April . Alleging that the
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners of America "is a trust, sn illegal
association, a combination calnst public
policy and contrary to law," a petition was
filed In the office of the circuit clerk to
day by th William Q. Fry Manufacturing
company, the Charles A. Olcott Planing
Mill company. Fox Brothers' Manufactur
ing company and the Lohse Patent Door
company, asking a restraining order and
Injunction, pending action seeking the dis
solution of the Brotherhood of Carpenters
nd Joiners, against the Carpenters' dis
trict council ' of that body. It la stated
th action grow out of attempt made
during the laat six month to unionise the
plant of the four plaint Iff a
The notice of the filing was served on
the defendants and the rase will be as
signed to one of the courts In regular
terminate term in the penitentiary.
Promptly after noon Sheriff Thoma F.
Barrett personally conducted to the peni
tentiary at Jollet, Kmil Roeskl, the only
one of the car barn bandit not to meet
death on the gallows. The arrangements
for the execution of the other three ban
dlts were completed beforehand by the
sheriff to the very last detail.
Kdltar mt El Liberal Board Steamer
Boaad for Spain.
HAVANA. April .-Pedro Rotolongo,
editor of El Liberal, for whom a warrant
waa Issued on the charge of leading the
disturbance In the Hous of Representa
tive on April 4. was arrested today on
board the Spanish steamer Alfonso XII-,
on which he was attempting to escape to
Lacbaa teat t Prison.
MANILA. April . Vlncente Lucban, who
was an active leader of the Insurgent on
the Island of Samar in 1900, and Cayetano
Lucban. his brother, who formerly was sec
retary of the Filipino revolutionary Junta
at Hong Kong, hav been sentenced each to
five years' Imprisonment for conspiracy to
overthrow the government.
Dresden Vaalrtaa for Pltt.earg.
DRESDEN, April .-Emll Paur. the
musical conductor, signed a contract yes
terday to direct the Pittsburg orchestra
for the next three Masons. In consideration
of 110,000 per season of twenty-five weeks,
beginning In October.
Robert Im Dtable Wlas Handicap.
LONCON. April i.-The City and Sab
urban handicap of 110. M0 at Epsom today
was won by Robert le Dtable. Dean Swift
was second and Cerlsler third. King Ed
ward was sixth. Twenty-one horses went
to th post.
Mlae Slid Kills Miner.
VANCOUVER. B. C April -By a slid
at the Silver Cup mine at Lardeau, B. C,
a miner named Marrable, a nephew of the
mining superintendent, wa killed and tAOn)
damage don tb plant.
Eaaitaa Reeelvea American.
TOKIO, April 20. The emprea of Japan
received In audiefwe today air. Lioyd C.
Griscom, wife of the America minister to
Japaa. and six. Frederto ilrouaoa of New
Oae Jadge Considers Fines Ta High
nd Dlsseatlna" Jadge Coaslders
Them Tw Light.
NEW TORK. , April 10. Despite the pro
test of the secretary of the Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty, to Animals and
one of the presiding Justices, twenty-nine
of th thirty-three men arrested April 10.
charged with engaging In a cock fight In
the private stable of Robert A. Plnkerton.
were fined only 110 each today In the court
of special sessions. The two men sccusd
of directing the fight were fined 1100 each.
Two cases were adjourned. The protesting
justice, Judge Fleming, considered the 111
fine too light.
When a majority of th sitting Judget
announced th $100 fine Judge McCourt-
ney, who Imposed the 110 Ones dissented,
he considering the amount too large.
When "Allan Budd" wa called to the bar
there wa a general craning of necks, and
"Mr. Budd" grew very nervous before he
wa permitted to return to his seat.
Meet at Charleston ta Select Dele
gates ta Rational Convention
at St. Lonl.
CHARLESTON, W. Va., April aO.-There
was the largest gathering of delegates here
today that wa ever known In West Vir
ginia. The contest Involved tha entire del
gatlon of fourteen from this state to the
8t. Louis convention. The democratic con
ventions of the five congressional districts
met here today and selected district dele
gate and alternates to 8t. Louis and th
democratic state convention also met to
select the four delegates at large and alter
cates. There waa no agreement previous
to th issembllng of any of the five district
conventions or the state conventions and
contests were waged not only on the Selec
tion of delegate and alternate, but alao
on the questions of endorsement and in
structions. The state convention wa called to order
at 11 o'clock by Chairman Miller of th
tat committee. Hon. C. Wood Dailey of
Elkln wa named aa temporary chairman.
After the appointment of th vartou
committees the convention adjourned until
this afternoon. It Is not probable that the
convention will Instruct the delegates)
Marqals Ito Caaanaeada Part Taken by
Perry Memorial Society.
TOKIO, April 20. Miirquls Ito today eon
trihuted the sum of 1750 to tho Perrr me-
win go to the president in the morning tor morla, fund. ln a ;,tter accompany
executive action. The aoutn i'asoia ocie- ,ng. the contrlDuUon the nu,rquls said:
gallon, recognmng me importance oi nav- Permlt m. to .- mv warmest arm
ing the bill e'ftned ils enrly a possible, ex- I pathy In this work, which will not only
erted Itself today In expediting the mens- perpetuate the name of your great com
...... r I niodore. who already is revered and be-
urc through legislative channels. I ovj h,,-. but which will also carry home
There la no reason to believe otherwise to every one of tis. even the poorest of our
than that the president will sign the mea- .m.rWn. ,,, our pmuntrvmen.
ure, although th price for the land Is not This enterprise, to a certain extent. Is
Mrh as ha would like to Have It. He Interpreted as an endeavor on the part
realise, however, that the best term pos- M., , ... tnrth,T tnr,rA a ..niv.n.1
Bible have been made and It Is expected he community and humanitarian principles.
will Attach his signature to the bill. Before these nationui rrontiers snouia
Ivoninn, nnn int-y win .uuii.ii.
I sincerely hope that this work will be
While Nebraska Daughter of the Revo- crowned wttti unprecedented: euccess.
lution ar not In Washington in strong The Perry memorial relief rjna was or-
force, they are an active body of women ganlxed In Tokio, on March II. upon the
and are taking a hand In legislation affect- occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the
Ing that organisation. Among those pre- lgnlng of the Perry treaty by Japan and
ent and In attendance are: Mr. Kellogg, the United ' St te.' Th purpose of the
vice state regent; Mrs Allen, alternate;, fund is to bring aid to the deeUtute families
Mrs. Btevfft atnd Huna Steven ef-Ltrteotn, I of Japanese i sQldrcra and srHor. A ntim-
rerreeentaUve of Deborah Avery chapter I ber of prominent Japanese and Americans
of that city. Mr. Samuel Rees of Omaha I subscribed to the fund a soon a the move-
Is the only representative of Omaha chap- I ment was crgaalsed.
ter In attendance, and while she feels that
other members of Omaha chapter could CHAJICB TO EXD THE WARFAJIB.
have been present she ta doing what she
can In the Interest of her chaster and the Alexleara Resla-aataoa wauaniagnoai
state which she represents. At the state Sees Possibility of Pasace,
meeting yesterday Mrs. Ree presided over WASHINGTON, April 20. Th announce
the deliberation of th delegate, who I ment from St. Petersburg by the Asso-
lected Mrs. A. Allee of Omaha state re- elated Press of the withdrawal of Alexieff
gent. This afternoon tbe delegation from I from th direction of the affairs of the
Nebraska waa among those of the congress Far Eaat, together with the lucid and ln
who called upon President Roosevelt. Mrs. I teres ting story of the rise and fall of the
Rees I the guest of Mrs. Charles Wagner I radical element In Russia, headed by Alex-
on C street. I ee and Besobrsoff. was received with in-
Although the Nebraska delegation la small tense Interest In official circles here. The
It has been accorded one of th most con- I change Jut Indicated Is believed to per
spicuous place m th hall. I temi a complete reversal of Russian policy
Iowa I largely represented, the delega- l Manchuria, and It la thought that If
tion being headed by Mr. Maria Purdy Russia can save her face and pride be
Peck of Davenport. Others of the Iowa rore the civilised world by scoring a de-
delegation are: Mrs. Julian Richards, vice cislv victory on land the way would be
president general. Waterloo; Mr. Anna B. m-iiv onened for beaoa nerotlatlona on
Howe. Marshalltown; Mr. Edward, state b-naA basis of the last Japanese nrooo-
aecretary. Dubuque; Mrs. Brigffs. Mrs. Day, 10on ,u,t MoTt) the outbre,k cf the
nr.. nuiurr amu mre. winner, ues Thm reefnratton to oower and In
Moinee; Miss Baughton, Burlington; Mrs. nuene. of M. wute, th deposed Russian
Mrs. Peck at the meeting of th congress . , .
A J . L - . . V . - I W -I " t " ' '
v . .i. . .. . I soon.
iiH-t-,-' - citiic uia Hireling ui me jasi
Hoar Point Where First ObitinaU BesLt-
ance of Busgitus it Expected.
Rasslana Hav Made All Preparation
far Attack aad Expect ta
trlke When l.aadtag
Has Bern Effected.
ST. PETERSBURG. Arrll W.-Whst ma,
turn nut to be the anticipated flanking
movement of the Japanese troops is tho
appenrnnco of a number of Jurwnese ships
oft Fottnsa, near the gulf of Chlng Tat Te,
as reported to the emperor today by Gen
eral Kotiropatkln. Military experts hero
have long regarded that vicinity as the
probable point of disembarkation of the
second Japanese expedition. It Is not far
from Takushan, twelve miles to the east,
snd connection by road with Port Ar
thur, ISO miles to the southwest, and Feng
Huan Cheng, fifty miles to the northwest,
where tha Russian will make their first
obstinate resistance.
Though the Japanese are building en
trenchment on the Yalu, It 1 believed that
they will advance soon. The arrangements
for a turning movement are complete, nd
experts say that such a movement mulil
properly begin at Takushan. aa Feng Huan
Cheng lie at the angle of an equilateral
triangle, with Takushan and the mouth of
the Yalu at the angle at th base of the
The Japanese disembarkation will un
doubtedly be covered by the warships, and
the Russians recognize that It will be Im
possible to prevent It.
"We will strike sfter they have landed,"
grimly said a member of the general staff.
General Kouropatkln Is aware of the
strategic. Importance of the vicinity of
Takushan, and It Is understood that he
has made bis arrangemmts accordingly,
frklraaJshe Alone the Yala.
SEOUL, April 20.-1:45 p. m. The Japa
nese authorities here admit that constant
skirmishing occurs between tb opposing
armlea on tbe Talu river, but they claim
that no decisive action ha taken plac
up Jo date, though news of such an en
gagement Is expected at any moment.
It Is estimated that th Russians now
have 50.000 men on the Yalu river. The
wildest rvmora we a-toat, largely from
Corean sources, wtlch ara absolutely un
reliable. The' Japanese consul at Won ' Ban tele
graph that a Buddhist priest la th only
Japanese who remained at Son: Jin on
Plaksln bay, ln the northeast of Core, at
which place the P.usslans are reported to
hive burned the Japanese residence and
to have destroyed other prcperty belonging
to Japanese. There Is no telegraphic
communication with the Bong Jin district.
The further movement of th Russian
scouting parties 1 not know.
Charge ef St. Lea Is Ceart t Jary lis
Action Agalaat Palaew
Car Canapaay.
ST. IiOl'IS, April 30. "Words never Jus'
ttfled aa assault, except, perhapa. under th
code duello," said Judge Adams ln the
United States district court today.
"The attorney ln the case haa declared
that In some Instances It Is even Justifiable
to use a revolver, but I say to you. gentle
men of the Jury, that word are never a
Justification of assault In this country, and
no representative court haa ever ruled
The rase at the conclusion of which Judge
Adm deiiverwi iiie a'uvva charge was that
ef L. W. Childress, against a palace car
company fur aa ssssult mad upon him by
a avaBdUiiksts , v
congres and two chapter ready for or- IROX RULES FOR CORRESPONDENTS
gaiuxation upon her return.
Mrs. Eleanor Dutcher Key, formerly of I Regulations Make Then of Little Tee
umana, now or council Bluffs, Is In at- to Their Paper
unaanca upon me congress. (Copyright by New York Herald Co.. 1904.)
jonn m. Baldwin of the Union Pacific Is I 8T. PETERSBURG, April J0.-(New York
in Washington en route to hi home. Herald Cablegram-Special Telegram to The
Heeeptlon ta Iowa Women. I Bee.) Vice Admiral Skrydloff will leave on
Mrs. Shaw, wlf of the secretary of the I Saturday to assume command of th Rus-
treaaury, today gave a reception In honor slan fleet
of the Iowa Daughters of the Revolution The Grand Duke Cyril will return ss
ana ner many mends In so.-lul life In soon as possible to make a report to the
wasnmgton. She waa assisted In recelv-1 emperor.
ing Dy sara. i-ecK. state regent for Iowa: According to the Vledemostl the foreign
Mrs. Dolllver, Mrs. Julian Richards, vie correspondent assembled at New Chwang
president general, and other. .r. helm permitted to go to Mukden after
Ex-Senator Pettlgrew of South Dakota slmlna a set of rules eonoernlna- their
passed through Washington today en rout action, that has the same tringent lines
10 ms noma in eioux rails, where he will a thos laid down by the Japanese, which
remain unui alter tne state convention. th Vledomostl ays. make it very doubt-
The general deficiency bill reported to ful of the correspondent being of any
ine senate toaay carried, an appropriation use under any uch condition.
or iw tor vt iiuam u. Mann, agent of th
Sac and Fog agency In Iowa, to reimburse I K.OUROPATK1.X REPORTS TO CZAR
htm for expense Incurred ln defending a
suit Drought against him In his capacity Japs Ar Maaalsg aad Tbrewlag
lastraet far Roosevelt and Adapt
Reeolatloa Eadarstas WaU
bridge for Gaveraer.
ST. LOUIS. April 30. The republican con
vention of the Eleventh congressional dis
trict waa held today, and Henry B. Caul
field was unanlmoualy nominated for con
gress. Mr. Caulfleld is a prominent attor
ney of St. Louis. Charles H. Witthoeft
and Thomas K. Nledringhaua wer se
lected as delegates to tbe national conven
tlon. They were Instructed for Roosevelt
for president and resolutions were adopted
indorsing Cyrus P. Walbrldge for governor.
relorad Militia otneere ta Bring
Head af Labor Federation
lata Ceart.
TELHTUDE. Colo.. April . Adjutant
General Bell. Captain Bulkeley Well. Cap
tain Carlll and Colonel Kennedy, with a
guard of seventeen troopers, departed today
for Denver with President Moyer of th
Western Federation of Miner to be present
at tha habeas oorpu proceedings la Ui
uprwaa court tomorrow.
Makes Deal Throng American and
Rosalan Ambassador to Turkey.
ST. PETERSBURG. April 30.-1:49 p. m.
In regard to the reported purchase by
Russia of four ships In the United
States It Is now said that th
deal wns negotiated at Constantino
ple by General Williams, the agent
of a Philadelphia shipbuilding firm, and .
the Russian ambassador to Turkey, M.
Tha admiralty still lacks definite Informa
tion as to the cause of the Petropnvlovsk
disaster. The authorities at Port Arthur
evidently are not yet convinced that they
have the true explanation. Th general
staff here Is divided between two opin
ions, a mine or boiler explosion, although
a few still cling to the theory that th
battleship wa sunk by a submarine boat.
The boiler explosion theory la based on
the knowledge that th Petropavlovsk had
been steaming at full speed and that it
sudden slow down may have caused an
accumulation of pressure which burst It
bollrrs. Those who accepted th mine
theory, and they r In th majority, be
lieve that the explosion of th mine de
tonated the magnzlne, which blew up be
fore the boilers. The main objection ad
vanced (.gainst the mine Idea 1 that the
water where the catastrophe occurred Is
too deep for anchored mines.
"I can tcarcely Imagine that Vic Ad
miral Togo would dare to turn loose a lot
of floating mines," said one of the htgheut
placed naval authorities. "The tldea are
high and th current strong at Port Ar
thur and floating mines might easily b
carried out to sea and endanger his own
aa Indian agent. This agency terminates
oa July 1 next and will then be In charge
ot a Donoea school superintendent.
Mlaer Matters at Capital,
Judge John Reese of Broken Bur nrmn
motion of Representative Klnkald, waa to- I on -I" M:
day admitted to practice before th su
preme court
Up Entrenchments.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 20 General
Kouropatkln ha sent th following tele
gram to the emperor:
General Kashtaltnsky reports as follow
All la oulet on the Talu. Th Japanese
ar throwing up entrenchments opposite
Liolutey and further to the north. The
The house committee on tuihlln lnta h.i numbr of Jauunese trooos are Increas-
a meeting this morning to discus the '"a- Thy ar eon"1 ""'" Wlu and
, . ... . , . , . spreading toward the north along the
Quarle bill, which provides for th repesl Vj,u.
of tha timber and stone act. After con
siderab) discussion the committee ad
CoMsark sentinels have observed the
lights of Japanese tranKiri near Chlng
Journed without taking formal action. They ? wnlyr... Te.t"o7 TaVunW" K.t
win noia anotner meeting j-Tlday morning. The vessels were anchored at a distance
at which It is said they will definitely de- of fifty versts from the shore.
. . . ,, , ' Arrord tig to dispatches from GenersJ
termlne whether to report the measure or Mi).ihen.ko Japaneae ships were slso seen
io pigeoii-noie n. 11 is Deueveo no action
whatever will be taken at this session on
the bill.
Representative Martin, from the com.
mi t tee on public lands, today reported fa
vorably a bill which has passed the sen
ate. The purpose of this measure Is to
ir Sou Chou.
In Deanaad for Cash Is See Desire
far Other Things.
PARIS. April 30. The correspondent of
grant to worthy settlers new homestead th TmD at f onstantinopl say that on
O fnclal Raaala Will Sot Admit Ad
miral Ha Realgar.
ST. PETERSBURG, April X.-So far a
ran be learned no action has been taken
In regard to Viceroy Alexlefl application
to be relloved of his dutle. Indeed, It 1
not officially admitted that such an appli
cation haa been recetvod. Rumor of the
viceroy's approaching return have gained
wide circulation, but further than admit
ting the fart of the existence of un
friendly relations botween the two men the
official world did all In lis power to dis
courage the Idea that Vice Admiral Skyrd
lofTs appointment to command the Rus
sian fleet at Port Arthur could lead Ad
miral Alexieff to take a hasty step. Skyrd
loff himself haa had a long Interview
with the emperor and it la comkleied
quite probable now that th altuatloa 1
the subject of public discussion that a way
may b found to smooth matter over for
the present, tn order to preserve appearance.
privilege In case where the original
homestead entry haa been lost or for
felted or ha not been disposed of by the
settler by assignment or relinquishment
for profit.
G. W. Wattles of Omaha la at th New
Pastal Matter.
Rural routes ordered established May H: I for ur,her demsnd
Nebraska, Dodge, Dodge county, one add)
tlonal; area covered, thirty-one square
miles; population. VO Linwood, Butler
county, one route, aiea, thlrty-on square
th occasion of the laot audience which
th Ruaalan ambassador, M. Klnovleff, had
with th sultan h Insisted on the payment
of It. 000. mo, long due to Russia for ar
rears of the Turco-Russlsn wr Indemnity.
Such a demand at such a moment, the
dispatch adds, leads to the belief that
Russian diplomacy Is preparing the way
(Ctatlnuca a 8ond Pac
Jspaaese hear hew taeasg.
LONDON. April O-J HC p. m -A dis
patch to th Central New from St. Peters
burg a It Is reported that a Japaae
lore ha landed hear Nsw Chwanf
Photograph ml Kaplaslon af Flagship
May Salve Proeleaa af (aan,
stantaneous photograph taken of tli
Petropavlovsk disaster may subsequently
prove to be valuable In determining the
controverted question concerning It. Fair
trier detalt of the disaster show that the
eye witnes were surprised at th au
seiic of a formidable report. An enormous
column of fire burst from the mlilUi of
the battleship as the vessel ssnk. Th
mln. r detonation heard war presumably
caused '-'X th explosion of th maiaainea.
i f. .