TUE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. AFRIL 20. 1JXU. LRA1N AND PRODUCE MARKET Etr,rh rtslirr Dons tUt 'best Eiciui of Crop Ekniara Report SPECULATORS ARE HOT DtSA.PPOII.UD Tkikt I It trills May C r h Ormii iBrratti Carreala All Will Be Marketed. (nnM, April 1. 14 A bearish felrg pervades the whxt market through a belief that th crop om( report have ben ovtrdon Both May and new July soid off tonui a cen The ajiecuAAiors wer looking forward to a binni itradtreet on tv'-ai ocl end tr.ey wer not disappointed The report ehoar an Increase tur the week In wneat -f 1.71s,tae; a oe rease lii corn ot 2ii.0u anil a decre In oat of 446 Vi bushel. Lnt r lor this ftk, ;,it an-rud fc. HJS.IWO. corn. X.ttl.'4 and '. S".'7.aj. There is a rnn.il Increase this wek against the very large dcrase lust year. MArtinvi'.i. lnd , reports tram In Mnrin county are plowlr.g up tb wheel fieida. Tb wheat ai-rni lost in the entire belt will go to oa'.s and many lock forward to a record acreage and crop. Winona rrjKjrt that a hou with branches thougttoul the state a seeding minJe splendid progress Mon oav. The secretary of the Kansas liratn JealerB association aaa the wetrn quarter of Kjiiwii wll! not raise more tnan a Quarter of a crop. Th Oklahoma Mlilera ersodatlon figurea a 60 per cent crop, and 2 j-er cent yet m farmer a haiii. Kansas City onlyrecetwd wv-ntTi car of whre.t today. The bar hammered the market this morning and did not succeed In mak ing much of an Imprvsslon. Armour la thought to h selling May corn aientlne nfftred kt.v pau-t of a haul million Vmday and rave tn market all It would lake this roosviing The tush demand is somewhat better The weakness of the market was due to the receipt of stop-loss orders by commission I o'j. s and to trie Idling of Valentine. The May rTi"l at . went up to and then casd d'wn hy noon to 4;r Or.wha went off Vc In sjTn pethy. From central Illinois rgn.a the re port of 4t i p r cent of corn In farmer hand and u 4 oat. The corn 1U all le marketed A larjr part of tie oat will ne fed. The Conojuon of contract corn deters both aide of th rrnvrk-t The beara are afraid of a acarcity of contract and the buyer are afraid to taie it becauae of tn ld condition of much of It A better de mand ta felt aoirtb and eaat for oaia and Chlrj-o Monday Bold !&:'" cjmh rm.1. The rnt In prl'- "1 "Tnaha praln for future delivery and the cloa of Monday and tody were aa follow a: CHICAGO GRAM AD rHOlIO(. reatarea af the Trwdla aad Owataa frleea Baard af Trwde. CirTCAOO. Al-ril II -May rwm had a aa aa breaa of :y on rbar r today, witn Armour n open aeller Toe irenaral Iru prewuon wa that the htj- ll-e held by that n.u!- haa ben quietly liquidatexl durirt II. inn two eeki and that tr defcj u j.racti'aily over. The Am.our aeilir t uay t(RQ ihortiy before noon, and fr an hour tea pit waa In a turmoil, anaioua lf.nr darrplr.f the-tr Ut;e. halting to (ret rid of thPtr om before the bottom went out of the market One reprertat;v cf the Armour company aoid personally fully aiiTi buhel of May and made r.n effort either at conealm-tii or aulport wben tha brk 't under way. Tha Armour line, oiljrinallr waa g-eneraJ'.y estimated at high aa iii buaneia. and It waa a cumulated moatly between 4'c and 6.V. Tha tlwiiii prtr- today for May waa !r Juat under the hnal frurea cf yenenoay. July wheat at ths toa ahpwed a loaa of an even rer.t. July corn la dnwn t ". oa ta art off c and provision c to tltC A cecreaae of SIT.OO buahela In tha world vialbie rupply. aa ahnwn by Bradatreet a a murh m.:'i-r ajnount than bad been in- tlrlpa'e -ontributed weakneaa lo th ren eral altuation. After July had declined to K,c ther waa a little ostensible upport. A l:fht rallv rreulted, but tne market rloaed weaa. with July at S- MT ranred between i4i-r. and closed at rikc. C'lear apra of whent and flour were iual to ilii hueheie mmary reclpta were rt.ll buahela compared with buahela a year " Minneapolia. Duluth and ChlcafO reported receipt of 1J car. aralnt i4 tar last week and 13 car a year ro. The turn market eh!utted conaiuVerable flrtinesa until n-ir the mlodle of the day, w ln the market broke severely. May de liverv d-luitr.r about n4 ovtT lr Weather waa farorahla for farm work and thrre was talk o freer aoceptaneea of corn by the west. ep-rtallT Kebraaka. Tb market cl'ed wrtk and rear the low point. Julv opened unfhanred to c hlghrr. at hinri i-r-. aold be!wet 9e and li'S'lft'V., and closed at tr-, M,T 4!-c after rajiRii a between 4frc and kPc. 1kI receipta were 1U oara. with ! of c'ntrrt ar'ace. J':t trader and commission houses botif nt oats earlT in the seaalon. on the strer (tt.li In the ca.h altuation Offering were com paratively light, and In consequence a fair advance waa made In all deliveries. The b-k In wheat and corn lnduoed con siderable ral'.lrr. resulting In a weakei tone. The close waa almost at the bottom. July opened unchanged, at JV" tween rS'STTUjc ard She and closed at tac. Mar rloaed at J'Vr. - Local receipt were. 71 car. Provisions were strong early In the day on an cellent demanl from prominent parkjr.g Interest, but th market yielded to the extreme weakneaa In pair Th ros wa e-asv. with July pork fcijTSc lower, at I'l 26. July lard wa down i-Slbe. at atiffoVk. Riba were off I'bc to HT"1:. at Tb leading future ranged aa follow Open High. Low. Today. M'd y. Wheat May X S w w July ta K.I, ft K fSV Corn May 4 4W 4 ! July 4tiB 4t", 4t 4S v Oata Mar r, July Sept. SEW YORE STOCKS AND BONDS Dacifioi ii Eirr.mim Coit rulti ia Cbtc to Pridea. DECLINE FOLLOWS UPWARD MOVEMENT Aawtber laCaeatlal C eater af Hk esa la the ew lark Traetlaa braaa. la Wklrk Vlaleat Break Oeeara, VE" TORK. Apr.l IS The pertinarlou belief amongst stuck operator tbat acuv Ity waited on the oeciaion of th riarrtnutn jxtttion to er.Jotn tne Northern eievunue piaji or d.stnuf.tJon proved true today, i b petition was let used, but It did not appear inai tne oecision Itaeii waa tb caura of nrreaaed pr-aure to sell sioras whlrb d- veioped and wr.K-h caused a snarn reartion In the w hoie market. "I n first eftect tf tb deciaion wa to halt tb advance lo prU-e wtuvn Lnen in progreaa. out me n.gheat prices of the day were touched afterwards. and when the decline waa renewed a penud ot duilis Intervened which wa mora marked than any Urn during tb rwceat dull period. The decline centered In I'nJted Btate Steei preferred. Another Influential .-enter of weakness wa the local traction group. In which a violent break In Metropwiium '""i nnaj was a I feature Autnonta tlve Intimation were given that the con- i"t again in northern bcumie at tnbuUon will be continued In other court, thua depriving tb market ol th aasurajioe that this disturbing factor la removed bv the derision at frt. Paul The hand of tn Srofessional bear trader made Itaelf Ti er t on the late market, when baee.ea r a- mors circulated tbat J. P. Morgan waa dad. The market closed heavr at a raJU- Xonv millions were loaned on cJl at lw per cei.t. and Interest rate recetied for aii claasa of loans Large remittance ot Japanese gold from San FYanlco wtre loilowed by a further sharp advance lu aterliig ex- viianpr ouia tone unusually larre blocks of indi vidual bonds which twd ti.roi.ah the markt were reported to t in the utur of estate liquidation Total saiea. par value. s.K4ti.'w. t mted States is. registered, de clined Vi point and itv registered, and the new 4r. registered. advand point. riiimwini was tne range or quotation a on the Stock exchange: Falea High. Low. Close. Artlcleai Open. High ' Low. 1 Cloaa. 1 Tea y Wheat I 1 May ?1S5! l4eal (ail Grata Market. Another good day for the buyer of root grain. Th receipt were fair and th sam ple tables were cleaned up. Wheat and oats were steady at ruling price and com waa a trifle weaker. Receipts were: Wheat i car In and 7 cars out. one week ago, 1 and 4 car. Com 26 car In and IS car out; one week ago. 5 and cars Oat 1 car out: one weeik ago. I and 1 car. Representative Bale of car lota by sam ple on track. Omaha: Mixed Corn No. 2. I car Mr; No J. 1 car Kic, 1 car 4Mc, I car 4Ac. 1 car 4TTic; No I yellow, l car 4c 1 car !ttc. Wiite Corn No. tt t cars. 4ac. WHEAT No. X hard. liSSc. No. 1 hart. 447-Wc; No. 4 hard. 74-97V. No. 2 spring. t4nc; No. S sprliig;. IOtiBc; No. 4 spring. 7j7e. CORN No. I. 4ffi-tc: No. S. 47c; No. 4, F-S4V: no grada. 4X34fx; No. t yellow Mj4ac; No. 1 yellow. 471, fuse; No. i White, 4Vc; No. t white, 46b'4c OATS No S4tc; No. t, H1TSivc; No. 4. aTVUPsTHc; No. i white. ii4rv: No. whit. t!efi4"Vr; No. 4 white. I7V3 ic; standard. 4Ifl-Cc Katea frwaa tka Eiekaag OaBee-a Exchange vlattora wera: C. A. Ritchie, Louisville: A. P. Stafford. Nebraska City, and William Smiley, a miliar from LeMara, la. Omaha Inspection of grain wera 4 oara. Of wheat. T car graded No. I hard winter. 1 ear mixed wheat and 1 ear do grade. Of com. l car graded No. 1. 14 car No. J. 7 tar No. 4. 1 car no grade, t car No. S yellow. car No. t white and 1 car No. 4 whit On car of oats graded No. 4 whit and 2 car of rye No. X. Grata Maurketa Eiiewker. Closing price of grain today and Mon day at Lb market named were aa foUows: a July b July a Spt. b Sept. Corn May July iett. Oata May July Bept. Pork- May July Lard Mav July July I I I K Ta US, w, i WS S2'ff STaV ai a.V I I .J Ka. 4V 4'n' fcS-J-iai sV I I 4S w " I I ' 1 1 is ?"S i!t-K.i. .3TV.1' 37V i 11 6 ! 1? cJ 11 KV. U Oh .15 O lla u iv - " "T 111 471, tK : 4 i SO ; C'V. C 75 ' tV K'a K'4 4w 3 i K ' 2TS t 40 , t rsu, 4 st' , BO ai 4b No. t a Old. b New. rmh nuofariuna were a f1owa: FLOVR Market Heady; patent. J4.70; straight. K4ia40: sprlrg patents. MAj 4 70 srraia-hta. 44 & A: baker. B l.iil 4 WHEAT No. 2 spring, i.wc. No. X, tbta Ibc; No. 2 red. 8t.voirc. CORN No. 2. bv'Mc; No. yellow. S10 He OATS-No. X I7Tt)Sc; No. X white. Xja BTEVn Sip. BARLEY iood feeding. Cc; fair to chol'-e malting. 44 -3 55c. RKED-No. l fia. !.: No. 1 tiorthwewt em. 11.14. Timothy, prime, ai-KCta. Clover. r . ft 7t LVIlir v V Hi... v ' v - Oli o r i sailed reoeipta CHICAOO. Wheat May ... July ... Corn Mar ... July ... Wheat May ... July ... Corn May ... July ... Wheat May ... July ... Corn May ... July ... Wheat May ... July ... Wheat May ... July .. VTheat May .. July ... Today. Mon'y ... IM ... tea MVB ... 4B S3 ... 4aA 0VA KANSAS CTTT. ST. LOUIS. MINNEAPOLIS. Dt'LVTH. NEW TORK. ... wn, ... UVi ... 47H 4,, a 4M,B 4B KSA V su M ICW lOBsw I.EXEB1L ItMkET, attiwa ( the Day Caaaaaadltlea. Varlaaa 012 12 Ird. per i lb., t foVj SO. Short rib aides (loose I. k zoo ary cld at 1 fcY The pivats rate int w w cent Three per perlal of discount cert rent" r : - t-t FERLIV. April IS -Price c the hours todsv were scmewh? f rmr Fxcng on Imdor.. S.vn pfr fee check Ps cour.t ratea. Phort and three month' bill. I per cent Sew Tark Maaey Market. NEW TORK. April II -MOVET-On call, easy, ruling with last loan and cloalng hid aid offeesd It lit per cer.t; time loana easr sixty day. 7 per cert r.:r.ety date. ?f per cert: six months, t': 4 r cent; prim m'r-antlle paper. 4x-"t j-r rent FTERLINO EXCHANGE trong. with actual business In barker Mils at t4 t4c4 4 r"5i for Omand ard at t4 Ei.84 M0 for s xtv-dar bills: post-d rates $4 85u,fi4 and lttf4H: commert Ul bills. $4 Mi4 7V F1LYER-Rr. aSSc: Mxi -n dollar. 4C- FiONM Oovernment, Irregular; railroad, lr-egular The closing quotations rn bond ar aa fcl'ows- f i ref aa. iag....i VsBha't.n e 4t ..l"t ln reuse lt 'estrl 4a o a rag 1" e let lac e reosne ," V at L 4 " t t, e 4a. ret ... lirS M . RAT. 4s n ceooe I US ' In a T si4 4a. ret ir" X. R. .. af M. 4a " a mum ir- v t t g . Achlena ceo. 4a X J r. eu t ! o ad. si'a.N'hera t 4a . AUantic C U 4s.... b h ? v a o ia'?s a w r . ... r- rr.tral of C to ... rriii. ro I Vi t do let lir Reading gaa to . SI Otss Oki ..., n L 1 I M a at 111 Cam A A. . S St L AS T tg to M C . Ei Q new 4a St St L I W 1 .... SS C k I I P I S )o-S Sssboard A L. 4s ... Otj C K w. eo to So sr,ac to r C . R 1. P 4 . n Sevrbsrs Rr ...ill' do col ta " Teaai P la ill err a 1 i .iwV t . sv u a a as rairago Tsrwlnal to n U hc'.lr to IN ("on.. Tob-e to M i de ce to Cole A Boathei to W 1 Steel Id la .... K p A R G. 4a .... ,Wabali ! Krts pnoe Haa 4a-... a anart dh. B . ... V ar gee to w A L. R 4a r t. A p. c l ...'.a-ia w ,. iwtrl to .. a, HselBtc V.l 4 ....! Cat T. A t a to . Tl L. A Si. watea da... S' OtVered. OMABA LIVE SIOCE MARKET Ttrj Hrtrj Eo p a af CsUl, bvt Pr.cwg H.;d Ir-1. Ewkj. G! SOLD ABOUT A NICKEL LOWER Better Grade af shrew aad Isak Ckaaged Haada Wltkaat Mark Trwaal at fteady rrleea Caa- SOl-TH OMAHA. April 1. W Retort were OfT.clal Mondav Official Tuesday Cattle. Hogs Sbeep. 14.7JD Two day this week ...1X.214 il.7- 17 77 Hame da) last weea ...11MS 1 . 14 441 rame days week before.. 7.X 14T.7 U.aJv Same three week ago 11 t" it 1 14 0R1 8am four week ag..... lb S1 ll'Wo IS MO Same da last year I XVI 11W UU RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. Th following tattle anew th receipt of cat tie, hog and aneep at South Otnaita for tb year to data wll A companaoa with last xaar; lra. la lnr Cattl 2174 !4 I ! Hors 7 tl nS.X.'t' T icj Sheep M 1S 414.4ii 1M.7W A vera price paid for hog at tsoutn Omaha tor the last several da s with corn- pa neons: 4-aJ l(i" no inn 7S 75 IT Atchison 4o . do pfd so Baltimore A Ohio 14. do r-fd Canadian rarlfl? 1 Wit 1171 usa. Central of N. J Che peaks A Chio Chicago A Alton... do rfd Chli ago Ot. Western 2.UMU Chlcaco A N. W Chi.. Mil. St. P. ..lS.HOtf 14b liF do pfd Chicago Ter. A T do pfd C. C C. aV St. Colo. Southern.. do 1st nfd ... do Xd rfd Dal. dt Hudson Iel.. Lck. A West., l.ouo Denver A R. G d- pfd Erie .' n do 1st pfd 71 5 64 do Xd pfd rt) 4J 41 Hocking Vller do jii Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do Ifd Loulsvl'.l A Nash... l"-a Manhattan L 14? 141T Metropolitan Sec Co 77V 76 Metropolitan St. Ry..X1.70 114 llOVa 111 Minn A St. Louis 47 4.1W la6V, li4 3ak so 1W 15" rs S-Aj 16 143 1T4 1M TB I"1 64 70 4 41 9 " 13 Is"-, 31 US & 141V a aaW C Irarlaca. OMAHA. April 1 p.ank rler.ngi for to day t"i.XE.i.47. n Increase cf Xa.7i4 71 otr th corrsspvS -jing day last year. VP 17 aboulders i boxed The following shipments: Flour, bbl Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oata, bu Rye. bu Rarley. bu K.-4j.7&. wer the and Receipt. Shipments. 2..4U0 38 X6' .li 1K.X 4ie , m. 4 u: S.0UO 47.a 14.1 On tha Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady; creamer-. 14'tTc; dairies. I(r71c. Ekf brm. at mark. e Included. l3i-c. cueese, ouu, fJlltjC Be Laal Grala sad Pravlalaaa. ST. LOVIS. April U.-WH EAT Lower on better wealher prospect. No I red, cash, elevator. c; on track. (Refill W: May. svac; July. B2c; No- 2 bard. IQ CORN Lower; on track. 60S t51 Vc ; May, fc: July. IPc OATS Weak. No 3 caah. 41c; on track. May, Zc. July, I7c; No. 2 white, a.j4V F1X)V'R Market dull and unchanged; red winter patents. M !. peclal brands. Rajrihc higher: extra fancy and traight. 14 ""id 4 So. clear. 4vw-j4 5. SEED Tlmothv. t-.ij2 tft. CORNMEAL 1140. PRAN Firm: sacked, east track, S54c. HAT Steady; timothy. X 0W614 00; prairie. la no&lfl ub. IRON COTTON TIES Cc BAO-INO V HEMP TWINE c. PROVISIONS Pork. ataady: obbing. n 1 lrd. steady; prime steam X4 17w bacon, steadv: boxed extra shorts, 17 2S; clear, riba. 17 1714: short cler. r 4?iv POULTRY Easy : sprii.g, S3 Ktui .( per doten; chlckena. ii"c; luraey. uvr ducks. 11c; gecae. fc7c. BCTTER Lower, creamery, lttjjdc dai'v. litflSc kvLir Pirra : l&c rase count. Receipt. Shipment. , T.i' 7.UU0 l.io 144.ua 14 (aw u uij 4. 41.iJ M . St P. A 8 6 M. 100 CI do pfd . Mlasourl Patlflc 7,4 M . K. V T 0 di pfd Nat. of Me., pfd New Tork Central ... 1.7H0 11 I1 Norfolk A Western... !. H" aTT Aa nfd Ontario Western.. 0 rS Pennsylvania 4S.toO Ili a Pitt.. C. C. A St. L Reading 7.7O0 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd ao Rock Island Co i 4"0 do fd ! St. L. S F-. 2d pfd. i3 St. L Southweatern do rfd Southern Pacific 2i Southern Railway ... XSt" 61 OH 11S do cfd Texas Pacific Toledo. St. L do tfd tTnlon Paclflo do cfd W abash do pfd Wheeling A Lake E Wlconsin Central . do pfd Adam Express American li press T". 8. Express Welle-Fargo Express. 2.KI0 l.fdlft W.. S7.K H" ? .lT.S'W nfi .ltnn HO 14 Z 'ion fcrd) 117 . n 7J .!. 4eM, si- 441 44 4H iiil z 27a '' 47, 46V iia 4 4TV T. 21S K'i K J4S 4"i Xf , J7 5. K ICS lf. lfa X 40 ' f ' So" 4Vi 1 1 " ay- s a" 2P is" is" 0 117 17 r, 11 & :i4 117 42H 44- 7 44 a 14 MS 4 rs K WS s M K 1SS s 17 1S r-4 16 107 24 4S IK 71 1?S 44S X S S1!, Js mo ir. u w- NEW TORK. April 14. FLOUR Ro ceipta 31. SS bbl ; x porta. I.j7 bbla ; market very dull, lower to sell. Minnesota rktanta. t naua tu. Minnesota baker, H Ha Ut. winter patent. ao.Aifei .iii; wlmor traight. 44 kfmiii li; winter extras. Uti 4i. winter low gradea, tX.Uqk.sa, Ry Hour dull; fair to gawd, 4.Rs4 choio ta fancy. 44 oo4 7k CORNMEAL- vtuiet: yellow western. l4l.lt. city, SI 191.12. kiln dried, till) W 14 it IE Dull; No. X western, kic. to ar rive prompt- BARLE V Quiet ; feeding. dRc. e l t S"" Yora; maitlng. k-trt-. c i I Buffalo. WHEAT Roelpta T.noo bu. ; spot mar ket eaay: No. 2 red. tl to. nnmlnai, elevator, and Xl UMgl i, f. o. b. aAoat; No. 1 nortliem Iuluth. tl uu. f o. b. a host. No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f . b annat Opuona eataencr.ced ootuuderabie heaviueaa during tb forenoon. Later tney weakened still further and closed 46 ISe lower May, R?St4c cloaed. r.V; July. asS64C lX-lc. ekiaed at asc, BVptetn bee, 4SC'c. cloaad. tk 1-16C CORN Receipts, II CM bu. : ex porta. 5. in bu ; spot market teady. No 2. nominal, ie-ratur and asc f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 .low. 7c; No. 2 whlta t Opiums event ually felt th Inlluaik of wneat heavi ness and exteaalve seli.ng of Msy by a la'.!rig Chicago operator, cl'wlng weak and partly e net luwer. Ma. ae.juc. closed. sac: July closed. Mr. Flour, bbl Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oata. bu Kaaaaa City Crala aad Pravlsleaa. KANSAS CITT April 14 WHEAT May. -.-S", July. 7.'s7f-,c. September. 72Sc. t aah. o. - nara s.'sw; .o. . w-. , No 2 red. tl.Ool (I: No. 1 iAe. CORN Mas. 4f.Sc. July, 44S44Vc; cash. No 2 mixed. 47B4ec; No Z, 4t47SC. No. X wtlte. 4t4.c: No 2. 4i,c OATS No- 2 wbJta, 4iw4lc; No. X red. CS'Sc HAT Firm; rbolc timothy. t0ia'': choice vrame. tk on E UTTER Crearnerv. lync: dairy. l'C EOGS Higher; Missouri and Kanaa. case returned, USc , new No. 2 khltewood case Included, l&Sc RecelDts. Shipments M.lf 1.!W U.suo 42 4 N.ou X.tW Anil Cotioer Amor. Car A F'dry.. 1.B-XI do nfd Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice do pfd Amer. Unseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive ... do pfd Amer. 6melt. R... do pfd Amer. Sugar Refg... Anaconda Mining... Brooklyn R T Colo. Fuel Iron. Consolidated Oaa .. Corn Product do pfd Diviner' Securities General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American ... Pacific Mail People Gas Pressed Steel Car . I do pfd i Pullman Palace Car I Republic Steel to pfd Rubber Good I do pfd Tenn. Coal V Iron. V. B Ielher do pfd U 8 Realty do pfd U. 8 Rubber do rfd V. 8 Steel do pfd Weatir.gbousa dee TVea.ern Union V" i r V, i-.ciir4tlea Total sales for the day. 441.700 harei Offered, t Ex-Dividend. I Kl s 7S 13 72 44 51 i. r.s l.uno its ai s '""H 100 71 71 son 'ti H, 4 4T-S west Tarrltorle: .-' bu. OAT Receipt. ?veu bu. ; export. 4 (TV western Interior elevator Wheat, bu . Corn. bu... Oata. bu Asallaa.1 Saaaly af Grala. NEW TORK. April Ik Special cable and telegraphic communications received by BrfcSstreet s show the foi.owlnf change In available uppUe as con yarei with !aat account: Wheat. United States and Can ada, east of Rockies, decrease l.i:7. bu : ajloat for and Id Earupe. incress Wtwo bu : total supply. decre. F.'.ifM- bu Com. United Stales and Canada, east of Rockies, decrease s44 00 bu. Oata, United State and i east of Rocklea. deeraaa 21 Duv bu Th leading decrease reported this week bu In Mn!toba and ths North- 2 .. . .. 1.2"0 .. .. ' .. .14 f ..41.71 .. mo TS fi i 1?S 6, US i-S 1i2 kT SS I 7 H iS '.- rs liT r. S 7"S a-, 1C3- n an s 7S ITS 1 S6S sS N nS TS If.'- 7 S;S TS B71. I r. fcS lii " sk Cotlea Market. 1JT:''" April : COTTON Spot In limJtaj (luiund: pri es 4 points lower; American u i idling ilr f 1!1 : good mid dling. .-d. niKldling 'vii. low middling. Tied, good ordinary. 7.72o; ordinary, 7 bid. Futures opened quiet and ued steady: American middling g t. c. April, 7r.d. April-Kav. 7 sd . May-June. T.aid : J jne Julv, 7.o"d : July-August. 7 4d; August-September. 7 21d: Septemer-Ocivier. h.fc4d: Oc-tolwr-Novemher. 4 id . November-December. 16d: December-January, 14d. Janu ar -February. 4 lid. NEW ORLEANS April 3 -4.OTTT'N Futures, sleadv; April. 1J kic bid; May, 13 gl3 81c: June. 14 li14 ISc; July. 14 S4 34 : August. lX.iSij'w 44' : Septen ber. 12 d 12 '6c: October. 1 i 4Mj 11 4!-; N'lVember. li i bid: Iiecember. Il.fftll.a4c. Spot, firm SaW-s. If'.'" hale, t rdinry. 11 12-lc; good ordinary. 13V: lw middling. I3c; middllnc. 14S' : middling good. 14 7-lc; mid dling fair. 14 13-1 Sc. ST. 1-)UI3 Afril li COTTON Ouiet : middling 14Sc. Sales, none: receipts. fO bales: shipments, S bales; stock, 11 !fK' ""ifEW TORK. April 1? COTTON Fu tures clo-d quiet. 10 points higher; mid dling uplands. 14. KK, middling gulf, 14.36c Sales, r' balea Wwal Market. BOSTON. April 14 WOOL The aggre gate of sales In the wool market the past week has been unusually small. What trade exists, however, is e-t steady price. All the Boston house have their repre sentatives in the west in readinee for the new clip, and the tendency I toward dull ness tiending Ita arrival. Pulled wools sre aulet as are also territory wools. Foreign grades are dull but firm Idaho Fine. 14S tjl.c; heavy nne. U3us: "ne meoium, iIh&iSW-: medium. itil. . low medium, 17 iikr. Wvomina Fine :41"-: heavy fine. 1S313Sc: fine medium. ihtl&S; medium. 1K.&1!-; low medium UtiltK-. I tah and Nevada Fine. j4S4iiic: haavy fine. luaiXSc fine medium. lfA4lc; medium. IMjlsc; low medium. lCpSx-.- Iakota Fine ln414c; fine medium. :twtfltSr: medium. iWilkc: low medium. ltc. Montana rin cnoice. lklc; fine average. lTOlkc; fine medium choice. IbOlsc; average. I'-Bl.c. staple, ir-o : medium cnoice. imjisc. ST LOUIS. Ani-f? II WOOL Steady Medium grades, combing and clothing. It light fhe. 34J7Sc; heavy Bne. 1! 14V; tub washed, Htfic. . Metal HarVet. NEW TOTUC. 'Arffl W METALS Tin waa weaker In th London market, with HK.t Used lower at 4.1J!". wh:ie futures were lis 41 lower. ine local market for tin was easier. In sympatny with foreign declines; closing at trr.7s43X.nu. Copper declined as Cd In the London mar ket, with tpot closing at 67 Us 41 and fu tures at !.ris41. Locally copper if nom inally unchanged. Lake la qu ted at 113 61X&:S. eiectrolyrlc at tlX.lSSnl- ard casting at IU sTSlX.U'S. Lead ws also declined In London a matter f 1 3d to 12 5. but -emalned unchanged at 44 1"t 4 tii in the New York market. Spelter wa firm locally at ta.;if6 .. In Loi.don It as vanced i'a 4d to 7s 6d. Iron closed at him M In Glasgow and at 44 7SI in Mld dlesborough. locally iron is steady at re cent nrlce No 1 foundry northern I quoted st l;5.'&li 7S No. 2 foundry j orth ern at tl4.7i4iln.i5. No. 1 foundry outhem and No. 1 foundry southern sort at 414 at 14 75. ST. LOUIS. April 1 METALS Lead, dull, t4ii. Spelter. ulet. XVtrrs. Oils aad ttata. NEW TORK. April ".. OILS - Cotton seed essy: prime yellow, 21c. Petroleum essv Turpentine quiet. ROSIN quiet; strained, common to good. tZ ""1 OIL CITT. April It -OILS Credit bal ance, tl . ceilflcate. no bid; ahlproents. fi 160 bbls. : average, so 711 bbla Runs. 1S.17I bbls ; srerage. bbis Shipments Lima, an 712 bbls ; average. 45.&11 bbl Run Lima. IS'.n bbls.: average. 60.215 bbl SAVANNAH Ga.. April Ik OI LS Tur pentine firm. Mc. RopIN t:rm. Quote? A. B. C. D. 17 ; E :4f. F. tl-W- Q. if.; H. K60: I. t: "': K. tSl: M. $S.S; N, B 4t. W. G., t3: 4V. W.. $S. Date. i lf4.:iuX. il02 .ltOl.aiW. la, last. Apru April pni April April April April April April 1. April 11. April 12 . 2 X. 4.. I... 4... 7... I... I 47 !! 7 X, 41 OOH Qtj ' I US 7 Xaj 4 Ui t M. Xoj X 42. I J 4 -t I i a I a I to I a I .1 I S 7 X4 I I W I 4 I U 1 1 4 lSi 7 V 4V I 4 271 X 44 I 4 , trim IM I 44 X 7) 4 44 V T B I t tc( t XX; I I Ta 1 t X I 7 I rl I , I 41 4 Xf 7 & 4 I Rl. t as, I 47, X 71 4 T ilU IK IK I U 171 April II . 1 4 ft V 7 II I I iH, t 4u I 41 X 47 u o -i a ea, i i' a !-: . - April 1.., 4 4s 7 14 st 4 CI I 71, I 47 April 1..4R ,7C 4 41 IhS 445 1141 April 17.. 7 15 I 6: I R IB I T April 4 7S 7 14. 4 F S4 4 4S. I at X 40 April is ., 4 74 1 4 44 4 w 4 44, I 71, X 41 Tb official ruisver of car ot tock brought in today by each roea as: CatUa. Bog. Haea. t... h. r. r Wabash Missojri Pacific 11 I. nlon Pacific system. 71 C. A N. W .i 4 r . e m v n C , St P., M 4 O ... 4 B. A M 71 C. W A W 1 C , R 1 A P., eat... 4 C. R I. St P., west... 1 Illinois Central 4 Chicago O. W 4 Total receipt tn ii l k 42 X 2 1 71 7 I r x x 44 II I 1 t XX.. t 2 XT 10 . "J" t 1 . . I t I 1I. 14 I .-. I . 1 IMS to 1 t J 1 to i i )- I r. 1 ll it 1 K I a- 1 lias i 11 CALVES I rl la i .. . .. a m I -rn 4. .Hti. 1 " 4 l . t la I av 4 1 ... . I Jt I jw 4 n I . . ,.c i ;i I lr 4 e I . :i I u FTAS 8TVCKERS AND FEEPERS. I ear I V I - 4 nl" ! iiika I itc I ? t5 t I I ra I u Tti I Ti 1 TTP J SO 11 !... 4.W I L II I to I 4W I S 1 " - - n art i f j -ia I 4 1" a l 4 ip I aa n M 4 :' HOGS There an hog on sale this j a very morning he vv but run tal of re- ;(k loaer. I f ht. 4 fc.g-i.77S. n edlum and r.ev U .'7H0 4 SHEEP AM- LAMP-S-r.ecelp: S :l baJ. market !..- to i: l.i:ier, lamia, ts if, sheep, fj TV er lark l.lte tx-k warVet. NEW TORK A n II P FFVKS R telpia. hone: i1re-d beef In fair demand at VOvSc Pr in. ior native s.ue lairt rabies quailed Liverpool caitle Urn; rs-f-igeret.r twrf. hifiirr at v-raist per I.i. Export l'cl. 1.44v itt'ie ana 4..v qar tera of b"ef CAI. Receip's. bead; rr ket s'eartv; common to chotte eis. 44ioT per ! IPs . cilv uree1 vea.. stesrfv at 4-c selected canass-s as high a lir per lb. HtniS- ReiTV. 4 4sT head, lien for aslej felnia nv'Tiinsl steai! SHEE1' AND iAMl.S-Recelp:s 1 iM head, market f,mi f -r Ik.Ii enep a -1 ihnil.: C'lmmj. unshorr. iambs l7:; t" shorn culis. 43 f. romm-r. c ippd lmh, ti-Te: ,r muttcn. sidy. ;nV per lb; bxp. rt (- Ipt were generally expected, wnn im , ri-a U.mt. niic per ii exception of March 14 when sN ut the,da. 1.34 head. same number arrived a was on sal today, I the receipts this morning were tne neai-t Moat t lit siwea of the year to date. The market waa a lit- ,.,-v pitv ,.n a . i" . o . . . , - ..- e.ri e 'ini . i- ire. e-j t-v. mia tie alow in otening started trad:r,x w- quf.e ac.be and ha.f of the arrivals was sold in snort oroer i n market wa lust about a nickel lower than Mtrv a-.ih the lor.ar strine sellina at . it a . v 1 w . 1 1 , t.. ),. t mm ! 14 72S to 44 T7S Choice load sold large. y from 44 77S to 44 , with t-p st H K. Common ard trashy stuff went Inn 24 7: ' a-wn. Th latter prt of the market was fvliy as good a th fl-t part nd in fact 'h market c)od w!th good.str ng t. ne to the trade. Packers seemed to want the hoga at the prices and hy noon pi aciics lly tverrthlrg was out of Crt lianOs Repra aentailv sales: Market. - Fpe-'la! Tele- snd mixed. t7-.&4 i": stot krrs and feed -r. I..ic4 . .alves a'.a vnmi.fi. t.s"g - " Hi x;s p.e eipt. 4 now heat", irara ii. seillr.g at 44 14 a.', bulk, 44 tod 4 I I at OMAR 4 Xk llOLF.SAI.lS. MARKET. Th olspoaltlon of th day receipts was as follow, each buyer purchasing th num ber ut bead indicated'. Cattle. Hogs Sheep Omaha Packing Co l.fcJl 2.M4 1 ( Swift and Company 1.444 I.T44 1.174 Codaliay Packing Co.... 1.13 4rss 4bo Armour A Co 1.567 4.1o4 I i7 Armour. Kansas City 7 Vansant A Co Lobman A Co 74 W. 1 Stephen 7 Hill Son 14 Huston A Co II L F. Hubs 2S Woif A Muman 114 Hamilton A Rothschild.. 1T Sol Pegan 1 S at 8. Co SI .... Xa2 Barker at Webb in Jacob rold 4X1 J B Root at Co 20 M Hagarty Co 41 Agar packing Co K Other buyera Xsa Total 7.142 14.464 247 CA11LE In spit o: th fact that tber were over Xuv car of cattle on aaia, or pearly as many aa arrived a wevk ago to day, th market held up In good snap and trading waa active on deairabie grades, both packers and shippers seemed to hav liberal order arid the bulk of the arrival was disposed of in fairly good shape. 1 be fart that quite a number of trains wer lata tn arriving; helped to delay the market to quite an extent. Tha market on corn fed steer could ba quoted steady to a little lower. Tne bat'sr grade, and especially good lightweight cat- tie, sold quite freely at right around yes terday s prices. Some of th commoner grade, though, were somewhat hegieciea snd were undoubtedly a ilttis lower, possi bly aa much as a dim lower, than yeter oay best time. Considering the heavy re ceipts, tha market was In very satisfactory condition to the selling interests Th cow market was also fairly active snd not much different from yesterday. The demand, the aame as has been th rase of late, was especially good for th lightweight cow and heifers of good qual ity and such kinds were safely susdy with yesterday s peneral market. Others wer undoubtedly steady with yesterday's la t a market, though perhaps a llttl lower than th best tlm yesterday. The proportion of cow snd heifer to the total receipts was again small and most everything except the late arrivals was sold at a reasonably early hour. Bulla veal calve and stag d'd not show much of an change Bull were certainly no higher, btit still thev wer rot much If any lower than yesterday. There were quite a few stock era and feed ers inrluded In th offering, but the de mand wa better than It liaa been of late and anything st all desirable changed hands readily at fully steady prices Com mon stuff wa a little slow, but stfll tb price paid were a good ss those 'offered yesterday. Representative Bales : BEEF STEERS. S;. .. Pt ' ik r U ... . 14 4 a M 1.4 a 4 7t 0 id 4 Tl kl . 4 71 M is is i ;i k 1. 1 aa 4 74 ter 1:1 . 4 7a K a? ri 44 i-l 4 T re: n tt m ta 4 TTVj w ... Ml TI If O 7Ii M X . . It 17 la i tt, ii ;4 ... - Tl .. . . UT 4 Tii, 71 ... I.I ... 4 71 an . irr V 4 IS i Ii tM . 4 71 1 10 t 4 7Si M D1 II I 71 13 itl . . Cli . . I'l 4 Ta TJ 17 4 Tia !! . 4 7l 7t an: me 4 7 . . : . . 4 n , T7 1st sa 4 47 .... 47$ sa i:i . I Tn, c n- . . ti M ri a 4 tii, at :x 4 7 7 ?47 l 4 77 , 4. .. t 4 d 71 in sa 4 i 4 7' 74 aMlSS4T 71. TV 471 44 ... M) IS 4 Tl .... 35 a. 4 71 4t 154 4 74 44 : Ma 4 71 a M L-t 171 .4 7. Tl . . d 71 IN . 4 71 w. tat in lis ;:: a- 4 7; 11 . in 4 rr 4 7i 44 M4 tt 4 71 4 M .. 4 T. a jsi ... 1 Tl 4 : a 4 Tt 1 I 11 1! 4 74 44 7 4 T-v, '. Ml . 477, 44 234 IT, 44 144 44 4 Tl 41 Ill . (T, it m . . 4 n n . . i4i 4 , 44 t.J . 4 71 4 I" . 4 7" 4 . .. . t 4 Tl . .. 7 If 4 m -U 4 75 7 tt 4 77, II 11 IT) .... IN . . 4 7- 7 41 K 111 M X4 4T, 4 ..... 44 I 4 Tl ... 11 t 41 -11 ! ITl If . 1:4 11 4 7" 41 Ml ITS 4 71 4 .. ri . . 4 7 , II S- . . 4 T la W .4 TT Tl . .. M ) I t 71 r 4 T-v, 71 .. Ill ... 47! IM :k 1 TTV, r. 14 41 "I l a T7 41 ...... ! 4 71 74 tM 4 TT., 74 t. ... 4 75 1 4 ' . . 4 77 77 HI . . 4 71 14 rll IK 77 s, 4 l:l SO 4 71 IX 4C 4 TT', ;e xm . . 4 n ,1 xai . 4 tt, J a ... 4 71 44 :4 4.- 14 Ill 1M 4 71 41 rl . . 4 77 " 12S . . 4 7i Tt If 7 4 a im . 4 7:, r, ..... .m s c II Ill V 4 Tl TV r4 K II I Ml 4 Tt 4 M4 ... i X t.- 144 Bt 4 Tl 44 7 M tU tl 140 ... 4 71 44 K4 4 47 r 4 ti f :i 44 4 is M SOT ... I Tt 71 rt . . 4 II TT 117 ... 4 71 K I.I - 4 h! I 4 7 71 .141. l-l. 4 ' 71 Ii4 4 7t S4 yn . 4 ' 71 !10 12 4 71 71 4 . . 4 4 43 HI . . 4 71 71. 11 ... 4 St 4f . ne 4 4 Tt 77 144 f 4 sa 71 774 ... 4TI 44 SS . 4W i 111 4 n M sal w 4 a I! ... I I K 411 M 11 10 4 IK I I 14 4 71 44 M7 ... 4M 14 rr aa 4 71 x4 . . 4 17 s T is 1st 4 Tl 41 ... 4 aiH 41 IB ... 4 71 I. XM . . 4 U4j 44 fl .. 47i I US ... I sa 14 tU 14 4 71 41 Ut ... IK, U US .. 4 71 11 IM ... 444 71 . is i in 71 m .. 4 1 SHEEP There wa about a normal run Ualas etaek Market. LONDON, April li Ocaing: bu ; spot maraet easy, N 2. W, stand ard wh't. tbc. No. I wUte. 4c; No. X whit, eftc. HA T-. let; shlpplt. 4na4T7uc; good to thole P477c. HolS uuiri; stats, common to choice IS 4 crop. I?Hjc; lad crop, U$7e, old j lac , Pacific cst, liail crop. XJClc. lAa irvp. Jju.Tc: oiaa. 4014c HI IK Slea 0 . Uaiveeton. 20 to 3 lb , 14c. California. 21 to S Iba . 14c. Texas, dry. 24 to a. lba. He. I J-IATHr R-aieady ; add. 2Jfic. Vi"ML Steady, domestic Deaces. 22c TAIJjOW Iml! : city 17 lay par lAg . 4Vc; country rkg Xjeei. 40-7t RICE Dull, domestic, lair to extra. Xt V ' T . UW11.111K1 4R0V1610: ll a, aoeaa. ae p !; be-r bam. XTJtl av. packer tolwjit.. city extra InJ; mass u wc 1 ul maata. dull: p ealed be. ilea. 47wo7 7i: pitkl-d anouldera 4. ii--Pickled hama. 44 ait? 10 at. T-ork elull; fam ily. 4".4a. hort clear. T4 tf'A . rare, (lkuxr.4 4 Lsrd. steady, western steamel. 4 A reined dull BLTTTER ISteady: fresh creamery lc7 77c . tte dalrv. common t choice. 15.77tc. CHEESE 4Juiet; stale fall rranm. white id tvnored tanrv fall made, lltjll-sac. go, vi tn prime. SrClflr. IX Kirm : wrstera first a 14c; st or a r elections, 'tajiasc- Kil'LTRT-Ama, steady; westers chick en. fuwla. Uwc: turaeja lie. dsrswad steady, wewtera chlrkeLa, 1777 lc. avWlSa UMxr.'4 lrk, U-g.M, at T in S la north bu. at Ot lMu.Nb-hf. steady: fan.llr ttttt Port. and. ale : K urt bu. at Ogdenaburg 71 ias) bu. at the Chicago nrlvat eieator A .tM bu. at 0 hatiaiuMga, and ia,Miw bu at Otuavha. nila4lkla lrwdae Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 14 BUTTER Firm and He higher. Extra weatern cream ery. 2c EOoS Steady ; fair demand. Fresh wwstern. 17c at mark: freah southweai arn, lTVaC at mark; freah southern. 17c at n-ark CHEESE Steady New Tork full creams, choice to fancy. KtjlVwr. fair to good. aHaaeapall Orala ktarkel, MINNEAPOLIS April 1 WHEAT lbr, KStrVTV". Jul- Sc September. Kc. Cm track. No 1 bard. 4V: So. 1 burt herb, 1C : No t nor t sera ic riOrR First pal-nia. al(airt W: second patenia. 44 siaii frst clears. U4V17v. -oi,a clear, a, ej as. BRAN In bi-ia. ttw Oessola. SftWf - do anrDum Ar.arooda Aiekiaos as pid . . . H,;tlsura A Ofcla luiUi l'acl4c 0 A Ohio Cbicac Oi. W . r a A St. r IvSweei P A O .... da ptd tne a 1st pt ... do id SI 4 IlllDOla Csolral . Uhiis A Naak at . K T I 11 I S T ( aatml 4 Nortrlk A W" rw ' da s4 77 onlarie A W n aX Pautisriv,iiui nv li Knd atiaea 10S ir kasdll U, B 1 do . S'O 17 I 4 Id '4 . .. 14X, 4ou-.eea aallvsj do p'd li ;4c Pari'' Tl jl nioa farlkr rl S'd 4 V f S eal 42 do !4 . . . :uViaMt l: ;' eo fd . liV 'Span1 ah 4a SILVER Rar. steewy. MSd per ounca MONK. 16 Its P rent. The rate of aiscount in the open market for horta bills is 24ff2 7-14 per cent, for three months bill. 2 T-Hdjr-, per cent a !, a", . . 4a . a '! 4S . 4a Sew lark Mlalas Itstka. NITW YORK. April IS The following ar th ooaicg priuea oa mining stocaa. adams Cea 1 lUttk Caiat I ,loa 44 Ortens I B-"ca 14 Ofcpir is brare r l as I T'a-aaia u 'irnii 1 Tats! . rstosi 1. Cos Cat. A Va MS 4aass 41 Kara S'.resr S-arra Meraoa U leas SlKsr '. In4.l Hspaa 14 Lssdvtlia Css 4 ;4ta4arC lad CaaTec market. NEW TORK. April 14. COFFEE Th market for future opened steady st a decline of five nolr.f" snd closed net fite point ther on aU .sw.ths except Fehru- 1 ary. which wa net ten point lower Salt were rcjK.rted of 7'i.TVi bags, including May at 4 ia.!c; July, lf4 c; September. 141,44c: "cloler. iitTt.ijc; December. 7io7ac: Februan". 4 . Mrch. 7 t'ir. Coffee, spot Rio. steady: No 7. Invoice, TV-, mild. tedy; Cordofa. lOfflXc. Vsiar aad Malae. NEW TORK. April 1 Pl'GAR Raw nominal: fair reflniiic. 2 l-lf4r3V,c: centrifu gal. test. X-lc; moiaases sugar, i ii-ia 2"f : refined quiet NEW ORLEANS. April 18. - SCOAR -Steadv; open kMtle. !wl I-16c: centrifugal, avat . c nmf ugKl. wtme. 4t44c; eiowa S'tj4c; sot.d. IS'iSSc. MOLASSES nommsl. otien kettle. XMpSc; centrifugal, l'HtflSc. syrup nominal, 20J&c Iry Oaad Market. NEW TORK. April 1 The dry good market 1 unusus.ly lu'"'. without mail Slid consequent orders Men on the rosd report dullneas in !1 sections, with tb exception cf the ovith. but buyer from this cuon are mu'h imbued with cos servatism aa buyer from any other part of the country'. Whisky Markea. CHICAGO. April II WH1SKT wteady. on a basis of 4i PEORIA. April m WHIBKT On a basis of li Ji for fit.l-hed goods ST. LOC1S. April 1. WHISK T StrAdy, on a basis of tl EH. CINC1NNAT1. A-il If WHISKT On a bes.s of tl 3 for Clashed gooda Dalaih Grala Market. DULl'TH. April IS. WHEAT In tore. No 1 hard. fTS' 1 ionhernl stCj ,'o. 2 northern. ac. To arrive: No. 1 hard. IPS'-; No. 1 northern. S",c : No. northern. kV: May, le..,4ic. July, Wt,c; Septem ber H'V:. OATe On track and to arrive, tc. Fsrel LONDON. April Kiarsrlal. It Th plethora cf kllsaskee Crala Market. MILWACKFE April It WHEAT Mar ket V loser. No. 1 Dwihi-rn. e--, Nt. 2 northern. o'.d Jul). hBv.y: 14. RTE-eak. No. 1. T?. EARLEY-K't-ni. No 1- Oc; sampls. tilj 4Uc. rtJFN-flrm, No. a. fcutlc, Juijr, aflkc mony cuotir.ued :n tne market tou.y anu advaoar were obtainable at th buyei' -n terms Discounts were steady Bl aees or tb (toe excr.r.g wa quiet Con soli were steady ard cloaed firmer at 44 4-14 for money and 43"-, for the account. Americana opened heavy, recovered t a fracuon stove parity, then becaa Inac tive and rlosd wrh a better tone For eigner at first reflected the dulinass af U I'arla rr.arket bjt rallied later. PARIS. Apr I It Price on th bourw today i.oei.d frm. Tt.e pervtstascy of a rumor af a Russian luaa farther depraaisil Hose. an securities ard Irteraatlonais gel. -rrailv Tradn.g becroe dull, bnt th mar- kcl Uuscd will a bcviac ib&a. Utrrseal Grala Market. LI-ERPOOL April II Wll FAT Spot, dull: No 1 California. 7s; futurea, quiet; May 4d: July. 4 ld C",RN Siiot. Aniem-aii mixed. aew. standi. 4 id: American mixed, old, 4 fd; futures, dull. May. 4a 4-,o. Taleda Seed Marel. TOLEXO. April 14 SEEDS "!over. cash and April. K. October, li 4i- Ali ke:, prim. 14 1 bid. August. Ml bid Tim othy, prim. 1.. Stasrk la Sight. Followlr.g ar th receipt of Ms stack for th M principal westers cities yas- laraay ; K As Y K, A ft. 1 I 44 W IT4 d B 1 74d I an i ii 4 2? t? 441 I 71 tt UN I Xf 1 W 171 K JIM 4 n 14 ll 14 M 1N 4 H s I i:t 4 n tl l4l I M tl ISM 4 r I laa 4 II J1C7 4 M I 4 sa 14 itl in 1 r 4 it in 4 h 1 tm 4 Sa 1 uii d aa 4 vwi d a n 10a 4 m 4 IS 17 lltl 4 K I l!.l 4 1 111 I ta 4 171 d 11 Ill 4 st II IBM 4 U im n It l4l 4 44 II I (4 Xt ISM 4 IS ! 1X47 4 M 11 in 4 ia 10 u,i 4 B 144 4 1 4 lid 4 44 M ... Ill 4 1 I lUt d B I law 4 II 11 1:11 4 II 1447 III 11 r.4 4 B II SSI 4 14 Id v.. 1447 4 II I! I'll 4 11 .4 11.7 4 I r.aa 4 ii r. iwt 4 II 1144 4 u :i im 4 aa II lin 1 11 11 1174 4 44 44 lorr 4 11 44 144 d 44 4 am 4 u 1 ;' 4 t B .im 4 11 11 ini d 44 lull 4 14 47 1171 4 44 I UN 4 44 B Ii4l 4 44 11 liB 4 ! IT 1X4 I 1 lltl 4 f B tin 4 44 ti 1X4 4 S ',417 4 44 B 11B 4 Xa I! IBM 4 44 11 lit 4 at net 4 a I 1141 4 44 74 1171 4 M 14 d B n 1111 4 a . UU 4 B 14 114 4 B I 10-4 4 14 in 4 Ta 11 l'W 4 4.. 144 11 STEERS AND COW A II laa I 44 H Ml 4 H II 474 I 4 4 IM, 4 II 4 Til IT! 1 1011 4 14 tl SN I B B 1W 4 11 14 :4 4 44 .., mi 4 U 4 44 11 list 4 S I T 4 N 14 IB 4 44 11 MS 4 B tJTEERs ANIJ HEIFERS 11 US IB 1 S17 IB li MIT 11 ia. 1 aa I Ml I Ti II 1B1 4 t tnami 1171 1. m in 1 mi 1 1 aaa 1 aa u m , H J Shd I a 4 1!4 I B 1 M I II I Had I 44 I T II 1 IM I I Tt 1 B 1 :aaa 1 is I tii I 44 t jaai 1 ia 1 ins t la 1 luw 1 m I aa I s uar u I iaa I la 1 uad I B I na IN 1 ion 1 11 I IS 1 as II ia4 t M 1 7,4 1 a I UN I M 1 li Id u i 1 as 1 14 IN 1 ut a aa I IS IN I ? I m 1 lsaa IS 1 He I a I isaa t is 14 1111 1 sa 1 las I 1 I UU 4 da 1 Md 4i I 1 aa V, 1041 4 4 1 UN I B I SM IB 1 l.a I B 1 l' IB 4 11.71 I N I 11a 4 B 4 laa I 7 1 lltl 4 B 1 11 I 44 1 SN IB I lfa I 4 1 1 I Id 1X44 I Tl 14 1144 IN 1 144 I IS 1 aaa I aa I last I m I 71 I IB I l-4 I aa South Oaihi ... Chicago Vansas City .... St. Loais ....... St Joaepk altoux City JetAl ....... Caul. Hogs Eraser- 1 " 14 7 13 2 aw lisw izoai ll.fc 12 4 i 6 ! 144 1 Xa lit.i iii lku4 swAU Asa COWS AND HEIFERS IB I Mtiriiti 1 ... 47 I B lid) I B . 421 I 44 144 I aa .44 14 4-1 I 74 . 44 m . r.i IN 44 1 Sad I B . 11 la .u is . Til 4 4 B. I .. 1 . B. 14 1... 1 . I .. I . Tl . ill S . BULLS as 1 k 1 ... IS i-- 414 IN IS I II 44 I N T, I "S - I to T44 I B la 74 I B sal I B n I aa ad 1 m is IN 4 N ir 1 laa 4 a of sbeep In sight this mort lng. and a ths demand from local packers wa of about the usual proportions, the market showed but little change irem yesterday. Good stuff wa In fairly good demand at just about steady prices. Trading was a l.ttls dull on the comroor.er kinds and ths feel ing If anything wa a trifle weak Tha most of the rood stuff in both sheep snd lamb, was fllvposed of In good season, but It was a llttl lat before in Ws deslrsbls grade wer all out of first hand Tha Maple aad Faaey I'reatae. EGGS Kecc' j is. liberal; market stsadyl fresh uhA 1h-- LIVE OCLTRT-Hen. lie: youn rooster. Hi Kic: old roosters, sc. turkfya, 11$ lac ducas. nSci geese. c CITTEH I'acking stock. 1J-: chcl to far v dairv rolls 7i5.i. separstor, ?., FRESH r'H Trout il.ic; pl-krel Hdj tisc; pike. . perch fckic: blueflsh. 1'J wMtefish. 7410c aalroon. iic; liaddocw. 14 ; codfish. l?r. red ,71 a j per. 11c: ldaer. kol ed. per lb.. smoked whitefish. lie: bu.l- beads. 11c. catfish. U3I4c; black Bass. Ua;; hatiliut. 10c; crsrples lie. herrlt.g 4VI white bass IV: biuef.ns. Sc. smeltt. lPfjl.c; flnnsn hsddies. smoked. c OlSTERS New York counts, rr -rn, 4T4c: per gal., fZ. no: extra eect, per can. tSc; per gal.. II 71. staiidard. pr ixn, 17c. vr g,1 , r. SfSTI en HKA.-m ion. in on HAT IVices ouotr; iv Omaha Wio'e'l Dealers' socltion: Choice .'. I ut'in. f H: No X. tJ': mrclum. Si !; iwra. IS on, n trw. to iss These prices r for hay of gocd celt r and quality. I amand f!r and rce'rt light TRC F1CAL FRCITS. ORANGES NsveU, choice. Jill sixes, t-j9 jIS. fancy nsvels, all a:ses. L 75 LEMoNS Cllf.irnt. I.tv. 2 t ttVl, tXtii cnoice. Xdu to Xi atses. C OCJrt IT 'IGS California, psr 14-lb. .art on. 4.V Imported trnyrt-A, i-trown, 11c; 4-croan, 14c: 7-cn. lie BAN A.N AS Ker medium slxsd bunch, ti. J J 7 V . Jumbos. 4U7tfXa. DATES I crwfsn. per bos of IB pkg . K: rer lb. In 4-lb boxes, 4c; Oriental stufTed etea. per 1 ox. ti 4ji COCi5ANVTS-r,er sack, 14 40; psr dox (v. yRt'ITS APPLES Ct4gon ancr red a. per Ikix. C W; New Tork expert Graenlng. Kussvta snd rial Iwir.a. 14 00 STRAWBERRIES Tsxa per -Jt. case, I3.2T. . Loulslans. Ier rd-pt. ia. ti 00. VEGETAFLIS PC'TATOES Coiorsdo, M1; Dakota, ptt bu.. ti 10. NAVY REANS per Ml. X2.2p4aXXB. CELERV Larg California, sue 7&C sad fuc. ONIONS Srnlh. per erste. T.t0; Colo rdo red. per lb . 4c CABBAGE Clifurnla. per lb. 4e TVRNIPS White, per bu., ttki rota bag , per lb l'lic CARROTS Ter bu , tl PARSNIPS Per bu.. uc. 6EET6 Per bu., TSc. CL CL MbEKS Per dos . tl st"5i.7t. TOMATOES Florida, per t-basaa era: fancy, t: , cholcjt. t- 00. RAI'IEHES Pet dox buncbe. T5&e. LETT ICE HEADS Per doa. bunches, tOdJ jtior. top lettuca per doa.. 4Si,o. Tl RN1P8 Southern, per dox.. Sac BEETS Southern, per doa.. a CARROTS Southern, per (let, 74c PARSLEY Southern, per Ooi. JOdXSa ONION SETS i er bu cf 32 loa jllw, HW; white, tOO. SPINACH Per bu , 41 1 Jk BEANS Wax. per bu. box, IS.); atrinb per bu. bux. IS 00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, Uc; Wlsoonrln Toung America", lie; .w IC Swlaa. lc; Wisconsin brick, lie; Wlsoonsin Itmberger, IXc. CIDER Per bbl.. ti W: per S bbl.. U 7. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frame. 44 0", Utah and Colorado, per 'J4 frame. tl.i. , . c. iff. . Ahln nar IV. lib. HIDES No. i green. 4t; Nc. t grecp. tcj T .. , i. 1,. mm IMI An. V- k - pui nipped wether that sold yesterday lor 4 w I " , 71 'ill suJ- No. weal alfi L4 24. to and wooled ones st K.1S A little bunch of native wooled lambs sold this morning at tt 2a and some native wooled wtthets and ewes brought fu.au Qaotattona lor corn fed slock: Good to chrice lambs. st.TsH ; fair to good lmb. 2S Vt'jS TB, good to choice yeariirgs. ti 25a X fit; fair to good yearlings. tViajCvX; good to choice wethers, tt l&ttii.sO, fair to good vethers. 14 tOC5a.ll; good to choice ewsa t4eSlt. fair to good ewes. 44 r4 i Clipped stock sells XudJTiic less than wooled Hock. No. Awr. Pries. 25 weatern clipped ewes 2?4 western clipped ewe .. 57 western dipped lambs western clipped wether 1 weatern clipped wether western clipped wether weatern yearling una weta err ?U western lamb, . . 240 western clipped lambs C western wether 157 we ern lambs 7 cull wether ! clipped ewes 324 clipped western wethers 1st clipped western wether T clipped western wethers 274 wooled western eve XS4 wooled western ewes 14 wooled western awes 421 clipped western ewws 1 clipped western Tearllrir 47 clipped western vaarllna-s 4K5 clipped western wethers iii yearling and wether clipped weslarn wethers 3! clipped weatern wether 2 irtr.g lambs 2"4 clipped, wether and iraarlings II clipped wether aad yearling 14 clipped western wethers 4 clipped western wethers " clluiied western lambs . . S2 rltptjaid western lambs native weuiers and ewes X44 western kvc.ti 4 native lambs t ta rleei Steady, with Beeelpta Jsasl Twaaday Aeeewae. CHICAGO, April It CATTLE-Receipts. 0W head: market steady; good to prime s'eera, 14 00474 40: poor 10 medium. tiht'H : erocxer ana feeler i7 7tij4aT': .ws. tlSf-flia helf-r. r2.'.Oid4'. "xas fed ster. tdO'a4Wj H"GS Receipt. IS. head; estimate to morrow. 24.44J bead: left over. Sail head. market about teady: mixed and hutcher. tfc tt&.li. good to (.hole hesA'y. t.'. I'-djS T, rough heavy. 44 f"o 10. l.ghL 14 Hubo ft ; bulk of salea fc (X-5t l' SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts Zl.t head, sheep steady: lar-iti. steady to stror.g: g'Xid to choice weher ti. '"r4.. fair to choice mixed, utiii .1. western sheep. 44 26 46: native ianla t4.4oi44. waartem lamb. cl:tifed. Hinahs. wotoea wlrn lambs, f. Jjt 76. r4 2 74 W t 75 I 74 13 I Oi W t 01 i: 4 i M I. 24 7i 4 T.i n id 14 I C 44 It 71 t 40 4 X 24 XX 4 40 44 4 64 M 4 ' k in 4 74 K 4 71 m 4 n 110 4 K 0 4 47 It 44 4 ft 111 4 an 11! I on 40 t ft 1 10 ion t in K 111 ft t to M I SO 47 i to 154 4 fi a t i ; 25 rjacked. sue. NVTS Wslnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard sh-ll. per lb.. 14c; No. 1 soft shell, per lb. lac; No. X hard abeiL pr lb., 1-c; peoaca large, per lb., 13c; malL per lb, )oc; peanuts, per Ik.. 4c . roasted pea nut 4, per lb.. c; CnlH walnuts, ikp'ltifcc; Inrga hlckorv nuts, per bu.. XI bO; Brarl.a par lh.. lie; fllben, per lb., lie; almonds, soft ihell. per Jb . l&r; hard shell. 13c. shell barks, per bu., tMlO, black walnuts, per bu . n - JtEALi ESTATE TMAXSFEMt. Deeds fled for record April II. as furnished by tbe Mldisnd viuaraniee and Trut company, bonded abstracter, lud FnJ Street: Ira M. Smith and wife to Mer;1e M. Wllaon I, art of lola 1 ard I .O m It. llaricora i'lsce I John Ruts to Joseph Ruts, loia 12 snd 18. in l-iock 2, jdount Douglas Wm. J C. Putnam Crsnur to E'.a L G:fford. lots i4, block 4, Wise snd Parma lee s E. J. fcmilb. and wife to J van. part of lot 4. block Omaha - rah Green and hue band to Agnes ."f'.'SJl'li 3a, South 1 44J 1.400 CHICAGO LIVE 41 OCW MARKET. P.a n triiKtM Uit ll, t,:iick ,. i.'ul' rigan Pla tW Geoige Warren Smith to Her.jamln F. Smith, part of lot X. block 111. and oilier property In ill) cf Omaha Charlotte K. Turner and husbaud to John B Weiwter et al.. lots I and . blotk 147. city 7MuS Jam Hodge and wife to Al-xauler Hodge, part of lot 14, olixk -. Mc intosh sub. ot lots 4 rnd 4. Lst.es sub 1 Mary Patterson et al lo Alexander Hodge part of lot if. block 2. Mc intosh s sub. of lots 4 and I. Lane sub , a Edward L. llu end wife to .Taseph Ci Eastman, lota 2: and ?4 b k 1. and Cher land in Ncrthflid 1 Herirr ft Ouahrr.an and wife to Lo renio Dally, pan of lot 2L. I Jock 4. Hasca!l s rub., sec. 4-11 t Jchn R. Webs.er et al. to V. MCA. lot I and 4. blo-k i47 rfty 15u,0M Amanda Rice to T'..eophllt:s O Rice lot 17. 1 lock 4. Potter A Cobb's add. tdt Sosan Toung to C W. Tourg. sub. lot 22 In sec Ib-lS-'iX lit E.lxalth Hu'fin'h io Luc C. frrh at U, ),,t i :,Vi 4 Valley 7 i t. Laa Is Lii Stack Market. T. LOriS. April 14 CATTLE R- ratpts. I nan head Including 4un Texai. market steartv r.stive sh:ppir.g and export: steers. tdintifltfV dressed l--ef arn oii'.ii steers. 44 iiOdji v; steers under 1 trr pounds. X3 "S 10 ctocker snd feeder. C t'ij4 Sc. row snd heifer. H 4.(04 so. car.nera. st: i Ut bulla nfrbdss; carve. 44 Safl Texas and Indian steers. 41794 7S: cow .nd heifer. IZ74jS7. Hor; Receipt, f iflO head market ilf 1V lower- pig and lhts. 44 4k94wj. n. k- r 44TT.4TS.n1;, botcher ano otat re. t4 4Clf SHEEP AND I.AMBB rieoetpt. ? head, markat edy: r.auv mutiot.i 24 74 9t74 lamha. tt 3Ur ' rulla and buc k. H 4VTM K. storker. C (a "81 tt. Kaaaas City lis Msek Market. KANSAS CITT April II CATTLE Re- ealpis. 12.k4 bead including nsii smtlierns . marx- stescy ta strong export ano drassad beef steer X4Af7iS. fair to good. tlT&Qlio. weatern fed steers. 41 SOiJ 4 4T, Blocker, aad f seder tl 2-34 W. snuih ra row I2 7hata. i,uve cows t- 'ti4 IS; e-e.e a OI-KM4C. bulls. t7140C3. can es C?ki7I H. iot sucew.S- lZau rao . saris st ower: tow. 44. bulk. 44 7S,d4Wi. beay. 44 f.i4 K packers. Ht7K. pigs sr.d lights 444 4rs. fcHtt r ANU l.AMB-r.awTni a head market rjol.i in ivc higher: native lambs, at 404 14 a -stern lambs. tX Vr x7 . fed ewer. UTljiJS. vearltrga. liotKiiTZ. stocker snd feeders K-434 4". t. Jesrsk lis kiaek Market. ST JOgEPlI. April It CATTLE Rd caipta t.7i bead, market steadv to v W.,.r: natives fr! 7S74 ti cows r d l'fer. V-A. stocktrrs snd feeder. t.-..4J94,4i HOoa Kaoaia't. U.4U bead, xuaxxst 44 COMMISSION COs IIoXr,rkldd CapltAl snd SurplBdi 00,000. lUi, FSOYLSlSIs, SIOCKS, 8C1DS U9 IIVESTUEIT SECURITIES. Rk.yERK.NCEB: I7t Stats and Ma lieuai fcax-a fc Ocimcrnal Agaea i Brar.ch IS. fceaeral OSkeei I. T. Ula 4,11411. MtststSASOUS Oaaaka raaa-ll Tanas Sl Tel. VST. TTIOI. M. W ADDIC4C. Car. The Merchants National Bank of Omahk, Nt. 41 t sssaaaay Caprtsl ssd Srpiit, JOO.0O9 PtJL-t kJSegr. p-m. MX l tMt. . 4W4. U.T4S4 OtAtX U skew. fA t. 4A.kA.T4. Aaa. Uaw. ksaal aeesaBU ml baaaa. aaeaaa. israar annua srwa aad ladindwas se Isaaiaiii liasa kswsa aad si Wit laaiiad valjaai la ,L Irata gafl Lmlwm ml Cf aJW ml ta, wand asuwat saat sa ttws rU4aia LOIVREV BR0S.& CO CCMMIPS.'ON WERCllAMI iTran. Storks ( S m s w K(oi -M. N T Life BudJ f;-c'il uti-Liun ana lufcii ordcia