Tim OMATT.V DAILY HEfl: TUESDAY, ATT.lt 1f0f. a, i. supremacy cannot reach so far that you will not f ini America's , supreme product. 9 Cham3gne. " Used In the hospitals in the rhillipines, the sicK everywhere can testify to its wonderful tonic qualities and fib so lute purity. APPENDICITIS That dreadful disease which threatens all of us, rich or poor, can attack and kill only those whose bowels are not kept 'clean. Start today by taking Milks' Emulsion and keep your bowels in a healthy condition. swer " WE GUARANTEE AN ABSOLUTE CURE. , Purchase price rtfnt&tA by root arncrist If flrit bottle does not git relief. jThs Milks' Emulsion Company. f urnuemen: rerre Htit, Infl. I unit cnrjKtant sufferer for He vpar with stomach, trouble, which developed Into sppen dlritts es diagnosed by physicians, sod for nil tnoalbs expected orders to be taken to the hos pital to undergo an operation by knife, when I was Induced to try a box of Milks' Emulsion, "and not mare than half a box was taken by roe, when I was given relief, and have no Indication of any pain In my side or stomach since that ( time, and can freely recommend Milks' Kraul ,lon to anyoae atiflerlng f rum stomach trouble or Indication of apiendtulUs. Yours trulv, , J Ark G RuTBSHroiUJ, Kutherford PrtntlnirOo., Deoembei 14,103, . . . Terre Haute, lad. ' ' ' 'f;'- " 1"; ; ' , The Milks' Emulsion Company, t-Ufntlemen: Terra Bautn. tnd. t I was bothered with stomach trouble and constipation for five years. One year of this ,tlme I wits unable to work, suffering untold atrony. I doctored with some the best physicians, tlQ took,ffiantAt)apuprtetary remaxUas used jr Htomai'irtrouble and eousUpatln, butoould nd no permuncnt relief. A friend of mine .recommended Milks' Emulsion and after taking the first fw doses 1 found. that I was relieved greatly and after using three packages It effected prrnianeut cure.. I cannot say too much for jUtlk'iEniuUlon. It has done mors for me than 'any of the remedies that I used and I feel that I should give you this testimonial as It may be the mean o' having other sufferers to use rout foods. .Yours respectfully, , .. . , . C. A. MoOOBMAfW. ti' . . t- Anderson, Ind, ' '' Tb MILKS' EMULSIOIt Is pleasant to taka tad ACCOMPLISHES WOHDERTUL RESULTS. v MILKS' EMULSION CO.. Pries 60 cents, Tsrre Haute, last GUARANTEED AJtQ fOR SALE BY D1CG DEPARTMENT' sL,"- U. WSVI1M DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Tseatn nil lra, f Dleease 1 MEM OSXY. Twenty.elQht Years' Exptrlcncc ttobteeo Years la Omaha. The doctor's raroaxkabla auooaaa has Kvr - u.n aauaiaO. His resource aaa faculties for tree, tin this class of disease are unlimited and every day brings many flattering reporta of the good be It doing r the rauai na mmm given. - HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT fOR aii mwwi Vnlaorfa.: Ma "BREAK LNO OUT" fen the sain ar faoa and ail esternsa algna sf the diaaaaa disappoars at once A per manent cura for life aTuawtaad. L tnirnr ri Fcunica ouarantekd in AHltUtLlXLi.sd THAN riVB DAT. a.'FAT 1ft Aflft caaea eiuwd of Kydrooala, Debility, Loaa of Btrangth and Vitality aod ail forma of chroaJe dlsaasia - 1-raatrnant by maaL Cail or wrltsw 9cm M. OOttS) SU atoutk Milk at. Oaaa&a. Mask mm 2PM fellows trial of the MONOGRAM Cigar. Uav yU vr irld lit . i ' Jf. F. BTOECitE CICAR CO. - V1M DvugUa Bfx4. . lml r r i h vi hlj fcaaj ( OMAHA WINS A REAL CAME rait, Soatpj Work Sriogi Victory tj Bonrka Famiy. BATTING VERY LIGHT BY BOTH TEAMS Omaha Baarkea Hlta la On laalac a4 Drlvra la tba Three Raaa Needed to Score a Clean Win. The prettiest, snappiest game of ball played In Omaha this season was that be tween the St. Joseph aggregation and Pa's reta on the Vinton street grounds yester day afternoon. Again the visitors drw the small end of the fame by one score, but It was bane ball all the way alone, and characterised by none of the loose work of Sunday's contest. The wind was cold and raw, but the men were full of ginger from start to finish and ns dis tinguished from, a plugging match the game waa a splendid exhibition of field and bos work. McCarthy, who waa In the box for the home team at the start of the game, made three of the four errors In about as many minutes, but he made up for them In quick time and only one of the visitors' two runs could by any stretch of the Imagination be laid at McCarthy's door. Belden was the first man up for St. , Joe and went down on McCarthy's first error, which was a slow ball that went between hie fingers. MrTrlde' hit another one to McCarthy and litis one he held on to and sent down to second In time to catch Belden. A minute later Mc Bride waa caught In the same satisfactory man ner and Hartman went out from Downs to Thomas. 1 Interference by Dolan. In the third Inning Garvin led off with a sharp hit to second that was too hot to put a hand on. Delhi sent another to McCarthy, who promptly threw It ten feet over the first baseman's head and gave Oarvln third and Delhi second. Belden made a soft Infield hit In an attempt to sacrifice. Joey Dolan exercised his dis agreeable habit of getting In front of the ball, and Instead of throwing Belden out at first caught Oarvln at the plate and made a hole of his score. McBrlde made another baby crack at It and Downs had the ball waiting to hand Belden when he got' to second. But Delhi had brought In his run meantime. Hartman sent the leather out toward the left pasture for a htt and the visitors were Just thinking about getting In another run when Dusty Miller made a sprint for Kemmer's sky scraper to left field and gathered It In without a struggle. The St. Joea made the other half of their runs In the fifth. Delhi was first up and waited and walked to first. Belden tried to bunt his third strlks and wsnt to the bench on the umpire's suggestion that he waa out. McBrlde popped one down third base way that spoiled Delhi's chances, for he tried to go tyme on It and waa twenty minutes late. In the mlxup McBrlde got to third, and when Hartman sent It down the line Dolan' s way he brought In a run. Miller gathered Kemmer's fly In again and It waa all over. They tried four more innings, but couldn't annex another run to the two already) made. Tbreo In Ona Innlnv, Omaha failed to record a run until the seventh. . Then Welch cut loose with a hit to left. Dolan gave It a wollop to th other side of th pasture and Thomas, Just to show them what they were trying to do, banged tl back to Lesotte's territory for thrse bases. An error and a wild pitch by Delhi brought Thomas In, after which a strik out ana aonoi pjay -rtujimi l" side. Rourka's men made no toot rana because they didn't have to. This after noon th down-river club plays again. Th score; OMAHA- I AB. R. tBI P.O. A. E. 4 0 2 i 0 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 Carter, rf thinks, Sb Miner, it... Welch cf.. : i i t i 1 r-.ni. r, .a s 1 1:4 4 A rv,mi. i'k . i i 1 1 to Downs, '2b 3 0 O . j 1 0 Frees, o i o u i i MoCarthy, p 1 0 1 1 4 3 Bharstau, p i v v v a Totals 30 3 7 25 14 4 ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. IB. P.O. A. E Belden. If 4 0 10 10 MoHrlde, sa 4 10 14 0 Hartman, cf 4 0 2 0 0V Kemmer, lb 4 - 0 0 11 0 0 Lesotte, rf , 3.0 1 1 0 0 Webster, 2b 3 0 0 3-1 0 Oarvln, 2b 1 0 1 1 1 U Staler, lb 4 0 0 0 4 1 Oarvln, c 3 0 13 10 McConnell, o I o i I l u Delhi, p 3 1 0 0 4 1 Totals ; 84 . "i 1 ra 17 i Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 St. Joseph ooiviowoo i Earned runs: Omaha, 2. Two-base hit: Welch. Three-base hit: Thomas. First base on balls: Off McCarthy, 2. Struck out: By McCarthy. 1; by Bhafstall, 1; by Delhi, 6. Left on bases; Carter, Shlpko, Welch, Belden, McBrlde. Hartman (1), Le sotte (2), MeConnell. Double play: Mc Brlde to Oarvln to Kemmer. Wild pitch: MoCarthy, Welhl. First baae on errors: By Omaha, 2; by St. Joseph, 1. Time of game: One hour and thirty minutes. Urn nlre: Clarke. Attendance: 600. Webster, Belden and Downs out for at tempting to bunt turd stria. GAMES I TUB RATIONAL LEAGUE Cblcano Wins at St. Louis In Clos Contest. ST. LOUIS. Anrll 18. St. Louis lost to Chioago today in th opening gam of th series in the ninth Inning 7 to The game waa slow and marked by Dad nelding on the part of both teams. Corbett was er ratic, and, while he struck out tan men, he was hit freely Brlgga pitched a fair gam for Chicago. Attendance, 2,800. Score: ST. LOIIS CHICAGO. B.H.O.A.B RHO.A.B Parall. IS....1 lit 91 Stasia, cf ... I I t 1 Shannon, rf. 1 1 I s tiraaer. IS.... 1 I l 9 Biocot, cf (M'b.noe. .... I 1 S 1 9 Brcaler, lb har. aa.... Burke. 3b... Harvler. If... Br ere. s torliett, p.. Uisdy (iiM-;.rthr. If I 1 1 9 OjTlnker. sa... 4 i 1 I 1 1 Jones, rf.... 1114 9 4!Kra. tb.. . 411 4 19 lirorriaoa, lb. 9 9 4 9 Ur.ttt. P- 119 14 4 H liiltl 4 ToUla.. Total, I in I I St. Ixmls 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 Chicago 2 0000030 37 Hatted for Corbett in ninth lnnlnar. Karned runs: St. Louts. V, Chioago, X A wineglaaaful of Radam's Microbe Killer after meals and at bedtime and it will prevent and curt disease by destroying bacteria, the organic lite that causes fer mentation and decay of the blood, th tissues and th rital organs. IPuADAEVu'S Microbe Killer is tb only known anti septic principle that wiU destroy the germs of disease in the Blood without bgurr to the tissue, Pleasant to the taste and agreeable to the most delicate Stomach. A purely tcientius re mod, recognised aa a true specific for consu::?nQ:i Ms WATTTS) McaaAY, ISO Weart raak. Ka Street. beiUmore, Mi, stitts I waa aAictcd foe more taan tuar year with Con. umption of th Laaga, al with Its nway debilitating and diatraains ascompanlttMat. 1h beat aoadicaU attandaac and varloa hlKbl rocoaatnanded rsaaades war tried tf.hJ.t cflt- I bar. take th. Mkrob. JvUIer for a ahort tiime and aa glad t a tk.i It haa coaaulenaly eurea an. Uars-DUIon Dnig e , ) and Fansara, Asa Ail vruMssta, Twnvbaae hits: Jones, Bmnot, Berkley. Three-base Mt: Jones. Bncrini-e hit: Heck ley. lHmMe play: Burke to Berkley. Stolen bases: I'hanre, Cnsej- Burke (2), Mc Carthy, Karrell, Khannon fS). Blngel. Hit by Pitched ball: By Corbett, Jones. Wild rltch: Corbett. Bnses on balls: Off BHass, : off Corbett, 1 Struck out: By CorbHt. 16; by Urlggs, . I -eft on basea: St. Louis, 7; Chlrngo, I. Time of game: J. 15. Um pire: O'Day. Stick Victory for Plttsbnrsr. CINCINNATI. April 1.-For a time In the gam today the Ctnrtnnatla looked safe. Then the Pittsburg" turned loose a suc cession of hits and tied the score. Later a triple thst Donlln misjudged, with a single at either end gave the Pittsburg enough runa to win. Attendance 6.000. Score : Kelly out on Infield fly. Batted for Sutthoff. CINCINNATI. PITTg'JI'BO. R.H.O.A.F.l R H O A K. HnsKtnt, tb. I 1 Beenmnnt, ef 1 t 1 S mrtwr, rf . . 1 Donlln. If... Poln, rf.... I Kfilr. ttlnrllt, tb 0 Corcoran, at. 1 Pelts, c t ntfhnfT, a.. Oiwell .... rink., if . . 1 1 0 Lurk, lb ... 1 1 I S V'apnr, to. . 1 I 4 I 9 (trans' 14, lb. e 14 1 Srrrlns. rf... 1 t 4 Rl'-hey. .. I S 1 1 Smith, s 1 I I 1 rileater, p.. 1 1 J 4 1 Tstala.... . t 10I 14 t I M M Totals.. ..I ltll l Pittsburg .....1 0 10 0 Cincinnati I 10 0 0 0 0 16 Earned runs: Cincinnati t, Pittsburg S. Two-base hit: Pelts. Three-base lilt: Pflester. Sacrifice lilts: Sutthoff, Hugsrlne, Rltrhey. Stolen bases: Wsgner 2, Scbrlns;. Leach, Rltchey, Smith. Double plays: Cor coran to Kelly, Rltchey to Lench. First base on balls: Off Sutthoff S, off Pfelster I. Hit by pitched bsll: By Sutthoff 2. Struck out: By Sutthoff 2. by Pfelster 2. Time: 2:06. Umpire: Johnstone. Hew York Wins Close Game. PHILADELPHIA, April IS.-After mak ing a brilliant stop Hulswttt. In the ninth tnnins; today, threw wild to first. Two hits followed the error, resulting In two runs for New York, whloh gave the visitors the game. Matthewson and Mitchell were hit freely, and both were retired after tb eighth inning. Attendance 2,711. Score: Batted for Matthewson in ninth. Batted for Duggleby In ninth. -tJEW YORK. I lTIIIl1nfcl,PHIA. H.HO.AI liomit, ef. 1 114 4 'Irown. rf.... 1 4 4 i l lraron. ih..1 till D.Tlln. Jb .. I I 1 i i U'olvertnn, b 1 1114 McOann, lb.. 1 I II t Tltua, rf 1 1 1 4 t Mart. If... t 1 1 Harry. If 1 4 1 4 4 McCor'ok, et. 1 1 1 4 t Hall, 11 4 I 10 t 0 Llahlen, M . 1 1 4 t I llulrvitt, as 4 0 t I 1 MKlrew, lb.. 9 1 I 7 Lnnln, o. . 0 I I I 0 Warner, a... 4 14 4- I illrhell, p.. 1 1 I Mathewaon, p 4 4 I I I nigitlrby. p. I I i I MiGlonllr, p 9 4 4 4 t i Fleming .. 9 4 9 4 4 Dunn 9940(1 Totals 4 19 IT 14 Tbtala... . J 14 IT 10 1 New York ,.0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 T Philadelphia 0 10200300-4 Earned runs: New York 4, Philadelphia 3. Two-base hlta: McOann, McCormlck, Dahlen, Warner, Wolverton. Three-base hit: Titus. Home run: McOann. Sacri fice hits: Mertes, McOraw. Stolen bases: Hulswltt. Left on basea: New York 7, Philadelphia 4. First base on balls: Oft Matthewson 1 off Mitchell 2, off Duggleby 1. Struck out: By Matthewson 2, by Mit chell 1. Balk: Mitchell. Wild pitches: Matthewson X. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Mo ran and Zlmmer. Standing of tb Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. New York 4,4 0 lOuo Cincinnati 4 S 2 .WW Boston 4 2 2 .600 Pittsburg 4 2 2 .600 Chicago 4 2 2 .600 St. Louis 4 2 2 .600 Philadelphia 4 1 3 .250 Brooklyn 4 1 8 .260 Oames today: Chicago at St. Loul. Pitts burg at Cincinnati, tJosion at Brooklyn, New York at Philadelphia. , GAMES IN THE AMERICA LEAGUE Philadelphia Kcepa t'p It Winning; aircak. NEW YORK. April 18.-The New York Americana experienced their third straight defeat of the season today, the Philadel phia Athletics winning by a score of 6 to 1. Chesbro pitched for the local, but was hit opportunely, while the home team could not hit when to do so meant runs. They barely saved themselves from a shutout in the final Inning. Attendance, 3,712. Score: fHILADELPHIA. MCW YORK. R.H.O.A.t Hartiel, If.. 9 I L 9 9 Picker's, f-. 1119 4 R H.O.A.C C-onroy, lb., 1 1 4 9 runt, er.... sis Davla, lb. .. I 111 1 Keller, rl.... 1 U Croas, lb. 4 4 1 Sohreck, 0...1 11 Murphy, lb. . 9 9 9 M Croaa, as. 9 I 9 Bchreck, s... Ill Btuder, p.... 1 9 S 9 V 1 1 tl r iberfeM. es I Willlama. lb: 4 14 ADdrraon, If. 9 I aantttl. Ib... 14 1 McOulre, .. 4 Chrsbra, p... 4 I Totals I It tl i -l 4Tetals 1 t IT 11 1 Philaderphia5....:....! i'l I t 1 I 1 M New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Earned runs: Philadelphia, 2. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 8: New York, 1. First base on errors: Philadelphia, 1; New York, 1. Two-base hits: M. Cross, Davis. Three- base hltsr Pickering, Hsrtsel. Stolen bases: Davis, Williams. Sacrifice hits: Bsnder. Base on balls: Off Bender. 2; off Chesbro, 2. Htt by pitched ball: By Bender, 1. Struck out: By Chesbro, 1 Time: 1:60. Umpire: Connelly. Cleveland Wins Easily. ST. LOUIS. AdHI 18. -Cleveland had little difficulty In. finding the ball today and de feated the St. Louis Americana rather easily, 10 to 4. Wright waa forced to retire in tne nitn inning in tavor oi Morgan arter ten hits. Including a trlpl and two doubles, had been mad on his delivery. The feature waa Lajole's terrific hitting. Attendance, 1,UW). Score l 8T. lot IB. . CLEVELAND. H H O A E.I R H.O.A K. Burkett. if.. 1 111 rilek. rf.... t 1194 Heldriok, ef.. 4 119 9 Bay, el 8 119 9 Hemphill, rf. 9 I I 9 9 Bradley, Jb.. t I 1 9 Jon. a, lb.... 9 9 19 8 9 Lajele. Ib... 1 14 8 9 Wallace, at.. 1 8 I I I Hlokman, lb. 4 4 It 4 Paiidea. Ib..l 1 I I 4 La.h. if 1 114 Oletaon, lb.. 1 1 4 4 4 Tamer, as... 4 1(61 Sugden, a....O 8 4 4 4 Abbott. 0....I 8 14 9 '.vriKM, p... 0 o s 4 twrtiaara, p. s l t s Bemoat .... 9 999 91 klorsaa, p... 4 1 4 8 0 Totals 14 II 3T 14 1 Totals.. .. 4 II IT 14 l' Batted fur Wright In fifth Inning. St. Louis 0 0030 01004 Cleveland 2 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 0-10 Earned runs: St. Louis, 3; Cleveland, I. Two-baa hlta: Hemphill (2), Olaaeon, Lajol (J). Throe-base hit: Flick. Saoiiflce hit: Bradley, uouble play: Wallace to Jones.- Passed ball: Abbot. Stolen bases : Lajol, Flick, Bradley. Wild pitch: Wright. Bases on balls: Off Wright, i; off Morgan, L Btruck out: By Wria-ht, 8; by Bern hard, 4; by Morgan, 4. Innings pitched: By Wright. 4; by Morgan, 6. Hits: Oft Wright, 10; off Morgan, i. Left on basus: St. Louis, 8; Cleveland, 3. Time; 1:20. Umpire; Sheri dan. Bostons Shnt Oal Washington. BOSTON, April 13. Th Champions In augurated their horn aeaaon today by easily defeating Washington. Tannehlll waa easily master at all stages of the game, holding the -visitors to two hits and giving only two passes. Th Infleldlng of Boston was good. Attendance, 10,do6. Score; BOSTON. - WASHINGTON. M.H.O.A.E. K.H.O.A.B. Dougherty, If e 9 I 4 4 Moras, s. .4114 C alllnn. lb... 4 4 14 HMi.lr, lb.7 4 4 1 8 4 r. HtaBi. cf.. 1 1 a a i , eclDatii. If... 4 1 8 9 4 rreeman, rf. I I I ll I 11. Blah I, lb. 9 4 1 9 Parent, as... lilt . UcCcr'k. b. I I I 1 L.4,auoe. lb 9 9 10 1 r ! buoer, rl 4 1 1 4 4 rarrla, lb... 4 8 I I i I eflman, cf. 4 4 I 4 9 Karrell. 0....4 1 4 4 I .Utrwdfe, ll t I 14 Ime. mil. p. 9 1 ; i '.llsua. p.... 4 4 18 4 Totals I 14 IT 14 Totals. ...."l 884 6 1 Boston a 0910300 6 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Earned runa: Boston, 1 Two-baas hits: Freeman, Thoney. Three-base hlta: Free man, gelbach. bacrlfice hit: Parent. Baa on tails: Off Tannehlll, 2: off Wilson, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Wilson, 1. Struck out: By Tannehlll, 2; by Wilson, 4. Tim: 1:26. Umpire: Dwyer and Carpenter. Detroit Los al Chicago. CHICAGO, April 18 Flaherty was in great form today, holding the visitors to, a brae of runa and two hits, all being scored In tb first inning. Chicago, on the othvr hand, hit Mullln freely and bunched their -hlta to advantage. Both Davis and Tan nehlll put up a pretty fielding game and Holmes and Donahu carried oft the bat ting honors. Attendance, 1.7u0. Score: CHICAGO. 1 DETROIT. H.K.O.A.E. RHO.A.B. Holmes. It.. 14 14 4 Barrett, ul.. 9 4 111 Or, rf.... 1 8 9 9 Mclnlrr. 1. I 4 1 9 CalUoaa. Sb. 119 1 erf. In... 1 11 I ( b.Yia. sa.... 1114 1 Crawford, it M M l ou.aa.. IK 1 I 11 19 Ore ailaaer, Ib 9 1 i 4 4 Joue. ct 4 114 4 nooiuatm, Ik. 4 4 j 8 4 Tenaeklll. Ib 8 9 1 I O Leary, aa.. 9 9 1 4 4 tain, .a. a.. I I 4 9 4 Seelow, s... 9 9 19 1 tlebenr. p.. S 9 8 J lMullla, p.... 4 4 4 6 1 Totals. ....9 14 V 1V Totals 8 I 14 7 i Chicago 2 I M I I 1 M Da iron 2 800488OO-I Left on bases: Chicago, 7; Detroit 4. Twu-base hit: Holmes. Carr. Sacrifice hlta: Callahan, Mullln. Stolen base: Davis, Donahue, Sullivan. Holmes. Double play; Barrett, Orsmlnger. Struck out: By Fla herty, I. by Muliln. 1 Bases on balls: Off Flaherty. 2; eft Mullln. 1. Wild pitch: Mul lln. lira: 1:40. Umpires: King and O'Lougblla. Stnadlnar mt tmm Teaam. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Philadelphia Boton Cleveland ,. Detroit t'hlcaao) .... New York .. 8 A lorn) .760 .76 .6u0 .6ou .V4 .loO .u :::::::::::: 1 St. Loula 4 Waanliiaton ........... 8 ' Uimat today: Detroit at Chioago, Clev- land st St. Louis, Washington at Boaton, Philadelphia at New York. COLLEGIA DEFEAT THREE-! TEAM Pitcher Who la Corolna to Omaha Torn the TtIcW. AMK9, la., April 18 fSperlsl Telegram.) Ames defeated th Cedar Rapids Ihree-I leasjue In a loope game 14 to 6. A cold wind Is responsible for numerous errors and a batting same, both teams hitting the bsll freely. Brown's control was excellent. One of the features wss the work of the out fielders. Smith, rluht fielder for Ame. ac cepted four chances without an error. Palne's one-handed catch of a short fly wan sensational. Kvans, at first b.c, took a high foul off the bleachers and another from right field on a splendid run. Score; R. H. E. Ames I 0 12 4 13 1 14 12 3 Cedar Rapids. .0 02000003688 BOSTOX AMERICA FRASCHISB SOLD Team Pnrchaaed by Son of Proprietor of Boston Globe. BOSTON, April 18 -The Boston American league ball club was sold to John 1. Tay lor of this city. President Johnson of the lesgue and Henry J. Kll 11 a of Milwaukee, representing the former owners, arranged the sale. The purchase price was not an nounced. Mr. Taylor Is a son of General Charles H. Taylor, proprietor of the Boa ton Olobe. Celleare Base Rail Games. WASHINGTON. April 18 -Harvard easily defeated the University of Virginia team today In a evry poor exhibition of base ball. Score: H.H B. Harvard ....1 0 4 0 0 1 0 a" 0-11 14 6 Virginia 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1- 4 4 t Batteries: Coburn and Qu gley; Ciacralt, Coles and Munger. MADISON. V is.. April 18,-Wisconsin university won Its first championship ball game or the season today by defeating Michigan by a score of 3 to a Score I H 1 Wisconsin 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 6 Michigan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 3 8 t,.B5tlelie": yun nd Leahy; Nagle und Bird. EVENTS ON THE RUXJIKQ TRACKS Ebony Upsets Calcnlntlona 'at Oak land and Wins Race. SAN FRANCISCO,, April 18.-Ebony up set calculations at Oakland today by win ning the last race at odds of 40 to 1. Owing to liia recent poor showing and the pres ence of McBrlde in the saddle the colt was overlooked. After Flaneur dropped out Loony took the lead and won as he pleased by five lengths. Flaneur was third. Re sults: First race, Ave furlongs, selling: Bub urbrin Oueen won,, Dora I. second, Poten tly third. Time: 1:02. Second race, futurity course, selling: Os car lolle won, Ben Lash second, Judge Voorhels third. Time: 1:11. Third race, four furlongs, selling: Bob Rsgon won, Bill Short second, Plrella third. Time: 0:69. Fourth race, mile and one-sixteenth, sell ing: Isabelllta won, Vlrgle d'Or second. Qlenrice third. Time: 1:00. Fifth raco, Futurity course, celling:: 8t W.nJ,Urda won- T,tU8 'econd. Yellowstone third. Time: 1:11. Sixth race, mile and fifty yards, selling: Ebony won, Orrovlva second. Flaneur third. Time: 1:46. NEW YORK, April 18.-Results: First race, six furlongs, selling: Neptunus won. Belle of Belle Meade second. Wreath of Ivy third. Time: 1:16. HAfVinil fuA Inn, . .. I . 1 Cto",i'" second, Peggy third. Time: 0:48. Ihlrd race, seven furlongs, selling: Sliver Days won. Belle of Mllford second, Cln cinnatus third. Time: 1:28. Fourth race, seven furlongs, the Arverne stakes: Spring won, Grailallo second, Jacquln tl.frd. Time: l:2i6. Fifth race, four furlongs, selling: Tramp- Tlme."o:4: .vw i.u.u. ,B1J,P Tac' ,lx 'urlongs, handicap: San Nicholas won, Sals second. All Oold third, i Ime: 1 :13H. ST. LOUIS, April 18. Results: First race, four furlongs: Platoon won. Costiaan aeonnrl Jo W.iiv i.i- ti : 0:4HH. Bccona race, nve and one-half furlongs: Floral Wreath won, Sceptre second, Bud welser third. Time: l:lo. Thlr ran. al. .,..1 ...... . . ' r Lrurnci mariius y0"' .Pf.l,m,zReader econd, Harmakls third. Fourth race, mile and seventy yards, hand run' I in -.. v.1 MAn u...... ' ond. Fatalist third. Time: 1:46V, . Fifth race, one mile: Irish Jewel won. pJlH4 econd. Semper VIvax third. Tims: i!xth r?' m"8 and"onerslxteenth. sell VhTrd.lm.'fiSr hU" MCOnd 8lrd' MEMPHIS,' April 18. Result: First race, four and one-half furlong, selling: Kings Trophy won. Foxhunting second. Oleeman third. Time: 0:68. 1 8 econ1 Baywood third. Time: Third race, mile and on-txteenth; Ma- tee wmi. urirful T . . ...... mi 1: , . . iiwe. purth race, Ave furlongs, Memphis stakes: Lady E llaon won, Vldalla sond, John Smulsl-.l third. Tim: 1:01 Fifth race, five furlonga: Auatrallna won, Benson Hurst second, Taxman third. Time: Sixth race, one mile, selling: Federal won. Volta aeoond, Easy Trade third. Time: With the Bowlers. On the Omaha Bowling association al leys last evening the third of the five-game series between the tenpln bowlers and nlne pln artists resulting In favor of the tenpln men by th following score: TENPIN MEN. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Emery 4,6 6 IS Berger 7,8 22 Christie 6 1 6 7 1 18 Hunter 6 8 7 20 French 8 5 7 18 Huntington 3 7 T 17 Totals .. 81 40 NINEPIN MEN. 1st. 2d. 6-6 7 7 8 6 40 1U 3d. Total. 6 16 7 21 7 IS 18 6 14 4 19 Rlddell Whlttaker .... Davis Rlddlll, Ray... Kerns Mullen, C. H.. 7 4 7 8 Totals ..85 34 104 Ten free trips to the World's Fair eaoh week. Sea coupon on page 2. Settle Kanaaa Contest. TflPIflf A Kan.. Anrll 18. The Stat Elec tlon Board today decided contents in the First and Hecona Kansas congressional ois tricta In fvnr of Congressmen Charles R. Davis over D. R. Anthony and Congress man J. D. Bowersock over Henry J. Alien. X GET XVlV Aftd wCAW DY CATHARTIC The) tnotrt -eronderfrU rooord In sUl hlBtorr-marit made, it Advertislnar b&a uervfd to make) OASOA -BETS known, but the gTwevttMt adve-rUee-merit ever prlntexl oould do no more) than tret a person to try OAfiOABJCTS onoe. , Then com, the teat, and If OAfJOARBTS did not prove their merit there would not be a Bale of over a MILLION BOXES A MONTH. Tnle roooeM has been made by the kind word of our friends. No one who trie OASOARBT8 falls to be pleased and talk nloely about them. OASOARETS are easiest to buy, to carry, to take, to give. THBJ PERjrBOT HOME MEDICINE! They are a perfect cure for Constipation, Append! oi tig, Biliousness, Bour Stomach, Biok Headaohe, Bad Breath, Bad Blood, Pimples. Piles, Worms and all bowel diseases. Qenume tablet stamped OOO. NEVER BOLD IN BULK. All druff gists, lOo, 26o, 60a. Sample .n4 vwinvut frm a .1.1 rass (QterUnff Remedy Oo. Chicago or New York. 6ll MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Is use for over sixty years. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment owes 6pa tat evnd Klns;bm MEXICAN . Mustang Liniment i eeureMi (til iwais mi ii inwimati nine H 1 NIEDERMEIKR TRIES SUICIDE Oar Barn Bandit Eats Matches and Opens Ar'.ery in Arm. DEFIANT AND VAINGLORIOUS TO LAST Phyalelans - Bay Attempt May Prove Sneeeaafnl, bnt Efforts Are Made 40 Soto Him for Gallows. CHICAOO, April IS. Peter Nledermeler. the leader of the ear barn bandits, con demned to die on the gallows Friday, mads two desperate attempts at suicide today. His condition aa a result Is so precarious that It Is feared he will not survive. Should h4) still be alive next Friday he will b car ried to the gallows and executed. Nledor meler planned his attempted salolde care fully. First he maetlcated and swallowed the heads of eeventy-flv or 100 sulphur matches. While the phosphorous was burn ing his stomach he aawed at the radial artery of his left wrist with a sharp-pointed lead penr41... Striking a pone.ln the f Cst, he gave up trying to aerer the artery and turned his weapon to the large veins' on the outer side of his left forearm and with Jabs and a see-saw motion he lacerated the flesh and muscles of the arm and tor open the veins, leaving a large jagged1 wound exposed, , through which the blood gushed In streams, dyeing hie bed clothing and running down over the cell floor In pools. Makes Second Attempt. His second attempt came after the wound had been dressed and closed by the county physician. Nledermeler was lying appar ently unconscious in the hospital under a guard's care. His right arm and hand were hidden by the bed clothing and with hardly a discernible motion he slipped the band ages off his left arm and with his sharp finger nails tore away the threads and in serting his forefinger into tue ragged hole, he worked aaln at the veins and sought to reach an artery. He unconsciously ut tered a groan and made a convulsive move ment whlctf attracted the attention of the phyalelans, nurses and the guard, and on throwing back the cover lids the attendants saw with horror that Nledermeler had torn away the bandages and reopened the wound. Nledermeler opened his eyes and with a leertnf, wan smile exclaimed; "Lot me die. Doe; go away and let me die. Tou were almost too late the first time. Now why do you try to aave my life?" ' Nledermeler lost . a large quantity ot -blood and wss almost pulseless fpr a time. The most danger, however, Is that the polsonoua phosphorous haa burned him ao severely that hie life cannot be saved for Its final snuffing out on the gallows. Nledermeler says he got hie Idea of swal lowing phosphorous when a prisoner In the Jail committed suicide In that manner, while Nledermeler was awaiting trial. For the last two weeks Nledermeler lias been saving the matches he wae able to filch WHAT YOU ASH FOR AKriUAL SALE-TEH HILLIOrJ COXES . Greatest In the World MEXICAN Mustang Liniment limbers tip Btltt Joists. MEXICAN : Mustang Liniment pemetrmtsss to the very bona. . MEXICAN Mustang Liniment . .NeVl waS give- aailnaViiiee, mm3mmsm BesQ .2 Good things are good so far as they This axiom applies with force to goodness of Unccda D.SCU.t. good because they taste good and mm Unccda Biscuit are good for the grown man as well as the boy as good for the baby as the mother. Are not only good, but keep good. You can always depend on them. That's against your biscuit experience and you can't understand it until you examine the air-tight, moisture-proof package in which they are sold. Never sold in'bulk. ' NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY and beg. He even gave up smoking to some extent so he could hoard them. Flnde Letter of Bandit. A close watch has been kept on the bandits since they were sentenced to be hanged to prevent an attempt to commit suicide, and even matches have been kept from them. The wound In hie wrist Nledermeler made with a lead pencil he was permitted to have. A letter written by Nledermeler prior to the attempt at sulolde was found concealed in his cot In the letter the . writer In cidentally expresses repentance of Me career and he regrets leaving th few who loved him, but chiefly the letter Is a morbid glorification of ths writer's courage and his loyalty to his kind In contrast with Nledermeler' s associate, Gustavo Marx. The letter says: There are four reasons why I should take my own life. First, because of the public boast that I cannot commit sulolde while I am so closely guarded. Seoond, that I cannot cheat the scaffold. Third, that they cannot say they ex ecuted me and made ma pay for my crime. Fourth, to have another mystery for the Ignorant police to solve. 'The letter concludes as follows: It seems very pleasant to have this ever lasting enjoyment of rest. I am an atheist and do not believe In any rolltrton. : PPTHR NlEDERMEIEiV During the day Nledermeler recognised those about him and corsented to listen to Father Franels M. O'Brien of the Holy Name cathedral, who. haa steadily sought to convert the bandit. Nledermelr suf fered .Intense pain, and Father O'Brien prayed for him. For the first time Nledor melor repeated the prayers after Father O'Brien, who recently baptised In the Jail Nlndermeler's associates, Van Dine and Marx. tlH HA DEFINES A CACSE. European Skin specialist Says Dan druff la Cnosed by Parasites. Upon that theory, proved 1 beyond a doubt, a cure ' for dandruff was sought after. Scientists, chemists, druggists and physicians all "took a hand" and the suc cessful Issue Is the present product known as "Newbro's Horplclde." This remedy actually kills the paraaltea that Infest the hair bulb, does Ita work most effectively and contains not an atom of substance Injurious to anything else than the germ alone. Herplclde causes the hair to grow as nature Intended It ahould, soft and abundant. Bold by leading druggists.. Bend 10 cent In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman 4 MeConnell Drug Co., special agents. Elaln ntter Market. ELOIN, III.. April 18. PTTTTER Bold at 2Bo per pound on the Board of Trade today, a decline of IViG from last week. Bales In the district for the week were 444,000 pounds. May Tet Bo Saved. All who have severe lung troublee need Dr. King's Nw Discovery for Consump tion. It cures or no pay. 60c, 31.00. For sale by Kuhn At Co. 1 THE GENUirJE MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Beet for Uorte ailments. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Bct for Cttl ailmMtesV MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Beat to &he aH mei.i AM 1a do good. the plain They're do good. mi i This Ought to Convince The Shermaji MeConnell Draff Co, Corner Sixteenth and Deda Streets, Omaha, Will Pay for Hyoraet Thesu selves When It Fall to Cure Ca tarrh. "If I only knew It to b true, I would not hesitate a moment" This Is a thought the average person has when reading the claims of some of the medicines that are ' advertised as cures for catarrh. The results from the use of Hyoroel are eo remarkable in the eure of catarrh that . they seem beyond belief. The fact, though, that the Bherman & MeConnell Drug Co., oorner Blxteenth and Dodg streets, Omaha, one of th best known druggists In this section, havs so muoh confidence In the power ot Hyomel to eure oatarrh that tney rell It under their personal, J&rajite to refund the money if 'the puroha .is can say that It did not help them, ought te convince the most skeptical that Hyomel can be relied upon to eure all catarrhal i troubles, no flatter how serious or deep- ' saatsd. The complete KyomeT outfit; consisting of a neat Inhaler that- ean b carried in th purse or pocket, a medlcin dropper and a bottle of Hyomei, costs only oae dollar. Additional bottles of Hyomel can be procured for fifty cents, making It the most economical of treatments, v I Catarrhal colds, whloh are so common at this season of the year, have been cured In a day. Mild eases of oatarrh that have become chronio are frequently cufed In a week or ten days. Now Is the time to begin the use of Hyomel, remembering that the Bherman eV MeConnell Drug Co., oorner Blxteenth and - Dodge streets, Omaha, sell every package on a positive guarantee to refund the money If It falls to eure. ' 7" . GOLFING, AUTOMOBIL" ING, FISHING. All great fun, but all necessitate a visit to the tub. Make the bath pleasure by using HAND SAPOLIO. a soap that puts the luxurious bathing of millionaires within reach of the masses. The Only Doubts) " ' Track Railway ' between Xhm ' Missouri Rlvef and Chioago. LY TRAINS OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.25 fu THE OVERLAND LIMITED Mssslfleent solid dally (rain to Ohleaao. Oommrt, meat auti drawius-rooia sleeulaf eere. library. lin.Het barber, bath, taUi.iiope. dielns ears and sbeerraiios aura. KUokrle liMklael lareaahcMBa. 8.00 AU THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS ?allaa imniit eleepta- a i sad Irtaiaa i aaet I root uiiatoa. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS . Pollmea 4rawB-ra om anil tsarlet eleenias ears, free elialas eaeir sen, Decs uitrarr aaa ta in&lbs aere. 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 0 Zfl III IllMa4rwlewmsleeiasers.rme4 sa4 library eara anu free realia. I to uuno. uiaiu sail arris Omaha ta Ciileas 11.30 AM s law " tad fressaeiresi ateadera as, aoasea rm. mnui eara. 1 fir n,i Free ebeir ear te flhieeeo, Pullnat) et.Q PM f leepias ear from Ame. ta Gbjae, Uim id ear ee in arauun. 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL:MIIII1EAP0LIS 7 50 AM hjtJ "( aarlur sar aa 81 C BU Polleaaa ileepi.f eere. buff librsre . I U I SI sen ai4 tree eeeiloiu uaeir eara, BLAG I il I LLC 0 Kfl tU Torreeioat. LlDol,Walioe,nei4ritr, (JU ISI Turk. Uaetiu.., Haward, Uenera, Sup. Hor, Norfr.lk. Lees Via, fleer. Hut Sprluse, wedwued end LexT Throuh recliaiu ituf aiuej ruiliuaa aleepin ear eervlee. V flU 111 J" Fremont, I, taenia. Wahao Rarfelk. y UJ asi Lass Hoe. Ter4ire. BeiMei! aaa taa Hoeebad ladlaa Beeervetloe eueutrr. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Faroam Strest iiismowDwis. I ee Sis t for saselurel dtbargee.lnSeaiaiettoss, Irrtt.Ueee or aloeratlua4 of ll sa.nbraaes, reiaiaea, aa4 aet eetila- gent ar ulMaeaa. , -J M4sfSi , er sent la UI I f ml rM. j 'a-.4 41 t- "I k'U CaTtaaa. - aura vreeaea sraeaia. tei tire J 71. Cu.uiee- ssn i r xx i a.i I tnl m -w mm w Mrto4sr. ris Is sTsaaisf ssej CiKrllHATl