I TIIE OMATIA DAILY DEE: PrXDAY. AriUL 17. 1904. 3 OMAHA RAILROAD REPORTS Tint it Bebriitt to FU Scheinlt Under Faw Etoq Law. INCLUDES ITEMS NOT BEFORE REPORTED Has l Haadree aad ninety. Eight Brfdsee mm Its Mae, Cheapest ef Which la Valaed ay Cenaeaar at lm petlera. tFrom a Ptaff Correspond"' 1 LINCOLN. April ll-(8pecial. The first return to b made bjr any railroad under tha new revenue law was received thla morning by the Stats Board of Equsllsn tfc.n from Chicago. St. Paul. Minneapolis Omaha, ana among tne items ni.i fore reported to tha etste board 1 the value of bridges. In conformity with tha schedules sent out by Secretary Bennett. Tha road returned a total of bridges Valued at $287.7MK. Tbey are divided among the various counties In which tha road runa as follnws: Burt. 71; Cedar. Cuming. IS; Dakota. 10: Dlmon. Ill; Doug las. XI; Kooi. ; Madison. U; Pierce. U; Stanton. 7; Thurston, Hi Washington, M; Wayne. 114. The most costly bridge, val ued at IU.M9 1S. is located In Douglas county and tffe least expensive Is located In Washington county and Is valued at tl The capital stock of tha company la re turned at $60.0no.0OO. of which IM.060.1M la paid up. The road quotes no market value but said the stock Is valued at par. Tha total amount of secured and unsecured Indebtedness, eiorpt for current expenses, is t3s.rc.ana The groea earnings last year amounted to tlj.0fii.7n, and the net earnings amounted to K 328.a. Total expended In operation, maintenance and Improvement. Is. 731,031; expended In Improvements and betterment, t2.00.J72; expended for maintenance and operation. r7.TM.6Kl. Tha dividend laat paid was per cent on preferred stock and t per rent on common stock, amounting to lA4U. The dividends for tha year Amounted to I1.J01.2S1. The company vslued Its rolling stock at total of 5.ro,ft.0. its locomotives. It divided Into three classes, of which there are eeventy-sejven of the first, seventy three of the second and 158 of the third claas, valued respectively at a total of IWM40. and WSS.no. This rolling stock has traveled In Nebraska during the year a distance of 1.1K9.M6 miles and out of Nebraska I.757.J73 mllea. According to this. Secretary Bennett figures that In tha neighborhood of one-seventh of the total valuation of the rolling stock, or S7n.Hr). would be assessed in Nebraska. One-fifth of this, which Is tha rata of assessment, would mean that tha road would pay on Its rolling stock an assessment of fU.040, or about V a mile. The company returns Its coaches In three elapses, of which nineteen belong to the first class and are valued at $1U.M.73: forty-nine belong to tha second class and are valued at 1117.600 and forty-one belong to the third class and are valued at Traekae fa Nebraska. rhe road haa ri.16 mllea of track In Ne. braska, divided among the countries as fol .ows: Douglas. ID; Waahlngton, J4.u; urt. 15.21; Cuming, 171: Thurston. It!; Dakota, 7.s; Dixon, S7.W; Cedar, a Jo Wayne. 46.M; Knox, 11 : Pierce, i.M; Mad ison. 4.U; Stanton, l.M. Theae tracks contain 1U tlea per mile and steel used In the main line weighs hi pounds per yard and In the sidetracks 60 to S pounds per yard. The Iron used in tha main Una weighs from SO to 80 pounds er yard and in the sidetracks from it to B0 pounds. The 80-pound steel has been used from one to eight years, the 71-pound teet from ten to twelve years, tha 80-pound steel from one to eighteen years, tha it pound steel from ten to twenty-one years the 60-pound steel from thirteen to eighteen years and the Iron from fourteen to twenty Veara. The returns show that tha main Una from Omaha to Covington was built from 1871 o lf; the Newcastle lino, Coburn June tlon to Pones, 1877; Pone to Newcastle. Hartlngton line, issi; Bloomfleld line. TVsyne to one mile north of Randolph. VH; one mile north of Randolph to Bloom field. 1S90; Norfolk line. 18.70 mllea in 1881: Norfolk line, 27.80 mllea In 1881 The total value of tha tools of the com pany In Nebraska la listed at 84.U8; ma terial on band. 151.71. and supplies at K.S50 Last year this road returned 171.18 mllea and was asaessed by tha state board at 8S.M0 a mile, making a total of $1,41 8Mi The total railroad assessment laat year was 127.077, JM B0. The schedules for railroad property sent out by Secretary Bennett are said by rail road men and others to be the most 'un-oarthly- schedules that have aver been sent out by any State Board of Asaeaament and tha returns made by the Chicago, St. Paul Minneapolis railroad today are tha most complete that have ever been received in k bo"rd- Th" ochedule contain. 11 the land owned by the company. Its fl-pota. outhouses and everything that It ens. , The lot It owns In Oman that la Used locally It value. ,t tMOS. . Later In tha day the- Pullm.n company got ln.it. report, which .how. that Ithaa eperat.d. 178 ear. In the aute. ech of which 1. listed at tll.8fleL The ourt.t Sm e."hmb W VU Meetlag at Craaaserr Man. Employee of tha Beatrice Creamery com pany and others Interested in ths dairy St,""1 ,n UDeoia APrtl and 11 and dlacusa things that will be of Inter est and benefit to the craft. On Wednes day afternoon the state farm will be vlalted and In the evenlog a banquet will bo riven t the Lincoln hotel. P n resa far Department rw .. I Member, of Lincoln post. Orsnd Amy 'of I the Republic, will leave Lincoln May 10 ver the Burlington for Kearney, to at tend the encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, to be held there May it ad 1J. Tha Lincoln delegates will use all DON'T LI KB IT ' eea Fean Why. Coffee haa terrible bold on some peo-- "About 8 year, ago I was great sufferer iroia stomach trouble; mr Uvar eut of Bx and a wise doctor forbid t. ooffee. At that time I was so weak I could araiy walk, absolutely poisoned. "One day I noticed Postum in tha store a navmg read about It I bought a nac age and made some. i did not ilka it, but tried it again and followed directions care- was not long be Tore I liked I better than any other drink and It ha brought ma out of all the old coffea trau bles. too. I ran now eat what I want, am atrong nd healthy and tha effects ef poatum on w,r a-uod all our family soon drank "In summer when the weather k do not have that 'all gone' feeling now for when I drink a cup at Ffeetum It re freshes and strengthens but never k the bad after-effect like coffea "Poatum la like everything elalt n- to be made right and there Is no better way than tne directions on the package. Name given by Postum Co.. Batto Creek. iira. There', a reaeoa. ivooa in oacn package for the famous lUUa book, "Tbo Road to .WaUvUlo." their Influenee end everything else to bring about the selection of Comrade Pros, of Fsrrsgut post a. department "ommander. A committee was recently appointed to look after hut Intereat. and this committee has received very fsvorshle report. lrora other posts. A large delegation will at tend the encampment from here. Cet at Rlectlea. It cost the city of Lincoln Just t1.4T4 W for It. last election, sccordlng to the report of City Clerk Pratt. Of this sum 1117 SO was withheld because of delinquent taxs. An appropriation of 8K7 more than waa spent wss made to pay the expenses of the elec tion. The total number of votes cast was 1.M7. Pwrltv flaaa-a,. Tomorrww ha. been set apart "purity Rttndsy" hy the Ministerial association er.d Rev. Z. T. Batten will preach at the First Baptist church on "The Purifying of the City." Rev. Batten has tsken an active part In stirring up things In Lfncotn snd Inasmuch a. he recently Issued a tikaee agaln.t the city administration It Is sup posed hi. sermon will bo decidedly wsrm. Retaras Bis; Talaattoa. Miller Paine, one of Lincoln's leading firms, today filed with the county as sessor a sworn statement of the value of the belongings of the corporation. The statement Is based on the Inventory made In January and shows the Arm's holding to be $342,000. County Assessor Miller ex- p reared himself a. being pleased with the returns, and be expects the other big Arms to toe the mark a. Miller A Paine have done. President Hutton of the city council has not yet completed his list of commit tees and Is having a hard time doing It It I. probable that ha will place himself at the head of the lighting committee, as he Is the father of the municipal lighting plant ordinance and haa always taken a great interest In this proposition. Flra Horse lajared. While the fire department waa making a run to a small fire this morning one of the horses hitched to the big truck stum bled over a dog that got In the way and waa thrown down and dragged fully 100 feet before tha truck could be stopped. The animal wa. badly bruised and skinned up. but was not seriously hurt. The truck ran over tha dog and killed it. The Are did only nominal damage. FAIL TO PROVE THE BIG ATI PTE Bait Lake Baak Presents a Draft and! Brings Salt for Collection. SCHUYLER. Neb.. April 1 8peclal. Charlea Kris of Howella waa sued In the district court here yesterday on a draft that wa. sent to the Colfax County bank, Howella. from Salt Luke City for collec tion. Mr. Ktli and a friend, Frank Hos tek of Chicago, traveled In the west Inst fall and on their trip were In Salt Ike City. During their absence a telegram was received by his Howella' bankers in quiring If a check or draft on Ktlx for two waa good, and reply made that It was and that money waa In the bank. Shortly, after his arrival home his banker asked him what he bad bought. He replied "nothing," snd seemed 'mystified. A few days laier a draft for $900, evidently signed by Kris came to the bank. Before pay ing It Kris', attention waa called to the matter and he denied the signature or any knowledge of It, and stopped payment. The only thing he could recall that might have been the source of such a transaction waa that he fell In with a couple of men in Salt Lake City and they exchanged ad dresses, Mr. Kria having written hla name for them In a pass book, together with his plare of doing his banking. The deposi tions of two men, one of them who pre sented the draft at the Salt J-ake City bank that sent it for collection, and his friend, are. In effect, that Kris got Into a game of poker in which he lost $700, and that he gave this check to cover hla loss of wager. Kris denied that he ever played any auch game, or even knew how to play poker, and hla friend. Hostek, corrobor ated all of hi. statements. The Jury in the case made finding, "No cause for ac tion." ESDOR8E MSDSAT FOR CLERK Senatorial Ceaveatlea . at Pawnee City Passes fttreeg Resalatlon. PAWNEE CITT, Neb., April ll-Sperlal Telegram.) At the First senatorial district convention, comprising the counties of Rlchsrdson and Fawnee, held In this city today. Judge E. A. Tucker of Humboldt was nominated by acclamation for state senator. The following resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas. The republicans of the First senatorial district of the stste of Nebraska are proud of the record made bv Hon H. C. Lindsay, who, during four successive campaigns as cnairman or the state cen tral fbmmlttee. achieved a glorious victory In each case In the election of the entire republican ticket. Now. therefore, be It Resolved. That thla convention heartily endorsee the candidacy of Hon. H. . unaNy lor riera oi ine supreme oourt. and respectfully urges the luiia-es of said court to mske the appointment at once. Beatrice Will Have RtiaUa, BEATRICE. Neb.. April l--(Spec1aJ-)- The Board of Director, of the Beatrice Commercial club held a meeting laat night. Alex Oraham, president of the Southeast ern Nebraska Reunion association, was present and stated that the association desired to hold Its reunion In Beatrice thla year. The matter was sanctioned by the club, and Mr. Graham waa author ised to come to Beatrice. Other matter, of interest to tha city and county were dlscusaed. and everyone preaent felt that progress la being made In the upbuilding of the community. Railroads Ball Dralaa. FREMONT. Neb.. April !- Special.) The Northwestern Railroad company has a force of men at work putting In til. culverts at the foot of F street to carry off the surface water which, after every heavy rain' for the past few years, has covered that street and the lots In the vicinity of the Windsor hotel. The North western and the Vnlon Pacific will also put In culverts on the H and I street crossings, which will be a big help for that part of the city. Tha surface watera will run Into ths sewer, south of the tracks. Garden Mava Retarae with Bride. GORDON. Neb . April It (Special.) R. O. Bard arrived from Dexter, la., today, accompanied by his bride, to whom be wa. married on the Bth inst. The groom Is one or Gordon', popular young business men and Is connected with The Fair store In this place. The bride was formerly Miss Mary Lyon of Dexter, and laat year was a teacher In the Gordon schools. She Is a niece of H. G. Lyon of this place. A reception will be given them tonight at the home of C. S. Gate an uncle of the groom. Ihear Sheep by Machinery. I SCHI'YLER. Neb.. April 11 (Special FourWen thousand sheep that are quar tered and being fed at tha Crescent stock and feeding yards of Folds Haley are being sheared by machinery. A six-machine plant waa put In. and the aix men employed shear TO to 800 animals per day. Soma of tha workmen are experienced men snd do fast shearing. One of them. Bud Ashtoa. has sheared ICS In ten hours here, snd a record Is claimed for him else where of Sut sheep sheared In fifteen hour ataaker Retaras fraaa Sew Yark. WEST POINT. Neb.. April It -(Special.) W. A. Black, president of the First Na tional baak of this place, returned yester day from a protracted visit to bis old hama In New Torn. the Negroes." This question will be dis cussed In Joint debate to be held on May it between the Omaha club and the Crabtroe club. LIWRMAS DCnCt IWAIX Of BEES Repairs DaeiO ta Wire While la ser ta atlas; aad Crowd Applaada. PAPILLION. Neb. April 1. 8peclsX Testerday afternoon Charles Dlehl, a Vnlon Pacific lineman, was sent along the line to locate and repair a break In the wire. When he arrived at Portal he found a cross In the wires and In order to get at the trouble It was necessary for him to far open a cable box located on tte top of the pole. This he proceeded to do, but waa consid erably taken back when he discovered that h had run amuck of a swarm of bees which had taken possession of the particular box. The bees swarmed out by the hundreds, some getting down Dlehl's neck and others making such severe efforts to expel the Intruder that Dlehl waa soon compelled to beat a hasty and ungraceful retreat down the pole. There was no way of smoking the bees out, they being on top of a fifty-foot pole, neither was there any other way to get rid of them, and It was Imperative that the wires be repaired Immediately. Farmers came to the rescue and suggested all kinds of remedies which, upon being tried, re sulted In nothing but stlncs. the bees hold. Ing the fort. I Time was being wasted and Dlehl con cluded that stringent methods must be employed and accordingly hp resolved to make the repair, in spite of the bees. Re cllmblng the pole he set to work with a will amid a perfect cloud of the Insects and performed the task, receiving the hearty plaudit of the onlookers. PORTER CHARGED WITH FORGERY Sends Bellboy to Cash Cheek ana the Boy Saspects. HASTINGS, Neb.. April (Special.) Horace Sherwood, colored, waa placed on trial this afternoon in district court on a charge of forgery. Sherwood has been a porter at the Eostwlck hotel for years and his acquaintance with Its business methods ta what got him into trouble. Mr. Dillon, the proprietor, frequently has checks cashed st the dry goods store of Wolbach Brach after or before banking hours, and it waa thla fact that Sherwood took advantage of. He wrote a check, payable to H. A. Schauble, a guest of the Boat wick. He then forged SchauVive's name on tha back of the check anl also the name of Mr. Dillon. He told a bellboy he would give him 50 cents If he would get the check cashed at Wolbach & Brach'a store, Ths boy departed on his errand and Sherwood called up the store by telephone from McElhlnney's drug store, telling them that Mr. Dillon wished them to cash a check which a boy would presently present properly endorsed. The store promptly paid the check, which waa for 135. and Sherwood got the money. The beHboy, however, grew auspicious and told Mr. Dillon of the affair and the forgery a as quickly discovered. Sherwood Is the husband of the colored woman who won suit brought against Louis Zobel for refusing to serve her order In the dining room of his restaurant. Is nellgkted with Mexico. PLA ITSMOITH. Neb.. April 16-(Spe-ctal.) Misses Pnra and Roma Love of Fre mont. Neb., whose father was minister to San Salvador, are now visiting In the City of Mexico. In a lengthy and Interesting letter to Mrs. C. E. Weseott of this city Miss Para writes: "I am so delighted with the country, the people and. In fact, all that goea to make It up, that were It not for business I should eertalnly stay for some months and learn the language. "Tls most tantalising to be the master .of but one tongue. Think I could manage several nicely. We shall p.ibably be home the first of May." Farmers KJrk oa Reveaae Law. TORK. Neb.. April l.-(Speclal.) County Assessor Martin says the township as sesaors are obliged In many cases to call attention to money loaned by Individuals, as many have a lapse of memory when they list their personal property. County Assessor Martin drew off an abstract from records of all chattel mortgages. Judg ments and real estate mortgagee and each assessor la supplied with a copy of the same. The farmers are raising the great eat objection to the new revenue law. Baaktn Meet Thla Week. FREMONT. Neb.. April Is (Special.) The annual meeting of Group $ of the .Ne braska Bankers' ersoclailon will be held in this city next Tnursdsy and Friday, and a much larger attendance than uausl 1. expected. T. E. 6tevens of Blair. W. E. Smalls of Fremont and T. H. Fowler of North Bend constitute the committee of arrangements. John Rush, national bank examiner, will be present and deliver an address snd slso Lieutenant Governor lie Gtltoa of Omaha. Carries lity-Slx Years Interest. PLATTSMOCTH. Neb., April 18. (Spe-ctal.)-Whlle H. W. Burkett, who reside, southeast of this city, was looking over the effects of the late Rachael Kearney he discovered a $5 county script drawn on the York bank of York, Pa., bearing Interest at the rate of 1 per cent per annum, which waa issued In 1X38. Correspondence followed snd a reply came from the bank that the face value of the script would be paid upon presentation. Plekrell Baak Oaleers. BEATRICE. Neb.. April 16. (Special.) The stockholder, cf the Farmer.' State Bank of Plekrell met jeaterd.iy and elected 8. Bauman president and S. P. Pothast cashier. The following constitutes the board of directors: W. H. Weil of Lincoln. J. H. Penner of Beatrice. S. P. Pothast. William Ellrnger and Ed Baa man, Plekrell. The new concern opens for business next week. Xew Depot for West Polat. WEST POINT. Nob.. April 1-SparlaL) A new depot building for this place is now an assured fact.- Deeds to th. prop erty were turned over to the railroad com pany and the old buildings on the lots are advertised for sale. Work will commence without dela-. Baya Caaa t'aanty Fratt Faras. rUl -George Ball a nee of Lincoln has pur chased the Eliss Sage fruit farm aritnin. Ing Plattsmouth. which Is considered one or tne test rruu iarras in tnis portion of the state. Reese Famine la West Polat. WEST POINT. Neb.. April It -8peial.) Empty houses are becoming so scarce In Weat Point that vacant store balldlngs ar betnv used aa dwelllnaa An opportunity la afforded for the erect on of aaeuium-r!.-eti nwim iwi nnv Teachers Are Examined. PLATTSMOCTH. Neb.. April -(Special.) County Superintendent C. B. Wort man held a teachers' examination in hla office In the court house today, a large number of teachers being preaent. laaser aad Bale a .access. WEST POINT. Neb.. April lt-(8peeial.) The women's society of the Congrega tional church netted over $50 at their Easter supper and sale. Wy mere Hereemea Organise. . BEATRICE. Neb.. April It. 1 8peclsJ.) A rtlcles of 'Incorporation of tha Wymore Driving Park association were filed with mm J VA L-4 LZ3 LZj LZj U n G jO Tl YT T G rax wo otU-, vjk y jjl V tock must be turned, into money Reg 1 the county clerk yesterday afternoon. The capital stock Is placed at to.000. C. W. Robertson la prealdent and Jesse Newton secretary. OPPOSE COJVESTlOS JfOMIJI ATIO Stanton Coaatjr Repabllcana Prefer Regular Plaa of Election. STANTON, Neb., April 16 (Special Tele-gram-r The republicans held a harmonious county convention her. today. R. F. Kit termsn waa chairman and R. T. Appleby secretary. Delegates were selected by a committee of one from each precinct as follows: To the state convention, Louis Smithberger, C. H. Chace. John A. Eprhardt, George Barr, W. H. Wells, W. W. Young, C. P. Jones; congressional con vention, W. W. Young. P. P. Antle, R. Y. Appleby. A. F. Enos. John Sporn, J. S. Hancock; senatorial convention, Frank I,en ser. Will Sporn, C. F. Fuxerman, Charles Wax, R. F. Kltterman. George Eberly; representative convention, selected by Charles McLeod, Louis Smithberger, A. C. Reld, C. P. Jones, James Reed, M. A. Kar ney, O. W. Furst, Andrew Spencc. A reso lution Introduced by J. A. Eprhardt, op posing the nomination of senators by th. state convention and to so Instruct the delegates, waa defeated. Louis Smith berger waa elected chairman of the cen tral committee on tbo motion of W. W. Young. I Prises Ancient Canteen. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. April l.-(Speclal ) Mrs. Mary Hlavaty of this city is the possessor of a piece of antique ware, pre sented her by her mother, recently de ceased, of which she Is Justly proud. The relic Is In the shape of a wooden canteen, carried during the war In the old country by a brother of Mrs. Hlavaty's grand mother In 1781, the date being plainly In scribed on the outside of the bottle, which Is patterned very much after the design now In use. It waa made entirely of wood, apparently from one solid piece, aa no seam can be detected. Mrs. Hlavaty prises the gift very highly on . account of the associations aa well aa the age. la Honor af Benefactor. YORK, Neb., April l.-(Speclal.)-The new music building In process of erection for York college will be. known as the Hulltt conservatory, in honor of John Hu lltt of HUlsboro, O. The college authori ties decided last night to make this build ing a memorial to Mr. Hulltt In con sideration of his benefactions, amounting to 85,000. The structure Is y.x) feet, four floors, containing thlrty-flve rooms, and will be fitted up with all modem con venience The cost when completed and equipped will be about 818.000. The build ing will be ready for use In good time for the ensuing scholastic year. Cora aBarna la Cribs. Hl'MBOLDT. Neb..'pril 18. i Special Several huge rrlba of corn belonging to the J. H. Lynda company were burned at Damson, with 1.000 bushels of corn and a large quantity of oats. The blase origi nated from a spsrk blown into the chaff from a traction engine used In operating a corn shelter Iclcse at hand. A strong wind was blowing from thennrthwest and the Dawson fire company was unable to do more than prevent the flames from com municating to other buildings. Mr. Lynda' loss on grain will be between ll.too and 11.600. with no Insurance. The buildings, which belonged to the McBwlney estate, were partly protected by Insurance. Jew Officials at West Polat. WE8T POINT, Neb.. April l.-(8peeial.V-Dr. H. L. Wells has been appointed county physician for the ensuing year by the board of aupervlsora Mayor Sonnenscheln hss made the follow ing arpolntments: For city marshal, Oua Drahos: for water commissioner, George Korb; for street commissioner. Earl Rep pert; for city engineer, F. L. Boyer; for member, of the Board of Health. O. II. Zacek and Dr. H. K. BchmeL E. F. Krause was chosen president of the city council. Tws Baya Try ta Kan Away. HA8TlNG8.,Neb . April l.-(8peclal Tel .gram.) A telephone message from Mlndeo yesterday Informed Chief of Police Wanner that two boy, about 12 years old. had run sway from theli home at that place and he waa asked to aat.h for them. They war. discovered craallcf out of a box car ivi AT 8 O'CLOCK ardless of A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 414-416 SOUTH here lest night and lodged In the city Jail. They gave their r.ames aa Milo Brldgeford and Robert White, and said they were going to Omaha to learn to be mechanic.'. They were sent home this morning. Lockjaw from Small Wonnd. BEATRICE, Neb.. April 18. -(Special. About one month ago P. 8. Madden, living eleven miles soulhnest of this city. scratched his hand while at work, making j a slight wound. Several days aeo ,the ! wound became Irnamed and very painful and developed Into lockjaw. Mr. Madden is a man about 5o years of age, and the physician In attendance thinks his recov ery is doubtful. Will Vote oa lehool Roads. WEST POINT, Neb , April IS. (Special. ) A special school bond election has been called by the local board for the purpose of submitting a proposition to the votera for the Issuance of P. 000 bonds for the erection of an addition to the public school building and equipping the same. The need of more room for school pur poses has long been apparent. O. E. 8. Kleet Officers. WIS.NER. Neb., April l.-(8peclal ) At the. tegular meeting Friday evening Wiener Btar chapter No. US. Order of the Eastern Btar. elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Grace E. Nicholson, W. M ; Allen L. Hewel W. P.: Ruth Miller. A. M.; Rudolph Wlttle, treasurer; F. C. Evsns. secretary; Allatta Thompson, conductor; Laura West, A. C. - Aagast Porr for Baeervl.or. HCMBOLDT. Neh., April It -(Special -Delegates fr.im the three preclncU com prlalng the Seventh district met at Nims City and nominated August Porr of Bpetser as republican candidate for supervisor to succeeed C. B. Snyder of Salem, who was a candidate for renominatlnn, but waa de feated by Porr by a vote of 4 to I. Firemen Kleet Officers. WEST POINT. Neb., April 1C (Special.) Hose company No. t of the volunteer fire department of this city have elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President. Rudolph Braxda: secretary, F. D. Hunker; treasurer, William Radler; foreman. Julius Radebach; fire marshal, C. C. ilalchow. High Price (or Cara. BEATRICE. Neb.. April 11 i Special.) Farmers who bring their grain to Beatrice receive good prices. Testerday a wagon Joad of com was sold on the street for U cents per bushel. The regular market price ranges from 12 to 24 cents. ntscwsa Sea-re SesTragr. BEATRICE. Neb.. April lt.i Special.) The Crabtree Forensic club held an In teresting debate laat night. The queatloa discussed wss, "Resolved. Thst the I'nttel States Would Be Justified la Disfranchising fo) III I 1 F I 11 W, Said the stranger: "Send this to a printer who, does things right Said the bell boy: "To be safe, sir, 'Have Root print it. " TELEPHONE 1604 TWELFTH STREET. DR. BRADBURY Painless Extraction Without Oas. Fltllors 50c u Clold Crowns, $2.50 up BridroWork $2.80 up Lady Attendant 1506 DENTIST. Rsrges lessTMa in viizn DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Treat, all farms af Dlsasvsaa ef EH ONLY. Twenty-eight Years' Experience. Eighteen Years In Ornaha. The doctor a remarkable success has never been equaled. His resources aad facilities for treating this class of diseases are unlimited and every day brings many flattering reports of the good bo Is doing or the relief he has given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT .OR All Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKINO OUT" on toe skin -jt face and all asternal signs of the disease disappear at once A per. msnent cure for lire guaranteed. V4Dirflf'FIF-TREa GUARANTEED In fAKICULLLL LEe THAN FIVE DATS. SJFAD in ftftn o cured of Hydrocele, Htrtotura. Oleat, Nervous Debility. of BU-eiurth aad Vitality au I forms of chronlo ill sea sea Treatment br snsal. Call or write. Baa VM, OOVse ftU anmta Mta aC. Osa'a, Man. ITS TEN CENTS What To Eat Itellable Health Articles, Table Buar.es Jests. Poaaa, Clever Toasts. A gaoa friend to brighten your leisure mo ments. Full of novel suggestions ler enter tai nine vm lew H.!t. swllatla mr"rm MM ta smitaia- je kapaUr tf iw WHAT TO BAT (Maataty I Waikiinlea as. aad f-atta Ai TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER e bee rlbe new. agntt-M fu 3 Cost 'SB-- ri tt riiVn i a 1 1 inn OMAHA. NEB. Farnam TEL. 1756. , Fourteen Yearn Same Location We pos tlvely remove nerves from teeth w!th out the least particle of pain. Plate $2 up. Open Sunday 10 to 1 2 Ufie Bst of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago Very Low Rates .. .to.... Minnesota, Dakota Montana, Washington, Oregon and" Canadian Northwest On varloua dates In March nd April. - City OfflCea- .a' 14011403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TCL. 024-601 Rogers, Peet 0 Co. Swtll Clothing for Men. J. L Brandeis 0 Sons.