TFIfc OMATIA DATLY BEE: SUNDAY, AITJL 17. 1004. 19 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat ii Weak, DstpiU UnfaToralU Crap Rsporti from Different Parti. LOCAL MILLS HOLDING FOR H GH PRICE pot Cora Is Off Again, feat Dtmuil and Receipt Uooel Omaha lkow turn 1 9 Well tr Com. narlsosr. OMAHA. April 1. 1304. neat was weak, i garuiess of the de terioration In the Ohio vauey, tne diouui In tn soumwest and the delay In the liortriwest. 'i he proiesslonals nave been much influenced oy ir.ese tiulliali reports, but the outsiders have nut shown much Interest, and the market is on today, not so mum on the liquidation a on the lack ot buying orders. The news from the outhwesi shows Improved condition. '1 "e Kaneaa state report. Just out, says the general average, taking the good with the bad. In U lor winter wheat as against W.s for lliUB, "4 for 1I2 and ). for unl. The reDort hvi nlma in manv sections the plant has not advanced as lar as usual, It Is of good quality and responds to Improved conditions loiiowlng the rains. This Is due to the saturated condition of the soli, in most counties the soil and weather are propitious. r)t. Louis wires a prominent uian of Kansas City, and Buys Johnson county win laiae twice as mu n wheat as last year and the stale will have ft big crop. 1 here were killing frosts at Concordia and Dodge City, Kan., and at Kansas City and Hprlnneld, Mo. From Newcastle, ind., a merchant writing to his brother says there are no prospects for a crop In Henry county one-fourth being more than Is expected. An nsietsor In Noble county says the fields are bare ground and the farmers In that part of the slate will not get their seed bark, One balf the farmers will sow oats if It ever f i'is dry enough. Spring plowing and seid ng have nH been begun. The local ml. Is re holding their wheat expecting high prices and none Is now In farmers hands. The Omaha market In wheat for future de livery was without Interest. Chicago May old oTf Vic from Ktc and new July went from 87c to 8(j'c. The (September Is only i,c below the new July. The bad crop news, the lack of movement and the annul stores of contract will give the scalpers a chance to get busy for a few days. The rang" In pi Ices of OmaTia grain for future delivery snd the close of Friday nd today were as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Friday. wn em- May July July Oh' May July Bept. W M ST7 OT B M A 83 83'4 K Mi,B 83U 48 4S'i 48 4R'4R 48A 47 47 46 47 88 H 38U 3B 804 30 80 80H 3'JB 3013 Loral Cash Grain Market. The spot corn market was off again, the average loss being about He. The demand was good, however, and receipts good. Wheal and oats were steady at ruling prices and were In no very strong demand. Omaha receipts of wheat were only 11 cars less than Chicago and corn 25 cars less. Omaha, In comparison to other markets, Is receiving much corn. Receipts were: Wheat. 8 cars In and 80 cars out; one week ago, i and 7 rsrs. Corn. 42 cars-ln and V cars out; one week ngo, 43 nd 6 cars. Oats, 3 cars In; one week ago, 4 and 1 car. Representative salea of car lots by sam ple on track. Omnha: Mixed Corn No. S, 1 car 48c, I cars 46c; no grade, 1 car 4Bc; No. 3 yellow, 1 ...... iQ. 71V, fl whlta 1 m r AQIL 1 no ifi,. One btiikhead car of No. hard wheat sold for Sc. WHEAT No. 3 hard. Mf90c; No. t hard. JtiirWc; No. 4 hard, 74fino; No. 3 spring, ivfioic; No. I spring, 3&88c; No. 4 spring, IttfTVc. CORN-No. 2. 4050c: No. 3. 48049c: No. 4. 45HS46Hcj no grade. 4Sl?4Sc; No. 2 yellow, SflHc; No. 3 yellow, 48Hi 4!c No. 3 white, dfflw; io. s wnne, 8e. OATS-No. i 8WNH4c: No. t. SHtt!V4c No. 4, 37tt'S;SU4c; No. 2 white. 4H4jf42Wo; No. 3 whlfe, 89V?4nvc; No. 4 white, ssvic; stanaara. 4i!irc. Kotes from tb Eichssg Offlees William Otta of Charleston and I W. Bmtth of York were exchange visitors. Omaha Inspections of grain were 42 cars. tt nnm A ab.'i mrmnA Kin 9 19 nra X' r V ' V' - B.HU.u . - . . - " . - ". w, 1 car No. 4, 3 cars no grade, 4 cars No. 3 white, and 4 cars No. 3 white. One car of wheat araded No. 3 hard winter and 11 ears of oat No, 3 White clipped and' t cars No. 4 wnite. Grata Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Friday at tns maraeta namea were aa iouowe CHICAGO. Closed Todsy. Friday, 92 B 9244 86 87 Wheat May .. July ... Corn May ... July .. Wheat Msy ... July .. Corn May .. July .. (2 60 KANSAS C1TT. 82H 7tt , 46 44 83 77 44 46 BT. .LOUIS. Whsat May Juhy ., Corn May July 90 92 47 47 91 92 s MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat May 93 July 93 DL'i-UTU. 4 84 VA Wheat May July NJW YLkHK. 92 92B 97B Whsat May 90 July : Du 95 tlA KBW YORK GENERAL MARKET. (taatattoaa of tho Day on Varloaa Conssaodltlea. NBJW TORK, April M.-FLOUR-Recelpts, 20.UKJ bbls. ; exports, 10,Mu bbls. Maiket ouil ana Dareiy steady; Minnesota pateiua,; atiuneaoia ousel's, winter paiente,; winter airaiglita, I4.ikiu4.u; winter extras, Jio4.ou, winter ow grades, W Hye (lour, dull; lair to good, $4.Ho(; choice to fancy, tLinj 4.75. CORNMKALr-Qulet; yellow western. $108 eji lu'cuy, i io( 1 ; khii arieu,, J. li"i;sl. 15. RVE bteady; Ku, 2 western, 2c, to ur- nve prompt. UAHLEi-Dull: feeding, 4c, c. I. f. New York; malting, ttUto:, o. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, UI.OuO bu, ; exports. I.M bu. Spot market quiet; No. 2 red, 31.0&, nominal, elevator, $i.ta1.10, ooinlnul, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 nonnern, Uuluth, il 00. nominal, f. o. b. utloat; No. 1 linrd, laanuoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options opened steadier. The close was weuk at net decline. May, K4,(iXc, closed tHe; July. 4tyl4c, closed ai i'4c; ep Iteiiilier, MVUtU'c, ciostMl oi!c; 1k ember, f vVtlc, closed at &o',c. CORN Receipts, li.ltu bu : exports. 1,172 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2, nominal, elevator, and tVtc f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yel low, 67c; No. 3 white. He. Option maiket opened firm after which, it weakened, clos ing Vu4c net lower; May, 6utj 4c, closed fci4o, July. 64'U6(0. ulosed o!4c. OATS Receipts, t4. W0 bu. ; exports, 913 ku. Spot market dull; No. 2, 4iV, stand ard white, 4oc; No. 2 white, 4c; No. 2 white. 46Ac. HAY wiet; shipping, 7370c; good to Choice. t)i(jD7c. HOPS vjulei; state, common to choice, laid crop, L'7(uc; 1SSJ2 crop. 23tl27c olds, 'Jit 4c; Paclflo coast, lftu$ crop, 24t?31o; lJiw crop. J(i'27c: olds, '(1K- HlOEct oleady; Oalveaton. 30 to 26 lbs., Inc; California. 21 to 2& lbs., lc. Texas, dry, ii to 30 lbs., 14c. LEATHER steady; acid, !3e2c. WOOla Steady; domestic fleeces, 245 S-'c. TAUlAiW Dull; city (12. fO per pkg ), 4c; country (pkg. )eel. 4Vu4Tc. RICB Dull; domestic, lair to extra. 3 ChS''; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family. 310.SO 4S11&0; mesa. $sni00; beef hams, $Ju.icj Cud; packers $.fco 10; city extra lndl:i tness, $15 mi4il7 HO. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies. 7oou7.rS; pickled shoulders. iuM, blik led hams. $9hO'olo.OO. Ird. steady; Western steamed, April closed $7 nominal; retined, steady; oontlneif., $71S; rSoulh America, $7.75; compound, $.bta tVS2. Pork, weak; family, $14 W; ahurt olearJM H-Qlb 7e: mess, U o3 14 ii. BUTT EK-Qulet: fresh creunu iy, 14Q-22c; tale dairy, lfl'.'Oc. CHEESE vjuiet; state, full cream, small, white and colored, (amy, September, 11 9 -j , Driiini. a'tHj j prune, .-y4 ivc. EGOS yulel; western storage aelectto Li'ulfcWo: western firsts, lsc. Ions, PtSl l.TRY-Allv and dreased. quiet and Unchanged. ST. LOl'18. April H.-WHtAT-Iarj lonaa lluuldatlng, No. 2 red cash, elevator. V; track. Mt?3103. May, wc; July, sitae: No. I nar. "ujc. CORN Lower j No. 3 cash. 4Ae; track. , . ii... rkA' J.ilv a7Sko tAlawLwi iS'o.' I ctwsh, 41 0 ;track, 44c; May. 39c; July, Te; No. 2 white, 46'yii 4M FLOUR Dull and unchanged; red win ter patents, 44 9 '"&: 00. ;v cUl brands 2t ZTic higher; extra tancy and stra ght, 4.i; rienr. $1 (u4 :. 8F.E!-Tlmothv. steady. IHOgl-iO. ( " K N M K A j d t en .1 y . 32. '. FRAN Firm; sacked. -ast track. tf,iv;e. H A Y Steady ; timothy, $S).ixw 14. W; prairie, tft u'u IO.0U. JRuN COTTON TIESiCc. RArjillNO V. IIKM1' TWINK c. PROVISIONS I'ork, lower; Jnbblng. $12 12V4. Iird. lower, steam, $; 1. Km on (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $7.37Vi; clear rib, $7..V; ahnrt clear, 7.75. I'Dl 11 KV -Steady; ( hlrkens. 1He; springs. $nno!i5 fi p. r rtnsen; turkeys, 14c: ducks. 11c; geese, r.i,r, PT'TTKR Blow ; creamery, i25c; dairy, EUGS Finn at 15c, esse count Receipt. Shipments. Flour. hMs .' Wheat, bu 11. n) 5 cini Corn, hu 1S.0) 67no Oats, bu 14.000 55.000 CHICAGO Oil AH AND PROVISIONS. Featores of the Trading; and Closing Prices 'oa Board of Trade. CTnCACIO. Anril 14. Acting as If Innocu- lated with a selling fever whest traders today took growing weather In Kanwns u a pretext to force a decline. July whest showa a net loss of HBc. Corn Is down ic. oats sre off UliVc and provisions "'-tfi 17Hc July opened unchanged to He lower at 8S74f7c. From 87ne July gradually de clined to fWHc. The close wss weak, with July at SMk'ciWV. Mav sold between 02o and 92c snd closed at 92Ifec Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 212.nO bushels. Primary receipts were S.rK) bushels, sgalnst :S1.300 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Puluth and Chicago reported receipts of 13S cars, compared with in3 cars lsst week snd 190 cars a year ago. Corn at the opening was comparatively firm, considering the easier tone In wheat. Rut sentiment soon changed snd prices started downward. After opening ',i'fi.c higher at F0lfi50,ic July sold between 4PHfi 50r and "fl'ifi'iftV and cloed -flt 4!4o. Mnv ranged between Rl'Ac and r2'c and closed at Blc. Local receipts were 67 cars, with 35 of contract grade. Oats withstood the weakness of other grains for a time. As the session advanced weakness developed and the close was near the bottom. Julv opened a shade to Vfic higher at 3XMtfW4c, sold between 87c and Sii'c snd closed at 37V4C. Local receipts were 77 cars. Provisions were weak from the start. under the Influence of moderate selling bv commission houses and pit traders The market closen at the low point, wun juiy pork down 17U-0 at $1220 Julv lard was off loc nt 6.fi5 and ribs 7Mrti10o t W'-'i- The leading futures rangvu as loiiows: Artlcli. Open. I High. Low. Close.lYes y. Wheat fill Mav 8241 92V4 92 1 92 9S"i a July KVii h 87-H S7Ti 14 Sx.4 bJuly 8tVi7 87' 8rt' SS1; &7 a Sept. h.i K4 82'tf Ms. 3H'.ii b Sept. 82Vg'S 82 Hi.Hi trVs.W Corn I I May B2H B2H 51 61 B2Mi July B0i',4 SOWS 49V4'iH! 4il' 6" Bept. 4a'il 9V Oat I May 3SH'4 3.S 37 87Mi' 8Vs July 3SSiT' 8H'4 Sl 871383iH Sept. 32S 32'4 81 S24 12 15 , 12 IB 12 00 12 02'4 12 17 July 12 85 12 36 12 20 12 20 i 12 45 I.ard J May 6 65 65 6 47 67 July S 70 S 72 6 83 6 6i S 75 8S 4 35 4 25 6 2o 6 37 July 6 60 4 60 40 6 42 6 5: No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash ouotatlona were as follows: FI3UK Market dull and easy; patents. 34 70; stralKhts, 34 (jrl.ffi; sprlnp patent. 34.634.70; straights, 34.li04.20; bakers, t'2.27 U3 40. WHEAT No. 3 sprlnir. 88g08c; No. 8, 85 Mc; No. 3 red, iVf(07y4e. aiHN-NO. z. bJ'.iB' ino. z yeuow, uath iso. z, ai(aac; ro. wnue, aigi 43c. RTE No. I, 70c. BARIEY Good feeding;, 3135c; fair to choice malting, 441c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. Jl.f'8: no. l nnrtnwest- ern, $1.16; prime timothy, $2.80; clover, con tract axade, 10.7B. PROVISIONS Me pork, per bbl., 312 00 T12.12: lard, per loo lbs.. J lFr'(f1.47: short ribs rides, (loose) IM.12ft6.25; short clear Idea, (boxed) $8.K0?r6.75. Tho following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla..... tt.&oo l,2i0 Wheat, bu 17.000 lH.Cfl Corn, bu 111.100 - H.m Oats, bu 132.0"0 1S0 7'0 Kye, du 4,it zstrj Barley bu 42.BOO 4.800 un tne froauce exenange toaay tne nut ter market was steady; creamery, 14323c; dairy, 12fT21c. steady at mark, cases Included, 16iS16c. Cheese, weak, (i10c. OMAHA WUOLE8AI.S MAHKET. Condition ot Trad and Quotations on taplo and Fancy Produce. EflGB Recelots. liberal: market ateadv: fresh slack, loc. LIVE POULTRY Hens, lie; young roosteis. SslOc; old roosters. 6c: turkeys. ISA 14c; ducks, Sc; geese, ho. I oL 1 1 i racking siock, jzc; cnoics to fancy dairy rolls, loHfliic; separator, 2ia. FRESH FISH Trout. DSflOc: nlckerel. fH4 Cc; pike. c; perch 9Hc: bluePsh. lr.c; whlteflsh. 7t10c; .almon, 11c; haddocK, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnspper. 11c:, bol ed. Ker id., 40c; smoked wnitensh. 11c; buii eada, 11c; catfish. 13ffl4c: black bns, :0o: halibut, inc; crspples. 12e: herring. 4c; white bass. 13c: bluefins. fc: smelts. lOfille: finnan hsddles, smoked, 80. nisi i-jks jew rorg counts, per can, 43c; per al., $2.00; extra select, per cn, 35c; pe" gal . H.7",. standard, per can, 27c; per gul.. $1 83(rf1 40. imAN-m ton. soo. HAT Prices quoteC by Omaha W'lo'eiale Pealers association: Choice No. t upland. t 50: No. 2. $.no- medium. S'.S"; conce. $5 00: rve atraw, IS. 00. These nrlcc-a sre for hay of gocd color and quality, remand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, all sixes, $2.50 02.26; fancy navels, all alsea, $2.76. LEMONS California, fancy. 3 to 360, 33 00; choice. 210 to 270 sizes, ROoTa 3.20. FIGS California, per 10-lu. cartons. 6Cc; Imported Smyria, 3-crown, 12c; 6-crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per medium sised bunch. I3.0U4S2..V): Jumbes. 32.7M13.25. DATES Peni.nn, per box of 30 pkgs., $?; Ser lb. In 80-lb boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffs 1 ales, per box. $2 40. COCOA NUTS-Per sack. 34.00; per do., 60c. FRT1TS. fTNEAPPLES Per crate, $5.00: per dos., $2.50. APPLES Oreaon ancv reds, per box. $1.80; New Tork export Greenings, Russets and Baldwins. $4 00. STRAW PERRIES Texas, per ?4-qt. case. $3.26; Louisiana, per 24-pt. case, $2.00. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Colorado, $1.26; Dakota, per bu.. $1.10. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 32.26S233. CELERY Large California, ouc. ifc, and 30c. ONIONS Spanish, per erate. $1.90; Colo rado red, per lb.. 4c CAltnAGE-Callftrnla. per lb.. 4c. Tl'RNIPSWUIte, per bu.. 80c; rutabagas, per lb.. lc. CARROTS Per bu., $1 00. PARSNIPS-Per bu.. 00c. BF.KTS-P.T bu,. V&c. Cl.Cl MHFHS-Per doa . $1 S0!Si.7S. TOMATOES Florida, per tV-baaaet crate, fancy, $2.60; choice, $2 00. RATMRHES-Per dos. bunches. KfiSOc. LETTl'CE H EAD8 Per di.s. bunches. 0c C$101, top lettucj. per dos.. 4Sgp. 1 i KNifS-Houtliern, per noi.. 46e. PFETS Southern, per dox.. 4fu.. CARROTS-Southern, per dos.. TBc. PARSLEY - Pont hern, per doi.. JOtfWe ONION 8ETS-Pr bu r.f 32 lb3.. yellow. 32.rO: white. $2 00. PPINATH-Per bu , tl 00Y1 25. BEANS Wax. per bu. box. $3.00; string, per bu. box, $J"0. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12c : Wisconatn Young Amer caa, lSc; Lljt k Swiss, 10c; Wisconsin brica, lc, Wisconsin llmberger, 13c. CU'ER Per bbl., $5.M; per bbl., $3.2:1. HON ET Nebraska, per 24 fram.'e. $.WJ; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $'J.uu. MAP1.B Bl'UAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. HIDES No. t green, Sc; No. i green, 5c; No. 1 falted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No 1 veal calf. I to 12 lbs., 81; No. 2 val calf, 12 10 10 ids., c?c; ary eauea miles. u,;c; sheep pelts. i-Ui.Tc; horseludes, $l.5oi2.DO. HORSERADISH Per cake of 2 dozen, packed, fOo. NI TS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., lie; hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. toft thell, per. lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 11c; mall. per Jb , loc; peanuts, per lb., tc; ruasied peanuts per lb., be; Chill walnuts, 12H3; Itrge lilckory nuts, per bu , $1.50; Brail . per lb., lie: Alberts, oer lb.. 11c: almunda. ofi shell, par lb., 16c; hard shell, lie; shell barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu.. 31.25. Balath Grata Market. DULUTH.' April 16 WHEAT Tn store. No. 1 hard. 9Sc: No. 1 nor' hem, 32c; No 3 northern. 8!Sc; to ariivs. No. 1 hard, He; No. 1 nortbern. 2c; No. 3 northern Wtgc; May. Me; July. Kc; Sept-mber. 2c OATH On track Slid to arrive, $c U3 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Tra ling Wittcnt Interest and th Market Ba'.ber Slngji b. LEGISLATION AFftCTS GAS SECURITIES Bank Statement Shoni Imaller lyoaa Eipnnnlnn and the Cash Increase Enhances Surplus of Reserves. NEW TORK, April 14. There waa only a sluggish drift In today's stock market and tn trading was without Interest. The day ended vsHli prices generally a fraction lower, after having been at one time higher. The only considerable movements were In specialties on Individual causes. The local gas stocks were aected by the surmises regarding the fste of legislation front which they would benefit. The weakness of the Virginia Carolina chemical atocks was caused by a proposition to Issue pre ferred stock for repayment of a large float ing debt The bank statement showed a smaller loan expansion than expected, so that the cash Increase went further to en hance the surplus of reserves, but the mar ket sold oft after the publication of the bank statement and closed easy at the lowest. The Kansas state report on wheat eon dltlona weakened th wheat market by In dicating a more favorable condition than that reported by the government. A pub lished report of a determination to stop improvement work" on tne rennsyivania system attracted attention, as did a state ment that steel orders booked by the United States Steel corporation for 19i4 amounted to but l.OOO.dOO tons. The bond market was relatively firmer than stocks, but was dull. Total bond sales, par value, 3975,000. The Impression conveyed by the action of the week's stock market has been one of depression, but the Irregular movement of prices carried the level of the market but a small distance from last week's closing level, either above or below, and the volume of dealings has been much con tracted from that recently prevailing. The general public has obtained no satisfactory clue to the recent enormous accumulation of Union Pacific, and Insiders profess to be equally In the dark, as nsserted by J. 11. Schlff In a published interview In Ger many. Public utterances by President 11111 of the Great Northern have confirmed the belief that the Union Pacific has entered upon a determined contest for the control of the Northern Pacific and of the Bur lington. The prospect has chilled specu lative enthusiasm. Another cause of dis appointment was the further Issued dur ing the week of short-time notes by rail roads and th American Telephone com pany at high Interest rates. The hope has been aroused that the market waa Improv ing for railroad bonds and the sale of $15,000,000 bond Issue by the Burlington helped to Inspire this hope. The outflow or gold to r-aris nas ueeu more than offset so far by the inflow of Japanese gold to San Francisco. The move ment to Ei 1 rone Is expected to extend a good deal further. The present heavy contraction In the valuo of cotton and grain exports and the future requirements tor the Panama canal payments-are to be considered In the out come. Foreign money markets are easy, but suggestions are revived of a coming Russian loan und the existence of a war begets a 'spirit of caution In the money market aiuoau. crop prospecis unia i 1 1 ... n ..a o,..i iv,- I. il, m r th winter wlieat crop is not regarued as satis factory. A clieeilng eftect Is caused by the Increassed vroducilon of Iron, while the stocks on liana' continue to decline, but the failure of t inted Btutes Steel to respond modifies these ellecu. Neither has Amal gamated Copper reflected the improvement leported In the market for copper. Rail roads report tra (lie running at a lower average than last year, but traffic officials spoak hopetully of the future prospect. The settlement of grain rates east and west removes a cause of uneasiness for the Integrity of earnings. Extraordinary de mand lor anthracite Is reported on account of the spring reduction. Activity In specu lative bonds has di iased and prices have moved irregularly i.. sympathy with stocks, lulled Biaies is have advanced and the now 4s per cent on can auring ine The ouutultons on tne New lorK Block exchange vealurday were as follows: Sales.HUn.Luw. Close. Atchison do preferred , Baltimore ot Ohio...., do preferred Canadian Paclflo .... Central of N. J Ches. Hl. Ohio Chicago Alton .... do prelerred Chicago O. W Chicago ot N. W C. M. &. St. P do preferred Cm. 'ierm. ot Trans. do preferred C, C, C. & St. L.... Colorado 8ou:hern... do lat preferred.... do 2d preferred.... Del. A Hudson Del., Lack, ot V..... Denver dc R- G do preferred Erie do 1st preferred 2,M'0 7J 1 Jit loo 1,300 7 H tioo L'b';i iib lib Vjo lust 2 '7S 100 167s U ltr loo 171 lil lu 2,200 140 144 144 110 10 7a 17 64 23 153 2ta 2t 70 26 bos 4U 6j 100 21 a 5.700 1,000 4u0 27 6t 42 2t'4 06 '4 42 dJ 2d preferred, Hocking Valley do preferred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred Louisville Ac Nush.... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ky Minn, dt St. L M . St. P. or 8. S. M.. fcO 130 130-14 13 't 100 18 35 U 85 400 10& l' luv-a U0 142V4 142 142 7 4o0 114W llirti 113 4T 2o0 62 61 62 do preferred Mlasouii Pacific Mo., Kan. & Tex do preferred N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. New York Central.... Norfolk 01 Western.. do preferred Ontario & Western... Pennsylvania P.. C. C. oi St. L Reading do 1st preferred 117 3 17 3S 3 116s, dH M 500 'iuo 83 'as '3i 2J 117 117 100 6S 53 21 C.5u0 lis 117 17 61 400 45 46 441 do 2d preferred. Rock Island Co... 500 1,3J0 23-4 61 47 'S5'i ' 49i 21 '2414 20 38 80 'ifi 39 65 23 61 47 'si'" 49 21 'its 26 38 85 38'1 On 23 03 4 14 Si 49 21 84 T do preferred St. L. S. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis S. W 100 100 do preferred .... Southern Pacific . 400 2.100 2141 '406 Southern Railway.... do preferred Texas & Pacific Toledo, St. L. & V... 14 '4 254 H7 85 r2H n 8i-. 17 18 4t 221 133 107 103 4'.' 19 71 29 88 7 rr r8 n 81 47 2 127 72 46 100 2"0 uo preferred Union Pacific do pnferitd Wabash do preferred Wheellnir & I. 0,001 '2110 4,40 K... Wisconsin Central. 2C0 18 18 do preferred Adams Express , American Express... V. 8. Express Wells-Fari?o Exp.... Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foun do preferred Am. Cotton OH do preferred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed Oil do preferred Am. Locomotive .... do preferred Am. Smelt, u Refill. do preferred Am. SuK;tr Refln 3 60 2'4) PP0 luO '. ioo 49 19 72 2S4A 49 19 72 "29 2V 1O0 MO 4s 91 127 46V 4S S3 127 46 Anaconda Mln. Co Brooklvn Rapid T.... 2, Colo. Fuel Ai iron.... 100 Consolidated Gas 18,301 Corn Products do preferred 32 32 26 ; j 13 70 164 11 DiHtlllers' Securities. General Electric .... International Paper. do preferred International Pump. do preferred National Iead North American Paclflo Mall People's (las Pressed Steel Car... do preferred Pullman Pal. Car.... Republic Steel do preferred Rnbber Goods do oreferred 200 1C4 164 66 1.000 IS IT 29 "7 'l5 76 89 7 7 f, 54 '67 11V, 6-v, 17 83 26 961. 21 v 7 '6 15 76 3S V 7 70 6 54N, irj 1 6fXj r 88 100 100 29; 200 L100 ino 10a 3 40 A 'i lrtl 4 Sort , i.m 16 76 S"S 7 fm 6 MS US 6 1 Tinn. '"oh I A Iron... U. S. leather , do pr-ferred V. B. R-iltv do preferred U. S. Rubber do preferred V 8. Swl do preferred Ves'tnli"Ue Elec. Western Union Total sales for the day, M.500 shares. - ' Clearing; House Averages. NEW TORK. April 16.-The statement of averages cf the clearing house banks of this rily for the week shows. I -cans. $1, 1X3 2.'-4 1 ai; Increase, f4.721.Vai. Deposits, $1.- t'T.M'i 4'; Increase. Ill 6,,.)0. Circulation, $.'Y14.&"i; decrease. Igal tenders, IT.'.h.'S.'luO: Increase. $1 645.000. Specie, !28.. 7i,wu; Increase, S5,644,aA Reserve, fjul,- 5R.jon: Increase. 37.2SJ sin Rrsrn-e renulred. l-74.r.; Increase, 12.9)1, 4'. Surplus. 327. !M.: Increase. I.3S8.). Ex-t nlted States deiKslts, 4L3ii2.5l..; Increase, 34.4u6,77&. Hew Tork Meaey Market. NEW YORK. April 16 MONEY On call, nominal: no loans: time money, easv; sixty and ninety days, 2Mi3 per cent; six months. 3V rcr rent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 44 per cent. 8TERL1NO EXCHANGE Steady, with otual business In bankers' bills st 34 87.150 4 S740 for demand and st $4.i504 tain for sixtv-day bills; posted rstes. 4.8S'S4.3Si commercial bills. 4.M'?4 M. SILVER Par. fJSo; Mexican dollars. 43e. PONDS Government, steady; railroad. Arm. Bnatoa Stock Quotations. POPTON, April 14 Call loans, 2 per cent; time loans. 3N per cent. Official closing or stocas nno mmos Atrhlsoa adj. 4 an 4s M Vm. Ontrtl 4 M4 Atrtalsos do f " flortos AlbtnT tl Wanting coremoa Adrrnturs Allouaa Amalgamated AntPrtran Sine . .. SO !'. 44 .. 44 .. ir4 .. .. W. . 4(4 Atlantla Boktoa Mains.... nnatnn Blsvat4 ... Fltehbnrg pfd Me Central .UfH 1 Bingham .14 1-al. Haela. .141 Ontanntal .. 1 74 Copper Rang .. . . 13 .. 81 4 .. 4 N. T.. N. H. H..1S l)al wat Tars Marquette T Dominion Coal Union psoiflo , Amer. Arse. Oheaa. do pfd Amer. Pnsu. Tub. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T T Ajner. Woolan do rfd , Franklin . Jl Grancr , 71 lale Rorala . i Mam. Mining .. .1714 Mtrhlsan .1W4 Mohawk Wont. C. C , 10H Old Dominion .. . 7R Osreola, .. 7 .. I '.! 41 .. u rtomlnlon 1. at a a V pt trot Edlann Elertrlo Illu. tM'e Qnlnry .. Oenersl Blartrlo ..13V Shannon .. 20 iTamtrack .... .. 744i Trtnlty .. 414 V. 8. Mining. ..100 jr. e. on .. 4 t'tah .. t'4 Victoria .. lt'4 Wtnonft . . 404, .WolTsrlne .... .. Mnaa- Elactrlo .... do pfd Maaa. Ona Vnlted Krult t'nltad shoe Mach.. do pfd f. 8. Btasl do pfd Bid. Asked. .. ten .. .. 4 .. 71 The cloalns; quotations cn bonds are SJ r S. re'f. ta. m 105VIL. W. nnl. 4s H4 do roupon losviManhattan c g. 4l....b'', do la, reg do co'ipon do naw 4, do coupon ..ins Mei. Central 4a .107 dn lat Inc 13 reg. ..ISSVMInn. A St. L. 4a.... S4 ..13:iwm.. K. T. 4a 4 do old 4a. rag.. dn roupon Atchlaon gan. 4a. do ndj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a. B. & O. 4a dn Ha in7il do am 7a ..1074 N. R R. of M e. 4a. 7J4 .. ai M. T. C. C. IHS M1 .. 1 IN. J C. g. 6a .. 34 No. PaclOc 4a 1034 1IWMA' Ar, 9a 7SH '.. 94V 74 . A W c. 4a 474 Central of On. 6a ..lira n a I.. 4a A par ... 5 do lat Inc. .... 704 Pnn ronT INa. 7 Chra. A Ohio 4'a. . .10:4 Reading gen. 4a .... 74 Chicago & A. la... 744 St. b. AI M Fa .111 c. B. & Q 4a. 4 iSt A 6 r fg. 4a. S C. M. A S P. C. o N. W. c. g 4a..lo St. U s w. la ... ia 7a....lVS ueanoarn A. i ... e4 C. R. I. A P. 4a. do col. t9 t.C.C. ft 8 L. g. 4a Chlcaso Tr. 4a Con. Tobacco 4a.... Colo. & So. 4a P. A R. O. 4a Erta prior lien 4a.. do gan. 4a F. w. n. C. la.. Hocking Val. 44a.. 714 So. Paclflo 4a. ... ... M- 8o. Railway 6a.. Teiaa A P. 1 T.. St. L. A W ...Ui4 ...1174 .10U . Hl . lit 4a. 444 ifnlon Paclfln 4a. ...104 . M4! do conv. 4a M4 5,i!r 8. Sicel td 6a... , 784 1174 Wabaah la . It4 lM .104 do nb B W. A L. E. 4a... Wta. Central 4a.... . 424 . aa Colo. F. A I. 6t. 714 Offered. London Stock Market. LONDON. April 1 Closing: Cotaola, moner IS) I. I. I antral. 44 Norfolk A W.. Us I do pfd 7J4 1 Ontario AW... WVPannarlvanla ...1M do account Anaconda Atchiaon ... do sfd . . ... 64 ... 0 ... IZ4 ... H ii ... 104 ... W1 ... 40t ... 134 ... ) Baltimore A Ohio. Rand Mlnas ... ...hit ... 134 ... 17V, . ..144 ... 14 ...42 ... 7!4 ... 2 ... 474 ... 454 ...lit ...1114 ... 174 Reading do lat pfd.... do Id pfd.... So Railway .... Z"Z i niTi Chca. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W.. C . M A 8t. P. PrBcera Dcnrer A R. O do pfd Erie do 1ft pfd ... do pfd So. Pacific Union Paclflo ... du prd f. 8. Steel do pfd Wabaah do pfd ...Hi ... H ... H ... m ... 114 ... 4 do Id pfd... TUI-'nla Cntral . Louis. A Nath.. ... .IV, ...411 M . K. st T SILVER Bar, steady, 24d per ounce, iirtNv irn-t ner cenr. Th. w,ta nf illarriiint 1n the OOCn market for short bills Is 2 7-HV52 rer cent; for threa montha- bins, z8- Pr com, New York Mtnlnnr Stocks. NEW TORK, April 16 The following are the closing prices on mining biuvub. Adama Coo Little Chief Alice Braace Ilrunawlck .....I... t.'omilork Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.., .. 10 .. 11 .. 4 .. ..1U ..124 ..1M .. I Ontario , Optalr , Phoenix Poioal Savasa SUrra Nseada rxmtl Holies ,. Standard ...424 ...474 ... 10 ... il ...44 ... 40 ... 14 ...140 Horn sneer Iron Bllrar LaadTllls Coo .... Bank Clearings for the Weak. OMAHA, April 16. Comparative atata- Lenl of bank cleartnga for the week: 14. 13 Monday ... Tuesday ., Wednesday Thursday , Friday .... ...$1,232.833 00 ... 1,189,716 07 ... 1,212. 266.W ... 1,45.6(8.73 ... 1.278.651.11 $1,37.911.50 1.39S,K.i) 1.5SS.042.7! 1.571,834.61 1.447.240.34 Saturday .. 1,260.13? 56 l,367,Sb4.!MJ A decrease of 31.061,497.30 from the corre sponding ween last year. Mow York Imports and Exports, NEW YORK, April 16. Total Imports o eral merchandise at ttal port for the week ending today were val ued at 311,281.2: . , , r-,,r,n nt sDecle from New Tork fo! h. iL-anlr were 1547.097 sliver and $1,571,821 Tmnnrts of soecle at New Tork dur fng the week were $24,431 gold and UOiO silver. Wool Market BOSTON. April 16 WOOL Business Is quiet In pulled ana territory wooiw. rorrisn wools are siesoy. uraumg, fluuuuu trtno 14U4I15;: heavy fine. 13ffl3c fine medium. lbitilbc: medium. l17c; low medium. 17flc. Wyoming-Fine, Hffl6c heavy fine. W(813c; fine medium, 16S16o and Nevada Fine, 14pl5c: heavy fine, 12Q 13c; fine medium. lolfic: medium, IK'; 19c: low medium, l'f?20o. Dakota Fine, m maillllrn IWn ir: IIIW IIIFUIIIIII. inu IW. lu teal fln medium. KMiltiUc: medium. 18U19C itJ milium iKi !Oc. Montana Fine choice, 184i'19c; fine average. 17a,i8c: line medium choice, lH'uiac; averaare. imunc; aiaiiio, wj toe: medium choice. 18tl9c. BT. LOUIS. April 16.-WOOL Steady ; medium grades, combing and clothing, 12W &: liuhl fine. 14f.l7c; heavy fine, 123 8V4 14c; tub washed, 20-5310. I . . . .! HSStSI 4.11JT ursm ana r KANSAS CITT. April 16. WHEAT May, 324c; Julv, 7t'.e; fleptemher, 72W,c; cash, No. 2 hard. 04fSlc: No. 3, 86i87e; No. 2 red. $10?ifJl.03; No. 3. Wc"r$l; receipts. 54 cars. CORN May, 464i4c; July, 444c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 4744a4c: No. 8, 47c; No. 2 white. 48c; No. 3, 474?e. OATS No. 2 wnlte. 43r: No. 1 mixed. 43c. HAT Firm; cholca timothy, $a.0oiiT9.6O; choice prairie, $S. p Y FJ c?,c BUTTER Steady: creamerr. 20dJ'Jc; dalrv 17c. EGGS 8teady; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 144c; new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 164c. Receipts. Shloments. Wrieat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu 43.2(0 41,600 16.800 4.,?O0 12.000 1.000 Snsrar and Molaasea. NTCTW TORK, April 16. St 'OAR Raw, r,nn,i,,J. fnlr peflninu. 3 1-I0'i3-: centrif ugal 96 test. 8 9-16c; molasses suirar, 8 13-16 e'tc. Refined, quiet; no. . a.juc: imo. i. . n 1 IE.. XT., in 1 , No 11, 4.05c: No. 12, 4c; No. 13. 3 96c; No. 14. S.flOc; confectioners' A. 4.55c: mould A, 5 50c; cut loaf, 5 40c; crushed, 5.40c; powdered, 4.80c: arsnulated. 4.70C; cubes, 4.86c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans open b.t.l. irx.tH tn choice. 31fi.'7c. viru' nRI.KANs. Anrll 16.T-SUOAR Steady; open kettle. 2-iS3 8-lfic; open ket tle centrifugal. JfJsc; ceiiiruuKni wniies, e.iy .. vellows. Sv.c: seconds. 2Hw3Sc. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 25c: centrifugal, lOlic; syrup, nominal, 20 41 25c. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. April 16 COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at an .,1, nf 5Ti'l0 points. Sales were re- 8 ported of 30.760 bass, including May at 6.00 75 i6.06e; July. 6.8w; August. 6.46c; Septem- ber 6 55io6.60c; October, 60c; Oecemner, a srf.- March. 7.15c. Spot. Rio. steady; No 7' invoice, 7c. Mild, steady: Cardova, 10 13c. Dry (.ooila Market. NEW TORK, April 18 DRT GOODS Dull and apathetic, with lit'le Inteien dis nived hv buyers even at reductions in price, which have been the ordr of the dv fur xime time. Ihe curtailment at Fa"ll River and In other centera l argued hv sellers as a bullish influence, but It Is too early to observe any results of this shutting down or mius aa cl Mllwaakre Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. April 16 WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 99c; No. $ northern 87c: old July, UTSBBic. asaeo. RYR4?leurlv: o. 1. iVn iJi-c. BARLET Steady; No. 2, 62c; sample, 40 4l2c. CORN Firmer; No. I. 49r50c; July, 494 C49c, bid. Liverpool Grata anal Provisions. LIVERPOOL. April 16 -WHEAT Spot dull; Mi 1 California, is. r uiures quiet Mav. 6s 6Vd: July. s 6T.d. COvN-Bpot. steady: American mixed new. 4s 3d, American maae, old. 4s 7d. Fu tures, quiet; Msy, 4a 4a; July, nominal. OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Only a Tr.fls Lower Than They Were a Week Aje, HOGS FIVE CENTS LOWER FOR THE WEEK ArtlTe Demaad for sheep All Week Cansed Ewes to Advance a HI me and Wethers and Yearlings rifteea to a Quarter. SOUTH OMAHA, April 16, 1904. Recelnta were: Cattle. Hogs. Eheep. . 4.305 3.242 .M . 1.044 1 3.724 6.164 . 6.3iu 11.8U 4.8 . 3.418 .0i3 4.k.7 1.011 7,8d 3loi . 46 6.31s 1.752 Official Monday ... Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday Official Thursday . Official Friday Official Saturday .. Totals this week 21.129 62.371 81.307 Sams days last week.... 17. 94 7 38.413 30,162 Same days week bef ore. .20,777 67,126 2ii.0si bame three weeks ngo..l8.94H 4o.lj 24,v,( Same four weeks ago.... 23. 447 86.14 4:. Tie) Same days lust year 22,530 43,055 28,328 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The loliowlnc table shows the rece.pis of cattle, nogs and slieep at Souih Oma.,a tor the year to dala wliu comparison with last year; ions likA Inc. Dec. Cattle 2'.aiW 284,46 .lrt9 Hogs iO;,44 6o3,lW4 64.362 ..... bheep 630,382 414,433 Uo,0 A,rug prices paiu tor nogs at souio Omaha lor tue last sever aa Cays wlib com parisons: ' Data I 19O4.190.lO.l91.lO0.18SnJ.139. Mr. .. U 7 21 36 I 37 4 39 I 8 61 4wgmi. (il.. I I I yb! 40 1 D 4WI 1 ftl f 'l Lar. lis. . 1 & it 1 7 ini4 a hsti h wit b udi 1 3 pi Mar. 2-..I k 1 1 a kai & h&i ft ltii a 601 3 fti . (VV. . I D lil I a VV I D Kf .Lei HI v Mar. April April U..I 4 98 7 2o6 66 8 108b9iWt L.I 6 v 7 V 6 tv 6 97i I M i 14 I 7 11 M UU u " . i Aorll 1 ? JM 6 M b R kloi 3 661 I.T.! 1 vi. a .i. a imi 6 ioi 3 til I i2 April April 6...f b !,, I 6 63i 6 laii 6 8ui 8 t 3 April 6...I u utiv.1 7 24, e I o 0 Mi im 3 iil ki i... a vov I o 'i " 7. ;T Aurii 4 !,-. ; y.. , n., 6 111 1 i Ml i il April 9... 1 4 W1l( 7 25 1 6 G01 6 921 6 331 I 8 is Aurll III. 1 7 v. u -.u & x.l i .vm a bl " April Jl.. I 4 Kb I 7 211 6 811, 6 ail B 301 2 Oil 3 71 April 4 6,5, I b 83, 6 08 1 6 33, 3 tki 8 il April 4 kv-ki 7 19 I 6 04 4w 3 ul 8 M jwrii 14.. 4 ht,.i 1 a st;, b 40 a 01 a iv April lo..j 4 ! 7 lb 9o, 0 01 I 8 721 8 67 April 16..! 4 8 I J Oi 8 91, a 93 6 46 3 bl indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of atock brought 111 today uy each road was: Cattle. Hons. SUeep. Haes. C, M. & St. P 15 Wabasn 1 2 .. c mun i'acluc system.. 23 6 .. to M. V to C, bt. P., St. & 0 6 il. dc M 20 .. .. K. C. dt St- J 1 C, U. i. at P., east.. .. 1 .. C, K. 1. dc P., west.. 1 1 .. .. Illinois Central 1 .. Chicago (j. V 2 Total receipts 1 95 7 The uikuubiiiuii of ihe dai t receipts was aa follows, eacn uuyer purtiasli.g the num ber of head indicated. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co m2 bwitt und uoiiipany 1 1,0 Cudahy PaoKlng Co 1,93 .... Armour dt Co 1,477 .... bwilt, St. Joseph 240 Armour, Sioux City 969 .... Other buyers 8 ToUls 21 6,805 240 CaiilE There were no freth arrivals 01 came nere una 11101 mug wiiu which 10 maae a lest of me inaraci. f or ti,e week, tnougii, mere has Men a tun, aa fcupp..ea snow a gum over mat wta aiuuunung 10 abuui u.voo heuo, auu as com pared wild the same weea of mst year, n,eie la an increase of about l.uuu head. Considering tne liberal run Hie market had been in very satisiaciory coiiuiuou. iscet aleuis nave iimue up mo big end ot the receipts all tne week and in lact 011 some uujs there waa Utile else than steurd on sate. Tha demand, though, iroin boih packers and shippers was aoout euual to me occasion,' as is snown by the tuci thai trading waa quit active on most days and practically everything offered here was aold, and that prices did not suffer a loss of more than I0114.I00. vith the Sirungih on Friday the general market ia not inure than a alma lower, only aomelhinc common and undesirable bemg more than that, choice handy weight cattle are very iltila lower for the week. The good to cholca cattle are quotable frcm 4.o .to $b.0o, with strictly prima from $0.00 to $6.25. Fair to good cattle sell from $4.00 to $4.60 and tha common to fair from $3.50 to $3.90. The cow market haa not been heavily supplied this week, and In fact on aome days there were not euougr to till packers requirements. Buyers, though, made use of the heavy receipts of aleera to pound the market on cows about the same amount as on steers. At the close of the week he market showa a losa of about a dime, aome heavy and undesirable arades belt. a aa much aa 15c lower, with choice light weight cows and nelfers scarcely sny lower man a week ago. Onod to choice grades are Quotable from $3.40 to $4.00. with strictly cholca from $4.00 to $4.26. Fair to good sell irom sz.uu 10 ts.a, ana canners anq cuitera from $2.00 to $2.50. The market on bulla IS fully steady for the week. Strictly choice grades sell from $3.25 to $3.76. but the bulk of the fair bo good ones from $2.76 to $3 26, with common stuff from $2 75 down. Veal calvea are ateady. choice grades selling up to $5.76, The demand for stockers and feeders was not very rushing last week and as a result prices eased off a little. Choice stockers are now selling to the greatest advantage and are right close to steady for the week. Heavy feeders, however, and tho commoner grades of atockers have been rather neg lected and are about lOfflSc lower for the week. Good to choice grades are quotable from $3.75 to $4.26, fair to good from $3.50 to $3.75. and the commoner grades from $3.60 down. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, No At. Pr. No. A. Pr. III 1 1040 I 90 COWS. TM 1 M 3 1400 1 ta 3 a7 1 40 COWS AND HEIFERS M 4 45 BULLS. 1 10C4 3 M 1 1416 3 13 1 Mo III HOGS Thtre was a fair run of hoas hers this morning for a Saturday, and with a liberal demand the market waa brisk with prices a little stronger than yesterday. At tne opening 01 tne marsei, tnougn, packers were bidding a little lower and a few loads were aold that way. After the first round, though, the market stiffened and became more active, the close be Ins a shade stronger than yesterday's prices. Every thing was sold at an early Hour, tne mar ket being the most active of any that has been experienced In aome time past. The long string want at $4 90. with the bulk of all the aalea from $4.87 to $4.92. The prime loads went rrom 14.92 to 40.1H), and the common stuff from $4 85 down. Packers are discriminating against the extreme lleht welahts to quite an extent and that class tells considerably below the bulk of the good weight hogs. A load weighing 163 pounds aold at $4.70. For the week receipts have been very liberal, aa la ahown by the fact that there Is an Increase over last week amounting to about 14,000 head, and. aa compared with the corresponding ween or last year the gain amounts to about 9,000 head. There was a slight advance in prices on Mon day, but on Tuesday and Wednesday the tendency was downwaru. tne loss lor tne week amounting to nearly 15c. Since Wednesday, though the movement hss been unward. so that cloning prices are only about 6c lower than tha close of last week. Representative sales: No. 4?, 111. rr. No. 8... 45... I... 14... 42... II... II... CO... 11... 11... 44... 41 .. 41... 11... t... 40... 44... 41... 11... 44... tl... IS... 44.. a. . ki... 11... II... II... 51... 1... 44... I... 14... 4!'.. 7.. 12.. o . C II.. Il. . n . At. Sb. Pr. ...141 SO 4 40 . . . 124 ... 4 " ....111 SO 4 10 ,...1J0 ... 4 40 ....137 40 4 to ....121 IN IH ....241 ... IM . ..VI 40 4 40 ... i J, 1ID 4 40 ,.. IM ... IN ....144 120 4 V0 ... til W I M ... Vt M 4 40 10... ....lil 160 4 10 ...III 140 4 44 ....144 ... 4 UK . ..Ill ... 4 le iM 4 46 ....111 40 4 15 ....10) ... 4 W ....V IM 4 IS .. M M i ....IM 140 4 IS 2"4 M I a ....117 40 4 u ...111 40 4 44 ....111 14i 4 IT4 ... !!) 110 4 II k ir 101.. to... Tl... Si... 100.. w... ... 12... 71... 71... It... til .. 14. . a .. 11... ... gf... 1... 41... 40... 6t... 1... 10... 1.. .. M... SC.. b.. a... 7.. Tl.. 40. . Tl.. 1.. 44.. a.. Tl. T7. . 4'.. .141 ..lei ,.264 40 4 SO W IN 4 40 1 1 120 4 ..lot ..14.1 ..241 ..111 .211 ..121 ..2W .241 . .HI .271 ..24 . .270 ..1 ..21 I 0 4 0 4 t-l .4) 4 rv ..111 4 17 ... 4 tr 40 4 M 40 4 o ... 4 40 0 4 0 M 4S III I H IM 4 XI 40 4 0 40 4 40 4 2 ..111 110 4 l-K. ..244 n 4 17 ..230 HI) 4 11'i ..111 44 4 7Va ..1.1 340 4 .121 ... I n't ,.lul 44 4 I7U .. 140 4 ..201 14 4 IT ..liv 40 4 ri'a i tin ..ii ito 4 ti 4 B-i, 4 I2S4 4 ." . ,2n .za no t w 141 160 4 i4j 4 M .2,9 1,4 .20 4 12 i 4 : 4 5 4 M 4 4 46 4 H t tiO ..141 ...141 ... 4 o 10 4 M ... 4 0 M l 10 4 40 ... 4 40 H IM ...III ...Ill ...140 .. 144 .214 .Ml 264 ,.: ..lit 14. .144 4 tO SHEEP There were a few cars of lambs reported thia morning, but not enough to make a market. ror tha week receipts are about the same as for last week, with a slight Increase over the ssme weeR or last year. The demand has been In good healthy condition, with the tendency of prices upward. Wethers and yearlings nave advanced about ISiitTv while ewes have nut gained more than a dime at the outside. As mentioned yesterday, how ever, ewes have been selling higher than any other class of mutton, so that It Is only natural to suppose that they will not advance as rapld'y as other grades. ins lanMi market wss also in very satis factory condition all the week and prices advanced even more thsn on wethers and yearlings. The gain can safely be put st a quarter, while nnny salesmen are calling the market 26gx50 higher for the week. Quotations for cornfed stock: OckmI to chclce lambs. $5 .TS'yS 2o; fnlr to good lamb. $f 50Tf5.76; good to choice yearlings. $5.25 -f 6 65; fair to good yearlings. $j.v,if .25; good to choice wethers. $51ii.V50; fair to good wethers, 34.snilte.15; good to choice ewes, $4 90715.15; fair to Rood ewes. $1 1W11 1 W. Clipped stock sells 3Mj75c less than wooled stock. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET, Prices (or Cattle Nominal, Hogs Weak nd Kheesi Steady. CHICAGO. April 16. CATTLE Receipts 4 head; market nominal; good to prime, $6 10&5 6o; poor to medium, 3.76tfi00; stock rs and feeders, $2.7r,4H.25; cows, $1 5cu4.2.i; heifers, $2.004H.75; csnners. $1.50y2 .40; bulK $2.0e4.10; calves, $2.0cu4.W; Texas fed steers, $4.0ip4.6i. HO IS Receipts 11.000 head; s-tlmated Monday, 30.000 head; left over, i.473 head; market slow to weak; mixed and butchers, $5.Hi;y5.iV; good to choice heavy, 3o.2Mr5.35; rougii heavy, $5.10(16.20; light, $4.Mi6.20; bulk of sales, . SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts S.000 head; market steady; lambs, steady; good to choice wethers. $l.75'a.65: fair to choice mixed. $3.5cr4.ti0: western sheep, $4 9tV(l5.30; native liunbs. M.Wir-5 75; western lamb, clipped, $4.6o(u5.75; western lambs, wooled, $6.?dV.40, Kaasaa City live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. April 16 CATTLE Re ceipts 100 head; market unchanged; ex port and dressed beef steers, $4.6o5.2&; fair to good. 33.7fvfT4.S0; western fed steers, $3.6054.65; Blockers and feeders, 83.2SKii4.6o; southern steers, $3.75t)4.3o; southern cows, $2.75it3.2s; native cows, 2 (s-'y 41. 15 ; native belters, $3.5"4.50; bulls, $24'3m; calves, $2.75416.75. Receipts for the week, 30,100 head. HOGS Receipts 1,700 head; market slow to 5o lower; top, $5.07; bulk of sales, 34.00uu.Ui; heavy, 4.96u6.o7: packers, $4 J tift.w; pigs and lights. $4 2wtf4.9o. Receipts for the week, 42,9"0 head. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts none; market nominally steady; native lambs, $5.6i.iilfl.l.ri; western lambs, $5.5i(i25; fed ewes, 4.754iV26; yearlings, $5 iioifi.iio; stock era and feeders, $3.50tt4.uV. Receipts fur thd week, 19,2oJ head. St. Ixtnts Live Stork Market. BT iniTta Inril 1 O A TTI.E Recelnts 200 head; no Ttxans; market steady; native snipping and export steers, W4i"rvii dressed Deer ana rutcner steers. h.ot.w steers under ),0i0 lbs., 34.0ttfi5.20; stockers and feeders. 33. 5064.60: cows and hellers. $2 25:54.50; canners. $2.10i2.50; bulls, $3.00m 4.75: calves. 34.2.'iilu.75: Texas and Indian steers, $3.7564.76; cows and heifers, $2.7.. 8.75. HOGS Receipts 1.500 head; market 5c hlirher: nles and llirhts. 84.5(KfI5.O0: pack ers, 35.104i5.20; butchers and best heavy, $5.1.4(:. 35. 8HEEP AND LA MRS Receipts 700 head market steady; native muttons, 34.75ftifi.7u; lambs. $o.2.',i6.ii6; culls and bucks, $4.00ij4.75; stockers, ,2.uOGj3.bO. NeiT York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. April 16. CATTLE Beeves, receipts, none. Lressed bef siendy nt CTf Sc fur native sides. Cabs steady. Ex ports today, 706 cattle and 6,500 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, none. Feeling nomi nally steady; city dressed veuls, steady at 641O0 per lb. HOC.d Receipts, 1,702 head. Feeling? was steady. SHEEP AND I,AMBS Receipts, 00! head; no sheep on the market. Ijimbs. Vfp c higher; fair to choice unshorn lambs sold at $6.757.25; fnlr clipped latrftis at $6.00: dressed mutton, 6tj9c; dressed lambs at uft'auc. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, April 16 CATTLE Re ceipts 102 head: market rteadv: natives $3.7O5.10; cows and heifers, $2.75igi4.25; stockers, 10c lower. HOOS Receipts 4,000 head; market steady to 2c higher. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts 26 head; market 100 nigner. Stonx City l ire Stock Market. HOUX CITT, la., April 16.-8peclal Tele tiat"-t r t? ...... 1 ., - 1 s.i V-,,,4. Mu llet steady; beeves, itf.5iiiU4.60; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.3OH.C0; atockers and feed ers, $3.30424.00; calves and yearlings, $2.75U 8.70. HOQS Receipts. 2,000 head; market Strong, $4.7uoi.00; bulk, $4.85&4.90. Stock In Sight. Following are the receipts of Jive stock for the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 46 6,918 1,752 Chicngo 400 11,1100 2,000 Kansas City VK 1,700 St. Louis 2O0 1,600 701 St. Joseph 1"2 4,000 25 Sioux City 150 2,000 .... Totals 908 27,118 447T Oils and nosln. OIL CITT, April 16. OILS-Credlt bal ances, $1.66; certiticates, no bid. Shipments, 89,1M bbls., average 67,132 bbls.; runs. H8.671 bbls., average 62,19 bbls. Shipments Urn a, bs.lM bbls., average 63,170 bbls.; runs Lima, 6t,197 bbls., average 61,342 bbls. SAVANNAH, April 16 OIL Turpentine, firm, 64c. KOSIN Firm; A. B. C, V, $2.35; K, $2.40; F. $2.4o; Q $2.00; H. $2.60; 1, $2.80; K, $3.15; M, $3 20; N, $3 45; W'. U., $3.60; W. W $3.k6. NEW YORK, April 16. -OIL8 Cotton seed, easy; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 32c. Turpentine, steady, 5sc. Pe troleum, easy; refined, New York, $8.40; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $3.35; refined, in bulk, $8.45. RosiN steady; strained, common to food, $2.6yu2.!s6. Metal Market NEW TORK, April 18.-METALS-A fair amount of business was placed In the vari ous metals tuduy and the undertone In ull cases ruled steady. Copper, quiet; lake. $13.2513.62; electrolytic, $13.1213.2.'. casting, $i2.87r(il3.12. Tin, quiet and steady; spot, .i.7(28.00. Spelter, spot and April, $5.25iU'5.3o. Lead, spot, $4.604.65. Iron, nominally unchanged. A moderate amount of business is reported for deliv ery during the. next two or three months. , ST. LOUIS, April 16. M ETA LB Lead. luvvci ui .a.at7a. ci'curi, Bieuuy ai SO.vl'. Evaporated Apples and Drlad Fruits. NEW TORK, April 16. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet, with general tone easy, although holders are asKing recent prices. Common are yuofi-d at 4U5'o, prime at 6 i.c, choice at &U6o and fancy at 1m. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are sllll very alow and the market la easy, with trices ranging from 3c to 6c, ac cording to gradu. Apricots ore quiet; choice, 9'Q10;; extra choice, lOVj'filu'Ac fancy, liable. Peaches dull; choice, 7m 7c; extra choice, 7vii!w; fancy, 9'ul(Jc. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 16. WHEAT May, 3c; July, 934c; September, k2S,c. On track; No. 1 hard. b64i,c; No. 1 north- western, 9440; M). 2 northwestern. 9. BRAN In bulk, $14.5e'14.75. :o. Phlladelpbla Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 16. BUTTER Steady; extra western crcuimry, 22'a.c. EiU3 Firm; good demand; western flesh, 17c, at mark; aoulliw extern, fresh 17'Ac, at mark; southern, fresh, 17c, at mark' CHEESE I)ull nnd weuk; New York fuli creums. choice to fancy, Ivtyu lvc ; fair to good, IrViuc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, April 18.-8EED8 Clover, caeh $6.87'j, bid; April, $6.37 bid; October, 6.h5; prime alsike. $6.06; August, $6 2o; prima, timothy. $1.324. Peoria drain Market. PEORIA. April 16.-OORN-6teady ; No. t. 47Wc: No. 4. 4.r,ic. WHISKY tin th basis of $1.18 for fin- lshed goods. Fixes No t'anse of Death. BT. LOUIS, April 16 The Inquest Into the cause of the death of Charles o Hiien, editor of the American Celt, who died at the city hospital apparently rroio Injuries received aa an assault, was concluded to day. The coroner'a Jury returned a verdict declaring the cause of O'brlen's death to be unexplained. Ti e verdict was rei.d, red after witnesses hsd testlled today In refu tation of a statement made by O lirlen l ist before be died that he l ad been assaulted In a saloon while talking politics. Miners Disobey Mitchell's Orders. BUTTE. Mont.. April 16 The strike of 610 nien in the coal mines at Red Ixidge is not over, deentte tbe order of President Mitchell of the United Mine Workers of America for tha men to return. The miners have di-cld,'d that President Mitchell does not uiidirkUnd tha situation and rero.ved to stay out until further communication could be had. The operator refuse to) arbitrate with the local union. FAIR WILL OPEN ON TIME Director of KtMMta Saga Show Wilt De Complete oa Onenln. Day. PT. LOUIS. April I6.-N0 apprehension of Incompleteness need be entertained con cerning tl:3 opening day of the Louisiana Purchase exposition, according fo Director of Exhibits F. J. V. Pklff. He said: At this time we are far ahead of any ex- sitlon ever held. There are now 0,(o workmen employed utvn the grounds an,i woik is progressing in surn a way mat we need not entertain the least thousht or apprehenalon concerning the success of tha opening day. Neither President Franrla nor any of the department chiefs feel anx- lors on tne matter. ir tne individual ex hibitors do not get their places Into shape by the end of next week, the exposition management will then take matters Into tneir own hands and do it for them. Of course, there are some of the foreign exhibits thst are not iet completed, but everything else will be In such a state of completeness that this will not be noticed. Without wishing to make any sanguine as sertion, I can safely say that even tha ronds will be In tine order cn the opening day. The recent rains have done conslder- le damace to the roads, but that will all have been repaired. nefera Sentenro of Mrs. ftotktn. SAN FRANCISCO. April 16 Buperlor Judge Cook today postponed for two week tne rormal sentence or imprisonment lor life of Mrs. Cordelia Rotkln for the mur der of Mrs. John P. Imnnlng. The delay was granted tn afford time for the prepara tion or a transcript ror exceptions maae ny the defense which will be used as a basis for a motion for a new trial at the lime aentence la Imposed. Use DynamHe on Chnrch. EVANBVILLE. Ind.. April 1 -Tha Eve ning Lights church at P.lackburn, Pike cnuntv, was dynamited last nlKht while filled with people. A dynamite stick In an Iron tune placed under tne ironi enn 01 the building exploded, tearing out one end of the church. No ono waa killed. Sev eral were hurt in the panic. Clelland succeeds Fee. ST PAUL. Minn.. Anrll 16 Alexander M. Clelland has been appc.tntcd genenl passenger agent of the Northern Pacific) railroad, to succeed Charles 8 Fee. who resigned to become parsenger traffic man ager nr tbe Harriman svstem. sir. 1 lenana bud been for tnree years assistant general passenger agent. Breaks Four Rank Reeorda. NEW TORK. Arril 18. Pour new high records were scored by this week's bank statementt namely, the grand total for loans. $I.O4S.2M.10rt: deposits. $1.M7.11S.4nO; specie, $228,740,000, and cash holdings, $JOl,- VI 2no. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record April 16, as lurnlshed by the Midland Guarantee and Trust com pany, bonded abstracter, li14 Farnam street, for The Pee: John Saunders to peter O. Ltndhalln, lot 6, block 48. Valley $ 600 Newel R. Wilcox and wife to Bert A. Wilcox, lot 4, subdiv. of lot 13, In lionfleld 1 Pred D. Wead and wife to John T. Coataworth, part of lot 7, block 6, Bhull s 21 add 625 Edgar J. Sullivan and wife to Hugh S. Thomas, lots 4, 9, 10 and 12, block 117, Florence 1 Carl John and wife to Stephen J. Carey, part of lot 15, block 14, E. V. Smith's 1,200 Albert H. Veeder and wlfo to Swift Co., part of lots 6 and 7, block 195, city 1,000 Nels Nystrom and wife to Andrew Jacobson, lot 13, block 131, South Omaha 1.&00 Omaha Real Estate and Trust com pany to Charles Blomqulst, lots 14 to 17, block 16, Saunders & Hlme baugh'a. Highland park 250 Thomas C. Clirlstensen to Charles Blomqulst, lots 10 and 11, block 15. earn &O0 , Simon Chrlstensen and wife to Charles Blomqulst. lot 12, block 16. same .... 1,227 Edward R. Benson to Frank Slmet, part of section 4-16-13. 6 acrea 125 Catharine J. Jackson and husband to Edward R. Benson, same 100 W. Farnam Smith & Go. 8TOCK3, DOND8, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 We buy and sell South Omaha Union Stock Yards Stock. ..ORPilltlE 1 I t'ook dally 20 gain each morphine and cocaine and at last found a painless home cur which I will tell anyone free. Win. WHITMORE, Debray, Mleh. p MONTHS FREE II Up-to-date Mining Paper lasav 3 (fully Illustrated), contain ing all the latest news from the famous gold camps. Including THUNDER MOUN taln and U I C CREEK. 1. H. MINING JOIKNAL, ISO Hassan St., 1, Y. COMMISSION COs Inporporgted Cgpltal and Surplus $600,000. uealeit 111 GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES. REFERENCES: 176 State and Na tional lianks It Commercial Agendas, lau Branch Offices. General Oltleei N. . Lite Bnliatag, MJNN'gAPOUg. Omaha Braueh-IOIN Farnam ft Tel. tt4a7. TIIOB. M. WADDICK. Cor. I 1. i'i ytflT?'gll4MlJliajlLUig L0WREY BR0S.& CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Room T12, N. T. Life Building. "Phone 3610. Special attention given to telegraph and mail orders. OMAHA. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Neb. U. S. Dsxall ry Capital and Surplus, $600,000. PIAK MUtm. Fret. bc. a. wood, v. Pm. LUTltB P8AKE. CaUJar. FIAN( T. BAMILT0X Aut. Carkktr, lUcelee saceuala el banha. oankem. ertor stlsua, trma sat Isaitiaatls ea laeoiafets lrrua. Iroralsn Bieliasa soufHt sa4 aold. Letters oi t'ntlt laeuxl. a Tellable Is all pert at Ua woe-Id. IsUraat salt on Time Certltcatas et Doooeit. 1 olloclloLa Bias, (iroiotitlr ast aoouomUially. W roasast cerTaspanSsnea. Updike Commission Co., GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Business bandied promptly In all mark:, Office, K3 Lee Dulldlng, Telephone 1466. Q. W. UJLIKE. MANAGER. OUR CLIFNTH HAVE FOUND THAT THK RKHULT8 OK I'ONHKRVATIVB OI'KRATIONg IN WHKAT ARE KX- I'Ki niN'ni.r profita hle. for Fl.ltTHKR FARTICULARH ADDRFrl "HI "i "i "Lfebl," I'. O. iiuX. S40 NKW YORK