rnr. omaiia daily ree. bundat. ArniL 17. 1904. 16 Tiie Omaha Sunday I3er E. ROSEWATER, F.DITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF SURSCRII TION. f'slly Hee (without Bunrtnyt. n- inr..$4.J lly Kee and Sun-lay. u.ie Year J" Illustrated lw, on Year Bunriay Bp. On Yeir i-! rHturday Hee, One Year J Z ' Twentieth Century Farmer. One lear.. l.w DKUVEKED HY CARRIER Pally pe (without Sunday). rr c"Vyc.-'7? Jalty Pea (without Hnmliyi. tr weeK...l; lally Uee (Including Sunday), per w"ek -':1 B'.ndny per copy : Fenlng Bee (without Bunilny. per week. 66 Evening Bee (Including Sunday), per week Complalnta of Irregularity in de Ivery Should be addressed to City Circulation department. OFFICES. Omaha Tha Be r.ulldtng. South Omaha City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth and M Streets. Council HlufTalO Pearl Street. Chicago 1640 Vnlty Building. New York 232S Tnrk Row Building. Washington I1 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to new and edi torial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Depurtment. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, empress or rostal order. Fayable to The Bee Publishing Company. nly 1-cent a tarn pa received in payment or mail account. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern egehsnges. not accepiu. 1NO lUMfAn I . THE BEE PUBLISH STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, Oeorra B. Tischurk, secretary of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly worni ay that the Actual number of full ana complete copies of Tho Pfllly. Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month or March. 1904, was as ioiiowk: 1 SO.WTO 1 80.S10 1 8O.H20 4 SO.ttHO 1 31.120 17 SO.BTO it".'..'. HO.210 j3 21,87t jo 8(1,01)0 HEXATOtt OIBTMCn riXDICATlOS. Senator Charles II. Dietrich lias br-en completely rxii,-rnti l 1y a committee of tlio Honain wl:n Mh ch;i meter nt on e commands tiulitr confidence ami whose impartiality nnd Judgment will I if conceded pvpii hy Ms nit Imilacl)lf! enemies. TIip senatorial investigation Instituted nt the request of Spnator 1 HclrU-li covircl tlip lirond Held of in quiry Into every rlinrce and allegation emlmdie.l In tin Indictment that hiul lippti liromrht ntfainst lilm by the federal Bra nd jury. The committee admitted not only such evidence against Senator Dietrich ns would have hecn competent In n court of Justice, hut also a great deal of hearsay testimony brought to Its attention as a possible cIup to further Information. This course was taken, not only with the consent, but upon tho suggestion of Senator Dietrich, who courted from the outset ihe most search lug Inquiry Into his conduct In connec tion with the rental of the Hastings postomVc building and the apiiolntment of the postmaster nt Hastings. Every member of the committee that conducted this Investigation was an eminent attorney thoroughly equipped by practice at the bnr for discriminating Judgment as to the scope of tho Inquiry and the laws which the senator had been trumped up against him. Senator Dietrich confidently believed that he would be able to clear his name In the court of justice, but tinder the peculiar conditions that presented themselves nt the trial ho was deprived of this oppor tunity. When the cuse was thrown out of court The ISeo urged the senator to demand an Investigation at the hands of the senate nnd to seek through that tribunal the vindication he confidently counted on from the court. China thnt her merchants shall have the rights enjoyed here by other countries Is most natural. It can lie very coiill dently predicted that In the event of congress adopting the proposition for the exclusion of Chine.- meiehi'.nts the action will be met by some form of re taliation, possibly by the exclusion of American merchants from China. How serious a mattpr such a course would be can be appreciated by those who are now engnged In the Asiatic trade nnd also by those who understand the posslbllltlps of trade. The "open door" would cease to be of any Importance to the I'nlted States and the field for com mercial exploitation to which our people have been looking with great expectation would be practically closed to us. Can there be a doubt that our trade com- FtDtitAL rem ir vrth tausis. This was the subject of a recent ad dress by Mr. .lames M. Beck, formerly assistant attorney general of the United States and one of the government coun sel In the Northern Securities case, which has attracted a good deal of at tention. He said that the power con- petltors would exert all the Influence fcrred upon tho federal government by they could bring to bear upon China to the commerce clause of the constitution Induce her to retaliate with some sort Is supreme, exclusive nnd plenary, a of reprisal If this country shall pursue proposition that may be regarded as the course that some are advising? Cor settled beyond controversy. Congress talnly no greater mistake could be made has no power to regulate any trade or than to thus play into the hands of our transiortatlon that Is wholly within a rivals for Chinese trade. state, but few If nny of the great in dustrlal amalgamations confine their dp- FHavdvlkxt mixixg coXCK RTh. eratlons within the limits of any one Koprestntative Van Duzer of Nevada tallroads through a revised classification of commodities. Revised classification is only a new way for skinning the cat in rate-raising and a 20 per cent advance east of Chicago is a trifle as compared with freight raising rate classifications that have taken place In the territory west of the Missouri within the past three years. t'nrecorded Comment. Washington Post. We have no record of what the five Mrs. Smiths and the forty-two little Smiths stld to President Joseph when lie got home from church after preaching his sermon denouncing plural marriages. Lack Klenients of Soveltr. Chicago Chronicle. Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews Is reported as disagreeing with President Roosevelt eon- cernlng thp denlrnhlllty of large famines, hut ns Dr. Andrews decrees with almost everybody upon almost every subject, thi report Is Inciting In either novelty or vauo. state, practically all of them being en- has declared war on eastern promoters gnged in Interstate commerce and many n ' fake mining enterprises located in charged with violating. The committee, "of them in foreign commerce. Mr. Iteck -e vosi ana ir nair or wuai no aieges moreover, was not a partisan body I urged that the direct nnd natural Is true his efforts to put a stop to such three of its members. Senators Hoar of method of regulating them Is to regulate enterprises are to be heartily com Massachusetts, Tlatt of Connecticut and their uso of the channels of interstate mended. He states that sharpers In Pnooner of Wisconsin, were renuhllcans. and foreign trade. New York are permanently clipping the " I";."; ao.iso while two, Senators Cockrell of Mis- There Is no question as to the power legitimate mining Interests of the west 3!.........."!.M Pouri and Pottus of Alabama, wens of the federal government to do this. It l,v booming worthless properties located " aoxmt de'"-"- h"8 tcn affirmed repeatedly by the in that section nnd defrauding the public !!!!!!!!!!!!.'o!Hao The unanimous finding of this commit- highest Judicial tribunal and the deel- "t ' 're0 8"n:s of money by stock- i"'". .'. !i,SOO too dooloroQ Sonotoe TllotrL h in hvo alnna In this effect nre nceontod ns con- felling Schemes that have no foundation ?!M! been the victim of persecution rather elusive and likely to stand for an in- beyond the paper on which the certifl """"""l.Wouo thnn prosecution. With referpnee to the definite time. Referring to the lottery "s are printed. Vast sums of money, l 2M,ao hpaslne of the Hastings nostofflce tho case, in which the supreme court de- according to sir. an nuzer, are regu i.. - L.t.ij v, .!, ., larlv sunk in these worthless mining . . ni,A nn I tUHHIIIIRT lIIHin lll.ll 111.' 1111111111111111 VHIHI II1IIL LUC HK"l -V, UKUiaiU u o I - IOIU.1 . . .... I r.nr,fa If l.-l,,,. .t,n.,,1 l,f Less unsold and returned copies.... lo.aiia were begun and completed while senator iroal enough to lnciuue tne rignt to " " i-"1""""" "J'v bin H8T DlPtrleh was still governor of Nebraska prohibit altogether, Mr. Bock suggested "mouiu iosi i.y icpui.uue petiyiu m mis and before ho had been elected bv the the tiuestiou whether the federal gov- himl r speculation is not less tiinn is, legislature to a sent in the senate. The ernment could exclude from the clian- f00,(K(0 a year. Most of tho victims of charges of corruption in the appoint- nels of Interstate trude interstate ship- the i"'nlK properties are poor people ment of Jacob Klsher as postmaster are ments by industrial monopolies. If it nml u,eI'0 "PPears to be no redress for pronounced nnfonnded. "their sole origin could, he said, "it is obvious that the them, ... - . I . .... fp Van Pii7np Bavl 4bnf nilltltoltv fa Theodore Roosevelt has now 341 in- temg tne imagination or unscrupulous trusts are aDsouueiy subject to reuerai . atmcted deleirates for the presidential Actional nnd personal enemies." power and can only conduct their busi- e on.y tuing tnai win run ine BtruCteU aeiegates IOr TUB presiueimni . fnnululpnt eoncerns nut of hnslness. an nomlnntlon anil th crv la "Still thev 11 wl" norne in minu inat tne ness on bucu conumoiis ns me leuerui nominauon, ana me cry is ouu mey ... . ..... .. , ti.oro l no f.wiomi thnr win toiich senate committee wuien renaerea mis government may presenile. mui is " verdict was in possession of a written what the decision in the lottery case, them- Tlle Postal statutes hava been St. Louis promises visitors to the fair memorandum drawn by former District which in a measure involved the trust taken advantage ot to v.ipe out some or - ..... I ........... . I f 1 1 tv niif iltA rttrtttrtf-a innPAt wa mm a life-sized strike or truckdrlvers ana Attorney summers, giving in detail tne proiiiem, would logically lead to, tnougii '"" i.-, .... F..u cabmen in addition to the shows along names of the witnesses and the sub- the court did not in words so decide, 6 2T.610 T at,HIM 1 81,180 t SO.TSO 10 30.T30 11 BO.SffA li 80,820 II 24t,OflO it an,MH 16 80,450 16 8000 Net total sales 010.H8T Net average sales 20.073 GEO. B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of April, A. P., 1904. (Seal) M. B. HITNGATK, Notary Public. come. the pike. stance of their testimony by which the The underlying question, however, de- Ished by this mpans. The Nevada rep resontatlve has introduced a, resolution charges against Dietrich were to be sus- clared Mr. Beck, is as to whether compe- calling on the Department of Commercu If these marine accidents continue talned. together with citations of public tltlon between railways is longer either Bna l'BUoT t0 investigate tne flisnonest the xrarshlp which goes through target documents and records In the Postofflce practicable or desirable. "Other na- an(1 rrauauient mining companies con practice without losing a turret will Do department nnd Department of Justice, tlons have reached the conclusion that ucng eir operations ana sale or considered lucky. but when the witnesses were brought the consolidation of railroads into a few stork h? advertising nnd circulating before the committee the damaclnor tpsti- and evpn into one svstem is of creator througn tne use or the United States Wireless telcgrama have been declared m t t t b rumors bpn(lflt to the nubIIc tban a nmnber of mails, also to investigate the organiza- ContntDanaa or war Dy uussia, dui tney Beconahnn(i .torles fabricated and clrcu- separate svstoms. But it must be re- must nm.oe caugm Deiore mey can oe ,atel by maieonteptg Trith political or membered that In most of these coun- COnUSCateU Or exeCUiea. I riemonnl irrlovnneoa wllnco tnloa n-nro I irloa tlio onootlnn 1a aolvorl hp tha flatly contradicted by the testimony of merger of the railroads into the govern- lt wm always remain an open ques- the DrinciDai3 whom they had been ore- ment. which owns and operates them, i tlon whetlior it was tne gun or tne man tending to ouote. Whether In the absence of state owner- Dehlnd the gun that causea the aisaster Now that the committee'a report has shin the consolidation of transportation bureau or ..corporations it should cer on tho battleship Missouri. been formulated and made nuhlle It Is eomnnnles is desirable ts a nuesttnn taIn,y be n,ade nnd U any evGnt som" hoth tlmelr and nroner in recall Tirloflw almnr wMrh roon mnw .Im..l,lr f1i. tiling Should be done to protect the pub-J Millions for Slght-Seet Tha uonnecucut court nas given air. th PVPnt- .,ich led im to thi. tnt for" Tr 1 certain thnr of roonf in. He against fraudulent mining concerns. and Recreation. Bryan a Consolation prize, lie may De , . . , . h ... . tolllirent nnhlle onlnlnn la Verv stronHv . .. : r' . .. St. Louis Republic. upon the motives that animated the in- opposed to the consolidation of trans tlon, capitalization, management and promotive methods of mining corpora Hons generally that conduct their sale of stock by means of advertising through the use of the malls. If sucll an investi- Denmnrk Kvolrea an Idea. Baltimore American. A sudden thought has struck lienmark. It Is going; to put up a stntue of Shakes peare. His spirit m'rrht be surprised. If spirits ever art surprised by anything human, that, tlionch so lonft dend, he Is not forRotten yet oy the land his muster piece Immortalized. Ilonted In Oar atlonl Life. New York Tribune. Since Immigration to the United States was first recorded officially 2.000,000 of souls have come to Incrense tho population of this republic. FIvo millions have crossed the sea from Germany and 4.000.000 from Ireland. How larpe a part In our national life they have tnkrn. and how much they have done for the development of Amer ican prosperity! SF.C1LAR SHOT AT THE rCl-riT. Ft I-nuls Republic: A Chicago minister says that the end ef the world will come In ninety years. This should not prevent any one from milking a nlnety-nlne-year lease. Minneapolis Times: Rev. Charles B. Car rol of Baltimore, who said recently "with out the Catholic church the negro Is doomed,- body and soul," made a rather broad statement. But there Is no doubt thnt with his temperament, the beautiful symbolism and picturesque features of the Roman Catholic form of worship should Impress the negro more than any other form of Christian religion. It has also been demonstrated that the negro gets alone better nnd keeps out of trouble more ns- edluousty when under the guiding rein of a strong nnd nuthorltntlve Influence. Chicago Inter-Ocean: To the utter a mate ment of his fashionable congregation in Hammond, lnd., many of whom belong to vnrlous card club in the town nnd who piny euchre and pedro for prlies, rr. John P. Hearst, formerly a moderator In the Ingansport presbytery, snlil from the pulpit thnt playing cards for prlies una money were practically tho same. His sermon was caused by the sensational arrest of the four boy bandits of Crown Point Inst week, all belonging to prominent families, whose downfull he attributed In part to evil Influences ot card playing in noines for prises. The society ladles of the congre gation are shocked at the declaration, and Dr. Hearst's sermon Is the subject of no little comment. Nlararardly lae of Capitals. Boston Transcript- If other great writers of English follow the example of Morley In his life of Glad stone the upper case will soon disappear from printing equipment. There Is not In print another ISOO pages In which caps are so sparingly used. But a niggardly use of capitals has long been ken-speckle In Mor ley's pages. It dates back nt least to the early seventies, when he edited the Fort nightly Review, and shocked the unco giild by his departure In this respect from Blbll cal usiige. Health of letter Carriers. New York Tribune. It cannot be disputed that cases of ap pendicitis ore much more numerous than they were In the last generation. They aro far too frequent nowadays to permit the increase to be accounted for merely by the growth of population. At least one physi cian holds the view that the getting In and out of trolly cars, with their countless Jars and shocks, tends to produce Jnflam mutlon of the vermiform appendix. Other medical men say that persons whose duties require them to do a great deal of quick walking rarely suffer from this disease. Our letter carriers would afford an Inter esting field for study concerning this af fection. They above almost any other class of men are moving rapidly about during their hours of toll, and those hours are by no means short or easy. Did any one ever see a really fat letter carrrler? In their ranks are no Falstaffs who lard the lean earth ns they go briskly on their dally rounds. Are letter carriers exception ally exempt from appendicitis? The medi cal profession might wisely look Into thl gation is within the authority of the matter. AMERICAN GLOBG TROTTF.lt, Exercise executor of the Bennett will, but cannot execute according to his desires. " Kansas City baa been promised a pipe line of natural gaa from the oil fields of Kansas. This la the first time that we hava heard of Kansas City running out of natural gas. inaian Commissioner Jones and the According to the official figures 120.000 cltl Tipnii fit flip TtitoHnr lrmnrtmnn nrA I vans thn TTnttA RtntAa an nhrnail an Buguiora or tne j.-ietricn inaicimenis. ponauon companies cnu mere is no nice- gald t0 have tnd a fallng out 0VCP nually. It is estimated that the average 1,u"u " caiupuifc-u ic lain- u was nuoou 01 any material cnange rrom ims cnarges preferred against the agent of ePenaltul"e or lneso peP' charged by the fusion leaders and orcons sentiment In Uio near future. In m. . . . . 000,000. The Individual estimate la 00, or $S4, moderate the usages, who was suspended two ,t ,8 probable that the total expend! weeks ago by order of Secretary Hitch- ture of Americana abreaa Is not less than popk The on ii so nt rhn rHvorirnnoo Is I tlOO.000.000 annually. purpose of liberating Joseph 8. Bartley, quired to operate under a federal char- t0 be Special Inspector O'Fallon, Thcr ar many who wonder why it li cuargea uy tne rusion leaaera ana organs aentiment in tne near ruture. in re- thBt Dietrich had been projected as a gard to the question as to whether all candidate for governor for the express Interstate carriers should not be re- SKRMOSs I SKYTUSCKS. A whining religion wins none. Work Is the oue cure for worry. ron't Judge the nut by the burr. Faith Is more than fear of the future. A double mind Is always a borrowed one. A little sheer Is worth a lot of criticism. ruty Is the law of which love Is the life. Man Judges by our hits, God by our alms. Piety Is the opposite of spiritual pauper- Ism. The cross Is a good symbol but a poor sign. Flowers of rhetorlo make poor food for faith. Nothing Is conquered until self Is over come. A soft snap has a hard catch In It some where. Only a dead honor needs pride to pre serve It. Service for others Is the solvent of our own sorrows. When Justice Is falling an excuse Is a poor umbrella. You cannot go forward without leaving some things behind. Shutting the eyes to tho danger signal does not clear the track. Watching the other man's patch will not keep the weeds out of your own. They know too much about family trees to have much reverence for them In heaven. The man who" makes a success at being ad Is not likely to have a chance at an other Job. Chicago Tribune. 1.- Jl I . V. - M ,. . , I t"i " "'"""ieu tuc ueKuu i riHrneunesH but whpn ,t , taken nt(J congderaton that of the agent of the Osages. If memory I jiop.OOO.OOO Is expended every year In a corn- serves us right. Agent McComas dis- paratlvely small territory and in a few then serving a twenty-year sentence In ter, Mr. Beck concluded his considera The news of the latest developments tne penitentiary for the embezzlement tlon of the question by saying: "In at Port Arthur having been printed, the of more tni,n na,', million dollars of view of the centralizing tendencies of ycJlov ioumala will again feed a gul- Btate """'y funds- To the general ateara and electricity our country will LftTAPwl nA .m-vw.rwi th Pmin.. cities and resorts It is not to be wondered liblo people upon fakea until the next "Trise of Nebraska populists and eventually consider the propriety of of the late Indian Agent Mathewson at thnt welcome awalts- Th American abroad real development takes plac. aemocrats ana or many repuhiicans as such an amendment of the constitution the 0lnaha and Wlnneba0 reservation. "'Z "Z " IZTZZ V-i H.Vf w. .il wen. who knew of the pressure brought as will grant to transportation compa- Whieh . .,,Wm,ontiv am,, tw in. k.n.tr.. oreie.a v i which That tha United States will probably upon him, Governor Dietrich firmly and nles the right to transact their business .onf- vpiion s.,r nnttw in'in he distributed hlr money caused wonder in be more effective aa a power for peace I forcibly resisted every demand and 1 throughout the country under the pro-li v- a 1 circles where a few cents was the usual l ... I - 1 umirnu ion 111c u ,- in 1 L 1 11, 11 L 1 tTJ I u I . . , . , In all narta of tha world In future la every appeal in that direction. Before teetion of a federal charter " Tt 1 h I . , , . . transaction nnd a dollar wa a marvel . .trt.n wH. e.- w..v. ,..w, '7-Ji' 06 18P8W1 10 crpalt reports, Bl- The America-who goes abroad expects to V.aicu "'"' " - . " " " . ",OT"B "!. i quKsiion i though the deals With land speculators spend money. No people on the earth live more .warsnipa omu ai uns ume man vmui.iis m iue inauguration or win mane a strong aemana upon punnc wprei if anything, more flagrant than 'n the present more than do Americans. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Perhaps the explosive was concealed In the name of tho Russian battleship. Admiral Togo must have learned a few lessons from American politicians. lie claims everything. A sober and solomn Jury In Chicago soaked Josul Tnrdlff $75 for hugging woman without her consent. An eastern prophet gives the world only 98 years more of life. What happens In 2002 need not bother the present generation, The Macedonian cry Is doing business at the old stand, but the absence of corrc spondents renders the tones painfully feeble. Game flsTi caught in Connecticut river are said to taste of coal oil. Hitherto the Nutmeggers have made light of the Rock efeller flavor. A Boston company attempted to market a nerve remedy at noma ana taiiea. ino Idea ot Boston needing a nerve tonic car rled its own penalty. What wonderful versatility Uncle Sam' customs officers possess. They have ad mitted a colt from Canada under the "household furniture" classification. St. Louis proposes to turn Its fair loose with tho Tormallty of an ode. 'TIs Just as well. No good purpose could be served ty uttering poetic heroics in the suburbs of the Pike. j An Indiana minister claims to have been separated from a purse containing (3S0. Where he got the money goes scooting down the corridors of time along with other mysteries. The latest marvel in the surgical line Is heart massage. This treatment Is de signed to restore the circulation of base bail enthusiasts when home favorites "fan out" at critical stages of the game. The Ponca Indians announce May 8 as the day of Inaugurating their new chief. Horse Chief, the son of White Eagle, who abdicated the chieftainship last June In favor of his son. An old-time buffalo hunt and religious dance will be part of the program. Hundreds of whites will witness the festivities. Spring poets are not as bad as they are painted. Occasionally one drops a gem that brightens the prospect and lifts the fraternity a peg or two. Here is one from Chicago: Kprlnkle, sprinkle, little cart. What a source of Joy thou artl How I love to see thy spray. Making puddles all the day. The Industrial edition of the Alliance (Neb.) Herald la aa delightful to the eye aa the first flowers of spring. Nothing finer has Issued from any press In Ne braska. A characteristic picture of Indian life, printed In colors, adorns the first page. Halftone pictures oi scenes in town and country and portraits of prom inent people Illuminate the twenty pages of boom matter descriptive, historical, lit erary and statistical flanked with "ads" that make the till happy and spread smiles of prosperity over the face ot the shop. Publisher O'Keefe deserves the glad hand from the people of- the state In general and from Alliance In particular. DOMESTIC IM.KASAJtTlUE. TV) your constituents think a great deal Of you?" "I don't know whether they think a great deal of me." answered Senator Sorg hum, "But the newnpapers are seeing to It that they think a great deal about roe." Washington Star. The pugilist's rlnht duke was badly crushed In an accident, nnd the surgeons told him It would have to be amputated. "No, you don't!" lie exclaimed. "That's mv Inalienable rlcht." Tho singular efert of this was that his right was left. Chicago Tribune. Young Wife Gerald, how de you like my doughnuts?" Young Husband (pale, but resolute) "llon't you see mo eating them, Hertha? They're splendid. The only fault 1 can possibly find with them Is that they are a little too satisfying. After eating one of ou don t want anytning eise, you a Press. them you don't wa know.' Philadelphia any other nation. President McKlnley Governor Dietrich attention within the next few years and exacted personal pledges from Lleuten- that the transportation companies them- tbose In Oklahoma and Indian Terri tory. There Is no people so generous to the point of recklessness. It is small wonder that tho American globe trotter la reckoned a mil lionaire and lawful prey for everybody with It speaks well for the good Judgment whom he comes in contact of Omaha worklngmen that after a I It Is to be regretted that the Department year's sojourn In this city the national of Commerce and Labor cannot give us Negroea to Illlnola who refused to ont Governor Savage and President of selves will earnestly support .the federal leave tne jail, alter a wnue man naa the Senate Steele not to pardon or charter Idea. assaulted, the jailer ana openea the aoor, pBroie Bartley during his absence from evidently remembered that even In 1111- the state and In ordpr to make sure Bvaiittsa aopkct uf kxclvsioh, nois a race distinction governa when It that these pledges should not be broken T" lue8tlon of Chinese exclusion. headqnarter8 of the B0CialHt party Is tatl"tlcal faet about tne Pnitures of cornea to lynching. h. trthn Instructed Warden Davl. at wnlcn ma Den revlTea 7 the action or . . m , t n.. ffo Whpn - p.easure .eeKer. n. . coun .... I th. rilln. ...nm.nl In dnAi,n1n0 I " I AmUUnl WOUlvl DC enOrlTIOlIH. UlUIKllI UUHI me Denitenuarv not to rwvim mt I - u.uuuuuuB u. ,. ..iiiin. ,. . i . , . . . -.., Russian correspondents should not be- aocnrnent nurnortln- to he . narrton n, treaty of 18t4, is being considered L.f t. M.M K . of . m , dmw. about 25.000 winter tourists come excited and Imagine that Amerl- parole for Bnrtley( Bnd also hu from a business point of view even on tbe , , BOctallBt propncan(lnt but the ni eafltern an1 "0h resorts in summer T.r -v,.,. w.. i,,!. " "u"" lw luc , voi aciuany uecreaseu iasi jear, " "" seal of state and pardon blanks in the iur ec'UB uiineno Deen prac- hould bo aufflctent evidence of the .,,u Aft t,i -.. e tn..i.... tlcallv unanimous. It la atlll so In re- .u.. u,d H IVII U I1U1U TVaBlllllK- I enormous crowds that spend money with a lavish hand. We are becoming a nation of falsity of the report. WHEN STRAW HATS BREAK OCT. Civilization is gradually advancing eastward. Under new laws enacted by the late Iowa legislature the docking of Those Montana miners who have die- I pleasure seekers and money spenders. I i i . . a . a I I ton and up to the hour of his exit from vecl 10 Ule cooue poorer, Dut u is now regarded the orders of President Mitch I the governor's chair Governor Dietrich felt that ln r'Sr to Chinese merchants elL declaring a strike settled, will have remained Just as firmly aet against all there BU0Ula be a liberal policy. The a har(i time to hold public sentiment. pressure to exercise the pardoning power I San FranolBCO Call points out that our 1 H8 the public generally thinks President In Hartley's behalf. He waa also em- Cllln('se trade depends upon the Chinese Mitchell will fight as long as there is Potting; Ice on Stories of nigh Tern prUure la St. Loo Is. The persistency with which the exagger tlon. borsea Is prohibited and sportsmen will j . I ,r,0r,.i,ni ti,o- .r,imn . ,,i ... , ....a... !., k. . i, """ la lue aeuunciation or tne Barney anyxmng to ngnt ror ami mat wnen ne atB(1 uUrltm of higb temperature at St. iki i f 7 "'" parole when it waa granted by his sue- niercuants ana ao not compete with 6aye "quit striking," the time has come Louis are retailed even In far countries censor, Governor Savage. I tnera. "ir we exclude Chinese mer- to go to work. Tula waa Dietrich's unnardonable cnant tDat PnPe". en our ' r.ovrnor Wahnd. f fv.inrad- t,.. offense. From that time on he became tn.de with their country must depend finally agreed te be governed by the de- nn J vengeance, not only of a"lJ UP sending and establishing ruion f tke -tat. .nnre.na nort .. tn Bartley. but of the various instru- American merchants there. But sup- Lia right to deport miners, but he mentalities which Bartley knew so well P088 Chln act upon her undoubted shrewdly makea the proviso 'If the how to Band'e tru behind the screen- reciprocal right to exclude American court will in any way settle the con- ch,ef of w,,,oh wa District Attorney merchants? In such case our trade tentlona. " I ""'umers, wno naa oeen tne intimate 1 "l ""'muii i " iruiK)i- associate and special pleader of the great I non 10 Incluae "-hinese merchants ln the It la a atmnge state of mind which embezzler. I provisions of the exclusion law, aa made would prefer to have a noted admiral Who can be made to believe that had Senator Patterson of Colorado, tho die by( reason of defective naval ma- Dietrich pardoned Bartley any grand Cal remarks that auch a policy does chinery In his own vessel than to have Jury would ever have been burdened not affect his state, but It does directly him pass from earth at the hands of a 'tth the story of the Hastings post- and vitally affect California. Its effect brave enemy yet this aeeme to be the I office appointment or of the Hastings i would be to send Chinese trade to the temper of official Russia. I building? District Attorney Summers I Canadian Pacific coast points and we might have been disappointed in fall- raay be sure that Canada would do St Loulsans are uotblng if not thrifty, ,nK of a reappointment, but there would everything possible to Invite this trade. but the plan of making a man pay tolls I have been none to mourn or to lament I The San Francisco paper admonishes at the gate for the privilege of going to I hi taking off. I our Asiatic shipping and commercial ln- bis dally work Inside the fence could I It la almost superfluous to add that I teresta to be watchful of the proposition only have been Invented by an exposl- the stories of alleged bargain and sale or the Colorado senator and of similar tlou management which la more than I postoffleea Industriously circulated to I propositions by whomsoever offered fcalf convinced that it Is up against a the discredit of Senator Dietrich ema- in reference to thla matter some 'fiencJt I nnted from the same sources, though I K expressed viewa similar even the grand Jury manipulated by Mr. I to those of the Call, observing that If The appointment of Governor Hunt of Summers waa unable to And anything we persist In discriminating against the Porto iiloo to a vacancy ou the federal 1 in thein to Justify an Indictment. It J people of China aa we have been doing bench In Montana creates an opening I waa the knowledge of the Inside history j for years we cannot reasonably expect tot some aspiring statesman. Possibly and the motives of the prosecution of to retain their friendship and secure Mr. Ciuxen might be Induced to curb Senator Dietrich that Impelled The Bee their trade. It ought to be apparent to : bis ambition to became JCnlted States to refuse to Join In the general clamor " that our growing trade with China senator If be could be sent back to Porto against the senator and to citndemn him I demands freer commercial Intercourse ". Ulco as chief executive of the Island. without a chance to diaprove the charges J with that ' country and the desire of had its ludrlcrous consequence In three distinguished Swedish gentlemen Just ar- Willlam Dean Uowells should know "veo lo atteno me worios rair appearing I An t Via at r roat el In atrei-av hats TVir hat ueiur iuau i yunn a. u r.vVuu no neard that Bt ji, climate was warm says there can never he a great Amerl-1 and without experimenting personally with can novel," because the people of this I it on the morning after their arrival, got country are "decentralized," whatever out, the,r "" hsd coverings, and tnai may mvau. i ju.i iuSB1uie, aNo felt on , ,t waJ frlgld -wisely however, tnai tne great American novel I they did not discard their overcoats, so may be now ln the course of construe-1 there Is no danger of pneumonia; and the straw nats are now lajd away to te Drougm forth next month when masculine St. Louis nn. - .! I w,"uiu au.vii 111 aula, luo icuci... mmi.iuu.iu . . regularly hlblta congress and the states from and as punctually in this latitude aa the creating any title of nobility among I strawberry season; and tt bursts upon the Amninon monu .., iiii la nniliinn cflmmnnltT with a suddenness ana in the law or the constitution to prevent Andrew Carnegie from granting a patent of heroism and sealing it with a gold medal, and a pension to boot. breadth of extent that equals the blooming of the buttercups, or the arrival of the June bugs. One day there Isn't one; the next, there are myriads. This straw nat equinox falls within the week after the 15th of May and has reached Its climax on Decoration day. It breaks out like a run on a bank. Borne Dae sunny morning Japanese officers acting as spies ln Manchuria ahould never have disguised I at the period we mention you see hundreds themselves as Thibetans, for things are ef men pouring Into the hat stores In happening in Thibet which make, the - J"" an' T Thibetans look good to the Busslana and orer th. clty- ana Wlthln twenty-four or they can be depended upon to ask for a I forty-eight hours every one is newly hatted, closer interview than la healthy for a 1 The storekeepers do not knew when this man from Japan. The Illinois Manufacturers' associa tion Is arranglug for a conference of representatives ef all the commercial organisation between Chicago and .the Atlantic seaboard to prevent an advance itraw haU they may hav 0B band they of 20 per cent ln freight rates by eastern J are out of fashion. Is going to happen, but they are prepared for it. and when the outburst takes place every clerk Is called to the breach an the most furious period In the life ef th "gentlemen's hat store" of the whole year Is witnessed. If the Swedish gentleme will wait a little over a month they will see It and they will find that whatever Tld young Gllderly as you for your daughter?" "Yes." "What did he say?" "Whv, lie said that he mad a bet of a couple' of hundred that I would refuse my consent." "And what did you do?" "I gave my consent at once. I was de termined he should lose the money." Cleveland Plain l'ealer. Johnnv was entertaining the young man ln tho p.trlor. ...... "Mr nnoonamore, he caked, how long you been comln' to see my sister? is It tmn vpnrfl nr three?" "Two, I think." repnea young opuunu- more. "Why. Jonnny r- " 'Cause thnt s wnat sis sayn, uui iv, he savs It seems to him like it was forty years." Chlcngo Tribune. THAT HEAVENLY LA 3D. Beautiful land where the sweet-scented flowers ,t Emit their perfumes all '.he year; Birds sing their songs In the cool shady bowers, The days are not chilly nor drear. The night with Its shades never visits that land. The sun never ceases to shine; The dwellers therein are a peace-loving band, , Controlled by a Kuler divine. No sickness nor sorrow appears In that place. No death scenes within it are found; No spirit of evU is there to disgrace. . But pleasures eternal abound . , In that country are heard no heart-breaking sighs, While years of eternity. roll; .. No obstacles rise to becloud the clear skies, . ... Nor burden the blood-ransomed soul. The ever-green trees gently swayed by the breeze, Make music delightful to henr; The pleasant surroundings are fashioned to please. No discord offending the ear. The people who dwell In that city above. Whose faces with radiance heam. Are guided nnd led by an undying love. Which flows like a clear crystal stream. Would you moor life's bark in that haven of rest, Safe anchored from sorrow and care? Would you dwell In that land the Bavlor has blessed, That city delightfully fair? Then walk in the path of the humble and meek, Bow low 'neath the scourge of the rod; Possess the great pearl which you ardently seek The smile of a merciful Ood. R H. LANGFORD. North Platte, Neb. Uosiorn ieodquartors FOR Edison Phonographs, Records and Victor Talking Machines to FOR CASH Mmki no to $w OUR GREAT TERMS: NOTHING DOWN. AW Buy recor,s take machine home, v begin to pay later In eaay Installment. -y- I 20,000 RECORDS TO SELECT FROM They play everything, sing everything, recite everything, talk everything, whistle everything, and are always ready We prepay expreas charges on retail orders. Why net bay where you cad f ot a selectlen? Catalogue mailed on application. We solicit your business. trial. Give NEBRASKA CYGLE GO., Geo. E. Uickei, Mgr. Ccr. 15th end Harney Sti Omaha