u3 The Omaha Sunday Bee. PAGES 13 TO 20. g S1NULK COPY F1VK CENTS. ESTABLISH KD JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOliNINU, APRIL 17, 1004. The Little Green Sticker iu the Little Green Book is Omaha's Leading Trade Feature! - Fact!! r-.v.i,re f- aw fin E A si j. I era A iUclHIIIteill Offer in Tailor-Made Suits Monday wa will make a great concen tration on $19.50 as a popular price for women's Suits. We will put on sale one hundred suits in voiles, etamines, cheviots, Scotch mixtures and Panama cloth not one of t Vfl them worth less 1 VJ than $25, at A Here is a Desc ription of a Few of the Leading Styles STALKING SUITS In irrny and tan novelties, mixtures, Eton jackets, shoulder enpes, trlmtulnt? 1 O G5fi braid, piping and buttons, seven-gored skirt lyiDU WALKING SUITS BrouuVloth in blnck, blue and tan, Kton Jnckrt, shoulder i-apes of embroidered 4 ( Cfs applique, pleated panel Trout of bkirt 1 VeOU DEMI-TRAIN SUITS-Sheer voiles, bluck and navy bolero jacket ovei silk blouse, fine silk drops 1 f CZ fi in skirt ly.oU DEMI-TRAIN SUITS-Tine volli-s, in black, navy and eliartpagne, Eton Jacket, brond shoulders, -f f EZ( trimming Milk vest, very full sleeves, flare cuffs, new pleated panel skirt lzriJJ Ladies, Let's Talk About Waists. Our New Stock is Now on Sale, Come ana. inspect them and get a first choice. We can only tell you or a few here. MITT We Want You to See Our New Optical Room. On Monday we . will sell gold filled glasses with first quality spher gv f ical Itnses for $ 1.00 and Vi throw in Five Dol sr XSfSSx lars in Green Trading Stamps. The best is, we have one of the most experisnced CS1 1 .00 opticians in Omaha r We want You to See Our New Optical Room. A Wblte Vesting Waist tucked and hem stitched, large, full sleeves, nobby buttons., White Scrim Waists piped and tucked, full sleeves, deep cuff, very swell , 1.98 2.75 I'eau de Seine Silk Waists, all colors. Ion? shoulders, deep yoke, medallion trimming. All-Over Lace Waists white and cream, all silk lined, deep yoke of netting, line' lace bertha Other price In All-Over Lace Waists, f 10.50. $9.75, $7.05 and $5.75. 5.75 8.50 Double Green Trading Stamp Sensation for MondayWith every black and colored cloth Jacket-or Coat sold Monday double Green Trading Stamps will be given. At the Soda Fountain Onr soda . fountain has features that no other soda fountain iu town has got. All glass used Is steril ized nnd polished to the luster of crystal before being used. THIS IS THE ONLY l'LACE IN TOWN WHERE THIS IS DONE. A complete soda menu. Every thing just fizzing for your thirst, prepared under the dlrectlou of our expert dispenser. 5S- Popular prices, 15c, 10c JG and Lots of seats and tables. Large soda parlor on balcony now open. AT THE BISY 9ILIC t "OUSTER. .1.00 36-ln. pure silk black taffetas, stamped. wear guaranteed on every yard. worm 51. wi yard, very tyllsu for coats, Monday. Black Peau de Soks- -36-ln. wide, very tin pure silk blacK (.eau de ante, very correct for coats or dresses, worth 2 yard special sale t rj only yard IJJr 86-1 n. wide very fine and double fold pure silk peau de soles, a no good (3 quality, Monday, yd.. CJ Pretty New Foulards SO pieces very new and stylish Messelene foulard, the new, soft finish, a beautiful ar ray of colors and pattern, worth tl. tS yard. Bee them Mon- fLCn day yard Bhlrt Waist Suit Silks 200 piece b.iu- tirui new styles every express brines new things In this fashionable fabric see them at yard 59c 1:00. 85c, T5o and. AT THE DRER9 GOODS COl'NTER Black. Wool Dress Goods. 100 pieces of this season's most popu lar dress fabrics, Including such weaves as Roxanno. granite cloths, French twills, Panamas, voiles and tamlsea every yard worth $1.60 yard for tnls big- Bale per QSC 250 Colored Dress Good. pieces verv swell new fancy mo. hairs, an enormous collection In all the plain shades as well as fa-ncv, including the very latest plold and check mohairs, 36 to M-ln. 1 n wide yd., from Me to IOv At the Blar Wash Goods Connlff. 250 pieces new heather linen finished suitings, the very latest wash fab rics, worth 25o yard spe- lir Graduating? clal for Monday yard. White Goods (or . Gowns. We will make a special showing of all the very nicest things in whito goods fcr graduating dresses, including fine French lawns, wash thlffons, opera batistes, sheer organdies and Per sian lawns, figured and plain silk mulls prices run from yard 7bc A great sensation tn white checked lawns suitable for children's wear we will place on sale luO pieces on special tables Monaay at yard down to. 15c ...5c EXTRA STAMPS IK LACK DEPT. 75 pieces normandles, valenclennes lace edges and Insertions line quality and patterns, suitable for underwear or dress trimming widths from ltt-jn. to t Inches. We bav. divided this Una Into two lots- Lot No. 1, 8Ho yard and soo in ureen j rauina '31 Stamps. mens . . tijja? Lot 2. 15c yard ana ii.w RJ3 worth Green Trading VBpeclai values in alt-over laces for alsts white, cream ana dirck nne. dainty patterns at 69c, 76o, 85c, il.oo, U.II&, Vl.M. W.au, s. anu uv to ff.M yarq. Important Sale! Jewelry A large purchase of Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, Mili tary Waist Sets, Ladies' Brooches and Handy Pins all on sale Monday in one lot at one price 15c with $1 in Green Trading Stamps. DON'T MISS THIS SALE ! On Sale Monday. 8 Millinery! Millinery! Our millinery buyer Miss Knowlton baa Just closed a Ng deal wltb one of New York's most prominent millinery houses. As a consequonce we show Monday the most charming selection of summer style In millin ery. This latest achievement makes us INDISPUTABLY HEAD QUARTERS FOU MILLINERY EXCLUSIVENESS In Omaha. Hats that are unique for chicness and stylo this summer are hats bought from Bennett's millinery. The Kahn hat In navy, brown as aro here and you cannot find a prettier line. I'retty soft, light braids, with soft folds of chiffon and a little velvet to tone it up worth $D.00 at 6.00 The Kahn hat In navy, brown and champagne worth four dollars at 2.98 Miss Knowlton searched the markets for the best values to b sold for $5.(X), and certainly found them, for we boast of the bst quality of materials, as well us delicate shades, combined to make the hats attractive. We have them in black, light bluo combinations, champagne, browa and cream, as well as all delicate shades for summer wear. You can 11 ml most any style and kind at the Bennett millinery department for $;i(.0O, I'JS.UO, to.''), $5.50 and . $5 hi MONDAY ONLY A lifiht shaded cream Rose three i Cp to a buuch at .... WVr And $2 of Green Trading Stamps CANDY DEP'T-Monday Special $1.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with each -fl Q lot Full Dinner Pail Candy. m Wall Paper Sensation All our fall stock on sale Monday and Tuesday, and Double Green Trading Stamps To every wall paper buyer. Good White Blanks, up from , Oood Ollts, with t or 18-ln. border,: made to retail at 15c and 20c Monday and Tuesday.... All fall styles In Tapestries, Bilks, embossed Golds and Moires that sold a high as 11.00 a roll Monday and Tuesday 0c 7c GOc BUY YOUR SPRING GOODS NOW AND SAVE MONEY. DOUBLE GREEN TRAD ING STAMPS MONDAY AND TUESDAY. IV? 4 Six measures of . Peanuts , Here's how to set ?00 worth of Green Btlckers with a purchase of U cents: ..25c Trading ...18c (And $100 worth of Green Stamps.) One pound Fancy Mixed . Nuts for (Another dollar's worth of Green Trad ing Stamps.) One perk Fancy Baldwin A(m Apple lt (Still another dollar's worth of Graen (Trading Stamps.) It means ten Ureen Trading StVmps with each item, and you can purchase the items separately. Fresh Vegetables every day. Luscleus, lovely Strawberries evsry day. Fancy Baskets with Fancy Fruits to order, delivered by special messengers If so desired. BASEMENT. Shoes Shoes Monday wa will put on sale 1.000 pair of Men's sample shoe 'and with each pXlr of the following we will give SI 00 extra GREEN TRADING STAMPS. SO pair of Men's Vesting Top JllU Vtil Lace Shoaa worth i UuO fer I.yj n pair of Men's Patent Colt Stylish Cap T Bala worth OK.ll tttf. at aS.OU 109 pair Man's Viol Kid and Box Calf Oxfords wortk i n-i 12. W. for l.VO lot pair Boys' Box Calf 1 )B Oxford worth $3.00 for l.s0 M pair Men's guaranteed Patent Colt Illucher Oxford worth O Etfl 3.60 t a.Oi EXTRA 8TAMPS WILL ALSO BE OlVEIf WITH ANY LADIES' OX- rORBS OR SLIPPERS ON MONDAY. MANICURE ARTICLES IN PROFUSION The new style nail buffer, long and narrow Cutlculs Scissors of the finest steel, at Wc. 48c, 28o and Cutlcule Stick or Orange Wood. , . any shape... Cutlcule Stick or Orange Wood, Ivory Nail files, flexible or heavy, . at 4sc, soc, ana M Nail enamel. Nail polish, emory boards, ete. Doggct and Ramsdel's Cold Cream, Per jar Hudnuts Marvelous Cold Cream, per jar Pompellan Massage Cream, per Jar Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, per bottle , Oriental Cream, per bottle Dr. Charles Flesh food Colgate's Violet Talcum power. , Mennen'a Taleum power Ptnaud's Vegetal In Lllas, Jockey Club, Violet and . Carnation odors, at Florida Water, S-os. bottle , Bradley's Woodland Violet, Sea Salt, per bottle M Bradley's Woodland Violet, Ammonia, per bottle Bradley's Woodland Violet, Witch Hasel, per bottle Moth Balls, per lb . , Lavender Camphor, Ofin par pkg Swl ART HUMMERS FOR MONDAY Interested In Pyrography? A pyrography outfit sensation. An outilt that St Us In Chicago and goes like hot cakes-for $5 ou you can buy at Ben nett s Monday fur W&- it nus two nne platinum points two practice points, stamp box, full In atruutlons and free lessons by our pyrography artist. We can only sell a sy f A limited number of these. l.ajll Our price Monday -rewvr And give $10 worth (100) little Green Stickers enough to till S't pages of your collecting book with eaoh outfit. Handkerchief boxes, regularly sell fer Wo Mondav. aulv And $1.00 worth of GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Bargain Soles la Pictures xi'il l Matted Gibson Pictures 13x16. elegant 9Kr yfja 4 variety of subjects, each ' w lili PnascDartouts Gibson llctureH, the daintiest CAri 'Tl I'lc-tures ever shown in Omaha, eaoh t- L.s-'yj ri.. .. ..i... .nlv ha hail at R,nii,tl'i wvc being tne exclusive retaiieie iur ma uun. Haririiln tubla of framed Pictures. 9Sc. 6V, 49c, and 3e. See our 16th St. Gibson Window, the t-Ult of the towu visit our Art Gallery, Den Room, and Burnt Wood display. WHY A'OT PHOJSIS YOUR (JUL) Bit I 50c 40c Sff ii til ill m if j mam CLOTHING DEPT. What if you are a young man you're still growing! You haven't filled out all you're going to- There are waves and gullies in your makeup that clothes made for developed figures bring out In all their gawkish ness. That's why you had to Lave a tailor make your clothes. He hid the bad spots. College Brand Clothes aren't made for developed men. They're built Just like the custom tailor tin kers a suit They're Just meant for young fellows like you. Ex treme, too-big shoulders great, wide pants lively patterns. The tailor's suit, but not his pricel 15.00, 1800, 20.00 China China To further' Introduco to our trade the celebrated Royal Aus trtnn White China we will offer in a neatly 4 g embossed pattern especially adapted for dce 1C rating Cups and Saucers eaoh LIMIT OF SIX TO A CUSTOMER. is Havlland & Co. Ranson shape pure white French China for 1.88 For set of six and ten dollars worth of Green Trading Stamps. Cut star bell shape Tumblers VUL'U 29c And two dollars worth of Little Green Stickers with each tumbler. ' IP .Si, ,Cholee of th Presl dent, Kady and the new Rough Klder A big suspender special 50c And $2.00 in Green Trading Stamps 4.88 lc 39c (Jnderglaced 100-plece English Porcelain Dinner Sets, new shapes and three colors to select from 100 nieces , Colored Banquet Candles all colors each only Best White Iron Stone China Teacups and Saucers for set of six We are especially desirous that all lovers of medium nnd fine China should visit thta department, where you will find scores of tables bearing the choicest of the season's new things in artistic China, Cut Glass, Art Pottery, Dinner ware, Lamps, eto. Hardware and House Furnishings The right time to buy paints is now. The right place Is hare. Our paints are the paints that reslat sun heat that hold their polish lender than most paints and if It's good paint you wsnt you will get It at B&nnett's. Gallon...... . ..;..98c i gallon 50c l qt 28c JpaEjTj Southern WhlU Lead. Omaha Whtta J r?'?fia 1 Lead at the very lowest crices Holled Oil, Turpentine. Window Uuisses Enamels, Paint Brashea, Varnishes and everything In the way of paints. Double Green Trading Stamps in the Paint Dept. Mon day Only. Screen Wire Season Now On. lie Prepare for the e omlng flies by buying your wire in ad vance of thm only u. ft Carpet Dept. 3d Floor Special Selling of Rugs for Monday Here axe nips In all Qualities, In cluding Ingrain Art Squares, Kash mors, Brussels, Velvets, Axmlnsters, Beavvalx, Wiltons, Velvet, Body Brus sels and Royal Wiltons, special cam being taken to get tha most choice patterns and colors of tha different mills' production. All specially priced for Monday's selling. . Kashmer Rugs, warranted to hold , their colors. Looks like body brus els wears Uk. body . Brussels tx4-yard y 4 u Kashmer sSs'JO Kashmer ...... 16.48 SxS-yard q fQ Kashmer 0JO Sx3H-yard . f nc Kashmer 1U.VO line of 9x12 Brussels Rugs 'oij 10 select idz 1 o ach I0.4o Special large variety to select ivom- Beayvalx Axrnlnster Rugs, made !n Oriental and Persian effects all the new and exquisite oolorlngn special designs and patterns for halls, libra ries and dens 639-foot 4 1 Beuvvai iy.00 8-3xl0- kuivvaix 9x12-foot BuavvaJx nrwiv Km.a.i. tvt . n V.j . ' snowing a . Men. uu.iD'QaiA rlf. r?." ?na colorings. These ure full six-frame Body Brussels iei eacn..., ...24.75 .29.00 ng ifo. e c 1 fi 27.50 Groceries! TEAS A special Inducement for all Urge ennsumers of Teas. This offer for MONDAY ONLY. $2 of Ureen Trad ins Stamps with each pound pack ago of tha finest Tea Sift- so Ings IOC Monday Only. SOc. worth Qreen trading Stamps with each 3-lb. can Syrup .12 2C SOc. worth Qreen Trading Stamps with each 3-lb. Pumpkin .... 9c Vegetable and Flower Seeds A large assortment of the best Northern growu, new stock . Per pkg., 4c.-8 pkga., 25& Grcon Trading Stamps W ith J- cue Orders aSslCBBS POOR HELP RCSS1AN FUND Han Coatribots cMn la 8aall Bums for .War Purposes. WOMEN ARE NOW ESPECIALLY LIBERAL CBicr L.a4rshl Esapr.s. Wasaaa I AU Clases Devot. Ttss aaa Lab H.la Ike Idlers. (Copyright, by New Tork Herald Co., 101) NEW YORK. April IS. -(New York Herald Barvlo Special t. The Be. ) let ters from be mwnbsrs of the roysl family of Russia being iwcelved by a prominent 1st. not only la statement of fact but la sentiment what aa immense patriotic fervor Is stirring that country to tb. very cor. during tb. present conflict with the Japs. Foe forty year, or more a resident ( Kw Turk, Ike woman la auestlon is stUl at heart as loyal a patriot as when she first came to this country a bride. And today sh. Is unabl. to talk of th. sanguinary conflict with any degree of composure. liar yes nil with tears and she Is choked with motion the moment eh. essays to speak of th. terrible trials which her beloved countrymen and women are undergoing at present. Neither Is her loyalty confined to mere sentiment, for financial aid of a very ac ceptable sort has found Its way across the water, and moreover, this devoted patriot Is said to have not only to have refused all Invitations of a social character, but has garbed herself In the hue of mourning la res pre t to her brave countrymen at tha front who have given their lives for their country- A latter received today from a daughter of Grand Duke Sergtus of Moscow, whose wife la a sister of th. empress, relates pot only bow th. Russian m.rchants, aristoc racy and nobility are contributing Im mense sums to th. empress war fund, but th. poorest peasants as well. Foals' Civ. slack Me.y. "On. of tb. grand duchesses In charge of just th. small cola reuaivad from tb. very poorest people of the country," said the Russian today, "writes me that in less than two hours one morning she herself took In mors than 11.00 rubles In amounts approx imating t cents, dimes and quartern, and very on. of them from the poorest in th. land. "By night, from all sources, there was mors than S.ooo.ooo rubles (about fl. 500, OCX In American money). Checks for 600, 0o rubles from merchants from th. custom, and many gave l.OvO.OOO. Some American newspapers say that, Russia Is In need of money, but It Is not so. They hsv. all and more than Is necessary tor present expenses, snd there Is unlimited supply yet to be drawn upon. "Every large Russian city and town," continues th. speaker, "is organised to co operate for war relief. There la no com pulsion about It, but every one, even th. poorest beggar that walks th. streets. Is wUling and anxious to serve. "In St. Petersburg th. royal palace la turned Into workrooms over which th. em press la tb. presiding genius, not alone di recting th. work, but personally assisting. From tb. packing of a box of underclothing sh. will lust as likely drop down at a sew. lug maehln. and put togetnar gome com. mon article of wearing apparel to cover the body of a poor Cossack. "There are so many opportunities of as sisting bealdea merely the making of band ages. Take Just one article, that of hand kerchiefs alone: There must be simply tons of them. Soldiers must have changes of underclothing, and witb no provision of laundering of any sort you can Imagine th. quantities of garments of all sorts and kinds that ar. needed. Empress Is Remarkable. "Some women, perhaps, attend to th. packing of tea, sugar, etc., for the soldiers' kits, then. In th. way of medicine and surgical appliance, there sr. requisitions to fill. Th. palace Is Ilk. a great beehive I can think of no ether simile so applicable. Certain rooms are given over to th. men who do th. more laborious work of boxing up th. goods and sending them to th. front. "I have never seen a picture which does Justice to th. ampreas, a or any account of her whioh at all gives an adequate idea of her as a woman. Shs Is most remarkable. Her mother, tb. Princess Alice, who was a daughter of Queen Victoria, and tne flower of th family, I know very well in deed. Bhe is not only possessed of many splendid qualities, but is in her ways ilk. her grandfather, that noble man, the queen's consort, whose Influence is felt throughout all England today. "Whatever th. final outcome of th. war, there will be no lack of assistance f .very possible sort. Money flows Ilk. water and th. people ar. only doing now what they did during th. Crimean war, when even a beggar gav. all h. had for tb. cause. "I was in Moscow then and assisted in collecting money for th. war fund. Two districts were assigned to ma, on. In th. poorest portion of th. city, th. other among th. wealthy residents. I drove to th. square In th. poor district in th. morning and took my stand beside It. You haven't any Idea of the sight that daily greeted my .yes. Th. place was packed wltb people, some In rags and all extremely poor. They were all making their way towards nve, some wltb their hands full of small coin, which was plaoed tn the carriage. At th. end of two hours th. carriage w.uld be filled with not only money, but Jewelry, brooches, pins and neck chains, which the women tor. from their necks to help snail the war fund. They ar. doing tha same, today. "It hurts me that the American govern ment Is inimical to the Russians. Simplic ity Is the keynote of the Russian character. It UBed to be so with Americans, but, oh, I see a great change. Th.H. fine charac teristics which I knew and admired In the people when I first cam. to this country are being replaced by a love of ostenta tion which Is revolting. It fills my heart wltb sorrow to see It. Sons and daughters of a past generation, whe should develop and grow broader, are falling below the standard of their parents. Americans ar. losing ground. I fsel It, I am sure of It." UNIQUE POSITION OF DISTRICT la Polities Oaly Wits Delegates Are Seat ta Katloaal Cos veatloa. (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1M.) WASHINGTON. April W.-(New York Herald Service Special to The Bee.) Tb. District of Columbia has representation In the nominating conventions of both parties, slthouxh without electoral vote. This sit- I uatloa has pusilcd foreigners, to whom it seems an anomaly. They nolnt out thai this is on. place in our country where re publican Institutions do not prevail. By th. terms of th. constitution this dis trict can never cast an electoral vote In a presidential contest. The district has no election machinery, no way of knowing; who is a republican and who a democrat, sine, tha citizens of other states living here cannot go Into th. local primaries and the local citizens will have no cnanc. to cast a ballot on election day. No way remains of distinguishing demo crats from republicans except by Individual professions of preference. Practically, how ever, the line is much mora easily drawn. . Th. democratic primaries will not admit a negr. except on overwhelming evidence of his democracy: while the republican pri maries ar. largely In the hands or th. col ored persons, who welcome any good look ing white person that come, slong. I Most of th. substantial population of tte District of Columbia have legal residences elsewhere in some of th. states. All of the department people, except the few assigned to th District of Columbia, must maintain their home allegiance In th. states on ac count of th. quota system by which tke I places under government sr. dist-lbuted. " i